#141: It’s All In the Voice: This Copywriting Pro Knows How to Capture and Tell the Real Story with Nicole Kepic image
S1 E141 · She Turned Entrepreneur
#141: It’s All In the Voice: This Copywriting Pro Knows How to Capture and Tell the Real Story with Nicole Kepic
2 Plays
1 year ago

Finding your authentic voice is important for any entrepreneur, but especially so when it comes to creating content. And that’s why Nicole Kepic, a popular copywriter who helps coaches and course creators elevate their sales pages, has been able to separate herself from the pack. As a seasoned pro who for years worked in the corporate sector, helping market some of the biggest household brands, she was able to seamlessly convert her side hustle as a freelance content provider into a full-time business. It starts, she tells Host Dori Stewart on this episode of Teacher Turned Entrepreneur, with knowing your client’s goals and defining the message in a catchy, relatable style. “You just have to know your own personality and skill set,” says Nicole, who encourages new writers or those of us with writer’s block to keep it natural. She also recommends ditching the self-judgment and limiting beliefs. You’ll learn some great tips for identifying the audience you want to serve and brainstorming the kind of compelling copy that attracts eyeballs and closes deals – without ever coming off as a hard sell. Is it magic? Nope. Says Nicole: “You can be really friendly and conversational and still be professional and trusted.” Your writing roadmap starts here!


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·       That’s just what you did: How Nicole started out as a 9-to-5 copywriter on a traditional corporate path … until what started as a modest side hustle became much more!

·       What if the clients don’t come? How Nicole overcame the initial fears and self-doubt that entrepreneurs commonly experience when first starting out.

·       Defining and differentiating herself has been key to Nicole’s success.

·       Word of Advice: Don’t try to be all things to all people. Scaling down and focusing your offerings will make your portfolio sharper and business easier to manage.

·       The importance of narrowing your offerings, enabling repeatable processes that are time- and sanity-savers.

·       Advice for Entrepreneurs with Writer’s Block:

o   Go easy on yourself. You’re probably better than you think!

o   Keep it natural and write the way you speak.

o   Try to be relatable and conversational with your message.

·       Is writing your superpower? Nicole has tips for wordsmiths looking to start a business:

o   Keep it clean, crisp and clear.

o   Don’t let flowery or clever writing interfere with getting your point across.

·       Getting ready to work with a copywriter? Here’s how to prep:

o   Get clear on your au
