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How to brand your business with Human Design image

How to brand your business with Human Design

E56 · The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show
48 Plays7 months ago

Ever wondered how to create a business that not only looks amazing but also feels perfectly aligned with who you are? 🤔 

In this episode I share the magic of rebranding with Human Design! 

We will cover:
✷ The exact process I go through with my clients
✷ The key areas I look at in the chart
✷ The reasons why this is a must-do in your business



FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART & RESOURCES: Grab your Human Design report on the website

HUMAN DESIGN BRAND & BUSINESS BLUEPRINT: Get your personalised 40 page PDF report that explains your unique Human Design chart.

HUMAN DESIGN CHART READING: Get out of stuck mode and fully understand your unique Human Design with a  1 hour 1:1 chart reading

ALIGNED BUSINESS MASTERMIND:  Get your business on track with solid foundations that energetically connect with your aligned soulmate clients – so your business has ease, flow and attracts abundance.



From Stress to Boundaries and Freedom

How did I go from being stressed out, burnt out, working all hours and being a yes girl to having boundaries, knowing the things I had to say no to and having freedom and flexibility? Human design was my game changer. I made a quick video about my journey from burnout to abundance. I go deep and personal and give you some insights into how you can flip your script.
visit forward slash free or check out the link in the show notes. Welcome to The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show.

Introducing the Podcast for Solopreneurs

This is the podcast for solo printers who want to step up their brand and marketing and elevate their business through their own unique magic that is human design. My name is Theresa and I'm a brand and web designer. For me discovering and studying human design was a game changer for my business.
These days, I am passionate about guiding you to create your own growth and alignment throughout your own business. Ready to elevate your own brand and marketing?

Balancing Business and Personal Life

Let's do it. Hey, guys, welcome to another episode.
It feels like forever since I have recorded a podcast episode because it actually has been forever. I have been knee deep in a renovation project. Um, this house flip project.
eats It's something that, you know, um kind of just happened. And it's taken me a little bit away from my business. And while I'm working on getting this done, but, you know, it's something I have always wanted to do. um And the stars really aligned it. I used my generator. Actually, there's probably a whole story behind how this came about.
um And, you know, that um I'm a generator for those that don't know, the generator strategy is about responding. So it's about waiting for things to cross your path and then responding to them. This opportunity of this renovation um came across my path and like to give you a bit of backstory on me. I love that kind of stuff. I've renovated two houses in the past. It's been a long time since I've done anything.
um It's something I really enjoy. I love painting houses. I love all that stuff. And, you know, I even had a client, um some clients are a couple who were renovating houses and I like were even remember saying to them, oh my God, I would love to do that. You know, I would love to spend my days painting houses and things.
Anyway, well, the universe listened and this opportunity came across my path. So um for me, it was a big hell yes from my authority. So um ah the the timing also, it's like, you know, nothing happens coincidentally. It just turned out that that same week I had a few client projects or go on pause or put on hold for different reasons. And, you know, that alone got me thinking, hey, what the hell is going on here? This something's happening. And then this opportunity come across my path. And that, you know, that really was confirmation for me. Those things got put on pause or whatever, because I needed the time to do this project.
So that's what

Integrating Human Design into Branding

I've been doing. I've also been working in my business, so I'm trying to juggle the two, you know, work half my week in one and half the week in the other. And it's going fine. We're plodding along. But yes, the podcast has suffered, but um I've really missed it and um and I've got so much I want to share. So I am going to try and commit to putting out a weekly episode again. So let's see how I go.
Anyway, I was um I just sent out a proof to a branding client. She's doing the human design branding service with me. um So we're infusing her human design into her rebrand for her business. And I thought, hey, why not take you a little bit behind the scenes about what we do and why we do it, it may inspire you to start looking at things in your own business and brand. I'll give you some tips on where to look and what to do. Or maybe you might want to chat to me about me doing it for you, working with me, you know, closely in that regard. So, yeah, if, um yeah, look, let's just dive into it, hey? So I start off. So here's what we did, right? So this client comes to me, she wants a rebrand.
um She's changing the name and everything of her business, right? So first of all, what I do um with any human design brand client, I will create a human design chart report and I create a full report that outlines all the human design so that they can have that and keep it and use it in the future. But we are really looking deep into that throughout this process of creating the brand.
Now, if you don't have a few full human design chart report or anything, um there's something I offer when you work one on one with me or have a human design chart reading. But I do have a brand and business blueprint report that you can grab on my website. That includes a lot of elements um that we cover in the branding and it eat It includes all the info that you would need to infuse your human design into your business. So it also steps you through how you can do that. So that's a really handy report to have. If you don't have anything to start with, you can grab that. It's a 48 Australian dollars. If you're in the US or something that works out a lot cheaper for you. It's personalized.
you get instantly um you get it yeah When you purchase, you'll get it instantly. So that's a really great thing to have. It's at blueprint or the link is in the show notes. But anyway, so you grab, I grabbed the human design chart report. So I've got that there. I also get my clients um on there in their onboarding to complete a questionnaire. So I will then carefully review that questionnaire. Now that questionnaire asks all the basic things about someone's business, you know, where they're at, what makes them
ah stand out who their competitors are. I also, you know, ask them about the visual elements and what sort of ideas they have in their mind and what things they do and don't like and all those kinds of things. So I will carefully review that completed questionnaire. So then what I do is do a bit of strategic planning and that includes writing some of her brand foundations.
So I'll take that chart report and I'll take that questionnaire and I'll really dive into both of those and write her mission. I'll write her values. I'll come up with a bit of um a brand vibe, some messaging, um as as well as outlining the visual and emotional appeal that we want to go for. um And all that is based on her on this person's energetic blueprint.
So then we're going to workshop all that together on a call and make sure it feels right for her. But me doing this, sitting down and and taking the time to do this, going through my whole system of, you know, finding all this info and and where I grab it from and put it all in um really helps us as a starting point to get things kicked off. And then we can workshop it from there.
So then we have our call. So on this call, the first part of our call, I'll go through the human design chart, um depending how much this the client knows about the human design, if they're totally new to human design, I'll just kind of go through the basics.
If they're, if they're, you know, a bit more into it, then, you know, we might go through a bit more in depth stuff. It just totally depends. I just use my intuition. um But really what I'm sort of really covering is the main elements to make sure that the client understands these main parts of the human design and also the elements that we're going to sort of be infusing into their brand, the main parts that I look for in their chart. so We'll go through all that. Then the second part of our call, we go through the strategy report that I've done. So now they have understanding the human design and what uniqueness and everything they bring. We go through this report of what I've written based on their design. And then, you know, we'll tweak it. We'll go through those brand foundations and things. So they feel a hundred percent right for her.
because it is her brand after all, right? So um you know the input and everything is really important. So some of the foundations that we explore,
in this these stages to really, um that I really look at to infuse into the branding is ah i'm yeah I've got a list here and I'm going to tell you, go through these with you so that you, if you are doing this yourself, you can really start working on really understanding these things. So the first thing that I really want my clients to understand is their energy type and This is really important because you really need to know how you're designed to operate and how you best exchange energy with the world. The next part is the profile lines. So they are really like your roles of things in life and your profile lines really play a big part in your business. Like I have, I, when I went through my journey, I completely reframed my business because based on my profile lines.
So they are very important. I also like to look at the channels. They really can give you ah an indication of the natural strengths and talents. the incarnation cross, so the life purpose. So that's something I really like to infuse into the mission of the brand. Right. And sometimes we will go through someone's incarnation cross and they'll be like, what the hell does that mean? Like, it just like you just spoke another language. I've got no idea what that's all about. Other times.
Like with this client this week, I read her incarnation cross and it's like, Oh my God. Like this is everything she has put in her questionnaire and everything she's doing with her rebrand. Right. So sometimes your incarnation cross will really resonate. Sometimes it might not. And it might just mean that it will.
You'll understand a little bit more as you go through life, especially, you know, if you are one of those designs that need the experiences and things, you know, you may not really be at that stage to really understand what your incarnation cross is all about yet. Right. So if you don't understand that incarnation cross right now, don't get too caught up in it. The next thing I really like to look at is the conscious sun gate, because that is your core essence. That's your superpower. Right.
Your this is the biggest gate in your human design chart. 70 percent of your energy is expressed through this gate. So it is so important

Designing Brands Aligned with Human Design

to understand this gate and infuse it into your brand and business as much as you can. The other gate I really like to explore, especially so I like to infuse um this gate and the sun gate into your messaging. That is your conscious mercury gate because this is your communication gate. This is your communication style. This is what you're here to communicate. So that is
why it's so important to also form part of your brand foundations, especially in your messaging, because that's what you need to tell people, right? In some instances, you know, i I may, you know, grab some bits from other gates that intuitively you feel relevant to the brand or you know um maybe it's like some things may stand out and really help form a bit more of a picture with other gates they may sort of all kind of link in together so we may grab bits out of there or you know maybe that we want to tap a bit more into say the wealth keys or something like that so it just totally depends but we may grab stuff from other areas.
um But really, what we're trying to do by grabbing all this and infusing it is really create a deeper energetic connection for your brand. So once you really understand all that, you've got those foundations mapped out.
Then it's onto the exciting phase of creating that standout brand design and incorporating everything that you've said in the foundations and discussed and learned about your human design. So when I'm designing a brand like this, every element of that brand is something that relates to that person's human design, because there's no point just making something because it looks pretty. We want to also have that meaning behind it and that energetic connection so that it feels really great for the person whose brand it is, but also really is going to connect and grab the attention of their aligned soulmate clients, right?
So once that's all completed, once you've got that brand that you love and you know, you have to love it and feel a hundred percent.
like happy with it because then it's just not going to be something that you're going to be proud to show off. So it's got to feel a hundred percent right for you. So once you've got that, then it's, you know, um put it all together in a comprehensive brand guide so that then it can be referenced to maintain that alignment and that coherence in your business.

Benefits of Human Design in Branding

So that's a really quick overview of kind of the process that I go through with my clients. Now I want to just really drive home why you need to do this for your business. Why do you need to infuse your human design into your brand and your business, right? Number one, it's going to give you unshakable confidence, right? Because you're going to know exactly who you are, what you stand for. You're going to have clarity in your brand, in your business and what you're here to do. And that clarity is going to radiate confidence and attract those ideal clients.
like an energetic magnet, right? You're going to be so magnetic that those clients will be banging down your door, right? It's also going to help you with streamlined decision making, right? So with your clear brand guide and with your clear direction, you're going to like making decisions is really going to be easy for you. You're going to save time. You're going to avoid second guessing every single little detail.
It's also going to help you with consistent messaging. You're going to keep your message consistent across all touch points and build trust and recognition with your audience. It's also going to help with authentic connection, right? Your audience will feel that authenticity in your brand. It's going to be radiating out from everywhere, right? And that's going to lead to deeper connections and loyalty. And finally, it's going to give you a professional edge, right? You're going to stand out from the crowd with a cohesive, high quality brand that really screams
professionalism and attention to detail and not some business that's gone down that DIY path and trying to do things cheap, right? You are look amazing.

Engage with Human Design Resources

So that's What I wanted to cover with you guys today, I hope you found that helpful and got some tips out of that. Like I said, grab that blueprint report if you want to explore the business, the elements of your human design. It is a personalized report, so it will tell you exactly like what your superpower is, what your conscious sun gate is, all these things that will help you with infusing your human design into your brand.
And of course, if you want to explore working with me, I do take on clients around the globe. Though I'm located in Australia, I can work with you one-on-one to create a beautiful brand that's really aligned with your human design. If you're interested in finding out more about that, I will leave a link below in the show notes where you can grab a copy of my prize guide and also um you'll be invited to book in a call. We can have a virtual coffee and, you know, see if we vibe and are a good fit for today. Please make sure you follow along so you don't miss all these great episodes I have in my mind that are going to be coming out soon.
And also come over to Instagram and connect with me at DM me if you got any questions from today. I'm more than happy to answer them for you. And yeah, that's all for today. I'll talk to you soon.
Thank you for listening to today's episode. Before you go, I just wanted to tell you about a quick video I made where I spill the tea on how I went from burnout to abundance and how human design transformed my business journey. If you are sick of your business running you instead of the other way around,
Then you need to check out this video where I get upfront and personal and share with you some insights of how you can turn your journey around. Visit forward slash free or visit the link in the show notes.