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Navigating a business funk with Human Design image

Navigating a business funk with Human Design

E60 · The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show
31 Plays5 months ago

In this episode I get real and share some behind the scenes. I share how I am using my Human Design to get out of a funk and get back on track. 

If things are feeling a little off in your business, this is a must listen!

RESOURCES: Jump over to Instagram and DM me the word 'BUSINESS ALIGNMENT' to get instant access to the Business Alignment Check-In Google Doc. This will help you identify where you may be stuck and help you in your alignment journey.


FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART & RESOURCES: Grab your Human Design report on the website

HUMAN DESIGN BRAND & BUSINESS BLUEPRINT: Get your personalised 40 page PDF report that explains your unique Human Design chart.

HUMAN DESIGN CHART READING: Get out of stuck mode and fully understand your unique Human Design with a  1 hour 1:1 chart reading

ALIGNED BUSINESS MASTERMIND:  Get your business on track with solid foundations that energetically connect with your aligned soulmate clients – so your business has ease, flow and attracts abundance.



Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

Okay, today I've got something a little bit different, a bit of real talk here, a bit of behind the scenes. I'm just blurting out where I'm adding my business and how I'm using my human design to help me get back on track. If you're in a bit of a funk, then you need to check out two today's episode, I Spill All.
Welcome to The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show. This is the podcast for solo printers who want to step up their brand and marketing and elevate their business through their own unique magic that is human design.
My name is Theresa and I'm a brand and web designer. For me, discovering and studying human design was a game changer for my business. These days, I am passionate about guiding you to create your own growth and alignment throughout your own business. Ready to elevate your own brand and marketing? Let's do it.

Human Design Insights and Personal Reflections

OK, guys, one thing about me is that I have gate 57 in my human design chart. That's the gate of intuitive clarity. So I will get these intuitive hits drop in when I'm in the middle of doing something where I'm not thinking, not focusing on anything in particular, you know, like when I'm driving or.
vacuuming the house or having a shower. And, you know, if I'm out and about, I will grab my phone, jump in the voice notes and leave myself a message about what I'm thinking. And then I'm going to come back to it later. So today's episode, I've just had a bit of a spark of inspiration. And before it's gone,
I've grabbed my mic and I'm just going to record this for you off the fly and just talk about what I'm actually thinking and doing in my business. So this may be something to help you if you feel like you're in a bit of a funk right now or you're not sure what direction to take. This may be of help for you.

Business Challenges and Mentorship

So to backtrack a little bit, I feel like lately I've been at a bit of a crossroads in my business. So I've been working with my own mentor, she mentors designers.
I've been working with her behind the scenes to really set up sort of some foundational stuff in my business, you know, so, you know, really getting clear on my offers and all those kinds of things. Now, one of the offers that I've had in my business is I've pretty much been running a mastermind every now and then and the masterminds like it's slightly changed over the probably last two years. As I've sort of gone through it, I've been updating things and and, you know, sort of taken on different directions and things. I feel like the mastermind, the content in that mastermind is amazing, but I'm feeling resistance around running that mastermind again. And it's something I've sort of been in turmoil with, especially lately. And what I realized is that
the human design transit at the time. um So if you're listening to this a bit later, things will be um obviously not accurate, right? But when I um recently, the human design transit was in the gate of confusion. And I feel like that was really playing with me. And um so I've been having a bit of inner turmoil about what do I do with this mastermind, right?
Do I continue to offer this mastermind? Do I offer it again? Or do I turn it into a course and offer that and maybe offer it as a live round and all these things I've been in, like I just feeling really lost with it. I've also behind the scenes pretty much put my business half on

Balancing Business with Personal Projects

for the last um probably two or three months because if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know we've been working on a renovation project and that has sort of been half my job.
for this time because I'm chief painter, project manager, all these jobs, right? So I've been spending a lot of my time at the project and taking on limited ah branding and human design projects behind the scenes. So i'm ah my time's not sort of, I'm not overextending myself.
So I feel like now that renovation projects nearing an end, I'm getting closer. I'm really feeling like I want to get back into things in my business, get back into the office, get back to having full days uninterrupted in the office, getting back to creating, creating offers, products, creating for my clients. So I'm starting to feel really energized and I wanna get back in there, but I don't know exactly what else um I want to do. I know I wanna continue offering branding projects and I'm really excited when my clients want to infuse a human design into their branding and websites and things. So that's definitely staying, but in terms of what else I offer, because I do want to offer something else, I'm not sure exactly what that's looking like,

Navigating Business Turmoil and Alignment

So why am I just spilling just spilling all this stuff out? I kind of feel like I want everyone to know that if you're in these kind of turmoils and things and you're not sure what direction to take or whatever it is, you're filling in a bit of a funk in your business. It's totally normal. And I see it as a sign.
that you're ready to take the next step in your alignment journey because I feel like we're never going to have a fully aligned business. There is always things that we um come up against that we need to um work on to take us to that next stage right that next evolution that next up level so these little roadblocks which roadblocks is not the right word because they're technically they're not roadblocks they're things that come up to
direct us to that next step. And I feel like they are really important things. So I feel like for me now, I've got this little roadblock and this little inner turmoil. What do I do, right? I'm not. What I'm not doing is using my mind to work out exactly what I'm going to do. I'm not planning it out in my mind. I'm sitting back.
And I am just waiting to see what comes my way. What can I as a generator respond to? Now, I have had a couple of little nudges drop in, you know, I've had a bit of a Uh, what's the word? ah An inclination towards what that evolution could be called, right? I have a name in my mind, but what exactly it all is going to entail? I don't know yet. And what I am doing instead. So currently, as of me recording this, I'm a little bit blown away because in my mind, I have actually been thinking about
What's what was I doing in my business in the past when I felt really magnetic and because I feel like right now I'm not feeling magnetic, obviously, because I've put things on hold. I'm not fully putting myself into it because we've had that sideline project and things, but I'm not feeling magnetic. And what do I what was I doing in my business? What was I putting out there in my social media and marketing? What offers were was I working on? What kinds of projects was I doing when I was feeling really amplified and magnetic? And I lost my train of thought, guys, where I was going with that.

Embracing Intuition in Business Decisions

Oh, yeah, and what I realized
but today I've actually just realized right now which then sparked me to put it down so I don't forget all these you know do this recording the current transit human design transit is gate 47 the gate of realization so this is in transit from the 9th of September to the 14th of September so This is all about examining the past to find solutions in the present. It's all about getting those revelations, those aha moments. And for me, this gate sits in my mercury placement. So.
That is what I'm here to communicate. These are how moments and things are things that I live by. Like I thrive on them. And whenever something happens, I look for the meaning behind that thing.
So that's why I thought, let me just jump on the podcast and record this off the fly and tell you exactly what I'm thinking right now. So I am what I'm doing. I'm sitting on it. I am waiting for that realization.
to come through and I know it's gonna come through and I'm not forcing anything. Anytime we force things, that's when it doesn't work. That's when you're not working with your design, when you're working out of alignment and when you're working out of alignment, that's when things are not successful. That's when things don't work because the universe doesn't want you to go down that path. So it's not gonna make it easy and flow for you.
So here I am today. I am just, you know, in the back of my mind thinking, I know there's something else that I've got to be, I'm going to be putting out there in my business, whether that's a mastermind or a course, it's something I'm going to be working on and hopefully launch later this year. But right now, I don't know exactly what that is. And that is OK. I am not forcing it. I'm not going into my mind. Instead, I'm relying on my intuition. I'm just thinking about what naturally comes to me. And when that idea drops in, when that's when, and I feel that excitement. So as a generator, I need that excitement. When I feel that excitement and that
feeling that, oh my God, I've got to start creating this and I've got to put all this together now and oh, I can do this, this and this. That's when I know that's the right thing I need to be doing. So let this be a message for you. Don't force things, let it ride out the way it's meant to be.
So that's my words of wisdom for today. If you love this type of episode, let me know.

Engaging with Listeners and Offering Tools

um Leave me a follow, a review, or jump over on Instagram at
And DM me, let me know your thoughts because often when you create a podcast, you have no idea what people are liking and things. So if you can give me some insight, I would be very grateful. And I also wanted to tell you if you are feeling in a funk and you know, your business is not in alignment and you want to give yourself a little bit of a check in. I have created a free Google doc.
It um contains a bit of a checklist. I've just thrown it together. It's just a quick thing um that helps you work through some steps to determine sort of where you could be going wrong in your business and how you can um work on reframing that. So I would love to share that with you. If that is something that you want, jump over to Instagram and DM me the word business alignment and I will um you automatically receive that link. So um it will step you through identifying your energy type, checking in with your strategy, tuning into your authority and a bit of an action plan. And it has a bonus alignment tracker. So jump in and um grab a copy of that. But ah for now, I just want to say thank you for listening to today's episode and I will talk to you next week.