Where are you at with your business alignment right now? image

Where are you at with your business alignment right now?

The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show
26 Plays14 days ago

Feeling a little off in your business lately? Maybe you're not aligned with your Human Design! 

If you’re feeling out of sync with your business, it’s time to check in with your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority. These powerful tools hold the key to getting back on track.

In this episode I guide you through the steps of checking in with your business alignment.

🌟 Ready to get back in flow?


Don’t forget to get access to my FREE Business Alignment Check-In Guide for an easy, actionable way to realign with your Human Design! DM me on Instagram the words 'ALIGNED BUSINESS' and I'll send you the link.


FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART & RESOURCES: Grab your Human Design report on the website

HUMAN DESIGN BRAND & BUSINESS BLUEPRINT: Get your personalised 40 page PDF report that explains your unique Human Design chart.

HUMAN DESIGN CHART READING: Get out of stuck mode and fully understand your unique Human Design with a  1 hour 1:1 chart reading

ALIGNED BUSINESS MASTERMIND:  Get your business on track with solid foundations that energetically connect with your aligned soulmate clients – so your business has ease, flow and attracts abundance.

INSTAGRAM: @teresacrifo.co

Hey guys, welcome to the podcast. Today I wanna talk about something that's been on my mind lately, alignment. Specifically, where are you at with your business alignment right now? Because let me tell you, I've been feeling it a bit myself lately and if I'm feeling it, chances are you might be too.
Welcome to The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show. This is the podcast for solo printers who want to step up their brand and marketing and elevate their business through their own unique magic that is human design. My name is Theresa and I'm a brand and web designer. For me, discovering and studying human design was a game changer for my business.
These days, I am passionate about guiding you to create your own growth and alignment throughout your own business. Ready to elevate your own brand and marketing? Let's do it. OK, let me start by saying if you listen to last week's episode, you would have heard about where I'm adding my business and my alignment journey. That's still happening. I'm getting a bit more clarity, but I want to talk specifically about your business alignment. We often think that if we're passionate about our work, everything will just flow smoothly, right? But that's not always the case. Even when you love what you do, alignment can sometimes feel a little shaky and that's okay. The key is knowing how to recalibrate and check in with your human design to bring yourself back into flow.
As I mentioned last week, when things are feeling a bit shaky, it's often something that pops up to help take you into that next phase of your alignment and step step up into that next level, right? It's a good thing.
So in today's episode, we're going to dive into how each human design energy type can check in with themselves to make sure that their business is in alignment. OK, let's get into it. Now, your human design energy type is the foundation for how you're meant to navigate the world and More importantly, how you should be operating in your business. Now, if you've been feeling stuck, overwhelmed or unsure about your next steps, it could be time to revisit your energy type and see where you might be out of alignment.
So let's talk about each of these types. I'm going to go over what you should be checking in on to make sure that you're in that beautiful flow state and aligned with your natural energy. If you don't know what your energy type is, you can grab your free chart over on my website at teresacrifo.co forward slash chart. The link is below in the show notes. You will need your birth details to grab hold of it.
Most of us, if you're listening to this, you most likely know your energy type. You've probably researched it a lot and you know who you are. But sometimes a reminder is really a good thing to check back in with yourself. So start with the generators. I'm a generator myself for all the other generators out there. Your magic really happens when you're doing what lights you up. Remember that you're here to master the art of responding.
to what excites you. You're not here to initiate, come up with new things. it's It's that responding that is key for you. So if you've been feeling drained or uninspired in your business, ask yourself, am I saying yes to things that genuinely light me up? If the answer is no,
then it's really time to reassess. It is so easy for us generators to get caught up in doing things out of obligation or habit. And that's that's really when, you know, burnout can hit. Don't do things because you should be doing them. You need to do things because they genuinely excite you.
You've got to follow what excites you because that's where your power lies. So trust your gut. And if you feel like you need to pivot right now. Manifestors. So manifestors, I love manifestors. Really, I do. I really wish I was a manifestor, to be honest. You're here to lead and initiate, but your strategy is to inform before you take action.
Are you informing, right? This can be a tricky one because you're naturally driven to get things started. But if you've been feeling resistance from others or you're hitting roadblocks in your business, check in with yourself. Ask yourself, am I informing the people around me before I take action? When you let people know what you're up to, you clear the path for powerful ideas to flow more easily. It's really simple. It makes a massive difference. I want to give you an example of someone that I work with. um She's actually a mentor for me. She late last year, I think it was late last year, was in a bit of a funk, right? She knew time was like
something new needed to happen. She needed to create something new, but she was very public in sharing with people that she was in this funk and that she wanted to do something new, but she didn't know what that was. So she was technically informing her audience about what was going on.
And then as the ideas started to come to her, she took people along for the ride and was informing them along the way of what was happening. So that is how you can really work with that in your business. And when she launched this new thing, it was a massive success.
So projectors, projectors, you're here. You're the natural guides and leaders, but you thrive when your wise wisdom is recognized. So if you're feeling burnt out, it could be because you're trying to push too hard without waiting for the right invitations. So ask yourself, am I waiting for the right people and opportunities to recognize me when you're patient and aligned?
the right invitations come your way and you're able to share your gifts with ease. But if you're forcing things, that's when you start to feel exhausted and unseen. And also remember, you are not like the sacrals. You're not like, you're you're not a generator or a man gen. You don't have that energy to push yourself over time. So really keep that in the back of your mind too.
Manifesting generators, actually I was gonna come back to you before projectors and I forgot. So manifesting generators, obviously you're the hybrid of the generator and the manifesto. So you, you're the multi-taskers of the human design world, right? You're meant to respond to what lights you up like a generator. You need that excitement, but also you're here to initiate and jump into new things quickly.
So here's the thing, though, you need to give yourself permission to pivot when something doesn't feel right. I know that you could feel boxed in if you try and follow one path. But the beauty of being an imagine is that you don't have to write if you're feeling stuck. Ask yourself, am I holding back from exploring something new?
just because you started doing something doesn't mean you need to keep doing it. That is the beauty of being a man, Jen, is that as your mind changes, you can change. So the best thing for you, especially in your business, your brand, is not to box yourself in because you need to follow these urges and change direction and do new things as they pop up. So as long as your brand allows scope for that,
um you know, just do it, right? Finally, we have reflectors. So reflectors, your strategy is all about waiting, right? We know that you need to wait a full lunar cycle of before making big decisions. Now you're deeply connected to your environment. And if you're feeling off,
It might be because you're rushing to do things more quickly, could even be you're in the wrong environments. So ask yourself, am I giving myself enough time to reflect? Am I allowing myself the space to observe and reflect? um When you're doing that, the right decision will reveal itself. And are you in the right environments for yourself?
So trust that your timing also is different from everyone else's and that's perfectly okay. You don't need to push and keep up. Okay. So now that we've gone over the basics for each energy type, I want to leave you with these questions. Where are you at with your business alignment right now?
Are you following your energy type strategy or other areas where you might be forcing things? So take a moment like after this episode to really reflect on your current state and ask yourself if you're in alignment with your energy or if you've gotten off track. If you feel like something's off, then that's a sign to come back to your design. We all do it. There is nothing wrong with getting off track. You know, we all forget the nuances of our energy type, and that's totally fine. But when you're aware of it, then you can redirect. It's OK to go through phases of confusion and uncertainty. It's all part of the journey. The key is stay aware, check in with yourself and trust that the answers will come when you align in your natural flow. Now, I have also I have created a Google Doc
a business alignment checking that steps you through what you can, um, how to check that you're in alignment with your business. So if you want a copy of that, jump over to Instagram and DM me the word business alignment. It also includes a bonus alignment tracker.
It's not a fancy Google Doc, guys. I know I'm a designer, but this is just something that I've thrown together because I just wanted to get it out there. So um I'm going to do more of these types of things because I am definitely is definitely my design to create things like this and put them out there so.
I'm doing more of that. So expect more of these little freebies and things coming your way. Make sure you follow the podcast so you don't miss them. Also come over to Instagram at teresacriffo.co four Follow me there because I will share them on there as well. And jump on my website and join my email lists and you'll be the first to get them.
So thank you for listening to today's episode. I hope you got something out of it. Even one small little thing can help put you on the right track. So I hope that it was useful for you and I will see you next week.