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Business alignment with your Human Design authority image

Business alignment with your Human Design authority

E58 · The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show
31 Plays6 months ago

I’m diving into one of the most transformative pieces of the Human Design puzzle — your decision-making tool aka your inner authority. And trust me, this one thing has saved me countless hours, energy, and stress. If you’re feeling stuck or like you're forcing things in your business, this episode is for you!

I'm going to share some examples of how I have learned to listen to my authority and give you three tips for using yours. 


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Introduction to Inner Authority in Human Design

Hey guys, in today's episode, I'm diving into one of the most transformative pieces of the human design puzzle. It is your decision-making tool, which is your inner authority. Trust me, this one thing has saved me countless hours, energy and stress. Now, if you're feeling stuck or like you're forcing things in your business, this episode is for you.

Theresa's Journey with Human Design

Welcome to The Human Design Brand and Marketing Show. This is the podcast for solo printers who want to step up their brand and marketing and elevate their business through their own unique magic that is human design. My name is Theresa and I'm a brand and web designer. For me discovering and studying human design was a game changer for my business.
These days, I am passionate about guiding you to create your own growth and alignment throughout your own business. Ready to elevate your own brand and marketing? Let's do it.

Decision-Making with Human Design Authority

So I want to start with this. How often Do we, as business owners, as entrepreneurs, get swept up in ideas, excitement, and possibilities um only to find ourselves drained, stuck, or just plain exhausted later on, right? It happens or
the time. But when you start working with your human design, and specifically today we're looking at your human design authority, everything shifts. Now, I feel like your human design authority, when people dive into the human design, it's something that they're like, oh, wow, that's how I need to make decisions, right? But then they don't actually master working with it. They don't take the time to really understand it and use it. And using this is something that can have the biggest impact on you. So your human design inner authority, it's like having an internal compass guiding you toward the most aligned decisions, which saves you from wasted energy,
and taking the wrong steps and going down the wrong path. So today I'm gonna share with you a couple of stories about how I've personally leaned into my own authority to make better business decisions. And honestly, they've been game changers for me.
So I am an emotional authority just as a background. So for me, I have my own emotional waves. So for me, the biggest thing is not jumping on decisions immediately. So if something comes across my path, it's my job to just see how I feel about that instantly. You know, I have the sacral center defined and the spleenic center defined. So i I really listened to my initial gut reactions and what my intuition is telling me.

Lessons from Ignoring Inner Authority

but I don't make any decisions there and then. I give myself 24 hours at least to sit on it and that gives time for my emotional wave to be regulated so that then when I'm making that decision, I'm coming at it from a neutral place. So if I'm making the the the decision in the moment and I'm in an emotional high, I'm naturally gonna say yes to something that may end up being the wrong thing.
And if I'm in an emotional low, then I may say no to something that could in fact actually be the right thing for me. So giving my emotional wave that 24 hours to settle and then checking back in and see how I feel about it. That's how I need to make decisions. So I want to tell you about this one time when a friend and I came up with this amazing business idea. I use this example a lot because it's It's a great example of how I am working with my inner authority. So we are both generators and we come up with this idea for like a sideline business for us both to do together. And, you know, you can imagine the excitement. Two generators, we're bouncing ideas off each other. We got the whiteboard out, we're mapping out plans and we were just really revved up about the possibilities, right? And I'm like, yes, I'm so in with this idea. And she's like, yes, let's do it. You know, this was in fact at the early days of my human design journey, right?
So prior to human design, I would have gone home and immediately jumped into research mode. I have a line one in my human design, so I am the researcher, the investigator. So I would have started sourcing supplies and um the suppliers and all those kinds of things. I probably would have started designing the logo and setting up the website. You know, I would have gone full steam ahead and I used to think if something felt exciting in the moment, it was an automatic. Yes. Right. Let's do it. Let's get in on it. Right. Let's just jump all in. But here's the thing. Now I know I have the emotional authority. That means I'm not meant to make those decisions in the moment, like I mentioned. So instead of diving in and
jumping in on that idea as soon as I got home, I sat with the idea. I remembered about my our human design authority and thought, no, look, cool the jets a bit. I know you're excited, but let's just see see my honor.
And the next day after sleeping on it and letting my emotions settle, I realized it wasn't the right decision for me at all. And while I loved the idea and I thought it was an amazing idea, I realized it just wasn't for me. And it was, in fact, going to add more to my plate where I wanted to have less on my plate, lots of reasons. And so I had to, you know, that, that bit of space that pause.
saved me so much time. I didn't waste energy going down a path that wasn't aligned with me. And I think about how before human design, I would have gone all in only to lose steam, probably feel stuck later on and even get to the point where we start this thing. And, you know, we don't get any sales and, you know, things just don't go right because in fact, it wasn't meant to be.

Practicing and Trusting Inner Authority

So this is just one of the ways working with your authority can be so powerful. Now, another example of me not listening to my authority, you know, sometimes we need to practice a bit and really
work on understanding our authority and what that means for us. And so I want to give you an example of not listening to my authority, the flip side of that, right? So times when I didn't follow my authority and things didn't turn out so well. So a big example of this is saying yes to some projects that didn't turn out so well.
and For a long time, I felt like I couldn't say no to projects that came my way. And I just felt like I just had to say yes. You know, I will admit I was the biggest yes girl. You know, I had some conditioning where you, you know, you just say yes and then work it out later. And, you know,
but bust through the fear and just do it anyway, you know, or whatever it is, whatever the situation is. And that for me is realize it doesn't work. And a big example of that is some particular ah website development projects. And there's been three or four projects over the last two years that I have said yes to.
When my authority was telling me no, and I knew my authority was telling me no. And, you know, in some of these cases, I actually tried to get out of the project because I saw huge red flags and I was like, my.
my authority saying, get out of this before the projects even started. So there were times where I tried to get out of the project and I was talked into doing it for whatever reason. And so I'm like, okay, well, look, maybe I'm just being silly. Let's just do it. Every single time I did that, for whatever reason, the projects did turn into a disaster, basically, you know,
And sometimes I think it's because the client was actually not meant to be doing that thing. You know, it might have been that they weren't really meant to be setting up that business or doing that, that um project and everything, everything that could go wrong went wrong. And, you know, sometimes I think it just was that maybe I wasn't the person that was supposed to be doing it for whatever reason. So what I realized is it's OK to say no. And if my authority is telling me
No, don't do that thing. I have really learned to listen to that. They were tough lessons for me and frustrating lessons and lessons that I won't forget. And I feel like those lessons had to happen. So I would learn to trust my authority. So, you know, for for now, for listening for take those lessons, I've decided to not offer that actual service that I was offering. And I feel like those things had to happen so that I wouldn't do that and concentrate on the things that, you know, I am I'm i'm good at that are my best things, my best strengths. So whether you have an emotional authority like me or you've got a different type,
The key is trusting that inner guidance system. And if you're new to human design, here are a few ways that you can start working with your authority in your business.
So number one, practice, practice on small things, make small decisions, what to have for lunch, when you're going to have lunch or what you're going to work on that day or whatever. Practice with small decisions and and just see how it works for you. Number two, notice patterns. So pay attention to when things feel off and when things flow.
Often you'll notice that misaligned decisions really come from ignoring that authority. And number three, honor your process. So whether it's waiting out for your emotional wave like me, tuning into your gut response or whatever your authority is, respect the way your authority guides you. Trusting it takes practice, but it's

Resources and Connection with Theresa

well done. worth it. Now, if you don't know what your authority is, jump over to my website, grab your free human design chart.
or um jump over to Instagram, message me free chart and I'll send you the link. But basically you can grab your human design chart. It'll tell you what your authority is. Then you can research that for yourself. Or you can grab my brand and business blueprint, which is a 40 page personalized guide that steps you through infusing your human design into your brand and business that will go deep deeper into your authority, explain how you need to make decisions in your business, how to tell when things aren't right, how to tell when things are going right.
Those are all those kinds of things and so much more. It goes really deep. So that also is at forward slash blueprint, or if you message me the word blueprint on Instagram, I'll send you the link. The link to those things are all below in the show notes, but I know not everyone, some of you listen on the go. So come back to it, message me those words on Instagram and I'll send it through to you so you don't need to go searching. So I want to,
Thank you for tuning in today. If this episode resonated with you, I'd love to hear about it. Share your biggest takeaway on Instagram and tag me at And if you want to dive deeper into human design authority,
Come over and connect with me on Instagram or on my website and let's chat about how we can help you with infusing your human design into your business. But anyway, until next time, keep trusting your authority, keep following your alignment, and I'll see you in the next episode.