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Overcoming Self Sabotage with your North Node  image

Overcoming Self Sabotage with your North Node

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
91 Plays2 years ago

Eeeee! I am SO excited the time has come to release this new podcast with a fresh direction- the common thread in each episode is introducing a way to FEEL GOOD, when we are able to be present with all that we are and opening up to growth & expansion we naturally feel good. I am so grateful -HONORED actually, you are coming along for the adventure iof self exploration in each episode! 

 This is the first episode we have the sassy spiritual & astrology mentor, Renata. We talk with us about the power of understanding your astrological North & South Nodes. And how these placements offer great insight into your life direction & soul purpose as well as potential self sabotaging patterns. IMO this is THE most important part to grasp and experiment with in your astrological birth chart.  

In this episode, we talk about:

-What is the North & South Node & how it impacts us /our life purpose

-Experimenting and embodying the energy of our North Node

-Awareness of the conditioning & potential sabotaging tendencies of our South Node energies

-How Renata is incorporating Human Design to better understand & help her clients better work with their energy 

-How Renata as a Generator is embracing responding to her environment 

- How Renata has seen her clients have breakthroughs by aligning with a Human Design and astrology 

-The consequence of not aligning with your UNIQUE energy & being susceptibly to burnout as a result

- How blanket approach to "one size fits all" advice get us off track

-What is Renata's favorite aspect of Human Design to teach  

Plus, we get into astrological trends for 2023 you need to know!

To learn more about Renata -

IG- @alignwithrenata

Check out Renee -


Introduction and Podcast Launch

Hello and welcome to the Feel Good with Renee podcast. I'm so excited that you are here today. This is the very first episode. You are listening to this in a brand new year. It is January 2023 and happy new year. I love personally a fresh start and this podcast was intentionally launched at this time of year as something that I am
really sinking my teeth into and growing with into the new year. So thank you for being a part of that. It's very exciting time to align with something that I have had on my heart. I've had other podcasts in the past that I had to grow and evolve out of and so this feels like nostalgic coming home.

Meet the Astrologer: Renata

This is our first episode and we have an awesome interview today. I
I can't wait for you all to listen to my conversation with Renata. She is someone who I have loved on Instagram for a while now and even had the opportunity to work with her one on one a bit. She is known for being
not only an incredibly knowledgeable and grounded astrologer, but she's also funny. And funny people are my favorite, can't help myself. She delivers her astrology insights with a side of snarky confidence that I can't get enough of personally. But in this episode, you'll definitely get to know her a little bit. And we are going to be
talking about North node placement in your chart.

North Node's Role in Astrology

If you aren't familiar with your North node, for me, this has been a really, probably the most expansive part of understanding my astrology chart. I started to realize where I was leaning into a
unconscious habit of being in my south node and what it's a very different flavor when you lean into your north node and that has been my own personal journey and astrology that has made a huge difference. So she walks us through understanding what it means to be aligned with your north node.
We also talk about how she is now studying human design and incorporating human design into her work and adding another layer to helping people to align with their purpose and with what they want to
express and put out into the world. So we have a good time on this podcast. And this episode is absolutely I'm just excited that it's kicking us off. Really, it's light. It's fun. And I hope you all enjoy. And I want to just mention, although we bring it up, if you are going to be following Renata, you want to check her out over on Instagram at her handle is align with Renata. Thank you for listening and being here.
Hello Renana. Hello Renee. I'm so excited and grateful that you're here with me to talk today.
I'm glad you, I'm glad you asked me to come on the show. I can't wait for us to chat. I know. It's so good. Yeah. So I wanted to just start off by, you know, telling people that I have been a fan, I guess is the right word, or just attracted to you in the way that you deliver astrology and the chance that we had to work together was freaking awesome. So I'm really grateful you, you said yes to coming on the show.
Of course. Yeah, so tell us a

Astrology and Personal Alignment

little bit. Just fill us in a little bit on who you are, anything that's coming to mind right now that you want people to know about you and what you do and what you offer.
So essentially I help people get in alignment with their life, their business, or their health. And because I feel like when you're in alignment, this is the way that you can successfully live out your purpose the way that you were born to, not what you should be doing. And I guess the many hats or labels, if we want to use that, that I wear is
Um, I'm an astrologer, a Reiki master. I dabble in the business mentorship as well as I'm an naturopathic doctor. So these are, I look at them more as tools than titles. Like it's really hard for me to identify as those things because they're not me. I just feel like they're, they give me access to tools to help people get in their alignment in those various areas. I love that.
Yeah, and I've experienced you in your tools and how that all works. And I can just say from my perspective, I have had some profound growth and just like, like you said, it just realignment back to myself through being in as you always talk about things in your space. I love that. And being in your space, I feel like has brought me closer to myself. And so
I love so many different aspects of your multi-passionate and your different modalities, and we could literally spend probably an hour plus talking about everything, but I figured for today what I was hoping we could get into, because I've had an astrology reading with you, and I have become increasingly curious myself
And I guess aligning more myself with my North node. I was wondering if you'd be open to speaking to what the heck is your North node and like, from your perspective, like how relevant is that? Like, how does that matter? Cause I'll just say for me, I have felt like that out of all the goodness that is your astrology chart, that for me was like one of the most profound things that helped me.
to feel fulfilled. So could you tell us a little bit about North Node?
Yeah, totally. And I agree. I feel like our North node is like our North star in our chart. It's like, what are we aiming towards? What are we growing towards? It's not something that's manifested. It's something that we are constantly journeying towards, OK? So some people say your North node is like your destiny. It is, I think, your sole destiny. And there are certain attributes, depending on what your North node is, you want to focus on developing because they're going to help you uncover your hidden gifts.
your hidden strings, and they're gonna help you reach that, let's call it soul fulfillment, the way that you are meant to experience it in this lifetime. And the thing that opposes or the opposition of your north node is the place called your south node. So this, I call it our karmic comfort zone. It's what we've already mastered. It's what we're used to. It's like when push comes to shove, this is the area that we kind of, we're comfortable going or defaulting back to because we're masters at it.
And there's nothing wrong with that. We want to take the gifts of our self node, right? But we want to aim to more how can we cultivate that in a place of harmony to marry the attributes of our North node so we can be going in the direction that we're here to grow. And I'm on the same page with you. My North node in Aries has been
You know, I've really focused on multiple aspects of my chart, but that for me has been a game changer because I had to really break out of this codependency or feeling like I need a relationship to save me or I need some some other person to complete me. And I can't I can't complete my life on my own, but it's like I'm actually designed to kind of venture out there independently and figure out who I am in this lifetime as opposed to have other people giving me the green light to do that.
Okay, so

Exploring South Node Influences

I didn't realize this until you just said it but and I don't know if you have you probably have no recollection of my chart but my north node is the opposite I believe so my north and my south node is Aries.
Yeah, so this is fun because I exactly relate to what you're saying but the opposite. The component of my North Note of that harmony and
I guess, also the house placement. Like, I would like to ask you about that because I've noticed that the more that I understand, okay, my north node is in Libra, but the house placement makes a big difference, right? And my south node was in Aries and the 10th house, right? And my north node is in Libra and the 4th house. And just how, are those two things very different in terms of like possibilities of configurations or
Is that just the way I'm experiencing it? Is it feels very polar opposite? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, because, you know, some people don't have their birth time. So if they don't, you can still figure out your north node and south node. So I'd say that's a layer. And that's a layer that even if you don't have that house information, you could still, it's like human design. If you just focus on your authority and your strategy, everything else will fall into place.
But having that extra layer of the positioning of the houses just kind of gives you a better understanding of that experience. So yeah, it does play a role because, for example, your North Note is more centered towards your home base, feeling at home, like emotional mastery, all that type of stuff interwoven with that North Note in Libra. So sure, there's those undertones.
And I do, I do help people like comb through that inner reading. However, if they don't have the information, it's like I said, it's, it's, it's still, you still can get so much just from knowing the North note.
Totally. And, and just like we were talking before I hit record about your experience, which we're going to talk about of starting to incorporate human design into what you offer and how that was something that was kind of on the peripheral for you for a while. And then all of a sudden you're like, yeah, it's time. I feel like that was my experience with understanding or grasping that North node business because I had several readings. I have had, I've even taken like a little mini course, you know, I was like, Oh yeah, taking notes like, Oh yeah, that's me. And then,
I'm like, but that's actually like walking that walk or I guess embodying that sense of north node has just sunk in and become relevant for me recently. So the one last thing I wanted to ask about that is like, and you kind of touched on this, but with regards to the dynamic of the south node, like
Is that Southendo just a sneaky little bastard that you should go away from? What's the setup there? Because for me, I feel like that is my Achilles heel. I will go into that leader, take charge, impulsive place,
and it gets me a little bit in trouble. Like, is that the way this sound note works or is that just me? I do call it the Achilles heel or the shadow and there's still a lot of goodness or there's that conscious, those conscious gifts of your, of your self-noting areas, right? So it's maintaining your needs and relationship. You being really good at being like, I respect harmony. I'm aiming towards harmony. I respect my needs and I respect your needs.
because I know how important that is to maintain our individuality in the dynamic because that will establish real harmony with people versus this superficial stuff. So I look at it, it depends on how you respond to the energy. Like I can go default back for my self-known in Libra and do that tit-for-tat shit or because I'm so focused on what's fair. And if I do something and I'm like, what, like what is wrong with you?
And I have to sit there and be like Renata, they have their own personal identity and filter of the world. Just because this is your barometer of integrity, you can't expect that from everybody. So it really taught me to manage expectations, right?
Um, so it depends, right? But yeah, it can be a little bit of sneaky bugger because it's, it's a blind spot and it's something we're so, so caught. It's a conditioning that we're so comfortable.
defaulting to especially if you know we're under a lot of stress or we go back into those coping mechanisms or when we start to doubt our let's say design or our astrological pattern and then we try to like you know our ego can get sneaky and it can kind of kind of convince us and fool us to be like no that this is what's needed right now and it's like no probably not.
Probably not. That has been my experience. Yeah, thank you for speaking to that because that, again, has just been a really strong realization recently, is hold up. You think you're doing this in a way, but you actually are feeling that undertow pull of like, come back into the South Node and keep living that out unconsciously. It's okay over here.
So, I would just say like, for listeners, if you don't know your north node south node, definitely worth a deep dive or even just like you were saying like the first layer of just understanding the basics but that has been one area that I am so grateful to have finally like feel like I've started to, you know, embody so.
Awesome, I love that so much.

Integrating Human Design with Astrology

So yeah, so I would love to hear a little bit about how you have now bridged human design and astrology, and obviously there's connections there in how those two systems work together, but what has been like, what has been most exciting for you in that, I guess, or what are you most, you know, buzzed about right now to share with people when it comes to that?
Yeah, I feel like they're too, like people are gonna have their opinions on the systems. I look at them as they can share the same information-ish, okay? It's just categorized differently. So there's different terms to organize a different piece of the awareness of better understanding yourself, how to better work with your energy. And I got a reading, I think it was, I don't remember now, August?
And I was like, and the person I was getting the reading from was like, oh, I'm doing the course. And I was like, oh, and as a generator, like I was sitting there thinking like, I want to add different energetic layers to people's business. Like I want to help them better understand how to get in alignment with their business. And it was interesting because when I did the reading and he said he's doing the course, I was like, oh,
Okay, I think it's time. We're like ahead of that, I wouldn't have responded because I'm meant to just respond. I'm not meant to initiate things in my life. And I've been really focusing and practicing that so diligently the past three years where it's like, don't just go enforce things. Like things are gonna come to you and this is how you're gonna best use your energy. And that was kind of like one of the missing pieces that I was looking for in terms of how I wanted to
deep in my mentorship. And right now I'm still just playing around with it. So I'm doing these sessions with people and I'm kind of combining more about, are you a generator? What that means? The basics, because I find a lot of value in understanding that part of you. And then because astrology is more of my bread and butter, this is where I will
color in the rest of the information on how to better work with your energy so that's really what i'm using it's like your strategy or authority your profile type. And then you know depending if i feel the need to talk about something in that chart is very into is a very intuitive process i have strategy but i don't have like.
It's not cookie cutter all the time. Like there is a strategy, but it flows with the, it depends on the person. Yeah. And in your experience so far, what have you seen? Like, I mean, I guess this is kind of a loaded question, but what have you seen that is like, people are just like way out of alignment. Is it people who are initiating like our gen, like you were talking about being a generator and not responding, but initiating, is it?
projectors just like forcing themselves into situations because instead of like letting things kind of come to them and be more receptive, like I don't know, is there anything that stands out that you're like, wow, this is a hot mess over here.
And I'm gonna be honest, I also was like, I want another tool too to better understand my clients. Like, you know, in the coaching and mentorship industry too, there's all this, there's that like, this is what to do and rah, rah, rah. It's just like, well, that doesn't work for everybody. So I wanted to refine my process and make sure that I'm able to meet people and speak to them and support them in a way that really works with their,
energy. And I was doing that with astrology. I just found this kind of fine tune things. And when I was doing the readings with people, they were like, and mixing the two together, they're like, damn, I'm doing it all backwards. Like, it's okay, because that's the conditioning piece, right? It's like this conditioning that you're so used to.
And I find it gives them that permission to just genuinely or not genuinely authentically like show up in a way that they already know works for them conditioning they get very heavy about it that they they're in conflict with. Definitely.
So I found that with everyone. They were like, Oh my God. And then they're texting me. They're like, I got my first wholesale of like contract after seven years of having these products because of aligning with my energy this way. And I'm working with my North node and I just, you know, doubled my business this past year. So it's like this, this shit works. Like it does. There's other strategies and I don't want to negate the importance of that.
But if you're not working with how you're designed to work, I'm sorry, like you're gonna hit burnout, you're gonna be a stranger to yourself, you may have the external success, but you're dying on the inside. And I don't know, I don't know if you want that, it depends if that's the experience you're aiming for, well then go for it.
You're speaking to the exact experience I have lived in this, yeah, so far in my life and what I'm now like, oh, okay, I don't have to continue on this way. I have a choice and yeah, I mean, understanding
So, understanding your energetic boundaries, I guess, or how that flows for you, I agree. I'm kind of allergic now to one size fits all anything. I just can't. I'm like, wait a minute. What's happening with this sort of blanket advice? And I think a lot of times it comes from a good place. People have their own experience. They think that they're going to share it and everybody's going to benefit.
I love what you do because you bring people back to their own authority, right? Instead of being the authority for people and introducing people to, wait a second, you actually have this authority going on inside of you already. Hello, you can use this and get further quicker and easier and less burnout and all those things. So I am a big, yeah, I'm a big proponent for that. And I love that you've, you know, that you're
your approach to working with people incorporates that because I think sometimes we assume like, oh, everybody's doing this. They're not. No, definitely not.

Individualized Approaches and Self-Trust

You're not. And I feel like I've invested a lot of money in my business and I know you have too. And trust me, I've learned to take what's valuable and leave what's not for me. However, if you already don't have a great, it's not that you don't have a great awareness of who you are, but you don't have that confidence or that I would say that trust.
You can sometimes be like, oh, I guess this is what I should be doing. Or I guess this is the way it is because this is what I'm seeing externally in the world, even though it doesn't really like jive with me. Mm hmm. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, you can get way, way down the road and realize like, wait a minute, I've been listening to someone out what's been working for someone else and expecting that to work for me. And I think that now we're we're in this time where like people are finally kind of coming back to the individual and like
um, trusting that sense of intuition. I mean, you know, like I just wanted to, is there anything else with human before I kind of transition out of that? But like, is there anything else with human design that you like, what's your favorite for our human design geeks? Like myself, like what's your favorite? Is it just the energy type? Is it authority? Like is what area like, do you feel like you love to geek out on the most or is there anything in general or specifically?
It's simple, but integrating that in your experience is different. I think it's very simple and it's so powerful and it really tests your conditioning. That's what I like to keep up the most. And it can get, for me as a generator, so I can only speak on that experience,
it really has tested my patience. I'm like, sometimes I'll sit there and they'll be like, it'll be it'll be a lull. And I'm like,
Okay. I'm not going to initiate. And if I do, it's a disaster. So I'm always humbled by that. And I can see it so clearly. And you're, I would say, if you're really going to take it seriously, you need time to integrate that you need time to meet scenarios. You need experiences to figure out, Oh, I see where I went against it. I see when I acted totally in alignment with that, what transpired. Cause ultimately that builds a new muscle that, that builds, that builds more aligned conditioning for yourself.
in that self-trust piece. But don't expect to be a master at it right away. I'm still, I still try to go against my generating and my just that sacral authority sometimes and it bites me in the ass. And I was like, I knew it. I knew it.
Yeah, that's been also like, I mean, human design experiment, right is what it's, I guess referred to as and it makes that tracks totally for me, I've been experimenting and sometimes the other conditioning and what you think, you know, you should quote unquote be doing or what you've been, you know, taught.
from other design types that maybe were your parents or whatever. It gets really interesting when you take the time to observe and see and play with it and feel like, oh, okay, maybe I could try something else out that I didn't do last time and get a different result. So that's interesting, yeah. I know we have the same profile, because I remember we're both 6'2", so tell me about...
You are such a, well, it's funny. I definitely resonate with your sixth line. How do you feel at this point in your life? How are you experiencing, I guess you could say both lines, but your sixth line and what that means, I guess, maybe for you? I think my second line, my unconscious line of being the hermit was a little bit hidden from me in my first, I would say actually 34 years. It was like
I was starting like once my 7 return came but it was really around like my 33 mark, 33, 34 mark where I was like oh wow like I just want to go into the I just I could just be in my own space all day and that can get dangerous because I'm still meant to interact with the world so finding that balance of coming out of my little like her many cave once in a while
It was, it was a big change of acceptance. And when I found out, oh, I'm a six two, like this makes so much sense. Cause I resisted that because my first 30 years of my life as a line six, the first like 30 ish, I say 33 in my experience was a lot of trial and error. And I felt like I was a completely different person. There was a lot of false starts. There was a lot of things that I, I tried and I was like, this is going to be the thing. And it was like, it's definitely not the thing. Um, a lot of, a lot of relationships made and broken on purpose, like by design.
And I felt like I lived this completely different life up until that point. And it was, you know, once you go through that second phase of a line six, when you're now, you go to the roof and you kind of just sit there and you're just like in your own little world, integrating all your experiences, what worked, what didn't work.
Let me, let me, let me assimilate that led. Let me work on embodying that before I arrived at my third phase around my current return in astrology and 50 and I come down and I'm the crone. And now I'm just, you know, embodying how to be, you know, living your own unique life. It's weird. Okay. I still struggle because I understand this is who I'm at and where I'm at. And I'm not going to lie. There was some grief there because I'm like, I used to be this outgoing,
person and interacting with people. And it's not that I don't enjoy my energy now. I really do. I have a lot of peace in my life. Still this, it's like I feel like I lived a completely different life. I really sometimes struggle with that.
Well, I'm edging close to my third phase. I'm like, I can't even believe it's weird. First of all, time is such a weird illusion and getting older is a weird thing anyway. But the sense that I'm closer to 50 than I am going on the roof is really bizarre and I am very excited because it has been, like you said, a lot of
Yeah, sitting back and then thinking, yeah, like fits and starts thinking this is one thing and then it's not. And then I'm like, okay, like I guess I'm just kind of hanging out in life. Like what's my purpose? What's happening? You know, and that's been, it's, I'm looking forward to it. I mean, I guess maybe six lines have that, that little second half of life, you know, a nudge to look forward to that gives us some momentum, but that's been,
Yeah, the process of becoming more in line with your sixth line and that wisdom component. It feels really natural, but it still is. It's a really wild experience. I feel like a lot of sixth lines have, I don't know, it's probably not fair to say more trauma than other profiles, but I feel like we go hard. We're like, old soul, go hard. We know things and we try out things.
Yeah, sometimes that doesn't get us where we want to be. And then we're just still sitting on the roof until we're 50. But so that correlates with your second Chiron return. Yeah. Is it second?

Chiron Return and Life Lessons

No, wait, I'm thinking Saturn return. What's your current going on the roof and then the Chiron return is coming off. Okay. Yeah. And I feel like in order to embody this wisdom, you do have to go through some experiences.
That's how wisdom is cultivated, you know? Yeah, sure. We can have inherent wisdom. There's some people who just have that, like you mentioned, that wise soul and that old soul energy. Um, I think sometimes we're just traumatizing to remembering it. So it's like, Oh yeah.
I'm going to have to look at when my chiron return is now so I can get a better idea of when this off-the-roofness happens. So is it typically 50 and after or sometimes it comes sooner? According to human design it's 50. If I was looking through an astrological lens I would just see when do you have your chiron return? So when is your chiron conjunct? When is the transiting chiron conjunct your needle chiron? So whatever sign your chiron is in your chart when it's conjunct, that's when you have like your
official got it. I'm gonna have to look into that as soon as it moves into the sign like you're still going to be going through it's like it's like it's like multiple year process. However, it's like conjunct your chart when it's in the same degree and the same sign it was at your birth. Okay. Something to look forward to. I'll look into that. So is there anything else you've got going on right now that you're just like,
This is what I'm feeling because I appreciate your bold and saucy ways on the internet and on Instagram. I fell in love with you. It was like, I was like, I appreciate, first of all, anybody that has a good sense of humor, I'm like, I like you. And then also I appreciate your snarky, sassy side. So what's going on over there? Anything in general or like coming up for you that you're like particularly passionate about?
Well, I'm going to be honest. Yeah. Like I said, I kind of died in July and then my body was like, I was pushing it. This is where I was pushing the generator. Cause I just want to do, do, do like perform, perform, perform. And I could feel the whispers in my body was like, we hate you. We're going to go down. And I was like, ah, I'm just going to pretend I don't hear that. And then it was like, boom.
So, um, and that just happens with life, you know, even though I know all the things I'm still human and I can still, you know, act out of my alignment because for whatever conditioning that I'm just indulging in. And I'm, I took some time to just recover. So right now I'm, I'm recovering. I'm just resting. I'm actually taking care of my body more focusing on me versus everyone else for the past three years.
And, um, I do plan on focusing now my energy on a sole astrology certification course. I was hoping that could be sooner, but my nervous system and body are like, no, it's just not. Uh, so some, it's funny. So this is an example of where I wanted it out already, except it's just like that, that timing thing. I'm like, okay, fine. Like sure. No problem.
So that's where I'm focusing on. I'm excited about it. I have no idea how it's really going to morph. I have this, like I have this vision and I know it's going to be completely different by the time I launch it and I'm okay with that. So that's really what's in my space right now. And you also do, I know you do your, it's your monthly circles, full moon circles, right?
So those are still going every, every month at that structure may change. I might make it quarterly to just focus on and, um, the equinoxes because I want to be focusing my energy on building other things, like maybe like a mini group map business mastermind, like with five people, very small. I still want that one-on-one component. And I like that value of that group component. These are just different things I'm thinking about sitting playing around with. And I feel that I might be venturing.
in the near future. I love it. I'm looking forward to seeing all of that. And yeah, your full moon circles are awesome. I appreciate the energy that you bring to those. It's just, again, it's a very like, no fluff, no like airy, fairy, like, you know, it's all just like, this is what you see is what you get. And yeah, some of you are going to get blown out of here and some of you will be back every month.
And that's okay. I was like, sorry, my north node in Aries conjuncts my mid heaven in astrology, which is like my career house, my legacy and I, I can't be fluffy because it's a guy just it doesn't we wouldn't want you to be at all.

Current Astrological Influences

So this might
This might land this fun little podcast conversation, but I wanted, and again, like we don't have to go too deep, but like what the heck is going on currently that is most pressing? Is it the Mars, what's going on? Mars is doing things and retrograding, right? Is that like, what do you think people right now are feeling the most? Is it that, or is there something else? Okay, no, the Mars retrograde will be over about pre-12. Good point. I think the easiest thing people can focus on is
the current collective nodes. So when we talk about the North node and the South node, that's North node and the South node of the moon. Okay. And right now the collective North nodes until July 2023,
they're in the North nodes in Taurus and the South node is in Scorpio. And this is our collective karma that we all have to like work out. And we all individually have to go through our own personal experience of that energy to contribute to the, you know, growing and evolution and an expansion of the collective. Okay. So when you focus on the North, the North node in Taurus, this is really where you want to come back to my body's a barometer. Like, am I,
Am I taking care of my physical vessel? Where am I responding in life that's out of alignment with my values? Where am I using other people's validation of me as a barometer of my self-worth?
where am I maybe dabbling in crisis or trying to solve this psychological problem over here versus just getting my shit in order and building that stability and sense of inner security in my life. That's very Taurus. And do you see now so many people are there's different avenues of making money and they're focusing on gardening and like the fifth of quality.
into the body because Taurus is very about quality. It's like, what feels good in my body? Am I feeding my body right? Does my body feel good? And it's all about our worth and our value and our experience in the material realm. So this is where we kind of have to come back to reality a little bit and be like, am I taking care of like my physical sense of stability and my sense of inner security? Or am I just getting distracted about this crisis situation or trying to solve this psychological thing that the news is saying or whatever, and really not focus on building my life right now?
and building my sense of stability and security. That's so important. And then where am I acting out of alignment with my values?
So that's what I would encourage people to continue to explore. And also that cell phone and Scorpio will shed a light on the stuff that you're kind of dragging that's not helping you move forward. That can be, when we talk about the shadow, I say shadow is not necessarily the scary bits or trauma that you're suppressed or that stuff is necessarily.
It's also the sides of you that you deny, it's the goals and the dreams and the desires and the parts of you that are longing to be expressed, but you keep them tucked away in the shadow, because there's a blanket of fear that kind of like wraps around that so it's not necessarily negative, but that self known as Scorpio will challenge each of us depending on where it's playing out in everyone's chart or just individually.
Like what part of me or what part of my life doesn't really align anymore that I keep responding from out of fear or conditioning that's actually preventing me from choosing something that's more aligned with my values right now or that gives you that sense of stability and security. That's so powerful. I love the way you just explained all that because I've heard that, you know, what's going on in the collective with that, but that explanation really hit home. I get that. Like I can feel that. And I think it's so needed.
I just did some time in Orlando at the theme parks last week with my family. Wow, it's been a minute since I've been in out in the general pop like that.
I have to say like I had the thought of like, are you all okay? Like it doesn't seem too good out here. Like people, that sense of like vitality or, you know, wellbeing within the average person, it, it does kind of concern me. Um, you know, it's kind of obvious at this point. And I think that if there's enough, I guess shift and people holding the space for people to step into more taking care of themselves and more of that,
you know, Taurus energy and hopefully we'll be able to shift that a bit more because I think we just are at this kind of interesting point with people taking care of themselves and, you know, and how that looks and, you know, how people feel in their vitality.
you know, you want people to feel good overall. Like it makes everything better if we're all feeling better. We're all connected and obviously that way. So that's an interesting, that was my observation after being out. I'm like, I mean, obviously theme parks are another layer. Depending on where you're, you know, where you're going, but
That's really interesting with the, the, the, then that goes through when January or July. That's already started since January, 2022. And it ends roughly around July, 2023, then the node shifts. So our karma collective lesson shifts. And even with Scorpio and the self, no, this is where we have to be willing to let go of what causes that stagnation in our life. Hmm.
And yeah, it's speaking I used to be addicted to drama. So it's like, that's just one flavor of the shadow. It's like, oh, I'm just gonna be addicted to the prices or this trying to solve or trying to put out this fire that's not even mine to put out because it really prevents me from having my shit stable. Hello.
Everyone on the internet and I've really shifted, as soon as the note shifted, I really shifted what I care to engage in. I'll make my sassy comments about what I think is just astronomically outrageous. But it's not to the degree it was when the notes were in Gemini and SAG, which is all about communication and knowledge and facts versus beliefs. I see.
Yeah. Well, everyone should go follow you on your Instagram. I mean, I'm an Instagram person. So I know you have other, you know, handles and other socials that you're on. But
First of all, your reels are my favorite or I guess TikTok's reels, whatever, both. You crack me up and I love you for that. Definitely layer in some humor into everything that you do, which like I said, I totally appreciate. So where can people find and connect with you? So the best place is probably Instagram and that's at Align with Bernada. And if you are on TikTok land, it's official Align with Bernada.
Okay, so those are the two places that that you can
hang out with me online. Great. Yes. I love that. Well, thank you so much for being on today and connecting with me and everyone else. And I, yeah, I mean, we could go so much more deeper. I have so many more questions about even like upcoming astrology into the new year and all that. So maybe you would come back potentially in the future. All right. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Bye.