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Self Healing Empowerment with Manuela Welton  image

Self Healing Empowerment with Manuela Welton

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
100 Plays1 year ago

This week we have a guest near and dear to my heart, Manuela Welton 

💗 Manuela is a healing facilitator & teacher with a wise & nurturing presence.  Sharing space with her & the twists and turns of our conversation was a transformative experience for me and I know you will be feeling this L🤍VE too.

Manuela shares what it was like growing up being supported as a deeply sensitive child in a household of artists and how that opened her up to explore and immerse into diverse healing modalities. She even recently went back to school for a Masters at Harvard no less.  What a bad ass with such a BIG heart  ❤️

In this episode we cover :

 -Trusting and continuing to do your own healing opens the doors meant for you. We are all one energy co-creating with each other.                                                                                                                  

-Ripple effect of using our voice. Sharing & coming back into your authenticity from your heart. Not everything I say is for everyone- allow for others to feel triggered /disagreeing is healthy .                                                                                         -Planet is going through a massive transition & so many are called to do more healing work for themselves         

- Humans are ALL  Empaths by nature. The level of access to being aligned with empathy  is based on past life experiences and clearing space in the heart.   

  -Listening to each other & how much we can learn from our stories to create empathy and understanding. Transmuting judgment into compassion & love. 

-How parasite energetic drains/projections can show up. Paying attention to infusing cleansing healing energy frequency.

-Patterns being repeated in family lineage. Symptoms of depression - lack of purpose.

-How we are naturally pulled toward higher energy frequency. Reference: Dr. Masaru Emoto & Water Consciousness

-Substances (alcohol) are way for negative energy to come into our field-Connecting power centers through intuition and voice.

-TImes are to support everyone to be their own healer. In the Aquarian age. And the world is moving through grief & moving together in initiation.

-Power of healing through the mind

To learn more and connect with Manuela: or IG @manuelawelton

To connect with Renee: Or IG @feelgoodwithrenee


Introduction to Manuela Welton

Hello and welcome to another episode of Feel Good with me, Renee. I'm really excited for you to be here today as I have the opportunity to speak with Manuela Welton. Manuela is such a dynamic healing facilitator and
She has a background that spans immersion in many different cultures and countries. She's actually spent over the last decade exposing herself to different healing modalities that inform her approach to help us connect with our higher selves. And

Renee's Transformative Experience

I personally had the profound experience of working with her
Oh, on and off, but for a few sessions consecutively, I guess that started back in 2021 in the summer or fall, maybe. I can't quite remember, but I had a profound experience and her approach is unique in that when she's working with someone and facilitating healing, we aren't necessarily even in communication at that point.
we are working on something that I had brought up and that she had tapped into, which was this feeling of fatigue and heaviness. And in

Empowering Self-Healing

her sessions, she would contact me afterwards and we would talk through what happened and what she was feeling and picking up on and how she was able to really help me
clear some deep energetic blocks and patterns. So Manuela has so much wisdom and passion for living life to the fullest in her compact stature. She's a dancer. She's really like feels like life force in motion to me. And I hold her with such dear reverence. She's the real deal. She empowers us to be our own healer that is really
the intention of her work is to point us back to ourselves. And I know that this transmission was powerful. I felt it as we were talking and even going back and doing some editing and taking notes. This exchange is just going to inevitably awaken a spark or a stirring within your soul.
So this is a good one to drop into, clear your mind, take a deep breath, really get yourself grounded for what we get into talking about Manuela's approach and her background, her upbringing and how that supports her creativity and her sensitivities.

Manuela's Healing Journey

Just her journey of immersion into a multitude of different
healing modalities and she's recently a Harvard graduate. Yes, you heard me right. She is someone who has a passion for continuing to learn and grow and I'm so excited for you to connect with her and to feel her energy and let me know. I would love to hear your feedback on this episode and I hope that you all are doing well, feeling good, feeling grounded and staying
staying positive as we move through what feels like this rapid start to the new year. So enjoy this conversation with Manuela. Welcome. Thank you for being here. It's a joy to be here with you and
I mean, after just knowing you and knowing who you are, it's an honor to be here. Oh, I feel the same way. We connected. I was looking back at my notes and we connected originally. It was in spring of 2021, right after I had moved here.
And I felt called to work with you and to be in your energy really. And I just felt so much resonance and authenticity in being with you. And to have you come today and just share a little bit with the listeners about how you facilitate healing and your work, I'm just seriously so, so here for it, so excited and welcome, thank you.
Thank you. After working with you, I know this is such a big deal. As I said, to create the space for people to heal through your voice, through bringing people that you've worked with. I'm so excited for you in this space. Honestly, it's needed in the world, so I'm very, very excited to be a part of it. Thank you. Yes, I have shared
so much about what we have uncovered for me personally and with some of my close people that to share your voice in real time is just constant.
Before we get into, I have just a few things that I'm like, I want to explore with you and I want to see where we blow today, but maybe tell us a little bit, because you are so dynamic, and you tell us about how you facilitate healing work, like how you approach working with people and allowing them really the space to move through
Whatever, I guess I felt stuck when I came to you. So that maybe for me is what I was feeling. How do you facilitate the healing work that you do? What does that look like? Well, in order to go there, I think I have to explain a little bit about my background and learning about the different healing modalities. My background, I actually started very, very young. I remember, I mean, and the more I grow, the more I realize how much as children we have access to our innate gifts.
And I was grateful to actually grow up in a family of artists, where art was a form of healing. My father being a writer, my mom being a dancer, my brother a musician, all these art forms were a way for them to access that gift in themselves. And growing up so sensitive, as we all are, I mean, one of my biggest beliefs is how sensitive we are, just in general human beings. As we grow, we actually kind of close up. So it's important for us to just keep, maintain open.
And growing up in that household, feeling all of that was part of my learning and my growth. And then having different mentors and going to different communities and different places that actually taught me that healing and art are one in the scene.
And in doing so, I actually learned from different people, learned with different people in different communities and different ways of healing. And what I actually realized is that we all have an innate gift. And so in my 15 plus years of learning and of immersing myself in different communities, cultures, healing, modalities, and everything, I realized that we're all very different.
And so how I come to someone or how somebody comes to me with healing is actually I don't have one way of working. I don't have like, this is the way that I, you know, blocks. I actually really work with the individual. So in meeting someone,
I meet them where they're at and I meet them where they've been and I really feel into where they can go and the potential of them going. So I utilize all these different modalities that I've learned over the years and I look at them and then curate a space that feels that that's what they're calling in. That makes sense. I bring in the arts and I bring in the crystals and I bring in the energy work and the intuition.
And then I kind of create like a melange of a space for them as them, not like the thing that I'm selling or the thing that I'm doing. Absolutely. We co-create it together. That's so beautiful. And part of what struck me immediately with you is I came to know of you through a podcast. Thank you. And it's just the substance and the authenticity that you offer to your point.
You aren't someone who is fully marketing and themselves online. And I believe I remember hearing that primarily how you have chosen to work with people is through word of mouth, through referrals.
And I'm so struck with how much trust you must have had in that process. Was that hard for you to feel like, are you really clear on, I don't necessarily want to go out and work at myself, it'll be if it'll be?

Trusting the Healing Process

How did you learn to have that trust level?
that the right people would find you and your livelihood would continue to expand. I'm so fascinated by that as we are so inundated with marketing and social media and all the things it responds to do and that real rigid, just so refreshing and authentic to see someone that's stepped outside of that and has had impact.
Renee, this speaks to your authenticity. This is one of my most favorite questions because I do believe that there's a lot of noise out there. A lot of people actually come to me from previous experiences of working with other people that have been mainly money-oriented or this is what I went through. It's noisy, a lot of noise. To actually clear out the noise to really meet and find
the people you're meant to work with. I have a really strong belief that if you're meant to be doing what you're doing, all doors will open for you. And so at a younger age, I wanted to act. The acting was the thing I wanted to do. And I don't know why. I remember being seven years old and telling my parents, I need to go to an audition.
And auditioned. And life took me left, right, left, right. And suddenly I found myself in this space of healing. And I think that a lot of that space was me coming in from a place of healing myself because of life circumstances. I really didn't choose this. I wasn't like, oh, I'm going to become, you know, I'm going to support people and facilitate healing. Like that was not a choice of mine. I really feel like I was dropped into this space.
And honestly, I'm very grateful for it. It's been like a lot of learning and growth personally. And because I didn't choose it and I fell in love with it, I'm trusting that that's what I was meant to be doing while also continuing to grow in it. So I continue to learn and I continue to heal.
And in my own expansion of myself, I realized that because I'm continuing to work on myself, people get brought into my sphere that are working on the same thing.
If I'm working on, I have a deep soul wound around abandonment. One of my biggest works with people is working with abandonment. We work together. Whenever I am supporting them in, they're somehow supporting me. There's deep, deep trust in that we're all one energy. We are really, truly.
Though I believe in the power of marketing and I believe in people putting themselves out there, I also believe in the fact that, as I said, if you're meant to be doing something, things will come to you as they do. And up to this point, trust has been amazing. Sometimes I have 50 clients, sometimes I have 10, and it's just actually around, it's not about who I'm supposed to be working with, it's about
It's really about the intentionality behind it. And if I'm supposed to be working with three people that month, that's what I'm supposed to be working with. So completely trusting the process of it all and knowing that, you know,
For me also another big thing that comes to mind in speaking is time and patience. People want to get their work out so fast and this is what I'm gonna do and for me it's all about patience and like allowing the process to actually unfold.
And, and, you know, I'm being pushed to teach right now. And I'm just telling spirit, like, yes, and hold on. Like, I'm not totally ready yet. You know, it's because I am still in process and the lotus or the phoenix is still rising from the ashes, you know, so it's still like in process. I think a lot of
where people are right now in time is feeling like there's not enough time or that we're supposed to be someone by a certain age or we're supposed to be somewhere by a certain time. And I think that's another big part of the trust process is really trusting that we're meant to be where we are at the time that we are.
Long-winded answer now. I lived every second of it. I have chills. I feel such a resonance with everything you shared. I can relate so much to that. It's an internal pressure.
Not so much, I mean, although you can definitely look outside and see a lot of external stuff, right? Compare yourself to any given moment in any arena, but the internal pressure, you feel this desire to help, right? I think that's where a lot of it comes from. You know, it's this desire to use gifts or to help. You just want to get into action. You just want to be doing it. But it's so powerful what you are just explaining and sharing and having that sense of
just holding back and allowing things on full. It's so almost contrary into what we see everywhere is that sense of distrust and I'm leaning into that more and more that's been actually a perfect way to make because that has been a big part of since really I met you and have been being more just allowing and in the moment and bringing more presence to
to really everything, but in particular, like using my voice and putting myself out into the world. So thank you for dotting that because I feel that so strongly. And the other thing I would just say, I want to ask your opinion on this, because I think we might share this in common, is I feel so much coming through me. I feel like I write and I mean, I don't know if it's exactly true, maybe it is, right? I don't necessarily feel like it's me formulating when I'm writing times when I'm in a meditative state.
I process late by writing. So much comes through me and I get a little hung up on what to share, what's for me and what is truly going to help someone else and how to go about that without it being
the noise that you were mentioning that's out there, just another thing for someone to read. Like, is that even meant for them? So I don't know. Do you have any wisdom around that or experience with that yourself? Yeah. And before I go there, I just want to say trust is the word for me this year. Trusting everything. Trusting. Spirit. Trusting. And the process. Trusting. And so having had a- I have to show you this.
This is my little angel card. So if you're going to be listening to this, but I just showed her, I have an angel card that says trust on my desk right next to me. And I pulled so that.
It's true. It's so beautiful. Yes. I'm with you. We're in a lined mission. There we go for this year. Exactly. I'm so sorry to interject that. But yes, in terms of how do you feel about your creative, what flows through you and what do you decide to

Social Media Hiatus for Authenticity

share and what do you keep for yourself and how do you feel about that process?
Such great questions and some that I've been sitting with for a long time. This one in particular is very alive for me right now. I've taken off nine months off social media. A lot throughout my time at school, you know, I took...
time off because I was just very present and now I took nine months to kind of integrate that experience and so I've been in a deep process of hearing my voice and feeling what is authentic to me because even though I was sharing things like little pockets, little bursts of things I was sharing and even then I was in my own internal process of who I was.
And in these nine months I've had a very strong intention in finding my own authentic voice so that I can be of best support to people in my sharing. I don't want to share, you know, like what I'm doing or what I'm eating or this or that, but I'm actually wanting to share a bit of my process. But in order to do that, I had to go inward. I had to really listen to what that was within myself so that I could share it from a more authentic place.
I am actually getting ready to come back into that world from a different place. It's totally okay. I think a lot of my sharing lasts in the time before I was coming from a place of wanting validation and it's normal, we're human. But I really sat with it for the last nine months and I was like,
Okay, where do I really want to share from? And I think that that comes from my heart, you know? And this question is one that I sit with a lot. It's like, what is for me? What is for everybody else? And one of the things that came to me recently is that I've been given everything that I've been given in order to support someone else in the process. So it is not fair for me to hold on to what I've been given.
That being said, doing it in a way where it's supportive and expansive versus an eye or an... The ego is healthy. The eye and the ego is very healthy. But coming into balance with the ego and sharing from a place of actual...
compassion and like this is what I've been through. So it's a dance and it's a marrying the ego with also like sharing, healing, compassion because I think I've had a love-hate relationship with social media and I've had a love-hate relationship with all of the medias because it's like so much of my nine months have been so present where I am, like so present with everybody that I'm with, with myself in it. Sometimes when you share that energy can dissipate, right? It's
Okay, so you shared that and that's out in the world for people to see wherever they are. You don't even know who's seeing it or who's, you know? But I also do sense that there's a real gift in sharing your path, like what you're doing here right now with this podcast. It doesn't matter if one person listens to it or if a hundred person listens to it or if a thousand people listen to it, that one person is going to be affected as much as the hundred people. Because I come back to this thought of all of us being one.
So what I go through can help one person, and if that one person can find inspiration from it and support another person, I really believe that in the world, we're all together in this. Us, everybody's together, so we have to unify our polarity and our voice and our thinking in order to come into it together.
So, that being said, what you share, what is for you, like closing your eyes and really feeling into your heart what is for you and what is for someone else, usually what is for you is for someone else. But then, like, it's feeling the authenticity to actually share it with somebody else, right?
Yes. So it's a huge question. One that is very, as I said, very, very alive for me right now. And I think the biggest thing for me is to come to terms that not everything I say is going to be for everyone. Some people are going to disagree and you're going to be okay with that because that disagreeing actually is the gift in it all. That disagreement or that triggering that you're going to create for somebody else might be their healing. And it's also healing for you because, you know, it's okay for us to have differences.
So it's okay for us to have differences while also unifying the polarity if that makes sense. There are so many things you just said I could unpack for probably the next day with you. Because I feel like there is the census for me.
in the past. Really what it was, was like an over-functioning codependency of, if I say something, I'm responsible for how that person's going to feel. Also, I think this overlays with what we share in terms of being intuitive and happy people. It's like we feel what other people are going to feel. So it gets real layered in there and that has at time
caused me to go into my ego, into the over-analytical part of my brain where I'm like over-analyzing and I'm not in my heart to your point.
And coming back into your heart, you're so right. It's the answer for clarity that I constantly need reminding on because I will take something and get into these old patterns, like I said, of just being that kind of over-functioning person that wants to make everybody's experience just right. And that's not my responsibility. And that's been such a letting go and a relief.
that they can have their perception and that to be whatever they need it to be. Because they're ultimately, their vibration is choosing that perception, right? They're the ones that are gonna see what they wanna see. And I'm not gonna be for everybody. I mean, I think I heard you say you're a projector as well, right? In human design. Me too. Yeah, I'm close to being a reflector at that point.
a degree away from being a reflector. So I'm in between projector and reflector. I use it too. Yeah, this is interesting. We don't have to go too far down. We don't have to go too far because I will go far down the rabbit hole of human design if you let me. But I have my throat defined and my G-center defined and I'm open completely, I swear. I have one channel.
That's it. I have a lot of openness in my chart. Do you have the same?
Very much so. Have you looked at your heart, by the way? Apparently, it's very rare for the heart to be completely open, and I have that. I can feel that you might have that too, actually. I have a lot of open, which, I mean, it does get tied back to what we're talking about when we feel all the other solid, you know, defined people in their home.
We feel all of them so much and amplify that in that openness that we have. So that sense of, again, I've been really coming back to for projectors, feeling recognized is really important. It feels really good to us to feel recognized. So again, that dance though of giving yourself that recognition, I think, and integrating fully yourself before you go, because in the past,
I think I have definitely stepped into that. Look at me, look at this cool thing I can do or whatever. But it's such a part of just that, finding that inner recognition of love and feeling that validation first for yourself.
And that's why, that's why I highly recommend months. I mean, I've done nine months because I have this nine month cycle thing with myself, but it's the birth, right? So I really recommend some time within yourself to find that within yourself and not feel like you need that from anyone else. Because then our work is empaths. Our work is empaths, which there's many of us out there. I'm sure if you're listening to this, you're an empath. You know, our work is empath is to like kind of strengthen the core.
and not allow anyone's belief, judgment, saying to come into ourselves, right? So like, so that we strengthen our core, like we go to Pilates, strengthen core and like reflect that back and say, hey, lots of compassion for you, lots of love.
back to you, may you find your way. Because as empaths, we absorb that and we're like, we go on overdrive. And so it's like, no, love you for your wounding and thank you for reflecting that to me. And yet, here we are, we're growing together. So compassion. I appreciate that so much. And while we're on empaths and being an empath, I mean,
I hear you. I feel like everybody is getting, I think you mentioned at the beginning that people are waking up to more of their sensitivity and that people are recognizing, wait a minute. I know for me, I didn't realize I was an empath until in my thirties. I don't know, but not though. So how do you feel like that's in terms of just the collective, like,
What's happening? No, I'm just kidding. What is happening for the empaths right now? Are we really being called forward? Do you feel that? Because I know you and I probably connected through that through line. Are you working with a lot of empaths? Do you see it?
in your work. That's a big thing. I have a big belief that we're all empaths. And so the level of the empathy comes from past experience. Human beings, the human race is by natural an empath.
We're all, like, that's part of our gift is how much we feel. Actually, we come to planet Earth to understand how our heart works. That's my belief. I mean, you can disagree with me. This is what I feel. But so the level of empathy comes from past experience. So I believe in my own life, I never close my... I chose some of the best parents to not close my empathy.
They actually really celebrated the feeling, you know, they celebrated me feeling the capacity of what I felt.
And what happens is life experience shuts you off from that feeling, right? Like the heart kind of compresses and it closes off. And there are people that are here actually to lead and facilitate more of that feeling or like that, that what you say about like, are we being called up like, you know, front on the front lines? Yes, we are. Because right now, astrologically and like in life right now, planet Earth is an
I mean, it always is going through transition, but right this moment, everything that's happening, I don't know if you follow Richard Red and the Gene Keys 2025, 2027, we're going through this massive awakening. Well, and I should be careful with the word awakening, but we are going through this massive opening our eyes to who we are as humanity. So we're being called to the front lines, to podcasts, to
to the healing facilitation. A lot of people are doing more plant medicine, they're doing more healing work. This has been my entire life, so I don't know what it's like not to do it. But I love seeing people being called forth to it. Again, with this awareness that we're here to support each other, to open our eyes to the fact that we're here for it. We're here for love. That's all we're here for. We're here to love.
And so the empathy to me is more about how do we step into each other's shoes and understand what we're sure to do and who we are. And okay, this is really for me the most important is listening, right? Like I think we've lost the capacity to really listen to each other.
And I think we each come with such an amazing story and how much we can learn from each other. And I think that's actually a lot of what my work is, is really understanding where we all come from and seeing the stories that we come from and therefore like creating empathy, like creating understanding. Again, what we call, what we were talking about in like the person that shows up with their triggers. I show up to that person that shows up with their triggers and I'm like,
compassion and love, and I see where you're coming from, and I see where your wounding is coming from. A lot of people come in and they're like, oh my gosh, who's this? Judgment, judgment, judgment, right? So it's transmuting the judgment into compassion and love. And that's ultimately what empathy is. And that's why we're being called at the front lines. It's because we're being asked to blur the lines between judgment, fear, all those negative frequencies, which you were talking about, right? And that's really, I think, in my belief, the role of the empath.
is to sit, listen, and fill with love. I love that explanation because it's so much, I mean, we can get into these labels, right? Like these identities, so forth. And I knew I, you know, I might be a little sad. And I, you know, to be like, oh, I'm an empath. I'm a highly sensitive person. You know, all those kinds of labels, but I love what you just said because it makes a lot of sense that
I think some people have that armor on their heart and armor through their course of this life, other lives that they have built up. And so they are an empath. It's just maybe a matter of healing and peeling back layers and getting into that heart of themselves. I think that's so inclusive and beautiful. I really do. I feel that. I feel so good.
It's expansive. Yeah, it's expansive. Exactly. And when you're able to not be triggered by I think other people's contraction or their process of working through their stuff, right?
That's like, for me, that's a lot of the playing work that's not to be triggered and bothered and to stay in my own power, my own heart space. I love that you just shared all that because I feel like that is just a really interesting perception. I haven't really heard that explained like that before. That's as our work as human species.
You're not alone in that. I'm doing that work too. I still haven't figured it out totally yet, but we're going and it's part of the process. I think that's really what brings us into the human body, right? Because spirit can run far and we go and it's coming into the human body where we actually start feeling everything in a different way. The organs actually make it palpable. I want to transition a little bit into talking about some of the specific
results that I had working with you and just maybe allow you to take the floor and share a little bit about that. I think when I came, I'll tell you just a refresher for everybody listening and for you when I came to work with you.

Overcoming Fatigue with Energy Work

I was feeling, and this is, I don't know if this is a thing, but I was feeling this fatigue that was in my soul. I felt like I was just, I should not feel this fatigue all the time. I felt like, okay, I've done healing on the physical layer.
still in different layers, of course, always unpacking and healing different things, looking at different things. But I really felt like my energy was compromised. And working with you was very unique because you said to me, yes, your energy is compromised because you actually have, and correct me if I'm wrong, or if I don't get this right, but you enlightened me to what you were picking up on is that I have a bit of a parasitic energy stock, if you will, or debris.
So how, yeah, how do you, do you feel into that with people? Is that, I mean, I think I know for working with you, that's actually pretty common for people, but how do you identify that and help clear that? Because I've felt, just to say before you answer, I felt a significant difference in my energy over the course of working with you. Obviously it was consistent and I didn't give up after one session.
I stayed the course, but it worked. It works. Whatever you did and worked with in my field or through me working with you, it worked. Maybe could you speak to that? Because I feel like that is unique to you. Would you say that's a specialty that you have? Yeah. I work with different people. I work with also different people that
support that work as well. But yeah, that's a lot of what I have focused on. And I do many things, but that's one of the biggest is realizing that we're all energy, right? And our mind creates energy, right? So if I have a bad thought and I think of something bad, I send out that energy, right? And a lot of people are in their mind and creating. It's really interesting to actually see how people live in their lives, created by mind, mainly.
And so, for example, you always use the example of New York City. You walk out of your house and it's so much, so much stimulation, so many mind things, lots of noise, lots of energies, the rats, the sewage. I think of that in order to explain to someone how energy works, right? So you walk out in New Mexico and it's like desert, clean, like there's like a cleanliness. And you walk out in a place in New York and there's
parasitic energy. That's what I call parasitic energy. There's a lot of stimulation. We're magnets. We talk about manifestation. We talk about magnetization. We're magnets to energy. A lot of our conversations around energy, we don't talk about how we carry energy.
you know but you think of someone with lower frequency and you think of somebody with a higher frequency regardless of what that is and you know you get pulled towards somebody with a bit of higher frequency whether they're meditating they're they're doing you know energy work they're you know tai chi chigang whatever you want to call it they're clearing their energy
But we don't talk about that a lot. I mean, I think we're moving into that space of talking more about it, right? And so I think whether it's coming from family lineage, ancestral lineages, whether it's just you walking outside and absorbing the parasitic energy, or whether it's something actually within your heart that you're moving through that's creating that as well.
Um, we, we tend to, we are, I call it parasitic because it kind of creates a picture of what it looks like. Right. And I love, you know, about, um, the water studies. I can never say his name. Yes, I do. Yeah. Kind of a similar, similar thing, right? So it's like your energy attracts energy.
And so it's about understanding that kind of like brushing our teeth. We need to also have energetic hygiene, whether it's through Reiki energy work, you know, as I said, whatever is cranial sacral, we need to be cleaning our energy constantly because we're constantly absorbing from, as I said, different
spaces. So it's mainly that. It's just understanding that we also need to be brushing our energetic, like brushing our teeth, brushing our energy. It's washing our energy. And there are ways to do that, whether it's the ocean, you know, the salt water is amazing. Serpers have some of the best energies because they're out there every morning doing that, clearing their energy.
You know, but energy workers, yeah, exactly. I love, you know, some of my good friends are surfers just because they're constantly working. Surfing is a meditative clearing energy because they're constantly doing that. They're one with the earth, they're one with the nature, and they're also clearing their energy confidently.
But so that's what it is. If we basically go into the energy and clear any sort of attachments, hooks, or just things that are thrown at you, whether it's envy, jealousy, that's a parasitic energy. So you're carrying that within your system. Right now, I'm looking at your aura.
It's big. Is it? Yeah, it is. I can see it in the background that you have right now. It's like you can really feel your rig. With regards to that, do you feel with the, some people were susceptible to the residue of these sorts of energy. It seems to me, from my perspective,
feeling like a sensitive person in this world. Like it seems to me that some people can just walk through them all day and nothing bothers them and they just, you know, you know, what are you talking about? I'm fine. Do you feel like some people are more sensitive to picking up things, if you will, in the field?
Yes, very much so. And I always also say substances are ways to open your energy field and a lot of things to come in, right? So even a glass of wine, I always say like, well, open you, you're giving permission. Basically your, your, your eye is numbing a little bit for substance, for energy to come in, even like just a little bit of alcohol. Um, you know, so whatever substance it is, you know, it's, it's, it's actual permission to open your energy field for things to stick.
Really. I mean, people kind of... That's amazing. From my years of working, it's very clear. It makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I mean, what is it, alcohol known as a spirit for a reason, right?
Bingo. It was used in traditional settings in the United First Nations. You allow spirit in to come through. Wow. It makes a lot of sense. And even recognizing where patterns are being repeated in your family lineage too.
This is a big one. I mean, you look at depression, you look at it like, what's my purpose? Where am I? Darkness. You know, there are a lot of symptoms that are tied to different things. I think depression is a lack of purpose and the purpose comes from lockages in your path.
That could be a symptom, but I need a lot of pain in the shoulders. In acupuncture, the shoulders are actually points where spirit comes in. Again, I have a lot of theories, but one of them is actual weight in your shoulders that shows potentially that you're either carrying something from your lineage or you're carrying a responsibility that you're not needing to carry.
And so shoulder pain, feeling like you're stuck, there's a lethargic feeling in your energy, feeling like nothing's actually making sense, you're working on things but they're not coming to fruition.
A lot of body aches come from that, but I think that you would know. I feel like if you're hearing this and you get chills, you know. We're opening so much of these spaces for people to just know. But I think the biggest thing is blockages or feeling like you're stuck.
You know, nothing's moving or nothing's making sense. That's, that's a big, big one. And I think also, but I like depression, for example, it's, I think a lack of connection too, right? So a lack of connection to human beings, especially right now and where we are with the world, I think.
you know, what you're doing, I think connection, I think connecting people, you know, voice, activating our power centers, our intuition, our voice, our heart, our bodies. This is the biggest thing we can be doing in supporting people in doing so. All right. Yeah. What struck me about what you just mentioned that
I feel a resonance with is helping people be guided back to themselves, back to their own intuitive power. That's where it all connects. And so helping people to get clearer the sensations that they're feeling and trusting themselves and all of that is so much in my heart to share with people is to guide them back to their own internally and their own
in their own intuition. Which is what we're doing. So now my responsibility in some ways is to support people. Let people like you that come, and I'm not pushing this on anyone, and that's why I'm like, whoever comes is because they're meant to come. That's right. But that's why it's so many different things. But absolutely what you said, I think the biggest thing more than anything is to support. And that's the Aquarian age. That's where we're moving into. It's to support everybody in being their own healer.
you know, you're your own healer and my own healer. And it's just supporting people and gathering the tools for that to actually happen. And I think more than ever, people are more vulnerable in doing this than they've ever been before, you know? I see it in my own family, like the vulnerability to actually step into becoming that healing and that healer. Yeah, it's happening, I think, rapidly. Or I'm even noticing shifts that are happening right before my eyes. Like that person would have never
never come to that level of compassion or empathy a few months ago. It seems like things are really rapidly unfolding.
I was thinking also the other thing that I feel aligned in finding each other, their sister in the infrastructure, like that is a big part of it, bringing conversations from people, right? But you're going to get something that you mean that will help you or support you. And that sense of community, more localized community is also part of that transition coming in the next couple of years.
We're going to see a lot of grief. I mean, we're already seeing it right now with the floods happening in California, with the earthquake in Turkey, in Syria, with the fires in Chile. Our world is moving through a massive transition. And one of the things that I feel coming back to New Mexico is what happens when we go through these
initiations of sorts. We come together. As community, we come together.

Community and Transformation

There's no such thing as you and them and us. It's like, how do we actually come together to gather our resources together, our knowing together, our knowledge to come together and support each other?
the pandemic, whatever it is, like, how do we come together to support one another and actually moving through this together? And we're about to see more of this, you know? And so it's really actually bringing community. You made it, I think, unity, compassion, love, and motivation. So it gets real clear what matters real quick, right? Well,
We'll bring her up. I wish we had more time, but could you- Before we part ways for today, could you possibly share like in terms of energetic hygiene, there were a few things people could actually tangibly take with them and do. What are your favorite?
my favorite. I used to put a lot of external validation on energetic clearing, but the biggest favorite things now that I do is actually work with the mind because everything is created with our mind, right? So even if you put like a huge salt water over you and just clearing that, you know?
but also saltwater baths are my favorite, and rosemary, and so the ocean, and of course incense, kapal, all of those tools, but I think one of the strongest things that I want to empower you to do is to support your mind in creating that.
energy around you. So just thinking of your energy transmuting, that's where we're moving, is to utilize in our mind to supporting and clearing ourselves without any need of anything else.
A year ago, I would have told you a thousand other modalities and techniques, but today I'm really adamant about supporting people and actually doing that, transmuting it quickly with their mind. And in doing that, everything will clear for them. For clarification, is that visualization? This is part of, like, the term buoyant. If you feel like you have more of a vision buoyant,
If you have more of an auditory, bring in the sound to support you in washing your way. If you have the sentient, what does it mean? Go into the bath and feel it. All of the ways really support you. But for you, for example, personally, I would say the vision, even if you're thinking about smudging yourself, that would support you. But also while doing it, maybe. Yeah, yeah.
I appreciate it.

Connecting with Manuela

But we moved through today and thank you. This was all so beautiful being in your presence. I have such reverence for you. Manuela, thank you. If people would love to connect with you, what is the best way to do that?
my website, You can send me an email or my Instagram, manuelawelton. I'm very open to connecting. I love people. I love that. I love you. Thank you for being here. I love you too. Thank you for having me. I love this energy. I'm so excited for you. This has been one of my most favorite conversations. I appreciate you.
Appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others post on social media or leave a rating and review. It would mean the world to me to catch all the latest from me. You can follow me over on Instagram at feel good with Renee. Thanks again. And I will see you next time.