S03E03 - Tash Mic Guys - TAA RWBCDM, No Sponsors and Man City image

S03E03 - Tash Mic Guys - TAA RWBCDM, No Sponsors and Man City

S3 E3 ยท Tash Mic Guys
15 Plays11 days ago

A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

to keep the get to it forget that forget yeah we're not gonna get to international football i'll tell you that means right now committed colorful
I went for a kenko gold blend. Kenko gold blend? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Them instant, We've it's only, you know, them instant coffee things, got to keep it you know what I'm saying? Oh, is that an instant thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. One of those dried, roasted, golden, whatever that means. Yeah, some of that good stuff. It looks pretty brown to me. I don't know where the gold comes from. Yeah, right. There it is. interesting. We're Yeah, that's not going to get into good. international football, I don't know. It's I'll tell you that right now. all good, yeah. I have, I have took on, were you about to ask me or was I just being selfish and talking about me?
I'm about to ask you, brother, I'm about but to ask you about the tea. What you bought, you drink it. I know you're drinking tea. I know you're drinking that tea. It's definitely tea. because I know you're drinking that tea. I know you are. But what I'm drinking is... Don't judge, mate. Don't judge. No, no, no. You're a parent now. Yeah, exactly. That's it. Peppermint now, joking. When we were in Albania, they were talking about boiling what they call dried blueberries as kind of like an organic Antioxidant taking it on, right? Because I was quite big on Eastern European. My wife and her family do that. Literally, I have that every time I go there to their house. Yeah, no. So that's what I have. And so obviously we brought some with us. I keep them in the freezer. Yeah. And I've just poured some this morning. So the little one woke up with a bit of a cough, bit of a snizzle. So I thought like bit a bit of honey, bit of that should just kind of hit the trick.
Or as the Albanians would say, chai mali. That's another one. But I went for the dry blueberry. Come on, bro. Come on, bro. It just seems different, right? It just seems different. OK. What you've just said right there, right? So she brought back the blueberry. She's got them in a jar. She eats them in the morning with yogurt or whatever. And since we've been here, we've had two packets of chai mali. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mountain tea. Mountain tea. Yeah, of course. I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure there's a different name for it but it doesn't matter right because literally we've had that in the house ever since and no one drinks it like as in you know we don't drink regularly but it's there for you know when you're ill and you add a bit of butter a bit of honey a bit of cinnamon if you feel inspired. What did you say before honey? Butter.
I thought he said vodka and I was like, wait, what? I'm pretty sure that could work as well. but thought yeah I'm sure he does, but that's not for the Fridays, that's not for the cough. Yeah, that's for the Russian Fridays for sure, man. We're not into that vodka. I can't wait you to cool down. I don't want to be slurping on the mic. I don't want to be slurping on the mic. It's so nice and you want to taste it but you can't because it's so burning hot. it's like um i want i want to you I want it between boiling and lukewarm. Whatever that is between boiling and lukewarm. you know I don't want it to be lukewarm. Is that what your coffee is right now? Perfect. Did you hear a sip there? I thought you paused the mic. Exactly. that That's how quiet that was ladies and gents. Can't go goalblend. Not sponsored.
Just like Rick's shirt. How about How about that? This is last year's as well, by the way. This is not even this year's, but we saved this year as well. Zero sponsors. Yeah, this is last year's one. Are you sure? My brother got it for me for Christmas. Oh, all right. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's how you know it's last year's, but... Yeah, exactly. There you go. It's last year's. Are you sure? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I just opened it earlier. It's a Christmas present. I just got it earlier. Yeah, I was going to say that. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait.
for the new season. You're doing well, so you have to wear it now, man. Yeah, that's exactly. Let me enjoy it now. Let me enjoy it now. Who knows? I wanted to enjoy the gold Arsenal shirt. I thought, right, at the end of the season, if we win, I'm just going to buy one off, like, Bintid or something like that. Do you know what I mean? Or Depop or some shit. Again, not sponsored, by the way. But they didn't win. Do you know what I mean? It would have been perfect, like, winning, and then the gold trim. It's like, you were premature, bruh. Like, your gun went off in your holster. You know what I'm saying?
You better get rid of them bullets. Ah, quality. But speaking of bullets and guns going off in the whole set, I watched a little bit of the new boys, what's it called? Bad boys. I quite liked it. I'm okay i'm halfway through. I had to stop halfway through because I couldn't watch it. So I'm going to go back a little bit because obviously family life, I couldn't really watch it, you know. just but As you say, it's that modern day life, isn't it? Like you sit down for a movie and you think, wait, it's 11 o'clock, I've got work. Well, that, I don't see anything too obvious here. OK, right. What time I need to really plan it in because, you know, I'm one of these guys, if I watch a film, I need to be in a quiet room, not even quite a room, but I want a quiet environment so I can hear the movie, I can enjoy the movie, I can be in the movie trying to predict a love it, trying to predict the body, trying to see like what's happening next.
My guy wants to be immersed, ladies and gents. My guy wants to be immersed. And this is the thing, I've not been to the cinema for so long, so I try to take that experience in the living room or wherever I'm watching it. But it's difficult because life takes over sometimes. But anyway, I'm halfway through, they have saved... Spoilers? No spoilers? It's quite old now anyway. You should have watched it. It's on you. Not about the bit where the person gets saved. Like they survive the chopper crash or airplane crash or whatever they survive. I think it's the airplane. So the pilot kills. They land in the middle of nowhere and Will Smith's son asks and says, you're in my world. If you slow me down, I will kill you, blah, blah, whatever he says. And they just leave it from there. That's when they have the fight on the plane and stuff like that. Yeah, they have the fight on the plane. He's in a cage. Somehow they save him. That's right. Of course, oh yeah, with the holding, yeah, with the holding with the cables. Yeah, exactly. I mean, come on, Will. Come on with it, Will. That bit I was like, well, he's got it. He's been working after that slap on Chris Rock. Oh, he worked off that slap. Yeah, just in case it happens next time. What should I be expecting? More fighting, more violence? Yeah, I'll be honest with you, Rick. Any car chases? I think you probably saw the car chase already.
And I don't remember in any of the movies, like the any of the second sequels, I don't remember Mike saying, and and that's how you do it, do you know what I mean? Whatever Marcus didn't do, and that's how you drive, or that's how you shoot, do you know what I mean? I haven't heard it in any of the two movies. Has he said it? saturday that that that needs to be and that That's his character. I haven't heard it, I haven't heard it. Exactly. You haven't heard it in the two movies, but what do did you think of the ah the Skittles bit? I thought that was yeah that thought that was excellent. good yeah That just took me back straight to the first one, yeah. And some Skittles. Really, Marcus? Skittles. Excuse me, sir. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So again, so when you when you think of that scene and then you think of the scene in the first movie when obviously when they get carjacked right at the beginning, yeah And he's like, hold up, hold the fuck on, do you know what I mean? When he's talking to the bad guy and then he just kicks him in the nuts. So again, that's why I was like, as soon as I saw that bit, I was like, oh, okay, yeah, this is what the third one missed. They didn't have any of of this throwback, do you know what I mean? no no And did you hear the mention of Johnny Tapia as well? Oh, you maybe haven't got to that bit yet. Okay. ill join a bit
Anyway, go on. I should have watched it. My mic skipped. My mic skipped. I don't know what happened. It's an old movie. I should have watched it. It's on you. It's on you, bro. It's on you. You know how the rule is. You know what the rule is. Sorry. But again, nothing to it. It's just a mention, by the way. There's nothing to do with the story. But I thought I was like, oh, I like the throwback yet again to something that we really enjoyed and we really loved. Do you know what I mean?
Quick question, is that the old director in the Porsche where Will Smith tells the guy to stop? Yeah, yeah, because he's like, I can't die, Mike. And he goes like, okay, you didn't die. No, Mike, I can't die. And he walks out onto the street and then he's like, slow down and supports. Yeah. Yeah. I thought that I was like, where have I seen this guy before?
That was Brookheimer, and again, sorry, I'm just going i'm just really fanboying right now because I really love bad boys. I know you do as well, so yeah you'll love it. But that scene, do you remember in the second movie where they're looking for a car, and then Dan Marino stops, and he goes, hey, Dan Marino, back the fuck out, back the fuck out.
Back the fuck out. Yeah, yeah, step back, step back. Yeah, we'll have this car back to you and all this shit. So again, another little small thing, which is like, oh, that's, I just love it because that's, again, it was the first two movies, legendary, like easily. on Of course, 100%. Them demon Rush Hourz. Oh, that's like that's gonna, yeah, Rush Hourz. We're not getting into Rush Hourz. No, not even Rush Hourz. Top 10 movies is a tough one for me, I really don't know. There's a lot of good movies out there that I've really enjoyed. And open then I look back, I like, you say Bad Boys 1 and 2 and I'm like,
yeah know They were really, really good. And then you mentioned Rush Hour there. And I was like, oh, yes, that is a great film as well. Like, that is a quality movie. To be fair with Rush Hour for me, I like them all. I like them all like Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan, that sort of character romance relationship report that they have on screen bouncing off each other are really now 100%.
For me, those are the top 10 movies, definitely. I think you can count them as trilogies, and obviously Bad Boys has got four movies now, but you can count them as one movie rather than split them, because I know what you mean. There's a lot of good movies out there, but for Bad Boys, especially for me and you, Shipman, we quoted Bad Boys to the death, Rush Hour to the death of it. It was just incredible.
just pan Well here we go, to quick very quickly moving on to something else while we're talking about movies. talk to me What album is, do you remember that, you listened to, do you remember back when you used to buy CDs, granted we've got Spotify now, but you those days you used to go to LimeWire, I mean HMV. Sorry, did I say? Ben Alert, Ben Alert, Ben Alert.
No, some of these obviously, come on, let's be serious, they've all fucking been on LimeWire, everybody's done it now. I'm still doing it right now, yeah. If we do get banned, we're getting banned by somebody who is using LimeWire, we were using LimeWire, do you know what I mean? Exactly. No, so my question is, what was that? Yeah. Copyright infringement lawyer.
Oh, the irony is tasteful, my friend. Yes. Yes. But my point is, what album have you heard? My point is, my question is, what album have you heard where you thought, you know what, I'm not skipping this song? Because there's always an album, right, where you listen to it, you're like, oh, I'm not really feeling that one. Let me go next. Which one have you heard from start to finish that you can remember? For me, there's been three, and I'll list my three. But from yeah, which ones have you heard where you haven't skipped a single song and you've enjoyed like every single word?
Okay, I'm gonna go with, right? Again, I'm i'm not gonna say Eminem and stuff like that because that's very generic and obviously I've i've heard over all that. So for me, like genuinely, songs about Jane, which is my Room 5 2002 album, yeah that that had all the all the hits, you know, um what is it, fucking She Will Be Loved and you know this, li all that shit, right? So that album, unskippable in my eyes, right?
I know if people hear this, they're going to like, they're going to ridicule. No, no, that's fine. No, that's fine. I don't mean songs about Jane. I'm thinking about my albums like if they're unskippable, but I'll tell you which ones I heard. Yeah. OK, so for me, that's definitely number one, unskippable. The other one, which I can think of right on top of my right now is probably I was going to say Watch the Throne, but there is definitely some skippable songs. But again,
No, no, I can't include that songs about Jane. I'm going to stick with that for now. Stick to that one. yeah if you Like you can have three. I've got, I've only got three in my lifetime. I've only got three albums that I've heard that I've not skipped a single song. Okay. i've gone Oh, and I've got another one. i've got Oh yeah. I like this one and it's kind of a mixed genre, but I'll list, I'll list them out later.
OK, I'll tell you my second one and that just popped into my head. Another obscure one, like to most to most people, an Australian rap duo called Bliss and Esso, right? From Australia, obviously, as I said. um And their album is called Day of the Dog. And genuinely, probably one of the best albums that I heard from an artist outside of the mainstream and outside of the US and UK.
ah it Again, for me, another unskippable album. Just incredible songs. Yeah, top to bottom. um But yeah, go on. Hit me with your three, bro. Hit me with your three. Let me just make sure I get this album right on before I make a fool of myself. A quick little search on that. HMV Namjok is quick Spotify. We pay for shit now. Yeah. Well, that's it. Yeah. and That's not the one. Why is this album for it? That album.
Yeah, I thought this is it, yeah. So obviously the very first one that I listened to and I didn't skip, I remember this was obviously living back up in the northeast of England. Do you remember the village that we all lived in? Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. It was Acorn, locked up. That was the first album I heard with, you know, where number one was locked up. Was that trouble? Was that trouble? Trouble was the thing, but locked up was the first song that kind of got me into it. Oh yeah, yeah, sorry, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, oh, I love this. Skip next. Yeah, bro. Look at you. You go to the next one and he was like belly dancer and you go to the next one and it was like ghetto and you go to the next one and it was like ghetto. Sorry. Let me stop you. Let me stop you real quick. Get all right. What an amazing fucking track, by the way. One of those flipping. Yeah. Yeah. I listened to you the other day because I was talking to somebody at work about it. Like one of my colleagues was like, Oh, I love it. I was like, oh, bro, like you have no idea. This is his trouble album is the first album I listened to without skipping it. When that locked up in straight away, I was just like, just chew. Then the next one, chew, chew, chew. Oh, unbelievable. All of it. And then that's my first one. My second one was Plan B, Ill Manas. I never skipped a song on Plan B, Ill Manas. I don't know if you remember it. For me, I never skipped a single song. Did I not tell you about that shit?
I don't know whether you told me or I told you, but I promised one way or another. I think it was the album that I bought for you, because I bought two. You bought me that, didn't you? One for you, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he was talking about Mr. Drug Dealer. Mr. Drug Dealer. Oh, bro, yes. It was you. I remember you bought me that album. The narrator. That was 2011, I want to say. Yeah, I want to say 2011 or 2011. That's when I heard that album. And obviously you gave me that because that was around uni time.
Can I just apologize very quickly? I paused it on... I just may have slurped there. I paused it on Skype and didn't pause it on the other one. It's all right. No slurping. I didn't hear nothing. I didn't hear nothing. It's probably on the recording, so you might have to take it out. It's fine. Leave it in there. Let them enjoy it. It's fine. It's all good. Yeah, hear the slurp. People's selfie. But yeah, apologies. Go on. Sorry. What were you saying? Il Manus. Yeah. What an amazing album. The film was good as well, but the soundtrack was so good. Yeah, the album was just, yeah, the soundtrack was really good. The soundtrack was so good, so good. Yeah, Mr. Narrator, the narrator, sorry, not Mr. Narrator, he'll mind me the song. For me, it was just banger after banger after banger, and I loved it as well, and I loved, because I think it was Plan B, I became a fan of Plan B once I heard Charmaine, and I even heard that by Fluke, like one of my friends at the time, you know, living up north, we did uni, we did takeaway deliveries and so on to make a bit of money on the side. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you know, we both worked with the same Chinese takeaways, so when we drive, we've got neutral friends. Yeah, exactly, right? So yeah actually, you're right. yeah So then there he's like, oh, yeah, this, and you listen to it. And I was like, OK, OK, I see where it is. it's a bit It's a bit corny. It's a bit meh, meh, meh. And then at the end, I was like, oh.
Because obviously, yeah, I don't know if you've heard it when he goes, bruv, that girl's 14. I was like, oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know that kind of gas moment. I was like, what's he doing? And then I was like, let's see what this guy brings next. Let's see what he does next. And it was that same time when, you know, Pro Green, Plan B, Professor Green and all the UK rap artists were there. He had a good album as well. He had a good album as well. Okay, what's your third one? What's your third one? My third one is another one, but it's a different one. It was Mumford & Sons, the album called Babble. Love Mumford & Sons. Okay, okay.
tune after tune ah just unbelievable to the point though, it wasn't a big hit on my family to the point where my mum was like What are you listening to? What are you listening to these for? Because obviously she got used to like, you know, I'm really used to listen to Michael Bubles. That's what our sort of churchy, going hillbilly songs. I don't even know the country, UK's version of country music. I was like, what is this? But yeah, now for me, I love it. I love it. The Highlanders. The Highlanders. The Highlanders. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Bro, you think that was bad, right? Okay, let me tell you something. Here's my third album, right? Which I genuinely loved is G units, Beck for Mercy, like the very first one with Poppin' Them Things and Stone 101 and Smile. I wanna hear you smile, baby.
that was And they had a song on there right which I will say out loud it literally the song is called I smell pussy right and I had that blaring because the whole album and obviously by the time he goes to that track You know, whatever. Yeah, that track is blaring and my parents like both of them like, you know, what the fuck? But in Albania, they're like, what the fuck are you listening to? And I'm like, wait, so they understand what that means? Don't say in Albania, because it means where it's worse if you say in Albania. I was like, do they know what that means? I was confused as well. I was like, shit, I didn't realise they knew what they meant. OK, I was like, fair play, fair play. I won't play it around the house. But, you know, so that's that. Wait till I start driving, wait until I start driving. Okay, so now my counter my counter to you is, right? We've named albums from artists, but do mixtapes count? Like for what we made for for one another for for the cast? Bruce, stop it, stop it. Do they count? Just reminisce, just think of the back of the time when you and your boy or girl or whoever, you were doing mixtapes. Because you went to HMV, you know, you did your downloads from HMV.
onto your computer and you made mixtapes, I made mixtapes for quality, but I remember, yeah, now wicked, wicked, oh, just thinking of the songs that we used to have on with the one with Luda, Diddy, DJ Mustard, Khaled, oh my God, yeah, bruv, driving back to college was different man, I used to hit different driving to college with those mixtapes. College was too sick, college was too sick, but anyway, anyway, look, look, look, look, look, look. Mixtapes too calm, mixtapes too calm, but we'll, it's, I think that's not just you and I, nobody's gonna know the mixtapes that we have. Not unless we actually have the mix-ups in front of us and tell the tracklist, which I actually don't. I won't remember it now, I just remember certain songs. I do remember our mutual friend, the Italian guy, who used to try to compete, who could find the best song, I used to be like, that's okay, bro. I mean, he put some sad shit on, but anyway, look, look, look, look. Never mind. Yeah, we, okay, I was going to say, let's talk about some football, but I haven't watched any of the international break, so...
Has anyone shrugs? I think shrugs all around on that on that instance. But but on more interesting news and more of a continuation from the last episode um on Man City, apparently they'd because of the whole associated party transactions of which I mentioned last last week here, I mean, with with the owners and stuff. So apparently they thought they'd won a certain, you know, a certain case in regards to that. So what they did was they emailed prematurely. They emailed the rest of the Premier League.
the other 19 teams and said like, oh, the APT, they're non-existent anymore. They're null and void because obviously we won. So, you know, if other teams come and join us sort of thing.
yeah Yeah, so I'm just like these guys are so brazen and I heard one podcast that I listened to I heard him refer to it as a civil war Obviously between Premier League and and one of the teams which is like, you know, it's it's it's never it's unprecedented It's like unheard of of this shit happening like for them to go like for a team to go up against the Premier League like that and it's like Okay, so you win?
Then what? then Then that just means we have we don't have a Premier League anymore. we don't The teams just run themselves. yeah that's what Because what's the point of having the Premier League, right? if If they're not going to have any input or any sort of scrutiny over the other teams, what is the point of having it?
No, I agree with you on that. I do think the scrutiny is a bit like maybe because I'm a Chelsea fan and I've enjoyed success due to money. But it's I don't I've not like this new PSR like always it financial. What the hell is it again? I don't even know what the the acronym for the rule is. I call the PSR, but it's not that what is it again? it the profit and sustainability Is that what it is? profit and sustainability report is that did i Did I just pull that out of the air and just hit your city nail like that? Subconsciously by the way. this This is how much I'm into football. Just subconsciously, I'm constantly thinking. It is a good way to have it, don't get me wrong.
But sometimes the way the markets are, I feel like you can't do nothing but spend a hundred million on a place. Like if you really wanted a Harlan to come in, you' you're really going to struggle to get a Harlan for a smaller fee. Man City is a small club. Man City doesn't have the global reach of the Man United and Arsenal.
Chelsea's not there yet compared to the Man United. maybe Give or take to Arsenal because of them recently. yes but oh We're miles ahead. Compared to City, we're miles ahead. But Man City doesn't have any of those regions. So where else are they going to make their money from? Win trophies, of course, but the best players want the best money. And as a and as an audience, in the prem, I really don't care how much Arsenal spend on a player and how much they make money. and I want to stay away from it. All I want to see is the best players, personally this is, in the Premier League. I did, I'd like the best place to play for my team, but secondly to that, I'd like them to be in the Premier League. Because I'll be honest here, I don't really want to see, I would love to have had Vinicius Juniors in some team, in the top six team, or whatever team, watching Vinicius Junior.
in the match of the day, do you know what I mean? Rather than watching him once, well you know if once a year or twice a year when it's La Liga or the Madrid Derby or something, I'll be like, oh, let me put La Liga on because it might be an interesting game. I'm not interested in flipping Real Madrid versus Villareal or... No, no, no, no. Or Sassoona and Villadolid and all that shit. We're not into that. well never one of Our parents went to the Italian League. For us, it's just been pretty predominantly the prem.
So, and also supporting Chelsea in a little bit of trying to find out a little bit of, you know, a bit of loophole is, I'm trying to, ah, jokes, I'm trying to step back. Do you mean trying to find, sorry, didn't didn't your owners like jump through them loopholes with a truck? My owners were broadcasting the loopholes. With a bus full of players, by the way. My owners found the loopholes and then they started leaving trails for other people to find them, but they were like,
yeah maybe we don't want to do that but no joking aside like i think what it is as well with guys who have like multi-billionaires who've got everything at their fingertips who want everything they don't like to be told no and that's what i think with the man city is currently happening as well if you're realistically thinking about it you are a billionaire you can have what you want when you want it And all sudden of a sudden somebody said, uh-uh, you can't do that. You're like, right, how can I get that? And how can I make this person see that I'm right or I'm more powerful or I'm so on and so forth? In a way that might not be right, but I think this is the way that human nature is for some of these owners who are multi-billionaires who can have like city, New Castellonas. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. yeah it is It is naive to think that they've won and then send a message to everybody else. but It's a bit brave, I'll be honest. Who supported them? It was Chelsea that supported them, Newcastle, who are, because I know there were six teams that supported them, but I don't know, they're all teams. I just know it was Chelsea and Newcastle because I thought, Chelsea's obviously chelsea going to support them because we all look like hypocrites and we're against you. Like, come on.
Do you know what I mean? Yeah, whoops. but But nothing you can do. for me For me, I don't mind it. I think just crack on. I'd like to see Chelsea win it, but i don't I'd rather let's see the winning on the pitch with coaching and footballers, because for this, it's not really going to mean anything to any city witness or not. The thing is with with with PSR, as far as I'm concerned, it's like you're telling a team how to run their business, really. Like, yeah, you're telling the business how to run their business. And it's like, well,
Shouldn't really be up to the Premier League to to determine, you know sort of penalties and and and fines and whatnot like and and and relegation or you know point-dropping Because at the end of the day, it's if that particular team like an Everton like a Nottingham Forest, they lost money in the three years but Okay, what's the one thing that's gonna happen more more often than not they're gonna get relegated, right? So they're gonna sell their best players. Yeah or so best find a way of sustaining them and selling their players but primarily stepping in and and finding the clubs. I just think, I mean, it's I just feel like it's a bit too too much intervention for for for for what? for You know what I mean? It's like, they're gonna lose money, they're gonna lose money. it's
i think it's yeah ticky box thing possibly more than anything, because what is it? Does UEFA have a a rule as well or something? Was it UEFA that first came out that people have to live within their means and then they try to do this UEFA Super League that some of the big teams trying to break away by saying, well, we can spend more and we don't mind breaking and so on and so forth. So then the Premier League came in with a PSR rule.
But like you said, there have been teams in the past who have struggled, got relegated. It's all their best players. Look at Bolton Wanderers, look at Portsmouth. That is the whole beauty of the pyramid of English football. you know If you're not good enough physically and athletically and whatever else on the pitch, you've got to financially as well. By the way, you're right, yeah. All of the Lees, if you're not, you're going to go there.
Hey Lee, hey Lee, come on Lee. Get together now and again. Yeah, love it Lee, come on Lee. All right, all right. But what I mean is like... Don't call him Jackie. Sorry, last one, you promised. How long has it been since we saw it on the force of the Premier League and now they're here? But if it wasn't and everybody was financially suspended within their means, maybe then that relegation about is bound to happen but you know certain teams will always lose and come up But this way, teams are self-sustained by selling their best players. Teams can do what they can to survive, to be in the Premier League. As a fan, to be honest with you, if Mansi want to spend a billion to bring Vinicius Junior or whoever else they feel should come to the Premier League, just do it, bro. I'm all for it. I don't really care. For me, I don't think that's right because then that just...
Then what? Then what? They bring all the good players, they bought the market out. Then what? What's going to happen? It'll be the same as it was from 04 to 12 before PSR came in, bro. Same as it was for the past two decades, three decades. Fergie beat Chelsea when Chelsea spent X amount of money on players. You know, Chelsea won it twice, Fergie won it. Or Man United, Fergie, whatever you want to see. Then Chelsea won it again, then Fergie won it, and so on and so forth.
Less to won it. Less to won it without even having PSL. I know but like it couldn't happen. It can happen. Like Mares was unbelievable. Play of the year that year. Cantio was the best defensive midfielder in the country then he moved to Chelsea. It still was the best defensive... not in the country by the way. I mean the world how good he was that time. And you know what? it it It just makes you think rather than being like let's stop City shining Think about how can you close that gap and they'll be like, oh, but they've got billions. Angola counter came from League Two. Now, again, it's a diamond in the roof. How often does that happen? League Two in France. Sorry, Rick, you competed with nation states, though, mate. Like, you know, you've competed with people who have literally got endless amount of money in comparison to, like, unfortunately, even for a Chelsea, these guys have got way more. No, I agree. Way too much money. No, no, it's a state and it's.
So I'm just saying, it just feels like at that point, it it it feels like it it will become some sort of dictatorship if Man City win, because it's like, well, again, who's going to stop them? Like, realistically, if they just went against the Premier League and and they undermine the Premier League, you know, who's going to stop them? I think i think what's going to stop them is certain players not going over. Think about when Chelsea, when Abramovich took over and we brought 12. For an X amount of money.
No, no, I know what you're saying, but like certain good players can get X amount of money at Arsenal, can get X amount of money at Chelsea, at Liverpool. ah Granted, nobody's going to pay a million pound. I don't even think anybody's going to... And no footballer, I think, in their right mind, I could be wrong, because lots of people went to China, lots of people went to Saudi. No footballer is going to go in their right mind, just be like, you know what, I'll go there for 500 grand a week and I'll just sit on the bench. Or I will do, because think about it, Chelsea tried this, buying all the best players, thinking they can stay on the bench if we give them big contracts.
we We did it with, okay, excuse me, someplace I'm going to lay them out here, but you're going to be like, who? Mattiah Kesmon, we did it with, you're going to think, who? yeah But he came on, he played one game, I think, and they were like against Barcelona where we won that Champions League, do you know, remember that night where Ronaldinho did a tick tick and then he scored like one of the greatest goals or something like that.
him. The following seasons when we kept losing and we tried to bring Pep Guardiola after he finished that buy-in, sorry Abbarsa, but then he took a year out, we bought, tried to buy flare players, Mohamed Salah, Kevin De Bruyne, Marco Marin, all these players we bought them and they all came. Abramovich probably thought I'll buy them, I'll keep them here, but eventually they'll go, then they'll be like I actually want to play football because I'm in love with football, I have enough money. I can make a million, I can make 500,
It is a lot of money to you and I, but to these guys, they can make more money. They can make money for bonuses. They can make money for winning trophies and so on. So for me, I think history will just repeat itself. If there was no PSR, history will repeat itself. i man city Again, by the way, can I just say it? I don't think City are winning because of the owners. I think City are winning simply because of Pep Guardiola.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's not of a doubt. If Pep Guardiola leaves, they can have the World XI, like the Galactico's were not so long ago. What did they win apart from? A couple of La Liga's and no Champions League. I'm not talking, they won a Champions League with Zidane and so on, but I'm not saying there's Zidane, the Figo, the Beckham, the Ronaldo's, the Flip, you name them, the list went on. Galactico's, that's what the name was given to them. Like on paper, you'd think, going to walk every Premier League game, and they didn't. Every Premier League, sorry, every game they played, every Champions League, yeah and they didn't.
I'm on that thought. Let them do what they want to do. For example, whoever can do it can do it, but I can't see, they won't win. When Pep Guardiola retires, they won't win. Or whatever Pep goes, I can't see them winning the league. It's going to happen the same as what happened to United under Fergie. Fergie won those titles because of his man management, tactician, and one of the greatest managers to ever live. And you just think to yourself, Fergie left, what happened to United? And everybody then starts looking, Oh, Fergie had an agent team. He won the fucking league the year before.
Do you know what I mean? Just before he left, he won the Premier League. Granted, the rest of the teams weren't amazing, but he still won the Premier League. He was right there. That's where I'm at with it all. I think Arteta's close to it. I think Arteta's going to be amazing. I think my guy, Chelsea guy, Mareska, is doing indeed excuse me he's doing well. He's doing okay. Early, yeah. yeah no yeah It's early days. but but i mean I'm just on that history stuff. It didn't work for Chelsea. I can't see it working for Man City for much longer either. they will and They'll enjoy it probably a decade and a half of this and then all of a sudden it'll be like, oh. But again, Pope Guardiola, the bastards keep staying there and signing a contract video. Yeah, yeah did the prick. But no, I think you're making a very interesting point there, to be honest. um You're right. When you actually think back in the last 20 years of the Premier League, it's always been
mostly two teams who have competed for the league, right? yeah I mean, yes, there's been very good games and very excellent matches and all that stuff. that that's thats That's never in doubt. But yeah, when you think about it, it was what? from At the beginning, it was Man United Arsenal.
Right, like in the 90s. With Blackburn in there. Do you see what I'm saying? like It was Man United Arsenal, early 2000s, Man United Arsenal and then Chelsea. Do you know what I mean? But there was always two teams there. Maybe Chelsea weren't competing with Man United, they were competing with Arsenal for one season, whatever. But it you're right. yeah When you think about it, even with a great Chelsea team as it was in the mid 2000s, all the way up to winning the Champions League in 2012, I think ah Yeah, it's like literally repeating itself with Man City right now. I feel like it's just a cycle. You had Leicester in there, which was Blackburn, now it's obviously Man City. There you go, perfect. Man City Liverpool... um And it was City Liverpool for a while, then Arsenal took over. It was, just absolutely. Arsenal came the Chelsea of the early 2000s, on the late 2000s, well, recently anyway. Let's not even try and give it time for him money, but recently. on it
you know Arsenal became the Chelsea of 2000 and then we'll see what happens between City Arsenal, City Arsenal before somebody else comes in. yeah Honestly and I always feel as well like oh but they're going to buy the best players and so the best players do not It's not even that though is it like you we've played football we've played five a side right you get all of your guys who you think are skillful yeah technically gifted and what do you do everybody wants to score everybody wants to take people on and it's not a game it's a team sport you need runners you need clinical players you need players who are willing to not be selfish and sit back and defend you need a tall quality goalkeeper if you have everybody who wants the headlines i'll go back to the galactic cause even ral Madrid now
Barca are doing better because they're playing for a certain system and team rather than everybody's trying to play Mbappe for himself and it's just juniors for himself, Rodrigo for himself trying to get on the team. Jude Bellingham trying to get a little bit more because obviously so it's not a fluke season last year. Honestly I don't think no matter who they get, no matter how much money they spend, I can't see them winning the league one pep Guardiola leaves.
Yeah, I could agree i could be eating my words, but yeah, they could spend literally four billion on a team and I can't see them when they want to go out of the leaves. Because look at what happened to us, we spent a billion. Yeah. And we're still... I know, but in that one, two windows, we spent a billion thinking we're buying quality players. No, bro, we bought crap, we bought a shite, like a bunch of shite.
Yeah, absolutely like literal trash, to be honest with you. I even even i listen it. It doesn't hurt when I say it. It hurts when you say it. I'm glad. I'm glad. That's why I said it. There is no apologies right there. But like I said, that's an interesting point. i i didn't i've I've never thought of it that from that angle. But yeah, it makes a lot of sense that that that is the case. And again, you're right. When I think about the the charges and all that stuff for Man City and blah, blah, blah, right? Because I'm sick of talking about it and hearing about it.
You know, it's not even why they're winning. It's because the coach is the coach. Do you know what I mean? But even the coach has his limitations and runs out of ideas at a certain point, which we saw at Bayern. Do you know what I mean? You wouldn't call that a successful couple of seasons. Do you know what I'm saying? No, I wouldn't call that either, to be honest. And then obviously with Man City, it took a couple of years just to get into the swing of things. But then he picked up momentum. Same with Barcelona. He left because he'd run out of ideas. There was not much that he could do there because Messi was there anyway. Do you know what I mean? He was just doing his thing.
um So yeah, that's fair. That's fair. Okay. Okay. Man City. I mean, I don't, yeah, I really don't want to carry on talking about Man City to be fair with you, but you know, screw that guys. Hope they lose every single game and the core battle. And the core battle. I was literally but about to add that I'm being a hypocrite. I don't really care. I was just trying to be funny with the core battle. I really couldn't care less what happens to him.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, it is what it is at this point. And I think you're right. I think it's made into a bigger deal than it should have been anyway. I think it sells though, doesn't it? It sells stories, you know, some movements. And I remember with Chelsea as a fan, you bought the title where you got named like Chelsky's and anything you can do, like a Russian link to it. Because that's how it is. That's how football football fans talk. Sometimes people are not willing to admit to be like, actually, my team is trash.
yeah And that's why they won the league, or that's why City are winning the league, or that's why City won the treble. Do you know what I mean? Man United had the most money. Always, you're right, team with the most money will win because they'll have the better infrastructure, better so on and so forth. But it ultimately comes down to those 11 players on the pitch and how you can coach them to not be selfish and play for what's in front of the shirt rather than what's at the back of the shirt.
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, you're right. It's, you know, Galactico's is the perfect example and there not much need to know yeah not much needs to be said about that, to be fair. But but yeah, I mean, any any other interesting footballing news that you've come across recently? I've come across over my raw Madrid trying to be cheeky and trying to get Trent Alexander-Arnold for ยฃ10m. I'm like, what the fuck are they playing at? I understand his contract situation is a joke at the minute, but really, ยฃ10m?
Yeah, I think i think that's that's a slap in the face and I think i think Liverpool need to shut that down ASAP. But yeah, I think we're Real Madrid, they're just stirring shit, aren't they? Even with Saliba as well, they want to get him next summer. I mean, i said I said in the group, i said in the group like if they want to go in for Saliba, at this point in time, bear in mind he's 23-year-old, by the way.
He's 23-year-old and these man wanna go in there and it's like, mate, you put up 180 million, right? And then, yes, I'll think about it and we'll have a chat. Who'd you buy, by the way? How would you buy to replace Saliba? Because Gabriel would be awful without Saliba. I can guarantee you right now. Gabriel's decent, but we saw a couple of years ago, maybe he's got better with time, but Saliba came in. Saliba is the calm to the storm. Yeah, absolutely. He is the storm, he is the thunders. By the way, speaking of storm,
I hope everybody in the US is okay in Florida and Napa, yes because obviously see everything that's going on. i I just got a visual of the storms that I saw on social media, like these these motherfuckers are ruthless. but yeah yeah Nature is a bitch, by the way. Yeah, quickly and the back into the arsenal. Yeah, he's he he is ruthless. He is.
careless but he's the calm to him so he's like the yin and yang we spoke a little bit about it last time who'd you buy like here you can get 180 million first can you guarantee that stankronky or whoever else is in charge i think it's his son now i don't know his name could you invest 180 million or will they keep some of the money? Because think about 180 million for a 23 year old is a lot of money. I can't see Madrid doing it, by the way. No, no, no, of course not. But that' hypothetically speaking, yeah who would you buy? Like, you know, you you wouldn't. I mean, you wouldn't. yeah definitely you wouldn't go in, like you couldn't get a defender like Saliba at this point in time. Like not one that I've seen from from any of the league, no one that's popping out, do you know what I mean? Whereas with Saliba, even at a younger age, he was making he was making some sort of headlines, you know, because of the 27 million fucking price tag. So think about that. It was 18 year old, we paid 27 million for it. He didn't play for us for like three seasons. So you know what I mean? So anything is possible. But then again, Arsenal's transfer business has been,
a joke like for a long time so but uh but yeah you're right who would you buy and you would only invest in other parts of the team you know because you couldn't defender wise you just have to get a defender who you think all right he'll do but is that good enough This is what I mean. is It's always good, isn't it? what Like the thing is with, you know, they say, oh, how much Saliba worth? Saliba's worth however much someone is willing to pay for him. But at the same time, the selling person or the selling club, they can just be like, no, he's worth more to me. So there's fucking no way. There's no price. Yeah, exactly. So I'm hoping I'm hoping like even if Saliba stays with Arsenal for like five years, right? He's 28.
by the time he leaves, yeah? He could still do a job. if he Obviously no injuries, obviously he touched one and all that shit. He carries on in this trajectory of his career. He could still do a Real Madrid for another five, six years. hundred Look at Rudiger. Rudiger disappointed with Chelsea and left and there's that Madrid, won the Champions League with Chelsea, won the Champions League with Real Madrid.
And at that point, when it's 27, 28, obviously no one's going to fucking charge 180 million and it's even easier for Real Madrid. Do you see what I mean? Obviously, I'm not suggesting. I'm not suggesting. I'm not suggesting you're a trophy. I hear what you're saying, but money doesn't matter to fans. For me, like if we really pull ourselves back. I don't know. I wouldn't. I don't know if my club makes 180 million on Cole Palmer. All I want to call Palmer to do is win trophies. So I've got bragging rights in my group chat, within my social group, and I can chat shit and be like, ah, call Palmer, call Palmer, kiss him, blah, blah, blah, your team is this. Just like I experienced it three, four seasons, five seasons, maybe not five, but a couple of seasons ago, on the bounce. So for me, I don't really care. For me, Palmer, as far as I was just quickly saying, Palmer, priceless for me. I don't want to sell him at any price. Because there's nobody I can buy. And same for me, for you, I think, with celebrities.
A solid defence, like we said last time, wins your championships, yeah an attack and win your matches. Van Dijk came to Liverpool, they won the league, won the Champions League, because he was solid at the back. And they played a different way as well, obviously he was very good. By the way, for any listeners, he is not in the top 10 defenders of all time. I can guarantee that, right? Vergil.
You just pissed off some listeners right there, bro. You pissed off some listeners. Well, listen, we all talk about opinions, but for me, he's not in the top 10 of all time. But we'll get back into that a different time. That's a different conversation, for sure. But what I'm saying with Saliba going back to it, I can't see you guys selling him. I don't think you guys should sell him. I can't give a fuck whether you do or don't, but I don't think you should sell him. But onto Trend, what caught my attention was they're trying the same trick with Trend that they probably did with Mbappe.
where they'll probably offer him a huge signing on bonus yeah if he goes to Ramadran. And realistically, Trent has done everything he can in the Premier League. He's won the Carball Cup, he's won the FA Cup, he's won the Champions League, yeah he's won that he's won the Premier premi League. There's not much more he can do. yeah He's actually completed it, bro. So now go to Spain. And realistically speaking, playing for the Premier League is like the royal level of any game. is it really this I mean, it's in the name, isn't it? crap Real. It's literally in the name, Real.
If you were to play a computer game, that that is like top of the top, isn't it? That is yeah like up there. Right, okay. you know it's ah You know you're a great team if on FIFA people go, right, you can't be Real Madrid.
yeah Yeah, I'll give you a gift. You can't be Real Madrid or Man City, right? Not historically, obviously. But no, okay. With Trent, I think you're right. If he goes, I wouldn't be surprised. And obviously, it'll be a loss to Liverpool. I don't think it'll be a big loss. I'll be honest with you. I don't think it'll be a big loss.
i think i'm sorry for where he goes forward yeah I'm with you on that. <unk>' be a good yeah yeah yeah For what he offers defensively, compared to what he offers going forward, it's like, well, they've got the Salas and the Nunez and the, i sorry, I say Nunez because it's a forward, by the way, not for any other particular reason, but they've got Grabenburch, obviously for your boy.
Now, Graven Birch is my boy now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's alright. He's alright still. I don't know what slots are done, but he's definitely slot him in the right place there and he's doing alright the lad. They're both Dutch, right? They're both Dutch? maybe Maybe it was a language barrier between him and Jรผrgen. Maybe the English didn't work. Maybe we need to speak. I mean, the the German and Dutch, it's quite similar, so I'm pretty sure one of them... Anyway, it doesn't matter. Something wasn't clicking among the Jรผrgen. Something did not work. Nothing, nothing. It's his teeth. It's like, boss, I can't look at your teeth. God damn it. Ah, shit. Don't smile at me, boss. But um yeah, you're right with with with Trent. If he goes, and I personally, I think he probably should again in the, you know, in the rivalry sense, couldn't give a flying toss, but you know, I think he should go because it'll be a different experience for him. And I think he, he would, so but if he does well, he would cement himself as a, as a good,
sort of right back, again, what position would you even put him in, by the way? I don't know, mainly you're literally saying that, you're submitting stuff, I was like, where, the like right wing back, right back, right wing, where's he playing at? Yeah, the space? What's the space between right back and CDM? Like, what's the space, what's that space called? RCDM. Right wing CDM? R-W-C-D-M? R-W-C-D-M? Shit. R-W-C-D-M. Damn, he's the first and only R-W-C-D-M that, you know, he'll have his own class, that's how good he will be.
so I've got a feeling he will go. if live Because obviously he's now at his stage, I think most footballers, when they get to a certain level, they'll try and make as much money they can. Especially somebody like Trent, who's won everything, maybe he'll be like, I've cemented my name in the history books of Liverpool, one of the greatest, even that night in the Champions League, that quick thinking of the corner of Pasadena. You know what I mean? that was That will forever go down in the history books. And it will always be remembered.
but Personally, I think he'll go. I think he'll go. And Liverpool fans really need to start thinking a little bit sooner because the moment you mentioned they've got Salah in Nunes, I put Salah and I underlined him multiple times under the name. I underlined the name multiple times. Wait, wait way with pause because we not it wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Because we're to get into the Salah conversation. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me think. but not We're going to get into the salad conversation because of obviously what we talked about in the group chat briefly, like, you know, with with our, with our certain listeners. What we talked about last year, what we talked about recently, yeah you know, we've been talking about it. So let me just wrap up on that rate. Trent definitely should go in my personal opinion. I think you're agreed. Yeah.
Definitely should go because again, so even like, you know, fuck you to the Liverpool fans. No, it's not even that I'm just thinking about the player like shit I don't again less about the team go out there try your luck If you're doing well, you'll win a Champions League with Real Madrid, then you'll definitely cement yourself in the IWCDM spot. Yeah So I do you CDM. I love you that's the name of the podcast. but That's the name of the title now ah Name of the title? No, name of the episode, Jesus. can't even i knew we knew I knew what you meant, the listeners knew what you meant. it is for Everyone knew it. and At least we've clarified it at 55 minutes. Thank you, thank you so much. So when they've read the title of the episode, w cv yeah what let's have a listen, on what what is this? And then at 55 minutes they're gonna be like, ah. Boom, right there, in your face. um But yeah, okay, okay so obviously you know I did say in the group that I would bring this up.
on the episode about Mohammed Saleh and... OK, look, no, no wait, waitre wait, wait. I'm going to step back and I'm just going to let you cook. yeah it's so you just but do you think yeah because it's in the fridge broke It's in the fridge, I already cooked it. je i'm saying I just need to de-thaw it. I just need to microwave it on some shit. Let it defrost. Exactly. not The thing is, right, and again, I say it in the sense of...
obviously football because who gives a shit about Liverpool but with Mohammed Saleh the fact that when he was offered that sort of money or when Liverpool were offered that sort of money from Saudi from Saudi could like two three seasons ago I think that genuinely should have been the time for him to go or for Liverpool to cash in on Mohammed Saleh because because of the points that I made in the group chat, which I know you're reading right now. I'm trying to see how old he is. That's what I'm trying to find now.
I think he's about 33, maybe? 32, 33? So the point that I was trying to make was like, yes, he's still good, but unfortunately, just like with most players, he's going to be on a downward career trajectory. Do you know what I mean? That's twice I've used the word trajectory in this episode. That's not the title though. That's not the title. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's always RWC, yeah.
um But yeah, so that that was my point was like, you know, fair enough. Yeah, he's going to still do the business in the next season or whatever. But then what you're going to do, are you going to offer him another one or two plus one or a one year contract? Do you know what I'm saying? But then you're just hanging on to him at that point. You know, his value will diminish standard as as it is right now. You know, obviously, Salah, no one's going to come in for like 150 million but from any Saudi club to bring Salah there. I don't think. And um again, I could be totally, totally wrong.
because, you know, some Saudi club may actually come in with 100 mil to bring Salah in. But I'm saying if that doesn't happen, then I just feel like Liverpool have missed the chance to cash in on one of the best wingers in the Premier League history.
I agree with you. I agree with you 100%. This happened ages ago. Because i don't think I don't think he can offer the same level of output that he did in order for them to to sort of for him to pay Liverpool back and be like, oh, he's another Champions League. He's another league for you. Again, now too early. i'm just so yeah I'll be honest with you, I can't see it happening. If we can talk about it because we can't see it happening.
Yeah, if that if that happens at the end of the season and Salah is another Premier League winner, it's like, second Premier League winner, it's like, fair enough, okay, I'll eat my words, do you know what I'm saying? Whatever it is, I'll wear a Liverpool shirt for for a day or something. what You don't need to. No, I'm just saying. to say Well done, for that's it. Yeah, a bit of a clap, moving on. So that that was my my point, but obviously, you know, with with great players of any club, they're always gonna, you know, make,
Not excuses, because that sounds a bit shitty. I don't mean excuses. I mean, they're always going to have a reason. Yeah, don't provide a justification for why he stayed. Justification. That's what I'll do, yeah. I think what happens is, because again, if you're referring to back what, some of the messages that the lads were putting on as well, and it's not just them. I've got Liverpool fans at work. Yeah, this is all Liverpool fans, by the way, yeah. It's 150 million for a 31-year-old, because I think it happened last year. They were like, oh, I got offered last year this season. What are we going to do? Prices would have been inflated.
Nobody gives a fuck what you're going to do. You weren't going to win the yeah the league that year. You're going to finish more than likely fourth. You accept 150 million for more salad and you rebuild another title winning sport, just like you did when you got 160 million or 150 for Coutinho. You know what I mean? That's what you do. A 31-year-old. I 100% agree with you. He's on the downward slope of that peak performance now. He is coming down. It would have been great for everybody. But yeah like you said, fans will always try to stick onto the player and say, like oh, but it's great to have around the dressing room.
Not for 150 million, isn't it? um so i mean It's great to have around the dressing room if players can just get cut off, like again if i because I can only speak from my experience as a team. When we Lampard went on to fucking New York and then he went to Man City, like that should not have happened. He should have stayed around for the team, played his salary. yeah But not if they offered 150 million. like Bro, he can go to wherever he wants for 150 million at 33-year-old Lampard. You won the Champions League, you won the Premier League, you won this, you won that. Let us have this money so we can have a different... Because the fans are always going to support the club. You can go down in the history books, regardless of where you stay. But what's going to happen is, as football fans, we're very quickly to forget is, the moment he starts not performing at the level, we're about to sell a shit, sell a shit. And then you start tarnishing his name and nobody's going to be there. And then you don't remember the good times anymore. Exactly. Exactly.
And this is the thing with Liverpool fans, and not just Liverpool fans, and fans in general who sometimes just need to step back and look out of it and be like, you know what, we want to win the league again. Salah did it for us, he was amazing, but now it's time to cash in. Fergie did it, we back him, get rid, something happened, let's get rid of Bex, he goes to Real Madrid, let me bring somebody else in, let me do this, let me do that, and great managers will do that, great clubs of our own, and run well, they will do that, but for me Salah should have definitely gone.
Yeah, I mean, i i'm I'm talking from the point of view of like from the perspective of Liverpool as as the club, you know, I mean, I just feel like some decisions probably were made, especially because I'm pretty sure they knew that club was going to leave in the next couple of years. I'm pretty sure they knew that. So it's like. yeah So it's like, okay, well, look, Klopp's leaving. We're definitely going to bring in a new manager, obviously. and He's going to want to rebuild, and why not let him rebuild without a more salah there so he doesn't even have to consider him and be like, oh, well, I have to fit him in now. And yeah, of course you do, because it's fucking more salah. Do you know what I'm saying? By no means, from what I'm saying right now, just so but I can make this clear for the for the football universe, right?
By no means am I saying that Salah has lost his ability. I'm saying it's only natural for him to do that. And again, he's not going to be a 30 plus scorer anymore. Like he hasn't been. And again, the output, like I said, the output shows it. Do you know what I mean? Whether he was injured or not, the output shows it. And again, there's no way he's going to reach 30 goals this season. I could be, I could be so fucking wrong.
I could be so fucking wrong, but chances are, I'm not going to. As long as I keep him more fantasy league, he's not scoring 30 goals, because every time I put him on, he's never seem to, he seems to be shy. Blame Rick, everyone blame Rick, okay? He only seems to get a point or two from him. I put him on, I triple captained him, I did this, I put him against Nightingale Forest at home, I said he's going to get a hatchet, he got beat 1-0. Okay. Afro Salah, right? Afro Salah was... All day, every day. Afro Salah. That's the new, that's going to be part of the episode title. So Afro Salah, right? He was... Afro Salah versus Hairline Salah.
oh Yeah, like yeah, it's no comparison two different players make two two different players made you know, I mean, yeah, who are you but so yeah, I think and there's a saying from from the dark night where it's like You you either die a hero or live long enough to see see yourself as the villain, right? So I'm not sick again. These are just Chats. These are just discussions, you know what I mean? This is not to say it's not. So so please people out there don't have like a stay of fucking cor- Yeah, don't have a coronary, all right? Don't fucking start punching walls and shit. Calm yourselves down. But yeah, so I think, yeah, with Salah, because he is such a great player, I just don't, like you said, I don't want to listen to Liverpool fans in two years' time and be like, oh, well, fucking Salah lost it. It's like, well, what the fuck did you expect? Lost it two years ago, bro.
Yeah, what did you expect? It was only it was only natural, but yeah, ah you know you'll probably leave at the end of the season. I think you will. if not you Do you think they'll accept the money but he chose not to go?
because although he's Muslim, he's not really the practicing Muslim where he wanted to stay in Saudi, you know, like where the missus has to be fully covered, et cetera, et cetera. Cause he is quite Westernized Muslim sort course he lives saw a thing, isn't he really? mean Maybe I could be wrong. I could be wrong, but I'm just saying, do you think the club accepted cause I can't see any of those FN way or whatever the ownership, then we grew be oh that's what his Fenway. Yeah, I can't see them thinking, No, let's not sell, because in um they're Americans, brother they like want to cash in on their assets straight away. 31 year old seller, surely they knew, surely, because they are clever business people who have made billions of pounds. yeah Surely they knew and thought, let me cash in. But he turned them down, so then let's spin the narrative quickly and be like, no, we're not selling seller. So then all the fans jump on the narrative rather than pause and think,
did really like whatever his name John W Henry or whatever his name is yeah not except 150 is that the same I missed out my apologies John Henry the second second please please come on yeah come on you're a friend of mine we're professional general journalists here what am I doing yeah it's standard standard point is like do we think surely he's accepted inside it's going no I don't want to do that and now Sorry, if Salah decided that. They're struggling to possibly move him on for 150 million. I don't mean struggling because they're not struggling at all. No, no, they're not. Of course not. And again, Liverpool, yes, they've had a bit of a downfall, but again, they've had a downfall in comparison to the peak seasons. Do you know what I'm saying? But when you compare them to other clubs, yes, they are fucking one of the top three clubs in the Premier League right now. 100%. And they have been. They genuinely have been. I can't even deny that. 100%.
I don't, I don't hate on Liverpool like I would hate on a Man United or Tottenham. Do you know what I'm saying? I just, I respect Liverpool even as a, as a business, you know what I mean? Like even as the group itself, like it's like, all right, cool. You're American. You've done this for a long time. You've owned, you own the Red Sox or some shit. I think Boston Red Sox here. So their own boss at Red Sox is like, yeah, they're a winning team. So it's like, you got a good heritage. Do you know what I'm saying? Stan Kronke, he's doing that with Arsenal, with his own sports teams. You know, they all won, Rams won, the Nuggets won. Do you know what I mean? So again, he's building his own franchise, which is, you know, if Arsenal win a Champions League, for example, a Premier League, that'd be a good little addition. But like if Salah decided not to go, then I think, yeah, I think that January would have respected him enough to be like, come on, whatever. Yeah, that's no problem. Definitely stay. And again,
at the And the flip side of that coin is, it's like, obviously, you know, you you definitely have to think of the fact that he probably said no because like, yeah, I'm going to Saudi, but who, who the fuck am I competing against?
Yeah, exactly. Who loves me in Saudi? Yeah, like what? OK, let's say he's going to be in the team with Ronaldo. All right. Nice one. So you're going to get fucking 70 goals between you. Second. Well done. And still be the second name. And still be the second name. Exactly. Or you can be the first name in Liverpool. Well, in the Premier League, he is one of the first names. Yeah, he is. Ali Haaland, Mohammed Saleh. You know what I'm saying? No, I'm sorry. I was wrong. You're right. He is. And he has been for a very long time. And again, massive respect to the player. And that's why I just feel like with liver from a Liverpool point of view.
Yeah, he should have probably cashed in. But on the flip side, it should be decided that he didn't want to leave. It's like, yeah, that's fair enough. You've made that decision. And I respect that because you wanted to compete. You chose football over money. That's a tick in my book, mate. Do you know what I mean? You're a good player. I agree with that. The reason is that if Liverpool have rejected and he wanted to leave, then that's bad business. Oh, yeah. That's what we're saying, isn't it? It's respectful that they've respected his decision if he declined the offer. But it's bad business if Liverpool declined the offer.
Yes, I think so. And I don't think Salah is probably the type of player that would have said no. Yes, try to push a move through to go to Salah. He makes enough money. He's probably on 400 grand a week. My point is his left, right and centre has won what he's won. Nah. But yeah, well, here's another one then. Go on, go on. Hit me with it. Hit me with it. No, I was just going to finish me off on the whole Salah one. We're wrapped up. That's wrapped up on the Salah, yes. Liverpool fans get in touch. Let us know what's going on.
I'm gonna have a drink of water, Rick, so you take this one. You have a drink of water. I'm gonna take a little drink of my dried blueberries.
Cheers to you, sir. Thank you very much, sir. With, I hope, zero slurp. For me, my man, the question I wanted to ask you, how were you feeling and seeing Saka come off injured for it? Well, you didn't watch it, but hearing, it I guess, and reading. I did not, yeah. Yeah, because I said, did you see it? And I remembered nobody was in the international football, but England versus Greece. But I wish we'd need to talk about it, by the way, as well, about that um tooth formation. I saw what you put in the shot. Tooth formation? What was that? OK, OK. Come back to that a bit. Let's go with Saka first. Let's go with Saka first.
um Apparently, I'm just looking at some of the ah some of the headlines in regards to this and Bukai Saka Injury sees Arsenal fans claim international break. Curse has struck again. You know, we're we're we're ah we're and we're a fucking, you know, hysteria bunch. Arsenal fans, we really are like, you know, oh no, he got it right. He's not your baby. Calm yourself fucking down, all right? He's got, he has literally got the best help for whatever injury that he has.
Do you know what I'm saying? Whatever it is, outside of a fucking gunshot wound, he has got the best care in the world. Like, for me and you, if we fucking break an ACL or whatever it is, ruptured it, that's it. That's 30 years of limping and it's like, ah, physio's too expensive, fuck the NHS, waiting around, whatever it is. So you're gonna have to make do with that on ankle, right? That's just the way it works. The way the NHS will send you home with a flu, hi it's it's viral, go home.
Yeah, it's they just walk it off. Oh, all right. Nice one. Thanks, mate. But, you know, whereas these guys are literally, you know, he'll wake up, he'll have the fucking physio at his leg. Do you know what I'm saying? Ready to go? It's like, oh, you're up. OK, let's go pop, pop, pop, whatever they need to do. I don't know what they're doing with the pop, pop, pop, by the way. I don't know what that was. That was like a little. He hasn't ruptured his asianity. Are you just? No, no, I'm just. um I'm just like, oh, wow. No, no, that's major. No, that's major. Yes. I'm saying, you know, even Jesus himself couldn't even fucking fix that one.
Well not in time anyway, not in time. Not in the time frame that you're dealing with? No, not at all. What is the injury by the way? What is it? I'm just having a quick look. Special journalists. So obviously they mentioned the order guard injuries. He's out soliciting his ear. That was from international duty and I don't even know what it was to be honest.
Maybe we'll wait. Maybe we'll give more news. maybe more I was going to say, you carry on. Let me have a you carry let me have a look at this. Well, I just wanted to know like how Arsenal fans felt about the fact that Odegard is off.
injured. Not sure when he'll return. Sucker limping off or stretch. No, I don't think he would stretch it off. I think he was just no i li like he just got limped off or something early due to an injury. england's england medical team so The national medical team are going to get in touch, keep an eye on him, see how he is and then just make it the decision whether he goes back to his club for further treatment or can he stay with the camp. I'm pretty certain he'll probably go back. I'm sure Artetto will be like, I want him here so I can see him and see how he is and have the Arsenal medical team. But like you said earlier as well, fans need to calm down because this guy's got probably the best treatment or access to the best treatment possible. I mean, we all want for Kawasaki. How do you feel? How do you feel having no autograph and no soccer?
i think I think from what I've seen so far from the team, I think there's enough players to contribute and who, I don't even know who we've got next to be honest, I think it's Bournemouth. I'm just about to check now. I think it's Bournemouth. We'll do predictions obviously next week or whenever the week, yeah next week. yeah So I think it's Bournemouth, I'm pretty sure it is. Anyway. um Yeah, Bournemouth away.
ah bomb with the away right So I think we've got enough players in the team right now in the squad to maybe you know pull another win out. May may struggle may struggle because you know it's just the midfield is not sort of clicking at at this particular point in time and obviously last match we had fucking Thomas Hardy on the right wing and shit so it's like right back and it's like what? Why not just fucking put Tommy Yasu, he was there already.
but but so yeah withacer It says here, by the way, just somebody felt something on his leg, but he was seen walking after after the fucking match of Wembley. So so I'm i'm just thinking, right? What if it was just the whole play he played, he played back. Yeah, I tell this like, look, mate, I need you to fucking go down in the 15th or whatever minute it was. The dark arts. Yeah, the dark arts strike again, right? Because obviously that's the team where we are now. You know, we were apparently competing in fucking Hogwarts. Do you know what I'm saying?
So yeah, Arsenal, whatever it is. The hat was actually- Was that you trying to be the hat? Yeah, that was me being the hat, yeah. But I can't even remember what the hat sounded like, to be honest. But, you know. I just know you said the Gryffindor. Yeah, Gryffindor. All that shit. So Arsenal, it sounds right. You know, it sounds like a wand movement, you know what I mean? Yeah. Asinolonius, whatever it is. But yeah, so I think, you know, if it's something like that, that'd be hilarious. And I would love that. I genuinely love that. I can't even- Yeah, fuck it. I can't even, you know, I can't even be mad at that. That's just fun. That's just it brilliant. It's like, this music this is what come to now, right? yeah This is what we've come to now competing against a fucking juggernaut like Man City. And so, yeah Pep Guardiola, fuck Man City. I think it's more of a, I think it's a Pep, yeah. You could take over Leicester. It's definitely a Pep.
He could take over Leicester, and in three years he would have him a fucking winning Champions League. That's how good the guy is. Okay, Leicester's a bit extreme. I was going to say, I think Pep Guardiola is the kind of manager who will take over teams that have got finances, that he can buy certain plays, to have options. Anyway, moving on to it. You've got Bournemouth, but then you've got Liverpool at home. So these are the matches, obviously, will Odegaard be back? Will Saka be back by then? If it is the Dark Arts, I'm so sorry for saying the Dark Arts, that was a bit challenging. No, I love it, just do it. If it is part of a ploy to kind of get him back into the team quicker, because last international break, I thought Cole Palmer should have been picked, and apparently he was like, oh, he's not feeling very well, so he stayed off. And I was like, they've probably just kept him back here. Like, Mareska's probably said, you know what, son? Dark Arts.
d da ah ah but do it so yeah advice by way you have to do can't just go d ada because yeah kinds good deal' well district attorney what
Yeah, we watched the American TV, so yeah, whatever. But not I thought that as well. And if it is that granted, why not do whatever you can to win the league, man? Keep your best players into you, because Liverpool is a huge game. Liverpool refers to you guys as second or third. Where are you, by the way? we I think we are second because of goal difference. I believe my city have got one. You are expected to beat Bournemouth away, so obviously you seem to beat Bournemouth away. Yeah, of course.
and I like how you said expected. Chelsea were expected to walk, the mu that we beat whoever the hell we beat. i think wolves And then we got there and we struggled. The players seemed to kind of just take it down a notch and be really naive on their approach. so so okay so so some would do with it for the dark If he's doing it as a ploy to try to get him to be better and and kind of like think of tactically and so on then yeah you know what fair play to him because that'll be honest nobody's going to remember these two games he's still going to get picked for the World Cup not because of how he performs on the international breaks he's going to how he performs in the Premier League. In the club yeah absolutely and I think I think there's enough and enough has been sent from managers across across leagues really not just the Premier League where you know they've expressed
How much the players are obviously on field now and it's like what almost 11 months throughout the year that they're playing I don't even I think prop yeah, so I don't I don't agree with that as much as we like football like I said to you on the first episode back I genuinely stopped watching after the euros couldn't care less about any other football in between no cop America and none of the Olympics and all that shit and because i couldn't I just couldn't care less. And friendlies, the only reason I'd watch Arsenal friendlies is just to see the new players. It's like, oh, okay, he's on the pitch. I haven't seen him play before. That's fine. And again, I saw that live when ah when I saw the Leverkusen game, like at the Emirates. But, you know, that was that wasn't like, I wasn't going to get too excited over it. So, but yeah, I think... finally Exactly, exactly. So yeah, fuck international breaks. They are causing a lot of problems and I think Wayfair and FIFA need to actually get the shit together and be like, look, this is too much fucking football. and but ah yeah It's a sponsor thing, isn't it? Sponsors seem to talk and money seems to talk. They're just trying to make more and more money and I get it. But at the same time, quality is going to drop, you know? Absolutely. The whole thing that makes football, sorry, go on. Can I just say real quick, right, that you're saying sponsors, yeah? But it's football. It is the international sport. Like, it is football. It doesn't matter, like, if you don't play the fucking Nations League right, I'm sure Subway can fucking sponsor another league game or some shit. Do you know what I'm saying?
Coca-Cola, Gazprom, whatever the fuck it is, right? No, sorry, it can't be Gazprom anymore, kind of, because they're Russian. Whatever the hell, whoever our sponsor is, right? Pepsi or some shit. I'm sure they can fucking do, they can wait two years to make some extra bit of cash. Do you know what I'm saying? Fucking Euros or a World Cup. You don't need to sponsor a Nations League. Like, no one gives a flying toss. Same as Conference League, like the UEFA Conference League. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The one that Chelsea's in, yeah.
youre Sorry, Europa Conference League. It's like, why would you add another tournament? Like, that just literally takes away from... It's just a money grabbing thing, isn't it? that' yeah Exactly. You're taking away from... i know I know the Europa League wasn't prestigious. However, for smaller clubs or clubs who were just sort of, like, bit on the rocks, for example, like a Chelsea, because you won that. Man United won that. Do you know what I'm saying? So it's like, Arsenal didn't win that. um Apparently, we weren't really a struggling club. I don't know what to make of that, actually. um so Are you a struggle too much?
Oh, too much. air We couldn't even handle that shit. So maybe the conference thing was for us. No, with the Europa League, it came too late when you hit when you peaked. You should have came earlier. Exactly, exactly. But with with being too soon with the Europa League, we grew up with that as the UEFA Cup. Do you know what I'm saying? We knew that existed and we knew that, OK, you're going to lose from a Champions League as ah as a big team, you're going to go to Europa League. yeah And you're expected to win. And we had the banter about... you know we Now we're going to start writing jokes all across. yeah Thursdays, Channel 5, whatever the things are, because of the Champions League.
like but I'm with you mate, it's just too much, it's too too much football and the quality of football is going to drop. You start watching, I don't know, Spain, Portugal, like let me watch all these games. And as it becomes a passing game of two yard passes because the players are exhausted from running around, from playing 38 games or 60 games or 70 games that Saka played the season before, then go and play.
international break against Gibraltar or whoever the hell is like Malta or somebody's like where he's playing against farmers and against part-timer doctors and so on and you think to yourself this is a football this is not the level you can't have the best in the Premier League ah going again I'm just talking about England I'm sure other nations do this of course of course yeah against you know Who was it, San Marino or something, where they've got like the goalkeeper's a butcher or something, or he's a farmer. Yeah, they're all coppers and postmen and shit like that. Why is that even why is that even part of the calendar of like international? I get it, you need international breaks to see him and keep the team together. but
Just no finish the season finish the season by March Do a couple of matches or maybe like a little something that you can say the teams gets together the international team Whatever else but no, ah there's got to be ah maybe that's a bad example as well But there's got to be a better solution to just say it football football football yeah as much as like you said As much as we are fans and always have been, it's yeah it's just too much now. it's It feels like it's going to waste and it's going to waste with good players, you know what I mean? Because it's like it's like I should really watch it because there does there there are excellent players here but I just do not care enough about the tournament.
But also then, I'm sorry bro, maybe good players are pulling out, like Saka did, like Palmer did the maybe maybe a hypothetical maybe. But they're going to have their own hands. They're going to have to sit in their own hands. You know, what I can't do it. I'm ah'm injured, I'm not going to play this game. Yeah, I mean like, sorry, just going back to the conversation, I'm just looking at the the teams involved, right? Okay, I'm just going to rattle off the first three, right?
Do I say Chelsea? No, no, no. Chelsea are actually sixth. So, yeah. So, yeah, that's actually even worse, to be honest with you. You're sixth in the conference league. But anyways, you know, whatever. It is what it is. So the first team, that a named the first three, right? Circle Bruges, right? Who? I've heard of Bruges, but not that Bruges, right? It's not the same Bruges. Yeah, it's not the same Bruges.
Cercale bruge, right? Never heard of that. Second one is called ammonia. The only ammonia I've heard is in hospitals, so let's not do that. And the other one's called paphos. And the only time I've heard of paphos, right? You're thinking of new ammonia. No, no, ammonia. it's like oh yeah right Ammonia, right? The other condition. Yeah, the other stuff. And the other one's called paphos. And paphos are crisps I eat in Albania. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, ah they're delicious.
They are delicious. they are They are like Doritos, but they are better because they're Paphos. So I don't know why the... Whose fault, by the way? Fault is Molde. I've heard of those, so I can't read you know i can be like, what the fuck is that? I've heard of those. And then you've got Chelsea in sixth, Fiorentina in eighth. So I'm just some of the good teams now. Chelsea, Fiorentina, Hart, well, who cares about that? And then you've got teams like Panathenikos, which at some point they did have a decent team, but that was a while ago.
Then you've got bettas, real bettas, and then that's it. like You know, isn't there Shamrock Rovers in there as well? so ah Shamrock Rovers. I think they're to be towards the bottom. They are twenty they will play Chelsea. Yeah, theyre yeah they'll play Chelsea. Because people obviously have bad jokes against for my team saying, how is Chelsea? They're going to lose money turning the lights on that Stamford Bridge. Because they're not, realistically, Chelsea versus Shamrock Rovers. We're not going to be able to charge fans 60 quid to come in and watch a game. It's going to be probably like a fiver. Kids go free. why Why don't you get some tickets by the way? We'll just go. Let's go watch Chelsea vs Shamal Groves. No, of course. 100%. No, no, no. I'm on it. I'm all over it. Part of the membership. I'm constantly on it. But sometimes for Chelsea tickets, they seem to go for that for most games. So it's your own games. On Chelsea's website, do they do it like with ballots or is it like, you know, ticket comes on sale and you can just buy it? so Ticket comes on sale, you try to buy it the way that I've tried to do it. something But tickets have never come and sailed to the point that I can get it. So I'm part of the membership, do you know where you pay for it? Yeah, same, same. So you can try and get access to tickets. But they always seem to go way before, because the season ticket holders can buy and maybe they can buy two or so on. And against Shamrock Rovers and against these teams, I think they just want to fill the stadium. They just want to fill the stadium.
If season ticket is on by five. I'll tell you what, I think I'll know. No, I'm all for it. I'll keep an eye out if you're interested in going on. I'm all for it. Yeah, why the hell not? We'll do a part of Stanford Bridge. Take our stuff with us. Oh, that'd be too sick. I've actually got like little portable things. So yeah, just bring your mic and we're done. We're sorting. I've got spare batteries.
um So yeah, so yeah just quickly just to wrapping up on the ah on the excessive football and yeah I just think at some point it needs to someone like the players actually need to come out and speak is a few pro Those are the guys who look after the players. I'm sorry, right? But you can't have a few pro just sounds like another arm of FIFA right and you can't have like representative for players who are part of FIFA because guess what? Shock and awe, right? They're gonna go with what FIFA say, right? Shock. Absolutely. Yeah, you know what I mean? So, if, I don't think they are, I think they're meant to be independent, I'm pretty sure, but anyway. So, if it is the case that they are independent, then they need to step up and be like, look, the players, it's the welfare of the players, I don't, you know what I mean? I'm not saying like, don't have three training days a week or four training days a week, because they are getting paid hundreds of thousands of pounds.
But at at the end of the day, I want to see them at peak level. I don't want to see a Bukaiosaka get injured at the age of 23. I don't want to see Kalpama get injured at 23 and never play again. Because what's the fucking point? yeah You are rude in players. You said or like train and train as much as you want. It's match days where they exert the most energy because some of these guys are running like 10 to 13 kilometers a game. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's crazy. You run a mini marathon, like, well, maybe not mini, maybe a third of a marathon game. It's a half marathon, 13 kilometers, right? 26 miles. That's why I quickly changed it to a third of a marathon. So if you're running a third of a marathon every week, sometimes twice a week, three times a week, guess what's going to happen? It's going to take a toll on your body. These guys are going to die. And then what's going to happen, they'll be part of the history books. We won't get to enjoy them and we'll be like,
Ah, he used to be good, didn't he? What could have been, yeah. Ira Ramsey, Jack Wilshire, all that type. All these players, yeah. absolute masterpiece just you know like We're not saying that's why those guys got injured, by the way. We're just saying that is the potential that they had, and due to injury, it's ah what could have been.
No, I agree, I agree. And I think it should be something to be looked at and hopefully it will be rectified because, fucking it, she's like... Yeah, I don't think I've got anything else that I can add to you, Rick. I think we should... I know we said we'd talk about F1, we can do that on Sunday. And just wrap up... I do love F1. Yeah, I was going to say, we'll just wrap up a bit of the rest of the matches that are going on. Obviously, Albania played, I think, tomorrow, tonight, I can't remember.
I'll be honest with you, but I don't even know. I haven't paid attention to any international football not whatsoever. I just know England go beat 2-1 by Greece, which is the first time ever since records happen. The toothfe tooth fairy, the tooth formation. I don't know what this guy is doing. but Ollie Watkins on the pitch ah sorry on the bench and he won't even put him on. I know Harry Kane's injured, but for fucks sake, we've got other players as well.
Yeah. Like, let's play somebody else, okay? But I think he was trying to be clever and gamble and say, Cole Palmer, Jude Bellingham, Phil Ford and Bekaya Saka, Anthony Gordon. Those were our attacking options. so And I told myself, why? Like...
You know, the reason why, for me again, if I can link it back to my club quickly, is the reason why I felt Maresk has been quite quite a successful for these past six games compared to other previous managers since under the top bully era, is because he didn't give a shit to drop Raheem Sterling, to drop her Chillwell. I think he'll even drop Reece James when he comes back, because he'll be like, we can't get into this team bro. You'll probably play in a conference league and then show me what you can do. I'm not talking about Reece James again.
no No, I'm not, im not but i'm what do you mean? like you know Because he is the club captain in the air quotes. Maybe he's expected to walk back in, but realistically, the team is doing really well. Raheem Sterling is the one with experience and the highest paid player at the club. No, you can't get in. Joe Felix came for X 60 million. he' is the part If I say this with all due respect to the team, he's in the B team that plays cup games and conference league. He's not in the Premier League starting at 11.
but you need to have those balls about you. Don't worry about dropping Phil Ford and our stacker, play Palmer. Don't play Palmer, play the other. Don't play them all together because it goes back to the analogy we gave earlier in the example of Galactico's. These guys are young and hungry to take the headlines, yeah to not play them all at the same time. yeah you don't need to be You don't need to be that PE teacher that needs to be liked by everybody. it's not even it's not even friendly competition you can't even chalk it down to that like oh it's just a bit friendly competition no it's not it's like these guys are competing for the fucking headlines because they know how the British media works where it's like yeah you perform shit guess what you're gonna get slated you perform well you will not see your name in the fucking papers
Do you know what I mean? That's just the way that that works. So yeah, I agree. That's a very, very good point where it's like, you know, and so these players need to take care of themselves and their own image because the the the managers, the coaches, again, it's it's a team sport, but it's individual at the same time because the manager is going to be like, well, do you know what? I need to fucking watch my own job. So this is the best lineup that I've got. That's what I'm going to do yeah without thinking. But it's like, again, that doesn't make you a good coach. that just makes Sorry, that doesn't make you a good manager. That just leaves you as a coach.
Do you know what I'm saying? like Even not not percent not a good one at that because you're just being lazy and like, oh, i'll just put Bellingham, Fordham, Sackard, fucking Palmer. Five up front, it's fine. It's like, all right, mate. It's not going to win your games. Even on FIFA, that's not going to win your games because soon as that soon as the breakthrough, what your defender's going to do, you know what I mean?
Anyway, so yeah, you're right. Even with Southgate, this was the problem, wasn't it? But he kind of had it the other way, where he's like, you're not putting these players on. What are you doing? You know what I mean? He had his favorite, didn't he? Southgate had his favorite. Southgate played the same players over and over again. But what's that force on him? He brought Henderson.
Yeah, I think, well, exactly. Nothing could never get him over the line and nothing. Even now, people are saying, like, he'll get the Man United job. For what? Like, to not win anything? He didn't prove to win anything. You need somebody who's a winner. And of course, I know Thomas Tuchel comes with baggage, Man United fans, but you'd rather have Tuchel over Gareth Southkin. You'd rather have Tuchel. Tuchel is like the modern-day Mourinho in that sense, where it's like, he will not give a shit. He'll just do it. He'll get you the results. And if he gets sacked, he'll get, yeah, apart from buying whatever happened. But that was Harry Kane. That was Harry Kane's fault, though.
The curse. That guy's a walking curse, mate. That guy's a walking curse. And he needs to win a trophy, didn't he? But that's that's a bit that I wanted to chat about a little bit about England and obviously the guy took a gamble and it didn't work. But there's other ways to take a gamble. You know, yeah play the players that Southgate never played could be a gamble.
But have a striker like you are not... pop This is why another reason why I hate Pep Guardiola. Everybody tries to be pep. Everybody wants to play with midfielders and rotate in midfielders. You are not Pep Guardiola, bro. He's been perfecting this. He had Messi to do it when he won Champions League and La Liga.
Then he took some time off and out buying, he was perfect in this system. It didn't work, it didn't work until it worked, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But like, just don't do that. No, I agree. I can't see him lost it in the job, but then again... No, no, no. He was only an England manager either. Who would you like to see as an England manager?
Oh, I mean, I think we we had this question. Did we know our answer this last week where we said, Pep? Because Klopp's gone now. He's he's joined the the global football of fucking Red Bull, obviously, you know, with his teeth and shit. Don't rot your teeth there, man. But but yeah as all i don't even I don't even know who is in the candidacy for that job, to be honest with you.
I really don't know. and and and um And right now, I'm not really interested until the World Cup qualifiers start coming around. Yes, literally going to say that as well. I couldn't couldn't care less until the qualifiers happen. Last couple of things on England. I think if if Lee Karstens is to stay on, I think the best thing that he can do right now, especially in the Nations League and in in the friendlies, obviously.
um He should just fucking experiment, mate. Get the players that that didn't get the chance on the South Gate. Like a Tamari, for example. Why are you not bringing in Fakayo Tamari? I totally don't understand that. Why are these people doing this? Who was that? who Did they know he's English, by the way? They do understand he's English, right? I think he's played in Italy that long though, they just forgot about him, it's like, oh yeah, that guy. Is he like a balitalia? Like, you know, a black Italian, when realistically, no, he is English, he has played for under 21s, he has played for under 17s, 16s, all the way through to the men's team, and he even came once or twice. But I don't know why he's not playing, he is a quality player as well, but I like him a lot. so I liked him when he was at Chelsea, up to be honest with you, I was disappointed he left.
Well, that's the thing. I mean, look, yeah obviously we had to. Yeah. Well, that's not open that one kind of works. So the the back four here from what I can see on the lineups is Trent, Stones, Colwell and Lewis. Now, Colwell, I've rated. However, he did. However, he had a period last season or maybe the season or back end of the season before where he was just very poor. But I think you got injured at that time, didn't he?
He got injured, he was poor yeah because he came last year and he didn't, it was a very consistent, he got moved from left back to left centre win back. But this is the thing, like I think that was with Caldwell and just a little bit on his defences, there was no stability within the team. This year he's been in the same 11, playing next to Fafana and he's been much better. But that's again, good coaching can do that to you.
Absolutely. Absolutely. And I'm glad I'm glad to see it, to be honest, because again, it's it's young, young English defenders like this. This is what England has been. You know, I mean, they've always had yeah good defenders. So yeah, stones. OK, fair enough. at Whatever it is, what it is. But with stones, again, you kind of need the he it can be a liability. You know, I mean, not as bad as McGuire, but it can be.
So I think, you know, with the Tamori there, who did we have on the bench? Let's have a look on the bench real quick before we ah before we sign off for tonight, because it is pushing on. gay It's getting on now. It's getting on. These guys have arrived on their journey now to Scotland. Yeah. So I think, i defender wise, they had Gehi again, Gehi on the bench over you know and Stones playing. it's It just baffles me sometimes. It really does, because it's like, just put Gehi on next to Coldwell. That sounds like a fucking great partnership.
That sounds like so much Chelsea would do. Do you know what I mean? That actually sounds like so much Chelsea would actually do. Just go by gay age. There you go. so yeah it's ah This is why I don't watch the internationals. We said it and we're like, you know, it's just whatever whatever. So good. If you don't have anything else to add, Rick, shall we leave with that? I think I'm happy to leave it there, Broski. So send us out. Excellent. Thank you so much for listening and hit the comments. All that kind of nice stuff. And yeah, but we're going to go catch you on the next one. Until then, stay safe. Stay alert.