S03E05 - Tash Mic Guys - Black History Month, England Managers and Predictions image

S03E05 - Tash Mic Guys - Black History Month, England Managers and Predictions

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A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

Yeah, good, good, very good. Here we go again. How are you? Yes. Season three. Absolutely. Starting. Here we are. It's become a regular thing this, you know what I mean? It's like as if we've done it before. Well, you know, sometimes there's mistakes and some people would think, yes, they haven't done it before, but then other times it just goes all right.
So, yeah, it happens. It happens. Mistakes happen. Technology, you know, where we're at that age where, actually, know we're you know, what we're at the age where we brought in technology, general i'm saying as in like we were we were the guinea pigs for everything that started. We were the first for social medias, entertainment, all of that. We were the first to experience it. general i mean so I feel old, but don't say that, I feel old. I feel old when you say that, I'm like, but I'm experienced, experienced. Yeah, I was going to say, I mean, you obviously hear people saying, oh, we're getting old and stuff. It's like, you know, don't say it as it's a bad thing because, you know, what have you learned? Everything that you've learned now.
you know, it's brought you to this point. It's like, so what you're saying and is, you know, you're kind of disappointed in what you've done and and living in that in that guilt, to like almost regret. it's It's not really worth it. It's, you know, come on evil come on people. Zero regrets. You have to. like you know There's certain things that can't be changed and there's no point, you know, dwelling on them. Once it's passed the way I look at it. once it's kind it's gone that anyways not um exactly I'm the same with you, bro. Like, only can only dwell on things that you can change, but you can't change, no point. Exactly. Everything that's not under your control, then just you can't really worry about it because it'll just drive you crazy, you know? And well that's a that's the way I look at it. Let's not start this podcast on that sort of note, all right? Let's let's just... should we Should we just jump straight in? Because there is some big news. There is some big news. Jump straight in. Jump straight in. Jump in. So obviously, um we there's a German. A German has invaded. Amongst us. A German has infiltrated the English camp. And yeah, so it's it's there. It's happened. it's happened Thomas Tuchel is obviously the official manager of the England national team. What do you think? what do I mean, we talked about it. But what do you think, Rick? like Now that it's a reality?
i'm i me I'm happy bro like I'm honestly like I'm happy he's part of the national team I'm not one of these like oh he's germany's this is that and people might be like oh yeah but you guys in our english english but like at the end of the day we we're football fans we want England to win you know um we support England in the major tournaments who do you want apart from a guy who's won major trophies You know, we've had a guy who made everybody get together, which is lovely because previous times, or previous managers had players who were from different clubs not sit together. They tried to sit with their respected clubs and teammates from those respective clubs. And now obviously Southgate made it cool to sit with the Chelsea players or the Liverpool players, the Arsenal players and so on and so forth and kind of got everybody to be Pali Pali.
which was great but he didn't take us any further than just second you know and at the end two two finals of granted and a second should a second find yeah like like it's second you know that you said it you said it so um but I agree I agree I'm still on mute oh this is what I was talking about right at the beginning of the episode I mean, I just this was a perfect example. This is this is what not to do people. OK, that was that was well scripted. We knew what we were doing there. oh That's why I use it twice. And he's still exactly exactly. You got to remind you got to remind that. Anyway, I was too much in the role, but no, I agree. I agree with what you're saying, Rick. um I think I don't agree. You know, I think it's just crazy, you know, tabloids and like, you know, making a big deal out of it because he's German and leading England or whatever it's like.
What do you expect? What do you expect? Everyone else has been tried and tested and nothing's happened. So let's just give this guy a shot. And someone, like you said, someone who's got pedigree in winning and, you know, and winning big, like we're not talking like every couple car. We're talking like we're we're talking huge wins, you know, Champions League. He was the guy. So, yeah, it's probably.
It's probably going to be a great appointment, and i think I think, again, maybe a bit premature with this, but I think, you know, next tournament England could have. a great chance of of actually winning. because I'm with you. um because of the I feel like he's going to bring he's going to bring like this this you know this coherent team, he's going to make them gel together, like you know actually play together rather than you know sometimes individuals. but And that's what they're doing. That's what they're doing most of the time, you know they're trying to trying to take all the all the glory because they know the tablets are going to be on it.
But you know I think i think that's where that's where the coach comes in. That's what that's what a manager is there for, to manage egos more than anything else. In a national team, it's not even to manage you not players, it's egos. And especially especially in the England camp. And I don't think i think he's going to want respect. And I think the respect is going to be given to him because of obviously what he's achieved.
So, you know, with Southgate, like you said, and he was English. he He wanted to make everyone, you know, happy and stuff like that. But you can't. And again, he was playing for the tabloids rather than rather than the national team. So yeah, great, great, great appointment. ah You know, after Pep Guardiola, I think he was probably the the next.
and We said it before, he was a good candidate and and I think they they made the the the wise choice of bringing him in, rather than, oh, let's find an English manager. But there isn't any though, who's the English manager? There were names like Graham Potter being flown around and it's like, are you kidding? Frank Lampard was one of them like in the candidacy. and it's like Am I reading this right? Who's who's deciding this? Who's deciding this? like Stop watching social media and please, please watch the football and watch what these managers have or have not brought. And obviously in in the above instances, have not brought. Do you know what I'm saying? Graham Potter in lower leagues, I'm sure he's going to be great you know in the championship side or whatever. He can bring a team up. I have no doubt in that. But that's as far as he goes. I don't think i don't think he goes any further than that.
you know I think he's reached his capacity. Was he got given the chance as well? There you go. Everybody calls for English managers being given a top team or top job in the Premier League. They say, oh why can't they do it at Chelsea United Arsenal?
City and all those teams and then because they're not there like you say some of the you have to manage egos and you have to have a manager with Pedigree you have to have a manager who's got a winning success Because play is these young millionaires who have everything given to them from the age of 12 upwards ah Don't get me wrong. Yes, they work very hard But we're talking in terms of like financially and so on is gonna be a is gonna be difficult to manage their egos when they think they should be playing for example Reese James coming back from injury and If it was a great party, you'd be like, yeah, you go into the starting line. I'm like, hold on a minute. like We've been doing all right without him. Same for England. Just because you played for England five years ago, or 520 matches ago, all of a sudden, you don't get into the starting lineup like Harry Kane did the other night. He was injured for the game against Greece, came back into game against Finland, or Norway, or whoever the hell they played, one of the Scandi countries. but Yeah, Finland. Scandinavian countries. Was it Finland? And you're like, why did Harry Kane just walk in? Why didn't he give Ollie Watkins a run out?
Why don't you give Dominic Solanke a you know a game give him something to do give him a run out man just do something and something that Gareth was always good at picking was his favorite players regardless of how they performed and we called for that I think Thomas Tuchel is going to come in and just said you know what if you're on form you get to play if you're not on form you don't get to play regardless of whether you played before or you didn't And then, if this is another thing I wanted to talk to you about, because you were talking about English managers, because I was talking, went back to Thomas Tuchel, is, listening to the news the very next day, everybody was fuming. And obviously, listen to the stock sport news. And even like, pundits were fuming, or it should have been English, and Harry Redknapp came on there, and Sam Allardyce came on there, and I was thinking, Sam Allardyce, why does his opinion matter? Why why is Sam Allardyce even on here? He was a manager for two months, and he threw his chances where he's like,
You don't give them a chance. They gave you a chance, bro. You were thinking about making 10% on a play on the black market because you can do some dodgy dealings to win 200 grand. 200 grand is a game paid 5 million a year. What are you doing? You're throwing your England career away and he threw it away. But now he's angry because the German got in, not Eddie Howe or not Philippine Graham Potter. And Harry Redknapp came on. He was like, good managers. like Steven Gerrard should have got it, or Frank Lam. I was like, are you for real? Like, why would a Steven Gerrard or a Frank Lampard come even close to the England job? So they've made a right appointment. And also, everybody's going to forget all this once he starts winning. And the main question most people ask them, what happens at the World Cup when it's England versus Germany in the final?
what happens is Thomas Tucker will go out to win it. His country's already won it multiple times, all he needs to do now is make sure that his name goes down in the history books. Champions League, Club World Cup, Football World Cup, not Club World Cup, Club World Cup and THE World and national national world Cup. yeah yeah That's it. So it's it's insane. Like for me, from this comparison and they saw his Germany's this, I don't really get it. I don't really rate it. I just think it's a great point. And like I put a group chat, I'm excited to watch England after January, to be honest with you, just to see what it does. yeah I agree. I agree with everything that you said. And yeah, it's just it's unwarranted, really, the the hate, because it's I would be I would be more pissed off if it was a Lampard or a Gerard, because again, we're not talking. This is not a project club. We are talking a national team. This
the The players are ready. That's why they're chosen. That's why they that's why and in the situation that there are even like in like in the euros in the World Cup itself You know I'm saying like that's why there are they are at the peak right now. This is not a project You need to bring in a manager who wins who has won and who will win and that's exactly what? Too cool. I feel will bring to it and like it or not, you know if if like you said if he wins the World Cup Shit, who's gonna care? Who's gonna actually give a shit? but he gives numbers No one's gonna give a flying toss. about this singing in his name cost the world And again, it will go down in history and it will forever be that. and And again, I respect the manager. I like him, so I don't see anything wrong with it at all. And um um yeah, so so yeah, we're too cool. but theres
it It should be exciting. I think exciting football. And there there is a great there's a great video on YouTube. I thought i think I mentioned the channel 442. By the way, this is, again, this is not a sponsor segment. No, it isn't any of that. But he talks about tactics. And he was, again, his video was on how Tuchel can use this team and shape this team. Do you know what I mean? Like, especially with the with the forwards that we have. um And it's very interesting to to watch because, again, you feel like you're like, yeah,
Yeah, yes, that that makes sense. like how How did Southgate not do it? exactly like yeah This makes total sense. And these are the exact players that Tuchel needs to play the way he wants. And again, he was he he showed examples from Dortmund and from PSG and stuff like that. So again, he you know the i I think, I don't know, I mean, the upgrade on Southgate is just, I feel it's it's unbelievable. It really is. its like It's like moving from a premium car to like some exotic, like to some top tier lottery winning kind of car, isn't it? It's not like you're sort of like, yeah, you can afford a BMW or Mercedes on finance, but this is like you're getting the McLarens, the Benjies, you know, even but even higher than McLaren in the bellies. This is like the Ferraris and the Rolls Royces for me. He's up there with
top managers. if Yeah, oh especially in the last 10 years, at least, you know, at least the last 10 years. And but and okay, in the interest of fairness, right, you know, like some of the cars that you mentioned, sometimes they will break down. So unfortunately, no, no, I'm saying like, unfortunately, if we get the wrong batch of cars, then yes, yeah we are definitely fucked. We got the wrong teaching. And then we spoke, or I spoke prematurely, so, you know, and then maybe Southgate was the upgrade. Maybe which maybe we wanted the BMW and Lexus or whatever the fuck it is. So, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no. I can't see that being him. For me, though, Tuchel is the right man as well because he speaks perfectly English.
He's got English banter. He loves the idea of living in the country because he's even expressed it when he lived at Chelsea, i lived at chelsea worked at chelsea he loved in West London and London and so on. he His English banter, I've seen he obviously has an ex-Chelsea fan and he might be the next Chelsea manager.
you get to see the banter that he has with the players and it's the banter that you and I would have. It's a banter, it's an English banter, you know where the German Sebastian Vettel back on top gear and he loves English banter and so on. Tuchel is the same, Tuchel loves English banter so he loves that banter with a lot. The only different thing of for him is, he's like he said on the press conference again, he has a German passport and it says nationality on his passport, it says German. That is literally the only thing that is different. Now for some people it might mean a lot but it means nothing if you're if you're boosting your country's chances of winning the World Cup, winning in European championships. So I'm just playing good football that you're excited to watch rather than, here we go again, why is he not put so and so on? Why is Jordan Henderson playing? Why is Maguire playing? Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
um Yeah, i think I mean, we had to mention the whole nationality thing because it was made a big deal. But because because we are because we are intelligent and intellectuals on this podcast, love it um we don't really care about that type of shit. For us, we want to see winning. like we want trophies. We want winning. That's what we want. As an Arsenal fan, I can't stress that enough. Do you know what I'm saying? We want winning. So for me, I don't like all this, ah you know, nostalgic shit or, you know, nationalist shit or whatever it is. Like nationalist, not in a bad way, by the way, not in the in the derogatory way, you know, because that's that's not what we're talking about.
yeah I don't really care about it. I really don't because football is football and as long as you can get the best out of the players that we have and provide joy to the nation and it doesn't really matter. That is irrelevant. now It will just go down as in Thomas Tuco, England manager when they won the World Cup. That's it. England won the World Cup. That's all that's going to matter. Can you imagine?
Yeah, well, you know, it's it's not too far-fetched when you put it that way. It's not what like when you say, oh, Southgate's going to take them to the to the to the to the trophy itself. You kind of think, ah that that doesn't really go well in a sentence. And, you know, technically he hasn't. He took him to the final. Again, we can't take that away. Let's just stress that. He took him to the trophy, but didn't bring it home. He almost touched the but it, but he got taken away real quick. um so So yeah. so when But when you say too cool, and again, just like we said about the experience and all that stuff,
Yeah, you can see it. You can picture it because you know that that's what you can provide as a coach. So yeah, I can't wait to see it. I see see um ah can't wait to see it. Also the fact that when he was at Chelsea, he said sometimes, he said, we're going to build a team that others are going to fear. And I was just like, yes, that's the kind of talk I want from a manager. And I think he's going to try and apply that same motto to England. I can't see why not. That that seems to be his DNA, build a team that others are going to fear. and But one thing I'm not looking forward about to about Tuchel is talking hearing him talk about transition all the time. Transitioning phase is a play from left wing to right wing. transition and i'm just I remember, that's where I learned the word transition, that I keep using what he was transitioning. Now I've taken the piss. But yeah, no, I'm excited. I'm excited, bro. I can obviously, ah feel I feel like we've said what we can say on Tuchel. Obviously, best of luck to him. We're excited, like he said. We're intelligent people. We're not there just to be like, oh, he's over the pond. He needs to be English.
because being English doesn't necessarily mean you're going to win anything. Not does it mean you're going to lose but obviously statistically we had an English coach who wasn't a great player, wasn't a great other manager, did okay for England or did the best English manager ever in terms of success rate.
But did he win anything for us to cheer about or do we just celebrate when we went to the final? No, no we went to the final we we can't celebrate that but we can acknowledge and appreciate that he did progressively from previous generations of ah of players and coaches.
so you know again like i said we're definitely not taking anything away from so from southgate because he did bring his very close twice to midi trophies so you know fair dues but to get to that next stage we need someone with like i said with two was pedigree so uh yeah let's see let's see let's see how that works out to be honest so yeah i mean um with uh ah I was going to say, with too like you know we've said everything that we can really, like you know from from the experience that that he's brought to a to to well to the Premier League, really, and it was just sad. I know you were sad. I know TT, that's all we kept seeing on the messages. Yeah, I remember. TT, and yeah here we go. just
He's reminiscing over here. i'm just reminition he's just looking up to He's just looking up to the clouds right now. and like t Even though he's not he's not passed away. so see porto again I can see Porto again. I'm just like, there's Porto. There he is. due To be fair though, he took us to six finals. bro like Realistically speaking, he took us to six final grant through our five finals. Was it five or six? Five, I think, because we got beat by Liverpool in two.
One of penalty shootout that went all the way as far as the keepers. but When it gets to penalties, it's not really the manager's fault. Caribou Cup and FA Cup. But yeah, that year, that it was in. We had final after to final after to final. Champions League, Club World Cup, Super Cup. I guess Super Cup maybe doesn't count because if you win the Champions League, you get the Super Cup. but Nevertheless, his trophy is in the cabinet at that and his name will go down in Chelsea history as when they have won the Champions League. One of your greatest managers. yeah I think one of you one of the your best managers, to be honest. and yeah Because we lost the club World Cup in 2012, 2013. We lost the club World Cup because we didn't have the the manager in place and I think we got beat by one of the South American teams. Yeah, as is the case.
Let's not reminisce anymore, because we'll probably get sad again. ah Interestingly, actually, you know, what last last thing I will say on the whole England ah and manager thing topic is, you know, the interestingly, there there hasn't been in the top five leagues, there hasn't been an English manager that's won a major trophy. Now, I could be mistaken. Interesting.
Like, I could be mistaken. I'm talking English. You know what I'm saying? Who hasn't won a major trophy. So if I... Sir Alex is not English, by the way, just to let people know. That's why I had to emphasize. Yeah, that's why I had to emphasize. So for people across the pond, yeah. And I had to just let people know across the... We're like, Sir Alex? He just lives near Donald Trump's Gulf Coast. He doesn't. And he's not English. That's Scotland. yeah that's That's somewhere else. That's a separate country, please. Let's not offend our Scottish friends, because we do like Scotland very much to be fair. We do like Scotland, yeah and we're planning a trip, but we'll talk about that later. um so yeah I don't think there has been. um Correct me if I'm wrong, like you know from from memory real quick, you know without having to go down the research and route, because you know we probably should have done that before the...
no no and No, we should have known had this before. I don't think there has been. But this is a don't Google kind of moment. If there has been one, get in touch. Let us know who who who that manager is. I think we can maybe be wrong, but yeah. HODL or anything? Did they win anything in Syria? The HODLs, the Venables? the I don't know, I don't think so. Okay, let's take it from the last... You said top five leagues. Yeah, top five leagues. Let's take it from the last like 20 years, do you know what I mean? Since... No, nobody. I can guarantee you right now there's nobody. Yeah, I don't think anyone has one English manager. So there's another point to go away from the English managers. Maybe that is the curse. So yeah. But then we're done. Quick question on this then. If it's in our English managers, then who do you blame for that? As a country, you want to have English managers who are continuously progressing.
and getting the top jobs in the country or even abroad in Europe etc. So who do you blame? Do you blame the FA for not developing young managers and developing them early so that they can become pro-licensed, you wait for A, you wait for B, whatever the sort of the scale or the stroke not scale or the structure that they have to go through to get these licenses and coaching badges before they can get these top jobs or just English managers kind of look down upon I guess two questions because of their defensive style and being like yeah two-parter because you know like when you're playing English they're like oh I'm old school man you remember those things oh
I'm old school, when the Brazilians are trying to do Flairie and step over and so on. Somebody's like, oh, just go through him. Let him know you're there. Well, I know he's there. don't You don't need him to get me to go through me. but Do you see where I'm coming from? Is that that idea of that mentality of these guys are just defensive and defense physical rather than play football, attacking? Because football's a move. Pep Guardiola's ruined football. No, just like Steph Curry's ruined basketball. Everybody's taking three pointers from God knows where yeah would yeah yeah everybody's trying to play from the back. It's but it's becoming too easy. But um I think I think with the effort, again, without knowing too much about the infrastructure of the effort and the and the processes and stuff like that. But yeah, it feels like
The main difference that I can see is like from from different leads is the media. The media puts a lot of pressure on these managers. I know obviously other managers from different national teams will get similar pressure. Obviously the Italians, you kind of see it on the and their newspapers and stuff like that. that you know they They don't like their manager. but But with the English media, it's just sudden, you know, it's like from the first match, it's like, oh, you didn't win, or you just drew. It's like, what are you talking about? Like, I don't even know who these players are at late. I don't know how they play or how they're going to gel together yet after the first match, you know what I mean? So I think that's probably the main difference that I can see, again, without knowing too much about the structure of the FA.
Yeah, you don't really hear about great schools for for coaching, you know, from English managers. And again, with with these players, with these ex-players who want to become coaches, they, you know, they all of a sudden they want to go to the big teams, you know, straight away. It's like, oh, I play for my United, so I want to manage them. It's like, well, you know you know, no, it doesn't work like that. Like, Arsene Wenger came from Japan, you know what I mean? He went from France to Japan.
and then to Arsenal, just to get that experience. And whether whether that made a major difference or not, obviously, I'm not i'm not too sure. you I haven't read his books, so I don't know. But um um'm I'm sure it would have made a difference to see the playing styles, the intensities between between leagues. you know and so soft And also, though, you we he's earned it, though, hasn't he? If he's gone and done that, he's clearly just earned the right to be managing somewhere else. Because you're right, you get the lamp out, so he wants to walk into a job.
well it's not so much Lampard's but I suppose the Rooney's the whoever else is coming before him even Lampard and Gerard, Gerard did okay in Celtic came back to Villa and he' not done anything and then rather than trying to go back to a championship side he was like actually do you know what let me go to Saudi I don't know if he's not been offered a championship job but to people who would look outside looking in, you'll be like, oh, he's going for the money. He's going to take the cash in Saudi. just like See, that's that's that's exactly it, Rick. it's the ah it's the ah you know and that the so that The egos, the the big egos of these players because of who they were as players, they're forgetting that you know now you've stepped into the management role.
So so how how you performed as a player has absolutely no relevance nothing to to what you do. The football has changed as well. It changes the dynamics. The football has changed since Gerard and the Lampard were playing. Look at Artetto's path for example. you know He went from um Arsenal's captain, obviously you what from Arsenal I'm talking about because I know he played PSG, Barcelona's academy, then PSG and then obviously what is it, Rangers I think it was.
or Celtic, I think it was Rangers. I think so. I know he played for Everton before he came to you guys. And then obviously Everton. I'm not panic, bye, panic, bye. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, interesting path. He went through different leagues and again, he picked up his experiences and after he left Arsenal, he went, you know, instead of going straight into a job, which he probably could have, you know, if he had, I'm sure he had his coaching budget by that point. But again, he was like, well, do you know what? No, let me go study under the grape first.
let me so let Let me go study this guy first yeah and let me see how he manages. Now, when he first took over Arsenal, yes, you know he was like ah a mini pep. But unfortunately, and fortunately that's the school that he came from. Do you know what I'm saying? so he He went again when you came out of school and you went to college, right? You were expecting everything to be the same as in, you know, you went in with that schooldoly class yeah you that school mentality You didn't know what to expect, you know I'm saying and then soon as you step foot in that college and you saw everyone in like casual clothing and just like You know cafeterias and coffees and shipping stuff. You're like what this is incredible Do you know what I'm saying so again and then you adapt and that's what I tell us done So again, sorry just that was I know that was a bit off topic. But again, it leads back to It leads back to the to the big egos of these players, you know, wanted that that job straight away. It's like, no, you should be the one, if you were offered by Chelsea or whatever to to take over, you should be the one to be like, you know what, I'm not ready for this right now.
This is not my time yet because I know I'm going to ruin this team with my inexperience. But because they are English players and because the media has hyped them up because they are legends of the game, which is fair enough. Again, not taking that away from them standard. But in you know in know, I'm saying like, you know,
Jared, Lampard, they are world known. They have one shit. They have one international trophy. so yeah so you know so And that's the problem. It's like, yeah, you've been built up by the media, so you feel entitled to jump into that job. But you should be like, do you know what? No, let me go to the fucking Spain Secunda division or some shit. Do you know what I mean? let me let me Let me manage some team down there. let me learn my Let me learn. And again, that is low pressure jobs. That's how you learn. If you get thrown straight into high pressure, you better be prepared. And unfortunately, again, the example is that they weren't prepared. They were not ready for what was what was about to come in the Premier League.
Well, Gary Neville, the prime example, he went and took the valet. That's a big job. That's a big job. for And then all of a sudden, I think he lost 43 games. asked I'm sure um the the listeners will correct me, but basically he didn't do anything that because he had given it a big one on sort of punditry and analysis. So they probably thought, oh, let's give him a go. And they gave him a go and he sank.
Yeah. Quickly. But I'm with you. like it's There's a difference between theory and practicality, isn't it? like These guys do the theory and the practical side of like behind closed doors coaching and running drills and so on. But there's a difference between doing that to actually all managing a full football club because you're in charge. You are the boss under the owner of the club effectively. so you get permission s so You get to say on the players, you get to say on the contracts, you get to say on who comes in and who leaves. Are you used to at least? are you In some clips I suppose you still do because you can't afford a managing director, etc. So therefore then you just, you become that guy. And just doing coaching budgets alone is not preparation for what every day-to-day life is like. And that's one thing I applaud Arteta for. Arteta and Mareska for Chelsea. These guys obviously say now they've took these big jobs. Fair enough Arteta is younger than him or looks younger than him.
But he's probably thought, no, let me go and learn on myself. Let me learn about me first and how I deal with difficult situations. And look, who better to learn, like you said, than probably the greatest manager to ever live who's changed football drastically across the world, by the way, not even not even in the country, across the world, going to grow all the way down to the grassroots. Yeah. So it's it's incredible. It's incredible. and I hope you lose every game, but you know, is Arteta doing quality, quality things? Yeah, yeah. But because of Arteta, now people say, is it that Arteta project? Because he's been given time at Arsenal, look at where he's got you to challenge him, granted a second, again, or something along those lines, but still, you are challenging, you're playing amazing football. That other team's like, actually, let's see if we can get a manager who's stood it under a great manager, and then give them some time like Arsenal did with Arteta.
so i can understand it but yeah no english players do feel entirely agree with you yeah they forget that they forget sorry not not the not they forget they they don't realize the the change in the dressing room from player to manager and especially if you're going to be a manager and manage players that you've just played with do you know i'm saying that is not that is again the The mentality, I don't feel like they they probably taught that in in the coaching schools, you know what I'm saying? They just talk about the tactics and the football and the fitness and the training regimes, whatever it is. But again, the the the politics in the dressing room matter a lot as managers have learned the hard way.
you know You lose the dressing room, that's it. You just might as well just have the new resignation because there is no way you're going to win. That's it. You've been sabotaged in a way. But again, in this case, I use the sabotage maybe in the good way. It depends on the situation of why why they don't like the manager.
Depends on the context. It is the entitlement on the English managers and hopefully that answers that question by the way. We went somewhere along that way. It was a quick little first turn left, but we missed the turn left and he just went on a little bit. It's nice. We got a nice scenic view. We went all the way around St. George's Park. We saw all the players train. We saw the entitled players doing their coaching badges, which was good to see. It was nice. It was lovely, but question answered. Yeah, well, that's good. That's good. I like it. I like it. So at least we, you know, we answered some questions on this podcast, you know what I'm saying? That's what we're here for, bro. That's what we're here for. Exactly. And real quick, just ended on the English managers. So the last two to win any sort of big things in the last 20 years. And again, when I say big things, you're going to laugh. It was Steve McLaren, a League Cup in 2004, and it was Harry Redknapp with the League Cup in 2008. So I don't know how big those situations, how big those trophies are, or if they count as major trophies. But there you go. Just just in the interest of fairness, you know, that's what we do on the podcast. So yeah, keep it keep it fair across the board. Well done you on that one. But for me, I would have no idea. I would never have guessed that neither.
Because all I remember Steve McLaren for was holding the umbrella at the England English market. Oh, yeah, that's some crazy shit. Yeah, you you if it rains. Okay, somebody to hold the umbrella for him. I can't even remember. Those were brawly. And then England never qualified for Euros that year. I think it was 08. England didn't qualify under Steve McLaren. Well, you know. because he went After the Carbell Cup that he got and took Middlesbrough to the final I think. Middlesbrough took him to the final of the Europa League. That's right, that's right. And then obviously he got the England job. and
yeah yeah so so again like okay and We're going to have to move on from from the English managers. We'll have to because we could be here for you. know it's sort of you know It's sort of right there and you know it's not something new that we're saying. The whole point from my end was, you know I don't really care about the whole nationality thing. that that's That's my point. like I don't give a shit. As long as he provides, you know he's not going to all of a sudden fucking OK, I'm not going to get into that because, you know, it's not that sort of him being German and, you know, with the history. I wasn't I don't want to get into it. So I don't care about it. listen Yeah, I don't care about it. Just show me the good football that I want to see. And yeah, I think I'm sure everyone will be happy. So.
Yeah, okay, break. I felt like we've actually done some good work there. I feel like we need a break. Wow, that was five minutes of journey that was that was incredible and I'm sweating a little bit. but My brain is sweating. I don't know what's going on. But but yeah, and yeah well I think we'll take a little break and we'll come back. No, we are going to take a little break. Fucking absolute brain dead after that because There's a lot, there's a lot to digest with that because you can kind of go whichever way you want. You know what I mean? There's ways of different ways. You can have pros points for and against, but in reality, if it's points against, you like you said, it's brain dead. Like, why would you have points against the top manager managing your country yeah to win? It doesn't need to be English. The main title is to win goals and to win points. Nobody celebrates. Well, we've got an English manager and we came second. like No one cares about everybody talking about winning trophies.
That's all that matters. It doesn't matter how much you spend, it doesn't matter how much, who's in charge. Fans care about trophies and that's it. That's it. And good football, obviously. If you're paying the money to go to the stadium or investing the time to watch it on TV, you care about the football that you're watching, the standard of football as well. But if you win, you forget about the football. You're like, oh, I just won three nil. Yeah. And I'm speaking from experience, by the way.
Of course, all the trophies in the background, I can see them. um No, it's not even that. It's it's the it's the winning 3-0 and being like, no, no, we played all right. But in reality, we played it awesome. Because when you analyze, you're like, that was awesome. Yeah. and that's and that's you should never have won And that's the problem sometimes. you know and We forget that it's the performance that really counts. I'm um'm i'm sure the um i'm i'm i'm sure the result is good, but you know the performance that's That's all counts because that because that's what's going to get carried forward. you know the The result is in history books now, so the performance is what's going to get carried forward, um or at least part of it. That's where managers and good coaches learn and adapt. I read something, we'll move on from that. I read something on on threads. right
and don three it's like that what but Right now it seems a bit more normal but I can see the the the bad things seeping in that Twitter is known for. So um I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can and then you know just get out when when you know it becomes like ex. Don't shoot us in the comments.
so long Sorry, Lon, sorry. Again, I can't remember, but and I'm not going to go digging for it either, but it was in the it was along the lines of like, you know, some woman commented. And I know that sounded like derogatory for the way I just said it. Some woman. But no, no, she was some woman. And again, I don't know her name. But anyway, so it was along the lines of, you know, talking about footballers and Oh, it's like they only train two days a week or three days a week and they go out there 90 minutes. and I hate this. i' go i um And they get paid so much. And then then she compared it with herself. She was like, oh, I tried doing 11, 12 hour jobs and working for minimum wage or normal salary or whatever the fuck it was. um So so now that that irks me, right? That irks me a little bit.
because Me too. You just heard my responses. The moment you said that, I laughed. Yeah, that irks me because it feels like she's just made a comment after reading something on another social media site or maybe just on threads just earlier on. And it was like, oh, so and so player made this much a week or makes this much a week. And then she was like, oh, but done him yeah because that's how that's how I think when she's when she's talking, that's how I imagine it. Right.
Can we refer to her as Karen? just for Karen, love it. Love it. What a fitting name. What a fitting name. Right. OK, so that's what I hear when Karen talks. So so she felt, you know, she felt obligated to to make this comment and feeling like people are going to be like, oh, yeah, I agree. You have to get paid too much. But when when I read the comments, everyone was like, are you fucking kidding me? And some guy was like, right. My son plays football. Again, this is not for me. And by the way, this is just like a a summary of what we're saying. So my son plays football and he runs so and so kilometers. And again, we know this from watching football when a player gets subbed off, even halfway through the game or 60 minutes, like 13 kilometers or 10 kilometers ran. It's like, damn, that is a lot of kilometers to be running or even more. Do you know what I'm saying? If you've gone on for like 120 minutes, you are running more kilometers. You know what I mean? And that's that again. And he was he made the point of like, if you can run two half marathons or two, sorry, two marathons in a week,
Do you know what I'm saying? oh some Again, something along those lines, it's like... Yeah, a marathon every two weeks. exactly that's what That's what it works out as. A marathon every two weeks, give or take. Exactly. right so If you can do that, it goes right hats off to you, then yeah, you are definitely get that you are definitely underpaid. But until you do that type of shit, then it doesn't really matter. And again, it brings it into perspective. It's not just about, oh, they just kick the ball about.
Like, the physical condition of these human beings is just the next level. Do you know what I'm saying? these We talk about, like, we want superheroes and shit like that. Like, these are the closest that we're ever going to get to superheroes in terms of, like, peak physique and, and you know, real ah sorry, real physique, by the way. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, real I'm not talking, like, you know, flying and shit like that. So, you know, human peak physique, these are the guys So again, to be that, it's the dedication over the years. It's not just about the 90 minutes that they're playing on that weekend. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes they will have two games a week. Do you know what I'm saying? Or we work out like a three game, three games a week, like, you know, sort of, you know, rotating sort of thing. And again, Chris with the period is coming and that's what they're going to do. Sorry. That's going to be tough. Last point on this. It's like, you know, and the amount of time to spend away from families and stuff like that traveling and again, the traveling itself, you travel, that takes it out of you.
but It's not, it's it's that and it's also, I just made a little bit of notes because this really gets my my my mind going on this as well and my mouth are running sometimes. But you're right, first of all it's the physique, the marathons and so on, continuous running, right? Non-stop.
The other flip side of that is it's a private business. If the business is making multi-million pounds a week you want a small percentage of that when you are the main player for that business or the main worker. If this woman's business or whatever company she's working for she makes so much, if she's the main person and responsible for majority of that business she'll think she's underpaid if she's only making 30 grand a year or 50 grand a year when there's multi-million pounds being coming in every week.
So that's the second point for me. Don't blame the footballers. Blame your husband, blame your wife, blame your girlfriend. Whoever's paying for Sky, for whatever advertising that goes on, because X amount a million got to watch Man City versus Man United, the Manchester Derby, North London Derby, etc. Don't blame the footballers. Blame yourself. Stop watching the game. Turn it off. Why do you think the women's football is not getting anything?
yeah no i agree If the women's football have the same numbers, they will get their ridiculous salaries. But they don't, same him as in basketball. The men male basketball gets more because of the viewership is there. Now we're not saying anything else about it, we're just literally on numbers alone and statistics. If the more money the business makes, the more likelihood the workers for that business will get paid.
If you work in public sector, you don't get anything because everything is counted for by the government. If you work in the private sector, you have a little bit more leeway to negotiate your salary, etc. Welcome to capitalism, everyone. Welcome to capitalism. That is the world that we're living in. a football and And obviously, if these guys complain about another thing as well. well at home you Karen can close her door at five o'clock.
kind of scroll through social media, chat shit about footballers. But a footballer, if you had a bad game, those 40,000 fans, let's say 10%, 20%, are going to get on Twitter and give him abuse. Granite Jacka had ah had a human reaction for Arsenal that time when he ran across the pitch or on the crest of the Arsenal badge on the floor. People were wishing for his daughter to get cancer and die and Listen mate, no amount of money can prevent that from, like, you thinking like, what the f... I'm a human being at the end of the day. I'll get no privacy, I don't get anything for this. No amount of money. So, but people feel entitled, like Karen, to make a comment. Well, I work as a schoolteacher, I work in a hospital and I do 12 hours a day.
No one cares, Karen. Pick a different job. You picked it because you told everybody you love working with children. You love helping people. yeah You love sitting behind a desk. You clearly don't. If you're complaining. There's a difference between critiquing a player on a performance and actually personally attacking someone for no reason. And I feel like, you know, again, without getting too much into this, you know, if you're going to attack a player personally, it just means that you have Absolutely no intelligent argument about the performance or any taking it out on him not that is.
And also, any football fan, by the way, we talked about this last episode, the episode before, we want to watch high-quality football. I don't want to see 50,000 games a year, because then I'm just watching a blue team run around against a red team, Chelsea Arsenal, for example. I want to watch quality football for those 90 minutes of Chelsea Arsenal. I want it to live up to the name, Chelsea Arsenal. I want it to live up to the name Liverpool Arsenal, Liverpool United, Barca Real Madrid, you know what I mean? These classic games that we've grown up to watch in the recent decades,
So, for me, um we've said it, they they yes, they get paid a lot of money because we are stupid and we pay a lot of money to watch it. Whether that be Sky, BT, Amazon Prime, if you're lucky enough to get matches to go to the tickets, come on man, be serious, be serious. Yeah, so, no, no, I agree. And just quickly on the point of the when you mentioned NBA, there was another NBA player, sorry, WNBA player called Angel Reiss.
and she went on some sort of interview or whatever it was, and she was like, oh yeah, well, my salary doesn't pay enough from my WNBA. yeah She was like, well, how much is it? She had to ask someone else like how much it was, first of all, right? 74K, the other person replied, and she was like, oh, well, that doesn't really pay for anything. um How much is my apartment? Is 8K a loan a month? and And I was like, right, okay, stop. I don't need to watch the rest of the video. So just on your, so if you're claiming that the only money that you make and no endorsements in that, it's 74K a month, sorry, 74K a year, right? Eight grand a month doesn't really, that's what, 96,000, 96K a year, right? So that doesn't, 76, no, 78,000 a year.
so that's six twelve seventy two thousand okay so so there If it's 8k a month, said 6,000. Wait, why is she paying?
What? Her salary doesn't... What? I heard it as 6, I can only apologize. Yeah, 8k a month, so 96k a year, right? So she's in deficit every year. All of a sudden, she's in deficit. Sorry, I'm not even going to ask the question why, because it's irrelevant why, but if you're only claiming that, you're only getting paid from your salary,
than you are the dumbest person I've ever, ever, ever heard or seen, ever. Do you know what I'm saying? Like ever. So, oh, alternatively, you are not claiming money from elsewhere. Like, I don't know, like fucking, what's it called? I don't know, like only fans or some shit and I'm sure she's got something. No, no, no. Sorry, I don't mean like degradingly. No, honestly, I feel like she does actually have something along those lines because, you know, looking at her Instagram and stuff like that, it's like, come on, you must be getting some sort of money from your social medias. Do you know what I mean? Because of the ways. I don't know who she is. I saw the video though where she said it doesn't even cover my bills and then she looked to her left or to her right. I scrolled. I went over it.
because there was another video not so long ago about the women's again in the US and a talks talk shows at one of these talk shows and they said the women's national team only got to pick from a pool of 5.2 million whereas the men get to pick from a pool of 500 and something me and the guy was like so the women get paid a higher percentage.
And then just shot them up straight away because we're like, oh, but women only made 500,000. That's 10 percent. Yeah. The boys made four million. That's from 500 to 600 million. That's like, well, that's not 10 percent. That's way less. When you think about it that way. Yeah. Yeah. When it's looked at it properly. um When it's looked at it like exactly. So this is this is the problem when it comes to it. So going back to the current point and stuff, she just needs to come. She just needs to calm down about how much people are getting paid because I'm sure she has no problem when somebody in the financial district gets paid a ยฃ38 million pound bonus. She hasn't got a problem with it when they're like, well, I don't really want to pay the rest of the workers that because I want to make a bigger check for myself. yeah But that doesn't seem to make mainstream media, but because Rodriguez said we are tired, we are getting injured, which actually won't happen. Your body will start. And he is. And another players will follow suit, honestly, of long health toward them all. And obviously, because we want to be entertained with top quality football. but
For me, for me, it's just it's too much. We've touched on it. It's not just me. It's I think anybody who likes football doesn't want to see so many matches. No, no, no. It just takes just so it takes it it takes the sort of, ah you know, I prefer the weekend games because it's something that you look forward to. OK, you're going to have the the occasional cup game in in midweek or Champions League, but that's fine because that's we're used to that. but We are used to it. You know what I'm saying? But then it ends May Champions League final, the end done. That's it. Yeah. till fucking August, like, you know, let's go again. And then that gives us like, oh, I can't with football or transfers and transfer news. And you've got your updates on all of a sudden you you got your bells ringing on your phone or transfer, whatever it is. So again, it's the excitement of it all and and and.
just to put an end to this sort of you know Karen's point and and generally not all female footballers by the way because again ah not all of them have spoken about this but just a few that have like Alicia Lehman for example you know she plays for Juventus um she Yeah, she's done with him. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, she's like he gets paid more. Yeah, so of course so that was so interesting. That was like the first ever couple contract that that was made, right? As in like, okay, I'm coming, but ah you need to bring her with you for the event as women's team. Whatever, right? i don't I don't care about that. I don't really agree with it, but I don't really care about it that much, right?
And it's like, well, Alicia, unfortunately, you do not play the football that we want. Do you know what I'm saying? You are not at the level of the men's just yet for you to attract the crowds and the and and the TV and the sponsors that the men's World Cup, Euros, Champions League, not just the final, but group saves, whatever it is, right?
So, again, it is absolutely ridiculous and ludicrous, may I add, by the way? I tried to add that word in there. I had to add that word in there that some of the female football players are even thinking about the situation. Do you know what I'm saying? Because they're not thinking, they're just thinking like, oh, inequality. But no, that's unfortunately, again, the society that we live in has kind of is Sorry, not has, but it's kind of moving away from the inequality. It's like, do you know what? Money is the equal thing. It doesn't matter what it is. Money is the equal thing. like if fucking you know If to start playing the women's football in bras and panties and shit like that, and they're getting a lot of viewership, fair dues, then yeah, you're not getting paid enough. Do you know what I'm saying? If you're selling out whatever it is, then you're not getting paid enough. Yeah, you know, but until it's a business like I go back to it. If the business is making a lot of money, you're not getting a fair share, other than, yeah, by all means. But right now you' you're getting paid a higher percentage than probably what the men are getting paid. And and so it's a bigger pool for the men. It's a bigger struggle for the men. Sorry, just to cut over. How many players, how many people have you known that have gone to the academies, have made
sort of like you know the big squad and then the bin drop because they're not good enough they're not at that level. I don't know if this is truth or not right but I heard the start before when I played before when I was younger and I was like oh I want to be a footballer clearly it wasn't good enough we've talked about this before how I was not good enough but if it's like I think the start was a million children get selected every year to join the academies and to go on trial After those millions that give trial, only 100,000 are kept on by the academies. Out of those 100,000, only 10,000 sign on to the apprenticeship contracts and so on to stay on for a couple of years. After those 10,000, only 1,000 go on to play for like teenage years and so on, 15 to 16, 17.
and now that 10,000 so on basically drops down to one person signs and professional contracts a year to make it now granted a couple of seasons ago we've had Kobe mano, Rhys James and sackers and so on of course these guys are outstanding footballers and yeah that tends to happen but how many other years have you had these academy players break through and gone that is quality this is a person and you're right it's it's It's virtually, virtually impossible to become a professional footballer. In the men's game. Unless you've been touched by the hand of God. In the men's game, yeah. So yeah, in the men's game. Unless you've been touched by the hand of God and gone, this guy, yeah that guy, that guy. It's it's insane. if Billions of children want to be footballers. Billions of male male male so boys, sorry. Let's go with that. Billions of boys want to be footballers every year, every two to four years. And probably like a handful making into the game.
where they can afford to make a living out of it. The rest of them still play football, don't get me wrong, but they have to do plumbing or some sort of a trade or some sort of a job to kind of compensate the salary. But I'm talking to make it to the very top. Very, very, very small number of children get to become professional footballers. so yeah it's it's It's a lot of things, isn't it? A lot of things to consider about it. It adds to the main thing is it that to sorry yeah i was because say it adds to to the appeal and the you know and the allure of of the football game because you know it's not something that everyone can do. Yes, we can play football like you know outside with our mates and stuff like that, but that's that's that's cool. i feel like you know especially but Especially for us, football has just felt
like, you know, natural as a sport, as a thing in your life. You know, it felt like another being in your life, you know what I mean? Like, it's football. It's just, it's like a natural thing. Like, we could- I love watching it. I love playing it. Literally, you could sit down with a random person.
and Talk football and it doesn't matter what team they support You will talk football because it's just a natural thing to do and and and that's the thing with the women's game It's like it's I'm not saying it's a it's you know It's a recent thing because at least the last 30 years that I would say at the very least anyway 30 years the the women the women's football team ah game has has ah you know has been going on and improved that and obviously it's improved of course it has of course it has and obviously with the more mainstream media and stuff like that it's like yeah yeah games being shown on mainstream yeah and especially after the whole me too movement you know there was a more there was a bigger emphasis on on the women's game and fair dues you know that's fine and again i have nothing against it sometimes if it's on and it's just on the like you know just randomly on a channel i'll watch it i will watch it especially if it's like Arsenal playing or something like that, like a big team. I'll sit there and watch it. I haven't watched it once. And I'm a father of daughters as well, and my brother's girlfriend was like, but what if your girls want to play football? I'll tell them to sit down. I'm joking.
I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm not going down there. I'll say like I would support them to play football, but I would also tell them to be realistic that becoming a professional footballer, regardless, it's more difficult for boys, we just touched on that, but even as for girls, it is difficult to become a professional. And when you do become a professional,
You probably will need a second job because you're not going to make that much money because, again, just mommy and daddy turning up to support you is not enough for you to earn multi-millions just like the men do because you need the globe. No, but Rick, like think about it this way. um if the if By the time they're the at the age of going into an academy or making a starting lineup or whatever it is, right you know things would have changed a lot more. and ah things would have progressed a lot more as well. and And obviously, you know, if she ever, if either of them, you know, ever went into the professional game in the women's game sort of thing, you know, it's you whatever money that they'll make, yes, it won't be hundreds of thousands per week.
But, you know, like six grand, seven grand, 12 grand a week, eight. That's... You're right. So what I shouldn't be teaching them is, what I shouldn't be teaching them, if you do make $72,000 a year, do not spend $8,000 a month on rent. Bingo. Bingo. That's it. but Because it's not $6,000. Daddy misheard earlier. It's not $6,000. It's $8,000. And therefore, you're going to be on a deficit every year. You're right. That's a literally right. No, but you're right. Listen, I'm joking aside. We're just having a bit of banter there and so on. But you know, like whatever the kids, you know, when you become, I'm sure for all fathers out there, as long as your kids are happy, that's all that matters, whatever they want to be. But the women game is coming along, but the men's game, it just keeps, as the women games evolve, the men games evolve even further and further and become, you see players going for a hundred million.
and making 500 million a week. No, of course, of course. It's not recorded anywhere, but pretty confident Harland is walking away with half a million every week with the amount of goal bonuses, with the amount of appearances and playing 90 minutes and so on. Whatever he's got in his contract, I can guarantee Harland is making 2 million. Oh, no, I don't disagree. I don't disagree. And obviously that could probably be part of the charges. But um again, just ah just to wrap it up, just to wrap it up on the Just to wrap it up on the... on the Yes, yes, yes. I've lost my train of thought that I was going to wrap it up on the women's football, but yeah, i I've lost my train of thought. On Karen's comment, wrap it up on the Karen's comment and play as playing for Tulan. No, um it doesn't matter, yeah. I'll complain. With the women, oh yeah, so this is my point, right, and and the final point on this. In the last 10 years, because of obviously, you know, social medias and all that type of shit, blah, blah, blah, and mainstream media getting more involved,
Women's football has changed dramatically, like has grown exponentially in the last 10 years at the very least. Do you know what I'm saying? yes So that's the curve that it's going to go. Yes, when I watch the women's football, I can see the level all you know of of sort of tactics or whatever it is. I can see that it's not the same as the men's. Do you know what I mean? like I can see that.
But again, I don't go into watching a women's football match thinking, oh, I'm going to watch, like, Brazil France 98 or some shit. Like, do you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm not expecting that. And that's fine. But can you imagine a female walking out with a Ronaldo haircut? Well, that 2002 one. That's a bit extreme, obviously. I don't I don't expect that to happen. But But I'm just, you know, and that's the thing, like it's going to grow again in the next 10 years, it's going to grow again. And obviously, I don't think that gap will ever be bridged between the men's and women's pay gap. I don't think that will ever be bridged, to be honest. But, you know, I don't think just in football, though, in any competitive sport, NBA, NFL, you know, like tennis, I think tennis as well sometimes, although tennis is close to be fair, tennis have done female, whatever you win the main major grand slam, the men and the women get the same prize.
because before the men were getting paid more than the women and again the argument for tennis association was because they're bringing in the viewership is greater from the male tennis than it is for the female tennis but anyway anyway anyway that was the last point you had to make on it let's leave it there because we could be here forever for all sports and not yeah let's not do it inequality and pay and so on but yeah it's you know it is something to to be looked at but i don't think unless unless like i said you know the the marketing and all that stuff changes i don't think it's it's a conversation to be had just yet um So, yeah, look, I did want to actually bring something up away from football, um maybe a bit touchy, maybe a bit touchy, I don't know if for for some listeners, but I'm going to bring it up anyway. Oh, for listeners, I thought it was going to be touchy for me, and I was like, oh, hello, you're surprising me. No, for the listeners, um obviously, as we know, this month is...
ah Black History Month um and it is something that is celebrated and now my thing is right and I'm going to try and say this in the nicest way possible and because I have good intentions of what I'm about to say right why are we celebrating Black History Month?
Is that a question? I mean, it's it can be rhetorical and it you can't answer it because I don't know. I feel like like why are we why are we celebrating it? Yeah, ah that is my question. I'll put those in question to you.
Yeah to me, I think obviously the main thing to celebrate is because obviously there isn't that many yeah black people in soft positions of power to influence the youth and a lot of the history sometimes and I think this is where it gets a bit skewed so just bear with me on this. What I think it's intended to celebrate is kind of the black excellence, the black black black sort of power of people being in positions of power. The Barack Obama's as a as a ex-president, the Jay Z's, the LeBron James's, the X, Y and Z, the football. I can't think of a whoever like I suppose a Mario Balotelli being a black Italian footballer when he started 11 back in the day.
ah back in the day, i've got like five, six years ago whenever Balotelli was there. But I think what's happening more and more, they're talking about black history and everything gets taught about is back to slavery, back to slavery, back to back to that bit when in reality it should be all about celebration. But why should it be limited to a month? Why should we only celebrate it in October? Morgan Freeman touched it best I think when he asked he was asked by a Jewish reporter and he said ah how can we stop The Jewish reporter who asked him, how can we end racism? And Morgan Freeman said, we'll just stop talking about it. You stop calling me a black man, I'll stop calling you a Jewish man.
And at the same time, and he goes, what about black history? He goes, I hate it. yeah And he's like, why? And he said, well, let me ask you, when is it the Jewish History Month? There isn't one. Or would you like one? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, exactly. I don't think how you can put all of my history into one month. And so I think for me, that's the experience that I've had a lot of times, obviously, being a student at school, when we try to celebrate Black History Month or anything about black.
Anything around black history was slavery. They came from Africa and the Caribbeans. They were chained and these ships and this and that. And you think to yourself, OK, that's fine. But like, what about the rest of it? Like when they were when they were kings and they were, you know, only their own land and their own land and, you know, cultural leaders. Absolutely. And what you want to learn is about the only black samurai that was like the most feared samurai in all of Japan during that time. And he was a black person from Africa and he married his married a Japanese woman and had children and stuff. That's what you wanna learn about. You don't wanna learn about somebody who was like, oh, he got sold into yeah slave trade and so on. But yeah, that's my take. That's how I think it should be done. But obviously, again, why a month? But i think okay that's that's the only thing I think I can kind of... answer that way if that makes sense. That's my only understanding of it. I could be wrong, I could be right, I don't know. It's like it's not even about right or wrong to be honest, it's just obviously it's your opinion and not in that matter and and for me it's not even about the fact that it's only a month, it's just the fact that
again, going back to what you said, the quote from Morgan Freeman, it's like, you know, why are we, you know, why are we discussing, like, why, why are we doing this? Who decided this? Do you know what I'm saying? Like, you know, great black leaders, for example, like Martin Luther King, you know, we celebrate them as as normal people because of civil liberties. Like, you know, that's why we celebrate him. Like, you know, I don't know if fair enough he's got his own day, like other great, you know, men be before him sort of thing.
But I'm saying like, you know, we celebrate him, like you don't need to make it a thing where it's like a month, like, you know, you're bringing too much attention to something where it's like, why, you know, we are we not passing this?
Do you know what I mean? It's like, oh, yeah, we now we have to, you know, going back to the whole Black Lives Matter thing. Oh, all lives matter. Yes, get it. Obviously, all lives matter, you dumbass. However, this is the lives that are at risk right now. Like this is what's happening right now in your world. No one's fucking saying this is more important than the others. Like this is the stupidity of people. So for me, again,
just to reiterate because you know some people might get this the wrong way i'm not saying don't celebrate black history but that's not what i'm saying i just don't think it should even be a thing that should even you know exist as a concept do you know i'm saying because we again we should be and i can only speak for myself like I'm past that shit. like you know For me, I don't give a fuck. Do you know what I'm saying? I just don't give a fuck about any of these days, first of all, but especially for something that but shouldn't even be an issue for normal thinking intellectual people. Do you know what I'm saying? Because again, you're bringing attention to something that's clearly meant to be, you know oh, look, we're not racist.
whoever thought of the day, oh look we're not racist, you clearly are, you obviously are, because you, why would you even bring this up, like why would you even bring this up, oh black history month, oh thank you for reminding us of you know the shit that's happened before, thanks for that, yeah great, yeah but so we've got a month of this now, do you know what I'm saying, on TV and all this shit, like Whoever came up with it clearly must be a private person. it's white house country It's a white person. Of course. 100% it's a white person who came up with Black History Month. They want to say, I'm celebrating you this. I'm going to celebrate this month for you. Because only white people that do that. It's just constantly reminds you guys of where you came from and how you were slaves and this and that. And I think that's the sad thing about it. But in reality though, in a way it can be good. It may have good intentions.
because the media doesn't really celebrate. It's the same with Muslims as well, you know. ah some A Muslim might be a radicalized or extremist or something. The whole faith has gone down in tarnish and all Muslims are violent and so on and so forth. Whereas when they feed in the homeless people around the streets of Middlesbrough or Birmingham or Bradford or wherever they are, like they're giving them free food.
never makes the news not once and they do during the holy month of Ramadan when they go really and obviously we've witnessed it in our in our town of yeah community yeah yeah and in the community so obviously and I know that's not just there it happens even when there is a high Asian community East London in southeast London wherever they are they go around but that never makes the news and same thing with the black people as well sometimes or Black History Month sorry when they do something amazing and it's achieved unless they're an athlete and I think this is more in America they can dribble a ball or they can rap and sing really well it's not really spoken about when there's an entrepreneur who owns probably 70 000 rental apartments and he does affordable homes nobody talks about it
But the moment they can dribble a ball and shoot a three-pointer, all of a sudden they're like, oh, he's the face of the NBA. That's what sells. That's great. Social problems don't sell, Rick. Do you know that? Social problems don't sell at all, my friend. So, you know, it's yeah, it's.
Yeah, well, that's it. it's it's a Yeah, that's pretty much it. What we're always saying, listen, is yes, it's in a month, but really, if it is that month, should it be used for the right reasons and in if anything, why is it not just for the whole 12 months? Celebrate it as we do with everything else, so the whole 12 months. And going back to the going back to the to to Muslim culture, you know, why why isn't Eid a day off, like a national holiday?
there's a massive There's a massive population of of Muslims in the UK. like Why not do that? yep you know That's a holy day. yeah That's a holy day. What you're doing right there is just disrespecting. I don't want to get into the whole religion, politics, bullshit, because that's not what we do here. But I'm just saying. like you know It's a way of doing that for people. oh yeah you know If you're going to be respectful, respect me on my holy day. Christmas is a day off. But I'm happy to come to work on Christmas. I don't celebrate Christmas. Exactly. But it's close and you can't. I acknowledge Jesus. And so on but exactly no no exactly exactly and that's and look, it's a whole it's a whole different stupid shit. Maybe that's in a different book. But no, So yeah, just wrap it up on that, on on the whole Black History Month thing. I just don't even think it should be a thing to to even... like discuss is like how fucking, how backwards can something be? Do you know what I'm saying? Like as a concept, as an idea, how backwards is it? And hence why I say it's a white person who thought of it like 100% because it is, it is, it is what we do as white people. It's like, Oh yeah, let's celebrate this. You just drew attention to the one thing that we want to move past, but no, now we have October to think about it. Do you know what I'm saying? and
Well, we've got October and we've got Bonfire Night coming up as a terrorist who tried to blow up Parliament. Now we celebrate him every year. I mean, that's worth celebrating. I know, but at the end, by the definition, he's a terrorist. He's a terrorist. He's an absolute terrorist, yes. By the definition, he's a terrorist. And he's probably the first and only one who tried to do that to the House of Parliament, not to do it to the House of Parliament, because I don't think it's ever happened since.
So yeah, he celebrated. I don't know my history that well, but apart from that, again, I'm just going back to secondary school history. Yes, of course. yeah the historyies come from That's all. But yeah, yeah please celebrate it in reality. Like, why that? Like, how why is he celebrating? Why are we having a big bonfire night in his remembrance? like yeah I agree. There's so much shit going on all over the world, but we want it. No, definitely not. so definitely's anything else ah i mean And there was a quote, and I'm going to leave it with this one here. like In films, when there's a resistance in the movies such as Star Wars, you back the resistance. In Divergent, you back the resistance. In Hunger Games, you back the resistance. But the moment it happens in real life, you just stick your head in the sand and pretend you're blind.
That's it. That's it. Yeah. Terminator, you definitely fight for the resistance and all that stuff. So like you're right. You're absolutely right. You think of any movie, everybody's like, oh, it's a resistance. so It's the resistance. Those are the good guys in in your doorstep. And it's happening in in the Middle East as we currently speak. I want to say, fuck it. I want to say I don't care because I feel passionate about this is when it's Israel and Palestine and all they keep saying ends the war on Gaza. How about you just stop the apartheid? How about you stop the fucking genocide? That's how you end it because you kill the mothers and fathers and sons, people are not going to forget that easy to be like, okay, I'll forgive you. you see yeah all all all that's happening go is there resistor Yeah, all that's happening now is just creating another generation of hatred and and enemies and feud. And and again, unfortunately, it it just seems to be happening because, you know, what was it like? What was in the 90s? I think Israel did something. There was the war, obviously the Gaza war it during the early 2000s. So again, it's just different generations being wiped out or or being angered by by by the treatment. And the the thing is, now it's reached the stage where, again, going back to the you know social media, mainstream media and all that stuff, and people being more aware and having something to read themselves. which i'm glad I'm glad for you, of course. And again, if you if that's what it's been used for, like the the
the the information, you know, to to to learn about the depths and and what's real and what's not and come up with your own conclusion. That's good. But don't just read one article and not the story or cross-references. yet yeah You need to cross-reference, especially with stuff like this. You know, you need to cross-reference, especially for people who who have an opinion or who want to chime chime in with an opinion on social media, do you know what I'm saying, on Twitter or whatever.
So again, educate yourselves. that's That's the main thing to do in that situation. But yeah, well yes doug yeah that's that's the way that that's the way that um I look at ah that and yeah.
Yeah, don't ever believe. One thing I've always learnt as well is never believe anything on face value, which is because one person told you it doesn't mean it's true. Trying to see if you can get it from a different source and if there are five of them are saying the same thing, still be like, okay, what could it be from the other side? Yeah, take it with the Pinterest alt, of course, take it with the Pinterest alt, because again, unless you witness it yourself, and again, there's a quote, well, there's a quote, there's a story by Ricky Gervais, just quickly, quickly, just tiny little bit off topic, right?
Because I'm just cautious. We're cautious. at ty We haven't even talked about the football. Yeah, we're going to do the predictions. That's the last thing, of course. But yeah, so obviously he was talking about atheism and and it was like, you know, the the the definition really is it's like, well,
I need to see it to believe it, basically. That's that's the sort of you yeah definition. of rule not Not the official definition, but that's what it kind of means. like I need to see it to believe it. And that's that's the way you know that's the way I look at it as well. And you know so that that sort of fits into that into situation. It's like, unless you see it with your own eyes, don't really believe it. Or unless you hear it with your own ears, you don't really believe it. so Yeah, well, look, since you mentioned it, I suppose we should talk about some football. And actually, whilst we were talking that, I was writing down the teams for the predictions. So if you bow me one second, if you want to take it over. If you wrote them down, I'll shout them out and you can go first and then obviously I'll go first, second, we'll do it that way. So let's begin. And obviously, first of all, we're happy it's back, right? We're happy the Premier League is back. Absolutely. Absolutely. 100%. Absolutely. I cannot wait. For the majority of the nation who were football fans, we are happy the prem is back. Quick question. When is Basel Real Madrid? Is it this weekend or is it next weekend? Give me one second. I will find that out. I've got it here somewhere. I'm really looking excited, obviously. It's not this weekend. They're playing Real Play Celta Vico this weekend and I think it could be next weekend.
So we've got Liverpool, Arsenal and Barca, Real or Real, Barca, whichever way. Yeah, so it's going to be fun. It's going to be great. It's going to be interesting. Absolutely. It's going to be quite interesting. I'm looking forward to it. But Rick, do you want to start with... Actually, hold on, let me just go back to the Sunday here real quick. Let's start with Spurs-West Ham. Yeah, we'll start with Spurs-West Ham. What are we feeling? Am I going first? Are you going first on this one? You can go first on this one. Yeah, you can go first. You want me to go first, eh? So Spurs playing first thing on Saturday afternoon. I'll be honest with you, right? I can see them losing that. So I'm going to go for like, yeah, I'm going to go for like a... I'm going to go for like a 1-0. Yeah, 1-0 West Ham. I can see West Ham scoring and I can see Spurs probably...
I think he's got a draw. I think he'll probably be like a 1-1 or a 2-2 draw. wow okay Put me down for a... Yeah, because Spurs are going to lead goals. Antonio's going to be too much... too I can see Antonio being too powerful for the Spurs defense. Can you see a red card for the Spurs defense? And then he's just going to try and hear the... Yeah, I can see a card for Romero. Yeah, something's up. It's kind of like a... certain But I'm not going to predict the card. Let's not get the card away now. We've barely predicted the results. Never mind trying to predict what's happening in the game. But for me, I'm going to go for 1-1. 1-1, okay. I'll put you down for a 1-1 on that one. Next one we've got... Put me down for a 1-1. We've got Fulham versus Aston Villa at Fulham. What are we saying? I think another 1-1. Ooh, okay. I can see a pattern. I think we'll cancel each other out. No, I think... Because... I can see... Well, the the sort form that Villa have gone on recently, I can see them losing that match. But because of a bit of a break, I can see Emery bringing them together. So I'm going to go for a Villa win and I'm going to go for a cheeky 2-1 on that one.
Yeah, I'm gonna put a cheeky 2-1 on that one for myself. Just a cheeky one though, do you know what I mean? Just a cheeky one. Not a proper one, just a cheeky one. Okay, then we've got Ipswich Everton at Ipswich, what we're saying?
Well, I'm going to go 2-0, Everton. I think, I think. I'm going to go 2-0, Everton. Oh, yeah, and I think Ipswich might, Nicky, I think it might be 2-1, 2-1, Ipswich. 2-1, Ipswich. Everton can always disappoint you though, although they did OK, not too bad and so on, but they just seem to disappoint you all the time. Do you know what? I'm going to change my... When you look at head-to-head zone, FPL, they've played 10 games, they've both won four each and two draws, so... I think, I've even got a staff, I've even got draw written on it. Oh, don't do another draw. Don't do another 1-1. Don't do another draw. do another draw.
No, then I'm going to go 1-1 again. You're going to go draw again. I'm going to change it. Good job it's not written in pencil. Well, do you know what? I'm actually going to change mine, but I'm going to go with a 3-1 Everton. I can see them scoring a few goals and maybe I'm going to go 3-1. Moving on, and we've got Man United, Brentford at Old Trafford. Now, this is interesting.
you got. Intelli-Sante. Absolutely. I think United are going to get beat 2-1. I think Unbueno is going to keep scoring goals. I think, yeah, he'll get goals and I think they're going to get beat. God.
I think they'll get beat. I think i think this is the time he loses his job now. So... Which is sad to see him really, but... I mean, sorry, yeah, it is. No, it is. It's sad for any... But, you know, he's a probably a funny guy, etc, etc. And the abuse that he's been getting as well. Granted, it's not without merit because they have been awful. They have been awful. And unfortunately, the manager gets it, but at the same time. Nobody's been personal with it, though. This is like what we talked about earlier. Everything has been about his job.
but i do think he'll lose it yeah i think so i think so um especially if it's a if it's a loss so whatever what are you going with you're saying two one you're saying what you're saying yeah i think two one don't don't let me put words in your mouth mate so you know no no you know you know i was gonna go two one three one but three one i just don't put me down for three when I think they're probably going to concede three goals again. I think they'll concede three goals again. Jesus Christ. Right. OK, well, I hope not, though. In a way, I kind of don't want to do because I feel sorry for him now. I'm going to go. I don't know why I feel sorry for him. I literally feel sorry for my United right now. And I thought I'd never say those words. You're crazy. You're crazy. You're crazy. I'll delete that out. I'll be like they're going to get beat three one. Yeah. I'll be the whole section. I will just be just be black. So everybody thinks it's just going to be like, I feel fuck my United because I'll be like,
There you go, I'll put that on. up Yeah, I'll just start with fuck my United and that's it. Well, i'm good i actually you know what, I think they're gonna i think they're goingnna win and I can see, they're definitely gonna concede, so I'm just gonna go with like a, do you know what, I'm just gonna put it down as a draw, I'm gonna go 1-1. It's my first draw of the weekend, yeah, it's my first draw of the weekend. I think it's gonna be a draw and he'll probably still lose his job, so. ah Newcastle Brighton at St. James's Park, what was saying?
This is a big game, this one. If Newcastle have got all the players back with ESAC and, well, ESAC performing and coming back for them is going to be huge. But Brighton have been so good though, haven't they? Brighton have been so good. I think I'm going to go Brighton, Brighton, Nickett 2-1. I'm going to go for an away win. I think Brighton will beat Newcastle 2-1 at home. 2-1. Wow, I was going to go through. So 1-2. Yeah, of course. I'm going to go 3-1 Newcastle.
I could see that being the match of the weekend and that's probably going to be my candidate for match of the weekend. Yeah, probably. I was going to say the same result. That's probably match of the weekend, but then again.
No, maybe not. I was going to say, could it be Bournemouth? We've got Liverpool and Chelsea for much of the weekend, by the way. This is just Saturday. Yeah, that's going to cancel each other out. Much of the day then, so this is for much of the day. Are you going for the same one? Newcastle, Brighton. Are you going for the same one? Yeah, I think so as well. I'll put you down for a W&W weekend match of the day, apparently. I don't know. The code is the code, so it can't be changed. Then we've got Southampton Leicester at Southampton. Championship meeting. Yeah.
1-1 fair enough I'll put you down as 1-1 I'm gonna go Leicester win I think Leicester are probably a little bit stronger and maybe cause a few of more problems but I'm gonna go 1-0 Leicester
Yeah, I can see that happening and then maybe Southampton fight till the end to try and pull it back and it might nick a goal. That's the only reason I went 1-1. But yeah, I'm more leaning towards Leicester as well. 1-1, fair enough. And then we've got, last game of the week, Saturday, sorry, we've got Bournemouth Arsenal. It's Saka back. It's Saka expected to play. So Saka, I don't think he'll be back this weekend.
but it wasn't too serious of an injury, so again, that there is a possibility that he could come back. What about your neighbour, Martin? Odegard will be out for a little bit longer, so yeah, there has been updates, some updates anyway. Any other injuries? Well, we've got Jiren Timbers out, Ben White. Timbers out, why is Timbers out? He's got like a minor minor thing going on, so he's probably, you know... Yeah, that's just the Arsenal way. Timbers out, Ben white no White's out. Ben White's out, Zinchenko's out, but the rest are fine. Timo Yasu's out. Timo Yasu could be back and make an appearance, but probably like a second half thing just to give a bit of rotation. But that's as far as you know we know right now. but I still think you're strong enough, so I'd like to still know when you've got all those injuries. I still expect you to win and I think you will win comfortably. I think you'll win 3-1. Wow.
Wow, you are mad. Mind you, I want to go 3-0, so Raya can give me some points for my FPL. Fair enough, fair enough. Yeah, well, yeah, educated, I guess. ah ah Bournemouth, Bournemouth are the type of team that just sort of do your damage real quick. Like, they're just sort of like, you know, shankier on the side real quick, and then you're like, oh, fuck, I have to get my shit together now. So I think there's definitely going to be a goal from Bournemouth, and I'm probably going to go with I'm gonna go 3-1. Yeah, I'm gonna go 3-1 Arsenal.
I love the way he said that, but I said 3-1 as well, you're like, fuck. You said 3-0, didn't you? You said 3-0. You went for the same result, I know, but I changed the afterwards just for my FPL. Oh yeah, okay, yeah. I said 3-0, but I said 3-1, you were like, fuck. And then you went, yeah, I think I'm gonna go 3-1. Yeah, well, I had the split second time to think. You spoke to your subconscious there. Yeah, absolutely, of course. Your voice is buried in there, bruv. Right, and then we move on to Sunday, we've got wolves. Red-free. Red-free. What?
Rent free, live in rent free. Rent free, right there bro, right there. I want to charge you now just for the utilities. Wolves City, I think City are going to walk with it. They need to start putting performance in. City will probably win 4-1, 4-1 team for that one. Jesus Christ. Yeah, I can see goals because Wolves will try and perform because they're really low as well in the league, they're quite low down. If not last, I think they might be even bottom, you know. Quick look at the league table view. Yeah, Wolves are at the bottom.
one point and a minus 12 goal difference. So Gary Anil is going to expect a performance from the boys, but expecting a performance would leave yourself vulnerable at the back. And that's just what City are very good at exploiting. Yeah, sorry, Gary, but this is this could well be a last match for you as well, because he's sort of the cautious one, isn't he? saw Absolutely. Right, well, you know, I'd be foolish not to pick City, right? You know, I'd be foolish.
But I'm going to pick City so yeah um yeah it's I don't think wolves have anything to to provide against them to be honest. enough I don't think there's going to be a goal for wolves. yeah um I'll easily say 3-0 without going crazy but I'm going to say 3-0.
And then, yeah, Liverpool Chelsea. Let's hear your thoughts. I'm first, of course, the tradition. So, OK, I think Chelsea have a very good chance of causing some damage to Liverpool's back line. No, to the back line, I feel like they could. You know, obviously, Alison's not, you know, he's injured, so he's not going to be playing.
um Apart from Kanata really, I mean, I know obviously Liverpool fans will start having a go about, oh, Van Dijk can do this. But yeah, I just feel like Kanata's probably the the only one that I'd be sort of like thinking, alright, okay, how do we get past him? But the rest of them, you know Trent, if he's going forward, that's your tactic. You just leave someone up there. As soon as Trent goes up, that's it. yeah He leaves that space, you just provide someone in there.
i think and and obviously you know I think you've got enough to do that and Sancho can do that from that side. You've got Palmer on the other side who can do the same thing. The only thing with Palmer is you know if you get some support against Van Dijk because that's you'll be on his side. um I think Palmer could do very well and this is where obviously your wingers and your full backs will come into play with the overlapping because you know even on that side Liverpool are quite weak.
so So, yeah, i'm obviously, again, in the interest of fairness, however, the front line is quite dangerous. so And the midfield is quite good. So, you know, they can't that can't be denied. Ani Slott has done and well. He's organised himself. OK, without too much waffling, because we will analyse the game, obviously, on Sunday. OK, so for me, I'm going to go with... Do you know what? I can even... OK, now I'm going to go 2-1 Liverpool.
Yep. I made a good point, but you know, I'm not going to go against you. mean No, no, you made great points. I think we'll win. That's good. That's good. I think we will go there and I think we will beat them. Although we are missing some plays, Kukarela is going to be missing due to a second yellow card. And I think somebody else is missing. I don't know for 100%. I don't know if it's a midfield or is it for Fano in the centre back. But somebody is definitely missing because of the second yellow a yellow card and our accumulation of yellow cards. So two of them are not going to be ready for Liverpool. But I just feel like there's something and I feel like it's our time. And we seem to play well against teams that seem to leave
a lot of space behind. Granted last year we got beat five something I think at Anfield we'll probably get beat again the same if we're not caught on the show so we'll keep making silly mistakes but I think it's probably either going to be a draw or a Chelsea win. I think I think we'll probably we'll probably be a little bit our midfield if it's firing in an all cylinders it it's a bit stronger than Graven Burch. McAllister's quality don't get me wrong Graven Burch is a good one for them.
I thought you would. No, to be fair, I think midfield wise, they're very good, but they bomb forward a lot. They do. So we'll try and hit the counter-attack, exploit our pace with Madaweke, Sanchez, Jackson is quick as well. I've got a back-up, because it's my team and I think we'll win, but realistically my heart tells me it's going to be a draw.
I think a draw will probably be a good result for us as well. You've still got time to change it? I'll close my eyes as I'm reminiscing. I'm going to go 2-1 Chelsea, 2-1 Chelsea. We'll beat them away from home. And then we'll probably get beat by Nottingham, Forrester, whoever else we play after that.
No, i don't I mean, you said you you got beat 5-0 last season. um Who was the manager then? Was it Pochettino or was it Potter? No, it was Pochettino. No, it was Pochettino. So, 4-1 we got beat last season. sorry January 31st we got beat 4-1 at Anfield and then it was 1-1, 0-0. So this is why I keep thinking it's a draw. Going back to March where we beat the 1-0, Liverpool 5-3, 2-0, etc. Yeah, so it's kind of give or take each time from 2018 onwards, and then at 2021, August 2021, that kind of second game of the season, 1-1, 2-2 in January, 0-0 in January 23, 0-0 in April 23, 1-1 in August 23, 4-1, and then obviously Liverpool beat us 4-1 that time, but yes, there's lots of draws in there, but yeah, draw or a Chelsea win. I'll put you down for a Chelsea win, and i I've quickly changed mine as well to 4-3 Liverpool.
so i So I think you made a good point reading those out and my educated guess is I think there's going to be some goals and 4-3 it's going to be a good game. I think, okay, look, with your midfield, unfortunately... 4-3 is it difficult to lose one because you're like, yes, yes, yes, yeah. And then when you get beat 4-3, especially if it's 3-3 and they score to make it 4-3, that would be a hard one. That's what I'm saying. So it's got potential to be a game of the weekend to be fair, but i'm I'm sticking with ah with Newcastle Brighton.
um death again it could be Yeah, it could be just a very, very boring match. It could be very you know high scoring match. Let's just see. This is the beauty of this, right? This is why we do this is why we do the predictions. But I think i just real quick on the on on on your midfielders, I just don't think your midfielders are good enough, to be honest. I just don't think they are. On the counter, yes, 100%. You have got the pace. You've got the the the skill of player to do that.
Brilliant, granted I can give you that. And again, because, obviously, Alisson's not playing, you could could be a good chance. I'm not sure if Kelleher's playing, because I don't know why he didn't play last game. Anyway, it doesn't matter. But if if it's the third keeper, then you've got a very good chance to exploit that as much as you can. But yeah, I just don't think Jurgenfielders, I don't think Enzo Fernandez is good enough, to be honest with you. Kaseiros, again, he shows bits, but then you see some other bits that lead to goals in his own in his own box, and you think,
anything How are you? 118, 120? Whatever it was. whatever Well, the reason is 120 million is because we had our pants down. Yeah, exactly. So again, I just don't don't like your midfield and if that's where the game is going to be played, I think they're going to overrun you and that's why I think maybe 4-3 because they could run straight through the middle, you'll counter them and it could be back and forth. So again, it could be 4-3 Chelsea. It could literally be that that sort of thing. Let's hope it's done better. Yeah, of course. I could lose every game.
So who do you want to win? As an Arsenal fan, who would you rather win this game? I'd rather Chelsea win, purely because table, but obviously if you go in London, then obviously Liverpool, but no, I'd probably say Chelsea because right now Liverpool may be a bigger threat to Arsenal and Man City. Yeah, that's wise. So again, that's just... Chelsea winning, you know Chelsea would drop points, Liverpool winning, very difficult of them, We'd expect that going from history, but Maresco comes from a different teaching. So again, you could have a different mentality for the players. They could already be thinking, right, let's not do what we did last year. So this is what I'm saying. I'm excited about this match. Yeah, same. That's why I predicted a win for Chelsea, because I feel like we'll go there and do something. It's the big teams. This is how the level of Premier League is measured when the big teams play together. It doesn't matter if one's 8th or 11th or whatever the fuck it is or was.
It doesn't matter. Every season is a new season. This is what matters now. Do you know what I'm saying? And and so let let's see. Let's see which else is that. If they can beat 4-0, for example, then yeah, it's a problem. It's like, damn, we are not even close. We want to do a podcast. No, we're definitely going to do a podcast. Sure. I'll just do it myself. I don't care. But yeah, so yeah, it should be an interesting weekend and obviously glad for for for the Premier League to be back. And yeah, we'll obviously we'll be back on Sunday. Rick?
Is there anything else that you want to add, by the way, my friend? The final match and I'm on the move. Not in a Forest Crystal Palace. Apologies to those fans. Let's not forget the Le Citeat. Not in a Forest versus Palace. OK, I'm going to go with Palace win. OK. And I'm going to go with... Do you know who I'm going to go to? No Palace.
I've got a feeling this is going to be a 1-1 as well. I'm not even taking the piss about the amount of draws I've put in the game today. But I just feel like for some of these games they're just first week back. but This is your fifth draw by the way. Yeah, this is the fifth draw. I think because it's the after international break teams are going to be a bit cautious not to lose the first game. So I've got a feeling 1-1.
Okay, I'll put you down as a 1-1 man. And on that note... sender Yeah, I think I think i should. i think i should have There is Formula 1, there's a sprint qualifying right now, so I'm going to go ahead and watch that. Obviously we'll discuss Formula 1 results on Sunday. We'll have a quick chat about that. Yes. And yeah, so if there's nothing else, we'll ah we'll leave it there and we'll catch you on the next one. Until then, stay safe, stay alert, Rick. So for me bro, just a good night and stay safe, stay alert.