S03E04 - Tash Mic Guys - No Football, Running Over Cyclists and F1 Chat image

S03E04 - Tash Mic Guys - No Football, Running Over Cyclists and F1 Chat

S3 E4 ยท Tash Mic Guys
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A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

good manman how are you my guy Very well, very well. Well, I mean, you know, as well as someone can be, I guess. Bit of freedom, eh? Misses us away. Well, yeah she only left like a couple of hours ago and, you know, what can you really do after at that at that sort of time? You know, I was just been sat at home and watching TV. Yeah, there's not much to do really, is there? It hasn't been very exciting. No, no, no, no, not at all. But work tomorrow as well, so it's not...
Exactly. I mean, even if I didn't have work tomorrow, what else was I going to do? Really? You know, this is this is it. This is as light as light. That's who you were going to do. I definitely, definitely do not do that anymore. Our driver on the M25. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One hundred and seventeen miles of it. One hundred and seventeen miles. However fucking long it is. Is that how long it is? One hundred and seventeen miles all the way around. Yeah, about about 117. Yeah, all the way around it. So that and then obviously there's a North circular which kind of mimics it, but it's obviously smaller. Yeah, North and South circular. Yeah, I think that's probably like half the size. But yeah, that's how big I'm 25. Just again, random facts, by the way, to everyone listening, just random facts, like what the hell?
I was just sat there one day, I was just thinking, how long is the M25? Because I'm pretty sure it's like, it doesn't matter where you are on it, it's just cars. Do you know what I mean? Just piled on traffic. I don't think there is any point where it's like, this bit is clear. I think all of it is just, at one time I used Southwest.
yeah southwest part of it so obviously i live in southeast drove all the way around chocka block chocka for people over the pond that means just crazy traffic yeah crazy no crazy traffic i was like this is to the point where the cars had stopped and got drivers were out of the vehicles it wasn't like traffic was slow moving that's I mean like stopped and people were out people having chat with their neighbors I can only describe them as their neighbor because they were so close to each other and obviously have a chat yeah how are you mate yeah more I may be up to yeah not much geezer in it the geezer's got in the head and
I take that time to roll a sick or something, because I'm a smoker, as you well know, to roll a quick sick whilst I'm driving. Because I'm thinking, I'm not going to move for at least two minutes. It takes me a minute to roll a quick little sick, do you know what I mean? So it comes as a time.
But the thing is, with that, that actually only comes out after my frustration and my anger and my rage has, you know, just sort of left you, released my body. You know what I mean? It's crazy. Like when you see taillights, maybe it is something that's programmed into people. Maybe it's just men. I don't know what it is, right?
just programmed into us, you see taillights and immediately your brain goes, nah, I need to kill all these people in front of me. Figuratively obviously. Do the whole Bruce Almighty yeah kind of separation. yeah just That's not enough, thought that's not enough. i want I want to do that but I want them to fly out of their cars at the same time.
Maybe that's, I don't know, maybe this is wrong. Maybe that's too much rage. You have road rages, man. Don't worry, we tend to get road rage. I don't know about you or the men listening, but we do tend to get road rage quite quickly. And you're right at the moment, we do see tail lights and brake lights. You're like, no, what's happened here? And do you know what I thought the other day? It's like, we always try to divert away from traffic, but in reality, we get there at the same time as if we waited in the traffic. So it seems to be like this idea of if we're moving, we are getting there quicker.
Although we've taken a longer route, but moving at a faster pace or a faster speed and you wouldn't be moving on a slow moving traffic, you automatically think you're getting there quicker, but in reality you don't, you get there at the same time. So so Rick, I'm i'm actually going to write again, this is going to sound really sad and really geeky and nerdy for me, right? But I've actually done some research into this, right? Into this whole traffic business on like how it can to be eliminated, right?
apparently Apparently, traffic can never be eliminated and you know why? Because of people, as in not the sheer population of us, that's not what I mean, i mean like the the the fact that when when you're stuck in traffic, okay the first car moves.
Yeah, and then you move and then the and do you know I mean but that that's that split second or even that sort of five seconds of between the car in front and you move in that creates a ah Tailback, you know, I mean that that sort of that slowly starts slowing people down and that's where obviously that's where people come to a standstill So in order for traffic to actually be eliminated, right? You everyone when they set off from the traffic lights They need to move at the same time at the same. It's not gonna happen. Is it that would never happen? So yeah So it's easy listening that it can never be eliminated. And and and you're right, it doesn't matter. Oh, I'll take a shortcut. No, OK, you will take a shortcut, right? But there is 20 million other people who live in and around the area who will want that same fucking shortcut. And do the math. OK, the math is you've got two lanes outside of the motorway. You've got two lanes at the very maximum. And you've got almost like, what, three million people trying to drive up and down the same road.
The math ain't math-ing, I'm afraid. Yeah, the math isn't math-ing. Do you know what I mean? The square does not go into a triangle. Do you know what I'm saying? It just doesn't work like that, I'm afraid. Does it? No, just goes into a square. Which one is it?
Let's stay away from that topic. these Let's stay away from the topic. It just doesn't go into it. Whatever the saying is. A trapezium, right? It doesn't go into an octagon. You're right. it it It's completely relevant. and And the thing is, do you remember that episode of Top Gear?
where they go to Burma and they drive down Rangoon, the city. Yeah. And it's just like 20 lanes of motorways or 20 lanes of of road. Now, that is good. But again, it's not good over there because as Top Gear approved, there is not that many people that drive.
in Burma and around the area, do you know what I mean? So it's like, can you just bring that over here? Let's give us 20 lanes in the center of fucking London, right? And watch the traffic just dissipate. Can you just imagine that? I think sometimes, you know, this is like conspiracy theories on my part, but I always think like they're trying to eliminate cars and the best way of doing it is by making people give it up themselves due to the traffic, due to road closures, one-way systems. I think we're going to say due to road ridge, but yes.
No no no so obviously we're in and around where we live. They used used to be able to go drive through the estate, drive through people, drive through sort of back roads and so on to get on there. Now all of these roads i' got don't use them because it's a school route during around certain times so basically rush hour because that's the time when it's really busy when children go to school or people go to work.
And then the other one is, you can't go through there, dead end. They've just blocked it for no reason. Better yet, they haven't even blocked it. They've just left it open to tease you. But there is a camera that would read your number plate and send you a penalty notice directly to your home address to say... I'm sure you saved five minutes, but here's a 95 pound fine. If you, well, 95, if you pay it within 12 days, it's a hundred and 200 pounds. But if you pay within two weeks, you get 90 or whatever half would be like, I think the last one I received, there was 180 pounds and I had to pay 90 quid. Oh my God. Right. Not look, look, look, did I tell you about the time that I mentioned in the group when I got, I got a letter through for driving too close to a cyclist.
driving too close to a cyclist. No, you did not mention this with this. Did I not say that? I'm pretty sure. No, no, no. I haven't seen any. You're telling me I never ranted in the group about this. Are you kidding me? No, unless you didn't. I didn't. Okay. So this was like a few months ago, like we're talking maybe like four months or something like that, right? So I was driving my wife to work and basically there was a cyclist in front, but now these roads are like B roads. Do you know what I mean? Uphill, windy, very narrow roads, right? Obviously bushes on either side.
and traffic obviously flowing on either side, right? So this fucking cyclist, it was he was on the left-hand side going up the hill. Now, again, like, dude, i'm not I'm not being funny, right, but I've got a car and my engine will go up that hill in a very, very quick amount of time, right? In comparison to this imbecile who was trying to fucking climb his, I don't know, climb out of his asshole to fucking get up this hill. So anyway, right so now I want to I want to overtake him, right, which is the normal thing to do. Like, again, when I say overtake, I don't mean get too close to him, scare him or like but push him off the bike or nothing like that. Right. So I come off the obviously sort of cross the white line on on my right hand side. So I'm um now in the in the traffic that's coming towards me. Yes.
So I'm trying to overtake him, car comes from the other side and then obviously I squeeze in but like I squeeze in sort of like on his rear quarter but not again just for the listeners did not touch no touch was involved you know I mean not touch not touch so all that stuff right so obviously I didn't do any of that and now So we go down the road, blah, blah, blah. Then like two minutes later, we come up to another junction where it was just about to turn right. And then obviously, because of bit traffic, he catches up. Rick's gone. He's disappeared. He has absolutely gone. What do you mean? I disappeared. I'm right here. I've been listening to you. You froze for a second there. I was just like, damn, where's he gone, man? I was like, how did he do that? That's good. Like, do you know what? I'm going to leave my goals in the Vatican challenge. Yeah, I'm going to leave my ghost here and I'm just going to go get a cup of coffee real quick. So anyway, so obviously, so then he caught up. So he catches up and then he's saying, so my windows are up. So he's saying something out like, you know, when he pulls up next to me. So I put the window down and he's like, he's like, oh, yeah, you shouldn't really get that close to a cyclist. I said to him, I said, man, where do you want me to go? I said, there was a car coming from the other side. Where do you want me to go? Do you know what I mean? So he goes, yeah, just use your head and all this. And then obviously I lost it. I was like, I said, bro, what the fuck are you talking about? I said, anyway, so I said some nice words, so I'm not going to get into it because, you know, whatever reason. But so I said some nice words to him. And then what was it like maybe a month later after that incident? It's not even an incident, right? I don't even know why I said incident, by the way, because it was not an incident.
We are pre-programmed when you receive a penalty notice of any sign. We're pre-programmed now with the moment you receive something in the mail saying that you're driving, in you're parking, you're speed limited, so on. You're like, oh, it was an incident. But really, you're right. It's not an incident. you just It was a day out.
You and the missus running over cyclists. I was taking my wife to work, do you know what I mean? It was early morning. Anyway, so I get this letter through saying you drove too close to a cyclist, within 1.5 meters, by the way. So just for listeners out there, that is the rule in the UK. You can overtake a cyclist, but it has to be over 1.5 meters. Anything closer than that, you will get a letter through and you will sit through a fucking course, which I did. Who measured it?
so So again, it's an now your road no now rick you're asking the most intriguing of all questions. Okay. So in the letter, it says there's video evidence now in video. So hold on. so Hold on. Hold on. Not in the letter, by the way. Was it like a hologram? Did you get it from Barry Potter? None of that. Ask that. But anyway, so it said there was video evidence.
Slash evidence and now in in my head because obviously, you know, we live in this sort of democratic Country and you know justice system and all that stuff right and all this shit and apparently whatever right So now my first question is why not give me the option on this letter rather than say you need to pay this And you need to sit through this course or you will get three points on your license. Why not say in the letter, right? Okay, so we've got this video evidence now Here's a link have a look at it Do you know what I mean? Okay, and then I'll have a look at it. Ooh, okay, that was 1.5 meters. So my next question is, how do you know that's 1.5 meters? Is the guy falling off the bike? No, okay. Am I close enough so he feels scared? No, okay, so in my eyes, I did not run him over. Do you know what I mean? I did not run over his bike, nor his phone. I love the way you say, in my eyes, I did not run him over. Bro, did you run him over? Okay, in the eyes of the law, I never run him over.
Yeah, because you're like in my eyes, I didn't do nothing. Okay. In all the multiverses, right? I'm never running while we're working. So obviously, you know, it's it's the way I look at it is like, okay, so basically, you could just be sat at home, genuinely, you could just be sat at home and then you get a letter through to say, you've done this.
But if you want to appeal it and actually, you know, take it further, you need to go to court. OK, so you've wrapped that up in a nice little fucking ball, haven't you? Do you know what I mean? It's like if I want to appeal my innocence, which I thought I had the right to do, by the way, um I have to go to court and have to pay more money to prove that something that, again, cannot be proven unless the guy was there with a fucking meter.
Like Jamie with the tape measure or some laser measuring thing. oh yeah like and And the thing is his camera, the cyclist's camera, as as far as I know, they point forwards where the biker goes, right? So now if I if i got 1.5 meters close to him on the right hand side, for example, on his right hand side. i and see in chair So who who measures that right? Do you know what I mean? And that camera is and don't forget that camera is like a fisheye lens almost right. wait It's like a 270 degrees. So it distorts the image. It makes it look a lot closer than it actually is. But again, I don't know because I never saw the fucking images. I never saw any video. I never saw any evidence. It's like
Okay i'll guess i'll just wait his my stuff though You definitely did not run the guy over right did not run him over because again I would have been I would have been in handcuffs and and again just on the on the side of fairness right with the justice system if I did run him over and you probably would have been able to appeal it no no no that's fine like then arrest me that is completely fine that is assault okay that is that is GBH almost because you're trying to kill someone but i didn't do any of that so anyway that was sorry about the rant but that is a real thing at least you got rid of your chest that is a real thing that happens and um where did this happen by the way just be aware
When did this happen? This must have been like, maybe like, like this year. March. Yeah. March, April time, maybe. don may a similar i one of those i see yeah I see a lot of people. It was June. It was June. Yeah. I see a lot of people on the Cyclist. Like, for example, the other day I was dropping my daughter's coat and this guy, because of the speed jumps, he decided to, you because you know, the So of the roads, especially built up here, they have two speed humps. But two individual speed humps. This guy is going to use the left-hand side of the speed humps. That would be for my road up my road so for my direction of travel. He decided to use the middle one. As I'm about to overtake, he just pulls out.
yeah so i'm going over He doesn't even look, like you know, and even across the white lines. and I'm expecting him, he's on the left-hand side, I'm not expecting him to go over the speed hump because obviously that will somehow hurt his little tush while he's driving to work, riding to work. So I thought, you know what, he's going to use the left-hand side where the curb there there is a curb and there's a drop section of the of the speed hump and there's flat enough to fit a moped, a bicycle, etc.
This guy decides to, no, no, I want to use the middle side of the road. I'm about to overtake. I hit my i hit obviously my horn and then I can't, because I'm with my daughter, I can't really say much. I'm like, oh, he's a silly boy. And my daughter's like, yeah, he's silly, that dad etc. And then I see this guy and obviously I just shake my head at him. But he's looking at me as if I made the wrong decision in life.
and But what can you do? so I totally understand you where you're coming from but sometimes cyclists seem to think as if they are, and this is not a trash on cyclists by the way, do what you're going to do. Sorry, from my part it is by the word, like I don't give a fuck. No, some of them are really good, like some of them stay to it, some of them signal, some of them do all the stuff, stop at the traffic lights, that's another one that annoys me when cyclists come up to a traffic light and they just go through.
I don't know if you heard there was a recent story in south southwest London where a cyclist had run the light basically and then just hit this woman and with a baby on a pram. Yeah see the wankers, they are absolute wankers. And this is what I mean like again not all but 99.9% of them are wankers and just think to yourself what where is there then where's the law there because it's a red light if you are road using it's a red light to let the pedestrians turn green so that they can cross But now it's just insane man. It's just cyclists and I think this is another reason with cyclists is the fact that There's so many cycle lanes. We discussed this I think on the episode in season two of our podcast there's nocycl in middlesroh so your lens Did you see that one
The wrong you've been a wrong place, the wrong place to put cycle in. for like it's just I think it was it must have cost ยฃ1m to get the fund in. You used Lindthorpe Road as a great cycle in. Who the hell is cycling in Middlesbrough apart from the guys who are stealing stuff?
Exactly, and you've just literally given them a way out you have given them exit fucking routes to You know I'm saying these are your escape routes lads get on with it. The thing is the way I look at it Rick is um Obviously, you know and I will and I cannot stress this point enough, right?
genuinely fuck cyclists, because again, they are non-motorized users on a road full of motorized fucking cars, right? Shit that will actually kill them. Do you know what I'm saying? and i'm not And I'm not saying like kill them as in maliciously, you know, we're going to just run cyclists over, but one wrong fucking turn from these cyclists, right? One non-signal to the left or right. That is the end. And unfortunately, it's the driver that fucking is at fault, right? All of a sudden, it's the driver that's, oh, you should have stopped. What do you mean? The guy just swerved right in front of me, no signals, and it only has to happen once. That's what happened to me. If I wasn't paying attention, that would I would have run him over. I would literally run him over. for Granted, I was only doing 20 miles an hour. a month that would have hurt it's It's enough to hurt a lot.
A lot. It's a front-end Audi. I think what it is as well, bro, it's the fact that people think, do you know what, it's okay, because if you are at fault, you will protect me by worrying. When in reality, cyclists need to be an extra cautious using the road, regardless of what you think you are right, you are not right. It's a car, it's a van, it's a lorry, it's a bus, the way so you should really be cautious.
The way to hold them responsible, and I truly believe this again, right? And this is something that if I ever came to power, this is something I would definitely do. but Sorry, ah going, you start stopping short of getting reader ah getting rid of cyclists. This is what I would do, right? So if they're going to use the roads in cycle lanes or just Rods and gentlemen not pavements right not picking other pavements where they've got the side. That's fine. Okay, because that's clearly that's clearly there's enough space for Pedestrians and for cyclists, right? Everyone knows cool and obviously pedestrian is not oh that looks like me. So I'm gonna walk on this side, right? Do you know I mean I'm not gonna get on the bike on the wheels. Yeah, exactly. That's not me I don't have wheels unless you're in a wheelchair by the way, which again, this is not I'm sorry anyway, so you're talking you coming into power. We're headed so different route. Yes. Stay away from there
Yeah, stay away from that shit. um So okay, so if you're gonna use the roads, just like car users, right? It doesn't matter if it's electric cars or or just normal diesel petrol cars, you're gonna pay some sort of tax rate, you're gonna pay road tax, you're gonna pay insurance, whatever it is to be on the road for the right to use that road, right? And if you're going to use it,
Sorry, if the cyclists are going to use it, then surely they need to pay some sort of... 100% I've said this for many, many years. Insurance should be one thing, and this is the way to keep them liable for what they do. Do you know what I mean? Oh, okay, so you saying you've got a camera, you saying he got too close to you, sir. Let me have a look at your video evidence. Oh, well, actually, technically here, you were in the wrong, Mr. Cyclist.
and that's your insurance, that's your liability. Now they don't have liability, they get on the road, what the fuck insurance do they have if they get ran over or if they scratch my car or your car? Who the fuck pays for that shit? Like how do I find out the cyclist? Like what do do I have a license number? but I'm saying to you, like I'm not saying actually put license numbers on the bikes.
just like a special QR code just for bike manufacturers. So when you go and buy the bike from a shop whatever it is be beep beep they scan it all right okay sorry but sorry sir what's your name what's your address boom this bike is registered to you now. yeah Oh, you've got insurance. You'll need insurance on that bike. So you can't just ride the bike out whenever the fuck you want. And again, unless you're riding it for leisurely, but not on the road, on the road, you need insurance. You see, this is well, this is the problem then, because obviously it's it's sad that something like that would would come into effect, for example, right? Even though it would solve some problems with cyclists, but it's sad at the same time, because do you remember when you were riding bikes, when we were kids up and down hills, we'd like fall off it, like fucking walk it off, mate.
Oh, actually, well, ride it off. Do you know what I mean? Ride it off, get back on it, and just just do it again. No one's going to take your bike home. You better ride that home. Exactly. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Oh, I need to go back and get my bike. How many times did you say that? Because it's like, oh, shit, I forgot it. Because we play footy, but we've actually been like three blocks away from when we were playing the book. Do you know what I mean? So I know it's sad, but unfortunately, that's the reality now. the Cyclists have made have made like cycling a non-fun activity. they've They've associated it with this fucking dreary spandex wearing fucking helmets. And I'm not talking about on the heads there, just fucking walking helmets. Do you know what I mean? Oh my god, it pisses me off with the stupid fucking wraparound glasses. It's like, you are not going that fast that you need wraparound glasses, okay? You are not fucking skiing, you're on a bike going uphill, sweating your fucking ass off, you fat fuck.
Anyways, sorry, run over, fuck all that, fuck it, fuck it Rick, whatever man, whatever. I think we should move on from cyclist bro. Yeah, I think we should move on from cyclist bro. If you are a cyclist by the way, yes, massive, massive offence, massive offence. I am not apologising for any of those comments, I don't give a shit. Fuck y'all. Don't apologise at all, that's how you feel bro, why the fuck? So can I just let you know that I'm trying to buy a bike so I can cycle to work? You're a wanker bro, you're a wanker just like the rest of them.
you follow like you think that like so good cycle
I'm going to cycle in from all way to work.
Oh, quality. Now I'm taking the piss. I don't know if we're going to be cycling for me. And if i anything cycling, you'll probably be an electric bike. I ain't going to. I've got a massive hill to get up to. I'll be like the guy who shouted at you saying, use your hide mate. Now, I agree with it all. But come on, let's move away from move away, move away from it anyway. So obviously, look, I know in in the last two episodes, three episodes that we've already released, I know we've been talking about like, oh, what you've been watching and all that stuff. But we actually haven't talked about it. Jeremy, we only discuss bad boys. And I know that you've seen that now, right?
I've seen it, yeah, enjoyed it, you know? I haven't made it. My favourite part was Reggie at first. I didn't even know that was Reggie. I was like, what's going on here? Reggie was just like, look at this guy. obviously like the fuckgg I don't remember the third one very well. so Reggie was obviously in the third one, but I think he just came out of the Marines or he was... like just off duty at that point in time. But in the fourth movie, bruh, because I don't want to review the movie. yeah Again, this is not what this podcast is. They told him of why ages ago they should have watched it by now. rich Reggie is a fucking G. Reggie is a badass. He's badass. Do you know what I'm saying? And I think he could even potentially have his own spinoff.
all right because it's ah by the way that this is absolutely in no way related to anything to do with the movie or any of the studios this is just speculation from our part all right okay because i know because i did actually read that they wanted to carry on the bad voice franchise But obviously there's only a certain point that fucking Will Smith and Martin Lawrence can go to. So if they had a Bad Boys spinoff, but it was based on Reggie, I mean the character arc from Reggie, like Reggie being in the second movie. Do you know what I mean? It's like, who the fuck are you? I'm Reggie Mr. Benin. You least 30. Shit, you least 30. Do you know what I mean? That shit is just classic. So if that happens, I think that would be excellent to be fair. I think it would be excellent if that happens, yeah. Because of how Reggie was portrayed from the beginning, and even now, it's like- Like a wet bag. Yeah, it's still a comedy, right? It could still be- Nah, I loved it. I loved it. And honestly, I couldn't believe that scene, for me, that was probably the best scene of the movie, because I just, I was like, whoa.
Reggie has got the moves. He was moving out that quickly. No, to be fair, I loved the whole film. At first, obviously, I told you, I watched it in two parts. I didn't sit there and watch all of it because of life and so on. of course But I watched the first bit. I was like, yeah, OK, I can see this little cameo, something from the past and so on. And then obviously, when it got to from the airplane scene, the Fried Armando and Crackdown from that, this is action packed. Love this. Love this. it good You know, it's kind of missing. You miss those old action packed movies because everything now seems to be about espionage and only fire, two, three bullets and everything stealthy and so on.
so supposed to be respondentent i'm just talking at any of it yeah but No, I enjoyed this one. I really enjoyed this one. And I like the fact that somewhere, so I think two thirds of the film in, I'm in nearly maybe three quarters in when they start singing Bad Boys, Bad Boys. And I'm like, yeah, I love it. Let's just go. It was quality. I enjoyed it. I really, really enjoyed it. a lot I was laughing. I don't even know what was one part that I was really laughing at.
I think there was a couple of parts where I was actually laughing out loud. There was one bit that I was really, really like ah really tickled me and made me chuckle, so I quite enjoyed that bit. But now, overall, I really enjoyed the film. But something that we've been watching with The Misses, and I don't know whether you've watched this, and we've been watching called I think it's called Outcast on Netflix. Let me just have a quick look. I believe that's what it's called. Outlast, sorry, not cast. Outlast. Outlast. Yeah, so it's about is it take people onto onto to sort of like a remote island or remote places around the world and its competition of being in the wilderness, survival,
So is that reality TV? It's kind of like a reality TV, but like it gives you the full survival skills and being able to in teams, betrayal characters. At first, the Missus was watching it and I was like, Oh, what's this? And I was like, Oh, I'd be quite good at that. Been living in the wilderness, build your own fire. Like, you know, you think to yourself like bare man shit, like cave man shit. That's the man shit. Do you know what? I'd be watching. I was like, do you know what? This is quite good, actually. That's what I dream of.
that's why i dream like you you know People dream of Lamborghinis and stuff like that, right? I dream of like being in the woods with this like nice little cabin, you know sort of setting fires and actually chopping wood. Chopping wood, yeah. This this is literally, that's what this programme is. There's nothing manly of the chopping wood. That's what we've been told throughout our whole lives. You know you need to chop wood to be a man and I've never done that in my life.
i swing You need a heit to buy a fucking, what's it called? A wood burner so they can start chopping your own wood. I know you can buy the logs, but just kind of get rid of that fantasy. It would probably make a mess in this apartment, but yes. Maybe not the apartment, maybe when you get your crib, for oh yeah it for sure chris you can buy one of those. bro But that's what we've been watching to be fair, it's been quite good. We're really going to be enjoying it. It's like 16 players down to seven, they get eliminated, they've got to be in a team. They can only win if you're in a team though, so you can't be individually. Price is a million pound. They go somewhere like in North.
northeast of america somewhere my like canada area really really cold temperature dropping for people over the pond like 26 fahrenheit which i don't know what that is in celsius but it's flipping freezing you can see steam coming from their mouths when they're talking so you know it's cold now really good every you're gonna quickly google so that people can see uh i should have had this ready i should have had this ready i've got like a thing here so 26 fahrenheit is
Below 10 degrees. That's what it says apparently. a lot
honest sorry below ah Close to minus 10.
Close to minus 26.99 is zero point minus 3.3 degrees. Oh, okay. Yeah. Cause I can only see like from the side, but yeah, that's good. 26.99 is minus three. So that is freezing. Bear in mind, you can, you have to make your own shelter. You have to make, look to hunt for your own food. Some of these guys were eating mushrooms to start with. And then all of a sudden looking to hunt square rolls. No, but like when someone, when someone from a production team puts it in that,
No, no, I get that, but like... Oh, we caught a squirrel. Quickly, quickly, get the cameras out. Let's just pretend we did this. What I loved about it is the editing part of it. So then we hunt, and it shows the guy trying to use his bow and arrow, and then it cuts back to the animal or whatever they're doing, and you're like, yeah, OK, bro, we know it's not real. Just take it back and see what you're going to do next. Lucy, build a fire again, bro. Yeah, why don't you go with fucking Morrison to pick up the squirrel or some shit? Like, what the fuck? That's what he did, just quickly trip to the supermarket.
but now we've been watching that, we enjoyed that. It was just Scotland really. It was just Scotland, yeah. That's literally all it was. No, to be fair, we've enjoyed it, we really enjoyed it, season two. We didn't really watch season one, we just shut it on as a bit of a, what's it called, I saw a crap TV there, just like, it's heavy on the background. What's going on there, what's going on there, what's going on there? And then we hooked on now, so now we're in episode eight. Fuck. Why put yourself in that position? Just don't do it, bro. Nothing you can do. Once he hooks it, he hooks it, you know what I mean? That's fair. That's fair. It's difficult to kind of get... Well, it's difficult. I'm not really one way or another, but if... Right now, I've just paused it, by the way, as I'm talking to you, because I wanted to kind of read a little bit about it and say to you, like, it's 26 and so on and so people. And now I'm like, I'm not really keen on pressing place. I'll wait for the missus when she'll come in.
but now i'm looking at my netflix as well here other streaming services are available but the one yes yeah in the interest of honest yes absolutely yes uh is uh full of kids tv full of my continue watch it is like just my daughter's silly silly silly silly funny maybe me with some silliness bro hit me with some silliness What's this one here? This one is... What the hell? Where's it going? It's just over here there. Monster High 2. Oh, nice. Okay. I heard that's quite good. The shower of giant shit. Oh, good one that we've been watching, actually. The New Amsterdam. I don't know if you've seen that one. That's another one we've been watching. New Amsterdam with the doctors. Yeah, the doctor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, my wife was watching that. She watched that like four years ago.
like i Literally, I was downloading episodes for her to watch and yeah she she binged the shit out of that show. But no, I never got into it to be honest. My wife really loved it as well. And then obviously, once again, I was like, yeah, all right, I'll give it a little... For me, but I'm just happy watching news, a bit of sport news, a bit of normal news. a bit of A bit of everything. No, this is no, no, no, no. Obviously, I mean, that is what we do anyway. Do you know what I mean? But I'm saying like, you know, more specifically, as have you enjoyed anything like recently that you that sort of stuck to you and you thought, oh, do you know what? That was really good. I enjoyed that. Do you know what I mean? Like, like, for example, for me, I would say Fallout, the TV series Fallout on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That that's probably the highlight.
I haven't seen that one yet, so you recommend it for me, like a Fallout? Okay, I would recommend it. um if you burn in mine i never played the game yeah okay so If you didn't play the games, that's actually not an issue really. So for you, it wouldn't like the stuff that you'll see when you watch if you watch the TV series, which again I would highly, highly recommend it, it is a standalone ah TV series as in like it's it's within the world of Fallout like the game yeah yeah But it's like a separate so like it's a different story within that world You know I mean like each game has a different story with a different survivor But obviously works within the same mechanics like you know surviving literally fucking looting all that type of stuff so the TV series has brought that into it and And it is really, really good. If you haven't watched it, I would 100% recommend it because, yeah, it was just epic. And for me, because being a big fan of the games, I just, everything that was on screen, I was just like, ah, I'll try to go. As if they've actually done it in real life, do you know what I mean? so yeah it's if you if you If there's something that obviously that you that you miss likes as well. I'll probably give it a go. I don't think she'll probably like it, but I'll give it definitely give it a go because it's something that I've been meaning to watch that because there's a couple of programs that I've watched on Amazon Prime as well. I liked The the Boys, obviously. I think we spoke about this in the previous one.
Such a good, such a good program. The bit towards the end, they'll say, what the fuck's going on? But such a good program. No, no, it was excellent. It definitely was. And then I watched a little bit of that. Yeah, same. I watched a little bit of the spin off of it. You know, the one with the kids, the school, then Gen V. That's it. I was like, yes, I was.
It's alright, but like after after the shine wears off from from watching the boys, you kind of think, okay, I kind of know what's going to happen. Someone's going to explode. yeah that's it The camera's been on them for too long, so the head's going to explode right now. Yeah, it's about to go, yes, that's it. but that And also I watched the Guy Ritchie film on Netflix, on numbers Amazon Prime.
Ungentleman warfare or something along those lines? I don't know if you know that Henry Cavill was in there. I haven't watched it, but I've seen it online. You've seen it, that's what I mean. I quite enjoyed that one. Ungentlemanly warfare or something? Ungentlemanly warfare. Something like that. But I enjoyed that one. I enjoyed that because I like Henry Cavill. Obviously, Henry Cavill. Since Superman and Superman. Since that Man of Steel film, I've just been like, let me see what Henry Cavill's doing next because I quite like him as an actor.
Yeah, he's alright, he's alright. Obviously, he's not like a thespian in terms of, you know, he's not like a fucking De Niro or a Pacino or like a... What's-his-face. Every time I see him, I think he's Superman again. Yeah, well, yeah. I'm expecting him to fly. I'm like, come on, Clark. Go, Clark. Yeah, take them shades off. Put your tach on. Now you're Superman. You know what I mean?
No, but yeah, I think if yeah, if if that's a recommendation fall out if you if you care to watch it set And what I just watched recently actually on Netflix was a TV show called Eric with Benedict Cumberbatch And it's basically about This family the dad is like um he he makes puppets for a living like he does he does basically does like sesame Street But it's like that version of the series, you know, I mean it's called good morning sunshine and some shit and He does puppets, he writes the stories, he creates them and all that shit. His kid goes missing. So it turns out like from the first episode, you think, oh, OK, this is going to be like a, you know, child goes missing as he murdered, who did it, that type of shit, right? But, you know, without spoiling too much of it, it by the end, I was just like, wait, that what? what
so why did it do this like where it could have gone one certain way which I thought which I was waiting for I was like oh okay this is gonna be exciting but it went the other way and I was like right I'm not sure how I feel about that I don't know if like because my expectations were like shot or something I don't know what it was but anyway that was quite good but apart from that just normal TV and reading and news and YouTube mostly to be honest I've added Eric to my list. I'll probably never get around to watch it because there's like another 13 or 14 of the things that we've added to the list. I've lost count of what you've added to the list. Well, you actually go by like day of adding to the list. I just go from whatever's closest to the next. Well, obviously, whatever I fancy next as well. But like you try to follow to add into, excuse me, try to be organized and be like, no, let me watch this. Add into the list. Add into the list. But no, it's pointless. It's like I've not even followed any of this, any of this.
I mean, what's it there if if obviously if you ever like, oh, okay, i'll yeah, Eric, I remember that. But again, the name, you you won't forget the name Eric. And yeah, I know what you think. How i come Larry watched that with it with the name Eric? I just, you know, I wanted to see how bad it was, but it was actually all right. So, you know, probably that was probably the best Eric right now.
that I've come across. But yeah, look, in terms of football news, you know yourself, there's not much happening out there. England won, by the way, just in case you need to... I saw that, but I watched a little bit, yeah, I saw Rice score, who else scored? I think Trent scored a world free kick. Grilis and Tran. Grilis got the first one. Some of them were like 3-0, I don't even know. It was 3-0, sorry 3-1, they couldn't even keep a clean sheet. That's the criticism that England gets, although they want 3-something. The criticism is you should have been able to have kept a clean sheet, man, what's going on there?
Yeah, and change your defenders, get someone new in and someone better. Apart from that, Albania won as well, by the way. I think it was against Georgia, 1-0. Was it against Georgia today, did that win? 1-0 yesterday, I think it was. What was it yesterday or today? I thought it was today at 5 o'clock. Well, probably then there you go. That just shows really how much I've been paying attention to.
But, yeah, so, you know, how, you know, there's really... And there's nothing news? Yeah, I was going to say, it doesn't really change my life at all, actually, or have any effect, so... But, you know, the news... That's the thing, though, with this international being, these European cups, it means nothing, does it really not? It doesn't seem to have an effect.
It's too much. After more Stanley football, since the Premier League finished last weekend, have you ever watched anything? Yeah, no, no not at all. like And I don't think I'll be watching anything until the Premier League starts this weekend.
I do watch a lot of like, you know, stat videos and sort of formation videos. And you know what I mean? Like, uh, for example, uh, what's his tactics videos rather. Okay. This is a guy called four four two channel. Um, he's really good. Adam Cleary. He's Jody by the way. He's, he's brilliant. Like the way that he breaks, he breaks down. He's done a couple of Chelsea ones like for Maresca and how good or how he's changing Chelsea. And he's done a couple of ones on like how good Cole Palmer is and showing his like.
you know heat map and all this stuff and how we how we play that's really good so I've been watching a lot of that but again aside from that like actual football matches no no no no no no no no no no no no I sound like Morse code but yeah and I'm saying no in Morse code actually but well But yeah, i think I think in other news, as as as you as you rightfully said, a bit of F1. Should we talk about a bit of F1? We should talk about a bit of F1, but you've watched a lot more than I have. I haven't really watched much F1 because I don't really have the time. Thank you. That sounds When I say we talk a bit of F1, again, I do not want to go in any sort of detail because there is
professionals out there that just know so much more about like the little details that me and you were like oh he just turned his head left whereas the analyst will be like well the fact that he turned his head left and not right uh that actually means that he's gonna sack someone's like how the fuck do you know this like how did you make this up so do you know what i mean but no obviously your team okay do you know what let's just start there your team mclaren shit you know They've been doing good. that' been I don't know how they're doing good. They weren't that good at the start of the season, so I watched a bit of the opening races, followed it for a couple of weeks, and I was like, it's just another Max season here. so let's just know yeah That's what it looked like, didn't it? That's what it looked like, and obviously I lost interest in it. I was like, I'll just forget this. like This is pointless. And all the the analysis, and everybody else was talking about how Max's car was very good last year, and this year he's come up saying it's even better. so like And then I saw the races and he was smashing everybody, and I was like,
I and don't have time to watch this now again I said I'll watch the start and then I'll catch the highlights and even highlights I've not been able to catch them because usually you know for me the most drama is at that starting lineup, lights out, first corner depending what race they're at but well I really honestly I really really don't know why McLaren ah so Although I didn't hear that they were trying ah to do them for something to do with the spoiler or splitter or side skirt or wing or something, but maybe you can shine a shiny bit of light on that.
So with McLaren, um basically, they've but and Ferrari as well, and Mercedes to be fair, because they're still, the you know, all four teams are up there now. So what's happening is basically Red Bull kind of stalled on their development in the last sort of, you know, few months, in the last year. Do you know what I mean? That's why last year's car was really good because they literally it It looks like, or it looked like they put all the developments into that car rather than space it out for two seasons sort of thing, do you know what I mean? Right, yeah. So again, it worked. They won. It doesn't matter what what anyone thinks. They literally won a world championship because of their strategy. However, now McLaren have caught up to that development. So they've been developing ever since. And when last year, when they started last season, so not this season. Yeah, they started, okay, yeah.
McLaren were the worst team, or one of the worst teams, especially from the top four. like Because again, they they had underestimated the time that they had to actually develop the the car for that season. Do you know what I mean? So that's why they fell behind. So ever since that time, what's been happening is that McLaren have been slowly and slowly you know gaining and gaining.
And when you couple that in with drives from Piastri and Lando Norris. I was literally going to say, Piastri's been incredible. He's been incredible. He really has. and and And look, as much as I like to shit on Lando, because I feel like you know he he has changed as a human being, um he's but he's had some great drives as well. And and one of one of my favorite pastimes now is annoying Lando fangirls. And when I say fangirls, I don't specifically mean actual just female fans, I mean like actual you know lads as well who are or maybe 14, 15 or some shit who are just like, oh, Lando did this and Lando did that. Right, no, look, mate, just watch the fucking race, OK? And I think i think it's we had this conversation maybe last season where it's like with George Russell, he had like one good race.
And all the opponents were like, oh, George Russell, he's going to do this, he's going to do that. And we said... That's a typical British comedian, though, isn't it? That's British media for British drivers. But the thing is, the thing is, funnily enough, with F1, it's kind of what happens even with someone else from a different nation. Oh, you had a great race, like with Charlie Clark. He had a great race. Oh, this is Charles's year. It's like, okay, look, look, let's just not get fucking carried away. Let's look at history. Okay. Just because you have one race that doesn't prove anything. There's 23 other races that you have to compete in. So, and this is, this is the bullshit that obviously, like you said, British media, that's, that's what they do. But anyway, so, so Lando's been, he's been driving well. Obviously the car has been helping. Um, it's been, it's been well-developed so far and they are the closest to Red Bull right now. And, um, they've surpassed it often. They lead in the constructor's championship, aren't they? So, yeah, so not by many points, but yet they are leading technically. Yeah. So Max still in the still in the championship fight, but he's leading the championship fight anyway. So Lando's obviously chasing him. But but, yeah, I mean, McLaren, it's it's kind of a surprise, but at the same time, you know, going back to what your question about the cheating sort of thing, the spoilers, it was when, you know, when obviously, you know how the IRS works with the spoiler with the with the rear wing. It opens. Yeah. Yeah. All that shit.
So now what was happening with McLaren was at high speeds without the DRS opening night, okay? The wing flexed that much that basically it created little gaps on either side that created a mini DRS, do you know what I mean? So now again, we're not talking like 10 or 15 kilometers an hour, we're talking like two, three. But again, when you're at high speeds, now two, three is enough. Yeah, that's your straight line speed. And that's literally what it's used for. And then you open the IRS. Fucking know what you expect. That's why that's why in Azerbaijan, like in Baku, that's why Leclerc could not fucking catch up to the piazzerie like he sorry he was keeping up with him. He could not overtake because because of something like that. I'm not saying that's the sole reason. OK, you have made my feelings about Charlotte Clark known many times, yeah many, many times in the group. and in person and all that stuff. I think the guy is still overrated because it's like, dude, do you forget how to drive from one race to the other? like It's the same car. It is literally Charlotte Clerk's car. It's not like I'm going to borrow from science. No, it is your car like you anyway.
So with McLaren, and to be honest, I'm glad to see it, but at the same time, McLaren being McLaren, will this be another scandal at some point where it's like they've actually been cheating somewhere along the line? Because that's what McLaren do. Do you know what I mean? One of the only sports teams in entertainment, in sports entertainment, that got fined 100 million fucking dollars for the Spygate back in 2009 or some shit, 2008.
I remember, I remember that. And yeah, that that should that that's that hurts your reputation. But again, the builder back up. I think they're trying to change that, but we'll see though. For me, you're right, like you say, the drivers, but that does make a huge difference. Even though if it's a mile or two, ah ma so a kilometre or two, it's still faster than the opponent. Faster than Leclerc trying to catch you. Absolutely. He'll catch you with the turn, but then as soon as you go, you are going faster. So I suppose that is maybe But it depends how they fight, it what lawyers, do they get the Man City lawyers with them and then just kind of walk about. But we' say well for me, I'm just happy that they're winning because I got tied for the sport of seeing Max Verstappen win. To the point that I even started building a conspiracy and this is the second conspiracy of the night is
Could it possibly be that they just want the sport fans to kind of watch F1 again and bring a new audience? So they don't have Max winning, they just say it's a Christian and Max. Just turn it down a little bit, yeah? Can you finish 4th and 5th for a little bit? Let us get some more fans, some more money from sponsors and then after sort of the break, when we come back in late October, you can go again then. And then watch if Max wins America, I'm going to be so pissed.
ah think so I'll be honest with you, right? Again, just knowing the history of Formula One, um it is not outside the realms of possibility of that actually happening. It just isn't. It doesn't matter like how how much the times move on. The culture of Formula One will always be the fucking same.
Do you know what I mean? There was always going to be some dodgy dealings. There's always going to be some, some under the table handshakes. There's always going to be that always, but I mean, look at the whole, look at the whole thing with, with Piastric. Do you know what I mean? He was signed to go to Alpine and then he was like, all of a sudden changed his mind, like within a day before he had to sign or some shit. And then he signed with McLaren.
And Zach Brown was like, shit. Pretty much he came out. He was like, practically, like, well, it's a doggy dog. So fuck them. We did it. We got him. And do you know what they did? And that's why, obviously, a lot of people lost their jobs. That's why Alpine are a joke right now and all that stuff. But with Piazza, for me, just just to quickly wrap it up on McLaren, for me, personally, I think Piazza is a better driver than Lando Norris. Because Lando Norris has been in the sport five years, six years, something like that. 150 starts. He's won two races.
right The car has a lot to do with it though as well. It does. So it knows 150 something, but maybe like since the spoiler, flexible since the flexible spoiler, maybe let's judge him from the flexible spoiler onwards.
No, I think in all fairness, you're right though, because again, throughout the years that he has been there, the car hasn't been the greatest. Do you know what I mean? However, Daniel Ricciardo managed to win in the McLaren. He managed to win in the McLaren at the same time that Landon Norris was there. So it's like, well, what's your problem? Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. Again, fair enough. You could be like, oh, well, I'm just young or whatever. He's just young. It's like, okay, well, don't fucking bitch about it. go out all this once you make it to that level your rage should not factor in anymore a little bit of experience but once you get like 20 races that's it yeah that's it you are top of the top yeah exactly and you can't just be like oh well you can't just you know so stick up for Lando in this case but again what was it on drive to survive when Lando said it about Dahi Ricardo
When he had that line where he was like, well, what is it? What did he say? He said something about friends or something. No, something along the line. Just want me to hold his hand. Yeah. Something like that. Something like where it's like, well, that's a bit of fucking shit from you. You're supposed to be his teammate, your tail. That's one thing I don't like about London. notice I think since that Riccardo comment and then the one that happened with Lewis Hamilton, will lose when Lewis went, wow, you guys are quick. And I was like,
You just don't need to make a comment, and just say thanks and take it on the chain. Rather than be like, well, it's about time because you guys were quick for seven years. He's like, he knows that. He's got championships to show you that he knows that, you know what I mean? You don't need to remind him of his own championships. You don't need to tell him exactly. He was the guy. He's like, oh, you're the best in the world. He's like, yeah, I know, Dick. I'd like just trying to get out of these 115 finds.
This is what triggers, this is what triggers the fucking, uh, the Lando fan girls, you know what I mean? And the McLaren fan girls as well, because that's all it is nowadays from McLaren. It's not like the hardcore down fans like yourself. No, the hardcore down fans wouldn't know the situation and look at it how it is. But yeah, but thanks for that compliment, by that I don't think I'm a hardcore down fan. No, no, but sorry, you're um in terms of old school fan. Old school. Let's go. Remember the hacking and days. all that so That's all I'm trying to say. The right. Stop it. Stop it. So stop it. Stop teasing them with hacking and riking in and west.
Oh, the West, yeah, the silver West shit. Those were awful cigarettes, by the way, just in case you ever wondered. OK, I've never spoke to a lot of people who just used to love the look of that car. Yeah. So, yeah, for me, for me, Piastri, I would probably back Piastri to like to do better at the end by the end of the season. I would agree with you, but I think there might be some sort of a team politics with it being a British brand and a British driver. I think they'll probably try and push Lando. Oh, I don't doubt it for one second. Yeah. But then again, if if If it's a case of where where Piastri takes Lando Norris like he did at Monza, where he literally just took him on the outside, which was one of the best overtakes I've ever seen. They're coming up to ah to, I think it was like the third, the third to turn three or turn four. It's like a little chicane.
The way that he took him on the outside, I was like, oh my God, he's going to crash. But he just stuck it, boom, seal it, and done. seal He went. yeah He went. And I suppose that's when you look at the driver. That's when you see the merit of the driver and the driver's ability when you do that kind of stuff. so ah And it's also credit to the team to allow them to race, because it's ah otherwise it's a boring sport. If you're going back in the day. That's what they call it. Papaya rules, which basically means ah race but don't crash. which is like So that's all the teams then.
You're going out, they're going for fire rules. That's all the teams. I'm pretty sure they're not telling the drivers, yeah, it just go smash into him, man. Don't worry about it. Just, you know, turn five, right in the corner. But um yeah, so McLaren, obviously, you know, they're doing their thing and it'll be interesting if they win the chat, if you if they win the the constructors and potentially one of the McLaren drivers wins the World Championship, which is madness.
It's not that will be far behind. there I've just had a look at it. I feel like one bad performance from Lando in P7 or something and Max wins. That's pretty much it done. okay i mean okay It's hanging on a tight rope for Lando in terms of like if he makes a dent.
in Max's lead in the next races, in the next three weeks, because it's literally three weeks consecutive races. If he makes a dent, then yeah, there's a very good chance that he could obviously win by the end. But if Piastri drives as as well as he has and he takes Landau fair and square, it's like, well, you can't really call team rules on this map because you know one of your drivers is driving like a fucking pussy.
Do you know what I mean? I think it'll be interesting to see if McLaren can do something. I'd be happy if they take constructors to be fair. I'd be very happy if they take the Constructor's Championship because it's nice to see McLaren winning again and trying to gain amongst the top three when he stings the top three Ferrari Mercedes and obviously the top top being Red Bull. And it makes it interesting for Drive to Survive and it comes out in February as well. Let's hear what they have to say about it.
yeah I mean like do love the drive to survive. They do like to cause some drama for sure. But you know because that's more for the cameras as well, isn't it? Because otherwise it's not going to sell if everything is rosy. and It's just the way that it's clipped. Sometimes you think, wait, did they hate each other? But it's like in reality, no, they didn't because it wasn't even from the same conversation. That's it. Yeah, exactly that.
I suppose you sort of make a piece of that, but yeah, I am looking forward to it by the way. Like I look forward to all of them every time they come out. Like, you know, I just got addicted when I watched the first one. I was like, Oh my God. Yes. This is it. We needed this for football. This is what's needed. Yeah. I know we've had all or nothing, which is again for footy, but yeah. And I needed to try to survive. Watching that, I was thinking, damn, I love this fucking sport. Like why did I ever stop watching it? Yeah, because it got boring. It got boring, like, you know, seven-time world fucking champion, consecutive. That's the thing, that's the thing that stopped me from watching it this year, because I just stopped Max Verstaffen again. And I went through the years of watching Lewis Hamilton winning every time, to the point that I just started supporting the underdog of Max Verstaffen. The year before, when Vettel was winning, I just started supporting the underdog. First time I was like, yeah, quality.
Second time I was like, yeah, all right. And then by third, I was like, come on, bro. Like, can somebody else catch up now? Because I want to see some races. Let's move it on. Yeah, let's move it on. To the point that I was like happy when Mark Webber and Verstappen, not Verstappen, so Sebastian Vettel were like going at it. Yeah. Because I was like, OK, these are the two fastest cars. At least this is some racing. I don't really care. It's very clever how the media make it make you feel like there is you are. Well, technically you are watching racing, but it's not the same when they're not fighting for the top. They're fighting for like third and fourth.
or fifth and seventh, something along those lines, you're like... I don't really care like who comes fifth or seventh. I just don't know who's winning. But then the guy who's making this 35 seconds behind and you're like, oh, in front, sorry, everybody else is behind the guy. So he just makes it for me like math. But that's the reason I stopped this season. I just stopped. I was like, no, fuck this. I'm not watching. But it's getting interesting again. And obviously there's the second of the Americas on the weekend. Is that the one where you set off for like in a bit of a hill and then make a left turn? but If you're in first place, it's really a disadvantage because second place has got better racing line.
yeah so basically you need to cover well that's it if you first you need to immediately go to the racing line and block off that block off the inside line if you do that then i think you've got a very good chance but then again some some crazy person some maverick you know i mean we'll take it on the outside like a like a Yeah, anyways But yeah, so there's three weeks in a row by the way racing circle of the Americas is this weekend. It's eight o'clock on Sunday That's the actual race. It is a sprint weekend by the way, so there is like, you know Friday, did I think the sprints are fine Then there's practice on Saturday, then there's a sprint and then there's qualifying and whatever it is Right. Okay There's too many. there's too many too many let i'm so but I'm happy that they've done these sprint races rather than just watching qualifying. Qualifying is good, but when they do that little sprint race, it's kind of you're getting a bit of a mini taste of what's to come. So it should be exciting. I'm excited. I'm going to start watching the remaining seven races. I'll start watching the remaining seven races. Just to see how it goes, because it's getting interesting now and see what's happening.
This is it, this is it. I mean, that's all we ask for. That's literally all we ask for. Like, I don't care if Ferrari win or fucking Red Bull or McLaren, whatever it is. I just want to see some interesting racing. I want to see some, I want to see like, ah not controversial, not like obviously the end of 2001 with Lewis and Max. I don't want to see that. I want to see. 21 you mean. Sorry, 2001. I was like, Whoa, Lewis and Max. Is one you have he born then?
I don't know. I think it was like 2000 or 99 or something. So close enough. but But yeah, so real quick on Ferrari, by the way, just I don't really want to because there's not much to really talk about. Obviously, he's leaving, going to fucking where's he going? He's going to Williams. And yeah, Lewis is coming, which I'm looking forward to that. And Charlie Clark, you know, he puts in some good performances. I was ah I was very, very pissed off in Baku when he lost it to Oscar and he just could not catch up to him. after I was like,
Bro, no, no one can call you a great driver after this fucking torrid performance shit. Couldn't even get the word out. That's how pissed off I was. And yeah, so Ferrari, hopefully they'll pull their shit together. And they've done a lot better than the last three seasons, you know what I mean? Where they look like absolute fucking clowns with strategy and, you know, box, box. And you guys come in, come in. Stay out. Stay out. It's like, what the fuck do you want me to do? It's Monica. It's Monica. Where the fuck do you want me to go? Like, would you want me to go for a swim in the fucking harbor? Oh, I'll just come back around me. I'll just take the roundabout and I'll come back around. That was embarrassing for the whole box. Stay, stay, stay when he'd already turned. That was embarrassing. That was so embarrassing.
If I was Charles, I would have literally just got out of the car, forgot the race, and just beat the fuck out of the strategy. I just parked the car, did a start-up pit stop, and just be like, you go and get it. I can't be bothered. Yeah, fuck this shit. That's embarrassing. That's embarrassing. But yeah, so hopefully they'll do something. But look, the rest of the teams, they're cracking on, I guess.
ah toy back That's some good news. Toyota, they're actually back in F1. Producing engines or team? No, they're actually just sponsoring us right now. right okay the the track I think what's happening is, from from what I read, they're sort of wetting their feet within the Formula One world again. Do you know what I mean? and they're always And they're adamant, they're like, no, no, we're not joining, we're not joining, we're not joining.
But I'm pretty sure in 2026 these motherfuckers are gonna drop a bombshell and it could be again speculation just from what I've read Andretti the American dude Marco Andretti, right? So Mario Mario Andretti, sorry, so obviously that from from the racing so I'm thinking Potentially this motherfucker is gonna use a Toyota engine because now Toyota have done hybrid engines for a very long time and Very long time. And it was surprising when they dropped out of Formula One back in the early 2010s because you're thinking, wait, I mean, you've got hybrid systems like you literally, you could have been at the forefront for at least four years. The years that Red Bull won, that could have been fucking Toyota. Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, so so the so hopefully hopefully I like to see them come back to be honest because again great manufacturer It will just make it so interesting like Ferrari Mercedes Toyota percent Audi like out is come yeah so I want to see that right fuck all this Williams Racing and this fucking steak Sauber and all this shit. No, I want to see manufacturers names I want to see Alfa Romeo and I want to see a fucking Mercedes. Yes, and a Koenigsegg I want to see Koenigsegg as a team Yeah, that I'm just playing I don't know that would be something But um that would be like all of our childhood dreams car, all the cars that you think, you know, the cabins eggs. Which one is faster? That's it. But now let's put all their engineers to the test in a Formula One team and see what you can do. Why didn't Audi, Audi, right? And there's still time for this. Why wouldn't they enter with a fucking Bugatti name, by the way?
I really don't know. I really don't know. Can you imagine Crofty shouting, Oh my God, it's a Bugatti in turn one. It's like, I woke up in a new Bugatti. You know what I mean? All that shit. Wow. Yeah. That would, that would be like, for me, that would genuinely be the pinnacle of motorsport. That would be the true meaning of Formula One from when it started, because that's how we started. Then it like, you know, that's what it was.
And I want to see that. That would be absolutely incredible. And the thing is... And Lotus as well, by the way, the old British ones, bring Lotus into it. Like, Lotus were part of it and stuff. When Kim and Mike and them were there, you know? Money, that's it. I know, but this is the thing, like, trying to find a better way of managing and supporting these teams, I guess, rather than distribute it at the very top, at the very, very top.
Like, the i like Maseratis and stuff like that. Like even just the name itself. will be Anyway, just to have just getting into the realm of absolute craziness now. But it's some in some universal truth happening. Yeah. I mean, but you've got the Aston Martin's and stuff. Obviously, it would be great if an Aston Martin was run by a fucking Aston Martin rather than a Honda. You know, that'd be great because that's the true meaning. It's like, OK, well, I think even a normal Aston Martin's on the street around by Aston Martin. I think they're run by Mercedes engines now. I think they've got Mercedes engines now. love that day yeah yeah I think they've got the old Mercedes engines.
It's not even, yeah yeah, maybe that's why, maybe that's why. It's just the Mercedes under the, okay. Okay, let me just strip all that back, right? Forget all that shit. That's why I can't ask for Gandhi because they've got Mercedes engines. Anyways, Rick, do we have anything else that you want to discuss on this lovely, on this lovely but podcast for everyone? I don't really have anything. I don't know. Nothing else to be fair, mate. It's been nice. I've enjoyed it. I've enjoyed chinese enjoy episode doesn't it. It's been Other than football, I'm happy to know the cyclist survived. And you said some lovely words to him. But how you described cyclists afterwards was not very lovely. So I can only imagine what lovely words you probably said to the Giza. It was heartfelt. oh the mu yeah Heartfelt, yeah. It was heartfelt. It came from right in there. Straight from the bottom. Straight from the bottom. And I'll let you know if I buy a bike to cycle to work. i will but I will delete your number. Your number is deleted. Do you know what? I'm not even going to delete your number. I'm just going to name you as former friend.
Ex-friend. Yeah, so every time I see you pop up, it's like, oh, oh, I'm not going to answer this guy. Ex-friend. You know what it says? Company. I'm going to put cyclist. Yeah. Form a friend, cyclist. Oh, no, no, don't answer this guy. Fuck this guy. Fuck that. Fuck that. Nobody's buying a bike. I'm very happy having my warm car in the winter. I will drive down to southeast London just to find your cycling, just to fucking give you like a little clip on the back of wheel and then pow. You can't, because then I'll have to report you and be like, he didn't stay 1.5 meters. Ah, yeah, you're right. You're right. Fuck it up. So then you'll have to go again. You've already done the course. all right okay see now you're gonna wish you never said that right because i'm just gonna roll up on you right put a fucking broomstick out that's at least two meters and push you off the bike then what are you gonna do nothing put it into my front tire let me go yeah straighten the spokes bang see you later lad father friend i love the way you went see you later lad hey the north never escapes you all right the north never escapes and i don't want it to escape i'm walking around working just calling people lad and shit you know what i mean it's funny
Yeah, no, I've been doing everybody. I was everyone's mate at work. Yeah, no, he's met. Yes. so you can't get rid of that yeah Boys are girls. Boys are girls. I'm like, you know, we spent. because down here they don't really use mate like we use mate up north because of i think it's because of the word that here it's like mate and it's like mate yeah yeah whereas for us it's meh it's like saying meh do you know you just fly your edge like meh nah mate but nah mate yeah you're right that's that's literally okay anyway all right when i don't like bad but very quickly before if you guys i hate those people i don't know if you've got to make your work as well where everything has got a pet name
Oh, no worries darling, yes love, no worries me. You had to do that a lot here, yeah. And that's a sudden thing, by the way, the darling in love. Sweetheart and all this other stuff is just like, oh. Don't you love... I don't know why Sean Dyche was invited, by the way. Why was Dyche here? They also like Sean Dyche down there. Like, sorry, here, where we are in this place. Well, maybe not you, maybe you... Oh, you've got road men around you, haven't you? I've got bare road men in that.
You're like, you're like, if you've got the Rodman's at the corner shop or like a burger shop and you can hear him say, bro, can I get some burger sauce for that? And then he goes, the guy's like, do you want it in it or on the side? He's like on the side, isn't it? And the guy's like, what?
yeahp the side in it that's brilliant that's brilliant and the guys like wind that is good so do you want it on the side or in it oh sure on the side in it okay okay look look I think my favorite is always when they keep saying bear bear something bear this and you're like which one bear which one bad every which bad grizzly oh what I would make our mate from the north says that a lot. Oh, I've got bad this and I've got better and obviously it took me a while to get used to like what the hell you know, what the hell I was uh, I was listening to ah like what was here I was like, what are you talking about bad? I'm like, what about like naked or bears in the bed? But what is it? But yeah, it was a It took me it took me ages to get used to that. I've got bad this man got better this
The thing is, that like I feel like it always filters, we're like up north, we're like three three years behind with the fashion in terms of when the slang words and stuff, it's just when you think to yourself, it doesn't make sense what you're saying. And my favourite lab that bit in it was like when they go in it and I'm like, I don't know, is it? Are you asking me a question or are you telling me? like Are you making a statement or do you want me to have an input into your statement? I do that a lot. in so it's Yeah, but like I don't know. My favourite is like like with you and yourself, I know what you mean because you and I have grown up together since primary school. But like with that with some of the people at work when they say that, I just like to pull their leg a little bit. and like I don't know what you're saying to me.
My favorite bit was today when so i asked somebody asked for some help from one of the colleagues and another one said, no, no, it's OK. Don't ask him. We don't need him. And I said, then i was like did you need something like no? And I switched off. I turned, walked away. They were still talking. And then i was they were like, see, he doesn't help. And I was like, listen to me. When you said no. I switched off. You don't need me anymore. You don't need any more of my energy. So I moved. I went to know and elsewhere. now yeah because i like I'm not wasting time on you to explain to me why you don't need my help. I don't care. You don't need my help. I'm off. I've got some other shit to do. You are of no interest to anything that I'm thinking right now. Zero. Right. Rick, I think in that case, than bro, I think we should bring it to an end. Bring it to an end, my guy. Do it again. Do the hat-trick of all. Do a cold palmer and bring us to an end four times in a row.
Four times in a row. You froze. Yes. This new season you've been taking us out each time. Take us out. Take us out cold. Take us out cold. Let me do it. Let me do a cold Palmer for you. Yeah. no Why, why are you rubbing your elbows like stuff? I don't know why you're rubbing your elbows, but anyway, nevermind.
Hey, you can appreciate a good player, right? Shit. These guys have, like, had three good games in seven seasons and, you know... Anyways... Stop it. Send us out. Stop it. Yes. Good. And we're gonna we're going to talk about this on Sunday, by the way. Sorry, on Friday, before the Sunday.
We'll probably talk about some of the listeners will get to hear it on Friday. yeah Yes. Yes. I can't wait. So we'll do that. We'll do so. I'm excited for Sunday. I'm excited for football. Saturday's. Saturday's Liverpool. Premier League is football. Any other association is not football. That's just yeah that is soccer. I would gladly call that soccer. actually Right? I've had this debate so many times. Like, it's literally call it soccer. There's nothing to do with football. Yeah, call that soccer. I don't want to see that shit. Don't want to see that shit. But, yeah, OK, look, we're going to bring it to an end. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for bearing with us. And we will catch you on the next one. Until then, stay safe. Stay alert, Rick. That's it. Yeah, I got what you're saying. Stay safe. Stay alert. He agrees. I agree. I agree. Stay safe. Stay alert.