Tash Mic Guys  S03E02 - Traore Gets a Speeding Ticket image

Tash Mic Guys S03E02 - Traore Gets a Speeding Ticket

S3 E2 ยท Tash Mic Guys
12 Plays15 days ago

A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

Do you know what the problem is? I think my microphone was actually set to... Your microphone is so much better now because earlier I could hear so much echo. Why did you not tell me that? I didn't know whether it was because of the room where you were. Why did you not tell me that? I've just realised that my microphone has not been on this microphone. It has been on the other one. I cannot believe.
how hairy we are over all you you maybe the cana but waste the ty of this touch might go so maybe they catch my and we've sent robing and so you know i kind of kind of like yeah in there i mean it's all breakfast by they just thirteen i had to how to fall on yeah you'd better believe it i had the first beer in my school bro i set the trend i like to think that my at school like we remember at college we were at college and this girl was like how old is he and i was like oh that's my ma i he like he looks thirty like he's younger than us like cause you were the yeah below remember was a couple two years and know yeah apparently yeah yeah yeah yeah it is like he's
as so he said it's like now bro he's not thirty yes he's just got those albbeian genetics like be's got a soul be yet you know those believe it i said the trem bra i said the tra with that shirt like i don't care what anyone else is and now everyone's got beards damn bils area probably it was you but exactly not'm sure i wasn't even but du i was even around when we were around you i was touch by bitcoin for twenty p um okay i think yeah you probably had the better ah better options at that point to be honest this i mean why't we the build why would try grow bigger than the guys i be buying bits like
but twenty pence come on on shit that would have been but you do reality burn that do you remember that time when because came out we're at college i think and everybody was like oh there's this new cryptocurrency do you remember it all did you did i have affairs into your oh and i came into my social circles as well like got a couple of the lads who we played for you withre like oh bitcoin because you that was you but earlier no i remember it they were like car i was like it's a permit scheme it's a permit scheme and but and i would like um when i invested a little bit because i remember fifty asking that's what i said i remember honestly
like i just scam trying to get your money for twenty pence you might as well give it to the homeless crockett who's like excuse we may have got twenty b and then that bustard bought twenty pence worth of big card i was a million look at it look at him now i'm askingsing him for money honestly that but but you know what that makes me that makes me glad that we do this podcast so we can you know we can express these feelings because these are these are very deep buried feelings gene i mean of like you know of college days where it's like but you think back and you think um why was i doing the shit i was doing when i couldve been doing that other shit i meant other people
ah lot of shit i understand when is unbelievable unbelievable but the nightight is a wonderful handight hindight you're like on a mury but i should i be i did not do that honestly unbelievable unbelievable anyway look anyway yeah we we know why we're here yeah we no won't go out here sorry about the the rumbling zones and all that stuff but's obviously you know premmi league weekend games again week seven just happened and math was quite interesting but is some some decent games going on so good performances all around and i'm not just talking about
my team and some bug performances all the way around as well and you know and monday night is and but but we will get to that in due time will'll get to that in due time firstly firstly right i would like to if you don't mind you don remember it i like oh like to start muting right you won a cup bro because so do it shit yeah what you i just saw feel like you can see i also some polishro some polish station of youlin go they're go to do that in bed ah just a mayor hundred yeah no
thirty six them november brooklyn i go down to sanuro oh my boy go sinceer for you rememberini qui you go to watch charles yeah was laal brother yes yeah another benefit would be an albanian a lot of them are into funds and they are fund club members chirabi so obviously like i'm an national member where i can get like not priority tickets but i can get access to tickets he's the same so obviously as soon as they popped up you know but just alert just send the email i was like oh yeah i'll i'll do that i'll do that so i'm taking that matter i all i'm all over that
i'm taking my dad doll and the tickets and the tickets are crazy crazy expensive now because really my my wife's brother wanted to but then there there was some sort of miscommunication but at the time of buying the ticket so always i bought the tickets and then it was like oh i didn't realize that lawrence was actually going to buy them you know because she's not going so you thought oh well you know the east's probably not going i'm like but the tickets broke we get here so you right so so yeah it was ah bit of a bit of that sort of situation but you know now but he said what anybody look now with like three hundred and sixty euros or something where it's like
know i paid like sixty eight u eat sixty eight euros each sixty eight euros for in the in in the intersant obviously of because of course standard so i have to like you know triplea myself with my assho top on any any shares and right like ah and shas of bread it doesn't matter whether it's ah arsenal or calan which is obviously my and your head kicked in exactly so yeah my wife said exactly the same do you know what she used exactly those words exactly those words she said if you were an atheal on top and at least said support in arsenal
either way either way you're go to get yeah let's it up bro but it's going to be i don't know i'm um um'm excited because it's it's a dream and obviously i know you quite all fun as well and you know it's senseio and at the end of the day i couldn't say no to that so yeah it's goingnna be we this it's a book and lets see i could definitely take that off it would have been just that cherry on top of the cake if it was a civilan versus arsel in chbys league bogu canmb bit the way that that team is over now i really don't want to assume so you know i mean i'm still thinking of the shachenko that and the mess love um yeah so those days
definitely gone but but yeah it's gonna be exciting and i probably get some some sort of like maybe some so recordings for assumption i about with know hundred percent by but no not but not yeah exactly exactly yeah but i' be surprised that still under my breath so yeah it would be fun it's go to be exciting interesting to know if you jump up with the w rest of the fans when inter interscot or if intoscore like will you stay seated or will you just have to bus it like a yeah i'm so ah your second school jar drama lesson skills come and go like ya
i'm gonna i'm gonna like stand up when theyll stand up but i'm going to like just check my chat you know i mean just saw him like stand up but then just go ah okay i'm not white nice but because yeah very reason to be up so exactly so what do that what is it so like three phone goals got three folk rolls that doesn't pay off because it's like why didn' you celebrate why i always checking your time and let's hope there's no eagleize amongs them and just said them with my lucky chat this is why it is called faulty doesn' pretty much i click keep it a k clean bar i your phone ready as well to do google translator
said tell you and it's very very rudimentary italian as in i can understand more than i can speak generaing its onely so by anyway like i'm gonna like i'm just i'm um um hopefully going to rely on that maybe he remembers a bit oft italianion and you can you can just sort be the buffer general i mean love it but we'll say we'll see yeah it like i'm excited by way like the preer um matt did you watch any the much by the word before we actually get into did you catch any lunch mighty but they catch anything else the bera i don't watch enough today anything
i saw a little bit of much of the day i saw what i say because your team know who's first and much of the day was it you um sorry city a third city was second nothing maarran who was first first i't remember whatever the morris exciting game was i love like um wolves i think it was brenford wolfves because they flashed three two yeah oh yeah i think it was that one then yeah um and then yeah then cityi follow them and then i but um yeah i mean if you get a chance just do watch much of the day was quite quite interesting um watching watching la
it's it's it's been pretty much the same you know i mean the same sort of story in the last few monthses where it's like okay we struggle a little bit defend really well and then just catch them on some sort of like counter or a little bit of a break here i mean a bit of like sort of brilliance from certain players and um and managed to scrape a win but i don't think you remember the un every is when ael had the like twenty two game of be and and it was like oh my god but the performances were just the worst yeah you want to ever see i life for you worst for yeah should i mean but that was genuinely a script whereas now it it feels like you know it's solved
yeah okay we missing a couple of players maybe or just on one player just yeah martin ah regard to to sort of organize a little bit better and the machine ah yeah and i think ah with him absent i think that' just done excellent and troci by the way like what a could just take a moment with fetrossad considering who he was up against at that particular point in time gene iin who ars still like in in terms of the choices that they are it's it's just incredible how he has turned out and obviously when you talk about madric
it's not even you i mean it's not in the same conversation anymore it's it's not thing is it's like you werent the only time you used them to in the same sentence is we wanted moderick he went to chelsea we got trust ah the only time you use conversation the two like it's like then that there was a world apart of me they are literally worlds apart they are best so far so far from each other that magic is just a blond dot ah blonde dot to troside you can't even see him yeah yeah yeah the line is that to so far behind so far past like now it's de different football it's not up appreciate him i like him he's a decent footballer
ah yeah i like him a lot i like him a lot to the point that i think why didn't we go for him instead of we went for this guy yeah yeah i mean theres obviously like once you start pulling thats right the chelsea you know we we have conversations that has been so bit like yeah yeah i mean yeah there's a lot of them and again there was like almost two hundred dollar just something episode dedicated to it in the last two seasons so you know like like i don't really want to because like as we said in the previous episode you know yeah your team has done that turned it around as far as i have far as comparisoned with you know with previous performances
so but yeah um yeah in terms of in terms of arsenal i't that there's just something about about the team that's going really well right now and i just hope there's no more injuries because it's um yeah that that will definitely kill us to be funny yeah and and then that's the and that's the problem as well at the same time as as as much as i like to you know commend them it's at the same time like well we are quite fragile when you actually look at you know the squan that this called chelsea and and monett in june i mean so
and and even the loopboard to be found and new loopho them got them got decent players to come off the bench so sometimes that worries me and and once we get to the situations you know where he's like oh my god it's one nail to the to to the opposition what the hell do we do like um i don't want to see i don't want to do that anymore like let's just yeah figure that okay it's old news now it's our in let should move on here i mean defend well please don't let them call but yeah and just you know even even with layeros that even with the captain missing um they've they've kept together and obviously you know
players like huard andacco just really stepped up now how subject really has have a really high stepped up feel like he's been amazing for you guys and what was i going to say as well though i think that focus on the depth for you guys it's really important journey re transfer window coming up because if you're there about again you really look look you really need to start investing on two three players possibly to bring them because if you plan on going far and all the competitions and deep into each competition you're going to need play ah so cause games once it gets into a round
december you're looking at every two weeks at your remember we spoke about yeah it was like ten days or twenty days and they've played nine games you think how is that even paul have you played nine games and like in in the space of twenty days or twenty five days it's incredible so but you know you're doing very well one thing i'm still a little bit like but obviously i don't want to put a down on it but look at it this is why i just think more of a you should not really be conceed against these teams so like teams have come up from the prem and they were closed like like so i did lie actuallypologies come to be
they hit the poster there there was a shot against around this cross by yeah and was only hit with crossbar straight after because i didn't see this i was listening to this on the radio and they said ah they've hit the post but there it was a deflection and they hit the post led to a cor oh they've hit the cross but yeah like and minch e away then it's two two or two one or ah whatever the result was at the time so i think like because we spoke last episode where we said defense winsia championships like nothing standing to get some clean sheets under the it's because i can't speak as a chelsea fan because we we seem to leadak causes as if it's like a balloon with holes
but so so you guys trying to get the top top and win the- prem i think against teams like switch not and a for it not nonniversary and southapton these teams that have comembble from the championship you really need to have some clean sheets so i don't i didn't see the goal i don't know if there was a silly mistake i don't know if there was oh it wasn't atrition or what what led to you gu because you were losing one nail weren't you you a dollar yeah yeah and well so well it was it was like ah again it was sort of call
ah little bit on the wrong foot you know i mean it wasn't it wasn't so much a mistake it was just it was a good movement from from southampton like i think it was archer car i believe it was yeah yobo yeah yeah so ah it was good movement and yeah it was i wouldn't say silly mistake its just a bit of el lapses like you know don't get too complacent like you said these are the teams that you need to keep or that you have the higher chance of keeping keeping clean sheets against so you know that this is this and like i said this is where where where it comes in you know because we started started jesususus and the sterling and
you know the thing is with with sterlingham he is a good player when it comes off the back because because again he still got a bit of speed about it still got a bit moving about it so again at that late stage he's perfect to come on seventy thirty five minutes something i like he's perfect to come on but start in sterling it's you know you you can of see why the previous two chelsea managers didn' really want really want to start it generally madee me yeah exactly and and you can get to see that jau he's been lacking in confidence you know ever since the world cup really since obviously since he got injured that time
he was a really well welcome coach injured and then to like you know he's been out for for yeah long time so so those two players i think those were the sort of mistakes and then the change happened you know all like the the actual player charles martinsonelli came um and then boom everything changed harvardard started you know doing hubbard's things and then saov find himself in a lot of space and yeah it it it was good it it was again the players that that we have right now it's this is it and you asked me the question last week whether you
if we win if we don't win anything this season well you know should the zambenta that should go yeah yeah that thing will come plays we got really good plays and january's always been out downfa and again there's many episodes where i've said january is is apparently i thought it just doesn't function after after new year' but do the doo and spend like what do i do spend it's a well maybe like we pi a we have yeah we we have a little time during new years ofship but like damn this guy just forgets it it saying oh um it's februaryity what you mean which you mean what's what up with to january
i was really surprised about ra sterling but making the move over i don't even know why you guys got him ah suppose it's a super so like you say seventy five eighttith minute a seventieth minute around that time like that's not enough time to arrest a martineo trossad who's played thirty games or twenty five games up to christmas every fifteen minute rest is not enough they kind of need a week where they don't play a particular game so that they can have the rest because you remember it last year he had sucker who played ninety six games or sixty three games or what and something ridiculous yeah he started up a game and played every game
so i was shocked when you guys had stirling i was like oh go like good rid it like i love sterling at the beginning when thomas tookle came in there was a bit of media maybe i got into the car into the high but every time i started watch games i was like what does this guy doing and and i said it before in a previous episode where i said he's just come for retirement he's from london he also wants to make three hundred and fifty thousand a week be near his family rather than being manchester and but yeah for me i'll surprised i'll surprise you guys what's his name stlin but then again i'll surprise you bought kai haard and look at him now
like i think what's got like nine goals in seven assists or sixteen goals and seven assists since february or something i don't know whatever this dies but ah positive step basically every start he's been doing really really well got another quality goal at the weekend so i did see the goal because on social media it's one that to see that goal but i think i think i think you're there or there about january is going to be important making sure everyone stays injury freee you could be there there but you've still got to play with some of the big boys so-called big boys yeah yeah oh oh yeah there's still a long time ago yeah of course yeah this po even out my conversation
i' interested more from my team's perspective to see how we feature against you because last year we got slapped about i think what was it five nothing we got beat at your ground last year yeah yeah so i think that to see where we're at this ya if it's a it's a goodgo it's it's a good measure it that can like you said you know in in the previous part but if you start off against a month sitting you kind of know where you need to be in relation to the best team so yeah its yeah glaa is too early to ah to have that conversation but it's always fun to speculate isn't it you absolutely wow that end iss going to happen so
but we yeah good goals all around to be fair and like you said hu its martin el least got a gray gold sa had crossed it in it was ah it was it c incredibledible like run it was right at the backpost where manelling just literally took a leg slipp pasta from at ramsda greg gold really enjoyed that i thought it was offside because you know i don't sell goals anymore because that's saying boy its the yeah what is the point so you know and an obviously soer just ran in after trossad and boom made it three so yeah it was it was positive it was really good but it could have been better
you know keep the clean sheet and its too mil doesn't matter just keep the clean sheet keep yourself keep yourself occupied you know in between scoring that goal and then sort the end of the match just keep yourself up yeah don't just don't just again don't just sleep basically do but what was the formation all about because you had party out right back didnt you was that more yeah give you what what was going on there did you have any right backs what's wrong with timber what's wrong with what's your name there the asian boy yeah ah to me i so me ah to me ask he was on the bench and i'm not sure why he did start but again he's coming back on manager we so i don't think obviously i think i sorry i think i ta to didn't want ah
put him on straight away and especially in the game where but it it looked like we could struggle you know i mean because of that one l being one up so it didn't really want to force him and but some party right back here because timber's got a bit of an injury nothing too serious just a bit of a knock i think obviously that they want to then want to like you know test it he's like oh yeah that is just test your humburg right now um so he's so he's doing that and ben whites obviously he's had a bit of a urban injury as well so he's missed out the last couple of years yeah so see it in the stance like i think that's another thing ben white was in the stance watching
so john surprised because he doesn't really like footballer unless it's his job in play i'm surprised that he was there supporting the boys but that's got to see i guess still workt bro still at work bro you know again this for much there bro you better turn up exactly doesn matter way you better be there when the camera goes to oh i i was meant to be so here you yeah but um i think that's where maybe the some of the some of the some of the players gone a bit wrong because of their right not being on the right side you know just saw players adapting
but like i said overall all in all i enjoy it it was ah was good and yeah just obviously we got international break i saw bar and right damnmit i don't want you watch one i'm notman like i yeah no neither do one i watch it i stuck to somebody somebody out work about it i was like but don't care he's like i would get to watching i really don't care don't give a shit really don't care can i be honest can i be honest right i think for me after the euros have to watch in england and be following obviously following england like throughout every single much even in friendly
go so bored and so like strip so lot of love with international football because of garrialate right because of because it's frustrated to like know what's been done wrong and still nothing changes and ah looks that um like so yeah screw muscle bricks unlesss woke up or a euros qualifier nos upon i'm not even i about no national not even worse it is and nothing should be canceled out actually actually you got something yeah yeah should describe that because now i agree with you hundred percent buts ah
but yeah i mean obviously with the with with your team i got some of the some of the highlights um i love the little the little fight little' scrap that that went on um um i love too obama needed to happen it needed to happen so ah you remember previous episodes on this positive know episodes very previous it was noted but the challenge by nico williams wasn' wasn't necessary you know like cookarella shoulder bars the other boy a carman boy's name was wellda was running towards to get the ball of the bar line he got in front of nico william nikco williams took it like he knew exactly what he was doing tripping him up at high pay so he went over took the manager um
what i liked was hope with showing a bit of heart and going over to nico williams and saying kind of like the language this but you don't fucking mess out now <unk>re not that chelsea team but we're pushovers and we don't know what's happening we've got four hundred million people in the dressing room and we've had to get all of these lunch west like but do you say that like all at the same public i was lip reading i was lip readingad i was brilliant that's a great speech like you a cobble now that's go i be power again now and again but yes i just and and i enjoyed the fact that he got up then he stuck up for his math what i also like was called parma see him down and be like let me just force this i but believe if you saw that behave just
i was like this guy ills headlight if it's not for his football he's just like that fuck this let me just rest and it just might be he he did well that much he was like why do i need to get involved like let someone else go to make me f himself he's he's built like a stick really so he's good like oh yeah like been what they're called on on on men in black races like ja what what are they you know and little ah the the little quick thank you yeah little cricket there's like ja that's literally all i could see in cole palmer trying to fight like hey guy breaking up like that immediately to happen i was glad that it happened
and what i'm not glad about is the fact that cookarella got a yellow card so he'll miss liverpool wesley for fun is going to miss liverpool so those two from all starting in eleven for the prem and but overall as a performance was good the result was a fair result because i don't know if you saw keeps both keeps had to make saves we had to make was really good such as really good near the end you ask them at very good yeah that head as well what to save by the way you know to all you he did yeah he fantastic but he did fantastic for sure but what i'm disappointed at how one thing i'll just point out because magic had
a decent game as he came on the run from one end of the pitch to the other end with his pace and thenquipped a great crossing with his left foot and he the other guy was's his name unookcku couldn't finish because now if he finishes that we're going to be talking about water c assist by yeah flippping but drake he talk about it but but so got to pay off nothing it else to it exactly that because and and i was a bit disappointed with them google trying to flick the ball to the bar firepost instead of like heading it straight on to change the ah the direction from the way its came because keepers all of the momentum is going to push him to the other side yeah you just go against
the way that keep is moving i e pushed the head head of the ball back in the direction it came from but enjoy compet i enjoyed my confidence first out first half was a bit boring first off was a bit bland i think don't think we had a shot on target till the forty first minute when endzor fernandez had a shot and but then second off we got a little bit more coal power was getting on the ball more jane and sanchche was playing a little bit more might awake it was frustrating me sometimes but then he did okay a couple of times like with a bit of trickery bit of movement got himself a goal yeah i was go to say he's caught he's got a few goals every now and again
um up doing that yeah yeah he's doing that but then he gets to the bar line and there's not enough people in the box so if there is people in the boxes not doest seem to want to use his right foot to cross in so jackson was in a couple of positions demanding the ball one thing i'm not liking a little bit for my team now is a bit of the greediness that they're showing which is great by the way it's good in the sense but i'm just not liking because there's there's a player always in a better position and i got a revert back to that team in germany two thousand and two when they beat england in south africa they were just passing the ball to the play that was in the best position
had the highest chance of score and i remember but and that's kind of level of football that i want from my team as well that i saw of unselfishness the team comes first not me forget cold palmer game twenty goal this year and chelseas school sixty goals this year can chelea do this can chelsea do this and that's the only criticism that i have a little bit but overall like from it's night and day from where we were last year to this year it it's night and day with we're playing attack and football possession we're controlling it we're dropping the wingers into the midfield we're dropping the left back in midfield as was inenko role that we spoke so much
about an episode un seasonson two sorry and the guy that guy sorry real quick right and check isn't even that good and yes the little role named after rib like you know how me alllthough are least um you know what ah yeah how we've been referred to for themselves as it no but that's far because i on you i don't talk anybody else to do it yeah yeah that point but the thing is with zchenko he always plays in midfield and realistically when you're attacking you don't really need four people at the back and there is no point having your wings go oh because what
and so you're left back in your right back because that's what the wingers are there for so where's the rest of this space being occupied you' going to form up a field you've got to move a moral arounde so overload the midfield and for me i enjoyed that enjoyed that but again it's it's something that we're doing okay we're still not firing on all cylinders it's a little bit of consistency so we're not getting beat but we're very closely code if it wasn't for sanchez i like palm is little trick as well by the way they little flick around try to do a den burcump but kind of more like flick it around and go the other side ah really thought he was going to school
first time that i really really thought he was going to score the second time and he did it and and this is why this is why i im angry because it's a fair result really because no team deserved to lose that game but realistically no team deserve to win it neither if i'm being as not as a fan but as a football fan rather than a chelsea fan as a chelsea fan like fuck him i why didn't we win that game yeah we should oh my gosh yeah like know but the overall overall i'm impressed i'm impressed anzos is doing all alright caado still a little bit like so low impressed i'm soen are you talking about by the way because i'm not impressed with one of them they the manager and the and the play the player ends up
still not as yeah and overclock the thing is both all for the problem with the chelsea lodges we're going to judge them over over one hundred million pound price like and that's and and're going to choose him over sixty plus premy league muchches as well now exactly but fine now premie link matches i'm scrapping everything from lastier transition season so so transition season as not work but policy this is transition season four transitioning whatever yeah this is so so you going from the jokey is a you got a you see how do this yeah that's it that's it
i don't know the understand why is he captain like i donni up why he's captain first of all and second of all like he just he does five yard passes okay but he's not spreading the ball of that one time when we spoke when we had kay haviston our team i was like oh endszo spreading like a qualtback we're like oh we're impressed with thens i don't know why like i don't know what's happened because we say i'll play him higher up but who's he going to drop to play and so hi and then the other problem we have is caisado is a bit rush on his challenges oh yeah and it's it's crazy freak it see her name another thing but yeah ah the no good buy and the goodbye like a buy that you think like oh wow like we've got so we've got ourselves a quality player here
but should just captain guo canto just offered him whatever he wanted he how much you want it i want a hundred million i want ah one million a week but can you just do one season on five hundred a week okay the we can do that you i mean save money we spend hundred and twelve this but now much still little bit way still have been tooy on the of the best i'm hope i'm hopeful that he can do something but not really because he's he's always giving files away he's hes seemss a little bit it's it's easy no no i think it's been too long now for for that change to happen to be answer by next season he'll probably get sold and know one hundred i think will probably cut our losses
if tdd borley can find something else in the chelter ground to sell yeah stadium car parkk or something else that is so that something yeah someone's apartment yeah so parkload i mean i think something will happen and i've got a feeling that we'll probably sell him as well like i think so more generous they'll probably both look to go because they're not the kind of players who can dictate midfield and for you to win at leagueak and you need mid midfields who are going to dictate the game i look at your guys decklan rice party odergard get on the ball easy passingss and moving
city winning it four times in a row de bru ah and one roy by the way you i mean and the people slot into that tree or for us we don't really have but like i got toroke because now he's not relevant no now wild i this season is like what we done that's right he's into but yeah know you're here right there's a chelsea fund as well like we're we're like reese james who ah guy was out like we expect them to come back on the sixteen are you comparing the impact that rotrie has on the month you to the impact thathas has on just
does have an impact on a chelsea here as a captain he is ah he yes i'll tell you what the impact is shit we need to find another the right but um the executives that but the transfer gurus are working real hard behind the scene of how to find <unk> constantly constant i agree with you on that in terms of being injury prone and so but something will it's a it's smell like these healthy praws
what are you talking about when i just is but when when we when he's good when he's good he's very good but he's been he's been ah good looking you' still on that you still did you go to come with some boed balls
let it go ah let it go you like me like an old guy with like two stras of hatges let it go already just let it go get it already so whichangli upgraderia what are it's on it's a forty five degree angle just ah you know watch your ear but i'm just saved and you're going to let that go brook blake i don't even think the thing is for all chelsea yeah think it's just healthy no i think it's just healthy at this point now like realistically really more entire the team but yeah nothing go that winner yeah yeah but sorry paul difficult you arent able
i think i think depends on some fans maybe you went on this one but like oza when aza was you had oz and he was fantastic and the season he drops you're like um but maybe he'll come good next year maybe you did a bar they had so far and same were trying to trend out a good season and he was like oh the right best right back in the world when they've won the champions league and be bar and and they did that clever cho or whatever it did that season for trent was the best season of course but you hold season no no i'm saying one season is the it's the sort of maximum you'd give a player ah but like for example during inter you play the first game last season or whatever it was
got injured and everyone was like oh fucking obviously we were disappointed but we're like you know what let's give him let's give him at least this season to prove himself but if he gets the againt with the same thing and he's out for a long time but by the beginning of next season it say well now that's now me help you let you out here we say where' is james something like that on tuesday season no belllizer i think with james though as well because he's see an academy play the chelsea chelsea board and todd and whoever else' belt is out there is probably they' probably thing and like how can we milk this can we get him back to fitness can we get him play to the point where we can probably get cash in fifty million
sixty million the season then when he was everybody the memes were coming round ree james had a fifty sixty million price tag on him wait wait wait wait sorry just hold hol ah hol ah hol this is let me think let me let me just think for a side right i far you going so on a hol let me just think for a second right ah you're not so you're not suggesting that to bowlley or any one associate which helsea is still all out for fifty million for research right ah no and i' i'm saying maybe why because you said the jus timber if he got injured again he'd probably leave or to give him one way up but i'll saying it's difficult to do though firstly when they're under the contract
if they've got a five six year on ice feltsis case eight year contract yeah but no no sorry i don't mean like actually like physically letting him go i said you let him go and don't even discuss him as part of the first team general i'm saying like don't like oh when these jas call oh yeah yeah are right okay so you like go go contract like ah only like you've injuringed twice now legend here's the doll it's not the nfl yeah in america you could do nfl nba like it'd like oh we trades you to where i don't know some college team somewhere in the midwest you just wake up one day yeah what that you don later hip no no no no no no i mean like as in as sort i mean
letting cause the idea of like the be captainton of the club i think nothing that's long gone because we're doing okay we're not doing great but um one exactly that like he's no ah can't really see him getting ahead of augustto in the first team he'll probably play a little bit of like doing carraat or carraal co conference league and even then you'll probably get twenty minutes towards the end because we've done our right in them as well we're we're winning them both so now as a first team player we hold on his fans to like the glory days and so on but you're right to be realistic about it he comes and he plays a game
he's injured for six monthss he plays twenty minutes he goes off at the hamstring so either something needs to be done where we just caught all losses or even financially and said you know want me you're not for us because we're holding home or alternatively he just i don't know he needs to retire or something because it's not fair to him or the getting injured is it' he literally plays five minutes he's injured for six months yeah yeah this is like he is literally he's literally the highest paid athlete when you're talking about permanent yeah
yeah having permit he is the highest paid athlete of all time ever the highest at chelsea for hundred percent he's the highest earner at chelsea talk about minutes play and but every other ah in the world like so seconds like thousands every second or something yeah yeah but's it's incredible realize again know like on a real talk like i genuine don't know what his injury is still because i know he came back we had the what do we have we had the american tour of preseason and and then he was like ahri james is injured and i was like well that's okay he'll be back by mid-september because his red card means he can't play
um like i put the hell's going on like you know what i yeah and then he saw something on instagram or something they'd post it now somebody or chelsea trying to advertise ah the captain is back you know and i understand that that's media duties and so on and i was like how long for bro like if he is back how long for and if anything like you are leaving yourself open to tralling by the way like oh yeah good but it' then on fire go to play like what position is he goingnna i know he's a right back but who who's who's getting dropped because the team's doing okay who could you drop
ah apart from maybe a gold score answer where you can't drop anybody so butlar overall they elect to to quickly re up on chelea happy with how we're doing i would love the threepoint but realistically speaking it was a fair result the keepers were fantastic both both sets of keepers and you know it this much was i really it wast keep as much yeah and you know another thing is well when you play against these teams like we talked about sell something with you guys you've got to remember not to be complacent you guys you can make you were little bit complaiscent concceited one day we were complacent we went one na because we probably thought we beat wolve six two we beat air brighton four two
not an forest i will walk through these not adopt you go to so yeah but stops you just going to keep that mentality be like i don't care who is in front of me i'm going to give my one hundred percent doesn' matter if it's ra madredo fit's not in a forest or southamate you go in to win every game you' a professional football to psych yourself up however you need to do to get psyched up ready for this match for the opponent in front of you not and por and brenford poland not in forest ponland baa just an opponent go past go yeah be nothing else
and felt guilty that's what we lack first half we lacked that a lot we were just like a bit is she if you wishy whatever the saying is like a bit of like and flick here little five yards pass it as i come on bro like just fucking go score gold now stop picing it out yeah yeah yeah finish finish like finish the game or at least like you said get a couple of goals and be a bit more comfortable and yes you can play all lot that's fine but not what is no null all yeah one out of the yeah so you know but obviously um go to have a break with the red card james warpowerwell um that was silly that was silly there iss wild touch but that was silly like he should now down
and he said jackson had a long way to go and knowing jackson's record sometimes he go sometimes it does't sco you know what i mean like it was it was the panic of he's the last of i'm the last defender and he's going to get past me here so i have to take him now that's what i mean like let him get past you like literally letme get past you for me when he was at the halfway line i understand if it's near the edge of the d right i have to take him out goodp pun goodpa up the halfway line yeah he went down and literally in front of the he was in front of the chelsea dugout he went down and it grabbed it in front of the dugout and if you look at the chelsea
chel's dugout is bang on in the middle and the away teams is a little bit more to the left because i i just realized that this year i was like is that us directly in the middle because normally the refereees directly in the middle where the halfway line is charles's dugout is directly in the middle as if somebody got a millimeters and we're like na little bit to the left of the right now this is perfect and like but necessary but nevertheless going back to james wildd pro sake he just he should have done that on the halfway halfwayland yeah give it a bit more time yeah give it a bit more time because like i said it is jack but look
it's something you you should get told it's like you know when jackson world is postuted don't just go crazy like up be good it's something it's something that again lesson learned for next time well like you said you know he's not exactly the best gold correspond so chances are that that will just have to go over somewhere like yeah jackson is a hit and miss like he's score goals against west ham and you're like oh great finish great finish composure lads composure and then the next me be're like hows he not just got like who yeah why do you and this is the thing why some some of my friends at work with like ah our chesis and the title race i was like
if we had five games consistently winning and performing really well i'd be like yeah we're in the title race with the rest of the big boys we win one game then we go we were one nail doubt about it on forest that home you know we we're we're very hit and miss we're very hit right now yeah yeah yeah and that's that's why we nowhere where need i'll be happy with top four right now it's ah i mean yeah of course that a consider concerned where where you were lost last year i mean yeah again i mean so yeah so and performances will will definitely reflect that but like like like you said it's long season so let's just see what happens and you've got enough players to
cook positions so i don't think that's going to be an issue but so do you do you have anything else do you want to add on chelsea nothing nothing else to add on chelsea just ah just want to talk about a guy who really can't score and i don't know if you saw this um much of the day or anything like that it's a dematro or i did i did see the song were day i just saw him when he would be carl walker and i was like how is this boy so quick and it goes back to what we said before like if you can't finish if you just look silly because you can do all the good work you can't finish it
but you know what i really liked about that at the end i don't know if you saw popb gladdila spent a couple of minutes telling how we improve his finish and and how sorry i talking also they were saying like at the end of the game because um gladulars are very good at this and something i like pepa bar i liked him the moment he did it to redmond you remember redmond for southampton they said redmond yeah they were playing and i think salsaton were really like defence defence and then rahim started got to go one nail so they went back at top of the league against liverpool in that year for the title and at the end of the game you're saying to redmon what are you doing like you're an explosive player like okay
along those lines because he was very much hand gesturely kind of make our saying why are you not running with a ball why you not attacking but you kept defending and i felt the same this time you say into a dmittro when you get that turn your body slightly don't turn it too much because when you give the idea to the keeper you're going to do it but if you turn it you can still hit it this way or you can hit it that way yeah keep your eyes on the keeper and i really really enjoyed that butt pip because it's felt like my team this and you can just meet continues like he's a coach she's a place coach's say he's a coach he's a coach and he's a football fan at the end of the day's a football fan as well
yeah let me ask yeah um what do you think do you think speak quickly on paper and we'll come back to like awful misses for the week do you think pep is going to sign another year or do you think he's going to leave this yeah because there's been a lot of talk about possibly he might not renew his contract yeah there was something in the last season it said ah you know twenty twenty five that's when he' due his contract but chances are that you want sign um i don't even i don't think if if he doesn't win anything with shit like pre league or to is league
ah think you probably probably will because you'll kind of be like well you know maybe the right of the wall yeah but yeah finish on a hy but maybe the rights on the wall i would like right okay you know my time is probably coming to a land so lot if he does a winner i'm okay yeah when there way yeah yeah yeah no actually leave um because he's won everything what does he need to prove any more than he already has le what does he want him just go in for like five champions leagues as a manager so you can be the best european i don you i mean like there's not much that you can actually do right now and motivate him
yeah and to be where would he go if he doesn't go there if he leaves city where's he going he's done by him so he's done germany yeah and last he is ba who with who where this the thing he's not going to go to spain realistically speaking because he's from barcelo and the catalan and so on and so forth so i one there's only one country there is only one gudgon let's float with that idea yeah alberia would be absolutely that so that i was of course so he is going to step down but graiola would do wonders with armmanda broyer we take him back on law
hundred percent yeah you think buck a lot but then you sell them and then you' actually sell them yeah you're selling but no i think i think yeah it's a good question because you know who does he where does he go and maybe bustleana will probably probably be the the all ah best shout home returnably purely because you know he's probably the only one who can who who will demand the respect from the board and enough for him to like let link to lamp crack on with the tap and let him build that team like you did monett because he built monett mon city bathy i know that's some players but he built themselves
yeah no and i agree with that i think what he likes though i think he's the type of manager who wants to go where there's find out finances finance now with a financial fair play and so on passcelona all seem to struggle every year you have to struggle with their players either pay in their players or sign in players registering them on time all these other bs and i don't think bassor will probably get him because they've got that hands hands flick is it hands flick the uneasyli hany fleck and okay that top of the league yeah yeah you want to keep going yeah for the winning here so they're doing all right i think there's a chance he could go to england
if he leaves he'll go international maybe managing england because he knows most of the plays he knows he plays the president of the league yeah you said alberi bro that's what you chuck joke but i think i think that's that that that just makes sense generami because obviously not going to be another english club um there's not enough there's not an italian club that has enough money to to solve a commonable pet once spends the same unless real madri which is never going to go to real madtro because they' just get shot um
germany again unless it's by munich but what's the point because like you said he's already done that he's not going to go to thland there is he's not going to p s g re let's be real about he's not going to the farmer's leak to win where ps geo will be in every year unless they pay him a crazy amount of money for him to win the champions leagueak but i think for me if he goes if he goes to an international league international team sorry and he went like let's say england because england realistically is the only one because germany is they've just got a new contract martinez is up portugal he's got a new contract and he's doing okay
france and are going to get rid of didri dechamp ah spain we spoke he's not going to do because he's from barcelona so that only does really leave england if he takes in over england and he wins the world cup for me he'll be handsed down the best manager in the world and the best coach reason because we've always said that you just't explain the book i think but but lesson we've always done the first champion is z we've always said messy one it that batard tea messy messy messy messier he went to buy and were buy were winning everything and buy and if anything that wasn't a great season for him buying personally i think because they won the trouble the year before
yeah yeah before he took over buying on everything and then he did thirteen was yeah exactly and then came to city city will win in titles for granted not to this level but they were winners as well and he's always gone to the teams so he can spend the most money he doesn't like a player he's granted i give him one hundred percent great coach brought players up but if he goes wave he know what disability doesn't he he will be hands down and i' also going e agree from club level where they've won everything at club level said that you know what let me go and win the world cup as a european championship that for me would be like
yeah i mean he's already puting mind as he he is the best manager of all time but like you said that will definitely cement i any doubters allli know should done any doubts because know it's the ultimate but yeah i think i think international but but then again you know the there's a lot of rumors obviously like as we've you know so touched on and in other episodes where about monthly and charges as so far so but could definitely have something to do with with his departure
and if that's the case then you know obviously he's doing the right thing he jump it chip it doesn't really matter work at that point it's like okay well now i need to find a job rather than certainly not need to because it doesn't actually need to stand but it's more like okay i didn't really want to leave months city i'm still you know still willing to go on yeah and trying to with stuff but because of obviously what's going on that i need to find another clue now general i mean where is i yeah okay just leave sitting anywhere is like ah general i'm gonna semi-rettiment article well there's another question for you and the listeners and of i can only hear your your answer
the listeners maybe they can text it in or what'sapp its whatever is do you think if the charges any of the charges hold do you think that will tarish any of his achievements
um rest of stood now can they of the he hasn't no and because i think the players that he brought in however this is the problem i isn it because the players that he brought and yes they were amaze but how were they brought in and that's the ultimate questions right um but for me no i don't think ill tared his reputation no no no no i mean it's achievement so obviously he wanted fight for a role he want the treble
he did this and you're like wait hold on minute there's a hundred and fifteen charges here he brought but other players were takening and bo him by twenty million pound players he went and paid ninety million for gravial or somebody anything like hold that like flippping it like where do you just pull ninety million from like how cause manit you look on mane ground half the time it's empty bro like most of it like i think they've had to start to paint the seeds light blue so that it looks full yeah i think um well look my you know that's that's the whole point you can't just you know step into ah a place and or a club and just be like
you know ah we're goingnna have history now we say well no you're not gonna have history league but that's not works yeah but that's what they did they they bought history and you know unfortunately if if if the charges you know come to light which again i'm sorry but this hundred and fifteen there's absolutely no way you're telling me that at least one of them is not going to stick you know i mean it's just you see he's nott even fly yes on the ma of the lies when the chairman walks out with like every nationality of lawyers everywhere behind him we look i thought it was a squad up first i thought like oh manse dress i was like okay who's the asian guy who did they sign
ah do you realize it's like lawyers all to yeah like what the fuck it's a solicitor entourage it's yeah so i think you know if none of them stick then there's definitely some of even worse going on which is which is even worse than more months ago you do we both yeah i think that there was one thing that like just was we atlantic there was one thing that they did so win in terms of in terms of callwise which was something called the associated party transactions where it's basically for example like
like chelsea hu the hotel the bought the hotel also sold the wall yeah yeah yeah so it's like so that's one certainly will not and the accusation was that it's like well you know where you can't just be like we're going to sponsor going to use this sponsor but the actual sponsor is associated with you know the chairman yeah with the chap with the order of the club and it said well that just inflates everything because it's like for this fifty million pound sponsor for example that's normally it's like you you' give five hundred billion like how does that work out
you knowic sos the socipathran life it's like well it's the owner's money he could literally set the price to whatever he want yeah but the problem with that is that's only bought three four club i can actually do that so my problem is again i haven't gone too deep into this to to like no what you know what the final result was because i think it's it is still longer going but you know with with with with ap two it's like well three four teams like like can i can do that and the rest of the team is like well are we'll just have to sell a second and third
yeah i mean yeah if city are to win i'm like well how is that even possible how is that even the question of them winning know i mean how was that even they need to lose that sch straighta away because if they win that thats set's a precedent for the rest of the team like a ps gene i mean like like a newcastle so which's goingnna have months in the newcastle and then the rest of the pre league know it's it's goingnna be so so um again i'm hoping i'm hoping the final the final verdict hasn't been reached but if it has and then one it's like i think they'll probably win it i think ah money will talk i think there's going to be corruption here yeah there's going to be enough corruption here
no matter how much money you've got you can always be bribed on something else because these arab states are just i think i don't know if i spoke to you last week i was talking to somebody our work about it i said these guys are making like four million a day man like from the oil and stuff like four million a day if not more was being made yeah every day because i were too business house probably because yeah like being conservatives like probably what's declared yeah realistically it's crazy but and for me do think a little bit maybe some people for me i think he's a great coach don't get him wrongg i put him up there with the best i' put him there with clubp i put him there with early years marineia marineia's got a little bit of our touch but
if you're thinking of the grace of all time you've got to consider them all so reli and chaloti all these great managers but if he does what has said to you like and sorry one thing i mention is if the one fifteen charge is stick to it ah do think youll tarnish the achievements a little bit because like you said if a state can sponsor themselves five hundred million when arsenal totham chelsea brighton can only get twelve million fifteen million from a little samsung sponsor where do you think that five hundred million is going to get invested into it you know infrastructure play is all of a sudden you have the best of everything it in place the books it it excusews the numbers and it doesn't make any sense what
like you said when you consider the the lack of history of month and the and the ticket sales and and sponsorships and look the thing is even though the winner is still and the best viewship it's always arsenal or money night or liverpool that and the most yeah yeah but but these are the historic these are the historic so that's when people want to see arsal wall arsenal when they league thirteen times yeah thirteen times thirteen times you've won the leak obviously it goes before that granted you haven't won it for a very long time but your fund basese has already been built it may be in fifty years history yeah from history that's right yeah yeah but in fifty years time if city continue in this trajectory they will outcome oh
pass arsenal in terms of fun bases or a lot past chelity theyre lot pastal bill not the forest because our generation will be much older than everyone else is in harland but the asterosk at the end of it if ah if these you know if if nothing happens with these shouts it's like yes they won but how i mean if you go ask that question it's like yeah yeah that's a yeah it's not really open is it the history books will never say to oh you of course ah so they'll raise themselves but yeah um so yeah and a little a little ah little conversation outside of that was but outside of football we can we can bring it back to city like they really struggled at the weekend
they made they played follower we talked about those but but that's talking about a dematro we talking about a demater and the fact that he missed three times and one on one with the keeper and it's like how will you making an e doesnson look so good you i mean he's a good kid but how you making him look like peak boofon you i mean likes it's it's crazy the the misses that you have and the opportunities it's like dude that's what you need to concentrat and like you know you're coaching me that's what you need to be called after this to be you've written been forget he jim you dumb bell forget dumb belllls bro none of that because he just tore past walker
and i was like wow that that reallympressed that's great i was really like he runs through run through me gave him a five yard head starts as well i'm carl walker and we still beat him and he think like wow yeah you like sorry heat peak it has twenty two miles an hour by the word that's what that's on the ma at twenty two miles hour he peak that because i was on watch twenty one literally yeah that's what he picked that that's raising twenty two miles an hour that is literally a school zone he he he would get a ticket in a school zone but
he'll get a ticket he loved it because the down here we've got twenty twenty thousand hour prices hundred was speed limits it's crazy is incredible this was incredible carbon dioxide from your eliia don't we just think that how vulnerable manity he looked without rorie yeah no in harland quiet again another week where harland is quiet love it i love it i think my fpl does the opposite what i wanted to do so that's why im so to entirely to about yeah just i put walker in eport walker i put palmer in and the cup to me got me nothing and then i took sacccarel and he' like got more three assistsed a goal and two assisted a goal and he into something
fuck sake like go hotel my team this week i look at my team apart from jared bowen in double digits know historic like when you compared to to everyone else like in this south well but know but it looked i soon i saw so like twelve minutes and i thought twelve minutes so twelve points i was like fuck this this i was open right ras open ri' is going to get me some points with a clean she but they have got me nothing but close nothing twice it was but of course um i had him captain he got me eight points or ten points because that was just because it was played yeah's spain and the assistant
assisted and then all of sudden they went to got a yellow card so it' was minas two by down to it i was like this this is just a week to be forgotten but yeah orchi list up and against the united belia it did elder again what do you think of the united villa um the the most fascinating part ah that much was seen all the money bought literally looking like the images ready to like tear how as new one to tear into ten how yeah one hundred percent and i
honestly it baffles me like how we still have their job yeah like sit here now we're having a conversation with you and it baffles me how he still has a job is incredible he spent last year husin it's not my team need my players and he spend more than any of the team yeah yeah no they spent a lot of money about that oh god oh they go from bs g who god tells me right back i forgot the name of the right buck the morocco the algerian footballer who arawi mara i probably there chely thezeki orzeki whatever his name the
that so to seek so you be the persian the persian king x is the first yeah that's it versus is the like that the like i nothing then but yeah before then novel he got eighty anthony ah sixty seventy seventy million for flippping highland all these football is this play is there the ninety minute volume was it ninety no ninety five for anthony and ninety eighty something million for hundred and and marcus rashford looks a shadow of himself ah flip in all the plays and and what was it when they were losing a port or who does he bring on he's reliing on his old guard of johnny evans and
and harry maguire to get a away hey don't be biing on my guy harry ma no on it but um of this in a man like tenhag because yeah the surface so you know it and i'm with you i don't know how he's sell on a job like i know they got to draw but really with the border is that they need to see they needed to see a victory that because game beat three near by spurs and then going to concedde in another three gas by the way forget the win and losses in two game they conceded six goals three at portal three at home to spurs yeah as i say and i think the week before that they conceded
something ridiculous three as well liverpool beat them or liverpool beat them by at home was it its free nail as well nothing was three old three one something la up something something like crazy go back you're go going to go back and and we're not to go back and the work but like you think to yourself like i don't know what it is i don't have the figures in front of me my phone's over there so i won't be so to and to and beaten three ah three a apart are um and yeah so and then obviously just draws before that the really draws before that liverpool liverpool three
um so so again in this little thing they can leak the leaking too many goal in and for me for me you've got to point the finger out the manager now because what's going on here i know everybody's blaming kasimir or individual plays and he comes out and so on but beck you've got to blame the manager now kairro two weeks ter saw a year ago he was like oh he's ourad he's from ra madrid all of a sudden now hes turned shit like come on but what's what's up up play like and you go rid of the west by no yeah ah one of the best players in the world sorry we got we' donevin because of your stupidity and look where's going you know eat
that's all it was you don't get rid of one of the best in the world when you've got an eagle and look anything look at sancho he had a problem with sancho sancho's gain assist for chelsea yeah um you well yeah we send uslo into seat last week know i mean but now for for me i don't know how he' was in a job long mate continue could i just add oh i don't i just sure but at the same time at the same time it's like you know what what is the overall plan or maybe that's the problem and maybe there isn't a plan moneyated maybe maybe that's it now i would say ok we'll shut where we have to see this guy out
and that just who pops up between now and the of the season because you know whatever he's trying to do you know now like you said you can't really blame it anymore on players because you brought in everyone that you wanted yeah the players that you thought are going to be good enough again we're talking about players that were good in an iax team in twenty nineteen yeah je arms'm saying can we just point that out for a second no no definitely these players were good in twenty nineteen twenty twenty you i'm saying and that's and that's the problem is like you and for me that would have been a red flag
and executive money like that would have been a massive massive red flag after the third iax boy you know you'd be like kind of just ask you a question please eric um do you not have any of friends who will find you players from elsewhere in the world it's it's incredible how you know how to just let that continue and and the ideas of just dried out like that's it that there there is no idea sent there's not there isn't any ideas in just it's just gone it's just gone
back listeners and you wouldn't think that we have been doing this for a very long time now and for but literally over hundred episodes and l so have issues with without microphones i sure um'm a massive amateur hour actually because we spent an hour and the listen is going to be like why did his voice just change no voice did not change the microphone saw shade and yeah i was set up everyone i was set up i was very mess set up ah was framed and yeah yeah this guy
it is what it is but no that's so yeah but but we were talking about tenhag and and how it's how it's been allowed to carry on for so long you i mean and i'm gonna um'm i'm just repeating that bit so people can hear it better now over the microphone now for me i don't know how much united feel but i thought now there's no point for loyalty what it been three seasons yeah somebody's world thing thebi in a job though they beat city and city and fa cop and then we won carba up against newcastal yeah before something along goes um man united enough for a fake open carba coast man united if a champions league deep into the champions league competition mine united of yeah it' so historical is but the biggest team in england
yeah it's literally with history and what they've done due thanks to sir alex the ah the the biggest team in england yeah hundred percent i agree with you that's why they've got the huge stadium the biggest the biggest in england again and so on so enough and and also it's a good advert for the premier league if man unitedated chelsea arsenal these top teams that have been in the past decades anyway since we've we've been growing up and since we've started watching if they're constantly competing for the top four and you know what a kick in the teeth of the rest of europe if they win man you win the europe league chelsu win the conference league an english team wins arsenal city whoever wins the champion league youre like
all of the english teams have won all the european competitions can we get a fifth spot now and you know even more teams that fight for the top five and so on it's just fine we do a wonderful lot there we but you do have the spots on we've got villa and and forest we do well exactly we've got them who've won it but i mean if you win it consistent consistently yeah you end up your league ends up getting an extra spot so instead of four top four go champion his league true top five go champion league and and so on and so forth because your league is so powerful yeah and so strong so yeah just it's just something that for me that i really want to see my united but
as a football fan i want to see my united compete again as a chelsea fun fuck like yeah can i and no i agree i agree and it's it's not even it's not even about the money united thing or anything like that it's just it's just bad a coing and you can't help but notice that and and it has to be pointed out and i've been pointing that out for for a very long time as as you well know and i was never convinced by tenhag from the beginning and again i have made that known as well and yeah and the same can be said about our our good friend
and but to come my i'm glad you lookeded at it i don't know what i was watching i was like you know i'm sweet come okay before before know link you me so give me your opinions right can we just have a moment of larry appreciation post right purely because bo hit call me yeah and because what did i say from from the moment and started what did i like i remember saying you said and it he always wins in his second season i didn never ever ever say that you know i mean and you will not tell people about that and posta call with t-shirt eithers are by the way lay no the
what did i say that i said to you and i said to everyone who listened is what you said he woulds wins in a second season and and i am glad to be wrong but yeah i think ah yeah um mean i've made my point i lost point made my point has been made it doesn't matter and he listen he is he was never he was never the guy and the fact that he came in with his with his whole yeah know arm mas and all this stuff it like no yeah i'll be honest to i don't mind him but that in in the conference in a news conference and the interviews and so on when he's given the press conference or news conference press conference and interviews
what i don't like about him ass similar to tenhag is his lack of ability and his ego being so big the fact that he won't changed tactically and i go back to the last year where chelsea b the four nail five one whatever it was when they had two plays ah and top yeah he still played ah very high line and i'm like why like is there no what ah to me as a manager show how like you are one-dimensional thinking it's just like i'm just my way or the highway and you can't adapt why is there nothing wrong with you asking your place to drop back a little bit more you went and two nail away to brighton brighton is a very good team it's no brighton it's not a team that've just come up from the prem no one the good teams are um
they've been consistently good absolutely why absolutely and the new guys been really good they had to give you guys a good game at the emird so yeah they gave was a good game it's score two against us and they clinical you' have twona up like what are you doing at least close shop a little bit or like a do't play such expansive way of playing and such a high line yeah you know just show me like johnson tell you plays letting johnson run run up and down the pitch you know bring him back a little bit yeah he stay where he is bro like and also you give your play it like a bit of ah bit of buckbo to kind of
hold are the people accountable you know you win in two nall away from home hold people accountable tell them to make a run if they're tired tell them to go get subed off fake an injury just so you can get subbbed off if you're tired and that's the problem that i have with them that's a problem i have with ten ah just excuse me they're very much in their own way they're own just like my way or the highway and nothing before they said like well we're not going to change mate when i lose we're going to play this way and i was like you've just literally told every per league wanted to be like don't worry about changing tactics this is how we play this how we play we're not going to continue with this we're not going to change our so you don't need to do too much homework just watch one game of operas and then just crack on i was like
it just stupid it's naive it's stupid and i feel sorry for spurs fans but you've got a manager like that who's talking because if i was at cheltz i'll be calling for his zd yeah yeah it's ah it's very it's very stubborn and it's not it's not a good it's not a good quality for for managers to be honest because it's it's the quickest way to lose a job and um and ah i think it should really be a coin to between between tenhag and post postaoglu i'll be honest with you but at the same time so if pasta kogo leaves telling him oh he gets sacked who in the right mind will ever want that job
like seriously who yeah going to want that job and who's goingnna want that job badly enough to to like make a fool out of themselves on tv and be like yes we're going to win ah trophy you're not going to win your knock can i tell you so let's just stop i was listened to on radio and somebody said what happened to that game brand in mine i left it at two nails right that whole little glimpse i left that two nails on the radio oh watch the whole sorry i want the whole thing by the way to gone gone i want to hear your radio on the radio they were like what just happened i was talks about listen to it and there's like how' do you even explain that apart from spurzy and now i thought to two
right i thought too too like they drop i did not know that they got beat three two the sp artistsses the dr the spurgeon syndrome that is still a thing it is still around you have to be aware of it and i hope that all your teams catch it but genuinely the spurgeon syndrome is is hilarious i know you shouldn't laugh at ah illnesses and you know i apologize right yeah now we won't laughier right specials for us yeah exactly did you see that anthony joshua's well after we took a picture of the ro and test mysteria release all of this tight collapse
i am so happy because another human being that cannot stand is anthony joshua genuinely was one of the most overrated people are boxers that i've ever ever ever seen genuinely i didn like that at the beginning i really liked him when he first came into the scene i quite he was a bit humble bit fresh humble but i think he was fake he was fake bro um i don't i don't think he was fake i don't think he was humble at all i think he was trying to play a character and and obviously he got tested um very quickly because you saw the true answer in joshua i believe is the guy who got knocked out by you said
and he came on saying i've been carrying a heavywe division and all this and i was like whoa who is this guy and i think that's his true but yeah know i found that hilarious when he got beater the day and obviously the pictures circulated in social media of him at the totnam stadium i was like wow it's like yes ma that's where you belong at the top of the co my friend dinner i'm saying but so it's but not genuinely like with yeah we' taught them it's it's not even like it's not even fun to watch them anymore and i know i know not many people do anywhere but like it's just
yeah when it's the only football match on it's like it's just on in the background but then you're like ah the winner too an i ah and i studied the group denial i was say oh well it's not funny if they win it and it's not not the course you' suffer it that with yeah and and yeah and that changed really really quickly so it was funny to watch and um well back ah back the guy ah bobino as india yeah wellbeno has is known on the street absolutely the streets will remember as wellbe yeah um but yeah it's it's funny to watch and and again we say this all time but long long may it rain and continue and boticoglu i will send you some chocolates my friend if you just stayre up them for a little bit longer
yes absolutely i agree go let's go through that let's go through the as says ah let's do it let's ever want to get the picturess over i've got get the pictures up yeah excellent right okay let me get the ah and me get the predictions up okay so right let's start from the top we've got pal liverpool i had the three one liver have the fixtures so where's my fixtures gone all right sorry i've gone fish there's not results here we go but but ah about my but holli liverpool i had ah three one liverpool you had a two two and final go we
there a oneana zero one to live right okay ah southummpton i had fa mill you got five mill um yeah we all know how that i did yeah but's good we all had we both had high hopes for a clean sheet i had a more for my fb you obviously fifteen but nevertheless yeah and about brenford wolves because this was wolves game of the week um no well we've got gam that we coming up soon and game of the day as well so breakfast wolves add two two you had three one but five three branford
that is yeah that was days and gaul's quite much i can't believe yeah anyway i think that's the that was the much of the day first one wasn't it that was on much of the day first yeah yeah yeah and then i'm good came of week because that was tenly the came of the week and then we had lester balmouth and i had noll nell you had one one one lester um i said godam we haven't got anyone months ifes that's i'm so glad we don't we're not gambling men i know like joyly our wives will thank um you followed ja go
to two had that as game of the week you had to one month at two and it was an interesting game it was square decent ga i wouldn yeah it was second and much of the day so has to be good right yes again i have a point for that i guess those can west time ips um i had one lips switch you had two one with um yeah those was a decent one by time for one won't godam me for white okay they really disappointed by this one eton lived eston dukecast so two one i had newcastle you had three two everton and you had that as your game of i had that as my game of the day yeah
but is pointless is just like neil nail boring gay yeah it was it was by the end wasn't a yeah so comesled the other wrong in the way villamanated i have three two menu you are three one villa um again very wrong or's wrong very wrong wow um okay and chelsea notingham forest i had three no chelsea you are three one chelsea one and one one and and wrong one yeah all the like wrong one okay cool i love it and then we had brighton spurs i had two one spurs you had one one
and i'm glad that we were both wrongful so interested interesting sure but learned from this is that we are awful lot predicting god we try to predict the game so yeah oh god yeah we really can't predict it for the for to save our lives but now i'm really impressed with what branford are doing by the way can we just give them a shout out the score in early goals thomas brown some don't get me wrong but that umbomo umbo path where more like sp every game i think he's third in the toprows list in the u k currently
i don't want to put him in my fpl because i know he'll stops scoring so i'm just going to let him crash off for a little bit longer exact same thought when it kind like before i did my time but i started my team on before eleven thirty on the saturday i was like let' shop with this guy and get rid of celanki like no cause he'll probably stop scaring and or sillano bang of bra in today just did any bit you just didn't it did not do that at all i like the cloud i even love let it pick it cur out sal done nothing it for me for the past three weeks these got me probably four point six volume off yeah i have your cella is my harland funeralra which what
like yeah i'll take him off he'll get back a hatrick in you the next week yeah and reass assist as well as say what why but not next foot maybe not next game because i playing chelsea maybe age okay i'll put him on a play level but the'll play level but all to game off put him up for that but forget but very quickly the why have you been watching you watching anything because last time you said you've been watching something interesting interesting ah um i have been um i actually have been catching up on the new ah re the fraier reboot not the rebo the the
you release of it the new see's not that ah but it's you good i mean it's because obviously i just love the the original series of prayer and you know for me it's like yeah i know it's shit genuinely i i just know it's shit but i just love watching that character you know i'm saying because i followed him for like eleven years i remember the program used to be in channel four yeah still it still is by the way it still it ten o'clock sometimes it goes to half seven sometimes it goes seven i like what is it what do i watch what do i watch this morning and then excuse now you like what that daphne
yeah um ah' been watching that and um i watched the near car i also was watching i i'll tell you next time ah i can't even yeah i need to go back to my fair we've ah we've not watched anything decent like other know which she've been busy with so on like trying to watch something is no time bro like yeah exactly just exhausted as you was even worked like a kids like when he says she would jump on this i was like i can't do that time row i've got do bedtime you know i've got to got a bed ready read stories and is for me the later it is the better it is for me my later so know
again for you you've got kids or i don't have kids yeah know around half eight nine o'clock nine thirtys is probably the best time for me yeah that's nine five that's fine for me um but so yeah okay cool well do we have anything else to write by the way i've got nothing else to add me now thats are we goingnna do one during the week because it's international break or should we do one probably if five we can up some f one talk um to i we so on enough one talk absolutely because my team is winning again exactly so i don't even know why by the way what the hell to suffer how did vtaan turn so bad and we will answer that on the um the next episode but leave it a cliffang
thank you so much for listening and we will catch you on the next one until then rick good night for me