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S03E9 - Tash Mic Guys - Buongiorno Sweetart, Rik and Larry Derby image

S03E9 - Tash Mic Guys - Buongiorno Sweetart, Rik and Larry Derby

S3 E9 ยท Tash Mic Guys
21 Plays3 months ago

A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.


Inbetweeners Reference on the Bus

in italian yeah That's how you were practicing. Do you know what it is, right? You say that, but on the plane, I was on the bus that took us from the plane to the terminal, there was there were some British lads. I'm guessing, I think they were Astel fans. I'm pretty sure I saw Gunnar's badge. Anyway, and they were talking amongst each other and one of them goes, you know, do you remember Jay from Inbetweeners? Which sounded like it was either one that completed everything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the guy. Yeah. He's the... Yeah, done that, mate. Yeah, completed that, mate. Complete that, mate. Complete that, yeah. And this guy sounded exactly like him when he said... His mate asked him something along the lines. Oh, what are you gonna say? Yeah, what do you know in Italian? And then he goes, mate, just go up to a bird, right? Go up to it and say, bon journo, sweetheart. I mean, as soon as he said that, I was like... That's true. Complete it, mate. Yeah, done it, completed it. But the thing is, he looked like him as well, so it's kind of like, well, looks like humour is all you have, sir.
ah yeah If he was listening, yes, you. If he was listening, yes.

Experiencing San Siro Stadium Atmosphere

Yes, you guy.
How was your time, by the way? Did you enjoy it? It was fun, yeah. How was it the whole thing of being bucket list stadium, seeing Sanziro, seeing your team play at the Sanziro? It was good. it was yeah but Apart from the result, because yeah it that was what it was at the end of the day, and I can't really you know, stay mad at that because of the overall experience of, you know, being in there and so on. um It was fun. I mean, that that stadium is it's it's huge. Yeah, it's it's huge. The thing is with the stadium, it's huge from the outside, as you've seen it on, you know, videos and stuff like that. But then when you when you're actually inside, it's not even that big. ah It doesn't feel that big because maybe the the seats are a little bit sort of, you know, steeper and you can
But the viewing, obviously the viewing, it seemed like the viewing from any of those seats in the stadium were going to be incredible. Fantastic. But the only problem that we had with our seats was, yes, they were good. We could see like the whole pitch from the sort of corner angle, but we had bars, you know, because it had like little steps to go up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So obviously they had the metal bars across and sometimes it just felt like we were ducking and diving trying to see, you know what I mean? Why didn't you stand up, bro? Stand up.
No, because we couldn't, because there was people behind us, and this is the thing though. Tell them to stand up. Yeah, you should've, shouldn't you? But this is the thing though, so when when when the penalty happened, the Interfans, because obviously that's where we was at, the Interfans sort of launched themselves at these bars, and the people behind us just went absolutely off it. They would just shout, and they're like, oh, get off the bars. I'm guessing they were saying get off the bars in Italian, because after the shout-in, they came off the bars, so I'm guessing that's what were saying. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you been money too?
yeah But the thing is they respected it. like No one turned around to be like, oh, fuck what are you talking about? Because obviously they were Italians, so they were going to do that. Thank you as well. Just quickly, um they respected it. Don't you feel like you can go to another country and watch a football team watch a football game sorry and support the opposite team? So like support the away team and you and the with the home fund. And it feels like only in England, they're kind of more or less segregated away. and and the home ending, there's the effing and blind and the sticking up fingers, the waving, the so on and so forth. But I mean waving, I don't mean waving, it's like, hi friend. More like, hi Gazer. Shut up, you cat. Like that guy working on no just andjono sweetar this we are in ah it's withs with with a lack of edge from the cognac. Sweetheart.
No, you're right, though. You're right. Because I was obviously, you know, I joked about before I left with my dad, because I want my dad. I joked about it. I was like, oh, well, I'm not going to, you know, I'm not going to wear an arsenal top around Milan, especially on game day and all that stuff. Again, because I don't know what to expect. Yeah, you just sort of you think the worst are it because, you know, the inter fans, you've seen them. during their matches, especially Champions League, they go absolutely off it. So I was a bit skeptical, but then then I was like, you know what, nah, screw this, I need to spot my team. like you know So I went out and put my my Arsenal cap on and literally throughout the whole day I just had the cap on and in in the middle of Milan just walking around. But when we went to the actual centre, like to the tourist bit, that's you know there was a lot of Arsenal fans there who had obviously travelled maybe that day or the day before and waiting for the match.
So after I saw them, I was like, do you know what? OK, these guys are brazenly walking around with an arsenal top on. Like, people can see that. but That's what they're doing. and so So I was like, you know, wearing a hat, it's not a problem. And then on the train, going to San Siro, which is like the last stop on that little metro ride, again, just full of interfans, just a sea of blue and black interfans. And just me with my red arsenal cap on, just standing out like a sore thumb, like literally like a sore thumb, just standing out. but um Again, nothing. They were fine. You know, we joked around even when we went to the stadium about like when a couple of hours early just to make sure that we were going to get there on time and get the seats properly and all that stuff. You know, we started chatting to some Italian fans and they were just, they were fine. They were like, you know. They were making a bit of fun.
Yeah, they're human too. And again, it's funny, the the universal language of football, because because even though the guy never spoke English that well, again, he obviously knew the players, the Arsenal players standard, so he started naming a few. And then when he came to Saka, he started holding his hamstring.
He was like, oh, Saka, you know, I was doing this. I was like, all right. Yeah, you're right. You're right. But again, it was funny. it very told Exactly. It was funny. It was funny. So how do you

Language and Cultural Differences in Football

say shut up in Italian? I don't even know. I don't even know how you say. I know. I swear we're in Italian. And that's thanks to our. a us I can ask. I can ask the resident Italian speaker. One second, please. What does she speak? earlier How do you say shut up in Italian? Master.
Yeah, Basta is like enough sort of thing. So that could work. Basta! If you do it with the Italian hand accent. Yeah, yeah. You have to have the hand accent, so, you know. um But yeah, like like I said, there was no there was no troubles at all, even at the end when everyone was walking out. i did Tell her to grab a mic. Tell her to grab a mic.
say it so Really? Zito. Oh, that sounds even sounds more, but stai-zito. Do not do that until you say it. Don't say it. That sounds even better. We can't hear what she's saying. Okay. Yeah, im well wenna you though stay society die i'm trying I It doesn't really work on a podcast, does it? Stai-zito. Stai-zito. Yeah, so it sounds, ah but ah to be honest, basta. Basta, yeah. Basta sounds a bit more like... Basta, all that stuff, yeah. But yeah again, it's just... It's the universal, isn't it? As soon as you mention that, you start having a bit of a laugh and that was it. And he sat down and yeah we just enjoyed the game. And obviously in European stadiums, you can actually drink in the stadium. yeah yeah You can actually have a beer in the stadium. And then the um the guy was walking around with, obviously, like literally with a cake.
Fantastic. Let me have to miss any football whatsoever, just sit there. Literally. not Well, unless you stood right in front of you once. Here's the guy. Thanks, Paul. Yeah, thanks. Wow, you've said you're out of that one. yeah Six euros, thanks, bro. and Do I get 50 cent of that back just for you? st perky So, but yeah, yeah, sweetheart. Can you move out the white please? Um, but it was, a um, um, it was a very good experience to be honest. Like, like you said, it's different to here where it's here. It's a bit more like, you know, like you go into the doctors as in like you go in there to do one thing and then you go in back home. Do you know what I'm saying? That's it. Like, Oh, watch the match. Don't talk to anyone. Go home. Where's here. Yeah. that that No one cared. No, okay, we literally you had two Albanians behind us and they were like, you know, swearing in Italian and stuff, but they were still having a laugh and a joke with us, right in front. When when the score was like, ah, nudging, I was like, eh, whatever. So, one bastard. Sorry, bastard.
Yeah, it's fun. I knew what you meant. I knew what you meant, but that was bilingual. But like like I said, overall, yeah, it was brilliant. The only thing, the only genuine thing, that last thing I'm going to say on the whole thing was, unless obviously you do have specific questions, by the way, which I will hold your Q&A at the end. The only thing, yeah, Q and&A at the end. It's like a TED Talk.
Exactly. the The only thing that I didn't like was obviously I posted something on threads. um It was obviously, you know, me and then the stadium behind me sort of thing, but I had like a dual scarf, you know, into Arsenal scarf, because it was a, you know, it was a Champions League match. So they had, they had that sort of dual.
It was proper official stuff as well. It wasn't like someone made it in the you know in the house or whatever, in the back alley or whatever it is. So I bought one and I put it up and literally the guy goes, I would never buy half and half scarf. And I'm like, who's the guy? I don't know, some guy called Goon and Nick. Goon and Nick, right? This is literally as much as as much as you're ever going to get on air ever.
You know, why? Why would you do that? And then you click on it, it's like ah season ticket holders are like, all right, man, like you you must be the most fanatic Arsenal fan I've ever met. It's like, oh, don't buy half an half scarf. OK, but I'm there in the stadium in the Interfans end with my Arsenal cap on supporting my team.
I don't understand what the problem is. And obviously when the scarf was on, it was on the Arsenal side. It doesn't even matter though, it's a good memory for you to have as well. It's a good memory for you to have and to go there. Kind of you'll say, look kids, this is when daddy went all the way to San Siro to watch his team get beat 1-0. Yeah, 1-0, exactly. Exactly. And I had a sweetheart selling beer in front of me. I had a metal bar where they had to go up and down now and again. But you know what? They were decent. And a couple

Football Fan Experiences and Social Media Reactions

of Albanians who were just coming around. It was worth it, it was worth it, yeah. Ducking and diving, I think bobbing and weaving, right? I genuinely screwed my neck. Sounds like amazing to be fair. Like we've said even on the group chat, it is a bucket list stadium, we'd love to do it. And you know, when the opportunity comes, but it's something like you've done the right thing of not letting it pass you by because, you know, you never know when you're going to get another chance to go to the San Siro. It's not like it's down the road a week and be like, oh yeah, let me just go watch my team.
Yeah, um like I said, I mean, it it was something that you you kind of have to plan. better than what I planned, you know what I mean? Because it was sort of like... You said extra as well, didn't you? You said a couple of days after. And that was the thing as well. Like, you know, I don't even want to get into the whole Ryanair and low cost and genuinely low cost because it is falling apart as a plant. But anyway, so it was just the, you know, the ticket combinations that played a major factor in it, which sort of like took the shine off the whole experience a little bit. But then once I was there, I was like,
I'm here, man. I'm at San Siro. Do you know what I mean? I'm in Milan. Absolutely. And again, it's just a lovely city as well, by the way, in general. It was a nice city. Love to go, but never been. So it was really nice. Obviously, the food was just excellent everywhere we went. Just brilliant food. But yeah, that was the main negative, really, the guy on threads going, I would never It's like, all right, I did. You didn't have to. So, you know, and I'm here now watching my team. What are you doing right now? So literally a comment should have been to him. I would never buy. You didn't. Yeah, I did. Clearly. Look at the picture. Thank you. Thank

Chelsea vs Arsenal: League Performance and Tactical Analysis

you for your observation. Yeah, you're very observant. Thank you for your observation. But anyway, Rick, obviously we're here to talk about one thing really. And this is going to be the bulk of the pod. Yes. Because I don't really care about any of the teams. I don't really care about. But to be fair, we're going to mention a little bit of a very quickly on city level again. Oh, yeah. Liverpool. A little bit of City. OK. So top four, basically. We're going to talk top four. Top four. Down in Forest in that case as well.
Well, no, actually they dropped in there. I think it's a drop. But before we before we played, not in a forest for fourth. So obviously before we played, they lost the dinner. They lost six and Arsenal was seventh. But, you know, they got beat. They got beat handsomely by Newcastle, by the way, as well. Yeah. So be so Villa got beat. Forest got beat and that puts Chelsea third. Arsenal fourth. I can't believe we're third. I cannot believe we are third.
well i mean its okay okay just kind ah Interestingly that you say that though Rick because you know it kind of ah goes to the point that I made yesterday in the group chat it's like you know oh well you know Arsenal drop points and you know wasted opportunity and I'm thinking but why is it not a wasted opportunity for Chelsea to win a point like you know i I get sorry before you jump in with the transition period right no stop that you've had that shit for six years now this is it say that another this this is it now right so the way I look at it is you know you've got to you put a ah good team together and genuinely you have put a good team together you know yeah when the firing on all cylinders and everyone's playing together they're a very good team and you can't deny that so how is it different between Arsenal and chelsea i mean you know consider an arsenal haven't been on a good run for in the last five games six games so it's like you know you kind of have to take chelsea seriously now i think that's the only thing i think it is because you haven't been in a good run it sells papers because everybody who's saying this is a must win if you're going to win if you're going to be anywhere near the title this is a mustwin this is a mustwin and i think that's the only reason why so you know it's a triggering it's triggering words for arsenal phones for people to get on
like your friend with a double scarf there who's like who why he bought halfand halflf scarf, not double scarf. ah Get him triggered, get him vexed, get him to become a keyboard warrior again. But yeah I think that's the only reason. Nobody expected Chelsea to be sad. Like when Maresca took over, we thought, flipping heck, here we go. Another guy who's come up from the championship. We got rid of Poch to bring this guy in. We're bringing a championship man. Here's another Graham Potter. Sorry, he played But Maresca played well though, didn't he? like when Because when you look at Pochettino, I've never been a big fan of his style anyway, even when he was a Tottenham. I know he changed the team, but the thing is, he changed the Tottenham team that were just outdated anyway. Do you know what I mean? So he didn't do what a pep.
has done or what a Venga did or what a Mourinho did. Do you know what I mean? He hasn't been on that level of change. So so when Maresco obviously came in, it's like, okay, well, he plays good football. He's got the he's got the players that he needs. So surely yeah he's put it together. The only bit for me i was a bit s skeptical of my part was is he another Graham Potter who, yes, he's playing decent football at Brighton, but nobody's going to respect him when he comes to Chelsea because there's no one anything. He's brought Leicester up, but even with Leicester, like they scraped the league towards the end of it. I won the league, so I guess you can't call it scrape, but scrape the wins.
towards the end putting things together. And even Leicester fans were saying how stubborn he is and he'd never change his style. And it's a little bit what we saw yesterday, the day before, what today? Today's Monday, yeah, what we saw yesterday. yesterday sunday And then obviously what we saw at Liverpool and at Man United, a bit of, I'm only going to play my way, but I'm going to be afraid of counter-attacks and I'm going to keep four to five players in defence. And that's the only thing. i think and But to answer your question, why Arsenal? I think that is the main reason why.
Just the narrative. And also the other bit is nobody expected Chelsea to be where Chelsea are at the minute. True. I don't think anybody expected Arsenal to lose to what, to get two points from four games. Is that what it is? Lost at Newcastle, lost at Bournemouth and two draws? No. Yes, that's right. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So we drew Liverpool and we lost at Bournemouth. Yeah, sorry. I didn't know where the third game was or the fourth game, whichever way you look at it. I always forget about Liverpool. I was listening back to our old podcast, our old episode, and I was like, wait a second, how did we miss Liverpool? That was actually a very big game, to be honest. But you know, so it goes to show that that you know it wasn't even the Liverpool, even though we drew, all we talked about was the loss of Bournemouth because the the the draw on Liverpool was like, OK, with the makeshift back line that that came up at the end, obviously at the end, you know, we played quite well, to be fair. And they they only equalized during the end of that match. So it's not you can't really say, you know,
It doesn't really stick to your mind, whereas the ball with one of us, more of an anomaly, you know, same as the Brighton, it's like, okay, well, we lost, well, Brighton, you know, down 10 men and let's not get into the whole that thing again, but. No, no, no, no. You had your best 11. Would you consider that you'd be in your best 11 effectively? Martin Elisak, pretty much that was a team that got you second last year.
Absolutely. Oh, yeah. One hundred percent. um i end up half tim Because obviously you had timber in there last year. You did in this year. He was injured. Yeah. Yeah. Well, obviously, Ben White. But Ben White is still doing his thing. You know, he's still he's still doing well. But I think, again, it's just still hasn't hundred percent recovered from from his injury it like to to be the old Ben White. You know, I mean, the sort of the fearless guy. Now, when you watch him in matches, especially in the Chelsea matches, it just seemed like he had a bit of sort of, you know, a bit of fear about him, a bit of, you know, he was sort of a bit more withdrawn than usual. But even at the same time, he did make Cole Palmer scared of him. And I saw it twice. I've made the message in the group and it was just hilarious because the thing is with Palmer real quick, he was screw facing at everyone else, like, oh, wait, you know, the lotus look, as I mentioned, um he was doing all that. But then when he came to Ben White, he didn't do with that. It's like he started off and he looked, he saw Ben White and then he changed his face.
whether I'm was the have you on the palmer thing like i'm more disappointed by the coach. First 10 minutes, Cole Palmer was running the show. He was zipping down, getting the ball, passing it, moving it, had that shot where the keeper had to make a save. And he thinks, yourself okay. And then all of a sudden, they just like they weren't passing to him. like I felt like my team did not trust to give him the ball if a player is closing him down.
ah this is one bit I disliked about my team in three matches against the big boys the United, the Liverpool and because obviously we won't talk about City because that was the first game of the season but the big boys United, Liverpool and Arsenal yesterday was we were afraid to put bodies forward we were afraid to you know commit to our attacking style we were afraid to trust our own selves to be like we know what we're doing we're gonna do this play yes it's gonna go left and right left and right left right but then it's going somewhere rather than just CDM keeps it and plays around with it at the centre back. When Caesado had the ball, Coguil and Fafana were behind him at all times. And I was like, come on man, let Fafana have the ball. Caesado, you move further up. And that's the problem we had with playing La Villa and Caesado, both of them being a six. Neither of them kind of gave you that support going forward. Jackson was isolated with two defenders on him.
he was yeah and obviously getting passes so it's disappointing for me like honestly it was really disappointing that tactically we didn't change and another thing as well very quickly is why are wingers not swapping sides by the way? Why do they never swap sides? Why must Madawaker always go down the right hand side? why um Why does who's the other guy Neto always go down the left? Why don't you swap now again just be like let me have a go at Ben White let me have a go at Timber?
swap, I remember when players used to do iron robin and damien duff if I stick to my team only, you used to swap all the time, like chopping change, your bts off good, so the defender's thinking about something else now, you can do your homework on Saka as a left back, as a cocarella, but then obviously, what's his name, Martinelli comes over, he's not going to cut inside all the time, he's going to try and go around you, so you have to think differently. It changes the whole play. It changes your style, it changes your play, it changes your mentality,
your preparation, the way he's standing, the way he's sitting, your body length, not sitting, but the way he's standing, the way you're moving. And that game I kept screaming all the time. More from Chelsea's perspective, of course. Swap sides. Neto, can you just go on the left? And when he eventually went not on the left side, on the right, eventually when he went on the right, he cut him to his left and he had a shot.
Yeah and obviously led to a goal because up to that point I was getting so frustrated with Neto every time he got the ball he passed it back. I don't even know if you heard commentator was saying Chelsea fans are starting to lose their goal with Neto because every time he gets it he gets it 20 yards back now and again he'd go forward but I expected much more from him.
i think I think that it was you was your best player, to be honest. I don't know how Kukarela got the man of the match. I mean, I understand that he shut down Sakha a little bit, but I personally, I think Neto, if anyone should have got a it, it should have been Neto, really. Because he was your best player. He made things happen. He he made them run. But the thing is, when you've got no supporting cast, and like you said, when you've got Jackson, he's he's been blocked in the center by Gabriel and Saliba.
What can you do? what You can't ask any more from Jackson than that. you know He's not that guy. when When them two shut down Harland, who's obviously arguably the best striker in the world right now, what they what do you think they're going to do to Jackson? I get that. The issue was for both teams, I feel that the wings weren't utilised enough, especially coming from Sakasai. They weren't utilised enough. the the whole I felt like the whole match was sort of played in this in the centre of midfield.
in a way cancelled each other out because they were both a threat going forward even though they were a bit apprehensive they were both a threat going forward and and again if the game was a little bit more open i'm sure we would have seen a few more goals but the fact that they just sort of cancelled that midfield out Yeah. It wasn't boring. I wouldn't say it was boring like that because you've seen worse matches obviously. I've seen worse matches but I didn't live to the hype and the expectation. But there was phases, there was phases throughout that match where you think oh okay this could get exciting but then again they were just a bit scared of each other in a way. They just fizzed out. I mean phases being fizzed out.
Yeah che Chelsea Chelsea was sort of like again, maybe that maybe that whole thought of I can't believe we're here Oh my god, like almost fumbling that I can't believe I've got it now i lose one leg go and Arsenal ah at the opposite they're like shit. We can't afford to lose this game. We need to win and you know It's two points dropped for both teams as far as I'm concerned. I don't think i don't think anyone, there was no winners or losers there. They were both, if anything, losers there because they could have they could have put space between each other and concentrated on the teams above. Like honestly, like the way you guys have been for the past three, four games, I felt like we should have put everything we could put all our raids in that basket and just attack, you attack, attack, attack, and score more goals than you basically just do that. Play our style. yeah buts so Play the style that we've been playing with everybody else. But again, the manager was scared of counter attacks.
and therefore he kept bodies in behind. I think Gary Neville or whoever mentioned was on commentary may even mention this saying, it looks like Chelsea are afraid of the counter-attacks. So what happened to our Liverpool? What happened to our United which led to the penalty? So we're keeping bodies behind. And I was just like frustrated more than anything else because I really would like to have seen our attack against your defence effectively to see what could yeah what could have happened. But we didn't put enough body forward because every time we had the ball we were probably attacked with four players when you had everybody back whereas the other way you had Declan Rice who had a broken toe, foot, whatever he had broken running up and down the pitch you had
Odegarg dictating, orchestrating, and that passes well that he made as well. How calm he was just across the ball then. Just unbelievable. Just like, just quality. For six weeks and he came in and did 90 minutes or 90 plus minutes and then just did them passes at the end. It was just Unbelievable. He's incredible. yeah He's a great player. And I think obviously going back to the original point was that yes, this was the best 11 that we could field right now. Maybe you could include Caliphiori in that, but i wouldn't I wouldn't say, oh, he makes us better or whatever. you know Yeah, I would say this was the strongest 11 that we could field out. And again, it's good, but it's worried at the same time because you know, speaking about the points that you were making there about the attack, at Chelsea being afraid of the counter-attack. It's like, well, if you shut down Martinelli and Saka, which they did, I thought quite effectively to be honest. Maybe Saka more than Martinelli, because Martinelli did have some runs up and down that wing, but nothing came of it. So again, when once you shut them down, going down the middle,
Again, it's only Havertz. It's only Havertz. And if you if you just block Odegard's pass to Havertz, for example, to Rice, that's it. There there is no counter-attack, effectively. And then this leads back to the overall issue with with my team, is the lack of striker. And so, in hindsight, Chelsea shouldn't have been afraid of a counter-attack. Definitely. Because the way that we've been playing, there hasn't been anything there. Yes, we have the players to to do it. They have done it many times before, no doubt.
But yeah right now, they're they're just not firing it right. Well, yeah, right. They're not firing right. They're not firing right at all. Yeah, they're not firing right at all. I felt like Kukarela previous game was playing quite high up. This time he was a bit afraid to go and attack forward in support of him because, again like you just said, the counter-attacks and soccer. But no, for me going on to why did he get man of the match, I felt ah felt he was fantastic.
Apart from but the bit that I would like him to have gone a bit higher up, defensively he was great, passing, I don't think he put a foot wrong. He did have saccharin locked down, I think saccharin went past him once and that way he went around him, but all game he had saccharin locked down. Whereas Guston, because he kept going forward, nobody dropped into cover for him, a quesad or a lavia, which allowed the freedom for Martinelli and Martinelli's pace to go ahead and do what Martinelli does.
Which I'm surprised he scored by the way. I'm disappointed keeper should have saved that for me I don't know what you saw but what you thought actually not saw but the keeper most certainly should have saved that you don't get beaten on your near post I'm sorry, but you just don't get beaten. Going potter on air Analysis afterwards you're saying Sanchez backs himself He wants to give leave you give you a bit of extra space so that he can get to the ball if it's on the far corner Bro protect your near post first and foremost. Don't worry about the far corner If you get beaten on the near post, you get questioned off and rightly so. like that is That's what you need to protect.
That's the sort of goal that you score on FIFA really, isn't it, where you just take it all the way there and you think, do you know what, I'm just going to shoot. And most of the time it will go in because you know it's it's a game. But then, yeah, you're right when you think of a real goalkeeper. you think that is you but that's that's your That's your first job. That's your first priority as your nearest boss. That's it. That's it. and um He's made mistakes. He made mistakes at United. He's got mistakes in him. He's got mistakes. He does. That's the thing. We can't afford because our defence is not that great. And we are not scoring enough goals to be like, OK, we can we can override the key. you're not compensate You're not compensating for his mistakes. And the thing is, the thing is that again, so this is this is ah this is why I say I understand why the narrative was more on Arsenal than Chelsea because of these reasons. It's like, you know, he's inherited a team. you know Sanchez is not Maresco's buy, and maybe he has a different goalkeeper in mind that he wants.
that does the job that he does. So again so so this is why I understand you know even Chelsea fans will use that and say, well, it is a transition period and I can't believe we we are where we are. You can't have a transition period for like for nearly 10 years, for six years, sorry, five years, whatever it is, with all that money being spent. So so my point being that, yes, there there is still stuff to to change for Chelsea, but You know, as far as I'm concerned, they're a top 14 right now. There is no top for the top for the top for ranking right now as it sits. I think that is the top four that the season is going to end with. I don't think anyone else is going to come close to that. I don't think unless unless there's a meltdown. I think you guys will finish. So rather than the order, I mean, like those are the teams for those are the teams that are going to finish top four because
they're They're playing the best football right now with Newcastle. Yes, we lost fair enough But again, we we just didn't create enough that there was no one to finish anything. So same with Chelsea It's like if we had someone a bit more of a focal point like another danger and have it's playing behind the striker sort of thing or all the gap behind the striker then it could be it could have been different. I'm not saying it would have. It could have been same the same with Inter as well. like you know we They dominated for the first five minutes. We took over. We just completely dominate the whole match. 46 crosses altogether from corners and just obviously from outfield play.
Did any of them finish? No, it it was zero. So yes, performance was great, but it's results that we're looking for right now, which again, I can't contradict my own self where it's like, you know, bad performances and then you get the results, you know, that doesn't count. So the same thing happens on the reverse. It's like, yes, I'm glad that we've got the performances, but now we need the results. So we need to find that balance of obviously what we need to do.
But there was a couple of points that I did write down, obviously. For some reason, I wrote down here a lot of diving by Chelsea, but I don't know. Who's diving? See, this is the problem when I don't write the example, right? Because I'm not going to mention that. Maybe I was peed off at the referee at that particular point in time. I don't remember any Chelsea play going down again. There was a couple of divers, I think maybe Colwell was doing a couple of things from his end, but anyway, set the point. Yes, okay, I see what you mean, because I thought that one on Colwell, I think it was a set piece that you had on the left-hand side and Declan Rice over-hit it, and it was when Colwell went down on the 12-yard line, not 12-yard line, like edge-of-the-box line, he went down and I thought to myself, just get up, bro. Even if you have been fouled, try your best to keep going, try and get that ball.
because um i done mine so um I'm of that mindset like you know as a obviously I'm not a footballer but if if a footballer that's what I want to see from them is like yes if you fall in you're in the penalty box right great get down but if you're not there sort of thing or close to stand up you've got a better chance of actually of getting it but we probably was just more going down I felt like as if Our referee is going to give me something here because we're afraid of Arsenal set pieces. Arsenal hasn't done anything with its set pieces for the past four weeks or four games. So can we just get back on? It's all a legend. It's all a legend at this point that last my after you know i read the roughest of this is different yeah It's a myth, like a golden Pokemon card. I've been i've been very disappointed, Mick. I don't really have much to say on Chelsea. Obviously, I'll hear what you point off to say, and I'll give my opinion on them as well. But overall, I've been very, very disappointed with playing the way we play the game. I go back to Liverpool. I'm um'm mying surprised. arsenal Because we're at home. They use the word very to be honest. No, I'm disappointed. very No, I am, because I was expecting a lot. I was expecting a lot more from this game. And the way we started that intensity just fizzed out. And it wasn't because of what you did. It's just more what we did.
stopped putting bodies forward. Or didn't do, yeah, or didn't do. Yeah, well, yeah, what we didn't do was attack. We just stopped putting bodies forward. Like, even our mutual friend who said, you look clueless on the final third, you'd look clueless because there was only one player in the box. Nobody around the outside, the box and the two wingers. Everybody else was like, probably halfway line holding the ball. I've tried to keep this line to avoid counter attacks. And I was just like, that's not the way to play football. You can't have four three players attacking eight.
And in fact, that's what it was. You had all your back four, you had all your midfielders back, apart from, what's his name? Harvard, who's still at the top. So that's why I'm very disappointed. Because in the first five minutes, I'm like, here we go. Come on, come at me. And then all of a sudden. Yeah, like I said, I'm i'm surprised that you used the word very disappointed because just I'm just, again, you were there for to consider and considering everything so far. But yeah, I get it. I get it. you know You wanted the wind and it was there for for the grabbing, you know, you could have stuck the knife in a little bit further in there, but...
It is what it is. But do you think another thing, though, as well? Same among United, we were so flat until you guys till we conceded. We were behind and we were like, oh, actually, we need to get up and score a goal now. What's going on? And again, that mentality, we shouldn't have to wake up once we've conceded. if We should, especially for our home and against these teams, be motivated enough to just attack and score that goal first. Do not wait to concede and be like, actually, do you know what, lads? Let's go and get an equalizer.
You're like, what are you doing here? Come on. I mean, I can't afford any more grey hairs. I think in February this year, wasn't it? I think when we played Chelsea and it was, was that the one where it was five nil? Where Harvard scored a couple of goals. So I think he slapped us five nil.
But the thing it was the same, it was the same players or near enough the same players that are obviously, you know, on the pitch. So that could still play on their minds. And again, playing that sort of expansive football led to that five note defeat. You know what I mean? So again, that could also be something that they could be thinking about in the back of the mind. But that's where the coach comes in and eventually that will let us go. You've got to, you've got to, but you can't have... You can't play as... You can play as... And unfortunately, psychology doesn't develop as fast as the physical state. So, you know, it's very rare players that get the brain and the build for football. So, yeah, for me, the sort of what I wanted to touch up on, which I was quite happy about, to be fair.
You know, was Madwick again a yellow card for delaying the start? For delaying, I think it was... Yes, yes, ki yes. was a free kick. It was a free kick. You know, it was a throne, I think. god Was it a free kick? that we thrown that way right it was yours It was a Yeah. So I was quite happy to see that because not because I want players to get booked for that, by the way, as we've already discussed. But I'm just glad to see that, you know, some sort of precedent has been set and some referees are following them. So it's like, all right, cool. I couldn't agree to that. If you're just going to be fair, it's its it's ridiculous. But if you're going to be, if you're going to do it, just be fair, do it across the board. So I was quite happy about all that. um But ah like you said, I mean, apart from apart from that, it was, you know, a few offsides here and there from from Haberz.
um you Obviously the goal, that that goal was offside even though he's just the whole ground. in the fucking group don't goiously Don't just ground bro, don't do that. I mind you celebrating by the way, just quickly on that one, I don't mind X play coming and celebrating because you know as fans we give him stick, we chat shit, blah blah blah, it's fine.
but shush in the ground. Like, come on, man. What are you doing? Yeah, don't, don't shush in the ground. Yeah, don't shush in the ground. Like, just at least wait until the goal has gone in. At least wait until he's been given the ground. So come on now, please. But, but yeah, I mean, yeah, some of the notes that I've got here, like, obviously we talked about Kookarela being man of the match, which is a bit like, all right, fair enough. But you seem, you seem to agree. That's fine. I think I just don't think, I just don't think, you know, the fact that he had Saka on his side and kept him a bit quiet, I just don't feel like, you know, that's enough.
to warren but like you said you know he did he didn't go forward he didn he put him on that side yeah i don't think he put a foot wrong to be fair mate like everybody else may have made a missed pass now and again a bit fewer interception but he was consistent with everything intercepting tackling winning headers balls balls played forward accuracy on the passing i'd love to look at the full stats but i don't think he put a foot wrong once cocarella he was very very good But another thing, very quickly while we're talking about one left back, let's go to the other wing, balls removed by Maresca to leave Reece James out, to leave the club captain to be like, you know what, you don't get to play this game.
It's ballsy. It really is ballsy, to be honest. And that really goes to show that he's effectively like, I don't care who you are, tactically, because he got interviewed as well. There's a big, is Rhys James okay because you got left him out? And that reporter asking him, he went, just tactical, just tactical. And I thought, fuck, you know, my guy. Yeah, well, there you go. You must have a pair. I'm sure, I'm sure there's conversations being had, you know, behind the scenes of the nature of like, you know, what what's my role sort of thing? Am I going to be the captain or I've been the captain for so long? Do you know what I mean? So I'm sure there's going to be conversations like that being had and that could also obviously lead to to the player not actually making the making the team. But again, ballsy. um i To be honest, to be honest, I don't think I don't think missing Rhys James from that team, I don't think he would have actually offered anything more or less, to be honest. Oh, no, no, not for that. It's just simply because of
the statue you know the the satton etc e cetera and all of a sudden you're like, no, you don't get to play this big game, which is probably the biggest game of the week on that. Chelsea Arsenal, London Derby, recent rivalry from the past decade and a half or so. Yeah, I mean, what do you say between these two teams? That's two decades, really. Well, two last two decades. Let's go there. Venga Marina, really, because before we were nobody until that Champions League victory where Nok Chiwara, we made it to the semis, got beat by moco but But that's it. That's it. That's it. I mean, obviously, the last time we we won in the league was you guys were runners up at that point, weren't you, at that time. but then that was But that was it. And then obviously, you know from then on, that's it. It's been literally 20 years since since that. And it has been a rivalry. um if it hasn't Like you said before, if it hasn't been Man United, it's always been Arsenal or Chelsea. Yeah. like
either winning or close to winning. Obviously Liverpool weren't close to doing that shit for a very long time until the clock came. Obviously they won the Champions League, which is fair dues, but we're talking about the league specifically. So yeah, it's a game that the players were up for, to be honest. Sorry, they should have been up for, but clearly they They weren't from either side, from either side, whether it's fatigue, whether it's whether it's like, you know, memories of being beaten or whatever it may be. It sort of felt like they were carrying that with them on the field. And and yeah, at points, it was disappointing as a match. It's like, oh, come on, boring. Yes. You know, what's with the horseshoe? Just please get there. It's the horseshoe football, isn't it? Let's label it as what it is. Literally a horseshoe football, you think to yourself.
What is the intent here? What are we trying to do? There were so many times Chelsea were playing hostry football. but so gusto was free and i was like I saw Gusto from a corner. He literally took it outside of the Arsenal box and he just sprayed it back to Sanchez. And I was like, i was like he did it do yeah exactly. this is This is why I was very disappointed. That's why I use that word carefully and be very, but I use it with with pain. I was very disappointed. There was times Cole Palmer was free and not once did the ball come across pitch to Cole Palmer because he found space, moved away from his mind market for our party, found space and then nobody would give him the ball and I was like yeah either we didn't have the quality or didn't have the confidence in ourselves to kind of ping that ball 30 yards, 40 yards across goal, switch sides.
But fatigue, to go quickly on fatigue, we didn't have any fatigue. Our B team played against his holiness. Yeah, it was the Armenian side, didn't it? The Armenian side. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we smashed their mate in the elbow. It was B team. So therefore, what's wrong with these guys? Did they lose their pressure? Did they lose their sharpness? What was going on here? Because it's definitely not fatigue. You haven't played for a week.
So, yeah, true. All these factors, considering all of them, that's what makes me just a little bit inspired. But we'll see what happens after international break. Hopefully we come back and get a couple of victories because we can't keep drawing matches, especially against the big team. Ideally, I want to see a W somewhere. And I don't mean Spurs, by the way, I mean... No, no, of course, come on, Spurs. Exactly. Even if it's Man United, I want a W against Man United.
Sorry, didn't Spurs just lose to Ipswich, by the way, real quick? I had to squeeze that in real quick. two one They just came in and opened their legs. They've literally got an open their legs. Somebody needed to win and Spurs went. Please never change. Please never change your style of football. We love it. We love to see it. And um I always win in my second season, mate.
OK, well, all right. OK, cool. we'll see So look, there was a couple of things. um I was listening to the ahte interview afterwards. There was a couple of things which you as a Chelsea fan, because that's that's the good thing, the dynamic about this podcast. Obviously, we're both opposite fans. So whatever I'm going to say, I want to hear your points. But again,
And vice versa. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. but Your points as a football fan and not as an anti Arsenal fan, right? I've never been anti Arsenal. Never. In terms of the rivalry. So like there was a couple of things he was asked about, you know, about the game in general. And he was saying, you know, sort of dominated in many phases of the match. And he felt like he was disappointed not to win. Now, I've made my feelings clear about that. I think I think, yes, we did play better in more phases of the game than Chelsea did, but I can't say that we dominated, you know what I'm saying? Because they get to use a word like, to to use a word like dominated, I mean, like you have to spray the goal.
Like, you know what I mean? You have to spray the goal with 30, 40 shots or 20 shots, whatever it is. That's dominating to me. Do you know what I mean? Like holding the ball. 80% possession. No, but that's dominating. You dominate in a different way. You dominate in attack or you dominate in possession. But no, I disagreed with him. He angered me, to be fair. He angered me as well. That little flop that he did at the end. And the flop at the end. What was that about? I don't know what that flop was. He's trying to be peppermint. That's what, yeah.
there's no other words where he's like trying to be pep that's yeah you've hit the nail on the head the whole and lay why did he even lay down just go down on your knees like why is he locked to the floor fully on his front ah obviously that was a trust opportunity wasn't where he saw like fuble that was a clear chance anything other than that he didn't really dominate in anything else there's no phases of the games that did our tettos think we were better at this you played all counter attacking football and now and again you and you were clever on it our tattoo again shows his uh sort of was his high caliber of tactician you were able to defend deep but then now and again you would press so you mixed it up whereas Chelsea were very much okay let's try to hold this possession and pass the ball around so now he angered me without coming he angered me so so this is why i just reminded me of the flop as well the prick
So this is why I wrote it down because I heard it and I was like, okay, I understand. Obviously you want to stick up for your team and give them the boost, their confidence, which is fine. you know understand but was yeah But then I'm looking, then I'm looking at the overall match stats, right? And I'll be honest with you.
need a much better and But they're pretty much split down the middle. And if anything, like, again, I know we don't really care about XG, but I'm just going to mention it anyway. So Chelsea had a higher XG than Arsenal. They had a 1.28 to Arsenal's 0.99. So do you see what I mean? Yeah, who's expected to score long goals? Yeah. So it was even. If anything, it was even. Down the middle, though. Like, he hit the nail on the head. I'm happy with that. Ball possession, yes, throughout phases. So again, that's why he's used that word in phases rather than this half or this half you know I mean he's used in phases so again there was there was times when Arsenal's possession was like 72% but oh in the last five minutes so again if he counts them as phases fair enough I can I can agree to that but as an overall match where you think beginning to end which which is that's the way you need to look at it you can't look at it through phases oh well you know we tied our shoelaces one time no we're talking about just this it's either you first and second half, forget your phases. Your phases are for you and your coaches to teach your players. As a fan, as a football, as a concept, it's two halves of football. And as far as I'm concerned, so we're looking at this, ball possession, 49 for Chelsea, 51 for Arsenal. Goal attempts, 17 for Chelsea, 13 for Arsenal. So again, you know, if anything, if anything,
Chelsea have a couple of points a little bit more if we're just gonna obviously base it on stats I know we don't anyway, but just just so I can get behind this or try and make sense of what I thought it was saying Like like I said, I understand in phases by five minutes in a game. I think he was emotional I think he was emotional because obviously didn't oh, yeah make the win it Because you could see it at the end and I think you that was your best chance for you to win the game really and because the first goal, let's say, okay, you played it well, keeper should have really saved it, should have done better, should not have been beaten at the net post, but that other chance, you really should have scored. I even put it on the chart, I was like, that deserved the goal, that play, like, oh, not even deserved the goal is the wrong word, but I said like, you should have scored that.
And I think because of that emotion of him flopping to the floor, getting back up, he felt like he had to come on and be like, yeah, we should have won, we were the better team. There was no better team there. Like he said, though you just read the stats. Everything was split down the middle. He didn't need to make that comment. If anything, he's angered a lot of Chelsea fans by saying we were the better team. Did you watch the same game? like if that's what he's going for that's fair dues as in like okay that's what you go that's what you want to do and Arsenal fans as well because Arsenal fans for them to come out and say we were the better team Arsenal fans and they're like what were you watching for you to think of the better team like we can't be lying to the media to try and
I can only speak for myself because I know what the majority of Arsenal fans are like so I can only speak for myself and the way my eyes work and the way I've watched the match yesterday I don't really tend to agree again I agree with phases where if again if he's counting them five minutes two minutes three minutes whatever it is right that's fair enough because there was three minutes yes Statistically, yes, we were on top statistically because the things popped up. So, you know, it was there. But yeah, as an overall match, no, I don't really think there is a clear winner out of that or anyone deserved to win because going back to the previous points felt very apprehensive from both of them. So again, I'll just go through some of the other points. Maybe not. I think I asked that first because I knew it would probably anger you a little bit. Triggered me if anything passed. You've triggered a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, I love it. Just like the whole has our conversation. Nothing is triggered before has our conversation. Bahavi Elliott is better. Bahavi Elliott is better, so please. Didn't we? Exactly. It's a democracy. That's what we're going for. And this is the perfect example of when democracy does not work, by the way. Now in Brexit. Do not let idiots vote. Please, please, please. Yes. But Yeah, so again, so stuff like, you know, didn't organize quick enough for Chelsea's goal. So yeah, which is fair because the ball was sort of like it was coming back towards Arsenal. And at that point, Saliba was on the left hand side and Timba was more central. So by the time they were sort of pointing where should be. That was very appropriate. That was very appropriate. He sent it back going past the left back to pressure the ball.
That's what he did, he went past Timber, didn't he? He pushed out, which is fine, but then don't stand there. Then look at Timber and then make that swap straight away because the ball was outside of the box, it was away from play. Do you know what I mean? He was sort of going laterally rather than directly through the middle to towards the goal. So swap at that point. Don't just point like, oh, here, but okay. Well, if you point No one's looking. You know what I mean? Who's going to move? Because no one knows. So, yeah, I think there was there was that communication error between them that was definitely not a quick, you know, getting back into getting back into position. So... I think Martinelli may have switched off as well. I think Martinelli should have really walked the inside line rather than trying to keep her split the inside and the width because he tried to split the width thinking.
if he goes out wide I can quickly put pressure on the ball out wide but really sometimes you have to sacrifice the pass outside not to give the space in the middle and I think that's what Martinelli got confused with he was like do I go centre or do I go wide or let me split it let me split both plays so then that way I've got equal distance to travel but ah if we focus on the strike great strike keeper didn't see it till late otherwise I think keeper would have saved it as well But he had players in front of him. He had players in front of him and it kind of went through just when it bent knee. But yeah, no, I'm im happy with the strike. I'm happy with the pass forward and so on. But if we break it down from a national perspective, yeah are poor defensively, especially from a guy with the experience of Saliba, who was last year arguably the best best defender in the league, started off pretty decent this year as well. You had a very good defense. But yeah, that will anger Ateta. anger Ateta as to why he conceded such a goal.
For a shot outside as well. it was and door like Don't get me wrong, um and Jamie Redknapp said this as well, and obviously you know how I feel about Jamie Redknapp's views, but I did actually have to agree with him on this. He even said, like I don't think it would have made a difference if Saliba got back into his position and Timo went to the left, probably not.
but probably fiellia was your key one there though to be yeah I'm just saying like if if for example like a van dyke is behind you and obviously you're a Martinelli for example and the van dyke is behind you he's always going to shout like you know left right go whatever it is because you can see the game a little bit better so maybe Saliba could have done something again I'm not I'm not speculating that that goal was lucky in any way no that was well well earned great strike from the outside yet to keep our hard players in front of him, but that's the nature of the game. You know, we can't complain about that. So, so yeah, I think, I think that goal was just pure switch off from Arsenal and communication error, which doesn't really happen that often. You know, defensively, we haven't been bad this season. We've had other issues. yeah We've had other issues, obviously across the pitch, but defensively, that's probably one of the only mistakes that I can really name apart from obviously, you know, Saliba taking down. ah What was it? The bomber player, Eva Nelson?
and When he got the red card, so yeah again, just just yeah I'm just saying like, you know, it's it's still that's still a mistake, you know, but this was a big one This was definitely but you haven't even though he's conceded cause you probably conceded one to max I don't even I don't even remember you guys conceded to have you ever conceded to this year? Have you lost city? I think city was two to draw Yes, 2-2, then Liverpool as well. But everything else has been a 1-0. One-0 away was a 1-0. Chelsea 1-1, Inter Milan 1-1, Bournemouth was the same. So in defence you've been pretty sunk. And you also think of the lack of communication. I feel like we had a lack of communication for your goal. Like all of our players switched off. Matt Awaker didn't truck back on time to be there.
you overloaded the right back and you got the ball, Gusto was stuck. So these, when you had this elite level, fine margins makes a difference. So a little bit of communication, a lack of communication could result in an attempt, could a result in a goal, could result in something. And this is why you bought a big this is why you play exactly this is why you get paid the big bucks to make sure these five margins are always met and closed up. If at any point there is space, you close that space instantly.
and this

Premier League and Formula 1 Parallels

is This is what I said but at the beginning about the psychology being, you know, sort of takes a bit more time to mature than the the physiology of a player, you know, and and again, some players just have it and some players just wait until like, you know, until the twenty five, twenty six. And then they start developing a little bit more of a football brain as in like what their position entails. And and again, that that is the difference. That's why you pay the big bucks like a Saliba, for example. Yes, he's an imposing figure is a big is a big lad, but, you know, he's got brains and Thanks to him and thanks to Gabrielle, like you said, you've said it before on the podcast, you said, one's the muscle, the other one's the brain. And you can clearly see who the brain is. As soon as he's out, it sort of feels like a malfunction. Do you know what I mean? It feels like something is missing, like a proper part and chip. Do you know what I mean? So, yeah, it was a defensive error, like 100%. There was nothing else to it. But again, that's not taken away from Neto being in the right position. And that's why,
I thought he would have probably got the man of the match. I don't think anyone from Arsenal, any one player deserved it from Arsenal. If anything, if... No. If anything, Martinelli had a stretch, but he didn't... No, but he didn't really do much. Apart from the goal. Martinelli did what Neto did to be fair, mate. Like, watching ball from Minetto, like I said, lost the ball a couple of times, passed it back all the time. Martinelli did the same. Apart from the goal, they didn't really do much.
You'd want to give it to the person who stands out and sometimes you think cocarella why him? He's a defender didn't really do much. It's a one-one game when you think about it Yeah, you're right. He was probably the most deserving one because just being consistent and that's the only thing being consistent throughout but No, I felt like as well though on the goal with Neto I think Neto could see Martinelli is not really gonna track in and he saw that space and that ends up in Anderson kind of just gave a simple pass forward. Yeah into the space where obviously we took advantage and took a golf took a shot and led to a goal, which is happy days. But now it's what now it's international break. Who can we bother with two weeks of? Oh, God, the Nations League. Oh, my God. We may actually go on a hiatus again, to be honest. This is literally just pointless. We'll just talk about movies because there's a couple of new series that I've been watching and all that stuff. But we'll we'll get to that but once you know throughout the week. once Because I'm not talking about no Nations League. i I'll be honest with you. and the listeners as well I even think the football players like the top guys who have gone like that I'm gonna pull out of this international break they're like oh I'm injured, Cole Palmer, Saka pulled out, who else has pulled out? I think they had a list of a couple that I was gonna mention on the pod ah love it but they shot it on there
So speaking um just to wrap it up on ah on on our word on our derby, um again just from what Atata was saying and the the questions were like you know from the from the interviewers sort of you know what's what's what are you going to concentrate on now and obviously his response was you know get the players fit.
again, which makes sense, which absolutely makes sense because, you know, right now you've got the players that you need to have. And again, as as as I said in the previous pods as well, you know, the players that he bought were meant to be squad players, you know, back up to the main players. Now they're back, get them fit again. That is main priority. And thank God. but Apparently, Odegar has already traveled to Norway. So that's going to be a great course. Yeah, that's going to be a nightmare. But it's not that it's fall for point of mouth for 90 minutes.
You know what I mean? But then again, it's like, well, okay, I kind of have to put him on, I can't really just play games for the international sake. He's a captain, I'm sure he can have a communication and say to him, listen, I'm putting you on for 90 minutes, but I don't want you to travel. Yeah. It's a nation. I don't think it's up to him though, is it? Yeah, but he can share that with him, he can share that concern with him. And he's the captain as well. He's the captain, you're the manager, surely they've got that relationship where it is concerned. No, but he's the captain of nowhere though.
I get that but so you can't really yeah you can't I don't know it it must be tricky to be honest wallers it must be tricky because you know club is work but nation national national team is pride isn't it is representing your country yeah when you're a captain as well you're making everybody proud like I'm sure everybody's proud of him being a national captain but it's a different If the captain's not there for the national country, then for the national team, then what kind of chance do you give the other players to actually turn up and be there? Yeah, exactly. Again, I understand that. Fair enough. It is what it is. But obviously, just real quick, on players being fit... Yo, listen, mate. Do you know that talk? I need you, yeah. I need you for...
We've got some blue crayons. We've got some blue crayons if you want me to make it look a real for you. Oh, I could just pop around Martin whenever you want, bro. Whenever you want. um and like client good ah Yeah, just a stamp on your toe. But yeah, so talking about players being fit, Saka and Rice, obviously, you know, I said I was asked about them as well. He said they're not looking good, which is kind of a worrying thing to hear from your manager.
So I don't know how true that is. We definitely had a broken toe, I think. I don't know what what digit it was, but they said broken toe. Could play with a broken toe. He'll have an injection and so on. Because when he came off, he kept touching his foot. The camera went over to him for that exact reason. And he could see him touching his foot. Where's Fisaka? What happened? Hamstring again? like I don't want to sound like the Italian. It was Hamstring. And I found that funny because I was like, damn, I wish I had that Italian's number so I could message him.
and be like, yes, so you are you are correct. Well, can't swear at him if he's being honest. yeah He's being honest, but he jinxed it for you. Well, well, anyway, I thought it shouldn't be a tit really. And, you know, you should just go buy a bloody fucking second wing of, you know, instead of soccer, play in 97 matches or whatever it is in a season. But but yeah I think overall, overall, yeah, just yeah same as you yourself.
I wanted a win. I'm happy with the draw, even though it means nine points away from both was really nine points away from Liverpool. now And Paul Mercer said it in the end and he said it's better to get it to six than 12. I was literally going to mention him as well. I was going to say what he said there made made perfect sense because if he gets to 12, you're thinking goodbye. If he gets to six, you're thinking, right, come on, they've still got to play City home anyway. Yeah.
and still a couple of other tough teams. but they must be There must be some mistakes. There must be some mistakes. I'm not sure when they get back though, haven't they? They've got Everton away, so if we quickly just look at it. When do they play City? Is it first week back? No, it's not first week back when they play City. They play City. Where is it?
Chat amongst yourselves, look at the traffic, look at the trees as you are driving, and here we are. roads, look at the road people. So obviously November the 9th, the villa Saturday the 9th has been Southampton 24th, so that's it. So they play Southampton on the 24th, then they've got Champions League Madrid at home, yeah then they go City at home on Sunday the 1st,
Then they travel to Newcastle on the Wednesday, then they play Everton away on the Saturday. So effectively, what's this? Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. Yeah, Wednesday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. Wow. In a week, they're going to play four games. And within the four games, they've got Newcastle City and Everton away. And Everton away is like that huge rivalry between the residents really. They're both most sad teams.
Obviously, we'll do the predictions to those matches we're closer to the time, but I'll be honest with you, if they beat City, I think that thing the title is theirs. I don't think there's anything, again, unless something, unless like a wave of bad luck hits them or something like that, I think if they beat City, they are winning the title and yeah. Yeah, we don't focus on Real Madrid, but really if you focus Southampton away, you can see them winning that City at home. If they win that, you're thinking, okay, they're onto something here. And the Newcastle away, if they win that as well, you think to yourself, yeah, these guys are unstoppable. Yeah, they're the real deal. They are the real deal. I mean, by the way, I totally believe that now. It's not like I haven't. Oh, I need to see what Liverpool do. No, no, I believe they are the real deal. I even put it on the chart like we were talking about. And as I said, it's theirs to lose. You can't be that many points ahead and just not be like, it's yours to lose. You're ahead. If you win every single game, you win it. It's literally as simple as that now. Yeah. Yeah. So it's there for them to be motivated, to be prepared. But now Liverpool, for me, are the favourites to win the league this year. Yes, there's lots of football to be played. Yes. Rodry's not coming back. City look clueless without Rodry. Chelsea are nowhere near that. Arsenal may be in the second half of the season after a window. Yeah. Maybe after this fitness level. After Dubai trip or something. Yeah, after Dubai trip or something, because that's what helped you last year. Standard. Standard. So we'll see. But now for me, Liverpool are the favourites to win it.
um good Well, well okay well that's that's pretty much all I have on the arsenal sorry on the Chelsea Arsenal match. Before we leave, Man City lost again. and again it feels from both teams really even from Chelsea's side even though you're not expected to be third but you know taking taking that fight to City and making it that much closer it it should have been this is why I feel like it's a wasted chance for both teams and not just for Arsenal because again we're talking about a city here they could even drop down a fourth
this season because because they have no clue of what they're doing in the midfield or you know without rogeri i'm pretty sure they'll change it again if history serves us right then city will go on to win the league that's just how it works that's just how it works so so yeah um um what do you think rick what do you think of cities I don't know why they've fallen so so bad like what has been going on I know Roger is missing but surely Guardiola would have had somebody else in there somebody else in mind if a player misses he seems to buy players we gave credit what last episode or previous episodes we said Guardiola buys now for three weeks or three years and mauls those plays into the plays that he wants
But I just don't know, they just look clueless against Brighton. They had no fight in them. No fire in the belly in that midfield. Brighton post the midfield, attacks with numbers. They did, they did, yeah. And I just don't understand why City, what is going on? I'd like to see what's going to happen against Liverpool. I'm hoping that evening kickoff and field under the light City Liverpool should be a decent game. Again, recent rivalry since Klopp Guardiola.
But for me, just sit here alone, I honestly don't understand how they've fallen. And I can't see them picking it back up, to be honest with you, unless Guardiola can get his finger out. But I've got a feeling that they're doing a red bull here, where they lose a couple of games, they don't come under investigation. Everybody thinks Max has lost it, give McLaren a hint, and then all of a sudden, bang, bang, faster slap, pole, bang, faster slap, finish first. Five times, by the way, in that same Brazilian race, you've got faster slap five times. 17 overall but five times he broke his own record. And it just makes me think... It's luck though. It's not talent, it's luck according to Norris. Is that what he said? That's what he said, yeah. When he was asked about the interview real quick, just digressing into F1 real quick. But yeah, when he was asked at the end of the Sao Paulo GP on what actually happened and stuff, he goes, oh well, you know, with the rain coming and the tires changing, they got a bit of luck. It wasn't talent. Talent had nothing to do with it, it was a bit of luck.
And seriously, I was, you know, he has rapidly become one of my most hated, hated drivers on the grid right now. And do you know what it is? I actually don't hate any of them apart from Lando Norris right now, because he is the one, he is a spoiled child ever since the whole Ricardo thing. Oh, well, I don't feel sorry for him. Why should I? It's not my problem. It's like, bro, you're his teammate, mate. What are you talking about? Even if that's not your problem, you don't voice that deal. You don't say that out loud because, you know, Oscar Piastri could literally say the same thing every time he's asked our team orders, can you move away? No, mate, I don't give a shit about what you think. I'm going to win. And what are they going to do? What are they going to do? Are they going to penalize me because what we won? No. Do you see what I'm saying? So so ever since that. But to say that it wasn't luck, to say that it wasn't talent. I mean, Max, just recap, by the way, you probably saw it from 17th, 17th. ended up first in the rain, and Okon and Gasly ended up second and third. So it's not even like Norris was there. So basically what he's saying is, because Verstappen, Gasly, and Okon made the decision to be like, no, no, no, we're going to stick on these tyres. They literally said that on the radio. You can hear them say that on the radio. No, no, we're going to stick on these tyres. They stuck on those tyres and they ended up on a podium position. And Norris, because he couldn't make his mind up, that's it. He got screwed over.
same as ah Same as George Russell. like you know you didn't make Your decision-making wasn't quick enough, I'm afraid. So that's why you ended up the way you did at this. And again, fine margins, right? Look has nothing to do with it. Again, fine margins, yeah. No, exactly. Because the talent is that these drivers have actually got driver's brains. As we talk about football as brains, they have driver's brains. Max was like, I'm not gonna last very long on these tyres, but you know what? I'll give it a shot anyway. So he gave it a shot, and guess what? He's not first. That's a slap. I'm sorry, but you can't take that away from him. That that is just talent. There is no luck about it. I just can't stand him as a person. I just can't stand him as a person. It's just the way he talks again. I think he's a spoiled brat. But Schumacher was the same. I think he played there. Schumacher talked like an asshole as well. like When you actually look back at his interviews. It's not even the like the fact that he talks like an asshole. i just I don't know. There's something about him. I think i think it's the the underdog he he played the underdog before he won.
and then since he's become a world champion then he's gone to his head like instantly with that humbleness straight out. See this is the thing now because he even when he started that's how he's always raced like a lunatic like an absolute lunatic do you know what I mean but now because he's become world champion and because of the controversy that happened between Lewis Hamilton and the British media on top of that Obviously, they've made it made him out to be this this mega dangerous driver, which again, on on many instances, yes, you cannot you cannot park your car on top of Lewis's car. Do you see what I'm saying? Like at the corner, you can't do that. yeah so again again i can't i I totally understand that. That's why obviously I've never really liked him that much. But when I'm watching him through this season, when he's had his issues and he's a bit more human, do you know what I mean? I'm like, okay, I have to give you your props. You are 100% an excellent, excellent driver. And yeah, I will defend. i will defend
I will defend a great driver like regardless of how I feel about him personally like you said you know personally he could be like for me like an arse clown I don't know he could be a lovely person I don't know yeah exactly but the way he comes across for the show though unless it's possibly um that could be Max the racer rather than Max Verstaffen the guy the family guy the husband the father the if he is I don't think he's a husband but the boyfriend the child the son etc he could be an excellent person again we don't know that but i'm saying just obviously in terms of driving driving this is yeah this is thing this that's the thing with Norris you know to to to put down Max's drive especially Sao Paulo which by the way was in my opinion his championship drive yeah i think he won the championship that's stupid with it putting it down i'm sure he probably misspoke and saying
They were lucky that they stayed out and then the red car. well There's no look about it though mate. That's what I'm saying. There's no look about it because it means like three other drivers were lucky as well. Like luck only happens once as far as I'm concerned. no To be lucky like that when when the other three... It's a risk though isn't it? We're going to stay till lap 20 hopefully we get a safety car because if we get a safety car that's all it is isn't it?
Because if you don't get a safety car, it's a bad... But this is what they were saying on the radio. but see This is Verstappen's, Orkon's and Gasly's point of view was like, yes, OK, we're going to get a red flag here because the conditions are like that. That's why they stuck it out.
but Norris didn't. he They boxed him straight away and instead of him going, no, no, I'm going to stay out because there will be a red flag. This is what I'm saying. There's no luck about it. You know, it was raining like torrential down part. You saw it yourself. It was like literally so the rivers had overflown Sao Paulo. lodge Do you know what I mean? So a red flag was always inevitable with that many rookies on the grid as well. And yeah, I think experience more than luck. That's that's what I got to say about it. at least Experience i think you say a lot to play in it.
And I don't think Norris is ready for that. I think Norris is probably expecting it to be handed to him because he won a couple of races and now that Max is coming back, I go back to it, Red Bull just let them win the races. They did not want to have an investigation happen into him and bringing it back to City, City maybe are just falling off it. So these 115

Controversies in Sports: Referees and Decisions

charges everybody forgets about it because Liverpool's winning the league, City are falling for the wrong reason.
and there is no positive light being shown on City at the minute, be like, City's gone done this, Guardiola's done this, Harlan's doing this. Instead of City lose four games in a row, Pep Guardiola argues with the defender. By the way, very quickly, moving on from F1 back to City, what's Guardiola do in arguing with another defender? Have you seen that? Was he arguing? I thought he was like... You know, being probably with him. No, no, no, no. So I read it today. Apparently, according again, this is what I read, according to a British media, the British media, apparently saying that why are you being a crybaby? Why did you go down like that for? Look at you, big man. Nevertheless, have a good game or something. And the guys like, wait, what?
Huh? Wow! Yeah, because that was the Yeah, situation. Yeah, of course he had fallen down and so on. But you don't just stay there, bro. But he always does that, doesn't he? He always does that. The complimentorial, just compliment shit on him. If the thing is like, don't shit on him. Like, even if you're going to shit on him, shit on him. But don't go for a compliment, but don't shit on him. What's that for saying?
They won. At the end of the day, he's going to walk into our dressing room. He's like, who gives a fuck about Guardiola? We won.
But I tend to sort of agree with you again without going too much into conspiracy. I tend to agree with you because when you think about it, he's done that for the past three, four seasons where it's like, oh, They're not playing so well first half. They're like, oh, Sidi, this could be the year they don't win it. And then they go and win it. Do you know what I mean? So again, without going too much into the realms of conspiracy, it could it could genuinely be something like that. You know, it's a case of, right, we're going to lose five games at the beginning of the season, but then afterwards, you know, refs, you do what you need to do.
people, higher powers, you do what you need to do, we're gonna go win the league, and again, we'll give you X amount of money, whatever it is. So again, this is, I know it sounds very, but I see what you're saying. No, but it sounds very basic, I know, and it sounds very, very, like, nutcase. Very Italian 90. Yeah, very Italian 90, very Juventus. Yeah, very Juventus. Yeah, look at us. Yeah, very Juventus-style, 5-0-6, you've aged, you know what I mean? That's what it is. But, again, that's just...
That's just crazy thought, but sometimes it's good. It's crazy thoughts for Juventus and it happened and everybody thought it was crazy thought for Barca and then they came out saying that they paid the referee to suggest the referee for the game. So I think, and come on, like when there's so much money being played there is corruption. We can't be blind to it, but the question is, but I guess we'll never find out until it's we're very old, Guardiola's died probably and retired or died, whatever. And then all of a sudden we're like, ah, City. Michael Oliver did get paid by City. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's clear, didn't they employ him for some, the Guitarian or something? They did, they certainly did, yeah. So, you know, you think people listening, think of that, make of that what you will. We're not going to, yeah, exactly. We're not making it to make the matter. We're just asking you to ask the questions. Absolutely. And and a great segue to end the podcast, by the way, speaking of referees, David Koot has been has been suspended by the PGMOL for comments made against Liverpool and Klopp. So what is he doing? Apparently this was a few. This was a few years ago. So it wasn't anything. It wasn't like recent as in, you know, last week or whatever it was. But, you know, it was recorded. It came out. You just don't do that.
um i'm goingnna I'm going to go ahead and say thank you to David Coop because now that he's been caught doing that, I feel like the referees are going to be under a little bit more scrutiny now. like They want to have that get out of jail free card. or But you feel like they're just going to give Liverpool the decisions. It's going to lead towards giving Liverpool more decisions simply because they want to show that they don't have an agenda against Liverpool.
I mean, well, especially against the big teams, even if it's not Liverpool, to even a broader question is against the big teams, because they're always saying the big teams get the penalties. If that was Chelsea, it would have been a penalty. If that was Arsenal, it would have been a penalty. Oh, against Arsenal. Not in a forest, didn't get it. Ipswich didn't get it, et cetera. So I don't know. Although what he said is you think to yourself, cringe. Why is he saying that? Regardless of how drunk you are, you don't make comments about your work and your social life, especially when you're a high profile referee, but and um it'll be interesting to see what happens now. Honestly, it'll be interesting to see how the referees are going to act towards the big four, the big six, the big seven, whatever you want to call it. I don't think anything's going to change, to be honest with you, but i mean with Liverpool, um live thatpo as you like to refer to them, live just a quick just a quick thing, obviously, whilst you mentioned them on the David Koot thing, um
You know, the penalty that should have been given against them i should have been given for Aston Villa for that for that shirt pole right in the box. And apparently, according to our Liverpool fan friends, he let go in time. Now, I don't know. Is that is that? Is that counted on like sort of like on degrees or fall into the floor in relation to the floor? Do you know what I mean? I was like, oh, he let go at 47. But if you let go of 45 degree angle, that's it. That would have been a penalty. but let goes Just in time. Just in time. So and what was it? The shuffle. Didn't the Aston Villa player can remember who it was? Didn't they do exactly the same thing? But he got a yellow card.
I'm pretty sure that happened. I said that in the group. I don't know if you let go on time or not to be honest, but apparently he didn't. I think he let go of 44 degrees. No, he had not until 45. Yeah, he was a goner man. You're pushing your luck at that point, bro. Jesus Christ for me. We always seem to justify our own team. yeah because i'm like like i listen to them i'd be like i'd probably be the same for Chelsea like there's nothing in it man get up man there's nothing in it in reality i'm like if that was the other way around i'd be like referee penalty screaming on the tv i don't know how i don't know how much further down he could have gone to be honest with you
mean unless you'd like buried the guy. I don't know what happened there. I'm not saying i' i'm not saying that is sort of the Liverpool, like you sort of described them. But that's fine. I don't want to be a conspiracy theory. No, that's fine. And this is why I bring it up. And all the decisions that they keep getting and they don't all they don't get against them, if that makes sense. Willoughby, one of them. Chelsea last year was kind of got again. Chelsea this year, when we said the penalty, and it never was a penalty. The decision, will it'll be interesting. I've not watched many Liverpool games, but what I have watched, they've always been a bit of injustice to the other team against Liverpool. Whether it's a decision, a yellow card, that should have been a yellow card, and maybe Van Dyke would have been a bit more tame, or a Robertson, or a Trent, or somebody, but they never seem to get the yellow card, they never seem to get the penalty against them. I don't i just don't know, I just don't know. Maybe they're letting go at the right time. At 47 degrees, maybe Aaronic Slaughter has brought some mathematicians in and be like, you let go now.
Yeah. That's it. Yeah. think You got to feel that. yeah go So he blindfolds them. He puts them on like top of branches and he's like, right. Okay. So when you feel right, when you feel that 45 degree angle, that's when you have to sort of let go. And then that's how they feel like ninjas aren't that they're like, he's taught them like ninjas. so a little like like Yeah. Oh my God. Um, yeah. So ah again, I don't know how, how that works to be honest, let go in time. I don't know if that's a thing. I need a way to explain that to me. Yeah. get in the comments, that's literally, there's a good segue, get in the comments, let us know, let him go in time, what does that even mean? Someone please, cause if he sounds like a son, I can't let go in time, do you know what I mean? It's not a penalty,
but to me letting go in town had being sort a penalty it's a free kick, cause he pulled him, but he let go, in case it's a free kick then, so he's let go before he's entered the box, it's a free kick, but let go in time to not get anything, would indicate, okay, we've acknowledged the pull,
But we're not acknowledging the fact that it... Well, I don't need... I'm confused. Okay, okay, hear me out on this, right? It could get calculated on how far the shirt stretches. Let go in time before the shirt rips, you know what I mean? That's how it works. Oh, not me. The shirt didn't rip. The shirt didn't rip, mate. So, you know what I'm saying? It's definitely not apparently that.
It could be that. It could be on like, oh, that was 12 centimeter stretch. may One more centimeter. That would have been it. But you let go in time. you like I don't know. I don't know. scalli wa you like whistle already but i saw you like so So what if like the player pulling pulls out the guy's chest head? Does that mean that is let go in time or is that too much? I don't know what what happens then. That's GBH, right? That is is something going on there. That is something.
Shave your chance, bro. Get it waxed. Get it waxed. So yeah, it's just the bizarre, really, bizarre thing to say. But we love you. We love you, Liverpool fans. I know you're listening. We love you. love ah um yeah The thing is, they totally we told they have to stick up for the team, which is fabulous. They do. they do But yeah, so Rick, I don't have much else to add, unless obviously you have some crazy things that you want to bring up. I don't know about it. I feel like we discussed everything for our team really, mate. Just to recap, we both we both saw like meh of the match, cancelled each other out mid-field. Talked about Liverpool, we segued into F1 before it comes into Vegas, and which I'll only be watching the highlights, by the way. Not staying away till 1am to watch it. Or is it 6am? 6 a.m. star on Sunday. That's the only thing I'll be watching. It's the only thing I'll be watching. oh probably i won Even then. Because obviously the thing is with with now TV, you know, you can always go back. So if you get up at like eight, year for example, you can always just go back and watch. So I'm just going to do that if, if, if I don't wake up, which again, it's Sunday. is off So. but so i forward
But yeah, Ricky, I've got nothing else to add, my friend, and we will be back at some point during in the week. And before I do leave, I will leave you with a good watching recommendation, if you are looking. Go on, go on. The Day of the Jackal.
The day of the jackal. It's been advertised on Sky Sports. I have you seen it. Yes,

Personal Life and TV Viewing Habits

I have seen the advert. I'm just waiting for the mall to come out so that I can binge. oh All seven are off. Well, I mean, do you have Sky Showcase or like cinema? No, not cinema because cinema is extra, but like if you had Sky Showcase, the all seven episodes are out on there.
But again, we just get it with the Virgin Media box. So it's like, oh, get in. But you still get adverts. Even though we pay for it, we still get adverts. So it's like, excellent. What is the point? Same with Amazon Prime. You pay for Amazon Prime and they're like, pay an extra to get ad free. You're like, I'm already paying. I had to pay the two pound extra. Why am I getting ads? I had to. I had to pay the two pound extra. I can't stand ads. I can't stand ads. I can't do it. Especially for something like Amazon Prime or Netflix. It's like, no, I'm used to no ads. It's going to be no ads. So Netflix don't start with ads. Netflix do it if you pay for the lower tier for like the $5.99 to do the ads, which is fair enough. For $5.99, shit, it's like I can deal with it. I can just go make a cover on it. So it's not really a problem. But you can't deal with it on Amazon, right? No, it's too much. It's too many adverts. So if you do get a chance to watch it, Day of the Jack, or watch it, because it's been, we watched three episodes, literally binge three episodes yesterday with the wife and just loved it. No, me and the misters are going to find some time to try and get out because obviously it's a bit difficult. You can't really watch with the kids around. No, of course. And once they go to sleep, I'll be honest with you, we're exhausted. I don't know how the listeners feel. You can only believe what I'm saying. I can only understand you. I don't have the experience over it. But I'm telling you, I'm sure some of the listeners do, but you go to bed, you just think to yourself, I don't want to get back up. You go try and put them to bed. You're like, why aren't I in bed? This is why parents say, God, give me strength. This is it. So you can get the fuck up. I put my eldest in bed before we came live on the pod. And I was like, I was so warm, so toasty. And I was like, you know what? I was this close to messaging, be like, actually, you know what? We can do it tomorrow. Don't worry about it.
I totally, totally understand it by the way. Like I said, I can only, only understand that, that is the feeling that happens with the parents. Very soon you need to start going so that you can know how it feels. Yeah. I mean, great. I can't wait for that mate. Yeah. Different points, different points. And the worries and stuff like that. Yeah. I can't wait for that. Never stops. Yeah. Cannot wait for that mate. Thanks. So then do you know what you do? All that finishes and you're like, Oh, let's go again. Let's have another one. Cause we've,
Well, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. And unfortunately, my friend, you have crossed that realm. So I am i am so far past that realm. You have to be. So basically what we've established at the end of this part is that you have to be insane to have two kids or more. That's basically what we're saying. It's a blessing. Insanity, insanity in a good way. I don't know if that is such a such thing. Yeah.
It's insanity for the more kids you have, the more sleep you're gonna get. That's insanity, because that's not how it works. Well, there you go. There you go. So, I mean, come on, you don't have an extra kid for the extra sleep, do you? For the extra sleep. No, that's it. It's like the two hours that you have that you had to spare. That's what we're doing for. The two hours that you had to spare, bruv, they've just gone. You have literally just deposited them two fucking hours. Now, Kia's time has increased the child benefits, so we're doing it for that. Oh, excellent. We're gonna be like that. Our mutual friend, I don't know if you remember him.
I won't mention his name, of course, on here, but I remember when we had a career at work, at work, sorry, at college, we're like, what do you want to do? And he's absolutely going to have a bunch of kids and stay on benefits. And I was like, there's an aspiration. You, my friend, are going places. I don't know what he does now, but I don't even know if he's alive or what, but.
Look, can I just say, right? It probably takes more effort to do that. Do you know how to have like eight kids and sitting around the house all day? I'm sorry, but no, I'd rather be at work. I need i need to be at work. Work is a bit of freedom as well in itself, isn't it? it's like I'm guessing i'm guess to you as a parent, I'm guessing you would probably see it that way as well, right? Not as in like, oh, I can't wait to get out. But it's like, it's something different. It breaks up the day. Do you know what I mean? No, of course, of course.
and talking about weekends and everything else is good, but I think as an adult and as a bloke and as even as a woman, as a female, you need something to do and not work. And yes, you're going to work, but you have your friendships, you have your social groups at the same time. And you need that. People need to interact with people of similar ages, similar mindset. You can't just be at home all the time with the kids, as great as they are and you love them. Work is important as well.
you sound like ah You sound like an old boss that I used to have where basically he he used to go, whenever he sort of like wanted to tell you off, he used to go, listen, ah so you know, here we've got like a we've got like a relaxed and a loose policy, do you know what I mean? that's That's what you sound like right now. That's literally how I sound with people I work at. Yeah, it's like, oh, they're a blessing, they're lovely, they're lovely. But inside you're just like the opposite. ah But yeah, so that literature that's that's what that's what it reminded me of exactly that. And as soon as he said that to me, I was like, damn, I did not see this before, but you are not loose at all, my friend. Hey, please, I need to be loose the fuck out of here. So I love it. Love it. But right. OK, good. We've gone along enough, Rick. We're going to get this podcast out for everyone. And if you don't have anything to add, my friend, I will send this out you wantana send us out send us out send us out send us out senders out is too loose over it you to out, send this out, with them loose leaves and tea. Anyways, yeah, thank you so much for listening. We will catch you on the next one. Until then, stay safe. Stay alert. Rick. Yeah, good night for me, Paul. Love it.