S03E06 - Tash Mic Guys - Ferrari Win, Arsenal and Chelsea Lose image

S03E06 - Tash Mic Guys - Ferrari Win, Arsenal and Chelsea Lose

S3 E6 ยท Tash Mic Guys
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A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

We, Rick, I am excited because we are here finally. And look at you with your double espresso and your little pinky going up as well. It's unbelievable. I love it. A shallow fruit. Oh, a shallow fruit. Ah, yes. The the epitome of any Albanian male. A shallow fruit. Yes, I do. Do you remember the ones that we used to eat in Albania, right? When you used to crack the the seed inside? No.
so So in Albania, right? you went Because it was so good. Just cracked the seed inside. quick So you cracked the seed inside, but inside sometimes you used to get like a little shape of a knife and fork, like inside the seed. No, not even a line. Even a line. That is a real thing. But yeah, it's a shower fruit. Yeah. Um, a situation ship.
a So that's the right one, the right one. But again, I don't know if that happens here because they're not exactly the freshest or whatever, but in Albania, because they were like, you know, homegrown sort of thing. Yeah, because obviously you just go out in the garden and pick one off the tree, don't you? Literally, like, you know what I mean? Yeah. But how was we found the tree? Front garden. Not even your rear garden. So was the front garden. So was the front garden. Always the rear garden. Shower and fruits. Who looks like a real merriment? Exactly.
Albanians, we look forward, bro. ah you never mind forget Yeah, exactly. We are way are way ahead in the future right now. But right, Rick, look, as we did the last episode, right? First of all, welcome, everyone. Thank you for being here. Thank you for for joining us. And there is going to be a lot of shit that we talk about.
So it isnt it is another jam-packed show, I'm afraid. So we're just going to, you know, forget the what you watched, what did I watch? We're not going to do that today, I'm afraid. Football is what you watched and what I watched, isn't it? That is the only thing that matters once the weekend is over, is discussing the football that we've watched many reviews on and we watch reviews on those reviews. So this is our review on it. All right. yeah Now, you know, it's serious, right, when I've just introduced my Yamaha little pocketbook.
OK, so now so for obviously for listeners, because you're not watching, weve supported it's not my Yamaha shit. Do you think we'll be in the studio? money would be your bike Yeah, I was going to say we would be in the studio. But but no, so I've got a little Yamaha pocketbook right now. I decided to use this for like, you know, taking little notes, watching matches, just you know. So now from going from, you know, just making little notes, I've literally written about six pages just over the weekend.
because it's warranted. it's ah So much shit happened over the weekend in football. it's It's just unbelievable. So, Rick, before we get into it, did you catch any of it? I watched some of it. Question number one. I didn't watch all of it, ah but I watched some of it.
Now, which parts did you watch? Which half of which match did you watch? Which half of which, are exactly, yeah, now you're going to mention it. No, for we had to do we had to do a family show, so I missed the first half of Chelsea, as you saw in the group chat when you were like, oh, he's gone quiet, because is he a penalty or red card or whatever you guys are talking about, I don't even know what you guys are talking about.
You know what I'm talking about, you just read the messages. How convenient he went quiet and I was like, this is my current view and I'm just trying to do it. Other supermarkets are available, it's just the one that we like to shop for. Yes, Sainsbury's by the way. It's our local by the way, it's not even anything else. But yeah, it's our local, so we just went to the local table. So I only caught the second half, I didn't catch the first half. I only caught the second half, convenient.
If it's the Chelsea one, it's i I try to catch a lot of it back on digital. you Obviously, you know it would be an album. Of course, of course. Where you can fast forward it and stuff. So I try to fast forward it into certain bits. and But it it was difficult because I wanted to watch the full match. but yeah Anyway, I saw the highlights of the first half, our extended highlights. like Okay, do you know what? We'll start we'll start with you team, because I feel like I've got a lot to say about my team. So we'll start with team now right with we obviously well i obviously you What did you think? first of all okay So for for listeners, and and for yourself actually, because i don't ye so yesterday, whilst the match was going on, we we basically had to build a little canvas, because we got like a little painting in Albania and stuff like that, so we built a little canvas for it, the you know, the frame.
Yeah. So I was kind of like, you know, in and out of the match, but I watched the majority of it enough to to have an opinion, I guess. Right. yeah So now so I was interested to see, even though we discussed.
many a times how Reece James isn't just going to get in the team, is he? Nah, he's not going to walk in the team, is he? But that's exactly what he did. He walked directly into the team. He walked, he shoved someone. I probably didn't have to shove anyone. Just walked straight in there. There you go. There's my position. I'm in. Okay. Now I'll be honest. I can't really say anything bad about him from yesterday's match. He was all right. You know, wasn't heard of, wasn't heard from much, but he was all right. So, which is kind of good. So if you don't really hear from a player, is that a bad thing? No, I think they're doing the job right.
yeah know he's sorry that's so yeah he did He did well and and I don't think i don't think um he was any part of the loss. i mean like you People watching, they're not going to be like, oh, this James is the reason for it. Definitely not. so I saw one half and I know that wasn't the reason. Yes.
yeah i mean Obviously, like, look, the thing is, it's difficult for me because not not not to take it personally, the the Chelsea match because of what happened and the similarities and in in tackles and fouls, neither halfway line, which I'm sure you've caught up with and whatnot. Yeah, and I saw that, be but yeah. But before we even get into that, um I feel like it was an interesting match. It was quite good. um I wouldn't say Liverpool dominated or anything like that. It was it it was fair you know for the majority of it. And I think the the main difference really was probably Curtis Jones in this match. um He was, I feel like, the difference maker. and And he brought a lot to the team going forward, tracking back, making space for for everyone, to obviously but especially for Sobersleid to find him.
So it was you know it it was good performances from from both but from both teams. So it was a bit, did Liverpool does deserve to win 2-1? I don't know if they did, but you know, even if Chelsea won 2-1, I probably would have said the same thing. So it's kind of like a, yeah yeah I know it's obviously, you don't want to hear it, but it's kind of like a fair result. Do you know what I mean? If it went the other way, it still would have been a fair result.
or if it even as agenerat Either way, either way yeah both teams put up a good performance enough to to say you know that either one of them deserve to win or whatever. so so yeah And then obviously we'll you know touch on that incident now. I want to hear your thoughts, right? Because you're a Chelsea fan, I want to hear your thoughts on that.
on what, the whole thing or just the incident itself? No, just the incident itself. So, um you know, it was very similar to how your boy got sent off. It was very, very similar. It was effectively what, a yard or two, maybe and maybe a yard further back. If you're getting the ruler out, probably a millimetre further back or something along those lines. But he was very, very lucky to be still be on the pitch. I'd noticed a lot of pundits and a lot of analysis that goes going on and saying, call will is right there. He's right. But it's just... My wife was right that there, wasn't she?
Exactly so there you go so there's the other flip side of the argument but it always seems to be inconsistencies with with refereeing because yeah if Saliba was a red card tossing should have been a red card but toss no butts by the way this isn't a but to kind of make an excuse for him you just like the experience I don't know maybe he should not have started that game yeah But did that's that the incident is so on. yeah that's That's under the code. But if we're just talking on the incident alone, like that is... i I'm happy he stayed on, because it didn't really have any chances for us. But if you're looking out, rather than being a Chelsea fan and taking a Chelsea hat off, very, very lucky to get away with that. Very, very lucky to get away with that. Because for me, that would have been... right If he was the other way around, I'd be screaming the same thing as you. I'd be like, well, he got sent off. Why? Hasn't Gabriel... What's his name? Kanate or Van Dyke been sent off. yeah
so I can't be a hypocrite on that one that that was for me it was a red it should have been a straight red if Salivas was a straight red Well, that's the thing with Salih, he was obviously a yellow card and then he had to go in you have to go and consult with VARG, he had to go and see with his own eyes and then he retracted the yellow and gave a red. The thing is, I don't understand why he went to VARG. This is the thing I struggle with. Was it endangering the player that he made the wrong decision? No. Did VARG intervene for him to say, like, we think it should be a red? What was said in his ear to be like, actually, we recommend you go view it? yeah Because if they say we think he's the last man, the referee would have clearly seen he was the last man. And he still thought yellow card, because last man at halfway line is not really a goalscoring opportunity.
And and so that's the interesting question, isn't it? Like what was actually said to him and obviously look, you know, cause we all love conspiracies and everyone's like, oh, Howard, where was in the stand? No, I'm not going to get into that. Like in, in seriousness, I'm not going to get into that. But like exactly. I'm joking. I'm joking. Go ahead. I'm just trying to gussle at you. not and i um Again, I'm a fair fan. I've told you this before. I've said this, I've said this many times before, but yeah. So I think,
It was very, very similar. I mean, the only the only thing that could have probably got him away with that was the fact that he was just over the halfway line, like just over us. And like, you know, that he sort of grabbed him in his own half. And then by the time he went down, it was in the, you know, it it went in the opponent's half. So. look Which one is this? Is this the theossum Chelsea one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think that's probably if again, that's just clutching at straws there, you know, grasping at straws. Sorry. Like, you know, I don't think that's the case. But, you know, that could have been it's like, oh, well, the foul technically happened in his own half.
Sorry, in the opponent's half, do you know what I mean? By the time he went down, then it can be like, oh, it was the last man. Do you know what I mean? So maybe something along those lines. But that's the thing. It's, you know, again, we sat here once again talking about consistency or lack of. And it's like, well, OK, at least go consult with Art. Go consult with Art. Go have a look. Come back. If you still think it's a yellow card, fair duce. But at least you went and had a look. You know what I mean? When you consider two instances that are exactly the same,
Do you know what I mean? OK, 99% the same. So at the very least, as a VAR official or as Howard Webb after being there the the day before and watching a similar incident, do you know what I mean? that's when it's like know That's when you need to step in and just be like, look.
at the very least, go have a look at this. Go see it with your own eyes. And that's all we're asking for as well. And then if you think nothing happened, it is a yellow card, if I do, stick with a nice one, at least you want to have a look even bigger. I'd say the other thing though as well, have have the cojones to be, no, no, I think my decision is right. Because especially for a red card to send somebody off, it it is a big decision that you must make, not only because of muscle is what you do into the player, but The fact that you ruin in the game for everybody else to watch the game and the next guy there's plenty of utrals Well for that bit is that's what I mean for the play until he's gonna miss the next three matches or two matches Harvey misses with a red card I think it's three isn't enough straight red is three match plan Yeah, but they said I did read that it could be down to one match band because of the fact there was a yellow first but again I
I'm not too sure. well But didn't the yellow get rescinded? He did. He got a straight got straight red. Yeah, because the same thing happened with Kudos as well for Tottenham, didn't he? Speaking of red card, he got a yellow and then he went to see to the monitor. yeah but sea okay sorry That's an interesting point that you just made there, right? Okay, so we're looking at a player who physically attacked someone, or three people, he physically attacked.
and then we look at Saliba getting a three match ban for something that, again, when you actually watch it back, he did genuinely trip. Fair enough, it's a foul, I'm not saying, you know, whatever. yeah he was say It's a foul, it's a foul. It's not what we're arguing about, yeah. Yeah, exactly. So when you think of the of the two instances of Kudos and Saliba, yeah and then you think, oh shit, one of them literally assaulted someone. You can actually get arrested for for assaulting someone, do you know what I mean? You do have an outside of a football pitch and you're arrested. You can arrest it, yeah, you know you assaulted me.
and and obviously Saliba tripped over someone and yeah, fair enough wasn't his fault, now so but we'll get but we'll get back to the Arsenal shortly. So yeah, um that incident for me, that really hit home a little bit too close because it's like, I've just watched this, I've watched the same situation yesterday and then now,
Now we're watching this where it's completely, completely gone the other way. And you just, again, I don't even know what to say anymore. You know, it's just speechless. And I just sort of went, I had to turn my back on the TV when I saw that was like, whatever, man, whatever. This is this isn't right. Do you know what I mean? Same as the city much. I felt like the referee was weak, though, in the game as well, in the sense that obviously hear me out first. Now, I saw a little few reviews and plays and so on of when Jayden Sancho's ankle got kicked by the bar line.
To me, that's a penalty. A kick is a kick, right? So that's a penalty. And I thought, when the referee let that go, Jalen Sancho didn't know how to sell it. Maybe he didn't scream loud enough. But then the penalty that they received with, what's his name? Jones. Jones when Levi Corwill went in. yeah That that stuff for me was a really similar situation to what just he went. He just gave in to the pressure. I thought there John Brooks just gave in, because that was the referee yesterday, wasn't it? John Brooks. He was the one who, I felt like he just gave in to the crowd, because the crowd cheered the loudest there. yeah and What it was more of a penalty was the second attempt at taking Jones off by the keeper. Do you know the one that didn't get given as a penalty? Where they were like he nipped the ball, the stood, touched the ball. That's more of a penalty than the first one where Levi Colwell got him.
So I don't know whether maybe there they felt like a calmer or something. He can't have this one because we gave him a soft one earlier. For me it was a soft penalty. I know Levi Cole was naive and stupid trying to win that ball or try to clear it as hard as he could. But he barely touched Jones and this is the problem. why We need referees to be strong enough to if there are slight touches on the pitch.
None of this BS hours was running at full pace. You weren't running if you're turning around or something. You can't go down as if you've been shot from the stands. Yeah. Because even the Sancho one, I didn't think it was a penalty. But when I saw Jones' one get given, I was like, well, that's a penalty. Then if that got given, the previous one should have been given. You know what I mean? He clipped his ankles the same way. Like, it's a penalty for both. But nevertheless, ah overall though, bro, like if we just move away from referee's decision, same as you, I was very, very surprised into why Greece James started. But to be fair, he did all right. He didn't do too bad.
considering first game back in a little bit disappointed that he started because by 50 50 60th minute they took him off and I was like maybe this is in the game you play Reese James a high intensity game you play gusto on that side who's been this is where he gets injured isn't this is an injury this is the thing but obviously if he can stay fit he's a top quality defender because he's got the skill the only thing we all take the piss out of him about it's not because he's shite is because he gets injured all the time he plays one match in four seasons and Yeah. Yeah. So which is like probably the highest paid athlete game. We said it. We said so long. Yeah, we did. That's right. But he played our work so hard. On average. Yeah. But the formation for me, I would have liked Reece James to possibly be on the bench and come on a little bit later on. Yeah. Play Gusto, play Renato San... Not San, just what's his name? I forgot his name. Vie... Anyway, Vega, thank you. Yeah, play Renato Vega.
get him to play because he's been doing okay but what I really enjoyed by Liverpool how they were able to change tactically within the game they were able to change the multiple they were going long on the ball when we were trying to press them and play a high line then they were putting pressure on us when the young boys came on like Renato Vega came on gusto changed to the right putting pressure on the ball so we don't play it out from the back we did all right bro like if you just look at the stats as well obviously I've got a few points I want to discuss but if you just look at stats alone possession We're better on possession, 57 to 42, why 57 and a half to 42 and a half. Shots on target, this is where they were more clinical with five and two. Shots, altogether shots, they had nine, we had 12. So again, we need to do something about why are we yeah throwing it here, there and everywhere.
and Passes and touches were better than them of both. Obviously we did more than that. They did more tackles, and clearly, because we had more possession of the ball. They did more clearances than us, 18-11. We had more corners than 5-1. And they had five offsides to nothing. So they were playing that on that last defender all the time and using that pace.
But what I really enjoyed by Liverpool, like I said, here is tactically to change. No more of this high intensity team were playing against Chelsea. Like, hold on a minute. We demanded a little bit of respect from Liverpool when Pochettino's teams may have not, Graham Potter's, etc. But obviously Arne was looking at it saying, hold on there here, Varesco might be... I'm joking, not Varesco. I was trying to play on that Varesco stuff. like But yeah, Varesco is doing okay, you know? I was happy. I was happy with that fact, but I just would have liked a few other bits and bobs to change. One key thing doing, there was no need for Gusto to drop into midfield. If Liverpool are sitting back and making it tight, we should have had Sancho come as a second striker. You need the wingers to be right at the back, don't you? You need the width. So Sancho is staying wide, but that left but so um my boy Jackson with two defenders on him. Canata and Virgil. Virgil is at his best when he doesn't have to do Park Hall, just clear up.
yeah That's Virgil's bread and butter. As soon as Virgil's put in there any pressure, he turns around and he's panics and everybody's like, oh, what's Virgil doing? So what he should have done is move Sancho from left wing or left winger, left striker to centre forward with Jackson and move Gusto up higher. If the... palm because Palmer got outplayed in the game, because no Palmer... Who? poo Where? Where was it? Was he even playing? Because he got man-mapped the He couldn't do nothing.
Jones was on him like a shadow. So then what you do is buy that. So the first movement is move the Sancho into attacking position. Second movement, bring Gusto higher up rather than in midfield. Keep the width. And thirdly, if nobody's putting pressure on the ball, drive the ball into midfield. Do what that Lucio used to do. Do you remember Lucio for Inter Milan in Brazil? Yeah. Nobody's on me. I'm going to drive forward with it. yeah Because somebody's on Palmer constantly.
That player is occupied on Cole Palmer because the manager clearly told him, you stay on Cole Palmer. Which is great, great tactics. But then utilise that. If Palmer gets a ball, there were two on him all the time. That means we had a one player free somewhere.
yeah yeah i mean i think i think we're just This is the only bit to take it to that next level. I'm still happy with what we did. but just to you know that level With that level of intensity that's required to to face the Liverpool team, I think maybe maybe you couldn't even go down to the fact that he just doesn't trust the players that he has right now to do that. Because maybe too much space, tracking back is ah you know becomes an issue. so And again, that's what mistakes are happening. We were playing in a really high line. I don't know if you watched part of it, but we were. like there was no play on the halfway line for us because we were literally in their box and this was in the first half from what I saw maybe might have been a five minute clip and the second half as well of course because we then we were chasing the goal but for us the moment Liverpool scored first our heads went down we equalised we looked like okay we're gonna win this game
and then they scored again and our heads went down again. and and Credit to Curtis Jones, running from deep. That is like a front-line platform. Run from deep, while they're playing a high line against the defender and trying to offside trap, just run from deep and go and get a goal. And he clearly did, so well done to him. But no, I'm happy. I'm happy with what's happened, but the changes that I mentioned of that little tactical formation would be ah for me to take it to that next level to elevate the game even further.
Yeah, um I agree. I agree. i think I think Chelsea are really improving, to be honest. I mean, I can't even remember what the predictions were, but but we'll we'll do them right at the end. I think I had 3-1, Chelsea. Yeah, I think I had 3-1 Liverpool, maybe. I can't remember. I don't know. I'll have a look. But, yeah, no, I think a good team and some and a team to to sort of, you know, keep an eye on, really, because, well, for the rest of us, because obviously that's your team.
you know keep an eye on because yeah they'll they'll do they'll do little little damages here and there but those little damages will obviously all of a sudden add up because you know especially for Arsenal you know lost against Bournemouth we need to pick ourselves up next match like next Premier League match needs to be a win like you can't grab on with another loss so again and ah if it does then it'll just It's just the arsenal of normal. Do you know what I mean? Up until December, we're shit, and then January hits, and then we do well, and it's like, oh, we lost by two points. Yes, because you lost three matches. One against Bournemouth. But anyway... Well, we were Newcastle, so we definitely need to pick us up. We're at home against Newcastle, so... And it's going to be a tough game. Yeah, you guys have got Liverpool, we've got Newcastle at home. So really, both teams are facing tough, tough fixtures. Newcastle got beat, so they need to kind of yeah do have a reaction against Chelsea, some form of performance. And for us, we got beat that we need to do something in front of our fans, which is going to be really interesting. I'm really hoping for Reece James to stay fit this year, though. I really, really ah really like Reece James. And you guys know how I feel about Reece James. and um
I really need him to stay fit this year because he is a quality football. And you ask other professionals when they're in podcasts, I think Karl Walker was one podcast and he said, who's your ideal player? Or who would you think is the best right back in the world?
like any given day prime, he says, Reece James is the best right back in the world. He has everything. This is Kyle Walker speaking. and Then he says, I would have my pace, Hakeem's speed, et cetera. He puts everybody together, Trent's passing and so on. Reece James' brain. But obviously that's impossible to do all that and it's not realistic. Whereas if I was to have one player who is as close to as the player that I've just created with everybody's attributes would be Reece James. And I was like, that's fucking right, Kyle. That's fucking right. Right. Well, you know, yeah, well, you know, then keep himself fit for at least two seasons consistently and then, yes, fair enough. If he keeps himself for two seasons, I will win the league next year.
Bold statement, we should all right, cool. Well, you know, we haven't come to our half year or end of year predictions for for the next season. So, but look, Chelsea, yes, I thought it was an interesting match. It was a decent match to watch. It was, you know, action from both sides, really interesting. And Anna Slott, he scares me a little bit because that guy just keeps on winning, man. He keeps on winning and he's got them, on he's got them really, really moving now. And it's a bit scary to be fair.
because again I go back to my point where it's like well if Anislot wins in his first Premier League, who wins his league it's yeah I don't know man that's tough to swallow like genuinely that is tough to swallow like no I totally agree with you i um and again I don't speak as you know I don't speak for other Arsenal fans because some some of them are just completely delusional but yeah I just think if that happens then the end has to happen as well Because what what else what else is that? Do you know what I mean? Like a coach who just came from a different league, that's not even classed in the top five league, he just walked straight into Liverpool, boom, done. Yeah, bearing in mind Liverpool finished third as well, so it's not like they won the league and he's now having to change a lot. Exactly. They finished third last year and the year before. Yeah. And if he was the league with without that, that is a huge achievement for our honest lot.
100% and I think so far he seems a good coach, he seems he seems to care about the players, he seems very passionate, obviously on the touchline he had a couple of ah couple of like, you know, exploding moments where he's like, gah! Do you know this with the ref? Yeah, there was the shoulder-to-shoulder between Nunes and, what was it, Buddy Sheila or something? That's right, that's right, you both like And i so on authentic I like that. I like managers who do that. I don't like managers who just sit there and go like a bit like Antroposto Cogli, zero a reaction, Pochettino, zero reaction. I like my contes running up and down the page. I like my two calls. I like the honest lot that he's there. Pep does it sometimes, but he sits more down. Mourinho's club did it more often. No one does them runs than Mourinho. No, that's the Porto one. That's that Porto in Manchester, you know what I
and also When he ran onto the pitch as well, when Inter beat Barsson, he's running onto the pitch, going the number one finger in number love to yeah too good too good now i really enjoyed ja meenia but yeah um anything else you want add on chelsea by the
in that position. Do you put on Baddishield? I see Baddishield maybe if the intent is to bring Baddishield on at some point put Baddishield from the start but I don't think he trusts Baddishield that's the only thing because obviously if a fine ankle Cruella would have been our two starters because two yellow card each the previous game they meant they missed Liverpool but because Baddishield is quite slow on his feet I don't know if you've noticed that as well like when he first came I was like this guy's good he's calm is it But when you're trying to play that high intensity and get the ball quick transitions from defence to midfield to attack, he's a bit slower and a bit sideways with his passes. And I'm like, oh, come on, bro. Like you were really good last year. Like you were the one who I was raving about. I was like, give this guy another season. maybe But yeah, both of what we were doing, actually, you're right. Yeah, we both did it. But for me, because then I think that's what led to the challenge as well. Like you didn didn't need to make that challenge and give the referee a decision to make, you know, that lack of experience was that. But that's it. That's the only thing that would miss me. You've got to give time to these players. Saliba went out for three years before he joined Arsenal. and No, he did exactly. and That's the one thing I was going to mention as well. Saliba wasn't even in his squad for three years. Exactly. and that executive now Arguably the best in the league. The best. Not one, but the best in the league, I think. I think you guys are really going to miss him, but we'll get into you guys now. and I think this is a good segue into Arsenal. I love it. How how are you feeling? how se we was seeing and
Yeah, you're good, you like that? It's like a smooth curve, that was a smooth curve. No Yamaha in this, but this is an old 2020 diary. Yeah, but the only problem is with the Yamaha, even though I can carry it everywhere, I have to like sort of put it close to my face, because you can see how small it is. So I have to be like, oh yeah, was that all right? Yeah, so. Why is that like open now, just like an A8, A6, what is that like size? I don't even think numbers go that low, to be honest. Do you know what, I don't even, yeah. It's got like a little pouch on the back though, which is quite cool. For some reason. For your card or for your pen, for your tiny little pencil.
At first, I thought it was a Bible or something. I thought you carried like a little mini Bible with you. Well, after watching yesterday's match and watching them refs, I really, really needed it. So there you go. There's a segue for you as well. There we go. Oh, shit. Right. OK. No, no. OK. Come on. and Come on. Come on. So you watched the game. I didn't watch the game. I wanted to watch the game. I watch ah watched from before the gold score. So I think the lads who came on the second half, I didn't see the red card anything.
because I rang you and I was like, why has he brought Raheem Sterling up at 35 minutes? And you're like, yes, because he needed to, man, you know, because obviously I was going. Yeah, absolutely. Which we'll touch on. And I was like, what? Why is Sterling coming on? OK, look, Mattinelli was on the bench. Mattinelli was on the bench. He had a bit of a knock during the international break. My boy Odegard's injured. My boy Thacka's injured. When's he back by the way? When's Odegard and Thacka back? I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't matter at this point.
Saka my boy he's injured as well even though it said that he wasn't going to be but he was apparently so he didn't start obviously hence the sterling starting
It was Rick. The thing is the team selection, obviously he had to put on who he had to put on. Do you know what I mean? Like obviously you've got no soccer, who else are you going to put on? Jay Zeus, don't really trust him. I'd rather have Sterling because he's a bit of an unknown for the Arsenal team, right? Even though we know him as a player, bit of an unknown, what I tend to ask of him. Do you know what I'm saying? So yeah, I don't have any i don't have any issues with the with the start with the starting 11, trust side on the left for Martinelli. Like I said, um that was again, usually that's That's, you know, um um I like that. That gives me confidence when I see Trossad on the pitch. um But it seems like with Trossad, when he starts out wide on the left, like in Martinelli's position, he struggles a little bit to get into the game. However, when he starts in, that guy have its middle of the pitch position. Do you know what I mean? That between that 8 and 10. So overall, he's really good there because he's quite quick on his feet. He's he's quite agile. so So when you say that between 8 and 10, you mean the 9?
Oh, do you mean 8 and 10? More like a cam? Yeah, more like the position of an... Not quite a cam, but somewhere in between CM and cam. Yeah, it's not because most of these players, not just with Arsenal, they don't really have a set traditional position like we're used to, like CM and stuff like that. Do you know what I mean? We refer to it as CM because it makes it easier for us. That's what we're used to, yeah. But for them it's like CM, CAM, CMM, all that type of stuff. Do you know what I mean? It's all of it in one.
yeah Whatever it is. So anyway, so yeah, when he's in that role, he does quite well. Almost like a remember, Jack, the box, the boss. yeah Yeah, box, the boss. Yeah, box, the boss, man. That's what he did. Box, the box, the boss in it. Exactly. So i'll box, the box. So he's quite good at that. But yeah, on the left, he kind of struggles, especially when he starts. He becomes the second half, he can see the game and he's quite clever like that. You know, he watches the game from the bench and he can slot into where he needs to be.
But for some reason, on Saturday, his brain just did not want to function. You know what I mean? Like, he just couldn't link up with anyone at all. Like, he stayed on the pitch for so long, even after the mistake that he made with the back pass. And it's like, Mick, you need to change now. You need to make a change. Especially, so obviously, I'm glad that he put Kivior on for Sterling.
But at the same time, Kivio came on, but Kivio made the mistake for the second goal. Like, that led to the penalties. Yeah. So, you know, it's like, it's literally everything that he did in terms of changes, he lost out. Do you know what I mean? Cross out from Artinelli, bad pass, Saliba gets sent off, Kivio comes on, all that type of stuff. So again, so it just didn't, it wasn't a good day at all. Like, any way you look at it, and I'm not going to, again, as I said in the group, I can't make any excuses.
That incident with Saliba, as we discussed with the Chelsea when we compared it, it was, yes, it was a red card. um However, give the red card straight away. Do you know what I'm saying? Give it straight away. none of this Yeah, don't interfere. It's not in the box. It's not the opponent's box. And even the refs have said, the PGM world have said that we're not going to be as strict anymore with stuff outside of the actual goal box, like where the where the shit happens, where the action is. Do you know what I mean? Halfway line, that doesn't constitute for an action-packed area. Do you know what I mean? It just doesn't. So yes, I understand goal scoring opportunity. Fair dues. Oh, sorry. But before I carry on, I did actually read
on on Twitter and threads that people are like, oh, well, everyone else was offside. OK, I'm just going to explain. I'm just going to explain to people who don't know how that works. OK, it can't be offside if the player from the same team passes it back and then the opponent touches it. That's not on offside. OK, so please, Arsenal fans, I know you want, I know obviously you want excuses and you want your justifications. That is not one of them. OK, let's just be real. Don't be stupid. You're making us look like idiots. All right.
So, so yeah, so that happened. Sliber obviously tried to do what he tried to do. Yeah, and then it's like he got away with the yellow and genuinely I was sat here. I was thinking, oh my God, he can't believe got away with the yellow there. Because again, it was one of those moments where it's like even without VAR in the times without VAR, some chances that that's going to be a red. Do you know what I'm saying? Because again, he was it's not like he was 100% clear to go and get the ball and then obviously in the clear goes for an opportunity. Ben White was there on the other side, however, because I can't see alternate universes, right? I don't know how that would have ended. Do you know what I mean? I don't know if Ben White would have got there. Same as the ref, he wouldn't have known either. that Like the VAR. Do you know what I'm saying? So if it's like, oh, well, I don't know either way, stick with the yellow. Stick with the yellow. It was the fairest thing. Do you know what I'm saying? It was the fairest thing. I think we need to hear that that so to interrupt you i think we need to hear the conversation between when they're talking about VAR.
So once the referee gets sent to the monitor, we need to hear that dialogue. is it that's I think that's really important. You've brought it into the monitor. What for, first of all? yeah What have you seen that the rest of us mere mortals have missed while you've been looking at a 360 angle, slow-mo, 1.5 speed, etc.?
and then see what they say. And then that way we can be we can critique it better or we can understand it better. Because if he says, like got call exactly we just understand it. You've just helped me understand that. So yeah, now I'm not going to be like, you're this, you're biased or so on. Because if they did that, like I just said, we would literally understand it much, much better. Even better to critique it or better to not critique it at all. So that must that is a must, by the way. yeahism Just like they do in rugby.
See, this is the thing now, because again, when you look at the Saliba foul, he tripped, right? Like he was trying to run around the defender, obviously caught his legs, whether he meant to do that or not, I don't know. He took him down, so that's irrelevant, right? But then you look at the toss-in one and then you think, well, you pulled his shirt, like you pulled him. Yeah, you grabbed him by the shoulder, the neck, or wherever he was grabbing him. I don't think it was the neck, so let's just be, you know, I'm going to be fair, so it wasn't the neck. Okay, no, be fair, you see, I didn't watch it live, but yeah.
It doesn't matter. The shirt was pulled. So that's a clear, clear, you know, stop in the gold. cor between Like a massive attempt, right? So that's that's that's the difference. It's like, OK, well, how do you not go to the monitor just to be like, oh, well, he pulled his shirt. OK, let me go have a look. Do you know what I'm saying? like Like you said, with the Saliba thing, tell me what you saw at VAR. What did you see that you had to bring the ref back? Yeah. Do you know what I'm saying? If the ref just gave a foul and walked away,
with just a foul, not a yellow card, then it's like, all right, cool, that's why you went to see it. Is it worth the yellow or whatever it is? But just the way that the way that they did it, it just seems a bit suspect. And again, it doesn't help us as Arsenal fans when we've had like the three worst red cards that you've ever seen ever in football history.
What was the three? Who was the three? It was Rice. Rice with the second yellow kick in the ball, whatever it was. With the toe flick. That's why I'm doing the little kick. You've got a little toe flick going on and the other one was Trozad where he was in the middle of kicking the ball and the ref decided... That was his second. Ridiculous. And then got rescinded, but then he got reversed and he could play the next game because we were like, that wasn't a red card. Or did he actually stand? No, he served that shit, didn't he? He served that shit. You had to serve that.
um So, again, it's that side of things. It's like, okay, well, look, we can't help but think the way we're thinking because of the evidence that's laid out in front of us. That's it. That's it, right? I agree. I agree 100%. If that was against my team, I'd be feeling the same thing. I think what it is, though, if we just took quickly on it, refs need to communicate to the rest of the fans and at least everybody else who's on the pitch. They do it in rugby, so I don't know why the ref can't press it. There's no reason. They do it in American football as well. There's no reason. When they talk about number 56 held, whatever, there's a flag on the pitch.
They can do the same. In rugby they say, can you show me a different angle? Yeah, hold it there. Can you fast play it for me, please? So like if it was you and I, you're up, va I'd be like, Larry, just slow that down. Can you play it again? Can you give me a different angle? So that I know I make the decision rather than you make the decision for me and be like, we think it's a red card because. Tell me that. Okay, let me see why. Because I make the decision at the end. It's my name.
on the team sheet, when not team sheet, on the match day sheet, when I hand the red card out, it'll say, Ricky handed a red card to so and so. That needs to happen. yeah I want to see the justification that he wrote down, you know what I mean? And it's not just like, oh, clear goal score and opportunity. Fine. OK, I like your explanation. Now, can you go back to the to the other match and do the same, please?
In hindsight, can you go do that retrospectively? No, you can't do that. so Again, it's it's kind of like an irrelevant point to make now because obviously it's happened and the and the match bands will will be served, unfortunately, and you know I'm hoping that it will they will appeal it to to one rather than three. Just on the basis of that, it was non-violent conduct, you know what I'm saying? It was...
Anyway, so going back to it, yeah, so Truss had obviously made that mistake. Saliba had to react, and unfortunately, he he made that mistake as well. Like, look, at the end of the day, he's 23-year-old, 22-year-old, sorry? 23? So again, yes, he's got experience, but he's still inexperienced for a defender because he's still young. Do you know what I'm saying? So he knows next time, it's like, do you know what? Fuck it. Let him run.
I'll catch up to him. And I genuinely think he would have caught up to him. And the fact that, again, David Ryan would have come into play and Ben White would have come into play. Do you know what I mean? So he wouldn't have been as easy. But again, hindsight. Do you know what I mean? This is with watching many, many replays.
of of you know certain players and certain angles and you think all right yeah okay in hindsight yes this this is what should have happened but at that moment in time he reacted so yeah it's that was a bit we should refer you should have if he was a football guy as well sometimes when they think about this kind of stuff is if when you renew ourselves if you're running with a ball you're a lot slower than the person running without the box regardless of unless you're a damn betrayer then obviously you're a freak of nature yeah But you the referee should have just thought, this is not a goalscoring opportunity. It's a clear and obvious goalscoring opportunity. sir Because that's the key word. Clear goalscoring opportunity. Because the edge of the box, fair enough. Two yards, shot on goal. Oh yeah, that's that's fair. But halfway in line, not even past the semi-circle. It wasn't even past the semi-circle. Yeah. And that's not that's not a red card. That's not a red card. But I've just quickly read something here, saying, so Saliba faces up to three game suspension for receiving a straight work card. But since his foul was professional, and not being violent or dangerous, he will only miss one Premier League match. But the one match is missing. So so so check it out. So check it out. So we had we had a suspension in Declan Rice during the the Derby ah during the North London Derby. Yeah. And that happened the match before for against something very, very stupid for Toflick. Right. Yeah. And then during the Man City match,
the extra time that, what was it, did we get a red card in that as well? I can't remember. Yeah, we got a red card in that. sorry yeah That was the trusside red card. So again, another another red card, which fucked us up in that match. And then now obviously we get this situation where Saliba misses another important match. A good defender or a great player that we have misses an important match.
So again, it just seems to be like a little bit of a pattern forming. And again, I know that's in the realms of conspiracy and I'm not gonna... That's not something that I would... You're not fueling it, are you? You're not fueling conspiracy. No, I would not fuel that, no. That's just for me thinking... And sometimes that's why I got angry and I'm glad that we had the 24 hours or 48 hours in between the Arsenal match and this podcast. Because again, I had a chance to listen to other people and obviously read certain things.
But nothing has changed. Everything that I was thinking, I'm still thinking, and the worst thing is that I don't have an answer for the red card or the justification. This one costs you more, though, because you don't really have a direct replacement. Obviously, if you break it down, Declan Rice, red card, you still won that game. I thought, did you draw against Brighton? You won, didn't you? We won against Brighton. You drew against Brighton at home? I'm pretty sure we did. You drew against Brighton. Just double-check that so we give the listeners a clear thing. Oh, absolutely.
City away you were winning Unlucky to concede so late in the match, but again that it was a red card But you walked away with some points not neck that you didn't Miss on any point. Where's sorry we we drew against Bryant by the way you drew against right? Okay, so your points against their picked up points at the other side albeit being one point and each and each match whereas now in this one you lost three points and you're going to miss a player who you don't really have a like-for-like replacement or give you what Saliba gives you at the back so you've lost the match and you're going to miss Saliba against Liverpool and is Liverpool away or at home? I believe Liverpool is our way
Our way. Our way is allowed. Your way or our way? No, it's at home. So it's at the Emirates. It's at the Emirates. So you were saying our way, yeah? Our way. Our way. Our way. Yeah. So that's the only thing. But I can completely understand your point on the inconsistency, the red cards, why people would think like, is there a vendetta against Arsenal? It just leads to those questions and it leads to those thought processes, which is understandable. But you just, yeah. It just makes you think sometimes. No, no, I don't mean that. It does make you think sometimes. If you're going to critique, you try to look at home. You say, why was Trossad on for so long? If Trossad is playing so well, between an 8 and a 10, which is established, it's not a 9, but it's a fluid C and count.
Not even a false 9, he just plays around that area. It's like an 8.76 to a 9.2, do you know what I mean? So it's not really a 9, just over an 8 but not really a 9. He's on those parameters, that's it, that's it. He's not an outlier but he's between those 8.7 and 6. Exactly, when you actually get the tape measure out you can see it in that, yep. He's there, it says Trussade. Trussade, exactly, that's it. No, it's a little picture of him.
That's it. That's how you measure it. You measure it in Trossades. Yeah, that's it. Love it. But if that's the case, then why didn't I try to play him there? Why would I try to play Stirling and not start Stirling left where Trossade is and bring Trossade in? Stirling loves playing on the left. Stirling from City was, again, I use that phrase, bread and butter. That was his place, left wing for City. At Chelsea, if I try to listen to Tashmike guys, I said it many, many times. Raheem Stirling's best position is on the left. Drop Mudrig, drop whoever you play Stirling if he's on.
But yes, I suppose he'll look at that, he'll try and make some adjustments. but Like I said, it's going to be tough against Liverpool. The mistakes, obviously, I don't really want to call the mistakes in the starting lineup. you know It wasn't really a mistake, it was just you know that's the players that he thought would do better on the on the day.
which is fair, but against a Bournemouth team, like you said, put Jay Zeus on the right hand side, let him let him crack on, Stirling on the left and then you've got and then you know you've got at least when with Jay Zeus he drops back so he can give you that extra number 10 or extra midfielder that created midfielder, you know what I mean? So yeah, it could have... yeah that many things could have obviously could have been changed. And and the things with that said, it just didn't react enough when you brought and one area on at the end. um It didn't react quick enough. So that's and that was the other. So again, overall, it it just wasn't a good day performance.
If the performance was excellent and this happened, then I would be more pissed off. But the fact that we did not perform very well at all, actually first or second half, 11 or 10 minutes, it doesn't matter, right? We did not perform well. And I feel part of that.
is the Trossard on the left. And again, he was on for too long. Miquel Marino, I just don't think against a Bournemouth side who are quite physical and who have got big guys and who will run down the midfield, I just don't think that was the right match for him or in that position where he was in the creative and I say that in quotation marks in that creative position because there wasn't really a creative player. You know, he had Rice party and Miquel Marino and those guys like, yeah, you want to have him at the base of the midfield to protect your defenders.
Do you know what I mean? Not one of them will do what Odegard does. Not one of them will do what in one area he does. And I know he's young, but he's got that movement. He's got that fearlessness where he could be like, shit, I'll run through the middle. Like that Palmer. Do you know what I mean? Like, Palmer has that. He's just fearless. He'll do it. Not well, unless he comes up against Curtis Jones. Like, you know, he just sort of hit a brick wall, really. Now, for that, I think it was bad managing for us though, like with Palmer, there's ways you can get around man-marking, you know what I mean? Of course there is, of course there is. Bring another player next to Palmer, so then the player feels he has to mark two. Take Kaiseido there, or take Enzo there, or take whoever else is managing. But he came on later, didn't he? He came on later, but you know, put the other guy there that started, do you know what I mean? Was it Loveya, was it Loveya? Loveya, take him there, yeah, yeah. He was alright, he played alright. We just had a really, really young team yesterday, like a proper, proper man team. We still did well with the young team, but... Yes, so look, with Arsenal, obviously they got the goal, which came off the back of Martinelli-Miss. It should have been a goal. I don't know if you saw that bit of the highlight where he was one-on-one against Kepa. Kepa made a bad judgment and error and just passed directly. Oh, the pass, yes. Yes, I did see that, yes. Martinelli, he should have scored that really, but I just feel like he was too excited to score, that he just sort of gave away where he was going to put it. He saw the headlines, he telegraphed all of that. Everything was like, I'm going to go to this side. Because he went across ball. Exactly. He has his flaws, but he knew exactly where that ball was going. So again, Martinelli saw the headlines, down to 10 men, I've just come on, I'm going to score and I'm going to be the hero.
Take it easy first, right? Get the ball in the back of the net first. And then be the hero. So yeah, and then be the hero. And then obviously, what, 30 seconds later, a minute later, of the other end, they get a goal from a corner, from a set piece. Very good, very good goal, by the way, from Ryan Christie. I saw that. That was excellent. Very well worked as well by the credit to the coaching staff. We always give Arsenal, let me bring this mic a bit closer, we always give Arsenal credit to about their set pieces and coaching and kind of set players. But, you know, that was very, very good. Basically, yeah.
100% of it. And yeah, it didn't obviously didn't feel good. It was a good finish though. And fair deuce to them. So again, it's a set piece. You can't really be too angry with that because it's not like we left people open. However, on the like on the on the replay and watching it back and you think, oh, okay, well, you got it was Marina, I think it was in the center, he got taken away from from that position, gave Ryan Christie of, you know, a clear shot on Golsom and fair deuce them. I think for me though as well on that one I think Martinelli, not too blame but there's a little bit of responsibility on Martinelli because he can see that there's a player end on his own in front of him and he tries to kind of close him down which is fine but if you're a man down you need to there's maybe like a communication who's on this guy yeah and if you try to split that's what it looked like that's what it looked like yeah because he starts walking forward slowly before the corner is even taken he starts taking little steps forward, little steps forward li and before you know he's created a yard and a half between where he started to where he is when that ball gets played into Klaivet. Again they're nitpicking, these are nitpicking on how to possibly defend with a 10 man which you did at City so that's why I didn't understand do you close shop or do you try to go for the win?
I think, yeah, I think against Bournemouth we were a little bit more open, to be honest. Like, you know, there was a few chances. Like, chances were there, like, you know, going forward sort of thing. You mentioned Martinelli and that, yeah. But, like I said, you know, it wasn't like city where we just sort of sat back and waited for things to happen. No, we tried to make something happen. Quivior made a bad pass, bad back pass, Jesus Christ. And, you know, Raya, again, had to react to it because there was not much to do. He, again,
soft because he didn't, like, clatter him, do you know what I mean? It was soft, penalty, 100%, not making any excuses. But again, it just, that's not something, by the way, I'm saying, oh, this is a good look of art. No, no, that's a penalty. Yeah, no, I think on those ones, it doesn't matter how it happens, I just, once the player gets touched on their ankle by a keeper, especially if the keeper's down on the floor, there are always a pen straight away, yeah, yeah. So there was like, oh, did he touch it, did he touch it? No, fair enough, like, you know, it was a penalty. So that's fine, again, from another mistake, from another player making a mistake and another player having to pay for it.
So obviously Clivewood steps up, no look, shot at the end and puts it away fair enough. No look, is that what he did? Yeah he did a like he sort of well not a no look but he sort of like wasn't even looking at the ball he was looking yeah like so even when he went for the run up he didn't even look at the ball he just sort of looked directly where he wanted to put it.
Oh. So he kind of gave it away with his eyes, but, you know, Raya at that point... Raya didn't pick that up. It is what it is. So, yeah, by that point, the match was over anyway, mate, you know what I mean? Because we just didn't... We could not find a way through, and every time we tried to go forward, they kept breaking on us. um that They do have some fast players, like us a Semenyo, like a Clive. Yeah, Semenyo was fantastic. So, yeah, he was a very good player. Yeah, so 2-0, and let me see what superlatives I've written down here. and
And... Right, okay, so I've got here... ah Oh yeah, the most important thing, which I will finish on Arsenal with, but... Ateta, Teghin Rahim, okay, good. So I'm finally to this point now. And the point is, as I've mentioned in the group, as you saw from my notes that I made yesterday, there was one particular note that stands out amongst the rest. I don't know if you can remember it, Ray. Would you like to tell the ladies and gents what that k note was?
No, I don't remember. You tell, go on. I'll, you know, I sent it in the group and it was a picture of my notebook. And there was one particular note there that I think you should remember. Ah, yes, yes, yes. Would you agree with what that is?
No, you tell them. You tell them. You tell them. I'll tell the story. OK, so let's not beat around the bush. I'll go straight into it. Let me open my notebook again and read you exactly what I've written. Word for word. Word for word. I've written here. Jamie Redknapp is a cunt and I've underlined cunt. Oh, no, sir. It's in capital. So, yeah. For you Southerners, he's saying can't. Can't. Yeah, can't. You see an ant. You know what I mean? Can't. But yeah, so Jamie Redknapp is a cunt, right? Because during the half-time analysis. Because you said you were going to elaborate on this. Let me yeah so let me sit back let me sit back and listen to this. So bear in mind, like you know we've watched the replays and stuff like that. Again, the fact that Var had to get involved and the fact that the ref had to second-guess himself because of Var.
Nothing was really obvious, right? Nothing was obvious. So now, in the in the studio, they would talk I can't remember who the other person was, maybe Walcott, I think. I can't remember. Anyway, so in the studio, Jamie Redknapp, he was explaining, he was like, nah, nah, that's that's that's that's a red card all day, that red card all day. that And again, now, I think i think it was Theo. I can't remember who the other guy was, right? It was the host and the other guy. I can't remember. And the other guy was given a point of view. He was like, well, look at Ben White over here, circled him. He was like, well, Ben White could probably make this, right?
So again, we we don't know. Like I said, like I said, five minutes ago, we don't know the ref does not know. It's not clear and you know clear and obvious as far as we're concerned, even though that would make you believe it it was. So anyway, so now Redknapp, instead of agreeing or just being like, you know, seeing the other side of the argument when the other guy was like, well, you know, he could have made it. He was like, nah, nah, nah, you can't make that. No way. That's a red card all day. It's just that attitude that I was like, wait a second. The guy is just giving you a different point of view, which makes sense, by the way. He's not saying, oh, it shouldn't have been a red. He was agreeing that, yes, it was a red. But now he's offering a different point of view because the ref gave a yellow card first.
You see what I'm saying? Based on the reason that Ben White is probably next to him. Exactly. So now obviously the ref is there. He's watching the match. He gave a yellow. So as far as we're concerned, the ref has made that decision. But then VAR got involved and second guessed him. If the ref was left alone, I don't think he would have changed that.
Right. But that's fair to say, isn't it? It would be a change-up. It would not lie. Saliba will still be playing. Exactly. So now how and why and just why does Jamie Redknapp have to make it as if he 100% saw the alternate universe that I couldn't see. Do you know what I mean? Earlier. And he saw the run that Ben White made and he knew 100 million percent without any shadow of a doubt that Ben White would not have made that run.
And it's the contishness of former Spurs players, right, that I just cannot stand. And Liverpool players. Forget Liverpool. He's former Liverpool as well. Yeah, I don't have beef. I don't have beef with Liverpool, right? I have beef with former Spurs players who are completely irrelevant, and I've said this to you before, and I think it was the first part back. Anyway, so that's why I feel Jamie Redknapp is a... Just the...
You know, listen to what the other person has to say. I know you hate Arsenal. It's clear that you hate Arsenal. Fair enough. I'm not asking you to love us or whatever, but just listen to the other point of view that the that your co-host or colleague has to make. Do you know what I mean? And don't just shut it off as if like, oh, yeah, no, I know, mate. I know what I'm... So basically that's what he was saying. He was like, no, you don't know what you're talking about. No, that's a red card though.
So anyway, that's my run over about it. I think as well, though, for these guys, try to take them with a pinch of salt. I'm speaking as a Chelsea fan last year, a year before, yeah and the year before that. ye The day since a Roman sold the club, we have had nothing but shit from every single pundit, the Gary Neville's, the jimmy Jamie the Jamie Redknaps, so on and so forth. Everybody who's come on has given us shit apart from ex-Chelsea players or ex-Chelsea legends who have come on and said, try to give a point of view and be like,
with a young team, give them some time, it's going to struggle, etc. Where's the rest of them be like, why would you go to Chelsea for? Well, it's eight year contract, so you can send me retire already. That's my reason why, first of all. But we all know that. And it's just the thing it is. It's there to cause controversy so that people can get angry. It's click. It's rage baiting. Yeah, that's rage baiting. That's what it is the word for it. Perfect for it. And it's the same with the radio as well, man. You hear things on the radio sometimes.
Ray Parlour, obviously being on TalkSport, he does the same as not what Jamie Redknapp did, but what your co-host, not your co-host, what his co-host and his colleague did, give a different point of view. And there's people like, no, he's not going to get that, no, no, he won't get that. But like, be realistic. He's running with the ball.
yeah Ben White is not exactly slow. And it's not down with Triore. If it's Triore, red card all day, because Triore, he'll get there before anybody else. Yeah, no one's touching him, yeah. But then he wouldn't score. Knowing Triore, he'll get there, then he won't score. Yeah, he won't score, so he's just leaving anyway. You know that as well, so he's just leaving. He's like, all right, come on, run. I hear what you're saying, and maybe for tonight and yesterday or the day before's analysis, he maybe deserves the title of he is A. Just say it, man. Just say it. I'm not going to beep it out.
that'll be pay Well, I don't like the cunt as it is anyway. so you use kind enough um andll I'll take that by the way. um yeah so yeah i don't really I don't really have much to add apart from that again, it was...
poor performance, some players poorer than others, some players and clearly not ready or not up to speed with the Premier League just yet and become a Reno, which I'm sure he will be, by the way. Like, you know, he's not he's not a bad player. He was quite solid. He had some good feet movement as well. ah But, you know, I just don't think he's 100 percent ready yet. And yes, so for me, we just just move on to the next one. Now, who is the young black guy who came on the young, the young player who came on? Because he got on the booking as well.
He got a book, and I forgot his name now. when One Eric. I think it was him, yeah. The young lad. He looked quite quick, quite agile. I think he got booked when he was like ref. Oh no, he wasn't, no, sorry, he didn't get booked. He gave, there was a foul that the defender flew in front of him and went to the floor, and he's like freaking the other way, and he's like, ref, I didn't even touch him. He just went down, that was it, not booking, sorry. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if you remember that bit.
I was going to say it because I don't remember in one area getting booked. No, he didn't i think get booked. It was that bit where the defender tried to give him shoulder to shoulder, but he kind of stepped back, let the defender fly off in front of him. And the referee was freaking the other way and he was like...
What for? Like, I didn't even touch him. yeah So, yeah, it was interesting. Oh, it's interesting, yeah. I agree with the points that you've made. I think i think like all you can do now is move on to the next one. Play is alone. But all we're saying as well to the listeners now is consistency. Even as a Chelsea fan, if Saliba got sent off, tossing is super, super, super, super, super lucky just to be on the pitch. Yeah, I agree. Because it's a similar, similar situation. Very, very similar situation to what they saw and how many yards he was in past the halfway line.
The shirt pull, wasn't it? that's that For me, that's what that's what does it more than anything else. But this this has ruined your chances now, obviously. It puts you at a disadvantage against Liverpool at home. Granted, you're at home, but who are you going to play instead of Saliba? It'll either be Kivi or it'll be Tomiyasu, or even Motsu Fisk. Somebody was telling me Tomiyasu was injured, though. Is Tomiyasu back? Because somebody said he was injured for a month. One of the lads at work is a national fan. He said that Tomiyasu was injured. There you go. I choose not to believe these the sick, sick rumours.
Ok, fair enough, fair enough. So Tom Yasu and Gabrielle at the back? It'll probably be... I'm worried for you though. It'll probably be Call of Fiore. I'm worried with Gabrielle being at the back without Salih because like I said he's the... He's going to wreck out. He's the calm to the storm and against Liverpool he will get a wreck out. Gabrielle Nunes is going to ruin ruin him just like he tried to do with Buddy Scheel at Chelsea because Buddy Scheel got a yellow card and there's just a little bit of handbaggy.
I think Anna Slott will take any advantage against Arsenal to be honest. So yeah, if it means David Nunez starts and he tortures Gabriel Pheidous if it works. I'm getting excited for the weekend now. I'm looking forward to it. I want to see how we go about it. When is it Saturday? Sunday?
Sunday. 27th, yes, I think it's half-four on Sunday. um Yeah, i don't Rick, I don't have anything else to add on on Arsenal, but we do have a couple more games that we can quickly discuss before we before we bring the shorts on. I haven't discussed Man City, bro. I don't know how they got the win. For me, that's ah that's enough side all day, every day. Uno momento por favor, because I have got some... Turning the page over. I'm just turning...
Yeah, so so my notes are, Man City get a late winner foul against Wolves that led to the three, four corners which led to the goal. So yeah, I think before that even happened, before the goal, like that goal from John Stones happened, there was a foul up the other end, which never even got entertained. And they just moved on. And then that led to the corners. I think it was like three corners altogether on the bounce. Three or four corners on the bounce.
and Yeah, and then the ball basically obviously ball comes in John stones jumps up I guess ago just like he did against Arsenal last minute as well So again, it seems it's it's very very unfair because wolves would have had an absolutely amazing amazing result um like I know it's a draw but for them it's an amazing result but yeah, I think that the the the added extra time and just ah again just the fact that for me personally i'm meaning to go watch it back and maybe i imagined it in my mind but i know that there was a foul up the other end which just went all right carry on i didn't get to see that because obviously watching highlights it doesn't really show you the sort of most of it it tells you just key points and the key point was and everybody's been talking about it as well silver
Bernardo Silva blocking the goalkeeper, being in enough side position, blocking the goalkeeper. and everyone He's not interfering with the play, he clearly is because he's stopping the keeper from getting out. He's in enough side position, stopping the keeper to try and make that make the... key In that position you make the keeper second-guess. you're not The keeper's not going to come out and clatter Bernardo Silva. He's going to try and possibly get out, he's going to try and get back in his line and get into position. So for me that needs to be looked at as well as the ref from the referees again, excuse me, and the rule book, what is happening over the player who is in an offside position in front of the goalkeeper. Yeah, whether interfering or not, yeah. Whether he's interfering or not, like that's it. We need a clear rule on that and just say this is not it. Because if there's a clear rule on it, more teams will end up doing that. Put a line. there in it yeah
Sorry, I was going to say, put use the form line that they use for the free kick. Just put it next to the keeper or like three yards of away, but like, right, play, you cannot you cannot step over this white line and and get close to the keeper. That's it. That's it. Do that. It's a corner. Run up to the keeper. There's the white line. yeah This player cannot go past this.
Yeah, because you guys do that very well as well, though. You guys, Ben White does that all the time to the point where he gets to the keeper and takes it. But he's never in an offside position. Yeah, he always he's a bit smarter. He sort of moves away. But look, he moves away. But he does it during corners, not during sort of like when the balls come in, because Ben, I don't know how, unless I didn't see him right. The ball was a corner, got played out and then he got crossed in.
Yeah, so not it so it was a yeah so we came from a corner. That's what I'm saying. So there was like three corners altogether. There was two on left-hand side of the pitch. And the last one came from the right-hand side of the pitch where my guy just went up and and nudged it in, nodded it. um And now they're three points ahead of you. So yeah, I mean, look, when you first see that Bernardo Silva incident, you just don't don't really read too much into it. You don't think much. But then when you watch it again and in slow motion, you think,
Yeah, because because he wanted to move. Joseph Sartre wanted to move. but obviously he couldn't move at that particular moment in time because Silva was right in front of him. By the time the ball came in, he was wrong-footed completely. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, I think, again, something that VAR could have had a look at just to be like, well, sorry, they did look at, but they just clearly didn't deem it anything at all, apart from a goal. So it was always going to be the case. If it was the other way around, it would have been deemed as something without trying to fuel conspiracy. If it happened, Wolves against Man City, 1-1, making it 2-1, I think, feel like they would have been like,
Now he's upset, he interfered with the keeper. And then all of a sudden we seem to be pre-programmed. Rather than use our own eyes and trust our own judgment, we think like the Jamie Redknapp, who's the contact, he goes, no, no, that's a straight red card because they're a free-giver red card. Well, hold on Jamie, like make your own judgment by trusting your own eyes. If you interfere the keeper.
No, but not even him, though. There's so many members of the public who just kind of go ahead with, well, no, that's just how it is. well It's not how it is. You're just being told how it is. That's maybe not the truth. yeah Trust your eyes with what you saw. yeah And I think that's what it might have been. I'm glad we're speaking about it. More people need to speak about it. Punders need to speak about it. I agree. with People who've got a bigger platforms than what we have need to talk about it because that's the only way change is going to come along with the referee and the consistency of that we're all asking for.
I agree. I totally agree with you. And obviously, speaking of referee decisions, moving away from Man City, we did have Spurs. Obviously, they won 4-1 against West Ham. And Kudos. I don't know how, by the way. I have no idea how they won. I don't know. West Ham were not good. Lopategiu is not a good coach. I'm i'm sorry for any Lopategi fans out there, by the way, which I know will be rare. But yeah, he's not a good coach and he's proven that in the Premier League. He's proven that.
in in wherever where I was in coach in Spain, France. Wasn't he in Spain? He was around Madrid coach, wasn't he? and then Yeah, for a little bit. He was a Spanish coach and then they said, we won the night. You know, he was Spanish and then they were like, oh, Madrid won't you. And he accepted the Madrid job after the Euros. Was it him? No, it was during the Euros, wasn't it? Oh, it was during the Euros. And then he got rid of him. I think it was just before the Euros. And then Luis Enrique became the coach of the national team. That's right. Something along those lines. Kudos is a silly boy, like what do you do? Yeah, there's no need for that at all. And do you know what makes me angry? is at The fact that he was like a pussy with throwing the way he threw his pants, like sneaky, trying to hurt you in a sneaky way. yeah yeah Either hit me bro, don't try and do it like you're fluffing at me and then show me your nails to scratch me like a little bitch. That's what he was doing, he was showing nails. That made me really angry, like just showing nails. I was watching, I'm not even a Spurs fan. I'm just a human being looking at me like, what the hell is this guy doing?
It didn't count for that. I hope he gets three match band. I hope he gets three, four, five, I really don't care. He's off our fantasy team anyway. If he gets one match band and somebody gets three match band, I think we need to find the PGMOL fucking studio center. Yeah, go Shout abuse on Howard Webb. So yeah, obviously with Spurs 4-1, again, not really a fun time to watch Spurs win. Same as Man United, they won 2-1 as well. Not really. And again, if you want to ask questions on how Spurs won, how the hell did Man United win that match, to be honest? They were not good yet again. Like, they're just not a good thing to watch. They're going to get found out soon. Like, these matches is just to keep the crowd happy and keep the boardroom happy, but when they come up against a serious team, they'll just get found out again. And he's bound to lose his job soon, I think. Well, did you see my latest posting on our group, the Sakiko?
Oh, Sakiko, yeah. Money versus West Ham. West Ham, yeah, yeah, yeah. So Tenhag versus Lopateki, who's going to go first? And that should be an interesting match. But look, yeah, so with the Spurs one...
There was no other way about it, it was a really like, you know, he had to be a red card, he threw hands, so yeah, he had to move on from there. But I don't get it though, the referee gave a yellow first. Yeah. Like what was the referee watching in the linesmen and the false official, why did he have to go to VAR? You could clearly see there was no other player when he went and pushed ah Van de Vert in the face and then tried to claw him. I saw that from where I was, yeah yeah it was just a miles away on the screech. It was just them two, yeah.
And then obviously after that, then he tries on the next player and then he goes for Sauer afterwards. yeah And he thinks to himself, why is it yellow? Like he's like, oh ref, just give a yellow card. No, there is no yellow in that. That's straight red. That's a straight red. That is 100% straight red. Yeah, look, in terms of other matches, who cares? Because we discussed the most important ones. And for other fans of other teams that we haven't mentioned, please do get in touch and let us know why you want us to talk about your team. I do want to talk very quickly though, bro. Like I can't believe Newcastle got beat by Brett, he turned 1-0.
Did they? Oh wow, I totally missed that result. Wow, wow. That's why. That is incredible. And Isak was playing as well and they had a strongest 11 now. But he's just come back from England though. Strongest 11. Yeah, but maybe don't play him too soon and I don't know. Maybe Eddie, Eddie, Eddie hurt. No, I'm joking. Eddie, how? Jokes, jokes. Not seasonal though. How? How am I joking? How are you getting it wrong?
Now anyhow clearly then he's I don't know is the England thing not in his mind because he even came out saying I was on part of the 10 short lays before they got Thomas to call etc but this and bro like it goes to prove again like the certain matches you need to win because the Saudis and not going to hang around. You've got no Champions League football this time. You need to make sure that Newcastle team is minimum fifth. yeah Minimum fifth with European football. yeah and But really they want Champions League because what they had Champions League to get the biggest sponsors, the global reach of the Champions League. So now I was very very disappointed at the fact they got beat and obviously hopefully they get beat again next next week when they travel to Stamford Bridge.
Standard, standard stuff. um But yeah, I mean, yeah, I totally missed that result to be honest because I was so pissed off with my own result. Yeah, look, um anything else you want to add on football before we have a quick look chat about the F1 because um that was really good. I've got nothing to add. I've really enjoyed the fact that the Premier League has been back. Decent game.
My team were okay. We didn't get batted, but I thought we'd probably, back of my mind, I thought, fifth, five, four. It's been controversial fuel, doesn't it? It's been controversial fuel weekend. Yeah, it has been. It has been controversial fuel weekend, but I'm just going to look closer to home, and I was happy with the performance. Shame about the result, but anyway, we move on. There was five red cards on Saturday alone, by the way, across the weekend. Who were the five red cards? Obviously, Saliba being one, Kudos2.
Hold on, let me just go back to it. They had nothing on Sunday, which is weird. So, yeah, Kudos. And then Fulham versus Villa, they had a player sent off each, which was Anderson. Each? Each, yeah. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Who the hell is Philogene, by the way? Yeah, he's a young boy. He's got a second yellow for him. That's a stupid name. Hand on the back. This is one thing I want to discuss as well. The player, Nelson, was running past him. And then he's running, but he puts a hand on the back.
Obviously as a defender, as ah an attacker, you are going down. Yeah, of course. But to the referee, come on. You don't need an invitation. Don't give him a second yellow for that. that's That's not even a yellow card at best anywhere on the pitch. But yeah, anyway, so that led to second yellow and then got sent off. Again, the referee, I think they made a decision. They're trying to correct it by making another decision, but really they're coming into more scrutiny. Yeah. sc screw like scuttany Scrutiny. Scrutiny. Scrutiny. Scrutity. They're coming under these more I can't even say it now, but But I'm determined to say it on the next episode. But they can't they can't just do that because then obviously you know we are scrutinising them even further and further. bosh yeah Instead, what we need to do is
If you've made the decision, stick to it. Don't try to correct it by sending somebody else off or give somebody else a penalty when it's not a penalty, because then you've made two mistakes. My bro went from an adjective to a verb, by the way. Love it. All over and everywhere. Scrutinizing, I love it, by the way. If you can't say it, move on to the next best thing. If you can't say it, do it. Do it, the bosh. Yeah, no, I agree, Rick. I think, yeah, this...
it's It's tiring just discussing the referee decisions and whatnot. So that's that's the issue. But look, yeah, before we bring it to an end, did you catch any of the F1 by any chance? I caught a little bit of the F1. Yes, I was disappointed with the start because Lando was first, but a part of me knew he was going to get second. It's Lando's thing. No one expected. norist and Not Norris, sorry. Leclerc to come in from out of nowhere and just zing, zinger. I that. What I hated about was the fact that I just hate, I just really dislike mux.
Okay. can I just dislike him for what he did to Saenz as well and pushed Lando Norris quite far out. Then he tried to push Lando Norris again, then he got a five second penalty because he overtook him outside. There's nothing Lando could have done on that point. Which is fair. Lando could have bailed. He could have bailed out of that. He could have literally just slotted in right behind Max and he could have gone again for the next three, four laps because the thing is, the thing is with Lando. But the thing is, Max is expecting this all the time though. Of course he's here. That's to Lewis Hamilton and then Lewis Hamilton was like, he turned into me. Like he's trying to push me out. I'm staying on my racing line here.
the difference The difference with that was that, again, they touched, you know i'm saying whereas in this case, Max was actually in the racing line and at the apex in front of Lando. So by the time that turn was made, and obviously you know the car has to has to drift wide, why is Lando hanging around from the outside?
You know what I mean? He's trying to take him on the outside, but again, which he did, but he took him outside. But for my for me as I just don't like that kind of stuff. Because that is racing, but that's a bit dirty as well to be like, I'm just going to push you off. I'm in the racing line, but I'm going to keep going just far wider this racing line as I can. It doesn't matter. It's a racing line. That's what takes priority. Look, and you know me and Red Bull, like.
I don't like Red Bull, bro. I've never, I've never liked Max, even though I respect him as a great driver. And you know what it is, right? He proved that yesterday, because the Max of all of three years ago, when he was fighting against Lewis, he would have bashed into him. He would have gone straight into him, boom, into the wall, see you later, lad. He would have taken both of them out, you know what I mean? Just so that I couldn't get the point. But the fact that he has won three championships and he has matured as a driver, I can't really be mad at him because he didn't do anything wrong in that instance. However, I will say this,
maybe in the first in the first turn like you know obviously at the start turn one but again no one touched no one did you see what I'm saying like again he had the inside line Lando was trying to Lando was trying to go in and he got pushed out do you see what I'm doing so again maybe give something that it gives something there but again you can't because that's a first first lap incident you know I mean or a first lap so no you even to get because it wasn't even an incident It was just the first lap. It was just to go push, but like if it was somebody else, if it was a Lewis, Lewis would have been, I'm first at the apex. You might be in the inside line. I'm just gonna turn here. You turn or crash into me. You know what I mean? fine put That's what some of them would have done, but I think Max is very clever in going. Do you know what Max reminds me of? Max reminds me of if the listeners may know this, whoever's listened from boy races. You know when they go in and out or weave in and out of traffic, they're like, well, the car behind, when I get in front, they're not gonna hit the accelerator to go and crash into me. They're gonna hit the brakes and panic, which would give me even more space to go.
And I feel like Max does the same thing as well. I kind of use that analogy of like, push him out, nobody's gonna come into, oh, listen, granted, I just don't like him. No, no, that's fair. These little dirty things. For me, they're dirty. If if if he'd had hit, if he'd made contact with Lando, then fair enough, I'd agree with you 100%. But unfortunately, Lando was in the wrong, because again, so, okay. So you talk him on the outside. Listen, one sec. I don't think it's if he made contact with Lando. I don't think they didn't make contact because of Max. They didn't make contact because of Lando.
Cautiously moving further away and giving him the extra. This is what I mean The thing is the thing is right. Why did Lando back down then if you want to be if you want to be the toughest out there Why did you back down? Why didn't just why do you? Maybe that's why I'm angry. I'm blaming max. Maybe I'm angry at him and be like, why'd you chicken out bro? Like if he's trying to do that just The thing is with with Lando he was told by his team and Right. First thing they said was, oh, you were in front of the apex, which clearly fucking wasn't because you can see that on TV. Like I was what I watched the replay three times and even Martin Bronner was like, no, he wasn't ahead of the apex. And even if he was, that's not what you tell the that's not what you tell your driver. What they should have told him is like, look, mate, you took him on the outside. We're under threat for a five second penalty. Give this position back and then go out again, fight him again. That's what Lando should have done.
Right? Yeah. He should have continued. Do you know what I mean? Because then he got the five second penalty. Like, dude, go up the road, like chase him, chase him down. Like, if you're going to overtake him on the outside and risk a five second penalty, you better be prepared to drive up to 10 seconds in front of him.
Do you know what I mean? 5.1 seconds. At the very least, you need to be in front of him. So by the time that hits, you are still ahead in third place. Do you know what I mean? However, Lando didn't do any of that. And because he was believing his team and his team was hyping him up and gassing him up and like, oh, no, you were ahead of the apex. He was like, I know. I know. I was obviously not like that. But I'm just saying, like, you know, I know. I know. I know. Exactly. So you just carried on. And guess what, mate? You got that five second penalty because you carried on. You should have you should have given that back. That's bad management. It was. I blame McLaren in that instance. I really do. They shouldn't have even left Lando and Oscar that long out. Do you know what I mean? They shouldn't have left them on that set of tyres for that long because it didn't give them any real advantage. The advantage was to go to overtake Max and go after signs. That was never going to happen. Do you know what I'm saying? Because they left them out too long.
so But look, that bit, the six laps that them two put together around that track, probably some of the best laps I've ever seen in Formula One, they were just incredible. And Max, he was such a good driver, like, in defending. My God. Honestly, he reminds me of Schumacher sometimes. I know it's aggressive. I know it's aggressive. But he reminds me of Schumacher where he will just plant that car there. He's like,
Mate, it's up to you what you do. Yeah, exactly. This is the thing, but this is the mark of the champion because he doesn't care. If you're a fan of him, you love that. You're like, yes. I know, but when you make the comparison to Schumacher, I became then for that split second, I'm like, yeah, actually, that's a great way of driving because I'm a fan of Schumacher.
ah You know what I mean? But when you make that point, that kind of point and that kind of comparison, like, yeah, okay, you can get away with it. But if you don't make that comparison and just say you use it to somebody who you don't like, let's say like a Howard Webb is on a Formula One car and decides to say, I'm leaving this car here. Exactly. It's a different reaction. He's getting a red car, bro. He's getting a red car straight away. I'm going to be on the phone. Give me that phone number for Barbara. When you compare it to someone you don't like it. All of a sudden and you're like, do you know what? I actually don't like what he just did. no i Look, like I said, you know, it's... But not.
And this is why it was such a good race and because of the fact that no one agrees on what really happened. How it should have been judged. But this is all sports, isn't it? All sports is... Of course. This is why we love sports. ...subjectives and this is why we love sports. We've all got different opinions on it and have a conversation about it. Thank you. And this is how you have a discussion with people. So, yeah, look, overall, I thought it was a tremendous, tremendous race weekend. Eminem performed on Saturday night. He had a massive set on Formula One. Oh, did he? Yes, he didn't need to see that. I mean, again, if you're a fan of Eminem, you've heard his songs.
it's not like Sorry, there's no official video in terms of from the event organizers. It's all like phone recorded. I'm guessing they'll probably release it at some point. So yeah, I thought it was a great race weekend. Obviously there was a sprint race as well, which I don't really i don't really want to get into because it's kind of like, do you know what reminds me of a sprint race? It kind of reminds me of XG in football. It's like, it's good. It's kind of good. I get it, but I don't really care for it. Do you know what I mean? So it's like, oh, okay, whatever. When are they doing these sprint races? Is it a Saturday? So they do qualifying Friday and Saturday qualifying and then they will how does it fit in the sprint race? So Friday they've got one step. So let me all um let me just get this right because
Because I get confused. It's not all of the circuits, is it? It's so only some of them. Is it like five out of the calendar that you sprint racing? So I think Brazil's got one. I think Brazil's the last sprint race that they have. So sprint races. OK, so Friday is practice one. And then later on in the evening or later on is sprint qualifying. And then Saturday is a sprint race. And then later on it's qualifying for the race on Sunday.
See, that makes no sense. If you're doing the sprint race, you should do the sprint race. That's how they used to have it. Whoever wins becomes first. Last year, that's how it was. I don't understand what's the point, because then you're right, actually. In that case, then it's pointless. It's pointless having XG. Exactly my point. Because this is what I didn't understand. I was like, Max won sprint race, but Lando's first. I was like, oh, did Max not win the sprint race? Yeah, it's the qualifying. So that's how you describe it. That's how it was. And I preferred it that way because like, oh, cool. So we don't get another, we don't get actual qualifying. We get a sprint race. We get the qualifying for the sprint. And then from the sprint race, the grid has decided. It's like, Oh yeah, I loved it. I loved it last season. I thought it was brilliant. I really did, but they changed it. So anyway, I hope, I hope they change it back at some point, but, um, yeah, next year when audio, whenever I would be joining.
26 isn't when the regulation changed. I'm hoping something will change there. But but yeah like overall, I thought it was a great weekend. Obviously, this is what we do on the podcast. We talk about the top. five really top 10, do you know what I mean? If there's anything. Perez, he was pretty poor, to be honest. You know, he was, yeah. I don't know. He needs to go, yeah. He needs to go. And last thing I want... Is he going to stay in Formula One if he goes? Or do you think he's going to go to some Nascar stuff? So if he stays in Formula One... The only way he stays in Formula One is because I think he's sponsored by Telnet, which is the Mexican telecommunication company. And if... if the next team are like, oh, we need sponsors, then that's where Chaco will go because they'll just take the sponsorship with him if they're still under contract. But again, it all remains to be seen. And and last thing before we bring the episode to an end, by the way, Danny Ricciardo has officially retired from Formula One. He says retired. He got kicked out and then he retired. Yeah, then he retired. It's a bit sad to see it really is because when you look at Checo and you think, wait a second, why don't you just put Danny Rick in that car for the remainder of the season? At least you know he's going to fight like a dog. Do you know what I mean? Like a dog. Because Checo's like, I'm on the contract fam.
Till the end of the season. I'm alright like even if I end up ninth I don't give a shit even if you sack me I'll still get paid so it's irrelevant. So yeah um Yeah, overall well at least one of my teams won, which is Ferrari. Hence why I'm wearing the Ferrari hat tonight. Yes. Yes, and You know one two wasn't it? One two? Yeah, one two. One two. When's the next one? So next one is this weekend and it's Mexico and Basically, it's like a triple header isn't it or a double header left to go yet. So We've got Mexico, Brazil, Vegas, Qatar and Abu Dhabi, obviously, to close it off. I'm excited for Vegas as well, to be fair. Well, I didn't watch Vegas last year because it was late on and I think I was moving. That's what I was doing, I was moving. So I wasn't around. But I'm looking forward to Brazil, to be honest. I really, really love Brazil and obviously Abu Dhabi being the end. But we will be here and discussing all of those and more. And if you have any questions, please do get in touch. Tash might guys on Twitter slash X or threads or Instagram, wherever you want to get in touch.
Yeah, it is what it's. Rick, do we have any... All of them, please. Rick, do you have anything else you want to add before we bring you to an end? No. I've got nothing, bruv. I've enjoyed the episode. It was nice to get things off our chest and kind of say it with our chest. With our chest, absolutely. Say it with our chest. Yeah, no, it was good. Send us out. Excellent. Well, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for listening. We will catch you on the next one. Until then, stay safe and stay alert. Rick? Yeah, man. That's it. Stay safe, stay alert. Don't do me like that, bruv. I love it. I love it. That's why I do it. That's why I do it.