Tash Mic Guys S03E01 - Brief 8 Month Hiatus image

Tash Mic Guys S03E01 - Brief 8 Month Hiatus

S3 E1 ยท Tash Mic Guys
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A (NOT JUST) Sports podcast hosted by two rival fans...Arsenal and Chelsea. In our episodes we discuss EVERYTHING that pops up from movies,TV, music, politics, society in general and topping it off with some football and F1 talk. Join us for some absolute bulls**t and some laughters.

What's going on, Rick? How are you? How's things? And obviously, when I say how's things, I don't mean a recap of the last 10 months. Just a brief. No. Good. General. it Good. I like it. I like the goodness. The goodness sounds really good. How have you been? Again, no recap for the 10 months. yeah i Yeah, yeah, it's been it's been all right. You know, just the just the first year it's almost over in the in the new place. So it's almost been a year in place. When did you move to this new place? Like down here.
Oh, right. yeah basically like howard But yeah, but yeah it's always been a year here. So yeah, it's ah it's been it's been challenging. It's been fun. It's been all right. You know, just wise it challenging. What's wrong with it? I mean, it's it's it was the first year of living down here. It was the first time it was it was something different. It was allow allow allow it. la it allow It was like opening the wardrobe to Narnia, do you know what I mean? Like, do I enter? Do I not enter? I've entered. It's not that good. to but yeah it isn't it is If anything, it like takes away from you rather, because Narnia kind of gives to you, doesn't it? Whereas this just takes away from you. Everything, emotionally, financially, physically, all of it, all of it. Yeah, I've actually developed bad knees whilst I've been here. So I don't know how that works. I don't know how it works, but it is. There you go. That's ah that's what it does. but deliciouss I've just dusted the hell out of my microphone.
Yeah, I was gonna say, can you just can you just blow on it for the for the listening? No, there ain't gonna be no blows. Damn, just like that. Just like that. Like we have that fucking at all to be fucking things on like need we need to get back on it. We were we were having some time listeners, we were having some time. But we're back.
We are back. We are back. um And yeah, it has been it. It's been definitely a very long time. But I mean, to be fair, but busy schedules and stuff. And, you know, became a dad for the second time.
It happens. it happens to know Like I said, it's hence obviously the obviously the new job in between in between last episode and current and episode. As we always say, I think we should probably just change the name. to It's life. It's life. it's Life happened. I think we should call that. Actors of life come back at you and just be like, no, no, no, no, no, no. You've got plants? na No, no. Let me talk about my plants first. Mine's just like a woman apparently.
What happened then? What happened then? What's going on? That's where we're at. That's where we're at. I'm glad that you're doing well, bro. I'm glad you're doing well. You mentioned a new job. How's that going for you? All right. Yeah. New job has been all right. You know, just just been busy. It's a university for people who are interested. But yeah, it's so it's busy. It's busy. And obviously all the students have come back now. And so it's extra busy. And the kind of just before we get into any sort of football talk, right? Just a quick thing. Can I just say, right? I'm just gonna, I walk around the university, just minding my own business, doing my own job, right? And I don't understand how some of these students function. Like, I don't know how they just walk around normally in their lives without getting run over by a parkard, you know what I mean? It's very, very worrying and troubling, like just looking at them because every one of them just sort of walks with their head down
had like, you know, I mean, on the phones, not even looking where they're going by the time they look up. I'm like right in the face. It's like, do I, do I punch you now? Because you've been the 40th one today. So you mentioned in the outside walking by and I tell people when I see them on their phone and they get like, there's in two yards, I'm like, look up, look up. And then they look up and go, Oh, sorry.
Yeah. And they're like, I only do that with staff that I'm comfortable with. Like, I've been saying that to everybody. I walked off the street sometimes, like we could be out, could be pushing the baby on the prom and somebody's walking down with their head on the air, sorry, head down, looking at their phone and all of a sudden. And I'm like, this guy's not can't see me at all, can he? And I'm coming up with a problem and I'm like, look up, look up. and they're like Sorry mate, like as if I've startled them also, like, bro, why are you scared? You're out in public. Like, first of all, why are you scared? Second of all, why are you looking down and walking forward? Like, that's how accidents are. In the middle of the high street, by the way, like, or just any street, it doesn't really matter. Like you said, you know, you're looking down, you're not actually paying attention to what to your surroundings and anything can happen. A bike or, you know, could could just literally just go straight into it. Pull over. Yeah. I mean, check your phone. Pull over and check your phone. Don't walk. You don't have to start changing the rules of like, no. Get an arm out.
Get an arm out, signal, pull over, check your phone, and that's it. You should get a T-shirt, you know what I mean, whilst you're walking down with the problem and stuff like that, you should get a T-shirt. Look up, look up. I need to get my shoes, bro. I need to get my shoes, not my T-shirt. They're not looking up to read my T-shirt. I need to get my flipping shoes or something to be like... You kind of have to, like, sort of go in with a super kick for them to read it, though. But business idea, though, why don't problems have bells or, like, some sort of, like, you know, attention? That is literally a great show. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Like a look up, like a soft person saying, look up, look up.
Because the idiots, when the problems were made and invented, mobile phones went and now people are glued to it. But now that's a great shout. Proms with bells. I'm just saying, like, you don't have to make it like a bike bell because that sounds, you know, meh. Doesn't sound really that good. But if you have like an electronic bell or something, or like Samba from the Nokia from the Nokia ringtone. And for the listeners who don't know what that is, I'm just going to quick play play a quick little clip here. Mom, dad, what's a Nokia?
There you go. That's it. So, and that's, that's the outlet for Nokia all of a sudden. So yeah. Um, RIP, but, uh, love the 3310. Oh, is it 3210? What was it? The snake one, the little one left there, the memes and now that without the and it shatters. Yeah. Yeah. The little ones, the little sort of Let's use them now. Love them phones. Love them phones. Love that phone, bro. Those are trying to be a snake score with three. Oh, is it three and seven or one and nine? No, three and seven. We can.
play around it was it was one it was one and nine and three and seven wasn't it was both it was actually both yeah yeah you could have done either ah yeah yeah you could I think I was a more of a one and nine same same I was one and nine yeah so yeah it's constantly like something one to the left with a one and nine with a right and just smashing skulls smashing skulls the sad thing is right the sad thing is like the the sort of kids nowadays who will you know inevitably know what snake is because you know they're well informed But the the problem is even though they can get that on an emulator or or a new phone that has the classic snake, it's the thing is that will never recapture that feeling of playing snake for the first time on on something that you can hold in your hand and make a phone call like for our age. you know I know obviously mobile phones have been out for a while but.
you know that was the peak so that was the that was the very beginning of it and we were part of that you know we wrote that wave and and like i said samba ringtone that that's see the samba ringtone right you have to bear in mind you know this yourself like when was the last time you heard that ringtone like when did you hear that ringtone decades 20 plus years easily i should absolutely Easily, so 21 22 years ago two decades. Yeah, that's it. That's it And that was only because your mom had it on on her phone and my mom had it And I was the only reason because they never changed it and like why would you because it was it was the coolest ringtone It really was you're gonna change Beethoven we're gonna do tell Beethoven he's playing the wrong track
Exactly. You're not going to do that. it um long Come on, bro. I love that, bro. But I also loved it when then we start getting a little bit more technology. And obviously, some of the younger listeners might not remember this. We remember infrared, but you had to put phones together like bump to bump to try and transfer a song or a video or a file or anything. It took so long. And then when Bluetooth came out, that just blew everyone out of the water. Like that was the mind. blow Like that was around six, I would say.
seven yeah also you earlier to but like yeah easier five or six or so I remember being in the secondary school, so I was around 14, 15, 16, around that age, I remember it started. The Samsung D600s, the D500s were out, and those were the cool, like, you know, slidey phones with the cameras. I think we brought a second-hand Nokia N95, N or something, I don't know what it was, the N95, the one that you said, like, slide up. I thought they made a sound, it was a very distinctive sound that it used to make,
But now I used to love like that time. But this is the thing some of the people you take for granted now with your iPhone, then your pixels and your Hawaii and Samsung and so on. You've got so much like like like a mini laptop on your on your handheld device now. Whereas back then you were like, you you appreciated Bluetooth, because all you had was yeah Bluetooth and snake, for example, or different infrared. If you have Bluetooth and influence, that was the thing. But like but I mean, we've got like I said, with all that tech, like no one and we we were we would the the perfect age because the people before us like our parents or whatever that that that experience different things. no not just our parents would like just sorry Just our parents age, you know around around the yeah UK, around the world that experience, like you know they had already seen what a mobile phone was before the Nokia became big. You know what I mean? But for us, we we will we literally grew up with that. So it was always being our memories. And that's what I'm saying. They will never recapture the 90s and the late 90s and the early 2000s feel. You can try and emulate it, but you it never works. It's not the same. It's not the same. Even if we get a Nokia 3310 now, me and you will be pissed off with it. but it's like Absolutely. Because I want things. I don't want to call anyone.
What's touched i mean what's ah where's what's up on this? I don't have to tap this button three times to get to the letter. Why can't you give me? quick yeah ah but yeah x well Yes quality it was yeah but i remember Those are the days I'm even like as you're talking now. I'm reminiscing that being on a school bus We're going to an athletic event somewhere absolutely get it and obviously everybody's got some different tunes on their phone So you're like, oh just blue juice me that I'll give me in for it out somebody said I don't know blue to follow good friend It's all right. Mine's got both and I could do this. I'll be it. I bro. with yeah I'm smiling, Rob. I'm reminiscing. We were watching something on on TV, ah like some true crime thing, and then they had the MSN pop up. I was like this little thing. MSN popped up, and i said to I said to my wife, I was like, you know, you did you use this? And she was like, oh, no, no, no, we never we never used it, like in Albania. And I was like, what do you mean? And I was like, this is life. And I explained to her because I had a
It had a close-up of the nudge button. Do you remember the little nudge button? Yeah, exactly. And you said the nudge button. That was awesome. That was brilliant. And she couldn't believe it. She was like, as if that they that used to be a thing. yeah It used to be a thing where literally you nudge someone. Hey, read my message.
I'm telling you now, right? We used to look forward to finishing school and going on MSN where there's like six, seven people on MSN and then just like text. As soon as you saw them online on that, everyone had like XX underscore, like whatever the name was, 2.7 megabyte download speed, but you're like, it it does it work for MSN? And that's fine. I don't need anything else. None of this. That was a megabyte download. That that was kind of like the first WhatsApp really when you think about it. Yeah.
that was That was literally the first WhatsApp. And it was, yeah, that was that was our teenagers. That was literally, I was growing here. Again, no one will, again, people take it for granted. But for us, that was mind-blowing. Like, what? I can chat to anyone of my mate. Mate, go online. I am online. Yeah, that's that was the phrase. You're going online. You're going online, bro. None of this PlayStation and Xbox stuff, you're going online. You're going online for MSN, man. MSN. Boys, girls. Do you know what I'm saying? Whatever. Whoever. Whoever would not would not discriminate in hell.
But it was yeah that was that was yeah that was some so much fun, wasn't it especially especially when you look at the mobile phones. Anyway, obviously, that was that was a massive that was a massive sidetrack to anything, really. you know It just sort of spiraled out of control. we just All of a sudden, we jump in a time machine. That's it. that's ah that's it but I think listeners would appreciate it. A similar age would have appreciate it. Thank you very much for listening. we We'll catch you on the next one.
Give us 11 months. This time we'll break our own go time record. But no, no, and we are obviously here to talk about some football, Rick. And you know what? let Let's just let's just do probably, you know, we're going to get to predictions, obviously, but just quickly wrap up the team last season, last season. And quickly like, I mean, obviously in between the times that the podcast wasn't on, but because you rose the Champions League final pretty much everything that we missed.
But no, like you said, to recap it, to recap, recap, recap. Personally, mass season, but obviously I think the listeners, if they listen to any of the episodes from the previous one on season one, let's call it season one. This is season two. This is season three. We're moving. And the thing is, let me, let me quickly get in there. The thing is between seasons, we had to start them really late or we finished them really early. So, you know, we're kind of, We're going to do both this time. We're learning, we're learning, we're learning. Hopefully this one's going to be different. That's it, that's it. We don't need that. For me to be fair, it's difficult for me to know the pain that I felt because I'm having a decent season this so far. But any of the listeners listening to any of the episodes had the same shit all the time. But finishing in a conference league
obviously it's disappointing seeing Chelsea in a conference league rather than a champions league, but in a way as a fan, it's just good for me. Cause I get to see him on the team probably twice a week where before it had been a week and took a week and, and so on, or maybe twice a week, one week, and then not all playing the following week and so on. So, but no overall as a season purse as a Chelsea fan, man, as a football fan, loved it euros. Yeah. You know, champions league final.
City winning it. For me, it felt good Arsenal finishing second. I don't know how it felt for you. Obviously, obviously standing standard. I hope you lose every game. um because Obviously, nothing's changed. I don't know how you feel though as well. like Before I ask you the exact same question, how did you feel those months where there is no football? Like because those was couple of weeks before the season? still What months? Okay, maybe weeks then. Then there's a little bit of preseason and you think to yourself, meh, an American tour. Nobody stayed awake till 3am in the morning to watch the live game.
How was that for you? Okay. I mean, first of all, by the way, with Chelsea real quick, would you be happy if they win the conference league? Would that be a success? Because the Premier League, not winning the prem, but like to finish fourth. Everybody wants a Champions League. I want Chelsea in the Champions League again. So yeah, now to win in the conference league does not hinder a season at all. You know, winning a trophy is a trophy. It's a competition. Again, at the end of the day, it's a trophy.
but, uh, it's another European trophy, its as a european london but not for, for the, yeah, it's kind of like, um, with the Tottenham of Europe, it's still the way that they're going to use it. It's a trophy that you can win. So, and, but main main objective this year, it's got to be champions league has to be finishing fourth.
Yeah, I think that that's that's a fair point. Obviously with the Premier League, you know, it's still ongoing. We're game week seven coming up. So I think it's game seven. Yeah, game week seven. So obviously we're going to talk about that as well. But um so yeah I mean, this is this is sort of just right at the beginning of the season. How do you feel about your team? Obviously, we'll revisit this throughout throughout the season anyway. So but um yeah, and I'm going back to your other question was but about football. Like I'll be honest, as soon as the Euros finished, I think um That's it because the Olympics were on as well and I did not want to watch any more football It didn't matter. I didn't care for it. I really didn't if if Genuinely, I watched basketball like throughout throughout the Olympics. I watched a lot of the basketball which is quite fun.
ah because you don't Like you said, you know with the timing of the NBA, you never get to enjoy it. so this is in it yeah was some good It was some very good basketball on display. I really enjoyed it. Real fun. But yeah, I was glad that football was over after the Euros, to be fair. um It was a nice little break. And then obviously Premier League started. yeah no I was always was eager to get Chelsea back going just so I can see how Maresca is going to do.
Like in a way, you're right. they They needed a little bit of rest because football was not going to be quality prep. What's it called? The Olympics football. It's not that great. Is it really not? It's a couple of youngsters with maybe one or two, like senior players. I didn't watch any Olympics. I think um one thing I watched the highlights of a four by 100 mil relay and four by 100 female relay. That's all I watched. And that Noah Niles or something that apparently he won when somebody else had won.
whatever controversial, what was it, photo finish that was, because it's the chest, not the feet, etc. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, it was the Olympics. But one thing with the Olympics, I was disappointed real quick while we're on this, but it's just the opening ceremony and all the stuff that they were trying to force down your throat, you know, I felt like to myself, like, what do you think?
ah Any of the open ceremony to be cut because everybody's watching and I was like, let's see what this crack is it? Well, the crack is here and it's just like new don't want to watch this shit. No, no, I never I don't really I think I think after the I sort of vaguely remember the 2008 What was it? The ah the Chinese Olympics? Yeah, Beijing. or Yeah, that Beijing. That was I enjoyed that. That was because that was elaborate. That was huge. That was so surprise for that. Even the even the London one was with the whole James Bond, one James Bond and the Queen. James Bond and the Queen. Yeah, it wasn't a big fan of that. if If it was the real Queen doing that, then yes, you know, that would have been excellent. Rest in peace, Liz. But I think
Um, this guy, bro, this guy. So yeah, I think we, yeah, with the Olympics, we actually watched quite a lot to be fair. And even the, uh, some of the athletics from, you know, uh, what was it? No, not the, like, what was the Simone bales, Simone bales, whatever. She did the gymnast. gym shoes like yeah So that was quite, that was quite interesting to watch because I'm watching. I'm like, right. Huh?
what did she she still stupid yeah did she do three degrees less or more did she lose point i don't understand the point assistant you know because to me to my eye i'm like yeah she's looking a bit shaky and they're like 10 and i'm 10 for what what did she do she just what so i've been i didn't i think i'll be honest i still don't understand it but it was quite fun to watch because like damn i would never ever be able to flip like that so you know its like that ah was interesting but yeah for me it was basketball that was per like during throughout the whole the olympics that i've ever watched from the 2000s it's always been like i want to watch some basketball because it's always interesting it's always very good teams playing so yeah that was fun but yeah yeah the thing with basketball for me though bro like just to interrupt you quickly is that you know who's going to win it and i know they had a maybe had a the team usa had a scare but it's just like
Realistically. I didn't have a scare that did that. That's the thing. like I think they were trying to push it through as if like yeah they had something. But really, come on, like be serious. Flaps were so hard. It was really fun to watch. It was like the world's superstars and they all play in the same league. See, I think i think with with that, with people like LeBron, for example, they shouldn't be allowed to be in the Olympics anymore. I think it's ah when I say young man's game, I'm not saying that LeBron can't do a young man's game because he clearly can't because he's still um a monster.
But my point is, with the Olympics, traditionally, it's always been the semi-pros. Do you know what I mean? Semi-pros. Under 18s, under 20s. So again, that's the way it should be. And I feel like that's where the Olympic committee should probably be like, OK, look, you can't just send your five all-star players because they're all 25-plus. That's not fair. He's a 40-year-old. I think he could take on most of the teams by himself. He's that good. I was going to say, like, two of them. Him and Curry probably could do them all. Do you know what I mean?
No, it was insane. It was insane. That's one of the reasons. Yeah, you're right. You're right. But I think it was it was the other teams for me because obviously, you know, you watch the US, you know what to expect. But sometimes, you know, you get teams like a Greece, like a Serbia, like an Argentina who put up a good fight and they didn't. So, you know. yeah um And in other news. Yes. Other news. Water is wet. Thank you. Moving on.
um Yeah. Okay. Look, let let's talk about some football, Premier league. Obviously we are seven weeks in. I want to hear your thoughts on your team so far. here My thoughts on my team. so um um um Let me give you my quick thought on your team. Cold, cold. Can't talk about it. I'm not even going to swear. Cold Palmer is one of the best players. It's absolute ice. I read something like how it must be, it must be an elite skill to be that dumb that you don't feel pressure. Cause sometimes it's like people are trying to troll him and stuff.
for his interviews, but listen, as i I don't really care how he interviews, I don't care what he has to say, all I care about is what he does with his feet. And he does some magic. Pretty, pretty sweet, you know what I I was talking to one of my friends about this, the best way I can sum up this season, the start of this season. He's so far. He's five, six games. He's so far. Plus, obviously, Carbo Cup and what's it called, the conference league, is I get excited to watch the next game. You know, I'm excited to see what we're gonna do next game.
yeah we know we know we've go the cos a lot exactly yeah it's any it's on tap we got tap from many many of it's ah for now I'm excited to see what he does. We know we're near the finished article. We know when it's a city Arsenal, Liverpool, like top three, those three guys are so far ahead of us. It's unbelievable. We are effectively the McLaren of F1, like trying to fight in the middle, you know, like with Mercedes now, not now, last year, McLaren. I think the Arsenal are probably more than McLaren, right?
Well, you guys are doing well, but like I'm talking about when he was Mercedes, McLaren, I'm sorry, Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari fighting for the top three spots. And then these guys pop up, whatever the phrase they use on. So that's where we were. But now mind i'm um ah I'm happy. I'm excited. We're playing some good football. There's still some bits that really frustrate me. I mentioned the young group chat the other day, like when the Joe Felix is trying to make every single player, he loses the ball. You're like, come on, bro, just pass the ball like four or something.
They wouldn't fall to when it's grounded because I want six to like ends bright and they could have had more. They could have had more like if Mada Waker didn't be greed and he just squared it to Jackson could have been five to you you just start learning walking again. You want him to run that quick. no This is the complete the hundreds, bro. What the lads is confidence is there, which is fantastic to see. But, you know,
So far we haven't faced, we faced the big boys city of the opening day, the opening day of the season and got beat. So let's see what happens. Cause I think after the international break, we've got Liverpool away. Arsenal, our spurs are not really a hundred percent on the fixes, but I know we play the big boys, ie city, now see sorry, Arsenal, Liverpool. So, but now overall. god i because said Do you think facing city, your first match of the season, do you think that may have helped a lot more than given credit for?
100, I love facing the big boys first. All the teams who are way better than you first, you can kind of see where you're at and then slowly start building on the mistakes of what you can do to compete with those guys later in the year. For me, playing City and losing one nail was not kind of like a make or break. You just think to yourself, you play City, you lose. I was expecting to lose more. One nail was okay, to be honest with you. I didn't think it was too bad.
ah felt a very sorry of man bull yeah yeah exactly felt sorry for Kukarela though because he came out singing a song, eating a paella, Harland is scared of Kukarela and then Harland just kind of like brushes him off as if he's not even there. That i was like, yeah this is why calm as a bitch. Like you try, enjoy your victories, but don't try to bring somebody else down because you're up high at the minute. But no, so overall. all cycles is I'm happy. The lads are doing all right. The cold palm is obviously on fire. like You saw him holding a record for the fastest. What was it, four goals and a half? He should have had seven that game, two offsides and the other one that he missed. But the free kick, by the way, as well. Like, come on, can we just spend the moment talking about that free kick against Brighton and the chip against Wolves? Those two goals for me by him are just like...
No, but this is this is this is I mean, this is it because like this is how good a player is when you know that Opposing fans cannot say a word about him and those fans opposing funds who do say something like oh He's dumb or whatever. It's like man. You've let you run out of conversation. All right, so you no argument yeah that's all argument yeah Yeah, just swallow it move on from it because he genuinely is just an amazing player and and for honestly Considering Aetetto was with Citi and he came from the Citi Academy, i just I'm very surprised that the conversation wasn't had at the very least, or just just a quick link like, oh, he's considering Parma, or like an article has nothing to do with an actual news story, just something.
But yeah, I'm very surprised, but genuinely, genuinely amazing, amazing player. And do you know what? its Sometimes I watch Chelsea just to watch him really, just to see what he does. I think it's easy to become a fan of Palmer, isn't it, really? Because he seems quite down to us. He's a quality player. so Just crack on. i want i want I want to see football players. And with Palmer, I get a football player. That's it. That's why, it same with Ben White. like I want to see a football player. He's a football player. There's no drama. Just crack on, do your job. That's it. say yeah And at the end of the day, that's why we're watching. i don't i don't I don't want to see Ronaldo's and crybabies and all that stuff. We've seen all of them. We've seen the Ronaldo's, we've seen the Messi's and so on. Sometimes it's nice to for me as as well. like and Yes, it's my team, but trying to see an underdog team do well. And I feel like we sometimes we love the underdog.
So you when you guys are playing city granted part of me is like a whole possible because fuck and the other part of me I'm like now fuck him. I can't be there with a group shot It's a human. It's a human thing I think like, you know, because obviously even apart from Tottenham I never get this with Tottenham by the way But even with Chelsea or like a menu if the first real I'm like, oh my new the underdog like, you know, let's see if they can do some of that. You know what I mean? Not so much one of them to win, but more of a case of like, you know, you are the underdogs. And again, it's that human nature. And then you sort of snap out of it real quick and you're like, oh, wait, it's my United. It's only little, it's i only for a small second. I feel that. And then I'm like, no, fuck, I hope to get slums. But that's the human nature. ah And then, and then reality kicks in and then common sense happens. So, you know, that's where yeah yeah intelligence comes in and, you know,
But listen i will be united in jelea very quickly I'm very impressed how Sancho's doing as well, by the way. A couple of assists. He's doing okay. And I granted it's only cameos and so on, like he's only playing a couple of games, but he's doing all right. You know, like he's he's attack australia he's attacking this he's attacking the left back, which is something that Mudrigg never did. That's it, bro. Like I saw Mudrigg the other day and he assisted in the conference league, but he's just not, he's just, he's just, I don't know where he is. But that's his lead.
That's his league. that's his that's his I think that's his level. The more you watch him, that's what I think, like to be fair, like you are that at that level. I don't even think he's a mid-table kind of player. I think he's more of a fighting relegation kind of.
kind of player. He's like a, he's like a player, maybe at like a South umpton right now. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. a Shit. A version of Marnie. Yeah. And he was that. Yeah. No, no, even if I thought that's doing, it doesn't do it. Marnie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. but discredits shit a version of mine like a believer body believe I'm sorry. delete that. get that up Honestly, Like I loved him when he came over. I really wanted him to succeed. I thought like, come on, you're a young lad. Let's do what you can do. We had that obviously 22nd or 20 minute game at Liverpool. You're like, Oh, this is what he did. And then just That was it. That was literally the more you watch him now as well. He just makes too many errors. He makes, and the plays don't pass to him. What's the game? He had a day for 20 minutes. He didn't touch the ball. He was making runs in the back, but nobody had the confidence that he's going to do anything with it. And other than lose it, you can't blame him. You cannot blame him because again, that's all that's a hundred two percent that. That's all. That's all the but last two seasons. Yeah. Yeah. And happy with Sancho. Happy with Sancho. I mean, with Sancho, like, you know, again, it was never a question. I was never a doubt that he was a good player. yeah It was,
um Look, wait. Okay. look we let let's Let's yeah. Eric happened to to Sancho and Man United. And, and I think, but it shows, it actually goes to show, you know, it's, it, you think, how did you ever win anything with Ajax and how did you ever develop talent? But then again, yeah did he develop talent though? Because Frankie de Jong went to Barcelona and he didn't really set the world light at all. The liquid Juventus, he didn't do anything there at all. Anthony.
you know, yeah saying that's all that know yeah move on to somewhere else. Exactly. So, you know, it it's, I don't know how he's developed talent, but again, I say that in quotation marks and it I've just explained, but Yeah, so Eric happened to to Sancho. And when you put a good player in ah in a safe environment and a healthy environment, guess what? He's going to thrive. And that's what he's just doing. And i'm I'm glad that, in a way, Maresque is just easing him in, because it's like, yeah, look, you know you've had your troubles in the Premier League before. And you form and stuff like that. Let's just see what you do in small bursts. And that's good. Because look at Trossad. Look at Trossad. He started off with small bursts. Oh, he started scoring goals off the bench. And then all of a sudden, he's playing he's playing next to Martinelli and and Kai Havards.
that we'd never thought of that before. Like, you know, he's always a bench player. Why would he play? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Same thing with, with Sancho. And yeah, it's funny amount of time before he actually, you know, gets the full nod on in the side and 11. And so he got it against Brighton. He came on and he played already cause he came on his bomb with bombers and he did okay. But against Brighton, he started off. He will see what he does on Sunday as well. Who he starts. Cause we seem, we've got a lot of depth in the squad. And I know before people start taking the piss,
We did spend 1.7 to probably say 2 billion trillion, whatever you want to call it. If you want to start taking the trillion in like, you know, like trillion that means dong and stuff. Yeah. I spent like 5 trillion rupees. But yeah, we got rid of the squad has got rid of trying to trim it down. And I really like Maresca. We talked about the PE teacher, the Uncle Podge, you know, phrases that we use in the previous episodes.
But this guy like comes on and hes and you know, he's got balls. He doesn't care if the club have to pay Raheem Sterling two thirds of his salary. He's like, he's not my type of winger. He needs to leave. And in a way I'm glad he did that because another place where I hold on. I mean, that's a senior play. He just did that too.
I could be next, so I better work my socks off if you've got the right attitude and you want to... It's a Premier League winning range. It's a Premier League winning range. It's England legend who's, you know, and he just got rid of him. He's like, he's a great player, he's not my winger. Ben Chilwell, who's like vice captain of the club. He has to find a new club because he's my type of left back. I'm glad because he was not all that.
That's what you want as a manager. I feel sorry for him, but that's what I need from him. I need him to make these decisions because I quickly forget about it. Yes, I'm a chill well-found. Yes, I'm a Rahim Sterling fan. But at the end of the day, I'm a Chelsea fan before I'm an individual player fan. You know, I want my team to win. I don't want the individual players all great in that. But Connor Gallagher, I felt sorry for him, but he's doing well. kind of going local all over there We did OK. I've got the players that we need and we're doing all right. So and overall overall, I'm super happy with how he's going. I'm super happy with Maresca. Long make and think.
Do you think it's it's when maresco was hired do you think it was the executives having a change of heart and being like odd you know what i'm actually do you know what you're the manager was gonna let you crack on and you tell us what you need yeah i think so that happened i think so i think that's happening that needed to happen cuz doesn't matter who came.
in as a manager. If Fergie could have been in, Pep could have been in. if the If upstairs is intervening too much, then you can't do your job. you know The press that talk about it. wasn't a one commonplace That's all it was. That's it. yeah Yeah. And you have to change that. And I think hopefully the lads at the top have changed that. Todd Boley probably thought, you know, let me take a seat back here because what I'm doing, it's not working.
and And obviously, as much as I didn't want that to happen, but you know fair enough, it's fair play. I'm just going to have to put my hopes on Anj and Eric. But I think i think with with Chelsea, though, I i genuinely think there could be there could be a very surprise. It could be a massive surprise, actually, this season, because there is no one else ah apart maybe from Villa who wants that fourth spot.
and Chelsea obviously are amongst it now and I don't I think I think I'm again let's just not let's not say that Maresco's found a formula it's good for football you know Chelsea being trying to fight for top four again it's good for the Premier League it's good for football globally because yeah, it just it just it just it just makes sense. I know fans are like, fuck Chelsea, fuck Chelsea, but in in reality, it's good for football. We're talking, okay, look, again, just just a quick reminder for people who have maybe just joined the podcast. um we We are fans of our teams, yes, but at the same time, we are football fans first and foremost. yes And for us, you know we talk about each other's teams as if we're just neutrals really. so
um Even though, you know, I hope you lose every single game. That's what I was saying. But yeah, so I think with, yeah, I agree with you with Chelsea. It is very good to see another team amongst it now. And and with Maresco, like I said, I don't think he's found a formula yet, but he's getting close to it. And maybe another another window where he gets rid of some more players to bring in maybe one or two who are exactly what he needs. Because at the end of the day, like when you look at Arteta,
that's what he did he wanted someone like a rice so guess what he went out and got rice yeah i mean he wanted he needed those specific players like again who the hell was califiori like did i never heard of him beforehand only at the euros only at the euro was it england against yeah whoever played no france sorry um albany of italy So he had a good game, and then he didn't have a good game, and then I think he got injured, and then he was out. So I was like, right, I don't know who Callofiore is. So all of a sudden, randomly, we've got some random player I've never heard of. yeah And then now I'm watching him. I'm thinking, oh, OK, so that's what you need him for. Timber, oh, we got right back. So that's what you need him for. So again, it's all about the specifics of the team. And Maresca, if he's had that conversation with the board and the executives, you know then, yeah, i think I think Chelsea will do very well, because he's from the school of PEP at the end of the day, isn't he? Apologies if you hear Baby Fine, that is my youngest, as I did say at the beginning. I'm a father of two. on just but yeah and Thank you, bro. No, um that's it. Honestly, I've had the minute six games, seven games in, including sort of cup competitions. I'm i'm happy with what we're doing. Although it could have been a very lucky, so it could have been an embarrassing exit. You always get beat 2-1 after winning one nil and then obviously going away and getting beat 2-1. But we you know we made it in.
And i as I mentioned earlier, the depth that we have, we've got two starting 11s, two completely different starting 11s. And they're both strong on paper. If you look at it, a Jean Felix, a Neto, and a Cuckoo. Hold on a minute. It would do quite well for you didn't in in Europe. So I mean, the couple as well. So I think, again, like I said, I'm i'm just looking at the table now and the top that said, yeah, the top five, including Villa. Yeah. It's very, very close. Obviously I know, like I said, you know, six games in i game weeks, seven coming up.
But very close and it's it's the teams that you'd expect to see up there barring, you know, my United. But we will get to those very, very soon. um Anything else? I've got nothing else to add on Chelsea. Let's move over to the dark side. Let's move to the dark side of London. hate I hate when you're happy about Chelsea. You didn't even know I had this many teeth, did you?
Yeah, I'm sure the Liverpool fans are going to love this as well. But no i'm yeah, I think with with the dark side of London or otherwise known as the best side of London. ah it's no no no I've just moved on here and I'm already talented. But um yeah I think we've we it was a bit of a it's been a bit of a shaky start, right? like you as a Is it just me on that one? But I think it's been a bit of a shaky start. You got think you guys are doing all right, though, to be fair. You should have won that city. but It was what it was. he Could have been top of the league now, but, you know, never mind. Time to to to discuss some of these. ahs We've got time. social Controversies. OK, so overall, overall, I obviously might know the guard injured and then we had rice you know suspended and then trust has suspended. And Marino, you know, he was injured as well. So I think it was again, when you when you read it as an Arsenal fan, you think you start panicking because that's just it's just the way of the Arsenal really, isn't it? You know, people get injured and that's it. We forget how to you know recruit or play football.
But I think there's been a massive shift in in the in the mentality of the players. And um and I say that knowing full well that they are new players, you i mean from the old arsenal of Unai Emery and whatnot.
So obviously he's brought in players who mentally are strong and who can fight through these little moments of you know of not being and of not being certain of you know where to play and or our our captain's not playing and we're going to be all over the place. So um'm I'm happy to see the team just thinking like a team and being close with one another and just having their backs basically.
um and And in terms of and defensively, I think obviously you saw you saw the match against city. So, you know, it's ah it's one of those things. But yes, absolutely. No problem. We will take a quick little break here and we will be right back.
We are back. We need to have like a little, ah like a ah baby music right there. Do you know what I mean? Whenever, whenever that happens. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do, Brodsky.
It's good though. It's good because we can have like every time, you know, someone knocks on the door, for example, like door music. Yes. Yes. I listen to podcasts. I listen to podcasts. I don't want to be more. You're a veteran. You're a veteran. No. I was going to say, yeah. So we were talking about, obviously we're talking about Arsenal and how well the team has been put together so far. And even with, you know, like I said, with the club captain missing, it's like, you know, I was talking to a mate and he said, oh, and Martin's going to come back for a second. I was like,
Who the hell is Martin? I think we've done well. Some of the controversies that that we've that we faced in the last sort of few games. It's been it's been laughable really hasn't it? I don't know about you probably not gonna agree because you know you're from the opposing side That's fine. But like I said, like I preface this as if we are football fans first and foremost, okay? I suppose I'm obliged to be honest and be non-biased. No, I think you have to be unbiased It was, it was, it was ridiculous that Declan writes second yellow for that. Like little, excuse me. I know they're trying to apply the rules and be like, it's part of the rules and he kicked the ball. I get that. But they've allowed so many more things to have not been a yellow card. So the previously, the gel petrol kicking the ball from the halfway line, booting as hard as it can. And, and somebody I was something, apparently Michael Oliver does not give decisions to teams when they're playing city. He always seemed to go against the, is it Michael Oliver who refereed the city as well? Yeah, absolutely. Their favorite city. And again, just, I'm not saying anything. It was just what I read and what I saw somewhere else since he's being backed by the city ownership to go and host a few exhibition, not a host or a ref, a few exhibition matches. And show them how it's done basically. I wasn't good with that. I was going more around coaching the up and coming referees in the Middle East.
Uh, he seems to kind of favor city a little bit, but no, the decisions you guys have received have been fucking shocking. Really? And I apologize for the swearing viewers, but that that's the only way to emphasize how bad the decisions have been on the group shot. I wanted to admit this, uh, this red card all day. Although realistically with my own bias for a lifetime. yeah Yeah. That's it. Get him done. Get him done. Arrest that man.
But now the overall, Yeah, decisions have been shocking, but look, you've you've kind of persevered through, you've stuck together, there's a collectiveness. I do think our tetters, some of our tetters, caution tactics are a bit ridiculous. I've read, obviously, we talked about this.
Yeah, we did. Yeah, it was a pick pocket in one that he said, like, don't let it, so on stairs. And then it won't work, man. It's worked. You know what I mean? They're alert now. Anything can happen. It can happen now. So, you know, that's all they needed. They needed someone to steal the wallet, bro. I did think you were going to lose to spurs though. For some, I thought you were going to lose to spurs. I brought, I invited some friends over. I said, come on, come on.
No, no, they were scared too. Oh, when they won. Yeah. Of course. When you're slapped in the face a little bit, actually very quickly on this. I don't know how you feel, but when people have their own, um, on their mobile phones, they've got like notifications for life scores and so on. I hate it. Just really watching the game. Like granted, I am always going to be a couple of seconds from the guy who's typally aware. You know, by being that, but I don't mind being a couple of seconds back, even if it's 10 seconds.
Cause to me, I am watching live. Yeah. That's live to me. Yeah. It's all relative, mate. It's smart minds. And as I've said this, it's on like came on and she was like, I already knew it in the sky. Cause it can't get enough. Fuck. Yeah. I really care. Cause it wasn't my team, but true. True. But like you just allow us to watch it live, like allow us to feel that emotion and whatever we're feeling. Don't take it from us by saying,
I already knew it was going to happen because I got a notification. Like what? We had this experience together. I invited you to watch your mind i watch you at my house. Otherwise I have a t-shirt on that says, look up. Yeah, that's it, isn't it? Yeah. I think but well when I go up north, you know, parents, that they've got it on their phones. And it's funny because obviously I tell them, like, please don't tell me even even if something comes through. But the problem is that you can hear the phone vibrate and you can just see the looks on their faces. Yeah. And I'm like,
You might just, you might as well just said it really, you know what I mean? Because that's just, that's more annoying. Cause I'm trying to watch the game like fully focused. I'm looking at you like going do this like but on this topic quickly, England, we're playing in the final, of course, uh, against who were they against the final spin. And, uh, my wife and kids had gone to Albania for a little bit before I finished work. And so they were watching the final in Albania, but in Albania, people were cheering them. I couldn't hear the cheese while I'm on FaceTime in my way.
The guys I invited over for Arsenal fans invited me to this. They said, come on, let's watch the final. of our So I'm watching, I've got the missus on the phone, FaceTime. And she goes, oh, who's caught? Because she could hear cheering happening. So we were behind. I don't know how we were behind. But anyway, we were behind. And I was like, don't do that again. Obviously, we found out that England equalised, we're buzzing and blah, blah. And then she spoils off. So I said, don't do that again. She goes,
Someone's just scored. Ben, we're in the attack or whatever happened. You could tell he was not going to be an England goal. It just ruined the whole final for me. I had a chat with my missus. I was like, never, ever. do that shit Unless you see me cheering, do not say shit. But like you said, you can hear it on their voice. i sorry Yeah, hear it on their voice. See their smirks, see their giggles.
just everywhere so horrible is everyone said about you know It's live to me. Allow me to watch it live in my own way. This is why we don't we don't go cinemas with the women because they ruin it.
But then read the, the, read the sort of, you know, the, the plot line. And I'm like, I don't want to read the plot line. That's why I'm here to watch the plot line. Why would I read it? It's not a book. Just hintly if i yeah anyway, I'll get the books of this one. The books are better than the movie. I don't care. I'm here to watch the movie. yeah I don't care what the books were. I didn't spoil the books. Like all the movies about it. You know what I mean? Just read your books. Um, but yeah, you know come so how are you feeling with your team by the way? So how how are you feeling knowing you've got a guy in and he's injured?
Timbers are back though from an injury. So that must be like a new side in. Yeah, we've got, i always well, I was a color theory star in and timber star in, um, Ben White's been rested for the last few games, which again, it's, it, I think he's got an injury thigh problem, I think. So before that last season, I'd be a bit worried. I'd be like, Oh, Ben White's injured. Oh crap. Well, that's the right side gone. Do you know what I mean? Because who's going to, who's going to pick up the pieces? Like genuinely who Tommy asked who he probably could, but he's, he's injured and himself anyway. So.
but with timber and uh and califiori i think um it's it's two very good signings because they can interchange with each other like you know when when timber came off during uh in the psg match califiori moved to the right and then uh who came to the left i think one of the young kids i believe it was or who came to the left i can't remember I'd be honest, how watch I don't know. Yeah, we'll be PSG. That's all I care about. But, uh, yeah, so California moved there and give you a, give you a move to the left. So again, it was, it was interesting to see, like you said, options, like you said about Chelsea, you know, they've got the squad depth. Now I'm not saying that Arsenal got a very good squad depth, but they have some squad depth that's better than previous seasons. You know, previous seasons, like I want, you know, Saliba got injured that one time and that was it. That was, that was season gone really. And that and hadn't even started yet.
So, you know, it was it's it's very good to see and you use the word perseverance as well. And that is the main thing that I've picked up from this team, especially during that city draw. That defending was absolutely epic. I don't care what anyone says about. Defended, defended on its own. If you just look at it, defending. Perfect. Perfect. That's for me, we were winning two, one.
down to 10 men and clear injustice on the page. yeah like yeah Why would we want to go attack? What is that going to prove? you know If we defend and win 2-1, who gives a shit what people... Even with the draw, it's like, I don't care about what you say about our defendant. It was not parking the bus. What else do you want us to do? Do you know what I mean? like you know like What was it? Liverpool did it a couple of seasons ago or something like that. Bernardo Silva was saying in the interview, but were Liverpool attacked us. Yeah, but they lost 5-0.
you know Do the math, bro. I know your brain's not working right now because of the rivalry, but your math ain't math enough. Yeah, math isn't math enough. He's just salty because, obviously, with 10 men, they couldn't do nothing apart from trying to scrape a last minute equalizer.
Sorry, fair point. And again, obviously I was mad that I was pissed off of that, as all Arsenal fans were, as all Man City hating fans were, no doubt. But it it's just the way that football is. You know, it wasn't at that particular moment. The only injustice, I would say, is the extra two minutes that were added. But then when I think back, I'm like, well, hang on a minute. We fell on the floor a couple of times in between that. I was sort'm pretty sure that. how yeah so this is this is this is the point obviously i always make even in the group chart, like I am the fairest fan out of all of us in my group. chat I am the fairest fan. Like I will slate my players. one guy I will slate my players when, when, i when, when it's, you know, when it's the right moment, but, uh, you guys did roll around bro. Like I'm not even going to lie. You guys were rolling around and that's one thing that I hate about defending. But like there, what was it? The, who was the guy who came on and got a yellow card without even stepping on the pitch went and told Ryan, you know,
I nearly said pep, so that Arteta can give a bit of instruction. I don't mind that. I don't mind that. Look, the thing is, no, it is the Dark Arts, but can I just say, Ray, when you think about the last six seasons, and Man City have won it five times, you know, sometimes you have to go down to the Dark Arts to beat them. And no, you laugh, but that's just the way it is. We have to get Wanda out and her. When Mourinho was doing it with his defensive style, like way back when, it's, you know, for us, it was like, oh, oh, wow. Defensively he's brilliant. He's fantastic. 15 goals conceded, all this stuff only in the whole season, you know, but now when he does it, it's like dark hearts. It's the part of us. One thing Mourinho did by the way for Chelsea fans who don't remember is a two players going off down injured at the same time with two head injuries. Apparently both players can't go off at the same time. Only one of them can go off.
or none of them get to go off to the gameplay. So John Terry was telling about talking about this on a podcast before Mourinho, who knew the rule book inside out. He would use it to his advantage. Which is fair enough. so um you got The thing is, you've got to use it against teams who have that sort of power and power. Try everything you can, absolutely. You have to. Especially down to 10 men.
And it wasn't it wasn't like you know they were going and injuring my city players they were going down time wasted and the pay for it but they genuinely pay for it and that's that's the only thing I can say I was a fan it was it was kind of merited by the end it's like you know you took the piss yeah you you took the best Jeremy let's go down the principal's office you took the piss now So I think, yeah, but like like you overall, happy to see that that mentality of the team. I really, really love watching this team now. And like you, I can't wait until next week because it's like, oh, okay, let's let's let's go. You know what I mean? let Let's just do this. Let's see what what you can bring now. But but yeah, I think, of you know, there's a long season ahead. And there's- So let's have a prediction from you, my guy. If second again, okay if you finish second again, is that a success? No trophy savings last year.
Is that a successful season? not a tech of the year Is it time to consider maybe somebody who can get you off the line? Maybe to consider someone who can get us off the line. I think it's hard and painful to say it really is because he has been a huge change, a huge change. so yeah But at the same time, you cannot be a world class manager without winning trophies.
You won the FA Cup, but let's face it, that wasn't your team. That was half of all three quarters of someone else's team and someone else's training. And you just pieced them together. Basically, you just came down with the iron face and you were like, this is how I need you to play from now on. And some players got it, some players didn't. And some side performances happened. You know what I mean? It worked in his favor. Well, you said Dimiteo won the Champions League with Chelsea. Like, come on, let's all get tired of it. Yeah. You know what I mean? Come on. That was what, the last six weeks? Let's just, let's not go crazy.
But yeah, I think it sounds harsh. I know it sounds harsh, but you know reality, you need to win. You need to win trophies. And again, it's, I'll use the same thing as I use for soccer as well. You know, you can be world-class without winning trophies. You are on the brink. You are knocking on the door. You win that trophy. Someone will answer it. Do you know what I mean? He's a fantastic player. Fantastic. But unfortunately he's not world-class as of yet.
He's done shit for me on fantasy league. Since I took Palmer and put Sakura in because I think you guys were playing. i't know holy palmer was my first choice from the b broke mean I had him on my team as well, but I was like, oh let me maybe let's gamble with Palmer because I watched one game and he was getting man marked and so on. I thought like lots of team going to man mark him. And then all of a sudden I thought, let me put Sakura and Sakura has done nothing for me. So I was like, I need to get rid of Sakura and start the team again.
yeah But all right then bro, but just honestly a little bit to what you said there is for me, I do think I don't want to jinx you. I'm not saying this at all, but I do think this might be your year simply because city losing Rodry defensively, they're much weaker. You guys rattle a little bit 100% and rattled by it. Yeah. and You guys score in your defense seems to be way, way stronger.
Saliba solid, Rudiger's even complimenting your defense. You know, Chelsea's Rudiger saying like those two are the best at the minute because the crazy one Gabrielle and the peaceful one in Saliba really compliment each other. It's a yin and yang. Yeah, it's a it's a fun word it's a fun partnership to watch, to be honest. It's been fantastic. You've got Ben White in the team or to go to come back. Excuse me. I think, you know, I think this is if everybody stays fit, this could be. Yeah. Yeah, I think um I haven't said this for a while but i said it to my wife when the season started and i watched the first match i was like you know what i can feel it i can actually feel it rather than as a fan i can feel other than just say it rather than just saying it just to be a fan i can actually feel it like i watch the team i was like oh okay i think there's something going on here and these these few performances obviously granted the draw
um at admon city Obviously the drought at Atlanta and stuff like that. But again, it wasn't a loss. Do you know what I'm saying? yeah It was not a loss. And we have been away from home and we all, I think it's close to a record now or something like that, for What is it a non defeat away or something? I don't know whatever it is I don't think there isn't I think there is like some sort of record or whatever So which is good again defensively. It's it you can't win championships without defense, right? Yeah why that that's this Yeah, I was gonna say that's why the people have said yeah. Yeah, and these are people who have won stuff. Yeah, I believe them
yeah but was a you know we' be go next week, then let's go into some predictions. we show these predictions I was actually just going to give a quick, quick nod to Liverpool. um I don't really want to get too much into it, but I just, I like the fact that Anna Slott has literally slaughtered and like, he has slaughtered it. You're right. He has lost it right. and but so It's not difficult to slot into a team that was playing so well, though, really. Would you say, like, if he had gone to Man United and did well, he'd be like, okay, yeah. If he'd gone to Chelsea knowing after the season, I had you be like, yeah, okay. But Liverpool were only a few tweaks away. One thing I'm impressed with him, he's got a Gravenberg playing. Now we mention his name rather than call him 38, you know, because he turns into a bit of a baller. He's been doing all right. Domination. He's been quite good, yeah.
so For me, andm i'm not I'm not hugely, hugely impressed by what he's done. I'll see what he does at the end. I know he's unbeaten. How he's going to renew the team, isn't it? That's that's the' it. Two windows are coming. What's he going to do next season? How is he going to keep salary? Is he going to sell salary? Who's he going to replace him with? You know, that kind of stuff. How how can he spend money? Because if you get 100 million, 120 million for salary, how are you going to invest in the team to make sure that the team is competitive next year or in the year after and so on and so forth? So in a way, I hear what you're saying, and they're doing really well because he's a new manager. but
Yeah, it's too early. No, no, of course. I totally agree. The first floor and the second floor and third floor, and I think he's just coming trying to build a penthouse. Yeah, you're right. I think, well, obviously, he's just sort of painting right now, isn't he? Rather than redeveloping, he's just painting right now. You're right. I think the next two windows will be quite crucial to be fair, not just for his career, but just for Liverpool in general, because if you get those two windows wrong, you're only going to go down and look at Man United.
It's it's it's it happens. And obviously Arsenal went through it, just went through it as well in the last few seasons. So it's ah you know, it's tricky. But for for the fact that he's just slotted in and literally done quite, you know, he's done quite well and winning and stuff and just keeping that same style. Yeah. But it was right. It was that. But also, by the way, like if he's done so well, there is you got to look at his counterpart and the other Dutch guy who's come over to the northwest of England and he's not doing so well at all.
well in Good old Eric. Eric, yeah. There used to be applause there, maybe he's not changing too much and so on, but yeah, no, I'm with you, I'm with you. Compliments, compliments. With my United, I think at anything that we can say now, it's literally just a repeat of what we've been talking about for the past, yeah. I i can't i can't say the name Eric any more than I already have and prove my point. He's already proven it for me. so He just makes excuses, abroad i I don't know what he's doing. He's got his own team, he's spent so much money. In the last 10 years, they're the ones who have spent the most money and there's still no idea.
He's still thinking about that one time Arsenal got the call against his team. That would have been the goal. That was a downfall. I let it go. Should we do some predictions? Yeah, let's do it. I've actually done a good thing. Have you got a spreadsheet? On a table. I've got tables on that.
I've got tables, I'm not wrong. So I think, all right, OK, so first game of the day, Palace Liverpool, you know, speaking of the Devils. Well, in this case, the Reds. What are we saying, Rick? Palace? I think I don't know why. Palace? Palace, I think it might be a draw, you know, because they didn't really play very well, Liverpool against Wolves, and they one, two, one granted. They had a very good first half. I can see two things about I'm saying, I'm going to stick with it. I think I'm going to go draw.
I'm going go to go 2-2. 2-2 draw. Although it very quickly can be a 5-1 Liverpool. Very quickly, yeah. I'm going to go for a 2-2. See what 2-2 brings me. Do you know what? I'm going to go Palace in the lead and then Liverpool 3-1. You know what I mean? i just don't think ah just I don't think Palace, I mean, yeah, they've been all right. They haven't been, you know, they haven't been sort of shit compared to the other, to the other sort of lower teams. But yeah, I think Liverpool will be way too strong for them. So I think I'm going to go 3-1, but Palace will surprise them. And that's when Liverpool kick into gear because that's what they do. That's literally what they do. Good. The best thing to do against Liverpool is don't score first.
Yeah, let them score and then kind of come back. Yeah, come back and they don't have to handle that. So, you know, for some reason, I just think 2-2, I don't know why. I don't know whether the Liverpool can see the call towards the end or something. But yeah, I'm going to go with 2-2 with those guys. i hope I hope that's the case. um all yes all ah thumb up there yeah I'll go first on this one before you. So obviously for this one, I think you're going to smash them. I think you're going to smash them 5-0. I don't even think they're going to score. so something are and alap them about yet I think I think in front of your crowd, especially Liverpool playing early as well. And if it is a draw, I think you guys are just going to come out, make a statement and take the lead for the Premier League. I think you guys will go first after this weekend. I'm going to go 4-0. I like what you're saying. I'm going to go 4-0 because 5 is a bit like, you're taking the piss now.
<unk> Four is reasonable, four is respectful, whereas five is taking the pitch. Okay. Five is like, come on, man. Do you embarrass them now? Do you know what I mean? Just leave the pants alone. Don't put the pants down in the middle of the fucking playground, bro. Do you know what I mean? But that's fine. Basically, they've finally taken off their socks, top and shorts, but not the pants. Whereas five is getting rid of the pants as well. Oh, yeah. That's the whole thing. Yeah. And then obviously more than that, it just becomes a whole different thing.
um I'll get Brentford versus Wolves at Brentford. Brentford will win 3-1. 3-1 Brentford. I like it. He's going to have four balls, probably score again or something. I forgot his name now. Embueno. Embueno. Embueno. That's it. I'm going to go with... I'm actually going to go for a draw on this one. I'm going to go 2-2. I can see a high-ish scoring game when I say that. That'd be four goals, so that's quite a high scoring. i'll ah I'll agree to that.
I've just made my reasons. Yeah, absolutely. We've both come for our goals, but I've got three for one and you've shared the, you've shared the spoilers. Next up, we've got Leicester Bournemouth at Leicester. Right. So Leicester coming off the back of a defeat. Yeah. ba I think, I think for this one, I think this is a draw. I think this is a one-one. This is like a championship meet meeting again between the teams that obviously came up. For me, it's a one-one Leicester Bournemouth.
one, one. Okay. yeah Okay. I see what you're saying. Um, right. Let me just do that real quick on that one. And, uh, one, one. Okay. Well, I'm going to go with, you know what? I'm actually going to go for a draw, but I'm going to go nil male on this because. Yeah. I can't see many goals neither. Yeah. Yeah. It's just one of those matches. You look at it and you think, damn, that is a boring match. But I say that, I say that with counteracting it with that, it will be the match of the match of the weekend.
So we're on the fence listeners. We haven't got a clue. Don't even listen to us. We don't know what's happening anymore. We haven't done this for a long time. We're rusty. We're rusty. Give us time. Yeah, I don't know. Thanks. We've got Man City versus Fulham at the Etihad. And Fulham been doing all right, you know. Fulham been doing all right. Fulham been doing something. Yeah. ESR. What is it? Emil Smith, bro? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some Arsenal players doing some things. He's been doing a couple of bits. Yeah, he's been doing his little bits. Bits and bobs out there, you know. Alan Westlop and out there. You have a handyman? Yeah, absolutely. With the Warby.
He will be. But yeah, I think, okay. But but what, what, what are you thinking on this? What are you saying? I think city, I think city might nick it, but I think they're going to struggle. It's not going to be as easy as they think. I can't see them score. I can't see them being a free flowing, like scoring lots of goals. To be honest, I haven't seen much of full of them. I'm trying to see if I can kind of make an educated guess by looking at the league table, but there's nothing here. I don't even know how to get the league table up.
um they educated a Yeah, exactly. Right. I'm trying to use the FPL. So, you know how good I am with this. at Love it. Love it. Love it. I know the stakes. They've conceded through goal difference three. Not bad. Not so much. Yeah. No, they're not too bad. You know, I think city might win 2-1, but I think it's going to be a struggle for him to win it. want say I've gone 2-2 on that one.
oh so they could actually be the much of that That could actually be the match of the weekend to be fair. Like in all seriousness, I think that could be the match of the weekend because Fulham are doing some bits and Man City aren't doing any bits. yeah All the bits that they used to do, they're dead bits now. Ain't nobody working no more, mate. You know what I mean? like Everyone's retired and sharing. They're all thinking like, this is Garcia, let's not do anything else.
We've won enough. Right, next we go West Ham versus Ipswich. Yeah, I think this one, I think West Ham will probably finally take a victory. I think West Ham will win. 2-1, 2-1, West Ham. 2-1, West Ham. I'm going to go... Do you know what? I'm actually going to go a cheeky little one. I'm going to go 1-0, Ipswich. Oh. Yeah, I think i'm goingnna I've got a funny feeling that West Ham are just going to keep digging. Like, Lopateu's not going to last very long, I'm afraid.
Um, I can see that afternoon as well, you know, as you say that I can see that afternoon. So, you know, I'm listening to my prediction. I'll stick to one West Ham. Hopefully there's going to be a home as well. Yeah, exactly. Let's hope so. Let's hope to do something because I think if they lose one nil, I think he's gone and he has to go. Yeah, I think so. I think so. Yeah. There's no excuse of that to be honest. One in six. So yeah, that's, that's definitely not good enough. Um, next we've got Everton, Newcastle at Everton. I think Everton will win.
o Yeah, that's interesting. I think Everton will win. I think Everton will probably take it 3-2. I think this is probably going to be game of the weekend. What is happening? Okay, wait, what did I say? Game of the weekend for me was? City versus Fulham. So game or W and I'm going to put you down as? Or game of the day. Weekend might be a bit tricky to predict because I'd probably say Chelsea Forest game of the weekend because we seem to league goals but then we seem to score goals.
Okay. I'm going to say, yeah, I'm actually going to say we'll go a game of the weekend mindset. You follow him and you're saying game of the day. Okay. So what was the score? Three, two, three, two, two. Oh, GOD on that one, bro. GOD. I'm talking about God either. Get me. But, uh, yeah, I think, no, I think Newcastle winning that. I think, I think two, one Newcastle. Yeah. I'm going to go to one Newcastle. I don't think, I don't think I was strong enough for that to be honest. No, they're not. everything I haven't been doing that well, but they've seemed to kind of the whole results after a little bit, hit the draw, a win against Crystal Palais. So possibly in the past as well, quickly looking at some comparables here. Like what they've done, Everton beat up 3-0 in December, obviously then go beat 4-1 in April, 1-1 in April, previous season. So it could, Everton at the ground against, yeah, it depends. It could actually be the game of the weekend. It could be. I think you could be right. It could be, but I think I'm going to go with, yeah, Everton, what did I say? 3-2, 3-2, I think.
to I've gone to one Newcastle and next we've got Villa versus Man United at Villa. What are we saying, man? What are we saying? Realistically, I think Villa are going to win. I don't even remember piss about. I do think Villa will take it. I think Villa will probably slap him about as well. Man United are like a wounded dog at the minute. They just need Eric Tenhag is a walking dead, whatever the phrase is. He's gone. He's done. He's I think he'll lose his job this weekend. Yeah. I think it's not nice to say it's not fair because you never want anybody to lose their job. But I think he will. He has probably gone this weekend. But then again, for my United fans, who do you bring in? But I don't really care. It's not mine. But they they're talking about two people not coming in because of the bad blood and the relationships that he can have, although he'll get you winning. But somehow he wants things done his way. And I'm like, who cares? But bring him in and start winning. Start winning first. But anyway, now for me, I think Villa will win.
middle and well just slap them around I think United will concede three, four goals here. So I think it might be like a three, one, four, one, because yeah, they seem to concede. Put me down for a four, one. hour um You know, what see, I was thinking the other way actually, because they were, they were hard done by last weekend and they haven't been so great and they drew last night. Barely, by the way. um oh yes so aba so I think, I think United might win this match. I think the league goals, but yeah, I think United will win. I'm, I think I'm going to go up for like a cheeky three, two, like Villa winning all the way. And then United sort of doing like what you know, you do just randomly sometimes you didn't deserve that much. Yeah. So I think I'm going to go for a three, two, but that again, another potential for much of the match of the weekend, to be fair, it could be potential, depending which my United shows up. so
know The ones who are trying to save his job, that's what they'll try and do. as they'll try and They usually turn up. when man When Eric's close to losing his job, youre United usually turn up and win matches. But for this one, I feel like Villa just done a high at the minute. Champions League beat him by and keep going. That Rogers guy's been doing amazing as well. I know Ollie Watkins that everyone's a talk on him, but that Rogers, Aaron Rogers, whatever, know yeah an NFL guy, I don't know his name. You know which Rogers I've met, right? He's just something else as well, like his quality.
Yeah, so an interesting gift it'll be an interesting game, but I do think Villa will probably... 3-1. Take me off the fourth, but put me down for a 3-1. I do one do things they'll three ah do think score 3. OK, that's good. so okay three weve got Next we've got Chelsea, not Forrest, and at Samperbridge. So obviously, yeah, I know the rules. um I'm actually going to go for a 3-0 Chelsea on this one. I'm not going to fuck about either, because I think you've got enough firepower to, to, to put that many past, uh, past not far. So yeah, unfortunately, and that hit, you know, cause I do like, uh, as the listeners know, you know he yourself, yeah but, um, yeah, I think it's going to be a three nil, three, no Chelsea on that one. And I wouldn't be surprised if Palma gets a brace at the very least. So I've got a feeling we won't keep a clean sheet, but yeah, I do feel like we'll win three, one that a cat actually we've got a mistake in us all the time. You saw the goals against Brighton do two mistakes. Yeah. vote like but How's the keeper coming? Trying to punch a ball.
at the penalty spot for, and secondly, who's he passing to? yeah i think because Because of obviously a lot of mistakes that are made. ah Prior to this game, I think that's something that probably probably will be worked on as in, you know, don't, don't do that. Just yeah do the normal, do the normal thing. Okay. Don't, don't be stupid and stuff. Fucking doing scorpion kicks and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I think so that that's why I think Chelsea with three nil, I don't think, I don't think not as far as we'll offer anything like, you know, sort of very threatening, but again, it is football at the end of this. So these are all speculations. These are all, well, they'd be Liverpool, didn't they? Not for us went to be Liverpool one nil. So,
it could happen it It could happen here as well, or it could be a draw, but for now I feel like we're too strong. I think we'll score goals and I think we'll beat them. And last game of the weekend is Brighton Spurs at Brighton, what are we saying? I can't see them doing anything else. I think it's going to be a shite game to be honest with you. I hope not because it's a final game on a Sunday before the international break. So if I do watch it, I want it to be a decent game.
But it's got 1-1 written all over it. Like, Ange Ball is going to try and play attacking. They'll try and hit on the counter. 1-1, 2-2, maximum 2-2. I put it down for 1-1. I'm actually going to put myself down for Spurs win. 2-1. You think so, yeah. Giving Spurs the win.
Yeah. I mean, obviously I never want to do that, but we, you know, like like we said, we try to be realistic here. We're fair. We're fair. You know, this is football. So I think, yeah, well, obviously, you know, we will, uh, we'll, we'll discuss everything on the next pod, um, after the weekend. And, um, we don't do international breaks because sure but Obviously, we can do other things. We do talk about other things. Of course we do. We haven't inferred all the lessons. We talked about what we're watching. what was listening That's one thing that we didn't cover, but we'll cover that on the next one because i've ah I've watched quite a few things and you've watched quite a few things. Yes, some good things. good things like so we'll we'll We'll bring that up on the next one. But Rick, if you don't have anything else to add, my friend, nothing send us out. Do the honest case. Do the honest. Send us out. Doing that always is behind you.
See you smiling. Love it. We're back on the pod, man. We're back on the pod. We're talking football like hour and obviously we talked some F1 as well, but a good thing it's a massive break now, so it doesn't start till the end of box October. It doesn't restart, so we'll ah we'll we'll bring that up then Yeah. Okay. but Let's not get into it. to that i friend i Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for listening. And, you know, yes, um a brief 10 month hiatus. We are back. And if you subscribe, do like, do comment, all that kind of nice stuff. And we'll catch you in the next one. Until then, stay safe.