95 Plays
9 months ago

In this episode, we start out by breaking down a tweeted photo of Elon Musk with his “extremely hardcore” employees. We discuss the superficial meaning and the subtleties of this picture and unearth the potential repercussions and the narrative presented by this photo, questioning what options employees on visa status truly have in a “hardcore” organization.

We reflected upon the concept of overcompensating/bullet proofing in our own line of work and how we have navigated the tendency to be “pigeon-holed.” We share personal examples while drawing from findings from the organizational psychology research, touching on how Asians are confined to certain non-leader roles and how we as podcasts hosts are working to break that narrative.

Elon Musk with “hardcore” employees


Articles for Nerds:

Prevention vs. Promotion Focus


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Chat GPT Haiku

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