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New Podcast! - week 1 image

New Podcast! - week 1

E1 · Garage Avenger Podcast
65 Plays6 months ago

Welcome to the New Garage Avenger Podcast.  l We're two brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected. This podcast, we’re going to take you on a ride through everyday life in our garages. 


Meet the Hosts: Justin and Kieran

This is the Garage Avenger podcast. Good being right. Yeah, I'm likely missing too. This is more our style, I think. Yeah, it's hardcore.
god gary meja Hello and welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Justin, and otherwise known as the Garage Avenger, who makes dumb machines in his garage. And I'm joined by my twin brother from the same mother. Me, Kieran, the guy who's brewing tasty beers in my garage. We're both garage adventures of sorts.
Yeah, so we're both creating dumb things in our garage, whether it's tasty beers so and getting dumber by drinking all the beers.

The Podcast Origin Story

Let's just clarify, these are not dumb things we're making. Like who doesn't love making mad shit in their garage and drinking beers? Let's be honest. It's the best of both worlds.
I can't say. Now, this podcast was are only supposed to, well, it wasn't supposed to happen. I was talking to Kieran the other day and I was whinging, complaining about something. And then he said, what did you say, Kieran?
I said, quit your moaning, ah quit being a little bitch. Why don't you start your own podcast? That's what I said. No, I think we just had a we had a frank conversation about the fact that yeah, like why doesn't Garage Avenger have his own podcast because like there's some Like you've done podcasts before, they'll make ideas, reality podcasts. And that was good. ah But a bit exhausting for you to do alone. And I was like, well, why don't I do the podcast with you? We'll co-host it. Then here we are. And I weirdly said yes a little too quick, I think.
I didn't think it all the way through.
It's kind of like when you meet like a half pretty girl at a party and then you realize, oh, she's not the hottest one here and I've already committed. yeah
We're two married men. I should add to that. Happily married men. Okay. how we are we are We are happily married, both of us. Not to each other, clearly. ah And um I've got wife and two kids, two small kids.
one and four years old, two boys. It's pretty full on.

Garage Projects and Creative Needs

um I wanted to just quickly share with maybe the listeners who don't really know anything about us. I'm sure there's a lot of listeners that ah may have listened to the Make Ideas Reality podcast before who know a little bit about me, but I thought For the benefit of the doubt, I should just introduce myself properly, ah let people understand what I actually do in my garage, and then I'll hand the reins over to you, Kieran, and you can probably introduce yourself.
um So yeah, i am I'm a content creator ah making things in my garage. I've done a bunch of different stuff, ah created a bunch of different projects. ah And now it seems like I'm trying to niche into vehicles. So the last probably four or five projects now have been vehicles and ah will be probably in the foreseeable future. I'm fabricating everything myself,
I'm squaring a lot in the garage making a lot of mistakes and sharing that journey with everybody and. I have had a podcast in the past as well called make ideas reality where i interviewed people from all over the world.
that also created things. And that was fantastic, but I realized at the time that you know I really wanted to be creating, not talk to the people creating. And when I was making that podcast,
I was creating a podcast, that's true, ah but I wasn't creating with my hands and I was using a lot of my time on that. So I decided to lay it to rest, ah but I did feel like something was missing a little bit. And, you know, I just wanted to be able to share a little bit of the real journey ah that I was on, ah bucking against the status quo pretty much. and There's not many people I know that are kind of doing what I'm doing and doing it hardcore, especially here in Norway where we live.
And that's another thing.

Norwegian Adventures and Lifestyle

I live in Norway now. We grew up in Sydney, Australia somehow. but We'll tell the story. I'm sure at some point during this podcast, but we got dragged over to Norway and we now have our families based here. I have two children at the moment and nine and 11 and uh,
my beautiful wife, Kristen, and we live an amazing life here in Norway, a very privileged life. ah But I'm trying to do something a little different. And that is very strange here in Norway, because a lot of people seem to just follow the crowd. um So Are we going to share with you that journey? and that's who i am on the o um then That's just That's pretty normal everywhere, right? We all flow everywhere. No matter where you are in the world, we all love to follow the crowd. And there's a few of us out there that don't like to. And this is really what this podcast is for. For those who are maybe in the crowd and want to get out or those who are already out of the crowd and i need some
Need some encouragement along the way. Or maybe they don't have to do anything. They just want to live vicariously through us. Well, this is true. We live very exciting lives.
yeah i hope were higher types there you yeah Let's hope this podcast is not just a snore fest. But Karen, um do you want to introduce

Kieran's Brewing Journey

yourself? get Allow the listeners just to hear a little bit about what your' you're doing and and your situation.
Well, um, yeah, I moved to Norway following Justin in a way. Like we, I came over for a Christmas one year and thought, well, not much happening in Australia for me. I'll just, the women look way better here. So I was like, okay, I can, I can give it three months, see if I can make it work. And managed to get a job and and start working. And and now it's 11 years later and I'm married and have two kids, a small one-year-old in a and a four-year-old and been married for seven years now. So I've got the house, the car, the, well, what do they say, the villa vu-vu and
ah well volvo Volvo here in Norway, which is like ah the dog, the car and the and the house, but I don't have the dog. Sorry. And and then a few, but when I started working here in Norway, I started working a lot in bars and, you know, the cost of a beer here is astronomical. Like, I don't know if you guys know, but like, I mean, we're talking £9 if you're going to give it to the British audience. I don't know what it is in America for a regular standard beer, but like, yeah, astronomical prices. and melbourne Now actually a pint of regular lager is you're looking at at nearly £11. It's astronomical now. Australian dollars, that's, you're looking around like 11, 12 bucks American.
for a standard point, which is, uh, you know, 500 milliliters or, uh, yeah. Yeah. So, so yeah, I'm going to started, uh, thinking, you know, as well, well, I can be like the rest of us. How do I start brewing my own? Maybe it'll be cheaper.
Well, the reality is it's not really that much cheaper when you start buying all the equipment, but I just realized it was, uh, it was heaped to fun. I really enjoyed the process, really enjoyed learning, developing flavors. I'm always like cooking. So it was kind of like the natural progression for cooking for me.
and just bring the instead so that's kind of growing into this massive thing now where development brand. Call you spring and turn currently bring out of the garage and making some pretty awesome be there and soon to bring those to the commercial market which is really exciting and yeah it's like the deal with Eucharist Brewing is kind of like that whole, and like i I spent a lot of years in in church and there's some fucked up stories there. But we, I realized like there's a really great thing about community and community is something that we all need as human beings.
And so the inspiration for the brewery is to kind of bring people together so that they share, like the beer is so special that you share it together with your friends and have a moment. So that's kind of like the brewing philosophy behind it.
and And I just really love experimenting and making cool stuff like crazy ingredients and massive hoppy IPAs and all these kind of fun things that or if you're into beer and you're listening to this, you probably know about all this stuff. So and yeah, that's me basically.

Connecting Through the Podcast

you know and Justin and I, we live 40 minutes drive from one another.
in here in Norway but so we try and get to see each other more often than not but it's difficult with the way we have families and the rest so this is like a cool way for us to like connect as well on this podcast so we're hoping that you guys can join us on the journey for that too. It's exciting.
Yeah. And I mean, um, it's funny because, uh, when I was thinking about how it's only 40 minutes drive, but like in Norway, 40 minutes is like you, it most will be three hours.
if The mentality here is crazy. I mean, like really in Sydney, if you're 40 minutes of like, wow, and like i'll I'll be there in like no time, like it's the 40 minute drive, nothing, you know?
It's like, if it's a 40-minute drive in peak hour traffic, it's probably only five kilometers from your house. if That's true. So, yeah. So, here we are. What can people expect from the podcast, Joss? What do you reckon? Well, I mean, well, I i don't really know. But ah the the premise is that we'll share like a ah yeah a weekly reality of what it it what it takes to run your own business out of your garage, whether it's me doing my content creating stuff and building things, and or you doing your brewing, the taxes on the family, ah the issues where we're trying to solve. We're hopefully going to share it with
you the wins, probably more importantly, we're going to share with you the massive cock ups that we experience and what we what we learn from them. So, you know, um I think that's important to talk about. and Not everybody gets everything right all the time. And I know that I don't all the time. So and that's part of the journey, actually. It's, um you know, learning from your mistakes and moving forward and Um, I also hope we can talk about some other things outside of what we're doing, uh, perhaps things that inspire us, um, what things that annoy us. Um, and you know, things that you guys should go check out, uh, to enrich your lives. So that's the basic premise of what we're thinking this podcast is going to be. It'll probably completely change over time, I imagine. So.
People are ready for the journey Yeah, well, it's going to evolve. but Everything does. So if you actually remember, if you listen to the first ever episode of Make Ideas Reality podcast and you hear the last, they are vastly different. So I imagine it's going to be fairly similar process with this. But you know what? It's going to be good. I think we'll just see you what it is. And I hope you guys tune in every week to hear. And ah let's ah
Let's just say goodbye for now and we'll see you in episode two. Episode two. Yeah. Let's go. All right. Thanks for listening, everyone. Not the first podcast, by the way. So we're stoked to see what you guys think. Yeah. Outro music. do d d What's this one?
Do you think that's cool? Do you think that's a good outro? No, that's a terrible outro. Terrible outro. But it's let's just go with this one anyway, because it would be just like people would just be like, what the fuck? They started out with metal and now they're ending with this weird thing. What about this one?
And that bit of music there.
Who doesn't love a bit of ham and organ? Come on. I know, right? Who doesn't? Bad dog.