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2024 Oscar Discussion

S2 E35 · Hazardous Opinions
40 Plays1 year ago

What did you think of the 2024 Oscar winners? Tune in to the OppyPod to hear our thoughts! 

As always, please reach out and let us know your thoughts at: @hazardousopinionspod or and chat with us on Discord! If you love movies, add us on Letterboxd! Andy - Eric - Hunter

Please send us your movie recommendations or suggestions for discussion topics. For our next episode, we will be covering Alien (1979). Watch ahead and then tune in to hear our thoughts. Stay safe, we love y'all! 

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Introduction and Intentions

Hello, welcome back. We just watched the Oscars. I hope you did, too, because we're going to talk about it. I got my boy Hunter here. Hey, guys. And I got Andy here. Hey, oh. And we are going to throw the finger to the academy. For I mean, we don't have to, but we can. I mean, we have that right. You know,
They don't have to see it. You can just do it. What if I said I'm doing it right now? Who's going to do anything about it? I don't even see you. It's just all audio. I don't even see you. You can't stop me, Academy. I got opinions, too. Why can't I give out my awards? You know, you know what? Let's just do our own award show. Let's invite all the actors and actresses and everybody involved in movies. Let's just bring them all in one room.
And then, yeah, tell them that they could have made it, but then, you know, disappoint them right in front of them.
You think they did accept an invite over or? I don't see why not. I mean, if you want to ask about here, but yeah, you can ask them what they're used to. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'm going on Twitter right now. Okay. Perfect. X. I guess you mean the X X. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. So we're kind of covering the Oscars

Visual Effects Discussion

today. We're doing kind of a post cheating episode where we get to talk about who actually won and get to say who we think should have won. And we're going to go through the list a little bit and discuss the combinations and winners. So.
Yes, some of them are going to get the H.O. endorsement and then we're going to talk about, you know, the Oscars, but, you know, but we really want to know what you guys really want to know what the H.O. endorsement is, right? It's like an award that we give out. It's worth a lot of money. Might have some hazardous opinions about some of them. Boo. Yeah.
but yeah we're uh we're kicking off today with visual effects uh obviously very important to movies and there was there's a lot of good good contenders this year for it we had uh the creator godzilla minus one who ended up being the winner guardians three mission impossible seven eight whatever that one was dead reckoning and napoleon
So quite a quite a range of a visual effects layer from sci-fi to almost entirely CGI movies to Tom Cruise and a remaking of old stuff. Yeah. Which is surprising, you know, because I seen the creator and there was a lot of like.
intricacies with, uh, you know, the robots and stuff, which I thought was like really impressive. And especially with like, I mean, towards the end with the tanks and stuff, like that was crazy. And I never seen Godzilla, which I should, I wish I should have, because I usually really love Godzilla movies. Yeah, same. Yeah.
Yeah, I was the one that won and I guess maybe it was entirely CGI. I don't know. I wonder why it was called minus one. I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I think Godzilla for sure was, you know, kind of like these like Godzilla versus Kong movies, like this whole franchise that's going on right now. I think.
at least Godzilla obviously, but I'm sure there were people in it and it wasn't completely CGI, but yeah, all the buildings being destroyed. And I did hear it had a very small, like small for the genre and what the movie was going for had pretty small budget for that. Yeah. Was it like 15 million or something? Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. I.
Is that what you meant by having it all be CGI? I don't know. I'm thinking it's a mix between practical effects and CGI because I feel like that's the only way you can actually
do pull it off so well, especially with Godzilla being in a realistic setting, obviously. Yeah. Oh, sure. You have to do a lot of perspective type stuff in order to pull something like Godzilla off. That's probably why it won. Just the entire process of how they did it was probably impressive. I'm always speculating.
It is a little weird though that the Academy kind of lumps together stuff like Godzilla and Guardians with stuff like Mission Impossible. It's like, well, one's computers and one's like all real. I don't know. It's always hard. And this category was one of my hardest to even pick a favorite. Well, all the effects are really good here.
If I yeah, I do agree. Even though I haven't seen all of them, I've only seen two out of all of them. And that's guardians three and mission impossible. But if you look at mission impossible and you look at Napoleon, obviously Ridley Scott had to kind like kind of computer generate Egypt and wherever Napoleon
was in battles back then. He had to make a landscape behind all the actors and actresses. And also, maybe it wasn't all practical violence during the wars either, I'm guessing. So maybe he had to use a little computer rendering. And Mission Impossible, I did just watch a clip.
And I think, yeah, actually it was during the Oscars. I watched when the visual effects category came up. Mission impossible. The one scene where Tom Cruise is hanging in a train and all of this luggage is coming down. That luggage was CGI. So I feel like all of these.
can be grouped together, you know, even though mission possible, like they, Tom Cruise does his own freaking stunts. We do know that. Right. But yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It just depends like the, where you put those left and right limits of what visual effects are. Cause you see like the driving scenes and any mission impossible movie and you're like, yeah, like the level of, I guess risk, not like effort necessarily. Yeah.
is obviously

Production Design Insights

a lot higher than stuff like Guardians. It's almost all CGI and I guess costume design it gets into, but. Yeah. Yeah. Peer like enjoyment factor, though, I think Guardians is is my winner in that category. I was going to say the same. Yeah, Guardians was my winner, but I haven't seen minus one and I bet it was a revelation for like how much money they did it for.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited to go see that one. So then we move on to production design and you're going to see a lot of the same names as we go through some of these, uh, hint hint, uh, poor things and Oppenheimer that kind of swept the board. But, uh, production design includes Barbie, killers of flower moon, Napoleon Oppenheimer and poor things with a poor things, obviously winning out there with some pretty great set design.
Yeah, yeah, poor things. I mean, after seeing it, it does. I thought this was a very strong category because you got poor things. You got Oppenheimer. You got Killers of the Flower Moon and Barbie. And I haven't seen Napoleon. I really want to, but I do. I believe that was
Yeah, probably a really amazing production design, I would hope from Sir Ridley Scott. But I mean, honestly, like Oppenheimer, these period pieces, especially like Poor Things was during the Victorian period, I believe, and Killers of the Flower Moon was obviously during the early 1900s, I believe.
And Napoleon, obviously, I can't even think of the year for Napoleon. But in Oppenheimer, you know, during World War II, like the, you know, 30s, 40s, like you had to have very good production designs here. And honestly, I would say my winner, my winner was Barbie. And I will like just add a little tidbit there. Barbie guys, wow, got shut out.
You know, I, I can't believe it. I can't believe it. They should have won at least one Oscar. I know they go against tough competition, but come on production design. I, that's a tough one to lose. Well,
I'm gonna contrast that a little bit. This one thing, I have seen Barbie and Poor Things. I haven't seen Napoleon or Killers, Killers of the Flower Moon. But I think that Poor Things was really strong in the production design, especially with how the storytelling was with the black and white and then the color.
And then how, like, you know, there's like the set pieces and everything too. Yeah, I really enjoyed that. So, I mean, I, yeah, it would be tough with Barbie, but I think I'd still go with poor things.
Yeah, poor things was very well set up. And I don't think it was exactly Victorian I think it was like semi futuristic, ancient, you know, like, it's a mix of time eras because there's a lot of futuristic tech in that movie.
yeah victorian with a fantasy world i i guess some steam steampunk yep i was just yeah that yes i i apologize yeah but they were going like at least for costumes it seemed really victorian yeah yeah and stuff i i think barbie as well because i just you can't get over how how good all those doll houses look but poor things is a very close for me
I know, I know. Like I said, it was a strong category, but like, and I love killers. Jeez. Yeah. Barbie. Just dang. Yeah. And I, I, I like Napoleon. I like Oppenheimer a lot. I just, I just don't think you can, uh, you can beat the amount of work that was put into those other two. Exactly. Yeah. Agreed.
Yeah, especially like I really like the steam rail scene in in poor things when you're going through and just all the sets looked like sets almost like a like a play, but they look good.
Yeah, I kind of had like, almost a Bo is afraid feeling as well.

Sound Design Analysis

Both, both strange ish movies, you know, are surreal. One may be more than the other. I'd say Bo is afraid is definitely weirder, but more weird.
Yeah. Yeah. What about what do you guys think about sound? Obviously some of the same ones we've seen already. Creator, Maestro, Mission Impossible 52, Oppenheimer, and Zone of Interest.
oh my god well hey guess what guys they keep getting better and better it's like a fine dude in wine it's so good and I love it but you can't after going through like six movies say okay this one is dead reckoning part one come on now in ten years I forget this order so bad
Oh, wait, DRPO. Yeah. Well, I think, I think they officially removed the part one. Didn't they for the title? I'm pretty sure in the title and everything I've seen. Okay. I thought I saw news about that though. Weird. Okay. Yeah. So I have a question.
Yeah, with a zone of interest in this category. Sorry. I'm trying to get over this whole mission impossible thing. I've never seen a single mission impossible, right? Really? How many are there now? You're joking me. Ten of them? This is seven or eight, I think. Okay, hold on. Three, four, five, six. They numbered them for the first three and they just gave up. It's seven. Seven of them? I want to say it's seven.
They have at least eight or I mean, it's going to have an eight. It's going to be eight. This is number seven coming up on eight. Okay. So. We're. I'm so sorry. I forgot where I was going with that. Okay. You trained DRL. I was like. Okay, never mind. Forget what I said. I'm going to come in later.
probably towards the end. Yeah. Okay. Once you realize, have a revelation. Yeah. If I remember I'm coming in hot, just to let you know, I'm not going to forget it again. Yeah. Getcha. I getcha.
Yeah, Mission Impossible has amazing sound though. It's got the classic theme, of course. It's got, I don't know, just really good music throughout and that's where I put my vote. I mean, Oppenheimer's good. Maestro, of course, is good being surrounded by sound, but didn't get to see Zone of Interest. I didn't either.
But yeah, you just can't beat that score in Mission Impossible and the sound effects of everything happening. Yep. Yeah. I mean, honestly, I would have said Oppenheimer would have been my boat for best sound, but Mission Impossible, yes, because it was a huge blockbuster action movie. It had to have very good sound and the explosions and the train.
that happened in the movie, like all, all very awesome, but Oppenheimer, and it's kind of funny when I, when I heard it was in best sound. The first part I thought of was their testing of the atomic bomb and like how sound cuts out and then it fades back in so strongly.
That, that's what I thought of for like best sound, you know? Yeah. I, I, um, I don't know. I just, I think it's, it's the different environments as well. Definitely make it a huge difference. And I seen Oppenheimer in the, in the theaters and I seen mission possible home and mission possible sounded amazing. Even on home speakers and.
I don't know if Oppenheimer would translate the same. Haven't got a chance to watch that at home yet. I did. Does, does it sound good still at home? Okay. So let me put it this way. It sounded great. I love the sound in it. It was really captivating, but like, uh,
The only problem is that I live in an apartment and when he has these things where he's like has those visual like in his head type things and it gets really loud. You have to turn it down because I'm like scrambling for the it takes me out of it because I'm scrambling for the remote and then like this really, really loud.
I don't even know what you call it. Noise comes in. Yeah. And like I have subwoofers, too. I think like, yeah, like halfway through the movie, I just had to turn the subwoofer off. Like it was just too much space, bro. Eric, that's how great of sound it is, though. I know it's great. And I wish I could just sit there and experiment, experience it. But I'm like, man, I have neighbors.
You know, you share walls. I got to look out for those neighbors. Yeah. Yeah. Neighbors get to experience it too. Yeah. Yeah. They would love. Yes. I just put a I just slip a note under their door and just be like, uh, leave me alone for the next three hours. All right. I'm watching Oppenheimer. All right. You hear a war going on in my apartment. That's Oppenheimer. You're what you're
Not an actual war takes place in that movie, though, but it fucking sounds like a war zone in here, but just because of the base. I loved it, though. I wish I could just sit there with the base, but I couldn't couldn't couldn't do that. Yeah. Yeah. Don't blame you. Don't blame me at all. But if you did experience it in the theater, like if you would have. Oh, yeah. I think I think it would have been your top two, honestly.
I bet. I mean, I've only seen Oppenheimer and the Creator. And so far, I mean, for best sound, I would give it to Oppenheimer. That is really fair. I've seen Creator in theaters and it just didn't blow me away. It was standard sci-fi, I think. Yeah, that's what you guys were telling me. And I still do really want to see it. That Maestro and Zone of Interest, I did not see. So most of the category, unfortunately.
OK, so all three of us haven't seen zone of interest then. That's unfortunate until now. Yeah, I wish I got to see that one so I could actually weigh in on why that is the best.

Editing and Costume Design

That's the one where they're living next to the concentration camp, right? Yes. Oh, wow. Yep. Yep. The husband works there. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Definitely got to watch that.
Okay. Yeah. Jonathan Glaser's film. Yeah. So into editing, uh, we have anatomy of a fall, the holdovers killers Oppenheimer and poor things, uh, with Oppenheimer winning out on this one, sorry, uh, killers of the flower moon. Uh, for those of you who don't know.
And I did have Oppenheimer for this one. So it's probably my first and only one where I've actually hoped correctly. But this one was between poor things and Oppenheimer for me. So that wasn't a hard choice. Unfortunately, didn't get to see the other three. Yeah, I mean, I have seen all of these, but anatomy of a fall and honestly, like the holdovers was.
Like compared to the others, I would say the Holdovers was maybe a little more simple to put together and like envision, but Kills of the Flower Moon, very good transitions. Martin Scorsese always has them. Oppenheimer, amazing, especially when you flip from Killian Murphy being Oppenheimer.
and switching to, like you were saying, Eric, in his mind that, you know, the loud sounds. Yeah. That, oh man, just the transitions back and forth like that. And also the testing of the atomic bomb. Oh man. Just, and when he was in that auditorium and it seems like a, uh, atomic bomb goes off in it.
Yeah. And like everybody, you know, is like, like turning to dust, basically like skeletons. Really. Yeah. Really frightening. And I thought that was like a part of its amazing editing. So Oppenheimer did deserve it. I think I chose that for my vote and.
Just to end it too, for me, poor things. Very good editing, I believe too, Andy. And especially just those kind of classical transitions into different parts. Kind of going with the theme of like more of the older age compared to like the steampunk, obviously.
But yeah, just those like, you know, fantastical old-ish vintage transitions. Yep. Yeah. I don't think a poor things was bad by any means. Uh, just, I have definitely a love for what Oppenheimer does with its editing and just wins out for me.
Yeah, it would have been close, but honestly, I mean, what I could commend for poor things and it's in its editing style is like the, the chapter cards.
tattoo. They were also wacky. And then the way they were presented is stuff. I didn't even know there were chapter cards. All I saw was like a word. Like the first time I saw it, I was really confused until it started popping up again. Oh, they're chapter cards. Yeah. Other than that, like. Yeah, I mean, I guess not going back to production design with like the I guess the black and white stuff in the effects. I don't know.
I guess. Yeah. It wasn't much effects going on, but yeah. Oppenheimer definitely great editing. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm glad that you brought that up for the title cards too. I was, forgot about those important things. What are the, some of the weirder scenes, I guess you'd say, there's like pretty abstract. It was like her like writing a fish or something. What's going on? It just makes you laugh. Cause like, what is that?
Oh, definitely. They quickly devolve. I think one of the later ones just got like some weird monster in it with their laying on it. And you're like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah. Yeah. Anatomy of a fall. What do you think? What do you think is going on there? It's like a murder mystery, right? Yeah, I think that's a foreign film, too, right?
Yeah, it's French because I think the director is Justine Triet. And when she got up to accept the award when Nell and I were watching, she had a very thick accent. And it was definitely French.
And that's like, I was kind of second guessing myself like, Oh, is it French? Is it not? But then like, you know, I, I just think that confirmed it for me, I guess. Yeah. It looks French. Uh, the original title anatomy.
oh definitely definitely french it well way to go hey good try andy damn i i was scared for you too and uh sandra euler is in this one as well who is also in uh zone of interest so my own two oscar noms is here jeez yeah and i mean
Anatomy of a fall. I think Andy, you'd probably really appreciate it because I think it takes place quite a bit in a courtroom. Yeah. As far as I'm aware, yeah, it's, it's, um, court scenes a lot about the arguments about who could have killed this person and all that. Yeah.
Oh, another court movie, huh? Like to kill a mockingbird, huh? I know what you're talking about. Yeah. I know. I've seen movies like that. A Few Good Men. Hello, Good Men. Twelve Angry Men. Yeah. Twelve Angry Men. A Few Good Men. Is that? I haven't seen Twelve Angry Men, but I've seen A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, Kevin Bacon.
Demi, is it Demi Moore, wanna say? Yeah, yeah. But like, when Jack Nicholson says, you can't handle the truth.
Oh, that's from that movie. Yeah. Yeah. That's the famous quote. Yeah. Okay. All right. Lieutenant Cathy. Yeah. That's going on the watch list. Okay. Oh, it better. I'll be back. It better. Yeah. I'm going to start with some more illegal movies on our monthly watches. Yeah. Yeah. It's just to kill a mockingbird over and over again. Atticus Finch.
So what do you guys think about costume design? This one I think is a difficult contender category. We got Barbie, Killers the Flower Moon, Napoleon, Oppenheimer, and Poor Things. So a lot of period pieces and semi-period pieces. A lot of good choices here with Poor Things being the ultimate winner.
Yes. Yeah. And I think it seems like costume design really likes to go for these like Renaissance type or Victorian films, honestly, like all the time. But yeah, poor things. It was very good. It was very good. It stood out to me.
I would say the other three are definitely period pieces. So dang, you have a lot to work with there and like, you know, kind of make it your own taste. If you want to like a little bit of things, you can tweak them. But like you want to stay true to the time it took place during and then you have Barbie, the imaginative. Like fantasy.
But still very based in reality, as far as I'm aware of all the toys that they modeled after. Oh, right. Right. Yeah. But like, you know, it's the toy world. So definitely like, especially in Barbie land, not talking about the real world.
And like, I don't know, just that part where Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie as Ken and Barbie are rollerblading through all these normal looking fucking LA people. And then you have these two in like 80s, almost garb, you know?
Yeah. And he got Gosling in his cowboy outfit later. Oh my God. And then all the Ken's. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, they weren't all the same looking. Like they were totally stand apart-ish. And that's what I really appreciated about Barbie. So I would probably, I'd have to go Barbie.
There, Barbie should have had another shot at an Oscar here, like a better shot. I'm 100% with you there. And it could be just the sheer amount of costumes, but like I loved every single one of them. Yes. Yeah. I think a lot of thought was put into it too. It wasn't like, Oh, copy and paste from all these Barbie products, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So.
Yeah, I agree with you guys with the Barbie having, you know, like the chaps and the ankle warmers and stuff. I think poor things says like that, that grand factor, like the the costumes are the things that you notice in that movie the most, I think. Yeah, I mean, in Barbie, like when they're like dressing different than everybody else. Yeah, you
They're like, Oh yeah, she's, she's a doll. She's dressing different from everybody else. Look at her. That was good. But like, you know what I mean? Like, it was more of like, uh, you sounded real sassy there. I was very sassy. I was trying to be Barbie, but I'm not sassy enough. Honestly. All right. Uh, no, it was, it was good.
I'm going to say that I agree with you guys with the Barbie and I'm going to say poor things was, was also probably picked most likely because it was just more grand and more flashy with the costume design. I think the flashiest costume design would go to poor things. Okay. Yeah. Yep. And they just like to snub Barbie.
Yeah. Every time, dude. I'll get to it. I'll get to that.
You can only, I guess, side with one female empowerment movie of the year. So you could snub the other one. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. What are we doing? That's the point, though, right? They're just like, yeah, we're not going to do Barbie. We're going to do poor things, though. Yeah. And everyone, audience, I want to tell you that when we were together over the weekend, we were going to do a TikTok and we were going to riot if
Barbie like didn't win anything. Yeah, we're going to do that. All right. And. Yeah, just putting it out there as evidence. That's it. We were about to, but. Andy's neighborhood got lucky today. Yes. Yeah. Agreed. Indeed, indeed.
Yeah. So onto the costume design, um, other side, uh, the makeup and hair styling. Um, so we got a little bit more of mix up here of options. You had Golda maestro Oppenheimer poor things, which wins again and society of the snow. Okay. All right. So one of these things are not like the other. Can you guess which one it is?
I actually can't. Poor things being the only non realistic one. No. OK, so Society of the Snow is a survival story. Why is best makeup and hairstyling? Why is this even the thing? Well, OK, OK, hold on. I thought of this, too. I did have your like your thought in my head, even when I like.
Uh, had to refresh myself right before the Oscars on makeup and hair styling. Yeah. But if I thought about it, it's set in the seventies, I believe. Yup. So like, you know, kind of also kind of, you know, Oppenheimer was only a couple decades before that. So, you know,
But also when their bodies are deteriorating, when they're up in the mountains, it was, it was very good. Like makeup and hair styling and like, just put it, putting that stuff on bodies. Like you got frostbite, you got other things like this and it looked so real and it like really affected you. So that's, that's why I thought makeup and hair styling was there. Yeah.
You know what, I honestly forgot it was, you know what, it should have won because you told me that because I honestly thought they were just actually male-nourished. Okay. Hey, this is basically a true story. I didn't even know why it was on this list. Eric's laughing and it's based on a true story. I know. I'm sorry. My heart goes out to.
Everybody, but I was laughing at you. Goddammit. I know. Keep laughing at me. The subject isn't. It is not funny. I was being facetious. Yeah. Yeah. You are facetious quite a bit. Yeah. I am. And Hunter, on your thing about the timeline, I mean, society of the snow only takes place a year after the events of Golda happen. So not too far apart on the timeline there.
Oh wow. Okay. I didn't know much about gold. Yeah. That makes sense. Is golden. Golden. Is the, uh, have you guys seen darkest hour? No. Okay. Well,
Golda is a retelling from a famous politician's viewpoint of a war. It's the Yom Kippur war between, forgive me if I get this wrong, but Israel and Egypt, I think.
But yeah, just basically retelling of some of the events that happened there from a historical figures perspective, being Golda.

Music and Scores

And politics aside, that was my vote, just because there's a lot of prosthetics and really good hair styling and makeup that went into making Helen Mirren into Golda. So.
I liked it a lot for that aspect, at least. Okay. Yeah. She did look unrecognizable. Honestly, it was crazy. Yeah. And yeah, you've seen this one with society of the snow. Yeah. I think this is might be the only category where I've seen all of them. Oh, wow.
So, but society is no close second in here just because of all, of course, all everything you guys said for the amazing work they did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I really like had to second guess it, but then I was like, Oh, duh, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was a good point that you brought up there. I didn't even think of that. It's okay, Eric. I forgive you.
Thank you. You're welcome. All right. Original score. So somebody came up with a score for this movie, and one of these stuck out the best. And it was Indiana Jones, the Dial of Destiny.
Yes. Absolutely. Unfortunately, it was Oppenheimer. Yeah, it was Oppenheimer. But yeah, we did have Indiana Jones number four or number, number five in contending here, killers, Flower Moon again, poor things again, and American fiction. Yeah. And I mean, looking at all of these, I do still need to watch Indiana Jones. I love Indy.
I just never got to the theater because I was so busy. And that's when it kind of like slipped my mind almost until it came on Disney Plus. So I will watch it. But honestly, like, you know, looking at poor things, Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flower Moon, really wanted to watch American fiction. Unfortunately did not get to it right before the Oscars. But Oppenheimer is the worthy winner. I'd say Ludwig, uh,
Gorson? I want to say his name was? Ludwig Gorson? Yes. Yes. So he also produced music for The Mandalorian, came up with all those awesome scores for it. Like, wow, just he works with
all different types of instruments and just really tries to create a new sound and he did it for Mando and it just the violins and everything. And like Christopher Nolan kind of told him, like what he kind of envisioned for it, I believe. And I think he said violins and Ludwig just went off from there, but oh, wow. Just amazing.
Oppenheimer's pretty good, but I mean, if you give me a choice between like throwing Star Wars or Indiana Jones in the mix, like it's always going to be stuff like that for me. Uh, just those classic songs. And I honestly didn't even realize that Indiana Jones's score was original this time around. Like, I don't know how much you have to retweet it to be original, but, uh, it still sounds classic enough that it was my vote for sure.
Oh, so nostalgia. Okay. I get it. All right. You're one of those guys. You're category. They said it's it's enough to be an original score. So that's my vote.
OK. All right. It had the same like notes kind of to it, but it definitely wasn't like the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was tweaked, but still got that good. It was like reminiscent of it. Yes. So maybe it was nostalgia. Yeah. Right. Yeah. It just brings up great feelings. Yeah. When you're reminded. Yeah.
Give me all warm and fuzzy. Oh, I believe it, Eric. I believe it. What was I made for? I can't say I remember poor things as much for the score. I don't either. Yeah, I feel like I look for them. I just I don't I don't know. I just didn't stick out in my head. No, there there was. Some music in there, but it was.
Wasn't really like it was it was like few far in between. This is mostly dialogue anyways. Yeah. Oh, Eric, there was there was sound to this movie. There was a little bit of sound. Yeah. Not much, though. You're listening closely there. You can hear some sound. I'm sorry, I feel like a jerk. I just.
I'm so mad at sarcasm. Sorry. It's fine. No, no, I knew sarcasm. I'm not. It's fine. I don't. OK. OK. You're cool. You're cool with me then. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks, man. OK. Yeah, to.
Yeah, to, uh, more, more music. Cause we really love music. The best original song from layman hot Barbie times two American symphony and killers of the flower moon. So Barbie had double the chance to win here and, uh, it took it away with, uh, what was I made for? Mm-hmm. But Billy, Billy Eilish, Billy beautiful, beautiful song and beautiful performance from her and her brother Finneas at the Oscars.
like she's got a really good live voice thankfully but I mean should have been Ken honestly yes that was my pick even though Kayla you did an amazing job on Flamin Hot loved the movie but you know I'm just Ken I mean especially when it's performed at the Oscars live oh my freaking god Ryan Gosling guys killed it and he was
He was paying tribute to a Marilyn Monroe kind of video of her singing Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend, I believe is the name of the song. But yeah, like, you know, just reverse with a guy doing it and Ken doing it. Like, so fun that they brought all, like, I think all the castmates to do it. Like, Simu was there.
And yeah, just everybody else it seemed like. So yeah, just, I have to go with I'm just Ken. I mean, just what a song that's going to stay around forever. Yeah. I, uh, obviously what was I made for very close. I can also very good to me.
I didn't get to see Kelly Killers. American Symphony did not wow me that much for being a movie about a music artist. Just like, oh, dang. Oh, wow. Did you guys get to get to see that one? Nope. It never went away. Or American Symphony. Yeah. Gosh, I was reading the song title. My bad. No, no, I did not.
Yeah, it was kind of like almost documentary like about his life. It's about John Batiste, kind of a newer music artist. Yeah, just didn't wow me though. It was okay. Okay. Definitely. Unfortunately, that was the, I guess Barbie's won win, I guess, right? Is their song.
Yeah, just a song. I mean, yeah. So when I said shut out, I mean, just for me, that feels like it really goes to Billy, her brother, and whoever like helped them with the song. Honestly, like when you think about the movie, it kind of, yes, they go hand in hand, but as well as like, what did?
Like it was, it was a lot of Greta's movie and also like the performers for the actors and actresses. So yeah, just felt like they didn't get anything, you know, for it to go to Billie Eilish or he has a plethora of awards. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. But yeah, no, good job, Billie. Honestly.
Yeah. I mean, yeah, still success still applauds to her, but yeah, would have been nice to see, um, at least one of the actors that sang the songs get it or lesser known music artists. Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

Documentary and Animation

I agree.
Yeah, into, uh, some of the categories that are a little bit smaller. I don't know how many of you guys have seen of these, but best documentary feature film. Uh, so we get Bobi wine, the people's president, the eternal memory, four daughters to kill a tiger and 20 days in Mario pole. Did you guys get the chance to see any of these ones? No.
I can also say I did not. Not a big guy. I'm sorry. Documentary guy. You don't let mom watch these documentaries all the time. She has seen one of these, right?
Maybe, yeah. She's watching new ones. Yeah, she's always watching documentaries. I'm like, hey, you watch anything new lately? She's like, I'll be watching documentaries. I'm like, cool. All right, we can talk about those. I recommend her. She is also really big into movies too, so I'll recommend her a movie. But for some reason, she's been watching a lot of documentaries lately.
Wow. Yeah. Informational information. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes they can be good. I seen eternal memory and Bobby wine. I thought eternal memory was a little bit slow, but Bobby wine was actually pretty good. Even just for the music. It's a very in a training hour and a half or so. Um, it's kind of about this guy in, uh, Uganda, who is.
becomes a legislature. I'm not sure exactly what the term is they use over there. And they're kind of fighting a lot of oppression in their country with their regime. And he's kind of like a music artist as well. So there's a lot of music throughout the documentary. That one's probably worth a watch. But yeah, I can't say the same, probably about the rest of them. 20 Days in Marypole ended up being the winner. So we'll probably check that one out.
Um, I think that one's just about the war in Ukraine. Okay. Huh. Yeah. Interesting. That's a pretty like recent topic then. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think all these are pretty recent. Oh yeah. I actually did watch the acceptance speech from the director of 20 days in Marielle.
And it was, it was very touching, like obviously because it is a very recent subject and he's, he's from Ukraine. And yeah, it was just, yeah, it was touching really. Yeah. It's a.
A lot easier to get your name up there. I suppose if it's connected to current events compared to some of the others, there aren't like current current, like actively happening. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. I will eventually get to check that one out. Glad you checked out at least a couple of those. Thank you for letting us in on those.
Yeah. And then there's a documentary shorts. So same thing, but shorter, of course. Uh, the ABC is a book banning Barbara of Little Rock Island in between the last repair shop and nine, nine and Waipo, uh, with last repair shop winning, which was going to be my vote there. Uh, it's kind of the only worthwhile one that I seen of those five. What did you think of it?
It was really good. It's obviously they're very short, so they're only like 15, 20 minutes each for those. It's just kind of like a touching story about a repair shop for musical instruments for impoverished families that can't afford to go get their instrument fixed or buy an instrument. So it was really cool to see, and I hope they get more support for their program and stuff.
Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. It did seem like it was a very nice cause and like a very honest subject. Yeah. And actually like when we were watching the Oscars, um, when Nell saw the name pop up, she's like, I really want to see that. So like even before it won, she was like, I really want to see that. So Hey, I mean, if it won, must've been really worth it.
I, I would disagree in a little bit of a way. I think this is the one category in the Oscars where I'm like, did you guys run out of movies? Are these the only five to get submitted?
Last Repair Shop definitely deserves a win. It's really good. It just stands so far above the other four. I guess I didn't see Barbara of Little Rock, but the other three, I'm like, really? Is it what you submitted? Just not like the highest quality stuff, especially ABC of book banning politics aside on it. It just very poorly made. Oh boy. You've seen it.
Yeah, yeah. That was like the only one I was actually like curious about because like I was always wondering like what the dynamic is between banning a book, which is like obviously not wanting people to read it, which is like could be like more of like an intellectual control over people. So I don't know. Yeah, I was I was also very curious to watch that and I was almost excited for that one. And it's it's kind of like a cheap YouTube video almost.
it's just not quality made and um like I don't know I I get the message I just it just wasn't put out in the right way the message is that we already know that okay yeah yeah so yeah it's been done better but damn I get what you're saying then yeah
So into probably one of the big stub sets, uh, animated feature films. So he got boy in the Heron, the winner, or he disappointing hunter, uh, the Mona robot dreams, which isn't even out yet for watching and spider-man across the spider-verse, which is the uncontested winner of hazardous opinions, I think. Yes. Yep. Yeah. And, uh,
I will start a riot soon. I'll let you guys know when and where. But yeah, I'm so disappointed with this one. Honestly, did Into the Spider-Verse win it? When it came out? I think so. Yeah. Okay.
back in 2018. I'll check, but yeah, I think it did. Okay, even if it did or did not. It did. Yeah. It did? Okay. It won an Oscar. This one is an even step above it. I know. In my opinion. Twice as much probably. What we talked about in the pod, right? With our year wrap up. It was transcendent. Everybody's gonna remember it forever and ever.
I understand that the people that made The Boy and the Heron are very popular in animated films. And honestly, me, I had no desire to watch it. I probably won't. I'm not into that style, unfortunately, but I do understand other people are.
But honestly, like even without that, just across the Spider-Verse and even Nimona when I watched it seemed like a very different animated film that should be recognized. So it was very good. Surprisingly. It was very good. Surprisingly. And I mean, elemental, yes, it's part of the Pixar machine. I love elemental personally.
When I do put it up against at least across the spider verse, I don't think it matches up as well, but I love, I love elemental to death, but geez, across the spider verse is just on, it's on the moon. I don't know how this worked. I wonder if it being a Marvel movie and being in the time of Marvel burnout kind of hurt it. I don't know. That's a, that's a good point to bring up, I guess. Yeah.
Didn't really think about that, but could be. Yeah. I can't speak with a hundred percent certainty either. Haven't seen Boy Nairn. I'm sure it's great if it got an Oscar, of course, but, uh, yeah, unfortunate that, uh, that our boy Spidey didn't make it. I know. Nope. All the Spideys didn't make it. Not a single one of them. Nope. Not a single one of them. Even all the different ones, like they had so many.
There's so many, you know, 500 at least. There's a T-Rex one. Yeah. And all pointing at each other. Like what the hell happened? Is it you? Spider-Man, which one? We got to do a whole multiverse episode for Spider-Man. Yeah. Oh, we do. We do. Of course.
yeah robot dreams i i don't think is even publicly available yet i could not find it on anything but yeah the rest of them were good i liked nimona and elemental very unfortunate upset
pretty, uh, pretty strong category this year, but just, yeah, I, I'm just disappointed personally. So I, I was like, um, you know, I'm pretty sure any studio Ghibli film gets nominated. I mean, it's true that they always get nominated for best feature, but I mean, they don't always win either, but they always get nominated. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Yeah. I feel that too. It like, it really didn't surprise me that this one was in there. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. On the opposite side of that conversation, best animated short film. The options were letter, letter to a pig, 95 senses, our uniform, Pachyoderm, and war is over, which we seen zero to five. So I don't think Pachyoderm even means.
Pachyderm? Pachyderm. I've heard it before. What does it mean? Is it an animal? Yeah, I don't think we've seen any of these really comment on them. Wars over is the one they end up winning. Yeah, I'll probably have to check at least that one out at some point. It's French for elephant. Really? Pachyderm? Why do I feel like I've heard that before?
was nowhere near an elephant, but like, I don't like not believe you. I just like, I don't know why.
Interesting. Yeah. And then there's best live action short film. So the more realistic ones. So you got the after invincible night of fortune, red, white and blue. And the wonderful story of Henry Sugar. Did you guys get the chance to check any of these ones out? No, I did not. No wonder what it is. I want to see that one. Is that like the base on the show?
After was a wonderful story of Henry Sugar was actually pretty good. And once on Netflix, uh, with bandit Cumberbatch and then, uh, night of fortune would be my winner here. Uh, it's a very sweet moving story about loss. So. Hmm. Dang. Is this loss? It is. Well, I'm glad you got to check out like all of them are quite like almost all of them. Sorry.
I thought it would be but I could not find it anywhere.
Three, three out of five. Three out of five. That's what I thought. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. No, that's good. Oh yeah. Cause you didn't find it invincible. All right. Yeah. Red, white, blue. I don't even know what that, what that one's about. Um, but yeah, I have no hard feelings about Henry sugar winning, um, Bennett kind of batch. I'll easily hit the name recognition attached

Screenplay and International Films

to it. And it's, it's a good story. Wes Anderson, I suppose.
yeah that too that helps uh it's very like like kind of like a play yeah most of his films kind of do i feel yeah and i'll be honest like
May, maybe a hot take hazardous opinion here, but the only movie that I like of Wes Anderson's is grand Budapest hotel. That's it. Uh, did not like asteroid city. Didn't like the French dispatch. I don't know. I don't always forget about the Fox. Oh my gosh. Fantastic. Mr. Fox. Yes. Dang it. Okay. That that's another one that I did enjoy.
I don't love, love it, but I enjoyed it. Graham Budapest really liked. So there, I'll say that.
And then, yeah, back into the categories where we actually all have seen some stuff, best original screenplay. So Anatomy of a Fall, which took home the trophy, The Holdovers, Maestro, May, December, and Past Lives. Unfortunately, Past Lives got snubbed. That was definitely where I was going.
I was angry past lives should have, I haven't seen anatomy of a fall. I know I can't like fully speak on it, but I just rewatch past lives again before this episode. And it just, it had me, like it had my heart in the grip. Uh, I know that kind of sounds cheesy, but yeah, just like, you know, had my heart in a chokehold and.
Yeah, it was just like such nice writing while making communication clear. Yeah. But, but not answers. It doesn't give you answers. Yeah. Like you kind of have to come up with the answers and stuff.
I'd only seen past lives in Maestro here, uh, so that, that wasn't much competition at all. Um, past lives easily won that it's, it's got such real conversations and it does that I'm sure almost everyone has experienced at some point in their life, unless they get married right outside of high school, I guess, but.
Yeah, it just talks about relationships in a very real way and going through, you know, what, what could have happened. Um, missed opportunities, stuff like that. So what, what if, yeah, just a stunning movie. I loved it. It, it's not one of those drama romances. It's, it's different and it feels very real. Mm-hmm.
It does. And it's the performances were just on. They seemed like real people. And even though the dialogue isn't going, the screenplay still has their actions in there. And it was very good physical actions to like alleviate lines of dialogue.
And it was just so clear from that too. So thought that was a really good screenplay. And I did like the Holdovers a lot too. That story was very good. So it was a strong category there. Yeah. Holdover is still very high on my list to go see whenever that comes to streaming or streaming that I have. Yeah. It is on streaming, Andy. I don't have Peacock. I'm sorry. I know. I know.
Yeah, that was a good one too. But yeah, very saddened by that category as well. Yeah. And then Eric, I don't think you had any in that one, right? None.
No. Oh, sorry for going on about it. Oh, it's just listening. Oh, thanks for enjoying. Yeah. Check out, check out past lives. It's, it's the one really good one in there. Okay. I will do that. Did I've seen so. Yes. Watch past lives at least in the holdovers in the holdovers. Okay. And then you go into a best adapted screenplay. Um, which I'm not sure why, uh, I guess nevermind. Maestro would be original.
American fiction, Barbie, Oppenheimer, poor things, and zone of interest. And since I read the book, obviously I gave this to Oppenheimer for me. I was going to say Oppenheimer was probably my pick. It kind of sucks that Barbie was in adapted screenplay when it's just dealing with a
a kind of like a product. That's the only reason that's the only reason because Barbie's in the name and they use some Barbie things, you know, but honestly, like Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, her partner, like, I don't know, they completely came up with a script. I, I still felt like.
Yeah. See, I was going to question that about Maestro, because it's like, wait, it's about a real person's life. Is it original? Technically, you're writing it about something that already happened, but yeah. Very fair.
Yeah, I don't know exactly how they do that, but yeah, Barbie could have had their chance at a semi best picture thing here and American fiction just took it home. So, and I do want to see American fiction. I bet it is a very good movie. That's why I want to see it. But yes, my, my choice would have been Oppenheimer and poor, poor things like it had the Yorgos lat the most dry.
humor or like deadpan. There we go. Deadpan humor. Sorry. Correct to myself there. But yeah, like, and I love that. Like in his movie, The Lobster. Yeah. Yeah. Oppenheimer. I know all the media, man.
Let's do it American fiction I haven't seen but I've seen poor things in Oppenheimer And I guess what is Barbie adapting from? What is Barbie adapting from? That's what we were just discussing, just the property I guess Yeah, like the product of Barbie
from Mattel, you know, like it's a license thing. And they took like, of course, they have their items that they've sold in their screenplay. But, you know, yeah, well, in terms of like, yeah, I don't know. Gotta see American fiction. I want to know. We got to know. I think that one's a book adaptation. I'm actually excited for that one.
Yeah, I am too. I love Jeffrey Wright. Yeah. And then we go into international feature films. So we got the teacher's lounge from Germany, Deutschland, IO Capitano from Italia, Perfect Days from Japan, Society of the Snow from Spain, and Zone of Interest from the UK, which
At what point do you say like, I mean, the UK is so tied up with our movie scenes that is it really international? Very true. Very true, right? Yeah. Like we got so many British actors that won Oscars this year, even. And we got like a bunch of directors and British directors like working here, like Christopher Nolan. Hello. Yeah. So zone of interest, of course, from the UK took that home.
It's a unfair should be society's now. Yeah, and I haven't I haven't even seen this and I I agree with you, Andy. I'm with you. Yeah. Yeah. I can't say too much because obviously society is now the only one I've seen of these five. But same. Yeah. Easily easily my number one of the five.
Yes. Yeah. Even though it's the only one I've seen. Well, you know, like even if it's the only one we've seen, wasn't it amazing? It was especially as a survival like true story. There's too many out there that like are kind of all the same for survival and stuff. Yes, it might be a little thrilling, but this like it really makes you dread it and feel it in your bones.
It was hard to watch the simple. It was. It's like this happened to people. Yeah. And it's horrible, you know, what they like went through, especially like, well, not really a spoiler, but especially with the cannibalism, like, um, I couldn't believe it, you know, and I couldn't believe what the world puts it like the world or nature, the situations were put in from them, you know? Yeah.
Yeah. I, uh, I wonder if it, um, had a harder time because it's technically a remake, even though this is the better version of the two.

Cinematography and Direction

Yeah. I don't really know anything about the other three, um, from Italy, Japan, and Germany though. Uh-uh. Yeah. So one of interest got a lot of, a lot of noms and wins this year. Yes, it did. No, dang. Yeah.
On to one of my favorite categories. Cinematography. Let's go. One of my more difficult ones to choose one. So you got El Conde, Killers of the Flower Moon, Maestro, Oppenheimer, which took home the trophy and poor things. Yes. And I've seen, I've seen three of these. So, you know, more than 50%. I'm on it. But.
Killers, Martin Scorsese always shoots his films well, and he always chooses a good cinematographer to collaborate with, I feel. Maestro, I saw, is it all in black and white, Andy? Maestro, no Maestro's in color.
Oh, it was. OK, sorry. I don't know why I'm thinking it was some of the black and white thinking in the same thing. Yes, I think they have some black and white scenes, but I think it's mostly in color from what I. OK, a lot of pictures I've seen are the black and whites. So that's that's what I thought. But it looked like it, you know, looked very good and poor things as well, like your ghost.
chose to shoot it pretty differently. And it felt like a different movie because of that, like because of the angles and the shots he got with cameras and the backgrounds, the backdrops and everything you can just tell they put a lot of care into the look of the film. And the cinematography really helped that the black and white looked really good, made everybody really pop on screen. And
the, you know, the background on the ship in poor things that was very like fantastical that kind of matched with the tone of the movie. But I would say Oppenheimer. Oh, man, just in that also had black and white, but it just looked so good. And just a right tone of colors for it all. It felt like
It's just something about Hollywood, really loving going back to black and white, I guess. I know, right? Living in the past. She's like, huh, you take out the color and all of a sudden you get all these noms. I think it has to do with like the whole retro.
Feeling of it all is like retro is like the new new in some cases these days Oh, yeah, kind of like a hipster. Yeah bringing back like
you know, acid wash jeans, stuff like that in the eighties. Yeah, I get you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I was surprised Oconee didn't get to put on the, um, uh, international films. I think this one is like Spain or Brazil. I might be wrong there, but, um, uh, this one's actually mine and this one's in black and white. Um, but I thought the cinematography for it was pretty great, even if the movie itself wasn't.
Yeah, I liked it. Hmm. Okay. From Chile. So Chile. Okay. Okay. So South American film. Yep. Yep. Gotcha. Okay. Eric, what, what did you think for like the best looking, the best looking definitely, I would agree with the Academy with Oppenheimer. Um, I've only seen two of these Oppenheimer and poor things.
I mean, poor things was hilarious. I liked the editing and all that stuff. But I think the whole, like, the rich cinema got to go to Oppenheimer.
Yeah. Yeah. And then into one of the bigger nominations, the best director. We had a lot of big directors coming back this year. And of course, Azian Nolan.
both on here with Justine Trier, Jorgos Lanthimos you say, and Jonathan Glazer with Zone of Interest. Yeah, this was a harder year as well for directors. A lot of good choices here.
Yeah, definitely. And it's nice to see a couple of directors that aren't part of the big core group of directors we think of, like the three in the middle, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Jorgos Lanthimos. Those three are very well known in that grouping, but we had so many, like Ridley Scott made a movie, Michael Mann,
David Fincher, you know, so many big directors made a film this year. And it's nice to see kind of these like newer names because I, for me personally, I'm not familiar with Justin Trey or Jonathan Glaser. So, and I'm very familiar with those other three, Martin Scorsese, Chris Nolan, and Lanthimos. And honestly, Martin Scorsese is a legend.
Uh, your ghost is very good. I really enjoy a couple of his films and I've only seen a couple. So I want to check out more of his cat or catalog, but Chris Nolan, even though I've been up and down on him, he, he was my choice. I got to go with it. I got to go with him and well-deserved. Very good movie.
Yeah, Justine and Jonathan, Justine didn't have much to her name for directing and Jonathan's mostly music videos. So it seems like they're both starting to get some big name recognition here. Oh, wow. But yeah, I would put mine towards Nolan. I think when you're picking the most of where directors focused his efforts and done a lot, he would be here in Oppenheimer.
Yeah. Yep. I'm totally with you. I would agree. Yes. This is a, this is a very Opie Opie pod. Opie pod. Let's go. We're rolling with Opie. Let's go. Yeah. Always happen.
Yeah. And then, uh, into our, our favorite peoples, uh, we did a whole episode on our favorite people. So you guys should check out, um, but we're going to talk a little bit about the best actress in a supporting role. So you had Emily Blunt in Oppenheimer, uh, our favorite movie, of course, Danielle Brooks in the color purple, America Ferrera in Barbie, Jodie Foster in Nyad and Davine Joy Randolph in the holdovers who ended up winning.
Yep, and I agree with the Academy on this one. I won't be upset about it. Davine Joy Randolph was, I mean, she has been a revelation because thankfully before the holdovers, I got to see her in Only Murders in the Building, and she's a police officer. And you wouldn't think that she would, well, like, you know, there is a good casting once,
only murderers in the building. But you wouldn't think like she would go to do a movie like this and just rise up in the Oscars.

Acting Awards Recap

You know, like I've only seen her on the scene like very recently. So hats off to her. She plays a different role, very different role in the holdovers here, very touching. She just gravitates your gaze when she's on the screen.
It's, yeah, she totally deserved it. And I do, I love Emily Blunt and I do like Jodie Foster, but I didn't see Nyad unfortunately. Didn't see the color purple. America Ferreira was good in Barbie. Um, but yeah, honestly, if I had to go with one, yeah, Davine, for sure.
Yeah, I unfortunately didn't get to see Holdovers or else I might have a different thought, but I would go with Jodie Foster here for Nyad. Just Absolutely Kills It is a role in Nyad, supporting Nyad. Yeah, definitely worth a watch if you guys like, what do you call those, like sport type movies where people overcome great odds. Oh yeah. Cause she's a swimmer, right? And she like swims across.
Is it the English channel or something? Yeah, it's Annette Benning who swims to Cuba from the Miami Keys and then back. So it's like a couple hundred miles of swimming. Hell no. Holy shit, dude. Yeah, I might have to see that one actually.
Yeah, that one's on Netflix. Daniel Brooks also did really good in the color purple, but yeah, Jodie Foster kills it overall. Okay.
All right. I'm glad you had seen Nyad then. Yeah. Jodie, very good. Very good actress, especially in Silence of Lambs. And now I'm watching the new season of True Detective, Night Country. And she's one of the main characters in there. So yeah, she's been really good to watch so far again and in a like kind of authoritative role in a crime again, you know? Yeah.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. What do you think? I, uh, well, I've only seen Oppenheimer and Barbie. So, and, um, America Ferrera, I don't think really, you know, I mean, it's not her fault.
Really? It's just, uh, I didn't really see enough of her character to, you know, really sell the whole best actress in the sporting role thing. So, and then Emily Blunt was great in Oppenheimer too, but I, I, I don't know. This one's a toss up for me. I don't really know who to. Faux four on this one.
I'd probably go with Emily Blunt, I guess, if I would go one over the two. So, okay. I mean, I don't know. It's it's just safe. Yeah. Safe bet. I guess. Okay. Yeah. Okay. And then the best actor in a supporting role. So go to the male side. Yeah. Sterling Brown in American fiction. Robert De Niro.
We got RDJ and Oppenheimer who end up winning, Ryan Gosling and Barbie, and then Mark Ruffalo and Poor Things. God, such a strong category. Holy shit. And I like all these actors. Honestly, no, I could say I love all these actors.
So very tough. And unfortunately, I need to see American fiction, like I said, and thank God Sterling K. Brown is in it just like Jeffrey Wright. So like, I'm even more in to watch it. But Robert De Niro really did well. He always does well with Scorsese.
Robert Downey. I mean, he showed that he doesn't have to just be Iron Man here. So, Hey, awesome. Awesome winner. I'll, I'll support the Academy here again. You're welcome Academy. Like you need my support, but Ryan Gosling, he killed it as Ken, one of my favorite performances of the year, honestly, not just because it's in the.
thoughts of the populace and just a very popular thought, but I seriously, I was invested in Ken and Barbie. Like it made me laugh a lot almost to the point of tears. So thank you, Ryan Gosling and Mark Ruffalo. Wow. He did very different role in poor things and he was a sleaze bag, but he did it so well. Still loves Mark Ruffalo. You're not a sleaze bag. I know that, but yeah.
Yeah, he was very, very good. He impressed me a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I love my character in that movie. Right. My vote was going to be with the Academy as well with RDJ until I got to see poor things this weekend. So I will put mine with with Ruffalo. I think he showed me that he can do more than than what he's been cast in before. And yeah, I look forward to seeing more roles like this for him. Oh, exactly.
Yeah, I know he has more range than he's shown in a while, you know, and it's probably not his fault, just where he's being casted. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, uh, for me, it's, it's, it's going to be between RDJ and Mark Ruffalo because, uh, they both played really good, bad guys in these movies. And, um, I love me a good villain.
But yeah, I think I'll agree with the Academy on here. And like, I, I love our, our DJ's performance in Oppenheimer. We do love our Oppenheimer here. Yep. We love Oppy. There we go, Oppy Bud. Hashtag.
Yeah. I think somebody probably already trademarked that, but. Well. Opypod. Opypod revival. Hashtag. Opypod revival. Hashtag hazardous additions. Yeah.
But yeah, then we go into a leading actress. So we kind of go into the same movies, but we got Annette Benning with Nyad, Lily Gladstone with Killers of the Flower Moon, Sandra Huler with Anatomy of the Fall, Kerry Mulligan with Maestro, and Emma Stone with Poor Things, who ended up winning. Ah, man. Another strong category. I don't know Sandra Huler.
Annette bending I've seen a couple times and I know she's very good Mm-hmm, but I love Carrie Mulligan still she's my Daisy Buchanan in great Gatsby and She also did very well in promising on woman and Drive. Okay. Yeah, I could go on but Emma Stone as well love her always have ever since I saw her the first time I think it was
Amazing Spider-Man or Zombieland, can't remember. But, you know, after watching poor things, I'm like, okay, this, I was going heavily for Lily Gladstone since I had seen Killers of the Flower Moon. And I was like, you know what, this would be amazing for different, like a couple of different reasons. Like, you know, a native American woman being recognized, that's amazing.
And she just really sticks out alongside Leo, an actor that's been working for a long time and is a superstar, and he kicked ass in his role. If she stands up, what does that say about her? I felt like it was believable that she was there in the room with him.
And, you know, I'm not trying to make him sound like a God, but he's got a lot of talent and talents got to be with talent. Right. But yeah, I was heavily going for Lily until seeing poor things. I'm like, okay, kind of tied for me. It's a toss up. So I was mostly going for Lily Gladstone, actually, but Emma Stone. Yes. She deserves it. Yeah. I will agree with you and agree with the, uh, the academy for this one. Um, Emma Stone deserved her second win.
Definitely. I will make it unanimous by also advocating for this fine young woman, Emma Stone, for her performance in Poor Things. Is this because this is the only movie you've seen, Eric?
Okay. Okay. All right. Dude, I've only seen two of them. At least. Oh, shoot. And I've seen three. He's seen three. He's seen my three. Oh, maestro. Yeah. Yes. And yeah, Nyad, you've seen four of them. Three there. Three. Four things. Because you haven't seen killers. That's right. Okay. So suckers. I'm just kidding. Watch it, though.
Yeah, no, like it is the only one I've seen. And yes, I am going to agree that she deserves this over all the other movies. If you can't see, I have the middle fingers up. Who am I flipping off? I don't know, because I'm in agreement with everybody. That better not be me. That better not be me. No. No, no, that very, very strong category there.
Very much so. And another strong category, the best actor in a leading role. Oh, man. A lot of the same movies, just the male counterparts, Bradley Cooper in Maestro, Coleman Domingo in Rustin, Paul Giamatti in The Holdovers, Killian Murphy in Oppenheimer, Who Took Home the Crown, and Jeffrey Wright in American Fiction.
So tough. I love all of these guys. Oh my God. And you know, I'm sure Bradley really did well in Maestro. I'm guessing you would agree, Andy. He did good, but I don't think he was in the running against Killian Murphy for me here. Okay. Okay. And I love Coleman, Coleman Domingo. Ever since I've seen him, I think I've only seen him a couple of times where he really stands out as an actor. He's super talented. Paul Giamatti.
What's that? I was just gonna say Coleman Domingo is fantastic. He's also in the color purple. Oh, yeah, that's right roles this year. Okay. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. I need to see that. I probably want to watch that one too. But also Paul Giamatti, I've known for so long. Still love the guy, especially in the holdovers. He he's a force to be reckoned with.
Killian Murphy, wow, this guy, my wife loves him to death and I should be jealous, but you know what? I love him a little bit to death too. Yeah, Killian just with his eyes and all, he fucking, he stole the screen in Oppenheimer in a room of a whole movie full of so many talented people. And he like just led that. So absolutely deserving.
And Jeffrey Wright, love the guy, really want to see American fiction. He, he's been amazing in my eyes with Westworld and everything else he's been in. Yeah. I very much so agree with you and the Academy there. And, uh, Killian deserved his, his first Oscar here. So. Oh, definitely. Hashtag OPPY POD guys. They are just.
Sweepin' sweepin'. Yeah. As they should. Very much deserved. Yeah, yeah. Honestly, could have maybe seen this coming. Yeah. How do you feel, Eric? I think, well, this being the only movie I've seen. I'm really pulled for Killian. Yeah, man. He's just...
Somewhere between Killian and Murphy. Blue eyes, man. All those striking eyes. Okay. That was the word I was trying to think of, man. Striking. Feels like he's looking into my soul. Oh, I know. And he found it. He found my soul. He did. Yep. Yeah. And he's holding it hostage.
Oh, yeah, he's got a feature length of the movie death grip. He's got a death grip on it. Yeah, which agreed very fitting because Oppenheimer himself was said to have pretty similar. What's the word you guys use striking like blue eyes striking features? Yeah, yeah, true. So I feel like like killing wasn't just oh, let's just cast Killian.
Thankfully, Christopher Nolans just happens to be collaborators with somebody that kind of looks like Robert J. Oppenheimer. So, yeah, which was nice. Yeah. And then we wrap out with the last but not least, the best picture, the single photo that you think was great. So you got one photo of me, one photo, judge.
You got all the, the biggest names that were repeated here. You got American fiction, anatomy of a fall, Barbie, the holdovers, killers of the flower moon, Maestro Oppenheimer, past lives, poor things, and the zone of interest, uh, with Oppenheimer, of course, winning out, uh, for the best picture of them all. Another sweep. Oh my goodness. But yeah.
Wow. I mean, looking at this though, can't really say, you know, I haven't seen American fiction, but I hear it's very good. Actually, like genuinely anatomy of a fall heard. It's very good. I don't know if I'll be into it, but like the rest here, my straw, I won't be into, but I can see it as an artsy movie. Haven't seen the zone of interest, but just very sorry. I kept like going down the list, but just to say like,
wow what a strong i i'm saying this again what a strong category and isn't it amazing that we had a year full of awesome movies yeah you know it was great movies this year yeah well last year yeah yeah last year and hopefully again this year but hopefully
Yeah, very strong contenders that I'm so I'm so sad and upset that past lives did not get a win, even though they were in just two categories, which I do not know how. But yeah, Oppenheimer, I got to hand it up to it. It's got to. Yeah, I got to see five out of these 10 movies, which is unfortunate because you never know when that one extra movie is like dominates the whole list for you.
But, uh, yeah, I, I've got to stick with, with Oppenheimer. It is, it is, it is an Epi-pod. So. Yep. Hashtag Epi-pod. And yeah, I, I've only seen one more than you, Andy. So I did not fill out this whole category, unfortunately, but yeah, I mean, just from what I did see. Wow. Yeah. Just, uh, very strong. Yeah, I agree. Epi-pod best picture.
Is a, is a full sweep on multiple categories for Oppenheimer. They get, uh, seven awards with the Oscars and many more awards with the hazardous. Awards. Yeah. They got it before the Oscars while ago.
And then poor things just showed up out of nowhere. And yeah, dang, poor things has quite a bit of awards too, I feel like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Glad that one ended up dropping on Hulu just, just in this last week. And I think it was, and, uh, it was two days before, no, three days before the show. And I don't know why, come on, give me more time. I got to watch it. I was really happy about that. Yeah.

Oscar Impact and Significance

Yeah, it makes me wonder with how many things, poor things, one for me personally, that I wish I got to see more of these other big pictures to see if they would have won anything, but yeah. Yeah.
Definitely. Yeah. I mean, I seen, I think it was like 30 out of the 53. Like you can't watch them all. There's only so many, they're, uh, monetarily available to us to not pay 20 bucks per movie. So yeah, for sure.
And yeah, I mean, I just at least like even like poor things, maybe just come out a couple days before the Oscars, let people watch them so they can tune in. You're going to get more Oscar viewers then. Yeah. You know, or yes, it does. The Oscars have that effect to where people see the winners and see what's up there. Then they're like, oh, got to go watch that like after the Oscars. So it's kind of a double edged sword.
in a way, but yeah, I just, I wish more were available. Yeah. Easily. Do you think we'll see a Barbie Heimer revival after the Oscars now and do like a quick limited release showing? You know, I, I wouldn't doubt it. Maybe like, maybe once.
within a couple years here we'll see. I'm hoping that it happens with other movies though you know like an event like that like I've told you guys about you know that's that's my hope for movie theaters and movie events. Me too. Right yeah but and this was also a very good
Very good production for an Oscars awards show. Cause the last couple have been pretty disappointing. Obviously the Will Smith slap, uh, was all over internet, but like not for the best things, just fricking memes and jokes about it. It wasn't a good thing, but yeah, this one was, yeah, I mean.
I feel like I've heard more people in general talking about the Oscars this year than I have in previous years. Exactly. Yeah. And I mean, maybe it is because like we're gearing up for this episode, but yeah. Even just in like casual conversation about movies with people that like aren't huge movie people, I've heard like people like, Oh yeah, that's going to like the Oscars and stuff.
Oh, awesome. Okay. That's really good to hear actually. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So it does hold a lot of weight and I think it will definitely earn a lot of these movies more money for the winners. So. Oh, definitely. And the nominees will be recognized too, you know, and yeah, good for movies and I'm all good for that.
Yes, sir. Even though this isn't like a made up award show, and it doesn't really matter. And even though I'm sad about a couple of categories, hey, it's a win in my heart. Like, they honestly don't really matter. It's just a group of people voting. You know, well, it's just like a status thing is like, Oh, I got an Oscar. I guess the Oscars are like the only like award anybody cares about when it comes to movies.
I don't know if it's just like a popularity thing because, I mean, there's Golden Globes, right? Yeah. And I think the, is it the bath does? I think people hold a lot of weight too as well. Yep. Yeah. I think, but the Oscars definitely are that, that crown jewel that, that Nobel prize, so to say, of, of awards for movies in film. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just because you've managed to impress a.
some weird number amount of people in some weird room in the academy. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. That's, that's why I like the SAG awards because like it's actually the people like working, working in the industry voting, you know, like actors and actresses voting for each other and stuff. I like that, but is that what that is? Yep.
Oh, that's pretty cool. Screen Actors Guild Awards. Cool. I've never actually followed those ones before. I'll have to watch those now. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. It's just, it's more interesting. And there's a lot of people you recognize at the show, which like Nell and I tuned into it and it was like, it was fun because of that. We're like, Oh my God, they're here. They're here. They're here. You know? Yeah.
Yeah. And it was just like, it felt like a good voting system. You felt good about who won the awards, you know? So, yeah. You know, the, this, this was, uh, Robert Downey Jr's only, uh, only Oscar, huh? Yeah. Yeah. And it was for a supporting role. Yeah.
And that is Killian's first as well. That is very crazy. Yes, some people go their their whole career. Great movies, just never getting. Should have got one for end game, for sure. But why? Yeah. But as we see not really recognized, it's not as we see even the top tier Marvel does not get recognized. So only Black Panther, basically.
Yeah. Only Black Panther. Yeah. Yeah. Black Panther got a lot of nominations. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. RDJ, he's been doing it for a while. And I think, I think he was about do, but this was actually a very good performance to receive it on. So yeah, that's true. I'm not even mad. It's not like, Oh, here you go. Because we haven't before, you know, like, like you do see with some other actors and actresses.
Yeah, like Leonardo. Hey, he was amazing in the Revenant, but yes, definitely like he's talked a lot more and he's done a lot more stuff like in other movies. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. How do you guys feel about like Lifetime Achievement Oscars where it's like not necessarily this performance that they deserved it for, but hey, we're finally going to award you for all the movies you've done type of thing.
That that seems like a gimme, doesn't it? I kind of seem doesn't it kind of seem like a participation trophy? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like kind of ruins the point of like getting one at that point.
Yeah. Yeah. And I get it. There's some, there's some really good years where it's like, shit, both these people deserve an Oscar. But yeah, you definitely like when you give someone like Leo, not that he didn't deserve one necessarily for Revenant. Yeah. You watch your mouth.
Well, like, it almost feels like it's like, Hey, this is a culmination of like so many roles where you deserved an Oscar. So we're finally going to give it to you. Maybe not for your best movie, but here you go. And then you kind of snub out maybe other people that would have been deserving. Yeah. Yep. I get ya.
yeah so i guess in that sense like yeah i don't know weird stuff but hey we tune in we do we do we we end up watching it every year so and we end up doing an episode on it yeah certainly bringing more light to it but i i'm pretty happy with this year overall like like you said there's there's a couple that i wish won but uh overall i was pretty happy with almost all the picks
Yeah. Yeah. Just, you know, pretty just kind of hurt by Across the Spider-Verse not winning, but you know, I just got to get over it. I got to get over myself. Yeah. So before we wrap out, what have you guys been watching lately? Non Oscar worthy. Shoot. Like I just said, I rewatched past lives right before this episode.
Let's see, I think I kind of told you guys, but basically just watching a lot of Hell's Kitchen to turn my mind off because I just started a new job and it's in between my movie watching. So I do enjoy that, that's nice. And I'll just bring up that I got to watch one of my favorite movies with you guys.
Scream, 1996. And it was seriously a blast. And I just really appreciate you guys checking it out with me. Yeah, it's been an important movie in my life forever, ever since I remember. So yeah, I mean, just kind of right now, since I was busy hanging out with you guys for the weekend, yeah, I mean, kind of wasn't able to watch.
What I normally watch, it's so weird, you know, because I'm like watching a shit ton, watching a shit ton, and then it just goes dead. You know, or I'm just like rewatching some of my favorites. So, yeah, nothing, nothing new to report on yet, but I'm really excited. Oh, I did go to Dune part two for the second time last night.

Recent Viewings and Closing

A second time again. Oh, oh, it's your ass. I did.
Yeah, dude. Oh my God. And I'll tell you what, guys. I'll tell you what, guys. Oh, you know what? No, no. I'm not going to say anything then. I'll tell you after. OK. Because I want to say how I felt during this one, but I also don't want to affect your feelings going into it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Because I feel like I do that to people. So I'm trying to stop.
Trying to stop my dumb habits, but yeah, yeah. And just, all I'm going to say is enjoyed it and please everybody go watch it in the theater. He's got a lot of AMC stock. He's trying to pump it up.
And it's not even AMC, Andy. I know, but the grand obviously doesn't have big stock options. So yeah, no, not AMC. Damn it. Yeah. What about you guys? I just finished a Percy Jackson in the Olympians, the new show. You did.
yeah uh i actually enjoyed it i i went back and forth on like certain scenes where i'm like oh the movie was better on this where tv shows better on this so i don't think it was like 100 percent better but uh it was good i was very glad to delve into um greek gods again and into that universe and
all the familiar scenes that they kind of remake from the movie and the books and some that are a bit different and more accurate to the books. It was good. Amazing. They do get a lot of time to flesh out that one book, thankfully, in a whole season.
The movie just changed too much and this, this was way more faithful and wait, which was nice, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Very good. It was fun. It takes a little bit of getting used to like kid actors and stuff at first, but after the first episode or so, you're like, yeah, I like these guys. Exactly. Yeah. It's kind of like, Oh, okay. Yeah. I'm in this like genre, this like young team.
Yeah. You know, but it's very good. It's Greek mythology. Got to love it. Do indeed. Yeah. Okay. Is that about, is that about it that you've been checking out? Yeah, that's all, that's all I've been watching lately. Okay. Eric, what about you buddy? So, uh, for the most part, uh, been,
Watching shows like you guys, uh, but I had, I've seen one movie recently. It was the unbearable weight of massive talent. Ooh. Okay. Nick cage in Pedro Pascal. And what do you think? Hilarious. It a lot of fun. I loved it. Yeah. Definitely would recommend that. But, uh, for the shows I've been watching, I.
recently finished Avatar Last Airbender, the Netflix series. Oh, the live action? Yeah. Oh, damn. It's really good. I really enjoyed that. I thought it was... I mean, there is some critiques I'd have on it, but honestly, the enjoyment really outweighs the problems I had with it.
Yeah. Did you watch the original animated series? I did. Yeah. I watched most of it anyways. I get the gist of it. I mean, there was a lot, a lot of fillers in those shows in that show. So yeah, I didn't watch all of it, but I got most of it. Nice. Okay. Interesting. Yeah. Any, anything else for you? Uh,
I don't, I don't think so. I think that's it. I suppose we were just together this weekend and watching stuff. So don't have much to report on. Nope. Yeah. No, that's, that's it for me.
Indeed. So if you guys want to send us your Oscar nominations or yell at us for how we didn't watch American fiction yet, you can do that to Hunter at Instagram. It has just been spawned. You know, the old tech guy. No. Or you can email us. It has just opinions, part of and mention Andy. Yes. Yes. So you see me on it. Also, it has just been.
and then yeah on Spotify even if you disagree with our nominations you should rate us five stars anyways because we are the nominated favorite podcast of our podcast right so better be hopefully thank you yes and then keep an eye out for Alien that's coming out soon we will see you guys in the next one
Bye everybody. Thank you. See ya.