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Thanksgiving (2023)

S2 E49 · Hazardous Opinions
35 Plays4 months ago

Hazardous Opinions will be doing another deep dive with Ashlee and Hunter discussing Thanksgiving (2023)! THERE WILL BE NO LEFTOVERS! 

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our spooky season because why not and we're getting into November. Before we get to that, a few programming reminders. We are figuring out a schedule so we're not sure what our next episode will be.
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Thanksgiving Movie Introduction

Now onto Thanksgiving.
Okay everyone, so me and Hunter are going to be talking about Thanksgiving today, and it was directed by Eli Roth and written also by Eli Roth, the one of his childhood besties, Jeff Rendell. And it is starring Patrick Dempsey, Nel Verlack, Addison Rae, Tommaso Sonelli, Gabriel Davenport, and Milo Manheim.
And I'm just going off IMDB here with the plot. um After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts, the birthplace of the infamous holiday. And before we get started, I just want to give a little backstory that Thanksgiving commemorates the arrival of settlers in North America, which led to the deaths of millions of Native Americans, the theft of their land, and the destruction of their culture, and is a symbol of smallpox blankets, Christianity, and manifest destiny.

Movie Ratings and Cinematography

But with that being said Thanksgiving is a movie that I've waited nearly 16 years for after I've seen the fake trailer for it in the Grindhouse double feature back in 2007 and seven and a Spoiler alert it did not disappoint. I'll bait the differences from that trailer. I think which I think worked in its favor I'm giving it a rating of 4.5 on letterboxed and an 8.5 out of 10 on IMDB Hunter, what do you think of the movie?
Good ratings there. All right. Yeah. I think, um, I should also shout out the cinematographer before I go into that. Uh, the cinematographer for this was Milan. sharima And they also worked with Roth on hostile and hostile part two already. So pretty familiar with each other. And honestly, I don't think this movie is too dull looking, but also I could say yes, it's not.
the most visually pleasing, I guess, you know, like, comparing to other movies that you've seen, like cinematography wise, you know, who the amazing cinematographers are. But yeah, no, it's like, very good for this movie. My personal rating is four stars, letterbox terms.
I'll get into a little something later in the pod, I promise, but I was so happy to find a slasher movie that already seemed like ones I know and love. Extremely campy and fun, and it knows exactly what it is. I've missed slashers like this lately.

Eli Roth's Influences and Roots

You were the one to tell me about this and you raved about it after seeing it in the theater. So I totally believed you. And I was on cloud nine watching it when I rented it, I think on Amazon prime ah a while ago. It was nice because I'm honestly not too, too familiar with Roth ah other than hostile really. And knock, knock.
And also, of course, he stars in Unglorious Basterds. And that's one of my favorite movies. I knew a filmmaker was the Bear Jew, basically. Yeah. And for me, as you know, I'm a huge Eli Stan. Exactly. Cabin Fever. Yep.
And he exactly produced Cabin Fever 2, directed by Ty West. Right. And Knock Knock, Hostel 1 and 2, Green and Infernal. We don't talk about his movie Aftershock. We just pretend that one doesn't exist. Okay, you didn't like Aftershock at all. Okay, all right, all right. But yeah, he's best. He's with Quentin Tarantino, the Bear Jew. He makes cameos in so many movies. Oh, I just love him. He's one of my favorite people ever.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, totally. And like that's why I wanted to get more familiar when we started becoming friends. Of course, I knew like some of your people, Rob Zombie, Eli Roth. I was like, OK, these are corners of film that I need to try out. So um honestly, with Eli's movies, I'm iffy on them. I know you are. I don't I don't love the hostile movies. The first one's decent. Second one.
little bit lower. Not not that far. But yeah, it's just um there' was a lot. and Yeah, he's a lot. and He is. And he fun fact I get him not really fun fact, just a fact. Yeah, he grew up watching, like slash movies his entire life, like Gallo movies and he that's where he got a lot of his inspiration from sure but one. And I know it's a lot and the gore can be a lot in his movies. But kind of the torture porn of it too. yes Yeah. And what I love about this one is he really toned that back to make it more like more enjoyable to a wider audience. That was exactly in my notes. Like he's on picking his battles at this point, if that makes sense.
He is. Yeah, he's not ventured too far out. Yeah, yeah, this and this definitely did

Plot and Themes Discussion

play to the slasher genre fans. Yes. And there's a couple deaths or scenes in the movie that let you know that the Eli that has made all those other movies is still in there. That's exactly what I put my I said, hostile Eli is still there. Yes, with the gore of some of these kills, but it doesn't linger.
on the you know on the gore too, too much. It's tasteful gore and well done. I think so too, yes. More polished for sure. But to finish up the like general thought about it, um like with that I'm your buddy and I'm gonna be honest with you of course. you know It was surprising to me and felt so good to reminisce about other slashers like Scream and Halloween that I love and now I have this one to add to my collection in my mind or my heart, you know, if you could say that a little cheesy. Yeah. ah He does pay an homage to a lot of slashers and just hormones in general.
A lot of them I haven't seen. I know that because he likes 70s Italian slashers and whatnot. but Yes, our like Argento. i hate He loves Argento. We're huge film people, right? But we can be honest, we we haven't seen a single Argento. or We're huge horror fans and we still haven't seen those ah yet. I plan to go down a wormhole one of these times just for the cinematography alone. Honestly, do you want to adventure together? I would love that for at least like a couple. Let me know. And they're known for the colors in the movies and with the sync lights. Oh, hey, that's like what I'm most excited for, honestly.
You know, I'm a whore for sync lights. Sam. Okay. Wait. Do I say the word? Slut. Just kidding. ah eat that potato I think that's okay. Yeah. It's okay. Okay. I just want to be myself and I, I like, I say that. Yeah. I don't know. Like leave it. I say leave it. Okay. I'm like, I'm a slut for Mike and eggs. Um,
and um what you just mentioned about halloween let's get into the opening scene of the POV shot looking at the door of the house exactly what i have yeah opening is very the movie halloween-esque with POV and like you know the breathing under a mask even though Once you get to the sheriff, he's not wearing a mask. It's just kind of that close breathing maybe then. um It stops at a really good point though. It doesn't carry on too long. It's like, okay, we get it. yeah yeah Nice reference. I like that. It was tasteful. And yeah after that, you know we were introduced to the family, yup one side of the family, yes that which is Gina Gershon, yeah who opens the door. who
I know a lot of people might not know who this is, but she's pretty iconic to me because she's in the movie Showgirls from like the 90s. I've never seen Showgirls. I love, so when I saw her in this movie, I was like, I just saw her. Played right on your heartstrings already. Yes, it really did. And then we're introduced to, they go to a different house and we meet Jess and her dad and Kathleen, her stepmom.
um And yeah I guess just kind of giving a little family dynamics so we know what to expect I guess going forward. and Yeah and I was glad it was only like we're following just two you know they're they're part of the main pieces of this story so.
Having two Thanksgiving dinners is nice. It gets right into the holiday with like set design, ah the decor, and to top that opening off, you have Black Friday, which is nicely woven in with Mitch having to work it and miss dinner. So out of one of the dinners, he has to cut out. And then you're kind of already sensing that something's a little off about this night and the right mark being open at all.
You know, kind of with, uh, just her dad and her stepmom, you see the tensions already there. Yeah. So it sets us up really well. I much rather would have been at Jess's Thanksgiving with her dad after seeing that Turkey that her mom brought out. Yeah. I don't know why it looked like that. But anyways.
So Jess meets up with all of her friends in this vehicle. We kind of get their little, uh, back and forth already and how close they are as friends. You can already tell, yeah, they're pretty tight knit group. And like, this is who we're going to be hanging out with probably. So they want to get into the right Mart.
Evan needed a new phone because he got in a fight with a Hanover kid that got, and his phone got broke. So they go in there to go get him a new phone before they go to the movies. That's right. And in in the, well, okay, before we get to the right Mark, but so there's motivation to go to the right Mark that night with, with the group of friends we're following. And Ashley, I think, like I think you need to reevaluate something about the story here.
Okay, so we just talked, and this whole time, I thought Gina Gershon's character was Jess's mom. Not the case. I thought they were a broken family where her mom and dad were divorced, and she had two separate. Absolutely not right, so just ignore everything I said about that being her mom. But anyways. I'm so glad I have you as my co-host.
No, honest, honest. was sitting No, you're good. And so because Jess's dad owns Right Mart, she has access to the doors and stuff. So that's how her friends get in before everyone else could on Black Friday.
So the friends, knowing Jess's dad owns this, they're thinking, okay, we we got an inn here, you know? So they get into the store before everyone else, after parking in the handicap spot and taunting the already upset mob of shoppers, my God, they're just hanging out inside, jumping around and that guy, that Evan,
Evan got in a fight with that Lonnie guy that was in the mob. So making things worse because there's already a personal vendetta there. And I was hearing the people with the heavy Massachusetts accents called massholes because they're so mean. and all The ones with the heavy accents are like dickheads. And I mean, I I know we'll get into this, but like Eli Roth being from Massachusetts from Plymouth.
Yeah, I forgot to mention earlier Eli Roth is from Plymouth, Massachusetts. And I could totally see him having a thick Bostonian accent, but he doesn't. He doesn't. And I actually have a fun fact about that. Yeah, yeah. So um in an interview, he said that growing up, there was like different schools that you went to. And when the schools, there's like a school that with like really heavy Boston accents, like Massachusetts accents like that. and Okay. And the other kids didn't have that. Oh, so kind of like Hanover. Yeah, exactly. Compared to Plymouth. Yes. And so when they got older, the school started merging together and the accents that are super strong were
like the tough kids oh yeah growing up and like to try to like maintain their dominance as like true like like Bostoners, like Massachusetts, I guess. So that's like they really like honed in on that accent and that's why it's like that so strong in some places and people have that so strongly.
Oh, okay. That's interesting. Yeah. because Eli doesn't have it. No, no, not at all. It's nice to like get that little Yeah, backstory from him and him and the writer being best buds. that They both grew up in Yeah, like suburb or whatever. Yep, Plymouth. Their same age grew up as best friends and um Eli Roth is Jewish. Sorry not to get off topic here. No, you're good. Eli's Jewish so he really couldn't care less about all the Christmas movies. So that's why he was like anything after October was just so boring to me. I couldn't like
So he needed something, so since him and Jeff, the writer, yep um one of the writers, were kids, it was like an ongoing joke that they would just always think of Thanksgiving-themed deaths, Thanksgiving-themed everything. And so, yeah, it's been like in the works pretty much since he was a kid. It's been like a passion project, like wanting it for so long.
I've heard that same thing in another interview. I think like on the big picture with Sean, Tennessee, like, yeah, yeah. Um, he interviewed Eli and that's where I kind of got that. I don't think I listened to that one. You should. Yeah. Yeah. Check it out. Yeah. Sean has good questions as always, but but anyways. Yeah. Yeah. No, just awesome. Like they're wondering why the hell isn't there a good Thanksgiving horror movie yeah and we'll get into it, but they handed it to us here, you know,
I do got to say, morals are really dipped into and wow, like, so many, so many despicable people in a horror movie reminds me of something like succession slightly, but you love to hate them. My reading on it could be due to me not understanding New England culture, but kind of like you said, mass holes like how rude they are and kind of the culture there. We're known as North Dakota nice, right? I don't think that's, sorry to everybody, sorry to everybody listening that it knows us and lives in North Dakota near us, but ah yeah, North Dakota nice, it's not it's not really a thing, honestly. People need to get up here and actually see what it's like, but yeah, okay. Anyways, going on to the tragedy. Oh man, the ramp up.
to the tragedy in the right mark everybody breaking in yeah it's very dawn of the dead i haven't seen in a while actually that was definitely an homage to dawn of the dead with the people standing in the store and all like the crazy crowd big crowd outside the door is trying to break down the glass I can see that. Okay. For sure. How to have been. Yeah. I got to rewatch that sometime soon. um Not a huge fan of zombie movies. That's just me. Okay. Well, you need to watch. um of the dead tu Yes, I do. But anyways, but yeah, they break down the glass doors and the first death we get is the guy's throat getting slit on the broken glass.
What's worse about it too is you see him like get to it and then somebody shoves him across the glass just slicing the side of his neck. I know.
yeah The thing about this tragedy in the right Mart and the Black Friday, like mob and some of these deaths, you can actually see it happening. Like it is practical. We just haven't seen it before. Like, well, I mean, opening a Krampus. Oh, wait, you mean in real life? Yes.
Oh, I was going to say in real life. And they said the opening at Krampus has a crazy Black Friday scene. Yeah, which is awesome. Yeah. Really fast. The guy that got his throat a slit. Yeah. I thought it was so funny that even though he was like bleeding out and blood squirting ever, he went to go grab the waffle iron and then like falls over and then some girl comes by and snatches it on his end. Consumerism. Yeah. in America. Look at that. Yeah. No, like that's ah that's what really adds to the dark comedy of this as well. Yeah. Like all these All these deaths, it's just like your your jaw just drops. You're like, oh my God. It's kind of funny when you think about it too, because of how we are as people and what people do on Black Friday. like
yeah You spend the day before that being so thankful for everything and then you're ready to like trample people oh yeah that like that night for items. I'm getting that freaking microwave before you do yeah something like that. Yeah, that last item. Yeah, it's just it's insane. Thank God I have never taken part in one. Honestly, I don't really know what it'd be like around here.
I don't know, probably definitely not to this extent. No, things have changed since yeah for a while. And but by this extent, I mean like the crowd of people and like just getting really angry, not the violence or anything, but yeah. oh So we also have ah Jess's boyfriend, Bobby, golden arm, Bobby, get his arm stepped on and snapped in half. Oh my God. That just makes my heart drop every time. And it like,
The camera doesn't really cut either. It's just on it and it just fully bends. It's crazy. Yeah. And then the obvious terrible one, the last one that we see is Gina Gushan's character gets pushed down and scalped by a shopping cart.
And it's this little dinky wheel on it. Have you guys ever been taking a shopping cart through Walmart and there's one of those little dinky wheels that's not working really right? It's like, how can one of those take, but it's Jesus. And it was pushed by the lady with the thick accent. Yes. Lizzie who we will get to later. Yep. The waitress. Yes. Yep. This tragedy really plays into my fears of claustrophobia and being a people pleaser too. I.

Black Friday Chaos Scene

you cannot do it. Absolutely not. I know what we said about North Dakota. Nice is not, I'm not that way because of North Dakota. Um, it's so played up this whole sequence. Like, uh, you know, of course there's wacky shit that goes on, but it's a very effective and will stand out in your mind for awhile and not leave you. I can tell you that.
We also forgot to mention the security guard getting trampled underneath the door after he takes Xanax or a guy. Oh, that's right. Yeah. He's, he goes up to the other security guard. He's like, wanna Xanax? Right. Yeah. Yeah. And he pops one and Jesus, he's really fumbling with those keys. i did That's what I'm talking about. Like the tension was so good. I didn't process that. He was like that because he took his hands.
I think so. I could see it playing into that because like, you know, otherwise it's just a kind of toss away thing. But that, that's kind of funny. Um, but yeah, then Mitch sees his wife on the floor after his shopping cart. It was there a really sad scene for me to watch. Holy shit. a Well, I mean, I know your personal connection to her a little bit from showgirls, but no, like just like imagine Mitch seeing that his reaction. And then I mean, even you get you get the sheriff's reaction. is It is sad. I love that title card cut, though, with him just raising the gun, shooting.
turns red and then you see Thanksgiving title card, which is the same font from the fake trailer in 2007. Oh, is that right? Yes. Oh, that's cool. Okay. I didn't know that. Okay. Then after the title card, we get this YouTube clip from Evan. Uh, one year later. Yes. Okay. So we skip time one year later.
this transition into the one year later, I really do enjoy both this, um, YouTube social media thing. And then you got the news reports too, that are really covering kind of what happened, you know, like describing it to us, kind of filling us in, not in a explanatory, like a huge explanatory way though.
I liked some of the little, uh, edits on the video and the one of them was that lady and it was like, no waffles for this bitch. like Oh my God. I didn't notice. how That's funny. Evan seriously is like a fricking thorn in my side. Every time I watch know this movie, I despise the guy. He parks in the handicap spot. He's being an asshole to basically everyone, even his girlfriend that is good looking and nice.
freaking out about a high school football game dude I'm really skipping ahead but like these are the major points that I just like despise seriously a high school football game you're being a wusspuss about it after a couple of deaths that have happened in the town gonna try and play football by yourself I can't with this freaking guy yeah he really is the worst okay um but I suppose after that we skip to the diner yes and the sheriff is talking to Lizzie where we're introduced to his new deputy. yep um And really fast before I go to the next point, the waitress, yes Lizzie is- I'm ready for your point here.
Um, and actual descendant of John Carver and is from Hanover, Massachusetts. And her accent is 1000% genuine and authentic. It's all her. Yes. Oh, I just love that. and I know. It's really cool. She did that part well too. I agree. Honestly, I'm glad they had her, but, um, what we're first introduced to the mask. Yes. The John Carver mask. So what do you think of the mask?
The John Carver mask is pretty cool, actually. like It fits with the Thanksgiving holiday, easily, pilgrim, and it's very simple. It is very simple. i I personally really like the look of it. I do too. Even though mine looks like Burger King. Ooh, it kind of does. Oh my God, why did you fucking... I had to, but I still love it. Excuse my F-bomb there, but I seriously had that reaction to you.
I still love it though. Yeah, he kind of looks like the king. He does. Okay, gonna erase that from my mind. He's the king of the Mayflower. Shut your face. Oh yeah, I'd win like the friends are kind of talking. I think they do. No, the nerd kid comes up to the group of friends at the table and he's talking about the Makati potty. Yep.
Just adds to the Bostonian accent work in this movie. It's amazing. And ah the nerd didn't have it because he went to the same school as our group of friends were following and they all don't have accents either. So that's the one that we're kind of talking about with Eli Roth. And then there's that Hanover, which is the thick. and Yeah. But I love that McCarty himself. yeah He's got a thick accent. And when he even says his own last name,
and the party plenty of times to where it's it just sticks under your skin and I love it, it adds to it. um I'll mention McCarty later when we're introduced to him. Oh, you're good, you're good. Yeah, I just wanted to bring that. um But yeah, so they get fliers to the McCarty party and then they all get notified that they all get tagged in an Instagram post of John Carver of the table.
And the names aren't on the table yet. No. Right. Yep. It's just of a dinner table. Yeah. And then, um, that I'll be more significant later, but then we get the very cool shot of John Carver standing outside the window looking at Jess, which is obviously an homage to Halloween. Easy. You know, Laurie Strode. Scary movie.
yeah making fun of Halloween with Ghostface. Yeah, yeah. They also mentioned Ryan quite a bit. And we find out Jess is now dating Ryan. Oh, yes. Yes. The Nepo baby. oh Guess what? Speaking of a scary movie. Okay, the actor.
Yes, the actor. He has a famous parent. Milo, famous to me. Okay. Milo Manheim is the son of the sheriff on Scary Movie 3 whose hat keeps getting bigger every time they show her. You're joking me. No. That is so awesome. Oh my God. That's amazing. I wasn't thinking it would be her. I thought you were kind of talking about the first Scary Movie and I was kind of thinking through my head like, okay, who's all in that?
That's amazing. though Yeah, I love when I found that I was like, no way. But anyways, yes, she's now dating Ryan. Yes. And he showed up um before they got into the store in the beginning. And ah we can already tell he's kind of.
He's fond of Jess already. Really trying. Even though she has a boyfriend, I don't respect that already. Then she brings Ryan up to the friends and we kind of get a glimpse into what they think of the situation. You know, we're not only like, what the fuck? What about Bobby? You know, they don't like him. Easy. So.
That's where Evan really becomes even more of a dick, just like how he talks about it. Could have been a way lot better like the ah other guys talking about him. Yeah, and then all of a sudden likes him when he gets football tickets. So he's obviously disingenuine. He's bought. Yeah, exactly. So Ryan shows these freaking New England Patriots tickets and that's what buys the love of her friends.
um Yeah, so they're talking shit about him. He sits down at the table with them, and then, yeah, even Evan's response there to him was still dickish. and Tickets come out, everything's good. So, I honestly don't know what Jesse is in this guy at all. still ah I'll get more into him. Well, she he didn't ghost her, so. True, he just swoops in. That was her reasoning. He just swoops in.
Yeah, oh my god, give me a better reason. How about that? The cheesiness of this movie with its dark comedy and choices mixed in with that lovable Massachusetts charm really make it an all-time slasher, in my opinion. It's also really boosted by using Thanksgiving as a centerpiece and actually makes it work. So that that's what kind of differentiates it from a lot of things.
Patrick Dempsey using his natural accent. I have not touched upon one of my favorite people yet. I'm gonna save a little more of it. But, oh my gosh, I i love Patrick Dempsey. um Fun fact, um i'll get a little I'll get a little personal. Do not laugh.
Okay, you will. Um, so in high school, when I started watching Grey's Anatomy, on account of my buddy, a guy that loved Grey's Anatomy, never heard of that ever. Like when we were younger, like, you know, it'd be like, Oh, Grey's, I mean, ah ah you know, girls love that hospital stuff. But I'm willing to give everything a try, right? So watching Grey's Anatomy, I instantly fall in love with McDreamy, that is Patrick Dempsey, and to make myself little more attractive to women, maybe it didn't work, I'm sure. ah I styled my hair after Patrick Dempsey. It still kind of looks like that right now. Thank you. Son of a bitch, stop.
And also I copied the style of McDreamy a bit too and like it was time to dress up. One day I would have that v-neck sweater with a dress shirt with the collar popped out and Levi jeans. I found out online what he freaking wore. He won. Yeah. So, um, that was me. There's a little embarrassing tidbit. I just, yeah, shared a lot of that.
But yeah, there's a little background to like me loving Patrick Dempsey as an actor. I'm so glad he's in a freaking movie again like this. Yeah. Oh, we didn't even touch on that. He was voted the sexiest or what was it? He was voted the sexiest man on people. Yes. People magazine. Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember what year that was 2023. Oh my God. You're right.
I can't remember what what a freaking year for him. I love this. Yeah. So with Patrick Dempsey, I know there's a little bit of stuff in his personal life. So like separating the art from the actual person. He's from Maine. So used to have this accent, but since he was going into acting at a young age,
went to a dialect coach to get rid of it, I believe, and had to slip back into it. I'm sure it was really fun for him to you know just be able to get back to his roots a bit and yeah you know be in a movie that feels New England-ish. Yeah, he recently found out he was from Massachusetts and was using like his relaxer. I did not know that about him. Yeah, yeah. And I think his agent actually reached out to Eli to see if he could be in the movie. Oh, no way. Yeah. Oh, okay. That's awesome.
Alright, since Scream is, we both share a deep love for it, right? And slashers in general, I'd say. And who done it in general? Thank you. Yes, exactly. That's what was added to this movie. The the slasher genre, you got another little shove genre.
Shev genre sub genre with the whodunit and the comedy is so great. It's so campy. And the comedy comes quite a bit from the new England culture and behavior. Like we talked about giving Thanksgiving its own personality that I can say is pretty special. And it's what sets it apart from slashers done before it. Many slashers also don't have the best camera work.
This camera can be shaking and moving, but you're able to see everything. I appreciate that Eli gave us something new with a genre that's been so heavily treaded on over the years. Also rewatching this movie, like I think, God, Ashley, I've surprisingly rewatched it more than the Eli Roth girl. I think seven. No, just seven times. Do I want to give the real answer?
ah eight, eight times, I think. No, actually, like, I honestly don't know, but it's up there. I was just messing around. But rewatching so many lines connect throughout the film and are like, you can easily just picture the Leo pointing meme at every, like every single one, many, uh huh. Moments where you kind of smirk and at the foreshadowing of it all, you know? Okay. Kills.
Okay. Kills. We're going to talk about kills. Yes. Oh boy. All right. It's a slasher. So we gotta hit up the kills and we figured it would be easiest to just kind of go through each kill, even though we're not through with the like structure of the story yet. But yeah, go over the kills, what we liked about it. And yeah, just kind of details and art favorite yeah name after yeah at the okay god that's gonna be tough I know um but we have our may as well just talk about our first kill Lizzie the waitress yes and I thought hers was really funny first it was really disgusting when he dunked her head in the sink and then stuck her face to the inside of the freezer and
I was gonna say like quite a bit of people that get killed by the killer, um not even just those like tragic deaths that we get, actually in two tragedies in this movie, the parade as well. Oh yeah? Yeah, he didn't kill someone. um They go through the wringer. And I think that's what I appreciate about the kills. yeah And it it adds to the dark comedy, of course. Rarely any of them get killed instantly.
no they're they're like still running with wounds i really like that instead of just the chase and it's like oh you're like throwing over shit obstacles so the killer can't get you and just keep on running and then the killer gets to you it's like the killer gets to you you get away killer gets to you again it's it's just unrelenting yeah yeah it's it's awesome um I thought in a movie way, by the way, I don't enjoy watching people like we know we know this is just art and having a good time. That's it with Lizzie. Yes, I thought it was really hilarious that she was trying to unlock her phone and she couldn't because the blood and her face was all fucked up from being so ripped off the freezer door that it wouldn't recognize her face either. So she was just like, exactly. So you got the unrecognizable face ID.
And you also have a bloody ass thumb because I think her hand was also on the door and ripped off some skin. and i I think that's why there is so much blood and it's probably covering the camera and you can't yeah you can't swipe anything anymore. Can't say she didn't deserve it. and I mean, she was one of the worst people in that tragedy tragedy. So she was the one pushing the shopping cart that got
Gina Gershon's character. I can't remember. Here we go. No, I do. kather Kathleen. No. No, no. you make an accident You'll make an excellent dinner, Kathleen. Fuck. No. Is that any way to thank Kathleen? She's been cooking all day? I know. Amanda. Amanda, there we go, because he's like, Amanda was pretty convincing when he said, oh, you got out of your man cave. Okay. I'll talk about that later.
but um Lizzie is the one pushing the shopping cart in the right Mart in the tragedy while all this chaos is going on. Um, and gets Amanda's hair caught in one of the wheels of the shopping cart and then ripping a part of her scalp off. And so, and so yeah.
Actually, oh, she rammed her with the shopping cart, too. That's that was the killing blow. I'm pretty because obviously if you get a little bit of your head, I wouldn't think that'd kill you. But yeah, it was definitely the I think it was like right to the temple to you. Like it's very detailed. And I do want to say he's very creative and goofy and crazy with his kills. He's he said before he puts an emphasis on this part of his films and he thinks about crazy happenings like you said Thanksgiving deaths like when he was a kid and what hasn't been done before over and over. Yeah and she gets gets out once again and then gets hit trying to try to hide the dumpster which is so sad. That parking lot is so open. I mean she was trying to get to her car right and yeah oh he just flips the headlights on and just rams into her and
Oh my God, my jaw dropped when she gets cut in half by this dumpster trying to crawl into it. And he just rams into the dumpster. Have not seen that before. Whoever edited her getting split in half by the dumpster made it seem so seamless and tried translated so well to the screen. It makes your jaw drop hats off to the editing team.
And then cuts to her up on the right mark star with the black Friday sale saying 50% off. yeah i love I know. I wrote my notes half off. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. I love that. So yeah, then they have to get a crane and take her body down, but yeah, just her lower half is there and her top half ends up being at the dinner table. Um, but we'll, yeah, we'll get more to the social media aspect about it after the kills. Then we have the security garden.
Manny is the next one. And so he's just in his apartment trying to pack up. I think he, I think he knows he's going to be one of the next. It seems like he, right? It kind of seems rushed. Trying to leave the country. There we go. And then he couldn't find his passport. Yeah, that's yeah. Yep. Um, he's looking around and he's got a cat named Dewey. Another scream reference there for you. Yeah.
love it, love it. um Just noticed when I was taking notes actually for the first time. I didn't catch that. Surprisingly. Love it. This movie is just so rewatchable. Like I said, he sees the John Carver mask on his couch. He's like, Oh, shit. He's asking his cat where the That's part of the comedy for me, like, hey, Dewey, Dewey, where is he? And I'm a security guard. I kill people every fucking day. One of my favorite lines from this movie. Oh man. But yeah, just, ooh. He gets a blender. The electric knife. Whisk. Oh no, it was a knife. Yeah, okay. Yeah, that would make a lot more sense. So yeah, he gets an electric knife.
using a Thanksgiving weapon, you could say, you know, cutting the Turkey with one of those, um, right in the stomach. You already know he's bucked. And then to top it all off, we're going to be heading of him with a garat. I'm pretty sure they're called those thin razor sharp wires with handles, Tony Collette and hereditary shaking. Piano wire, right? Yes. ah Okay. Okay. Good good reference there. But yeah, he,
So when he's done beheading Manny, effortlessly by the way, like that was just kind of a cool move. That was a cool scene. It was a cool move that you kind of see like in, you know, it kind of reminds me of a John Wick. I knew you were gonna say John Wick. You know, like I know it's nowhere near like this, not an action thriller, but like just the, yeah, the precision of it kind of. Anyways, then the cat is meowing and the killer like really stops with Manny's head in a duffel bag ready to go out and he just thinks about it and he feeds the cat, pets it. Aw man, what a good kettie and sympathetic killer.
I didn't understand why he had to feed the cat as if a Dewey wasn't going to eat Manny's body shortly after. Oh, probably. Because he left the body. He just took the head. So he it freaks me out every time somebody mentions like, Oh, what do you think your household of cats are going to do when your body just is laying there? What they eat. It was ladies like, you know, that kind of just died. Oh my God. Okay. We'll stop thinking about that. Even though we're talking about a gory movie. Yeah. Um, so that kill scene is done.
And so the next kill we get to see is the football player, Lonnie, from that goes to school at Hanover, and his cheerleader girlfriend who lures him away. And oh my god, so this scene was- He's an older dude dating a high schooler, by the way. Oh my god, I forgot he was- He's a coach. Yeah, I forgot he was a coach.
He's a another despicable character in here. And oh, my God, though, his his accent kills me. Yeah, like he's a master for sure. He is. His yelling is just on point.
Um, but this scene, as soon as I saw the trampoline, I was like, Oh no, because this is one of the deaths in the original trailer. That's what you're telling me. Yeah. And thankfully it didn't end. It was a little bit different than it was in the trailer. Thankfully I was a pike and stomach it.
Oh, okay. um What happens in the trailer? I still haven't seen it, but oh you can I do want to watch the trailer now. In the trailer, um there's the cheerleader who's doing like a strip tease on the trampoline. Okay. And she does... Like Lani's girlfriend? Yes. And the knife goes up and she does a split.
on the trampoline. Oh I saw an image, it it might have been like the poster for the trailer or something on letterbox and it's that image. Yeah, i that always just made me sick to my stomach. So I'm glad they didn't do that. That seems more like a hostile move, yeah right? Yeah. um But I really liked this scene because the way it was set up yes and Lonnie is sitting there and the carver twists his head completely backwards and his girlfriend is jumping and doesn't know that because he's facing her as if he's watching her but his head is completely turned backwards right and the lights that are coming down are only on her in the trampoline true a nice spotlight it was just a really cool scene i like the way it was shot a lot it moved really seamlessly i felt like uh it didn't linger on the killer before him twisting
Lonnie's head around yeah at all. you know It was kind of just boom and then you're just waiting for the cheerleader on the trampoline. like It was really disgusting when she slit half of her foot open on it.
Oh my God. It Roth really made Lonnie and the cheerleader memorable enough from the encounter in the beginning to have this payoff. Thankfully I felt even though they were not in the movie at all other than those two sections. And that was one of the main kills in the trailer. So I'm, it made sense that they were like, it was really memorable because it was one of the most iconic kills. Exactly. Yeah. There's only three kills from the Thanksgiving 2007 trailer that happened in the movie.
Oh, okay. Okay. Only three. All right. So yeah, a little bit of a difference, thankfully, and like adding new stuff. This trampoline kill. Definitely in my Hall of Fame for kill scenes, honestly, in a in a slash or anything. It's just, yeah, Roth's demented mind thinking this up. Did the carver kill her? Or was it gravity in the knife? Was he just holding the knife?
She was holding it. That's the worst thing about the trampoline scene is she's seriously still bouncing. And the force of the knife is going through her because she's bouncing up and it's horrible. It's really terribly. Yeah, like, I mean, Jesus, imagine playing popcorn in that happening. My God. Oh, okay. Also, what I wanted to say about this compared to hostile not a lot of sexual stuff going on in this movie, which I really enjoy. I really appreciated that too. Other than her just doing that little striptease, it maybe showed a butt cheek of hers gone. Yeah. That was it. Like that's it. Yeah. And Eli's like known for, he's kind of a horned dog, honestly. I know that's what, yeah.
Yeah. That's okay. yeah saw them hey where Yeah. Hey, he grew up watching grind house movies and like this, the most graphic slashers. So that's like very true. And European stuff can really be a little more forward than our stuff. Yes. You know? Yeah. But yep. So amazing kill. Love the trampoline kill. Now we have Yulia. Yes. Yulia. And one of the friends in the group and she's dating scuba. Her dad pulls her right after the football game is canceled and that, you know, they're rushing home. They're going to move to Florida apparently. I believe and supposedly. I mean, yeah, just.
That could be why. But a lot of people say Florida to when they're trying to get out of somewhere. It's funny. um but And her dad, it's got a thick Russian accent. So like awesome, you know, awesome little addition to this. You know, it's so removed from New England culture. And you just plop a little bit of that and him listening to Russian music while this is going on.
So Yulia's dad is packing up all the shit. ah They have a cop looking after them as well. And Yulia is packing up whatever she can pack up in her room on FaceTime with Scuba and Jess. Yes, in front of her mirror. And yet the carver killer comes into the house. This is a question I had for you. Do you think he tranks people or are those like poison darts and he's killing more people?
i With that in this instance. I thought it was a gun with a silencer Really? Okay, but I guess now that you say that I'm sure I'm pretty sure you see the dart and also he uses the same gun ah to Shoot the kids the high schoolers in the vehicle before bringing them to yeah, so I Yeah, so I don't know if he's trained. I don't have a good question. I don't know. I assumed he killed the cop and newly his dad. Oh, okay. But maybe he didn't. Okay. After you watching, I think I think it's tranx. Okay. see Um, but anyways, tranx, the cop and her dad
a Couple good fake outs here, you know. ah That's some good jump scares. Misdirection, I know, yeah. ah Just this house was a cool setting too. I really liked the house um and especially the remodeling being done.
adds to what happens at the end of this sequence. Yulia is calling for her dad from upstairs and she is cleaning her ears with a Q-tip, which hey, I do too. She's still FaceTiming Justin Scuba. Then she pops back up the killer jams what are those it's like a corn cob holder that's what i call them pieces right yeah two of like that go on each side those go into her ears holy shit my ears hurt from just watching
That's like such a terrible fear, even with like a Q-tip or anything going in. No, I know. And, ah you know, ah after that happens, she falls to the floor. Scuba and Jess are freaking out on the phone seeing Carver do this, which God, he, yeah, really, he really messes with the high schoolers. It's bad. Justin Scuba, like.
get in their car, drive there, of course, while this is happening, but Julia's crawling on the floor, down the steps, Carver grabs her, and the ringing going on in her ears. I thought that was a really cool aspect, where as soon as she pulls the corn cob holders out, it's just like a ringing. I thought that was like really cool. Really cool. It added to the scene for sure, and it's just, what is gonna happen here?
type of feeling. um Do you think her eardrums actually like, were pierced? And that's what was going on? hey Because those look deep enough. Yeah. Oh, do know I just thought of? Yeah. Yeah. I know you didn't care for cabin fever. 2002 also by Eli Roth. Right. But at the end, I totally forgot to mention, yes, I just watched that this year. So my bad. Yeah, I am familiar with that movie for me like because you Yeah. But um at the end of that one, the guys from the gas station go to try to like do damage control at the cabin and one gets a screwdriver stuck in his ear. Oh, that's right. I i forgot about that part. Oh, man, that's definitely deep enough. yeah But anyways,
Yes, Carver grabs her before she goes down the stairs, then it cuts to Scuba and Jess showing up and he's got her at knife point. Really good idea of the killer to hold up the rest of their friends being held to like they were kind of really in a hard place there and like what the hell do you do? And Carver pushes Yulia onto the table saw And it just goes right through her side and opens up her stomach and everything. And you know what I like about this scene too? Scuba holding her after and his reaction.
I don't like a lot of reactions in movies to stuff. I know it's a movie and you can't be super realistic. Like I preach that all the time. Like it's not real life, but just human behavior though. I could think of a different route to go and he was just in shock. Like what do I do Jess? What do I do? Like it was sad. The actor played it pretty well. I thought for that little scene and I've never seen the actor before. So hey, kudos to him.
The outfit shoes wearing, you know, you can cut this out, but the outfit shoes wearing reminded me of trumps like Mean Girls thing. Oh my God. Regina George. Yes. Regina George. Both of them. Both of them. yeah Yeah. Because I think Regina has that baby blue same like color. And her mom has a pink one. Oh my God. Tina Fey. Yeah. Amy Poehler. Fuck me. They are besties though.
I should retire from hazardous opinions. um that That was a mistake I don't normally make. we um It's okay. Thanks. So after Yulia's death, the they make a plan to lure the killer at the parade. Yes.
and So they're all dressed as pilgrims. They go to the parade. And so at the parade, we get another very iconic death scene that is also from the 2007 fake trailer. Okay. The, uh, Turkey mascot. Yes. And it's the same exact costume, not exact exact costume, but it looks the exact same. Um, and before we move on to the rest of the deaths, I kind of want to talk about the parade scene totally for for a second. Cause it was so cool. I love a really good like parade scene.
Yeah, like this movie features another tragic event with, you know, I won't go too far into it cause we're just talking about the kills, but, uh, this parade and doing it effortlessly, by the way, it kind of feels like the, this feels like another big set piece, kind of like the right Mart, but it's not too difficult of a huge set piece. So like Roth kind of kept it contained. I feel like a little bit, um,
It's all kind of nuts and chaos like Black Friday. And you're you're not at all expecting the killer to not be in a John Carver mask. All of a sudden he's in a creepy clown.
Which I loved. Yes, me too. Comes out of nowhere with an axe, by the way. Like that was very unexpected when the turkey's head gets chopped up. Just wanted to mention that. One of my other like favorite like shots of the movie was when he was slow motion. If the like the smoke around him like walking towards the Yes, the smoke grenade. That was so cool. He just tosses them all over. And yeah, I like that use of slow motion. Eli doesn't use it a lot in this movie. No. That was the right moment. And then he tranquilize it. He shoots Thomas, Jess's dad.
Jess. Oh, also, like, um, another death happens in the parade that is not John Carver. Oh, my God. The the dad, the grandpa. Oh, my God. truck And he has his grandkids in the front with him. I forgot about that. and The ship, I don't think it's a mast. I'm not good at boats, guys. But the huge stick in the front of the ship poking out goes through the vehicle, piercing through the middle of his skull. His nose is seriously still hanging to the side. And the kids are screaming grandpa. Oh, my God, that was so sad. it That was like on scary move or not scary move. Doesn't like Final Destination 2 or the log.
Or the pipe. The pipe. Where the airbag goes off in her. There is a log truck in Final Destination. There is, there is, there is. Especially the second one. Can you blame me? No. But oh my god, that one is sad. I totally spaced that one out. Yeah, yeah. So that was another accidental thing, like the right mart. So not as many deaths, thankfully, in this tragedy, but it was all sorts of messed up. Those kids are going to be messed up forever. Yeah. And they lost a grandpa. Give me that face. All right.
But then um after the killer makes that amazing entrance through the smoke, he goes and tranquilizes Thomas, Jess's dad, yes Jess and Scuba. Yes. So before we get too far into where the group of friends goes, when Carver tranks them in the vehicle,
Evan and his girlfriend, Gabby, gay played by Addison Rae, they are taken from the high school. And we'll we'll touch on the high school sequence more with Jess running away from the killer and everything.
ah I was really surprised they, like at least one of them wasn't um stabbed or anything. They were just quickly taken. And that was a good jump scare, actually. Carver just popping out. That's all you see, kind of a hand over the face and they're gone. Hand over the face? ha ha Excuse me while I laugh. That was good, that was good. ah I mean, I'm not that clever.
then as Yulia's being murdered, they are shown at the dinner table on livestream from Carver. So we find out where they are, where he's taken them, and it's to the dinner table where they're tagged in on Instagram, and then Lizzie's top half is hanging there, ah and also Manny's head on a plate. So it got two victims there, and also Is Lonnie sitting at the table? Cause I know the cheerleader isn't. Cause I know where she is right now. Lonnie's also in the house. That's right. he's yeah he fall hard He's laying. Yes. Okay. There we go. Okay. So before we keep going on with the kills, we should touch on some of the plot points before that happens. Just so we're not so messed up with the plot.
We'll save the last third of the movie and kind of just group it all together and there will be kills included into that. So that's where we're going now. So we'll go to the school and that's after Manny's death.
After Manny's death and his head's taken, they get tagged on Instagram again ah with the table and this time Lizzie, the waitress, his upper half is there, and Manny's head... Just chillin'.
Chillin and yes. And the caption on that picture is white meat, dark meat all will be carved, which is a quote from the original trailer.

Character Dynamics and High School Scenes

Sorry, I'm just going to make all the references to the original trailer. You're good. but Yeah, I have to. It's embedded in your mind. Yes. Yeah.
Yeah. And then there's like a little brief scene where just really quick Jess and Bobby meet up, catch up. Yep. They talk about the lost footage from. Right. Mart. Yes. The night of black Friday. Yep. And they also talked to the sheriff kind of give him a little info as to what the other people could be in the footage. Yep. Like Lonnie and the cheerleader.
Correct. Um, and Ryan talking to the security guard. So now Ryan could be a suspect, um, yes just going through stuff. We do find out he was just getting Adderall, yes but good little red herring. Um, but let's cut to the school and we go to a hilarious scene of the student reading a paper. Get a peek into the everyday life of these kids. And he's like,
And I won't be celebrating Thanksgiving ever again. And he starts crying and lifts up his shirt and just has like a ripped six pack. And his name is Chad. Yes. And his name is frickin Chad. He's got these two girls just oogling over him too. And like ice rewatching I saw one of the girls peer down at the abs as soon as he lifts his shirt up. So that's so, so funny. And that scene is like so unnecessary, but it's so hilarious. And I'm so glad it's like in the movie. i am like because Yeah, it has served nothing to the plot, like, but it doesn't deduct anything. I love so might as well. Yep. I agree. Oh, also, Evan, reading off the report.
I love that a nerd in a movie doing a jock's homework gets some great victory with public humiliation instead of just giving in and doing the homework. That's a nice little side thing in the story that wasn't needed, but I enjoy that too. That was beautiful, Evan. I enjoyed hearing you read it as much i as I enjoyed writing it for my blog. What a reveal from the teacher. Oh my God. I was just like, shit.
I like I didn't feel like what he was saying though. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, yeah take some notes people. Also for writing with these high schoolers since we're at the high school right now. Eli Roth consulted his teenage daughter for research when doing the dialogue for all the younger people in this movie. Like what a smart move to find out what people around our age are saying or younger. I mean, God, we're getting old already really adds to the realness of we're being thrown into a situation with ah high schoolers, kind of even though it's not totally set in reality, of course. One thing I kind of like about, and not all slashes do this, obviously old slashes, there's no technology, no cell phones, no nothing. Some modern slashes, it's hard to get around. like Cell phones seem out of place because a lot of situations can be avoided with like cell phones.
Very true. So like, yeah it's like a weird thing, but I think in this one, it plays really well and like the whole social media thing. And it's being used in a really smart way. And it's really you utilizing like the technology. If that makes sense. Yeah. And I mean, even years from now, yes, it will feel a little out of place, just like the nineties movies do now and stuff like that. But I think it will live on like scream does.
it It's so of this time, I feel, and it really was beneficial for Eli to consult his daughter about that. I just, I think he brought that up on Sean's interview too. and yeah tell us hey there you go tomorrow Listen to it. Yup.
I do also wanna say the plot for this whole movie too, before we get more into the plot, it's very simple, easy to follow, like tragedy happens. Some people are shitty, some people are decent human beings. Victims are a part of this specific tragic event. Red herrings, a couple secrets floating around. Money and greed is infused. Characters that we don't need to get to know super well, but well enough,
and then the killer reveal and showdown at the end. After all this horror that people refer to as elevated, it's actually refreshing because this is one of my favorite genres that I want to be great so bad every time. And it really refreshing that a movie like this comes along after quite a few quite a few subpar slashers over the years. High school with a hairdresser class,
What is this? We're from North Dakota. That is a real classroom in that school. And that's why UI Roth added it. No way. Yeah. He was like touring schools and he was like, this is a perfect scene. Like with the fake heads and the wigs and perfect place to hide. Like that was an actual room in the classroom. So they didn't really have to do anything. That's funny. He didn't even have to come up. Yeah. Just inspiration from the location. Yeah. I thought that was really, cause I thought the same thing, but I was like,
I've just never heard of that class being in a high school, even bigger ones. I really wish that would have been a cool one to have. yeah It's like hair. It's like the hair academy or something. Yeah. The core group are talking about who. The killer could be if it's Ryan or Bobby or who um and they can trust. Yes. And then we get this nice fake out of Ryan dressed as a pilgrim.
Yes, getting ready for that. Yes. And then you find out it's just for the parade, but still, it was a cool fake out anyways. Yeah. And Bobby goes to like intimidate Ryan, kind of scare him a little bit because he thinks it's him. Then I suppose we could skip ahead to the football being the football game being canceled because Lonnie and the cheerleader were murdered. Yes. Okay. Then you got Evan's little,
Bitch fit, I guess. ah Should I say bitch? Yeah. Hissy fit. Throws a little hissy fit, like I mentioned earlier, I won't go on about it, but, um, and Scoob is trying to calm him down. Then we have Evan and Gabby walking into the school alone. but Don't know what they were doing, I don't know. But then John Carver pops out, grabs him. Then Jess enters the high school trying to look for him, obviously. Jess is trying to call Gabby. She finds her phone w ringing in a bin and Carver pops out a chase ensues. I do really like this high school chase. um And this is kind of what I was saying with the camera being a little shaky as Jess is running.
but it's not too shaky, thankfully. But yeah it's very thrilling and with that hairdresser classroom and her trying to hide in there. I read something that one of the people on set, I was like, why why are the lights turned on? like isn't it Aren't slashers supposed to be happening in the dark? How is she supposed to hide in there? And Eli was like, that's the point. She can't hide in there if the lights are on. So he wanted to like get away from mike the like slasher trope of like hiding in the dark and yeah have it being like complete completely lit up room.
I like that. Which is scary because you can't hide in a room like that really. No. yeah Which I thought that part was, I like that. You're kind of cornered. Yeah. Yeah, it really adds to the anxiety of that chase scene, which it's an effective chase scene, which is what I like. um Obviously, I don't know if Jess is going to actually get harmed or anything, but still. So after the chase scene, Jess ends up getting away from the killer and They cancel the football game and I thought it was really funny that when she comes out and Bobby, her ex, comes and puts the jacket on her back and Ryan comes up, her current boyfriend, he immediately throws Bobby's jacket off her and gives her a hug. I thought that was so petty and funny. but
Gosh, the, yeah, the little tiff between those two, it's like, yeah yeah but then after that we are at the McCarty party, the McCarty party. I probably did that so bad. So well. yeah Thanks. Oh my God. Eli cast me for the second one. All right. Um, yes. Curry party.
god this dude is and i think eli mentioned that he knew guys like this that weren't in school nothing but like they hung around and just selling the weirdest dumbest crap and stuff um i i think that's what he said but McCarty is just such an interesting character. um He hangs out with all these young kids. He doesn't have growing up everywhere. No, you're good. He doesn't give off any like weird uncomfy vibes, though. He doesn't. That's the thing. Yeah, like he just seems like a really cool guy. He's interesting. Yeah, he's an interesting character. Yeah, it's like a unicorn to have in this movie. Honestly, I just I don't know many characters like him.
I guess, you know, that, like you said, not acting weird or off, you know, he's just a crazy dude. Yeah. Um, I like when, Oh, I can't remember the nerdy kid's name, but that's like his right hand man and like his bodyguard and like who he has in charge of handing out tickets and who he puts in the nerd that does Evans. Did you? Yep. You just, you said that. No. Okay. i just Sorry. Okay. I did that one. Okay. Yeah. Um,
But yeah, the boys are, those teenagers come up and he's just like spewing stuff and they're like, who's Black Sabbath? And then he's immediately like, get the fuck off me. Get the fuck, yeah, I love that. Hey, yeah, stick to what you love, right? um Yeah, you're not allowed. And then Jess and Scuba end up getting a weapon for protection, obviously, that smart move, you know, trying to find something. And of course, McCarty's got everything they need. Jesus, this hiding spot for some of his guns, this guy,
He needs to own an actual business. His dad does. That's right. What the hell is this guy doing? the black market I guess yeah our back market yeah ignore um but after this um we're pretty much caught up because after this is when Yulia gets killed and then the parade by the way I do love that Jess and scuba are being paired up oh same actually for a good amount of the film you you don't expect those two characters to be in a room alone together really
You kind of think, all right, how would they interact alone together? Like a lot of characters in film, TV, books, you, you want that pairing, right? And Eli and his buddy writer, like they just hand it to you here. You know, I didn't know anything about that, but I actually did really like that. Yeah. Yeah. Unlikely pairing. It was nice. Yes. It was a nice, unlikely pairing. Some do not work in movies. So like this one worked, I think. Oh, before the parade.
With Jess, uh, McCarty, another thing about him, him giving Jess his dad's ring from Iraq that like kept him alive for good luck. Like that's what I'm talking about. A unicorn, like um he doesn't do a really, really nice act and until then, but it it's not out of character either. In my notes, I have scuba and Jessica get guns. And then on, and my bullet put underneath, I put McCarty is a sweetie, but I didn't put why, but that's why. Yes, exactly. Yeah. It's kind of hard when you put general points down and you're like, Oh, what is that specific thing I was thinking about though? But thanks for reminding me. Yeah, you got it.
All right, so now we're caught up where Yulia gets killed, the parade happens. Anything else about the parade that you wanted to add? Not that I can think of right now or later, because I'm not going to mention the parade again, but we're pretty much caught up to where they get tranquilized.
Fun little note, you do see the face and you hear the name of the turkey before he gets decapitated like right away. Oh my gosh, shit i it was for the sole intention probably because he was gonna die and we could put a face and a name to it. ah So yeah, I thought that was funny. Then ah Kathleen is also in the car, gets tranquilized. We wake up with her in this old style room and we see Carver doing some cooking shit. Yeah, get getting the dinner ready. And he starts basting Kathleen. Whenever he was basting her, I just could not get hands. If you nobody's seen Scary Movie 2, or if you have, you're gonna get this line.
But Hansen, the caretaker, the one with the little hand, yeah when he's preparing the ah turkey, he's like, and then I baste it like this. And so and he starts licking it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Anyways. um Yeah. And when he is basting her feet and putting like the little garnishings between her toes, that was one seasonings. Like he literally like takes a salt grinder. Yeah. 1000%. That was for Quentin Tarantino.
You think the foot scene for sure. Probably. God, I love Tarantino, but what's up with the feet? So then when Carver leaves the room, Kathleen is able to get up. Then an awesome cat and mouse chase ensues throughout this house. And we get to know a little more of the house.
I really liked the cat and mouse of it all. Oh, I do too. Like, yeah, her, her kind of, uh, where she goes to hide and the things that like Lonnie's body popping out at her in one of the hiding spots, then going upstairs or something into a different room. She finds the cheerleader still alive, surprisingly still alive in a fridge. I was like, Jesus, like where, what is going on? And then unfortunately the killer finds Kathleen upstairs.
With the pitchfork, I thought, I thought the killer having the pitchfork was kind of cool. Yes. It's like very, the pillar of it all. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Really adds to his outfit. Love the outfit. It's so simple and basic, but it stands out to me still.
I like how long the chase scene went on of him after her. It went on, but it didn't seem too long at all. It was really entertaining. no yeah and And a lot of chase scenes and slashes don't last that long. And I was like, kath why is Kathleen like lasting so long? like Why is she like hiding so well? That's a good point. It kind of did give the impression off where it could go either way, where maybe she does live.
little longer but she gets out and then he javelin throws the pitchfork in her back that was epic it was yeah ah man yeah that added to the kills I would say and then puts her in the oven because she's ready to be baked I thought when he opens it back up and pushes the thing in her neck, I was like, oh, is is this like a mercy killing? Is he gonna like knock her out so she wouldn't have to feel anything when she is getting cooked alive in the oven? You're so funny. Nope, meat thermometer. Yes.
Actually I thought, oh my god, is it a thermometer? Or I thought it was one of those um injectors with like juice as well. You can do that in a turkey. When it got to the temperature it popped and it was like done. that Ah, you're right, you're right. Yeah, good point. Nevermind, okay.
But I thought that was hilarious. Yeah. Oh, man. And I'm really glad it doesn't linger on Kathleen being burnt too long because old Eli would do that. Probably. But like I said, he's picking his battles and he can read whatever, you know. Yep. It wasn't it wasn't too too overboard, honestly.
And then, um, while all this is happening, yeah the rest of the crew, like the police are trying to, are being live streamed them at the table. yep And it was a, so like the, all like this, the SWAT, I don't know if it's SWAT or cops go to the house that they're, that that location's pinging at.
Oh, and it was such a cool fake out a scene, like on Silence of the Lambs, where they're so sure they're going to the right house and it's completely the wrong house. Very true. Yep. Yep. I, I loved that misdirection. it did It wasn't like, why do you have to have this in here?

Plot Twist and Voice Comparisons

It was, it served a purpose for the plot. Yeah. I thought it was a really good fake out too. Yeah. Oh, and it turns out that phone that was pinging at that location they went to,
was actually filming another screen for where they actually are at. It was an elaborate... It was, yeah, so basically he's got two phones.
um So we cut to finally we get them all around the table. Yes. And the carver is using a voice changer that goes face. And I don't know if I'm right, but the voice that he's using sounds a lot like Eli Roth, but I don't know if it's him.
Interesting. I didn't think of that. Obviously, I did think of Roger Jackson's voice for Scream right away. Like, that's the most iconic voice changer to me. Same voice. Haven't seen a ton of voice changers, honestly, surprisingly in film. But I'd say this voice, it's serviceable. Not my favorite, though. I gotta say.

Hereditary Scene Comparisons

um Like there are better changer voices out there, but I get it. I get it. Like how many have been done of what voice can you do? Yeah. Yeah. I, I understand. But it really sounded like Eli Roth's voice and I haven't looked it up. That's interesting. Yeah. You should let me know if you figure out anything on that. Cause I know he voiced the Thanksgiving and the original.
okay which you didn't freaking watch i'm gonna watch that before though i'm gonna watch i'm gonna watch um but they're all around the table and they'll wake up swimming tranquilize all gagged yes and he reveals kathleen nice and roasted on the table without her head without her head like the turkey and i thought i know i mentioned hereditary earlier but the way kathleen looked on the table looked just like the grandma's dead body up in the attic at the end of hereditary oh my god right without a head like same kind of position like all burnt up remember i can't remember i know i need to finish the ending well yeah i'm letting you know it was so reminiscent of that like almost
Give me props. I, another little hazardous opinion here. I'm not a huge fan of hereditary. Okay. Well, I'm going to leave right now, but I gave it another shot. Like, look at me. So I actually was enjoying it more. My second watch a bit. Good shit. So you can get all my references to this one.
I will not say that it's absolutely a plus though like a lot of people I understand you if you love it you love it but like I yeah I just wanted to like yeah let that be known yeah just a little like ah white things put on her toes and her

Carver's Humor and Intense Scenes

fingers and stuff. And like, God, just how every everybody's reaction was really good to that. Oh my God. And then Thomas, yes, his dad throws him up through his gag. Oh my God. By the way, that actor, my wife loves him. My sister does because he's in suits as a very big character, by the way. If anybody watches suits, ah Lewis is his name. So, yeah, I forgot the actor's name, but like I do like that actor and I've seen him in other things.
But anyways, yeah, throws up through his gag. Can we talk about some of the Carver's lines? Because he is fucking hilarious. He is. Yeah. Yeah. he Oh, my gosh. It's it's that camp there, the really cheesy lines. And a lot of movies try to do it really unsuccessfully. I feel like it's very tough to get that line there without making me cringe negatively. Does that make sense? Yes. Like, it's just so well done. It is. And yeah I love when he says, is that any way to thank Kathleen? She's been cooking all day. Yep. Oh, I love that. one Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Just it's almost like puns. Yeah. Dad jokes. Literally dad jokes. Basically. Yeah. Yeah. Could be my dad.
um another one is when he disgustingly pokes a hole in the cheerleader's neck and then the blood comes out and then he like yes what does he say again he's like he swirls it around he's like you might want to let that breathe and sets it tone oh my gosh yeah oh that was so funny and then the couple of lines he says to evan Yes, yeah, you are gonna break the internet. Yeah, it's shit like that. You really need to hit people over the head. Yeah, in order to get a point across, you really have to hit people over the head or something. Which, Evan's dead. I really like that head-smashing scene. It was really well done, actually. Yeah, it wasn't like a wasn't like a watermelon just everywhere. Yeah, it was

Chase Scene and Killer Suspicions

yeah is well done. Honestly, I'm kinda like,
Yeah, a little bit. Honestly, same because I he's just terrible. He's a detestable character. And we're just talking about a movie. Of course, no, like, yeah, yeah, you don't deserve any of that. But like, just he was an asshole. He was speaking in terms of slashers. There we go. This whole dinner scene is just demented and unsettling. Yeah.
Yeah, and then while Carver is talking to them and Jess is using the ring that she got from McCarty and is cutting her rope to cut herself free and then hands it over to Scuba who does the same.
Until now, I have not realized that McCarty's ring actually came in handy. I thought that was just a nice gesture. And this whole time I was wondering, okay, where did this ring with a little sharp thing come out? That's very convenient.
Wow. Thank you. Thank you for that. Okay. So I gave you some stuff you gave me. All right. So that's how they got free. Gosh, we're just learning guys. Yeah. I thought whenever they ran away, um, the scene of the killer breaking through the wall in front of them was a cool shot. That was really cool. Yeah. It was unexpected for him to jump in front of him like that and step around the corner. It was just right through the fricking wall and he's not even Jason Boris or anything. He just, yeah.
old place so I could see that happening. um And then yeah, him swinging the axe is just so menacing. And then like, I was super afraid for scuba against him. Honestly, once Jess got away, I was like, Oh, no. And thank God, he just gets a little flesh wound from the axe gets knocked down, you know, and then Jess is running through the woods from the killer.
gets on a fence, gets to the top, gets a little stuck, and the killer almost reaches her before she falls, hurts her ankle too, which I like, adds to the chase of it all, right? Then we see Sheriff Eric, my boy Patrick Dempsey, on the ground right by his police car, and um looks like he is bleeding out of his head. I was like, fuck me. Was that before or after she sees Bobby go into the building?

Sheriff's Revelation and Motives

four yep then she sees Bobby going in the building and then we're wondering okay what's going on here just goes follows Bobby into that building we see him take off the mask right and he's in the jumpsuit what were you thinking in this moment Well, as you know, I'm bad at like picking things out. We don't really try to though. We like to just enjoy the ride. yes Yeah. So even though we maybe can figure it out. Yeah. So obviously it was like, Oh my God, it's him.
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. So you actually thought it was him. Um, I was kind of still on the fence. I was like, Well, I knew it wasn't like, obviously it wouldn't be that easy, but I still was just like, Oh my God. Right. It is kind of one of those scenes where it's like, uh, that wasn't much of a reveal though. Yeah. And you're almost like, kind of like, uh, the air is just released from all the anticipation for who the killer is and what's going to happen at the end here.
And then Sheriff comes in. Sheriff comes in, yup, yup. Tries to shoot Bobby a couple times, misses. And him and Jess go up to this, to his office, actually. Yeah, it didn't seem like a... It looked like abandoned building or something at first. Didn't it? Yeah. Why was this off? It didn't look like a police station at all. No, it didn't look like where they were earlier even. Who knows? Maybe it wasn't his regular office or anything.
yeah and Maybe we we're getting it wrong. It could be something totally, ah we could be off, honestly. Um, I just remember him mentioning an office, but, uh, uh, that was okay. They're in a room. That was about a Mando and his, but anyways, yeah, they're in a room together. Uh, you know, the evidence from the case is laying on the desk. Uh, the sheriff is trying to take care of Jess and like, um, they're trying to, of course, see where Bobby went, right?
If only you'd been stuck on the fence a second longer. As soon as Jess notices the cockabers on his pants, it's like the whole realization. She's realizing it and I like that you're realizing it along with her. Very subtle, but nice transition right into my favorite section of slashers is the reveal. Like Scream does this perfectly.
Like flawlessly to me. So that one of my favorite endings to a movie ever. And it it is because that element is there. The, the who done it, the reveal and confrontation with the final person against the killer or killers.
What I love going into this is that it sets up that confrontation and reveal between the killer and Jess. And like I said, these reveals are one of my most important pieces I need to fit for me to love the slasher. Thanksgiving does this so well. And it's totally in part thanks to Dempsey's performance. His delivery of that line and the reveal is top tier, I got to say, the turn of his behavior.
is incredibly sinister and goes along with all the dark humor of it all. Like those John Carver lines come out of Patrick Dempsey now. It's like you're, it's weird making that connection now. And honestly, if I think about him as a character, I don't know if he'd be that nuts. Um, I'm going to get to it. The motivation with Kathleen and unborn child.
chef's kiss because it felt practical

Confrontation and Explosion

and it didn't dwell on it either too too much but so yes the sheriff was having an affair with amanda that got killed in the right mart and basically is getting revenge oh what are you thankful for the service in here both deliveries. yeah And that was so clever. So like, I, I just love them going back and forth a little bit. And then I love when he's that way out. I love when he, sorry, I interrupted you. No, you're good. I like when, um, he's just like, she's like the service in here. And then he, she's like obviously live streaming the whole thing. He's like, you fucking bitch. That made me laugh.
The way he delivers these lines are just so good. And like Patrick Dempsey can be menacing. You don't really get that from his acting chops. So I'm just so glad he was able to flaunt it here because Transformers 3, he is a villain, turns out, but not as sinister as this for sure. I do think obviously Patrick Dempsey is my favorite part of the ending and just confronting him. And I'm actually glad it's abrupt. It doesn't drag on.
So it was a really good choice. There were so many other cheesy lines in this movie, but damn, this year there will be no leftovers. So iconic. Might take the cake and thank God it's done by a great actor in my opinion. I'm sorry I keep going on about Dempsey, guys. I just wish he was in more shit. I think the whole ending is and it still fits with the tone.
where there's a horror film set during Thanksgiving and doing all the gimmicks of Thanksgiving, it's such great fun, honestly. And like in this building, you still have one of the floats from the parade. And ah yeah, obviously his lines really adding to the Thanksgiving of it all. And the axe still feels, I don't know, feels Thanksgiving, feels pretty pilgrimy.
Yeah, so obviously there's a confrontation between Jess and the Sheriff and Bobby to the rescue. Breaks through the double pane, or what is that? The glass? Oh. You can see through it. Two-way mirror? Yes. Is that what that was?
It might have been. I didn't put much thought to it. Okay, it doesn't matter that much. Bobby to the rescue. yes And then they're trying to drive away in his dad's tow truck. And quick thinking from Sheriff yes tethers it to the freaking pull pull to stop them. Yeah. And oh, and then the giant turkey blow up is blowing up, which was so cool. And Jess puts her locket with her mom and the blunderbuss. Yes. Yeah. And what is that? McCarty gave it. Yes. Gave her. And he also shot it off for the football game, even though it was canceled.
Um, and I just like how that all tied together cause her dad like taught her how to like load that like when she was younger. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what did she shoot to make it blow up? The reaction with the gunpowder and helium. I don't want to sound like an idiot, but I was going to say helium. Well you are, but like it didn't get blocked off. Probably was. Um, anyways though, got, got blown up. Yeah. Yeah. I think the gunpowder reacted with the helium. Okay. and We'll go with that. and But I could be a total idiot. Anybody let me know what flows are pumped up with. i I don't know. i I'm thinking of a balloon, guys.
Yeah, the sheriff is potentially. So so big explosion yeah happens. um This big explosion was iffy, but that's all right with me because this movie isn't perfect, but I love it. I didn't

Film Pacing and Survivors

think it needed a big explosion or anything like that. Like I get it, you know, just to kind of mix it up within the movie because everything's kind of been so grounded, tame, tame. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like this big actiony Christopher Nolan plane going into the airport blowing up, you know. So, yeah, I did. That's what I was gonna ask you. Do you think the sheriff is dead? No, because Thanksgiving got a green lit for two. Right. But maybe it's like a scream situation. um It could be so a different killer set in the same area. Yeah, so I don't know, because obviously there's like that little fake out scene at the end where he's still the dream sequence.
really hoping Dempsey comes back. I know, I know, I know. I would love it. The pace of this film is what I really appreciate too. Even if no thrilling parts happen really, or like, you know, kind of, uh, action or tension, the dialogue is there to help it roll along with, with the characters interacting with each other and stuff. And it doesn't take long to get back to the tension. I love, I love tension. I love being on my toes and just not knowing what's going to happen next. I felt like this wasn't so formulaic and I could say, okay, this is going to happen. This is going to happen. You know?
It's not like that. It's really its own character. One thing I really did like about the ending of this movie was that Jess stayed with Ryan and wasn't a cliche ending where she went back with Bobby, even though we're not the hugest fans of Ryan. Not at all. He doesn't really do anything. No. But I'm glad that it wasn't a cliche ending. And there was more than one survivor. There wasn't just a final girl. Gabby's still alive. Scuba's still alive. Love that Scuba lives.

Thanksgiving Themes and Comparisons

Oh my god. So I really liked the ending. And I have a fun fact for you.
Oh, hey, by the way, um, really missed opportunity that scuba's real name isn't Steve. Oh my God. I love big daddy. yeah I did love scuba. Yes. I did love that. His nickname is scuba because his last name is diving. Yes. That was totally right. No, that makes total sense. I love that. like is this What was his actual first name again, though? I just knew it wasn't Steve. So I didn't. Oh man. Um, he doesn't have a name. It's just scuba.
According to IMD, that's a lie. I don't remember what it is. Because um the cop asks him, the deputy, he's like, what's your real name? And he's like, huh it's you're right, Scuba's better.
I don't know, on IMDB it's just school. I sure wrote it down. I was just, I had that joke in my head. I wasn't, yeah. I just wrote down. Diving was like really clever. yeah Um, but the end when all the friends are back together, you're cleaning up the debris and stuff. yep Um, and the firefighters are walking out and one comes out with the mask on. Oh yeah. I read that that was Eli Roth wanted to make an homage to the guest.
with a firefighter coming out. Oh my god. Really? Yeah. I'm surprised he referenced a movie that isn't too far removed from now though. The guest huh? Adam Wingard's the guest from 2014. What the hell? Okay. I love that. I thought you would love that. and Thank you for telling me that. and Yeah, that that makes total sense. Cause I do like that little addition cause there was a fire. I understand that really liked that. It kind of made me think a little bit about my bloody Valentine as well. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, Halloween.
Wait, which one? Was it Halloween Kills where Michael comes out of the fire and kills all the firemen in the house on fire? It's Halloween Kills? I like that a lot too. Yeah, because it's following the house being on fire at the end of 2018. Yeah, I like that too. Yeah. Good point. I like that. Yeah, yeah. Even though those movies aren't amazing. They are, but it's fine. I like parts. Have we really not gone into the David Gordon Green trilogy together. I don't think so. I loved them. I liked Halloween Kills the best, the second one. Oh my great golly goodness. It seemed like it was like it seemed like a Rob Zombie movie. Like how the gore was and the deaths and the colors and everything. I love that one. So now I might retire from hazardous opinions. Why? Good luck solo. You can talk about the David Gordon Green trilogy of Halloween then.

Soundtrack Influences and Grindhouse Trailers

it's called hazardous opinions for a reason, so bye. No, i I can't believe we haven't talked about them though. Dang. I did recently rewatch them, so I do kind of want to talk to you about them at some point. We definitely can. Okay, perfect. Um, how did you feel about the end, end, end credit? Like, end scene, I mean. That's the thing. i I love that the ending doesn't linger too much.
um and it was quick scene but i didn't love it yeah I like the firefighter walking out. And yeah I don't know, just like when I think about the ending of Thanksgiving, it's all Patrick Dempsey for me. It's all the reveal. I personally did not need that. I didn't bit at all. No, it kind of reminded me of didn't in one of the hostels he had a waking up scene to in a bed. Yeah, I forgot about that. He did. Wow. You're such a Eli Roth fan. And
I know I am. And you're not a fan. Which you remembered that so I guess guess I'm a fake fan. Look at me! yeah um But I have to mention the fucking end credits song and the way it goes into the Misfits Oh, okay. So what are your favorite bands? We just saw a cover band of them. Yes. On Halloween. Okay. No, I, I always think of your, your tattoo, the Messinger. That's the only one I really remember. I'm sorry. That's fine. But, Oh, it took me by such a surprise. I was like, why is this playing? And it makes me so happy. And like the way that editing is with like the shots and like the font, the end credits is like one of my favorite parts of the movie and just have missed its blaring.
And I was like, why, why The Misfits? Why this song? And Glenn Danzig, the singer of The Misfits, is a huge Eli Roth fan and loved. So whenever they're filming, sorry, I'm going on a tangent real quick. No, do it. So.
Glen Danzig found out that when Eli was filming Hostel, that the main character, I can't remember his name on Hostel, um would listen to Misfits, that song specifically where Eagles dare, to get pumped up for some scenes in Hostel. And Glen Danzig loved that so much that he was like, anytime you need a song from me,
just use it and Eli all the movies he's never used a song from Misfits before um so he was like I I've been he's like I've been waiting so long to make this movie I need to perfect yes exactly and that's why and they're really good friends and Glenn Danzig directed a movie recently like he just has it and he made Eli a character in it so Eli's an actor and when I and he's just hanging on to it I don't know when he's gonna release it apparently but That's really cool that those two got connected that way too. And that one of your favorite movie guys just infuses some more of your yeah interests into his stuff. It's just, that's kind of crazy. I like that. Yeah. I love. And then like when ah Eli or when Quentin Tarantino, this is a little bit unrelated when Tarantino had the idea when he was doing the grind house double feature. Oh, wait.
I'm gonna finish that and then I have one more thing to say. um He had the idea for the fake trailers and he's like, Eli, I want you to do one. He's like, cool, I already have it written. And so he filmed it like a couple of days after he ref finished ah filming Hostel. He did the Thanksgiving trailer a couple of days after if he had finished filming Hostel. Okay, I didn't know that. All right. um And I suppose one of the last things I have to say about the Grindhouse double feature is there was five fake trailers and three of them got turned into feature length movies. Which other two? Machete. Oh, okay. And hobo with the shotgun a Oh, man. I've heard of both. There haven't seen that. Oh, my God, I can't talk. Sounds very
brutal and like grind-housey. It's pretty popular, kind of. I only recently launched it because the Blu-ray was at Big Lots for a dollar with the slipcover. But the only won two that haven't been made was Werewolf Women of the SS, which was directed by Rob Zombie.
and don't by edgar right there's the only two that haven't been full length movies yet edgar right being and involved in crying that's just uh that's strange wow i mean with last night's solo obviously he you know, dives into horror a bit, not like this, I'd say. And then you do have Shaun of the Dead, where he's kind of going into the zombies, but it's very light and funny. You know, well, his trailer was funny. You need to just like go and watch all five of those trailers.
I think I do. I think I should. You should. Yeah. yeah I mean, they're all short, right? on Yeah. Thanksgiving is like three minutes. Yeah. And don't is the shortest one. That one's funny. Okay. Yeah. I got to check out all of them then.

Killer Revelation and Viewer Opinions

Awesome. yeah Okay. I'm going to do that. Yeah. I personally think Eli did such a good job with this. Yes. And you can tell he was so happy and had so much fun making it in early shows in the movie.
it really does and I just love it and honestly I could do Eli ah holiday horror every holiday please give it to me every holiday I would be down with that I would yeah just because of the of the funny he had with Thanksgiving as a holiday and really getting, I mean, you could say artistic with it, like you you got to get creative with these kills and infusing the holiday of Thanksgiving into horror. Yeah, he did it just so seamlessly, just put a nice bow on it. And like I said, this is just such a nice, simple slasher package, like gift. Yeah. yeah
It's gonna last, at least for me. Is this gonna be a yearly watch for you? Oh, hell yeah. Same. Hell yeah. Yeah, I can't believe I forgot to say that. But yeah, this is easily a November watch every November. I mean, I've been watching it not November and showing people and yeah.
I'm just happy you showed it to me so I can share it with other people too. And they nobody has said they haven't liked it. Even Nell, not a big horror fan. She does like slashers, like scream. She shares the love for that. But yeah, I think she enjoyed Thanksgiving. I do have questions for you though. sure So this is kind of a question, but I might've noticed a little miss. I say miss because maybe someone missed it and I don't want to say mistake really.
But when Yulia was being held at knife point by the killer, there was no blood running out of her ears after she was stabbed with those tong things. It only shot out to me because she was shown at knife point quite a bit and there was nothing leaking out of her ears. I guess I didn't notice. She almost looked untouched. So that's why I was like.
Ah, it kind of stands out to me. Maybe I got to take another peek at it and like really look at it. But like, that's just, that's just me having that eye for stuff. I'm weird like that. I don't, you know, it's not a, it's not a superpower guys. It's yeah, it's, I don't know. Kind of my overthinking mind. There we go. There we go. Didn't notice that though. Okay. Okay. Interesting. I was just going to ask you if you noticed it. Guys, I found the name for the Turkey and the parade.
They show Lionel only right before the parade and him getting executed. It's just so sad, poor guy. And I was also gonna ask, when did you realize Patrick was the killer and not Bobby?
when she saw the stickers on his lips. Okay, so you realized along with her? I'm always the last. I never can really figure it out until it's revealed like I didn't just want to ask people I just can't. You shouldn't feel bad. I did say it was effective for a reason. I thought that was a little seamless thing to get into the reveal.
um Kind of like Billy Loomis in scream when he's revealed. We all go a little mad. Sometimes he just turns around, you know? Um, I did. One thing I thought that was really cool though, is that in the beginning, the POV. One thing I thought was cool though, in the beginning, the POV shot of him, of Dempsey walking up.
I was like, obviously, like I watched Halloween, as we mentioned earlier, right? ah Was just a dead giveaway that he was the killer. Killer POV. Pretty much. I did not connect those dots. That's where I was kind of getting at with the point of me saying a lot of these lines are like signs of foreshadowing when you rewatch it. And it's like, oh, hey, that's a nice little foreshadowing piece, too. It's the first thing you see. Yes, it just.
The movie is really enjoyable rewatching because, yeah, just because of those moments and those connecting the dots there, I think this movie and the story do it real well. And the dialogue, of course. Yeah. So I get you for me. I think it was mostly when it was revealed like, yeah, along with Jess.
I did feel uneasy a little bit before that. It was kind of lingering in that office a little too long, you know? Yeah. It just, something seemed off, right? But not in a totally giveaway way.
I thought it was well done. I thought it was, but then I was like reading reviews or like comments and they're like, Oh, I knew immediately. It was so predictable. And then, Oh my God, I read the dumbest comment ever. And it was like, personally, I thought this was super, super unbelievable because he had a relationship with somebody and killers.
don't have relationships with people and I thought he'd know way early on in life if he was a killer and it was just super unrealistic to me and unbelievable. Oh boy. I was like, ooh, why are you you being like that? I know really reaching there.
And they rate it like two out of five. I was like, Oh my God, this is the dumbest thing I ever had. You know, I haven't looked at a lot of reviews. I looked at cinema, Joe's and city, Volpe's and stuff. The good ones. because they've loved it oh I was actually looking at getting the 4k on Amazon. Yeah. And I was just like, scroll to the bottom to just like, read, like, okay.
I'm definitely going to get it on 4k too. Yeah. Uh, that's why I came across those and I was like, cause I look for reviews on like the quality of the movie, yeah but people are actually leaving like movie reviews. of Oh sure. yeah Okay. Yeah. They, they need to know where to put those too. Yeah.

Film Recommendations and Recent Watches

I'm sorry. dumb own No, that, that was a little mean of me, honestly. Um, no, no, no.
If you do really analyze slashers, sure, maybe you caught it earlier than we did. That's okay. You're, you're really like, I don't know. I just was along for the ride.
um and still like looking back on it and really analyzing it, rewatching, I don't think it's so obvious. I think i think it just is a really awesome reveal. It's A plus in my book. Until it was made by somebody who knows so much about slashers. Exactly.
and loves them like it was just arts he loves about them and like yeah yeah exactly so now ah ah those are all my questions should we move on to the reminds me of all right so for reminds me of obviously i mean this is a given scream 1996 yep it's such a staple in my life and this movie is elevated for me just because of the hints at the movie at scream that always has my heart I'm so relieved that this was not too close to it though. The dark humors are in the same hemisphere. Patrick Dempsey also being Detective Riley in Scream 3 and becoming Sydney's husband later on in the films and returning to horror is so elating. Been missing him a lot in films.
Let's just hope he joins Nev in Scream 7. Him being the killer was an excellent choice and it flaunted his acting chops a bit, like I said. The other reminds me of was Hostel, 2005, of course, from Roth again. Just because the violence and gore in this one reminds me of that past Eli Roth like we touched on, but I much prefer this one and watch a sequel for sure. This this one's just more up my alley.
personally, but I do understand why people do like hostile. Then the last one is Terrifier 2016. Also because of the violence and gore really being shown for an extensive amount of time. But why I love this one and I don't love the Terrifier franchise is because Thanksgiving finds a good middle ground with me with that aspect with the gore and violence. And it's also whodunit mystery. And those are one of my favorite sub genres.
And that's all I got for reminds me of. I did not think of reminds me of this week. You're good. That's why I headed it. Thank you. But obviously scream hostile. But I want to maybe recommend some movies that take place around Thanksgiving. um And one of those is prisoners. It does. That's right.
One of my Pantheon movies. Yeah. And I, even though a lot of people have seen it, I still think a lot of people have not seen it and it doesn't give Thanksgiving vibes. It just takes place on Thanksgiving and it is one of the best crime thrillers ever. Gives really bleak fall. Yes. I'd say like, yeah, in a nice depressing way, if that makes any sense as a description. Um, so, and then that's another one I watch yearly as well. And same.
Not really the same vein, but I had to mention Scary Movie 2 because it has the most iconic and hilarious and quotable Thanksgiving scene ever. Very true. When I'm sitting around, like. The dinner. Oh man. Yeah. That one. I watched that around Thanksgiving too, like strictly for that.
And is it is just so quotable. Well, if you take that one and John Carver's Thanksgiving in this one, both are pretty fricking wacky, yeah I guess. Sorry, I don't have, it reminds me of, I became, I was ill prepared for that, but those are my two ones that I watch around Thanksgiving every year as well. You did an awesome job on the fly though, unlike me. That was awesome. Good job. Thank you.
So I actually didn't put down anything that I've been watching lately, unfortunately, because i I have been super, super busy. Like, I really apologize that this schedule for you guys might be a little all over the place. It is for us, too. We're really figuring this out. And it it was a really busy October for us, unfortunately, during one of our favorite times of the year.
But yeah, I just was in Portland for almost a week and I've been sick and working, but I did watch idle hands after Ashley telling me one of my favorites already. Like I wouldn't say I like it as much as Thanksgiving, but I still really enjoy it. And it's just so different. It's its own character. Like Thanksgiving is, you know,
Also checked out another comedy favorite that's in that Adam Sandler vein that I'd never seen before and I'm ashamed of myself but grandma's boy. It was so good Nick Nick Swartzen. I love that man. He can be in anything. He's from Minneapolis. He wrote it. Did he actually? That's that's Nick's movie. My god I like it even more now. I I wouldn't say it's up there. No, it is with like, oh, man. I mean, yes, it comes close to some of the Sandler's like Big Daddy. I mean, you can't. You know what I mean? God, that is one of the most hilarious and portable movies ever. That is one of my favorites of all time. It's a really nice hangout movie, too. Like I watched it on the plane. It was a really good plane movie. And then I rewatch it in bed last night because it just brings me comfort already. Do you have any quotes that stuck with you?
immediately. Oh, boy. I'm, I'm really not good with quotes. And I haven't seen this one enough to like, what's one of yours? Um, it'll probably jog my memory. When Alex is like, Oh, nice outfit JP. How much do clothes cost in the matrix? That that was good. All the JP roasts are all iconic. I have a bunch of stuffed animals too. I think I have a bear.
Oh yeah, I have a bear. nick Nick's words that just kills me and... um His race car bed? ah Yes, race car bed. And then um in the beginning, ah what was that massage house that that guy was obsessed with, that his buddy was spending the rent money on? Oh, madam, madam something. But oh, geez, every time that came up, I'm like, Jesus.
like, why I was saying it doesn't maybe get up there with like, Big Daddy or Happy Gilmore or something. Some of the parts like I would say I like the actor but ah JP went on a little too much. I'd say the the robotic stuff like that didn't make me laugh out loud like it was supposed to. So not even when he was up against the all with his jacket saying how could he see loved that. See, give me a little less of him maybe give me more sprinklings of him. I just I don't know like he's not like a shooter McGavin.
to me in but um in Happy Gilmore or something. There's there's better villains or conflicting characters. Not to change subject from Grandma's Boy. No. Sorry, I was just kind of going on. You were asking me questions.
i just thought of stuff that i watched yeah yeah all right what's on your now watch um um oh i did just um rewatch death becomes her to get ready for the remake that's going to be coming out soon i think hopefully Yeah, yeah, i I think it's for sure planned. Yeah. Awesome movie. But um I watched that um recently rewatched Paul or no, I didn't rewatch Paul. I watched Paul for the first time and the first time. Yeah, I watched it before you.
Oh, I've seen it, but I forgot everything. Okay. So it was like a brand new watch. I watched it for the first time last year. And I love it. It's pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. But aside from me watching Dragula on shutter, okay. Obviously I haven't been up too much because like you, I've been had just a really busy hectic month.
Yeah. So oh also,

Closing Remarks and Listener Appreciation

uh, speaking of shutter, shutter original just dropped as real, please go check it out. I won't really go into that one, but really good horror movie that was surprising to me, even though one of my favorite people, some are weaving, isn't it? Our favorite people. smart The pods favorite person. Yes. One of them.
If she, if we could have a Mount Rushmore of more than four heads, she'd be up there. I agree. Yeah. We couldn't just limit it to four. No way. All right. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, that was what we've been checking out. So that was Thanksgiving 2023 to start us in November now and kind of continuing with our spooky, but that's okay. Breaking the rules a little bit.
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