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American Ultra (2015) image

American Ultra (2015)

S2 E44 · Hazardous Opinions
47 Plays5 months ago

Hunter and Ashlee will be activated and diving deep into American Ultra (2015)! 

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Please send us your movie recommendations or suggestions for discussion topics. To kick off Spooky Season and for our next episode, Hunter will be selling you... The Ritual (2017)! Watch ahead and then tune in to hear our thoughts. Stay safe, we love y'all!

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programming reminders. This episode will be the end of September for us before we get into spooky season. To kick it off, we will release my sell me the ritual on October 4th.
A big way you guys can help us is by following us and giving us five stars wherever you get your podcasts. Also reach out to us with anything movies at or on socials like Instagram at hazardousopinionspod and follow us on discord and chat with us anything movies guys. We really appreciate all of you and your support. Now on to Ashley.

Introduction to 'American Ultra'

Hey friends, today we'll be talking about one of my absolute fave movies ever which is American Ultra from 2015. It is about a stoner named Mike Howell who lives in rural West Virginia with his equally stoner girlfriend Phoebe. Mike is your stereotypical stoner type. He works nights at a local convenience store and works on a comic book that he's making himself called Apollo 8 and obviously hanging with Phoebe. um But Mike soon finds out that he and his life are not what he's been made to believe.
And um this was um my pick this week. And when me and Hunter first kind of met and started talking about movies, this was one of the first ones I lent him to watch because it was one of my favorites. And so I kind of want to hear what he has to say about it real quick, his opinions. Oh, boy. All right. Yeah. ah Yeah. I really appreciate this one because it really kicked off.
all the recommendations you gave me and uh really like jump started our friendship yeah which is like obviously special to both of us um and got us to here so uh american ultra it was a really fun one to like for you to give to me to like kick everything off because um couple of the other ones that you've suggested are pretty fucked up honestly. I know. But hey, we both love fucked up. It's okay. So you you like, for some reason, you totally got my music like movie taste. And
American ultra so on letter boxed I'll say it's an average of 2.9 out of 5 stars and When I looked when you look at that it's it's kind of like uh It's more than 50% so that's like that's great. Yeah, actually, um My personal rating I'd say if I'm going with the letterboxed ratings, I do three out of five stars and and i'll obviously deep dive into like why i give it three out of five but this one honestly when preparing for the pod i watched it three times i just really wanted to know it i wanted to live in it and um give it my best shot for you since you're passionate about this one
Um, it also really helped me realize if this is one I can rewatch down the road or not. yeah So yeah, no, just, I think it's a, it's a comfort movie.
for most of it. Yeah, for me, I would say so I would return to this. Yeah, this is definitely a comfort movie for me too. And I'm glad that we're ending September with it on the last day because it kind of gives me some like fall vibes. It kind of does like the setting in the color and their outfits and stuff. Oh, yeah, that's like cozy. Yeah, the flannel and like the layers. I don't know. That's a little irrelevant, but it gives me like fall vibes. No, I like that. Yeah. Yeah. In North Dakota right now, um you can maybe tell from our accents that we're from North Dakota. But it's kind of up and down right now. And we're just really ready for it's fall in the morning and very much so summer and afternoon. Exactly. Yeah. um But I suppose I should probably give my rating.
If you were done?

Film Analysis & Reception

Yeah. No, I'm all done. Like, yeah. So, um, on IMDB, which is what I'm very used to, I'm going to get better about using letterboxed, I swear, but better I know, but on IMDB, it is a 6.1 out of 10. And my IMDB reading, I'm going to go high with a 9.2. Cause I love it so much. Awesome. And it makes me so happy. I'm taking away.
eight points yeah point eight point eight points because i wish it was longer oh i actually when we get into it that's that's one of my reasonings for me having it you know docking some yep and yeah um and on letterboxed since you can only go points or half points a four point five for me on letterboxed awesome yeah yeah okay it's four and a half stars all right okay um but yeah a little bit about the director i guess i do not know how to pronounce his name so sorry if i'm mispronouncing it um nima norizade i think
Honestly, that's that's what I'm trying my best. Yeah um He didn't really do much but he directed project X first. That's his first movie and I also saw he directed two episodes of The Gentleman Guy Ritchie's The Gentleman on Netflix, which is a really good series that just got released season two, by the way um And it was written by Max Landis, who he wrote Chronicle, which is another one of my faves. But I heard is a piece of garbage. So I didn't dive in real life. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, no. So I didn't want to dive too deep in there, but he did write it in Chronicle. So I just had to mention that. I know. I noticed Chronicle on his credit yeah for writing and I was like, hell yeah. Like I enjoyed that one too. Yeah. But, um, yeah, it's, I guess getting into the movie starts out by seeing, Oh, no, wait, we have to say who is stars in it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So um but Mike and Phoebe are played by Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart. And I am not a Jesse Eisenberg fan normally, but I love him. And like, it was perfectly casted.
my wife isn't a fan of him but honestly everything i've seen him in i don't care how awkward he is i i like the guy yeah i know you do we love the social network the most too so i know yeah but yeah um but i thought that they were perfectly casted and in this because it's the and they're written like so believable and I don't know they're just them together like their relationship when you see them together in the beginning it's very believable like they're established like it just seems natural for them to like be together. I'll get into it but like that's one of my favorite parts yeah about it and the chemistry they have together too like with being in Adventureland I checked out after watching American Ultra.
Oh man. I know that I will love it. I just haven't got around to it. It's one of the best stoner hangouts. When we talk about movies being set in amusement parks more. Oh, we do love a good amusement park setting. Like when we talked about Totally Killer. Yeah. All of us were like- Our hill fest. Yes. Haunt. Yep. Always good. Oh man.
but um Yeah, and then there's also TopherGrace is in here. Wait, should we even get into that yet? Or bring it up when we mentioned him in the plot? Oh, no, you can totally bring up like any familiar face. Okay. Um, so there's those two in here. And we have Connie, I believe her last name is Britain. That's how I've always Yeah, we could be wrong. But probably, but maybe she's in so much stuff, but I always recognize her as Violet's mom from American Horror Story Murder House, the first season. oh yeah So I always say that's Violet's mom when I see her good places. And Topher Grace has a really hilarious role in here as well. And yeah there's a oh and John Liguizamo, I love his character in this one too. And we'll get into him later on, but it was a pretty good couple of my faves in the cast. so
I know a lot of familiar faces and also one to add, um, Walt Goggins, Walton Goggins. He's one of the biggest, the like that guy. I know. He's like in follow. Yes. And like, I'll say, I'm going to save it. I'm going to save it because Walton Goggins is just awesome. yeah Um, there's another actor I noticed in here that like, I recognize from a lot of earlier movies, Bill Pullman.
Is he Kruger? ah the In here? He's the one that warns Connie. Yeah, Kruger. I think his name. Okay. Sorry. I forgot his character name, but yes. Yeah. He's the guy with the gray hair. Yeah. Do you recognize him from anywhere? He's on so much stuff and I can't think of like movies and stuff I've seen, but I always recognize him from the series Sinner.
That, yeah. He's a detective in the... Yes, in every season. So I always think of him in the... You suggested that to me too. Yeah. Yeah. But anything else? Not... I didn't look him up before we made the pod in my notes. Oh, sure. Because I knew I was going to mention that one, but he's in so he's in so much stuff. Like good stuff. Sleepless in Seattle. Never seen. Spaceballs. Never seen. Okay. I'm going to stop there. Okay. Never mind. But we love him. We do. Bill Pullman.
okay so i suppose let me get into the plot a little bit yeah yeah sorry to get you off track like it just one of the yeah you know how we are yeah um so movie starts out we see mike in a jail cell looking pretty horrific and grungy as shit yeah um like difficult to actually in my notes i described him as shaggy yeah like like difficult to look at for sure but um yeah he's sitting there and
You start the music that starts playing and you get flashbacks That are flashing through of like the movie And you can kind of just like seeing glimpses what you're kind of like gonna get into and it instantly draws you in oh And I just love it every single time it starts Definitely. the The prison chains rattling. Yeah, to begin the movie. It kind of catches your attention. It's like, hey, the movie is starting. ah Pay attention. Yeah, it's not allowed like plunge into it. um It's almost like a softer alarm clock or a like little bell. And even though like even if you don't tune and in right away, people that hate fidgeting will be put on notice for sure. True. That's a good point. and
Oh, sorry. No, since since you mentioned the flashbacks, that that's what I was trying to get. um I do like that this movie does that fast rewind over all the crazy events yeah throughout the movie without showing too much.
The fast pace editing helps really choppy and doesn't give away too much that way. I'm really wondering why the hell is Shaggy jess and not Jesse Eisenberg being questioned in a prison. So there it does grab my attention with the story. And why does he look like that? Exactly, which is a good start. Yeah, it just like draws you in right away. Yeah, definitely. And the music too, like the score.
I don't know how to describe it. Yeah, I I don't either. um With movies, I'll be honest, I don't. i I'm starting to get more into score. Yeah, um I'm not a huge music head um Music does elevate things for me though. That's why I'm trying to Get more into it with yeah, I'm not normally either like music like score wise really I notice it but in this one specifically It's like unlike it really adds to like this story. I just really like how it sounds though, too. Definitely. So for me personally that was like one of the things that like drew me in and whenever I started playing I knew I was gonna see is something so cool happen. Exactly and ah like also with like ah the flashbacks when ah the crime scene photos with yes with Mike listing off the ordinary objects involved in a crime scene and also like you know that teddy bear and frying pan you know this movie is gonna be different. The Bloody Spoon.
the bloody spoon. There we go. Then I notice Bill Pullman, hey, standing outside the one way glass, and I have a feeling quite a few familiar faces are going to be popping out already things to be excited for with this movie, which, yeah, like, just grabs me. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. When we're formally introduced to Mike at the beginning of the story with the bowl of smoke, like,
Almost gone. Smoke joints. West Virginia of being in the middle, written in that like bowl. And especially them living in a, like a normal ass town in West Virginia. It's just kind of a ordinary setup, you know, before obviously all that shit goes down that was put in front of us.
I do really love that collage of him talking about how much he loves Phoebe and s seeing little snippets into their relationship and... Exactly. Yeah, like when he when he says we were the perfect fucked up couple, she was perfect and I was the fuck of that. I love that quote and honestly props to Max Landis on quite a few lines of dialogue throughout the movie. He also wrote Chronicle, which we mentioned, which I did like. I'll say I will say some didn't land like some lines in this movie, um but 80 percent about I loved for this action comedy.
It does have a really, I do love a lot of the dialogue, so. Right. Even though he's a piece of shit, he did write a really good, good movie. Yeah. Do you, do you know any, uh, allegations? T allegation allegations. The bad allegations. Bad. Yeah. Oh no. Okay. We don't, I didn't dive deep into it, but, um, I think he's still working though. Hmm.
i didn't I didn't look into it before the pod. I probably will afterwards. Yeah. Well, now you got me curious. Yeah. And probably got everybody else curious. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, before this movie, i was I was more familiar with Jesse Eisenberg compared to Kristen Stewart.
I had only seen certain twilight, happiest season, and underwater. After you told me to watch this, I immediately wanted to watch Adventureland, like I mentioned, and I can't believe I hadn't seen that before either. But I really enjoy Kristen Stewart and Jesse i Eisenberg's chemistry. It's not electric chemistry, but comfortability?
I'd say they're both awkward actors. They are. So it's like perfect that they're together. Like Nell came into the room as I was watching and she's like, is that Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart? I'm like, yeah. She's like, isn't Jesse Eisenberg like awkward all the time? like So is she. hey He is awkward. on Honestly, this one, he's not really awkward. And neither is Kristen Stewart. No, they're more just chill yeah if you can I think this is like one of my fave Kirsten Stewart performances. I think so. I love her in this one. I think so too. Yeah. yeah and
um When I first saw this, like her red hair like that, she really reminds me of my older sister. Really? Yes. What did your sister have? Red hair too? In her senior year of high school. Okay. She was gonna get her senior pictures done with her and my cousins. Okay. And she came home and she had a bright red hair like that and my mom was so pissed.
No, so um but she looks beautiful in her pictures, but she has like the bright hair like that Oh, yeah, just her character in this movie just also like reminds me of my sister yeah Okay, so like that little connection to keep you going throughout. Yeah, that's I just love it. Yep. All right. Oh and Ryan He also met our I was like Jesse Eisenberg and and he was like Jesse Heisenberg like mixed up like mixed Jesse Pinkman and Heisenberg into one name. Oh my god He did it on purpose, but so I was like, all right Ryan
Hi Ryan. um Okay, so at, you know, after the introduction, ah Mike's panic attack before boarding the plane obviously doesn't feel normal because of the rewind we went through. Yeah, right. Yeah. So we'll start at the airport and his panic attack.
Well, they're trying to go to Hawaii, but then, yeah, he mike obviously has a panic attack in the bathroom, and then it just cuts to them driving home. And you find out that that's not the first time, and it happens every time they're trying to, like, leave town, go on a trip or anything. He always has the panic attacks, but Phoebe's really a understanding about it for some reason.
she is yeah yeah and I mean to go along with that Mike and Phoebe's first conversation in that car that we get you know just a full back and forth you can immediately tell that Mike is not the stoner loser that is plopped into like a Judd Apatow movie or something like you know yeah one of those like Seth Rogen comedies and stuff like that They're self aware that the characters are losers and need to grow up and stuff, you know? ah But like he's more so kind and mindful of Phoebe's feelings and not just his own with being down on himself about the panic attack. And he actually doesn't want to disappoint her. It's so, oh man, it hits me.
I just love them and you don't need much backstory to know that they just love each other so much. You can just tell. I don't know. I just love it. Exactly. Um, the cop, the, no, mention the cop.
He's such a dick right away and such a bully. That's all I really wanted. Yeah. You always get that guy that just needs to mess with the main character a little bit. Yeah. You know, it it Mike's just like, he doesn't do anything. I know. and ah And we also learn, well, so you get pulled over before, after they leave the airport. Yeah. yeah And you find out from the cop who comes to harass them.
And we learned that Mike has been in and out of jail because he asked Mike if he wants to keep up a toothbrush at the jail for when it comes back again. So there's like that, like probably why he feels like he's a fuck up sometimes, I'm sure. Yeah. We never really hear why he was in and out though. I'm assuming weed charges. Honestly, I was going to ask you about that. That is a question in my notes. Like, um, what has Mike done besides smoke weed? You know, yeah I, I would assume.
It was weird when the cop mentioned that he had to drive him back home after one of his panic attacks. Because he was trying to leave. So I think he was trying to tell Phoebe. Mike was trying to like leave, I think without a Phoebe knowing. And the cop found him and took him back home. Oh, maybe Phoebe didn't know. I don't know why she wouldn't be with him while he's trying to leave.
Right. I don't know. Yeah. So a little, uh, yeah, I kind of have some of those questions, but at the same time, it's just a very, uh, fun, um, comfort action comedy. yeah So like, do you really do that? Yeah. Is this where do we meet Lassiter now? Or now do we get to the part where they're sitting on the car?
Before that, I was going to say that you can tell this is a fucking small town because everyone is in everyone's business. Yeah. And it makes me shudder because I grew up in one. Me too. I grew up in on the reservation. It's really small, right? The most great small towns. And you just you see it from the outside looking in to and you're like, you just shake your head and you wish people would see this stuff like.
stop being in people's business but yeah okay so we okay so mike and phoebe go back home and phoebe's obviously is sad and unpacking her hawaiian button-ups with the tag still on it and um mike was planning to propose to phoebe in hawaii so he's sitting there with his ring that he wants to give to phoebe thinking now would be a good time to propose to her so i do you know the song that plays No. Okay. Do you? No. Okay. Did I just say he just puts on one of their fave songs? Yeah. Actually puts on like, I saw it's a Hawaiian vinyl. Yeah. Specifically. Yeah. Okay. So yeah. Okay. So Mike is sitting there with Ring. He wants to give it to Phoebe and he thinks it would be a good time to propose to her since he didn't get to on the Hawaii trip. So he picks up a Hawaiian vinyl and starts to play it to cheer Phoebe up and
and then um what a gesture i know so sweet like it the simple things he tries to fix it as best as he can yeah and then he's also making an omelette so but when he's about to ask her it starts on fire yes and Phoebe burns herself in the sink
like um when when the ring pops out though before that like omelet starts burning like i'm not disappointed like phoebe was anymore yeah when the ring comes out i'm like okay you're you're still trying buddy and when when phoebe wants mike to leave the cooking to her after that omelet burning and he says i will sorry and phoebe yells at mike stop apologizing That sums up me with anyone, honestly. I'm a people pleaser. It's it's a habit. I like to tell take accountability, but I I want to adopt the phrase my bad instead of I'm sorry, more maybe. Yeah. Would that help you think? I don't know. When I say my bad, Ryan thinks I have an attitude. Oh, man. I mean, I guess you could take it like as sad and they probably do have an attitude. Most of the time. Yeah. Yeah. Ryan, you're right. Hey, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Um, but after the ring and, um, the incident, we cut to, um, the introduction of, uh, Connie Brandon's character, Victoria Lasseter, who this always makes me laugh. She's sitting there reading like transcripts that she's supposed to decipher. Oh, that's what she's doing. She's trying to de decide. but She's like, how the fuck am I supposed to read this? And like every single line is like blacked out with a black Sharpie, but they're still like asking her to figure out what it says oh my god i love that you brought that up to me i i didn't notice that and all the words were blacked out except for there's one word melon harry potter melon harry pot the like out of all the ones that were blacked out those were the only words that were like on the for some reason then it only flashes for like a second but
Yeah, so here's all these blacked out words. You can only take these three, figure it out. Yeah, basically like a clue and you find I didn't realize this the first couple times I ever watched it. and You know how Topher grace kind of took her spot. So he's giving her the shitty work. So he made her do that. and Oh no, of course, of course. Yeah, I just realized that that kind of sets up their whole relationship to go throughout the movie that we see. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm going to mention that too. I really like their rival. Okay. Anyways, I know that little shit. I know. Okay.
um well and we can talk about it since like connie britain's character is just lasseter is being introduced with the transcripts um her old assistant comes in pete yes i don't know who i recognize him i do but i didn't look up what it's tony haile he's from arrested development didn't watch damn it okay that's a good comedy series with Jason Bateman and um yep and uh alia alia Shaw cat yes yeah yep he's also in chuck he's in i feel like he's just a that guy yeah he is like everywhere i really love him in this one yeah no he he's so funny he always i don't know he's he's one of those guys that talks
like very feminine yeah and stuff and like it just it gets a laugh out of me a lot of times just in his actions his face he's very expressive expressive yeah kind of like i am right now with my hands nobody can see but ah yeah yeah Okay, so we're introduced to Lassiter, she's sitting there with her papers, and then she- The assistant comes in, Tony Hale. Yep. Petey. Petey. And she hears a phone ringing, and her desk and her and Petey look at each other like, oh fuck, like that never rings. And so on the other line, she answers it, and what does he say again? Oh, yeah, he's um, he's kind of talking about um,
like warning her, just giving her a heads up that... What it what is it called? Strongman initiative? Hers is Wise Man. Hers is Wise Man and he says the other one is... Tough Guy. The Tough Guy um operative is being released or something like that, you know, it's starting. Yeah. you're So okay so um basically gives Victoria Lasseter a heads up that her project How do we decidedly say that? We can't say Mike's the project. Asset. Asset. She picks up the phone and there's a masked voice on the other end giving Victoria a heads up that one of her assets is going to be taken out pretty much. And he's doing that as like a courtesy letting her know but yeah to not interfere. And so after that
Nice deep voice changer, by the way. Yeah. I wish it was Ghostface. I was going to say scream is shaking. Well, Ghostface. But um so after that phone call, she's walking through the building and then we're introduced to pretty much her like rival. That used to be underneath her. Yes. So he's her new boss. Go boss bitch. Yeah. But it's Topher Grace and he is Yates.
Yeah, just from like their first like interaction that we see, you can tell that there is just like a rivalry between them. And it was so funny, like the dialogue when he pulls her into the office. Like one thing.
oh yeah that like towards more the middle of the movie no remember he oh no that is at the beginning yeah yeah now now get the fuck out of my fucking office oh whenever she's like what the fuck are you doing and he's like oh language covering his ears Topher Grace is so good at that like kind of going back and forth I wish he was in more things I don't think like there's like people don't really write roles well that connect well with him I feel or some some disconnect with that I feel he's just so great in everything like he's in the episode of black mirror yeah he's just in a lot of he's in I'm excited to watch ah flight risk flight risk the one and where he's on the airplane a movie
Yeah, we saw the trailer for it. when We went to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Oh my god, that's right. Yeah. But anyways, yeah, okay anyways, anyways, it's something to be excited for. Yeah, but yeah, it could just they just like shit on each other so bad. Oh, I know. Yeah, it's just so funny. But one of the lines that makes me laugh that I just think of like all the time for some reason from that scene when she's like, what are you, Daffy Duck?
That's the exact quote I just wanted to bring up. yeah That always makes me... I think of it randomly sometimes. um Then I must be doing something, right? It's so good. When Lasseter goes to talk to Yates, um she's wondering why he is trying to get rid of her, trying to get rid of her wise man program. And he said that Mike, our main character, is trying to leave town and so we learn
Mike has something to do with the CIA, and he like has a target on his back now. And since Topher Grace's character, Yates, is running things now, he wants to implement his own version of the Wise Man program, which he's called Tough Guy. So he just wants to clean house of anything previous that he wasn't a part of.
yeah um and honestly i i feel bad because so i'll cut i'll get into it now since we're on it but the these parts i i love the actors and actresses that are involved obviously like connie britain and topper grace and tony haile but for some reason i can't really ah since I did rewatch this a couple times already, I can't really get down with, that sounds very old-fashioned to me, getting down which with ah the CIA parts where it's not focusing on Phoebe and Mike. yeah I love Mike and Phoebe's part of it, and like it's not the performer's fault or anything, honestly. i
I would put it on writing a bit. I would. For me. And for me, I do like those parts. Perfect. Because their dialogue and just shitting on each other nonstop anytime they talk to each other is so funny to me. That part is funny. ah I'll take that. And later on, too. And he's like, you just hang up on me. We'll get to that. but Oh, yeah. But anyway, so we get a little backstory there and then we cut to Phoebe and Mike.
Laying on the hood of their car smoking and joint of course of course and Mike is telling Phoebe about his a new idea for Apollo Ape I Appreciate that even though Mike is high and Phoebe They don't have these profound stoner questions and not say anything else after it. Like, I mean, you ever think about like how we got here, man, and shit like that. And then it just trails off. It's such a stereotypical stoner to stoner character to put into a story, you know, most of the time.
And he he actually has thoughts that do correlate and we kind of get that hint of a very intelligent mind. It's like Mike is trying to break free of this normal life and being a better version of himself by talking about these adventures of Apollo 8.
He's he's wishing he was Apollo 8 out there doing stuff. It's oh man. I you know I could tear up and Phoebe is so supportive and loves it so much and wants him to like pursue it. um But while they're sitting there smoking their. looking over and they see ah like a crime scene where a car is crashed into a tree and there's like cop cars down there whatever and Mike starts saying do you ever think about like the car that is always moving and then there's like anything it's gonna be like like just like stoner talk
this is what I'm talking about. Yeah. exactly And then it goes into a metaphor of their relationship and how he feels and how he feels he's the train Phoebe's the car. And so it's like not just like story talk, he had like something important to say. Thank you. Yeah, no, you're, you're on, you're on track with me with that. Yeah, for sure. I like that. It's a through line for their relationship throughout the whole movie. that that like That conversation right there about the tree in the car. ah The car is always moving, the tree's there and in its way, stopping it from going anywhere.
like wow and i know i love so profound the biggest thing with this movie that i relate to is mike being so hard on himself because i'm hard on myself my anxiety does aggravate that i i'm just that type of person and obviously it's a very negative mindset it with those small human things with like mike as a character and me relating to that that's big for me that's That's a big reason why Mike and Phoebe are so.
large in this movie for me and pop out to me is you know just because of those little things it sounds really dumb but yeah just struck a chord with me and Mike and Phoebe laying in bed cuddling and talking to each other is one of my favorite scenes just those little small intimate moments you know like ah the way Phoebe says I fucking love you you know like just stuff like that it's just they uh they just mesh very well together. And then after that little intimate moment, we meet Rose, one of our guys. Yeah, I love Rose. He's played by John Loizamo and he pulls up in this like spray painted green van. Oh my god. And Mike pulls are yeah and Mike pulls up and they're in front of like a
they're They're in front of an adult, like an adult store. Oh, there we go. Yeah. yeah i kind of like our risk gaze yes Yeah. And yeah, as soon as Rose gets out, he's just like, has like this chaotic energy about him and his, my, uh, Mike's buying fireworks from him. And I don't know. This movie is not super known, but he reminds me so much of his character, spider from the movie spun.
Spun. I've never seen it. Is it made a good movie? It's so good. It has Jason Schwartzman, Brittany Murphy, Mickey Roark. Okay. Adding it to my letterbox right now. Everybody add that to your letterbox. It's so good, but they're like very same drug dealer, like all over the place. But ah yeah, I just, I love Rose.
It's funny you think Mike is visiting a mean, crazy drug dealer named Rose. Not even a woman, by the way. I totally thought it was gonna be a woman. Like, hey, hey, that's a beautiful name for a man. a go Go right ahead.
he's in this cool van like you said and he's just being a bro and giving him fireworks and drugs it's really cool mike is trying to propose a phoebe in a big way still too and he's like your bitch is gonna love this exactly like it's just um yeah usually it's like I said it's so stereotypical sometimes in stories and I like just don't like that and this is a breath of fresh air and I think I think John helps that in his performance too obviously he's just awesome always yeah um uh one of my fave things and he's like okay thanks for the fireworks rose and he's like what you want to drop some acid or something he's like no thanks rose it's eight fifteen in the morning and oh my god this is one of those little like casual lines like yeah no I'm good And I know so many people who would definitely do that at 8.15 in the morning. Oh my god. But yeah, no thanks for letting me go to work. Yo, bye. I'm good. But um yeah, Mike goes to work, and he's just organizing stuff, sitting at the cash register, and Lassiter comes in, um pretending to buy some stuff.
Really looking like she's blending in, by the way, with those sunglasses and overcoat. Yep, on all black. Yeah. But she starts saying like words. How do I describe them?
Yeah, it's kind of like activation phrases. Yes, you're right. Activation phrases. Yeah. And Mike is just like, what? And then I love it. Yeah. She's like repeating it and he's like, how are you gonna you gonna buy something, lady? and It seems so serious to like ah when she starts saying the last phrases before she does like walk out of the store.
Like, it seems serious and it seems like, oh my god, something's happening. And then he just kind of comes through like, yeah, you can buy it. Yeah, like you said, and um when she leaves, do you want your suit? She was like, I'm sorry, Mike, I really tried. and Yeah. And then he goes outside and see people messing with his car in front of the convenience store.
yeah oh oh Oh, he goes outside to smoke a joint yes and sees them messing with his car. Yeah. And he's just like, hey, get away from my car. Hey, stop ah stop messing with my car. Stop doing stuff to my car. That's what it was. The way he said it and just the wording you just got me. ah like We're so non-confrontational. That's probably it. Say if someone is fucking with our stuff. I could imagine you fucking out.
oh but But obviously the activation phrases worked because No, yeah, he's yeah, the guys try to come and attack Mike and he'd like ah Switch flips and he just fucks these guys up. Oh man bad Yes kills him with a spoon and it's so like fast-paced and comes out of nowhere like he doesn't even know he's capable of it and Exactly, no, it's just boom, boom, like, yeah. um the This action is more violent than I thought it would be, and I'm actually grateful for it, though.
Um, oh my god me and my cousin Conrad whenever we'd watch this together. Yeah, cuz he doesn't like just says we're either Goddamn. Sorry, but we always die laughing and we'll even mention like mention it when we talk of how when he oh Well, he calls Phoebe. Mike calls Phoebe to let her know That he like murdered people. Yeah, so she comes over there and she's like what the fuck? Really normal call to get at work. Yeah. Yeah. And the way Mike is standing behind that little tiny pole is if he's like hiding. Oh, my God. I don't know why that this always fits his character. Yeah. Like Jesse Eisenberg, I feel just stays in the mic. You're like it just the whole time. And it's really cool. um When Phoebe comes, I shot those guys in the head in that guy. I like spoon him in the neck and his shit just like ended. Yeah.
That's one of my favorite quotes. This shit just like ended. like Oh man, i I think I started crying, laughing last night, watching it just during that part. I love it. So after Mike and Phoebe are standing there for a bit, like wondering dont what the hell to do, obviously that small town cop pulls up that was all already involved with him earlier in the movie. We're already familiar, thankfully.
Uh, it's not just a random person popping in, but, um, then takes Mike to the jail. Cuts to them in jail, Phoebe and Mike are in the jail cell and Phoebe is trying to.
figure out what happened with Mike and he's explaining how this lady came in and talked to him and he's trying to remember what she said and he started remembering lots of stuff like he remembered what Lassiter said to him which obviously if Phoebe's like what the fuck even as that but it reminded me of ah Limitless After you know you eat the yeah the drug and you just don't like remembering all kinds like random stuff Right that just briefly reminded me of that, but okay funny. Yeah, shout out to Andy. Yes. Thanks, Andy andy oh Yeah, then um this is the first scene where we're introduced to the tough guy assets, which is Walter Goggins tur go all well, well Ashley are you kidding over guys? I know but what's his
Put some respect on this man. I always call him Laffer. Walton Goggins. Walton Goggins. I call him Laffer. Jesus Christ. I'm sorry. I knew that. I just like, blipped out for a sec. Andy, can you message Ashley for me and just give her some shit for that? Because I know you love Walton too. Oh man. Yeah. Like, okay, with introducing those two assets for Yeats's program, the Tough Guy program,
Topher Grace, by the way, was the right pick for a dickhead agent trying to climb the ranks. But now there's a big threat with Laughter and Crane, with our guy Waltz and Goggins. And I don't recognize that actress that plays Crane at all. And I get why Laffer is called Laffer. I don't really get why Crane is called Crane, honestly. But hey, it's all right. I love that. like I love that we give this like goofy, violent character that feels like a threat actually in our fun action movie. um I love that he gets kind of that nickname. Well, whenever I character whenever i see him in anything
You just think of Laffer. I've referred him as like Laffer. No way. Yeah. Is that mostly where you know him from? Well, I know him from a lot of more stuff and now. But at the time, I didn't really I hadn't seen much stuff with him in there. Oh, sure. So that's why that always stuck with me. Yeah. Yeah, I get you because some very like popular actors and actresses all watch their newest stuff and not know about their like, where they got big and stuff like, you know, where people really know them from. So I get you. Yeah, but um thanks. But yeah, that's when we get our first like, really big fight scene is when those to infiltrate the jail Yeah. Laffer and crane. Yep. Yeah. Oh yeah. When small town prison assaults are done, right? I do really enjoy them and they feel claustrophobic like this one does. That's, that's what I enjoy about them. It's not like, um, just one room in a house or even just a house. It's just, I don't know, jails feel different, you know, with those cells and stuff like that. You can just, uh, you can add elements of story into a jail.
You know um These cops get fucked I felt sad for them actually. Yeah, especially because they're trying to let Phoebe and Mike go. Oh I You know to save themself or like to save Mike and Phoebe they like took off their handcuffs so I was gonna say Sheriff Watts redeemed himself um at the end there ah Locking cranes leg up to the chair with the handcuffs and him yelling go they honestly probably would have been shot right there so very clutch of him to do wow I don't think I used that word very much ever in my life okay um but like rip he redeemed himself I forgive him for being selfless yeah he was a dick and a bully in the beginning but hell yeah we we love a character redeeming themselves honestly yeah
But ah yeah, Mike Crane tries to throws a grenade at Mike and Phoebe and Mike catches it. and Oh, before before you get to that, I'm sorry. it like In the prison, um when Walton Goggins, as laughter, like comes walking in, you know we kind of get more of him.
I love also like when he's introduced him in crane. I love that it's a silhouette and he starts laughing. Yes. Awesome shot right there. I just, I know we love like cinematography and shots. So I just like, I love that. But, um, also like he has a great maniacal laugh too. And I also like when Mike fights, he's not invincible. When he's fighting Laffer, like he kind of gets beat up a little bit. Like they're kind of trading blows.
I love a realistic fight like that. Exactly. It's not like a superhero type of like he's like a writer guy. Oh, do you want to start um shitting on MCU stuff right now? I would really love to but I'm not okay. No, we're not. No, no, I love some of that stuff. So don't oh I was gonna mention though, I did, I cringe every time Mike puts the handcuffs on his knuckles and punches Laffer in the mouth and breaks out his teeth. And then he just doesn't have teeth for the rest of the movie. I feel so sad for him.
I know, like, um, I'll get into that more. Like when he, um, talks without them, yeah it's, uh, it's, it's funny and it adds to his character, but also like, um, like you said, so kind of sad. You feel bad. Like, cause yeah, he just, he sounds, um, he sounds more innocent. Like a kid yeah in a way, right? Yeah. Like, yeah.
um okay so after the jail gets blown up that's when yates finds out that mike has been activated so he's calling lasseter like like why did you activate him and so since he knows mike's activated and is like causing like damage like around you know he sets up a perimeter to lock down the entire town which i really like because the movie is just them going different places around the town which i don't know i just you get to see the town more you get to see like it's just i don't know i really like that the it adds to the small town feel yes yep you get ah you get more of a feel for the town it's not just like oh here's this one store in this one house that's it yeah they're like walking around yep to place to place yeah
Yeah, at night too when it's really like dead out. I like that too because it adds even more to the small town because I remember going on Main Street with my friends like late at night just, you know, going for a cruise like you do as cool high schoolers, you know? um But like just empty. Yeah, dead. And then that was kind of what gave me like fall vibes too. Yeah, I don't know. I just always get that vibe. Yeah, I get you. Yeah. And Because of the runtime and somewhat contained story, I get that we don't have enough time for Mike before he became a sleeper agent. I wish we did because of the flash the flashbacks to his childhood, you know? I think those those were implanted. oh Those were not his real memories.
Okay, so that makes me want his backstory more the real, you know, I like I want to know about him before this. Well, from my understanding, um they were taking troubled youth. Yes. And doing quis yeah yeah, so he was 18. I think they said 18 years old. So he was kind of just a troubled young adult. Yeah, yes. Yeah. I get you. Um, I even long for Phoebe backstory.
Yeah, cuz when we find out later on what she is. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, she got there. But no, I this is a very, like, like you said, you wish this movie was longer. And like, I agree with you in like this sense that I just said, um but it is a really like fun contained action comedy, even though it but involves the government and shit like that. Yeah. know Yeah. You get like a little of everything and it's kind of rom-comy too. Yeah. Yeah. That's what they really sweet love story. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It is emotional honestly. Um, but, uh, move our characters along. yep They want to go to Rose's house to like,
hideout. I'm so happy to be reunited with Rose. Oh my god. So they're like, our mike's car blows up. Yeah, forgot to mention that. He's like, oh, that's what they're doing to my car. Yeah. And he's like, guess we're walking. So they walk to Rose's house. um Everything is going to be fine. Let's just get in my car done. Yeah, it just blows up.
Um, so they, um, get to Rosa's house, which I know I already mentioned this what was like such spun vibes. Because spun takes place a big time in like his like like trap policy type. Oh, like he's a jug dealer in spun too. Kind of like his headquarters. Yes. A little bit. Yeah. Yeah.
But ah he's like, you guys didn don't have the monkey disease, do you? Oh, my God. Yeah. As soon as he mentions that. Yeah, you're wondering about it. And then it comes on and then it becomes a bigger thing. Then I thought of 28 days later, Killian, where he had. I know. um Would Killian Murphy fit in this movie ever as anyone? I was going to say maybe Topher, but Topher is too perfect.
I want to see for the role. I want to see Killian in a comedy role now that we're talking about it. I haven't really seen him in a comedy role. I might be wrong, but I nothing I've seen that I can nothing that I've seen. I want to. Gosh, okay. I love the possibilities. Okay. Um, Lavelle Crawford shows up as one of his henchmen guys. Do you know Lavelle Crawford, the big sea sports guy?
Lavelle Crawford, he's a he's comedian, um big black man. And his voice is just so recognizable. And I just I love his comedy. He's so effortlessly funny. And he doesn't really have to do anything. He's kind of just there and says a couple lines. And I love it. Like it just makes me feel more comfortable in this trap house. Yeah, and I like their little banter. And they're talking about a fantasy football. And Rose was mad that everyone's part of fantasy football, but him. But that reminded me of you with your fantasy football. Hey, yeah, thanks. Thanks for thinking to me. Yeah. Um, God, I love that ah addicting mess. Yeah. Love fantasy football, guys.
um I do have to add one thing this isn't important to the story at all but I enjoyed seeing it when up on the TV when you know their timeout like Mike was wanted and last year cuz they had the monkey disease or whatever so there's like three TVs and then the third screen was just a lady wrestling an alligator and I love alligators like just like rolling in the water with an alligator how have you How have you never told me you love alligators though? Crawl, like placid, primeval. Well, okay. you I mean, you've told me you love creature features, which I know. But like, I didn't know you loved alligators specifically. Yeah. Okay. It's so we're gonna have to cover it like, some alligator shit for you. Definite creature features. for Okay. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You're gonna have to introduce me to some like I need I need more creature features in my life. Honestly, it's not a creature feature. But I love the
Alligators seen in X. Yes. love Oh, yeah. I love love. Oh, it was perfectly executed. Oh, man. I can't wait to talk about um VHS with Ty West. Sam. I'm just gonna drop that in there. But yeah.
they see on TV that Mike is wanted. So Rose locks him and Phoebe in his basement. Because Yeah, really cool basement and adds another like cool environment to be in in this movie with the black lights and it's all painted. colorful Oh, I know. Yeah, it's really cool. It feels like a like a rave scene type Well, also, speaking of rave scenes, John Wick, John, yeah i when watching this movie, I'm like, oh my God, she's probably thinking of John Wick right now. I 1000% was. And the chop shop. Yeah. Yeah. John Wick was on there too. Yeah. um It reminds me of when you go into like a big mall and they have one of those laser tag arenas and stuff oh like like that. Yeah.
Oh, I love when Rose locks them in there and Mike's like, hey, Rose, I could probably break this lock. He's like, please don't. John is so good at comedy. like You can flop them in anything. He'll make it better. Yeah. And Jesse Eisenberg, like I just I think they bounce very well because they are so different, but it works.
him and Jesse Eisenberg. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I didn't really specify, but, um, it's a nice little blanket cover for what's actually going on in the town with the monkey virus. And if it's a tone of American ultra, it's like, what the, um, a monkey virus. Oh, yeah because American ultra is obviously, I don't know much about MK ultra. I haven't read much about it. Me neither, but obviously this is like, what's based off of, so just ah no another conspiracy three you thrown in there took whatever.
Yeah. Yeah. Don't don't know much about it. and So we won't speak um on it. But yeah. So they're trying to escape Phoebe and Mike are trying to escape from Rose's house. Yeah. The basement um and Topher Grace's character Yates finds out that Mike and Phoebe are Located yeah, that rosesy yeah, and so he sends some ah tough guy assets over there and they invade Rose's house kill Rose his friends and they release a gas into the house and Mike it's really affected by it and but they get out of the house. Yes, and that's where
Phoebe's trying to keep Mike awake. Yeah. And we get a lot of really sweet flashbacks while Mike is passing out. The montage of flashbacks. Oh my, they're like actually stunning and I'm a sucker for a well done montage. Yeah. And there's like snippets of them and I like the acid on the tongue because they used to trip together and it was just sweet. I just loved that whole part.
But he eventually wakes up and Phoebe tells him that he's going to be okay and that's when Mike is like, wait, how do you know what that was? Yeah. and the the how What the gas was, what it's going to do to his body. Yes.
Ooh, also before we go into the like her knowing about the gas, like what I appreciate about the character of Mike and his arc in this story is that his love for Phoebe never wavers. Yeah. ever like Even what we're about to get to with ah her revealing the whole truth and stuff, it's just even when they hit their low moment as a couple with Mike feeling betrayed, their love is constant. And with Mike realizing he feels great um and learning the truth and that he has these abilities, he's still concerned with proposing before she reveals about her, herself, you know, it's just very sweet. I just wanted to add that quick. But yeah, okay, so he's wondering why she knows this stuff. Yeah, and she reveals to him that um she was his handler, because she also used to work for the CIA. And
Very shocked. Did you pick up on that at all? Your first time watching? Was it a big twist? to you Yes, had zero idea. Okay. think I think it wasn't a surprise to me because I think I kind of knew about it already, but I didn't know like, like I couldn't...
Think of a scene in my head from it before you showed it to me, honestly. So i I think I wasn't surprised, unfortunately. I wish I was. Yeah, well, I think I saw it. I think I saw it when it first came out. Oh, yeah. OK, but um but yeah, so Mike obviously feels very betrayed by Phoebe and thinks that their whole lives together is a lie. And yeah, so they get into a fight.
It's actually really heartbreaking. It is really sad actually. they really It was a good performance from them both. Yes, yeah it actually like got serious. you know like um Usually in rom-coms or action comedy rom-coms.
this one when you get the down moment between the two main characters the couple you know it when stuff gets serious and there's a little like wrench to be thrown into things sometimes it lands sometimes it doesn't this one does for sure and The strength of this film, at least for me, like I said, is my connection to the relationship. It's honestly like their scenes are the ones I've enjoyed rewatching and still invest in. And Phoebe's choice to be with Mike instead of the CIA is a beautiful reminder to me of something I'll talk about later. Just had to tease.
After their argument, um mike tries to Mike tries to drive away in Phoebe's car and, well, ah Phoebe's always trying to explain to Mike, you know, she does love him. yeah It wasn't whatever. But Laffer comes in in a big Humvee and smashes into their car and flips them over the bridge. ah No. Just can't catch or break those two.
he like Bolton Goggins like I said Laffer adds a sense of danger and um even rewatching the scene where he runs them off the bridge in their car like that's like oh like I was concerned for our characters there it I fucking hate you man well I fucking hate you too man I love their back and forth Same. Um, but yeah, their cars fucked up upside down. When it flew off the bridge and lifer comes in, takes Phoebe out. out Yeah. Yanks her out.
Yeah, it starts pouring gas. And makes Phoebe watch. um But what they don't see is that Agent Lasseter comes in and pulls the mic out before the car blows up. So Laffer and Phoebe are under the impression that Mike blew up in the car. Right. Thankful for Victoria for that. Thank you, Connie. All of her names.
I know. Um, gosh, um, uh, Taylor, uh, coach Taylor's wife in Friday Night Lights. That's where I first saw Connie Britton. I'm pretty sure. Oh man. I mean, it's football. You probably won like a football drama. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. No, it's not right up your alley, but but, but, um, those two getting separated. Um, a Laffer takes Phoebe.
to where Gates is stationed outside of ah Max Goods. Which, fun fact, that was supposed to be a Walmart that they're stationed in front of. Oh, no way. But they obviously couldn't use that. So it's Max Goods, named after Max Landis, who wrote it.
ah Okay, it's a little fun fact there that's awesome makes a lot more sense um so that's where they go and Lassiter and Mike go back to Mike and Phoebe's house because he just wants to die there and I think it just wants to go there, get high. Yup. And before that, yes, it was a bit of an info download, but I could definitely follow Mike and Lasser's conversation after she saves them. I really appreciate that because it adds a bit of gray area with taking an impressionable 18 year old.
putting him in a government experiment, making it successful with Mike, then ending up driving him insane, wiping his memories and giving him phobias, which like totally explains the anxiety and the panic attacks and inability to leave town, which I love because it adds to the story for me and kind of gives me that reasoning. OK, like ah that's why that happened. And like you actually feel something towards it, you know,
um And Lasseter and Phoebe have good intentions. That's where it gets complicated and fun to dissect, even in a fun action comedy like this. That's not that serious. And hey, maybe I'm reading into it too much, but that's what I took from it. But like when you were talking about him going back to the house, so wrapping it back to that, he's not just going to go back to the house. No, Phoebe and Lass, or Phoebe and Yates are talking.
and When Yates has Phoebe in that like army tent or whatever He's not just going to go back to the house. Mike can be a little slow sometimes, but he's not a fucking idiot They're right outside his house. Yeah, very next scene that they cut. I love that. Yeah, oh so there we are That reminds me unrelated it reminds me of a scene one of my favorite movie scenes ever was from Devil's Rejects when they're driving and baby wants ice cream, ah and then our captain's balding's like, there's no fucking ice cream in your fucking future. And the very next scene is all all three of them are sitting in the truck eating ice cream. Anyways, I just love stuff like that. You can cut that out, but. No, no, that's great. um Yeah, I'm so sorry that I don't.
It's fine. thousands a thousand cores Oh, i I also like when Yates and Phoebe are talking. Yeah. And he's like, Oh, sorry, some lab rat made you come a bunch of times behind Taco Bell. Oh my God. Yeah, reason to save him.
Just trying to shit on Mike. yeah like he He thinks he's this like incompetent nothing. And it makes it feel that much better that Mike isn't. He overcomes all this stuff. and like It explains everything. He was just put into this unfortunate circumstance. Apollo 8 becomes a little more sad when you think about Mike's phobias. Why? About leaving and adventuring. Oh, I know, actually. and I thought about that a lot on my rewatch. I was like, Apollo 8 is hitting me right now. Like this is i just some little fun drawing. Yeah, I, I feel like that's coming out of his subconscious in a way too. It seems like this dumb or not dumb, even just this wacky creative
thing that he went off on when he was high one day or something, you know, or tripping. And he just, like, writes this frickin' comic, you know? Yeah. But yeah, it's... I found it deeper. I don't know if anybody else takes it that way, but... Well, now whenever you watch him, I keep that in mind. Awesome. Because I will be watching him. Okay, awesome. Yeah, me too, probably. Last year, telling Mike what us as an audience want him to know about Phoebe.
Thank you. Like that she stayed for him, you know, just that little sometimes in shows, you're just like, just say the damn thing. It's then it'll be fine. But people hold stuff in. They don't get the truth or something that they need to hear at the time. And you're just like, please, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. And how she yeah left her entire life behind to be with Mike.
I just love it. Exactly! Like it really hits you and it's like, okay, like Mike needed to hear that and this is the right moment. I wonder how much older Phoebe is than Mike if she was already a CIA agent. Oh shit. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if...
She was also recruited by the CIA but for different reasons. Okay, that makes sense. Mm hmm. Like as a young 18 year old, like instead of going off to college or something. True. Yates orders lasseter's old assistant PD to send a drone to airstrike Mike's house while he's there. So we didn't really mention, but yeah, yeah, we didn't. Sorry. Lasted her throughout this movie. I mean, it is a little thing. narrowway No, no, no. OK, no, keep. We just didn't mention it before. OK. Yeah, we're adding it right now. But yeah, I forgot to mention somewhere that PD has been helping last year this whole time. And then Gates finds out and but he obviously does not ah hit the target of the house and like couldn't do it, couldn't bring himself to do it. Couldn't do the drone strike. So Yates has to send in more tough guys instead to go to the house, which is one of the Like such a cool fight scene when they start all breaking into the house and I love the use of the fast-paced camera angles But using the slow motion in the right times. Yes, like the use of both of them is
not overdoing it and you get a good mix of both instead of regular pace slow motion regular pace slow yeah yeah I get you that yeah I appreciate that too um the frying pan yeah It's kind of like wanted, it feels like, you know, kind of the bullet wrapping around. Okay, yes, it is. Yeah. um With mentioning that, along with the action in this movie, I gotta ask, knowing you're a huge fan of amazing gunfights, I noticed something on my rewatch. You're not too fond of in any movie. What do you think that is in the action scenes? Not realistic amount of bullets.
No. What? Maybe. ah like I didn't notice that, but CGI blood. i like I didn't mind it in this one. It was very quick, but I noticed those those spurts from the gun bullets. like um not Not even the stabbing or anything. I'm not going off of there. I'm going off of when when the bodies are being hit by bullets. Pretty sure that spray is CGI'd in there. Oh, it looks like, at least.
It didn't bother me though. Like when he bounces the bullet off the pen. I just had to give you shit. Like, I noticed that today just rewatching that part. I have my blinders on because it's my favorite movie. Yeah, yeah. Hey, all right. Okay, so you cannot pick apart all those fucking movies for a totally killer. That was not good CGI blood.
you're right you're right it has to be done right if you're gonna if you're in this one you have to if you have to save money it actually how would you fucking save money how did you guys this' is so expensive exactly just use practical blood like or um yeah those practical effects when like the um the chest things that they use in the packets or whatever but anyways yeah i had to get into that a little bit I just- That was a good question though. I just poked Ashley a little bit. Yeah. Wow. This is why we're co-hosts. All the tough guys that go to Mike's house, Mike ends up killing. And in the meantime, Yates and Phoebe, where are they going again? Yates and Phoebe, they're going they're going to that, um, that marked or that store. Oh, fuck. They weren't there yet.
They, I think they've been there. Oh oh no. there Um, like when, okay. So when Mike and Lasseter are first walking up on the house, Phoebe and Yates are in that army tent talking. Then I'm pretty sure the next place they're at is the store. Okay. Yeah. Um, cause we're going to be coming up on one of my favorite scenes of the movie.
which is when um Mike wants to go save Phoebe. And are you are you getting into the fireworks? Okay, perfect. Okay, that's where I'm at. Okay. Yep. All right. And okay. Sure. So no, you're good. Keep going. ah Yeah, Mike is gonna go save Phoebe and the fireworks that he got from Rose come into play and they are going into Max Goodes, Yates and Phoebe. And the music starts, that was in the beginning, so you just know something cool's gonna happen. yeah And he comes, Mike comes in on, like in a tank, ah shooting all the fireworks towards the store
And I just love that part so much. It's definitely my favorite scene of the movie. Yeah, yep. The ah fireworks like finally showing up. It's pretty epic how much enters the back into the story. ah And Phoebe so happy to see him and knew that he was gonna come save her. I know. Yeah, it's just just the guy he is. Yeah, I never doubted it for a second. Yeah. And obviously, it's a movie that's kind of lean in.
ah like of course that's gonna happen of course of course he's gonna go rescue her and realize oh she is actually in love with me yeah you know she did stay for me gave up her role seriously mike you could make a whole list of what phoebe did for you but he's a good dude he just didn't know um I also like the setting for the end fight in the store. Same. Yep. There's a lot of fun to be had in that freaking store. Like all the objects you can use. and It really reminded me of John Wick 3 in the the knife scene when he's going through that in the library with ah that basketball player. All of the scenes library using books in the knife store where he's throwing all the knives.
Oh, yeah. You know, and so this him being in the grocery store and a lot of it was like one take, like one take fight scenes, like just seeing Mike like fuck up all these people with different objects. Oh, I know. Very reminiscent of John Wick. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. It just yeah adds to the wackiness and the fun of the action for the movie, which I like. It's not all just gun fighting and hand to hand. You know, there's just some the the wacky violence.
The smoke makes Jesse Eisenberg badass. I know, it's shocking. He walks through the smoke, right? It's shocking. Holy shit. I was like, all right, okay. I gotta show Nell that because if she thinks he's so awkward and everything, well, check this out. There's proof right there, yeah. Yates feeling all manly beating on an injured woman.
handcuffed. My goodness. God, I hate that guy. I can't. He's funny. tofor Grace adds to it too. Like, I you can't hate toll for grace. He's just good at doing that. He's good at being a sarcastic asshole. Yeah. um I like when he was hiding behind. It's one of the like guards. Oh, who was coming for him though. And he was like acting tough. And then Oh my god.
Who was that? I don't remember. But he was so scared, hiding behind the guards back. Yep. Yeah, I just can't recall right now. Me neither. Yeah, it's just, I don't know, just yeah, all all these things going on. I am into that. Um, honestly, though, when lasseter ends up saving Phoebe and like starting to strangle Yates,
I wasn't like, hell yeah. I don't know. i It was kind of like, yeah. All right. Of course, that's going to happen. I don't know how they did the effect on Topher Grace to make it look like he was being strangled like that. Oh, man. Actually, it it was pretty realistic. Yeah. It was like hard to look at. almost Actually, yeah. And then while Lassiter saving Phoebe, we get another fight scene between Mike and Laffer. Yes. Which ends up being pretty sad. and always love a showdown between two characters. I like laughter and Mike like actually love like I love these two characters in the movie. And honestly, I know Yates is the main villain. I prefer laugh, laughter and I feel like me as a person in stories. I love villains. I do. So do you I know. But I love
I usually love these side villains for some reason. they They are just cooler and they have cooler backstories usually. I agree. For some reason. I don't know. I'm a guy that likes the cooler badass characters that I latch on to for some reason. Yeah, you know I'm the same. And usually it's like, yeah, you get this like old mad scientist that is the main villain and but you got a cool um experiment that he made or something, you know, like, yeah, you get me.
One thing that makes me think of, um, super not same genre, but I love, you can cut this out too, if you want to, no but I love, but yourself um, on Krampus that he comes with like a posse, like all the different creatures and stuff.
love it yeah love that it's not just Krampus the creature it's also all these you have to like get through all these other things to get to that the minions yeah it's not like um it's not like stormtroopers in star wars where they're just very disposable thankfully hey now do not do not um we're not Um, but yeah, like all these little minions and they look, they all look different. They all have their different roles. They play stuff like that. Yeah, I get you good. Good bringing that up. I like that. I just wanted to mention how in this final scene with Laffer and Mike, where they're both just defeated sitting across from each other.
Uh, you learn that Laffer, you know, is the same as Mike and he was taken and forced to do this. Except Yates took, uh, people with like mental illnesses and is trying to make them assassins. And it's just so sad. And Laffer is like, I'm just like you, but you're better. And I ah it was just so sad and Mike lets him live. It's like that.
Actually, I do have it here and, um, I think it really adds to that gray area where like all these, um, programs and experiments that the government is doing. And, um, talking about like MK ultra and stuff, taking these, um, vulnerable people, right? Mental illness and criminals, like.
honest, i I couldn't tell you which is worse. I'm not even gonna ah like, but both of them are just horrible. If you think about it, you know, just very impressionable, right? And eventually you see that human connection prevails in this story, even with laughter relating to Mike and surrendering, like you said, when they're like sitting across from each other.
And Walton Goggins almost makes me tear like he almost made me tear up twice during his apology. It's basically apology. I'm sorry. Like, salmon it's worse with his two teeth. I told you it makes him sound more innocent. and I feel like that helped this scene. It's funny that like that happened like quite a bit earlier in the movie. Um,
But he comes in clutch like in anything he's in seriously. He just he elevated that performance. You could have could have tossed some random actor in there. But way less effective effective if it was someone else. Exactly. But do Phoebe and Mike meet up now? No Yates? No. I think I think we can go to that. Yeah. Yeah, yep. Laffer apologizes. Um, Mike chooses to not shoot him. I love that. Me too. Like Laffer is done for like he might could just, yeah, dispose of them. But no, yeah, they're, they're both human at the end of the day. And they both got used. Like, yeah, man. Yeah, it's it's cool for a fun story like this to have something like that. Yeah, I like has everything it does. But um, yeah, now that most of the obstacles are out of the way, Mike and Phoebe are finally reunited. They walk out of the store.
looking absolutely horrific.

Key Scenes in 'American Ultra'

Just beat up. They had a day. Yeah. So Mike and Phoebe are finally reunited yeah and they walk out of the store together and notice that they are absolutely surrounded by police.
and have lasers on them and Mike is gonna use it this time to propose pull the ring out and propose to Phoebe and of course she says yes and right before they are gonna kiss um they get tased yep and then fall straight to the ground Yeah, it totally fits the tone of the movie. I do love that. Like, yeah, that is a good moment for him to propose. Honestly, that is the natural way I would go, you know, just in this story. I love it. I love it. It was so awesome. And it's kind of funny that it's in front of a lot of people, but not the people they would want, you know?
So that's where Mike and Phoebe are together at the moment. And then um Bill Pullman's character, Kruger, um has Yates and Lassiter in like the woods somewhere ah with a gun pointed at him because we won't go too much into this, but he's the one that warned Lassiter about Mike being killed.
because he knew how important Mike was to Lasseter. And anyways, anyways, he ends up shooting Topher Grace, this character, or he ends up shooting Yeats.
I do like the reveal that he did warn Lasseter. Yeah, by the way, like, at least that was explained. Yeah, and not just left. Yep. Everything is like tied up. Yeah, but everything. Not everything. ah But yeah, I hate skits killed for treason and just being like a douchebag. And Victoria Lasseter.
is allowed to live and she convinces, um, Bill Pullman's character that Mike is a success is, yeah, it's a success. The most successful of all of them and he's important and useful. Um, so he's, yeah, they're a good asset for the CIA going forward. And so then we cut to what is it? Six months later or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they're in Mike and Phoebe are in Russia. Was it?
Gosh, what city? It pops up on the screen. I don't remember. I've seen it so many times, but I can't remember. I know. I'm blanking on it right now. Eh, it's okay. There's somewhere outside of the United States. Yep. And yeah, it ends with Mike getting captured by like some asian criminals and he's tied up and he's tied up and looking around the room at all the basic items that are around that he can use to kill these people and there's a really cool cutscene where mike gets out of the chair and there's a really cool uh
transition scene where Mike is Getting up out of his chair and he turns into Apollo ape and it's all animated Yes, and he's like fucking these guys up, but it's all Apollo 8 Apollo 8 doing it and the animation is so cool and colorful and it was just like a really great end credit scene like whoever did that did such a good job and Yeah, yeah, I think so too. And I like that Apollo 8 was wrapped back into it and it gave it more um artistic style. Yeah, definitely. I get that too.
um But I think we pretty much... Is there anything else you wanted to add or mention? it It does make sense that Mike and Phoebe would have to be agents for everything to be right in the end with the government, honestly. Yeah. Like you you're like, oh, okay. Yeah, because I think um Bill Pullman's character, always forgetting his name. Kruger. Kruger.
um He mentions to last year like you like have to and that Mike in order to live and Phoebe They have to be back in and he's so good. I'm sure he doesn't mind and he's allowed to obviously travel now and leave the town Yes, I'm so makes's pray little happy for him. He's basically Apollo 8. No. Yeah um That's why he turns into him in there i love that there we go okay we connected all the dots um yeah yeah like fun ending yeah is there anything else you wanted to say about the ending at all I don't think so no yesterday yeah yeah I think I'm good on mentioning stuff about the movie it wasn't like a
um big bang ending like with with him being revealed as a secret agent now and stuff like that you know it wasn't like oh my god like that was so amazing you know i was kind of just like all right well i felt that way about it no no no i'm just kidding the the way to cap it off like a lot of I actually wasn't crazy about that scene. The ending scene. Thank you. Yes, I didn't really care for it that much. That's what I mean. But I love the transition into Apollo 8. Yes, I love the end credits and what leads up like not what leads up to that, but just that reveal.
Ashley, we're on the same page about this. Okay, cool. Good. Okay. Okay. So you can't get mad at me. No, I mean, get off my bed. All right. um Yeah. So it's it's a really good movie, though. Yeah. And a lot of a lot of people have not seen it. I feel that too. I haven't really talked to many people that have seen it. We do live in North Dakota, though. That's true. It's a sleeper cell of a movie, if you will.

Streaming & Similar Shows

But um it is streaming on Prime, though, for free. Yes. If you wanted to watch it or. And also available to rent on Apple TV plus YouTube, etc. Yeah.
Reminds me of. Should we go on to that? Sure. You go first. Me first? Yeah. Okay. So I did like, I bent my own rules for reminds me of and I, I just went with one and it's also not a movie. It's just, it felt so obvious to me rewatching this a couple of times. And I'm just like, okay, I'm back there again. And where I was, was ah the TV series, Chuck.
It's one of my favorite TV series, series, oh God, I said that really weird, ever. I've seen it like five times all the way through and it stars Zachary Levi and one of my favorite actresses, Yvonne Stravsky.
It's also about an ordinary guy that all of a sudden discovers that he has something special about him and it's linked to the CIA. It's very nerdy, funny, light-hearted, sad and it pays tribute to all things special agents that came before it like James Bond and also nerdy stuff and you see actors and actresses pop up from all these older series that were super popular like um firefly and things like that i haven't seen those so i can't speak upon them much but uh it also centers a love story between the ordinary guy and his cia handler but more of a will they won't they type of thing they aren't like boyfriend girlfriend their fake boyfriend and girlfriend actually to start it off is it's a cover
Um, it features some of my favorite quotes and I featured a big one in my vows to my wife for our wedding. And she fortunately let me show it to her the whole series. And it's very special to both of us now. And that's probably why I connected to this love story so much, honestly. So, I mean, can you blame me for linking that? That's, that's what it reminds me of. I can't, yeah.
I have not seen Chuck. I know you love it. But I didn't never explain it that well to me. And that makes me want to watch it immediately. I'm so sorry. Yeah, it's it's tough for me to explain like series when they have a like a big thing to explain. You know, I can't really. and So when I write notes,
It helps. Yeah, I'll definitely be checking out Chug. Okay, perfect. Forest Ryan to watch it with me too. And I do have the Blu-ray set. I will be borrowing your Blu-ray set. There we go. Perfect. Okay. um I have two. One of them we talked about on the pod already, which is upgrade.
Hell yeah. Of course. Okay. Because i made sense to me I mean, he has the ability to do, he was an ordinary guy who got put in a situation to make himself not, he like he didn't know what he was capable of basically. Yeah. Yeah. I get you there. It's not the same exact like thing.
No, but like all a sudden, so since Mike was a sleeper agent, he wasn't this agent and, uh, had all these abilities the whole time. Neither did great in upgrade. And then all of a sudden it unlocks, right? So I get you there. Yeah, it it makes sense to me. Um, I had another one too, but I don't think it's relevant actually. Which one? Idle hands.
I don't hands. Okay. Why did this remind you of that? Because ah Devin saw was just like, just complete stoner, like so lazy. And like, is it the main character in that? Yep. Devin saw plays ah Anton in there. Oh, and so he's just total stoner. And is this could be a stoner movie for sure. oh American Ultra? Yeah. It was advertised as like a stoner movie. So I think that's kind of when, why it went kind of slipped under the radar, which I don't know why. Cause the stoner movies are so good all the time, most of the time. Yeah. Um, yeah but it wasn't really advertised as an action movie.
Sure. And also like weed is becoming more popularized and legalized now. So I'm sure that's why more people are checking it out. Hopefully. I still haven't heard anybody freaking mentioning it. Not really ever. I know people who've seen it. But hopefully now everybody goes and watches it. Yeah, it's so good. But in idle hands.
Like I said, Stoner, Devin Sawa, his hand gets possessed. Oh my God. That he cannot control his hand. Oh, I didn't know that's what it was about. Yeah. However, I changed my mind about its relevancy because Mike can control himself.
Oh, you know I get where you're where you were thinking. yeah Yeah, so like regular guy Stoner was like thrown into a situation where like, he's not normal in anymore. But it's seeing it's fun with it. Now that you bring that up, though, in Chuck, he doesn't control it. Oh, I'm not gonna say much more. But Yeah, you'll enjoy it. I think I think that I will, too. Yeah. And Ryan. Yeah. Yeah. Ryan, you better enjoy it. But do you have anything else you want to mention at all? No, I kind of just wanted to do that one because I had kind of a lot to say on it and want to bore anybody. Yeah. What have you watched lately? Well, yeah, we got to do now playing. Yeah. Yeah. I was kind of just wondering if you had any more reminds me of. OK, so now playing. um So recently I did go to the remake, American remake of Speak No Evil.

Other Film & TV Reviews

And wow, quickly it became one of my favorite. Get me the fuck out of here.
thrillers that it it was right up my alley. I have seen the original Danish version shutter original. I will say I'm not absolutely in love with the Danish version. I think I did enjoy it more my first watch, but I did rewatch it before watching this one. And just to it really bothered me that people are are like, oh, i this is being remade. It was just made a couple years ago. um Why are we remaking this? Well, there are big differences in audiences but like worldwide. like U.S. is so different. and like I've heard plenty of podcasts, plenty of reviews. um I just listened to um um The House of Cinema.
And I loved all their points on it. um Clara had really good points about it. And like, I was like, thank you. Like you read my mind basically. But yeah, like that American audiences wouldn't really accept um the tone of the original Danish version. And this, it's different. It's not one to one. That's all I'll say.
ah Because I want to deep dive on it with you and whoever else wants to like because it is it's one of my favorites of the year already. I know I knew that you would love it. It it was right up my alley. Yeah, I gave i gave it 4.5 stars and I'm not ashamed to say it like it connected with me. That's all I need to know.
it wasn't absolutely perfect. And that's why I gave it 4.5. But ah yeah, oh, James McAvoy, please be in more shit. Love that, man. Same. But that, yeah, since I kind of went on a rant about that, yeah, I can't really speak on the other discourse on it. That will maybe be brought up when we kind of talk about it. But yeah, just, I just want to tell people, hey, it's all right. You know, it, were you gonna watch the Danish version?
I can ask that of some people, you know, because some people don't like subtitles. Some people don't like watching foreign forms. So yeah, that's what I recently watched. And obviously just going to get into this bookie season here. I'm watching a bunch of horror shit other than. Yeah. What about you? um Well, also saw Speak No Evil. Oh, yeah. Loved it. Not together, unfortunately. Yeah. Well, I was thinking I told you beforehand that you were going to adore it. Yes. So yeah.
But I did just go see the new movie. um I don't even like s saying the name but... My old ass. I said that and Ryan was like, mild ass. Did you say it really fast? together yeah My old ass. But no, um, my old ass, uh, with Ari Plaza. Yeah. I don't know the other girl's name, the the main, main girl, Ari Plaza's younger self. I don't have to look again. Yeah, I didn't, but it was so good.
It was so funny and I don't know made me cry. I just think that was one that everybody should go watch when you texted me that you cried I was I was shocked. Yeah, like I mean, I know you obviously you're not a robot you feel things I know this right but Um, for some reason I didn't think oh, yeah, Ashley probably cries at movies like I do ah Do you usually not though?
Um, I dot really talked about, that I do sometimes, um, sometimes for some reason, if I think something is so cool, ah yeah I cried doing John Wick for cause I was just like, so overwhelmed with what I was seeing that that's in a different way. Wow.
i Honestly, for me, in that situation, my face usually hurts from smiling so goddamn hard. Oh, same. Same. But no, if it is really sad, I will. I can't think of movies right now that I've cried to. Yeah. Logan. Oh. And I'm so surprised. I know it's rated R. And I know it's Hugh Jackman. And it's James Manne Gold. But it's superhero, Ashley. Oh, man.
But I do i feel like you could dip a little bit into it and like some some parts honestly of what maybe you'd like invite you. Yes. I think you'd like Spider-Man. I do like Spider-Man. I just haven't seen the Tom Holland ones. Then we got to get you on.
That's what I'm talking about. Yeah. Well, I do like spider, like I like... You would be watching? I do like all the Spider-Man, so I watch the Spider-Verse. I like that. Yes. Okay. I'm glad you've seen that. Yeah. Okay. Would you be down? Oh, watch. Yeah, because I got a show where I met you. Oh, the Spider-Verse one. We have to watch with Ryan. Yes. Yeah. I do need to watch that show with you, the Tom one. Yeah, of course. But I do experiment. We will. But another thing that we watched me and Ryan and Hunter and now went to go see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice together. Yes. Um, it's been a while. I mean, obviously we haven't potted for a while and yeah sorry about that guys. So yeah. Oh, we won't get too much into that one because we'll probably end up talking about it at some point.
wink quik Yeah, so there was that. um Oh, I just finished watching Monsters, the Eric and Lyle Menendez story, new with Ryan Murphy. It was really good, actually. I know Ryan Murphy has some mixed reviews. People have people either love him or hate him, but I am in that same boat, but I love him. Most things that he does.
I'm in the same boat too. I can pick and choose what's good that he does and what's not good. Exactly. I do feel like he does too much. Yeah. He's coming up with another... He's coming up with a lot of stuff. There's the show Grotesque that's coming out on Hulu. That's the insane thing. That's why I think he's spread thin. I don't know. I feel like this stuff could be better and more time spent on.
if that makes sense yeah it does so yeah um but yeah no i can't really think of i need to check out that monster monsters um season because i've only seen the Jeffrey Dahmer one Evan Peters was incredible um it and you know it was interesting kind of like seeing things play out it just the horrible thing that happened it's just nuts to think about and I really want to see, I will be tuning in for season three. Charlie Hunnam is Ed Gein, are you joking? Let's go, let's go. Andy and I actually covered a movie that he looks grungy as shit in and like doesn't look like the regular Charlie Hunnam. He actually looks pretty bad, Children of Men.
i It's been a while since so watch I watched it. He's in there as one of like kind of the Side like bad guys. Gosh, I forgot how to describe his character um He is opposing the main character though. And yeah, he's like he just looks like shit on Charlie Hunnam respect you are a handsome guy I can never look like you but in that movie he did a good job at looking not like you and Yeah, to rewach that you will. Yeah, Andy and I, we we mentioned that in the font too. I remember that I will be tuning in for that one. But yeah, I want to watch the I've been hearing things about the Menendez and his brothers. um I'm sure there's other stuff that I've watched lately. But um I just want to start watching spooky movies where see me October soon. Yeah, getting in the mood. Yeah, there's stuff. But if I think of it, I'll mention on the next one. Perfect.
Yeah, yeah, that works. Yeah, those are now playing. um
And that was American Ultra. Yeah, Ashley's pick. How'd you feel? Glad to talk about when you're like absolute favorite. Yeah, glad we finally got to talk about it was really fun. I just had a good feeling about this episode.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, can you doubt us? No. Yeah. Sorry about all the tangents we went on guys, but, um, when you talk movies, that's gonna happen. Honestly. Lastly, I'll leave you guys with this. Make sure to follow us on socials on Instagram at hazardous opinions, pod, join us on discord and follow our individual accounts on letter boxed. All of them are listed.
in the episode description

Final Engagement & Wrap-up

for you guys. Wherever you get you get your podcasts, just um go to the show more and look at that description in the links for the letterbox and everything will be there. If you want to reach out to us, you can email us at hazardousopinionspod at gmail
Also, if we could have you guys follow and rate us wherever you get you wherever you're listening today, we appreciate your support. Thank you guys so much. And it was really fun to talk to you about like a movie you really love. And I can't wait to keep doing this with you and God, when Andy and Eric can come back to the team and It's going to be an awesome, spooky season. Also, if we could have you guys follow and rate us wherever you are listening today, we'd really appreciate it. Honestly, that helps a lot. It's free. You don't have to spend anything. Just yeah. Give us, give us a follow and hopefully you listen and then give us those five stars. It really helps. And yeah. Uh, telling anybody, you know, to hang out with us, talk movies and yeah, please reach out to us guys. Like, yeah, we are totally up.
for suggestions. We're really open-minded people, so. Yeah, you shouldn't mesh it.
Ignore, ignore, ignore.
can i please put that yeah should I have a blueprint. Yeah. Okay. If you follow us on Instagram, um we're definitely open to DMing, maybe some stuff that you'd like for us to go over stuff you'd like to hear genres or something, just so we like have an idea.
Yeah, also that works too. Alright, you know, honestly, we're we're a small podcast. So yeah, you know, like any sport is awesome. We just want to be able to talk to you guys. So Instagram is totally open. I think that's everything that I have. I think that's all I have. American ultra. Thanks for listening, guys. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. And can't wait for spooky season start up here. And for you guys hang out.
Bye everyone. Bye.