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Welcome to the Still Point

Soul School
459 Plays1 year ago

Ep 26: Living from the Still Point

The spiritual path can be lonely at times, and it can be challenging to find “your people”—the ones who speak the same language as you’re on this journey of discovery we call life. In this episode, Laura and Kevin discuss a new community they are launching this week devoted to supporting you on that journey. It’s called The Still Point. If you’re drawn to learning how to discover your life’s purpose, access your own direct guidance, and do it in community with others, check out this episode.

* Join us at The Still Point, a bi-weekly community gathering of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and accessing the Akashic Records, a place that hold all of our souls’ histories—everything we’ve done in all of our lifetimes. join us at

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Introduction to Soul School & The Still Point

You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session.
Welcome back, Seoul family. Kevin Kaiser here with my lovely co-host, Laura Ko. Laura, welcome once again. How are you? Hey, Kevin. I am fantastic. Good to see you.
It's good to see you, too. And for everybody, this week, it's a really big week for the Little Soul School,, by the way, and the Soul School Podcast because we're rolling out something called The Still Point. And we wanted to devote this entire episode to unpacking what it is,
and to invite you into it, because as far as we know, this may, the way we're doing it is a completely new way of inviting people into learning about the Akashic Records. So we're gonna unpack that a little bit today, give you a glimpse of it, then invite you into it. So we're, and Laura's to blame for all of this, by the way. This was her idea. The school. Take the blame. So let's start with that.
describe for the people what the still point is. What is this thing that we're trying to do?

Finding Stillness: Insights from T.S. Eliot

Yeah. I have to take you guys back just a little bit, right? I have been obsessed with this T.S. Eliot poem. I've mentioned it on the podcast before. I've got a tattooed on me, so sadly you'll probably hear about it a lot. I've named this program after it. The program essentially is based on this idea of like,
how do we find stillness in this sort of chaotic, ever-turning world? And I think a lot of us feel life is chaotic, it's overwhelming, we're running from thing to thing. Even when we're still, we're uncomfortable, right? People develop meditation practices to find that peace, that tranquility, that ease within themselves, and it's quite elusive. After some time of
experience in meditation, looking for stillness, whatever that is for you. I believe, I found, and I find many people feel this way, they realize that this place is actually a little bit more of like a dance, which is how T.S. Eliot speaks of it. You know, the still point of the turning world, they're the dances.
And it's the dance of life is really happening within us. But I get very curious about what does that mean? Because this idea of authenticity when we point to ourselves, when we say,
I feel a certain way and we tend to point to the center of our chest or in our heart or our gut, but, but technically there's no buddy there. There's no little Laura walking around inside of my chest cavity or inside of my stomach, but we have a sense of self that lives within us, not in our minds and that self we would like to feel tranquil, peaceful.
And yet, it's a dance of life. It's not exactly something we can point to, find, locate. So the Stillpoint program comes from this long, long, long, long interest, excitement that I have around this concept. All of my life is built around my own curiosity, my own exploration and interest in locating that for myself and understanding that for myself. Not just intellectually, but
embodying that in my actual experiences.

The Akashic Records: A Deep Dive

So, um, the Akashic records, the energetic space that holds our soul's history, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes is stored. We can go into a single Akashic record. We can find out glorious things about you, Kevin. You know, we've done readings where it's like, you can ask me anything about your family, your friends, your life, your childhood, um, the most complicated parts of your psychology or soul.
But what about this sort of collective conversation about who we are, why we're here? What does it mean to be on the earth plane? What does it mean to be an embodied soul? I find the Akashic realm also
has this collective wealth of information that we can explore, that I explore frequently, that's where I write my books from, that answers some of the most profound, meaningful, enriching ideas I've ever come into contact with, right? And I say that like really seriously, Kevin, I study this stuff, I love it. And when I go in the Akashic realm,
And I ask the collective consciousness of the Akashic records, not this single record of my soul.
The answers are so enlightening and so profound and so helpful to me in my everyday experience. So the Stillpoint program is a long-winded answer, but it's us going, you and I, going into this collective part of the Akashic realm to ask the questions that I think are on my mind, on your mind, and I think on a lot of people's minds.
So what do the Akashic records think about themselves? How would they define themselves? How do they define spirituality? I don't know that anybody's, at least in my experience, asked the Akashic records about the Akashic records or how to use the Akashic records.
The thing that has come to mind for me as we've talked about this and doing this, because we've been talking about doing this for a while now, is that everybody I know
is really longing for two things in their life. It's this sort of self-realization. I want to know who I am, and then also they want to experience that within community. So it's self-realization and community. And maybe it's the times that we live in where people are beginning to
dismiss all of the institutions, they no longer want to be told what to think. They want to learn how to access their own direct knowing on a sole level. As we've talked through the still point, and I've even done a few practice sessions, I walked away from those thinking, oh, this is both of those things in one. It's teaching people how to access for themselves.
right, this total knowing, right, the cash records for themselves, but also in community with other people who are, to be a little funny about it, they're the same kind of weird as me and you, you know, where we're just really into this, you know, truth, what is the truth of reality? What is the truth of ourselves? Yeah, and this is a way to do that.
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, you were the one who really pushed for this. I was resistant to say the least, but I had taught people how to access the Akashic Records individually. I'd done hundreds of people.
And I was like, you know, it's a bit tiring. I don't know. And you kept saying, this is the thing. People want this, Laura. You've got to figure out how to teach this in community, accessing their own guides. And I thought, I don't really know what that means exactly. And I don't know that people really want that. I was going in a different direction. I thought it was purely the Akashic philosophy was it for me.
But you were right. And I figured out what that would look like. How do we all come in community? That's the level one class. Open up the Akashic realm and people's excitement, whether they study it or not, whether they do it for a long time or not.
to know that they can, right? And I say this so seriously, but everybody can hold the tennis ball. Everybody can walk up to a piano. Not everybody is going to be Beethoven. And that's okay. And we're all okay with that. I know I'm not going to get to Wimbledon. I'd like to think of myself in another lifetime, perhaps. It's not true in this one.
And so whatever that is for you, whatever hobby or interest you have, a great chef or whatever it is, some of us pursue that like crazy. But we all know it's available, whereas spirituality, mysticism, this stuff has, for me, been held out as for special people. And I mean, do I think there's talent? Yeah, of course, for everything that's true, though.
But everybody can walk up to a piano, music, it takes time. Like, this is not going to sound cute in the first six months. Going the Akashic realm, everybody can do it. Everybody. So I want to show people in this program, you can do it. I can do it. Everybody can do it. Does it take practice? Yes. Does it take time? Yes.
Do you have little technical hacks you can do? Sure. Can I show you those things? Yes. Are we going to ask the Akashic realm how they think we could use it? How they think it works the best? What it means from their perspective to be in this space most effectively for ourselves? Yeah. Then you have to do the work or not. That's up to you, but I just want to debunk that idea.
Yeah, and it's kind of strange because most people would label this as mysticism, but you really were demystifying.
the mystical side of this because it really is, it is accessible to everyone. I've actually been astounded by, by who's been able to learn how to accurately read, uh, my records and you know what I mean? So it's, it's not something that is just for, um, you know, pro level people who've been, you know, like spiritual there at their entire lives. Uh, it's really for everybody.
I want to unpack a little bit what exactly a session of the Stillpoint is like.

Exploring The Still Point: Sessions & Practices

So we're meeting biweekly, so twice a month, for people who want to do that. Or you can just kind of do an a la carte, you know, whenever we pick a topic, a question that we explore in the Akashic Records. But walk us through what the session is actually like. What would people experience if they came and joined us for a Stillpoint session?
Yeah, I put so much time, as you know, because you were there helping me every step of the way in what this is, right? This took a long time to conceptualize. I see a lot of people wanting to heal spiritually. I'm one of them. Learn spiritually.
But then embodying it is a whole other thing. So the goal is to get us out of our heads into an experience of this stuff and hold that. And potentially when you leave, it doesn't just disappear into your day as you run onto the next thing. We're all busy.
So design with that in mind. So we'll start with going in the records. You and I will sit. You're going to ping me with some question. And it's the questions that I think people are dying to know. How would the Akashic realm define themselves? What does purpose mean according to the spiritual realm? What does it mean to be in truth according to the spiritual realm?
Why is it so hard to be embodied? What can we do to feel easier, lighter, more joyous? All these things that I think spiritual people are thinking about, why are we seeking spirituality, right? When we know the answer is everything you're looking for is within, right?
But why is that so hard? So asking the guides to explain it from their own voice instead of, I think, other people interpreting it. And then we'll take the information. That information will become a meditation.
Our friend Anita is going to lead so that you can hear the guidance, then embody it in a meditation, and then spend a few minutes in your own records. Sometimes we'll get technical guidance to begin, so then we can practice more technically. Sometimes it will be more spiritual philosophical, and we can embody those. So you'll have a few minutes to practice on your own.
And then we'll jump out into breakout rooms to both meet friends, meet a new community, and share that because I think when you speak it, right, it goes from intellectual to embodied to speaking. That moment of speaking it is where I think
think it sticks right at least for me like when you gotta summarize it get it out you don't have to talk if you don't want to if you're shy don't worry but that's the idea week over week and and the last thing i'll say kevin is this idea that you and i have been talking about that i want to share with the audience that.
It's going to be a little fluid, right? If the guides have a lot to say on a topic, maybe we won't have a meditation. If they have more technical, then maybe we won't have any philosophical. If it feels like a longer meditation is needed, we'll just do a little less time in a breakout room, blah, blah, blah. So really let the energy of the experience lead. Yeah.
And over the past few weeks, we've done some of these private sessions with friends and family, just testing it out. And it's been a lot of fun, first of all, to do it in community with people, other people. But I mean, we did one just the other day, and the kind of information that came through is pretty enlightening. It's pretty
you can definitely feel the energy of it. Like I said, we haven't launched this yet. It launches on Wednesday with the very first class and so nearly 400 of our closest friends will be there. So being able to do this in community with people, I think it's just going to be a lot of fun. I mean, it really will because that's one of the hardest parts. That's been one of the hardest parts of my own journey is finding people who speak the same language that I do.
and being able to learn together with them and ask questions. And I mean, even especially hard questions, right? Because I know a lot of people are coming out of spiritual traditions or religious traditions and feel like refugees in a way and are really gravitating toward communities like this. So, you know, I'm really, really thankful that we have the opportunity to do it.
I do want to ask a question about, so you talk about the Akashic Records, but you also use it interchangeably with the guides. Describe that a little bit. Why do you call them the guides? I mean, this is one of those things that I want to clear up in these sessions, but what I have been told is that
There's the energetic space that holds our soul's history, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes, my lifetime, your lifetime. It's in this quote, book of life for each of us, which that book of life has all of our lifetimes, one for Laura Coe and all of her soul's other versions and Kevin's, you know, male and female versions of your soul life. And that's stored in an Akashic library.

Guides and Personal Soul Information

That library is protected by a group called the Lords of the Records. And the Lords of the Records are non-embodied beings who make sure that this space is being accessed properly with permissions, with integrity, I guess. And then I think of them as like the librarians. And then you get to check out parts, different books, different sections that your guides, your master's teachers, and your loved ones
pull through in an Akashic record reading for your highest good in that moment. So imagine for Kevin, there's this energetic space that holds all of his soul's history, everything he's ever done, every thought, feeling and action over all of his lifetimes. And now he sits here with me, saying a reading and is like, Hey, Laura, you know, I just would love some guidance on something personal in his life.
in this moment in this lifetime, what is most helpful from all of that information to pull forward. So the guides, the master's teachers, loved ones, supposedly check out the right section of your
your library card, part of your book, and that comes through in a reading for you, with the language that aligns for you. If I'm doing somebody who's an IT tech person, perhaps the languaging shifts to solid state drives. And my friend, who's a dancer, I start saying things like undulate and movement, and she's like, that's how I feel. And so the language shifts, the metaphor shifts, the energy changes.
to meet you where you are, to help you unblock, grow, ultimately connect back into the beingness of your life so that you can hear the nuance of your soul, right? I think the Akashic realm ultimately is designed to help us know that we are energetic beings when we don't remember, we get dense and weighed down.
We are the Akashic realm, really, the truth, right? This energy, this being of self is kind of interchangeable with the energy of this space, but because of our perception, our eyes, our senses, we see this hardcore separation between objects, right? Objects are what make up our world, and that's fine. But it's to reconnect you to this energetic sense of self. And when that's in full expression, you know, we all have it. It comes in hunches.
little knowing this field gives you just much, much, much more information. And so yeah, that's what the process looks like. And the guides are the ones that help transfer the information is what I've learned. So I would like to be part of this program to just break all that down channeled directly from the Akasha Grom.
Yeah, and so we did this practice session on Saturday with friends and family. One of the questions I asked, and I'd love to talk about it a little bit here, is why now?

Akashic Records & Earth's Tumultuous State

Because the idea of the Akashic records, the Book of Life, shows up in so many different spiritual traditions. It's been around for a long, long time, but never accessible like it is now. And so I asked the question on Saturday,
Why now? Like, why is this coming to the forefront so that people can access it? And, um, I don't know how much of the answer you want to talk about, because it actually was a pretty difficult answer that, you know, where humanity is, but do you want to talk about that a little bit? Like why now?
Yeah, I mean, you know, it's not uncommon to hear in spirituality circles these days that the earth plane is in a bit of a desperate space, that the energy is concerning. People are maybe not so happy, struggling, frustrated, and in those energies that's impacting the energies of the earth plane. If I'm being totally honest, right, and you know I always am,
part of me bristles at these ideas, right? Like I feel a little new agey and like, oh, like is this, you know, like, yeah, like I get a little like, but, but I am hearing that enough from this source that I'm finding, um, has been consistently truthful to me. And so yeah, there's a, there's a sense that.
There's an opportunity to balance some of the light and the darker energies, the vibration of the Earth energy that it has potentially an impact towards more than just the Earth itself. And, you know, sometimes I do these readings where I meet like,
a person who has come to this plane and they don't usually come here. They're, you know, from a different galaxy. They're here just to help. And again, I feel like I'm like, is this Star Wars or Star Trek or like, what am I doing? But it's so truthful and the person is like,
The other details about them are so accurate that it's opened me up to this. And so, yeah, the why now is we're in a bit of a tumultuous, if not dangerous place as a planet, as a species. Yeah.
Yeah. And the very fact that you felt uncomfortable, because I remember when I asked the question and it got really uncomfortable for you, that's how I know things like that. I sort of triangulate truth, right? And that gives me a clue that, oh, well, this is trustworthy because she would never say this on her own. I think this is something that's... Yeah, because you're like me in that way, where we're very
pragmatic, because we're just interested in truth, because you and I had a conversation recently, I'm sure you remember this, we were talking about why are we doing what we do? And I think you had brought up Adyashanti, you were listening to something that he said, and he asked,
Why are you doing this? Why are you on this spiritual pursuit? Why do you do anything? And it has to be true for you, like you have to know for yourself. And we both essentially, we said the same thing, because we want to know the truth.
we're interested in the essential truth of reality. And so we have a high finely attuned BS meter, and we're always questioning and trying to triangulate truth from multiple perspectives and angles.
Yeah, Kevin, you know, two things. One is I'm, I'm such an internal optimist, right? So your point about me not saying it, I just don't typically feel doomy gloomy. I don't know. I always feel things will work out. I'm sort of a, you know, silver lining type human. So yeah, it's very hard for me to sort of think catastrophically. So yeah, it does show that it comes from somewhere else. And, um,
Adashanti said, if you go down the spiritual path, you really need to know why you're doing it. What's the one thing? He said, there could be 10 things, but what is the one thing that really, truly
propels you to continue. Because if you don't know that when you get to those points of struggle, which I've been there, I know you've been there, you don't have anything like your safety net, right, to come back to. And yeah, I mean, to know the truth, it's like an inescapable need for me from a soul level to keep after. I just can't
stop, even if you asked me to. I don't know how. In truth, asterisk, asterisk, we say it all the time, but to the best of our ability on the human plane, because we'll never really know the whole truth. I get it, but as much as I can, I'm dying to know.
Yeah same here it is a compulsion for me i just have to know and i want to know and i want to experience it directly anything i mean for me just in the past ten years even in the past five years.

Seeking Personal Truth Beyond Religion

it seems like the number of people that are just coming into my life are becoming more visible, you know, talking about these same things. I mean, think about, I think about all the podcasts and all of the books and all of the things that are coming out where people are like us and they're really asking these, what I would consider ultimate questions of who are, who are we really or what are we?
And why are we here? And some of these old pat answers that we've inherited, just by virtue of when, where, and to whom we were born, we look at them and go, really?
I mean, maybe, but I'm going to go find out for myself. I'm tired of being a secondhand person, somebody who just takes hand-me-down truth, and I want to go out and find out for myself. If you're that kind of person, you're our people, which is why you're listening to us talk about the Akashic realm and still points and all of the things that we talk about.
Yeah. And to just add one idea to that, um, when I think about the community I'm building at the little soul school with you, it's like some people go to church temples and that's great. And some people turn to textbooks and that's wonderful for those who find that those
modalities don't connect for them, that they feel that there's something else and science isn't quite getting them. Not that we don't believe in science. I love science. I totally am open to
the ideas that are presented. And I think a lot of the religious texts have great meaning, but neither resonated as the container for me. And so I think there's a lot of people, I found there was a lot of people like myself who they didn't quite fit in religion. They didn't quite fit in these textbooks, but they wanted a home and they wanted to be explorers of it all. And that's what I find exciting. Like sometimes I want to read,
as something on Hinduism or Buddhism or Judaism or Christianity. Sometimes I want to look at the Akashic records. I want to be able to be flexible in what excites me each day and what I find adds value in my life.
Yeah. Oh, I agree 100%. I remember this is many years ago. So I grew up in the Christian tradition. And someone essentially gave me permission to leave the pack. And I'm like, look, just explore. You can always come back.
Like, just know that you, you know, this whole culture of fear around, well, you might be deceived, you might, right? It shows up in multiple religions and spiritual traditions, but to me, like, having the ability to,
read Buddhism or try all of these different spiritual traditions and see, they're all essentially saying the same thing from different vantage points and be able to take what works for you, set aside the things that don't, which is essentially what everybody's doing every way, which is why you have denominations in all of these different religions. They're taking what works for them and ejecting what doesn't.
Yeah. I'm really, really excited about this.

Invitation to The Still Point Community

So for anybody who is interested, they can go to slash still point, and you can learn more about it. You can join us. We invite you to join us. Give it a shot if it's for you. Great. If you're the same kind of weird as we are, come and join us. Um, and if it's not, that's great too. But just know that you are, everyone is welcome.
Come and join us, check it out. Is there anything, any parting words you want to leave with the good people of the world?
I mean, I'm grateful you're participating. I'm so excited for this. I feel like it's a great experiment. I don't know where it's going to go exactly. But I love this idea of asking the Akashic realm to help define themselves and spirituality for us, as opposed to grabbing tidbits from all sorts of different places
and piecing it together and deciding that I get it. So if that excites you, if you're looking for community, if you want to get a little deeper understanding of how to access your own records, this is a great way to do that, even if you just want to try it for a little while. If not, we'll always be doing more stuff. So I feel like it's an endless playground over at the Lewis Hospital. So thank you, Kevin. Always.
Thank you and for those who want to check it out, slash stillpoint and much love to everybody. We'll see you next time. See you next time. Thank you, Kevin.
path in life, or if there's a better way to connect with your soul's purpose? If so, we invite you to join us in The Still Point, a community devoted to accelerating our soul growth together. Join Laura as she channels guidance from the Akashic Records on life's biggest questions. You'll also learn how to access your own guidance and connect into your deepest being through guided meditations. And most importantly, you'll do it all along with hundreds of fellow seekers from around the world.
You can learn more at slash stillpoint and join us for the next gathering. That's slash stillpoint. We'll see you there.