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Listen in to a LIVE Akashic Reading

Soul School
735 Plays1 year ago

Every wondered what an Akashic Record Reading is like? This week, you get your chance. As Laura and Kevin prepare for the upcoming launch of The Still Point, a bi-weekly community devoted to learning from the Akashic Records, they decided to practice a Still Point session and record it. Listen in as Laura channels guidance from the Akashic realm around how our souls create our soul plans.

* Join us at The Still Point, a bi-weekly community gathering of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and accessing the Akashic Records, a place that hold all of our souls’ histories—everything we’ve done in all of our lifetimes. join us at

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Introduction to Soul School and Purpose

You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session. Welcome back, everybody.

The Still Point and Akashic Records

Kevin Kaiser here.
this week we have something we're trying it's it's experimental and a little so school we are launching a new community called the still point and the still point is a bi-weekly gathering of people from all over the world and it's essentially going to be in a cachic
records education. Now during these sessions, Laura is going to channel guidance from the Akashic realm. And we're also going to take questions from the community. And it's all in service of learning how to really gain our own guidance, learn how to tap into this information ourselves so that we can live more awake, aware, and free. So this is the spiritual education that we all wish we would have had.
So what today's episode is, it's a recording that Laura and I did to practice what the still point is going to be. So we came up with a question and the question was around how our soul creates a soul plan in order to fulfill our purpose. And so Laura
tunes in to the Akashic Records on this podcast. So if you've ever wondered what that's like, you get to be a fly on the wall. So this is our way of practicing for what the still point is and the still point launches August 2nd.

Guidance for Soul's Purpose

If you want to check it out, go to the little soul that school slash still point, but
For now, sit back, relax, listen in as Laura taps into the Akashic Records, and we start talking about our soul's purpose and our soul plan. And with this light, we open ourselves to our soul's purpose. And with this light, we open ourselves to be guided towards our highest good and the highest good of those we love.
So Laura is given the truth to best serve her on her healing journey into the love and acceptance that is most beneficial for her in this moment. And with this light and guidance, we unlock the energy field of Laura to receive the record of her soul.

Unlocking and Aligning with Soul Plans

Okay, so how do we unlock our soul plan to better understand our soul's purpose?
All right. So I'm going to get quiet for about 10 to 20 seconds, just so the guide's energy starts to come through and then I'll share as I receive. All right. All right. I'll be right back. Okay. So how do our souls decide on our soul plan, our lesson? How do our souls decide on a soul plan?
All right. So they're starting off by telling me about how it's an intricate system, an intricate, intricate, they're saying intricate system. It's like, they're showing me the, remember the pickup sticks game that you played as a kid? So I'm seeing pickup sticks. Yeah. Those, those little thin. Yeah. Oh yeah. So the intricate system, it's like, it's like, you know, when you wanted to get one of those little sticks out from the middle and it was like, Oh,
So it feels like when you do a soul plan, when you're working out what you wanted to do in this lifetime, it's similar in feeling to that, but it's the opposite. It's not pulling something out, it's placing something in.
Okay, because if you remember the game, right, those little, those little sticks were placed so precariously one on top of the other. And if one falls, it's like it all kind of crumbles down a little bit. And so it feels like as we plan our souls, they're calling it a process through multiple incarnations.
towards like an ultimate soul's purpose final finale, final call or something. That's how they phrase it. So as we live through

Soul Connections and Growth

multiple incarnations, we are interested in developing a connection to ourselves over many lifetimes so that we feel in relationship to ourself in a way that is so interconnected that those pickup sticks
become, they're making like a little Lego log, like a little sturdy log, right? So it's no longer these finely placed little, you know, little pieces, little pins. It's really this like very aligned, true, sort of North Star feeling, like I'm really connected to myself.
So when we plan our soul, plan our lesson for this life, it's like, how do I slip in? How do I slip in something that feels like it's like very precariously
So they turned this feeling of the pickup sticks into now threading a needle feeling. It's like threading it in a way that feels really aligned to the intention of that soul in that lifetime so that the... It's an interesting way of saying it, the relationship to itself
becomes more integrated over multiple lifetimes. So it's like that relaxed feeling of pickup sticks becomes that center feeling. Okay, so what that means outside of metaphor, how does that work exactly? I feel like I want to ask how that works outside of metaphor. The kashikrome is very metaphoric, so then we have to translate that.
It takes multiple lifetimes to learn how to coherently organize a life. It actually doesn't happen in a first life or a second life. You kind of come in hard and fast in a bunch of lives and it's like, whoops. It's like I'm feeling like,
I ran into the kitchen and I didn't realize it was just mopped and I was just kind of slide across the room. But like they're saying not to worry. It's not like some crisis happens in the first few lives. It's just more like, I don't know, a baby without its legs, right? It's not so sturdy. It's not so strong. It's not so developed, right? So over lifetimes, the soul learns how to plan a little better. And it learns how to organize lives for the highest maximum output possible.
I look to myself and for my highest good and I ask myself, what is it that I would like to learn in self? They're referring to soul self. So I'm on the other side and I'm connecting in and I, and I, as a soul, I ask myself, what does that mean? It's so interesting. So now they've put me in this feeling of radiant light. They're saying radiant light shines in. So there's something on the other side where we're connected into like, um,
an energy source, say, like there's a much more visceral connection to source, to God, to write the divine.

Refinement through Lifetimes

So we're like,
Like what it feels like for me is that there's this like fueling tank feelings. Like, I don't know, like a semi-truck has to fuel up, right? Like it's like my energy of self is getting an infusion of divine light. And while I'm receiving that, I am weird. I'm considering the odds of what might happen in a lifetime.
If I do this, if I do that, then what, then how does that work? What does that mean? What would that look like, right? I'm going through iterations on my soul's journey of like, you know, perhaps who I've been before and perhaps what I'd like to see. And I'm just refining and refining technique that I've learned over many lifetimes so that I can kind of optimally plan this soul's
structure for this lifetime so that I find out who I really am. So how does the planning like, cause we want to know how does the plan work, the sole plan, the sole purpose. So it's like, I'm going through all these iterations.
Okay, so I being my soul is like, I'm connecting in with all of this content or information and I'm sifting through it like rapid fire, right? Like I have this ability on the other side to understand myself at this totally different level. It's like the frequency is really high. I feel like I'm really
Like I'm a fast learner is what they're calling it. It's like, I can really connect in in a way that I can't normally understand myself, right? And in the human plane is what they're referring to. So, well, the earth plane is one of many places we go, but let's just say that for now. Okay. So then as I, I look at the optimal settings, uh,
I asked myself a few questions. What would it be like if I transformed in this way or in that way or in this way or in that way? Like maybe male versus female, maybe I want to come in in different ways, shapes, forms, sizes. What would that do to change the experience? So that's one thing that we
It's like it feels like a projector like it's like I feel like that little kids game where I have a little projector thing on there and I can like sift through. It's like I get to kind of almost embody and experience it in a way before I come to kind of sense out. I want to say feel but it's like sense out what that experience is like because it's like
It's like a sensory experience in a way. Like obviously I'm not embodied. So it's like a sensory experience. I'm having what might feel like a sensory experience on the other side so that I can, to the best of my knowledge or ability on the soul plane, understand how these versions might play out in reality, human reality.
So I go through those iterations, male, female, cat, dog, and don't want to be a pig. I don't know, right? Like different things. And I asked myself these questions about it. And I refrain from judgment because on the other side, I'm not in a judgmental state. I'm very relaxed and at ease, I'm at peace with my own essence. So I don't have to judge. It's like, oh, you know, I got hit by a car in that version or I
I died three times that way, right? Like all these things that happen that are bad, right? We don't have that anxiety or stress around as a soul. So we get to sort of vision it out through this lens of non-judgment. So we spend time participating in that, plus or minus, because again, you're only participating through the lens of being a soul, right? You're not embodied.
they're calling it. So in this experiment of the soul, I'm like playing with this, this process. So when do I ask this? When do I get to a place where I know what my soul lesson or soul plan is? It's like, well, if I embody in this way, in this shape and form, if I do it that way, if I write, I may or may not, it may or may not come to fruition. And so it's like not a great
idea. That's not the best of plans. So why would I go and embody and waste a lifetime when there's really no fruits of the labor? I'm not really going to get the outcome. And they don't mean outcome in the way that humans worry about it, but it's almost like sacred to go and embody. So you don't want to just waste the experience is how they say it. So I pick and choose
There's pick and choose my battles, you know, because I don't want to go and have the experience that comes out on the other side where I'm Yeah, I've just I've wasted time. Um So interesting Kevin, so they're basically like right like We understand in that plane of reality like time is real. It's a precious gift to be alive and You know, we don't want to Take that for granted Right
Okay, so after I investigate what looks like many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many
Whoo, that's beautiful. Well, I find myself in a higher radiant light while I offer that to the world. And it's like a yes, no kind of feeling.
like monopoly, do not stop, right? Do not collect underdoll. It's like yes or no. Like yes, that'll happen. No, it won't. And if it's like, it's like a scale though. I'm not sure that it's so black and white in the end. Like it's like, if I'm leaning more towards yes or if I'm heavily weighted towards no, then it's like, that won't be the sole expression of this lifetime. That doesn't make any sense. And so I'll keep organizing myself to the highest probability or likelihood of
success on the other plane until I find one where it sort of magically appears of like, oh, okay, yep, this is the one this feels aligned and truthful and right in this lifetime to go in this direction, optimally for my soul's expression. So what does that mean? It's like, why do they keep saying pig Kevin? I didn't know you incarnate as a pig. Why do they keep saying pig? Are you being funny? Or is that real?
It's confusing me to come in like an animal because they keep saying you come in like a man, woman or pig or like, I'm like, like, I'm just, since we're not on the mountain, right? Or as a mountain, like as a mineral vegetable animal. Yeah. Do we come in as animals a lot? Sometimes. I didn't know that either. Okay. Um, okay.
So yeah, it's like the last step I just wanted to check. So if I do that, then how do I know what the actual lesson is? So it's like maybe on kindness or goodness or connection to the earth or the quality of your investment into yourself or others. And you kind of like
align towards that truth as the reality that you want to pursue for this lifetime or multiple lifetimes until you figure it out. That feels like a really good stopping point. I have all kinds of questions. So I have a question about why so people talk about the soul overriding or not overriding the
Like there's our will, we have to align to our soul's purpose because we can have a soul plan and not fulfill it. Um, so what is it that blocks the souls? How come we're not in alignment with our souls? Great. So we embody and then why do we insert our free will? Are we, yeah. How is it that we're disconnected from our souls? Like what is, what part of us is disconnected from our souls? Okay.
All right, so we got the soul plan, we embody, why are we disconnected from our souls? I mean, they took me into this immediate feeling, it's not fun at all. It's like this horrible, they're calling it like friction. So it's like almost like a birth canal, like,
They're making a birth canal with like, like spikes. It's like for the soul to embody is very, what's the word I want to, in a way it's like a gentle process. In a way it's a very, very, very taxing process,

Challenges of Physical Embodiment

right? It does not feel particularly great. Um, so the soul alignment, it's like, like there's a, it's like a,
do they want to say this? It's an infusion of soul into the physical form. It's like, I don't know, they're making a joke, but it's like you have cherry lemonade and you just want to turn it into soda. It's like, whoof, that's a hard process, right? So you've got this physical form and you're trying to like infuse it with something that's like
There's a generic quality to what the soul is in a lot of ways, but it doesn't necessarily align with the earth plane, the physical. It's just getting the two entities to meet up and sync up. It seems like that process is extraordinarily difficult or challenging on a soul level. The soul's alignment
organization towards being on the earth plane can be challenging, frustrating, depressing, overwhelming. Wait, so the soul is depressed or overwhelmed? It's like the souls, it's weird, right? Like I think of humans as being depressed. I don't think of souls as being depressed. It's like they're trying to use the word overwhelmed because it's like
those are the words that we may use on the human realm to explain it. On the soul realm, it's like more
like gas and particles and energy kind of feelings. Like how do you take something that's sort of endless and spacious and timeless and contain or organize it? There's just a quality of that where it's like you have snow and you have a huge amount of like really fluffy snow and then you compress it into a snowball, right? And it's like, okay, you know, and then it's dense and heavy and weighted. Oh, what a good metaphor.
It's fun and you can throw it at your friend or whatever and then it breaks open, but it never goes back to being fluffy again. And so the soul kind of prefers that fluffy state that it rains. Oh, this is so cute.
So the snow comes down in its fluffy state and then it becomes this dense snowball and then it gets thrown at a friend and then it breaks on the floor and it's like, and then it melts. And that's kind of the equivalent of death or something. And so that's all fine. Nobody mourns the snowball, but from a soul level, it's like
I just prefer my fluffiness. So there's a missing or a longing or wanting to go back to be free again, to be in its full state, because this sort of condensed stuff, it's restrictive. So your question about why the human free will stuff, it's like,
When it's all smushed in like that, it's like, I can't find myself in here. It's like somebody's turned all the lights off or something. It's just very hard for it to, its frequency to rise up effectively in form. Like a snowball, right? It's like, it's tight. So it's like, how does it
open itself to the light when it's not so free or flexible. So spontaneity, long walks, sitting by a river, enjoying a meditation, these are the kinds of things that keeps a little spring back in its step. Interesting. I have another question. Will there ever come a point in time when souls will no longer need to incarnate as humans?
Okay. All right, so this is a long answer. The physical plane offers a lot of abundance for soul growth, the earth plane, it's like, okay, so
they're taking me to a forest and they're showing me the vegetation and life in a forest. You've got the bananas everywhere in the trees, the monkeys, the plant life. There's fish everywhere. Everything is just full forest. You've got the full, full forest going and full forest, full forest forest going. There's just an incredible amount of vegetation, wildlife, plant life. Everything is
in full bloom in the forest. Imagine those beautiful, beautiful wild orchids or the grass and the moss and the trees and the vines. Everything is just living in this totality. The universe is sort of like that if you want to think about it that way. There's this sort of totality quality. There's so much. There's so much abundance.
except for this felt experience. There's not an experience. And so if you think about all the nature in the forest, it's preserved in its perfect form. Perfect form. It's so beautiful. It's unrecognizably beautiful.
Now they're showing me a person walking through there, enjoying the vegetation, enjoying it, enjoying the experiences. It's like the soul, the embodiment, it's like the opportunity to express it through full nature. It's full nature in nature. It needs to be
nurtured through nature to express itself in fullness. It's not alive in the same way on the other side. So this metaphor of the forest, it's wonderful. All the plant life, everything, it's wonderful. But the process of being a human, exploring it and being in it is
what brings nature alive in a sense, right? It's like the experiential part of it through the process of being human. What a weird metaphor. So we, similarly, are connected into nature. It's like the soul connects into the human and it gets to have this experience, this full-bodied experience in this plane of reality.
I mean, without it, there's instruction for the soul. There's ways for the soul growth to happen. There's other modalities of learning, for sure. But with it, it's like an extra bonus of learning and growing and expanding. This feels like I could go on for half an hour. Yeah, that's a big big question. Yeah, because it's, okay, I have, I can ask one other. Okay.
So does each soul have its own personality? Does it have an identity?

Infinite Growth and Interconnectedness

So is there a unique stamp to each soul?
All right, so I don't know where we're going, but they're telling me about a gardening and you've got the gardening gloves on, right? You've got your gardening tools, you've got the hoe, like you're going to tend to the field. So it's like if you think about gardening and you say, what does it mean to be in a garden as a gardener? It's like I'm trying to figure out
an intention or a purpose or a plan with this process, right? Like I'm thinking about the soil, I'm thinking about the sun, I'm thinking about how much lighter shade, I'm thinking about where to plant seeds, and I'm thinking about where to fence things around so that the animals don't get in. And all this process goes into this gardening, right? And I have to imagine it months or years later.
to create the perfect garden that will grow year over year over year over year. Otherwise, I'm wasting a lot of energy and time on a single plant or like a half baked garden. They're starting with this idea of soul purpose in a lifetime before we get to the sort of broader soul stamp of a unique individual.
So I feel like this gardening process, it's like, how do I evolve this garden over time, year over year, month over month? So it's like this little garden then goes out in perpetuity in front of me where it just keeps expanding. And they're saying the light of the individual, the soul, it just expands over lifetimes. It just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing into this infinite
experience of totality where it finally ends itself. Imagine this patch of gardening and every year I plant more and I have more soil and I have more growth and I have more land and I have more soil and I have more growth and I keep planning and doing it properly and I keep expanding those fences in all directions until it's like, where does my garden start or stop in regards to nature?
just becomes. They're taking the garden all the way out and then all the way to the sides, and then they're showing me from the earth plane. It's like, where does my garden start to stop? It just keeps going. So if you can say from a soul level, I'm just like that garden. I'm just evolving, evolving, and evolving over time until I become the totality of all things.
It's like there's a feeling of no space between me and the other gardens, everything else that's growing. So what is an individual? Are we individual soul stamps? Are we individual gardens? So to speak, so to speak. How would they describe it?
They know I like this idea of air, so they're going to start there. It's like, I take a deep breath and I know that I am the expansive air within myself. I'm also aware that I am available to all the air around myself. And so this garden, it's like,
Where's the beginning and end of it? Where does it start or stop at some point, right? It's like just whole, you know, like if everybody has this individual garden and everybody's growing it, it becomes the spaciousness and then all of a sudden it's like, where's mine to yours, you know?
Is that my plant or is that your plant? I can't tell the difference anymore. It's overlap. And then they start to grow into each other. And now somebody else's garden is growing right across my garden. And so this is this quality of interconnectedness that we hear about. And so it's like, OK, yes, yes, in a sense. So this original soil that I've put
It's a soil that they're turning it into baked cookies. I'm hoping we can stick with this metaphor and not move some. I'm like, wait, just stay here. Do I talk about baked cookies? OK, they're making me go to baking cookies. They're saying, you have all the ingredients. There's the chocolate chip. There's the flour. There's the egg. There's the milk. All this stuff goes into it. And you put it in the oven, and it comes out, and it's like, find all those qualities.
it's a cookie now, it's a cookie. And so on a soul level, sure, at the beginning, perhaps you are this individuated, there's this individuated quality to you where we might say you're a chocolate chip and you're vanilla. And then it's like, but over time, is it really important because it all becomes the chocolate chip cookie?
And so you, yeah, you through your soul planning and life lessons, ultimately reside in the chocolate chip cookie, the totality, the cosmic chip cookie.
What does that feel like? I'm so dying to learn more about this. I feel like I experienced it in my 5MEO DMT experiences. You can't even describe it. It's just a sense. Yeah, I did too. It was like individuality, but collectivity, plurality at the same time. Yeah, I became, I became. Yeah.
the infinite galaxy. So there was this infinite galaxy that I was, but it was from a point of view. Yep. That's why I experienced it too. But even that point of view was a we. Yes. I somehow had this intuition that
that even that had its own cycle, like even that had its own collapse into death in a way. I didn't get there. I just sat in that house.
Yep. And it was a, it was like this. It was at home. It was like a note that contained all notes. Yeah. And I can still kind of, yeah. Kind of sense the, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. The vastness and the silence. Um, my friend from grammar school was over and she was talking about how she loves skydiving. Cause there's this moment where you're moving faster than
I don't know. It's only a speed that you're moving, but terminal velocity. So a bird was going and it was like, uh-huh. She's like, but the silence, you know, and then the speed of things she's like, but I remember thinking this is familiar. I was like, Oh, that's so interesting. Cause for me, scuba diving, when I go down and it's like,
Have you ever done it? Oh, it's dead. Silent. It's shockingly silent. And the only thing you hear is this water. Your regulator. It's dead silent. Nothing you can create above here. And you're just like, what the fuck?
Right. So like, like, and I remember, like, the reason I wanted to scuba dive was just to have that feeling. Yeah. Right. And I was like, space. Uh huh. Different kind of space. But I think now it's because it reminds me of not being embodied. That was her point, right? Like it brought her back to that still point. This is going to be a cool podcast.
So there you have it friends. It's a taste of what the still point is. If you're interested, go to slash still point. Again, it's a bi-weekly gathering of people from all over the world where we're doing just what Laura did here.

Joining The Still Point Community

She taps into the Acastric Chrome to ask a question that we've decided beforehand.
Then I act as a bridge between the community and her and ask and bounce questions back and forth with the guides So that we can all learn how to live more awake aware and free. So If that's your thing check it out little soul that school slash still point. We'd love to have you and
Thanks for listening to this week's episode, and I really hope that you consider checking out the Little Soul School,, where there's a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and the Akashic energy.
a space that holds all of our soul's histories, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes. Because they're looking for a deeper connection to themselves, a place to experiment and play with spirituality in a non-judgmental, vulnerable, open community of people. No woo-woo, no fluff, just fun and connection. Come check it out,