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Understanding Twin Flames and Soulmates

Soul School
485 Plays1 year ago

What is a twin flame, and how is it different from a soulmate? Does everyone have a twin flame and, if so, how do you find yours? In this episode, we dive into these questions and many more. If you’ve ever wondered about twin flames and soul mates, drop in with Laura Coe and Kevin Kaiser because this is the episode for you.

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Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session.
Welcome back, my friends. I'm here with my partner in crime, Laura Ko. Laura, good to see you. Hey, Kevin, how are you?

Exploring Twin Flames vs. Soulmates

I'm great. And I'm excited to talk about this because a lot of people are talking about Twin Flames.
soulmates, everything that comes with that. There's a lot of information, a lot of people doing podcasts and blogs and articles about it. And I want to get to the bottom of what the heck is this? And I know that you have a lot of wonderful things to share around
both of these topics. So I want to dive into that, starting with what the heck is a twin flame? How do we begin to understand where this comes from, what it is, and how do we discover if we have a twin flame?
I'm excited to do this episode. I haven't really just gone for it publicly, so I just want to share. It's such a complex and beautiful part of the world that I was blissfully unaware of a few years ago. But yeah, to kick it off, a twin flame. A twin flame is the energetic other half of your soul.
Okay. And so the idea is that we have lots of soulmates. People we learn well with when we come into this realm, they can be romantic, they can be friends, they can be family. It's just that relationship that you're like, oh, God, so easy. I love you. It's amazing. Not that it's not without some problems, but it's got this sort of
energy of I feel like I know you, I connect to you, I want to spend my time to grow and learn with you, but it doesn't have friction in that complex sense. And so marriages have friction. So if you're like, maybe it's my twin flame in my marriage,
Twin flames are very specific. They have this quality that is polarizing, like literally polarizing. So it's not just your normative relationship triggering where you're learning and growing at a pace that's like, this is sustainable. I can do this. We can learn and grow.

Challenges and Growth in Twin Flame Relationships

It's got a nurturing, safe sort of underbelly to it. Your twin flame is literally your energetic other half. It's you.
I mean it's you which is that I can't get my head around that part but Plato talks about it in the symposium that we were one soul that was split in half and he calls it the twin flame soulmate but
forgetting terminology, right? Because I do find in the Akashic realm, they hesitate to overuse the word twin flame, but it's this idea of the flame that they care about. They don't care as much about this energetic other half of your soul and all that stuff. It's that there's a flame to it. And so it's this idea that this is the energetics of you, right? And what happens in real life is you meet this person,
There is such an incredible connection. It's like next, next, next, next level. And then the interconnected energy of the two of you is indescribable, but the polarizing, one runs, one chases, and you kind of can't keep away from each other, but you don't work with each other.
And ultimately, the litmus test of am I in a toxic relationship, which is what I asked myself a lot, versus am I with my twin flame? The answer can be shown in your healing and growing. So if you're in a toxic relationship that's abusive,
empath, narcissist, whatever it is, it has a circular quality to it without growth, healing, learning. And the unconditional loving quality isn't that strong and the spiritual connection isn't necessarily that strong. But twin flame energy, you typically are learning and growing at a clip that is not sustainable because the person is inadvertently pointing out, even if they don't mean to, just energetically, they are triggering the most unhealed parts of you.
then you have this choice to heal or grow and come back together or you just will not be together because you can't be around each other. It's just that sort of overwhelmingly painful to each part. It's not just one or the other. So that's kind of what a twin flame is and what the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame looks like in life.
So let me say this back to you to make sure I got it. So a twin flame is literally the energy of your soul that has split itself. Yeah. So like a positive and negative charge, not meaning good or bad, but just like different, it's a polarity and it's for the purpose of like maximizing growth.
Well, I wouldn't say it's for the purpose. So you go off and you live your lives because you're not one, you are separate. And then you might have three, four, five incarnations or I don't know, whatever amount.
And then you want to have an ascension point. You want to grow at a very high clip or perhaps you're at the end of your incarnations. You meet up though to sort of rapid fire growth because, you know, when you're with your wife and it just, she can just trigger some seriously unhealed parts that perhaps... I don't know what you're talking about.
The people closest to us have an uncanny ability to wake up the most unhealed parts of us. That's what makes love relationships so challenging. You don't want to run because you're in love and so you bear
The reality is that there's some stuff for you to work on, and hopefully you don't just blame each other and argue for your whole life, which a lot of people do. But nonetheless, there it is. A friendship doesn't typically bring it out. Or if it does, a friendship is easier to just say, I'm out. Or maybe somebody on the street pisses you off, but that's done. So a twin flame relationship is like that, but it's so
It's so raw is the word. It's so raw. It hits like a core unhealed part with like a, it's like a surgeon gets in there with a knife and just is like, I'm just going to cut right to the part that is so buried that you're not even sure it's there. And it's not just hurtful, it's unhealed in you, right? And that's what's really different from a toxic relationship.
And that's a really important point because it sounds like a lot of people stay in toxic relationships because they think that, hey, this is my twin flame. I meant to learn through this. What am I missing when, you know, you just need to move on and find somebody else. The other thing is it seems like it's not logical.
Because it's almost like you keep being drawn back to this person for this healing. Am I getting that right? Yeah.
They bring out the unhealed parts of you and you have a decision. The chaser... That's me. I'm the chaser. Okay, so you have a twin flame and we'll get into that. We'll get into that. So there's the chaser and there's the runner. The chaser is chasing after the love.
that they don't feel they have within themselves. And the runner is running from the love that they are, they don't know that they are love, right? So it is ultimately their relationship to love, but these unhealed parts of us freak out the two people, one
runs the other chases instead of looking into what it is that has been awoken perhaps within you that's unhealed and just taking the time to heal it and not to blame each other.

Timing and Discovery of Twin Flames

So when you get to a place where you say, my twin flame is here for me,
right for me to help me perhaps heal and then you take your space because twin flames very commonly are together then they separate then they're together and they separate because it's too much like you can't be around each other because it's bringing up this unhealed part of the clip that's just remarkably high it's not sustainable but then the drawback is there's this strange unconditional love that's
I don't know, right? Like I can only compare it to your child where you can forgive and forget and move on because it's a multi lifetime. It's you. So you're able to let it go. And when you say it to you, you mean it's your soul. Yeah. Okay. So does everybody have a twin flame? Yeah. Yeah. But not everybody's meeting them in every lifetime.
Okay. How do we, okay, so let's dive into that next then of how do you know if this is a lifetime, you know, when there's a twin flame relationship, you know, and maybe this is a good time to start weaving in your own story of how did you discover?
Yeah. I mean, I would say for anybody who's like looking for their twin flame, I would say do not do that. Like this is not something to go looking for. If your souls are meant to meet, your souls will meet. This is a soul contract of like epic proportions. Like this will happen if it's meant to happen. And it's not meant to happen in every life and it's not necessary in every life. So I think some people are like, oh, I need my twin flame. And it's like, I don't know that that's true. So I did not know anything about it. Um,
I was living my life happily, blissfully, unaware of this concept called the Twin Flame.
I had been in a relationship for 17 years as you know and I left amicably and I went out into the dating market and I met somebody and this person and I went on a couple dates and on the third date I was sitting on a couch more comfortably positioned than I normally would with almost anybody and
I don't know. Who sits on a couch on a third date positioned on somebody's shoulder? It was remarkably comfortable in a way that I would never normally do. I'm positioned lower, she's sitting upright, and I was playing with her shirt collar.
Such an intimate thing to do for people who don't know each other and She looked down at me and I looked up at her as I was doing it and both of us know this moment and our eyes really met and in that moment like Something happened right like this. It's not something that I can explain but I went back to my car and I felt this extreme energy but almost like an undoing of self and
I don't write poetry, I don't read poetry, I don't like poetry. I went home that evening and I had a vision of this romantic scene on a beach of a white wedding with us and I woke up in the morning and I wrote a poem and it was a poem about her soul with an uncanny accuracy.
that she was like, how do you know this? And on the next date, she's like, I'm in love with you, right? But the next weekend, she broke up with me and ran. So that was the beginning of these cycles. And it tends to look like that. It's like something happens when you meet that it's like an immediate waking up, like a very bad Hollywood movie. And then the runner starts to run.
And the chaser starts to chase and that's what we did before I even knew what a twin flame was So would you say that?

Karma and Spiritual Growth with Twin Flames

Because I actually did a little search on on Twin flames and soulmates to see what kind of questions come up and like one of the big questions that comes up on the internet is Is this all about clearing karma? You know my twin flame and like I've got all this karma to clear
I mean, what do you think about that? Again, it's OK. So the belief that I have is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We're coming into this realm for a purpose and intention on a soul level to learn, grow, heal in some way. And so when you meet your twin flame, it's an ability to learn, grow, heal at a rapid level. So if you're having a life where you would like to learn,
masters, masters, masters, quick pace, find your twin flame because it'll bring out some really, really uncomfortable things, multi-life shore, karmic shore, right? Are we working on those things? Absolutely. Spiritual lessons. I think it's all over the map. I don't think it's specific. I don't think it's only one thing, but it is for
a soul ascension. So your soul is evolving and growing at a quick pace to be more of yourself ultimately.
Yeah, and the fastest way to grow isn't through ease and comfort. It's through friction most of the time. It sounds like this has been pure bliss for you. Yeah, it's wild because on the one hand, it's the most beautiful, romantic, spiritual, heartfelt experience of my life.
And on the other hand, the most uncomfortable, miserable, toxic, frustrating, depressing experience. It's like literally I have equal space for both of the biggest experiences and feelings of my life in this one human being and vice versa. And so yeah, I mean, she came in my life and it
You know, first person I dated after 17 years, we both left relationships at the same time we had that wake up suddenly I'm writing poetry about her soul, right? And then omens start to drop everywhere, right? I wasn't an omen person, but all of a sudden it's like the radio has her name and this that the other it's just everywhere, right?
And we're breaking up and we're weirdly coming back together. And I started to question my psychological health because I'm like, what am I doing, right? Like logically, this doesn't seem like something to spend another 20 minutes on. And we both felt that way. And yet there's this pullback and this pullback. And I don't want to undersell it. It's like not just your normal pullback. I mean,
We are in each other's dreams. I had this experience two months ago where I was watching a television show and the characters, one was in a wheelchair and one was going to New York.
it was the end of a season on Netflix. And this character was in a wheelchair and she was dying and her head was tilted ever so slightly in this last scene. And the other character's boyfriend was gonna leave for New York and there was a second scene happening.
I watched that show and I went to bed alone in my own bedroom and me and my twin flame aren't talking right now. I had this felt knowing I'm going to go to New York. I don't know where that came from and I went to sleep.
The next morning she calls me and says, I had this dream that you were leaving, that you're going to New York. I was told by the guides in my sleep that I have to go get you, I have to go find you. And when I found you, you were in a wheelchair with your head tilted ever so slightly.
which is what the TV show was, and I had noticed this head tilt. And I was like, what? And she doesn't know that I had just watched that show. So, Kevin, in the real world, I am watching TV alone in my house. And the TV episode inspired this idea that I want to move to New York, which I've always wanted to do. My Twin Flame then dreams that, has the knowing that I'm leaving,
in her dream state that night with a fear of me being in a wheelchair that she was sobbing, crying. She's like, I found you and I found you and you were in a wheelchair. And I was like, what the hell? So the energies are so intermingled that this level of
spiritual dialoguing between our souls is happening in our dream states, in our awake states, right? With very tangible, quantifiable examples, I could give you 30 of these, that allow you to know that energetically this is tethered in a different kind of way than your deep love relationship, right? Which is pretty tethered.
Yeah, and I've had a front row seat to this for the past three, two and a half, three years. And there've been so many times when you've called and said, you better be sitting down for this one. This one is so, you can't make this stuff up. And one of those was the Indian palm leaf thing. Yeah. And Dr. Q, we had Dr. Q on the show. Would you like to share some of that?
As it has to do with your your twin flame because I mean to me all of these signs popping up that yes, this is it yes, this is it it's it's hard to look at those things and and

Timeless Connection and Personal Growth

Say no, there's nothing here because there's definitely something there that transcends like This life that you've got right now, but includes it Yeah
So I last summer had found out about this idea, this Indian palm leaf. If you want to check it out, yeah, the Dr. Q episode, he goes into detail because it's so hard to explain. But the short answer about it is,
Thousands of years ago, sages went into the Akashic records and they channeled information onto a palm leaf about each soul that would eventually want a palm leaf reading. And this is where it gets complicated because you're like, well, wait a minute, how do they know which souls thousands of years ago will want this?
Well, these sages understood how with, I guess, shamans, they knew, and Dr. Q will explain it better than I can, but they knew how to collapse time into the singular, right? They were able to drop into the singular oneness of all time. And so in that they could see who and when people would get these palm leafs red. So Laura Ko
is the expression of my soul in this lifetime and at 51 years old I had the desire to go get my palm leaf red and so these sages thousands of years ago were in a collapsed time space and they could see that I was doing that so in a sense
They're writing it as I'm getting it, right? Because they're in a time collapsed place, which is, it hurts the brain. I know. So anyways, I go, I send my thumbprint to India. I wait some time and these guys come and they found this leaf.
And what that means is that they match me and they say, Laura, your mother's name is, your father's name is, you have a brother, the brother has two children. And then there's remarkable details about this moment, like my son had just had a difficult year, but it was the only difficult year he's had in any kind of recent past that would have made any sense. So if they had said that three years ago, it would have been untrue.
and the difficulty experience they described it particularly right so it was written for me today to receive it in the last six months were. Absolutely accurate on details that were very personal and there is no way anybody could ever have that information.
Exactly. Like some things you'd say, well, maybe that's a Google search or something, but other things it's just an absolute no, like my son, and particulars about his personality that are not searchable. I mean, I'm a Kashuk record reader. I can't imagine that anybody wants to sit around and just Google search people just to mess with them, but just going on that argument because I go there too.
So I receive that there's, I have a son and then they say your ex's partner was Jill and your current one is Jacqueline Jackie and then says, and this is your twin flame. And I'm like, there's a leaf in India.
It was written how many years ago? That I can't get along with in real life to save my life. Like the two of us try and we just cannot. And so, you know, it was a big moment and it said, listen, you two have an opportunity to really be together, but not till September of next year. So this was August of last year. So this winter, she decided to get hers done.
And lo and behold, guess who's on a leaf in India, scratched onto a palm leaf in an ancient language that's not even known by very many people on the planet anymore, but my name. And it's not just my name, but I'm her twin flame. And shockingly, September's the month that we might be together, right? So you're just like, oh my God,
Like what do you do with this information? So it's like the spiritual meets the question, do you want to heal and grow? Do you want to transform? Do you want to rise up into what this relationship is calling of you? Do you want to blame the person indefinitely for the ways in which they quote, treat you that are,
causing you pain or do you want to say this relationship is for me and that it's exhibiting pain points that I can choose to go heal on my own so we don't have to keep you know repeatedly hurting each other and inadvertently.
And to be the best version of myself, which is the expression of my soul self, my full loving self, which if I heal enough, I can be more of myself, right? So it's like, you know, in these moments, it's very much helped me.
Trust, perhaps, that there's more to the twin flame than maybe some internet articles which some point just start feeling like that's not enough information for me to bother with a relationship that ultimately is extremely taxing, right, on a human level. Yeah, and this has not been a, at least as I've witnessed it, has not been easy.
I mean, it really is the, I've always seen relationships as the crucible for growth and really just like burning away the layers of who you're really not to get to who you are. But this feels like it's on a magnitude scale higher. It just has, to me, there's like a different quality to it. And is that really the way you know if you have a twin flame relationship in your life is there's that like constant
friction matched with love of an equal intensity, maybe. That's right.
I had this moment where we had pissed each other off yet again and I had driven out to her house. I think I told you this, but I was just on fire. I was ready to tell her all the reasons she was wrong and why I was right. I was just pissed, tired. I rehearsed what I was going to say. I was frustrated. I got there and I drove up to her place and I looked her in the eye.
I saw her vulnerability and I felt this love within myself and I just said, I love you. And she was like, you know, waiting and ready for me to start an argument. So as I said those words, I felt her soften and then this heightened awareness came back of the reality that probably we're going to get into an argument.
And I just left on that note. I was like, that's all I want to say for now. And so I had this recognition of what unconditional love felt like in that moment. So it's not about us. Twin flames are not about the two individuals. It's about what is happening underneath it.
And so I don't want to sound toxically spiritual like everything's for the lesson and everything's for your highest good and because at some points right it's better that we weren't together and at some points it's better that we're separated because it's just very painful and sometimes can be toxic to a place that's like abusive or unproductive for us. So but the underpinning the lesson right surrendering
unconditional love, letting go, losing great love. What does it feel like, Kevin, to let go of the greatest love over and over and over and over and over, right? And so, yes, it's heartbreaking and also
We're all going to die, right? We're all going to die. We're all going to have to face the struggle of loss. And so there's been a deep, deep lesson. I was somebody who feared losing the people I loved a lot. That's a big one for me. My grandparents were important. They died young. I didn't have a good relationship with death. And it has opened me up so much to that
that conversation and the recognition of the reality of all of us will eventually go, but this connection we have is timeless. It doesn't matter. So yeah, it's not
The Twin Flame relationship is rapid fire.

Self-Love and Inner Love in Twin Flames

It is difficult, but it's a calling to these very profound and very difficult experiences to embody, right? And that's where we have gratitude for each other and we express that frequently. When do I get to know what it feels like?
To suffer losses repeatedly to learn that i am i have a book i'm writing called beautifully broken right i'm beautifully breaking open to more of myself and tomorrow letting go and more surrendering into more of my own self worth into more of my own loving of myself before somebody else and
and on the physical plane where we keep coming back. We keep signing up for another lesson with each other. It's like, okay, I did an interview with Coot two years ago on surrender and we were frustrated with each other and I was doing this interview and I was thinking about surrender. And as I finished the interview, I went to my phone and I got a text and she's like, I'm super focused on surrender right now. And I was like, of course.
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it's like that. So is, so what would you say then is the greatest lesson that you've, you've, you've gotten from this whole process? Cause you mentioned embodiment, like embodiment is, is the deep embodiment of these things. But I mean, what has been the greatest, I mean, to this day, what's been the greatest insight or, uh, learning for you? Um,
it's your relationship to love, to spirit, right? So the profound
palm leaf moments, the dream moments, right? And I have dozens and dozens, as you know, as my friend I've called you and been like, whoa, this happened and whoa, that happened, right? And so they all point back to one thing for me though, which is my relationship to myself in this embodied form. And what I've learned is that I am the expression of energy.
as is she, and I am looking for somebody to fill part of that expression of myself. And I've spent a lot of my life doing that. Some people do it through work. I've wanted it through love.
And that would suggest that I'm not completely whole in that way without love. And for her side of the twin flame, it's the running from it, suggesting that she's not already it, right? And so that's the truth of the twin flame journey is your relationship to the idea of being
I thought that the journey was unconditional love, right? And so we have transactional love, right? I give to you, Kevin, you give to me. And we have unconditional love, which is what I have for my son. But as you know with your kid, it's like, but that comes with loss. Like the most stressful thing to think about, right, is the loss of your kid. This one is divine love, right? Because losing this person this many times and still, right? I can't believe it, but still,
The love is untouched. Untouched, no matter what we've done, no matter how many times we've broken up. So then you say, well, what is the love, right? Where does that exist? It's within me.
It's within me, right? It's not about her, it's within me. And so I am that. I am this untouchable divine love that can't be lost, that can't be found, that is timeless, that other people can't fill up, that nobody can take away, right? So that ultimately for me has been the most beautiful piece of it.
It's beautiful. I mean, because, I mean, it is, is essentially, yeah, you can't be separate from yourself, you know? And that's, I mean, the greatest, greatest discovery. Um, so what are we missing? Is there, I know this is a massive topic and, and I know there's, there's not a, we can't pack everything in, but is there anything that we need to touch on that we haven't that you feel like
If you walk away with nothing else, walk away with this. Oh, that's a good question.
I think that a lot of people are looking for love, right? Or resisting perhaps. And the thing that I think about the most from this whole experience is this sort of spiritual question, right? Like, what are you grasping for in life and what are you resisting, right?
Pain is inevitable. Pleasure is fleeting. But this resisting what is or grasping is where you suffer. And so the twin flame journey for me has aligned me
and help me embody that. So we were talking about that briefly and because I get to experience it through this relationship, I don't have to read about it. I actually sadly lived it. I mean, again, I wouldn't wish this on somebody, but it's beautiful and I'm glad I've done it. And what it's allowed me to experience is that
You can't grasp for love. You can't want this thing. So people out there who are like, I just want that twin flame love. I just want that romantic love. I just want that. It's like in that question, you're then missing the point. You already have it. So I resisted that. I hated that idea. So I don't want to be
single, I like being in a relationship, but loneliness or separation is different from a desire to be in a relationship, right? If you can feel that you're not a separate self, that you are interconnected in the world.
but I would prefer to be in relation is a different energy than I need it. Or if you're the other side of the coin where it's like, I'm good. I don't need anybody. I'm completely self-sustainable. That's the separate self again. We are interconnected. Nobody is separate. You do need people, not in a needy way. We are all one way.
in the question of is this my twin flame or I wish I had a twin flame or also made even, right? I think it's all like begging the point. It doesn't, none of that matters, right? The question is what is within you that's asking that question that you don't feel a completeness or if you've met your twin flame and you're resisting it, what is within you that's rejecting it? And to just stay there and do that work if you want to

Spiritual Insights through Akashic Records

right? If you want to, because it's also, I felt at years like this is a curse a little bit, right? How do I get out of this? Because there's this draw to each other, right? And you're like, oh my God, how do I live with this feeling of being drawn to something that isn't working? But
allowing yourself to have permission that it does not have to happen. It's okay if it doesn't. There's no getting life wrong or what have you. So if you want it, you have to continue to do the work to open up to yourself and recognize
you are the unconditional love you seek, you are the unconditional love you reject, you are divine love, however you want to define that, however far down the rabbit hole you want to go, I guess. So that's what I think ultimately, these are all questions that point back to one
one universal conversation for all of us. It's the opportunity to embody, to experience, to know, not to think, but to know the reality of who you are, which is a spiritual being, energy.
And I've been gifted with that opportunity through this very treacherous and very difficult path. But nonetheless, to your point, the most difficult things don't come sitting on the beach with a martini.
Yeah, I wish they did. Yeah. And it's so wonderful that we get to walk beside each other and learn through this and encourage each other through this because, you know, I mean, Indian palm leaves and Akashic record readings and all of these things are like flashlights that are helping us to illuminate the pathway that's just a little bit in front of us. And you know, one thing I wanted to mention, because I know
other people reading your records and guiding you has been a big part of getting clarity on this, that if anyone is interested in that on a personal level, that the little soul dot school has multiple Akashic record readers who can help you explore those if you feel drawn to that and are interested in that. So just know that there are resources out there for you.
I think that's a really important thing. I'm not very sales oriented, but the Akashic realm really helped me with this a lot, a lot, a lot, because each step of the way giving us guidance, understanding where we were on our own spiritual path. Laura, work on patience and staying on your path, and Jackie's working on whatever she is, and that you got that deeper guidance and understanding through the process.
It was incredibly, and just is this your twin flame, right? Because it can be confusing. It's not necessarily true. And just because you've met your twin flame does not mean they're here to do the work. And I've read twin flames where one of the two is, it just does not look available in this lifetime. So it doesn't mean they won't, but that doesn't mean that you'll get to the union phase.
Right. Well, you know, and we've got, you know, we're timeless beings. So if not this life, maybe another one. It doesn't even matter. Doesn't even matter. Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing this. I know this rabbit hole goes
really, really, really deep. And I imagine we'll do at least another show on this, but just wanted to give people, dip the toe in the water. So thank you for sharing your, bearing your soul and letting us see inside.
Thank you and thank you for being a friend in this journey because it's not been a smooth sailing ride. It's been a wild ride. Yeah, I hear you are. And like I said, we're here, it's like Ram Dass said, right? We're just walking each other home.
And they're all of these adventures we have along the way. And this is one of them. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think regardless of whether your learnings come if they're a twin flame or a soul mate, it's not important. It can come through many, many other forms. So I just want to say that too. You can have your spiritual growth
in so many places with so many people in so many ways. This is what my soul chose in this lifetime. And this is what my twin flames chose in this lifetime. And this is what we decided before we came as our plan. But that doesn't mean it's the plan for everybody. So, you know,
I think some people too feel like if they're not having that experience that that's somehow incomplete in their life and I would again, we all have soul plans and if you want to get a reading too and find out what your soul plan is, why you're here, what you came to learn, I think the Akashic realm does a beautiful job with that as well.
Yeah, totally agree. Totally agree. It's helped me tremendously. Well, my friend, thank you. Thank you for bearing your soul. And friends, we will see you next time when who knows which rabbit hole we will dive headfirst into. But we'll find out. We'll see you next time. Thank you.
Thanks for listening to this week's episode and I really hope that you consider checking out the Little Soul School,, where there's a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and the Akashic energy.
a space that holds all of our soul's histories, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes. Because they're looking for a deeper connection to themselves, a place to experiment and play with spirituality in a non-judgmental, vulnerable, open community of people. No woo-woo, no fluff, just fun and connection. Come check it out,