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Season One Wrap-Up

Soul School
1k Plays1 year ago

Laura and Kevin wrap up Season One of the Soul School Podcast with a conversation about where the show is headed, what projects are in the works, and the adventures that are ahead.

* Join us at Little Soul School, a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and accessing the Akashic Records, a place that hold all of our souls’ histories—everything we’ve done in all of our lifetimes. If you’re looking for a deeper connection to yourself and a place to experiment and learn in a non-judgmental, open community of people, join us at No woo-woo, no fluff. Just fun and connection.

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Introduction to Soul School Podcast

You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session.

Season Finale and Future Plans

Hello and welcome to the final episode of this season of the Soul School Podcast. I am here with my co-host, Kevin. Hey, Kevin. Hey, Laura. Season one, I think this is episode 29. So it's kind of cool to go out on a prime number, right? It's a prime number, 29. You know what? It's only divisible by itself.
Right. Right. I love that small fact. Um, yeah. 29th episode.

Diverse Backgrounds and Spiritual Exploration

We are super excited because we were talking before we jumped on and we wanted to share with you guys why we're taking a break, what this has been so far for us and where we're going with this podcast. Yeah. Sounds like a good plan. Um, so Kevin,
I remember at the beginning, we were talking about doing this podcast and it was so exciting for both of us because you come from a more religious background and I come from a very scientific background. And both of us felt like where we came from wasn't really serving our needs when we thought about spirituality.
And we found this community of people that keeps growing, and I just adore, who are equally, I don't know, somewhere in the middle, right? Maybe they believe to some degree in religion, some of them believe in science, but it's like they just wanted to be able to explore ideas in a non-defined way.

Challenges on the Spiritual Journey

And so in came the Soul School podcast to talk about the ideas we love,
not really have a structure do it in a lot of ways. And, um, also the challenges though, right? Because the, the spiritual path, I think one of the biggest challenges is that it, nobody wants to talk about the hardship, the difficulty, the struggle. So yeah.
Yeah, yeah, for me, it was so cool. I don't remember which day it was, but because we were talking about all of this stuff. And for everybody listening, we talk all the time. And we'd get really deep into these conversations around these really thorny kinds of questions that people have been talking about for thousands of years that seem like they just have no end. It's like this labyrinth, right?
But we had this thought of, hey, well, why don't we just start sharing in these conversations? Because as we started sharing what we were talking about with other people, they said, man, I just wish I could have sat in on that. That would have been cool. So that's actually how all of this happened. It's just to give us an opportunity to dig deep. And we just know that there are a lot of people out there that are the same kind of weird as us.
that despite their upbringings, they are quite really curious, like super curious and aren't afraid to ask dangerous questions, right? It's like our life takes on the shape of our questions from my perspective and they can either be like really surficy, like safe questions or you can go for the big ones and we're going for the big ones.

Integrating Philosophy into Life

That's all that we're really interested in.
Yeah. And then what does that mean in our life? How does that play out? And the goal isn't to become this lofty above life, outside of life experience. And so we're hoping everybody really experienced that with us, enjoyed it, enjoyed the conversations around the different spiritual ideas that we've loved, and then our own struggles and trying to work it out, what that means, how to put it into our life.
And then how it's not working, right? Like a lot of our private phone calls are frustrations and our challenges. This is a fulfilling path, but it's a really difficult one, right? Yeah, it's like one train wreck after another. It really is. But that's what it feels like. I mean, life feels like that way most of the time. So when you feel like you've got a handle on it, something goes sideways, right? You derail.
Yeah. I mean, I think that we, I think it's helpful to have a commitment to all of the messiness too. And like you said, like, what does this actually mean for my life? Cause if it's just talking about ideas, that's great, whatever. Um, but if I can't actually like see my life change, um, what's the point? You know, so like, it's all about practice. Like, like you said, practicality and how do we live this, this stuff out, which is the only thing that's really worth doing anyway.

Introduction to The Still Point Community

When I started my journey in philosophy, going to graduate school in it, it was all about the embodiment for me. It was all about the embodiment. It's like I want to take these ideas out of my head, experience them in my body, put them into life, and they become one and the same with myself, right?
That's really, really, really hard. So you can read these things and we all know we've been there. I've been there a thousand times where I hear the words and then one day you go, oh my God, I just got that, right? Like I physiologically felt that in my body. And now I can start living my life, taking small actions, large actions, using these philosophical principles that have been around for thousands of years.
and are so exceptionally valuable, but just antithetical to how we live our life and how we're raised, so very difficult to incorporate in when the mind keeps suggesting that you're crazy for doing so. It goes against the grain of everything from
the go-get-it-done mindset, outcomes mindset, achievement mindsets, all of the things that we believe bring us happiness, right? If I succeed more, if I do more, if I show up more relative to my friends, I'm gonna be happier. My life will be great. And it's like, that is just not true. And we've all been told.
On repeat, we're still being told everywhere you look that that is the way. So to let go, to shed, to come to that place, right? And for me, as you know, it's that still point, right? That sort of place of
stillness within oneself. I talk about it all the time, the T.S. Eliot poem, but that in that stillness, the dance of life exists, right? So it's not stillness in the sense of rigidity or being fixed or knowing truthfully. It's that you go within yourself into the magnificence and mystery and endlessness of the unknown that's
impossible to talk about, but that creates the tension because when you go there, your mind is not very happy with you because you can't explain it. It doesn't make quote sense. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, totally. And as you were saying that, I had this image of rather there being like one point in the middle, because where is the middle, right? It's almost like the empty space and everything can be buzzing and zipping and there can be chaos in the midst of this empty space, but it's the empty space, right? That is the total pure stillness that everything is happening. And I love it because you're right, it's both.
It's like the philosophy, which if you think about what philosophy is, it's just, it's the ideas around, well, what makes a good life? What is a life worth living? But then the embodiment part of it, like it's the merging of those things and the fulfillment, like you said, the embodiment of those things that is most important.

Developing a Community of Spiritual Learning

It really is. You mentioned the still point.
We should talk about that. Because this podcast actually spawned something else called The Still Point, which is a community that we're beginning to really go deep into. Do you want to talk about that? Yeah, so we have a community that we're really excited that we're building
And in part, the reason we're taking a break from the podcast for a little bit is to just take in everything that's happening in the Stillpoint Program. So real quick, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, I had this idea that I wanted to create a community of people organized around the wisdom of the Akashic Records. Everybody talks about the Akashic Records.
Well, not everybody, because it's kind of not that well known. But people talk about it to some degree. And I thought, where am I getting all these ideas about what it is, and what a guide is, and what the Akashic realm is, and what is a library of your soul mean? And what is purpose? And what is a soul's purpose and a soul plan? All the things we've been talking about on this podcast have come from my understanding to some degree through readings, but also from people who have studied this before me.
But I don't know of anybody who's gone in the Akashic records and downloaded from the Akashic realm. Who are they? What is their view of all this stuff? And I was like, I want to do that. I want to create a library of Akashic wisdom on the human plane, but mostly because
I want to better understand these ideas and principles, to better incorporate them and embody them in my life. Because I really believe we've inserted so much humanness into these philosophies of judgment, right and wrong thinking, that it becomes really hard to live these principles when we're a little misinformed, perhaps. So I thought, well, what if we have a community dedicated to
to learning and growing and healing and practicing in the records. People want to get better at it. They've done my level one class or they've done the level two, whatever. They don't want to necessarily be practitioners, but they're looking for next level tricks to practice. So it's a combination of Akashic wisdom, community experience, meeting other people who are weird like us, as you always say, and learning this technical skill set.
And the hope is that in season two of Soul School, we will be living and breathing this content for a couple months and bringing, I think, forward conceptual frameworks from it to discuss how that's changing our worldview, how we're seeing ourselves in that context.

Valuing Community in Spiritual Exploration

So how do you feel about it so far? We've done two Stillpoint classes. Where are you on it?
Um, so I'm really excited about it. First of all, um, the first one was scary. Um, we, we ended it thinking, wow, what, like, what, what, what is this? What have we gotten ourselves into? Cause it was thrilling, exhilarating, but like, wow, this is, this is, it feels like diving and diving into the deep end of the ocean. If there is a deep end to the ocean, I'm really excited about it because
mostly because of the community aspect of it. We're learning together. We're growing together.
You know, so much of what's happened in our life globally over the past several years has been like this sort of fragmentation, people being isolated. You know, there's more knowledge than ever before. Like everybody's taking online courses, reading books, all these kinds of things, but it's like bringing people together to connect with each other. This feels like a very important part of that, a very important part of my own life where, you know, we're moving together.
and community learning together. And we're actually learning this stuff as they're learning it. There's this whole, to me, feeling of uncharted wilderness rather than
taking somebody else's map and going into the wilderness and to go sightseeing, you know, things that people have already seen. But it's to actually explore, like really explore where there aren't even trails. You know, somebody may have left a pile of rocks along the way with an arrow, but we don't know where the arrow goes. That's what it feels like to me. And I don't know, I just get the sense
in whatever you want to call it. The spiritual community, people that are seeking truth in different ways, they're all kind of coalescing into this same kind of stream of, oh, we're doing this together. The spiritual journey isn't a journey of one.
as far as individuals, it is a journey of one, like the total one, like all of us together. And this field, that's what I'm most excited about, you know, because that's my jam right now is how can I not be some isolated guy in central Oregon who's trying to, you know, discover the meaning of life, but we discover it together. We're walking each other home, as Ramdha says. So I'm excited. I'm excited about it.
I love it. I love it. Yeah. I think what you said resonates mostly with me too that it's quite terrifying in certain ways, but going up in front of a live community and asking the guides questions and not knowing where it's going, not knowing what we'll receive and reacting and being part of it in community, right? This isn't scripted. This isn't
I mean, one thing I've learned about the Akashic realm is that, you know, they lead and I follow, right? I ask a question, I have no idea where it's going to go. And that's exciting and exhilarating and to be part of a community of people dedicated to wanting to discover
these truths together and then think about how that may benefit our lives and heal ourselves and others in a collective way. I think that's why we're here. I think that's what I'm trying to do. And to your point about being alone and isolated,
Yeah, I spent many years in cafes typing and working and kind of my own thing and my clients and whatever, but this feels very special to me too, to be sort of live in front of such a big community. On the internet, there's thousands of people, but it's like this podcast you don't get to touch and be with and see and connect with. We hung around at the end of last class and just
Chilled with some people from the class and talked to them and it was like that we both said that was like our favorite part was just Having that time to connect, right? Yeah, and I think that not only is that what everybody wants on some level I mean, it's really what we need is what I need
I can only speak for myself, but it feels very, very important. It feels very important to do a really timely thing to be a part of right now.

Season One Reflection and Gratitude

Who knows what the second season of this podcast is going to be like once we come out of that creative phase.
And that's how I see all of this. It's life as play, it's work as play. It's like the creative process unfolding and like the excitement comes from not knowing what it's going to be and just like allowing it to show you what it wants to be, which sounds very artist-like. Sounds like something Rick Rubin would say, just going to let it be what it's going to be, man.
You know what? He's right. Well, thank you, Kevin, for these glorious 29 episodes. Thank you to the audience for sticking it out with us, for participating, for people all over the planet have joined us. It's so beautiful. And I'm just deeply, deeply grateful. And to close out this last episode for this season to say,
You know, we look forward to coming back and sharing what we've learned and continuing to move through this journey with you guys. Um, so Kevin, thank you so much for participating with me. Yeah, you're welcome. I'm not sure who was the sidekick here.

Invitation to Join The Still Point Community

I think it was me, but it's been an amazing, uh, fun season one. I can't wait to see what season two is like. So everybody stick around. You'll be hearing from us again really soon. Thank you to everybody listening and that is a wrap.
Ever wonder if you're on the right path in life? Or if there's a better way to connect with your soul's purpose? If so, we invite you to join us in The Still Point, a community devoted to accelerating our soul growth together. Join Laura as she channels guidance from the Akashic Records on life's biggest questions. You'll also learn how to access your own guidance and connect into your deepest being through guided meditations.
And most importantly, you'll do it all along with hundreds of fellow seekers from around the world. You can learn more at LittleSoul.School slash StillPoint and join us for the next gathering. That's LittleSoul.School slash StillPoint. We'll see you there.