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Indian Palm Leaf Readings with Dr. Q (Part 2) image

Indian Palm Leaf Readings with Dr. Q (Part 2)

Soul School
670 Plays1 year ago

This week’s episode is a follow up to Episode 17 with Dr. Q of the Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute, an organization dedicated to bringing millennia-old Nadi readings (aka Palm Leaf readings) to the modern world.

It all sounds too far-fetched, like something out of an Indiana Jones movie . . . until you hear the incredible story Laura has to tell about her own direct experience.

It’s an incredible story you don’t want to miss about ancient technologies, the timelessness of the Akashic realm and deep connection we all share with each other.

To learn more about Dr. Q’s work visit:

* Join us at Little Soul School, a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and accessing the Akashic Records, a place that hold all of our souls’ histories—everything we’ve done in all of our lifetimes. If you’re looking for a deeper connection to yourself and a place to experiment and learn in a non-judgmental, open community of people, join us at No woo-woo, no fluff. Just fun and connection.

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You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session.

Exploring Indian Palm Leaf Reading

And welcome back to Soul School. We are here with Dr. Q for another episode because I can't get enough of the Indian poem leaf reading. So thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your time so we can dive a little deeper into some questions that I personally have. And I know whenever I talk about your wonderful work, people ask me and I'm trying my best to articulate. So I thought it would be fun to have you back. So thanks for joining.
Thank you, Laura, for having me back. It's always a pleasure and an honor being on your show and just chatting with you. So thank you. Thank you. You're so sweet with your time. And I know this is something that you do as a service. I have experienced the palm leaf reading.
for anybody out there that doesn't know what we're talking about. We did an episode so go check that out because we went through it in detail, how it works, why it's so magical and mysterious quite honestly. But today I wanted to chat a little bit more about some of these details that I find really intriguing because it brings up for me this very spiritual
question these conversations that we're having on this podcast about lifetime being a spirit living in a physical 3d world, etc. And so help me understand I walked in to get my leaf red. And it happened on a particular day. And on that day, the reading picked me up from where I was in my life at that moment.
So, how does that work? Because the information was relevant to my life in that particular moment in my

Understanding Palm Leaf Readings and Akashic Records

life. And so, you know, if this leaf is sitting there, one would wonder how is it exactly timed to the moment that I'm getting the reading, right? That's a hard one to comprehend.
And a good mutual friend of ours explained it to me, but I thought maybe you could help explain how the idea of time works in terms of how these leaves are written and received. I think at the same time, if I'm understanding it properly. Exactly. Yeah, that's what I think.
Let me go a little back to set the groundwork and then we can dive in from there. Perfect. These rishis, Maha rishis, Maha rishin is great sage. Thousands of years ago, we actually do not know exactly when because there is no written records of any of this.
They meditated and we utilized the power of the gods they knew. And because we're talking what is now known as India, because at the time there was no India, Hindu gods and Hinduism is different to the Western religions that we might know. They utilize a god because it stands for a particular situation or a block. So it's literal. I pray to this god because this god helps him with X.
to overcome that or achieve something. Lakshmi, goddess Lakshmi, represents wealth, not just financial wealth, wealth in general. Ganesha, another guy with an elephant trunk that you can see in my back, is here to help you overcome blocks in general. It's like a trailblazer, a bulldozer that goes ahead of you and removes all the obstacles so you can whistle behind him as you have a clear path
to walk on. I'm just giving a few examples so you have a better understanding. Shiva and Parvati being, Shiva being the ultimate god, not in Hinduism and his wife Parvati, they stand for family unity. So whenever you've got family issues, you will pray to them because they represent a perfect unity of husband and wife or doesn't have to be male and female, just partnership.
and so forth. So these rishis, and there were hundreds of them, not just one of two hundreds, 18 of them in the southern parts of India were referred to as, and here is a picture. Indeed, you watch it on YouTube. Otherwise, I'll explain this to you. There are eight, there are pictures of 18, there's a picture of 18, the main Maha rishis and the guy in the middle is called Agastiyar, as he's the guy who wrote the most leaves.
They, through the power of these gods, it tapped into the Akashic records, and that's the connection between what you do and what this is, because ultimately everything is connected to the Akashic records, really. And then they downloaded the message, and if we may, I said the premise here, Akashic records is like a compendium of all knowledge in the ethereal world, to keep it simple. Now we're explaining things. And so they tapped into it and downloaded it for a soul in particular, so it's not for
The universe, it's for Laura and not for Laura when she's 10 or 15 or 45. It's when Laura is ready to receive the message. Indian palm leaf reading, that's what we do. And that's the term that I created.

Dispelling Misconceptions about Palm Readings

hoping that the people in the West would understand better what it is that we do. In the end, comes from India, palm leaves, so they won't mix it up with tea leaves or the palm of your hand, and yet I receive messages left and center. Can you please read my palm? Do read my website and then come back to me. And reading that there is some sort of reading involved. So that's the Western way of explaining things. But in India, we call it nadi reading or nadi astrology.
Nadi has many meanings, but among those, Nadi means seeker. That would be a person who seeks the message, which means leaf, where the message is written on. So the palm leaf cut into pieces and the message was etched into it. Nadi also means pulse, representing life, you know, human, humanity, life, cycle.
And now it also means the exact moment in time when the message is divulged to the seeker and not a day before, not a day later. That is when you're ready when it sinks in to receive the message. And the message is not meant
for us to feel good about ourselves, to feel special. Oh my God, I'm a chosen person because I am a person who has a message, which regrettably has been abused by some people who do naughty readings. You're a chosen person. That's nonsense, man. These rishis didn't do that to boost our ego. They did it to help us to help at the exact moment in time when you're ready to receive the message.
In one sentence, a reading is here to help you create a better life trajectory for yourself. Better. Whatever better means to you. To me, I was extremely sick in my life. I've been in hospital more than most people. A thousand needles up my veins. I know what pain means. I know what it means to be in hospital. And I know what it means to knock on Evan's door and be rejected a few times because I'm still here.
So it's here to help us to make it better, whatever it means. It's raw, not sugar-coated. It gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly. What you do with the message is up to you because we all have free will and choice,

Dr. Q's Spiritual Journey and Personal Insights

period. Our lives are not set in stone. If that were the case, we all will be puppets. And I refuse to believe that I'm a puppet. We're meant to make choices. That's part of being a human.
Hopefully many times you make the right decision, but sometimes you make stupid decisions and the wrong ones. And then we're, you know, we're alive to rectify those as we grow and get older and hopefully wiser. So they're here to help us when we're at a crossroads for whatever reason, health issues, money issues, relationship issues, or just curiosity is also okay. Now. Time. Yes. To tie this over time.
We're gonna go deep into the rabbit hole now. Please, I love it. I haven't done this for a long time. That is my own conclusion, also talking to my readers. They might not go as far as I go, but that is how I understand time, and that is due to all the work that I've done.
to become a better human given all the health issues I had. I was lucky, if I may use the word lucky, having been exposed to death as a teenager already when I had cancer, I realized not right away, boom, but deep down, I realized there is something that's bigger than us because at 16, I was diagnosed with cancer. And of course I was depressed and I was scared and I felt being left alone and abandoned, of course.
And I spent six months as an inpatient over the period of three years. And I had all of its surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, you name it, needles up my veins, hundreds of them. But at 19, and I saw people die, I saw people die in the room that I shared with.
And I saw people die when I was in a revolution in Iran, because we had to flee the country too. It was scary as hell too. But it was a short event. Boom, everything goes nuts. And for those of you out there who do not know who I am, I know my dad is Persian, so I grew up in Iran, and my mom's European, blonde and blue eyes.
And my dad is more like Omar Sharif looking like person. If you're ever more mature, you might know who Omar Sharif was. He was a handsome actor from Egypt. I think he was originally. And so we had to flee the country. We had to appear. Otherwise, my dad, for sure, would have been executed. And most likely, they would have just executed all of us because my dad was influential and wealthy. And then the cancer thing happens. And so I realized observing death and having knocked on the door already twice at that age of 16 to 19,
I was like, okay, how, first of all, first it was a God by me. I mean, what the hell have I done on my kids? I haven't even started life yet, if you wish. But when they released me then from the hospital in a way, I remember the
main physician who looked after me, who became friends with over the years. She doesn't see that many kids surviving, you know, there is a bond. It's like a motherly bond between her and me. We're still friends today. She said, Q, she said, you know, you're good to go. You're in remission and God willing, you will never come back. Well, I have to go back all the time for the checkups, but not as an inpatient anymore.
So I was a God, why me? So how come I survived? And they did not. We all got the same treatments. We all went to this specialized hospital. And so there's got to be something behind all of that. And so for the rest of my life, until now and until I die, I'm sure I spent a lot of time and energy trying to pierce that veil because I know there is something that we cannot see. There is a curtain and some poking at it all the time through various different
Avenue, so I spent time with shamans in the Amazon, went to John of God in Brazil, who's the most famous medium in the world, raky evening therapies, group therapy, you know, a dark room of meditation, the passion of the whole nine yards, just to see what the hell is going on, and cannot pierce it.
And it took me years. I'm laughing because I feel like that's my entire life goal is to just poke at that veil as well. I think some people are just organized to want to know what is on the other side. So that's the, I just wanted to explain to the audience why I'm giggling a little bit. I just, I totally relate. So anyways, I interrupted. So you're, you've, you're interested in piercing this veil and understanding.
through shamanic help. That's the first time that it happens. Now I can do it just meditation sometimes, not all the time because it's not so easy. I was able to go deep down and become one with the universe, period. One. Scary as hell, I admit.
But at the same time, wow, it's once you know, as you go deep into it, it's it's like a roller coaster and what's going to happen? Will I be pooping myself? Will I lose everything or not? Because it can happen to what do you mean by shamanic health? What what what was done to help you get there? Well, shamanic medicines. Yeah, there are quite many of them out there. And I've tried all of them to just
But was there a particular guide or was it like just through the medicine itself? No, no, no. I went to shaman. Yeah. In the Amazon. Yeah, yeah. So. But they guide you into it or they just give you the medicine and it does it for you on its own? No, there is somebody's there. And well, I don't speak Spanish because they end up speaking English. So he was doing something in preparation.
And given modern technology, even though there is hardly a reception in the jungle, hardly, I was somehow, you know, able to, because I speak Italian, this guy speaks Spanish, so we were so similar, and somehow we figured things out. And then you go into it, done. And there's several different
vehicles that you can use, that you can drink. And just maybe the

The Illusion of Time and Oneness of Existence

most famous one is Ayahuasca, which I've done dozens of times. But there are other ones too that you can recognize. And just to drink it alone makes me gag. But that's a separate issue altogether. But when you're in there and you are beyond thought and beyond it,
It's just, wow, because there is no me, there is no you, there is no couch, there is no jungle, there is no snakes, there is, you know, because I was in the jungle, it was scary too, all these crazy noises out there. And yet it all goes away. And you know that you are the universe, you know it, you know it.
You know that there is no you and there is no me. You know it when you're there. Because there is no thought. There is bliss. It's beyond description. I wish I could describe the emotions that you have. Because as soon as you describe something, there is a thought and there is words and then you create something. So you're beyond that, beyond all of it.
And when you're there, and I've been there now quite a few times, also through meditation, by the way, no shamanic help needed at all. Much harder, but it's possible. And now I know why these yogis in the old days were in caves for years upon years, because you can reach that point too again. It just takes hard focus and allowing things to happen.
That's when I realized that the starting point of any of this, the building that I'm looking at, the danny that is right across from my apartment, our conversation, the computer, any and all of its relationships, money, starts with a thought. Because when you're there and there is no thought, and you're one with the universe, at some point, reality, whatever you call it, starts getting back in. And the beginning of that is a thought.
when I try to describe how I feel in that state. And as soon as I have a thought that hooks, you know, gets hooked, and I wanna put a meaning to that thought, I say, beautiful, bliss, scary, something, you know, boom, then you're not there anymore because now you have a thought
in you and the way to make a thought, a tiny little thing if you want to compare a thought with a grain of sand, tiny, nothing, one of them. And we got 6,000 of them, I think, per day, a lot. That goes away and the reality comes in. And then you start creating things. So that means speech,
is the tool that we use to create this reality. If we don't have a thought and don't utilize speech forward, like putting names on things and giving meaning to something, then is there a sun? Is there an earth? Is there a universe at all? Is there God? Is there Laura? Is there Dr. Q? No, there isn't. It's all one. It's one. I assure you this. I've been there enough to know that that's the case.
So when you're there, all of a sudden I was like, oh my God, if that's the case, then I, I created my brother, my mother, my brother's kids, my ex-girlfriends who get on my nerves and those who don't, the friends, those who betrayed me, you know, those, all of that, I created to just have this experience.
And so that's my own personal point of view that we're all one.

Thumbprints and Life Journeys

And I was like going deeper and deeper into it while I was in it. And I was like, oh my God, that means I was Hitler too. And then I woke up and said, oh my God, I don't want to be Hitler, but I am. So that means him and I, you know, we're also one, just we're creating whatever we're creating.
And that is when I realized if we are all one, that means there is no time, cannot be, cannot be time. If you're there, if you're one, if you're the Akashic Records, if you wish, or if you want to call a big, which we do not know what it is, then you might get bored because you are in a bliss, you want to experience something.
And I do know when I come back out of these deep spiritual journeys that I've gone through a lot, I'm saying hundreds of times, I've done a lot, not just once or twice. The next day is like a new living. I eat.
breakfast on every fiber that I have. The coffee, the croissant, the dissonance, oh my God, this is just beautiful, amazing. And it reminds me of my cancer years when I had chemotherapy. We were talking a long time ago when I had my therapy, now I know it's not as harsh as it used to be.
but you know, you poop and you vomit your guts out all day long. I mean, I was exhausted, the pain and the migraines again, you know, you vomit a hundred times, like a lot. And then at some point there is nothing that comes out anymore. And then, and I was a kid and you just exhausted because, if you do this all day long after the chemotherapy kicks in, but then the next morning,
And I was exhausted and at some point you just fall asleep because your body is kaput. The next morning you wake up, I ate breakfast. I was like, I'm alive. I want to suck it in. So it's kind of like a similar emotion to that. You went through a death and then you came back. So when we're all one, that means time, the way we perceive it cannot be the way we perceive it cannot be. Because if everything's one, everything happens at the same time. It must be. Only us
Because we are in this form, shape and form as a human, in a biological form, we need this biological form automatically means there is a beginning, the journey and an end. That's it. It's got to be that way.
because nothing lasts forever. And because of that, we have time to be able to somehow experience whatever it is that we experience, our lifetime, the lifespan of humanity, the universe, you name it, all of it. Small things and big things. You start drinking a coffee at some point, you finish it. That's a small thing. You enter a relationship and you hope it didn't last your lifetime, but sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. So it comes, stays for a while and then goes away again.
When I realized that, that everything happens at the same time, there cannot be time at all the way we perceive it. And we're all one. And that is when it clicked up there, especially when I did these readings. And again, it's by pure chance that I ended up getting a reading myself 10 years ago, which we talked about, I think, in the last episode.
So people started asking me, how can I be? How can this be and why is that and this and that? So I was going to my own in a little motions and meditation and that's when I go, of course, of course, everything happens at the same time. That means
And as a personal example, when my girlfriend at the time, when I was in the ICU 10 years ago, because of my heart issue, I connected the dots in the ICU saying, okay, the reason why I'm sick so many times, must have to live with karma. And my girlfriend visiting me said, there is palm leaf reading, you can do palm leaf reading. I said, what's that? She heard about it on local Hungarian TV somehow or radio, I don't remember.
And I said, why didn't you tell me this before? You know, I'm a sucker for this. I do anything, anything that's crazy out there, I do right away.
And she says, I told you, I told you a year ago. I was like, impossible. He said, I promise you, I told you a year ago about this. And that is when I realized if you're ready, you hear it. And if you're not ready, you don't hear it. Because then I realized I also read a book by Deepak Chopra called The Book of Secrets, which he wrote more than 20 years ago. And a chapter of that book talks about his own personal, naughty reading.
It went in and out right away, it didn't sink in at all. It was like, aha, okay, so a thought. And now that I have a thought, because I heard what you said, and then when you have the thought, you create a universe, because before that, it doesn't exist. And only when you have a thought, something comes into existence. Before that, nothing exists, nothing. We're just one.
And so when a thought comes in, all of a sudden, just with you, with the work we did too, when you start down with the cash records, it goes in one ear and out the other for most people. But for those people, where it hooks, it stays, the thought, you create a new reality for them, because all of a sudden something that did not exist before now exists, cash records. So we can talk about does something exist outside of us or not? Well,
That's a huge discussion by itself. So when I realize that there is such a thing, then what do you do about it? You need to manifest it and bring it out into what we call reality gear. And when you submit your thumbprint,
That is the act that follows your thought to bring it into existence. So, boom, you put a thumbprint so that the reader, that's the person who can find it and then read it to you the message, can identify your thumb and category name. Now, the moment you do this, you bring it into existence. That moment
At the same time, two, three, 4,000 years ago, because time, the way we know it, we just established doesn't exist. There is no past, present or future. It's all compressed into one. Only our little brains cannot compute that. So hence we've got timelines. Starts writing it for you. Then for you to receive the message at the time that you're ready to receive it.
Now, I'll go even deeper than the rabbit hole, because we already talked about that, saying that we're all one, so there is no Laura, there is no me, because you're not actually one, just experiencing whatever you're experiencing for that big entity out there, because you and I are just tentacles of the same thing, allowing us to just
live. Some of us live it the way we would deem productive, giving, loving, caring. And some of us turn into a-holes and do crazy shit. But that's in reality to the big thing up there, also just an experience. That's what I had to come to understand as well. So from an experiential point of view, it makes no difference if you are Gandhi,
or Hitler. It's hard, and I don't want to upset anyone, and I'm Jewish background, so don't get me wrong. I'm just talking about being up there. It's just an experience. It's different to how we are here in this world. But once you're up there, whether you cut your finger or make love to a person that you love, it's just an experience.
them up there. Yeah. And I will say like, you know, in the Kashuk record readings that I do, which is the world that you're in, which is super cool to me to think about that they're, they're sort of from the same place, but there's never judgment. There's never judgment. There's never a right or wrong. It's wild. I mean, it's darker, it's heavier. It doesn't feel as good, but it's not wrong. And it's a very beautiful way to see the world through this perspective, even if somebody is doing something that we might deem as
putting a judgment on. I've never seen the Akashic world, the Akashic record hold judgment about an act. They just, it gets heavier. That person's life may not feel so great to them. And that's maybe a reason that you might want to make
changes or what have you, but the actual energy of the Akasha does not deem it as bad. Like you'll never hear, oh yeah, you shouldn't do that. That's wrong of you, right? You'll hear, well, that's going to feel heavy and, you know, and it will result in these things, but you know, you're free will. So it's really, it's really a beautiful and interesting way to see the world. Yes. So, um,
going back to what we were with the thumbprint and the Maharishi as we've discovered, discussed that it's all one. In reality, 3,000 years ago, whenever there was the Maharishi who is Laura,
starts writing message for Laura to be read to you in this incarnation or in this reality that you're in now to help you. So in reality, for lack of a better term, you wrote it for yourself to guide you because we're all one to just help you in this
experience that we call life as a human being. I mean, it's so wild, right? It just our brains truly can't

Modern Science and Spiritual Insights on Time

comprehend it. I was thinking when you were speaking about a
conversation Rupert Spyro was having with a very brilliant mathematician. And they were talking about how eight years ago time and space has been debunked and somebody won a Nobel Prize for the new science and math that it no longer even exists. And yet most of us don't even know that that's a fact at this point, even though somebody won the Nobel Prize for this work. And it's not that it isn't true that you and I are sitting here at a particular time, right? Otherwise,
we wouldn't be able to function. We have the system that tracks the clock. And so you and I can show up on a Zoom call at a specific moment so that we can function. And as you said, clearly, you plant a flower, the flower dies. Things have a period of, quote, time that they are here. But in reality, we are just repeating presence. We are just in the energy of
this experience and that just repeats itself. And so this idea of time as an actual universal truth outside of clocks and schedules and organizational systems that work for humans really isn't a real thing, but then our little brains try to comprehend what that means or what that looks like.
And it is deeply troubling for the brain to start to shift perhaps this idea that our future, for example, the next hour, you and I are going to have a version. Every single person on the planet has a version of what they project forward as potentially what they think should happen, quite honestly, over the next hour, traffic, conversation. But it's really just everybody's imagination projected forward.
reality will happen as exactly as it's going to happen and we are all just participants in whatever is happening on repeat, right? And then the past, I mean, truly it's just my version of that past, even if I just organize it with one different word than you do. We just had a conversation five minutes ago
and your experience and my experience are ever so slightly different. So there's no singular past right from that perspective. We're all organizing the previous moments towards our own vocabulary, our own meaning. So
that conceptual framework though is extremely difficult on the mind, right? It's just like, what does that even mean? So thank you for explaining it. That was a beautiful roadmap to think about the complexity of what it means. Because for those of you who are still new to it, I sent my thumbprint and I walked into this reading. And in that moment that I'm getting the reading,
it's picking up my life at this age with the circumstances of my life. And there were particularities for me as an example, but my son typically had a very relaxed life. It hasn't been particularly challenging in too many ways, but that year he had had a particular challenge with a particular set of friends and there was some jealousies and some strange
behaviors happening and they literally picked up on it and nobody would know that. It was just that year. Had I gotten the reading two years earlier, wouldn't have made sense. Three years later, wouldn't have made sense, right? So it's picking me up in this moment and moving me forward. So that explanation is wonderful.
So I want to move on to a different topic about these dots that we have on our thumbs and that they're opening and closing in a lifetime. So we send our thumbprint in and everybody has a couple, two or three dots, two dots. And then a third adult after the age of 2025, because it's not precise science,
an adult human, some of them are adults earlier and some of them are later, but about 2025, you have three. So every adult human has three dots. So we explained it in the previous podcast, I don't want to have you go through all of that again, but but the fourth and the fifth, and you said there's up to seven or eight potentially, but you haven't met those people. No.
What are some people that understand, you know, these are not physical dots, they're energetic dots. So you don't have dots in your thumbprint. But when the one, yeah, because some people say, Oh, I don't see any dots and he has energetic dots.
So it's important to understand that the secret in a Nadi reading, the secret is in your thumbprint. That's important. Without thumbprint, we cannot find it. And again, you need to think back then, a few thousand years ago, people couldn't read or write. So these Maharishis, again, us, because we're all one, but let's talk about them as separate entities. These Maharishis were very smart, thinking, how can we connect the individual to a leaf?
and make it secure. Well, easy. We use your thumbprint because that is the...
identifying factor that only you have your thumbprint and I have my thumbprint. Kind of cool, I think. They already knew that so many thousand years ago. So when you submit your thumbprint, then they also realize that there are category types. So there are similarities and there are 108 different category types, 108. And they come in different
What's a good word for that? How in different constellations, these 108 different types come in different constellations and they have a meaning. The only thing in a reading that cannot be changed that you need to accept with all your heart, it's not good nor bad, is your thumbprint category, type your name. Because it's your genetic imprint, it's your baseline, and it explains your soul's journey
in generic terms and yet pretty detailed. And it's here to help you understand why certain things are the way they are.
And a thumbprint category name, a thumbprint name is usually two parts, three parts, four parts, sometimes five parts. That means as you get older, the energy shift from the first part to the second part to the third part. And depending on how many part name you have, usually people have a three-part name. Some of them only have two and some have four or five.
That means if it's a three-part name, your life is in trimesters. So every 30 years or 25 years-ish, you shift from the first section to the second to the last. And it helps you understand what certain things are.
the way they are. If you are born, and I'm just going to use a couple examples so people have a better understanding, urusuri means one energetic circle, literally translated. And if you're born with that, you're pretty blessed because those who are born with urusuri
They are high achievers usually. They have good academic grades. They're naturally born speakers, leaders.
you know, they can be a professor, a shift leader, a manager, you know, it's in them. They can attract people. If you think back then, so when people have Urusuri, and I have Urusuri in my thumping category name, when you think back, when you were a kid, you know, because it's from zero when you're born until about 2025, and I think you too know, as far as I remember your Urusuri as well. So when you think back,
Were you the class president? Or were you the popular gal in class? Or were you running a club? Things that the average school kids wouldn't do. You're not chosen, you're not super special, but it tells you
your soul's journey when you're Uru Suri. Did you graduate from university? You can graduate summa cum laude, which means straight A's, which I did, but it just means you have it in you. It's a potential. Whether you utilize it or not, again, it's up to you. You can still screw it up. You can still bum about and do nothing. But Uru Suri gives you already a gift.
There it is. You have the gift of speaking, you got a gift of leading, you got to have the gift of academia, do something with it. Most do, but you know, you got three women choice, you might not end up doing, you know that. Or you can have vadi vata, vadi vata, which literally translated means the black and white stripes of the zebra and block. So when you look at the zebra, you know, the actual animal zebra, you see the stripes and block.
which if you just literally translate it, you do not know what it means, just like Urusuri won an energetic circle, but you need to understand a deeper meaning of it. So if you have a varibhata period in your life and you're old enough, mature enough to look back,
That means you have periods in life. It's like an undulating up, it's at the up and down of life. You have to overcome blocks, hurdles. So those who have urusuri, they're old enough to look back in their lives, they had to overcome obstacles. Sometimes a project, if I may use the term loosely, works out, boom, there you go. That means you're in the white period. And sometimes, no matter how hard they try,
they hit a wall and then next thing they slide through it and then hit a wall again so it's an up and down and up and down and those are vadi vata and have moderated god knows how many readings
They say, oh my God, now I understand. When I was 25 to 50, my life was crazy as hell. I won, I lost, this, that, divorce, that, boom, boom. So your soul was meant to experience blocks. Now the good thing is, which I keep telling everyone, especially those- And your soul meaning like all of your incarnations.
No, no, your reading is for now, for this lifetime, for this incarnation of Laura now. Yeah, yeah. But when you say my soul is, is it true in other lifetimes as well? Is this like my thumbprint of my entire soul's history? No, no, no, no, no, no. Only now. Only now. Only now, okay. Yes, for now, correct. And so when they think back, they know, oh, now understand. But

Thumbprint Indicators and Spiritual Gifts

if Varevata is ahead of them,
because they're 40 and it says between 40 and 60, oh my God, I'm about to enter varivata period. I said, look, it might mean that you will go through big ups and downs in your life in the next 20 years, but the good news is those who have varivata learn how to overcome blocks and obstacles. And the reason why you had to go through varivata is to learn to grow, to become a better human.
And only when you go through pain, and I know personally what pain means, you can relate to pain. I can. Had I lived the life that I was destined to live, quote unquote, as the oldest son of my father, with millions of dollars just being given to me, you know, because my dad was very wealthy.
I would have never gone through a hardship, never. I would have had servants and a chauffeur and this and that, the other, but I went through shit in my life. Sorry, I use the S word. And now I can relate to pain. If somebody comes to me, I know exactly what the person is going through. I might not have had the exact same pain, but how do I know what pain means or obstacle means or overcoming obstacles means? So when you go through that period, you learn.
Again, it's an option. You're free will and choice. It's up to you. You can, I don't know, collapse and become depressed and I don't know, drug addict or alcoholic, or you grow with it. And when you come out of it, you can be, because usually after varivata, when you have at least a three-part tempering name, comes one that is associated with healing or leading.
like Maghuda. Maghuda can be part of your sampir name, and Maghuda means crown. That's quite literal, so I don't need to explain that any further. It can be meant in society a leader, but it also could mean a spiritual leader. It could mean somebody who can teach others, guide others, lead others.
Magura also means literally translated the seventh chakra. That means very spiritual. You will be connected with the universe and you can help others to connect with the universe because you've got Magura.
It's an option. It's a potential. Whether you do it or not, it's up to you. But that is your journey. So that is the thumbprint, just a few of them, because it's quite complex and that in itself is a science. So that you understand what thumbprint names mean. It's your general journey through life. There's 108 of these names.
Correct. 108, yeah. And they come in all sorts of different constellations. And in my lifetime, maybe I had 60, 70 different constellations so far. There are some that are very common, the constellations, and some that are very rare. We only had them once. And there are so many of them we never had yet because they're very, very rare.
So some of the 108 are less common and some of the 108 are more common. Correct. Some of them come very often, like varivata comes often. I mean, what's often those that happen?
uh, more, uh, more commonly used or, uh, then Mahler, when you're connected to, uh, white Lotus, um, that's what means God is Lakshmi. So it's very complex. It's very complicated, but very interesting. It's just amazing. Cause when I observed the reading then afterwards, after we explained in every reading, by the way, we explained your thumping category in detail.
And then when you have your reading, and if I'm the moderator, and I teach every moderator to connect the dots too, because when you then have your reading, and then you connect it with your thumbprint name, you're like, oh my God, okay, I understand. You always bring it back to your soul's journey, which is the only thing you cannot change in the reading, everything else you can.
So you can utilize the good times, which means times of opportunity. They show you the water and say, look, this is a good time to do X, move, find a partner, get pregnant, expand the business, change business, whatever it is. They tell you that. Yeah. Whether you do it or not, it's up to you. But they will also tell you there's a block, not good. Health block, relationship block, marriage block, child block. I don't know. There are so many blocks that you can have.
but they give you a tool afterwards to help you overcome the block because everything in life is energy. And again, we'll go deep down into the rabbit hole and how we manifest those energies into what we consider good and what we consider to be not so good and challenging like health issues and all the rest of it. So, but each one of these thumbprint category names or each thumbprint per se has dots and three dots to every adult human being.
And each dot represents a different area of your life. And all three dots combined represent the human being. So the third dot, for example, is the dot that develops the last. That means kids and juveniles and people that are, you know, 20, 22, 25, maybe don't have it yet because that's your family dot.
It's you with your new marriage partner kids. Obviously, as a 16-year-old, that dot isn't here yet. And then once you're an adult, then it shows up on the leaf. You say, okay, your third dot is here. And you can, and it tells you whether it's open, so there's no block, or it's a little block, it's a really block.
for each one of these dolls. And if it's open, I always say enjoy. That's it. And it tells you what you can do to make it even more open, invest more time into spirituality, you need to buy a property so you're more anchored, you know, whatever that is. And
The max you can really reach would be 100%, but 100% means you're an angel and have wings. And for that, both of us are too young. So 90% as humans is already maxing it out. And the closer you get to 90%, the more perfect things are from an energetic point of view for you now. It can go down again. It can go up as you progress in life. It's because it's from today's point of view, how the dot is now energetically speaking.
But beyond those three dots that every adult human has, you might have a fourth dot or even a fifth dot. In this case, you are a five-daughter, a very rare breed, I should say. A fourth dot is the real gift dot, I should say, because the fourth dot is the dot beyond you. Three dots is you, your life.
How is my spiritual challenge doing? How is my money doing? How is my career doing? How is my education doing? How is my health doing? So that's you. And they tell you, okay, because you don't have parents anymore because they already passed away. The dots in which your parents are goes down. That means the max you can reach in that dot is not 90% anymore because both of your parents are dead. So the max you can reach is 70%. Isn't it good or bad? It just is because

Old Souls and Karmic Duties

it represents your reality today.
But the fourth dot, there is no energy level to the fourth and fifth and sixth dot anymore because it's either there or it isn't. Period. What you do with it is up to you. It gives you a potential, a gift. It's a gift, really, and it's up to us to utilize it. And I know that you're doing it because you do what you do. The fourth dot is the healing dot, is the dot beyond you.
It's the God that helps you connect with other humans. Heal them, guide them, protect them, do whatever it is that you can do as a forward daughter. It's a gift. It's amazing. And only, I don't know, 10% of all people who get a reading have a forward thought.
there's not very many have have a four dots and there is no energy level it's either there or there is a period you can connect with the four I don't know hemispheres you know anything that's four you can connect with those the four yugas if you wish the four vedas so it's a big dot you know it's it's way bigger than you are and
It's a gift that you're being given, what to do with it, up to you. And then the fifth dot goes a step further than that, and I would say out of, if 10% have a fourth dot, 1% has a fifth dot, then that is free to connect with the five elements. You can tap into those five elements, they're energies, you can utilize it.
hopefully for the betterment of humanity, because it's a healing dot, fourth dot, healing dot, fifth dot, healing dot, because it's beyond you. Family reading is here to help you, to tap into the power that you have as a healer, as a giver, to be on the righteous path. You know, Dhamma, that's my driver in life, is to be Dhamma, just to give and to be of help. And so that is the five dots. So either you have it or you don't have it.
the time you have a reading so that means you can have the first reading and there is no fourth thought or fifth thought and then you do another reading at some point later boom there is a fourth thought for you now can you lose it yes you can because we can screw up everything in life we can we can always you know turn the wrong to you know the left instead of turning right we were told turn right and yet we turn left well
You have free will, you have choice, you made the wrong choice. So the reading is here to show you, look, there is the gift that you have. This is the direction looking from today's point of view as you get the reading. From the moment you get the reading until there is no more writing on the leaf. That is in general what the reader can see as a blueprint, as a compass, as a map for your life. That is where you're headed. If life were linear,
But it's not, of course not, cannot be. But if you see that journey and you're like, oh my God, I like this journey, then you got to do something for it.
to make sure that the ship actually goes that direction, your ship, because you're the captain. And if you don't like it because they're full of blocks, which is also fine, doesn't really matter if it's a lot of blocks or whether you're already blessed or not, more advanced or not, enlightened or not, who cares? It's from today's point of view, the reading is here to help you create a better life trajectory. So if you see a lot of blocks in life, well then do something about it because we just told you,
It's a lot of blocks in your life, you know, marriage block, or if that's of interest to you, health block, money block. And the good news is you get homework remedies, poojas, to help you fix those so that you then can turn the ship and bring it into the direction that you want. So either way, whether you're already open,
or not makes a difference. Everyone has the same potential to get to a better place. Now allow me to go deeper into this because you want it just to be deep in a rabbit hole, which I can talk about for a long time too, but these are written
for old souls period old souls either you are a second last lifer so that means one more life to go or last lifer period younger souls don't have a leash you can be a remark shot soul
That means, you know, last lifers have a special duty because it's the last time you were mandatorily, if you wish, sent here to grow. Mandatorily. No negotiation. You've got to do it. And once you do, you know, you are, you do good things because that's the ultimate goal for any soul in my humble opinion. Good things. Be good.
help, support, be kind, you may reach marksha, marksha means liberation, which is something completely different to enlightenment. Enlightenment can be reached as a human now. Marksha is something you need to go through the cycles and then reach eventually if you did all the things that you're supposed to do. And that's the reason why, for example, I do what I do, because I want to make sure that I never come back.
If we meet up there and I, on a good day, sipping a pina colada under a palm tree, I say, you know, Laura, let me just go back. Cause I think these people need some help. Shoot me on the spot. You have. Oh my God. I say that all the time. I'm like, what am I thinking? I apparently came back here. Yes. And your remark is, means you were already there. Last life done. Mandatory rebirth finished. Done. You're.
You are already Moksha, you hang back in your hammock, you sip your Pina Colada, palm trees, you know, whatever. And then all of a sudden you wake up and say, hell, you know, it's boring as hell. Let me just go back. That means re-Moksha. So you come back, you are a time traveler, light worker here to help others.

Using Readings for Personal Development and Conclusion

It comes with, you know, special duties. It's a gift. What you do with it again is up to you because you got free will and choice. Even now that you've been in Moksha and came back, you still have free will and choice. You can still screw it up.
You can still be against the boss and whatever in a drug addict outcome, or you can help. The one person that I referred to, Reverend Bill, he went through hell. It was not easy for him at all. So that is very old souls. Get a reading. Young ones don't. Now I need to go even deeper than that because there are four yugas. If you have a four daughter, you can connect to the yugas. And I do not know if people out there were listening to this know what yuga is. Yuga, to keep it simple, are time periods.
similar to the seasons to keep it simple and there are four of them and now this very moment we are in Kali Yuga which means the dark times we're in winter now it's winter good news is that we're the tail end of it we do not know how much longer winter continues to bug us but not that long i've heard people say 30 years
People say 100 years, who knows? But each one of these time periods is thousands of years long, 16,000 other people cannot not even agree on that, how long it takes. So we're talking a lot of years, thousands of years in the human way of thinking of time, because in reality, there's no time. So these Maharishi's then do read because they lived in Kalayuga too, they said, you know what, we need to help
those more willing, more open souls during Kali Yuga to create a better life trajectory for themselves. Because in Kali Yuga, the dark towns of right now, only a minority of humans are more open.
I had to use the word advanced. Let's just call them open, ready to receive. The majority of humans, 75% are in the dark. 25 are in the light, 75 are in the dark. So 25% of humans need to carry the 75%
through the dark times, that's a lot of weight. And in order to help those 25%, they wrote these leaves so they can create a better life trajectory, bring the ship in the right direction, and as they do so, help others in the journey to bring them into light. And within those 25% that are in the light during these dark times, only the old souls, because you can be a young soul and still open to receive, only the old souls get a reading, have a palm leaf written.
Do you understand? So that means a small portion of 8 billion people eventually get a reading done. Well, it doesn't make you special. It doesn't. Very important for me because people say, oh, I'm special. All of us are special or none of us are special. What you do with it is special. That is the, to me as a human, that is what makes me say, wow.
you had potential and you did it. It makes no difference, what good does it do if you have all the potential and you screwed up, then no good. You got the potential, you got the opportunity and you do something with it, that makes me say, wow, period. So that's why you had a reading, I had a reading, and what you do with the information again is up to you. I ended up doing this,
Did I plan doing it? Hell no, because had I known 10 years ago that I would be working my cute little tushy off, I would have said, no way Jose, no way. Thank you very much. And yet I'm here doing it because I do it with all my heart. Anyway, I love what I do and it makes me feel good that I can help other people.
And so it's here to show you the potential that you have. It's here to give you direction, you know, a push, maybe. Look, there is you have Magooda in your head, in your thumbprinting, you know, Magooda is very important to do something with it. Some people do and some people don't. That's just the reality of it. But we're here to help them go, you know, in the right direction.
Oh my God. Well, thank you so much. I feel like we could climb in this rabbit hole for hours and days and weeks. But I just want to say, I've definitely learned a lot. I very much appreciate your time.
It's such a special experience and I really appreciate, it's one thing I work on so hard at the Little Soul School and in my work, this idea of enlightenment or older souls, it's not better. It's not hierarchical. It's ridiculous to think of it that way. I appreciate your perspective. It is so much about what we do with it and also there's no meaning behind
one's willingness to do this stuff. It's because you're here and you can and there's a beauty to that. So thank you so much for sharing. Thank you for your time. Thank you for what you do. It's been a really beautiful opportunity for me and I hope everybody listening, you know, if you feel like this is you and it would help you in your path and it speaks to you to reach out if you want to tell them maybe again where they can find you.
Sure, it's called, The cost is a hundred bucks for the search and four hundred dollars for the reading itself, but you only pay a hundred bucks and then you've got to wait a few months until you find your bundles, you know.
Patience is a virtue, as we know. Once we find bundles for you, the average search time is two, three, four months, give or take. I cannot really predict how long it takes, because it's a physical act. Then you pay $400 for the reading.
Yeah. And this is a nonprofit you should know I personally make in 10 years I made zero dollars with this zero. Yeah, that's crazy. And, and honestly, too. So anybody listening knows, you know, it's hours and hours and hours of time the actual reading itself. Yes, fine.
Three to four hours, yeah. There's three people in the reading. So it's a really special process and opportunity if it is something that speaks to you. So thank you again. So fun to chat with you. Thank you for sharing your time today. The owner is online. Thank you.
Thanks for listening to this week's episode. And I really hope that you consider checking out the Little Soul School,, where there's a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and the Akashic energy.
a space that holds all of our soul's histories, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes. Because they're looking for a deeper connection to themselves, a place to experiment and play with spirituality in a non-judgmental, vulnerable, open community of people. No woo-woo, no fluff, just fun and connection. Come check it out,