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Your Soul Plan Might Be Written Down…on a Palm Leaf in India image

Your Soul Plan Might Be Written Down…on a Palm Leaf in India

Soul School
739 Plays1 year ago

What if your soul plan were written down somewhere right now like a blueprint, and you could read it? Turns out, you can. In this episode, Laura introduces us to Dr. Q of the Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute, an organization dedicated to bringing millennia-old Nadi readings to the modern world.

It all sounds too far-fetched, like something out of an Indiana Jones movie . . . until you hear the incredible story Laura has to tell about her own direct experience.

It’s an incredible story you don’t want to miss about ancient technologies, the timelessness of the Akashic realm and deep connection we all share with each other.

* Visit the Palm Leaf Institute for more information.

* Join us at Little Soul School, a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and accessing the Akashic Records, a place that hold all of our souls’ histories—everything we’ve done in all of our lifetimes. If you’re looking for a deeper connection to yourself and a place to experiment and learn in a non-judgmental, open community of people, join us at No woo-woo, no fluff. Just fun and connection.

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You're listening to Soul School with Laura Ko and Kevin Kaiser. On this show, we dive into life's biggest questions. Who are we? What are we here to do? And how can we fearlessly live as our truest, deepest selves? Soul School is the spiritual education you never received. So if you're ready, join us as we explore together. Soul School is in session.
Welcome to this week's episode of Soul School. I'm Laura Ko, your host, and I am here with Dr. Q. Hey, Dr. Q, how are you today? Hello, Laura. Thank you so much for having me today. I'm doing very well. Thank you.
I'm the one who should say thank you.

Understanding Indian Nadi Readings

I am so excited. We were chatting pre-show, and I mean, I could just spend hours and hours, which we may do at some point, but Dr. Q, you're here with the Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute. Tell everybody a little bit about what this is. I got the benefit to try it, and then we're gonna chat a lot during this show, but if you could just explain in your own language, because I do a terrible job of it, what is an Indian Palm Leaf reading?
And how does this work and who are you in this process? How did you come to it? So I guess first, sorry, that's a lot of information. What is it? And then how did this come to your life? Sure. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story and the information about naughty readings with the audience, the soul schools, podcast participants, your tribe, your family here.
Now we call it Indian palm reading because I had to create a term that in the West would be understood better. Indian, I thought people would understand it as to do with India palm leaf. So they would understand there was a leaf of a palm tree involved and they would mix it up with the palm of the hand or tea leaves. And yet I get still a lot of messages. Can you read my palm? Like dude, read what we do and then send me a message.
and reading that there is some sort of reading involved. So, Indian palm of reading. No one in India calls it Indian palm of reading. We would call it Nadi reading or Nadi astrology. Among other terms, I just don't want to overwhelm the audience with too many names, but Nadi has many meanings. Nadi means leaf.
Nadi means seeker, so the person who seeks the message on a knee. Nadi means pulse, representing human life. Nadi also means the exact moment in time when the message is divulged to the seeker, not a day before, not a day later. So hence, nadi reading or nadi astrology. And the reason why it's also called astrology, as part of it, only a small fraction of it, refers to the planetary constellations in your leaf.
That's the reason why the reader and the reader is the person who can find your bundle, your book,

Historical Roots and Preservation of Nadi Leaves

find your leaf and then read it to you. That person is called a reader. He studies up to seven years to become a reader.
He needs to study ancient Tamil. That's a dead language that doesn't exist anymore. He needs to be able to identify thumbprint names. He's a fully fledged Indian astrologist, which now in the West is known as Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology is a fairly new term, came up in the 70s when Ayurveda became hip in the West.
So they converted the name Indian astrology to Vedic astrology to sell better, I guess. Now that I've been doing it for so many years, I understand that Vedic astrology and Indian astrology is more precise than Western astrology. So my apologies to all the Western astrologists out there. He has to study gemology.
numerology, Ayurvedic principles, a lot in order to become a fully fledged reader. We can talk about a reader later on, too, so they have a better understanding. Now me, in case you have noticed it out there, I'm not an Indian dude, I'm a white guy. So how come a white guy does what is intrinsically a Southern Indian thing?
Southern Indian, because legend has it, there is no written record of it, that 3,000 years ago, give or take two, 3,000 years ago, sages sat down in meditation.
meditated to the gods they knew within Hinduism. This is not a religious act that we do, not in readings. But of course, again, you've got to think 2,000, 3,000 years ago, say you sit down, what did they know at the time in Southern India? That's all they knew. That was their universe. So they utilize the power of their gods that they knew to tap into the Akashic records and our little connection between what you do and what we do. To tap into the Akashic records, download the information. And then, etherically, I guess, if you wish,
dictated to their disciples to then be written down on something. Well, 23,000 years ago, there was no paper, so they utilized what they had in abundance palm trees. And they're big, huge palm trees with huge leaves, so very different to the one in California, because I go to California all the time.
They're really big, and then they cut them into pieces of about 10 inches long, give or take, 10, 15 inches. They're not standardized. And about an inch or so wide, then they took a sharp tool and etched the information into a freshly cut leaf. No ink used, so perfectly biodegradable. They utilized what nature had there for them. And when the leaf dried up, the message came through.
That's amazing, first of all, right? Like just to think about spending the time, I can barely handle typing most days on such a prima donna to actually spend the time. It's an art, absolutely. Yeah, that's beautiful. And then they dry up. And the next question was, how can we store these because the dried leaf is very brittle. Yeah, what they did is they connected
Similar souls, they created soul families and put similar souls leaves in a book or bundle. And then they used the bark of the tree to create the cover, the top and the bottom. And then they tied it together and these books and bundles are now stored for the most part in Southern India in archives, libraries and archives.
or the audience to understand what a book or bundle is. This is a book or bundle. We've created it as a demo thing because the originals won't leave India. But since I do a lot of shows, I travel a lot and people of course want to see it and touch it.
I remember in the old days, I brought a real one and I told people, please don't touch it. It's several hundred years old. What do people do? They touch it. Suddenly it cracks. I said, no, I'm done with this. So we can recreate it things in another plastic. And it's called a Booker bundle. And these books bundles are stored in archives. And when you think of archives, you think temperature controlled.
water dispenser, security guards, folks, none of that is the reality of things. For those of you who have not been to India, I'm just opening this up for you to have a better view of it. That's a copy of a real book. So all these leaves are real, just copy it onto plastic so that they travel with me.
Yeah. And for people listening, right, these are really thin, long strips. And they're, I saw mine, they're a little brittle on the edges. Well, I guess mine was sort of old. Correct. Yeah. And they have this writing in them. It's pretty amazing. I have to say when they showed me the literal leaf, that was pretty magical to see.
It is Mexico, yes. And the language used is called guaranta or ancient Tamil. So where the office is is now considered to be southern India, a state called Tamil Nadu. It's a big state, twice the size of California for my US friends out there. 85 million people live in that one state alone. The southernmost tip, and like California, it's a coastal state. It's elongated with the big difference being it's on the east coast, not on the west coast of India.
And Tamils are different to the rest of Indians. For those who have not traveled to India, there is one common language that most Indians speak, and it's called Hindi. So it doesn't matter which state you live, you travel, you can communicate with other Indians.

Dr. Q's Personal Journey and Health Crisis

Tamil Nadu is the only one that does not speak Hindi, period. So even as an Indian, when you travel to Tamil Nadu, you enter foreign country, period. If a Tamil moves outside of Tamil Nadu, they enter a foreign country. And the language that they use in order to communicate would be English.
That's it, or English, Indian accent in English. That is where the state is now. And so these things were created way before India became India. And Tamil Nadu, the state that is now in India, it's kind of like the US federal system, same thing in India too, as you go to federal states. And that is the original India. Every Tamil, I'm very proud to say, we are the first, the original India, the rest came later.
Speaking differently, a little darker, they're primarily vegetarians. It's the most spiritual state in India. It has, per capita, more temples than any other state in India. So it's a different universe that you travel to when you visit India. It's totally worth a visit, but it's different to the rest of the country in many ways. So in that state, what is now a state, these sages sat down in meditation,
And there were hundreds of them, hundreds what we call Maharishi. Mahar means great, vishim means sage. And those of you who watch this video, I brought a picture that I bought at one of the temples in the state, representing 18 of the hundreds of sages that brought these leaves. These are the great 18 sages. In the middle, his name is Agastyaar. He is the most famous one of them. And there is another picture of just Agastyaar.
He was more than just a sage. He was a poet, an astronomer, Ayurvedic god, you name it. He knew a lot of things about many things. And among them, he was able to tap into the Akashic records and have these things written. So if you ever get a reading, most likely your first reading, because you can have several readings in your lifetime, would be from Augustine. He's like the GP, if I may use the medical term. He has remedies for almost anything under the
under the sun. And the central parts of that state is what we would consider the birthplace of Nadi readings. So again, a big state, the central parts of it, and the temple that's associated the most with it, or the town that's associated most with Nadi readings, is called Vaittishvarankoel.
and that is where close to it is where my office is in India. So I have a brick and mortar office there of course because everything happened in India. My life duty, my calling if you wish is to bring it to the west so that you do not need to travel to India. So you have an ethical authentic experience with real readers and even though I'm a big India fan I also have to be honest with you
Most readers are not real. They would sell you almost anything for a quick buck. And that is, I guess, the case with almost anything in India. You've got to be very careful who you entrust with your reading. With us, you can rest assured that my readers are all swamis at the very least. And swamis are highly evolved teaching readers. And one of them is a guru, Guruji, which means the chief reader. An institute can only have one guru.
So out of respect, the other other Swamis who could be gurus too, they could be, they were given the honorary town of Guru Guruji. They remain a Swami out of respect to the one Guruji that we have in our Institute, but they're all hand-evolved readers. So that's a little bit of the readers and where it is all located, geographically speaking, and why they used leaves. So now you know why we call it Indian palm leaf reading. Beautiful, beautiful. And the language is Tamil. So today they speak Tamil in Tamil Nadu.
But then 23,000 years ago, they spoke Granta, which is also known as ancient Tamil, which means that language doesn't exist anymore. Similar to Greek and modern Greek and ancient Greek, a modern Greek person does not read, write or understand ancient Greek, and yet modern Greek roots in ancient Greek, you would go to university and study ancient Greek.
and due to my academic career, not that I ever had to suffer from ancient Greek, but I had to suffer from Latin a lot. So I was pretty fluent in Latin, forgot almost a lot of it, but it hopefully gives an understanding what a reader needs to study to be able to just read what is written, not yet understand, but at least be able to read what is on the leaf. So that is geography, history a little bit, and how come I do it? Well, first of all,
I'm a white guy, my mom's Austrian, she's European, my dad's Persian. And I grew up in Iran, 79, some of you might be wise enough, it's kind of wise enough to remember that there was a revolution in Iran, it's 1979, we had to flee the country.
I grew up as a kid of a very wealthy guy, not Muslim. My father's family are Baha'is. And had we not fled the country, we would have been tortured. And my father for sure, but most likely us too, would have been killed. So there was no option to stay. And we fled the country. Since my mom is blonde and blue eyed, you know, in Austria, we fled to Austria.
in August of 79 that is. So I know how it feels to be very wealthy with servants and the chauffeur and all the rest of it, but I also know how it feels to have no money at all, like zero from a lot to absolutely nothing. Overnight we became paupers and my mom became the breadwinner and we were lucky to just, for her mom, my grandmother, to still be alive so we stayed with her in her small apartment until my mom gradually was able to.
Establish yourself. My father never survived the shock to the system. He was depressed for the rest of his life and he was far from being the breadwinner in our family. He was a great guy. I think we were lucky to have him. But the shock to his system was way beyond what he could handle.
And then I was in Austria as a teenager. And some of you might remember another big catastrophe that happened in 1986, the biggest till today in nuclear catastrophes known as Chernobyl. And that was in April of 1986.
And the nuclear cloud traveled and dumped its waste 1,000 kilometers or more than that, 1,500 kilometers away onto Central Europe. And Vienna, Austria is in Central Europe. And that is why mini me, still being a teenager, got cancer. So I was in hospital for three years from age 16 to 19, six months. It's a long time as an inpatient.
over a period of three years, a thousand needles of my veins, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, you name it. And of course, when I was 16, I said, God, why me? I mean, I'm an innocent kid, why would I die at school at this nonsense? And then I, of course, saw people die. I saw people die during the revolution in the early stages and on February 7 and 9, when it started, and I saw people die in the hospital too. And then at 19-ish, when my physician, my main physician, who is now a dear friend of mine,
I said, you're good, you know, you're released now. And I said, God, why me? So how come I survived in these poor souls and I shared the room with some of them did not. And that's the beginning of my spiritual journey, which I've been on now for, I hate to say for 30, 30 years. So that gives it my age. I do not want to keep sexy with Botox treatments, but, and that's a joke too, by the way.
So I pursued a regular career, I come from a physician's family, so most, almost everyone in our extended family is a physician of some sort. Would I be a physician now? I think so, but three years in hospital cured me for life to ever sit with voluntary in a hospital. My brother's a physician, you know, he's a surgeon. My cousins, you know, my grandfather, they all are.
But I was done. So I pursued an academic career. And I enjoyed it very much. And so the Dr. Q is not a joke. It's not a stage name. When I got my PhD on my way to get my PhD, people started just calling me Dr. Q just for fun, I guess. Your PhD in what topic? In law, in international law. I was an academic. I taught. And I enjoyed it. I must say I really did. Teaching kids is a calling for the red tape that goes behind it. That's 80% of the reality.
bore the hell out of me. I'm not a structured person at all. I just couldn't cope with all the nonsense that was on behind the scenes, which you, when you're a student, you don't really see. And so I gave up on that. I couldn't stand it. And so I started a travel business because travel is my other big passion in life.
And it became fairly big, I should say. We ended up in Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the 500 fastest growing businesses in the United States in whatever that was, 2008 or something. They interviewed me. That was kind of neat, but I was in academic travel. In 2009, 2010, some of you might remember that, too, there was a financial crisis. Everything collapsed. And my multimodal business collapsed, too, because people stopped traveling. So again, I've built up my life.
on a big trajectory and then everything collapsed and I had to file for personal bankruptcy, man. So I know it feels how to make money and I also know everything. It was not an easy time, I'm telling you. I thought, oh my God, I'm reliving my father's life, I'm 79. So very stressful, I'm telling you. But I knew the power of the mind and I knew somehow this will get me where I need to be in life. It took me years to obviously rebuild myself, which I did.
In the meantime, so that's why I tell you this, is I met a girl from Hungary and I started dating her. I am talking to you today from Hungary. I'm still living Budapest, capital city of Hungary. Please come and visit. If you haven't been here yet, I can highly recommend. My passion is travel up into way over 100 countries. I've been almost everywhere you can possibly think of as a professional traveler, if you wish, but also as a seeker of just exploring things.
And when I was dating her 10 years ago, I did not feel so good. And she said, you need to go back to Vienna, Vienna Budapest, Vienna is the capital city of Austria, and that's where I was as a teenager. Budapest is about three hours, two and a half hours away, kind of like New York City and Washington DC, if you wish, not so far, and yet worlds apart. Hungary is a poor country, Austria is a very developed country. And so she put me on a train 10 years ago. In the morning, I remember I was sweating and the chills,
to put him on a train and said, you've got to go back to your cancer hospital, not knowing that she saved my life by doing so. So I will go to my cancer hospital and they know me, you know, oh, Dr. Q, welcome back. You know, if you survive as a teenager, of course, you know, the physicians and the nurses. And of course, it's for them also exciting. And I've been going back there forever, ever since I had my cancer, too, for checkups. So this time I go and say, I don't feel so good and I do not know if something is wrong here. So the check
with a major checkup and they said, Dr. Maude, you got to stay here because you're terribly sick.
And I said, really, I've got to fly to Frankfurt in three days. The chief card cardiology is shouted at me and said, Dr. Moyet, I think you don't understand that you're alive is a miracle. You will stay here now. You cannot go anywhere else. I said, really, I don't feel so bad. If you see me, I'm very fit. I really am a fit guy because I look after myself. I have to. I'm in pain would be otherwise not be able to do what I do. And that day when the physicians said you have to stay here, I collapsed.
And then they gradually figured out what the issue is. I had myocarditis, which means an inflamed heart muscle. I had water in my heart sac. I had pneumonia and water in my lungs. Not knowing because I keep very fit. I meditate every day. I do a lot of sports just to, you know, my body's my temple. And ultimately they couldn't help me much. And they just shoved me into the ICU. And I remember, because my mom told me afterwards, she came and visited me because she lives in Vienna.
She told me afterwards, well, they told her all we can do is just sedate him and hopefully the best. That's it. Wow. Wow. And for and for weeks, I was in a delirious state with extremely high fever and I must have been I forgot the Fahrenheit now.
we're talking 42 degrees celsius it's you do not know whether it's day or night or i try to remember it's a hundred and must be 107 or something a Fahrenheit i'm talking uh you know you just profuse your sweating they had to change my bedsheets five times a day um so it was not easy either but i survived you know i survived and my girlfriend the lady that i moved to Budapest for
She came and visited me and she said, Q, I think you need to do palm reading. I said, what is that? I said, well, I told you about this already a year ago. And I said, really? That's odd, because I'm a sucker for anything spiritual.
I didn't hear it. But then I was ready to hear it. I said, okay, if I survive it, I'm going to go and see if there is a leaf written for me. Because I realized when I was in the ICU, this must have to do with karma. I think this, after I'm a pretty good person, I'm a helper. Money's not a big travel for me, really. I don't seek anything material per se.
It's not of interest to me, period. So I thought karma, and then I did survive. Otherwise, I won't be here talking to you today. And I had my reading done, and it blew my mind. And I don't say this easily, but it blew my mind. I've done a lot of spiritual things. I visited John of God several times in Brazil, and I spent a lot of time with the shamans. I want to just say too, like just quickly, but I've done so many spiritual things, like I completely relate to you on that.
I mean, I'm the person who's like, just try it once, right? That's how I came into the Akashic realm. I didn't know what the Akashic records were. I was like, whatever.
blew my mind. I mean, the Akashic record reading I got blew my mind. And this is obviously from a similar system. And I, I mean, it's from the Akashic records, but it's done so differently. But it really, it is mind blowing. I mean, you're you, like, actually, the term, right, like mind blowing, like your mind actually can't comprehend what is happening, right? It actually speaks to something so deep within your spirit, your soul, your heart. And then the way
It happens. It's not possible according to what we understand. So it truly is like, you know, we use that term lightly. So I just wanted to pause there because it's like.
There's things where it's like, wow, that was so cool. That was really interesting. But it's truly mind-blowing that there's somewhere across the world, and you'll get into how this works, where you can get this kind of insight with very little information, very similarly to the way an Akashic record reading works. It challenges your
our belief system. It challenged my belief system in information outside of our physical realm experience, right? Yes. Big time. I understand. Big time. Yeah.
And so my road of recovery wasn't easy either. I could not move. Like when they released me after a month and I spent a long time in the ICU, I could not move. Like literally I could not lift my arms at all. I could not. So it took me 10 years, it was 10 years ago to be able to do what I do now when I go to yoga again every day and I, you know, to go to the gym. And I could not.
And again, Emeshe Meshe, she saved my life. Otherwise, I would have collapsed in Budapest and Hungary is a
even though I love Budapest, but it's not a very developed country. I had a lot of privacy throughout the treatment that I needed. So I would be dead now. Unbelievable. And as I was doing on my road of recovery, I got my reading done, and it was an amazing experience. And so I shared it, who you shared with first, friends and families, oh my God, it's just mind-blowing what I just did.
And they know that I'm an enthusiastic human being because they go and do all these crazy things in their minds and it's like, oh my God, you did another thing, another one of those. But they wanted to get a reading too. They said, okay, well, if it's that cool, I want to get a reading done too. So I said, cool, so let's go to India. And that is when I realized that most people in the West will never go to India, period. So very few people in the West, India is a magnet. But to the vast majority of a Western person, India is a no-go zone.
So they wouldn't. So then that's how we figured out how can we still, how can I help friends and family in getting in reading without having to go to India. And that is what we started with Skype, you know, in the old days, it was in Skype and I asked the reader, can it be done? And he said, sure. And then I sat in every reading because I realized that they didn't understand the Indian English, English.
And then he's like, what did he say? What did he say? What did he say? So I said in every freaking reading, repeating in Western English, so they would understand, at least phonetically, what was said. And by doing that, I realized that most of them also didn't understand the message, the deeper meaning of it. So that is why we have now in our institute, the Western moderator, as we call them, and you had one yourself.
It wasn't me, regrettably, but that is why we have a moderator in every call because there is the reader who doesn't speak in English. We have an interpreter, both of them sit in my office in India.
And a person holds your hand from the beginning to the end, and we call those people moderators, which I train myself, not just to when it comes to being an accent, but they need to understand the deeper meaning of a reading so they can help you, the seeker, to make the most of it, of your experience of your journey, as some movements you might hear, but not understand at all. Like we had our discussion beforehand, what does certain things mean? And they're trained to explain it to you so that you can
really take on board this beautiful experience, the gift called the naughty reading and make the most of it in your own life. But we're going to get to that point too. And that is how it all started. And that's now 10 years ago, give or

Bringing Nadi Readings to the West

And eight years ago, we put it into a legal system, into legal structure, because I at some point realized, oh, this is not just a hobby anymore, me helping friends and family, because they sent their friends and their family. And I was helping a Joe Blow, no idea what this person is. And mind you, though, in my reading, my reader told me in a bi sentence, and by the way, you're going to bring this to the West.
I thought, man, I'm a white guy. I'm here to find healing, to overcome my karma. I have no interest whatsoever to ever do business again. I still was chewing on recovering from the major loss that I had a few years before that. I said, thank you, but no, thank you. And now, holy moly, what he told me at the time has come true. I mean, we run a big institute that not only supports seekers from across the globe to get an ethical, authentic reading from the comfort of their home,
What I'm helping is my life's journey, I guess, duty calling. When we put this into legal framework and we're legally based in the US, of course, accounting goes to the US, banking goes to the US. And we're now in the process of creating an actual foundation for the preservation of this beautiful ancient wisdom called Nadi readings.
And that's also because a person a couple of years ago had a reading with us who does this for a living. And he said, Dr. Q, what's your legal framework? What you do? I said, well, that's the framework. He said, man, you must have a foundation. That's how it works. And that's what he does for a living. And this guy is helping us setting it up as a foundation in a proper way because the accountant who set it up, how it set up our institute is in, I don't want to get into that.
They're not so good people out there, even in a spiritual setting. And he took advantage of what we're doing, not only stole money, but it doesn't matter. It is what it is. So we're now being a foundation. And so here we are. I mean, supporting my Indians and their families, they have a full time job doing what they do. And I promised them at the time, I said, look, guys, it's going to take a while because nothing happens overnight.
I will heavily overpay you so that you can continue doing what you're doing without losing them to Western jobs. India is a very fast changing country. What was once like a shaman for a town reader
is now not so high esteemed anymore, highly esteemed anymore. So they go, they've lost their status to some extent. And so they become IT people or call centers or whatever. So we've lost a lot of talent, a lot of wisdom because they're pursuing webinar jobs. And by the way, every single one of our readers that are Swamis, which means they spend 20 years minimum doing what they're doing. And I've had tens of thousands of readings, each one of them, they are, they have a university degree.
business, engineering, whatever, but it's their calling to do what they're doing. And so I'll do my best to preserve that. And now that we've grown so much, I also support, we as an institute, we support an orphanage in the town that the brick and mortar office is in in India. So whoever gets the reading, please know that your support to us means the world to me.
as I'm supporting, we're supporting the Indians and their families and the interpreters, of course, in India, and the orphanage and the Western moderators. And I do this for free. We need to know that too. I don't make a single dollar. I just found that out today. And I have to say, I'm kind of blown away by that. You're welcome.
that, um, you know, we, we in the West have a bunch of things we can do. Uh, we can go to mediums or Kasha Gregor readers or get a massage, whatever we're going to do. It's a hundred, $200. And, and so when I first heard of this, I was like, $400 is, is substantial.
But when I saw what you guys did for the money, it really is an incredible service. I mean, the process takes hours. There's multiple people there. There's a time between and we're going to get into what this system looks like. But there was a time in between.
where you guys are looking for the leaf. I was met by three people on a call. I received back video transcriptions. So when you really think about how many hours are put in, it's an incredible deal, to be honest. So I first start off thinking, wow, I'm really investing here. But it's really a substantial amount of work that goes into it. Way more than you might think, yes. Way more than you might think.
So, well, then walk us through. So, let's just use me as an example. I did this, I was asked to give my thumbprint, so I stamped my little thumb in a million different directions so that you have a nice thumbprint, sent it over to you with nothing else. And so then what happens from there? They take my thumbprint and they go and look for
this book the bundle yeah booker bundle and this would be called a book written by agastia that's the guy that i showed you before those of you watch the video you see the picture the guy in the middle is called agastia so in a bundle you would only have leaves written by one sage
great sage Maharishi, and it's female or male. So the system today is the exact same way as it was 2-3,000 years ago. Again, you've got to think historically, put historical glasses on. 3,000 years ago, people couldn't read or write. So then Rishi said, how can we make sure we can connect the leaf to the person? And that is how they came up with the thumbprints. So you don't need to know any, you don't need to read or write at all.
As you submit your thumbprints, again I can go deeper into the rabbit hole too here because I know we like talking about that. There are 108 different thumbprint category names. 108. 108 is a holding number in Hinduism by the way. The reader looks at your thumbprint and identifies your thumbprint category name. That is why we need your thumbprints.
And then he goes on a search for bundles of books in those infamous archives and libraries that I told you about before to find a book that contains only leaves with your thumbprint category name. These archives in reality are dusty back rooms in a family home. That's an archive.
They're big state-run archives too, by the municipality or the state of Naminadu. And I'll be nothing by now to all of them. But the real deal where you will find these bundles are in somebody's family's home, the bedroom. Oh my God. So you said that they, so to go find them, cause they're all over the place. To go to physical search. There's no specific like library. You said they use their intuition and I'm intrigued. Cause I'm not sure I saw, I listened to you talk a little bit to prepare for our show, but
What the hell does that mean? What is their intuition? Do they tap into the Akashic records or how do they? The readers cannot really explain how, but you need to know there are tens of thousands of bundles, not just one or two, and there are 108 different thumbprint category types, which means there are thousands of bundles with just your thumbprint name, and they're all over the place.
And it's a physical search. So once we receive your thumbprint name, he identifies your thumbprint category type. He knows your gender because ladies left thumbprint and gents right thumbprint. That has to do with Hinduism and how we identify, differentiate female and male energies.

The Process and Spiritual Connection in Nadi Readings

and your country of birth. That's all we need to know from you. And then he goes in a physical search. He walks, uses his bicycle, his moped, public bus, goes into one, finds yes, no, next one, next one, next one. If it's too far away in a public bus to town, it's an hour away or two. And if it's too far and you cannot find one, we would use an agent today. These days we will call
someone who's five hours away and say, look, we need a bundle that matches this dump and can you go and look and yes, then they would check it over. So that's the reality of it. So it takes time. Very time consuming is there is no computer system involved at all. There is no registry involved at all. The reader, of course, doing this for, you know, the more you do it, the more you know where things are, as you remember. But nonetheless, on average, the surge takes six to 16 weeks period. That's just the way
It is. Can it be one day? Of course it can be. Can it be a week? Yes, of course. But then you bombard me with email saying, has it been found? Has it been found? No, it hasn't been. I don't have the time to answer all of it. On average, six to 16 weeks, at least a month or two, you're going to wait until three, and then they will eventually find it. Please rest assured that my half Austrian, the Germanic approach, I'm very organized.
Forget about you, we will then let you know in time when a bundle is found. And so when the reader goes into an archive and he finds a book that contains or that matches your thumping category name, not necessarily is it pulling that one out.
That's the intuition. He's like, oh, this one, maybe. I don't know this one. Because there are hundreds, thousands of the same thumping category type bundles. And that is when the intuition kicks in and his connection and he does not know. He says, I don't know. It just is, you know? So he's like, looks at it. He says, yeah, it feels good. That's amazing. Pulls it out and brings it back. So 90% of the time, which is almost every single time, 90% of the time he pulls the right ones out.
Yeah. And that means there is a match first time round. And I guess in your case was first time, if there is no match. No, I wasn't. I was my, I did it twice. So then he had to go back and then he finds more bundles and brings back in 99% of the time, second matching is a success. So yeah, we were about an hour and 20 minutes into the second match.
Yeah. So it really went on. I was like, yeah, it was, it was, um, it, and, and then the match process, right? So they come and they show up and they start to ask you these yes, no questions. You know, what does your father's name starts with ABC? No. Next, next, next, next. So it's a little mind numbing, right? So I was sitting there thinking, what are we doing?
But can I share the kind of magic moment that happens after? It's important for people to know that the reader knows nothing about you. It's the same system as two, three thousand years ago. It's a three-step system. We only talked about the search part and the search part means
finding a bundle that hopefully contains your individual leaf. That's called search. Matching and reading happen. If you're in India in an office, you go to a reader's office. Again, office is exaggerated. There's a hole in the wall. There is a desk, and it's hot as hell. It's humid as hell. Mosquitoes everywhere, and they use incense. And so people think, oh, I want to do it in India. It's so much more romantic. It's not, believe me. I do it all for 10 years now. It's not. It's hell on earth. I did it myself.
And because of my cancer and chemotherapy, I'm extremely sensitive to smell. And when this guy lit 20 incense sticks, I thought he's killing me. I thought I was being hit by a sash hammer. So it's anything but romantic to you, where you are. You can sip your coffee, your tea, you're in, I don't know, you know, constant environment is way more romantic that way. So that's called search. But matching and reading means we will find your actual leaf in the book. It's called matching.
And then we give you the reading once matching happens one more time. The reader knows nothing about you. He just knows you thumping category type. He knows your gender in the country birth. That's it. Everything else will be revealed on the leaf. Now the leaf to even make it.
more wow is written in a dead language that he has to study called granta or ancient Tamil is written as a poem and not in prose poem it's written in a code that's the only way why so much information can be compressed onto a small leaf and to make things just a little more
thrilling. Tamil and ancient Tamil both are a sound-based language. It's a syllabic language. Unlike all Western languages, you know, English, French, German, and so forth, they're letter-based, even Persian. They're not nice to be Persian. So ABCD, Tamil is not. It's kind of like Chinese Mandarin. It's syllabic. If we had to convert Tamil or ancient Tamil into a letter language, there will be 247 letters.
It would be. And that is the reason why the reader, as he goes through this matching process, he reads out to you, not doing anything about you, one more time, he's reading out statements to you, not questions, they're statements. Because when he looks at the leaf during the matching process, he sees the most important message on it. He says, this leaf belongs to a person who is married. So he says, you're married. And your answer would be yes or no. That's it. You do not need to give any more information than that. Yes, I'm married, but I'm going through divorce.
It's irrelevant. Are you married now legally? Yes or no? Do you have two kids? Yes or no? No need to say yes. It's irrelevant because he reads out the message because this leaf belongs to a soul.
who is married now, who has two sons now or whatever. And if that is your reality now, you will say yes. If it's not, you say no. So if it's no, it's not your leave, you flip to the next one. If you say yes, he stays on the same leave and goes deeper and deeper and deeper until the moment happens. And then that is the magic moment for all of us, for me too, of course, because it will remind when you say yes to every single statement.
And when you say yes to every single statement, you can then convert the symbols, because again, it's all in a code, into words and into names. And if you want to share it yourself, you can do so. Otherwise, I'm happy to share it with you. Yeah, I just want to like, I mean, because I did this, right? Like, just give people out there who, you know, are like me, they don't do this every day. You know, I legitimately just want to say I sent my
thumbprint in and then I hung out here and I waited right and so I didn't know all this was happening in the background. I didn't know anything and so then all of a sudden I get a phone call, or I get an email. Yes, we found your leaf, and we sit there and we do this, what he just said.
you know, do you have a daughter? No, next, next, next, right? Until there's this moment. And I mean, I have to be honest, I mean, I was starting to think, why did I do this? I mean, it just went on and on and on. For me, because it was the second time. I was like, no, yes, because it's a little mind numbing. And then and it's early in the morning, because it's in the States, we meet up a little early.
I'm sipping my coffee and I'm like, who haven't showered. And this guy just says, your father's name starts with F. Yes, Frederick, your mother, Eleanor. Yes, yes, yes. And it was my mother's name, my father's name. I have a brother. My brother has a boy and a girl. I have a son. And then the killer for me was because I'm gay, I haven't been legally married, right?
to know my partner's names, you know, like just an impossibility. And Jill is my ex and my current twin flame, Jackie, Jacqueline. And I was just like, wait, what just happened? And it's like your brain just stops functioning. Like I just went into this state of like, what just happened? You know, and then they celebrate, they showed me this leaf. It's this really cool, very ancient. They said the edges were afraid.
And then they go off and we take a little break and they come back in for this reading. Yeah, he's showing an example. For those of you who are watching it, yeah, I bought a book and so these are the individual leaves in it. I don't know how well you can see it. Yes. Yeah, amazing, amazing. And I have to say as somebody who works in the Akashic Records, the process of the Akashic Records
when I'm giving a reading, the person who's being read often feels an energy too. And so I also was sort of drawn into this energetic field with them and I felt this buzzing and this really sort of really amazing, beautiful spiritual moment throughout the whole process, right? I do think this stuff speaks to somewhere deep within us. So
So anyways, I'll hand it back to you, but that was the most exciting part. And then they came back and they started to lay out from this day forward, where I am today, and then explained a bunch of things, which I'd love for you to talk to us about today. But the one thing that I found so confusing, and I had to ask my friend who introduced us, was how do they know to start on the day
Like they knew I had a son and they knew exactly how his year had been. It's from the day that I get the reading forward, right? So how does something from thousands of years ago know that this incarnation of Laura, right? Because it's a soul level thing.
This incarnation of Laura, at that age, is going to walk in on that month or that day and get that reading. So these people must have been able to see the future is what I've gathered. But if you could explain a little bit of how that part works. Sure. Now, in order to get there, matching, you've got to, again, think two, three thousand years ago when people couldn't read or write.
thumbprint, because you can rewrite. And then the rishis needed to make sure that you accept the message as being yours.
So they put your life story into code onto the leaf and then they would read it out to you and you can say yes because you know who your parents are. In the matching process, when everything matches, the reader will tell you your first name, your mother's first name, your father's first name, your date of birth, your time of birth, your weekday of birth, partner, partner's name, ex-partner, ex-partner's name, disease partner,
I've had people who've been married five, six times, believe it or not, because I've done one or two readings in my lifetime. And they're shocked to realize that, wow, I thought I would never hear from the bugger again, and yet he is in or she is on my leave, so that you know it's you, how many kids you have, the siblings and so forth. That is the wild part.
I mean, my God, how could they know? And to the doubters out there, guys, believe me, we just don't want to make enough money by hiring a computer hacker going into social security. There is just not enough time. I know. I say that too, Dr. Q. I'm glad you said it because I mean, am I better things to do than go research? Yeah, correct. What am I doing sitting around and just doing this to be one big huge scam? It's not enough money for that. Plus I do it for free, so I really don't care.
Yeah, really, I mean, if you get a reading wonderful, I'm here to help you because I'm gonna have a helpless gene. I got daddy's genes in me, if you wish, on a larger scale. But would any one of my readers ever waste waste a minute of their precious day and doing any computer work, especially since they have to travel and
I'll wear it to my office because they don't have stable internet at home or electricity or they have an outhouse because they don't have a place they can use as a bathroom. I mean, you know, you've got to put it into perspective here. Yeah. It's a very poor country. Those who have not been to India.
They just don't care. They're, on one hand, very poor, on the other hand, very spiritual, very evolved way beyond me, the first one to say, when I talk to my readers, they just function on a different level. So that's called matching. So you understand why they do all of that so that you can accept it's you.
It's easy, because you know who you are, you know whether your brother has a kid or not, and all the rest of it, so yeah, bam, boom. So that's matching. And we did the search for your book, we did the matching of your leaf to give you the reading, because you yourself, again, I'm gonna take you, if you wish, if I may, take you down the rabbit hole. Because I've done a lot of spiritual journeys, I should say. When you go beyond thought,
And I've been to the shamans quite many times, I should say. So with help, shamanic help, I've been there quite a few times in my life. So I'm beyond thought. And when you're there, then you're one with the universe and then you realize
or that this, what we experience as reality is just a matrix. It's just the reality of it. It's just a matrix. We're here to experience something. And there is no you and me either. It's just us. It's just one big blob in the shape of a former Laura, in the shape of a former Dr. Q, in the shape of a former Palmer readings, in the shape of a former computer unit, but it's just one. And yet we cannot perceive it that way, unless of course we go to that place. And if we can agree that thought is the beginning of our creation,
That's what I realized in my own meditation journeys. You create something before that it doesn't exist. And so you think of it as, oh my God, you know, one day you woke up, you heard it as I did when I was in the ICU before that I didn't hear it. I said, wow, yeah, I'm going to do it. And then you manifested.
You put action behind the thought by submitting your thumbprint, boom. So when you're in deep, deep meditation, be it through shamanic help or just international in India, you can achieve that too without shamanic help. It's just much easier with shamanic help. You can be in a place where it's beyond time. You realize, and I've come to realize that myself, there is no past, there is no present, there is no future, there is no you and me either.
whatever reason we just experience what we experience because we're here to just experience periods and I don't want to go too deep into it. I might take up too much time we can talk about later. So time is not the way we perceive it and the you and me is not the way we perceive it either. So when you submit your thump and at the same time 3000 years ago the Maharishi starts writing for Laura in her current incarnation the message because you asked for it today 3000 years ago at the same time.
and because you and one of these Maharishi's in reality whatever the reality is we don't want to go too deep into that is one because there is no you and me either that means ultimately Laura wrote a message for Laura and
originating as a Maharishi at that time and now manifesting herself as Laura in this lifetime. So in essence, really, you're giving yourself the answer to life because now is the right time. That's the reason why we call it Nadi reading because Nadi means the exact moment in time when the message is delivered to the seeker.
probably leave because all these meetings has naughty, not a day before, not a day later. So they know exactly on one day they will do it. So when you had your first matching not being a match, it just was not the time period. So then they had to go back and find more bundles. And on that day, it was naughty. Boom. That means the exact moment in time when you were destined to receive the message. And so coming back again out of the rabbit hole so we can continue with the reading part of it.
And I just, I just so sorry, but we just have to pause like, oh my God, right? Like for everybody listening, who's like, wait, what did he just say? Right? I get it. I had to sit with that. My friend explained it to me who introduced us and I was like, say that again. And she and I just laughed and laughed cause it's like, oh my God, right? This, this is something that I do teach. And I think about a lot, the collapse of time, there is no past, present, future. There's only one, but it is so hard as a human being who lives in a linear,
You know, you and I are here because we both agree that there's this clock and the clock says it's a certain time right and the Laura is aging and I think of myself as this thing that is moving through time, but on the other side that's not true. And so, for some people they can access this timelessness right and that's what you're
you're explaining to us today. But if you're having trouble following it, I just want to say to the listeners, I get it, right? This hurts my brain as a human. It's a very hard thing to fully comprehend. I don't know that we ever will.

Purpose and Non-linear Nature of Nadi Readings

I can break it up at a different time. If you want, we can have another podcast and break it down for you. It's a whole other world. But I understand it's a whole other world. But that's what I do all day every day for 30 years. Obviously, I understand it's very hard if you're here for the first time. It didn't happen to me overnight either. It took me 30 years of a life education to get to where I'm here.
The reading is here is meant to help you. Now it's very important, a few things that I need to first lay out to you. A reading is here to help you create a better life trajectory for yourself. Number one, a reading is here to help you create a better life trajectory for yourself, whatever better means to you.
Longer life, if you're crazy enough to wanting to live longer, happier life, more fulfilling life, finding a partner, having a child, more money, different friends, whatever better means to you, better.
That's one. Two, your life or anyone's life, despite the fact that we're all connected in this deeper realm, is not set in stone. If it were, you and I would just be puppets. And I refuse believing in that. I believe in free will and choice because we're here to experience whatever we're experiencing without any value to it. It's just an experience. Some of it is very painful and some of it is beautiful, but nonetheless, it's just an experience in that realm that we can only access once in a while.
So it's here to help you, period. And your life is not set in stone. That means you must take your reading as a blueprint, as a guideline, as a compass, as a map, so that you can steer the ship of your life into port that you want and not
be taken all over the place because it's a big ocean, you don't know where to go. So that is the purpose of a reading. So it doesn't really matter whether you are a spiritually evolved human, if you know what you want or don't know what you want, if you have a health issue, if you have a partnership issue, it doesn't really matter because it's here to help you no matter what the issue might be, to make, to create for yourself, creation is the key, a better life trajectory for yourself after your reading.
Now that is the premise. Then we'll go deeper into it. The reading is based on three aspects. Your overall energies at the time of your reading. Not your mood, whether you have your morning coffee or not when you get the reading makes no difference because that will be your mood, not your energies. Whether you turn it up makes a difference. But it's important for people to understand. So whether you have a fight with your husband or wife or make some difference, it is your energies that we're talking about. Because in our system, every six months, your energies shift.
in one way or direction. That could be that you're in a six-month period where there is no leave for you. There could be one, obviously when you got your reading you were in a six-month period where there is a leave for you. Then two, it's based on the stars and the planets because they have an impact on us.
period. And the vehicle we use to tap into the information and the impact of the planets is Indian astrology, also known as Vedic astrology. And three, it's based on your thumbprint category type. And your thumbprint category name is your baseline. It's your genetic imprint. It's your red thread through life.
If there is one thing that to me also was wowing is how accurate your thumbprint name describes you as your soul. That is the one thing you cannot change in a reading. That is you. You embrace it. You better embrace it and make the most of it. There is no good. There is no bad. It just is.
And if you're a little more mature, like I am, or people that are way more mature than me, because we've had people in their late 80s getting a reading done, or 90 years is the oldest person we've ever had a reading done for, you look back and then as the reader explains your thumbprint category top, you're like, oh my God, I totally get it. I understand why things are the way they are. It's your red thread. So two of these three parts are changeable, you know, energies change all the time, planets and stars change, they're in fact. But the one aspect, one third of it is your red thread, that's just you.
So based on these three, the reader looks at your leaf, which is written in a dead language one more time, in a poetic way as a poem, in symbols.
and in a syllabic language. It's not easy at all. Believe me, it's not easy at all. As it decodes it based on these three aspects, it gives you a possible life trajectory from the moment you get the reading done until there is no more writing on the leaf trajectory. From the moment you get it done, it decodes it. It's a likely trajectory until there is no more writing on the leaf.
normal writing could mean the end of your life but not necessarily because one more time the whole purpose of a reading is to help you create a better life trajectory for yourself afterwards which could mean longer life because there are people out there who want to live longer it's beyond me but okay I get it you want to just live longer cool so because some people say I don't want to know the time of death and I don't want to say dude it's to give you a direction your life is not set in stone
Don't not take it verbatim because if you do, you've already lost. You don't get the point at all. So as we do it, and again, there are different schools. There is not a school you go to a university to study to become a reader. There is none of that. You need to find yourself a guru. And guru has been misused the term so many times, so allow me to explain what a guru is.
It had several meanings, but the meaning that in our school works, a guru is a teacher with original thought. That is what a guru is, a teacher with original thought. You can be a teacher, a Swami is a teacher as an advanced reader, but he's not a guru yet because he hasn't evolved to that point yet. So you need to find yourself a guru in order to become a leader yourself.
And a reader studies seven years, it's a long, long, long time, until his peers and his guru says, yeah, you're ready, you can call yourself a reader now. And then he works 10 years for a long, long time. There's thousands of readings until his peers say, oh, you are more than just a reader, you're a Swami Swamiji. That means an advanced reader, someone who can teach it. And after another 10 years or 20 years, when your peers, your Swami peers say, oh my God, this guy is way beyond us, we call him Guhana. That's a guru.
So he then decodes it. It's not an easy thing at all. People say, oh, it's just gibberish. It's not gibberish at all. The way you received your reading, Laura, he has to train the way to divulge the message to you in a dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, in a certain way he gives the message to you. Because the way he delivers the message to you, it has healing faculties in it. The oscillation of it.
It's a poem, and it's delivered in a specific way. So as you receive it, that's the reason why you felt elated and good, because it has healing faculties in the way. It's not an easy task to be a reader at all, if you're a real one. Because regret, there are quite many fake ones out there, too. I felt, for days, some kind of, yeah, clearing, healing, awakening, maybe. I had a bunch of clarity.
It rung true as far as where I've been, but then it explained what I would do with the rest of my life, which felt accurate for me. But then that sort of, yeah, I don't know what to call it, like epiphanous state, right? Like, oh, oh, oh, I just sort of felt like I got some things. I didn't understand that's what it was. Okay, very interesting.
Yes. So, again, you get a trajectory. We give you a whole life reading in our school, in our institute. A whole life reading means it covers all aspects of life that are important to any human being. Health, education, money, career, family, kids, grandchildren, spirituality, uni, all of it. Of course, to a 90 year old,
career and money means nothing. But to that person, their children and grandchildren and maybe great grandchildren mean everything. Sure. When an 18 year old kid, whether they have five children 20 years from now, means nothing because they're way too young to even comprehend that. But to have a girlfriend or boyfriend to have, you know, to go to school, you know, will have a job, that means everything to them at that point. Nonetheless, you get it all.
And it's individualized depending on where you are. And I was lucky enough, I should say, to experience that firsthand after I had my own reading. I had my mom's reading. I was her moderator and the reader had no clue who she is because you were just another blonde elderly lady.
Her reading, you know, my mom is the ultimate mom. I'm very lucky to have her as a mom because she's an uber mom. To her in her life, her life means very little to her, you know. But everything, we, her two sons and her future grandchildren, which weren't born yet, but she was predicted in her reading by the way, which is mind blowing. And I don't want to go too deep into that either.
meant everything. So in reality, I got another reading through my mom and my mom was just blown away how accurate it is. I was like, oh my God, it's my mom's reading and I see myself completely in it. And my brother, very different and described extremely accurately. So that is a whole life reading, it covers all aspects.
But on top of that, you get the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unlike most, possibly any other reading that you received out there, a naughty reading is not here to make you feel good about yourself. It's not.
It's here to help you. And to some people, it might sound very harsh because it's not sugar-coated. It's not. It gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now, you're an enlightened soul, Laura, so your reading reflected your journey. It might be, of course, you have challenges like any human being, too.
But you're an enlightened soul, so things are very different. But we have people that come with a lot of baggage. Oh, my God, you have no idea a lot of baggage. And afterwards, you tell me, oh, this this reading was terrible, terrible. So because I do what I do from the from without my heart, I watch sometimes the readings when I'm not the moderator, when I'm the moderator, it's easier. But not unless, man, this was a great reading, what you want. It was super accurate. No, it was so hard, so many blocks.
My friend, you come and you start the reading with so much baggage. Do you think just because you're going to reading you'll be a superstar tomorrow? No, it told you all the problems that you have.
not do something about it. So that is what the reading is here for. Not to make you feel good about yourself, it's here to help you. And to some people it's harsh because they were drug addicts or abused, abandoned. I've seen it all because I've done many readings. But nonetheless, it doesn't matter where you come, where you are when you get the reading, it's here to help you make it better. And you've got to embrace that. So the secret is in your thumbprint.
the power and the magic and the beauty of the reading is in its pujas, in its remedies.

Spiritual Practices in Nadi Readings

Because when they tell you the good, it's by showing you the water. Here's the water, drink it.
Well, whether you're drinking or not is up to you. It's a good time to move, find a partner, have a child, expand the business, change business, whatever the good period might be. What you do with it is up to you. But if it's bad or ugly, oh my God, embrace it with all your heart and say, thank you, Lord. It's a blessing in disguise because now I know I have a block or many blocks.
because you had the blocks before too, but you were kind of like a blind person wandering through a forest and hitting a tree every two minutes and not knowing why you're hitting a tree. But now we tell you, man, you've got all these blocks in your life and they're caused by planets or karma or whatever it might be, family-related blocks and generational blocks. Now do something about it and you can do something about it, but it's going to give you, for each block identified in your reading, you get a pooja, a remedy at the end. And the remedy prescribed to you
In your leaf they're not made up, they're in your leaf the remedies. You must take verbatim. The reading is a guideline.
But if you're serious about change, you must follow the remedies exactly as prescribed, because that's your way of showing the universe that you're serious about change and healing. And if you're serious and you put your heart behind it, the universe will help you. But if you say, oh, screw that, why should the universe help me? So this guy is not serious about healing, so screw it. So we won't help you.
Can I ask a really small sub question on that? Because I got my pujas, and I was attempting to do them. I was very serious. But they're very hard to pronounce because they're not in English, obviously. How much does that matter? Because I was getting very hung up in my head that I was a disaster. It doesn't matter at all. That's the reason why we tell everyone and every moderator is trained by me to tell you, the seeker, that the pronunciation of the mantra is of
no importance at all. It's the intention as you do it. So what we do, I mean, these mantras are, well, the original, they're sometimes in Sanskrit, but what we, because when Tamil Nadu, they have their own version, Tamilized version. So they might be different because sometimes you have people who know stuff and they're like, well, this doesn't sound correct. It is correct because we use the regional version of the
We try to be as authentic as we possibly can, but what we do is we transliterate it into English. You can read it, and we put it in a PDF. There's a lot of work, my friends, out there. Way more work than in my thing. So we transliterate all the mantras.
and even attach the pictures of the gods and goddesses so there is no excuse for you to not do them. And then we tell you, there is the mantra, sitting from the god, we can talk about this in more detail later, and just read it as best as you can. But the intention, that is what matters 99%, almost all of it, 99%. And for each block identified, there is a god or goddess associated with that as a vehicle to help you overcome the block.
And there is an intention for each one of those blocks and each God represents some sort of an intention. Block removing would be Ganesha, the elephant trunk guy that helps you in general to overcome blocks. Shiva and Parvati that will be the husband and wife and the parents of Ganesha, they represent family unity. So that helps you overcome all the blocks identified in your nucleus family. That will be your parents, your siblings, your partner, your children and grandchildren.
Not your auntie, not your uncle, not your pet dog, not the cousins, because some people say, can they? No, they cannot. It's your nuclear family to help fix the blocks in it. Murugan, the younger brother, Ganesh is here to help, but with your partner, I'm just giving you some examples. And you've got to keep that intention in your head as you do the mantras with all your hearts, because it will help change that. And if we still have time and if you're interested, I can tell you also why that goes, takes it a little outside of naughty readings.
I read a book 20 years ago called The Autobiography of a Yogi. Some of you out there might have read it too. I read it a few times and I read it way before I got involved with this. And, you know, my dad's Baha'i, so I grew up with Baha'i religion in a Muslim country of Jewish extraction. So I have confusion all over the place. My mom's Catholic, so blah, blah, blah, Catholic. And I was an altar boy too. So I have it all in me. I've been exposed to all of that. But saints to me, you know, saints are people that are long dead.
And they suffered maybe to become a saint, you know, a thousand years ago. But when I read the book, Autobiography of a Yogi, which was written by Paramahansa Yogananda, who ultimately ended up living and then is buried in California, he talked about his life, his life journey. And he talks about saints all the time. I said, man, when they're living saints, how can that be? To my mind, it was mind-blowing.
And then he talks about his upbringing and he had a guru. He had several gurus and when he was a kid and a teenager, he traveled with his guru through India and his guru could heal people.
from terrible disease, leprosy, cancer, and they would line up to see this guy, and little Paramahansa would sit next to him and assist his guru, and they would all come. You know, we're talking 100 plus years ago in India, poor people, and they would just look at them, heal them, and send them off. But every time he sends them off, this guru, his master, will give these poor souls an odd homework.
You have leprosy, you've got cancer, you've got whatever pneumonia. Here is a raw egg and you carry this raw egg for the next three weeks in your left pocket and make sure it doesn't crack. You have this and now you're going to drink milk only with your right hand for the next five weeks and you do not do this so funny stuff.
And I don't repeat it in my own language, so it's a little more entertaining than if you read the elaborate and beautiful language that Yogananda uses in his book. And so little Paramahansa looks up at his guru and says, guru, I don't understand, man. You can heal people. I know that because I've seen you heal them all. And obviously, you know that you can heal them. So why don't you give them this crazy homework? Makes no sense to me. He says, little Paramahansa, I know. I know I can heal them. You have seen me heal them, but they don't know it. So I give them pojas.
Again that's what you've been prescribed in your reading to argument poojas.
In Western terminology, Puji is an energy shifting exercise. If you want to keep it simple, literal translation means prayer ceremony or ceremonial act. So something you need to do physically. I give him this homework. So for the next three weeks, he needs to focus his mind and his attention on keeping that raw egg safe in his left pocket. If he puts the effort in, then the universe will help him and will get healed. If he says, screw that man,
and it cracks, then obviously he's not serious about healing, so that he won't be healed, the universe won't help him, and then that's it. If he focuses his mind and attention, okay, my healer told me five weeks drink milk with my right hand, and I drink five weeks with my right hand, not with my left. So if you put your energies into that, healing will take place over time, it manifests itself in you, because the energies start shifting,
And in that particular case, would be healing in some other instances, would be finding a partner, getting pregnant, having a better job, whatever that is. So it's an energy-shifting exercise. In your case, much easier. You don't have to carry an egg in your life pocket or drink milk with your right hand. But you do the mantras, because kuja also means prayer ceremony. And they can come in the shape and form of a mantra. And so you show the universe as prescribed in your reading, at the end of your reading,
On the next Six Tuesdays, on a Tuesday, you put Morogan on the wall and you focus your energies on Lord Morogan, who's here for partner. If you have any partner issues, I'm just making this up now, or if you have any
in general envy in your life or bad energies that surround you, then you have Goddess Durga. You're going to focus on Goddess Durga. That's how I picture her as an Amazon, as a fighter in one hand, a sword in the other hand, a shield with the sword. She destroys all the envy, the negativity, jealousy.
People are crazy, you know, they're stupid, they harm us and she destroys all those energies. And with the left hand, she has the shield so that we can walk behind her next to her and be safe. So that's the intention you need to carry as you do the mantra exactly on the day that is prescribed to you for the exact length of time, eight Thursdays or nine Saturdays or whatever that might be. And if you miss a day in that cycle, that means you screw it up.
Accept it. And so with the first deal of the Suck Hunt, you've got the nine Saturdays in a row or eight Thursdays in a row. And that sucker is done. You have proven to the university to be serious about it. You put your answers behind it. When you're done, you move on to the next one. And the whole process does indeed take you months, sometimes nine months, six months, 12 months, whatever that is. But you want change. And that is where the power lies in.
the pujas, the healing work, the remedies to help you overcome the blocks that were identified in your reading, because you yourself, 3,000 years ago, wrote the direction for you in here, but you wanted to make sure at the time that you're serious about it, not just, you know, wishy-washy, so they gave you some work.

Future Sessions and Resources

I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Dr. Q, we agreed we'd have another session. We're going to go deeper. We're going to talk about this idea of time more and the different levels of soul and past lives and all this stuff. But for now, thank you so much for coming on, explaining the
Indian palm leaf reading process with your institute. People are looking for you. Where can they find you if they want to get started today or if they want to be a part of this? Sure. The website is You will find everything there. The search cost $100. It's US dollar based, $100 you put down. We send you information about your thumbprint, you submit your thumbprint, and the search starts. And only when we find bundles for you, you pay $400.
for the matching and the reading. You can choose any day of the week. We have reading seven days a week on two set times. And you have money back guarantee, because one more time, I don't make money with this. I want you to be happy. So if you're not happy, for whatever reason, we give you money back. It's just the way it is. If I can help you, wonderful. If I can not help you, I'm sorry that we couldn't. But please know that it comes from the heart. And every reading helps us support my Indians and the orphanage, of course, too.
We're on social media, Facebook, Instagram. Lauren knows that I hate social media, but yeah, so it's a devil in the sky. We need to have it. Indian Palmer Feeding on YouTube. Oh, by the way, maybe you want to check out YouTube because we have a big YouTube channel. It's called Indian Palmer Feeding Institute. On that channel, we not only have videos about the orphanage we support, but we also have five or six or seven, quite a few readings.
people, seekers who are so kind enough to allow us to put their entire experience matching and reading for you to watch on our YouTube channel. Tears being overwhelmed, the whole nine yards for you to watch as they were so kind to allow us to do it so they can help you find your way to us. So if you go to our YouTube channel in the Department of Reading,
Institute, you can actually watch the whole thing. So you know what to expect. Beautiful, beautiful. Well, thank you so much your warehouse of information on this. I just feel like we could, we could go for hours, but I appreciate you sharing this and I look forward to a couple deep dives on some of these more spiritually complex topics because this one, it feels like it just layers indefinitely. Thank you so much for coming on this whole school.
It's an honor and pleasure, Maharaj. Thank you so much for having me. Namaste. Thanks for listening to this week's episode. And I really hope that you consider checking out the Little Soul School,, where there's a community of people dedicated to soul growth, soul learning, and the Akashic energy.
a space that holds all of our soul's histories, everything we've ever done in all of our lifetimes. Because they're looking for a deeper connection to themselves, a place to experiment and play with spirituality in a non-judgmental, vulnerable, open community of people. No woo-woo, no fluff, just fun and connection. Come check it out,