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Spooky Comfort Corner

E49 ยท Comically Pedantic
135 Plays11 months ago

Derek and Corinne take a quick break to discuss one of their favorite things: horror! In this episode, Derek walks Corinne through the origin and first issue of Afterlife with Archie.


Introduction to 'Comically Pedantic'

Hello and welcome to Comically Pedantic, where we take a detailed look at the complicated concepts, characters, and history of comic book culture. I'm Derek L. Chase, and joining me on this episode, as always, is the wonderful Corinne Levy. Oh, hi.

Format Change for Clone Saga Analysis

So I think we decided kind of last minute today to forego our normal sort of coverage and our normal like episode ideas and just do something entirely different. Yeah, it's mostly so I can keep procrastinating.
Well, to be fair, I have the same issue, but I also have some other stuff going on. And actually for the next like maybe couple of months, it's going to be a little difficult to read. So I'm just, I'm trying to make it so that we have more time to actually invest in the good, like the things that we can bring out of the clone saga versus just doing
an episode as fast as possible because that's what we've decided to do. Yeah, we're going to try and be pedantic but fast. Yeah.

Hosts' Personal Highlights

Quickly pedantic. Before we get any further, I should start by asking you what your bright spot is for the week. Oh, we took our cat out on a walk today. That was a good bright spot, both literally and figuratively, because the sun's out today.
Um, otherwise I've just been chilling. Oh, we did some in-person D and D. That was a lot of fun. That was great. There's a board game cafe. Um, Oh, that sounds fun. Yeah. So they had a thing on Friday night. It was, um, what was it called? It was like random encounter night, essentially. So basically you had four
or like five mini campaigns that kind of had all different vibes. And the group like picked the story kind of thing that they wanted to go for. You take maybe like 10 minutes making a character and then you just like play. And it was a lot of fun. We were all, it was four of us. We were all just like familiars of wizards.
put on a mission to retrieve something and bring it back. And it was great. It was chaotic. I was cackling the whole time. So yeah, that was probably the bright spot of the week. What was yours?
So I have a couple and they're both kind of small, but they're kind of fun. The first one I was able to go through and I haven't play tested these at all, but I made two different Digimon decks. Oh, good.
I'm going to play. I didn't actually make it out to, uh, join any of the act, the playing at the event. Cause we had too much going on here at home. It just wasn't going to, it wasn't going to make any sense for me to get out and go there. Uh, but I'm very excited to like have built something. I mean,
most of it is going it's comes from like the beginner deck. But, you know, I was able to like take some of what I already had and like swap stuff in and out. So I'm excited about having had that. And now I have both two different colors ready to go. Very excited about it. The other thing is so I've been going back over some of my notes for our comic skate coverage for a separate project that I'm working on. Yeah.
It led me to going back and reading the Mockingbird series that Chelsea Kane had written, which didn't necessarily start the comics gate, but it happened around that time where there was a lot of harassment of Chelsea Kane because of the feminist nature of that book. But I've been reading it.
You know, it's not like my favorite book in the world and it's not perfect, but it is a lot of fun and it is very silly. And it's just been a blast to get through. And I actually have found that I did not care at all about Mockingbird.
But having read this, I think she's pretty cool. Yeah. And then also, because my brain's totally dead tonight, when you said you were reading Mockingbird or you were like inspired to read Mockingbird, my brain went Mockingjay. And I was like, why are you reading the third Hunger Games book? Like you just skipped one and two and you were like, I really got to get to that nice third one where the revolution really starts.
You know, what's funny is I had, I've not read any of those and I saw the first movie.
after someone I was with who had just read the entire series, like sat down and read book to book to book to book. And I remember we watched, what's the first Hunger Games? That's just the first book, right? That's like the one that people know. Yeah, so I watched the first movie and I remember thinking, I hate this. I don't like,
But specifically, not the premise of it or anything like that, it was literally just that there were so many things that kind of felt like they were either brought up and not explained in the movie, or they were brought up and explained immediately. So it didn't feel gripping as a story. And the person that I was with at the time, they were like,
Oh, that's because in the book, it's like X, Y, and Z. Like they went through and I was like, that sounds way better, but I still haven't read the book. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that kind of comes with the territory of like movie.
like book to movie adaptations. Cause like, you know, sure what you lack with physical like visibility for a book, like you make up for in the amount of words and descriptions and like, you know, your imagination and like all that stuff. And like, you know, and then with the movies, it's like people want to just like see what it would look like. So it's kind of hard to take all of those words and like
put it into a thing. So I feel like a lot of times when it comes to like adaptations, I can be pretty forgiving. It's funny because it's like I read the book before I watched the movie with that. And I typically try to because I think with like with the Percy Jackson movies,
I was like, yeah, this is fine. I don't fully know what's going on. I mean, it's kind of easy to follow, but it's just a fine movie. And then eventually I read the books and I was like, oh wait, these are a million times better. I get why everyone was so mad.
So I now kind of just keep it safe. I was like, all right, if there's a story that I'm interested in, I'm going to read it first and then I'm just going to really hold off on watching the movie is what I try to do. That was like the same thing with Harry Potter, too. I didn't when I was like a kid, I watched the movies when they were like coming out. Yeah. But I never read the books. So like when I was sorry, when I was like maybe in like middle school or like
whenever the movies were kind of like done, I then like read a couple of them and I was like, there's a lot of extra stuff in here. I still never finished the series. I think I read like a two and a half of the books. And so funny cause I, I read, I think the first four books or maybe the first three. I don't remember. I remember I had read a couple before the first movie came out and I remember seeing the movie
and being very disappointed because it felt like a speed run of the book. And I know the book is not like crazy long. It just didn't match like what my brain had sort of interpreted things to kind of go as. And then I finished the books. I had been watching the movies as they were coming out, but like not really caring. Every time I saw them just kind of being like, oh, that was fun.
not the fervor that everyone else had to the point where like I saw the Deathly Hallows part one and I was like that was pretty fun and I remember Deathly Hallows part two coming out and I didn't watch it for years. Yeah I do think it's funny that you thought part one was fun because that really is just a movie that people are walking around
Oh, well, I guess they're just walking that a little guy dies. That's all that happened. Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen the movie. I would say the movie does a better job of portraying some of the
uh, events that happen in part one, then the book does. Cause I got very bored reading those sections of the book. Yeah. Cause that's a giant book. Um, yeah. So yeah, I think I could, I could get why you would be disappointed. But I mean, for a young adult series, I was like, Oh, this is pretty good. Um, and then I very quickly stopped reading for a long time.
Today we are going we did read something. Well, you read something Yes, we are gonna go over this is going to be I don't even know if we're gonna call it anything or if it's just gonna be like an ongoing thing that we're doing but Yeah, we're gonna check in on some like horror stuff that I you or I tend to really like
And we're gonna start with

Archie Comics History and Parodies

one that I think is a lot of fun. And I have to ask, have you, what do you know of Archie?
Like Archie comics? Yes. Like, okay. I watched season one and two of the CW show. The Riverdale show? Yes. And it was the first season. I was like, you know what? It's weird, but I don't hate it. And then the second season, they did a musical episode and I went, okay, I kind of hate this. And it became two soap operas. So I stopped after the second season.
Um, I do know that it's based off of the Archie comics, which is like super fun teen time of like, you know, you got Archie and then like, there's the whole Betty versus Veronica thing. And then his best friend's jug head who always wears a hat and the
There's like Josie and the pussycat dolls or the pussycats are like in there too. I always like mix it up with just the pussycat dolls. Yeah. But they're there. There's another like minor. Oh, there's another like kind of teen bopper character that's like a spin off of them too. And I can't think of it.
They're also weirdly related to Sonic. Well, yeah, for a long period, they were publishing Sonic the Hedgehog books, but that is unfortunately no more. And as far as I know, there was never a crossover between those series, although that would be fun. That would be insane. That's so much like diner food for one comment.
Archie is a comic book and a publishing company known for its very family-friendly and silly comic book characters. The perpetual teenage Archie is always stuck in a love triangle between himself, Betty, and Veronica, while other Riverdale characters get into wacky hygiene centered around their own very specific eccentricities. Later additions to the canon introduced surprisingly controversial yet still family-friendly Sabrina the Teenage Witch, which went on to be a hit TV show in the 90s, as well as a horror-themed revamp in the 2010s. Yeah, that's the one.
Yeah, I loved Sabrina. Most as the fun kid-friendly version and the horror version. I think both are a lot of fun. Yeah. I mean, I like a little witch. I think they're cool.
When I was trying to think of who the spinoff was, my brain was like, maybe it's Nancy Drew. And I was like, it's definitely not Nancy Drew, but it's something mystery related. But yeah, no, I think she's neat. I liked the show in the nineties with Kat, and the Kat was sometimes real, but also sometimes a puppet.
Very clearly a puppet. Yeah, I loved when shows did that. It was Zaboomafu. There are sometimes... Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's sometimes a real lemur. And then other times it's straight up Muppet Zaboomafu. And I love it. When I was a kid, I thought it was a real lemur the entire time. And I was like, that lemur is wired. It's crazy. But...
I have actually been a small fan of the Archie series for a while now. One of the teachers that I had when I was in the Kubert School actually wrote Andrew for Archie. They actually had like a different kind of
style of making comic books at the time where rather than writing a script, you would sort of draw out like what you wanted to do. Yeah. And add in like little jokes and stuff, which I think is like a novel way of doing things. That's kind of fun. I actually right now framed on my wall, I have a signed page from the Halloween issue of Archie. I don't remember what year that is, but it's got like cute little Easter eggs and stuff like that. Oh, that's fun.
So Archie Comics is one of the longest-running comic book series in the United States, with around 80 years of publishing under its belt. In 2011, a special what-if style issue portraying Archie finally marrying Veronica became one of the best-selling comic books of the year. The squeaky clean nature of the series led the book to be often parodied, like in Hackslash, where a town of Archie-inspired characters must contend with a horror villain, or when The Punisher crossed over with Riverdale.
Cause like from what I know from the Punisher, like we, he almost electrocuted like an entire police force in a sewer. That's like the one thing I think of when I think of the Punisher and now he's just in.
It's a really fun, silly story that they did. They also did, I think, much later. They did Archie Meets the Predator. Okay, here is my question with those. Do they draw the other characters in Archie's style? Or is it totally different? They almost collaged the other guy into the situation. It depends on what you're reading.
but like often it is more just, it's Archie style. So I mean predator. Yeah. It's a lot of fun. In fact, the, um, a lot of, at least the covers for that, I believe were done by Fernando Ruiz, who is the person who, uh, did the artwork that I have on my wall. Right. That's very fun.
So one interesting example of this form of parody was a play called Archie's Weird Fantasy. Scheduled to debut on April 4th, 2003, the play would depict Riverdale's most famous resident coming out of the closet and then moving to New York City. The day before the play was scheduled to open, however, Archie Comics issued a cease and desist order, threatening litigation if the play proceeded as written.
The artistic director commented later on the matter by stating, the play was to depict Archie and his pals from Riverdale growing up, coming out and facing censorship. Archie Comics thought if Archie was portrayed as being gay, that would dilute and tarnish his image.

Legal Challenges in Archie Adaptations

After some hasty rewrites, the play debuted just a few days later as weird comic book fantasy with the character names changed. So that's kind of like a fun little thing. I think, you know, I can definitely understand where Archie would be like, Hey, you can't use our characters. I don't know about Archie being gay, tarnishing his image, but like, I can definitely see why they would say like, Hey, don't use our stuff.
But I still think that would have been a fun show to see. The writer of that play wasn't quite done with Archie though. A talented comic book writer himself, he was able to secure a gig at the company shortly after they dropped the Comics Code Authority, which was the standard for their entire lineup.
We've not fully discussed the Comics Code Authority on this podcast before, but we definitely will in the future. Do you know anything about the Comics Code Authority? I should probably ask. All right. So for now, it should just be noted that they served as a board that would monitor what themes and content were allowed to be published in US comic books. They were a form of... So then that's kind of like when then...
You couldn't do horror for a while? Yeah. Is that this? That is exactly this. I did know that. Wow. Look at me go. I went to the Franklin Institute once. There was a there was no Marvel exhibit and I went. Under the Comics Code Authority there were things like you weren't allowed to use like werewolf or zombie. Like it got rewritten several times. But for the most part it basically got rid of
all horror books for a very long time. It was a form of de facto censorship called in response to what I would call a moral panic, but they were eventually dropped by every major publisher by 2011, leading to the code now being completely defunct. Archie's abandonment of the code led them to seeking out new audiences and expanding the type of stories that they were allowed to tell.

'Afterlife with Archie' and Zombie Outbreak

This led them to hiring the playwright for Archie's Weird Fantasy, dipping their toes into horror with Afterlife with Archie. Now, do you know anything about Afterlife with Archie?
No, I don't. Oh, this is gonna be fun. Okay. So, the first issue written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who is the aforementioned playwright, illustrated by Francesco Frankabella, and lettered by Jack Morelli. I'm sure I got one of those names wrong, and I apologize. It starts with Archie's best friend Jughead running to the local witch Sabrina with his dog, who was recently hit by a car. Oh.
He begs for help, but the witches tell him that the dog is already dead and they refuse to raise the dead. Like it's just a taboo amongst these witches. Yeah. Sabrina though, takes pity on Jughead and in the dead of night brings the dog back to the living.
When she returns home, her aunts seal her mouth and tell her she must face consequences for her actions and banish her to the Netherrealm for a year. So now we've completely gotten rid of Sabrina from this story. She's started the events and now you can't use her as a way to get out of it.
Yeah. As they silenced her to another dimension. Right. Wild. Okay. We then see the town prepare for a Halloween dance and life goes on as usual before Jughead returns home and is attacked by his newly raised dog. Right. Feeling sick from the bite, he hides what has happened. Unfortunately, as the night goes on, Jughead turns into a zombie and attacks his own family.
He makes his way through town, biting anyone he comes across before arriving at the Halloween party and kicking off the zombie nightmare that would be afterlife with Archie. That's hilarious. I gotta, okay, I gotta look this up because if this is in the art that I'm thinking it's in. No, this one is not. This is not in the Archie style. This is when they broke away from that and they were trying to do something different. Dang, because that would have been really funny.
I think it was a couple of years before they relaunched the entire series with more modern art and sensibilities. Because up until this point, if you know anything about Archie, it has a very distinct style. Yeah, it does, which is why I was so excited for Predator. But now I guess it's knock it off. That's really funny though.
So what I just told you is essentially the first issue of Afterlife with Archie. You have Jughead trying to make sure that his dog doesn't leave him. And due to some weird magical interference, we now have zombies plaguing the town of Riverdale. Yeah, he pet cemeteries his off.
Yeah, it is very much pet cemetery. I've read through the entire series. It's a lot of fun. And especially like, it actually is very scary as well. Like, so, you know, there's like some, some humor to it, obviously, because you have like the Archie characters in this horror environment, but it is also genuinely like dread, like full of dread and, and, and
and scary to get through. I loved it. That's fun.
They also had, at this point it launched into doing like a whole separate horror series. So they had Afterlife with Archie. I forget what other books they had, other than obviously they had The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, which unfortunately I was a super big fan of. And then it went on like a weird hiatus because there was such a long gap between issues that I lost
All of my interest in it because I kept like waiting for the next issue to come out. Yeah I've like Like saga went on such a long hiatus. Oh, yes,

Archie Horror Comics' Challenges

we know and I didn't even start reading I started reading during the like maybe end of the hiatus possibly I
And like, I haven't read as much saga as I'm proud to admit since the hiatus ended. Like, because I'm just like, in my brain, I'm like, it's done. Yeah, it's not. There's so many things. But I've now like, I feel like I've forgotten some of the things that I'm like, oh, no, now I gotta reread the whole thing and get like damaged again. And it's a big book. It is. I have it behind me. It's a hefty book. It's like,
Like, I don't know, can the microphone, this is pounds of material. Oh no, I see the one, there's one page in here that's, uh, it's color is kind of different. Like when you like slightly fan it out, there is a particular page that you can see. And it makes me so sad. It's a sad one. It's, it's a real sad one.
Uh, what a time I'm already brought back. Okay. Anyway. Yeah. It sucks when a good series goes on too long of a break and then you find something else.
But that sounds like a fun concept, the whole afterlife thing. And I'm looking at some of the art, and I really love the use of orange. Oh, yeah, it's so good. That particular artist does that with a lot of their style, and it always hits. Like, it's kind of like vintage-y, kind of just like...
You know those graphic tees that always have a cat doing a spell? It's almost childish but morbid. It gives me those vibes. But also just a good comic book.
So this comic was the first title to be rated Teen Plus by the publisher and sold exclusively to the direct market instead of traditional newsstands. And I

Success of 'Afterlife with Archie'

have a feeling, I don't know if this is true, but I have a feeling they didn't go to traditional newsstands because they were worried that their generally family-friendly books would be misconstrued as like the same thing as this if they were being put out at the newsstands at the same time.
The gamble though seemed to pay off as the first eight issues sold out and the reviewers praised the 70s style horror field the book was going for. That's such a good horror vibe too. Oh yeah. Like 70s era. Very fun.
And the writer, Aguirre-Sacasa's success with this book would lead them to becoming the chief creative officer for Archie Comics. So he went from writing a play where the company stepped in and said, you cannot do this with our characters, to stepping in and writing a book that was so well received that he ended up being essentially put in charge of everything that they were doing. Yeah, he did like a total 180.
Oh yeah. And he's the reason, like he's the person who was behind developing the Riverdale television series. So like you, you have him to think for that. But to

From Comics to Riverdale TV Series

be fair, flew too close to the sun.
I think a lot of people know Archie, at least like younger people know Archie from that series. Not necessarily from the comic book. And the TV show is not that bad. I mean like it's bad. I've never seen it. I was one of those people that was like, this does not represent the comic book. So like, why would I give a shit to watch it? Like, you know what I mean? It's one of those like shows where it's like,
I'm sure it's fine. It just wasn't my thing at the time. I think like, cause now I'm starting to enter the just like, I like what I like in terms of like my media, like for a long time. I mean, like we all know that I kind of just started getting into comics.
It's because for a long time, I was like, Oh, that media is kind of poo poo. It's like a dorky thing to do. High school me won't read this. And then like time goes on and I'm like, no, I can like what I like. And it's kind of the same thing with like TV shows and movies. Like there was probably a point in my life where I was like, Oh, I don't like this thing because everybody else doesn't like this thing. It's arbitrarily bad.
But you know what? Sometimes it's fun to like the bad thing. It's fun to admit, you know what? This thing's trash, but I'm having fun with it. And you know what? I think Riverdale did that. I know I gave up on it because I don't think I was ready for the full on soap opera vibe. And the first season's very like kind of like campy mystery.
And I like a campy mystery. It was just someone's dead who done it. Small town, kind of saw a copy. And I was like, that's fun. Yeah, I can get down with that. There was a mom that slapped another mom in the face. That made me laugh so hard. And I was like, wow, this is kind of melodramatic and it's really funny. And then they
went way soap operating instead of mystery on the second season. And I was like, I'm not ready for this. Like I, I feel like I'm too cool for it. I'm not, no one's too cool for it, but, um, but yeah. And then the other week I started watching American horror stories, which is like the anthology.
like kind of thing that American Horror Story like released for like Halloween on Hulu or whatever. I didn't even know that they did that. Yeah. It was the thing that they did either last year or the year before. And I was like, you know what? I'm going to try this out. Cause when I was in high school, I liked American Horror Story, like, you know, first couple of seasons or whatever, I'm going to like try this out and they're not
Like I'm sure like it's not like good taste, you know, but like I have fun watching them. I'm like, these are dorky and I can embroider while I'm doing them. Cause honestly, I could probably guess where things are going and that's fine. Sometimes I just need something goofy and weird to put on in the background.
And I'm okay with that so But I'm still gonna joke that this was this man's Riverdale downfall. I don't mean it
Um, yeah. Oh, that's kind of cool. I also, the thing I was, again, I was looking at the afterlife with Archie art and you had mentioned like the seventies slasher kind of vibe. And like it really does like all of the issue covers to me remind me of like, Oh yeah, this would be like put on film at like a digital camera, but this would be like filmed. And if you, if you read the actual, the book, the artwork inside is very similar.
Yeah, that's cool. It feels like a Grindhouse comic. That's cool. I like that. I never would have pictured myself being interested in reading anything Archie related because I do just kind of like
picture it as like slice of life kind of be bopping around, which isn't always like the thing I go for. But like, I don't know, those vibes look pretty cool. I may have to try it. I think I shared with you, uh, Strangers in Paradise, which is very much a slice of life kind of story. And I think you, you had texted me, you're like, I just don't think this is for me.
Uh, yeah, there was, there was like a scene that had happened that I was like, I don't know if I'm ready for this. This seems like a lot right now. She like put a man in a display case, like it was like big public humiliation thing. And I was like, I don't think I'm ready. I mean, go off lady, but I didn't even put this down.
So I'm sure other people, I mean, I know you like it and that's like, that's cool. There are people definitely like it. They don't need me to like it. Oh yeah. Yeah. The, the, the Archie like horror stuff is what really like pulled me back. Cause at the time I wasn't really reading a lot of Archie stuff. I mean, it's geared more towards children for the most part. But
that got me interested. The Afterlife with Archie, I remember being a big fan. Um, I don't know if it came out at the same time, but in my mind, it came out around the same time, uh, as like a few other horror, like, like Netflix horror shows or something. And I remember being like, I don't like any of these except for the Archie one. This came out in like 2011 or 2010 or something like that.
It was like, I think it officially came out in 2013. It was like 2011 is when they started working on it. Yeah. I like didn't fully register that. That is a lot sooner than I realized. That's very cool. Okay. So I remember that like coming out and, um,
I don't know if it came out around the same time as like Hemlock Grove on Netflix, but I remember being like, oh, this is going to be really cool and exciting, trying to watch it, hating it. And then like trying to watch another, like some other horror show hating it. And the only thing that hit for me was this Archie comic book, which is not at all what you'd expect. Yeah, no, not at all. Like I'm thinking now just about those Netflix shows. I don't know if Penny Dreadful was one of them.
I don't think that was a Netflix show, but that was definitely around that time. I love that show so much. Great cast,

Episode Conclusion

all playing like morally gray, bad people. It's dark. Every classic horror literary characters in it. Ah, I loved it. I had a great time. I wanted that to be more seasons.
I don't know if that was actually a good show or not. Into My Eyes, wonderful show. Loved it. I was very sad that they weren't. Well, that's all I have planned for this was a very short and sweet episode, I think, which is not usually our style. No, that is so nice and brisk. My goodness. Yeah, I might actually have to try and find somewhere to read that. That sounds really fun. I wonder if my library has it.
Oh, I'm sure. Libraries. Yeah. And if not, I'm sure they can get it for you. Oh, that's true. That is very true.
Cool. Oh, well, thank you for teaching me a new thing that I would not have known otherwise. That is the main point of this show for me. Finding content I wouldn't have known otherwise. You can find more information at You can also follow our Instagram by searching at
Pedantic Cast. New episodes come out most Sundays on iTunes and Stitcher and Google Podcasts and Spotify and our website, which is If you have any questions or comments, you can send them in text or audio recording to comicallypedantic at And just let us know if you want your name and your question read on air. I would be so fascinated if people have questions.
for us. It's never happened, but I'm thinking we should put it on Instagram. That's a side note. We don't have to add that into the outro anyway. Oh, we also own a fuck comics gate dot com. That's not said in this text message of a script to remind me the closing, but we do still own that. So please feel free to donate. It's just a link that it takes you to the link. It's cool. It's great. Anyway, we'll be back with another deep dive or really quick deep dive into the world of comics. But until then, you can find more.
exciting adventures at your local comic shop. Woo-hoo, bye! This is not going as well as my dad's. Let me start over. Neither one of us can get through the outro. Yeah. Okay.