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Episode 137: Magic in the Digital Age image

Episode 137: Magic in the Digital Age

S3 E137 · Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft
748 Plays2 months ago

Welcome back, Witches! In this episode, we’re diving into Magic in the Digital Age, exploring how the internet has revolutionized witchcraft—for better and for worse. So get in, loser, and let’s navigate the wild web of modern magic together!

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Introduction to Witchcraft Podcast

Do you feel drawn to learn more about witchcraft and the occult, but feel lost in where to start? Then welcome to Get In, Loser, where you're doing witchcraft, a podcast all about what it means to be a witch and where to get started on your journey. Join us as we navigate through various witchy topics and share what we've learned about the craft. So get in, witches, for our last episode of season three, where we sit down in two different countries and have a conversation about magic and the digital age.

Extending Halloween Celebrations

I'm so sad that Halloween is over. Me too. I know we've talked about it, but I feel like we definitely didn't get to do all the things that we wanted to do, which is really sad. i am I've decided that I'm spending like at least the next two weeks watching scary movies and I'm going to make my Hocus Pocus cookies because I didn't even make those this year and I make them every fucking year. And I'm just going to do some spooky things for myself. Yeah. I think it's a good idea. I didn't get to do a lot of spooky things. Basically none. I didn't know spooky things. Yeah, same. Yeah. I made Anthony and Brian watch Halloween Town with me.
yeah ah Brian had never seen it, and he was like, what the hell is this? And I was like, you're welcome. First of all. And also, it's like you can't watch that as an adult and have never watched it as a kid. Right? Because it's not going to hit the same. He was laughing at the part where she, what did she say? She calls him a big cheese. Oh, I knew I smelled just stinky. She calls him a big cheese. He was like, oh my God.
He was like, when the hell did this movie come out? I was like, the 90s. It's amazing. I was like, and then Halloween Town 2 rolls around and they swapped Marnie like we wouldn't notice. And it was like the biggest scandal of Disney. Yeah. yu Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. I didn't even watch Halloween Town 2 when I realized she wasn't in it. Right? just i I have watched it, but it was like,
I did it begrudgingly. And then when I made Anthony watch them, because I found out he had never watched even the first one, I made him sit down and watch both of them with me one year. And he was he's like, these are like 10 out of 10 cheeses. I love them.
I think I made Mike watch them, or at least the first one a few years back, or at least when they first came out on Disney Plus, and it was like, oh my god. And yeah so that's when we were like watching all of the old things that we never thought we'd see again. Yeah. um But because I don't think that he ever watched it before, but I loved that movie so much. Me too. I loved it. Normally, like every October, we watch now Halloween Town. I had watched them, but like Anthony Hatton until Disney Plus is when I found out he had never watched them. And then we normally watch Hocus Pocus. We didn't watch that this year. We normally watch Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween.
We didn't do that this year. like There was just so much that I don't know what it is about this year. My friend in the States was saying that like for her with all the election shit going on, she just couldn't even feel like in the Halloween spirit because I guess like where she lives is like terrible. And I was like, I could see that. It's like not even that here. It was just, I don't know. This year was weird. It was just something different. And I feel like it went by really fast too. It did. So even like on Halloween, like usually like on Halloween, like I'm really like excited and like, you know, let's take all the pictures and all the things. And I felt like I, it just, it felt like another day. And so it was really sad because I remember I was like in the kitchen and I'm just like,
Um, I was putting away dishes and I'm just like, Oh yeah, you know, April's going to go trick or treating tonight and whatever. And like, I'm sitting here talking to myself like in my head, like it's another day. And then I'm like, wait a second. It's not just another day though. Yeah.
No, like we'd normally make barbed rock bread. We didn't make that. like Literally anything that we've ever done like kind of consistently for Halloween just didn't happen this year. and Then like you said it went by like so fast. so it was like It's the middle of October, now it's November 1st.
And I was just like, well, Halloween's over, I guess. ah

Digital Age's Impact on Witchcraft

Yeah. It went by so fast. And even like we, so Avery really wanted a couple of weeks ago to like do like a little Halloween, like get together with her friends. And so we had like pumpkins that we painted and all this stuff, but it was just like that came on so fast that like I forgot that I had bought like cute little Halloween, like pics or whatever for our charcuterie board. Like I bought like,
And I'm finding it now and I'm just like, what the heck? I had such good intentions in September. yeah And then literally October went by like that. Yeah. Anthony bought these cute, like spooky cookie cutters. There's like a ghost one. There's like a cat that's all like puffed up. Like there's like a bunch of cute little ones and he was like, oh, I bought these so we could use them for like pumpkin carving or whatever. We didn't even buy pumpkins to carve.
Yeah. I feel like we all should just celebrate Halloween the next like couple of weeks. e Yeah, I agree. and I am going to do spooky things. Yeah. In the next couple of weeks. I saw a thing that I posted today because it made me laugh because I like was literally just thinking about all this stuff and being sad about it. And it was like me when Halloween's over. Bye ghost. I love you. Like I feel this right now. This is me. Yeah. like
yeah And if you're not a Supercast subscriber, you don't know this, but I'm sick again. So, you know, we just recorded book club and I was worse than I am now. Now I just sound ridiculous. yeah But, you know, at book club I was having coughing fits. That was a wild book club. Like I feel like, money yeah first of all, it went way longer than either of us were anticipating. You were coughing up a lung. I was. I think I died twice. Yeah.
I was like crying from all the coughing. I was like, oh my God, this is a mess. Yeah. And of course it was a video recording. So, you know, all of our lovely Supercast fans have to watch that. Right. Yeah. Just watch you. Like, I mean, you were, you did meet yourself. So that's good. I did. But like, you did yeah, we're not reminiscing about Halloween on this episode though. We're talking about the sick you've been. What are we talking about?
This is a great episode that we've been wanting to talk, like we've been wanting to do for a little while. And so I'm happy that we're able to make this work, but we're going to be discussing magic and the digital age and all of the ramifications. It has pros and cons. It's like a double edged sword. It really does. Yeah. There's a lot of pros and cons. And, you know, the question that I'm always thinking of and drawing on is like,
you know, wondering like, is it doing more harm than good or is it doing more good than harm? Like always thinking about that. And also- I go back and forth with it where it's like, oh, this is great because it's so like, it's made it, not even that it's made it cool, it's made it more acceptable, right? So like people people still judge you, right? Like it's, we know what's gonna happen.
But like it's people are less judgmental towards you if you're like, oh, I practice witchcraft, or I'm a pagan, or I'm Wiccan, or I'm you know inter-XYZ, whatever it is. But like also, it also opens the doors for a lot of just nonsense. I agree. Yeah. So I guess like the biggest question too for this episode is, and just the biggest theme of it,
Has the practice of witchcraft become hollow due to the rise of social media?

Authenticity vs. Trendiness in Witchcraft

And that's what we're going to talk about today. Yeah. And figure that out. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Short answer. I don't know. a Short answer. i guess No one knows. Yeah. It's up to you to decide, I guess, for yourself. And that's the end of the episode. See you later, guys. This has been a great episode. ah We'll see you next year. Yes. Yeah.
And I think like you hit the nail on the head, too, just talking about how it is more acceptable now. But when you see, especially with the rise of social media being what it is, it's witchcraft and paganism and everything is something that's like trending now. And so it's like, you know, is this because of that are, you know, when people realize that people will pay money for education and spells, etc.
um I feel like you see more people in the space that aren't exactly genuine. Yeah. Yeah. And we've talked, I mean, I feel like we have. beat this kind of into the ground on the podcast throughout many episodes where, you know, you see these people that it's like, oh, this is trendy. This is something that I can make money on. This is something that people will pay for. So you see people coming in and saying like, oh, I'm, you know, XYZ and I'm a professional. And so I have this course that I can teach you or I can, you know, do this reading for you, but it's going to cost you money.
and like right if you do tarot readings you should make your money right but if somebody's charging you like 80 million dollars for a reading the like red flag right yeah well then it's just like it makes me think of two all of the readers on Instagram and TikTok that are reading for the collective. And while I do, I am a huge believer in there are no coincidences. And so it's weird how sometimes it'll be something like, maybe something that's on my mind that I haven't talked about with anybody. And then I see- It's so specific. Yeah, it's super specific. And it's like, what the heck? But I can see how that can also be very bad. Because if you're somebody who's maybe in a very vulnerable situation,
And you just see this tarot reading come up on your feet and you just assume like, you don't take it with a grain of salt. You just take it as like, this is like, this is Bible. This is legit. This is, you know, whatever. Then, I mean, it could be It could really impact your way, your life in a very negative way, I guess. Yeah. i don't like i Again, it's like one of those double-edged sword things where it's like you know there are genuine people out there that do that and it's like, okay, that
that reading could be meant for somebody very specific, but then at the same time, like, oh, I'm doing this for the collective. And you never know who's going to come across that video and like what headspace you're going to be in or, you know, so. And some of them like, i some of them will be like, you know, better than others. And it'll be a very, you know, if you were to look back at all of their videos, very diverse readings and things like that. And then other ones, it's like, I've seen some that will come across and it's just like,
a very heavy on love. like yeah like This new person that's coming to your life is your soulmate and it's just like, stop. How many new people come into my life a day? Oh, so you're telling me like the person at the grocery store that bagged my groceries? like What? yeah it's Yeah, it is crazy. And I feel like too, it can be very predatory, like this space on social media, especially if you're new to the occult and say this is like maybe your first experience with the occult. Like so if you have your first experience with someone who is not really genuine, or um takes advantage of you in some way, like, I feel like that's going to make you less likely to be wanting to be open or open up to different beliefs and

The Role of the Internet in Occult Practices

stuff in the future. So which is really sad, because it's like if this is your only
If this is your gateway entry into anything related to vehicle or earthbound religions and your first experience is a predatory one, yeah you're going to assume everybody's like that. and I will say something that I i love about like this topic today is that like growing up the way that I did in you know like a really religious household, getting my hands on anything like this was like non-existent, unless I could find it in my school library, which was not happening. i We were in a very poor school. you know like I wouldn't have been able to get any of that. I mean, I i wasn't able to get any of that. But now, like if I were a child today, everything is at my fingertips. So even if like my parents like were trying to raise me religiously, I still have the internet. I still have social media, TikTok, whatever, where I can go to.
to get that information, which I absolutely love. But again, it's like a double-edged sword because then we're talking about younger. I mean, i it works for adults too, right? But like if we're talking about younger, the younger generation specifically, they're more impressionable. And so they're coming across the wrong pages. It's also very like, it could be like bad. I don't know. right Yeah, I agree. And then I feel like it also can work. It is a hard topic. And I feel like it can work like reverse as well because now that there is more of like more information, like there's a lot more information online, um but also there's a lot more information online from really hateful groups who assume that people who
like our pagan are part of the occult or practice in the earthbound religions that they are spiking candy and like doing, you know, the, um, over the candy. Yeah. Like, it's just like, really, why would I do that? Why would I ruin a perfectly good Kit Kat? But, um, right. And so you nobody's ruining chocolate. and yeah Right. So I can see how that can be.
very detrimental and people even trying to have access to um this type of information or education. Because if, you know, your parents happen to see Pastor Jim Bob on TikTok or Instagram talking about how there's, which is in the congregation and they should be expelled, like, ah you're probably, yeah, less likely to want to learn more about it. Yeah. Yeah.
yeah it's
There's so much, there's so much that's like cringy, but then there's also so much that's good. So it makes this topic like, I feel like that's why this topic was so important to us because like we spend a lot of time on the internet researching these topics for these episodes that we do. And so we see a lot of this stuff that we talk about behind the scenes or even just like stuff that we see and we don't talk about it because we're just like, Oh my God, this is too much.
Yes. so yeah And so with like ah the good versus the bad with it, like obviously the people who are interested in learning more information and having that you know greater access to knowledge, like you were saying, is so so much better than how it was before. Because even like when I was a kid, my dad was pagan. And so he would take me all the time to like the little cult shop in our town and like If I wanted a book about anything, like he would buy it for me and and I could always ask him, but not everybody has that type of information at their fingertips. And even with that, like in the 90s and 2000s, early 2000s,
Internet was still very, very new, so it was all relying on- I mean, it's the Wild Wild West. It was not like it is today. Yeah. If we have young listeners, you live in a great time for Internet because our Internet was the Wild Wild West. It really was. It was so new to everybody, including us. No one really knew what to monitor, I guess. Yeah, it was just a free for all. Yeah, like even if you had access to like an occult shop as like in the 90s and 2000s, like it still was very, like the information available to you was just whatever that shop owner wanted to keep in the store. yeah And it's like what you could afford to buy, like you can't just like sit up there and like read all these books. Yeah, it still depended on like you spending money to access this knowledge.
Yeah, so yeah, there's definitely a lot of good like and we're not saying that like everybody on the internet obviously is predatory or like anything that you see online like you have to be careful with I mean you do but Like so we're we understand that there's a lot of good with it as well um Just have to really do your research and like look into which you know something I've talked about a lot with like herbalism because you have a lot of people that are like oh well, I just went on the internet and searched how to do this thing. And so I'm an expert, but they have like no like real background in it. And so they might be telling you something that's good one time, and then they could be telling you something that's like completely bad. Or you have these same people that are like, well,
I just did some Google searches, and so now I think I'm an expert. So now I'm going to charge you to teach you these things. it's like You just have to really vet who you're getting your information from, especially when it comes to stuff like that. like If you're going to be ingesting things, like you want to know that you're getting it from like a reputable source. Right. Yeah. And there's so many people because you know witchcraft the or the witchcraft aesthetic has become so popular now. It's hard to differentiate between people who are like genuine practitioners and people who are quote unquote doing it for them the gram or doing it for money. Well, that's one of those things again that it's like, I love it and I hate it. Like, you know, we sent around between like our friend groups like the Joanns and Michaels
Halloween lines this year were so witchy and beautiful. And so it's like on one hand, it's so nice to be able to like, get these things and have them for yourself. But then that on the other hand, like everybody's getting these things and having them for themselves just for the aesthetic. And so it's like you're saying like, it's like, are you a witch? Are you not a witch? are What are you doing with it?
Like, where are we going here? Yeah, absolutely. yeah Yeah. It reminds me of the whole like wicker furniture um explosion a couple of years ago, ah where you would have people, because I had a neighbor who um we were living in England. Shout out, Ashley, if you ever listened to our podcast. I don't know if you guys... but um she just naturally has always been very into that aesthetic like growing up like I think she had mentioned something about her mom was really into that aesthetic and like she lost her mom at an early age and so she was just naturally drawn to it and so like in her house was just like this most like the most like hippie kind of
hope like um like What am I trying to say? Yeah, like chic like yeah and she's from California. like um And so, I don't know, her house was just so, so cute. Tons of plants, tons of wicker furniture. And um because there was a super mass explosion of people wanting this same aesthetic, you would see like these shops that you would you know, see some of the wicker furniture that would be like 20 bucks. Now it's like $250 because, and people are paying this much money for this wicker furniture that then, ah like within a year, they're putting on the curb for yeah free, or they're completely damaged because they didn't take care of them the way they're supposed to, yeah because they just wanted it for the aesthetic. And then now it's like a moody,
Um, like witchy type aesthetic. That's like the thing now. And it's just like, like, I know it's in its business, but yeah, it's this and like Halloween too. Cause you know, we are some spooky bitches and we love spooky things too.
And I feel like over the last like few years, both like the witchy aesthetic and the Halloween aesthetic have just gotten so expensive. yeah Even like Michael's and Joanne's are selling things for like pillows. Throw pillows with a skeleton on it. and They're like $50.
Yes. Throw pillow. Throw pillow. It would have been like 10 bucks like four years ago. Yes. Yeah. And even like the whole, because of the rise in social media and mass consumption, you can't even like just come across, like stumble across to find anymore because somebody has already posted about it online. And then everyone went and bought it.
yeah So stupid, I hate it. And this brings me back to a question that I have like prepped for us to discuss. and How does mass consumption and greed tie back to any of the things that we hold sacred in witchcraft? Oh, see, and this is a topic that I've, again, like without explicitly stating that question, we have talked about multiple times in multiple episodes. like You do not need to buy all the things to practice witchcraft. like You literally just need yourself, your brain, your body. yeah That's it. That's all you need. But because social media and the aesthetic, it's like you're constantly being told, well, you need these crystals and you need a pendulum and you can't just have one pendulum, you have to have this pendulum for this thing, this pendulum for that thing. Oh, you also need 400 books, which I will say I have lots of books, but because I like to read them all. so right but like there You don't need all of these things to do witchcraft. You don't need it to practice witchcraft. You don't need it to be a pagan. You don't need it. You just need yourself and you can go out in nature because our ancestors didn't have this.

Sustainable Witchcraft Practices

Our ancestors didn't have Amazon.
or you know enter any like witchy store that you can order from online. They just went out in nature and got like pine cones and sticks and leaves and whatever nature had, feathers, whatever. Yeah, I agree. And I know that we talked about that. But like this is important because I know we highlight a lot how um You don't need to buy anything expensive. You can go to the Dollar Tree. You can buy things like really cheap. And while, yes, you can do that, I do think that when you are pagan and you are like focusing more on an earthbound religion and you're practicing witchcraft, I do think that you should, like if you're not, I guess, putting your money where your mouth is when it comes to how you acquire certain things. like
I mean, like um it is what it is because I've bought things from the Dollar Tree before. Don't get me wrong. I've bought things from Amazon, you know and that's one of the things here. like If I want something and the same for you, like living in another country outside of America, like we don't have access to an occult shop here. So there's some things I have to buy off of Amazon. yeah But like I feel like there's just there's a balance with it though. like You've got to be careful because
With a lot of the tenants of paganism and witchcraft, it requires you to be one with nature, to revere nature, to respect it and to work with it and understand like the changing cycles of whatever that the um environment is that you currently live in. But if you're literally just wasting a ton of money on yeah these companies that don't give a shit about climate change, that yeah are not um good companies really, or reputable companies to buy from, because they treat their employees like shit, they treat nature like shit, then I mean, I feel like it, it can like, inhibit your practice. Yeah. And I will say like,
I buy a lot of things on Amazon because A, I hate going in public. I hate people. People suck. And also I live in another country and I can't get everything that I'm looking for here. At least I haven't found, you know, I try to find it here first. And if I, I can't, I buy it locally. If I can't, then I order it on Amazon. But I only buy from Amazon shops.
that are like, I know they're rep especially with like herbal or like essential oils. Like I'll buy from Star West Botanicals, Amazon Front. I'll buy from Davidson's Herbles, like Amazon Front. Like companies that I know I trust and I use and I know that they source their, you know, herbs or whatever I'm buying from them.
ethically and responsibly and they're not over harvesting and killing off entire species of plants. like I'm very conscious about that when it comes to these things. and so like I know a lot of people will shame Amazon completely, but as somebody who has done a lot of research on like where I can get my things from, you can get them from reputable Amazon storefronts from these businesses.
you just have to do research. It takes a little more time. Sometimes it costs a little bit more money. So you kind of have to like weigh that pro and con like, do I want to make sure I'm sourcing something ethically and responsibly and pay a little bit extra to have it? Or do I want to, you know,
just get it from wherever or not get it at all or grow it myself if it's like a plant or, you know, find it locally to me. It's just, I think that's like a really personal thing for people and, you know, whatever your choice is, that's your choice. But like Sam said, it's one of those things where it's like, do we want to continue to over-consume and not really like focus on that like earth? What's the word?
relationship? Yeah, kind of reverence. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know where I was. I don't know what the word was. but But yeah, well, I think you're, you're exactly right. Like we can't make that decision for you. That's something that's a personal decision that you have to make. But when you have to like live within your means to like, we fully understand that. And that's why we we talk about that all the time. Like you don't have to buy the expensive thing. You can get a cheaper thing or you could just you know, choose not to get a thing and just use what you have and what nature gives you. Like we try to make sure that that's very clear. Like you don't have to go out and spend all your money. If you have money and it is something that you really want, then you know, do that. That's fine. We do it too. But like don't feel pressured to do it, I guess.

Sharing Witchcraft Online: Intentions and Authenticity

Yeah. And what like some of the best tie or like best parts of witchcraft is the ties back to the earth.
and But even with, like say, if you are still like, okay, my with my budget, my means is the Dollar Tree. Okay, go and buy like your candles from the Dollar Tree, but don't buy like all of the candles from the Dollar Tree. You know what I mean? like Because I feel like when we talk about mass consumption,
we um we also need to talk about like the over-consumption in mass consumption of like you go to the store because you it's this store is this store's more affordable. The Dollar Tree Five below, wherever you're buying your supplies, more affordable. But that doesn't mean you take everything off of the shelf. You know what I mean? And like and you see that practice too. like You've talked about it a lot with herbalism where like if you're out foraging,
you don't take everything that you see. You should only take a small, like 10% of that area should be what you forage, not like not the whole area. Because those things are there for a reason and in nature. The candles at the Dollar Tree are not there for a reason. But in nature, you know if a plant is growing somewhere, it's needed in that area for something, whether it's the wildlife, whether it's the ecosystem. So you don't want to over harvest it.
yeah Maybe take that mentality into the the Dollar Tree. yes yeah but There's probably people, like because not everybody who who is going to want those pillar candles obviously practices witchcraft. But there are people who practice other religions and stuff who rely upon having access to that stuff. So just making sure that you're consuming wisely, I think, yeah um is the best thing. but Yeah, it's um you know it'st really none of our business where you buy your stuff from, but I would just say maybe like just make sure that whenever it comes to overconsumption, even if you're buying from a reputable source, you're leaving some for other people too. Yeah. Yeah. Because this whole like overconsumption and greed of like having this the perfect altar, the perfect place, all of the supplies on deck, you don't need all that stuff. like You don't need that. No.
no And it's like even down to like you're talking about the candles, you know, obviously there is a a color correspondence for all these different things, but just because that, you know, like whether it's money or whatever, you don't need the color for that. Like you could use white in place of anything. So if you have a white tea light, you don't need to go out and buy green ones or purple ones or whatever color, like insert whatever color for whatever you're working with.
If you have a white one, just use a white one. If you don't, use whatever calls you that you have. like Look at what you have and go, oh, this one. but yeah like Trust your gut. Trust your intuition. like Those things are going to guide you better than going to the dollar store and buying up every color because you think you need every color. here Yeah. And I feel like, too, ah the biggest question that we have to ask ourselves whenever it comes to like our practices and and what we want to do is, especially if it is something that we're interested in posting online. Are we posting this online and are we doing this thing, whatever that might be for us or for everybody else? yeah and like I feel like if you are in the social media space and you've been there for a while and you've seen a lot of the witch talk or
Instagram witch talk stuff that that has you know obviously had that crossover with um witch talk becoming so popular. It's really easy to see the creators that are in it specifically for like commodity reasons and for growing their business and the ones that are in it because they just love to practice and they want to share that knowledge with others. There's a big difference. And once you've been in this space for a while, you can really pick um those, the weed out the people that you really shouldn't be um paying any attention to. you
Yeah, for sure. and it's not like At the end of the day, it's not any of our business, what motivates people to practice. But I feel like if you are a creator who is posting online specifically to show other people the things that you have, yeah that is it's putting out negative energy and people can pick that up.
who Yeah, I sometimes and I feel like I struggle with this with like our social media specifically. Sometimes I'm like, are we doing enough? Are we, you know, because like, we don't do half the shit that most of these like content creators do. We barely keep up with posting anything. Honestly, like, it's it's a struggle. But yeah we both work like, yeah, like, this isn't our full time job. So like, no, this is It makes it difficult. But yeah but and even when we do, it's more like it's not like these aesthetically beautiful photos. We're like, here's this thing I made. Here's a graphic I posted. you know like
it's very um I feel like from our standpoint, it's very different from what I see from a lot of other people's like social medias and that's no shade on them because I love following a lot of these accounts because some of their stuff is so beautiful and I wish I could be that aesthetically good at these things that I am not.
but No, and one I feel like for me too, like, um, because when we first started the podcast and ah even before we started the podcast, I had started, um, that Instagram page where I was like, I'm going to start posting like content. And I had such a hard time keeping up with it because me a whole thing it is like the production of.
Creating a spell i I feel like I don't like documenting that that is what I find out because yeah Documenting it as I'm doing it I feel like it completely removes me from the spell that I'm trying to do And so I might take a picture after I've cuz like we've talked about and our listeners already know like I love fire magic um And so once I've done the spell and I'm just like, you know watching the flame like maybe I'll take a picture Yeah, but the whole like song and dance of like, I'm going to film all the steps and take pictures of all the ingredients before I do it. Like that is such a personal thing for me. Like I'm not saying like any shade to any creators who are able to balance that, but I cannot stay focused on like my magical mindset and like being in that zone. While I'm also worried about like, I gotta take a picture of this. I gotta take a picture of this. I gotta take a picture of this. It is
I can't do it. like i I just can't. very i I probably like could count on one hand the amount of times I have posted anything like that to my social medias and not because I'm like, oh, I don't want to post it, but because like it is that like feeling. like I'm in this headspace right now and i'm not you know my phone is not even near me. like I'm doing this thing.
And so like, even when I have done pictures, it's usually something that I send you I'm like, Oh, look at this. Like, looking with like, I think I sent you one of my last like, I keep my foot keeps slipping off. So if you guys can hear that noise, it's me kicking my table. ah I've, you know, like I've sent you one of my, I think my last like candle one that I did, I was like, Look at the flame. but Yeah, but like, it's always like an after the fact thing. And it's never like,
I never like feel compelled to like post that publicly for other people. like For you, yeah, I'll send it to you because I'm like, ooh, like look at this thing or this is what I'm working on or whatever. But that's because we talk about this stuff regularly. Whereas, like I don't know, Becky that I went to high school with doesn't need to know what I am doing in my day-to-day life with this type of stuff.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I feel like there can be a space for it. yeah But I also think you have to be careful about it too, because are you approaching that space of are you doing it for yourself or are you doing it for other people? And if you're doing it for other people. Yeah, that like if you're not doing it for the right reasons, like the intention is not there.
or the wrong intention is definitely there and it's not going to be the outcome that you're probably hoping for. he so yeah because if you're and and That's the thing too, is just like if you're so focused on you know wanting to create an aesthetically pleasing like spell that you can post for others to consume,
then the intention of that spell is the creating an aesthetically pleasing post. it it It's become that now. It's not yeah this intention that you had for XYZ. It's now taking you out of that space and making it about other people. so I also feel that there's a difference too on this line of it, on this topic. like If you're doing it for the aesthetic and just, like I don't know, for the likes, the views, whatever,
or are you doing it to teach something? Like, are you like, hey, I've done this before, it works, here's something you could do. But then again, with those, it's like, you should use other people's stuff as guidance, like guidelines, not necessarily like Bible on what you do because like, everybody, like witchcraft is personal and everybody,
has different ways of doing things and different things that work for them that don't work for you know other people. So and again, this this topic is like really hard because I don't think there is like a clear cut answer on you know like what's good and what's bad. There's pros and cons to everything on this topic. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Yeah. And I think you know there is Like I like that you mentioned, you know, because ah about some creators who are creating spells specifically to educate others. um Because those are nice because they're not, it's not like, Hey, follow along while I do the spell for my own personal intentions. It's like, Hey, this, this is something I did before, or this is something I do when blah, blah, blah, let me show you just general how you do it. And then it'll be like, just a scribble line of like, this is, yeah, just write your intention, like go what they do. Yeah.
So like those absolutely 100%, those are the type of creators that you want to follow. But again, like you said, yeah take everything that they do within that working as a grain of salt like and change the things that don't work for you safely. Make sure you do your own research and yeah make sure you you know you understand like some things might not be able to mix together. You might not be able to use this specific crystal because it's water soluble and this is like just putting it in a bath.

Season Three Reflections and Community Feedback

So just take the information, do your own research, and I think before you start,
practicing, especially if you're new to the craft. I think it's imperative to outside of doing your own research, make sure that the content that you're consuming online is safe content for you to consume. Make sure, and you see this a lot with some creators online. They'll say like, we never reach out to you. Like we're never going to reach out to you. We're never going to like ask you, like, you know, message you and ask you if we could do a reading for you or anything like that. Just make sure that like,
whoever you're consuming online is a safe space for you and it's something that you feel like you can connect to. um And if you are somebody who say is not new to the craft and you're somebody who is interested in posting um and sharing your knowledge with other people, really take a minute and reflect on the type of information that you want to put out there and what the intention is for you to put it out there. Is it to grow your business, which if that's the case, you do you, but yeah understand that, you know, with putting something out there as personal as your religious practice and your personal practice with the occult out in that space, you have to be careful not to
fall into those traps of overconsumption and greed because they're so easy to fall into. For sure. For sure. But yeah, so that's that's basically all my notes on the topic um yeah that I created, but I think, you know,
We hope that this episode was a good wrap up to season three and it wasn't like us trying to preach at you guys anything. But I think these conversational episodes are so important because we discussed some like heavy topics, but in a way where it's like, you know, it's not just, oh, we did this research and here we're going to talk to you about this and our education on XYZ. Like I love these conversational,
episodes because it allows us to express more of our opinions on things. um Whether you like them or not, that's fine. If you don't like them, that's okay. It's really not though. Not for Samantha, she'll cry. Yeah, I will cry. No, these are like the conversational episodes like this are some of my favorite episodes because we we approach these topics in little snippets in almost every episode that we cover. And we talk about them offline quite a bit, um in even just in our day-to-day lives, not even like in regards to the podcast. So I love when we get to share our thoughts on it. And we honestly would love if you guys had feedback or like if you share your opinion. We'd love to like put that out there as well like in a future episode.
because you know obviously, while we are amazing, we are not the end-all be-all. That is true. yeah we're not We don't hold the knowledge of all things that is related to paganism and the occult. Unfortunately, I wish we did. Unfortunately. That'd be great. If only it were that easy. yeah If only. But but yeah, we would love to. But also with like episodes like this, like you know we started off this episode being like,
There's pros and cons. It's a double-edged sword. We don't really know the answer. So like if you if your opinion differs from us, we'd love to know like what it is and what your thoughts are and why you feel that way. If you you don't have the same opinions as us, if you're also kind of like, I don't i don't know, I'm in the middle. like We love to hear all of your thoughts. Right. So let us know. And we hope that you've loved season three because we have loved season three.
And we hope that you have had a great 2024.
Cause it's almost over. It's really sad. It is really sad. This year went too fast. Yes, it really did. But you know what? We'll be back in January with yeah a brand new episode and we'll see you guys then. Thanks. Bye.
your new year's manifestations. And if you're good boys and girls,