Think Fresh
Okay. Whenever I walk into a so restaurant they and they give me some shoddy looking table like next to the like so the coat closet or something, next to a baby, i' I'm stewing the whole time. I can't even enjoy my Wagyu tartare. I agree. I agree. The table is everything at the restaurant. If I'm too close to the door, I don't feel like I'm actually even at the restaurant. But if I'm too close to the kitchen or the bathroom, I feel like ah I'm in the economy seating, the back of the plane. You're near by the galley. Exactly. So i there in every restaurant, there's like the there's one or two tables that are fitting for my needs. And I have walked into a restaurant, been offered a seat, and then walked away before. That's how important it is to me. Yeah, dude, I've sat down at restaurants before, like asked for still water because I wasn't sure if I was going to stay yet. It's like, yeah, tap's fine. Took a brief look at the menu and then decided, you know what? I'm going to cut my losses right here.