That actually checks out because the fact I learned about this Guinness that we're sipping today is, and this is really good for me, is that Guinness is really high in iron. Oh, no way. Yeah. Iron man over here. Iron man. And that's perfect. If you're experiencing extreme blood loss, you want to like pump up your iron feet because you're going to lose iron with the blood. That makes so much sense. That's why every woman has iron deficiency. Because they're not chugging Gs. Yeah, exactly. They're chugging Gs. Wow. Okay, so even if you lose a pint of blood because you got your head bashed in, mate. Fucking pub. Fucking pub. You fucking knob it. It won't matter because have a couple of guineas and you'll be back to normal in no time. Dude, yeah. The guinea to blood ratio is like one's depleting and the other's whatever the opposite of depleting is. Completing? Whoa, that's cool. But yeah, Tai, we're both sleeping on the Guinness right now. These Guinness glasses don't have a G on them, which is kind of unfortunate, but Tai and I were able to pull off the one sip perfect alignment without even talking about it. We both either know where the G is, none of the bright heads, none of that's for sure. Or we're just in sync with how much Guinness we want to consume in one go. Yeah, for sure. It's all muscle memory at this point. I close my eyes. You know what the trick is Eric, when splitting the G on a Guinness? One courtesy gulp at the very end. When you think you're done, just one more gulp. I always do it, Ty. I was wondering if it was just me. No, I always am like, you know, it just needs one little more. Just kind of pad the palate. But you know what's great about these glasses though, is there's no losers. You just kind of sip the beer and everyone's happy. Yeah, you can't miss.