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2025 Predictions, AI Market Penetration, & Agents image

2025 Predictions, AI Market Penetration, & Agents

AI-Driven Marketer: Master AI Marketing To Stand Out In 2025
660 Plays2 months ago

In this AI Marketing Podcast episode, Dan Sanchez and Travis Sanchez reunite to kick off the new year with bold predictions for AI in marketing. They revisit Dan’s 2023 predictions, examining wins, misses, and surprising trends. Together, they share insights on hyper-personalized marketing, AI agents, and the adoption curve of AI among marketers. Plus, Travis offers a unique perspective on the gap between AI's capabilities and user readiness. This engaging discussion is a must-listen for marketers navigating the rapid evolution of AI tools and techniques. Get ready to rethink how you approach your marketing strategy in 2025 and beyond!

Resources Mentioned

Episode Timestamps:

  • 00:01:30 – Welcome Back to the Bot Bro Series: Turning AI hype into help.
  • 00:35:86 – Recap: 65 episodes, 25,000 downloads, and a new year of AI marketing.
  • 01:20:93 – Revisiting 2023 Predictions: Big bets, AI company failures, and missed automation case studies.
  • 03:42:67 – Integration Wins: HubSpot and big tech stepping up their AI game.
  • 05:16:68 – Generational AI Gaps: Who’s fooled by AI-generated content?
  • 07:06:32 – Surprise Advances: AI music and video tools changing creative processes.
  • 08:12:49 – 2025 Predictions Begin: From hyper-personalized marketing to AI agents.
  • 10:58:64 – Real-World Applications: Using AI for customized learning journeys.
  • 15:33:12 – Intelligent Automation vs. AI Agents: Where the lines blur.
  • 19:41:95 – Video Editing with AI: Why we’re not at Grade A yet—but it’s coming.
  • 22:41:63 – ChatGPT-5 Speculation: The anticipated breakthrough in AI reasoning.
  • 23:44:73 – Poll Results: How often marketers use AI and what holds some back.
  • 26:14:45 – Exploring the Anti-AI Sentiment: Why some resist the shift.
  • 27:48:80 – Viral Prompt Breakdown: The best question to ask ChatGPT for insights.


AI in Marketing: Predictions for 2025

Are you ready for what's coming in 2025 when it comes to AI in marketing? I could tell you I made predictions last year about what was going to happen and I was way off. This technology is developing at a pace that's hard to fad them. Last year, AI video and AI music weren't even on the radar. Now they're here.
and we can produce quality albums and publish them onto Spotify and Apple. like Who would have thought about that as a possibility at this time last year? Yet in this episode, I want to talk about all the predictions that I got wrong, some I got right, and the predictions for this next year. So stay tuned so that you can be prepared for what's to come and take your career into the future.
Welcome back to the bot bro series in the AI driven marketer. I'm Dan Sanchez and I'm here with my bro Travis Sanchez in this series.

Podcast Milestone and Reflections

We turn the AI hype into help for marketers. Day is the first episode back. We've almost gone a whole 30 days without making an episode on this show because you know what? Sometimes you just got to take a break or it went hard for a year. Okay. 65 episodes.
And 25,000 downloads. So something's working. People are listening. And it's fun to be back. And it's always fun to start a new episode in the beginning of the year because you know it's it's that time of year. And if you didn't do it in December, then you definitely have to do it in January. True. And that is focusing on predictions. Predictions for the next year. Everybody wants to know what's going to happen.
But first, before we get into predictions for the next year on what's going on in AI marketing, got to cover the predictions from last year, which I did solo. So I'm going to review some of my own and then and we'll we'll see we'll see how well I did. But that was back when nobody was listening, but I'm going to bring it back for your entertainment entertainment purposes here. We'll see how well I did. I made a number of predictions, made a little short episode about it.
And I made prediction one, I figured that some big companies were going to make some big bets on AI, buy a big software package, invest a lot, and that some of them were going to like fall hard. And then that there was going to be people in the crowd being like, see, AI marketing doesn't work.
because you know they overcommit and then I'm like, because how it was a safe bet, because like how often have we seen big companies do something big and it doesn't work? But you know I have not heard a single story happen. So I'm gonna call this prediction failed, because I haven't seen a big case study where that some somebody went all in and and it didn't work out for them. There were some companies that did some, you can't call it all in, but like you know some companies invested in chat GPT licenses across the board. right And for the most part, everybody's liking that.
I'm sure there's some people that bought co-pilot for everybody, you know, Microsoft co-pilot and they don't leverage it at all, but it's not that big of a hit. It didn't really hurt. So I think that's probably what's happening more.

The Hype and Reality of AI in Big Companies

You know who did fail though? It ended up being the AI companies, all the hype. Every tech company went all in on AI and not all of them made it.
In fact, you know, like some of the wearable companies man failed hard, right? And that doesn't really matter so much for business and marketing but like they're just like the wearables like the rabbit and they whatever that the other ones were you can't even remember there was a number of AI consumer companies that just went under immediately because they produce bad stuff but the same thing happened in in the marketing in tool world because they were like, oh, this is a tool but everybody did it and therefore nobody bought because it was just flooded with every everybody was doing the same thing.
So that prediction failed. Prediction number two was that small companies ended up automating their whole business with AI or some small companies did. I'm going to say kind of, but not really. Like small companies are definitely crushing with AI, but I don't, I haven't heard of any case studies, any of any small businesses like.
doing like having a standout year because of AI. I haven't heard anything. It's more of like, Hey, yeah, they got a lot more productive and, you know, smaller teams did better work, but it's, I thought we'd see that this year. Nope. Maybe next year, uh, prediction theories, AI companies will build deeper integrations that are actually useful because in the, the 2023, they were all like just the, the lame-o AI tools, which is like summarize, make it sound friendly. Like everybody did that. And nobody was like really using that maybe a little bit, but it was just one that helpful. And of course that was a safe bet. That one actually did happen because HubSpot, Android, Apple kind of maybe not yet. Maybe that's more for next year for Apple, but like a big bunch of big temp tech companies started rolling out AI features that were really actually helpful.
and you can build more into your your workflows. right ah Prediction for us, people will start getting confused about what's AI and what's human. i'm like I feel like every time I see something AI, most of the comments underneath it are like, this is AI, this is AI, this is AI, whether it was an image or a comment. So I feel like most people know it's AI this this last year. So I'm going to call this prediction wrong. unless Do you you see a lot of people falling for AI content?

Generational Differences in AI Detection

So it was something that I was going to bring up, and especially in the marketing world, is what age demographic is actually falling for AI more? Because I've heard from a friend of mine that when his kids who are older, you know, 16, 18, 20, 22, when they get an email from school or from some marketing company, they're like, AI, it was written by AI.
And I'm like, really? They can spot the written emails. They're like, he's like, absolutely. But then there are some people, depending on what age you are, you fall for it much heavier, whether it's written or video and photos.
like So yes, I've seen it it depends on what demographic you are in and what, from what generation you are. If you're the oldest, are you saying like the older um demos are getting pulled by AI more often? I'm saying the older you are, the more likely you are to be fooled by AI. This is all for my own personal survey, looking on Facebook and Instagram posts of like, who is commenting, wow, I've never seen giraffes scale a cliff that large. I'm like, Oh my gosh, it's missing two legs. Clearly that's not a real giraffe. You know, it's just,
Well, of all the marketers that I interact with on LinkedIn, and I interact a lot with like marketers and tech companies, so they're a little bit more on the leading edge. like We're all aware of when someone comments and it's AI. I had a guy comment on my post recently. He's like, oh yeah, and I didn't write this. This was AI. and I was like, AI never says that. I'm like, I know it's you, bro.
Well, I, cause right now it's just, it's just obvious because they just don't write in a way that's natural. And, and it's usually some generic fluff statement that just, you're like, what? Okay. You showing up every time writing a generic fluff piece AI.
Oh, and there's always, wait, there's, there's too many emojis and they're the wrong emojis. Right. do You know what I'm saying? Like AI chat GPT in particular is like wrong emojis, way too many. So I'm going to call this one mostly, at least in the marketing community, I'm going to say it's predict prediction didn't come true. That might change this year. We'll see.
And I predicted that we would have I knew at the end of like next last year, I was like, you know, there's probably going to be some new AI things, a couple actually, that I think are just no one predicted that it was going to be here. And it's, ah it's, it's going to be a normal thing.
a couple of them. And I'm going to call this one right because I i don't think anybody really predicted that AI video was going to be where it was at towards the end of the year to the point where I'm now using runway ML like somewhat regularly, like every other week, maybe.
now. Or Sora or something like it and AI music like I didn't even think about it last year wasn't even on the radar and then bam, like sunos out there and then the other one, whatever it's called. Can't even remember now I used to use it. But there's AI music stuff out there and it's like if you would have told me at the end of last year like hey, Dan,
You're gonna be paying for a monthly software that produces ai music for your marketing materials And you're gonna put out a whole album that you actually like listening to and it's gonna be on apple and spotify You're gonna I would have been like whoa Yeah, so i'm gonna call that prediction to win but that's enough of last year Let's talk about what's gonna happen this year.

Hyper-Personalization with AI

I got three predictions. You got any predictions you want to go first? I would say
I think the first thing that's going to be huge is like personalized experiences. you know how we've done so much experience We've done so much questioning of chat GPT of our own persona. It's like, hey, if I had core values, what would they be? What are the things I'm focusing on right now? What are the difficulties and weaknesses you see in my life? I think companies and marketers will be able to utilize chat GPT or not even chat GPT, just AI in general to really hone in on their customers or their leads and know so much information about them where it's it's going to give you
a leg up versus you just taking personalized notes. Has a dog, here's their birthday, here's their anniversary, here's their last purchase, here's what they've purchased, here's the price point, here's how much they make, all that stuff. I think AI is gonna be a so super, um I don't know, helpful like type A person on the team when it comes to that custom customization for leads or for customers. Man, I hope you're right, but I don't think marketers are ready for it.
No, no, I don't feel I don't think this is the year I think it's I think it's too I think it's too advanced for most marketers and I'm I like a bunch of people are listening to this and like I hope I hope the one who's not either mad at me for saying that or is nodding their head being like yeah like Like be the person that makes the customized experiences because I think we all want it. I think we all need it I think it'll make our marketing way better If you want an example, I did one thing this year that I think is a good representation of what hyper personalized experiences can be go to take my AI course at ai driven slash course. Anybody can do this. I'm essentially just taking the transcript. There's five videos and five emails.
but I essentially just take the transcript of the video and in kind of engineer it as overstatement. But I just essentially prompted in the marketing automation system that goes to chat TPT and be like, hey, here's the transcript for the course and three pieces of information about the student.
Send me, customize this lesson based on what you know about this student now. It sends it back, it injects that one to one piece of content into their email with the course video. That's hyper-personalized. Anybody can do it. It's not super fancy. Yeah, it takes some work to build it, but dang, it's it hits harder than a normal course ah because it's customized for them.
And I think a lot of people could be doing that. I was about to do it for a client that I had who was in the health and well health and wellness space. I ended up having to pass that project pass that project on, but we were going to go back to their course catalog and just start building personalized experiences via email. Really simple. Just get it customized, fill out this form, and go through the personalized journey on this. I wasn't even going to use the word AI because for their demo, AI was going to be a negative. right you know AI was going to be like, oh, I don't trust it. And I'm like, oh.
And I told them, I was like, don't even call it AI. Just call it a personalized journey. That's all it is. And they will love it. They will love it. You don't have to tell them it's AI under the hood. Just deliver the content personalized for them. And ah everybody loves personalization. That's why we buy monogrammed stuff. True.
That's really smart. It's really smart. i Man, I hope I'm wrong i think because I think it's a really good thing. I think because content marketing is such a big part of marketing, if you could start enhancing it with hyper personalization, I'm like, yes, let's do it.
Wow. One of my predictions. This is the prediction that everybody's making, but I think everybody's right. So it's worth predicting. I'm also predicting this later than almost everybody else on their prediction. So I've heard everybody else's predictions, but I'm like, this is, this is a thing this year as AI agents. So I got to get that one out of the way. Cause that one's like, obviously like everyone's already talking about it, but I think here's a nuanced answer to like this prediction. I don't think we're going to get walk away from 2025 and be like, whoa, like,
Yeah, agents can handle so much f freaking stuff, right? I can't believe I can't I can't find enough for them to do. They're so productive. No, right. They're going to it's going to mostly just be intelligent automation. You're going to have to craft what they're doing and so really engineer these things in order to work. They'll get better. But the the I think the lines will start blurring between intelligent automation and what I think of as ah agents. Because when I think of agents, I don't think of delegating to an entry level person.
I think of delegating to like a pretty good manager or a director, right? That's kind of what I have in my mind with agents. What about you? I think because a director level person, you could hand an ambiguous goal and be like, make it happen. I don't want to care. I don't care about the details. Here's the parameters. Go make it, go make it a thing. And then a director will go off and autonomously go and get it done. But that's hard.
Directors are directors because they have the experience to fill in the blanks if need be yeah and to set assignments and not be told what those assignments need to be where I don't think AI agents are at that point and honestly if AI agents get to the point where they have that fluidity to start making those kind of decisions to have the experience to know what will be suitable but not too risky and or or it's risky enough and that starts getting into scary control territory where people, I think people will be terrified of how much AI is processing and is completing. So I don't think 2025 will be the year, maybe 2020.
eight 2026. It just takes the heart. There's three three things that are slowing that down. One, it just costs a lot. All the building blocks are there to do it now because of these new reasoning models. Like we have the capability, but like the O3 model, the reason the big reasoning model from chat GPD came out and its ability to like reasons through the roof. Like it's doing math that only like fields medalists can do in two days. You're like, dang.
It's beyond my comprehension of what it can comp, what it compute now, but it costs like a thousand dollars or more to run it. So I'm like, yeah, obviously code cost to compute has to come down yeah to make it a thing. And then it has to be like developers have to go and bake it into their products to make it useful.
With with access to the right things but also not too much access so they don't go off the rails and causes liabilities for people like for companies like Google So it's kind of be like this. We're building it out We're slowly increasing the scope by the time we get to the end of the year the scope will have increased enough to where we can say like okay This is really cool now because I can assign it a blog post and it's smart enough to go and do the research Write the post fact check it embed some media into it and then get the draft ready in WordPress for me Ooh, that's cool. like I'm like, ah you could almost engineer that to do it now, but not very well. Now you would have to engineer the crap out of it to do that now, but it it it would be okay.

AI Adoption in Marketing: Early Days?

But agents, they'll be able to do this, that kind of a workflow much better next year. wow um So that's that's one of my predictions. we'll We'll kind of see the beginnings to agents by by the end of the year. We don't have them now. Everything they call agents now is in an agent.
I would say a prediction for 2025 is I think 2025 will still be a lull for the masses. people will start People more and more will start using AI as a Google tool to Google information and potentially continue to change text messages. I think that group of people is just going to increase huge in 2025, which will then create more conversation more hype and more reason for tech companies to continue to drive ahead. But I don't think people are going to be utilizing. utilizing Even if they do come out with agents, I mean, .0001% of people will be utilizing agents. Someone like you, Dan, would do it just because you're you love to tinker and get into the the depths of what it's capable of doing. But even someone like me, I love more of the
simple, what's the fastest way that I can utilize AI to help me right now, not plan out future plan, figure it out, build it out. So that's a huge prediction for me is that you're just going to have a huge increase of people using it as Google. The tinkerers will continue to build and utilize it in a massive way. So ah people should really keep their ear to the ground to see what's capable now, but We're in the early, we're still in the early so early stages of AI. People don't even understand how early we are. Have you, heard you've heard of the, yeah.
the crossing the chasm metaphor with like the adoption bell curve. Yeah, early adopters. And then yeah, late adopters, laggards, all that kind of stuff. I think for marketers particularly, because this this generative AI has been like, one of the most useful tools for marketing marketers, hence marketers have been like one of the earliest to adopt this tool, because it's so useful, because we're coming up with content.
and trying to do it cheaply for good ah ROI. right like yeah um So I think it actually crosses the chasm for the group of marketers in general, not even just tech marketers, but marketers so in 2025. By the end of the year, it it just it hops the chasm but hasn't gone to the top of the bell curve. It's like that the beginning of the early majority by the end of next year for marketers.
As in like more than 50% of marketers are using, I'm going to define it as using like an AI tool, whether it's chat GPT or just AI regularly in their CRM on a daily basis in a meaningful way. That's how I'm defining like adoption, but it's almost impossible to measure it. I guess, I don't know, I'll have to get social media examiner to do a survey. We'll probably do a survey again and then we'll find out.
but it's still super early and marketers are on the leading edge, but I think you're right. Most of the general consumers of the world won't be using AI. They will probably like they'll be using it in series. It's going to be baked into c Siri now more, but other than that, not so much. Uh, here's my, here's my final prediction. And I pride myself on seeing video content and knowing if it's grade A, grade B, grade C, here and so on. I have been waiting for AI to get to the point where I can upload some videos.
give it a little bit of a description and it create an edited video. Whether it's a short video, 30 seconds, 90 seconds, that I'm like, that is what I'm talking about. That has yet to happen. And I'm hoping by the end of 2025, we will be closer to the B grade edit. We're kind of like C plus if you get it just right. But the AI edits for your videos, and I'm not even talking about generative AI creation. I'm just talking about pre-existing editing. It puts some music, some cuts, grabs the interesting part of the clips. We're not there yet. And I'm so pumped for that moment when the editing can be decent. Maybe not for long form, because that that takes a real producer. And that's where the you know the reasoning of AI will do a really good job when they start understanding the emotional parts, the emotional entertainment of long form videos. But I think in short term,
trailers, promotional. That's a good prediction. I think you're right. I think it's right on the edge. Because like, it's all right there. Because right now the way it edits just kind of cuts out his Oz and obvious filler words and stuff.

The State of AI Video Editing

It that looks too tuddy it doesn't really edit for content at all. And I'm like, but the tech is there. It can even four Oh can like, but they don't they haven't applied it yet. Yeah, I think I wonder if CapCut might do it. I feel like CapCut's really leading the way in AI video. Right. I did a, you know how in Adobe, and i I tried this in a premiere recently, you can, you can slow down footage artificially, right? You shoot it in 24 frames a second and you you want to make it, I don't know, 60 frames a second or something, slow it down. I did it in premiere and it was choppy, even at just double. I did it in CapCut.
And it was smooth, but it led me go farther. I did it to 240 frames a second. Wow. And it was freaking smooth as butter. I was like, what the heck? That means it had to inject like four four clips within every but every real frame. There had to be four individual frames to transition to make that transition. And it was smooth, which is, and they had to have used AI to create all the in-between clips because it looked really good.
I don't know how they made it this way. I think the only way that something like CapCut or another, even Adobe, they're going to be able to do this is if they create something for video, but for like notebook LM, where you can put information in or videos, but it only grabs necessarily the information, but they do it for video editing. Hey, don't worry about the content of what's in this video, but I want you to edit my video, upload 10 Mr. Beast videos and say, I want my video edited just like this.
do a collab with two people and say, Hey, I want a mixture of Mr. Beast and Casey Neistat. And I want my video to kind of look like both of these. And then it can process and go, yeah, let me provide you an edit that looks like this. That that's what we need. Yeah.
And then you have the ability to go back and tweak it. Uh-huh. That'd be next level. But I think you're right. I think by the end of next year, we could see a tool that does auto edits and it's actually like thinking about it in a way that's smart. Will it be like really, will they be bangers by the end? I don't know about that, but it'll be, it'll start getting there. I think it's safe to say it'll start getting there. We'll see if they're making bangers. But at the same time, like, like Google notebook LM put out the podcast feature.
So cool. And I'd say those are so freaking good that I'm like, uh, like it left me speechless the first time I heard a Google notebook LM podcast. Yeah. Because the timing was so good and there is consistently good. Like I've heard some where it messes up. It injects some wrong information or it just stutters weird or something, but it's pretty rare. Like it's usually pretty spot on. So it could be, you never know.

ChatGPT-5: Speculations and Impact

My last prediction is that we're finally going to see chat GPT, chat GPT five.
I'm calling it. I'm like, this is the year we finally get chat TPT five could be this month. You don't, we don't know. yeah but For some reason, I think there's something holding them back from getting it. And no one's released this model yet because I think there's something wrong with it or it's hard or maybe it just goes off the rails and they can't get it or maybe it's just harder. They're like not getting quite the quality. They're hoping from it. I don't know. There's lots of speculation around this, but when it comes, it'll be the next big breakthrough and we'll power everything we do. But right now I'm pretty, pretty dang freaking happy with 4.0. 4.0 is like remarkably better than it was a year ago. Even if they just keep making little improvements to that, I don't want to go be happy as a clam because
Honestly, there isn't much that 4.0 can't do. right I don't really get frustrated with 4.0 often of like, it's it doesn't get it. It gets it. Most of the times I'm like, okay. But that's a prediction, chat 2.5.
I like it. Moving on to the poll results. I i do a poll. Sometimes I do multiple polls because sometimes that's the only way to get reach on LinkedIn right now. Engagement bait. But I asked people how often do you use AI for work? The results are in and we had 181 votes and we are at daily use 74%. Wow.
It's pretty good, but of course, again, I'm in the marketing tech community. So I think it's in this particular community, it's definitely crossed the CASM. People are using it pretty regularly now. Uh, 19% weekly, 1% monthly, 6% less than monthly or none. So it's kind of interesting. So you, you, you either figure it out and are using it regularly or you, you just haven't used it yet. Or just interesting for the six, the 1%, this bottom 7%, I'm like,
I wonder what's keeping them from doing it. I should go back to the poll and just start DMing all the people who voted ah one person one person um the monthly or less than monthly or none. and be like I think I bet most about a bunch of these people are like have a um like it can contention with AI.
I'm getting a lot of people in the comments showing up being like, just essentially arguing with me about AI, and it's how good it is, or how ethical it is, or that we're losing humanity on it. let's pretty I get hecklers pretty regularly on my AI post now, and it's usually the same three, four or five people.
So you saying that I have some friends that are blue collar workers and they do not like AI. They don't like the thought of it. They don't probably because they don't understand it and they're not they're not um creating they their their systems are just more physical. So Obviously, they use technology to advance their businesses, to advance their own personal life, but they're not utilizing it. and they're I don't know if they're afraid or if they just... I think it's a matter of not understanding what you don't understand. You tend to push away. so i'm I'm curious with the group and demographic that you have on that poll, like how many people are... You have such a high percentage of 74%ers. I don't think you have a lot of blue collar workers following you.
uh, who aren't into marketing or trying to get their own leads or running their own business. So it would be fun to do a poll like that for, should do have all but why don't you use AI? A larger demographic, a larger demographic i wish yeah following, you know, and see what, what, well, let's, let's do a poll for the next episode and we'll, I'll post it on LinkedIn, but we'll also do one on your Facebook page and my Facebook page to kind of capture a different demo where there's not a lot of marketers. so and I don't know. Can Facebook do polls?
Great question. I assume so. Chat TPT. That's Oh, that's a great name. You should have asked it on audio. Yes, Facebook allows you to create polls, though the specific features and options can vary depending on the platform. But I just asked you. What? If we specify the platform. Yeah, TPT ran into ground this time. Just go to the group where you want to post a poll.
I don't want to do it in a group. Stories, Facebook pages. Yeah, you probably, I'm sure you can, whether through stories or- I don't know. We'll find out next week. We'll revisit this question of why don't people use AI? And I'll specifically word this question in such a way like, why don't you or people who know who are anti-AI not use it? like What's the most common reasons you're getting?

Viral AI Content and Community Reactions

And then I'll try to give the most common ones. That's good. So we'll see. yeah And wrapping up this, this podcast, I usually try to find like, what's a viral post on AI and let's, let's break it down. So I'll find a vial ah viral post on AI that I think is interesting from Johnny Miller. And he posted my fav chat GPT prompt. So far is this, he said, based on all of our interactions. So it's one of these prompts based on all of our interactions. What is the question that I should be asking, but I'm not.
Have you tried this prompt? No, unfortunately I lost all of my data on my. you got that's right You got kicked out of your account. I use my work email, which was a mistake and I could not recover it. So I am starting over from scratch today. My my subscription got canceled on January 10th and I'm starting over today. Luckily I had access for a minute and I saved all of the memories of what it has and a long PDF. So I'm just going to upload that and say, Hey, put this all in your memory. So hopefully I can yeah ah regain some of the knowledge.
That's good. Cause man, it takes a while to build that up. Oh, just go back to the, the, the super prompt that I talked about a few months ago, right? yeah Like, Hey, based on all of our interactions or all the things you've learned about me, if anything, what asked me questions, but, uh, to get to know me, to help me with my long-term goals, not short-term things, but you know, i have I crafted it specifically. So off the link back to that episode in the show notes. Uh, but I did craft this like super prompt to the help chat GPT get to know.
yep Not just what you want now, but what do you want long-term and who you are and how you process so that it knows all the things and then can act accordingly. It also is really helpful for it to know all those things if you're asking your questions like based on all of our interactions, but what's the question? I did run this prompt and it was okay. Usually these questions are actually really insightful because AI will look at all the interactions and memories it has of you and be like, oh, here's what I found. here Are you going to share what the question it said you should be asking?
Yeah, actually, let me pull it up. It's gonna leave the hangers. Just gatekeep the answer. I've literally been up early, so I already have like seven interactions I've had with chatcheepychee just this morning. Like, where is it?
is that that's a fantastic prompt. Based on our interaction so far, here's what I believe you should be asking. What foundational mindset or habit should I develop now to ensure long-term success of my vision for AI marketing education and consulting? It's actually a great question. So that question was good. And then I was like, that's a great question. Any ideas on what what that should be? the The question was great. It's answered to this question. Yeah.
It's like mindset, embrace iterative mastery. I was like, essentially ask yourself daily, what is the one small experiment or refinement I can make today that moves me closer to my vision? And then kind of gave me like a general guide that I was like, i was at first I was nodding my head saying like, yeah. And then I was like, this is the most general advice ever. And I told it so. And then it gave me back something that was a little bit more specific, like, oh, you should develop more frameworks for helping marketers. But that's still not the most specific thing.
It was a ah really good question, but it didn't and didn't have a really good answer. So maybe I just need to throw the question into 01 or something and see if it can do better. It's a good idea. But still, try it out. Let me know what you if you try test out this prompt. We'd love to hear from you. ah You can find me at linkedin slash IN slash digital marketing Dan. I love connecting with people from the podcast. Travis, are you on LinkedIn yet?
Yeah, I signed up, but since I was living in Israel and moved back, it's all like out of sync and it's not verifying me. It's complicated. I'm working on it. Relationship status. It's complicated. Yeah, literally it is complicated. They're like, we can't verify you, but goodbye. And it like kicks me off. I'm like, okay. Okay. I'll figure it out.
So thanks for joining us for another episode of the AI Driver Marketer. Remember, like I said earlier, there's that free course. You got to go check it out. And I've heard from multiple people that it is, I labeled it like a foundations course. And a lot of people have told me like, Hey, I thought I was pretty good at AI. And then I took your course and it took me up a level. So if you're ready, it's probably not a one-on-one course. Like I thought it's actually maybe a 202 or a 303. If you want to level up your AI game in a substantial way, go find it it's at AI Driver slash course.