Yes, the Original Silent Hill 2 is the Best Horror Game Ever, Shut Up | Windbreaker Podcast image

Yes, the Original Silent Hill 2 is the Best Horror Game Ever, Shut Up | Windbreaker Podcast

E45 · Windbreaker
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On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Yahtzee, Marty, and JM8 chat why the original Silent Hill 2 remains such a classic, and some early thoughts on the new Remake.

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Hello, welcome to the Windbreakers podcast, Yahtzee here. I'm joined by Jay and Marty and my own voice being echoed back to me, apparently. It's not me this time. It wasn't me. And I hope you enjoy the lovely provocative title of today's podcast, which of course, how could it it be on anything but the Silent Hill 2 remake?
because as regular viewers will know, ah Silent Hill 2 is my gaming waifu. It is ah basically my favorite horror game of all time. I've played it 11 billion times. And every time I've looked at even just a glimpse of footage of the remake on YouTube or Twitter or whatever in the last few months, I have felt genuinely physically sick. But I've played through about an hour and a half of the remake, because I don't have much time at the weekend. I've got shit to do. You guys have played a bit more. Yes. None of us have finished the game. So I want to reserve full judgment on the remake. And let's focus on the positive with this podcast and mainly talk about why I think Silent Hill 2 is the best horror game ever. OK. I can dig that. Yeah, that sounds great. I'm going to say really quick. I'm going to say really quick. Blooper team proved me wrong.
I went in as a blooper team hater and I'm coming out as a blooper believer. ah agreed i'm I'm about halfway. I'm like nine hours in. It's easy to copy someone else's homework, isn't it? ah But you can copy homework poorly or you could copy it well. And I think the company well.
Okay, let's talk briefly about the re what we've seen of the remake. well is so Because the remake starts at the very start, almost shot for shot. Exactly the same as the original, albeit with the behind the camera ah behind the the protagonist camera. yeah i was with the The first scene where you go into the graveyard, meet Angela, I was mouthing along with the dialogue because I've heard that hearded so many times and it was basically identical. One slight change though.
And I'm going to be atrocious enough to explain what it is. In the original, there's an exchange in the conversation that goes, the town, there's something wrong with it. Is it dangerous? Maybe. And it's not just the town either. That exchange has been changed to the town, there's something wrong with it. And it's not just the town either. Is it dangerous?
Now, I don't know why they felt the need to make that small change. Maybe they thought it sounded more ah naturalistic that way. yeah el go It feels weird to copy paste the entire scene and the entire game up to that point and just make that one weird change. Yeah. But then I get to the end of the forest walk and then there's a locked door and I have to go into a nearby building to collect a key and that's not in the original so it's ruined. It's ruined forever.
So this is the perspective that I had, because we were speaking about this beforehand. So I played... played as generous. I played Silent Hill 2 when I was a kid with a friend's house, but we didn't get past the the apartment. So I wouldn't say we we had properly played it. know But I can remember a lot of it. I hear that a lot with Silent Hill 2 players. A lot of people like stop at the apartments because it's a bit of a road, like a speed bump right at the start of the game. yeah But ah as soon as you get to the end of the apartments, that's basically where the game has hooked you, if you can get that far.
and That is pretty much like not to speak too much on, on the remake, but that is pretty much exactly what happened. yeah um the initial the initial like ah chapter of the game. When you first get to the town, you're basically left sir to free roam for a bit. It's like you're on the outer rim of the toilet bowl. So by going around this big wide expanse, and then as you proceed through the game, the circle you're making gets smaller and smaller until you go right down the the down the plug hole.
what so yeah this yes me in this mettorial toilet What's the to is it is it there yeah the hotel that the hotel is de turd in this in this magical. So yes, the first some people get lost in the first part and I assume some people will get more lost in the remake because they added a whole bunch of extra pointless bullshit puzzles. And that's why I'm initially, even after having only played the first hour of the game and only gotten as far as the apartment complex, I was a little bit mad.
As someone who's accidentally broken several vinyl records before, I'm a big fan of helping people glue their vinyl records together, which I'm gonna be honest, I do not think would play anymore. I do not think if you snap a vinyl record in half and then you superglue it together, I don't think that thing's still gonna play any Akira Yamaoka tunes. I tell you what, it wasn't the record, it was specifically the coin that pissed me off. I found the record. The cash registers at any of the stores until the one I could. I know, I know.
of yeah Like I just sold everything. That that puzzle's new. wasn't found the fuck I hadn't found a fucking coin. I needed a coin in front of the jukebox. I was like, I've passed like 19,000 fucking cash registers, 19,000 fucking parking meters and pay phones. I could have smashed open with a big stick.
What? I know the fucking memo said I was the dude stopped off at the cafe Texan. Why would I assume that to mean there's a coin there? I went to the fucking market. I sold the puzzle to open the door to get into the market because I assumed a market would be the place that would have coins in the cash register. A place where trading is supposed to occur. But you need a specific unit. You don't get a coin like a quarter. You get a coin that's like a coin of the of the bar that apparently the the the jukebox only takes bespoke coins, which is not how jukeboxes work. What the fuck kind of tiny hole in the wall bar has bespoke coins for its fucking jukebox? It's not fucking Chuck E. Cheese.
a lot of the A lot of the puzzles that I've done in that game, it this the Jukebox one was the first one when I was like, well, this is a really shit puzzle, but this is a remake of a very old game, so I'll forgive it. And you're telling me that's new? new Why did they add something that's bad? It's not bad. It's not an old adventure game puzzle. That was the question running through my mind as I got through that segment. But you know what?
You know what? I'll put my hands up to this. There's a lot of nostalgia talking here. The original game also had a lot of bulged inventory puzzles. I don't see the point in, I don't see the point in adding more inventory puzzles, but look you know, like the old game isn't, you know, completely beyond the pale, beyond the pale bill. Nah, call us own jank. Nothing is in garbage anymore.
know I allowed to say that the garbage acting is garbage in the original and I know it's supposed to be garbage but the garbage doesn't work on me. Well, you know, that's, even as I say it, it feels like a bullshit argument, but you know, the slightly dodgy voice acting with a sort of an accidental, uh, bit boom of the original game because it made the game feel more unworldly. Yeah. I don't have a leg to stand on cause I love twin peaks and David Lynch and I defend twin peaks, some shoddy acting in that as like, ah, it's purposeful. i'm like No, it's not. Um, but yes.
we're we're not that that That was our, that was a little, a little tip and a little amuse-bouche of our thoughts on the remake, which I'm sure we'll have more of. Yes. Yes. I've got it out of my system now. As I said, I've only got to start the power building that there's a whole lot more game to get through. You'll have my full thoughts in my eventual fully rambled battery review.
But let's, you know, let's focus on, as I say, the positive. Why did I like Silent Hill 2 the original so much? Of course. And, well, you know, I guess we've ah hit upon a couple of points there. It's legendarily atmospheric and depressive.
yeahp And, um, I'm just trying to go back to the first time I ever played it. I think I rented it from a blockbuster video, which should tell you how long ago this was. Was it, uh, do you think it was like around when it came out? Because that, that fall 2001 was, was kind of legendary in my mind, uh, for gaming.
It had been out for a few years when I first played it. And, you know, I wasn't aware of... I had a PlayStation 2 and I just like rented random stuff from the local blockbuster. And I played Silent Hill 1 on the PlayStation 1 back in the day. And, you know, I enjoyed it. It's a bit cheesy, but, you know, fun, nice imagery. But I went into Silent Hill 2 completely, you know, raw and with the plot twist completely unspoiled.
is rare. And what I experienced was something that is masterful on the first playthrough and genius on the second. on Because the first playthrough, if you assume it's just non-descript, every man is lured into haunted town, a place where he shouldn't be, it's the standard, hey, man, there are some things man should not what of, sort of plot that Lovecraftian horror often toys with. And then it turns out at the end, oh, actually, ah spoiler alert. Yeah, I should probably say that, like up up front here. We're probably going to be spoiling the plot, which I know too, possibly accidentally, I'm very passionate about this sort of thing.
Oh, if you don't know the Twitter sign or two, maybe skip this one. yeah Play the remake. ah Let me know how you feel. If the remake changes anything, we're not able to spoil it because we haven't gotten to the end of remake yet. so I don't think they would change anything to do with the knack. As long as I still get my dog ending, that's all I care about. yeah I assume there's a dog ending.
That's one of the original things that the game has added, and that's when you start the game, it asks you if you want to wear a stupid hat through the course of the game. I think that's because we had the yeah we bought the deluxe versions to play early. Oh, yes, naturally. No. But you know, very massive eye roll when I saw that.
yeah But yeah, ah if so you have this really atmospheric, surreal experience. You don't know what the fuck. And at the end, it turns out, oh, what we've been going through is actually the subconscious of the main character ah of working out himself. And that's like the really impressive thing is that It sort of defies the standard narrative of we're being victimised by some outside otherworldly force. It's entirely coming from within.
And it's yeah got ah it's such a small personal story with it such a small core cast of characters ah in comparison to something cheesy like the original where it is a cult trying to destroy the world. Would you say that that kind of revelation at the end is what kind of informed your enjoyment of the second playthrough and do you think that's one of the reasons it's so vivid in your memory and you're so fond of it because of that. I remember when I watched the video at the end of Silent Hill 2 that reveals the twist. I said aloud, James, man, what did you do? I say that all the time at work. The first time I saw that, yeah. I say it to myself. um but a sort of tone of breath In a sort of tone of breathy disbelief.
And then, yeah, the next playthrough is even better. Like I've said in my video, in my extra punctuation, or was it semi-rheumatic? One of those, about twist endings. The best twist endings recontextualize the plot and mean you can have two games for the price of one, because the second playthrough, ah knowing the twist, gives it a whole extra, you know, subtext.
And that was something, again, but putting yourself back in 2001 or wherever whenever you played the game, a lot of like games didn't have that very often. Games had endings, some of them had cool endings, but the endings rarely, like you didn't finish Super Metroid or Castlevania and we're like, man, I'm going to go back and everything's going to feel so different knowing what I know now. um this was This was very ahead of its time for for you know the early days of the PS2. That's something that I think folks might take for granted now that you know a ton of indie games do that. yeah I mean, of course, the whole reason Silent Hill Games have the fog is because it was a measure to be able to have a very high level for the time, 3D graphics running on the engine of running on the console that it's up with that it was on, because the low visibility meant it didn't weigh so heavily on the processor. Yeah. Yeah, that ah I think that's that's another thing about the game that really sticks out to me is just ah
It felt like it was a, again, like a lot of those 2001 games of of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy 10 and Eco and Tony ah tony Hawk 3, even Halo, that they all felt like they were pushing their respective genres forward a massive leap.
that we just don't really get anymore. um yeah And I think that's one of the reasons why it was almost like Silent Hill 2 is one of those like, oh, you can do this in games, games. For a split second there, I thought you were still talking about twists. And I was like, what fucking twist did Tony Hawk 3 have? Fucking quick twist, am I right? yes Yeah. Yeah. That's when you turn around very fast in midair.
No, I mean, Silent Hill 2, it was technologically ahead of its time. It had it was so beautifully focused. Everything and from the visual design to the sound design sort of points towards its core themes and its core ah plot twist. So not a huge surprise that Blooper team had basically coffee pasted both the monster design and the sound design.
Uh, at least they haven't messed it up, but, uh, you know, I'm not sure how many, as I said, I'm not sure how many what points you get for copying someone else's homework. You're mad at them like copying and then you're mad at them slightly changing the dialogue. You can't be mad at both of those. I can absolutely be mad at his everything. Because I'm mad at them adding puzzles. I don't, I don't understand that. I'm a fundamentally very mad person. That's true. So, uh, one of the, one of the core things in the original game, James is, uh,
so despite the the wife killing, he's an everyman. And ah that that comes across in the combat. The combat is cumbersome. It's unwieldy. James is not a warrior. James seemingly has never fired a gun before. James's swings with the 2x4 or the pipe or whatever are kind of clumsy.
yeah and And that is purposeful. And there's always a kind of a debate over, oh, the the bad controls of Resident Evil that that adds to the horror. How do you feel about that? How do you feel like, do you think that sort of clumsiness is a purposeful design decision that works well, or is that something that almost like we are retconning in our heads? The clumsy combat ah it does feel like a very survival horror thing.
That was, it's very much part of the atmosphere of a specific kind of horror game that you're supposed to feel ah like you're on the back foot. Not always in horror. Resident Evil 4 is a game where you can feel powerful and there's also horror as well. But Silent Hill 2 specifically, yes, you are just an everyman and you're not a combat powerhouse. I will say, I think the combat in the remake ah so far does feel like it captures the spirit of being desperate and unqualified.
ah hey yeah ah James just goes to town on the dudes. I agree with the animations. um I will say though that from, I can't speak to the original, but with the remake, um I don't feel underpowered. I don't think I've been scared playing it once.
like I have, it's very easy to fight the monsters and know their attack patterns and just fight them with the pipe or the wood, which meant I could hold ammo, which meant ah there was a point where I've, I've filmed this, I've got like 90 bullets or something. And I'm like,
If something's a bit of a challenge, I'll just unload into its chest and it'll die and I'll still have bullets to spare. So I never cared. And like for me, the most interesting part is the puzzles and the exploration and the narrative. And every time I saw an enemy, I was just like, for fuck sake, like I've got to deal with this and then move forward rather than feeling weak and scared. It was the case in the original that there was sort of an overabundance of items.
I mean, and there's a bit in the hotel at the end where you pick up like literally six health drinks in one room. Yeah, I don't know if silent, I think in some games, obviously the survival is part of the horror. I don't think that's Silent Hill 2. I think Silent Hill 4, the survival is part of the horror. But in Silent Hill 2, playing through the original, playing through the 360 remasters or whatever, and then playing through this. um never feels like like resi or amnesia or like early resi or amnesia or i don't know for where like i need to conserve this it's most of the horror is yeah experiencing the story experiencing the world yeah again you know it's hard to say how intentional this was but the point of scion hill 2 is not that you are trying to survive against a desperate situation the point is that the villain is you you are your own worst enemy
ah the thing like The smart thing to do would be to turn around and piss off and go home. But James won't, because James is his own worst enemy. And it doesn't matter how much ammo you've got, how many monsters you kill, how far you get through the town, all you're doing is getting closer and closer to your own downfall. yeah that's That's what it's all conveying. I feel that, for sure. like It does such a great job of um narratively hooking you to the point where like, I am unfortunate in the sense that I know the twist as most people do nowadays. It's extremely popular yeah um and well known, but
ah There's such an enjoyment of me reading every single note and like listening to the the NPCs and the characters and trying to understand that underlining like meaning. And that is like a huge part of the enjoyment for me of why I'm enjoying it, like the hospital.
Um, every single note that I read, I was like, how can I connect this to James and his psyche and like, um, his experiences and stuff like that. And that's super, super entertaining. And for me, the combat just got in the way of that, especially because all the enemies, like there are at the point I am in the game, there are free variations of enemies and not including the bugs you can stamp on.
And I'm just like, let me read stuff. Let me do these puzzles. Let me explore rather than just killing, you know, just legs four times. I love legs. I love the legs. leg legs on bos small legs The they're called. the The first monster that you find is called the lying figure. If you're interested. Okay. And what does that represent? Is that like body bag? The legs on top of legs of the body. The the lying figures represent sickness and depression.
Okay. And the legs, I know what the legs represent. Yeah. Cause, um, you know, I don't know how, uh, Oh, Fay, you are with the twist, but the twist is that, uh, Mary's dead and James euthanized her because she was very sick. And, uh, the lying figures represent sickness and being, you know, suffocated.
yeah Um, I think I'd be very interested. the wrong Did James do the wrong thing? um Well, that's the part of the nuanced nature of the story, I suppose. I mean, it's the sort of situation where he's not an out and out bad guy, but you can sort of see why he's tormenting himself. You sort of say, yeah, I probably would be tormenting myself over that. I think there's better ways. I think his heart was in the right place. Suffocation seems a little...
It's a lot much. Yeah. I think the fact is that he euthanized her without really clearing it with her first. Yeah. Cause I think deep down James, like on one level he was telling himself it was for her good. or On another level, he was just sick of having to deal with her. That's why there's so many sexy monsters because he was sexually frustrated and he wanted his life back. but That's the that's the yeah sort of the dark side of James. And the bosses represent stuff as well, right? Like obviously her mid head.
Um, bos head represents aggressive masculinity and that's why he's constantly seen brutalizing all the standard enemies that all represent femininity in some way. And what does the box with the mouth ass represent? The box with the mouth ass. I think that's, uh, another sort of like thing or something like,
It represents a hospital bed, which is- That's the thing that's hanging from the ceiling, right? Yes. It's another it's another thing that relates to James' experiences with ah with his ill wife.
do who's who's Who's more in the wrong? ah James or ah Joel from The Last of Us after part one? Oh, Joel. He's in the wrong. Absolutely. guess James didn't smother away a cure for it. toing snow no Yeah. Okay. I'd be very interested to hear the perspective of someone who played through the remake without knowing the twist. Although I understand such people will probably be rare. Like people who watch Terminator 2 without knowing that Arnie was supposed to be the good guy this time. Well, there's no one in this chat.
anymore. You're asking asking for it and now you've just heard us talk about it. There's no one in any of our chats because we've talked about this twist yeah a million times, right? Yeah. for For me, it's not the fact that the combat is less clumsy in the remake, arguably. It's the camera that changes that for me. Yeah. A thousand percent. Yeah. A hundred percent.
Because the um part of the experience of the original Silent Hill 2 is that James is his own character and you're a slightly loosey-goosey pseudo-chase camera that feels more like you're an entity looking down at him. Yeah. Like there's bits in the forest walk at the beginning where we watch James from an angle ah where there's a line of trees between you and him. So we're sort of taking the perspective of something watching him from the forest.
and just gluing the camera to his bum sort of, it makes the experience more immersive, but that might not necessarily be what you want because in the end, the the core of the experience is the um divide between the player and the player character.
when you finally, like at first, it's just like, oh, we're just an every man, we're just going along, ah saving him from the horror. And then by the end of it, you realize that you never really knew who James was.
ah See, the camera is such an interesting thing, and we've spoken about this before, Jotz. And it's something I want to talk about in my my next design delve. Well, join the queue, because I'm going to do a semi-revelamatic about it as well. yours will way I'll be talking about lots of things. um Yours will be way more focused than mine. um But it changes everything. like It changes how you contextualize and um introduce combat, how you do scares, um how you like get the player to navigate through the world.
it they would have had to have redesigned a lot of stuff just to allow it so you have a third-person camera. um I think it does some wonderful things. it makes I think it makes things a lot better, but in some, it does them worse. I mean, yesterday, I've argued about this, I think, on this show or or slightly something else or something in the past, how I And I'm still a firm believer that like the best medium for horror is movies, art movies. um Because there was like because there's ah there's like a true authorship there and there is a true, I am in control of everything you are seeing and hearing and you can't do anything but experience it. Whereas in games, I noticed when I'm playing Silent Hill 2, especially
the the remake especially because with that original camera there there does feel like a bit of like intentionality to it. Especially even in the first game right from the get go with those weird Dutch angles and like the sort of yeah the nauseous camera movements of the alleyway. Whereas when I'm playing remake I am such like ah ah like a ah ah like Twitchy gamer that like my fingers, I'm just constantly moving the camera. I'm like, Oh, what's going on there? What's going on here? Oh, it's around that corner. Like, and it's, it's, if anyone was watching it and people were watching as I was streaming yesterday, like I can't imagine that scary at all. Like, cause I'm so like neurotic with how I'm moving the camera when I, when I enter a new room. And I feel like well give that control loses some of that horror.
I'm going to continue contending that video games are the best medium for horror, or at least possibly the easiest medium for horror because you don't have to waste time getting the player invested in the struggles of the main character because they're automatically invested. they They have to save the main character to be able to see the rest of the game.
ah but also the sense of being a party to your own torment. I mean, Soundhill 2 is a big part of the reason why I think video games are the best ah medium for horror, because um it's you. you you you As Radiohead once sung, you do it to yourself, badow-dow, and that's what really hurts.
Yeah, that's, that's something I think I get where you're coming from, Marty. And I think I half agree with you and I half agree with yachts in the sense of in movies, you are along for the ride and you are at the behest of the artist and, um, and their motions, but within games,
So you're watching a horror movie, right? If something scary is coming, you can cover your eyes and or look away something like that. Right. um But in games, you have to actively participate and do that thing yourself. So if there's something intimidating, you have to force yourself to do it. And then the reaction to that thing isn't a passive. Wait for the person to die. Wait for the thing to happen. It's a I have to react. I have to run or attack or, you know, shit myself.
um And I think there's pros and cons to to both. For sure. Oh, I agree. There's still, I mean, it's ah in the original and even in this remake, it's that the moment still works for me in the apartment building where you turn the corner and you see across the bars, pyramid heads just standing there and like you can approach him. It's scary. It's scary. the for I don't want to do it when I was fucking 15 on PS2 and I didn't want to do it last night. i got to that part Like walk up to him. It's still like a scary thing that you have to be like, well, fucking I have to walk close to him. Actually, you know what made my eyes roll was ah picking up the flashlight.
Because in the original, you pick up the flashlight and it illuminates the first mannequin anime that you didn't realize was standing behind it. And in the remake, they added a jump scare sting. yeah Like a little like bow when the when the mannequin comes to life. And I rolled my eyes because of course, ah Silent Hill 2, the remake, the original ah has basically no jump scares. And that's part of why it feels so masterful ah from a horror perspective, because jump scares feels like a crutch.
Does it not have any jump scares in the original? Well there's one, but you have to go looking for it. and the prison In the prison, right, ah there's a toilet. And if you go to one of the cubicles and interact with it, James knocks on it. And if you walk away then, nothing happens. if you But if you if you're knock on it a second time,
and then walk away from it, you hear the sound of something hurling itself against the other side of the door. ah And that's the only jump scare in Silent Hill 2. The first game has a similar one with like a locker room in the school, right? there's Oh yeah, Silent Hill 1's got jump scares, it's got jump scares for days. Silent Hill 2, it's only got that that one that's really hard to find. It just builds its atmosphere through a sense of dread and depression, not from sudden shocks.
yeah I also think that the medium it's in has its own advantages with that forced camera perspective. Super Eyepatch Wolf did a wonderful video on Junji Ito um and his horror mangas and they speak about the idea of The act of reading a book or or specifically a manga is that the horror or the reveal of something terrible can happen on a page turn. So you have that suspense and that as you turn it over. And for me, the forced camera perspective and it ever changing per room and stuff like that is in effect a page turn. You can yeah build suspense and then have
that um explosion of excitement and fear from it being revealed to an environment all in one go and having to scan and look and just make sense of it and the visuals of Silent Hill 2 really lend themselves to that because you're constantly going, what the fuck am I looking at? Like, what is this?
Oh, do you know the the the the scary face in Silent Hill 4? Oh, the the big head in the room? I missed it! I missed it last year! There's just one there's one room in Silent Hill 4. Like, one room you have no reason to go into. like surround the vi where if you walk into the room, when you first walk in, the camera's pointing directly at you. So yeah it's just ah you standing behind with the door behind you, looking stupid, as one tends to do in Final Four. Then you walk forward a few steps, and yes, that's what that's the camera just switches around and that's what you see. Thank you, Eric, for bringing that up. That's the face of your main support NPC, just sort of there, with ah eyeballs vibrating and staring at you.
and can't remind ten bell come here and It can't hurt you. You can't interact with it at all. It's just there. yeah It doesn't animate. Besides the eyes vibrating. it it Yeah, it's very ten bells. Or ten bells is very that. Ten bells is very that. It's funny, yeah you mentioned the the manga thing, Jake, because I just had, without going to spoilers, I just had last night, I'm i'm i'm reading through Chainsaw Name because I watched the anime and now I'm like, I want to know what happens next.
And I got to the this point and I absolutely won't spoil it for anyone. It's near the the first part. So like it's around like issue of like 80 or something. And like all of a sudden the puzzle pieces fell into place and I knew like what the real threat was. And there's this like slow moment and um um umm i watching I'm on my ipa iPad flipping each page and I'm like, I know what's going to happen next. And I do not want to go to the next page. And I like literally put it down for a bit and I like made myself a drink. And then I came back and I flipped one more time and I'm like, oh, God damn it. Why, why is this happening? Like it's it was amazing. Horror is right. And yeah the fact that games, movies and, um, you know, like manga and books all have to tackle that feeling in a different way is so beautiful. And like, but that's art to me. Um, and being able to see those threads of like, Oh, well in Silent Hill two, the original,
the the how they've utilised the camera is in a effect how they manage that. And that's stunning to me. like I think that's beautiful.
Well, I think the so the Super Chats are ready to get in on this argument. I'll say the most important thing is the only good thing to come out of those terrible HD remasters um from like the 2013 was the Comic Sans font. on right And they hid that sign. It is like a little sneaky thing that they hid. I wonder if they were going to do that. I remember looking up at the Silent Hill Ranch sign in the remake and thinking,
Well, at least they changed the copies. The the comic sans back. It's like if you, uh, if you break, if you, what's not sequence break, what is it called? Where you break through like the wall, use a free cam to break. If you know, clip through, uh, the wall of the ranch, you could see the silo hoe ranch side is there on the ground. Well, he can't say that in a sense of humor. I mean, that's presumably why the medium ended with gunshot cut to black.
the medium. See, my thing is we were understandably skeptical of this remake going in and no matter what you say, cause the medium sucked balls. I know there are other games that have been fucking walking sim bollocks. The player, which game was really bad. Yeah. But as I say, you know, it's easy to copy someone else's homework. I think it is. Cause what if you have to like look over and squint and what if you get caught?
Or I will just do the homework is harder than it harder than you give me. Especially when you're translating it into a different if like the the fact they've changed the camera is like such a huge deal. It seems like a tiny thing, but it's absolutely got the resi to remake right of like, you know, also why do all of these re remakes look the same like resi to this.
Why is everything RE4 now? Everything. Play RE4. You love RE4. We play RE4. I know. I like a different, and I don't want to read the same fucking book every fucking night. Yeah. Someone needs to change the wheel, reinvent the wheel again. Let's let a horror game go on long enough. Sooner or later it gravitates Resident Evil 4. It's like fucking crabs.
yeah ah Before we start with soup chats, we got a very nice dono through Kofi from Lurchables. Thank you so much for the dono on Kofi Lurchables. My friend and I played the original Silent Hill 2 in the freezing cold in my parents' conservatory when we were teenagers. Mine's were blown when we kept going down halls. There was a hole here.
Uh, it's one of my favorite gaming memories. My buddy died when he was just 19 don't know for WB in memory of Daniel. Hell he asked them past yeah. recipe But that's great. That's, I'm i'm glad you have that. Uh, that's, this is such a game that is great to experience by yourself, but I can also imagine if you play through it side by side or the pal, yeah um, it's spookies.
Let me just reiterate, before we go into Super Chats proper, that none of us have played very far into the Zahn Hill remake. We're reserving judgment, full review, further down the line. So, you know, we might it might completely blow our minds by the end. Who's who's to say?
Do you think they included the, what was it called, Make-A-Wish, Like-A-Wish, From-A-Wish, Born From-A-Wish? Born From-A-Wish. Born From-A-Wish. That was the extra chapter that got added for the Silent Hill 2 re-release on PS2, where you played as Maria. Yeah. Do you think that's in the game? Well, it's a natural DLC edition, isn't it? Oh, yeah. I guess so. But anyway, Dr. Theo gives $5 and says, this town is full of pizza. How can you sit there and eat monsters?
Which is a clever joke referencing the original game's dialogue. Yeah. I haven't gotten to the bowling alley yet. I haven't seen the pizza. Did you get to the pizza, Jay? Does the pizza look good? Pizza? No, I haven't seen him eat that pizza. If they remove him eating that pizza. I've seen pizza. There's lots of pizza.
yes I'm sure the pizza will be there. Yahtzee will wear a green hat in nine weeks, gives two euros and says, October 1st here in Stuttgart. Yes. In October. Crazy. so in september That makes no sense.
yeah and somebody educates on october first It's a German festival. The the Americans have co-opted where you drink beer and eat sausages a lot. classic america yeah I went to an Oktoberfest celebration at a local place, but I've always thought it takes place in a not Oktober. Yeah, it was summer September. I'm not an expert on the subject. Certainly. I never really so celebrated Oktoberfest. Yeah.
Uh, Andrew Hickenbottom, member for eight months in the Green Gang, uh, says, Sion Hill 2 remake needs crafting and loot boxes. Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, one, one, one, because I think he's just trying to get a rise out of us now.
I'm glad there's no crafting. In a world the game has crafting. I presume that's why it's gotten such a positive reception from people who haven't played the original. It's like, oh my goodness, a game that doesn't have crafting in it. Yeah, that's the original. You're welcome. I found myself, as soon as I realized that I could just break windows and car windows, I just, I went to break every window in the city. yeah And at a certain point, I'm like, I wish there was more stuff to grab. And then I had to be like, no, you don't wish there was more stuff to grab because it would just be fucking crafting items. You're happy that there's not a lot of stuff to grab. Just enjoy breaking windows because it's fun being a vandal. Yes. ah Running around Silent Hill, smashing windows is something that I'm also probably going to bring up in my upcoming review as to how it kind of goes against the tone.
or i listen for me mesh windows it amash windows Yeah, but sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. It's like, oh, here's, here's your skill and freedom to smash through weak walls and windows. Oh, but not those ones, all those ones, all those, all those. I'm like vermicellitude, you bastards.
See guru 2000 gives two euros and says the Jeff section from half life. Alex was clearly better. That's an entire horror game. That's a horror section in another game. Like Raven. Yeah. When they keep undermining the horror of our having characters take the piss out of it.
Jeff, that's the, I haven't, I haven't played Alex, but that's the thing that like can't see can only hear. And you need to, yeah. yeah and it so things You have to complete puzzles while, while it's stalking you. yeah um Very good. That game in general is just very good.
i'm so pretty good at making good Yeah, funny. That and Alex Armstrong, a XA gives $2 and says, glad you liked the Belinda and Maggie fan art yard. See, Yeah, this deserves some context. ah Someone posted some Starstruck Vagabond fan art on Twitter and on one of the Discord channels, ah commissioned fan art, where the two of the female characters were drawn with absurdly large bosoms. Hell yeah, brother. Out of some fetish thing, I assume. And I retweeted it saying, Blimey, this never happened with my Chilby games.
Is this the first character you've created that's gotten Rule 34? Oh no, I've had plenty of my shit Rule 34 in the past. You're trying to like, will trilby fan art. Honestly, i listen I was kind of gratified that I put waifus in my game and people treat them like they should treat waifus with weird perversion. Do you think people are going to horn up Metaphor refantazio?
It's a hard game to horn up, as we've discussed in private. Yeah. That makes it sound weird. It also makes it sound even witty, because I was there as well. It's a real horny meeting with the boys. Well, considering, you know, Persona has never had a bathhouse scene where you didn't perv on the girls in some respect, it's surprising how unhorny Metaphoria Pentazio is.
I mean, there's one, there's a fairy character with a, who's got like legs going all the way up to her bum. And the first wheel female party member wears very, very tight leggings. And that's about it for horn. Yeah. Those are just combat leggings. Yeah. Oh God. Anyway, far less than too many frogs gives $5 and says, apologies to Marty for changing my name three weeks ago. Now I'll go make some catches in peace. Beautiful. So many frogs.
Wait, who is that? it's funny that's great I think that's Rose Delta going by the avatar. Rose Delta. Now for a listen to many frogs. I love it. uh, Caleb Reel gives $9.99 and says, can't watch this live, but I'll put money on Yahtzee's verdict on the remake to be like his RE4 make-up opinion. It's better objectively, but by making it so they sanded off the edges that made it unique. I don't think you could say better effectively, though. Everything's just gravitating back to the Resident Evil 4 homogeneity, as we said. And I'm trying to hate that.
I said ah it should be federal law, I guess more than federal global law, like a commandment that if you're going to make a remake of a game, you need to include a perfect emulation of the original on that version. a I like that. Like how in Day of the Tentacle, there's a computer where you can play the original Maniac Mansion. Yeah. See, I like that.
Yeah, imagine if James got to the reveal um and and you put the tape in and instead of the reveal you're just playing the original. yeah Boy, this game seems really on the nose.
ah Pirate Captain Jack gives $5 and says, Yahtzee, you fork-tongued, sad-winder. Just explain as su and succinctly as possible. Does it hold well right now? I am absolutely not to be trusted with an opinion in that ah area, Pirate Captain Jack. I am nostalgia-blinded up the bum. Are you a forked tongue, side-winder?
You need to find someone who's never played the original and has played the remake, and you need to get them to play the original and ask them what they think. That's basically me. You're going to you go have to jam through the original. but i am like for my For my video, I'm going through the remake and the original. so um i' mean but I'm going remake first, which is a weird way about it. That's the way to do it. Yeah. Do you think the upcoming ah Silent Hill 2 movie is going to be bad?
Yes. Yes. I also agree. Yes. How could it not be? It is the director of the first Silent Hill movie coming back. Which was bad. Yes. Which was bad. But if it's silent at a bar, good production design. I like the way the movie looks.
Everything about the script is bad, but he's coming back because the second Silent Hill movie famously is more of a Silent Hill three movie with a little bit of Kit Harington and a Kit Harington and Sean Bean. Yeah. starting harrington yeah seen Scene Bean should have been the casting for James Sunderland. Yeah. you would been glad They've used them up. They can't have him back now. Classic Scene Bean. No, no, no. Scene Bean should have been Mary because he always dies in his movies. Sorry, I just get the in water ending. Oops, spoilers. Whoopsies.
ah No, Alex Armstrong, AXA, comes back with $5 and says, no thoughts on today's topic, except this. Yes. Any advice for those wanting to give the OG Western titles a try, even though they'll never be as good? ah Play Shattered Memories. That's about the only one that's so worth a go, I'd say. Ever seen something with all the Western Silent Hills? Is that they all tried to recapture Silent Hill too. It's all, hey, the person we're looking for died and we killed them. Yeah.
Well, Downpour's not quite as much of that, but it's all but it's still like ah playing into the, hey, our dude's a murderer thing. Yeah. If you get a Downpour. So I rewatched Silent Hill Revelation the other day, which is the second Silent Hill movie. That's mostly an adaptation of Silent Hill 3. And at the end ah at the end, the characters leave Silent Hill and they're hitchhiking and they get picked up by a truck driver.
Try to scream. oh And it's so, it's like, Ooh, you're hinting at what the sequel is going to be. The truck drives away and then passing the truck is a prison transport driving into the city. And I'm like, you can't tease two separate sequels in the last 20 seconds of your movie. like You can't do that. You can't be legal. Travis Grady from Silent Hill Origins is the truck protagonist. He also appears at the start of Silent Hill Homecoming. Fact fans. I didn't actually know that.
Yeah, he drops off the main character in Shepherd's Glen. Don't mess with me on Silent Hill trivia. Would never. The only thing I don't know anything about is Silent Hill revelation, the movie or the Silent Hill arcade game or the fucking PS Vita one. That shit's, that shit's bullets. 30 hours dungeon crawler. yeah some of That dude's face. ah Yeah. That's a, that's Silent Hill homecoming. It was bad. Well, I can tell.
Denmark gives $2 and says, this SH2 remake is going to be reload for Yahtzee. Denmark was spiritually harmed by Persona 3 reload. Oh, I see. Too close to the original, so. I never really played the original. Perhaps I can be what Jay is to me, to you, Denmark. There you go. I heard you can't control your party members in the original Persona 3 though. No, nonsense. That sounds fucked.
That's absolutely fucked. What the fuck? Yeah, your party members are kind of just like AI controlled and it wasn't until- That's like a turn-based JRPG sin. That's great. Yeah. And they'll be like, okay, the enemy has like 10 hit points left in the back. You know what I'll do? I'll use a status buff and it's like, why don't you hit them? Why don't you hit them and end the battle? That'd be nice. It's even like, I was playing Dokapon Kingdom with some friends and like even having one CPU as a player is painful, just like watching them go through their turns and stuff. I can't imagine. It hurts.
You know, it kind of bugs me that they didn't like add the word reload or remade to the end of the Silent Hill 2 remake title. And it double bugs me that on the Steam list, it's all capitalized. I'm like, what fucking brazen self-importance you have, Bloober Team. Is it not Silent Hill 2 remake? No, on the Steam list, it's just Silent Hill 2. And on the title screen, it's just Silent Hill 2. There's no mention of remake anywhere. that Silent Hill 2, you for nature.
sign a little to my wife, boy, my wife, where's my wife? Whoops. Uh, sir. Goodwill gives 11, 99 PLNs and says, thank you, Marty. Jamaic yards. I love this podcast. i We love you, sir. Goodwill. Oh my gosh. Right up. Uh, Dale Mallows gives two dollars and says, my daughter says hello to the dogs. I don't see you. I see you, Ludo.
Yeah, this is a rare non toffee stream. Yeah, he has a booty rocking shorts on. Whoa. He's hiding behind and the cushion, having a sleep. So everyone's waking up their dogs. Oh, no, he's a puppy. Ludo, she's wearing shorts. That's humans. That's what humans do. Has Ludo been piddling on things?
No, she's she has her she's in heat, so she's too much information, she's bleeding, so she has her shorts on, so she doesn't do that everywhere. Is she not fixed? No, not yet. i pal There's a dog I run into on my walks now and then, who's like this little corgi, and every time ah we walk past them, Toffee goes nuts. and like He usually goes nuts when he sees other dogs, but in this case, even more so. He particularly goes nuts for this dog.
At one point I got ran into the dog's owner like outside of a dog walking context. I think they were running a garage sale or something. And we got to talking and he mentioned that, yeah, that seems to happen a lot because our dog isn't fixed. Yeah. Oh, I thought the dogs are just in love. Dogs are very, very interested in Ludo and she's, she's in heat, but um she wears a booty rocking shorts. She's all good. Beautiful. Cobalt777 gives $2 and says, Yahtzee, did you ever play the Sly Cooper games? Nope.
i The first game by Sucker Punch I played was infamous, and but I did think those games were very good.
Sucker Punch made a good game called a Rocket Wheels, Rocket on Wheels, I think. It was a game for the N64. We could call it a little platformer. We're like a little dude who made who had wheels. It was pretty good.
Well, well, well. Sovereign gives 10 euros and says, since I know this will come up, OG Silent Hill 2 director has said recently that he hated having to use fixed cameras in Silent Hill 2, and much refers to the over the shoulder camera. Make of this what you will. Yeah, I'm sure the voice actors were trying not to sound stilted and awkward as well. Sometimes these happy accidents occur.
but Also, you can hate the process of making something, but make something good as well. Yeah, apparently everyone was having a miserable time on the sets of Apocalypse Now and Monty Python, the Holy Grail. And The Shining. And The Shining. Well, one particular person was having a miserable time on the set of The Shining. I got told off last time in the comments. Can't say that. We've all had an amazing time. Loved it.
Alex Armstrong aa comes back with $5. Didn't you say you had nothing to add this week, Alex Armstrong? You've been giving a lot of super chat to someone with nothing to add. But do you like stealth games? Try stealth, all caps. A $2 top-down speedrunning tactics game at its core elements. A dot, k nicking stars and sneaking past guard dots. Isn't that just Pac-Man, Alex Armstrong? It literally sounds like Pac-Man. I mean, I like a bit of context.
yeah hello That is insane. A top-down speed-running tactics game at its core elements, a dot nicking stars, and sneaky passive. That is literally Pac-Man. Oh, it looks like Pac-Man, too. Yeah. Yeah, there you go.
ah Dale Mallows gives $2 and says, loving will save the galaxy for good. Thumbs up. Will save the galaxy for food rather. Thumbs up. I was confused with the third book in the trilogy. Will leave the galaxy for good. Which you should also check out along with the second book in the trilogy. Will destroy the galaxy for cash. It's a complete trilogy that's all done now. No more sequels. So now's the time to buy them all. Do you think you'll ever make a legacy sequel 30 years from now? Nope. Look back. That's my motto.
I got it, I got that written on a posted note on my rear view mirror in my car. No, it's dangerous. You're gonna hit someone. Pirate Cap'n Jack gives $5 and says, the leave ending of Sion Hill 2 made me process grief, no medium, film, book, etc. ever has before. That's why SH2 holds so much love from me. Well, lucky you didn't get the in water ending, Pirate Cap'n Jack. No, no. All the the Maria ending, which is the suckiest ending anyway.
So ending wise, what are the conditions to to get these endings? Because a lot of games have already been pretty opaque. OK, to get the leave ending, ah make sure you look at the picture of your wife a lot. ah Make sure to always make sure you're on full health and ah make sure you listen to the closing monologue at the very end without running straight through the door at the end of the hallway.
To get the in-water ending, make sure your health is low a lot. Run around without healing yourself up a lot. ah Look at the knife that Angela gives you a lot. ah Read the diary on the hospital roof. And to get the Maria ending, it look after Maria. Make sure she doesn't get hurt. Check on her a few times when she's in the hospital room. And ah all of that.
I'm Maria was getting fucked up in my play through last night. I was like, I found a way through the motel and I turned around and she's just getting like fucking legged. I'm like, Oh no, what's happening? Oh, well I won't be getting the rear ending. Thank God for that. Uh, Jay, it's very opaque and it's like, you don't know any of those things are happening. There's no like meter. Um, no, I liked that. I, I, I really liked that. Um, to the point where like some of the things you've just described I've done.
And I'm like, oh, so that's going to potentially affect the ending if I keep doing things like that. Yeah. And again, I'm not sure if they jostled with the parameters at all in the remake. They warned me about one of them. There's also three bonus endings you can only get in a second playthrough. The rebirth, the dog ending, and the UFO ending. Although the dog ending was only added for the special edition. The UFO ending was only added for the special edition. The dog ending is original. OK.
You probably know the dog ending if you know anything about Seinfeld 2. Yes, I know the dog ending. I don't know how you get it, but I know of it. On the second playthrough, ah look for a doghouse. And then once you have the key from the doghouse, look for a key, a locked door in the very last section of the hotel.
Alright, uh, tsunami doucher gives $20 and in with his signature move gives no ah comment. A true doucher. Nothing but love for my true douche.
Halkengard gives $10 and says, is your love of Cyano 2 perhaps unfairly tinted by nostalgia glasses? Yes, it is, Halkengard. I am quite partial to my first horror game, Amnesia The Dark Descent. Well, that's a pretty good game as well, Halkengard. That's a good game to be your favorite horror game. First few lives up, you guys. See you in the next E3.
Your nostalgia glasses aren't like, I think your opinions on the original aren't incorrect based on nostalgia. I think they're right. Maybe your judgments of the sequel might be the thing that's heavily, you know, going to be affected by nostalgia. oh Oh, absolutely. Yes. I'm i'm saying that up front. That's my disclaimer. Yeah. if ah If the Silent Hill series didn't exist,
Okay. What is the, what is the greatest horror game of all time? I would be dead from suicide. Oh no. and No bright points in my life. a youth Your own Asia. Uh, the best horror game that's not Silent Hill too. Okay. Any Silent Hill. You can't pick any of the Silent Hills. No Silent Hills franchise doesn't exist. Back up the line. Yeah. Arguably a horror game. organ Yeah. Yeah.
Amnesia is probably up there. Yeah, I have a hard time giving that crown to Resi 4, just because I love Resi 4 with all my heart, but it just doesn't feel like a capital H1. It doesn't get to you the way a psychological horror game does. Yeah. It's action horror. It's very overt. It's a very good action horror game. It is not a gets under your skin horror game. Yeah.
Oh, speaking of getting under your skin, I made the mistake of reading the plot summary for a Serbian film the other day. Oh yeah. Don't read the plot summary for that. No, that's bad. Bad things will maybe in that movie. Very bad things will maybe. I know. To numerous babies. Also shout out to Serbia. Not shout out to the Serbian film though. Serbian film, bad movie. Serbia itself. Great.
You a big fan of Serbia? Yeah, I know tons of stuff about it. Oh, yeah. Nico Bellic, favorite GTA protagonist. in Serbian Special Forces. I believe one Serbian fact is about a character that doesn't exist in real life. I'm afraid so, yes. Although I also know it's related to how the First World War started.
No, I'm not guilty. You can have limited information on Serbia. Marty, you said, you know, multiple facts. Can you? Was it in Serbia, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand got assassinated or was it that the assassin was Serbian? I can't remember. I think the assassin was in Sarajevo in Bosnia. Right. Bosnia slash Herzkovina. Boom. But the assassin was Serbian. Uh, Gavilor Princep. Yeah.
Yeah. One of the histories, one of history's most impactful folks. I know. Pick it as much. Well, you know, people some people say the first world war was going to happen sooner or later. That was just as it the the spark that lit the fuse. People wanted to test out these weapons. Should World War One facts be our next topic?
I don't have a ton of notes of immune. Are we all warheads? i'm I'm partial to a little bit of war facts. I like learning about war, but I don't know a ton of about them. I don't know if I'm a war buff. I'm a sort of a history buff. Yeah. I wouldn't consider myself a buff, but I like, I enjoy it. I'm just buff. Just in general. I mean, yeah. I'm a value of buff.
Rusted. Erm... Pixelgrip gives $10, and as we all know, Yahtzee would never recommend the Silent Hill 2 remake over the OG. My question is, would Yahtzee be less mad at it if the OG was readily available on modern consoles? Probably. I'm less mad at the Dead Rising ah remake now that I know that you can just buy the original on Steam as well for like 10 bucks. If you were less mad, it would make me more mad.
Like why, if I can play the original, why would I want the remake? Make the original remake both freely available and let the audience make up their own mind. Yeah. If the original isn't available, it feels like you're replacing or erasing issues. Yes. Please don't erase or replace, especially if you're just going to turn everything into Resident Evil 4. Yeah. Resident Evil 4 is a good example of a game that is available everywhere. Yes. How about a bit of, you know, variety? Yeah.
Uh, retro guy 200 gives 150 Zara's and says kingdom come had clumsy combat that worked. Well, if you say so retro guy 200, I remember it annoying the shit out of me, but nevermind. I feel like that's just first person melee combat. Yeah. you It's proved in the second one, right? ja You could talk about that, right? place second Um, an event I i think it's marked by improved.
I've never liked first person melee combat. It's ah the lack of visibility that gets me. yeah but It's Skyrim. It's the swinging. I just, I hate it so much. Yeah. What other games have purposely bad combat to prove a point? I'm fighting the edge, not to just mention God of War. Mirror's Edge. Oh yeah, Mirror's Edge. That's a good one. Yeah. it You're supposed to just book it. That's the point.
Did you say God of War? I meant to say Gears of War. Oh, Gears of War. but I said God of War. Honestly, I do genuinely believe out of the remakes, the worst part of those games is the gameplay. so the Or the new God of War is like 2018. Yeah, the 2018 one. okay ah Ryan Betts gives Time of Dollars and says, you've said before that Half-Life 1 and 2's plots are so disconnected that Half-Life 2 was likely made a sequel late in its dev, does the same apply to Silent Hill 1 and 2? I'm not sure I'd say Silent Hill 2 was made a sequel late in development, I just think they were making whatever game they wanted to make and they slapped the Half-Life IP onto it. And some characters that hopefully people would recognize. Silent Hill 2, I think it's Silent Hill 1 in spirit in that it's exploring a spooky town with a lot of fog.
but Yeah, but it's not a sequel in the way that, like, Silent Hill 3 is a sequel to. No. I mean, both both games are undeniably set in the same town.
Is free a direct sequel to 2 or 1? It's complicated and it's a bit weird. It's silent it's a direct sequel to 1, but the map is basically copy-pasted from Silent Hill 2. Yeah.
ah I think it's just because they were both PS2 games. And so they were like, Oh, we can turn around and use this map again. And it's the same city, right? So yeah, but a big chunk of it takes place in like, uh, like the old one takes place on the north shore of the lake. Sion Hill two takes place on the south shore of the lake. Right.
Has anyone ever made like a full map of like, here's everything inside of the whole of all the shit? that I'm for of time sure they have. I think I've seen one. I think they include the downpour map as well, which is on the East shore of, of, of to Luca Lake. I could draw up some satellite photos for you. It's just fucking gray.
Not a ton of Hills either. surprisingly the funny is lack of hills And quite noisy with wind. Yeah. Big Lake. You think they call it silent Lake? Yeah. They're not going to call it noisy hill. There is a lot of, there's this, when you first get to the apartment building, there's a ton of wind in the room. I got lost in that way. That wasn't in the original, was it? All that wind? No, it was just fog and eerie stillness. Yeah. When the wind came, I was like, shit, I better get to this fucking apartment building. I feel like they fucked that bit up um from a design perspective because you get the key for the apartment building. Yeah. So then they start throwing monsters at you and it gets all really windy. And I didn't,
notice what I picked up because monsters came. So I immediately put it away and then just started running and monsters were just constantly coming at me. So I was like, Oh, this must be like an escape sequence. So I'm running to the next place, but no, I was just running around the city. It's different and therefore worse. Um, yeah, that wasn't good. You know what Silent Hill does? Great maps. It's map with you. If you put a little X's and being like, well, this door is garbage and no, this has got a circle. This might be something neat here. and remind me that that's in the original yes yes when you find a when you find a block that you permanently can't get past james just helpfully scribbles out the root on the map i love it that's fine if it's if he if he does a solid line it's a locked door he will be able to open later but if he scribbles it out he will never be able to open it
Yeah. Cause I stopped playing last night while I was mid in the apartments. Ooh, dangerous. And I was worried that I would come back and just have no idea where to go. I always have to like start at the key items. Yeah. I know. I know what I'm doing. It was really, really satisfying. and I was, I was worried as well that To begin with, I thought the game was just, oh, I'm going to walk around this place going in every room and picking up everything I can until I have stuff to do the puzzle. And I was like, eh, that's not great. But there's a satisfaction of completely clearing an environment and like completely doing it and then circling back. Yeah, it's kind of got the Dark Souls Metroidvania thing of like, oh, no, I've kicked down a fire escape and I can easily get back to the first floor instead of going all the way around.
It's good. Uh, Raphael Sampaio gives five R dollars and says the notion of you walking into your own downfall, also apply to Spagops the Line, funnily enough, maybe cover it as well one day. Absolutely. Very similar themes. You do it to yourself, but Dow Dow and that's what really hurts. Yeah. We did a, for instance, 10th anniversary a year or two ago, we did a big old episode of it. That's my favorite radio head song. Incidentally, just, ooh, it's a banger. I think I've heard that one. I like that radio.
It's the one with the music video with the guy lying on the pavement who refuses to get up. Oh, okay. Well, I know of that video. I don't think I, maybe I'll know if I hear it. Do I like it more than creep? Ooh, I think I do. I think I like just more than creep. Shit. And I like creep a lot. Creep skids on.
her but dabyoo but jupiter Matt Draft gives $5 and says, I hate how the Mannequins jump scare you and get in getting a cheap shot. Feels like Five Nights at Maria's. Yeah, that's what I said. have ah Things keep throwing up on me in that game too. Oh, another thing that kind of pissed me off in that very same room was where you look at the Mannequin wearing Mary's clothes and James goes, huh, these clothes.
He never did that. He never did that the original. He it was just went on and commented on. Oh my God. What if you just went in? What if you went into the game? The only thing you modded was at that point, you just have Borat calling my wife. my wife I want to mod that game that every time there's a reference to your wife, it's like my wife. I want someone to mod that and then upload that torrent. So that is the, like everyone who pirates the game is like, Oh, it's really weird that James ah throws his voice every time he references as his wife. My wife. My wife.
Peter gives $4.99 and gives nothing. Trying to muscle in on Tsunami douche's steak, I think. Oh, classic Peter. And then Ben Crooked gives $5, as because of Silent Hill 2 Remake's new gameplay, I was too mentally preoccupied with looking for tins of beans to pay attention to the environment itself. Tins of beans. Well, if you like beans that much.
pet is soa den tonight and says I'm glad they at least nailed the fog in the remake. Don't try to nail fog, it's very hard. ah has From one detail, who for anyone who hasn't played it yet and you're going to start it, I'm going to ruin something for you. The beginning where the fog first comes in as you're entering Silent Hill and you're walking up, there are these water pipes on the wall that are spewing water out.
and they're splashing. Um, but the splash asset that they have is not occluded by fog. So you can see it through ah fog is like a little spark. I noticed that and I kept thinking it was something to pick up, but I'd be like, Oh, there's going to be a shiny to pick up and I get closer. And I'm like, no, that's just so and then you see multiple of them. Cause they've reused the asset over and over. And I'm like, man, whoops, game sucks. But it has good muddy footprints.
I was looking down at my footprints when I was going through that. and Great details as well. The way the environment, like everything blows and moves and jostles and is animated. Like the environment in this game is absolutely stunning. Like it's extremely well done. Also the character animations, a lot of the... Jay, you interrupted the super chat and I'm waiting to read out the rest of it. Oh shit, the video was done!
I thought it was done. Sorry, just finishing it. As a massive fan of MGS, I understand Yancy's apprehension toward remakes. There we go. So anyways, yeah the the the the animation, I'm assuming the cut scenes were motion capped because there's a lot of small, subtle movement characters make during dialogue that um I think go a really long way. Wall of nips and eye nips and stuff, yeah. Yeah. Really well done. Yeah, the knife scene, the knife scene with the mirror, I thought was incredibly well done in the remake.
Okay. Uh, gun gives a hundred RSDs and says, ZP hat guy rule 34. Wait, this isn't Google. Oh, no. Oh, no. What have you done? He had that ready. He had that waiting. Always has it ready. Well, that's not the ZP hat guy. That's the FR hat guy. Oh, the frat guy.
Dr. Thiogues, $5, says, have any of you guys played Organ Quarter, basically SH in VR, along with the manual map system where you have to add the icons yourself to your liking? No, I haven't. I like that. Where in VR seems too spooky? Well, no such thing as too spooky in my view. I also don't have VR, so.
I like foreign VR as long as it's not jump scaring me. I don't like knowing a jump scare is coming in VR. It's that apprehension I was talking about, right? You don't want to go through into the next room. Cause you're like, I don't want to get jumped. I don't want, I don't want this to happen. I like slow, atmospheric horror in VR. And I love the idea of adding all of your map markers yourself. That sounds great. Yeah. That's a game in itself.
Yeah, yeah. I was sort of making like a detective game and my thought was to have ah the option to for the game to like add the clues to your notebook automatically yeah or to get you to enter the clues manually of when you find them. Because I feel like some people appreciate, you know, the action of taking notes of things.
yeah Yeah, I do. I do it for the puzzles in Silent Hill 2. I was just like, if I could take down a note, the game would tell me, but I'd write it myself. And then we'll take pictures of things just because I love that. It was one of the first things we ever spoke about, Marty. On the first stream we were ever on together, um we were talking about, um yeah, like games making you write down stuff. um And I was kind of against it back then, but um I've really come around to it.
do that Yeah. I remember writing down notes the first time I played through missed in a little notebook that came included with the missed special edition. ah I've done that, but, um, I always play like missed or miss likes with a friend and they write all the notes for us. And there's like a real nice, like they're like my side detective and we're doing it together. That's always really, really nice. I love that.
Hjor37 gives 20 Danish krona and says, tried out tactical breach wizards yet. Yeah. Didn't really grab me if I'm honest. Hjor37. I'm not really a think three steps ahead kind of guy. Yeah. It seems like everyone who he is really enjoys it though. So yeah, it seems like by all counts. I mean, I like XCOM, but that's more sort of push forward and react to things as they happen situation. and Bucket list, number for nine months in tip chat, thank you very much. Thanks, bucket list. Max Draft gives $5 and says, I hate the jump scare mannequins cheap shot, makes the game feel like Five Nights at Maria's at time. Hey, wait a minute. Didn't we already have that super chat? Yeah. Did we only press the button too many times? You know what? If you want to keep giving us $5, you keep saying. No, that's just a hint of how you euthanized your wife. Oh, deja vu.
ah i Alex Armstrong, AXA, gives $2 and says the amazing Spider-Man 2 multi-sequel baited Marty. ah That's right. it Ended with there was more Rhino, but Stacey was dead. I don't remember anything else from the ending of that movie.
Didn't they do? Oh no. They also did that walk by where they showed, um, vultures like all of the sinister six. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like their costumes or whatever. Yeah. In the room.
A superb owner gives two dollars, there's dollars, dollars, dollars for Eric to make Marty SFW oops all legs, smiley face. Excuse me, look at that one on that four refit passing out. Oh my God. Honestly, I think they're number one in the votes for King right now. I feel left out. You guys have both got rule 34, not safe at work, don't knows. And I either have one. Well, do you want something to happen to Ludo? Because I certainly don't.
No, I take that back. i Nobody donated with anything now. Oh, no. As a Superboner member for 10 months in Tip Jar as well. Thank you very much. and Jumbly Wobbly gives $5 and says, yeah, it's being passionate about a game. Priceless. OK, have five bucks. No Maria Midriff, by the way. Unforgivable. What? I mean, that's like taking the sexy bits out of Dead Rising.
Yeah, but wasn't that costume just modeled after Christina Aguilera outfit? I think so, yeah. And she's supposed to be overly sexual. The original costume is directly modeled after Christina Aguilera outfit. It is referenced in a goof in the remake. And Maria is supposed to be an overly sexual character, so I don't know why they take the midriff out.
I mean, James Sunderland's outfit is like... James Sunderland's outfit is, you know, true to the original to quite a, you know... Good looking coat, let me say. Real nice looking coat. Wait, wait a second. Maria in the original has the tattoo on a midriff, but they've removed the midriff, so now they've put it on a breast. Yeah, tattoos move, it it's a butterfly. Butterflies can move.
Well, she needs the tattoo on her breast when she needs to check how much health her butterfly has. Yeah. Think about it. That was a Jurassic Park Trespass of Reference. That was great. I'm glad you all glad you all fit picked up on that. That was wonderful. Pure37 gives 50 Danish krona and says, IWW2, a Norwegian pre-WW1 fort, managed to sink a German cruiser in the Oslo field, delaying the whole invasion so the king and government could flee to yeah UK.
Hashtag World War Two facts. That's interesting. We have a whole stream where the super chats are just fun facts. People go like, what's your best fun? Let's do fun fact stream. That sounds great. What's the best fun fact? We can we can bring some fun facts as well. And then we can go into the chats one. The fun fact I always fall back on when called for a fun fact in a pinch is that the voice actor for the sniper in Team Fortress 2 is married to the voice actor for the announcer in Team Fortress 2.
That's a good one. My my go-to is always, did you know peanuts aren't nuts? Get the fuck out of here. They're like el they legumes. They're legumes. They're related to the pea. Yeah. close More closely related to a pea, hence the term peanut. And they they grow underground.
did you know there's there's Did you know there's no such thing as a fish as well? I learned this from QI. Yeah. we We made it up as a general term, right? There's no such thing as a fish. Yeah. I mean, there's no biological meaning for fish because ah you know there are fish there's there are species of fish that are more closely related to, say, camels than they are to other species of fish. Incredible. Dave, your fun facts chat. Don't donate with those. wait You both got one, so I get one. yeah The word taser is an acronym for Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle.
Whoa! Well, Taze are a fun fact for you guys. Not because it tazes you, or do we say things taze you because of that? Thanks, Tommy Swift. I think that's why, I think Taze comes from Tazer, which is Tommy Swift. Oh, Tommy Swift. Yeah, Tommy Swift. All right, save it for the next one, fact.
Okay. Uh, Tsunami Dusha gives $10 and actually says something. Jesus. Greetings, gentlemen. I've been through several hours of SH2 so far and the camera is my largest complaint. I can see forgetting this game in a month because it's visually similar to other horror titles. The Tsunami Dusha had spoken. so on The will burrow into you though.
It'll be people who've never played the game before experiencing the story for the first time that will be maintaining the remake's popularity, I assume. Yeah. See you later.
yeah Zulro, remember for seven months in tip jar? Thank you very much. Gaydaddybear2 gives $10 and says, just throwing in my comment about Metaphor. I appreciated the demo too much. No such thing as too much. My Metaphor Fantastic Year review will be coming out next week and my Silent Hill 2 remake review will be coming out for a week after that.
Yeah. And we should have a, uh, sooner than that, we should have a topical bunch that Yahtzee, myself, and, uh, recorded this. For the second time in a row, I got drafted to do tropical punch because I was literally the only other person the host could talk to about this. Uh, yeah. Game good. Come on on Friday. Thumbs up. Yes. I recommend it if you're a fursona fan, but just bear in mind that there isn't any perving on the girls in bath houses this time. Sadly.
Cool, I'll play it then. Uh, sovereign gives, kind of wish there was perving on the girls in the bath. I roll my eyes at that shit. Because the girls are actually of age in this game. They're adults who could theoretically consent. Hand man. Although the main character's a teenager, has the as everyone keeps saying. No, I don't think he's a teen. He's like, but he's like a...
he's he's up sick yazi He's absolutely a teenager because he's like the childhood friend of the prince, right? Yeah. The prince was put into a coma at the age of six and it's been 10 years since then. So you're like 16 and most. Oh, no. And every other character in the game talks about how young you are. I wouldn't have liked a 16 year old was king. I don't think that's.
That's too young. But he's the rightful prince. So at least he's working on behalf of the rival prince. He does have some good ideas though. People really like him. Yeah. honest does yeah in the com He's going to a novel society on a fantasy novel. Oh, but I don't know anything about Como Boy. I'm not voting for Como Boy. I'm voting for Como Boy's friend. You don't vote for the king.
you don't vote You don't vote for kings. You don't vote for president either. Oh, sick. Oh, shit. Are we going to quote this entire scene from Multiplied from the Holy Grail? ah Well, I didn't vote for you. You don't vote for kings. Well, how did you become king then? Look, strange women in ponds distributing swords has no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power must come from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Between Monty Python and Sun Hill 2, a big day for topics of things Yahtzee can quote. There you go. Ask me to quote Red Dwarf as well. the yeah Where's the Red Dwarf? to The triple threat.
Uh, sovereign gears five euros as he does say, but these clothes in the OG, if you interact with the mannequin after you get the flashlight, sorry, not sorry. Well, I didn't interact with the mannequin because they didn't have fucking condescending contextual button prompts over everything in the original turn nose off in the remake. Ah, fuck you. Thick them up your bum sign. Those things lighting up. Don't don't show up in the original when you get close.
No, it was that was like ah a contextual button prompter of relatively recent invention. In fact, I want to say Resident Evil 4 kind of invented them. te When you prompts two and i m are both good, that you can pick up, let's say a key. Yeah. Um, is it i' just lit and modeled in a way? So it's very obvious. Or is there, do they sparkle a little bit? Basically, they sparkled not the same basically just walk around like pressing use on everything, waiting to see if you can find something to interact with. Good.
That sounds worse. Some changes are better. the we That's how we liked it back in my day. We're going to walk uphill to school both ways. Jule Ro gives two euros. It says, a quote from Silent Hill 3. It's bread. Oh, that's right. Yeah. When you're walking through the the bakery, you can click on something and she says it. She's like, well, I don't know what more you wanted me to say, player.
It hasn't been a lot of that in Silent Hill 2, a lot of like James describing things. It's just a lot of notes and written stuff for you to read. Yeah. You don't have as like internal monologue with like a little, which I welcome. There's an Easter egg in one of my original, uh, uh, adventure games. Uh, cause I was like sick of the practice of amateur adventure games where if you use the look command on a door, it just says it's a door. And that was one of my like things that really pissed me off. So it's like, I can see it's a fucking door. I wanted more information.
So in my game, the first time you do that, it says it's a door. But if you keep looking at doors, the main character gets more and more annoyed and sarcastic. So it's a large rectangular wooden object used to deter thieves. Yeah, I love it. I like that.
Hulken Guard gives $10 and says, on the topic of really good horror games, a sequel to Alien Isolation was just announced to be in development earlier today. I can't wait for the E3 trailer. I mean, I like Alien Isolation, but I really wish they'd give it a rest with the fucking Alien IP, to be honest with you. I missed that. Did they just say they're remaking it? No, no they're making a sequel. An actual Honest to God sequel that did a bit shorter.
Yeah, the original was it's absolutely is not going to be shorter because that's how games are made these days in the AAA space. It doesn't need to be longer. Please don't be long. Be shorter. Be shorter. Yeah. Yeah, they also today was the 10th anniversary of isolation. That's why they also today. The alien cannon is dumb and fucked. Just like, just like my wife. No, no, I didn't say that. Jesus.
My wife. My wife. As I said, as the more I was trying to think of something like people have sex with and all I could think of was my wife. Wait, Marty, jealous out, jealous out. My wife. I tried to get the little one to say.
while are we were ah the ah
ah but fun Fungus Finder gives $2 and says, so when's the Silent Hill 2 re-remake releasing? Ah, it never ends. Maybe the one they couldn't make the VR edition. It is funny that we're talking about the game, even though it's available only if you buy the fancy edition. Like it's not available till tomorrow for everyone else. It's out today, isn't it? No, it's out tomorrow. No, it's tomorrow. Oh, okay. The early access was 48 hours or tonight, I guess at midnight it's out.
Huh. Yeah. Cause I was, I noticed on the sign on to like steam pages said becoming available on October 7th. Oh, was is this eighth for me, but that must be midnight. Maybe they mean, yeah. Like it'll unlock at midnight on the same day. Yeah. All right. Fair enough.
GayDaddyBear2 gives $10 and says, I know Yahtzee isn't much for movies, but I'd love to hear him summarize Megalopolis if he watched it. Darren's summary was already wild. All I know is that it's apparently really bad. But it's it's a fascinatingly bad. Yeah, it is train wreckingly bad. Megalopolis, the new Francis Ford Coppola movie, has the same man who did Apocalypse Now, which we mentioned earlier. This is what happens when you give them too much free reign, I suppose. Like creative auteurs who've gotten too old and out of touch.
Hell yeah. Go nuts. Yeah. And have gone nuts apparently. Yeah. ah Matt Draft gives $5 and says, it is surprising more people don't abuse superchants to make people say silly things like, I love waffles, yum, yum, yum. What's silly about that Matt Draft? I do love waffles and might conceivably say yum, yum, yum while eating some. Okay. Rank them. Waffles, French toast, pancakes, crepes. Don't make me choose. Gun to your head. Pancakes, waffles, French toast, crepes.
Pancakes, then French toast, then waffles, then crepes. Yeah, crepes are at the bottom. French toast. Pancakes, waffles, crepes. I think that's mine too. Good. Good French toasties. Sublime. All right. Fuck, marry, kill. bret now Friend, Fuck French toast.
fungus findings is $5 and says peanuts do start above ground. Like the flower appears above ground, but once it's pollinated, it falls to the ground and then grows down underground. What an interesting fun fact about peanuts.
a Fungus finding is $5 and says, was James snuffing around like the scene in it's always sunny where Dennis imagined suffocating his nurse stroke weather person to I'm walking on sunshine. I wouldn't know. I've never seen that believe that. That shot is a reference to, um,
Uh, one photo of the Cuckoo's nest, which is the other famous mothering scene, isn't there? Yeah. Uh, B.S. Marsh, remember for seven months in the green gang says, if there's alien isolation too, will Casey play it? You'd have to ask him. I don't know if that's been saying something. In case he got spooked out during, uh, alien isolation one, I want to say back in the old days. Well, that's, that was the idea. He's not a big whore guy.
That'd be cool. What a pussy, which is not a sexist. It's not a sexist term. It's short for pusillanimous. What's that? That was the name of the, that was the name of the metal gear in Phantom pain. No, it wasn't the name of the guy you created the Taser.
for anyone who's played. What does that mean? What does pusillanimous mean? It means cowardly. I mean, that's why couldn't we just use cowardly? Cause it has less syllables. Well, cause we can say pussy. I've heard like people complain that pussy is some kind of a gendered term because it implies that women are cowardly. It's not, it's short for pusillanimous. Look it up. I'm pretty sure it's become a gendered term. It's like getting annoyed when people say niggardly. You can just use other words.
But it's completely unrelated to the slur. Yeah, but words evolve. I think, thank you for, it's nobody to show thanks to you for getting solid anthropous. Does the slur have an a, does the slur end with a D? No, it does not. It is a different word. It's very easy. I'm i'm almost 40 and it's just very easy for me not to use the word. It's just like getting, it's like getting offended because I called someone a count because it's one letter away from a very naughty word. Indeed.
I mean, that's one letter, um one letter away. Nigard is like two letters away. I'm reading the super chat so we can leave. ah Fucking dolt. I'm an idiot. I keep reading the super chat. I'm not an idiot. I know big words like pozolanimus. Pozolanimus. Uh, Sussygira2000 gives two euros and says someone's sleeping on the couch tonight.
I meant it all in fun. ah I love you very much, my dear. ah Gay Daddy Bear 2 gives $5 and says, just got to the girls in the bathhouse comment, never ever been my thing, if my handle is any indication. The boys are always twinks too, even Kanji. Yeah, yeah. Everyone's either a twinker or a wife, who, that's anime. Kanji's big and buff. Or there's a dude who's like 30 years old and talks talks like he's an elderly person.
kind of do kind of a big buff guy, anime guys, do they have big hair or a small head? Cause there's only two variants. Yeah. Those are the two kinds. Kandy's like supposed to be the youngest guy in the party, isn't he? He's like 15. Uh, Oh yeah. Cause him and Chie, I think are your young or him and, uh, uh, resay are your younger in the same grade. Yeah. They're in the year below their first years.
But he's supposed to be like the big buff guy. He seems like he's been held back, though. He seems a little older. He just seems oh guy for sure. He's he's all lanky. People are always dumb. That's the trope. Think about it. what What is this weird Japanese trope where the older sibling is somehow the the smallest? This metaphor does this. One punch man does this. Oh, yeah.
I don't know if it's like a fetish thing, like someone who's really into dog boys, playing Metaphor even if Tazio goes, oh God, that the the oldest and most wisest and worldliest dog boy is actually the small twinkie one. Unf, unf, unf. What was that noise? It wasn't horny.
It's just a small dog boy. It's horny if you're into dog boys, I suppose. It's not horny though. It's just if you're so horny that you see a dog boy and you're like, Oh, I'm horny. Like that's on you. That's not on the art. Hey, Marty, did you notice the very subtle joke that one of the dog boys wears a houndstooth fabric jacket? I did not. That's pretty good. I like their fashion. I like their fashion a lot. Dog boys look great. Shout out to dog boys.
They're just regular boys, but they got like dog ears. Everyone in metaphor is like a regular human, but they got some animal thing. They got maybe little horns, yeah got wings. They get one of the standard anime non-human characteristics. Yes. Yeah. And it's, it's not like overtly like a furry ish or anything. It's just like small things. And they represents and that's where the prejudice in the society. ah Besides the one species that's a cute bet. Yeah. Very cool bet.
And then the one that races against good guy because they got different colored eyes. so Like what? Seems weird. It wasn't the different colored eyes thing, was it? It was the because he had normal ears and no horns. Oh, yeah, I guess so. I think the different colored eyes thing was just the main character. Gotcha. Anyway.
oh Uh... Palash T. Oh, no, missed one. James Morgan, I think. James Morgan gives 4.99 and says, not fun fact, human spines never evolved to be suited for us being bipeds, which is why so many people have back problems. Evolution is lazy. Yeah, I get back problems. But but but that's because I'm so very tall and top-heavy. You need to get a new mattress.
It doesn't help. All right. I tried i was eye back i was um until I got this chair and not to endorse a very expensive chair company, but my secret labs chair literally solved all of my back problems. Lumbar support is the fucking one. Yeah. I bought a very expensive office chair ah for my office and it does the job. Thank you very much. Uh, I was on medically prescribed painkillers as a teenager cause I was grew was growing up so big and the growing pains were so bad.
Wow, really? That's fascinating. Yes. I'm genuinely fascinated by that. like no Growing pains can be that intense that you need. Yes. It ain't no picnic being really tall. yeah I mean, yeah, we pull the birds, but then, you know, all the ATMs are designed to see basically limbo dance to use it. Well, you only pull the birds because you can reach for them out of the sky, you fuck.
Well, mixing our metaphors a bit there, I fear. I liked it. Anyway, um, Palash D gives one I don't know that says, you all should thank me for funding Metropolis by visiting Coppola's winery up in Napa Valley and buying his wine. I can't wait to sell his winery to fund that movie. Oh God, don't tell me to do that. It's not sad. That is very sad indeed. Why couldn't you just make Dracula too? Just make more Dracula.
bring Keanu Reeves back. People love him now. Dracula, still dead. Not to be really loving it. ah Is that an actual sign? Welcome to this world famous wine growing region. Well, it is a very famous wine growing region. It should be in comic sense. so That's a fucking horrible sign. That like looks like the remake of Silent Hill 2. Graphic design is my passion. Yeah. There you go.
Uh, Jumbly Wobbly gives side dollars and says, game pitch, Silent Hill 2 in the style of the comedy series Bottom. Let's quote Bottom. Oh, I love Bottom. Yeah. Well, all these smacking people about with the big stick with a nail in it would fit in. Yeah. Like the hitting people with a frying pan and, um, rig my old farting is like a, yeah just half of the quotes. This has been our weekly, uh, our, our weekly segue into a show that I'm not sure exists.
Watch bottom. It's so funny. No, I'm too bad. I'm still finishing top. It's a two masterful physical comedians at the top of their game. Yeah. Smacking the shit out of each other with sticks. Yeah. I want to watch a show that looks that small. Yes. I believe you also missed him in shields. Don't know just beforehand. Shit. Humane shield gives one 99 and says, what's your favorite Terry Gilliam directed movie? Ooh, probably one of the films.
Yeah. I love time bandits. Time bandits, Brazil. Fear and loathing. 12 monkeys. A lot of good movies early in the group. I'd probably go with time bandits as well. Yeah.
ah Mr. Arms and Legs gives five Canadian dollars and says, have you all been following along the Prince of Pudges has had a time remake. Is that still on the cards now Ubisoft is going to... sh I have insider information on this that I cannot utter.
Oh, g did you get it from the insider that we all know? No, no, no, ah completely different, completely different person. Oh, it's pretty cool. It's in trouble with one of their projects and they're possibly out and yeah not really a spoiler at this point. yeah Yeah, but we'll, we'll see if it ever comes out.
There's a lot riding on Assassin's Creed shadows being good and let's face it, it won't be. Yeah, that's true. No, it might be good. No, it won't. You don't believe that. I want to believe.
Like a file you got to be real. Expect the worst. Be pleasantly surprised. That's my. No, no, no. Set a low bar and then whatever. That's my motto. Then get disappointed. Yes. Over and over again. Like something else.
i trying just fine but just finding too first off It's coming out on Valentine's day. If you get in Spanish, go kiss someone. That's not an option for everyone. We're not all a hunk like you, Marty. Check yourself. Yes, we can't all pull the birds either.
ah I was trying to think of a bottom quote to satisfy that Super Chat. I've been trying to think of one as well and I can't pull one. The one that's just came to mind is, Drambuie? Yeah, you got to put something in for the birds, haven't you?
I'm gonna watch Bottom after this. I love Bottom so much. Yeah. ah Fungus Finder gives two dollars and says, UNF stands for You Need Fucking Marty. What? Roasted. Is that Hunkie Marty?
No, please don't. Oh God, that was like an old picture of me. Eric, did you just troll it and like crawl in the internet for old pictures of me? Always. yeah That's all Eric does, I think. Look at me at the club bottle service.
It's my Pinterest profile picture. I don't think I have a Pinterest to account. That seemed to be a lie. Well, if our picture begs to differ. He's showing your Pinterest off. I got doxed.
I'm a Pinterest. Hey Daddy Bear. What the fun we have. K Daddy Bear too gives $5 and says, anecdotally, it's always the younger siblings who are bigger stroke taller where I grew up, especially in sport families. Yeah, I was the younger sibling and I grew up taller than my older brother. although My younger siblings are taller than me as well. Not by a dog boy degree.
I like measuring everything in dog boy degrees. I i' just and just like that there's two dog boys in Metaphor who speak like the Beatles. yeah every Yeah. Every time I heard them, I kept thinking of you talking about a Liverpoolian accent.
I think it's a point in Metaphor's favor that for a lot of our time with the Dog Boys, I wasn't sure if they were going to be an upcoming boss fight or if they were going to be the next party member. um It could have gone either way for a long time for a big part of the day. If they have a character party when they talk, I'm like, who? Yeah. Are you going to be in my party? am i goingnna Are you going to become a friend or am I going to try to kill you?
But then the dog boy started doing like, uh, started having scenes where they're obviously testing doubt on what they're doing. So I was like, okay, yeah. Party member. One of them is going to die. Tragically, the other one's the party member. ah Thank you metaphor. I figured you out. Stop spoiling things for people Yahtzee. I'm just saying that's what I predicted would happen. I didn't say if my prediction was correct week ago, I started doing this. You'd have shut me up right away. You've gone. Anyway,
Fucking Finding is... Oh, just damn it. Mr. Arms and Legs gives five Canadian dollars and says, darn, now I have to buy AC Shadows, so the pop S.O.T. remake doesn't get cancelled. Ah. I don't want a fucking remake of Sands of Time. Original's fine. Let's not do this again. Original is fine. Also, there aren't... You could buy a ton of copies of Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia still might not come out.
I don't think those are a one-to-one comparison. Knowing how much that that game has changed hands, it's probably not coming out. yeah You can still buy Sands of Time on Steam, can you? Yep. I did. It was one of the first videos I ever did on Sands of Time. You might have trouble running it in this day and age, but it's there. Just go to PC Gaming Wiki and figure it out. It runs straight off of Steam. There you go. on On your computer, I'm sure.
Yeah, but like my computer isn't built for running like GOG games, like it's I know, but its I always think old PC games are sort of a toss up, you know, it's like a dice roll. Yeah. Anyway. ah Fungus finding is $2. It says you ever drink Baileys from a shoe, which I believe is my old Greg. that Yeah, it's a match his um mighty, mighty reference from um old Greg. Yeah.
Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, very nice. Is that also a reference or do you just keep saying well? I seem to remember it being a reference to something that I can't remember what. Monty Python maybe? Anyway, double finger gives five euros and says fun facts. Dragonflies are possibly the most effective predators in the animal kingdom with a capture rate of 96%. Nature's perfect killers.
Well there you go. How interesting. Nature's perfect killers. Well it sounds like whatever Dragonfly's most popular prey is need to pull their finger out. I think it's water boatmen. Well obviously if you're just gonna laze around on the surface of a pond all day. Why is like putting his eyebrows up like he doesn't know what a water boatman is?
War boat then like a Water boat then he's doing the gluffle stop that those English tend to do sorry ah they're they're tiny little like um, I guess they kind of look like mosquitoes that kind of would use like sweat up on water Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah just like bugs that hover upon the they don't hover they stand on it they like oh yeah pond skaters, you know what the pond skater is I don't know it by name, but I think I know it. I know. I will send you an amazing video um by Matt Berry, who talks about universities and water boatmen. And it is one of the funniest videos I've ever watched in my life. I'll send that to you. Matt Berry, who's also in the mighty boot. Gosh, it all comes back around.
so no no no Well, that was the last of the Super Chats. My fun fact about dragonflies. Oh shit, another one came up. Snake in the Garden gives two euros, says, everyone please recommend a book you've enjoyed lately. ah I'm reading The Nutmeg of Consolation at the moment, which is like the 15 millionth Aubrey Matcher in book. And yeah, it's fine. I've got to get mine.
getting this i'm getting
Well, if you like my books, have you tried ah Will Leave the Galaxy for Good? I hear that one's good. I just got a book that's all about video game maps. Oh my God. I had berserker volume one on there too. Oh my God. Well, I have all of them. Uh, berserker berserker is incredible. Um, I, I got this book. Uh, that's just all about, uh, uh, video game maps, just a bunch of maps, chose the maps, talks about the creation of the maps, interviews with the people who made the maps, all about super Nintendo maps. Let me tell you, it's been great. It smells great. It smells great.
And then Matt Drafke is $2 and says favorite Terry Pratchett book. I don't know. Interesting times. Like I keep saying, piss off. Anyone else? what i have know that was I've never read a Terry Pratchett book. I don't read books by people named Terry. I have a friend named Terry, so I don't like reading books by people who share a name. One of my middle names is Terry. So technically you have. So a couple of friends, couple of Terry's in my life.
My middle name's Richard. I have two. I have my, my middle names are Roger Terrence, which are great. Wait, your, your full name is Roger Terry. Roger Tezzer's Reed. Roger Terry. And ironically middle name is Kant. Isn't that what Freddie Mercury shouts in the middle of the, the, the invisible man. Roger Terry. Roger Terry. You'll be born soon.
PixelGrip gives $5. There's fun fact when Viggo Mortensen kicked a helmet in Lord of the Rings 2 Towers, he broke his toe and he's screaming, that scene is genuine. Everyone knows that. Fun fact, PixelGrip. Viggo Mortensen. Vig titties. Freddie Mercury shouts that as well. Oh, I thought you were calling Viggo Mortensen, Vig titties. I am. I'm not saying Vig titties. Vig titties. I'm calling him Vig titties. I don't know how thin he is these days. We gotta get out of here. Why are we still here?
FungusFinder gives it another $2 and says, what's the longest answer you can give to a question? I'll tell you tomorrow, FungusFinder. Oh, that's a good one. Fucking buried him. Now I'm going to pluck everyone. I'm really hungry and I want my lunch. Bye bye, everyone. Don't forget to watch Fully Ramblamatic this week. It will be on the subject of The Plucky Squire, because I needed more time to get my Metaphory Fantasio playthrough done.
Uh, and then Silent Hill 2 will be in three weeks after Metaphor. Uh, I've also got a semi-rambulamatic dropping this week, and, uh, there's also the usual adventures now on Saturday, and Yahtzee tries Wednesday afternoon, and that's all of my stuff, I think. Over to you guys to plug your stuff.
You know, you fuck it. Uh, design doll just came out. Watch that shit. Um, streams are happening this week. I'm on quite a few, uh, we're doing, I believe at noon on a Thursday, you're gonna start your resi resi seven. I've never played the same time as this, but on Thursday. Yeah. Never played seven. So we're going to do a bunch of resident evil seven streams this, uh, this month. So if you guys want to see me get spooked and probably quite annoyed at some puzzles,
Stop by. Love to see you there. Um, and then dev heads this Friday. Um, it's going to be good fun. What do you like? Uh, later today in gems at the normal 6 PM time, the crew is going to be playing Zucosis, which is like a new indie horror game about scary animals that have mutated. we game Okay. I assume that was like a mental condition you get from going to zoos too much. Hanging out too much to zoos. Yeah. You breathe in zoo fumes too much and you get zucosis. Yeah, the normal streams Wednesday, Yahtzee tries Firelink. Love Jay playing Rezzy 7 on Thursday. Casey and Eric are going to be starting Metroid Prime on Thursday, maybe a cheeky little second Friday stream. And then like we mentioned before, Yahtzee and I's, our convo on Metaphor Reventazio will probably be up early this week as well. Oh yes. In fact, the editors just dropped that in the Slack for us to look at. So we'll go look at that. ya
And we'll talk to you all later. Bye. Bye, dog boys, dog girls. Bye, buggers. Goodbye, dogettes.