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Games That Actually Make Us Laugh | Windbreaker Podcast image

Games That Actually Make Us Laugh | Windbreaker Podcast

E32 · Windbreaker
7.3k Plays8 months ago

On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Yahtzee, Frost, and Marty chat about the various ways that games can actually make us laugh.

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Humor in Video Games

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Windbreaker podcast. I'm Yartie Crowshaw. Frost is up there above me. Oh, man, the alley. Let's try to do this first time. And Marty is over there. Yes, that's my good friend, the fan next to me. Oh, it's nice to know you still have one. Oh, that was a real Statler and Waldorf goof. And speaking of very clever witty jokes, this week we're talking about humor in video games, uniquely in video games, ah in celebration of, I don't know, Thousand Year Door coming out on Switch, which is one of my favorite funny games. But I also reviewed Cryptmaster recently, which is also a funny game. There you go. There's the relevance for you.
ah There's different, I experienced three different kinds of humor in the last week. In Thousand Year Door, in Shadow of the Year Tree, and in Chain Together. And I feel like those kind of encompass the types of humor we get in games. Interesting. So how would you classify those three particular genres of humor? Yeah, let's go a door. I think there's writing, written humor. I think there is ah mechanical humor. And I think there is communal humor. And I think those games hit on sometimes multiple of those, but i feel when I think of funny things in games, I put them in the three boxes in my head. The writing was funny, something funny had to do with the mechanics, and something funny happened because of an interaction with another human being.
Well, let's ah get through them gradually. Thousand Year Door, I'll grant you, is one of my favorite written, funny games. What I love about it is how irreverent it is. It's like, hey, we take Mario's established, ah he rescues the princess, bowsers the bad guy, and he goes through Grasslands, Desert, Ocean, Jungle, Ice, Wildfire, Wild Boss. And Thousand Year Door just throws all of that in the bin. There's a level, there's a detires episode of that game where you go through a professional wrestling career. There's one way you solve, uh, and I get the Christie murder on a train Bowser shows up now and again, uh, just to be dumb and get the piss taken out of him. Yeah. And titanic main the main thrust of the plot is the princess Peter has been abducted by aliens and she is able to seduce the computer to her side by getting strategically naked for it.
um i feel like I feel like we're putting the onus on her as opposed to that computer just found out what love is and just latched onto her because it's the worst thing he's ever met. Well, the computer does contrive like on three separate occasions reasons for Princess Peach to take all her kit off, but she doesn't resist for very long. Got to get off the spaceship. Yeah, well, I'm sure she could imagine ways to do it that don't involve full frontal nudity. I personally couldn't. Whenever I'm in danger, I just take all my clothes off and I'm like, this will help me. First thing I offer is my sweet bud. Any deal? A grocery store? Oh yeah.
Very funny game full of well written jokes. And what I appreciate is the the joke chain, like there's dialogue based on what party member you've currently got equipped, because you can only have one out at a time and they do all the talking because Mario can't talk. Every single time your your party interacts with the world in some way dialogue based. ah They're the ones doing talking and they had to write different lines for each one, which I admire. The one problem with that, which um I'm realizing now as I go through it um in in a replay on Switch, is that I only want Goombella in my party because I want her observations on literally every screen and every NPC I meet because they're funny.
Like they're always funny. There is a good, go it it is insane how every observation, she has like a button and she'll tell you something about the screen you're on or something about the NPC you're standing in front of. And literally everyone is funny, which is just, I don't understand how they did it. Well, sure. I mean, uh, I had her in the party for every single fight because I needed to unlock every single, uh, description for every monster. but that like that's That's a good reason too. Yeah. Brain worms.
Um, but I guess, yeah, well, so like, I feel like when you, if you trace the lineage of like good writing, like humor in games, it goes back to like kind of the Lucas arts games are probably like the herr games we think of the, the team for on Gilbert point and click adventure games. But is that the school of humor that video games are best ah individually specialized at? I would say no. no and i would to You're hopping to Marty's second point, but before we go into the slapstick of it all, guys, you're a humorous yourself for video games and writing. what's Just from a perspective here, what's the difference in writing for one and the other? Well, this is something I've talked about a lot, because as you as you point as you so observantly point out, I am both a humor writer and a video game specialist. And for me, the big...
stumbling block for video games is that video games are all based around repetition. Video games always have loops, and humour dies on repetition. So that's the issue that scripted humour falls into. I mean, i've I've referred to a problem some games have that I've called Spider-Man Syndrome, where ah if the the main character has like quips that they throw out in the course of combat, ah within and like an hour of gameplay, you've heard all of them and now they all suck.
And so the humor for written humor only works if you don't repeat the gag. So you need to have like a full on linear story based game like Thousand Year Door or something else. Yeah. Unless the gag is built upon the repetition, which 99% of the time it's not. I like Deadpool. but Well, written gags ah have that problem, but for me, video games are uniquely suited for creating more much more organic forms of humor, like Slapstick, which could be found in the mechanics of the games. And I've often cited Painkiller as one of my favorite funny games, because if you shoot an enemy with the steak gun, all their arms and legs fly off when they get hit by it, and it's got such a satisfying weight to it.
I mean, that I remember when the Havoc physics engine and ragdoll physics came in, that became a like, no matter what game it was, it is funny to see that a character do that with their body. Yeah. And I've ah ah on been on record saying that I think Ion Life is a pretty funny game. Not because of the scripted jokes, but because sometimes if you like shoot someone and they explode, your gun just says something like, oh, fuck yeah. And that works for better than us that works better for me than a scripted quip because it's like it's like paying off the slapstick joke. It's like underlying it. It's coming from the gun.
Yeah. It's also, it feels like you were a part of the joke, as opposed to I walked up to a character, I clicked the interact button, and the dialogue was funny. Well, that's another part of how video games do it uniquely well, because ah the big all-purpose comedic formula is set up, then pay off. And when you when a slapstick thing happens ah because you of something you did, the setup was in your own mind. The setup was, I'm going to shoot this guy. And then you shot him, and then you saw him explode, and that was the payoff. Only video games can use setup and payoff in that way.
ah using the audience's own intentions and thought processes as the setup for the gag. It can turn you naughty too. I don't know. There's something like yeah in between the two ah get before launching into the slapstick because the one I had in mind was Enter the Gungeon who I hold has so much of its favor coming from the gun aesthetic of just like, here's a gun that shoots guns. It's all gun puns over and over and over again. And it plays into that repetition, that cycle. But it's it's almost like it's more than just that, right? You look, you're inspecting on the joke and you're like, OK, no, it does shoot guns and how it fires out has changed um how it delivers its mechanics, so to speak. But do you think it's all right? Yes. saying Do you think, though,
It's... Do you think humor could be written better for games? Either of you here. Do think the only sticking to the written humor is almost doing a disservice?
Um, well, it sounds game. Yeah. yeah mean is which is podcast good just be renaed it the best Well, written humor can work, as we've said, because of faith, Mario. But the other the thing is, uh, you know, playing the video game strengths, I suppose. because anything can do like written gags. Written gags can work in any medium, but it's it's the unique strengths of video games that I'd like i'd like to see explored. But are you were implying the shadow of the earth tree has some degree of mechanical humor?
Uh, I mean, I would say from soft in general, whether it's on purpose or not, and I do genuinely think it's on purpose. Uh, they have kind of mastered, uh, timing based humor, like expectations and defying expectations, going back to dark souls with walking up to that first chunky mushroom boy and having him just knock your lights out the first time you get eaten by a mimic. And I think part of it is. that you are so tense playing those games the first time. Everything is so mean in this world and you are so close to death, and death means losing your your your precious souls or or runes or whatever, that when these things happen, when the guardian ape gets back up, it is like you can't help but laugh. It is like a moment of catharsis to where you get that humor, you get it out of your body because you're so tense and you're like, well, fuck. Like, what am I gonna do now? Like, what can I do right now but laugh? I can't really get mad at it.
I'll hold down on this like that. There's a sociological argument that the whole reason, like, the root of humor in human beings is paying off relief in a cathartic way. Like, ah humor first came about as a thing, because a primitive ape man, like, heard a sound behind them, and thought, oh shit, it's a tiger, and looked around, and it was just a cat. And they just laughed, because, oh, it's not a tiger, I'm not about to die. That, some have argued, is the origin of humor in the the human

Sociological Aspects of Humor

i just They just probably made fun of him for misspeaking. Tried to say it's a tiger, ended up saying it's a biker, and they've always recorded him as the biker guy. Call him his biker the rest of his life? Yeah, for the rest of his life. What's that sound? I don't know, it might be a biker. But yes, paying off expectations, as I say, is a form of humor unique to video games. and Like I always liked that so one joke boss fight in Spider-Man 2, where you fight Mysterio for the last time. The first Spider-Man 2, the one based on the movie. And he shows up and it's like health bar, like expands across the screen three times. And then you punch him once and he dies instantly and all his hands will go his way. Because that was like a defiance of expectation.
Yeah. The by expectations were confounded and from that's the humor of Rose. Yeah. You were, you were conditioned to assume this was going to be a lengthy drawn out by a boss fight. When you think of Mysterio, you're thinking of what kind of mechanics can be, can be brought into here. And it defies those expectations by ending immediately, which is something that, uh, one of the Arkham games that right, like Arkham origins, the deathstroke or someone that you just punch and they just. Did you do that in the fight there? And you're like, Oh, I thought this was going to be like a much faster. It's almost like an interactive equivalent of the Raiders of the Lost Ark thing where the guy has the sword and he's swinging it all around and Harrison Ford just pulls out the gun. bos some diarrhea The other unique form of humor that video games can do, which ah always seems to work really well is when they call out the player for the player's intentions.
Yeah. yes Yeah. The mind games is the one because crypt master does this a lot. This is part of a lot of the humor that comes through for me is that crypt master has put a lot of effort into anticipating things you're going to type. Like if you just type the word, uh, fuck, then the crypt master will have a little lecture for you. It's good. It's good. It's good. random of words and the cryptbuter says why did you say such and such word and amazed me how many different words he'd recorded just for that
moment Yeah, that's a ah that's something you see in like small details and immersive sims of like, oh, the game took into account that I might do this. Or in even ah like paying off your curiosity in an open world game and being like, I'm going to try to get up here, and then you get up there, and there's something there. And thus I think that exact same thing can happen for humor. like The fact that the the game is rewarding you for your curiosity or your experimentation yeah is um that's something I love across the board, no matter the genre. Stanley Parable is calling out the player of the game. I love that one gag, or if you look at the achievements list, one of them is a click on the door for office 471. And if you if you if you go and do that, the game then the writer goes, oh, you're not just doing this for the achievement, are you?
That's, that's great. That's that, that feels like you and the creator are in on like a little inside joke. What do you mean it's in works both ways? Because if you hadn't looked at the achievements and he brings it up and you're like, well, I wasn't, but now am I might, you know, Oh yeah. Yeah. well So that's one of the ways, you know, yeah. ah call everybody Calling out the, so that's calling out the player, taking them by surprise. That's a fun way of doing humor. That's why we like to reverse it, don't we? Yeah, but because um video games, as I say, are all about repetition, I think you can do some interesting things with the organic humor that, you that's ah as you say, is sort of a involves participation of both the player and the game. And that's one of the things I was trying to do in Starstruck Vagabond, which is my recent game that has a comedic bend.
And what I was trying to do was to create organic conversations ah when you take your crew to the bar in that game. So what happens when you go to the bar and buy a drinking session? The gameplay purpose is that it just um ups your relationship level with everyone on your crew. ah But yeah your crew members have a little conversation where one of them says something that's a reference to something that's happened in the plot. There's like a list of possibilities. And then another crewmate ah says a random response, which is either an agree and stating agreement, stating disagreement,
ah dismissing the other character or trying to change the subject. And it just randomly picks which one to say. And the intention was that a lot of times that would just be a fairly nonsensical response. But every now and again, something would happen that would make sense. Like a character, like, brings up something that everyone's uncomfortable about, and then another character goes, oh, shut the fuck up, snake tits, or whatever it is. So that that was my intention there in my quest to explore the boundaries of video game humor.
So so that makes it does does does when that scenario does pop up, that like what you were going for is that the player sees that as a, like oh, look, the game understands the scenario and and like understands all of these factors and is responding accordingly. Yeah. And secretly, it's all completely random. low Yeah. all these i think video I think players of video games are very good at sort of creating their own meaning when that sort of thing happens. It's a human nature. ae yeah god God is watching. Reminded me of um Heartbound made by pirate software. He's got this like
super, super crazy flowchart for everything that he's going to do to the point where you can um talk to a character, right? if you'll Say like you're not wearing a jacket. You could talk to a character, save the game, or go put on a jacket, come back immediately. And the character is like, what happened? What do you mean? It's like, you just weren't wearing a jacket, and now you are wearing one. It references the fact that you, as the player, have manipulated the game state. But in in her mind, it's like, well, how the hell did you just, out of nowhere, get a jacket? yeah that and That's hard to do, though. How do you anticipate every option? Well, I was listening to an interview ah by Al Lowe, the creator of the Legendary Games.
Apparently when he was making the very first legislative Larry game, he had, he made like an initial build and he ran it by some test audiences. And then he like kept track of every command they tried to enter in every situation. Cause it's like a text passer based adventure game. And then he'd done his best to sort of create a comedic response to like the most common attempts. Like he, what, one thing he observed is that a lot of, a lot of players would just type masturbate or something along those lines. Of course. Because that was the nature of that game. So he has a special response, which apparently he'd forgotten about when he took the game to like a pitch meeting, because apparently they wanted him to pitch like a TV show or something. So he ran it by some Hollywood executives and asked them to suggest things to type while he was playing it. And one of them said, masturbate, of course, Hollywood executives being what they are. So he typed it and the response was, Larry, the whole point of this ex escapade was to stop doing that.
and it brought the house down. It was ready for you. It's the old time to penis, isn't it? If you give players a way to write or make a penis, they will. It's inevitable. time to be the CTP. Yeah. There's a, some of that humor can be tough in games though, because if you are, if a humor, so much of it is just based on timing and the punchline. And if the player is in control of the camera or the character, then especially for like visual gags,
you need to either rip that away from them or risk the player looking away and missing something. And that's not even in, that's not just in comedy, that's in in horror. ah I was, I played through the entirety of Still Wakes the Deep. ah a couple days ago and I completely missed the first showing of The Monster because like, i the like that's the first time you find a walker to hide in. And I was like, ooh, what's going on in here? And I hid in the walker and just completely missed being The Monster. And so it's like,
You know, the game could have had a cut scene where it takes you away from it and you see the monster and you're like, okay, this is what I'm up against. Uh, but because it didn't, an idiot like me who got real clicky clicked into the locker and completely missed that moment. and And the same can be said for, for, you know, curated comedic moments as well. that yeah ah you're in jail versus evil It's surprising how often comedy and horror run into the same issues in video games, because I've said before, I grouped them kind of together because they're both ah sort of instant instinctive emotional response, whether it be ah jumping with fright or barking with laughter. To the caveman thing, it's either, oh, it was a small cat and you laugh or oh shit, it is an actual saber tooth tiger and you die.
We're in comedy right there. you We're in horror. Yeah. Difference being though is humor has aftercare, whereas horror, you can just be the victim through and

Comparative Humor in Games

through. And I was wondering there for humor. I find some games, they go for it, but they end up sort of like the player just becomes the butt of the joke. ah You mentioned Dark Souls 1. I hold that that is the that is the main difference between them and other Souls like is that crazy weird sense of humor where they're laughing with you. Whereas Lies of P also did the gag of like, oh, look, you know, here's a little little item you can grab off and a little nook. Oh, the floor gave out. Isn't that funny? And you're like, yeah, it was funny. asked Every time it was funny.
Yeah, I remember you remember you saying that about how souls have that sort of unique sense of humor about them. And how ironically they have a soul, but a lot of the other games are soulless. I was writing about this for like a future somewhere emblematic about my struggles with souls like fatigue. And it feels like a lot of like third party souls likes, if you will, sort of think they need to be just grim and hopeless the whole way through. But the secret sauce of the yeah the From Software First Party ones is just that little... stroke of goofiness, whether it be punchy mushrooms, punchy mushrooms, Sigmar and Katarina talking like Winnie the Pooh, ah being able to put top hats on the little goblins in the and the checkpoints in Bloodborne, Turtle Poke in Elden Ring. It's dark comedy. Solaire is looking for his son. Why is he in the depths? Yeah, that's where I'd go. I'd go to the funky basement looking for this one.
I drew a comparison to Salted Caramel. Like, the the goofiness is the salt in Salted Caramel because it doesn't distract from the flavor, but it enhances it. yes Yeah, yeah. It makes it all absurd. It is a very humorous form of nihilism. Whereas a lot of other Souls games are just like, hey, they like getting beat up. They will see if they love it. We'll do it again. Yeah.
ah One of the games we haven't brought up yet, which I feel like do a good job of ah the the two types we've been talking about, writing and kind of mechanical slash player payoff is Disco Elysium. That definitely feels like a game not only impeccably written, but also um very much is one of those, oh, if you think you can do something, you probably can. And we've thought of a funny reaction for it. Yeah, so much work goes into that sort of thing. It's terrifying. Yeah. You have to be really into it though. That's not for layman. That's not layman humor. You have to kind of have a bit well-read and an understanding of politics and maybe a little psychology in there. There you go. This is not for well-adjusted people.
Um, or to come so, uh, you know, we've, we've talked about some of the mechanical horror. What about the games that clearly set out to have mechanical humor? What about the games that clearly set out to have their mechanics rooted in humor? And you mentioned slapstick, you know, trying to pull from that, from the vaudeville or punch and Judy origins, but, uh, we played chain together, you know, uh, or if you go back to co-op or, or, uh, uh, getting a door, any of those, you know, baby steps coming forward. That's interesting, because Chained Together only works as a comedy because you play it with other people. If you play it by yourself, as I indeed I did, till I practice ah and make make sure I had the controls down, it's not that fun at all. It's just a sequence of platforming challenges. it's funny It's a comedy if you play it with other people or if you play it for other people.
Because I feel like that's the same. There's that ah Australian comedian who's been doing the ah long play of Grand Theft Auto IV, where all the traffic has turned up to like a million. And he's just trying to get across the street to start a mission. And it's just he's just a meet like the cars are rockets. And the second he's hit, he gets he he gets killed. And I feel like if you're doing that by yourself for yourself, you feel sadistic. Whereas if you're doing it for an audience, you are like, You know what I mean? If you're just sitting there playing a chain together with no one around, like that feels weird to me. Whereas if you're playing it either with someone else or for someone else, I see where the humor comes from. You get the bar all to yourself, you know? Yeah, but the bartender's not even there. That's fine, I'll pour it myself.
Well, I guess there's a reason why people condemn games like chain together a stream bait. Sure. Sure. But you've you've got also like the Sisyphus game. It's got its own humor from this. It's just you and the rolling ball and the thing. You have to you do have to have a sort of being in on some gags. Otherwise, if you miss the point of what's going to happen, like frog fractions, shamefully, I didn't understand the first part of the gag that you're supposed to go down into the water. I was just there like, damn, bro, I have to get so many points for these upgrades. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess it's similar. Yeah. So nobody you should you mentioned Dokubon Kingdom. I feel like Dokubon Kingdom is a similar thing to where I don't, I can't imagine what that game would be like if I was playing alone with bots without an audience. But because, because the complete like depraved randomness is happening in the group of the four of us with an audience, like the humor stems from there. So I don't know if that's like,
You know, if if it's only good or funny, if you play it with other people, then surely it can't be that good. But then again, this is another thing that's entirely unique to video games, I think. The, uh, the chain together experience, the communal fun times. So perhaps, uh, I don't know if it's directly unique to video games because I do feel that there's I've laughed at movies in a crowded theater on a Friday night because the entire theater was into it. And when I rewatched the movie at home alone, I was like, what did like what did I see in this? A comedy club or like a crowded theater can really... um
kind This is the whole reason and lot comedy shows used to have canned laughter on them. Because people are dumb and need to be told when something is funny and it's okay to laugh. Is it time to laugh? oh Why can't we have two drinks minimums to get you a little loosened up? It's my turn. Yeah. It's my turn. It's a one man circus in here, you know. So yeah, some of the gags could be final on maybe. I've been watching an awful lot of Taskmaster on YouTube lately. And that's got a laugh track on it. And I think it works for that because ah I think if you were just watching people fail at weird tasks without a laugh track, it would just come across as kind of awkward, like watching disabled people. It's fucking me. I was about to say it's the air, isn't it? It's the atmosphere. It's everything else. Yeah. All together. Instead of just like, look, misery the misery. Come commiserate in the misery. There's a sense of cringe that comes about if you hear someone tell a joke and nobody laughs.
but you see it You just see like a a little dust devil. I just repeat it louder. I say it. So that's what I'm talking about when I talk about the guns going fuck yeah, when you blow someone up. That's like the equivalent of the canned laughter, the canned applause in the sitcom. Yeah, that's and that's the aftercare that Frost was talking about. You need to have enough. Yeah, you need to have the the little, the but the punctuation mark at the end. Yeah. That's just like humor 101. Yeah. What about games that don't mean to be? So like, probably one of the most meme-able moments.

Unintended Humor in Games

Press F to pay respects. Sure. Just to re-go back on that. I said, what about when games try to be humorous?
but Well, don't try to be humorous, but it is very funny, like the most amenable Call of Duty moment, press F to pay respects. Yeah, or Jason, you know, like when you lose your kid or yeah. Yeah, press the Jason button. Yeah. Yeah, that's just like, I suppose, what would you call that? Morekishness, where they're trying to, like, create an emotional reaction that's just completely falling flat. There's I mean, obviously, that's not just a video game thing. That's like, you're tearing me apart, Lisa, moment. Sure. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I guess it's like out of context, like, i like,
It's funny out of context. like when you're If you see the entire level as a whole, you might not laugh at the thing, but but if you just take the slice of press F to pay respects or you know Jason screaming or anything like that, um then the humor is there because you look at that one moment, you're like, man, this is really this is really fucking silly. would ah Would Jason have been as funny if the contextual button prompt didn't say Jason? see that, I feel like it might be like a, I don't think so. I think it's like, I think that Huber flows in from the entire thing and it's just because of the strange series of decisions to have that happen. Do you think it was intentional then? There's no way that they've got that dupe. No, I think he was really serious. There's one thing I know from a fact from playing every David Cage game is that none of the emotional reactions you have to his work is intended by him.
This, you know, someone had to do a test that like a service wrath. He has some of the most emotional raw screams in there. But if you don't press anything, he's just there going. look
It's like just waiting on you to release. So it had to have been a ah choice. So yeah. Yeah, that is a good question. Whereas i I always wonder if developers realize if they're not distinctly going for comedy, like ah I thought one of the ah funniest games with emerging comedy last year, what ended up being Tears of the Kingdom in I created something. I think this will work. Oh, no, it went terribly awry. Like in my mind, I was like, oh, this glider is going to get me to that other peak in the distance and it's going to be great. And then you get 20 feet away and the thing just blows up and you're like, Liz, I I fucked up so badly right now. um And I always wonder if like when designing that, did they realize like, oh, people are going to laugh at this. And, and you know, people did laugh when you saw people make flaming penis robots. um Yeah. And crucifying Koroks. And crucifying Koroks, exactly. I don't think Miyamoto intended that, but, you know, people did it anyways.
I guess it was, yeah. I mean, it was intentional as anything in that game, I suppose. I mean, when you'd give players freedom, you got to expect that sort of thing. Sure, sure. Like if if you let us play in the sandbox, then we're going to create every imaginable shape with the sand. And someone might take a shit in the box, yes. One might take a shit in the box, it's possible, but we'll cover it with sand. Yeah, exactly. It's inevitable to it all. What's your favorite then, lads? Well, there's three types. You remember what's your favorite type of in the video game spaces? If you want to even pull up examples, I like the ones that you said are knowing, but also knowing of the genre. I think that's why I do enjoy Undertale so much of going, yeah, I know what you're going for here, guy. I'm onto you. Yeah. I think my favorite gag is the unexpected call out of the player. Okay.
That's the one that usually works for me as someone who appreciates the use of gameplay mechanics for the purposes of emotional narrative. That's a classic example right there. I amend a game when they make a decision that feels like the only reason they made this decision was for the goof. And like, I think about, there's a lot of things in Earthbound that are like that. There's like getting into Master Belch's fortress, you need to stand by a waterfall and do nothing for three minutes. Yeah, that's the password. Do nothing. The password is literally doing nothing for three minutes and you just sit there and after three minutes, like, all right, you can come in and then you went to the dungeon. And it's like, there is no, like it is, you go through this range of like frustration because like, how could you do that? And then you immediately are like, all right, that was actually pretty funny. Like the joke was on me, but it was a pretty good joke. So, so I'm totally fine with that. Yeah. Mine's still swell.
Yeah, player anticipation, but also kind of knowing that you won't. So like Far Cry, you know, you can wait for the guy to come back and then the game's over and roll credits. yeah But they yeah a lot of you are not going to do that. So yeah. Okay. And and again, that also feeds into the like, oh, you thought of everything. Like I thought I was smarter than you, but you had a contingency plan for this. Like you had yeah had an outcome for this when I was trying to break your game. My brain goes from like massive to shriveled. Yeah, like there's the there's a start at the start of tellers principle to the characters that you meet at the start say, hey, we're going on this expedition to investigate this strange thing that set the plot in motion. Do you want to come? And you have the option of saying no. And they don't push it. They just say, Oh, fair enough. And it just cuts to them like admiring the really spectacular thing they would have shown you otherwise. And then one of the characters goes, boy, I wish the main character had come for this.
That's really good. and It's just fade out. Roll to roll credits. Yeah. Yeah. Goof endings. Games are able to do goof endings pretty well, whether it's like. Paper for Mario does that. Super Paper Mario does that. A character goes, will you save us? And you can just say no over and over again. And they go, well, I guess we're fucked then. Roll credits. yeah Yeah. You can have the goof endings that are all the way at the end of the game. Like, uh, you know, even like the, the dog endings or alien endings in, in silent Hill, or you could have things that happen throughout the game. Uh, you know, near has 26 endings and some of them are, Oh, you remove like your processing chip in your equipment menu and you just shut down the games over. Cause you're like, Oh, you don't have an operating operating system anymore. So you are, um, yeah you are a dead robot. Yep. Oh, I anticipated that. Just like, Oh, I didn't think I'd i'd get away with it.
Yeah, I find them. We are starting to go, as you said, with Tears of the Kingdom. We are... I feel like the people yearn for Immersive Sims because they don't realise how funny they can be. Sure. One of my favourite things to do in an open world game is to try to escape the map. A lot of them... A lot of them, they'll just fade out and fade up with you turned around, or they'll just automatically make you turn around. But every now and again, the game does something to fuck with you, ah specifically because you tried to fuck with it. I'm thinking of Dredge. But you try to sail out of the map. Just this giant fish just just jumps out of the water and eats you in one bite. I never tried to sail out of the map of Dredge.
Just because you're a good I'm a coward. As you're told. As he's told. No, it's because I'm inherently scared of the water. Like deep water is kind of spooky to me. so I think the three of us have that syllaphobia. Yeah, it's spooky. for It's spooky for most people for obvious reasons. so shit It's horrifying. The scariest planet for me in Outer Wilds was the one planet you get to and then you have to go under the water. like I was fine in like the scariest depths of space, but as soon as I have to go underwater, I'm like, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here at all. How did you react when you went to that bit of Outer Wilds where the giant fish tried to eat you? Fucking shit myself the first time I saw that. like There's really nothing in the game after you. like Nothing in the game is like... is is
You're like, that mean. And then you get to those things, you know, this is it's terrifying. that period organ Ape Escape had like something in the water once. I'm not getting that jump. Ape Escape. Well, they knew I was being naughty. Yeah. Going out of bounds in a game inherently scares me. I don't like it. It feels like I'm somewhere where I shouldn't be. I'm going to break the game. What? Okay. like did you have a game to in Shoot. What was the quadruple A game? Oh, skull and but scumb bones. Thank you, skull boner. Do you ever go out of bounds in that? What happens to that website? They mutiny the shit out of you. They're like, this why just oh, that's a really funny, actually. time They're like, oh, don't do it. Don't you dare. And then eventually it just goes to a cutscene where they turn you around and punch you. And I'm like, now we're all fucked. That's really clever, actually. OK, that's a good way to get your loot out there. And so I got mutiny three times trying to get it all back. to get it back. big so funny i love it Well, they warned. Yes. I did. I did. Any, any finishing thoughts? Let's see what chat finds funny.
and we go to out ceiling Let's go to super chats. Yeah. There's, there's little tangents. I want to go on. Well, a lot of folks are bringing stuff up little app oppos either hook up Dr. Theo gives $5 and says humor can be a good way to make the other elements of the game more intense. Papers, please wouldn't be as memorable without that guy and the crayon passport. I love another example of salt salt in the salted caramel there. Just the odd funny moment in the otherwise extremely harrowing and gritty game about being trapped by a fascist government. So yeah good. Who knows it. yeah I think that's why humor worked in like why we have horror comedies and why we have action comedies is like humor works well as like a moment to catch your breath or a moment of catharsis amidst you know something scary or or something where you almost died. and
As long as it's not just quippy facetious dialogue, I'm fucking making Drake love claptrap. What was the difference between, uh, the quips in something like an uncharted where you roll your eyes and then something like high five rush. Uh, well I played through, uh, uncharted, which is a deliberately lighthearted game about a kooky protagonist. And I didn't laugh once and I hated his guts. Meanwhile, I played through a high five rush and I laughed a few times and I liked the character. So that's the difference. It all comes down to likability. Thank you. Okay.
ah hey ah Welcome to the green gang. can care That was it. Uh, Joel robe and before four months in tip jar. Thank you very much. sure And then Brad L 23 gives side dollars and says, I'm always working during these and listening later. So here's a Fiverr left on the table as I wrap up my lunch break. Uh, what do you think Brad will add for lunch? Past a salad. Oh, not bad. I could fuck up a salad right now. The kind with the sweet corn in it. Sweet corn.
What's going on here? put sugar i add it again all right go I forgot Americans are weird. ah Corn, yeah the kind with corn in it. what's the nonav war Sweet corn is what the British call just corn eating off the cob, like the kernels that you'd like steam or microwave or something. know In America, of course, corn is just everything. Corn is just one of the most fundamental forms of matter. ah My town in Wisconsin has a yearly corn fest, and it says it's the world's largest corn fest. I don't know if anyone's ever, like, checked that, but there you go. Claim to fame. Shout out to corn. Corn. Rose rose Delta, remember for two months, it had three podcasts, says, my most recent laugh was stretchy interactions with the rival character zooming on them mid-jump. It's intended, but stuff like that kills me.
ah which we really talk about hollliness Like visual silliness. Okay. Like if you, if you take a snapshot at the right time and like a game looks, it's the same thing where like people laughed at Assassin's Creed unity when it was like, look at this glitch. He's got no face. He's just got an eyeballs on a brain or whatever. Um, like games can inherently be, uh, have those sort of.

Humor in Game Design and Code

Weird, silly, oops, you you caught us at a moment. You shouldn't have actually seen us. Yeah. Rose Delta forgot to mention that Fro-Gun is the game she's talking about. Oh, man, I've been playing a lot of Fro-Gun. What a game.
yeah tormento fro and gun smear frames are your frame on so Yeah. Yeah. It's also just a funny word. It's smear frames is funny. Yeah. It's like, don't get it confused with like a pap smear. It's probably the same thing. no No, don't get confused with the pap smear, which is s schmears the cream cheese that you put on bagels. It sounds like when you shit your own pants and then try to blame it on somebody else. Knew it. As it goes though. We've been smear framed my friend. Elden rings still to this day. Ragdoll's bodies. Right? that's That's a choice to make. You intentionally went, yes, this very serious character can just get caught on your ankles. <unk>ly oh I like it. Yeah.
They've booked their hair that Duncan Hight gives five euros and says, I've developed a strangely specific habit of listening to this podcast while playing Starstruck and eating extremely spicy ramen. Also, ha ha, good joke. Oh, bulldog gun, eh? Yeah. Specifically this podcast, specifically Starstruck Vagabond and specifically spicy ramen. I guess all sudden a we all have our comfort zones. Is there any piece of art that you associate with a specific food because we're consuming it? Well, like a game, a movie, a TV show, a song. Oh, I so it was thinking like an art piece. I was like, yeah, it's just a nice stromboli while I went by. I so really go for a brat.
food in again I guess so most of the things most of the like films and stuff that I like I've like rewatched or replayed sure and if I don't eat the same food at the same time then I don't make the association yeah Yeah. It'd be weird if you were like, I need to eat spicy Ramen every time I play Alden ring. And it's like, that is a 90 hour game. Well, how much Ramen are you going to be eating? i can't I can't really eat food while playing a game. Cause I'm using both. pan and It's a visual novel, maybe a rice cake, but yeah, no I could rig up like mushroom soup into a foam dome, but I can't be bothered.
but Chunks gets stuck. Blistered Soul gives £5 and says platformers hilarious cutscenes we part of the gameplay loop IMO reaching a new NPC in Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter was an awesome reward. I think those games nailed humour pretty well. I thought those that era of colourful mascot platform. They were cartoony, squash and stretchy animation knee games. Yeah, yeah. And I feel like the the writing was pretty charming in Sly in Ratchet and in um Jack without, I mean, I guess I haven't revisited them in a while, but without um leaning into sort of the the quippy frustrations we have with modern blockbusters. Sly Ratchet and Jack. It's cool that you feel like you're on first name terms with them all.
Yeah, I am colorful platformer boys. You like I've occasionally listened to like superhero comics fans and they refer to the characters as Clark and Bruce and Peter like they're friends or something. Mr. Kent, Mr. Ben. Please, Mr. Kent was my father's name. Paul Kent. I repeat. um FoxD gives $10 and says, one reason I love the humor in my time at Sandrock, even on multiple playthroughs, is that it's not quippy. It's the characters and their voice actors delivering well crafted humor for their overall personality. I keep hearing that game coming up. I keep and I keep thinking, I should give that a go. And then I keep forgetting the instant the podcast is over.
Cause that's like a, that's a, it seems like a 3d, uh, just a cozy life sim kind of thing. Yeah. I assume it's a sequel to my time at Portia, which I have played and which is just a cozy life sim thing. See, that's, that's the gag I'm looking, I'm waiting for super farming boy, basically a very hyper take on the life sim type of game. It's i' someone's super fun. No, that is a, that is the name of the game. It will be coming out. yeah before there he' he' showing it right now
yeah it's like cup purple yeah you should yeah you well you what did a comedy game It's got like really intense animations like something like no more something out of no more heroes just weird like dutch angles and weird effects playing every time you like trying to pull a radish out Probably the screen shakes, that's what you can have for now. Your your mom gets stolen at the start, yeah. Screen shakes like squealing squealing heavy metal guitars in the background. um Pull that carrot. Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah. Something just really stupid intense. Something then like Post Void. You ever played Post Void or Mullet Mad Jack? Yeah. so that sort of That sort of mood, but with pulling vegetables. Mm-hmm. Good God. It's crispy.
Where was I? Permafrosty79, member for three months in Tip Jar. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, Permafrosty. And then Tsunami Duscher gives $20 and says, Kid Icarus Uprising and Hi-Fi Rush got many laughs from me. Being a part of the games industry itself at one time may make the jokes hit harder. Referring to Hi-Fi Rush, I assume. Oh yeah. Do you giggle every time you walk through a crevice knowing there's a loading screen there? I see what you're trying to do to me game, I see. If they made it, move I want a game where I'm, where the character gets stuck doing it. hey yeah yeah That would be a subversive gag.
shit e but yeah Why did I have to do so much exercise to make my pick so thick and manly? yeah And now I can't get through this very narrow gap. also Yeah, the Kid Icarus Uprising for 3DS had a great great localization and real real funny script. A lot of those, I mean, we mentioned Paper Mario, like ah every ah Mario RPG game is funny. um Those are just consistently funny. Even the ones that like mechanically don't work for me, like Origami King, was that the name of the one from a few years ago? like The battle system is totally whatever in that, um outside of boss battles, but the writing is still funny across the board. The scenarios are still funny. so You know what? I didn't think so. The the lab the latter Paper Mario is from Super Paper Mario onwards. I thought the humor was somewhat lost.
Man, I agree with you until Origami King, and Origami King has a million problems, specifically its battle system, which is not great, but I thought it was goofy. Good goofs. it did Also, it made me sad when the bomb died. RIP to the bomb. It didn't win me over. you know ah Spicy dot.BP gives $10 and says, Rick, the door technician from Star Wars and the exploration voice lines in God of War, Ragnarok, will always make me laugh. Then there's the character's side-eye to the camera.
is, uh, the, the God of worth it. Are you talking about like the, the stories that what's his name tells? Like the little head? Mimir. I'm like, what's his name? It's not George Carlin. I just, I just like his Scottish accent. and Yeah. There's something I find very pleasing about Scottish accents. That's probably why I played ah Still Wakes the Deep for this week's review. Oh, tantalizing. The performances in that game were hachi-machi. They were good.
Very authentic sounding, yes. It was weird that everyone had the same pinup girls in their in their rooms though. I was like, yo, well, you know, it's an isolated oil rig. They probably all just color photocopied from the same magazine. Ebony's pornography was less abundant. Yeah. Uh, Joel Rowe gives us five euros, and says, for me, most committing moments in games just get some air out of me nose. Mostly I can sort of predict the predict the joke in advance, sadly, aside from Stanley's pee.
Well, Ladi fucking dies. That's kind of point though. If you can't see it coming, you're not going to Sorry that you've seen it all before. <unk> um get it at instagram yeah What was the fucking, I forgot the thing. The clown that kept us that went to the therapist is I'm depressed and you go, you should go see this clown. My roast ruined. unre
It's spelled Pagliacci, but I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Paliacci. You know what? If you could throw a G in your name, I'm going to... Because it's Italian. Clown. And in Spanish it's Paliazzo. Well, the joke was delivered by Rorschach in Watchmen, so I assume the pronunciation has been Americanized to a certain extent. think You don't think Rorschach spent a lot of time in Italy? I don't think so, no. It is a very famous opera. read by your cho See? That's a plan opera. Joker followed you into theaters this fall. He didn't know it from the opera. He only knew the joke.
Classic Rorschach. Rorschach. Rorschach from what then? Walter, do you think? Frost, ah do you think, so the bear, when it's up for award season, it's in it's always in the comedy category. And that's mostly because it's A, 30 minutes, and traditionally 30 minute shows considered a comedy, while 60 minute shows considered a drama, and B, a producer can say what they want a show to be. So if they say it's a comedy, they're like, oh, all right, we're putting it in the comedy categories. Do you consider it a comedy? ah Yes, I consider the first two comedies this one though. I think they took that personally and they're like we're a drama now. Yeah, simply John Cena appears
Doo doo doo. Yeah. That was yeah so odd. Oh, goofy. See, Breaking Bad is a weird example. That's such a fun one. A lot of what I've seen at Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston is sort of putting on a comedy performance. Like I'm thinking of the scene where he just rants at the high traffic policeman and ends up getting pepper sprayed. Yeah. That was a very painful comedy scene. Like that could have been on Malcolm in the Middle. Yeah. I mean, some of those some of the most lauded ah dramas of the past 15 years, I think, are also some of the funniest shows on TV, from Mad Men to Succession to Breaking Bad, parts of Game of Thrones, even. I mean, the whole, like, continuing gag of Breaking Bad is the
Walter White is having a midlife crisis and he's wearing a fucking stupid hat and sunglasses to make him look like a hit man. But then there's like moments that are completely played straight where he seems like this terrifying like figure. It's an interesting blend. Yeah, he's mean mugging people outside of Home Depot. Stay out of my territory, my brother. Yeah, that was the very scene I was thinking of, and the camera tracks down him in this sort of hero pose, and it's not played for comedy at all. Yeah, how good is it? And there's the scene where he's having a shower and singing to himself while some fucking hit men are waiting in the other room with them all holding an axe.
I'm um with Sir Anthony Hopkins where he says it's is very Shakespearean. And I'm like, I'm like tight that thinks Shakespeare did not write a single drama is all comedies. Some of them played straight, but all of them funny as all. I love those. Well, he was the guy who had a character literally named Bottom. Yeah. As a joke.
Vojtek, our old friend Vojtek comes along with $5 and says spontaneous humour is always better than scripted gags. Getting launched by a giant in Skyrim will always be funnier than quippy dialogue. We talked to who was it from amnesia. Remember that morning? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm saying that, um, that is one big advantage to the social aspect of games nowadays is that they can sort of control the, uh, organic at amnesia. Yeah. yeah the The four player would not, I asked him what, why, you know, just let
or was it has to be he was afraid of his job because apparently the the players make the horror they make the humor now what do you do yeah we've seen that even recently with ah again one of the other funny funny games we played for Yahtzee tries earlier this year was lethal company but roel yeah whatever that one um You know, and that's that's I think that game is definitely more designed to be a comedy. I mean the the the especially with the voice proximity chat. But again, that game is, I guess, as funny as the people you're playing with.
Yeah, emergence. I think that like survival crafters are so popular for that very reason. Anything that allows emergent behavior, sandbox games, Minecraft price is still the biggest game right now. And why I think a lot of games, whether they like it or not, are trending towards immersive sim um um elements of just, you know, so much can come from this. Goofy antics. Got it. Gotta have your meme-able moments. Yeah. And, uh, we've established what happens if you just try to be quippy, like in Four Spoken. Everyone hates you. You get memed for all the wrong reasons. Yeah. Give us the meme take-off. They got memes at the trailer, they did.
ah just existing 45 gives five Canadian dollars and says I just have ZP this podcast and the galaxy for food audio books on repeat. That makes all my games fun. Feels like gaming with friends. Oh, sad. Holy parasocial Batman.
Yes. Well, do you put like a little party hat on the monitor when it's your birthday? You sure? That's fun. Oh, I don't know if that's sad or cute. I'm going to go with cute. It's festive. Yeah. Uh, it's cute and sad at the same time. Like a small child crying because no one showed up to their birthday party. Or three like a dog. Yes. Yeah. I hope who could make it on their own. Yeah. Uh, Vactor gives $5 and says, vampire, the masquerade, the character Jack calls you out for using cheat codes. That may be laugh out loud in a very real sense.
A lot of games just kind of do that, right? like the I guess that also verges on a game that shames you for difficulty, right? Like the, oh, you're playing on baby pussy mode and then your character's got a little nanny bottle or whatever. and Maybe balance better. and I do almost miss the cheat code days where you could have your cake and you have your serious game and now you've got a big head. Now it's moon mode. All right. the, uh, his mention of, uh, Jack in his game is reminding me that, uh, I started playing stranger of paradise, final fantasy origin for the first time. That was the team ninja, uh, sort of pack and slash souls like he won. Uh, and obviously that game became famous for the whole, like, gotta kill chaos thing to just being obsessed with chaos. And I will say the timing and some of those cut scenes of a villain giving like an operatic speech and then him just jumping and punching him in the face. Uh, it will never not be funny to me. It's very funny. What a dumb meathead.
Yeah. Dale Mallows gives $2. The second wind playing Chained Together was so funny. Yes, I feel like the edited Yachty Tries video coming out on Sunday will be a fun one this week. First and go first. People enjoy. What happens first? You go on vacation, you miss it, Prost. The lesson is never on vacation. I was there for the Lethal Company one. That's true. We all died to a mine together. Mine! That was a little gimly. Four drinks. Talking. Okay. ah Dale Mallows gives another $2 and says, hang on, got a sheet, but not really. And then Dale Mallows comes back again with another $2 and says, am I allowed to say cunt on here? $2 you can. Dale, is everything all right? What's going on?
I think I'll write it out. I guess. He's crowning. Are we boring? He's crowning. He's crowning. I got a sheet. He always takes the shit during this time, but not today. Like, there's something going on. You can't. Crowning is for a baby. You can't call crowning for sheet. He said, I got a sheet, but not really, so it's not fully full. No, that's called gopher hauling. Gopher hauling. Yeah, gopher. Like, a little gopher bob is out of the hole. He's gopher in there.
Moving on. CSI Freak gives £9.99 and says, I think it's funny watching a game such as Helldivers when the players mess with other players, like Nick pushing Jay off a cliff and Frost placing a million mines everywhere, kaboom. It's funny how that ceases to be funny when you're not playing with friends and you're playing with puppies. I didn't do it to puppies for the record, because there's rules of decorum that I follow. You killed my friends, I can't kill strangers. Yeah, it's it's it's the same as on single player games whenever the the player is the butt of the joke, they have to be in on it, you know? It's more fun when it's consenting. Yeah. We signed a waiver before that stream. um with then Maybe you did. ah Matthew Muir gives 10 Canadian dollars. Says, my favorite joke is from Spirit Tracks. Zelda says, I will wait for you here. That's what we princesses have always done. It's a family tradition. And then she accompanies Link for the whole game.
Ah, look, she's a spooky ghost, right? Yeah, that was the one where she was a ghost. Yeah.
It's always like the next game in continuity when Zelda games have continuity that ends up being having some actual fun with it. Like when Majora's Mask was in continuity with Ocarina of Time, Spirit Track was of course in continuity with Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. That's where all the excess potential goes, no? Surely they're like, oh, this would be fun. It's like, yeah, but we're not going to make the deadline if we do it now. Save it for the next one.
ah Hunter Roge gives $5. Speaking of goof endings, I'm reminded of the goof ending in Shadow Complex, where you can just drive off and leave the game behind. What? I like that. See, when games say to do anything, that's what I want. See, I like that in that game, but for some reason, I didn't like it in Far Cry 6. because I didn't like it because it felt like taking the boat and getting the fuck out of there was the sensible thing to do. So I did that first and got the goofy ending. Then it felt like having to go back so I could actually play the game, felt like the game asking me to invent my own reason for why my character is doing this, rather than actually characterizing them itself. They also but already used that joke, right? Like, yeah you just did it once, don't do it again.
They did it in every Far Cry 2, Far Cry 4. It was like when Modern Warfare 4 won headlines with the shocking nuke moment that shocked players. They had to have a moment that shocked players in every Modern Warfare game to follow. Yeah, it's gone now. We have to kill civilians in an airport. Yeah. That was my issue with no place for bravery was The sensible thing to do is to let go of your desire for revenge and it gives you multiple, multiple options to do so at different courses in the game. And each one immediately ends to like a, well, he resolved it. He got over it. And now here's the credits. But if you go through the entire thing, it is just this sadistic, you're definitely punishing your own character. You get to the end and it's just like, you're a horrible person. Why would you go this far? And I'm like, what do you, what do you mean? Okay.
ah Vanessa Magic gives $10.80 and says, on the subject of funny limericks, I actually found Yahtzee's time capsule in Subnautica. There once was a man from the sky who crashed here and didn't know why it started. Yes, if you'll give me a moment, I'll try and remember what the rest of it was. I had somebody found it. I put a little bit of work in. There once was a man from the sky. Well, when you finish Subnautica, right? When you go up in the escape rocket, you can drop on a ship. It's scary, it's all underwater. Yeah, well, you can drop a ah like a survival ah like time capsule, drop a little thing. You can put some like special items in it, and you can also attach a message to it. And that'll like go into like the data the online database for other players to find. Oh, cool. So mine once mine one was, there once was a man from the sky who crashed him and didn't know why. So he built a space rocket from things in his pocket, and now he is saying bye-bye.
Aww, I like that. I like games that can commend you for your humor. Like, is there like a thumbs up? Is there a like a way to know that people like that? Like, can you see how many people that every... Like in Souls, messages in Souls have like, you know, a good goof. I'll give a thumbs up. Like I talked about the ladder thing where the snake ad and then it was the long ladder. Like that was when I slid back down and I was like, you've got a good goof. Hopefully you're in a boss battle right now and I just gave you an extra. so Well, you drop the capsule and then end finished, then you're finished in the game. So there's no way for the game to tell you that anyone found it. ah It's just altruism. It's like building a road behind you and in death stranding because you know that the next person is going to have an easier go of it. Can you ruin it?
What's the opposite of altruism? Just being an asshole. Well, in Death Stranding, yeah, can you fuck with the things people leave? Just destroy the roads and be like, that's the equivalent of you shouldn't get your student loans repaid because I had to pay mine. Is that something? Oh, no. I'm just going to fuck. The people would never. The people would never. Just existing 45 gives five Canadian dollars and says, the original Paper Mario made me laugh a surprising amount. Also, the Yakuza games and their absolute bizarre games always get a laugh out of me. I think the precursor to the Paper Mario was Super Mario RPG on the SNES, and that was a pretty funny game too. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, even though I think we talked about the whole thing of the tutorial there, where if you say you know how to do, you know the combat mechanics, if you say yes, then Toad will turn around and be like, you hear it? This guy knows combat mechanics. This guy knows time to hit. For the enemy.
I think if memory serves, ah Super Mario RPG was like a co-production between Nintendo and Square. And so the whole reason they made Paper Mario was so that Square couldn't play many ownership of Paper Mario RPGs. You never see Malo or Gino. I will double down though on the Yakuza games. Anything that's just bizarre. I don't know. that That gets an easier laugh out of me nowadays. Just the juxtaposition of the absurd with the very serious at at At most, at its base, it's like a very how I met your mother type ordeal, but fucking hey, if they did just don't take it and beat up strangers on the street, like what's happening? Give a play, Killer7. No, is that Suda51? Yes, I think you might appreciate Killer7, and it's on the scene. Yeah, it's on the scene. Is it like Beautiful Joe?
No, it's like an on a really stylish on-rails shooter. It explains its mechanics really, really badly, but if you can get past the first area, then yeah, just like watch it. Let's play or something to figure it out. It is like fully unique. There is like nothing else like it in a really good way. yeah I like this. All right. ah Yeah. ah Doran Grossman Naples gives $5 and says there's an amazing bit in Hades 2 where a character calls you out for giving people nectar just to see what will happen rather than to be nice. Maybe. Maybe. That's for the achievement. Like I'm doing this for the reward. I'm not doing this for out of the kindness of my own heart.
Well, quite. I mean, yeah that's why you always do things in video games, to see if something happens. Not that stranding, altruism. Put a ladder behind me so that you don't have to climb up this mountain. You just climb up those ladders, I will find them. Even altruism is on one level a selfish act. It's about making yourself feel better. No, it's not one of those. You disagree with the society and yet you are a part of one. That's not that's the argument on your iPhone. You take care of society. Society takes care of me. Yeah. There are many cases where there are many cases where an seeming act of altruism or charity is actually an act of domination.
is like saying, I am so much better than you because you need to rely on my handouts. Yeah, no, I agree with that. But not my Sam Porter bridges. Never my Sam Porter. bridge ah You were you' talking about the Yakuza games and I feel like ah there is a maybe it's a Japanese sensibility, but of ah those like non sequitur moments of humor in an otherwise pretty serious game works really well for me. I think Kojima does that a lot with I mean, even like Metal Gear Solid 4, which has some of the the the the longest, like, most dour soliloquies, will also randomly have the monkey in a diaper smoking cigarettes and drinking sodas. Yes, yes, and the funny man who poos his pants and- Funny man who poos his pants. And ends up marrying the main female character in the entire series.
sure Or even like Final Fantasy 7 will have, you know, it's just the story about ecoterrorism in the first couple hours and then it's like, oh, you can climb up the stairs of this building, but you have to climb up 65 flights and you have to go up every single flight and your characters get exhausted and are complaining the entire time. Jesus. Good shit. I'm for it. Uh, Margaret summon who gives two gives $2 and says, what are your thoughts on dragon quest? I've played, uh, one of them. I think it was dragon quest 11. Yeah. The recent one from a few years ago. Yeah. And, uh, did it didn't really take.
The hell is this art style? Why do they all look like Dragon Ball? It's it's a curatorial. Dragon Quest is the series that, in contrast to Final Fantasy, stuck with the sort of cute ah medieval fantasy aesthetic of fantasy RPGs. yeah all of the, ah like ah Dragon Quest, every game feels like it could be set in the same world, and some of the games are set in the same world, whereas Final Fantasy, it's like, oh, these are like wildly different. Yeah. FoxD gives $5 and says, I associate Monsters University with overly buttered popcorn, because it leaked through the bag when I was on a date and I looked like I peed myself. yeah ah The move there, FoxD, was to insert your penis into the leaky popcorn tub.
Mm. Yep. And then... you had to use that love Oh, no, it's how it works. Yeah. Sure. There's a hole in your popcorn tub. You got to make the best of it. Move there as they actually piss yourself. It's called the Power Play. It's called the PP Power Play. It's a double down. now Yeah. Yeah. LongShanks gives five pounds and says, I laughed a lot during It Takes Two, mostly from the game purposely giving you items from snowballs to hammers to smack your friend with. Yeah. There's a lot of humor with the other player, but the, I think the most, the point in that game but that sticks out most of my memory was when one player is having to fight a squirrel on the wings of an airplane being piloted by the other player. And it turns into like a one-on-one fighting game just for that squirrel fight. oh Yeah.
ah Spicy dot.BP gives out a list and says God of War Ragged Rock will have Atreus and Tia talk to each other about Kratos' kleptomania. Oh, is that them saying, like, do you loot too much or something? Yeah, yeah. Or like the fact that he'll like punch through a chest and be like, you know, you get to just open that, you have to like completely shatter it. Yeah.
I like that. Febuk, the hair that uncle hyped gives two euros and says, where's TF2? Master of funny gaming since 2007. Yeah, TF2 expert. That's yachts. Is TF2 fun? Oh yeah, it was very much designed to be funny from the outset. you I guess like, yeah, the characters are very like cartoon-y. And it's, and the humor like runs through the gameplay. Like if you get exploded, like the, the death screen, there's like a freeze frame of your body. And if you get exploded, there'll be little label pointing to your giblets saying, this was your hand. And this was your brain. No, weapons are goofy. I mean, the spy mechanics, my favorite. Cause you're just paranoid of your own teammates the entire time. i was very funny Yeah. Very overtly.
A blistered soul gives two pounds and says, dark humor, dev notes in the code of rushed games. Well, that's a pretty deep cut. I've never looked. What does that mean to you? You ever looked at like dev notes humor? No, I literally don't even know what that means. Well, us programmers, programmers like me, Marty. No truth. No truth. Programmers. No truth programmer. It's considered a good form to like leave notes in your code. Like just leave little explanation for what your code does with a little like little symbols of the, it doesn't to get passed by the parser. It's just therefore whoever's reading the code to look at.
OK. And some coders get disgruntled and they put little messages like it used to be a thing back in the days of disk swapping on the Amiga that coders would include little messages saying, hey, here's another free thing for you motherfuckers. OK, so that's almost like the original like how the like Easter egg in Adventure was like. Yeah, sort of. little there But you'd only ever find it if you hacked into the game and read the actual code. Mm hmm.
No, I do not understand coding and I just, I'm fine with never understanding it. Put up a little drywall. Imagine drawing like a fucking penis there that, you know, someone's going to find eventually when they remodel or go through that Zodiac killer sense of humor. Just a little goof, a little goof just for a treat. Anyway, uh, moving on race car lock gives $5 and says speaking of a slapstick, the GTA four swing sake glitch deserves a mention. I'm not familiar with that one. We looking at it right now, or is this just GTA four? So it just launches you off or something? Yeah, I've seen. It's one of those things where it like, uh, builds or like you ride on a swing. Yeah.
yeah to Yeah, I mean, that's, again, talking about ragdoll physics, I feel like Grand Theft Auto was like... Yeah, I think it was in the original Crackdown, where there was a repeatable physics bug you could create by reversing two ramp trucks into each other. Like, the physics engine just didn't know what the fuck to do. They'd just go flying into the air. That just sends you off. Grand Theft Auto then Saints Row. There's a whole genre, satirical games, right? By my favorites, by The Looker.
ah theyn yeah the cathartic crime sandbox, where the humor is in the way the police come if you commit crimes. me
partly Partly. Doran Grossman Naples gives $2 and says it's pronounced Agliacci. Although we don't know how he intended that to be pronounced. It's to me, the clown. It's to me, baglachi. Just existing 45 gives five Canadian dollars as I didn't think it was sad. Yes, it is. Love you guys anyway. Don't have anyone I like to spend actual time with these days. I prefer you guys. Bye. Don't listen to us. We're fuckies. We're, we're, we're fucky dipshits. You don't have to listen to us. I mean, listen to us out of entertainment. Don't listen to us.
when we say it's sad. Well, I don't really have time to hang out in person with friends anymore because, you know, I'm married with kids. That's the youth. That's how it usually goes. You have a house full of friends and a dog. Yeah, those are your friends now. Yeah. And Toffee. Okay. Yeah. What an exciting friend Toffee is right now. Just sort of lying there doing fuck all. I've had some roommates who just do the exact same thing. So pretty normal. Yeah. ah Fox D is vital as there's thoughts on games heavy with pop culture references.

Game Narrative and Humor

I hate games that assume I'm into other nerd stuff and I'm just like, er whatever bud. But are you overdrive leaps to mind
don't you, don't you get, get out of here. yeah We almost went this entire thing without you slandering the good name of sunset overdrive. I guess the other example would be geeks 3d and the gecko. Oh, there you go. Which I'm so intrigued. Well, the problem with ah pop culture nods is that you are going to be ah like in East in a tomb of the moment. And once that moment is passed, if those things do not ah age well, then it's going to be really dumb. That's why I'm very curious how they're remastering the ga games. I'm like, how is this, how is this going to work? No one's going to know who these people are. is youre like Everything woke. Harvey Weinstein and woke until it's going to come out of this. Yeah. If I can, um, postal brain damaged, not doing well with age. Well, cause it makes it a COVID and Elon Musk jokes. What was wrong with, um, sunset overdrive?
It was too funny. Just that it was voiced by a smug asshole. And he didn't play. What did I tell you? Play as the female character. Yes, he keeps saying it. He keeps saying it. I think it can work. The thing is, the pop culture reference has to be humorous in itself. So like Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom, even without knowing, a lot of that is still pretty humorous in its own right.
A lot of that's in delivery though. Yeah. yeah Excited for Gex. Look at this little motherfucker. Look at him. Look at him wearing a little suit, going to a gala. ah yeah if you're only area If you're only listening to this, we have podcasts. We're currently watching a video of Gex the Gecko. When's that come on? I don't think it has a date yet. Probably never for being honest. probably i've had a Dr. Theo goes $5 and says, my favorite is probably communal humor. My favorite moments in Dead by Daylight is when I chase a survivor into a dead end and they just slowly turn to me. That is so good. Not just that, right? I'll do this thing where I'll get cornered, but a teammate hit in the locker before I got caught and you're allowed an emote in the game. So I'll just point at the locker.
And that one of two things happens. Sometimes they will take the person I just snitched on or I'll do it and there's no one there. And then I'm gone knowing that they're going to sandbag me the next time. That's great. ah Like fucking Prisoner's Dilemma. Uh, babylegsohoolahan gives 5 Canadian dollars and says, gentlemen, thanks for the content. Could you all do me a favor and say, damn, I'm looking good in your best Duke voice. Keep up the good work, guys. Okay. Damn, I'm looking good. That was really good. ah I don't know his cadence. Damn, I'm looking good. Damn, yeah, this is better. Damn, I'm looking good.
Shout out to John St. John. I'm looking good. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds like a porno name. John St. John's name sounds didn't know that until Mad Men. There was a character whose name Sinjin and I was watching it with subtitles and I was like, that's just how they're saying Saint John. They're just, they're just combining them into Sinjin.
Yeah. And I blame the Welsh, like, uh, those skedoo tree fragments or whatever being pronounced shadow. I was like, no, she called them shadow fragments. You didn't call it skedoo of the urge tree. You called the shadow of the urge tree. I guarantee Miyazaki wanted to, in Namco Bandai, we're like, listen, we can't, the only note we're going to give you is you can't call this thing the skedoo of the urge tree.
have tokater ah Chris LaHaye gives $5 and says I do not get why people are afraid of Subnautica being underwater is so relaxing. I think the problem is not so much the water Chris LaHaye as the giant to the tentacled monsters that come and eat you while you're under the water. Chris LaHaye. I'm fine with the game Abzu takes place underwater and I'm fine with that because I've played through it and I know nothing that's trying to eat me. Black Flag. like Black Flag. and of Endless Ocean. Yeah.
Very cozy Wii game where you just swim into the sea. Mario 64, the first time you go underwater and there's a mean eel. and I don't like it. There's eels trying to get in. There's some crazy things in there. Sunless seas, dredge. As soon as I know there's something in there, I don't want to be there.
ah Tsunami Duscher gives $10 and says, got a laugh in Splatoon 3 recently. I saw two player avatars in the hub area hanging out. One saying press Y if you love Jesus, and the other saying press Y if you love murder. The case for Christ continues. be good
i FoxD gives $2. Matthew 6-1-2 is performative altruism's antidote. Okay, I'll bite. Now two, six, one, two. That's the too good and secret. There we go. Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you'll have no reward from your father in heaven. So when you give the to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to be honored by others. Truly, I tell you they have received their reward in full. is it Angry progressive.
There you go. Was that the first Bible verse ever, ever read on the podcast? No, it's a Bible. Matthew 6 1 2. I mean, directly quoted, sure. I've quoted biblical stuff like dreams from perfection. I mean, maybe at one point someone said Jesus wept at one point. I do. I've definitely said it on streams before. Jesus wept, famously the shortest passage in the Bible.
Mm-hmm. Because I wasn't quoting the Bible. I was quoting community, which was quoting the Bible. There's an episode of community where he's in VR and he just screams, Jesus wept. um but Yeah, that's why I quote what I call it. Tyrail double seven in the chat mentions the ending of Symphony of the Nights and now I'm trying to remember what the Bible verse at the end of the night was. I think it was. Well, what does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul in the process? It's about us or about Dracula. It was Dracula, you know, bemoaning his own decisions in life. And the point right after you kill him. Mm. Also, what is men but a miserable pound of flesh? Enough talk, have at you. Was that in the Bible? That was a not the not the Bible and be horribly misquoted ah is revelations. And yeah, that's not the quote, but still hashtag not my Bible. Yeah. A miserable pile of secrets.
Yes. There you go. What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk. How about you? You didn't throw a glass at the ground. Doesn't count.
Fungus finder, he's $2 and says, you'll say portal yet. Undertale DDLC. I don't think we literally went through the whole thing without bringing up portal just because it's kind of obvious. And we've talked about portal a million times. Well, yes, it's a funny game. Lots of funny scripted jokes. What do you want? you club I don't consider a comedy game. I don't remember any funny bits. No, I feel like it's subversions are all rooted in dread and you can't, it keeps becoming darker and darker. It's fairly ex self-explanatorily a horror game. Yep. It's, it's, you know, you laugh and shake your head so the people in the library know you don't agree with what's going on. Yeah.
Uh, David Silling gave a 65 Swedish Corona and says, can anyone explain the Metroid chronology playing fusion now? And I think it's the second to last one, but 20 years old. Yeah. It jumps around. It's weird. I think Metroid prime is actually the very first in the chronology from what I understand. Yeah. Zero mission. Yeah. It's i also want like it's kind of like the Zelda timeline thing where Nintendo doesn't really sit so much. They're just kind of making it up as they go along. Yeah. Cause the fusions like towards the end and then they brought out Metroid Dread, which was a direct sequel to fusion. So Dread is the actual ending now. And like, is Other M actually a part of the timeline? Like that wasn't even Nintendo. I don't even know. Yeah. No way of knowing.
Well, it must have come after Super Metroid because it's because it's banging on about the baby Metroid the whole time. the Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby's cry alert system, baby bottle ship. I got I love babies because I'm a woman. That was the theme of that game. Yeah, we're done. Well, ah bloodborne.
No, Metroid Other M. See, because if you've noticed the title, Metroid Other M, and you move the M to the front of the word other, do you see what you find? Yeah. The other. The other. The other. That's like how you do themes in a fictional work if you're still in high school. But they're my favorite. You get to the end and you're like, Oh my God, the guys are so sick. I mean, that's a game that's just nudging you in the ribs the whole way through saying have you figured out the theme yet? Yeah, pretty clever of me to weave this theme into things. I know how themes work. But anyway,
just existing 45 gives two Canadian dollars and says Watch Dogs Legion, the AI funny. I know. Yes. That was a very funny character. And I think whoever they got to punch up the dialogue should be given more money.
Was it used for them? um You get well can't tell us don't tell us. You get arrested. I assume I can say no.
but You didn't write it or you didn't get royalties. I do not get royalties. I got a flat fee and I didn't even put me my name in the credits. I know I checked. Did you get a copy of the game? No. Nothing? Wow. I got a copy of the game when I bought a graphics card. Net-a-sausage. I bought a graphics card. Let's not burn bridges. ah Talk to Theogus $5 and says reference humor typically sucks. Oh, wait, hang on. Mr. One just existed 45 gives another two Canadian dollars and says St. John convo deja vu of past podcast law. identical Well, we've done a lot of these. I was going to do a second ago.
I'm pretty sure we did this fucking category, does this topic before. I think it was just me and you though. Now with Frost, let's just go back to where I was like something else is. We got Frost's opinion now. We could, but we did that like not but two podcasts ago. So we're talking about the Duke Nukem voice and the odds can't help himself. Oh yeah i and I immediately said John St. John because I know his name and then you said Shinjin and I probably brought up Mad Men. When we die, this thing will be able to roll on just fine. Like there's enough, like we just say the same shit. We bring up the same games over and over. I'll bring up fucking Persona. Yahtzee will bring up his his fucking Amiga for us. We'll talk about fucking Rogue. We'll be fine. We'll be fine.
ah Uh, where was I? Yes. Dr. Theogus side dollars says reference humor typically sucks, but the ones that work on me are the super subtle ones a week later. And I have that big, Oh my God moment. Me too. Defining out about the other M you know, just a week later. Whoa. Yeah. You hear me tossing a turd out of bed tonight thinking about the other M mother. Why did you say that? yeah ah Fox D gives two dollars and says not bad for an Apple state. A How do you say that word? and outpu said i was a pastor An apostate? An apostate or however you say it, is someone who has deliberately left their religion or the political party. Which is because you're left in do domain, you suddenly forget.
Hunter Rouge, remember, for seven months in the Green Gang, says Metroid to Prime, one, two, and three, then to Metroid Two, then to Super Metroid, then to Metroid Other M, which initials two more people. Oh, I just noticed that! I never thought of that one! Holy smokes! And then it's Metroid Fusion, and then it's Metroid Dread. That's the chronology. Bro, I gotta start abbreviating things more. Oh my god. ah We gotta make a dad. that yeah That's right, another another the debate and discussion. Dead and daylight. Dead and in daylight. Dead and daylight, there you go. Hjorth87 gives 20 Danish krona and says, madness on new grounds had me laugh from absurdity. Or new grounds.
Oh, look at this game. Oh, this looks so violent. This reminds me of, uh, what's the binding of Isaac? This seems like a little binding of Isaac humor. A little gross, a little gross flash humor. That was just flash back then. That was just flash. I feel like I missed the flash era. Apparently. Yeah. Just gross, gross, gross out flash humor would have been quite tautological. Yeah. I was too young. I don't know what my excuse was. Kissing too Welcome to many heaters. I kissed my first girl at her school disco. Oh, do you remember the song that was played? She gave me her phone number and I never called it because I was scared.
Oh, it's like 12. Truly the one that got away. but fuck us What the fuck was I would have fucking done it it as a 12 year old. like those who don't know ro Calling back then was not as easy as calling now. You would have had to like go out into the street, put in a quarter, talk to her dad. Excuse me. Hey, she there? yeah what would you guys just like Where would you have gone on a date to see like drastic partners? Couldn't just send a text and get left on red. You'd have to actually open an actual voice communication with the other person. and yeah had to So much braver as a child than I am now. Twenty-four. Talking to someone's parents. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, FoxD is $5. He says, here's a fiver to bring up American Truck Simulator, My Time at Sandrock, and Super Mega Baseball 3 in the Windbreaker Afterlife.
he That's the second time I've seen the word Fiverr being given by an American person giving American dollars. I assumed Fiverr was British slang for a Fiverr. Fiverr is a British slang. I guess a lot of British systems have come over here, right? Fiverr. Guy Ritchie. Here he owed me a tenner, et cetera. There's just some words where we're like, why don't we use them? Fiverr's tenners? No. In Wakes the Deep, they keep referring to the police as the polis. And I want to start calling the police the polis. I wanted them to call them the rozzers. They confuse people. ah so That's the British slang for the police you never hear in like, ah referenced in outside media. As a skier, you have not heard that either. Did you notice how big the pieces of toast were in Still Wakes the Deep?
You really paid a lot more attention to still things as deep than I did, apparently. Go in the opening like five minutes, you can go to like the mess hall and everyone's eating and they're eating like breakfast and there's eggs and there's beans and they have the biggest fucking pieces of toast and it is like insane how big they are.

Quirky Game Details

Fucking oil drillers need their, uh, need their heart and breakfast. Maybe they started with the toast and we're like, no, no scaled down. They, John Hancock did.
They probably needed that to make this they needed that to make their eggy in the basket. Eggy in the basket. It's Ross's Cheez-it. Yeah, ah I don't think they might have said Cheez-it, they might have said Leg-it. It's the Fakky Ross's Leg-it, mate. Sounds great. Or the Peg-it. That's another one I've heard. No, that's something different. We can't know about that. Peg-it 15.
ah tibe Tabasco gives 10 euros and says, long time listener, first time caller, just doing my part, have a nice day gents. Less than three. Also your name sounds like a drunk, a drunk trying to order Tabasco, ask for Tabasco with a 24 hour dinner. We did it. We did it, right? Well, that's the end. That's the end of Super Chats. Oh, hold the phone. Bag of Dex just came in with his member chat. Member for six months in the Green Gang, who says, always chuckle in Deep Rock when I piss off the boss. There you go. Piss off the boss. Do you have like a foreman in Deep Rock? I don't remember, but it's been a while. I know you can get drunk before you go.
Do you have a literal urinate button? And can literally piss off things? I think all you can do is scream rock and stone. Let's, let's make a quick record of all games that have a urinate button. So postal, of course, June, you can forever had one. Okami had an attack where you could urinate on the other.
Games that feature urination. Death Stranding. You could pee. Yes, yes. You could pee all over the place in Death Stranding. I think this is technically Binding of Isaac. You can turn your tears to piss. And it actually does come out your wee-wee. Incredible. I should have been for trivia night. Camton Inger gives $7 and says, by the way, in other M-yards you were indeed right about who the traitor was. Wasn't revealed in-game, but in an appendix of a Japanese strategy guide. Yeah, that was the dumb, that was another of the many dumb things in Other M. Like, you need they established that there's a traitor in the unit, and they really play up the traitor, and you have a boss fight against them, and it strategically conceals their face. And the game just never says who he was. That's terrible. What was it? Was it your mom? That was just one of the one of the random dudes. Oh, well. Knowing me, I wouldn't recognize him. Very Lex Luthor. I don't know who this is.
Right, well, the ah again, that's the end of Super Chats. So thanks for listening to the Windbreakers podcast. Let's wrap this up quickly for any more come in.

Podcast Wrap-Up and Plugs

I was Yahtzee Croshaw, and Frost was up there and Marty was over there. And to plug the rest of the stuff coming up this week, I've got a fully ramblymatic on Wednesday on the subject of Still Wakes the Deep that we keep going on about. And also Yahtzee Tries haven't quite decided but playing on that, but I will figure it out. I think that's pretty much it from me this week, except that there'll be the Yahtzee Tries edited video on Sunday. That doesn't really count, because Jesse Schwab works on that.
And, uh, I bet. Jesse works at it. It doesn't really count as my thing. It feels like Jesse's thing. Four hours of work. yeah well Yeah. Fair enough. More than four hours. You had up a little script. so Okay. Yeah. It's a joint thing, but it's not only like adding together the clips. That's just like the main draw of that series. That's all. je Great. ah So that's it for me. What are you guys up to? I say here. As for cold take, new one came up talking about a $500 cosmetic. What a time we live in. Lovely, lovely stuff. And then tomorrow, better with friends. Marty, what else we got going on? ah Yeah, in Jen's normal time tonight, Jesse Casey and Jess will be playing nightmares of DK. And let me tell you,
It's thumbnails very dumb. So I'm very excited to see what the hell is up with this game. Uh, and then our big thing tomorrow is going to be the premiere of the rewind, our new entertainment podcasts, our biweekly entertainment podcast, uh, premieres tomorrow at noon central. So the same time as, as this show, uh, but on Tuesdays and the first episode would be myself, Darren Mooney and Jack Packard, uh, just catching up and talking about the various movies and and TV we've seen this year, as well as Darren regaling us with stories of him going to the con film festival. So there you go. That's interesting. Why, when you said entertainment podcast, did I instantly intuit that that meant entertainment other than video games? I think just in our. The only reason that's a good question, but the only reason I do it is at least for my entire career, I've been at sites that cover both video games and movies and TV. And instead of saying our movies and TV and anime podcasts, I just refer to them as entertainment. But it is strange because games are absolutely entertainment as well. So you'd think so. Yeah. But for some reason,
I so instantly knew that video games were accepted from that umbrella term. Yeah. Strange. um Strange. Perhaps, i perhaps we should analyze our own a psychological makeups to get to see us for that one. You're going to see Pagliacci or Paliacci. But I am Pagliacci. Great clown Yahtzee Crozio is talking shit about Uh, still works the deed this week. You should see him. That'll perk you up and distract you from your very stressful life of raising small children. You're right. I wrote it. um All right. I guess that's it from us. See you all on Wednesday. Bye everyone.