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The Gaming Magazines, Media, and Spaces That Defined Us | Windbreaker Podcast image

The Gaming Magazines, Media, and Spaces That Defined Us | Windbreaker Podcast

E36 · Windbreaker
6.3k Plays7 months ago

On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Marty, Jack, and JM8 go nostalgic on the gaming magazines, media, and spaces that defined us growing up.

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Meet the Hosts of Episode 36

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Windbreaker podcast, episode number 36 for Monday, August 5th, 2024. Marty here joined by Jamaite, Jack and producer Eric behind the scenes. ah We have a great

Nostalgia for Gaming Magazines

show for you today. We're be looking backwards and chatting about gaming magazines, media and then spaces, both physical and online that shaped us growing up. I kind of chose this as as a little nostalgic look back just because there was the sad news of Game Informer. the magazine's closure and also ah just because I am a nostalgic sap. but i mean yeah and Thank you to people already right off the bat asking how I'm doing from COVID. I'm i'm recovering. I'm feeling feeling better, better-ish, mostly better. andm I'm giving a big thumbs up there.
I see two housekeeping things before we get started right at the top. Yahtzee is on summer holiday with the family. So there's going to be no Yahtzee tries stream on Wednesday and no fully ramblymatic this week. However, there will be the edited Yahtzee tries his video that'll be going up on on Wednesday. So if you miss your Yahtzee, you make it Wednesday and then he'll be back, of course, on Monday. for all the regular shenanigans. And then more importantly, as I'm sure a lot of you already know, ah Frost resigned from second wind last week. And in non-corpo, just very honest speak, I genuinely enjoyed working with him and collaborating with him. I still consider him a friend. And I honestly wish him the best with cold take or whatever he decides to do, you know, going forwards. And to some folks who might understandably be worried, I just want to assure you that the sky is not falling in the house.
Terrible, terrible time for a COVID cough. The house is not on fire. We're here at second wind.

Childhood Gaming Experiences

We're all still here because we believe in the team. and We believe in this direction and because we genuinely love creating silly, informative and entertaining videos for y'all. So as long as you're still here watching them, we're still going to be here making them. So let's thank you guys for for sticking around. Absolutely. shit and you know Marty, just to double down is like to make sure, like, uh, because, you know, we are all looking forward to more frost content. Uh, the other frost is his, uh, YouTube channel. So if you want more frost content, I'm sure that's where he will be producing it. The other frost, that's where you can go. Uh, you know, whatever he feels like making over there. Absolutely. So, uh, support him. You've got Twitch channel as well. I'll do some streaming. So yeah. Yeah.
Great. ah Great. I said I didn't die, even though I did die midway through that, so I apologize. ah But yeah, so this this ah this topic this week, looking back at the the kind of the the media that defined us growing up around games, um because it's it's easy If you just look at it now, it's like, oh, you just go on the Internet and there's a million places to go for your game coverage, for people gabbing about games, for HD videos of games, review of games. um However, back in the day for old, like Jack and myself, that wasn't the case. um You know, stood there there was like a ah tangibility to all this that that you had to kind of go out and seek. And I know, Jamaite, you said the same thing. You had some some online spaces. I kind of wanted to wax poetic about some of that stuff.
Absolutely. and are off what do we like what's your What's your kind of history with like, were you a big like gaming magazine person as a kid? Were you like, how did you consume games other than playing? Yes. Yeah. Like i I would rush out and I would get my hands on a copy of Nintendo Power, however I could. I was not able to get a subscription to Nintendo Power back in the day. But ah you know, whether it be a local game store or just a friend who I would steal it from, I just just straight up break into their house, just steal it. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. I can't find my magazines. Weird. Somewhere in Japan, Miyamoto would wake up in a cold sweat and be like, Oh no, he's done it again.
but the They based Waluigi off of me. That's a true thing. ah But ah honestly, most of my content, like as far as magazines were concerned as a at a younger age, were strategy guides. ah Specifically you know like for games that I wouldn't be able to play. We grew up with very few gaming consoles in my house specifically. and ah Uh, my mom who didn't quite understand like what was cool or hip, like we usually had the worst of the gaming consoles. Uh, you know, I was one of the very few to have a Sega Saturn instead of any other, uh, system. So, you know, I played a ton of Gex.
ah a ton of scud, the disposable assassin, you know, the, the high quality. Why did you, why did you have a Sega Saturn?

Impact of Gaming Media and Ads

Like, I don't mean that. meanway but like Why? Because, uh, you know, I, when you're younger, you don't have a lot of your own money. And so, uh, uh, my mom being very thrifty, probably found a Sega Saturn like at a rummage sale. Cause no one wanted it and was like, you like video games. I got you a new video game console video game. You love those.
Exactly. This does video games. ah So ah most of my time was reading strategy guides for games that I wasn't playing. Like what is now watching a YouTube watch through of a game you won't play was me looking through the strategy guide to be like, Oh, that would be awesome to play that. i love that and Like moving your finger around maps, like, Oh yeah, i definitely. do all that be i don't know yeah I had an even, an even sadder take on that. So instead of having strategy guides, um, I would, I had those generic kind of like a thousand cheats to, for the SNS and, yeah um, the game journey and stuff like that. Um, you know, just the generic ones. And I would look at the cheats for the games I was playing, but then I would go through the book and look if any other games had to call cheats.
And if they did, that would this i make me want to play them. So I would try and seek them out based on the cheats in the book. You're late on cheats alone. You chose your game based on how well you could cheat off of it. And is that what you're saying? no Not how well I could cheat off of it is but like if it had a big head mode, I was like, oh, this is fun. I want to play this. And like yeah like level select is like, whatever, like a thousand lives doesn't matter. yeah right Yeah, right. I don't want to cheat. I want to have the fun things. And that's why I think I was so attracted to games like Ratchet and Clank, which have so many unlockables and cheats within them that allow you to just alter the game ah for more replayability and stuff like that. So I would go through these books looking for games that.
I guess I wasn't thinking about it like this as a child, but now reflecting on it, I was looking for games with senses of humor. And oh

Early Internet and Gaming Communities

like they were fun and like funny. And those were the games I would then try and beg my mother to to get me. I like that you can glean like as an adult, you can glean like, oh, what did this mean to me as a child? With most of my things, I'm like, oh, I was just an idiot. ah Most of them, I just made a video on how much of an idiot I was as a child. But, um you know, like, I was definitely an idiot. But in hindsight, I think those are the things I was attracted to, those silly cheats. And I think it's just because I found them fun and funny and I wanted games that would do that as well. You know?
Yeah, I get back to the cheats in those magazines. And I also I think that the 90s were a weird time for ads. Gaming, I don't know if there was just no regulation or they just didn't understand like who their demographic was or if they just got ad companies that didn't understand gaming. But I remember one, I gave I gave Eric the link. I don't know if you could show the picture of this Goemon, Goemon's great adventure. So it's Legend of the Mystical Ninja. It was like a little series on the Super Nintendo and on the N64 where you played as like a little little chibi ninja like going through. yeah going through ah Japan, whatever. In this ad, it was a hot tub full of models, and they're all surrounding, and you see him, you just see his hair popping out above the water. And I'm like, why why did they take this lovable and any innocent thing and he just 90s horned it up? They just really horned him up. His clothes are like on the side of the hot tub as well. What is he doing down there?
That was so many ads though. Like, you know, what was it for the game boy? It'd be like, it would be like, you know, half naked ladies, you know, in their bed, like tied up women to be like, finally she's taken care of. So you can go play your game boy. And it's like, what? Like, I just want to play Donkey Kong land. Why are we doing this? Why are they portable? You can, you can use the game boy while you're doing anything. Why do they have to advertise that? i think If I'm not mistaken, David Lynch did some of the PS2 marketing and I'm like, yes, this probably was a bad choice. nobody we don't hate David Lynch out there being like, I'm such a huge David Lynch fan. um why not lose There's a nightmarish vision of how you can play tech and tag tournament. Yeah. like go
but i'd also like Remember how, just to stick on advertising for a little bit, remember how new the medium of video games is one of, one of my favorite ads still to this day is the U S legend of Zelda commercial where they just hired like an actor to like perform, like, you know, tech. Tights, Zelda, Octorok. And it was just like one actor wearing an all black outfit doing interpretive dance to what he thought the monsters were,

Physical Game Spaces and Midnight Launches

because how because what's a video game and how do we advertise it? Right. I like don't know what this is. Yeah. Yeah, like age ranges are such a crazy thing as well, right? Because I think early advertisements are a lot more geared towards kids, but those kids then grew up. So advertisers have had to adjust and ah try and advertise to a larger age range, which is where they get weird. Like some of the Nintendo power adverts were like, you know, toenails in a jar and yeah um like weird stuff like scratch and sniff stuff that makes you vomit. And yeah.
wild. It's just anything to get people talking about it, right? Because we don't know how to market to kids, teenagers and adults all at the same time. That Scratch and Sniff was famously, that was the Earthbound strategy guide and the Earthbound marketing campaign, which um you know that did that came in a giant box because it came with the strategy guide. And the strategy guide was awesome because it was almost like a newspaper slash travel guide. And so there was like little like articles in the strategy guide of like, oh, here's like what's happening in this town you go to, but like in the world of the game and stuff. And then it was also a strategy guide, like how to be bosses.
Um, but their whole marketing campaign was scratch and sniff and it would be like scratch this and you'd smell and it's like, Oh, it's peppermint because one of the consumable items is a peppermint stick. And then you'd scratch this and you're like, what's this? And like, it's puke. Cause one of the enemies is piled puke. that it like why why smell like this why are you so are you telling it This is the millennial version of ah any flavor beans or every flavor beans. Yeah. Yeah. That's what before. harry was high Yeah. and and You can't smell anything. And I know there was that company that tried to do like a four D smell of thing where you hook it up. Everyone said it just gave you headaches. Like it was just like pumping incense in the room and giving you headaches. Yeah. We don't want to smell each other. I think is the consensus.
No, if you have ever been to a convention, you know, we don't want to smell but each other. Just just asking your extension. There was one as a kid. There was one issue. my My brother is five years older than me. And so he was into games and I kind of got into games because of him. And there was this one early issue of Nintendo Power um with it was Castlevania two. And it had Simon Belmont on the cover. It was an actual actor. And he's holding the severed head of Dracula. And there's blood everywhere. And I'm like, why is this the cover for a man? I was like three. And I'm like, this is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. I don't know if I want to do video games. It's so metal. It's so metal. I love it. In hindsight, I'm like, this is cool as hell. But as a child, I was like, this is scary. And I don't think I want to play these. Yeah. We were talking about it on Dev Heads last Friday on like how the games, but it also extends to media.
how the media we consumed as kids imprints on us and like changes us. right That image could have been the catalyst for a child becoming interested in horror as a genre and yeah yeah um really changing who they become. And I think it's crazy how you know people who make media and create it, in a way, i have a responsibility to understand that and that yeah their voices will have an impact on on people. you know That was one of the, with that Five Nights at Freddy's movie that came out the other year and it made like a bunch of money. A lot of people, I didn't think it was a very good movie, but my thing is like, if it is getting kids, if it is a gateway drug for kids to get into horror and for them to be like, oh, maybe I'll watch another horror movie. And then they end up watching The Shining or something or like, yeah you know, Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street. And it's like, OK, then this is doing a good thing. It might not be good, but if this is getting kids into a thing, then I guess I give it a
I give it a pass. yeah It's also about Matthew Willard. I'm a big Matthew Willard. He's a fantastic actor. Yeah. Big, uh, big Lillard heads over here. Friend of the friend of the podcast. Matthew was actually the original name, uh, before second wind. We had a couple of names tossing around and Lillard heads was one of them, uh, got shot down relatively quickly. Yeah, it did. Along with that was a Lillard head was also the name of my, uh, of my alt grunge band in high school. And we thought the marketing would be those guys might be a little pissed that you, uh, that you Yeah, right. Lillard ends. That sounds like a 90s band. Half of all the audience would just be upset that he isn't just grunge music posts. Yeah, actually, I had a big magazine subscription or a collection as a kid because, yeah, I think my parents were like, well, if we just pay, because they were pretty, back in the day, I think it was like $15 or $20 a year. You'd get like a year of Nintendo Power or EGM and
Like Nintendo Power, um

Current Gaming Access and Benefits

they would have every year you subscribe, you would get a new like strategy guide. And so it'd be like resubscribe in October or November and then get the strategy guide for whatever the big fall game was. So it'd be like Ocarina Time or Majora's Mask or something like that, which was... um always cool. But just recently, I ended up buying a huge bulk collection of just a bunch of random ass magazines because I'm on eBay. So I was like, I don't have these anymore. And I kind of miss them. And I was like, here's $50. And they just sent me like, like 1000 pounds of magazines. Now I have too much clutter. However, I do just like opening them up and seeing like, what's going on in here?
but what What were people excited about? back Is it like a time capsule for you? Yes, absolutely. at them yeah And be like, what what products are they track doing advertising in the in the margins? What's the kind of the people who are writing in? What are they saying and stuff like that? And the opinions on games and the culture of games? It was the only way you had to like, see things in game the time that you know, there wasn't the internet, you weren't be able to see videos, you could Maybe occasionally if you go to like a Best Buy or something, they'd have like a kiosk with demos or with like videos running of things. But even like E3, E3 wasn't streamed. You couldn't see videos of things. It was all these like little, you know, stamp sized images. And I'd be like, I am excited for Final Fantasy 7 and I don't know what it is, but it looks neat. Well done, magazine.
I miss word of mouth. I miss having conversations with friends in the playground and, you know, people who would come over and they would bring their magazines or, you know, their strategy guides and stuff. um And that would spark new conversations and like, I guess, desires for specific games. And you'd want to go check them out because of how your friends were talking about them. And they were more mysterious rather than i'll just go look up the trailer and instantly form an opinion based on based on that marketing. Right. I guess I read the liars, like the liars who would like lie about like a thing in a game or like, you know, the whole uncle works at Nintendo, but to be like, oh, no, I got to the end of the game. And yeah, you could totally you you can make out with the princess. Right. Oh, yeah. You know, like if if you can beat, you know, Super Metroid doing this, Samus gets naked. Yeah. Like that kind of stuff. 100 percent. Yeah. yeah
ah Speaking one of, you know, pervy ads, like, cause that's all we wanted. And we just wanted that. to me to me, it was like, if we're going to like move over into kind of like the blending of the magazine and the spaces, ah like this was a lot of recess time for me is like one kid would have either a magazine or a strategy guide. And then there would be like, like a, a gaggle, like a huddle, you know, of kids over his shoulder as he slowly turns it, wait, I didn't finish reading that. Oh, what was that? You know, just we're, we're like tackling each other to all read the one magazine at once because the kid won't let us touch it. Jonathan, I remember you. Oh, no, he's listening. I don't know. I don't remember. jack And he feels super guilty. And now he feels even worse. Yeah. He or Jonathan. Think about it. Think about the early days of the Internet. Did you guys like. ah
I'm also very nostalgic for like the early days of the internet, just when it was like, it felt kind of magical. It felt like a frontier that you were going to and like, like I guess I'll type this in, I'll see where I go. And it's like, oh, a little little community here that's, that's ah you're interested in South Park. That's neat. And a little gifts to South Park. Oh, that's a little sound bite.

Role of Demos and Free-to-play Games

I can hear them say, oh my God, they killed Kenny. That's incredible. even Even though we've kind of created created our careers off of it by having this whole space on YouTube to kind of house all of the niches, there was something kind of magical, like you said, of being able to type something in and finding a probably rather shoddily made website that was dedicated to one thing. That felt special, like you were going into like a cave or something. Like it was, I found my people, they're here. yeah
Yeah, I associate that like when I first got into anime, that was when like, right coincided with like getting the internet. There's other people who wanted and I thought about this, how we joined a Gundam wing, like a chat room, where we would role play. And we would like be a character and wasn't what it sounds like out as a child, I'm being played upon, but it wasn't it's like we we pretended which character we that would be Zex Mark ease, the pilot of tall geese. And then suddenly someone would be like, my like, ah just god i just broke up my girlfriend girlfriends
that's crazy and know your god oh my god um does he do it no ah broke up my girlfriend. Cause I said, I want to hang out with the boys in the Gundam room. It's a 12 year old kid in Wisconsin who really wants to play the worst, the worst reason to break up with your girlfriend. We just need to say that like, we're all here for you to be in the gundam I room with just got, us, the gunga room with us. Um, I just broke up with my girlfriend. I was we're all here with boss, the like, you guys sass or whatever have girlfriends? his name is, but That's crazy. like the worst, the worst reason to pay. I have Gundams up there. I am that guy.
That's your gun gun. I didn't speak up well when I was 12 to go in the gun gun room, Jack.
There was, uh, there was also a thing, uh, there was this thing called camp Hyrule that was held every year and starting in like 96 or 97, Nintendo would hold it. And I don't know how official Nintendo, I feel like Japan, Nintendo did not have a hands on it because Japan, Nintendo would be like, no, there's going to be like child predator here and we can't allow this. but it was it was like limited to like two or three thousand people and you could sign up and it was this week long like virtual chat room activity center thing all centered around nintendo games with different activities for nintendo games and you do these like little mini games online that roadblock like here's like whatever at the time was like a high res picture of
of like something from Majora's Mask or something. And then there'd be these events where it's like, oh, no, all of Yoshi's eggs went missing. You need to find them. And so you'd like click around the site and try to find all the eggs. At the end of every ah camp session, something would destroy the camp. and so And it would tie into like whatever the Nintendo game at the time was. So it was like, oh, Majora's Mask, the moon is falling. And then the moon just crashed in. And everyone was like, all right, see you next summer, everybody. It was great. happening Are you telling me they always left off on apocalypse or? like Yeah. Yeah. Everything. Yeah. It would be like, oh, no, the volcano exploded. All right. See you guys next summer. It was strange. for For a while, I thought I made it up. You know, some of the one of those memories where I was like, this wasn't a real thing, like a thing that I dreamt. But no. Turns out it was real.

Strategy Guides and Personal Gaming Stories

And like for for me, if we're talking early days of the internet, ah it was all game facts, game facts, ah just me doing like the hard math on the, okay, if I'm in this region in Pokemon Emerald or whatever, right? What are the spawn rates for what Pokemon? How long do I need to circle in this grass area to know, which, you know, I was just doing, I was literally on game facts, doing math about how long I think I would have to stay in a particular area. Sometimes I click on guides just to admire the ASCII art. Man, you created the whole logo and using just weird slashes, forward slashes, back slashes, and dollar signs. so The amazingness of like the jank of early game facts where it was, it was just text for 3,000. Oh, thank you, Eric. Literally.
God, for 3000 pages, and then but then you learn how to navigate the text using control F. If I do this and this, yeah. For me, was a lot of time. i it was When I was younger, it was just how can I get a hold and play as many games as I can? Because like you said, Jack, you don't have access to a lot of your own money when you're a child. So it was just how can you get that? And I had two ways. It was even my family members dealt them to me like drugs. like your I had cousins who would bring their like CRT TV to my grands house and copies of Grand Theft Auto and then would let me watch while they played but I had to sit a certain distance away I think it was a weird power trip
um Because I was really young, so they would be like, you've got, this is an adult game, so you've got to go over there, right? Like, you can't, you can't like directly watch. So I would watch from like, you know, a few meters away and be like, Oh my God, this is crazy. And then they'd be like, Oh, well, we have three of them. Maybe you can have one if you go get me a drink. And I'm like, I'll get you a drink. yeah i'm I'm like fucking four or something around the sale barge. where you're like Why are you getting job drinks? Yeah. um So they'd even like deal them to me like a shady deal and I would have to like I remember hiding Grand Theft Auto Vice City under my pillow at my Grand's house so she wouldn't see I had it. I would like sleep with it. I was a dumbass clearly and ah the other ways are
I never had a PC when I was growing up, like a PC um that could play games. I wish I did, but I did not. So my gran would have one and I would go on her computer and just try and find games, but finding games that ran on her terrible dial-up for like PC was a nightmare. And i been I really want Chat to help me with this. I played a game on her computer, which was a weird like anime browser game where you it was like an RPG but you could become a werewolf or a vampire like go in different clans and if you went left you became a vampire if you went right you became a werewolf i need you guys to find it because it's one of those lost media things in my brain just like in twilight tie-in flash game no this was this was like early 2000s stuff like
It was very weird. I can't remember what it was. Can you guys find me that vampire werewolf RPG browser game, please? It was an adventure quest. If someone already found it, that would be just shocking. Several people have said adventure quest. At me, guys, at me in our Discord. go go in Everyone is saying adventure quest. They already found it. Oh my God. Okay. Well, carry on guys. my is nine dollars Adventure quest. Oh, you're just gonna stop the podcast now. You're just gonna, you're just gonna go play. Yeah. I, uh, I also in, in like pre-internet and in terms of physical space, I do, but I miss video stores, both in movies, obviously, but in terms of games as well. Like there was, there was a tactile nature of, and I, again, this all sounds like old men being Like back in my day, but like there was something that felt nice about just like browsing the racks of a video store or a bookstore or anything like that, like physically touching everything and then being like, okay, I'm going to take this home tonight. and And when you were a kid being like, all right, this is going to be my weekend. Like, I hope this is a good decision. And, and yeah you know, whether it was a movie or a game and and, you know, sometimes you got something where you're like, oh, this is incredible. And then other times you'd be like, this is really bad. This does not bode well for the weekend.
This game is really bad, but I've already spent $8 to rent it, and I have three days to play as much as I can, and I have no other game, so I guess I am playing Gex. I've i've got um've got something to admit, guys. and And this hurts me to say that was Dark Souls for me. um i I rented Dark Souls from a blockbuster um because I went in and I was like, I've heard of a ah hard game called dark Dark Something. It's meant to be really difficult and I'd like to play it. And then they they rented Dark Siders to me.
And I was very disappointed when I got home. um But anyway, went back and got Dark Souls because I told them it was wrong. And I, as when I was younger, I couldn't get out of the asylum or like in Undead Burg. Sure. um It was just too much for me. And like back then, as we all know, Dark Souls was very revolutionary in a lot of ways. There weren't many games like that. And it hurt my brain. And I tried to play it all weekend and just couldn't do it. I was just like, yeah, yeah. This game's rubbish. But then went back to it, you know. There was ah one nice thing about cartridge games, like the Super Nintendo and N64, where that you could run a game and all of a sudden there'd be a save file

Cultural Impact of 90s Gaming

on there. There was like halfway through. Oh, I can, I can spend the last day to see what the later part of this game.
um or yeah i think but i wrote about how when i i rented earthbound i think a character's name was just fart like the same file was just named fart it was because i edited your um your video and you specifically said could you make yourself far called fart yeah Because I was like, who i want someone in my town had a very good sense of humor naming their character Fart. And I want to know who it was. yeah I mean, you know like we're trying not to be old men. Marty and I, the old men here. um But like there there is something to be said like just mathematically about like where the zeitgeist was, right? Because there were fewer things. And and there was a focused zeitgeist. we you know Magazines were probably only talking about the one or two big releases every year. You know, we are in a lovely, lovely time now where there's so many games to play and there's so many wonderful things to play, but nothing can capture, you know, we live in a glittering age. Nothing, no one thing can capture any, ah the the cultural attention. ah But back in the day, there could be that one thing that everyone was talking about. That one thing where if you went to school, fuckingin everyone was talking about Ocarina of time. That's it. yeah No other game existed.
And that was really special. Yeah. Whereas now, like, it's dumb to complain about because it's like, oh, we have a million yeah infinite things to do. But like, I just like 20 minutes before this podcast, all of a sudden, this game I had my wish list called Super Dungeon Muncher went on sale. yeah is So Super Dungeon Muncher, I'm putting the the link in the chat for everyone. a Super Dungeon Muncher. Oh, why am I logged in as me as second wind? Oh, that's Oh, that's fun. I don't know. That's magical. Super Dungeon Muncher. And I was like, well, it's $2.99. It's on sale. I have to buy it. And so I bought Super Dungeon Muncher. Will I play it? I don't know. Am I going to spend the rest of the afternoon dinger lunchching dungeon Dungeon munching? Dungeon? You better be.
ngie mun Oh my god. a dudegeon much This might be his a jacket. I have the link open right now and I'm looking at it. Holy moly. You might be a dungeon muncher. Oh, I'm i' a hundred percent a dungeon muncher. Also, that does sound like a sex thing. And I need to let everyone know I'm a hundred percent a dungeon muncher. I'm a bit of a closet dungeon muncher. You know what? This is a safe space. I'll admit it you guys, I'm a dungeon muncher. I'm just scared that my mum will think. That was like a very, it's very different from, you know, ah ah everyone being excited, like you said, for the entire year because, oh, the new Mario game is coming out. or new they the right
I think we get we're in an age of hipsters. I feel I feel we do have for that. We do have those. I think Elden Ring DLC is is kind of proof of this for the week um that it was

Evolution of Gaming Culture

out. It was on everyone's minds and everyone was playing it to the point where Final Fantasy 14, probably the biggest or second biggest MMO of all time delayed their release so people could play the Elden Ring DLC. Yeah. ah But it's either you're playing it and you're enjoying it or everyone else I've spoken about, if they're not playing it, they just, they hate it. And they're being a bit of a hipster. They're like, Oh, oh I don't care about that. you know So I think we're in the age of hipsters.
Because there's so much other stuff. they've They've got other stuff to play. It's not the thing that... There's dungeons too much. There's dungeons too much. I don't need to go into... um i like a souls could We pretty said if you're not going to be in the thing because you have a girlfriend, we we don't need to keep bringing it up.
ah but I mean, I think hipsters have always have always existed in this regard, right? When, when Ocarina of Time was all that the kids talked about, you know, that there was some dickhead in class who was like, what game came out when Ocarina came out? That was like, sixty four or or like doom or, you know, like, like doom one where they're like, only real kids play, you know, do my uncle showed me whatever, you know, only real game has played. Did he come racing? and plus
I like the idea that, like, everyone's talking about Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, and there's one person who's like, no, no, no, I just play clay fighter. You guys don't even know. You guys don't even know about Clay play Fighter. Clay Fighter's 63 and a fourth, because, like, that, I think, really upped the ah the ante as far as running on the N64.
but what ah what a what a silly What a silly time to be alive. Did you guys ever go to midnight launches? That's another thing. I don't feel like those really do those exist. I feel like I just buy all my games online. I don't know. anymore All the game, all the game stores I know are are all closing. I would sell like horrible stuff. Yeah, which is my my friends and I slept outside of a target overnight to get the the first copy of the Nintendo Wii. Wow. And it was it was, the you know, it was a ah beautiful, wonderful time. um Everyone had bought ah brought with them. They're like DSS and we were like playing Mario Kart. Other people brought game cubes and TVs to like plug in outside of Target because we slept outside of a target overnight. And it was ah a beautiful, wonderful, stupid time. It was a stupid thing to do because, you know, like it was Target, but, you know,
Yeah, mine did what a Warcraft releases. I did some of the battlefields like I really liked battlefield when when I was younger. um So I did some in that releases of those and got like special editions and stuff. There was something special about it like going it it for a kid right being late. That's one thing that's just special to be out in town. You know, shown to the show really late um then being surrounded by people which you knew were that there for the same thing. Yes, you know like ah for teenagers I guess going to a concert is kind of a similar experience Like you know people are here because they enjoy the same music as you and I feel there's something special about that um And midnight releases were that for me? um And it was just like I'm gonna get this game and be able to you know Go home and play it or as I'm sure we were all the same when you'd get a game Read the back of the box or the manual repeatedly until you got home. and Yeah you get home and youre like oh i say it up One in the morning I get this I'm just tired oh
yeah Why did I just go and get this in the morning? Yeah. ah yeah the only i The only two Midnight releases I remember were... This would have been right around the same time as the Wii One, but I did the 360 one. um like So it was the year before that. um yeah yeah i just remember it was in the It was also in November, so it was just really cold. I remember like halfway through the night being like, this is stupid. like It is very cold. This was Wisconsin in the winter. Why are we doing this? Which console for you guys was the one that was the most special to get? Because like for me, there was one that I was really excited about, which was the 360. We'd heard so much about it. And at that point, I was just playing games on my PS2, my N64, my SNES, and stuff like that, because I played a whole range of things. But the 360 was the one that I was really excited to get and couldn't get for a long time, because um unfortunately, you know my family ah were quite poor when we were growing up. So getting a new console was a huge deal.
Um, but I ended up getting one, uh, because my mom was like, uh, I'm, she just wanted to get me and my sister something like extra special because of a situation she was in. She was like, I'll buy you anything, go into this store and I'll buy you anything. So I went to like the black edition of the Xbox 360, like the elite version and was like, I'll have this as a joke. And she went, okay. And picked it up. And it was like the most special thing to me, like. I was taking the piss, right? Because you assumed it would be like a DVD or something. Yeah, yeah right. And um she was yeah, she was being real. I could have anything. So for me, the 360 was a special console for me to get. Do you guys have with the console that you almost decided to get? A refrigerator? Honestly, I don't mean to i don't mean to like ah you know and enforce gender stereotypes, but my my sister got a pair of hair strainers.
Oh, um but they were very expensive, really good hair straighteners, but, you know, also, but like something that, you know, uh, you know, uh, make them feel good about themselves. That is a cost, right? Like oh this is something that i know child when I was a teen. I use those hair straighteners. So
sorrynna happen the didn't happen jay we michael straight hat and go to play for sixty i winning Our next our next ah Stream goal is is so that Jay can show pics of him in his emo face. Oh my god, dude Guys Martin Jack. So this can be a goal. I will show you some of those pictures. You are you will be shocked. Oh my god It's bad. It's real bad. Oh This is incredible. Hold on. This gives me a Marty. You can tell about, uh, uh, your console, uh, while I write down ah an important idea for a new show, uh, or an important idea for a new show that we're already working on. It's the, it's the show called remember when we had hair. is ah No, the show is ah as a show that we are currently working on. And I just thought of an interesting challenge.
Here we go. Here we go. Yeah, mine, ah mine would have been probably N64. We were like a similar thing where I was like, ah we we moved right around then. And so I think my my parents knew that, you know, kids, when they move, they get a little nervous having to go to different school and everything. So they got us a brother in N64. I remember just playing Mario 64. And that was also like Mario 64 was one of those like, oh, my God, everything's different. Uh, moments. And so, so I feel like the N64 was probably the most special. Um, I was not emo. No, my emo phase.
You guys were seeing the N64 with one eye because of your fringe. ah Yeah. And for me, it would be the the first console that I purchased with my own money um using my money that I earned both as a ah birthday clown and a wedding DJ was the game cube. And, uh, my friends had game cubes. And if you guys, uh, if y'all remember that, you know, the game cube had a limited, uh, like land support. Um, and so, you know, we could play eight player Mario Kart double dash.
mine which was mind blown. And so it was, that was the console that basically outside, uh, after high school was all me and my friends played was just, you know, a double dash and smash bros and just game cube, game cube, game cube. Uh, and it was, it was special cause yeah, we, I always got, you know, secondhand the worst of the consoles. I got the Sega Saturn's I got, I got, you know, probably a Sega CD at one point instead of a PlayStation, or I would have to wait until like the super, like the N64 was well and into its life cycle to get the super Nintendo. church and And so this was like, Oh, I can have a thing now because I made enough balloon animals at children's birthday parties. And it was very, very special jobs mixed up and dude, like a birthday DJ and a wedding. club
i would tell you what somebody reads in why this room
It's everybody it's time for the wedding march da did did da did did it did oh my god we' got a game cube out of it that's well as important exactly so important that Beautiful purple game cube that I still have to this day yeah um excellent do You guys have any, uh, any, anything else you want to touch on or you want to jump to super jazz? There's a bunch super jass ah touch on a bunch of I guess, I guess one would be like, we were talking about like outlets and like things we would go to, um, not to be masturbatory, but it's funny to think that one of mine was the escapist.
Oh, wow. Back in the day. And um I would get a lot of my singular, you know, opinion pieces from the the escapist. A lot of the places I would go, you know, I'd go to some places like IGN and, um, you know, game spot and stuff like that. And just. get my general information, but the escapist was the place where I would get to know the personalities, um, you know, like Stephanie, Stephanie Sterling and, you know, Yahtzee and stuff like that. And that's what made me stay. And I just think it's kind of wild that I then ended up working there and then it became this. is yeah That's kind of weird.
Yeah, that's that's ah that's surreal. That's beautiful. I think, yeah, like as much as we're going to old man about how times used to be good, I would like to make sure that like I say specifically, I love where we are now. Oh, yeah. because you can find a YouTuber who makes like a video on one really weird, small genre of games and just interact with them in their chat. And it is exactly your pace and your crowd. And you just couldn't find it like, you know, because you don't have the internet. They're just if you couldn't find a kid who was into you know Whatever or if you tried to join the Dungeons and Dragons group and they all didn't want to teach you how to play and you had to you know Kick rocks or whatever, but now we have the internet now We have these spaces where we can just talk about stupid bullshit and there's gonna be someone who wants to talk about it with you but yeah and how appreciative I am that we have the space to watch other people play video games and and be funny because we don't
necessarily um but like i think a lot about uh like a youtuber i watch is uh josh strife hayes and he covers a lot of mmo's which is not a game genre that i will ever play but i love hearing him talk about it where it's like oh i i understand more about this now because we have that space uh just to just to see the other side of the world so great job internet sometimes yeah yeah there is a Yeah, there's a weird of an idea as you could think of. There's someone on the internet probably making a video. I shared ah a shared a video with Pat a few days ago. I think in Discord too. ah A YouTuber I like called Any Austin who made a video. ah i'm I'm just always second wind here. I'm just never going to be me. I don't know. Yes, Any Austin is a wonderful tuber. Yeah.
and me he made this video that I shared about ah ah where do the high where do the rivers in Hyrule come from and go. He did a say a similar video in Skyrim where he like tried to figure out like using actual like science, like actual geography, um but he's super entertaining and he like has all these like interesting theories about this and I learned a little bit and it was also like wandering around my favorite game worlds, The Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdoms. I thought it was absolutely a great video with that, again, in those you know quote unquote Halcyon days of the 90s, there was no outlet for someone to make something like that. I watched a video today about somebody saying that the fog in Coraline is alive and is the main villain. And ah that is one of the most niched
bat shit crazy things I've ever heard. And i was yeah I watched the entire thing and I came out kind of agreeing and I was like, huh, wow, maybe I should have done something else, but maybe not. Yeah. Yeah. Like, so yeah, just, you know, like we can, we can, you know, enjoy kind of our past and our, our liminal spaces and our, like our, our tactile things, which I always prefer tactile things, ah but also like recognizing how good we have it now where we can ah play, where we can play super dungeon muncher. That's that's a game that might not have been able to exist before because no major publisher would put the money into making that game. But now ah game development is a little more democratized. Yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Oh, munching here. ah You guys want to ah munch on through some of these super chats?
Yeah, let's let's Dung Munch free some of these money, but money givers. Dung Munch. Dr. Theo right off the bat with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. Not to go all out. I was born in the wrong era, ah but a part of me wishes I would have experienced those magazines for the first time as a kid. I think every generation kind of has a nostalgic era of like, oh, man, what was it was? It was so much better beforehand. Like, imagine what it would have been like there. And, you know, I'm sure there's people now were thinking about 10 years ago like that. And here's some people will be thinking about now like that. I don't know who would want to be in now right now. But, you know, just, you know, just remember for all the beautiful things we had for all the guys, we also had a shit ton of gatekeepers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah
yeah So braes a yeah, ah reflexes of a dead cat with a $20 don't know. Thank you so much. This topic really hits home for me. And not only because growing up in that era, ah not only growing up in that era, but my father was the original editor for EGM being able to see the video game journalism begin and the raw passion everyone had playing slash writing still inspires me. That's incredible. Was that in, was that in Illinois without doxing yourself or your father started like in the, in the Chicago suburbs? you need And then reproduc with another $10, followed it up. My favorite quote of his was when they first started up, it was quote, give a, give me guys who could play games. I could teach them how to write.
Oh, very nice. There you go. thats next Yeah, Lombard, Illinois. That's right. Look at that. I remember EGM issue 100 had a like behind the scenes for their 100th issue, like a bunch of here's what the office looks like. And here's what we do. And here's what goes into like making an issue of the magazine. And that was the thing that got me into being like, I remember like distinctly going to my mom and being like, this is what I want to do. Can we get out of Illinois? And can I do this? And she's like, well, no, because you're like nine, but Yeah, we used to keep writing and trying hard and everything. And look, now now we write book reports about toys. Look at us. Bro, thank you so much for the demo. Loved a computer for Allah in the 90s, had a demo CD. There was also, there was there was a bunch of European magazines we just don't know about.
that's true sos demo diss slow demo to demo discs. they were so special and And speaking to being poor, when growing up, demos were so important. I remember going to my cousin's houses and just replaying demos on the PS3 just because we couldn't afford the game. So we would just play that hour long demos. I remember skate, the original skate. had hour long show when playing And we would just repeatedly play that. Or there was a game, I think it's called like rec or like destroy something. You throw a crash to test dummy ah into buildings and destroy stuff. That's pain. And Nick brings it up every week on fire. really yeah so excited ola If you talked about paid
My god, I might I might just have to yeah, I played it played the demo a lot as a kid Yeah, and hardpoint hardboiled hard something the John who's hard boil Stranglehold John strangle. Maybe there's like a John Woo game The game started chow you on fat who just started in hard boil kill OK, yeah, so there was a demo of that, which was the first mission, and yeah we would play that over and over. It's just demos are really important for giving people with less means a chance to play and experience at least a small percentage of the game. Absolutely. I think that's something that's underappreciated for demos. That's why I don't I don't knock free to play.
I'm like, there's man, but I was a pretty poor kid growing up. And if and if I would have had access to Genshin Impact, which like you can get like 50, 100 hours of entertainment without spending a dime, you know Fortnite, that kind of thing. So I never yuck the yum of those free markets. I get that that could be a slippery slope to like predatory business practices, but it can also be a lot of lot of free entertainment for someone. yeah Absolutely. Uh, FoxD with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much, Fox. The Nintendo Power spotlighting games like SimCity and Aerobiz on the SNES ensured I wouldn't outgrow games and turn me into the sim gamer I am today. For that, thank you, Nintendo Power. Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Miyamoto-san. I don't think he was probably not better in chief of that, right now.
Uh, pure pyro or the two year old don't know. Thank you so much. Loved my dino crisis slash Mel, your solid slash Spyro slash Tony Hawk demos. I think that was the pizza hut demo. I have fond memories. thea hut Yes. One demo pizza. And they give you a disc. That demo is so stacked. Yeah. It's crazy. yeah And you get pizza. And yeah what's good? The best pizza, Pizza Hut pizza. You're fed so you can sustain yourself to play more demos. No one else pizzas the Hut. Pizza Hut had demo discs and if you read enough books you get free pizza. Pizza Hut was there for when children needed to read and play video games. And make us obese. And make us obese. I made a salad bar. It's the American dream.
early the american dream right there uh fungus finder with a two dollar dono thank you so much who's the new guy in the bottom left corner real funny fungus find because i haven't been here haven't been oh it's you back welcome back uh bajango with a two dollar dono speaking of marty didn't die that's good that's that's a great that's a great comment if it would have been sad if you were like marty didn't die aw shucks
real so very happy marty did maybe next time i'm also very happy one Abdell Corrales, thank you so much for the donor. Here's some money for Marty's cough medicine but but and with a five-year-old donor. Thank you so much. Shout out to K-Zone magazine in Australia. Always snuck one with me when shopping through the checkout. um See if you like our dad would notice if you little like you put this in between like the eggs and the flour ah right under like um Someone plops down like the gossip magazine and you quick slide it under to be like what if you're getting a gossip mag I'm getting a gossip mag. Yeah, yeah we gotta we gotta see what the what the scuttlebutt is. Yeah, yeah Squirtle squad 420 blazing it. Thank you so much being an ad free podcast. I added the blaze squirrel squad 420
Okay, okay. The main thing I remember from my PC gaming mag was the full page American McGee's Alice ads. They were creepy as hell for a 10 to 12 year old me. sad I don't i I want to get to the bottom of like what was going on? Like was was all advertising scary in the 90s? I don't remember. I remember like the Coca Cola bear. He was nice. i think it's I think it's this, a semi-scary edgy advertisement appeals to a teenage market, but it also slightly scares a younger one, but that fear is is an emotion that's so new to a lot of kids that it entices them.
And if we won think think about it, so I think it does two, two things and hits two demographics just in different ways that you feel like you shouldn't be looking at something, i should but I am i used to when I used to watch my VHS is when I was a kid, because i'm I'm I'm obsessed with film like it's I studied it before I went into the games um and I used to obsessively watch movies as a child on VHS and my mom had a glass cabinet of movies. that I wasn't allowed to touch. Like they were um mature movies and scary ones. And I remember one day my mum was out and we had a babysitter and I went in there and I watched a movie and I watched Cape Fear when I was like five.
Oh, no, and I shouldn't have watched it. might Like I shouldn't have been watching it. um But I felt I felt naughty. Like I felt like I was being bad. um And there's something about that feeling like it's and it's enticing. And if we can do that with a game that isn't about buying chunks out of people's faces, a little bit more healthy. You know, there you go. I don't know if that's more healthy, but yeah, yeah, that is to say principal entice people and you're doing something naughty, but doesn't that feel good? no no no no
Scorsese intended five-year-olds to watch here. I think it's cool. So is he made that movie for me? I don't know what you're a hundred percent. That's why you put a roller coaster in it. I famously love roller coasters, right? jack Think about it. and Think about it. ah um be salty thank you so much for this boaty I'm nostalgic for the Polish 90s gaming magazines. One still runs. CD action. I'm waiting for the next issue to see what was up. Read every review. I am old. No, that was exciting. That was the equivalent of of checking in on podcasts and streams and going to IGN or whatever. Like when those didn't exist. It was great. Pics? Well, picks. God loves God. God knows kids love a little pick. Oh, yeah. Well, picture.
look Just a little pick. Just a little Super Dungeon Munchin. ah steve I'm shocked I remember that game's name and then I didn't screw it up. I was right around the time in 1989 when my brother and I had beat Contra and co-op without dying up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, be a unnecessary Cheats, I'm telling you, cheats, that was the way to go. Did you ever have like a game shark or anything? A game genie, any of those, uh, I felt a little too illicit. I had one and I could never figure out how to get it to work. I don't know if it was broken or if I was so dense, I could not figure it out, but I never got any of the cheats to work and it still upsets me to this day.
it was ah It was another one of those illegal ah contraband items that my cousins gave to me when I was a kid, um along with a lot of mature games that I shouldn't have been playing. because so yeah black market dealers sort yeah
yeah I'm strong with a file or don't know. Thank you so much. Mine is game in former because I didn't know of gaming forum slash websites at the time and game cheap books. I still got from book fairs and garage sales. Good times. Game in form was huge too, because it would be like you'd go to like a game stop or whatever. And when they were tied in and be like, Oh, for $20 a year, you can also get money off your games. it's so like grand And it was also a little bigger, a little wider, yeah and nice covers. They had like cool artwork on covers. They put thought into like making a cover look rad.
yeah Oh, wait. No, I'm just looking for something. Carry on. Okay. Okay. but miss There's like, I guess he's, you know, he's, he's got a bunch of dungeon. He's going to absolutely munch a dungeon right now. yeah Don't you? like any dungeons um Don't you? do it Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? ah FoxD with a $2 don't know, still the proudest moment of my gaming, beating Contra without cheats. There's certain games I just assumed were impossible. There was like a a Star Wars return. There was a new hope for the friend of the Jedi and Empire Strikes Back games for the Super Nintendo. They were just the hardest games ever. I was like, I don't like any cheats, but it's fine. um Find it. No.
I have a bunch of Game Informer magazines, um like stocked up. I think i think they they might be in storage, but um i have I have a bunch with covers, specifically covers that I collected because I love the covers so much. Oh, nice. um And I just couldn't find them because I guess I'm just useless. So let's continue. He doesn't think you're useless, Potato Hermit. Well, he just subbed. He just resubbed in the tip jar. So my thing. Legend. Enjoy designed of. Uh, and then, uh, urban M with another hundreds vote. He also a lot of action first for the Polish magazine CD action, both urban and urbanham like it magazine. My childhood in Poland, CD action went all the way from birth to being the tops, best-selling monthly gaming mag to being a quarter release, crowdfunded after many ownership changes. I still subscribe after 30 years. Oh, that's cool. It still exists. Heck yeah. Yeah. Support support creators. Yeah. yeah
Uh, Quinn double A with a final or don't know. Thank you so much. Jackie responses this weekend. We're great. It just goes to show you that the improv comedian is always the most well adjusted of any. ah Ain't that the fucking truth? I'm as shocked as you are.
it remains But oh yeah, I definitely, I i appreciate that. the but as As folks like Jay was was ah traveling overseas to an event and literally dead. Jumping in yeah massively. yeah The important thing in any in any situation is active listening, right? Is being able to like pause and actually like hear something and take it and utilize that feedback. And sometimes that's really hard for people, right? It's like, Oh, I'm perfect. Why are you telling? oh Oh, no feedback. Right. And so that's an improv, ah a pillar of improv is active listening. That's how we grow.
You know, had to mac and that's what we're in the process of. It's always what all humans are in the process of all the time until you die. So and not fingernails just get going. Yeah. Fingernails don't listen to shit. Yeah.
on the woline ah ah django with a ten dollars donno thank so much yeah but ah Back in my day, I used to beg my mom for PC gaming magazines because they'd have the latest news on No One Lives Forever and the quote, coconut monkey discs for games my cheap gateway couldn't run. What's the coconut monkey disc? What do you think's going on over there with the coconut monkey? I guess that was always one of the things with PC demo disc would be like can my computer ah sacrifice. Do you kill something? And the coconut monkey puts the spirit in your, in your computer. Cause that thing is messed up again. What look at that and then Jack, look at that image. That thing was not, I was looking at the chat. I'm sorry. That's terrible. That thing is consumed souls. Why isn't the, why doesn't the coconut money hosts the, the summer game fest and all that stuff back coconut book?
And now it's Armstrong with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Also PlayStation underground demo discs. So fun. Yeah, that's great. Again, if for free or a small amount of money, you get a little demo disc that would I would allow you you get you get a ton of you a know, if you really want to get a game, but b be like, well, I'm just going to I can spend all weekend just playing like an hour of each of these games. We have a great time. Yep. Nando Calrissian. You know Nando with a $5 don't know and I don't know why it's only towards me, but I'll take it. Marty, I'm moving to Milwaukee next week for our master's program. I want to know where you recommend eateries and booze and things to do. Love y'all. Nando, I have some answers for you. However, one of us on this panel lives in Milwaukee and is there right now and it is Jamaite. Jamaite, what is your favorite thing to do in Milwaukee?
Um, uh, go touch the, the fond statues balls. Is that in Milwaukee? that's yeah yeah that was ah go Go rub his, his brass balls on the, on the corner of eighth street. There's a really good Parmesan shop. It's full of gymnasts. Um, go there. And if you say the secret words, dungeon munches, they'll, they'll let you in the back and it's a speakeasy. That's a good place. There is, by the way how you get into the safe house. There is ah a spy themed bar called this the safe house that you have to say a secret password to get in. So we get jack please take over my God.
ah Obviously, first of all, welcome. ah My favorite city in the world. um ah That's why I choose to keep living here. There's ah amazing, fantastic eateries. Pizza, you go to classic slice, or you go to transfer, both fine pizzas. You go to um you go to ah the sausage bar, which is called Vanguard. Vanguard, thank you. You go to Vanguard, which is ah a delicious and beautiful sausage bar, also a wrestling themed bar. If you're into into wrestling, they show all the pay-per-view events. ah You go to Cafe Lulu, you get the Mooney Tuna, not named after Darren Mooney.
but ah Which is a ah tuna a sandwich that will ah blow the socks and sandals right off of you. A fantastic place. Named after Aaron Mooney? No relation. named after It's named after the tortle Aaron Mooney. No relation. Sorry, brought i'm sorry brought up a sticky subject. I don't. I don't i yeah i will leave. this will be your thrill of eventual cow bug ah So there's so many, you know, you go to delicious coffee shops, as far as drinks, I'm a little out of, out out of the know there, but literally and you just go to any hipster bar here and they will have 30 to 40, you know, craft brewery drinks. It's fine.
yeah Yeah. You're you're and you're in in Wisconsin, and especially in Milwaukee. You're at no loss. You're fired. Yeah. ah Thank you so much, Nando, and welcome to Milwaukee. Sovereign with a 50. Euro, don't know. I was like, is that a Euro pound? No, that was the Euro. The Euro, don't know. Thank you so much, so Sovereign. All the cold medicines finally cooking in. Good to see that you guys are doing all right after a challenging previous week. I think you handled it well. Also, RIP Game Informer end of an era. It's never a big right magazine reader myself, but I loved poring over game strategy guides when I was a kid. I feel like everyone has those. My strategy guides were just something like, it just felt nice and it felt like a lot of care was put
It was like they they put in a lot of work until you got to a certain era. I'm always going to bring this up. The Final Fantasy nine ah strategy guide would give you half of the tips for something and then start like pushing their website. And so they'd be like, oh, you beat the boss's second phase. Please go to play online dot com slash Final Fantasy nine in order to see what the boss is weak to. And you're like, why would you do that? That doesn't seem like something you should do. Yeah. I'm not too sure on that. yeah I always find it was nice because you would get a lot more information out of a strategy guide that you the game isn't delivering you. Like, oh yeah, this is how you complete this mission. But if you look in this drawer, like the Oblivion strategy guide was was like this. It would be like, here's how you do the mission. But in this drawer, this person is holding a special sword. And if you go into this room, you can go get it. but Holy shit, I have it behind me.
You actually, because we've seen this before, Jay, you, you, you've spoofed us before. yeah no he's actually got he's actually got doesn'ty this so I genuinely, I genuinely have this. Um, I won't go to an actual page, but, um, it would do stuff like that. And so it was just so nice to read. And it would also inform me of things that I wanted to do, like kind of similar to the, the, um, the cheap books. I'd be like, Oh, let's see what quest look interesting. And where do you go to get them and stuff like that? And stuff like that. Cause I guess I just couldn't go do it myself because I'm a twat. Yeah, yeah we were we didn't want to be the ones to say it, but me too.
Great. Orange Kitty, thank you so much. Been in the Green Gang. Shout out to the official US PlayStation Magazine OPM. And it was also back in the day, all the official, they all had their own magazines and they could just review their own games and they'd sometimes be like, this game wasn't very good. say
yeah we agree yeah We agree with you guys. Yeah, this game is not our best job, but but please buy it anyways because we need our jobs. Darwin's Dummy with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. I had Game Informer as a kid and to vicariously live games that I couldn't have. Parents Against Violent Ones replaced it with YouTube playthroughs. ah YouTube playthroughs once YouTube got big. I do think that's that's a pretty um spot on, like, that's where that, that mindset you had, Jack of like, I can't play this game. So I'm going to experience it vicariously through this. That's what a, that's what let's play zone you do. And you can yeah either watch strategy yeah or watch someone else. Yeah. Yeah. Like you can look up cheats or, you know, like how to do the dark souls, uh, infinite soul glitch and, you know, like do all that fun stuff. And because someone did it in a YouTube let's play a hundred percent. Absolutely. and And there are certain things where it's like, oh, I would rather just just give this to me in text form, because it's just like, how many of this thing do I need? And you could tell me I need 15 of it. Then there's other things of like, where do I go after this? And I would rather just watch a video to be like, oh, OK, it's that door. And then you go down those stairs. Because if you're trying to describe most game worlds to me, I'm just like, I don't know what you're like. yeah Describe like how to get out of Firelink Shrine or find a specific item in Firelink Shrine. If you're doing it with yeah with your words, of be like, what?
But there's a there's a low wall and then you got to go here. And what if you see a long necked Cretan coming out of the water, you went too far. Don't want to talk to that man. You see Frampton, you don't want to spend any time with Peter Frampton. Yeah, I like that man. I like him at all. Long necked Gollum. DnBlon99, thank you so much with a $5 Dono. Shout out to the old Prima game guides. I still have a very few of the well used. I need to get the new Final ah new final Fantasy IX guide, though. If you do, just make sure you have internet access or else you won't be able to beat all the bosses. It's a little warning. Just saying. like Just saying. Yeah, witticism. Witticism with a $10 don't know. Thank you so much. A friend's Electronic Gaming Monthly back in fourth grade was my first exposure to gaming journalism. I've been hooked since. Sad to see Game Informer go. I was subscribed all through my teenage years.
It's a bummer. The bummer ever to ever see ah a website, channel, a magazine, and anything go. We need more of them, not less of them. There you are. Yeah. I don't know if people are worth this. Fair. Less or fewer. Yeah. Uh, Potato Hermit, thank you so much for the dono. Very relatable, Jack. As a kid, I'd fall asleep reading walkthroughs of games I'd never be able to play until much later. It's funny how much more of those games meant to me when I could actually play them. Ooh, you know what? Like, and the same with watching YouTube walkthroughs now. Like, you do feel a sense of familiarity, even if you've never picked up a controller and actually been in the game world, is you just know what's going to happen because you flipped those pages 100%.
Makes you feel a little more, prepared it makes you feel like Batman. You're a little more prepared. Putting that out there. yeah but um Rose Delta. Thank you so much. butardono My only games media outlets I followed for the longest time were Machinima, Escapist, and Game Informer. I followed ETC to Internet Today, IG to IG, and y'all to here. Look at that. All the ones, all the ones you like. um But Django with a $5 don't know. Thank you. So Django shout out to the video game historical foundation for digitizing all the old magazines they collect. ah Yeah, that's a great resource. i I give I donate to them every month. And in return, I get a random video game magazine every month.
It's very exciting. it just It's like all of a sudden, once a month, an envelope shows up and I have just an old-ass game magazine, which I think is delightful. That's awesome. And so, yeah, that's I still am still a second wind. When am I going to be me again? Never. Never. You're always second wind now. Oh, no. I think it's with Bajango. Quintuple A with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Any chance for a special edition for written second stuff? No plans at the time, but... As in, like, we make a special magazine one-off that we... That we're like articles for. If one person deserves a magazine, Darren...
It's yeah, it's really tough because, you know, written content in general is, you know, getting less and less you know popular. And it's like we have incredibly talented writers here ah and we would love a space for that. But, you know, the the cost offset of having a place to put all of that content is is tricky to figure out. So maybe is the answer. a ah How do you feel about maybe? Yeah, there you go. Mm hmm. Um, that, and that's where we'll unveil pics of youo <unk>ji emo, emojimate. You guys are honestly not prepared. I will, I will show you to a snippet of this.

Information vs. Knowledge

No, no, don't you cannot show it to me. I have a plan. Do not show it to us at all. I have a plan. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Oh, I love this. Smice audio with the final Arduino. Thank you so much. Man, I miss Nintendo Power. I have to admit, though, that these days, unfortunately, it would not have the same impact as it did in the heyday. Yeah, I think part of that was just the like we talked about, there was just not a lot of places to go to. Now there's like infinite websites and streams and podcasts and videos and everything. um Whereas then you generally had like a handful of things to go to. So it feels like once a month, it was like a very special little drop in your life that would give you a new knowledge. Whereas now we're just inundated with knowledge. We're still bummer than ever.
so we No, no. <unk>re Remember to be specific here. We are inundated with information. What we don't have is knowledge. Knowledge is information plus experience. We have so much information, but you know no knowledge. That was beautiful. That was wise, Jack. Very wise. Thank you. ah Mason Chary, thank you so much for a $50 dono. Appreciate it, Mason.

Business Side of Second Wind

I just got in, I'm glad y'all were chill about the stuff brought up by Frost, but it was very serious and grim and I'm wondering if there'll ever be a more detailed statement going over the accusations. Love y'all and I really am just concerned.
It's tricky because, you know, like obviously it's very, you know, it's, it's, it's not very, it's slightly complex. Uh, again, the answer is maybe like, and I don't think, I don't think anything, I mean, obviously, you know, we put out the, the, the, uh, and for those of you who don't, uh, who aren't in our discord, you know, come into to our discord, uh, for those of you who aren't on our Patreon, we put out a little statement because one of the feedback things that we heard was kind of this, ambiguity about how second rin a second to wind runs its business, how we make our decisions. And so we put together like a little thing kind of running you through the business side of second wind, which we don't intentionally keep from you. We just think that you'll think it's boring. So so like, you know, that wasn't like a, you know, behind a locked door thing. We just didn't think you all cared until you did. And so we put that out. ah So
As if we've, if we hear there is a need for it, absolutely is the answer that I'll give. How do we feel about that? Yeah. And also like for my two cents, we we are also in a transition, a transitionary period internally for making some shifts on how we make some decisions. And there's going to take a little bit of time to settle for that. Um, and unfortunately in that period for a while, for yeah like we've been in it for like a few weeks, like nearly three weeks. Um, yeah. And we're we are still in that process. So um we appreciate all of your patience and understanding from our side and also Frost. um So we appreciate you guys. Thank you.
Um, ba-ba-ba-ba. Snake of the Garden. Been a member for six months. Thank you so much, Snake. Uh, shout out to Charlie Booker and the other great writers at PC Gamer back in the day. So

Game Journalists Turned Hollywood

many. demos Yeah, that's the other thing is there's, there's some game writers who come on to become big old Hollywood big wigs. Charlie Booker used to write for PC Gamer, uh, is not, he created black mirror. He writes, he writes most black mirror episodes. Uh, Gary Witte was a former game journalist who would go on to write like the book of Eli and rogue one movies like that.
Uh, I'm trying to think of anyone else. Uh, Martin Scorsese. Yeah. a yeah Martin, uh, Martin Scorsese big, like Amiga, uh, games journalists. Yeah. Yeah. You want to know who the real blaster masters were? The Rolling Stones? 70s. And here's why. So that was a blaster. Also, Blaster Master is a cool name for a game. Super Dungeon Muncher and... Super Dungeon Muncher? Is that what i was called yeah done andji one i think it was last jim months yeah Hell yeah. And Sink of the Garden with another two euros. Thank you so much. Anyone get the Bullfrog games via Kellogg's token? Like Bullfrogs as in the Peter Molyneux games? I do remember

Games in Cereal Boxes and Unique Ideas

PC games. There used to be certain things where like if you buy like a couple boxes like Frosted Flakes or something, you can send away for it. What? yeah That sounds like something like Peter Molyneux would release a game that's like exclusive to Lucky Charms cereal or something.
Yeah. Mm-hmm. There you go. That's what Peter Molyneux. Hope you're doing well. It used to be peter a Twitter account called PeterMolyDew. That would just tweet things that, like, fake game ideas from Peter Molyneux. I'm back. Back when Twitter was good. Yeah. ah maddie de with a ten dollars donno thank you so much the glory days of check's quest in the cerial box Yeah, I guess that was TextQuest and then those Burger King games were the examples of like the weird Corpo tie-in games that you don't have to get from either buying a box of cereal or going to Burger King to get sneaking. And and who wants to go to Burger King? William Broiled!
I like Burger King. I'm going to put that out there. It's not my preferred fast food. Taco Bell. Taco Bell. You're a T-bell boy. Taco Bell boy. Yeah. 100% all day. You think that dog's still alive? Did he pass away? You care a Taco Bell dog? Yeah, the dog. I can only imagine that that dog is not only passed away, but well passed away. Oh, no. Super dead. Super, like, died several times over. Yeah. Oh, no. He's big dead. Flowers do not live for very long. Yeah. and So it's all very sad. Uh, I think it's so much Maddie D. Appreciate it. Alex Armstrong with a final or don't know. Thank you so much. Funny thing, Jack. In 2007, we had a video game slash dance party. You know, everyone, at all anyone ever wanted to play was the Halo three on console and Pokemon Diamond Pearl on handheld.

Gaming at Social Gatherings

Well, dance party and everyone just wants to play Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
So did they have to dance while playing Pokemon? I don't understand the logistics of that kind of dance party. Do you have to dance with a controller in your hand? Or is it like the one room there's dancing and the other room there's Pokemon? and You have to choose what kind of a person. And everyone chose Pokemon? Hell yeah. That one's just Pokemon. Dancing's dumb. I just want to catch a fucking snorlax. Yeah. Love it. Uh, old Hunter, thank you so much for a file or don't know. When Yahtzee comes back, we should all just act like dungeon muncher as some British slang he forgot. Oh, I quit being such a dungeon muncher you get. Yes. Down. You're so grumpy because you ain't munching enough dungeons, my boy.
Yeah. Oh, no. Thank you so much. I've booked ahead. Dunkle height with a two Euro. Don't know. Thank you so much. I used to think Jack and Marty were the same guy. We're not a lot of people have said that. I don't know. We don't look alike. And I don't like we sound alike. Maybe I'm like Wisconsin isms and easily Wisconsin isms. I don't know, guys. I think there's some credence to it. Oh, no, it's happened to me. you've put all jack came you
It kind of works, dude. I dig it. It kind of works. It kind of works. I sometimes think about it. Would the scrap your head feel really good if it shaved? Especially when it's nice and smooth. Like right now I need to shave. You can see I got a little bit of the hairline. When it's nice and smooth, oh yeah, it feels really great.
The, I mean, right now though, it looks like we are starting a cult like, like, yeah, and we can't have too many all bald ah people that work here or else we are a cult. And so, yeah please leave me be Eric. Don't make me golden business. I'm clinging on to what little I have left. Let me, let me have this. Uh, Pattern Pike with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much, Pattern Pike. The big playground chat game for me was Call of Duty 5. The expansion map Easter Eggs were just intricate enough to spawn all kinds of crazy rumors to test. Mmm. And no one, like, there was, that was an error. Well, I guess Call of Duty would have had the internet, but like, there was a certain error where it's just like, no one could, you can call someone out on their bullshit, but you couldn't prove it. Like, you couldn't prove, like, the whole JD Vance having sex with this couch thing. We can't prove he didn't. Like,
We'll never know. We just can't prove that he didn't. We need a minority report couch fucking psychic team to how to see. late Just laying in like a pool of like little ectoplasm. He's fucking the couch. Storm the building.
The cushions are being disrupted. The cushions are being disrupted. The cushions are being disrupted. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Probe detected, which is fine. That'd be a funny move for Tom Cruise to be in. Cause he came very close to have a sex with that couch on. Oh, that was weird. Like he had jumped on a couch or two in his time is all I'm saying. but but Hubba hubba waka waka. Uh, Rexselius with a $20 dono. Thank you so much, Rexselius. Super Chat on behalf of DnBla99 from the Discord. When I was in high school, I became good friends with the employees at GameStop. Seeing the current state of GameStop is one of the biggest blows to my memories.
I was in a GameStop recently, nigga, you don't work wherever you want. Like y'all just making money trying to live out here, but it's just all fun go pops and stuff. Like there's no, there's like a retro game section. It's like the tiniest, like here's a 360 game. And I'm like, this is sad. It's tight, but people buy it. People buy tight. like why they're selling it because it's the only thing they can sell garbage is that a term is like um useless rubbish shit it's it's all of that mine it's all of that that's fucking tat it's just it's shit it's you buy it because it reminds you of a thing you like and you go yeah I want that and then you put it on display and you go oh why am I here to
you know and hi bye Is this making me happy? Sometimes. BoxD, thank you so much for your five dollar donor. Midnet

Community Around Multiplayer Game Launches

releases aren't dead. Hanging around a Discord server for a game that's about to launch on Steam has that same energy just worldwide. I never really think about when a game, because usually games launch at like ah on console at least, like at like 11 PM. And I'm just like, I don't want to start a game at 11 at night. I'll start it.
I love it. I love it. I'll if a game's coming out that I really, really want to play, I'll like set time aside or take time off to be able to stay up late. And it makes me feel like I'm a teen again, right? Like there's a new World of Warcraft expansion coming out this month and I am extremely excited. And I feel like still carry that energy, right? Of like everyone wants to be like the first in the door to to see what's going on. Yeah. Well, but they also have a very strong sense of community, right? Because it is a, it's a multiplayer game. Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah massively multiplayer. Actually, Jack, you should know that from watching Josh straight, straight, high, high D's boy boy. I'm sorry. I love this content. I just can't pronounce his name.
Yeah, he's great. he will Yeah, I think he put out a Devil May Cry 2. What's going on with this game? Pajango, $10 don't know. Thank you so much. Hearing about Ape Escape via magazines, finding my demo and my mom hid, sad that I couldn't play it, and then finding out she got a dual shock so I could play the full game was a whiplash of experience. Wow. so Ape Escape, famously, I believe the first game on PlayStation that required a dual shock. So the launch of PlayStation 1 controller could not work, because in order, muunt much like Munchin Dungeons, in order to to escape the apes, or I guess to catch the apes who were escaped, you needed both animals.

MMO Dungeon Experiences

One was your body and one was your net. Was your ape. One was your ape. One was your body and one was your ape. You were a man. No, the apes have escaped. What? You catch apes. I know. You're sitting here laughing while the apes have escaped. The apes have escaped. Because it's ape escape. The goal of the game is to let the apes escape, right? you won before you can put it on because the apes are gone. The apes are gone. We won. I'm chiming in indie mouse and chat saying play Final Fantasy 14 like a true hero Jamaican not that blizzard baloney. Hey indie mouse I've got one hell of a Final Fantasy 14 video planned mate. Let's talk about that because I've got some opinions mate. We'll talk about it. I'll DM you.
You gotta make 13 Final Fantasy videos beforehand. You gotta make one for each other. We won't allow you just to make the 14th round. Or you can just be like, is Final Fantasy 1 an MMO? And then you're just like, no, it's regular. It's just regular. regular Uh, I'm always tempted to fancy 14. I feel like my finger's always above it. I'm like, my god is this the day I'm going to start? Like, no, you got dungeons, the munch. That's right. I feel like MMOs are mostly about dungeon munch, right? Hell yeah. What are MMO raids, if not dungeon munch? Hey, hey, dude. I think, uh, FF14 and WoW do, do their dungeons in different ways. And it is all about dungeon munching, but like, if you go to other places like Guild Wars two, um, not really, that it's, it's more about honestly dungeon and savoring.
There's dungeon munching and then there's dungeon savoring if you think about it. If you go real deep and you start playing the OG Guild Wars, it's more about dungeon gorging. Oh, yeah. Let's just make sure afterwards we're dungeon flossing, if you know what I'm saying. yeah if you yeah If you get my if you get my my drift. just I catch your drift, baby. um I don't know what my drift is. so is there You're drifting into a fucking wall and we need to steer away from it. up trying. Matty D, thank you so much for an ad-free podcast. On special occasions, we were allowed to break out the Atari 2600 and play for a couple of hours, then back into the box it went.
Oh my gosh. It had to be like entombed.

Nostalgic Gaming Artifacts

That's, that's surprising. I would have, I don't know, like I never had councils that were like, okay, you can come out for this afternoon and then you are put back in the sarcophagus. and good many of it Yeah. Did you actually quit the show?
I kind of said what i see Jack's shoulder. Oh, he's yeah he's driftpping back. Okay. I was drifting. Yeah. Oh, we've drifted back to the conversation. I didn't know. Cause I just, I was reading it all of a sudden I looked back and I was like, Oh no, it's something happening here. That's going to be, it's going to be a great day. but It's a coin toss. It's like, I was like, he's either gone to do something or this is a gag. And I've known Jack for years. I'm like, it is literally a coin toss. It it's sits one or the other. I feel like great for people who are listening to this podcast because they can't see the visual and you drifting off screen. Yeah. Even I saw it and it still didn't look like drifting. You just rolled back into fresh. What's a drift though. Right? Like just.
about it It's rolling. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. A bug Bapog with a $20. I don't know. Thank you so much. Bug Bapog ever since I started saying, quote, shout the blank in the chat, shout out the blank in the chat. Like Marty, I started to have more fun and be happier. You know, shout out to friends of the show. Welcome. Welcome. Yes. okay yeah friend and friend and job and but up Friend of the pod has become one of my favorite gigs that I've stolen from Marty as well. Yeah. yeah

Criticism of Silent Hill Ascension

It's great. me too Tsunami Dushan, $20 don't know, no comment. Just Tsunami Dushan left and right. Uh, like a slippin' slide for your mole. It's done, Jumanchin. Up and down. Adele Corrales, thank you so much for the don't know. Just says do it, Eric. What does that mean? I don't know. You should do it, Eric. Do it. Oh, maybe this was supposed to be the old thing. What has happened to me? I don't know. You look the same for this thing. I've become, I've become elderly.
Oh, what and is is this Eric trying to make you emo giving you like eyeliner? No, I feel like you gained more wrinkles on my forehead. That's just how you look, dude. Oh, shit. I'm looking into a mirror. That's what's happening. Oh, no. Oh, we don't know. Sometimes we just let Eric. be Yeah. Oh, there you go. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Now you're emo. From the upcoming, the crow the crow. I was just about to make a distasteful joke. I'm not going to do that. Yeah. fars Probably good. You didn't have a good day. But Django, another $2 down. Oh, thank you so much. But Django, can we get a Marty and blank watches Silent Hill Ascension? I don't, I already spent $20 on Silent Hill Ascension in the first week because I needed to do my investigation. It's very bad and none of us should.
force ourselves to watch Sound the Hill Ascension. That was the game, Jack, the Choose Your Own Adventure game. Ostensibly. It is a it is a like an MMO choose your own adventure. um It's not like live action or anything, but ah things happen in the story and you're able to, if you pay more money, have more influence over a branching path. um But then people are also able to bombard the streams with messages if they have money. And so they'll just be like Kojima's turn
but but like all these things bob but but could like name the characters different things they've named them all slanderous things against salally hill wall sure still go sound terrible and imagine i think it launched last october like one of the last things that ah covered up I'm kind of disappointed that it's not a movie because I was going to suggest we do it for a Patreon movie night. There's a Silent Hill movie. We should watch your Silent Hill movie for a Patreon movie turning night. over in his grave. Or should we save it for October, spookiest month of the mall? Yes. Okay. Hey guys, if you're not one of our top tier patrons and you want to watch us watch some shit.
Hey, you know what's the guy? what you Thanks to those of you who watched ah who watched Richard Tracy along with us. Dick Tracy, let me say, I've been thinking about that. I did have COVID and so that might've been part of it. I've been thinking about it. Phenomenal. Phenomenal movie. I'm going to watch it again soon. Great. Maybe less Nick, Nick and Jesse Schwab are in town. They're staying at my house in town, and you know, to shoot the animal. Well, doc, I got injured, so I could not shoot the animal. Well, doc, my foot and ankle are currently like three times their normal size and all bruised and all super gross. You know, we'll get a, we'll get a, ah ah a stream goal to four feet picks. ah But last night we were just looking for stuff to do and we all watched Madam web. It was great. and
Oh, yes. Our mom died in the jungle while researching. Speaking of watching bad movies. Here we go. Yeah. Jombly, thank you so much for the dono. Protip, you guys are great. And so were these bags. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Jombly and Perpiro, the two-year-old dono. Were you in a band in high school? I'm not sure which one you're asking. I was not. Were either of you guys in a band? You were? Uh-huh. I was in multiple- You say your band's name? for any of the bands. I can't directly. What was the name? We did lots of covers of like, again, I was an emo, so we did lots of like covers of like, if if there's any fellow emos in the chat when I was younger, we did covers of um The Devil Wears Prada and um like 36 Crazy Fists and like lots of like crazy metal

High School Bands and Emo Culture

stuff. I played bass. I played guitar.
Um, played bass in the first band, played guitar a lot, did a lot of talent shows at school. And I played lots of guitar and stuff, lots of nice stuff. But yeah, I played lots of instruments. Oh yeah. And I was, I was in a rock and roll bands for a long time, long, long time. You, I don't know if I should let you know the name of it because it's still on the internet. You can still listen to her. And no, yeah, go ahead and listen to our music. It's You know, just be prepared. It's not good. us I mean, to me, it's good to me. It's wonderful. and We were called Kings horses. It's a chess thing. Like all the King's horses. Oh no. Yes. Or like Humpty Dumpty. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. ah But ah yeah, we, oh, and we were scream. Oh yeah. We were scream. Oh, emo. It was, it was a lot. It's a lot. Y'all just go in with an open mind and realize I was having a lot of fun.
Yeah, and fun. The important thing. Yeah. Heck he yeah ah Wing Potato. Thank you so much for a $4.99. Don't know. Since we're all being nostalgic and the Olympics are on, shout out to all those janky tie-in games I poured time into growing up. I played a lot of the Olympic games. Nagano Olympics. there was ah There was a U and Atlanta Olympic series of games. But all of a sudden Mario and Sonic got all. I'm not sure when that happened. Yeah. I miss my official. Now they're just like NFTs. They said that there was no Mario and Sonic game this year because the Olympic committee decided that they want to do like NFTs and blockchain games. Yeah. That's why there's no official Olympics game this year. That's weird. Yeah. More like the O-Stimpics, am I right? Because they stink. O-Stincics. O-Stimpics sounded like that drug, like the diabetes drug that people are taking.
it was great if you're goingnna lose that's how you got lose am i lose with grace Don't take those timpicks your dick is too big to pass over a bar.
That was who does only Zelda stuff, and then obviously I've watched a lot of Game Maker's Toolkit, Zelda videos, uh, uh, and the Austin's done a bunch of great Zelda videos, but I'm always, I'm always down, down to clown with some, some Zelda. For sure.

Pirated Games in Early Internet Days

Monster Maze is the name of that youtuber. Monster Maze, yeah. Not maze like horn, maze like the, uh, the thing that makes sense in a Zelda game.
ah Fill my ass up, 50 no region croner, thank you so much, Phil. ah If you had a dad who liked gaming when the internet became a thing, chances are you had access to a whole lot of pirated games, given how easy it was. Oh, yeah, I did. o you Now fill my ass up. You're going to jail. We're going to arrest your father. I never, I didn't get into pirating games. I think I was afraid. I was like afraid my parents would yell at me. ah Oh, okay. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't want them. I got a cease and desist letter once from HBO for pirating an episode of Entourage. What? And I think my dad called me a dumbass and said, don't do that. And I was like, I won't. And then I said, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That was a very niche Entourage joke for anyone proud who remembers the terrible series Entourage.
You're such a fave. You're a fave. Yeah, shout out to Vinny Chase. Bajango, $5 down. Thank you so much. I used a game shark on the PS1 to unlock air guys characters. That is the most 90s sentence ever spoken. say go Do what you have to do. A fighting game where you had to unlock your characters. You could steal at that point. You could start. You could start stealing. You can rob people. You can mug people. If it means unlocking the smash deal. You can do that in real life though. What mug people? You can mug people IRL if you're brave enough. If you're brave enough. It should be noted second wind does not encourage nor condone mugging people in real life. Second wind doesn't, but your mate does.
okay ah ah Okay, it's a joke. I take it all back. Don't quote that out of context. Don't mean people. meanwhile yeah that's what We meant yeah we met the second. Say you're going to mug them and then give them money. Yeah. Oh, personal money in their pocket and they don't know it. Wind encourages handing strangers mug root beer. Yeah, whatever that is. That company go under. It was a rip. I have no idea. It had like a bulldog as a mascot. Uh, coffee Koala with a 50 pound don't know. Thank you so much. Coffee Koala. Hello. Second wind team in Italy on our honeymoon and sharing the love ear fond memories of midnight launches in rural Australia for dawn of war. World of Warcraft TBC.
ah the bun say I actually just read the the Blizzard books everything must be done and Xbox 360, two hour drive. Thank you, dad. Can I get a quick shout out for my wife's birthday tomorrow? Coffee Koala's wife. Happy birthday, Coffee Koala hope you having a great time in italy have some gelato have so Have a rule of the warcraft burning crusade strategy guide. Fighting crusade strategy guide. Get a nice gnocchi and talk about your favorite. i Look at all that. It's just fucking graphs and fucking shit. Ooh shit. Fuck yeah. Unky Dave also. Yes, I'm going to say what Unky Dave here. Second wind does encourage munching them dungeons is all I'm saying.
Full endorsement. Happy birthday, Mrs. Koala. Get get some dungeon munchers. Yeah. You know what? I'm really worried that I ended up playing this game and I'm like, Oh my God, it's very racist. and did um walberg ben We did good. a whole bunch of good. Uh, two 99. Everyone who's listening right now, I want to do some second-win science. Can everyone go and buy dungeon bunches? No, no, no, no. Wait, wait. What if it's racist? We don't know yet. Then that's on Marty.
Oh, I know. It was some horrible racist game. It was on my wish list, so it was either like a part of a summer game fest thing or just... You're in summer and I got excited and I put it on my wish and I came out in a weekend dungeon. So it's fine. It's fine. I don't know why you're all crying. It's fine. Coffee Koala, another five pounder. Thank you so much. Also quick shout out to a fellow high school emo gym mate. I'm sure, I'm going to be honest, I'm sure a lot of the folks in chat were high school. Yeah. Normal phase. Normal phase. Yeah. Sometimes just I can't wait for you guys to see mine. Whatever you're cooking up, Jack, you're going to be in shock. I have a very silly idea. Um, and I'll see if I can, I'll see if I can find enough ideas. yeah I can't say too much i can't think for the show. I'm thinking of. that Okay. Okay. Well, I can't wait for the community in which, in which we might have a theoretical points involved with different challenges. Oh dude. Okay. Yeah. All right. It's good. It's good stuff.
ah Alex Armstrong with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much best game ad in my opinion was checks quest a free doom clone Yeah, all you got to do is take doom add everyone's favorite cereal checks to it. You're shooting little green boys who Who needs doom when you got the Chex man shooting a little green boys? Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Smash audio with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Suburpia in Milwaukee for sub sandwiches. So good. I think a bit of Suburpia on North. is good star Yeah. Yeah. We got a couple of Suburpias. Yeah. yeah ah The Jesus of Suburpia. Is that a green day thing? Remember green day?
suburbia suburbia what yeah it's a sub sandwich place called suburbia like you're gonna eat the sub so much you're gonna burp ya that joke hurt me like that actually physically hurt it was so good i don't know what you're talking about that was as quality quality i didn't say it was an extra thing i just said that i'm in pain i want the bugs back Put the bugs back with the file. I don't think so much collector's edition of second wind will be on a parchment scroll.

Sentimental Value of Gaming Magazines

That's the only way we're going to we're going to release our printed, our written content on parchment scroll. I like it. That's the fun Costa. Thank you so much for a file. I don't know, tuned in late, maybe mentioned already, but the late 90s, early 2000s message boards of my youth. I miss the diversity of enthusiast websites of that era. yeah Message boards where you're like, that was when you found out like, oh, there's just a bunch of people who are just as weird
Like, yeah i I'm the weirdest person, I know, but it turns out, oh, i'm just not I'm not nearly the weirdest person in the world. There's like a million people weirder than me, ah um which is great. I think allowing you to be weird, right? Like going to school and, you know, there's all those little clicks and factions and stuff. It's very easy to internalize a lot of the ways you're feeling and to be able to go online and see that there are people who are, you know, and you know, this doesn't even extend to just games, just in general, like your hobbies and your thought processes. Seeing that there are more people thinking like that really validates the way you're feeling. And I think that's that's really, really positive.
Oh, I'm not that different. I just haven't found my people. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, well said. Uh, Rose Delta with the $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Can I bring knowledge from experience? Yeah, you can, you can gain knowledge from experience. That would say that's, uh, that's how I've heard it is right. There's information and then information plus experiences knowledge. And so it's the experience that gives you the knowledge a hundred percent. Yeah. and go a son
and australian dollars thank you so much when i move or do a deep clean of this place i find it impossible to justify throwing out my just the old stack of game inform a magazines
There Yeah, that's the thing with magazines. Yeah, I ended up getting rid of... My parents got rid of mine at some point when I i went went to college, understandably, because they were like, why the fuck would you want these? And then when I moved back, I was like, oh I actually wanted them. And they're like, well, you left. That's not your choice anymore. You moved to California. You don't get to say it. You idiot. You shitty magazines. You're gone now. Do not be douchered with a $5 don't know. Thank you so much. And we are getting to the end. Don't worry. Only a handful. Shout out to my Nintendo power to this Nintendo power ad for clonoa empire of dreams a full-page pink ad that all my dude friends got hyped to play Well, no way is great. I stream clonoa a little while ago. He's like a big he's got a big that He's like a little rabbit dude with big old ears And it's just a very sad ending you get to the end of the game and You think it's gonna be a normal ending and it turns out just perfect
Oh no, what is going on? There you go. um never finished bynoa So now I'm intrigued. You're going to get to the end and you're you're going to be devastated. you know weing like a ba Like an absolute babe. Storm Templar with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Storm Templar. We need Elden Ring DLC streams. We miss Jack Blathering. this week. Uh, so last week, Wednesday, I fucked up my ankle so bad that I went to the ER at one 30 in the morning. Uh, yeah. Um, uh, like I said, uh, stream, uh, goal for, for really gross ass feet pick. I've seen it. It's, it's worth the money. It's very gross. It's really worse now than it was before. It's even gross.
So ah I've been in a lot of pain and hobbling around. It's even like right now, there's no way I can properly elevate my foot at my desk. And so like, I can't be at my desk for too long. So unfortunately, that meant no streams last week. and But this week, I'm better. So i yes, we will get a stream in this week, Elden Ring stream this week. i Pinky Promise, unless... I fuck up a different ankle or the same ankle. You said a different ankle, like you have multiple choices, Jack. There's one. It's it's the other one. Looks like the pole vaulter. He's got a third ankle. Oh, yeah. jimma You've never, you've never poked around my body. You don't know how many ankles I can. Oh, my God. Get your fingers out of here. Not doing that. Look at those. Get them out of there. Get them out of there. Keep them down. I'll fucking find out about the $2 donor. We have Jack Packard at home. I believe that was in reference.
Uh, me during my Ballston. Yeah. Uh, I think it's much fungus finder. Stake in the garden with a two Euro dono. Eric, we love you, but please no more nightmare filters. You're just encouraging him, Snake. What have you done? What have you done? Bujango with a $5 dono. Thank you so much. Thank goodness you're here. I want to buy Hayes here this ah here at this GameStop for 10, Bob, but I've left me wallet at home. Can you go fetch it for me, Jim, mate? Was that a thank goodness you're here sort of goof? Of course, my buck. Of course I can. Yeah, it's general ah British, British, just fuckery. Britishisms.
You know, we're strange. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Americans are strange too. We just do a bunch of guns. In a different way, yeah. Yeah, we do a bunch of guns. Bunch of guns that we like wearing our flag. It's very strange. Scrocat, $5 down. Thank you so much. We'll have to catch the full episode in recorded form. But hi, guys. Happy Monday. Thank you so much, Scrocat. Same to you. Also, anyone watching the VOD of this? Anyone listening on your podcast service of choice? You know what, we appreciate you as well. Michael Say, thank you. So Michelle Say, thank you so much. 20 year old Dono. After the last few months, I've re-listened to all the Windbreaker episodes on Spotify. First time to catch it live. Just wanted to thank the team for the lovely work you've been doing across Second Wind. Thank you so much. It's our pleasure. We got a lot of very dumb stuff planned.
so be We can't be like you're frothing froth down to the bone dumb. So very excited. for else And, uh, uh, jombly with another don't know. Thank you so much. John. They also meant to say pro tip is now in our vernacular. Thanks to game pro rip those great dumb magazine pro tip and fun fact. Like a fun gun. I adore a fun fact. like Lay one on me, Marty. what Give me a fun fact.
I have a fun fact. Oh, who are the three people? um barbara walt This can't be right. Barbara Walters, Martin Luther King, and Hitler were all born on the same day. I think I made that up. I think I made that up. no Here's a fun fact that I shared with you earlier, but I will share with the audience right now. I should have tossed it to you instead of making up lines about Hitler. All those Barbara Walters. Yeah. i'm A friend of the podcast, Barbara Walters, uh, the, ah the original script, uh, for Tommy boy, for the movie, Tommy boy was titled Billy the third a midwestern. Oh my God. And that is a fun, that is a really fun fact. I'll, yeah I'll, I'll whip one out. Did you know peanuts aren't nuts?
I did. They're the gooms. Yeah, all right. Good. yeah You're knowledgeable. I like it. stop I'll bust another one out. Yeah. Did you know ah that they're making a legacy quote to Tommy boy called Thomas man?
Are they going to make a third one, which is called Tommy's grave? Oh, no. We're Tommy. Well, we're going to Madison, Wisconsin. I don't know what cemetery that is. Thomas Mann. FoxD with a $5 don't know, thank you so much FoxD. I miss those super button mash Olympic sports games like track and field, RIP to the pilot junk to any US controllers that gave their lives as heroes. I think that entire genre ended up getting frowned upon because people like they're literally breaking the controller. Yeah, the controller industry was probably like, yeah, give him more. Fuck you. Let him destroy a kid. Spam that bitch. And then Ryan Betts been a member for six months. Thank you so much. Our divination wizards, O.P. asking for a friend. Divination wizards.
What do you mean any build? I'm assuming they're asking yeah about Dungeons and Dragons class. I think like, you know, any build if optimized can be OP p and a lot of that is, is really up to you how your DM handles your enemy encounters. But and no, I mean. ah per Personally, I think the most OP class is monks because eventually they get so many actions on their turn that no one else gets to do anything. So so I played the um ah Dark Souls board game.
Uh, this weekend. Oh yeah. And, um, my God, uh, it's, it's great in theory, but like the, you take a turn and then the enemies take a turn in between every player turn. yeah So it takes like 15, 20 minutes before it can get to you. If you're playing with like four or five people niche and it, and if one person dies, the entire party fails and you have to restart. So we did like a few rooms in and just completely fail. And it's like you saying how nobody else really gets to take a turn and just reminded me of that. It's, um, it's a really bad game. Dark Souls board games are really, really genuinely bad knowing Dark Souls. It's like, uh, no, it's made me mad at the game because like, uh, what they called the kind of bold fist weapons, this caseness. Um, they're in weapons and I'm like.
Why are they in weapons? like that make That doesn't make any sense. um and and understand already way they did it but ever created But knowing because I know the game so well, like when it's something slightly different to make it fit within the board game, I'm like, it's different. You know, it's different. I don't want to be here. Yeah. Are there any good video game to board games? uh, slay the spire. Uh, of course it's just a deck builder. Of course. like a watch but Very, very good board game. Uh, there was a bloodborne card game. That wasn't the worst thing I've ever played. That's good. Damnation by fame praise. Yeah.
Uh, my Stardew Valley board game is still in the plastic. i I don't want to know if it's good or bad because I just like having it. There you go. Uh, indie mouth says that there's only one true Dark Souls board game and it's called kingdom death monster. ah I mean, maybe that's just like a a board game that feels like Dark Souls. Oh, thanks. The name of one of Jamaite's bands. it's Yeah, it was. ah and And then last Super Chat at the moment, Brubarian, five Canadian dollars. Thank you so much, Brubarian, and all of our friends north of the border. ah Glad to see you all today. Hope you're feeling better, Marty, and I look forward to more quality content from Second Wind Group. Cheers. Thanks so much, Brubarian. Appreciate it. Definitely feeling better. Not 100%, but
Definitely a thousand times better than it was last week. and There you go. <unk>ga ah And we did it in it. We got to the end of the show. I can't believe it. Pizza party. Pizza at pizza party. We're going to read some books. We're going to go to the salad bar and we're going to get a demo disc with Tony Hawk's pros of Skater. I'm gonna listen and i said we get a wezir by the way speaking what did we talk about with like the stacked demo disc yeah so like if you get Tony Hawk's pro skate skater which is on a stacked demo disc all killer no filler and then you listen to the Tony Hawk pro skater soundtrack which is a ball killer no filler
It's incredible. yeah It's just the absolute best. It's the best. It is the best. ah Yeah. Thank you guys for joining me. jama What do you, what do you got going on? What's your folks what like course how the mine will go on main but keeps getting bigger. yeah She doesn't Just the biggest every time grows up she just needs to her because my groom is like had an accident and is a away um so up the down's like after time going on I Have a few things going on this week on Friday We'll have a new episode on design delve which will be on
the mechanic that's killing games before they start, which is all about death and how we manage death in games and how that can be the single most important thing in a game. Let's keep pacing going. um And then also doing a continuing the Beyond Good and Evil playthrough this Friday. So now I think it's four p.m. Central. Four p.m. Central. I believe you're going to continue that with james central. So we math yes we'll be back. Yeah. You finished the game, although possibly one more moment. Yeah, potentially one more, but I'm going to try and finish um on this next stream. So for people who've been asking for that, that'll be on Friday. And then the following week, there'll be dev heads again. So yeah, that's everything from it. Beautiful. Up and on random streams as well.
Yeah. Yeah. Some more, some more streams to plug in. Jack, what about you? I will be back tomorrow with Marty and the one and only Darren Mooney ah for the rewind podcast. We're going to talk about summer blockbusters, where they've been, where they are right now. And Darren and I might get all chummy over an opinion that we share that no one else seems to. about current summer blockbuster. It could be any current summer blockbuster. I'm, you know, I'm not going to say what, but, uh, Darren and I are on the same page for something and we're going to get in trouble.
share pool and the milling Yeah. Then we will, we'll figure out a time for an Elden ring DLC stream, whether it's Thursday or Friday, we'll figure that out. And of course, Saturday, ah Saturday is the season one finale of adventure is nigh remastered. ah Then we move on to season two, a side quest, side quest two. It's going to be where we are ah chugging closer and closer to, you know, getting all the remasters out, getting you to that brand new season four.
stuff. Oh, so exciting. We love to chug and we love to munch. Those are things we love doing around here. As for the rest of the stuff this evening, of course, 6 p.m. Central tune into the Gens crew. Jesse, Jess and Casey will be back. I believe all three playing a game called Dark and Darker. Yeah. I don't know what it is. Apparently it's a co-op game of some sorts that came out. they're goingnna They're going to jump into that. So that'll be this evening. I like Jack mentioned tomorrow. Rewind Wednesday. Again, Yahtzee's down here. So no Yahtzee Tri Stream and no fully Ramblematic. However, on Wednesday will be the Yahtzee Tri's edited video from the past couple of weeks. So you'll be able to base the Yahtzee and then he'll be back on Monday. Don't worry. Yeah.
ah Wednesday evening Firelink, Jesse Galena is going to be joining Casey and I. And then on Thursday evening, normal time will be continuing our Devil May Cry series. Nice. We did it. I'm proud of us. Yeah, so thank you everyone so much. Thank you to everyone who who watched live on YouTube, anyone who's listening on their podcast service of choice or watching the VOD. Thank you so much, Eric, for your production as always. Thank you, Jamaite. Thank you, Jack. And for Marty, this was Windbreaker episode number 36. you all so much have a wonderful rest of the day and we'll see you all later
bang everyone
Thank you all so much, have a wonderful rest of the day, and we'll see you all later. Bye.