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Using AI for Creative Marketing + Open AI's 12 Days of Shipmas image

Using AI for Creative Marketing + Open AI's 12 Days of Shipmas

AI-Driven Marketer: Master AI Marketing To Stand Out In 2025
496 Plays3 months ago

In this ai marketing podcast, Dan Sanchez teams up with cohost Travis Sanchez to dive into the current opportunities for marketers to leverage AI, comparing it to the formative days of social media. They discuss the novelty of AI as a low-hanging fruit for marketers, share creative content ideas like humorous or emotional music videos, and highlight the importance of early adoption. The episode also touches on the delicate balance between generalists and specialists in the age of AI, and previews exciting advancements in AI tools from OpenAI. Listen to this engaging episode to understand the evolving landscape of AI in marketing and get inspired with innovative strategies for your brand.


03:48 Occasionally use AI for various casual inquiries.

08:37 Developing strategic marketing insights with monthly subscription.

10:03 Staged for buzz, costly to release professionally.

12:57 Improved integration between models and canvas access.

17:46 Inspired by Enneagram songs' emotional impact.

19:18 Create music easily; tools enable limitless creativity.

24:42 Execution trumps knowledge; AI empowers generalists.

27:50 Unclear AI skills poll on LinkedIn perceptions.

30:07 Cool creations result from independent experimentation, not courses.

32:10 Uncertain growth, AI music creativity highlighted.

37:00 Create songs with animals; explore humorous angles.


Introduction to 'Bot Bros' Podcast

Welcome back to bot bros where we separate the AI hype. Sorry. No. Welcome back to bot bros. I'm going to have to clip that, but it's live. Dang it. Dang it. Live where we separate the help from the hype, right? Cause a lot of hype and I always get that reverse some reason on the show, but when you go live, there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to keep

OpenAI's Influence in AI

Uh, this is a part of the AI driven marketer podcast. I'm excited to kick it off cause I'm Dan Sanchez and I'm here with my brother Travis Sanchez, hence the bros and bop rows. And we're going to be talking about this exciting season that we are in AI right now.
Because anytime open AI makes moves, like the industry is paying attention because they're the leaders. And anytime the leader makes a move, everybody has to pay attention. It's like Claude can make a move and everyone's like, Oh, cool. Oh, maybe Claude's the new up and coming. But we all know open AI is still the leader. True. But there's always, there's always the Claude fanboys out there that are like, see Claude's the best, Claude's the best. I'm like, well, they're still not the category leader and they're far from it. So.
they could do this little extra thing better, but I'm a chat GPT user. So it's exciting for me anytime chat GPT has got new stuff. And Sam Altman just announced a couple of days ago that they're doing the 12 days of Christmas and that they're going to release some features every day for the next 12 business

OpenAI's O1 and O1 Pro Models

days, some big, some small. boom So I'm here for it. Yesterday, they just did their first launch. And by the time we wrap this up, they'll probably be beginning their their second launch.
I wish this were coming just afterwards, but no well, but we could talk about what happened yesterday and yesterday was pretty big they To two different things happened one they took oh one which is their reasoning model They took it out of preview and now you have access to oh one and I saw the bar graphs It was like like it was like much better. Maybe not like twice as good as But probably like 70% to 80% better in a lot of categories. I'm like, that's some freaking solid improvement. So there was like preview was really hampered down, but O1's pretty good. They also released O1 Pro, which based on all the bar charts I saw of improvement was getting like a 10 to 15% gain on O1.
Which is good. And the only way you can have access to that one is via a new product they released called chat GPT Pro. And that's $200 a month, which is a freaking hit. But I'm like, you know what? Good for them. Good for them. Cause they, I mean, I'm sure pro costs a lot to run. So they got to monetize it and I'm pretty good. I'm probably going to be pretty happy with O one and probably don't need the extra little extra for O one pro. Right. but that's what they released yesterday.
i saw someone I saw someone kind of responding to somebody complaining about the $200. They're like, excuse me, would you not pay $200 to have PhD level just in about everything in your pocket all year? $200 a month, really? It's like, well, yeah but it's the utility. Powerful AI on the planet, and you're complaining about 200 bucks. 200 is a hit, though, from 20. But these guys got to be positive. It is.
But I'm like freaking ecstatic that they even released O1 that's really freaking good. It's available for $20 a month. like Are you freaking kidding? It's like so undervalued. like All of AI is pretty undervalued right now. It's so freaking cheap to do such amazing things. well But I think that's the big problem is there's all this new tech is on the table and people really still don't know quite how to leverage it. yeah um I think O1, even O1 preview was one of those things. People are like, oh, this is cool. What do you do with it?
have Have you found you you utilize 01 preview a lot or do you just kind of go there every once in a while? I go there every once in a while and usually it's to have a hands-free conversation with 01. I mean it was 01 preview so I haven't used the new 01 but I'll ask it a myriad of things. How do I use a paint sprayer? how What's the best strategy exit strategy so I don't get like totally taken advantage of in crypto. I mean, there's all sorts of things that I'll be talking to it about, but, yeah, I haven't seen or heard anyone using it. Like you mentioned for that utility for it to really change the game. You know what I mean? I mean, it's changing the game, but not to the degree that I think we're all waiting for, right? Like a robot. Yeah.
taking your dirty laundry, putting it in the washing machine, pulling it out and folding it and putting away. That would be like, are you serious? That would be the kind of stuff we're waiting for AI in in terms of SaaS or, I don't know, marketing for us to really have a breakthrough.
essentially do everything for us and yeah like a obscure projects to it. Yeah. Like clean my whole house without defining what clean means without defining whole house. You're like, I don't know. Is it going to scrub every or hey i willsh all this silver? I want to get leads for this client.
Give me the best options for with $500 a month in lead revenue yeah or or, you know, add money. And they're like, OK, here's your best options. Which one would you like me to execute on? You're like, number two, please. It's like, great. We'll have a report back at the end of the week. It's like, OK, great.

AI in Decision-Making and Everyday Tasks

That's the kind of, that's where yeah are marketing help it would be fun just to have a personal assistant doing all the little crap you don't want to do throughout the day, but someday that coming, coming soon, next couple of years. I use 01 when I can't get it done with another model.
Like most things can be done with just oh like four. Oh, so you you know, there's, there's one of my favorite memes and every time I see it on Facebook, it just makes me smile so hard. It's like this silly meme for like, it's, it's mainly for like dads, but it has like this little crescent wrench. It's when, I think the top of the meme says like, when, when a bolt won't move, it won't, it's being stubborn. And it has like a diff, like a crescent wrench, a mid-sized crescent wrench, uh, uh, a longer, a really long one. yeah
And, uh, then it has like a ah ah drill or something. And the title is underneath a small one. It's like, Hey, move please. Bigger one. I wasn't like, please like, like maybe move with like an exclamation point. And then the longest crescent wrench, you know, the big long ones, the breaking bars, they call them.
It's like, I wasn't asking. And then it has like a like a proper drill being like, now you're in trouble. I love this meme because I think it it applies to like chat GPT. Like if you just use the 4.0 model, it's like, Hey, can you help me with this? And then of course sometimes it it can. It's not, it's too complicated.
and the thing you can do to move down the model is just move to 01 preview. It's like, I wasn't asking. If you need the more power, go for it. It's kind of how I use it. Or if I have something that like, you have a question, but even in your mind, you're like, this is complicated. There's like five different factors to consider.
And if i were gonna do this with four oh i would probably have to think through it all myself right do it. Like recently i had to think through insurance but then i have a major medical expense coming up and then i have my kids and i went through an insurance plan and there's all these different offers and anybody who stared at insurance you're like oh my gosh so much to consider oh which one's gonna save me the most money and give me decent coverage so i just copy and paste it all into 01 preview at the time. And so I think through this, here's the circumstances that I have coming up. Here's my current thing. And it was probably like multiple paragraphs of information. But guess what? It took it through, thought through it step by step, calculated it all out, and then gave me back an answer. And after reviewing its answer, I was like, that's the right answer. Now I know i know exactly what to go forward with. And 01 previews for stuff like that, where it's like, you have to think through like multiple dynamics in order to arrive at a conclusion. It's good for that stuff.
Yeah, I'll have to see what the, I mean, do you think there's gonna be any change with the O1 versus O1 preview for plus users? Yeah, no, they update. They got, you can't even, like in my online one, you can't even see O1 preview anymore, it's just O1.
and Okay, that's why I couldn't I was like, where did oh one preview go? They just changed it to oh one. I got a little confused I was like, one they took preview away and just put it for $200 a month. I was like, dang it. That's dumb features. That's good to know clarification. sam Altman had to clarify because I think a lot of people I just assumed I was going to keep a one preview and that oh one and oh one pro was going to go behind that $2 paywall and I was like, dang, I was really hoping to get that but I get it. It costs a lot to run. It costs a lot to run. I can't blame them for like not for not wanting to like lose money. you know you know I'm glad we we all have access. If you pay for the $20 a month, you have access to O1. So I'm really looking forward to developing that and seeing like what it's capable of now. running The things I'll be testing first as a marketer is just like running through strategic questions. like Give it a lot of information about your company, or maybe like your strategic marketing doc can be like based on this based on this customer feedback. What recommendations would you make
to make more profits in the next quarter, right, which is common cards. They got any more money now, like, hey, give me some creative marketing decisions. What would move the needle soonest given these constraints? Like I think it's ability to work through bigger problems like that that are like straightforward going to get better and better with as the as the reasoning model like starts to think about

Future AI Features and Integration

these things. Right.
So 12 days of Christmas, there's freaking 11 more days left and no one was already like a big one. That's probably the most expected one. Everybody was kind of expecting that the preview would come off. Are they going to launch, uh, I can never remember the name of the video, AI, Sora, Sora. I was going to say, yeah, that's what I was going to say. Sora, do you think they're going to land that on the 12th day of Christmas? yeah I don't know. But I think, I think what they're going to do is they're going to release it and it's going to be part of the pro.
oh Oh! That's my guess. And everyone's going to be like, frick! but Because it leaked it leaked two weeks ago. Honestly, that leak they had with Sora, I was like, that looks like such a planned leak. Like, I'm like, that looks like a stage thing to drum up some buzz before they actually release it to Pro. But it may it would make sense to put it in Pro because the reason, a major reason why they haven't released it that people assume is just because it costs so much freaking money to run.
Like you can't you don't have to charge a lot more you think about like runway. Has to charge twenty dollars a month to release their model for video. And that's that's only they're only releasing like ten second clips for so it is like sixty like a minute or two or something like that is much longer and it's much more detailed and better.
which means it costs a lot to run in the background. so Of course, you'd have to charge at least double because you're already paying for the the language model plus the video model. like It's a lot of processing power, so it makes sense that they would just throw it into the 201. That would make sense to me. so I'm kind of preparing myself for that even though I'd love to have access to it. I'm probably not going to pay $200 a month for it yet. This is why Nvidia is in the top bracket for valued companies.
Yeah. Well, I mean, Amazon's starting to throw their own chips. They're like, we're the village is good we need competition. Cause if the video is only one, that's a problem. Yeah. Wow. So what else do you think they're going to release over the next few weeks? Soar was the only one I could put my finger on. I mean, people are, I think waiting for that video model. So gosh, what else would they release? Come on, bro. That was a big one.
I mean, their image creation is so yeah that's one has been struggling. So I think that's going to have an upgrade. Fingers crossed. Come on. I don't want to pay for mid-journey anymore.
but they're goingnna have They're going to have bots. You think they'll release some agent thing? That would be cool.
That would be huge if they release an agent, but because there's other companies dabbling in agents, I mean, that could be the 12th day agents is such a big deal. Could be chat GPT five bro. They're waiting for that part of me is like, if chat GPT five is really a,
I step up from four. Oh, wow. Like, how does that play with Oh one preview? Exactly. Or Oh one, you know, it's kind of like these models are starting to get confusing about what to use where. So and but that's that has a codename of Orion. And he teased back in like September that it would be coming out in the winter. So, winter so yeah, he's trolling us. Like I won't get into the details of how Sam Altman trolls people, but we haven't quite entered winter yet though.
Technically, I don't know I count December 1st this winter. I know technically it's not what December 20th is winter winter solstice or whatever I think I don't know it is the 12th day put us in winter Doesn't seem like it I'd have to look it up I think some of the little things that they're going to launch over the next 12 days is just better integration between all these models. like Wouldn't it be great if in your your custom GPTs you could specify, hey, use 01 to do this thing, and then use 04 to do this thing, and then use and then build a Canvas for it? right Because the Canvas is only like one, you can only access Canvas on the online version, not on the apps.
And then there's many times where i want to use canvas i want i'd like i'd love to be able to access their awesome canvas feature in a custom gpt but i can't so i often have to bring a lot of the contacts already have set in a custom gpt copy and pasted into a fresh canvas window and then have it build me a blog or whatever where i can edit on canvas so i think they're just gonna pull a lot of the stuff together cuz right now it's been kinda messy.

AI in Marketing and Content Creation

Like where I'm, I'm literally going going from the Mac app to the online one and then back to the Mac app for this thing. And I'm like, come on. Like I'm having to jump between bots and handt do weird handoffs. I'm like, can we integrate these things a little bit better or just put it on a custom TPT so I could build it all there. But Oh, well, I didn't think of that. That would make integration much smoother.
Uh, in other news, something like we've talked a lot about like AI video, how we weren't even expecting it to blow up this year, but it did. And it's getting good. And probably this time next year, like everybody will be making AI videos and it's good enough now to do some shorter things. But one thing that took off this year that like totally blew my mind, especially from where it started. Cause it didn't even, it wasn't even a thing until spring of this year. And now it's actually freaking good is AI music. Oh yeah.
like Suno is crushing it. And I don't know where I think the other one's Oudio, which is the one i I experimented with when it first came out in the spring. But Suno with this V4 is actually putting out really, really good music now.
my, if you go back into AI driven market, the last podcast was a whole thing about how I made a whole album with it. And, uh, it's, it's not a marketing related thing. It's like, I made a, I made a Christian album around the Psalms. And if you're into that stuff, then check it out. It's, it's fun, but I did it as like a, just a test project of see what it's capable of and to just walk it all the way through. And I even published it. Hopefully it'll be out on iTunes and Spotify soon. If I don't get flagged for making AI stuff, I don't know. I don't know what the, I don't know a lot about music. law What's the protocol? Yeah.
I just paid CD baby the $10 and put it out there, but you can find it on YouTube now. I wanted to just do it as a test project because I'm thinking that this is going to be a really, really cool tool in the marketing belt for content marketers. To create music? Yeah. like Because honestly, you think of content marketing while you're stuck with like what? Talking head videos and blog posts, eBooks, podcasts.
I remember when James Carberry, James has a lot of creative ideas. He's an entrepreneur, great guy. Uh, but he, one time he saw a viral video go off where it was like a music video from some YouTube creator. And I was like, man, we can't make that. Do you know how hard it is to make, make the good lyrics, like record it so it sounds good. And then making the the video, I'm like, oh my gosh, James. Like the chances of it going viral so low, like that's a huge, heavy, heavy, heavy lift to to do that. Now though.
Not so much. Video. Now we can actually put out actual good music with lyrics that hit at a certain nerve for a certain person and like could be good content. like I would do more more music, but it was just too expensive and I didn't have to know how to do it. I always thought like if i if I just knew an acoustic guitar, it could come up with some jingles. like I'd be putting out TikToks of that all the time. I'd be coming up with marketing jingles. Some would miss, most would miss, some would hit.
marketing I mean, marketing like every marketer knows like you need to hit on the emotions, right? People make emotional decisions. You're talking about marketing jingles for a client or marketing jingles as an infotainment piece to teach people about marketing. All of it. Yeah. I think you can do jingles. I think you can use AI music to like make podcast intros. I need to make one for this even live show would be really fun. But I think you can actually do it as content.
So here's here, let me pitch you what my next idea, and you tell me if it's it's a worthwhile idea because i I'm going to try to make it with Suno. But I am a marketer of marketers. Like if you're watching this, you're probably a marketer. Like I market it to you. you're like I'm a marketers marketer, if you will. And i have I've had that many times. And that's what I do with the show. I'm marketing to marketers.
So what i would like to do is come up with an album from marketers now i could be just funny and us making fun of ry and this and unrealistic expectations of ceos and make it a joke and that's many people have made music videos like that marketing already.
i'm like The thing that I'm inspired by that I'm like, huh, like maybe, just maybe I could hit a different chord, a different tune. Do you remember that there is a series on YouTube from the Enneagram? I'm trying to remember yeah the ones, but he wrote like a song for every Enneagram number. I just listened to him recently as I was rethinking about the Enneagram and I went and found my number and listened to it.
And I listened to them all with my wife and we actually like listened and actually like realized some things and actually cried as you're going through these deep things. I'm like, can I do that for marketing? Let's be honest. There are some deep things, some deep emotional crap, but marketers get drug through sometimes. Like what if I made a song that like hit a nerve about how it feels when you actually crush it and the very next day your CEO is pissed that you didn't like crush it more.
Dude, have we not all been through that situation? Like what if you can make music that hits at that emotion of like feeling like you're on top of the world and then just like bam hammered. Like, Oh, that would hurt. Yeah. I mean, I think anyone in that situation has felt that at one point or another when it comes to dealing with an oversight. So that goes outside of marketing because how frequently, could you could be on a sales team, you could be on an admin team and go like, wow, I did so much great work today. And the boss comes in and just rails you. So I'm just kind of like, I don't know. That that could just hit an emotional level for a lot of people. Do you know what I mean? Well, that's what I'm thinking. I'm like, what other emotional issues have marketers had to deal with that I could write about? And it's not like I have to write it. I could literally just like word vomit the idea into chat GPT and have it write lyrics and then modify them until I'm like, oh, yeah, that's interesting. Put it into soon. Oh, give it some general direction on like the feel just experiment until I find a hit where I'd like listening to it and then just publish it and see what happens. Right.
nowadays because it's so fast it's this brings up a bigger conversation of like Now you have the tools to do just about anything now video is almost there but like music wise you can make just about any song with any kind of lyrics you'd want whatever style you want like the the world is your oyster and You don't have to have any skill and or hardly any skill in order to do it now. It's unfair for musicians, but I'm not here whether to argue whether that's fair for musicians or not. It just is. So now the only gateway is your ability to put the idea down and actually get it out.
but it doesn't really cost, it does cost some time, but not that much. Not as much as it did before. So I think i think there's an opportunity here for smart marketers this year to to experiment with this and try something different with it. And I'm i'm like, I'm gonna be taking my so my shots at it. If I'm being honest, the only way I see it working is if it's some sort of parody. Almost comedic, but truth lies in the joke. But to make it like serious and emotional,
I'm gonna try. I'm gonna take my shot. It doesn't quite resonate. I'm just kind of like so many songs are that so many songs aren't the lighthearted ones. They're like they I was thinking I'm like his songs revolve around the deeper emotions. And that's why we like music because that it can even help us work like feel feel what was stuck inside. It helps us bring it to the surface and for us to only feel it and actually process it emotionally. It's one of the reasons why we like music so much.
But I think, I don't know, I think you can hit out a lot of different emotions marketers feel of like uneasy tensions. of guilt even or Right and when all the stars finally align you finally feel like oh my gosh like it actually worked You know that moment where you weren't sure and it just it came through You know, I feel like there's a lot of emotions there to try to hit at and i'll I don't know i'll give it a shot Maybe it flops, but right now the cost is low So it doesn't matter if it flops because I could just take another swing and try to beat it true It's not you could do that faster now too worth doing for

AI's Impact on Marketing Roles

sure. I just
My pessimism is like, eh, I don't think it's going to stick, but that's not, doesn mean you shouldn't thr yeah. I remember like Gary V did something once and it was kind of interesting, but he did like, like a, spoke it wasn't even spoken word. It was almost like he just like put, he spit fired some like intense 10 minute sessions. and And when he was on a plane and then he just had music mixed to it or something like that. Yeah. I like i know exactly what you're talking about. And yeah it was.
it was good but he was more it was more like a sermon jam if you ever heard that or when it's exactly rous and about but i wasn't gonna say it no not and not even a certain sermon jam it's like those motivational speaker jams where it's different people at motivational conferences and they just put it to music it's really intense david goggins denzel washington tony robbins and they're all just dropping these one-liners that could like change your life if you just stick them all into the music so you could like get fired up while you're lifting or something. the the niche The niche marketing bit, I'm just like, need something more general. But hey, listen, you're you're a marketing to marketer, so you're you you are in a niche market, you know? Good try. A lot.
So moving on, ah ah in the news, Liam Otley, who's kind of like an AI, he's an AI marketer selling to other aspiring AI marketers or agency owners, I don't know. But he put out an interesting video talking about like the rise of generalists and they how specialists as are are going to go away in marketing in general because of AI.
his ultimate premise is that with ai a generalist can hit as hard as a specialist across a lot of different areas. Because a makes it more accessible and part of this resonated with me cuz even i'm a like i i used to be a graphic designer and i still end up designing a lot cuz it's very relevant relevant for marketing.
But now with AI, I can end up creating graphics and hit make logos. I had no business doing before because it can illustrate. And I can, I know enough about design to reverse engineer, uh, something that Dolly or mid journey gives me. And I can make logos like, and just run through hundreds of comps in mid journey, pick out the one, mix it a little bit and illustrator and actually develop something that I should. I can hit at a higher level now because I'm a graphic designer now. So part of me resonates with that, but part of me is like, uh,
But is that the future? Because I can take I'm a generalist for sure. And I'll be able to take advantage of it. But I'm like, I feel like most people will still gravitate towards being specialists. What do you think?
I hadn't even processed that question until you mentioned it earlier before the before the stream.
I'm thinking through just my experience with specialists and generalists.
i think
I don't know if it comes down to the the knowledge base, but more comes down to the execution. So yeah, if you found a generalist who can really execute and is leveraging AI for their benefit, and they're executing hard and testing and revamping and retesting, and they're able to do that faster than the specialist that's currently on the team. And they're able to see a lot more work done in a week's time, then yeah, I think a generalist could overtake, but I think it's It does bring up the the user knowledge base for sure, um um or it brings up the knowledge of the generalist. i just I think it's going to come back down to execution because even a generalist used specialists to their advantage. They knew they didn't know, so they would hire
I mean, the good generalists would hire a specialist if it was on their team, if it was if they're the CEO, even if they're not the CEO, but they are a director of an area. So if a generalist can now leverage AI instead of hiring specialists, then yes. But if it's a generalist who doesn't have that authority or the confidence to go hire other specialists, then this thing, the specialist would still win. So my answer is a little bit inconclusive. I think it depends on the generalist and their aptitude for executing.
and confidence. that would be That would be my final saying. I have a feeling that it'll still end up being complicated as much as AI. It seems like technology always makes things easier and then somehow more complicated and hard at the same time. And I'm kind of wondering if that trend will continue even as AI like fixes so many different things. I'm like, yeah, but there's unforeseen complexities in this. kind of like Marketing automation made everything easier and 10 times more complicated at the same time.
So I'm like, eh, there will probably still be specialists. We'll just be specialists at making AI music or writing or whatever the heck. Part of me struggled to come up, do the AI music thing. Cause I don't, I don't understand a lot about music history, about all the different your terms. I like, I was even looking for a specific type of rap and you're like, dude, yeah, that's called trap. I'm like, oh, okay. That's what I'm looking for. It's like, I didn't know once you told me I was, I got farther down the path. understood Yeah.
find it to get the music to go in the direction I want it to right sound like. It's easier for me as a designer because I understand more the language of what I want. So working with mid-journey is pretty intuitive for me. But I think the specialists will still do well. So I think the people saying specialists will go away, I've started circling back and being like, yeah, maybe, maybe not, probably not. I mean, if the specialist is using AI to their advantage as well, I don't think they'll be disappearing.
Yeah. They'll be able to understand how to leverage AI to their speciality. Yeah. Like developers, right? A lot of people, coding is going to go away. I'm like, except the way I would use AI to code and how a developer uses AI to code is a totally different game. I can develop maybe a simple WordPress plugin with AI at the best that's add its best, but developers are still using it to leverage to build whole incense application. So. Yeah.
We're not at that point and it'll probably continue to continue to they'll it'll get smarter and I'll be able to go up But they'll go up too. So I don't know if there's a point where it starts to level off.

Perceived AI Skill Levels in Professionals

We'll see Looking at some poll results I'd put a poll out on LinkedIn and I just asked a lot of people were mad at how general this question was but I i just wanted to see what people's perceptions was was where would you rate your AI skills and Hmm, right. There's a lot to be lacking in that question. It's like, how do you, how do you even rate that? And I have the answers of expert, advanced, intermediate beginner. And you're like, well, how do you specify AI skills and then specify how you would grade them is what some people were saying. I'm like, yeah, yeah. But still, I just wanted to see where people felt like they were at in general. And chart was fun. I was curious before I dive into what other people said, where do you, where do you put yourself?
I would definitely put intermediate.
I mean, yeah, i I would put intermediate. I'd probably put you at advanced. Yeah, it's probably where I put myself. In fact, the screenshot I have here on our notes has a little checkmark because that's, that's, exactly what i check this mean i published experts kind of like, there's so much to learn still.
But what's interesting was when I talk to people, like I always assume people might be intermediate and I find that they're actually beginners. So it's like it's hard it's hard to know exactly where you're at because there's no grading scale for this. ahha Part of me wants to make a grading scale though. So people can actually, I think that was my beef a year ago. The reason why I even started this channel is I didn't even know how to how to rank where you were at.
right how do you know if you're gaining skills? And back back a year ago, people people's best advice for learning AI, oh, just go dabble with chat GPT. It was kind of like, yeah, but when does dabbling become actually major steps? Like if I wanted to take major swings at learning this, what would I then do? And that's why I started the podcast, was to start interviewing people, really testing things, putting out what I'd learned on there. I read recently that people are attending different courses that Amazon, Microsoft, ah other companies are putting on to learn AI, that record numbers are, they're just continuing to climb up and to the right of people trying to figure this thing out. I've not yet seen someone do a course and then show me something cool they made.
Everything I see is everybody I see who puts out cool stuff that they tried Literally just rolled up their sleeves and had an idea and started trying to figure it out but So I'm like, I haven't seen the value in the courses yet, but they're like it might be there and I just don't know so The way the way they poll turned out was on the on the ratings was for expert advanced intermediate beginner, 10% of people ranked themselves as experts. It'd be interesting. i i Because I put out the poll, I can actually go and through it. I think I'll break that down and come back tomorrow. like What kind of people ranked themselves as experts would be kind of interesting. Are they people with AI in their title? Are they founders of tech companies? Maybe they're CTOs and are actually like dealing with the APIs and actually stretching it. Those people
In my mind, those are the people who are experts who are the people who are having to take open AIs, API, and then use it to build applications and really like they're really engineering stuff. Those are the experts in my mind, they're doing cool stuff. Who like what kind of 20% put advance so ten percent expert twenty percent advanced, advanced, 46% intermediate, and 24% beginner is where it's at. Now these are people who responded to this poll, which I'm finding The people who follow people like me because I've now niched myself into AI are usually more on the avant-garde. right right There's a reason why they responded to my poll. It's because they're finding they're reading they're reading content for me. I'm putting out stuffve been putting out stuff about AI marketing for over a year now. so Therefore, my the people answering this poll are going to be better than average. right if i were to and If I were to put it out on like a random
non-AI person, it would probably be down the level is my guess. But still it's interesting. I still think it's growing and it'll be interesting to do this again next year and see where it's at. I wonder if it'll stay the same because of the amount of stuff to learn is growing or if people feel like they're becoming more confident and they'll see if they'll see if the numbers move again next year and I'll just poll people again.
And lastly, this I usually pull up a viral post. This isn't a viral post at all. In fact, it was a post that's hardly seen by anybody, but I saw it probably because I look at a lot of content on AI. But I wanted to wanted to show it because I think it kind of is a showcase of that music and AI thing on a creative level, not a marketing level. But I have to have to share. So let me see me pull it up. This is a fun little piece.
that I saw here on X and I saw this and I was like, this is a good example of like where video and mut AI music can come together to make something fun. What the heck?
And that sounds like it. Well, I'm not getting any audio, so. No audio? Can you see my screen? I can see it, but I can't hear it. Oh, what a miss. What a miss. Man, where's the setting for that?
No idea. I'm afraid to share any of my settings on Restream unless it gets hacked. I'll have to bake it into the actual podcast and drop it in. but it's Essentially, it's just like no singing. It's all metallic astounding.
stuff, hard rock. What I like about it is that they're all 10 second clips going back and forth with music going on. And I'm like, this is an example of like what it's capable of if you put them together. But I think like I said in the beginning, like marketers could be taking advantage of the tech to do fun little creative projects, right just to test. Now, I think the ones who test it will probably get a little farther just because right now it's novel, kind of like we saw Coca-Cola put their thing out and everybody talked about it. Uh-huh.
I think marketers now have an opportunity to do something novel in a way that's actually accessible that people can actually do and but get out there really quickly, even as just some tests go out.

Creative Potential of AI in Media

Of course, there will be some people probably like like on this channel will or do some tests and then somebody will actually use it for a company and see if they could do something similar. But right now, I think that's the low hanging fruit. One, because it's novel and everybody will be paying attention to it just because it's AI two because I think we can hit some new nerves man. Do you remember in social media? Like people didn't know what to post They didn't know what to say like like 14 years ago when social media was becoming a thing and it was obvious that a lot of you had a lot of consumer attention people were like CEOs were like I don't want to post what I ate this morning Well, my demographics aren't on facebook they were They just didn't know how to post now. It's obvious. Maybe I should
post about my product. Maybe I should post about ways to use the product. Maybe I can answer people's questions, right? Like some of the early use cases were like, I can't remember his name, but the guy who wrote, he would just literally answer questions about different types of pools they could build in the backyard.
or Gary Vee was doing like the wine show and just like sampling wine on YouTube. it's So funny. Early days, but that was, I was cutting edge back then, man. Just sampling wine with people and then eventually famous people over and over again, so that people looking up specific wines, they'd find him tasting it and checking it out.
that wasn't intuitive to everybody and i think that's where we're at with ai like people need more use cases and someone's got to go through it and test it and see what see what it is but the ones who do are the ones who write the playbook You know, as we've been talking about music and even the video you pulled up now, things that I've seen celebrities do to get more attention, more PR is release a song, one song, the rock did it and terrible. Like he can't sing, he can't rap. It's awful. But he's so popular and so liked that the terrible song actually becomes popular. It actually becomes like net positive, even though it's
terrible music. So the YouTuber Kai came out with a song and it was terrible, but people still play it because it's Kai and they just love him as a streamer and as a YouTuber. I'm like, man, maybe marketers will get into utilizing this kind of music stuff. I swear someone's going to crush it with it. And like, okay, imagine this, imagine your company that sells, I don't know, let's just go it's like a B2B tech company and you sell to
veterinarians. Okay, B2B, you sell the veterinarian small shop, you have a veterinarian CRM. What if you created a TikTok channel where all it was was like little 30 sec or 30 60 second songs. And you just found a premise to talk about animals. Why animals are worthy of being tracked in CRMs and you kind of make it funny.
you could mean most and all you find You just find some kind of angle to incorporate animals and you just do little songs and that's it. And then you record them, maybe you bring up a guitar and you just lip sing it and like playing to a golf club. I don't know. Like like there's something there where you could just have a YouTube channel of just song after song after song. Because it's easy to produce now, you could have a whole premise around it. um um I need to sit down and think through like different premises of what you could take.
And how you can make it interesting you could go of course you could go the funny route and just make it comical It should probably do pretty well from the beginning, but you might be able to do something more I swear somebody will find a way to like just release album after album or tick-tock video after tick-tock video or just music and it will build enough it'll get enough attention that people will They'll think yeah watch it think it's fine. in the product It'll get it'll go viral and you will Get inbound leads from it Wow. There's something there with that I know it sounds stupid right now, but I swear it's like it's like social media sounded stupid back when social media was a thing too. TikTok sounded stupid to businesses literally just a few years ago. B2B was like, no, this is dumb. I'm never going to be on here. Now they're all doing it. They're all freaking doing it and putting up clips. It's true. So it always sounds stupid in the beginning.
It always sounds stupid. But like every every marketer wishes they would have hit TikTok sooner or earlier. Every marketer, including me. And I knew it was going to be big. And I'm just like, I just i did well i know it's going to be big. I know I'm going to be saying my future self is going to be mad at past self for not taking advantage of this. I knew it, and it happened. Not this time.
It's funny. Well, thank you all for listening to BotBros. It's going to be a banger next week, because again, there's going to be five more drops from OpenAI from this time next week. So we'll be talking through which ones are helpful, which ones are less helpful. There's going to be a lot of hot news coming in next week. So stay tuned live on LinkedIn you're not paying attention there, and then drop in on AI Driven Marketer. Subscribe, Apple, Spotify, or everywhere you get podcasts. But of course, it's on YouTube to watch as well. See you next time.