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Conscious Parenting with Human Design with Jessica Rose

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
63 Plays1 year ago

Welcome back everyone! I am so delighted to share this conversation with a fellow Human Design & energetic mentor, Jessica Rose. Not only is her voice tone buttery soft and just so lovely to listen to, she is the sweetest trailblazer of a Manifestor you'll ever meet.  Come along and hear all about that Non-Sacral life! 

We talk about:

-The common challenges of being a Non-Sacral Human Design type (Projectors, Manifestor & Reflectors)

-A glimpse at what is like being a Manifestor human design aura type: the good and challanges

-How she has recovered from the depths burnout and has learned to honor the need to rest

-Discussion around the collective cultural shaming and embracing the notion that REST is productive!

-Alternatives to napping... ie Yoga Nidra, meditation or just zoning out!

-The value of understanding Human Design for Parents for harmony in the home

-Her passion for teaching Human Design that educates and empowers parents to know and connect with their child through knowing their aura type

-How Human Design has influenced positive self awareness in our family

-How Jessica has been growing and evolving in the coaching industry's changing landscape

-How our open & defined energy centers can influence how we navigate marketing on social media

-How our unconscious patterns have shown up with becoming a parent and fitting mold of being a "mom" for both Renee & Jessica

-Jessica's podcast, Human Design in Full Bloom can be found at

-Find Jessica on IG @jessicarose.hd


Introduction & Excitement for New Year

Hello and welcome. I am Renee Novello and I am so grateful that you have found your way to this little corner of the podcasting land. And we're just getting started. It's a brand new year and I am just excited to bring to you this guest today. Her name is Jessica Rose. She is an energetic and
human design mentor and I've had the pleasure of working with her one-on-one and she helped me with coming back to myself as a projector in human design and what that means and what I can tap into in terms of my own energetic gifts that sometimes we can't see for ourselves. We need that support of someone from
the outside that says like, Hey reminder, you're really good at this.

Impact of Human Design on Family

Or maybe you're getting a little off track focusing on this and maybe try this. And that was the experience I had working with Jessica was it was super collaborative and she left space for us to explore. She's just a bright light. She is really good at teaching human design.
And she has a focus on parenting by design, which I hold near and dear to my heart. With my own family, understanding our human design has been a huge gift and brought us closer. And we have the ability to understand and connect with each other from the perspective of that person's unique
design and abilities and strengths, and that has really been a profound gift for me to understand in

Conversation Preview: Shifts in Coaching & Life as a Manifestor

my life. So if you are looking for further connection or maybe explanation as to why you are so different from your partner, your husband, your kid, I encourage you to check Jessica out. This is a pretty candid conversation that you're gonna be listening to today. Jessica and I,
both come from the coaching quote unquote world. And we even talk a little bit about some of the shifts and trends that we're seeing with that coming into a healthier place. Moving forward with people really taking ownership over some of the ways that coaching can get off track and just how we've been observing that kind of simultaneously.
We touch on that for sure and we also get into her life as a manifestor. She's an emotional manifestor and what has been really hard about that and also what has been a gift about that. It's an intimate conversation to bring to you and wanted to, from the very beginning, bring you guys the people that have helped me navigate my own life, return back to myself and know myself on a deeper level.
That is definitely what Jessica has done for me. And I can't wait for you guys to listen to this.

Jessica's Focus on Human Design & Parenting

Hi, Jessica Rose. Hello, Renee. Thank you for being on with me today. I'm so excited to connect with you. Me too. I was looking forward to it.
I know this is so fun. So Jessica and I have known each other, you know, for a few months now, really, but I've had such an expansive time getting to know you. And I just wanted you I'm so grateful you decided to come on because I wanted you to share
your insights and perspectives, especially on how you teach with human design. And yeah, like I just you're somebody who's been an expander to me. So before we get too deep into things, tell everybody anything you'd like just introducing yourself.
introduce yourself. You are in, you know, that's, this used to give me so much anxiety because I have an undefined G center. So labeling myself used to be really nerve-wracking, but my name is Jessica Rose. I'm a three, five emotional manifestor. And gosh, if I had to give myself a label right now, it would be human design mentor and energetic mentor.
I think that's it. Yeah, that feels good. But really focusing on human design for parenting is a big one. And for balance in life, which is why I was so excited to come on this podcast because I've seen your direction the way that you're going and just
You posted some posts the other day, that, that six line, like the one liners that you guys have really, Oh, yes, that's it. I don't remember what it was, but it was something about simplicity and you know, your home being, I don't remember, but it was, it was incredible. And I'm really feeling, feeling into that as well lately.
Yes, simplicity. I hear you.

Challenges of Being a Manifestor

I know before we started recording, I was sharing that the podcast is really the one thing I want to be doing with my energy right now. And, you know, leaning into what I'm available for, and as a fellow non-sacral in human design, you know, I know that you too have
You know to be respectful of your own energy and and you know, well, I want to talk to you I have so many things I'd love to explore with you. But tell me Tell me a little bit about because this is the thing that happens with me when I'm especially with your energy But I get a little fangirl around manifestors I find
I just find you guys to be so fascinating and activating and like, I just, there's something about like your, it's almost like a rebel creative energy that you have. Tell us, what is it like being, what is it like being a manifesto? Like what are the good, what are the good parts? What are the maybe, you know, challenges that you kind of deal with?
Yeah. Oh my gosh. As for you as a project, whenever I ran projectors, I feel so seen. I'm like, yeah, that's how you articulate it. A rebel creative, you know? So that's, that is, um, and I don't know because I have a three line in human design, which is all about experiencing and jumping. And I think there's some rebelliousness there also a little sprinkle on top of it being a manifesto, but
Yeah, being a manifestor, gosh, the good things. I feel like there's this freedom that I kind of feel like I get to do what I want. Um, and just have these divine urges that kind of take over and, you know, almost like this tsunami wave that kind of get me going, which is cool. And.
I love striving for peace like that just lights me up at the end of the day. It's also a little bit
I feel misunderstood. I feel like it's hard for me, for other people to get me sometimes because of my aura, perhaps. And even it's hard for me to understand other manifestors too, because even though they're a manifestor, you would think that we would automatically get each other.
But we don't. There's still that closed aura that the informing piece is really, really important of like, this is how I'm feeling. This is what I want to do. You know, that's really the thing that helps to break down the barrier to allow a deeper connection with people. So then there's the thing of you're not, you know, you're not liked by everybody because you do activate them. So it could be activating in a positive way, or it could be activating in
I don't, you know, you're not my cup of tea. And I think trying to, and I don't know if projectors, if you can relate to that, but just being okay with not being liked and loved by everyone. I think that's something that we can all relate to for sure, because that's, that's, that's just how it is. But it feels a little bit more intense being a manifestor that way.
I can totally see that I can and and I appreciate your honesty and answering that because it is it is definitely you know we have our own perceptions and then you know the layer of our human design lens on those perceptions and how we experience the world and how the world experiences us back like it's.
It's fascinating and it's a lot. It's a lot. And, you know, in having our sacral open, you know, it can, I mean, for me, and, you know, I've expressed this to you before, it's like,
I feel like there's just this sensitivity that we have that is a little bit maybe like you were saying, like a little bit misunderstood or a little bit like, wait a minute, how do I take this person? Like, you know, my aura can be really frickin intense sometimes and there's not enough, you know, if that person's not ready for it, it's like, whoa, look out. But, you know, feeling into that sensitivity. And then I think that the rest that we need and require and honoring that
And, you know, I've looked up to you since I started, you know, knowing who you were and like how you conduct yourself as a balanced, non-sacral manifestor, you know, and you take time. Like you're definitely very, you are very creative and have so many really cool programs and ideas. And, you know, I see all that happening, but then I know you a little bit, you know, maybe personally where you do take time to rest when you need to.
And when did you, or I guess, I mean, maybe that's a long story, but like, when did you realize like, was it through learning human design where you started to really recognize that part of yourself where you're like, I do need to, to slow down and, and honor this, or have you always kind of, you know, felt that way? Like, how did you kind of come into that and how do you honor it? Your need for that? Yeah, I definitely ignored it for about 30 years. Same. Right. I think.
A lot of non-sacals can relate to that, right? It kind of, you almost ignore it or you can push it back until about age 30 or so. And then it catches up to you a little bit. And, uh, that definitely happened to me. I was working as a nurse and it's funny though, because a lot of other nurses, at least where I live, they work like two or three jobs because they're 12 hour shifts. So they're like.
You only work three days a week. Like, yeah, but they are the hellish three days of your life. So I knew that something was different because I literally couldn't hack it. It was really hard for me to work three days in a row or, you know, and forward probably.
I would end up getting sick or something. And I did. I had kind of a physical, emotional burnout, probably around age 30, 31. And I went down to part-time and luckily,
We made it work, you know, my husband and I and having kids and but there was a lot of shame before about that. It was like, I just can't hack it in the world. And it wasn't until I think my human design learning about that that it became this level of acceptance and grace for myself for
that energy type. But even when I found out about manifestors, I didn't know a lot about the rest cycle. You know, they kind of, they'll talk about it more with projectors and reflectors needing rest, but me and a pastor's it's almost like a lot of it talks about, you know, we have this burst of energy and we're intense, but actually 80% of the time we are meant to be in rest.
Wow. And then those cycles are really actually fewer and far between. So there's a lot of napping in my life.
I love that. So you actually do you actually lay down and fall asleep or do you this is just out of my own curiosity or do you do? Yeah, probably three times a week at least. Like lay down usually 12 to two is my sweet spot because the kids are at school.
Oh my gosh. What about you? That is goals. I wake up, I'm a morning person, so I wake up with a lot of energy. I get a lot of my creative downloads and insights in the morning. I get most things, I feel like my whole day is sort of preparing and
for the goal of being in that space of not having to do something. Whether it's an appointment with my children or you know how it is. There's always kind of these little interruptions that are going on. But I think my whole goal in the day, pretty much every day, is to get to a point of laying down. It's in the worst possible position. Yes. I don't have to fall asleep, but I have to lay flat. I have to literally lay down.
So interesting. And sometimes I will just need to, yeah, like zone out, close my eyes, you know, maybe like obviously if I'm being really nice to myself and kind and nurturing, I will listen to like a meditation or yoga nidra has been so helpful for me in restoring my energy. If anybody doesn't know that's listening about yoga nidra, definitely look into it. It's, I mean, I think it's like,
Gold for especially people who are low energy or tend to you know have the need for rest and yeah, but it's funny because I Used to feel a little shame around that like you were saying because I think I was conditioned when I was a kid I also had to manifest why I had a generator manifesting generator parents and they were like let's go like get to work like what are you doing, you know that sense of like I
resting really was not something they did until, you know, so it was like, Oh, what's wrong with me?

Enhancing Parenting through Human Design

Like, why do I need to lay down and chill? And yeah, and I, there's a positive attribute. It was equated with lazy or something, right? Exactly. Their body and yeah. And I think that's rampant too, especially again, I don't know. You know, when,
if you're like a stay at home mom or something, or you know, you work out of your home and things like that. And it's like, Oh, I can't just lay down in the middle of the day. And I'm like, why not? Like now I'm like that. But for a long time, I was a little bit like, Oh, I should be doing something. And I think, don't you feel like that's such a still it's this common conditioning and pull for
we should be doing something if we have the space, like it's not productive, quote unquote, to lay down 1000%. Yeah, I know you you work with so many different, you know, all different energy types, all different women, do you feel like that guilt or shame or something that happens is like something you come across a lot?
Yeah, absolutely. I had a client last night that, you know, in my human design course, she wasn't able to make it that night because they're moving. And she's like, I just got to get these boxes out. And I was like, girl, no, you don't.
but like she felt like she should, right? And so, and that's totally fine. You know, respected her not being able to go to the call, but it was interesting to me that, um, you know, she had to put that as her priority over maybe something that she wanted to do, like show up to a call. So, and she's a projector.
By the way, but it does happen, I think to all types, not just the non seagulls, but for sure us, because we definitely need more of that rest. Right. And we've, you know, I mean, the majority of people, you know, are built a little different. They're wired a little different with their, you know, their generators and their batteries are
a little heartier, I guess I would say. So in terms of human design, I know that you have really no pun intended because your podcast is named Full Bloomed. But you've bloomed into talking about and teaching
about parenting and human design. And that is, I think, so valuable as a parent. Like really legitimately one of the most valuable things that parents can understand is their child's energy type and how to respect them and how their energy works with them.
Tell me a little bit about why did you decide to really pivot into talking about that more? Is it just something that came to you just naturally or did you really feel called?
Yeah. Such a good question because it was something that I felt called to for a while, but I ought to be honest with you. I was, I was scared. I think in my head and like, no one's no one, you're not going to make money from this. You can only make money from teaching business or, you know, I think that maybe I think other people in the coaching space can relate to that fear of, you know, if I'm not doing that, this is, this is lucrative and this is not.
You know, yes. But it got to the point where I was like, I don't care. I don't care. This is just something that needs to be talked about and shared. And if it can help one, one non-state girl be understood. I think it came from my own childhood of just being so misunderstood. And just like you, you know,
We weren't up by 8am. We would get in trouble. We'd be called lazy. It's like, get up, do something. I was very emotional and I was very rebellious. There's just a lot of healing that I
got to do from being a manifest or child that I really wanted to help other parents really understand that. And then also my kids are generators who seem very foreign to me and who design has really helped me to understand their need to expend their energy. And my son is a very, we'll call spirited child. I don't feel like there's a one in every family, right? Yes, for sure.
And, and that was him. And it also came from a deep desire for us to communicate better, connect better, have a more harmonious relationship. And a lot of that came from. Honestly, human design. I mean, I read every parenting book out there, how to like the child that you love one, two, three magic, like I don't know about those.
All of those, nothing, nothing worked. It was all just a one size fits all. And it's not like human design was some magical thing that fixed everything. But I mean, I'll tell you awareness, empathy, and understanding got me a lot farther than anything else. Absolutely.
You're reminding me about I went to a therapist a while ago and she was like and you know, I've shared with you and I've shared openly like my children both have ADHD and yeah, and they can be intense and you know, they're they're also very empathic and very sensitive and
I was talking to this therapist about something that they weren't doing probably, something that they weren't living up to or doing. And I was like, how do I handle this? And it really stuck with me. She was like, connection with your children is the most important thing that you can do as a parent, as opposed to disciplining them even.
you know, teaching them per se, she was like, if you're sacrificing connection, because you have something that you feel like should be done, they, you know, you will have that disconnect or that, you know, that possible disruption in your relationship. And, you know, too much of that really, she in her experience was what's most detrimental to a parent-child relationship.
And so I love what you're saying about human design because it is such a way of maintaining or establishing connection with yourself and your child and, you know, being open to them as individuals and the way that they process things and the way that they are going through and experiencing life as opposed to our own
natural way of, you know, we all want to, you know, we kind of project on to our kids sometimes, right? With what we think or what we've been through. Yeah, those expectations that we don't realize that we put on them is huge. For sure. Yeah. And then, so you work with parents, not children, right? I'm just clarifying. Like, for you who worked with children too, you have worked with children, right?
other people's children. No, I mean, I, I coach cheerleading and I swear I put out what each child, I wish that they would send me their birthday so I can look up. Actually, maybe I'll try that next time. Right. Really allow me to understand, uh, those, those beautiful little girls on a different level, but I can definitely like, I like to play games and pick out what I think that they are. Oh my gosh. It goes with the territory girl. I'm telling you, I cannot not
like make my own predictions in my mind when you're interacting with people. They're like, I'm picking up projector vibes from you. And they're like, what is this lady talking about? Mom. Oh my gosh. Do your kids know their design? Like, do you talk to them about it? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Look, like my kids, I could probably, I'd be curious if my kids, and maybe I will do a podcast with my, maybe both of them, but my daughter now for sure, you know, and just ask them like, what's it like to have me as a mom? Cause I, the conversations you can relate to this, I'm probably, you know, like the conversations on the way to school or, you know, it's like talking about protecting their energy and their intuition and following, you know, there's, oh honey, the moon is doing this today. Like just know this is going, you know, they probably think like,
mom's, mom's funny, she's got some stuff that she, you know, she goes off about. But yeah, we had when I first really got into human design, and I went and printed out each person in our family's chart, you know, my two kids and husband and mine, and I cut them out, you know, the charts and I put them up in the kitchen. And I was like, just studying them and just kind of absorbing them.
That's so cool. And we would talk about it, you know, just it was out in the open and we would talk about it and I'd be like, you know, I don't know, like, see how dad is doing this today, kids? Like this is mom's, you know, this is why mom's interpretation of that via his human design chart. You know, it's like, yeah, we were very open about it and they, yeah, they do. They do know some things, I think. That's so cool.
Yeah, they know a little bit about their astrology too and hey, I mean, I feel like self-awareness and self-understanding is just, if everybody could have a better, you know, appreciation of themselves, it would go a long, long way, right?
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Was your husband open to it? You know, he is very tolerant of me and my, you know, like the things that I bring to the family. And he really lets me lead with the things I feel strongly about or, you know, what I'm intuitively being called to talk about or
Yeah, he is funny because he's got a lot of earth in his astrology chart. He's very earthy guy, but he's also fiery too. So he's very kind of got that torus grounds me because I'm like, whoo, out there. But yeah, so he comes off very conservative and kind of
He's kind of black and white. But then when I introduce things to him, he's like, oh yeah, that does make a lot of sense. So open to it. Yeah. He's open to it. He's open to it for sure. Yeah. Mine too. So in addition to the human design and parenting, I was curious, what else are you feeling really passionate about right now?

Toxic Behaviors in Coaching Industry

Is there anything else that you're exploring or learning? Yeah, I.
like, oh, we're going to open this can of worms. But I have been really feeling into looking at the coaching industry and looking at any toxic behaviors in the marketing or in our
ways of selling that can be considered manipulative. And I'm actually looking into how human design can help us become more aware of the areas that were vulnerable to that marketing. And then also ways that we may be thrown to unknowingly
share that type of marketing or behaviors. And so in our defined centers, really that's the energy that we're bringing out that we might not even realize could be problematic. So for example,
Somebody with a defined throat could use a lot of. Expressive language or even word salad, you know, a whole bunch of things to just lure people in unknowingly. That can be considered manipulative. Like, uh, come into my container and you're going to up level expansively and you're going to get these codes and yada, yada, yada, which.
I mean, I, I did at one point honestly, but you know, just looking at the ways that that might pray to somebody that's vulnerable or like feel like they need this thing. And then the areas for our open centers is like where we may be prone to that. Right. So, um, somebody with an undefined age now, you know, we're always seeking to know, to be sure. Yes.
drawn to somebody that claims to know the answers, you know, and a lot of like, a lot of cult, they were, um, my friend, my, another mentor of mine, she was looking at. People that are lead cult leaders and a lot of them have to find Asha's and to find head centers. What that's fast. That makes sense.
They like claim to know where they have those downloads or maybe they really think that they know, right. They are going to be more sure than, uh, so unknowingly could even, you know, project that out there. So yeah, it's a little different than parenting. It's not something I'm going to go on for sure, but there are masterclass discussions, you know, things like that. We'll probably be coming down the pipeline from that.
Well, I appreciate the conversation and I definitely, it hits a nerve with me on many levels. I have definitely done some, you know, crunchie things probably in the past.

Balancing Ambition & Nurturing Roles

I know for sure I can own up to, you know, even in terms of like,
in the coaching world and in the mentorship world of just being really codependent on like needing things from other people to feel good or other people's reactions really making determining my feeling about myself, right? And
I find this a really, I think this is a shift that we are going to see. I think you are, again, you're ahead of things here, ahead of your time. No, you are. I saw your simplicity and I was like, oh yeah, this is where we're headed. The falling away from the guru mentality is definitely, I think, a collective kind of thing that we're going to integrate and not necessarily looking outside ourselves as much.
for the answers. So I am personally very interested in that
conversation in that topic because I've seen some stuff just like you have. I've seen some stuff. I've done some stuff. I, you know, I'm like, hey, look, like I can totally own the fact that, you know, like this has been a evolution of kind of learning and what it's like at one point maybe felt really natural is now like, nope, that was, that was like a, um, a lesson or
Yeah. You've got that amazing six line perspective on it too, where it sounds like you've really been in it and you've, you know, on both sides and no, but have come out on the other side with.
Gosh, this is what really matters is my home and, and cultivating. And I just think that that's also going to be part of it. You know, we talk about like luxury and extravagance and traveling the world and beautiful things, but also for some of us, like our luxury is in our home and, you know, and just four walls that we're in.
The other side of that, and one thing that I can totally admit and realize is that part of my, I'll call it like unconscious ambition was actually because I was really insecure and uncomfortable being a nurturer in my own home. I mean, I've always loved my kids and like shown up and done the motherly and the maternal things, but that actually doesn't come as natural to me.
Yeah. I mean, it doesn't, it doesn't. It's like, oh, under the surface. I'm like, yeah, that is actually my sweet spot. But initially when you transition and obviously go through becoming a parent and you were like, wow, this is really hard. I see.
I see the maternal maidens out there that are just like easy breezy nurturers and I was not that. I was like, I'd rather go work and be a leader and things like that. And so it was really a pivot back to feeling grounded at home and healing through that need or that tendency to want to just go and
Be what? Be elsewhere or do something different. It was more comfortable for me to be an ambitious leader type than to slow down and be nurturing. There's an interesting conversation. There's a lot there.
I definitely relate. I mean, I was kind of ambivalent about having children. I mean, my husband was like, going home, this is what we're doing, you know? And yeah, I mean, his was like, his, you know, it's like, this is his world right now, having the two kids being coaches in the community. And that was never my dream. It was always, I think like you was just focused on success and being recognized and, you know, blah, blah, blah. And
There's, there's a lot of healing same thing to coming back to wow actually this is the good stuff, you know, yeah, exactly, exactly. That's been my experience and I think that maybe I could be, you know, reaching here a little but I intuitively feel like
part of the pull towards women becoming very, you know, ambitious and needing to have these, you know, online businesses and all this stuff is like, because there is something that maybe is a little unsettled or not at rest with being at peace with like, or feeling like it's enough, again, to be a nurturer and to be like in your,
home and you know feel like that feels really good to you. It's just like what the rest thing right but like feeling like you should be doing differently. And I think like for my I mean I know a lot of the coaches and stuff like that these days that I'm seeing are younger than me you know and maybe this isn't relevant but like
My generation, my mom works, both my parents worked. I was a latchkey kid. Growing up seeing a mom go to work was totally normal and things like that. I don't know. Maybe I was just like, I need to work. I need to get out there and do it.
tug of war with this pull between like, Oh, but I really want to be, I really want to be that present parent home for like holding emotional space and connection for, you know, it was like a little bit of a pull, you know, in both directions.

Intuition & Personal Authority in Decision Making

But yeah, I appreciate what you're talking about and what you're saying in the coaching world. And I definitely find that to be something I think we're seeing already. Just in the short period of time that, again, it's something I've written about and kept to myself, kind of, in my journaling and so forth. But then when you started talking about it, of course, go figure. You activated something in me. And I'm like, yeah, wow.
You talked to me about it too. I remember we would have conversations about it, right? And so it was definitely something in the collective. I think that we're all feeling too.
I think so. I think so for sure. Yes. So I definitely like appreciate this time with you because I know I came on your podcast and I encourage everybody to go back and listen. Jessica's podcast is was human design in full bloom. Is that right?
Yeah. And it was episode on, it was a deep dive into projector, the projector world and the line projector actually is what I really feel, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And embody that. And no one's perfect, right? I mean, I'm not always balanced and we're not trying to say like, we're so light and we're, you know, every day is fantastic. Oh my gosh, no.
We've seen what it looks like and it's always something to be striving towards and I think that you exemplify that beautifully for sure. Thank you. Yeah, and that conversation really again sparked something in me where I was like, I want to start podcasting again. I love having deeper conversations and
you know, exploring topics that potentially are helping people to really connect with themselves and connect with, you know, their surroundings and their, you know, their world in a way that feels more, you know, nourishing. And so I just want to say thank you because that was like the catalyst that was like, yeah, that's what, that's really the thing that you want to be doing right now. So I love that. I'm so happy to hear that.
Yes, for sure. So is there anything else that you are feeling like you have passionate about that you want to share or, you know, anything that you're, as we wrap up, you know, feeling called to talk about? Hmm.
No, I don't, we're just, our authority is coming to mind. So maybe that's just a message to end. Everybody else is to really connect with your unique authority to help you to really connect to that intuition. You know, that's something that we did on when you and I worked together and your authority is so unique, you know, self projected and that some people really are meant to talk it out to come to their decision. Right. And that's something that.
I think in our society it's maybe not. It's like that makes you, oh, you're wishy washy or you don't know how to make a decision or go with your gut and look what the beautiful downloads that came from it where you're, you know, coming into this direction now that maybe you wouldn't have got if it's like, just go with your gut, you know, just post that thing.
do this and you were really able to sit with it and come to that knowing through your own authority and myself too with my emotional authority that's helped me a lot. So I think there's a lot of magic to be found in those authorities of ours.
totally agree and letting people use their authority to come to their own decision, their own conclusion. It's a really powerful way to hold space for people because in my experience, I worked with you one-on-one and I know that you don't necessarily like totally maybe advertise that entirely right at this point. But working with you, I was something in me and again, I just trusted my intuition on it because I was like,
I just felt like there was something that you could hold space for me. And not that I wouldn't, not that I haven't worked with coaches that don't have a human design foundation and gotten something out of that, but working with somebody that really understands human design and understands specifically non-sacrals. Because like you, I think you've said like manifestors and projectors are kind of like cousins.
related in some ways and how we function and working with you having someone allow me the space
to come to my own conclusions with not trying too hard or not interjecting too much, quote unquote, coaching.

Renee's Coaching Experience with Jessica

It was really powerful for me. It was really, yeah, really powerful. I'm so glad. I'm so happy to hear that because, yeah, some people will just want the answer and the quick coaching. That works for some people. So it's nice to hear that. I think just like, you know, you know, projectors,
Even though we're manifestors, we like to be recognized sometimes. We don't always hear the thing, you know, the impact that we have, you know, sometimes it feels just like, Oh, we're here. We go to the next thing. And we don't hear it. So no, for sure. It was, it was major impact for me and being coached in that way and being, um, you know, held in that way.
I brought through some things that really brought me clarity and I was really ready for that. It's just the perfect timing and connection intuitively that we found ourselves in and I just really appreciate it.
Definitely. If anyone, I think you would entertain the right fit with working with people one-on-one, but working one-on-one with Jessica was awesome. It was an awesome experience. I'm so glad. Yeah. I always take one or two, limit the energy, but it is one of my favorite things to do is just to watch that growth and really connect with someone one-on-one, even though
I mean, I guess I'm a five. I'm supposed to help universally, but there's just a part of me that also appreciates the connection that is. I think so. Yeah, I think so for sure. So I have learned so much from you continuously, and I'm really grateful you came today to share with the listeners. And yeah, I mean, we've joked about having a non-sacral support group. I don't know. Maybe that's a thing. That's a thing in our future.
sign me up. I will be there.

Podcast Wrap-up

The struggle's real. The struggle's real. But yes, thank you for having me. This was such a beautiful conversation. I loved it. Thank you. I loved it too. Bye.
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