It was just, it was just great, right? Like I, you can't, I don't know how to bottle that stuff. And so it like, if folks are listening, I encourage you to number one, definitely go get the book. Cause that is one of many amazing, amazing prompts um and reflections. And there's all, all this amazing stuff in there. Take that with you. You know, use it at your next bird outing, right? Even if you're not the birdwalk leader and you can't maybe run the show, do it yourself. Just step off to the side and do it yourself, whether you're with a group or by yourself. So thank you so much for reading that. I think folks really needed to hear that. And that is going to be something hopefully people can use as we go through these, these next few months here. seeing yourself in the pond and that reflection, you know, really kind of connecting. There's oftentimes with meditation. I love meditation because that's often what you do is you try to envision yourself in a certain place or you're going to get here. or You see yourself this way because like where our focus goes, our energy flows and like what we allow in our heads and like our thoughts are make up a lot of who we are as human beings and people just don't They don't take inventory of that all the time. And I think that's what Bernie has really helped me with, Tamara, is just kind of living in the moment, whether I'm happy, sad, in between, all that stuff. and But also telling myself, Dexter, that's OK. That's OK that you feel not OK today. It's OK that you're not OK. But you're still out here enjoying the birds. And that that that's where I started to see life change for me a little bit was that I can still function and do things even in those moments when I don't feel good. And I started to be frank, I started being like freaking proud of myself. You know, because like instead of like allowing the mental health, you know, and and mental health is something that I will, you know, I've always been willing to talk about over the last few years, I would say that. And burning has helped me a lot with that because those reflections. And that was what kind of sparked me. You know, I had been burning for years and not telling anybody, right? Like I've always loved birds, but I wouldn't tell anybody, you know, like growing up in a hood, like I'm like afraid people are going to make fun of me, you know, like like birds like black people don't like birds yes we do yes we do yes we do and it's so funny like all the homies from back in the day i used to worry about like with judge me and stuff they think it's cool right that's just being himself you know i mean like because like That's that's the one thing is like when you meet somebody that just don't care.