The Canadian Caesar and Drinking Culture
enough That sounds like such an alcoholic thing to say. Michelada is like soup. You know, it's a whole meal. Yeah, the tomato. um There's a Canadian drink that's super famous called a Caesar.
It's like a Caesar salad? It's ah essentially a Michelada, except ah they use ah vodka instead of beer. Isn't that like a Bloody Mary?
Exactly. Except they use like hot sauce instead of... Tabasco sauce? Actually, I'm not entirely sure how different it All I know is in Canada, it's a very popular drink. If you ever talk to a Canadian that's not Mormon, they probably know what a Caesar is. Have you had one?
Yeah, I've had a ah lot of Caesars. You like of then? um It's just like what they drink in Canada.
Hangover Cures and Canadian Cuisine
so like if i'm i i don't want to it Because I always drink the same thing when i go out If I'm not drinking clown shoes.
Do you drink a lot of clown shoes? Just with you, man. I black out and then never remember what happens. Yeah, me every time. I just always wake up in the tub hours later. Just come here to throw up.
Yep, that's what clown shoes does. But... ah
A Caesar. Caesar. um You had a lot. Yeah, in Canada, it's like my drink is always, I always drink whiskey, whatever the cheapest whiskey is with some water. Oh, yeah.
But the thing is, that's cool. And when I go on my Canadian trips is they pay. So it's like, well, what Caesar it is. And everyone's like, everyone always drinks Caesars. Yeah. So it's like they all drink them. Yeah.
So let me ask you this, because like Bloody Mary's, from what I've always heard, are ah is a great drink to have when you have a hangover. Caesar, the same? Yeah, I'd say so.
Yeah, it's a good hangover kind of drink. It's a nice drink because... ah Because it's like spicy and they I think they put like a pickle and shit in it. Fucking Fucking Canadians.
There's some weird shit going on with Caesars. Canadian cuisine is the fucking worst, dude. Have you had poutine? I've had poutine and it's like, okay, you guys have one claim to fame. Every other, even America has like more than one. you know we got hot dogs and hamburgers.
and Canada's got like fucking poutine. That's it. Poutine's pretty good, huh? It's good. I went to like a poutine fast food place. That's where I had my poutine. It was at like some pizza place. And they're like, yeah, you could get poutine from there too. So I got it. and All they did was poutine. And it
Parenting Challenges with Multiple Children
was like... Oh, really? Yeah.
And it was like... They did from some crazy shit, though. It was like... The fancy poutine. was like poutine carne asada. And I'm like, what the fuck? And it was like carne asada fries with poutine. It was...
I didn't order that one. There was like a pizza poutine where they put like pepperonis in it. Yeah. Pepperonis and cheese. was like, you fucking Canadians. Disgusting. But I just got like a or ah a spicy poutine. How was that? It was good.
Do you like it? I do. You know, I don't, I like gravy. I'm a fat man. What can I say? And I like cheese. Yeah. You know? And fries, you can't go wrong. Yeah.
But and Caesars, you know, I'll say I'm not entirely sure what the difference is. I mean, I'm sure there's some difference between everyone always. oh you know what it was? They were like, we use Clamato instead of tomato juice or whatever. And I'm like, isn't that the same shit? Yeah. Like, I thought they used Clamato and Bloody Mary's, I guess.
Well, I've seen it with Yeah. Yeah. Is Clamato spicy? Maybe to Canadians.
It's like, whoa, what you put in there? But ah just in case you are listening,
Balancing Creativity and Parenting
welcome to Twin Shadows podcast. This is episode 129, The Fast and the Furious. And because it's called that because Fast and Furious is all about family. And this episode is a little bit about family.
Yeah. We may have, well, me, i like I don't have any updates. No? My life is exactly static. I am a stagnant ocean of ceaseless, unmoving.
but my How do you like being a stagnant ocean? Is that the way you like it, like calm waters? No, I don't think it's. do you want to be like a raging? think, you know, you fart too much in one place, you know, you got to move. But when you're knee deep in shit, it's a little hard to lift those legs.
ah So, buddy, how about you? How are you doing? Well, life is hectic. We have another addition to the family, another addition to the ah film crew. So just ah getting into the routine of that, trying to figure out how to manage it.
Because that's the hardest part, right? Like figuring out a new person and their schedule. Well, not only that, it's also like now you have to juggle yeah that between. Because like once you only you have one kid, it's like ah everything is them. Yeah. And it's like no big deal.
But when you have two kids, now you're juggling there both of their attentions. and it's like But when you also have a newborn, you're like you're showering that one with
Film Scoring and Originality
like the most attention because they're the most needy. Well, you know, it's kind of the other way around right now.
The newborn doesn't need much, just warmth and food. And then the one-year-old, oh, she needs it all. Well, it gets better. That's the only thing. You know, people always like, it gets worse as they get older. You know, they get moodier. I'm like, I don't give a fuck when they're older. this They should survive.
ah Right? That's the scary part when they're that little, right? Yeah. like du Especially since you had a she's a little premature. It's like... It's like you've got to be a little nervous. You've got to make sure. it's like And then the whole thing, whenever you have a baby, it's just like, don't kill it.
Definitely. always Every time holding it, I'm like, just don't kill this thing. Don't kill her. you know Whatever happens, like she's got to live to at least be 18. Then it's gone God. fuck.
i Yeah, man. I remember it's like, and especially when it's like they just leave them with you, the the mothers, the That's what happened to me today. And like, because the maternal instincts kick in, like they got like a codex downloaded into their brain, like through their coochie or something, dude. Man, we got cave sticks, dude. We ain't got shit. You throw me a baby, I'm like, ooga ooga. You know, like what the fuck was supposed to do with this thing?
I can't hunt with a baby. Oh, yeah. that what you do when you do? Really? You know, but like, I mean, we figure it out. Like, yeah, we're men of 20th century, 21st century. Well, you know, that instinct kicks in with you because I'll say, you know, when I held my first baby, which was my baby, never wanted to hold a baby before. You know, it's like, they're so little, like gross looking.
so with with my with So with my first baby, it was just like the nerves. You know, like, I don't even know how to hold this thing. But then once it like pops out, you know, it's all shooting out all slippery and red. yeah You got to catch it.
And then you just like, oh, you know, you just kind of know instinctually and probably the adrenaline too, right? Like, you know, that freaking out. So you just kind of snap into that instinct.
don't know I'm bringing this up. What were we talking about? Babies. Yeah, babies, man. It's scary. I wanted to ask you, and this was something i' I've been like kind of, I've been listening a lot of biographies.
Yeah. Lately, and like both biographies are about men that have kids and they're talking about how like when they had their daughter, and was like they looked at the kid and it was like their whole life changed. Their heart changed. you know, they learned a new level empty. I remember when thinking like, well, my kids were like, don't feel shit, dude. Like nothing changed. Like am I dead? Like what's wrong? with I didn't feel anything.
My perspective didn't change. Life didn't change. No, you're
The Art of Film Editing
a liar. No, dude. No. No, bro. Trust me. I'm not even trying to be like, oh, I'm so edgy and cool. No, dude. It was like an actual thing I i worried about.
was i like I was just like, just remember thinking like, thank God it's over. Like, now we can figure out how to fucking figure this out. Like, I don't remember ever thinking, like, all the love in the world and all this shit that people always say. I remember thinking. What did you feel like? Well, I mean, isn't that saying a lot where you're like, thank God it's over? Who's it over for? Now you're taking care of an infant.
Yeah, but like. But see, you know, that's a sign of your love because you're like, thank God that's over for the one who's actually, know, doing all the work, you know, the lady there. Yeah. um But did you feel that?
Yeah. Yeah. I think you did too. i And you're not looking at it directly. Because you you're nice to them. You don't smack them around.
and don't think that that's hard. I just don't want to you know be my mom. Don't you remember growing it up, and it's ever man? remember, man. You ain't doing that same shit. So that says a lot. You know, i always hate that. You know how people are always like, you know what? Kids were so much more well-behaved when I was a kid. You know, ah we got our asses beat.
Half those motherfuckers are drugs. Yeah, look at us. Drug addict addicts. Look at us. I know. not None of us are well-adjusted. Jesus Christ, we're so fucked. Yeah, man. And it's like, yeah, you know what? Maybe spanking wasn't such a good idea. like And it wasn't even spanking. It was like the worst, the other shit that was like even worse. Yeah.
Yeah. So, you know, it's like the paddling, the bell, the switch, the lighter, the cigarettes. ah Well, I never got anything burned out on me on on purpose anyway. but But, you know, that's what I'm saying, though, is like you're not doing that.
So then that already says something. Because I see the way you treat people, man. It's so hurtful. andy You know, I just hurt people. Hurt people, hurt people.
Personal Filmmaking Journey
All right. um Any other life updates, buddy? so but I mean, I don't know how you are, but once you got that other kid, man, you're like, I'll do shit.
Just making sure they don't die. And then in the meantime, trying to find time to work on the film. yeah And then it's like, am I going to work on the film or are we going actually relax? That's the hard part, too, is because it's like,
man, you got to also find time to like decompress because it's so it's so high. bad struggle It's like, it's so, it's kind of high strung, like and the everyday going on of life. And then my problem is like I, maybe it's like a, i don't know if it's a discipline thing or what, but,
It's like, I don't really want to work on the film unless I can work on the film, if that makes sense. To focus, right? Because like I don't want to like put in like mediocre work or half-attention work. Because that's like if I'm not going put in my all, I really being efficient? and i'm like well then it's like But then there's also points where I'm like, it's got to get done.
That's where I kind of like where I'm at. you could have put in a minute. That's still an extra minute compared to... always think about that because there's that thing that writers always say. It's like, if you just write you know one page a day in a year... What page? Come on. let's How about a paragraph? If you write one page a day in a year, you got a book, right? If you did that, you know like by the time you know you'd write... and then If you wrote pages a day, that's like five books a year.
Yeah. It's like 10 pages a day. If you've ever written 10 pages in a day, like no it depends. i mean, I've done more than 10 pages in one day, but i've I would say i can that's probably a good average.
The thing is... 10 pages? Script writing, though. Yeah, script writing. No, well, it depends. At certain points during my book, it was a lot easier. Do you think it's because you were in that like mindset? Yeah.
2024 Film Releases and Opinions
I think it was ah because I wrote it at work And I would just have like just complete hours of silence. To just focus. Yeah.
And I remember like it was like complete and there would be like four hours. The hour before lunch, lunch, and then like the two hours after lunch, no one did nothing. like No one broke anything. No one fucked with anything.
And it was like, if I didn't have any big progress going on, I would just sit and write for like four hours straight. Yeah. And then I would probably finish off a couple hours. or If nothing happened for the rest of the day, I would just write for the rest of the day.
And that was when I was thinking like, damn, dude, I can't, can I ever write like that again? Well, let me ask you, because at my work, there's definitely, you know, busy time and bound time, they might say. uh,
But I just can't snap into the writing that quick. like It's like, I only got an hour, man. I need an hour to just meditate and think about the writing before I even actually do the effort. Are you able to then, when you have those moments of free time, to take advantage of it and actually just get down and work? Because I know for me, I'm like, I could work or I could just not work.
Sometimes... sometimes um
If I have something in mind that I want to work on, it's super easy. Like deadline or just it just strikes your fancy? Like thats i've been think like when I was telling you, the thing is like, I don't write that much, but i'm always I always pitch to Steven like all the time.
um and And that's kind of, I feel like that's a little bit of an exercise too. It's just to like, and there was this one that ah I was telling him about called Bottoms Up that I've been thinking about.
but is about It's a short film I want to do with like super contrast, like the black and white with the shadows and the lights. and like very Almost make it like a noir horror about a guy that ah his family left him. He's an alcoholic, drunk, loser, and his family left him.
And he's in his house, his empty house, all alone. And he just has like his leftover bottles of booze. and He pours them all in as a crazy concoction. That sends him down a crazy spiral and there's a screaming so you kind of monster.
So then you've been a brainstorming on this more? Yeah. So I think about it all the time. like and it And it's like when I get stuck and it's like those are the best things. And I'm like thinking about like, man, this could be something we could actually do in like a day or two. Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah. like As long as we can like figure out how to do like some laying out thinking, like we just might make blinds lighting everywhere. Yeah. Because you know like how they always have like the streaks of light?
Yeah. And we just do that everywhere, every scene. Down the hallway, like it don't make sense. but this like There's blinds everywhere. Yeah, like that kind of light. I was like, oh, that could be like a Maybe like you can't do it too much. I don't know, though. like And then there's like the idea the shot is the opening is a bottle rolling out of a dude's hand, and he's like covered in puke, and he's wearing a bathrobe. Yeah.
Like a wife beater and tighty-whities, tidy whiteies and like his shit's like a little stain. like You can see it like c clear as day. like But, well, he's wearing a robe, so it's I guess it's a little hard to see. Yeah.
but it's In my mind, you know, yeah yeah he's definitely shit himself. he's come He's comfortable with that. It's happened. you ryan He's got like ah like a cheap bottle of wine that rolls out of his hands, you know, ba barefoot or some shit.
and ah And like the camera lens is like through the bottle. like It's like kind of like looking through the bottle. okay. And then ah that's one of the that's the opening shot.
So it's through the bottle, but seeing him displayed like that. Yeah. Okay. And I thought there'd be a cool shot if it was like through the window. There's like rain drops and it's like the rain is filling up the bottle. And you said this is black and white?
Yeah. Okay. All black white. On film? No, dude. We can't afford that. It's all black magic.
It's on Blackmagic, bro. And then we'll get Adam and Pat to score it. Oh, yeah. They'll definitely want to come back. How much are you paying Well, see, the wallet got a little bit better in the past few months.
No, I don't know. It's just something i was like, because something like that is a very high concept. Well, I would also say this, man. If that's ruminating in your mind, that's something to follow.
Like, you know, there's this dead baby story you had. I think that could be really good. I've always i' thought about that too, but I was like, damn, dude, the kids are too old now. Well, that's what I'm saying. It's like, they're just growing. It's like, Emma could open the door by herself now. She'll figure that out, huh? Yeah, it's like, now we got we got a year to you, Sophia, and you're the dead dad now. Well, that's what I'm going to say. You know, I got Yeah.
yeah They might are aging out quick. We got to start getting them in skateboarder movies or something. Scooter R.S., I don't know. Well... Yeah, man. I would always say just follow those those little... I think part of it, too, is...
Recently, we've had like a lot of our friends been putting out stuff. Oh, so that's giving you the itch, huh? And it's like, I watch it, and I'm just like, fuck. You know, like I don't even need that much time to make something better than this.
All right. I kid, I kid, everybody. i kid, of course. But like you know like there's been like at least like five shorts that Friends have put out recently that I can think of. There was a Thomas Tuvok's Turok's.
What is his name?
Yeah, I think he'd be proud of that one. Turok? I always say Turok. And I'm like, I wonder if Steven ever played Turok. Of course, man. That was like... Was that the first ah FPS on N64?
I don't know. was on um the Scanner Darkly. What was that? Dark Scanner? Scanner Dark. Dark Scanner? What was that one called? Scanner Darkly.
No, that was it called? ah well No, that's a movie. What are you talking about? Star Fox? No, the one with the chick...
Scan in the dark. I never heard of that. Dark Scanners. Did you have an Yeah. I didn't. I think. I had an n sixty four and I had one game. No, we had like three games. We actually inherited it from like our cousins. say That's pretty cool.
My uncle was like, he got them a PlayStation. And then they were like, well, do you guys want the N64? And was sure. Yeah. is and i also like sure yeah What do you think? We're dumb.
We never had, we never really got a lot of stuff unless it was like free.
Yeah. And so we got the 64 and I remember, yeah, we had Zelda because everyone had Zelda. And then um mario we had Mario Party.
oh okay. The first one? The first one. I remember I played that jump rope game like a lot. The flaming jump rope game. played that a lot. Just like that mini game. Yeah. ah And I would play it by myself a lot. Which is kind of sad.
say B, be be B, be B, B. I've never been diagnosed autistic, but I've also never seen a doctor. So, you know, I don't know.
Do you ever worry about that sometimes? i don't worry about it. I like the idea that if it's true, at least but have a reason why things are, you know, the way they are. a little bit more of an understanding, you know?
It gives you hope. It's like, okay. It's like, oh, who it's not just incest or whatever the fuck is wrong with me. You know, like, not that incest.
Incest is the other thing.
Societal Challenges and Political Reflections
Dickhead updates, hey ah Oh, so we just got done yeah speaking going through the score.
like the Adam and Pat are are are composers. Sent us sent just ah some some samples and like some like ideas for the scenes in Dickhead.
And I think there's like one out of three that i'm I'm happy with right now, which is which is I think is pretty good. um Richard scene like where we're kind of that's kind of realized like I think we build on what they did there.
Yeah. Because I thought that was like super spot. i I was like damn this actually is almost better than what we did for the temp. Oh yeah definitely. And I was like, I feel this like so much stronger. This is better. And for the temp, we picked like the best of the best, like, well, tear fire is not the best of the best, but it's pretty good for.
no I mean, I think that fits too. And I think that has its place in that scene. If we do it, which is just intense music. But then there was the ah stings in there that kind of happened with impact.
yeah Yeah, and the one thing that I'm also really liking that Adam and Pat are doing is like they're really getting on that 70s and 80s, the hums and the drones that like kind of pepper the atmosphere.
oh yeah. And like I think those are what will be sprinkled out throughout. Because idea is, what I'm thinking is, like it's the three themes kind of on repeat, and then the hums and drones when those aren't appropriate.
Yeah. And then, of course, like the stingers, because we, unfortunately, like we kind of... but Well, I don't think it's unfortunate. I think stingers are awesome. Yeah. um and There's a reason we have 900 of them in the movie.
Yeah. And it's like and that the problem is, the sting that we like really thought about was that fucking Halloween sting. Yeah. that's the most like classic and I'm like I just i and i and i' like can't get away from that like I really can't and i think it's just like we have to just go with like a ah fucking cheesy rip off of that kind of chime or whatever well isn't this thing just so iconic with Michael Myers that it just feels like a rip off in any other movie yeah
Yeah. Right. And that's not the first film with the sting, right? No, definitely not. I was supposed to say this for when we're at the whiskey part, but...
We're getting there. But yeah, so the cool thing is is like I'm happy with with what we're hearing. And then there's some stuff that is like that's good. And you were saying, and and you were definitely right when you were like, it's just not in the right spot. Or the thing is, like is the song just cool and it doesn't fit the film?
Yeah. And I think that's a lot of what's going on. Which was an interesting thing to discover, right? To just see. Because I think that's what they were also doing right now is just kind of just shooting out feelers. yeah like How do you feel about this, that?
And just seeing it feels like a juxtaposition with just different music, right? like It just creates this different mood and atmosphere.
and it's like, the Dracula theme song? That's great! But we ain't that, right? We're not in Dracula, yeah. and And I think you described it beautifully when you said we're like dirty, grungy punks.
You know, that that's kind of that film and it kind of needs to have that...
Less sophisticated. i don't want to say less sophisticated, but certainly just like...
I don't know, that kind of... a focus you know where it's just kind of like straightforward to what we're doing here and i mean putting in their face a little bit i don't know yeah
yeah no When you hear like Bernard Shaw, right? mr Bernard Herman. Bernard Herman, right? Like those scores are great. But it's like, damn, man. Dick Eddie. I hear that. It's like, what? Then I look at that. It's like, oh.
yeah It's like when we watch with the temp and it's like Twin Peaks comes on. It's like, we're in Twin Peaks, but we wish we were. you know no but i always I also think we just fit that kind of the thing that kind of feeling, right? like that Because Twit Peaks had that cheesiness. i like right There's a certain amount of cheese to David Litch that you just love because it's endearing. yeah you know It's like that. like I'm trying to make this beautiful project, wink, wink, for you. Let's have this moment.
you know It doesn't take itself. It acknowledges what it is. I don't know. No, and the thing too is during the edit, and this is why probably was like one of the things that it's like, wow, we're pretty good at this. is's like ah fucking like The way we added the music.
yeah And this that' the songs that we picked, it wasn't that we just picked Halloween. We picked the right track from Halloween when it fits. yeah Everything just played beautifully to pace and and like enrich the film, like the Rosemary's Baby stuff.
It just like is pitch perfect. perfect and the way we added it the sync that the portions of the songs that we're using like when we use ah like the ah in industrial and the instrumental rosemary's baby into the the theme at the end yeah it's like fuck we can't have that are you like are you fucking me like how perfect we had it right there oh god and i know it's like it's not fair right no it's not i mean you're talking about
what three great themes right we have Michael Myers Rosemary's baby and Twin Peaks yeah and we use them appropriately you know And I mean, you how could you do all three?
Like, I'm just going to come up with something that's solely original, but it's going to match that. like Like, just temp music, just... That's the bad thing about temp music. ah You know, I've heard them talk about that in films because you can see where...
but On YouTube, I saw this video essay about how often... Is it where they use the tent music and then they just yeah redo the music, but enough different so it's not copyright stricken?
Yeah. Because ah they say the director just gets too enamored with that being the the music. But it's fucking true. You know, when you're there, you're like... Yeah, but I like this.
I was in the bathroom peeing before we started, and I was thinking... I was looking out the window, and I was just like thinking, God, I want to just beg Adam so bad to say, give me your best Twin Peaks. Give me your best Rosemary's Baby.
But I also feel like that's so... But then that's gross, right? Yes. But in my heart, it's like...
God, that'd be so fucking great. It'd be so cool. Well, yeah, if we could afford it, we'd just use that, right? I mean, but but that's the beauty of the collaboration, right? to And the thing too is- We're just a Michael Myers ripoff, but we're enough different to where we we can make our own thing and go with it. And that's the hope I have with the themes and like the representation. like Is that this is where we can be original.
Because it's the one piece. We're not going to touch. No. So much worse.
ah so so much worse When I say like that. But like, dude, like, it's like, you know, the whole film, it's called Dickhead. It's an homage. It's a joke.
Yeah. It's a satire. Like, like we hope to like the whole thing is like, it's funny because it's in a weird way. It's like the most personal story, but it's called Dickhead. Like it's, in the and that's, there's a, there's a beauty there. And, uh,
ah And it's like, you know, like the whole time is like, yeah, we're poking fun. Like we make, but the thing is we cut it out in the film, unfortunately, because it was like, we were going a little too far in that area where we were poking at the audience, like directly. Yeah.
And it was like, but you know, we still have that scene. i get And it's not in the movie anymore. But, you know, it's, ah you know, shit is shit is shit. And talking about our movie.
And she's talking about the kind of movies that we're making. like yeah It's like, yeah, you know, this ain't high art. Like, it's just, you know, we're pretending. We're trying our hardest to, like, tell a story and be interesting. But, you know, shit is shit is shit. Just to be coherent.
Yeah. And like, yeah, yeah, sure. Like, you know, we couldn't afford like set design How we didn't even know, Yeah. Did you imagine a script supervisor? if I remember thinking it was like, well, that's kind of a good idea. like Yeah, that sounds good. I don't know why you need that, though. How necessary. mean, it probably costed us like six years in post.
Longer than that. but So how are you feeling overall about like kind of like the scoring and the audio? Oh, great. like Audio, I feel, is completely solved. It's just a matter of getting there together a team. Yeah.
ah so Is it kind of crazy to think that like once that's done, we're almost like it's just visuals? and Well, I mean, you know the great thing about the audio is ah as long as that's done, the movie's already pretty much there.
Yeah. you know like The visuals, whatever. we don't even have to try that hard. Just make shit dark where you can't see the squibs popping out of their chest or shit. you know Just like that simple. Yeah.
um And then VFX, you know, like even if there is a green rectangle, Bermuda rectangle, who gives a shit? You know, almost as long as everything else is there.
But of course, that's why we got to keep trying because even after we perfect all of the rest of that, you still, you know, there's some things where like, Help, I'm in here. Jennifer. Oh, you know, and other things like that. Well, I mean, the thing is, it's like, you know, our Richard's jump scare.
hey Jen. yeah yeah have like The thing is, one, we have to hope that we band-aided that enough. Yeah, exactly. But the way we band-aid it is like getting everything as sharp and as good as we can. right And and like music, for me, feels like, okay, we got that.
We just got to get there. yeah you know And then we still got to figure it out with everything else. Well, my thing is, I feel like the the nice part of that we're in now is everything is figured out.
We know what kind of color we want to go with. We know what want to do. Like, you did it perfectly. You did it like four times perfectly. Just copy that for the rest of the movie. Well, it's not that easy. and unless it I didn't say it was. I'm just saying that's what we want, right?
Yeah. Yeah. And then it's like VFX. We know we want to remove. We know we want to add. Yeah. That's done. It's just now it's just, you know, getting it done. And then like with the audio. But also getting it done well, though. The thing is, like I'm still. Like with audio, it's like, yeah, I don't.
There's no need to about that anymore. I'm less worried about like the VFX and the coloring because I feel like that's solved. To me, the but that's go that's going to hit the most score, like the fully, that's solved. We know what we want.
yeah Definitely. like Especially with the one that you're doing now. and it's like, you know you're adding in all those extra elements, like the bathtub ah water splashing. yeah And like just those extra layers. like I remember when I added the squeakiness, the squeaky on the yeah winter floor. When she's kicking on the floor. fighting.
It's like, dude, that completely added a whole nother like element. Yeah. You know, we just got done watching um
a short that a friend did. And it was like, a lot of these elements were missing. And it's like, damn, they're missed. Yeah.
You know, we're going with that. that I'm going to fight for
But like you said, elements that were missed. You know, sometimes you just got to spend more time with your work. Yeah. Because there's certain the editing.
and needed to be worked on. Because I think if it was edited better, you know, you hold on shots, certain shots longer. you cut out other shots. You trim some of the story.
And you just make it tight, man. You gotta make it that tight. Yeah. And I think we made dickhead as tight as we can without running into serious issues. Like, how do we get from here to here? Yeah.
You know? like but the The thing is, it's like and I think this is actually like kind of tough because um a lot of films kind of fuck this up. is We just have a story that Makes sense.
Oh, good. That's a good thing to hear. You know, sometimes I watch a movie and I'm just like, like why why what the fuck is going on? like Why are we watching this? yeah like Everything has to happen and that's in the movie. like yeah There's only one thing that you can kind of argue as filler and it's the garage.
ah Oh, definitely, yeah. That's the only thing that's filler. Everything else is just meat and potatoes. But at least we're cute enough to get away with it, huh? It's like everything else is meat and potatoes, and the garage is like the fragoire, or like the sauce you pour on top, like the gravy. That's pretty good, that Right? like Because it's like, well, you this is what you want, isn't it? You fucking sick fucks.
And that's what they all want, right? Sure as hell no.
All right. So that's kind of what's going on with Dickhead. Now let's change gears a little bit. We're going talk about We're going change gears are actually a lot. Holy shit.
um You know, whenever we start talking about Dickhead, we just go on and on and on. know. We can't gloat about ourselves enough. Yeah, we can't. But the thing is, it's like, do you know what we did? It's like, ah maybe it's a little sad, a little pathetic, it's like, it's the only thing going on in my life. yeah yeah It's like, what did you get up to? thought ah i am I've been playing a little bit of magic, and then I've been working on Dickhead, and i work.
That's it. That's all I do. i don't I don't go out. I mean, I went to Monster Truck, but i talked about that, I think, on the last episode. But we're going to talk about 2024, buddy.
I don't know how you're feeling, but the fact that it's already like almost Thanksgiving. Yeah, man. like that I felt like we were like, it just felt like so fast.
We've been working with Adam and Pat and them for like almost five months now. Really? Yeah. but um yeah you know This podcast is a Twin Shadows podcast about film filmmakers and filmmaking. Yeah.
Why don't we talk about some films? Okay. It's 2024. We're coming to an end. um have you seen What have you seen this year that you've liked? is anything that Can you even make a top 10? Because I couldn't. I actually did. Okay.
So a lot of this actually came out of... ah Well, no. Two of these came out from... red letter media that I wanted to check out. The number one was odd.
Not to say it's in any order of mine, but one of the films I wanted to see the most was oddity. Mm-hmm. Did you see the Red Letter Media? They did the 2024. I haven't watched it yet, no.
Well, they mentioned our... Mike mentions a film, Audit. That was like his number one, I think. And then Jay said his number one was The Substance, which is on my list, at least for this year.
Yeah, obviously. Anyways, ah what? Mike. Yeah, Oddity. It was pretty good, dude. I watched it with my mom. It was a pretty fun one. It made me jump a couple times. it got me pretty good. it was It's a good movie.
You should check it out. And it's funny because you know The Substance is another one. I mean, everyone's been talking about it. Check it out. It's worth it. It's good. ah the more I think about the film, the more I love it.
Honestly, like The way it gets to its end, its finale, I mean, it's like, all right, cool, man. What I love is like, me here and that and this is the most arrogant take in the whole world. Here we go.
But you ready? Yeah. All right. Grab your handkerchief. ah But the substance reminds me a lot of Dickhead. Oh, God. In that.
Yeah. It's just like all these callbacks to things. like Everything in that movie feels like a callback to something. Really? To me, like there's so much Kubrick.
That movie is like just begging to be like a Kubrick. The bathroom is the shining. The tiles are the shining. The 2001 song. know, like... ah you know like shit two thousand what Yeah, the Zaruthra, whatever that song is. like Yeah.
Right? You ah no yeah everything that like much stuff was calling back to Kubrick in that movie. like And ah even down to like that room where she gets where she waits to get substance is a little bit similar to the ah waiting room in 2001.
where Dave is waiting like to be turned into a giant baby again, like whatever that process is like. sit in this room. We got to figure out what to do with you.
We never fucking expected a monkey to make it here. you know And then they turned him into a big ass baby. Like, what the fuck? but da ah um But you know, like that's what I was thinking about it because I was like, Dickhead is like, it's like all these callbacks that we're trying to like, trying to make a new spin on in a sense.
Primarily Halloween, which we rip off. Like no joke. Yeah. I mean, on purpose. It's just like, death it's a risky move. Yeah. Because it means we have to, it's like we're trying to say we have something more to say about like that kind of film. No.
No, I definitely think so. Like. You think we have something more to say than that? Oh yeah. Really? Dickhead I think we do. Because I think it's, it's ah also a lot about what those relationships are.
Oh, yeah. like You're never thinking like, well laurie I wonder how Laurie really feels about you know like Tommy, whatever little boy's name is. no you know No one's ever thinking about that. Does she want Tommy to cut? That's where the soap comes in.
Yeah. right kid is ah ah is's like It's like almost as much of a drama as it is a horror film like it is very much Oh, yeah.
I mean, we we you know we're days of our lives. Definitely a soap opera horror, yeah. I don't know. And I like that. um But the substance... Well, so I was going to say real quick about those two. is they were taught about how Jay was talking about how the substance felt like a Tales from the Crypt episode, and then they were showing comparisons.
Mm-hmm. But you know, Oddity felt like a Tales from the Crypt episode to me, except grounded. Like, very serious. But it felt like a Tales from the Crypt episode. And you haven't seen it, right?
I have not. you yeah That's my homework for you to go check it out. I'll watch it. Because I think if you can watch it and just kind of like go with it, you know not be distracted,
um you'll dig it in that like serious, grounded approach. so you know those Like every movie takes now.
But, um dude, there's some Tales from the Crypt moments where you're like, dude, this is fucking awesome. like Hell yeah, this is really cool. i i really I really liked it. I think it is like, ah I mean, the substance, it just goes oh so over the top that it's just like grand. it's It's this grand movie. you know It's like this epic.
it reminds me The thing is, the substance also reminds me of so many other movies that I don't know if you've ever seen Society. no I love that movie a lot, dude. Society. What's Society? When was it?
ah' I want to say Society was probably like 1990. Who's in it? um Nobody. Oh. But it's directed by Brian Usna. It's about this kid. He's an adopted kid. Uh-huh.
And here's like... a story that like weird things are happening like his sister is involved in an orgy with his parents oh and like then his girlfriend is like acting really weird and he meets this other girl who's acting really weird and in the end they all be they're all like weird giant melty monsters and then like one of the lines for the movie is like hey dude i'm a but his dad is his head is coming out of his own ass and He's like, look, I'm a butthead.
What? What is this movie called? It's called Society. Society. I've never heard of that. The thing is that's so beautiful about it. It's like the first like hour is like the most hardcore soap opera ever. wow because it's like it's just about this guy that's like he you know like his girlfriend breaks up with them like his whole life has fallen apart he's like what the fuck because he's not a member of the society he's just adopted And ah he's adopted from and like the all the other society people are mean to him. And like, he's like talking to his psychiatrist, this psychiatrist, like manipulating him. And he's like really fucking mean.
and he's just like, don't know. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. And like the, like the, the weird outsider of the society, like chick falls in love with him and she's hot. She's got nice tits, you know? Oh shit. I shouldn't have said that. fine twenty Well, Trump won, you know?
that' I should joke. People are probably upset about that. but
But, you know, society. i i i honestly think it's like If you like the substance, you'll love the society because it's like the better version that movie. Wow, that movie sounds pretty fucking intense, man. 1990, huh? Yeah.
Wow. Never heard of it and it's so crazy because we almost got that director on our podcast. I was so close to getting him on our podcast. What happened? Jeff.
Really? Yeah. He was going to be, ah he was the guy facilitating it. Remember you said you'd suck a dick? oh No, no.
It's time, buddy. Okay, so where what were your top tens this year, buddy? Let's get back into it. Yeah, The Oddity, that felt like a Tales from the Crypt episode. Check that out.
umm Sting. That's a movie that I saw on your Plex. Oh, it's Australian movie. It's really good. It reminds me of like an old, old shit.
It reminds me of like a 90s kind of film. Like the approach they used to have, like arachnophobia or something like that. um So it's kind of a nice throwback to like just the style of the you know cinematography and the directing, the editing. It just felt like a throwback to an older approach to filmmaking that we don't have anymore, you know, because it's so quick, quick, quick.
ah VHS. i You know, that's my guilty pleasure. I really like those VHS movies. Saw this last one. I enjoyed it. Justin Long.
um Did you see it? No, I haven't seen it yet. Well, they got a bunch of big directors. It was Justin Long. They did one. And then a I don't know about the others.
No, but then... They're so big, though. but but But the last one was written by Mike Flanagan. Oh, yeah? Yeah. And it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool where it goes. I don't know how it ended. It was just kind of weird.
But, you know, the VHS films were only like, what, 10, 15 minutes at the most? Yeah. So I liked it. It was it was a lot of fun. um And VHS always fascinates me. You know which one I liked a lot too was Twisters.
Really? hated Twisters. I saw it on the IMAX. I was i was like, wee, I'm going to twist it. Round and round we go. Although I did love the opening. Where all her friends died? Yeah.
Whoops. Yeah. I thought that was the really well done. And then the movie just, the movie died with all our friends. No. I was like, damn, come back, movie. Did you see Trap?
I haven't seen Trap yet. Well, it's an M. Night Shyamalan, so I'll leave it at that. Alien, you saw Alien? No. i Did you like Prey, the Predator movie with the... I thought it was okay.
Okay. I didn't hate it. You'll feel the same about Alien. We watched that at the cabin. Yeah, I know. And i maybe that like and made it better, but I was like, this ain't that bad. Well, I'll say you'll feel the same about Alien.
Oh, then it won't be that bad. Yeah. a Joker. Everyone hated that film. Did you see it? I kind of liked it. I actually liked it more than the first one.
I didn't see yet. Yeah. I mean, you don't like musicals, so you'll probably hate it, but... You know, i have my issues with the first one. I think a lot of people have pointed out some of the biggest issues, which which would be ah King of Comedy and Taxi Driver.
And there's an acknowledgement to it, I think, because the judge looks like Martin Scorsese. Well, even Martin Scorsese was like a producer? Or he was trying to be... He was a producer on the first one. I don't know about the second one.
He's like, yeah, well... Fuck out. But, you know, i i and he really kind of liked it because... Fool me once. Shame on you. Yeah, there was a lot of meta-commentary to it.
and ah Yeah, it just struck me as a little more interesting. And then I saw Daddy's Head, which was a surprisingly kind of scary movie.
It's an English movie. And then Don't Move, it's on Netflix. That was pretty fun. It's like a thriller. Oh, yeah. It's the one where she's like, can't move. And she's like, don't move.
I'm paralyzed. Yeah. So those were like my top 10 favorite films I've seen this year. What about you? You got 10? I don't have 10. How many you got? You got five? I think I got four.
that few. No, five. I have five. So number five, long legs. I really liked long I cut it from my legs. Fuck this shit.
Okay, and number four. Another one I see who doesn't like. Love flies bleeding. Oh, fuck that shit. Jesus Christ. Okay. Number three, right Wild Robot.
this Oh, that's that movie you're talking about. That's a kid's movie. It's a DreamWorks movie. It's actually really, it's pretty good. like Yeah, you bring that one up a lot. you was i was like fuck I was surprised at how much I liked it. And the animation's really good. And I was like, fuck, it's pretty good. Yeah.
Wild robots? Wild robot. Yeah. Is it about a wild robot? It's like a WALL-E ripoff for sure. WALL-E? It's like WALL-E except instead of WALL-E falling in with robot, he falls love with an animal.
Okay. Yeah, but it's yeah's it's really cute. You know, it's like you got to like re-ignite your... Hey, man, I watch Up every day.
Well, watch Wild Robot. It's good. Up's a great one. Although Up has like one of the best soundtracks. Oh, yeah. That music is so good. It's really good, yeah. ah Number two, Dune 2.
Oh, that came out in 2024? Yeah. Oh. Yeah, that's a good. February or March. Yeah, that's in the top 10. That can replace one of these. Dune 2 is um my number two. I mean, sure, the writing and editing kind of suck.
but Did you think this one was better than the first one? Oh, yeah. Way better. I thought so, too. I mean, the thing, too, is like ah this one stuff happened.
yeah The first movie, it's it hinges so hard on that like the Harkonnens killing ah the all the Atreides at the end. Yeah. But it was like, the build-up. You guys didn't sell me.
well They did a lot better. and There was a lot more exposition in the first one, right? Yeah. It's just like it's like them begging you to like understand that the second movie is going to happen. In the second movie, there's no exposition. Yeah.
It's like when we was just like, yo, oh shit. I accidentally started a a fucking religious war. There's blue? My bad. There's blue water? Yeah, I'm going drink some of this coochie water.
Yellow water. Alright, so yeah, and then my number one, and I was going to say substance. Terrifier 3. No, I didn't watch it. haven't seen it. Alright, okay. Speaking of Terrifier 3. Wait, and what's your number one?
Oh, the substance. The substance. every Every issue I have with it is a little bit overcome with the fact that it's done so well. Because you gave it 7 out of 10. Yeah. when you has Are you still there as 7 out of 10, even though it's your number one?
Oh, yeah. Yeah? It sucked.
Are you kidding? It's so rugged like It's and it's bad. Okay. Okay. okay The good outweighs the bad because it it's not afraid to really push it.
And i love I love how over the top it is. though The problem is it's like it's like the same issues of Joker where it's like, God damn, like stop reminding me of better movies.
Yeah. Like every time, I feel like a lot. And then ah the the second act was so bad. I felt like the second act dragged so hard. Like when it's like switching between Margaret Qualley, like the the makeup scene and like the date stuff was really interesting with Demi Moore.
But like I didn't want to keep seeing this. the They were like, we're objectifying women, right? yeah Isn't that so gross? You're so gross. like In that whole like the pump it up scenes where it's like the slow-mo. house It's like so like sexualized. and like And it's like, men are gross because you are so turned on right now, right? And it felt like that's how I felt. Maybe that's wrong, but I was like,
Yeah, you got me. Okay, I'm gross. they be read it Thanks. Okay, thanks for showing me a water quality ass for like 45 minutes and like a tight close up bouncing up and down like we get it.
Like, yeah, it's like it just dr we just went on and on. I just kept thinking like, I'm sorry. like But then I was like, I don't care that they're naked and nothing matters.
I don't care. It's like, who cares? don't give a fuck anymore. Like, I have ED for the rest of my life. Thanks. And then they're like... And then they have the crazy fucking monster at the end of the movie.
yeah And it's like... have nothing left. Like... yeah I've spent. And then then there's like then they just keep pushing and pushing. And then it turns into Evil Dead. or like and the A shining reference with the blood down the fucking hallway, dude. it's like Everything is so Kubrick in that goddamn movie.
um And it doesn't let up, right? like And then that third act is so good. it just doesn't let up because it's like... and It's so gross.
In such a beautiful way. and like God, dude. The substance. ah ah Love it or hate it, it's it should be experienced because it really does comment very strongly on ah something that's like, I think it's probably a real bad issue. and It's just beauty and the concept of beauty and the importance of thinking that you look good and
that's what That movie, make sure you know that that's the case, man. Because ah i mean every aspect of that film. It kind of worries me if people are watching that movie and they're like thinking like, Oh man, I didn't really get the theme. It's like, Holy shit. The theme beats you so hard in the face. Like, how could you not get it? How can you not understand what's going on? Right? Like,
just the way it talks about beauty and, ah you know, like the casualness of transactional behaviors of people. And the movie really does just nail down that theme.
And that's why I thought it was not. But the thing that I love about it, man, is like, is it doesn't, it doesn't ah ah back down even a little bit.
Yeah. And I really appreciate that. So many films like are too afraid to like too afraid to to really just keep going there. And the fact that like everyone just like make it, have the movie.
Yeah. And it's like not even like in a pleasant, like nice like angle or anything. It's like they're like folded over on their side. Yeah. you know Well, it's it is interesting how you mentioned at the start, because that's all I was here for, was that at the third act, you were like, okay, naked people, but But within the course of the film, it kind of desensitizes you to what it's showing you, right?
Depicting that objectification and exploitation of things. I love... but The substance, yeah, you know, that that film kind of grows on me a lot the more I think about it. Just because of where it went in that third act, I was just like, cool. You know, it's like, yeah.
You know, despite... Everything you're trying to say, you're also just winking and having a good time. And it's like, yeah, you're right. You know? Oh, yeah. You know, it's' it's not trying to demonize anything. And it's it's just having fun, too.
Right? Mm-hmm. You know, just going so over the top. We're like, holy shit. You know, that's cool. There's not a lot of movies where I watch. I'm like, oh, yeah. Well, shit.
You know? i The thing was, says the I was just like laughing out loud. Yeah. And I was just, I was so into the moment. like whent like yeah is like When she's on stage at the end of the movie, and it's like,
Everything has fallen apart like for that character. like And then this is all that's left is like this tumorous monster being growing a tit out of its armpit that's dropping onto the floor. And it's like, what the fuck?
Damn, I love that they went there. I love it. Yeah, it was just like, okay, like this is you got me on board. Everywhere all at once could have been. Yeah. They could have went there, like but they didn't.
Well, could have just, you know.
Sorry, I don't mean that. Trump won. Trump won. ah says Jesus. You know, it's so crazy. It was nice knowing you, buddy. You just had to put Hispanic on the South by Southwest entry form.
First generation. shit You're not allowed to go to Texas anymore. You think there's going to be a civil war? No, huh? I don't think so. We're too lazy.
I think everyone is too lazy. Yeah. You know, as ah as aggressive and dumb as everyone is they're late there's no more lazy they are. Like, civil wars are a lot of work.
You know? And the thing is, like, you know, the Trump couldn't even fill his rallies. Like, if he couldn't get people off the goddamn couch, you know? Shit, man. You think it's going to be so doom and gloom like everyone's saying? Because, you know, like the first time he was elected, everyone's like, ah Hitler 2.0.
Well, we're we're not exactly, you know, storming any countries and taking them over for the most part. You know? Like, yeah, he was bad. He led to a lot of terrible things, but and was we're still alive.
yeah You know? And we're not living that much worse than we we were before. You know, like, Hitler was pretty fucking bad. You know? I don't know if people know this, but Hitler was really bad. yeah Yeah, that's definitely. You know, and I mean, you know, ah some bad things happen with Trump.
Probably the most long-lasting one will be Roe v. Wade. But, you know, like, now that he's gotten re-elected again, everyone's like, oh my god, it's gonna happen again! It's like,
I don't know. I mean, i don't know. that That's also the scary part, right? My concern always been this. It's like, it's not Trump. Trump's a fucking imbecile, dude. He's fucking dumber than a bag of bag of dicks. Well, that's scary too, right? that's then that the The scary thing is like he's so dumb, he appoints the most dangerous fucking people to do jobs.
jobs like The fucking, like, like Robert Kennedy Jr. Like, whatever, like RFK, like, dude, what's Harvey Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald kid doing? Like,
you know, is he, is he happy with his life? And we got plenty of mass shooters. No, just, I fucking don't do that. ah Yeah, please don't. um But, in I mean, of course I'm joking. I mean, I'm called Dickhead. It's Dave Topf Casper.
That way I'm not a part of this. I feel called Dickhead. Um, But the thing is, is like like what the fuck? yeah Yeah.
like How does he get to a point? I don't know. i know why he like I know why he won. It's simple. as it's like it's It's clear as day. Yeah. i think the people people that There's no one basket.
Wait, so you felt like he was going to win from the start? Not from the start. I knew he was going to win. um When did you feel like you knew? The debate. With Kamala? Yeah.
Really? From the first question, I knew that Trump had won. Why? The first question during the debate was, do you think Americans are living better and and in the next and that like these like three years economically?
or whatever like That was the question. right like Do you think Americans are better off than they were like when you when you and Joe Biden took office? And she didn't answer the question. She just went to ah some other statistic.
And I was like, oh, she can't admit that things are worse.
And guess what? You know who? you know California, it doesn't matter what your vote is. Yeah, it doesn't. You know who they had to convince? That dude in Pennsylvania, that girl in Florida, that like, she's like, things aren't better.
Yeah. You want to do more of what Joe Biden did? I can't feed my kids. you know like I'm sucking dick and doing OnlyFans so that like I can like you know make buy a Christmas tree. Yeah. and then They were just like, no, is the best economy ever.
it's like Well, what did Trump say then? he you Trump said whatever he did. The thing is, it's like he's just the other guy.
Yeah. That's pretty bad. I think that's that's the majority. like i I want to believe it's not like everyone is just these racist, misogynist trolls that want to see the world burn.
yeah And it's more just like everyone hurts and the people that and that are in are saying it's not bad. yeah They're just saying, like oh you know, we already gave you the ointment. It'll feel better.
You're like, bitch, I'm on fire. like I don't know what you're saying. like like i you know like people like we you know We have it pretty good, but like most people don't.
you know like It's only gotten even worse for like the people that were in the states where it mattered. Yeah. yeah You know, we live in California. Prices have always been shit. You know, like, to you know, we used to shit just being like 10% more every other day.
that motherfucker Missouri, that's like, he's, you know, gas has been like 190 his entire life. You know, and now he's paying three bucks and he's just is like, well, it wasn't like that Trump was president. Well, it's like motherfucking COVID.
You know, like they don't, you know, people aren't thinking like this. They're just hurting. And they're like, you know, the other guy said he would fix it. The other person said that it was good. like it hey It ain't good.
it's not good right now. like It's worse than it's ever been in my life. like Yeah, for me too, man. It ain't ever been harder than now. And the thing is, like I always think, like man, I'm finally making more money and it's like...
Thank God. You know, I'm just like, i've I'm keeping that fucking, the goddamn bar. Just barely staying afloat no matter how much more you make. Yeah, it's like the expenses just keep increasing and going crazy. And it's like,
You know, and then like, now you got the, you got another kid, motherfucker. Just wait. Just wait. I know. I'm feeling it, trust me. You know, and i and I was just thinking about that and I was like, I wasn't surprised that Trump won. i was just disappointed. Because it was like, God, are we really that petty, that simple?
Because it's like, we're so desperate to believe that someone will change something that we'll like tie ourselves to the devil.
And Trump ain't the devil. he's a fuck He's too dumb to be the devil. But like that dumbness is going to be our ruin. you know like That fucking pathetic imbecile is going to be our fucking ruin because he's appointing the people of power that fucking psycho and he has all the power because everyone's so fucking fucked and it's from him and the COVID shit and that fucking super bailout thing that we only got like nine bucks from and everyone else got like a million billion dollars and they fucking just raped us our old government well that happens lot that we for know it's like fuck dude Jesus Christ we're so fucked
And I don't think it's going to be like, oh, they're going to start rounding up you know trans people and shooting them in the street. That ain't going to happen. We're just going to die. like We're just going to starve to death. Because everything's just going to break down. or we're going to have civil war. like That could happen. like That fucking movie, Alex Garland movie. Oh, that came out this year. if Oh, that's a great one.
That was better than Substance. Fair. Yeah. Best film of the year? So far for me. I really loved it. That's an 8 out of 10 for me.
yeah i mean, because I really like journalism. I think I i got the i got that romanticism of journalism. Like the movie is like, that movie is pretty much like The Photojournalist. Yeah.
That journal, like, you know, that Gary Burns, like Vietnam documentary kind of shit. Like, these were the people that were filming that stuff. Yeah, man.
And it's like... Yeah, Civil War is really good. Shit. That's probably the best film of ah the year. You know which one I kind of want to see? Gladiator 2.
But I was seeing the previews and it's like, dude, this is just a retelling of the original. Like... You're not going to do better than that. Well, it's Gladiator 2-0-0. Gladiator again? Gladiator H-2-0.
Yeah, no, I just... I don't know. i always am excited for Ridley Scott. You know, in a way, I planned this out so nicely. ah yeah you know, but I hate Ridley Scott.
You do? I do, only because it's like, he made like two of my favorite movies of all time. And then he stopped.
No, he made some other really good ones too. I never, no. im But I mean Alien and Blade Runner? Blade Runner? Yeah. played Blade Runner. that That's a Chinese sequel.
Blade Runner. I mean, but you know, how do you, that's a hard level to get to. That's our next movie. movie. Blade Runner, that's going to do it That's a winner right there. I know, but Alien?
like I kind of always wondered, like he's got Gladiator. and Yeah, Gladiator's great. You know what's also a ah good one? that I don't know why, but Black Hawk Down.
Yeah, that's a good one. yeah I mean, he's not a bad filmmaker. was Is it like Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator?
No. What else is in there? There's at least a couple more before Gladiator.
Film Discussions: Ridley Scott and Lord of the Rings
Yeah. Man on Fire. Oh, no. That was Tony Scott. Oh, no. well He's got a couple of them, sure.
Yeah, he' got go once he's ones. He's good. Robin Robin Hood. He didn't do Robin. Yeah, he did. Oh, I hate that movie so much. I never saw it.
Did he do a beautiful mind? Ron Howard. Oh, yeah. Well, why were we talking about Ridley Scott?
Gladiator 2, you want to see. Yeah, that might be fun. I like Pedro Pascal. And then there's Pedro Maskell. Paul Maskell? Yeah, that motherfucker.
It is like, are you going to kill Pedro Pascal? Paul Mezcal? No, Pedro Pascal. Paul Mezcal. Paul Mezcal going to kill Pedro Pascal. Yeah.
That's not a good move. No. Everyone likes Pedro Pascal. Did you see, ah what was that, Game of Thrones? Yeah. Did you see how he died? Oh, yeah. That's pretty brutal.
yeah I saw that scene was like, why? Oberon, I think his name is. It was just like, why is this show so brutal? like So fucking lame.
But that's like ah kind of the point, dude. People are brutal. I like watching Lord of the Rings. or it's like I watched the extended edition. i I fell asleep. You know the best thing about the extended edition is you can go to sleep to it. Wake up. It's like, Frodo, we're back on the journey.
Sorry, took a nap, Frodo. But I'm back. Where are we at now? oh we're still on the Shire. It's like, shit, motherfucker. Wake me up at 40. Hey, Frodo, are we ever going to go on that quest with the ring?
Well, you know, I got to get married to Sam's mrs. Girlfriend. Got to make sure she gets laid. Oh, this is the farthest I've ever been. So let's go back for 10 years. ah All right, let's go back.
Yeah. that We watched this. Actually, that's what I put on a lot. I hate it. Because I always go to sleep to it. You know what? I will say, i think the theatrical versions are better.
Oh, definitely. They're just tighter. Like, as a film. The thing is, like, the the extended is, like... It's cool if you know the books. It's, like, it's nice because it's, like... ah If you ever just wanted more... Yeah, you get more. You get more.
And the thing is, like it's nice that the theatrical version exists because it's just the better version. It's just tight. But it's nice to also kind of see... Oh, it's awesome. All the extra shit. It's just like... It's not the one I want to watch all the time.
It's kind of cool to see. But yeah. I mean, well, the the thing, again, to editing, the theatrical one's pretty damn tight. Even though it can be kind of loose, like... um from where Frodo gets stabbed to like running in the forest with Arwen and then horses and Arwen and then he's in Rivendell like it really jump cuts through all of that yeah which is a little disjarring. And Peter Jackson does kind of do that, but throughout that's kind of like his style, like with, um, evil dead. Is that his film?
Oh, dead alive, dead alive. You know, he you definitely feel his elements of that past, but damn, laura like, uh, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, man. That's like one of the last great trilogies, right?
well it's It's the last great trilogy, right? So far, yeah. Unless there's going to be a better one. but Well, no, but I mean of any like great trilogy, you know, because like you had like Star Wars. oh What about Dickhead?
I need to do three more. Please tell me. No more. Two more. No more, need to do two more. 10 million.
so You didn't even have to say that one. You could say 10,000, man. All right. Tony Todd died. That was an unfortunate surprise. 69, man.
That's fucking young. That's how old my grandma was. Yeah, but she smoked every day. Yeah, that's right. A lot. Tony Todd just smoked it on the screen. He smoked it on the screen. He was smoking on the screen, though.
Damn, yeah. I remember thinking, like, fuck, dude. That's a depressing one, man. Yeah. Candyman. You know, I love that fucking film. The first one is super good. That was scary, man. I remember watching it, like, once as a kid. i was like, man, this is too much.
I think it's because of the score. Oh, yeah. The score's so good. That Philip Glass score, goddammit, so good. And then Virginia Madsen is super good in that movie. And it's like... The B! But Tony Todd meant everything.
was thinking like Final Destination, the Hatchet movies. like if there's a like he's He got his way into everything. it was a lot I used to love watching Platoon.
would watch that all the time. like No, Eli is... You know, what and Tony Scott? Todd Scott? What's his name? Todd Robbins?
Who's the motherfucker who just died? What's his name? Tony Todd? Tony Todd! Tiny Tim? Tony Todd. Yeah, he's in Platoon.
Yeah. Yeah, i like that one. That was a good one. Pertune is good. Wouldn't watch it all the time. But he was just like so iconic in the sense that he's in all every fucking movie.
was in X-Files? He was in like 90 credits or something like that for films. A lot, dude. He was in everything. So it's depressing.
Horror Films and Their Impact
depressing. I know. this whole i mean And then we got more depressing news.
Terrifier 3 is the highest grossing Non-rated film ever. i mean, that's cool. Yeah, I actually thought that's pretty cool. Yeah.
I think it's fun to hate on Terrifier only because it's like shit.
I hate Terrifier. It's gross, but I also appreciate it because it comes from that... like grassroots kind of filmmaking where you're just scrounging up every bit of money and all the know-how you can yeah and making a good film. I genuinely liked the first Terrifier.
I did until it got to a certain point and then I was like, I'm done. And then it just never let up because it was like, oh, is this what you like? It's like, eh, eh. and just fine It was like a chase scene. It was like a ah big chase. And like there was like some really intense moments like where she's hiding in the under the cars and stuff.
Yeah, that's good. But, you know, just the gore. i mean, we've spoken about this in private a lot. You know, all of the terrifiers seem masturbatory. Like, In a very not good way.
You know, it's like it's masturbatory to the violence of of these women. Yeah. And it's like a little fucking weird. Well, we made dickhead.
Yeah, but that's only masturbatory towards your sister. don't have a sister, thank God. But you're into incest. well What? That's what she said earlier, remember? How dare you? Remind me.
It was the fitting lag. Well, buddy, ah the show says more whiskey, so cheers, dude. Salute, man. It's good to be back. Congratulations. Thank you, man.
Enjoy the smoke. Making him smoke. ah The year is nearly done. Did you have any reflections on the year you want to talk about?
Well, certainly. but um within just the context of the film, because that's what we do. Yeah, just kind of the reality of finishing in it.
And to know that it's it's there, it's just we're kind of just slowed down by circumstances. We can't just hire a colorist to get started to, you know, and start plugging away at that. And then just the amount of time we can devote to this project in general.
But it's like, we're actually going be done. And then what? You know, i mean, not not to say and then what, but.
Just to think that this could be done and no more dickhead and then just focusing on whatever else. Yeah. you know like that's the new The thing is, like it's it's so familiar. It's yeah habitual. It's you know like, well, it's me to work on dickhead.
But also also that stress, that like familiar pressure on your chest. you know It's like, the heart don't get a full beat I don't get a full breath of air know just that constant pressure of this to like not be there yeah yeah well that's kind of how I've been it's like can breathe again that's kind of how I've been feeling too a little bit lately it's like a little bit of that pressure release because it's like Well, there's nothing more that we can really do. like Other than finishing out the ah sheet.
ah the The sheet for like the VFX notes. Yeah, and colorist notes. Yeah. But in general. I know you want me to color, but in general. I don't want you to color. I just i think we have like the examples and it's like, follow this.
Well, it depends on what we can afford, though. Well, yeah. you know That's what's going to dictate everything. But the thing is, like it's we have an idea. like We know what we want.
Well, that's why i'm so i i feel so good about audio. Because it's like that's not an aspect to worry about now. It's figured out. VFX is almost there, not quite, but we're getting there.
And then coloring, like if I have to do it, it's like, well, like you said, we know what to go with. And as long as we stay within those margins, we should be okay throughout. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, yeah.
You know, being able to maintain that. And also, and know we'll have to figure out how to do that. but Yeah, I mean... damn, dude, to just...
You know? ah it's been a long It's been such a long road. And I i was thinking about that too because I was like, We should to find someone to do the work, which is cool.
It's in a position we've never really been in in the film. And also, it's exciting you know to see what they come up with and and explore that. It's like, oh, cool. You're seeing things in a whole new way, and this is great.
And that's kind of what I meant, too, about the original comment. is like it's just It's just stuff we haven't heard that's been attached to that scene. And it's something that didn't come from our heads at all, which is like, it's so, everything has been like, well we've been so in sync on this shit, like, it's for so long. It's like, that's what's been a little bit dangerous. Like, whenever I watch the scenes, I'm hearing the music we've been watching it to for years. It's been years that we've had a lot of the same music.
And the spots that we've had them in, like, It'd be like watching Alien and all of a sudden like fucking like mariachi music starts playing, dude. And then you're like, where's the party, dude?
You know? And it's like, yeah that you would be like, you'd be it'd be weird, right? And it's like, that's almost how it feels to hear like the new scores. It's like someone just dropped a completely, like when we look at each other, I'm like, nah, this ain't it. And I'm like, it's is just so different from what we were expecting.
and it's like And then it's like, we don't want to copy exactly what we have, but well we want to capture that essence. that well Yeah, in that and I think that's what what we were always trying to just capture was the ah that feeling, that essence. right like Obviously, we don't want it to be that, but can he be that, but this? you know it And I don't know if that's possible.
I don't know. Yeah, that's why I don't know either. Because i think I think on our part is that we're just so biased to it. Definitely. Because that Twin Peaks theme, man. I think it only happens once?
Twice? Twice. Twice? Mm-hmm. But only in one scene. And just the way it ends on that. It's just It's just perfect. It's perfect. you know It's just like, man, this is.
And that's like the thing. yeah it's like It's like letting go of like the bow. The bow scene. It's like letting go of that. like What are you trying to do? Kill an elephant? like But you got to capture that essence though. you got to get as The thing is, it's like you got to get as close as you can while maintaining reality. Yeah.
We're getting there. And it's like the reality is like, yeah, would love to have those stuff in there. I'd love to just be able to use fucking Rosemary's baby. But that ain't real life.
Real life, we need to try to do something. oh so Nor should we even. Exactly. you need to try to be authentically something that's us and new. um And speaking of AI. Yeah.
AI's Influence on Creative Industries
Yeah, know we haven't talked about AI a bit. ah something Everyone's favorite conversations. You know, I love it. i was you know I thought i had have a thought that I've been saving until we had podcasts. I was looking through like old pictures at my work about like people doing drafting.
Where they draw the maps and the blueprints. Yeah. Used to be like rooms just filled with all these drawers. There are probably like 50 drafters or something.
And now it's like one guy with AutoCAD. And I was thinking about that. And I was like, no one is complaining. like I'm sure those guys fucking hated it. yeah Those guys were like, well, we're half of us are like, 90% of us are out of a job.
I think that's how AI is is for like art. Not art, but I think for a lot of areas. Because i ah the article that I had posted in here was Coca-Cola did its first fully AI ad.
No shit. Yeah. Was it good? Did you see it? I watched it, yeah. and it's like ah It's one of their Christmas Coca-Cola ads. Was it good?
It wasn't good. but I give it a 7 out of 10. No. I give it like a 5 for a commercial, I guess. That's pretty um but It didn't suck.
What was it? It shows like a polar bear, then like two people, and then it's like a bunch of like little vignettes. And then it's like Coca-Cola brings everyone together. did it do But it's all done in AI. All the people are AI. Everything is AI.
Does it look legit? It does. Wow. And I'm just thinking like, uh-oh.
Yeah. Because the thing is, it's like, I'm not worried about AI because I'm the storyteller. Ooh. Yeah. And it's like, AI is just a tool that lets me tell stories.
And if anything, it might make us be able to tell a story. it's like Even if it's just me watching something for myself personally. Because it's like, you know i don't I don't know if I'm grandiose enough to think like other people would be interested. But if I could make like the perfect movie...
by just like telling a computer, like, hey, computer, make the perfect movie and my that that's in my head. you know i Make the movie exactly how I want it. Cast Les Hendrickson at 55. I know he's not 55, but give me that. but Come on, robot, please. Or or whatever. and And it does it.
like ninety five percent I would watch those movies all day. I wouldn't watch new movies. And like that sounds arrogant, but like I got a lot of movies I would love to watch yeah in my head.
And it's like, fuck, dude. That's what the AI kind of like makes that accessible. And then it sells it, and you're like, God damn you, AI. That was my story. Yeah, that's right. That's right. Exactly. It's like, oh, we're living on the streets in the box.
That one story. That's Hendrix at 55.
Yeah, I mean, you make a really good point. Make a really good point. It's going to put a lot of people out of work. It is. It really is. That's just all there is to it.
And there's no stopping it. you don't You can't stop technology like this. you know It's like stopping the printing press because there's people still writing the books trying to finish. yeah I only need seven more years and I'll be done with this draft. Dude, this is going to be done in seven minutes, bro. like Come on, Hector.
Yeah, but exactly. you know And that's just the reality of it. and But this is scary because it's very effective in very many different ways.
And it's going to affect all of us to a certain extent. you know like you know it's It's like, is my job
I thought about that. I'm like, nah, AI can't replace me yet. I don't know if you've thought of that. but Oh, yeah. I think about that all the time. It's like, can I be replaced? and How easily can I be replaced? you know The thing is, iss like I could be replaced with AI. As an IT? The only thing is,
it just that the the only thing is is like
the systems don't work well enough that they aren't like, they need someone that kind of can try to troubleshoot. So there still has to be a ah user at the other Kind of, yeah. and that but ah But also, like we're getting away from like people even needing work machines. They can just use, everything's just going to be on the cloud and they can use a personal device.
They don't even need a laptop. They like can just type on their phones and send emails and shit to their phone, right? Like, we're getting to a world like that faster than we probably ever think. like And when that's the case, it's like, well, I don't need to design devices.
You know, the company would just order that person a device and it'll come prepositioned and ready to go. And, yeah you know, like all this shit that I do, like your password needs to be reset. You'll probably got to like drop your blood in the fucking like funnel on the iPad. Yeah.
You know that kind of shit. That's going to probably happen. The thing is proving who you are is going to be harder and harder too. Damn. Yeah. Wow.
Shit. Because like that's the thing. that's our like People are already spoofing voices pretty damn accurately and like not even needing like ah that much clips. And it's like, hey, you know like pe i you know I've heard stories of that happening.
Yeah. Happened at our ah and our company ah too. It's crazy. Really? Slicing voices? Someone spoofed up someone's ah kid's voice and said they needed money.
And like he was like, oh man, are you okay? like He's like, no dad, I'm not okay. And like they got like $50,000 out of him or something like that. Dude, that's fucking scary.
Well, thank God I'm poor. How much? 50,000. Well, okay. Okay. Let me change it. Okay. How about 5,000? Click. Hey,
a a yo i i think honey, we got to make another one. I think you hung up. How about 50? Click.
Yeah. But that's what I got. Yeah. We talked about a lot of the main topic already. Wait, let me ask you this. AI, because you know that's everyone's favorite subject.
oh Yeah, it's going to fuck a lot of shit up. But you know you mentioned yourself as a filmmaker. um How do you feel when AI gets the point where it's like just a singular person just plugging into a text prompt what they want and then putting out there as a film?
And then it's like fully complete.
I love it and I hate it. Because like I saw they did this Mario Brothers in like I've seen Mortal Kombat like in the 60s film and they do like puppets and shit.
It looks so fucking cool. There was a Mario one that just came out like but it's in the 60s or something like that. And so it looks real to life and just these ugly puppets and it looks it looks amazing.
yeah You know, it looked cool. And AI, you know, i think with enough guidance, it'll be able to capture what you want, like 75%. Like, you know, i sometimes I watch YouTube and like 420, 180, you know, I just see pixels. I'm like, this is good enough. You know? Yeah. The level of perfection probably doesn't have to be 100%.
So maybe 75% is good. And then being able to make those films, like, Like, do you want that? How do you feel about that as an artist? and like like Where do movies fit in if that reality is true?
i think the only thing about that that I don't like is it doesn't leave room for the community aspect of filmmaking, which I think is very important.
Yeah. Because it it means... Because filmmaking... it's so collaborative. Yeah. You're getting, you're getting input from everybody like, well, why don't we try this? Or, you know, I'm not feeling that line. What about this line? But if you're just the complete auteur, you're just a complete artist.
All those gaps are, there's going to be no chance to really fill it, filling them. Yeah. But the same time, it's kind of cool. Cause it's going to make the pursuit of like,
I wanted to watch that Gundam where they love each other. Where it's like where the guy loves the girl, but she's the opposite. It's like Romeo and Juliet with Gundams. No one's going to give me money to make that, but I'm going to fucking watch it all day. you know like When I have AI that's going to make episode one, two.
In this episode, Li Shen says, love you, Leifong. But you have to submit 1,500 credits. Yeah. fifteen hundred credits Oh yeah, that's going to be the thing, right? Okay, here you go It's like, well, we can only generate nine minutes of video for free per month. If you want more, got to subscribe. It's like, well, thank God for credit cards.
Netflix says this, but Hulu got this. a And then you could sell that content and then you're going to get like a cut of it because the person that did the AI is going to get a cut.
and Honestly, it was go it's going to be abuse like no no other. yeah um It's going to cause a lot of job loss because a lot of people that support themselves commercially and I think that's where it's going to hit first.
I think that's where it's going to honestly hit first is because ah it's already like of course there's art to commercials but The fact of the matter is it's like, you know, if they can just make a dozen different kinds of ads for different kinds of markets to spread out across for ah fraction of the price of shooting one ad, like, why wouldn't you go that route commercially? Like, it's just the way you would do it if it was meaning, manageable.
Like you could hit so many different kinds of demographics and you could also just continually just generate new things if you're just rendering AI videos.
All right. So we're back.
yeah that read Well, did you want to read a script? Sure. You said you printed it up too? Yeah, there's one right next to you.
Far Out, written by Tom Casper. Alright, so yeah hope everyone enjoyed the updates on ah the film. What's going on? Our thoughts about things and yeah, fuck Trump.
Do you want to be a lady? I'm a good lady. Okay, you can be a lady. I'll do the action. There's a lot of it. Oh, yeah. Fade in.
Exterior. Riverbank day. Emily sits on the wooden bench at the bank of the river, wearing a blue flower summer dress. She sat there alone.
was ripping hits off her hash pipe. This particular hash had a blend of heroin, LSD, and a few other things Emily was not aware of. Her bare feet curl into the soft grass.
Far out. Emily spots what looks like hundreds of countless, what's like hundreds, countless to her eyes crocodiles or maybe alligators. She can't tell the difference between them swimming down the river.
On her feet, now a distinct clanking noise. Emily shivers, rubbing her arms, making the clanking noise even louder. This halts her shivers, and she sits, watching the crocs as they form into a synchronized swimming dance.
I'll be damned. The crocs twist and slap their tails in unison, forming a bridge as a croc wearing a bow tie walks on his two hind legs up and onto the banks of the river. This croc strolls to a yard, one meter, for you non-metric folks.
Why did I write that? The croc bows?
Why'd I have a hit, miss? Emily cranes down to the hash pipe, cradle in her hand. I would be most obliged, but I fear you have no lips, Mr. Crocodile.
boy are you correct most correct, madam? I do not have lips. I suppose this is a most unfortunate turn events. The croc ponders for a bit.
Might I offer... Damn, I'm all over their place on the exits there. I'm trying to do Australian, but it's all gone there. Might I offer a different solution?
You may. I would suggest you supercharge me. Well, you are a croc and you have some muddy big teeth.
How can I be so sure you won't, you know, so Emily places the pipe on the table and makes a chomping motion with both of her hands.
Croc looks appalled if a croc could look such a way. Oh dear, I fear we might have reputation that would give you the indication that supercharger me would be ah most terrible idea. Indeed, mister. The croc straightens his bow tie.
I assure you no harm which has not already been done would occur.
Oh, yeah, I gotta read that. Emily hesitated at the not-already-been-done comment shifting, hearing the clanks in her pockets. Okay, I can dig it.
The croc opened its jaws at a 45-degree angle and slowly approached Emily got to their feet. Taking a hit off her and off the hash pipe, she placed her head inside the jaws of the giant croc and blew.
The croc crumbled back and it onto its back and its slit eyes erupted into large black globes and eggs started to shoot out of its body.
croc, like a rocket, bit back into the water, leaving a pile of eggs at Emily's feet.
Thank you. if I keep two? As two of the eggs crawled out to her, called out to her, they grew as she approached, just barely able to pick up.
Pick one. Jeez, I can't read my own writing. Pick one up in her right arm and the other in her left. Shuffles back to the bench. She just manages to set the eggs on the seat as cracks emerge.
This is all happening pretty quickly. wonder there were so many of them. Oh, God, I wrote that, didn't I? the pile of egg cracks and crumbles, dozens of tiny crocs rush down to the river and the remaining crocs swim away.
Emily's eggs crack and two human figures wearing black tuxedos emerge, fully grown, mature humans. The wind picked up, blowing away all the shells.
The two men looked at each other and motioned for Emily to sit. Hello. Good evening, madam.
Totally formal. Right. And your friend? He doesn't speak much. I'm afraid things are getting darker.
Can't you see it? The figure standing to the left of Emily nods. Emily twists her head, looking deep into the woods. The shadow of the trees move on their own.
Emily's eyes dilate to black saucer, size no color left. We cut between her eyes and the trees as music builds from the forest.
Marissa Gorski's Night on Bald Mountain plays. Emily looks to her two egg-born companions. They melt into the darkness. The sun has been eclipsed by an immense silhouette figure covering everything in shadow.
The crescendo of the music bursts into the sound of the medieval armies clashing in the trees. Emily collapses from the bench. Why do we always surrender to the dark?
Splash noises behind her cause Emily to look away from invisible battle. Emerging from the river is a copy of Emily. Soaked, wrinkled flesh and pale eyes stare at Emily.
Her eyes dance between her left and right pockets. Mom, go away!
and You should have been in Rue, too. The reflection stands there frozen. Emily reaches in her pocket and produces the smooth stone as as they clank.
From her position on her back, she throws the stone, which passes through and splashes into the water. The eclipse fades. The silver light of the sun dances along the rippling body of water as the stone sinks to the depths within.
Deep within, the song fades to nothing, just a slight breeze, and Emily is alone again. why is he why is it just so hard to let go?
I just want to be free. I don't know what comes next, but why continue this ceaseless torment?
Emily lies there looking already looking directly into the sun. ah Don't do that. The warmth devours her entirely.
Emily arches her back, catapulting herself to her feet. Oh, far out. That was gnarly. The emotional whiplash causes her to vomit.
A rainbow-colored spray from her covering the bench in a splattering of color. Emily walks down to the bank of the water. She reaches her hands into the cool water below. Emily's reflection ripples in the pool beneath her. You again.
What am I supposed to do? one has any itches. The sun, the moon, the shadow, and all its nonsense.
A cosmic soup of chaos and confusion. Gross iniquities throughout antiquity.
Emily grits her teeth so hard that it mimics the sound of the smooth stones clacking in her dress pockets. Emily leaps, splashing, sinking, slowly, slow, sad, the light fades.
Emily clings to her pockets as she reaches the rocky bottom. Before she can take her final breath, Emily's devoured by a pack of synchronized swimming crocodiles.
The end. Damn. Poor Emily, huh? Well, don't do drugs. see You jump into rivers full of crocodiles. That's never a good idea.
Emily had pretty rough. Well, buddy.
We're back doing a podcast. You're waiting for your ride.
we are where we have said with dickhead. How you feeling, man? how you It feels good. Just kind of like I said, like knowing that we have a plan and we know what we're doing.
It's just let's just get it done right. Matter of getting there, huh? Yeah, which is awesome. Because it's like not on us.
That's the best part. I mean, we got to find people to do some of the stuff, but.
And with that, man. Cut.