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The Truth Of The Matter is- Episode:164 Let The Truth Set You Free Part 1 image

The Truth Of The Matter is- Episode:164 Let The Truth Set You Free Part 1

The Truth Of The Matter Is
21 Plays5 months ago

  This week on the podcast we are continuing through the gospel of Matthew series and decided to do a review of last week's episode because of how much it would prepare us for today's conversation. While preparing for this episode I had to remember one thing and that was; the Word of God is simple sometimes. I also had to keep in mind that it's very relatable. What's unique about it is the different outlooks you can have while reading intently.  The topic of today's discussion is the meaning of truth. Truth in a literal meaning has value but truth as a person takes things to a different level. When we talk about progression as a disciple it requires time and patience therefore we come to a point in scripture where we are trying to make sense of Jesus' instructions to his disciples.


Introduction and Blessings

Welcome to the Truth of the Matterist podcast. I'm your host Jonathan and this is episode 164. Of course, let's begin by recognizing and appreciating all of our new and consistent listeners.
We thank you all in advance for continuing to press play at your own convenience. I pray that this podcast, regardless of the episode you press play on, can and will be a blessing to you. During this week's sequence of events, I would say the Lord blessed me in two ways. For starters, he has provided me with reasonable justification that if I see someone in need, I should assist them and I must admit it's truly a blessing to educate someone and it also feels good to see someone take my advice and apply it in everything workout swelling. In regards to the past is that I am echoing here. I want to make this statement.
and this statement is found in 1 John chapter 3 verses 16 through 18 and it reads, this is how we know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can we say the love of God? being that person, dear children, let not love with words or speech, but with actions and truth. Again, it says, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth. So I know the text says material possessions.

Human Interaction vs. Technology

So we are just looking at items per se to be the standard what John is saying. I completely understand. However, I believe our words would fit the bill as well when it pertains to meeting someone's needs. Just making sure we understand what the little text says and why we shouldn't overlook other ways we can be of help to people as well. Amen. Let me ask you all who are listening, how many of you find value also to what someone has said or will say to you? The basic example that I have for you that comes to mind is just directions, directions.
Now, before you say anything, yes, I know with advancement and technology, we have maps. We have ways. These are ways by navigation. So the question you might be saying is, what do I need with a human telling me what to do when I have technology that can possibly direct me faster and more accurately?
Yes, I understand, however, what can't be overstated is the value of speaking to a live person, especially in customer service. I'm sure many of us, when we reach out to customer service, we will prefer speaking to a live person than an automatic system that can't always address all of our needs. Of course, there are special situations that require extensive expertise, which is why they have not completely done away with customer service reps. And I thank God for that. All that I'm doing is pondering on the fact that, yes, technology has evolved, but there seems to still be value in speaking with a real person.
So why is this such a blessing to me?

The Importance of Advice and Correction

Well, I've had to shift my gin hours around till the weekends. And this past Saturday and Sunday, while I was at the gin, I spotted two young women who were doing exercises in the wrong way. And unfortunately, no one, I mean, no one walked up to them to inform them that if they continue to do those exercises in the wrong fashion, they will potentially hurt themselves. Now there's something about correction that can either be a blessing to someone or a waste of time for the person who's actually taken the initiative. It was a blessing for me because not only were those individuals open to listening to me, they actually took my advice and applied it.
and they instantly saw a difference. Amen. For real.

Family Bonding Through Gardening

The second way God blessed me is the opportunity to get to spend time with my father. You know, she loves to garden and she needs assistance quite often and I don't mind lending her here. It's a blessing because I'm able to bond with her while also helping her with a hobby she really enjoys. You know, not everyone has the opportunity to spend time with their parents and to do it quite productively. So I recognize this and i I don't take it for granted because instead of wondering how we could be productive
What makes it productive is that this matters to her and if it matters to her, it matters to me. So I recognize this and I don't take any credit. Instead, I try to embrace the moment and I share and see the positive experiences that dwell for me.

Recognizing God's Presence

So the reason why I began the podcast with reflection on how God has been a blessing to me each and every week is because he deserves the glory beyond any praise. You know, another reason is this type of reminiscent shows me how good God is and how real he is on a daily basis.
And finally, time and time again, I believe we need to be encouraged. Part of being encouraged is to reflect. If you decide to, you will notice the presence of God with you daily. Only if you pay close attention to the details of your life. If you pay close attention to the details of your life, you will start to easily notice that God is blessing you. God is with you now. So I say, give it a try and see his grace and mercy over your lives. Amen. Now, of course, this leads us right into prayer.

Prayer and Faith

So let's not waste any time. Heavenly Father in Jesus name, Lord, we thank you for being the only one who ain't true in your life. Lord, I know that some may question that.
but unapologetically here on the Truth of the Matters podcast, we believe this is to be evident, which is why we believe it and that we proclaim it and we can't wait to see it come to pass. When you think about it, all that you have asked of us is to have faith in you. You know, it's our faith in you that will strengthen us. It's our faith in you that will encourage us not to lose hope. And as we open up your word today, we ask for wisdom, we ask for understanding, we ask for confirmation, and we ask that you lead us into truth. Therefore, continue listeners, new listeners,
The Truth of the Matters podcast prays for your growth and for your discernment. Lord, we ask in faith these things. In Jesus' name we pray, amen and amen.

The Gospel of Matthew: Teacher-Student Relationship

So continuing with the gospel of Matthew series, we move on to Matthew chapter 10, verses 26 through 27, only two verses today. But before we get started with that text, I think it's important that we do a quick review. This review will help us transition into our next set of verses to actually examine and that would be today. Last week we talked about the teacher to student relationship from a secular point of view as well as a biblical one.
We spent some time unpacking the differences and approach from a historical perspective. One view being competitive while the other being more complementary. What became obvious is the direction in their messaging. That should stand out. You know, I don't believe I'm off kilter if I said their messaging is moving in two different directions.
Now you might be wondering why is this important as it pertains to our text for today. I'm glad you asked.
Because it has to do with being an intentional disciple. You know, the truth of the matter is once you agree to be a disciple, someone's disciple, your life should reflect most of their points of view. Your goal should be to live out what they believed. Traditionally, this idea of practice has been passed on from generation to generation. Some schools of thought believe you should embody the very message of the philosophy that their teacher taught. Now tell me if that isn't a familiar phenomenon that's been happening and continues to happen.
When I've read this text and gave a good thought, one example I think of that's very relevant is martial arts. If you have ever watched anything Kung Fu related, it's kind of hard not to pick up on the need to be disciplined. And how that discipline creates consistency. If you look closely at the way in which they practice
their skills, their abilities, their talents. It's in harmony with what they believed and the mentality that they have going into it and sustaining it. Now, what I mentioned next, I believe will bridge the gap to understanding how this is very relatable to a disciple who is a reflection of their teacher in martial arts.

Mentorship Analogy: IP Man and Martial Arts

They would say that you are a master and you have a pupil.
Okay. You have a master and you have a pupil. Of course, we lean more on to teacher and student really lean on to more of a master. and a pupil.
In martial arts, they will say master and pupil. And our beliefs, especially educationally, we will say teacher and student.
I believe Paul said in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20, we are his ambassadors and representatives as he makes his appeal through us. Again in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20, Paul would say we are his ambassadors and representatives as he makes his appeal through us. So how many of you have ever watched IP man?
If you have not, I encourage you to check it out for the sake of time. Let me just tell you this. IP man was an instructor. He was a Kung Fu instructor who had a style called Wing Chun. As this instructor, this teacher, he desired to teach and pass those skills on to students who are eager to learn, who also weren't aggressive.
The style of Wing Chun was developed by a woman. And IP Man was quite the comfort user.
So, he opened up a school. Eventually, of course, with doing that came growth and success. And quite naturally, challenges. showed up, and also those who were curious. So let's start right there. Logically, I want you to ask yourselves, what should we expect in a scenario like this? Well, you have challenges. Why? Because without haters and supporters, how can we measure growth and purpose? We need supporters. We need haters because, believe it or not, both play a pivotal role.
and how something grows, becomes successful, and others hear about it. So the master is aware of this, and so is the pupil. So quite naturally, many comers came and went. The outcome was either people joined or they left. But for the sake of time, there were more who came and stayed than those who left. There were students who prevailed and there were students who failed. That's a quite common outcome in anything when it comes to a teacher taking on a student or a master taking on a pupil and them learning what it is
that would either perpetuate them to be successful or they will fail because they're just not off the snuff or they don't have it. They don't have what it takes to actually carry out or be what it is that the teacher is presenting and wanting from them. So the takeaway here is when you teach something, that will eventually grow in popularity. You must be prepared to be challenged. The teacher understands that, the student understands that, the master understands that, the people understands that. Last week I quoted Luke chapter 6 verse 40 from the NLT and the English standard version. So let's do it again.
NLT says Version says a disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when it's fully trained will be like his teacher. So in martial arts, can a pupil surpass his or her master? Sure.
You might be saying, why? And I will say this is based on human efforts. I think more or less when something is taught to you, the individual can take it past even how the master has presented it to them. But in some cases, raw talent and hard work can lead you to do things that might even surpass the creator. Now we see this, of course, in a secular point of view. The truth of the matter is, let's be very

Jesus as the Ultimate Example

clear. From a biblical perspective, there is no such thing as surpassing or being extremely or reciprocating exactly who Jesus is. Remember, the foundation that Jesus laid is like no other.
The house that Jesus built is like no other. The life that Jesus lived is like no other. Of course, we can only strive to be like Jesus, but we will never be Jesus. I mentioned last week how Jesus said that we would do greater things than Him. But I mentioned the difference between value and this pure, pure odd moments. Value, I would believe more or less is the amount of things that are done over a period of time. Remember, Jesus' ministry only lasted three and a half years. Our lifespans can range anywhere.
between maybe 60, 70, 80 years, depending on when you began being a follower of Christ and how God has chosen use you as his instrument of righteousness. That's the value, the longevity period. But what's interesting to combat that, even if you thought it was possible, is that scripture says that the things that Jesus did and show them after he was resurrected, not even the books,
that way here would be able to contain all that he was able to do. So that's a conversation that could be interestingly entertained with the facade and the impression to what extent can someone potentially do greater things than Jesus, but I digress. But what we know Jesus to be is that he is our perfect example. In secular circles, on secular matters, that's up for debate. Right? Last week I mentioned the comparison between Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Michael Jordan is the originator.
Kobe Bryant came after. Some say he perfected the moves that Michael Jordan started. Some believe he's better than Michael Jordan. Again, those things are up for debate. And that is what we tend to do in a secular perspective. But in a biblical perspective, we don't engage in such conversations because we know that Jesus Christ is God and God alone.
Remember when it comes to intentional discipleship, something because apparently care. And what because apparently clear is that there will be challenges and challenges are coming quick, fast, and in a hurry. But as follows as follows of Christ, but as followers of Christ,
There needs to be something that's established. there means There needs to be something that never changed. What is not negotiable and what must we stand on no matter what. In answer to that question is truth. We must not compromise the truth and who the truth is. That would be Jesus Christ.
That is the introduction to our text today. And with that, let's go to the passage for today. We're looking at Matthew chapter 10 verses 26 through 27, English Standard Version. So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will be revealed or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say it in the light, and what you and what you hear whispered, proclaim it on the housetops. So how do we unpack this? Well, anytime I read scripture, it's always important that you look at the context. I've always spoken about the importance of having a healthy hermeneutic.
And when I look and begin in verse 26, it begins with who is the them in the passage.

Truth Confronting Godless Realities

That's the first thing that I asked myself. I read the first few words and what has to be established is the them. Who is the them in the passage? Who is the them in the passage? The them will have to be those who don't believe and therefore are threatened by the truth that is proclaimed to them. We go back, it says, have no fear of them, of them.
Why is this a threat to those who don't believe?
Well, I would have to say that the truth intentionally challenges people's godless realities and their self-proclaimed lifestyles without accountability.
I would have to say that truth intentionally challenges people's godless realities and their self-proclaimed lifestyles without accountability.
So I asked you, how many of you have ever experienced a moment when someone came and told you something that made you very uncomfortable? But it was the truth.
Yes, I would imagine that a roughage of feathers, right? But if it was the truth, it might have made you feel condemned.
but the issue is that's the truth. You see, the truth of the matter is truth is confrontational. And with confrontation, normally there's solution there's a solution that's at the end of it. And when you're faced with the truth, it can hurt. It can hurt the way of life that you've chosen to live. It can hurt your feelings in the process to either change
or to lead you to rebel even more. Again, truth can hurt your feelings in a process to either force you to change or to rebel even more. That's the reality when it comes to us being faced with the truth. You're faced with the choice to react or respond. The only question is, what will you do? You see verse 26 in the NLT goes on to say that a time is coming.
When everything that is covered will be revealed and all that is in secret will be made known to all. We look closely at verse 26 is speaking about the truth. Now, of course, we know the truth can be a person or we know the truth is the literal word. Truth.
is about revealing what is unseen. Anytime truth is spoken, it would eventually make an appearance by its impact because it cannot be hidden or masked.
truth Truth can take on the image of light. Truth can take on the image of light. Why do I say that? Well, for starters, Matthew chapter 5 verse 15 says, no light or no one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house. So if truth takes on the image of light, we should ask he ourselves, do we take what is true ah what is true and hide it? Do we take what is true and hide it? I would have to say no.
You might say, why is that? And I would say, well, because that is not where it belongs. Why is that? Why is that not where it belongs? Because it's being limited to its main purpose, and that is to reveal. So a lamp should not be hidden under a basket, just like the truth should not be hidden. Instead, we need to put the light where it belongs, just like the truth. And that is out in the open, to where everyone can benefit from it
and lead it and a solution can be led from it or can be the solution towards it. You know, Paul says in Ephesians chapter the five verse 13 that everything exposed by the light becomes visible and everything that is eliminated becomes a light.
beautiful, beautiful section of scripture. Paul also says in 1 Thessalonians 5.5 that you are children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. To piggyback on that, Jesus says in the gospel of John chapter nine, verses four to five. And I just want to read that in the Amplified. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. Night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world, giving guidance through my word and works.
As we come back to the selective passages for today, we're going to finish with verse 27. And verse 27 says, what I tell you in the dark, say it in the light. That's the first half of it. What I tell you in the dark, say it in the light. So the question we must ask ourselves is why does Jesus tell us to do this?

Proclaiming Truth Publicly

And well, we must first identify why the need for the transition from the dark to the light. What does the dark represent? What is the light represent in this scenario? Is it the same across the board? And I think if we look at anything philosophically, turns and their usage changes based upon the context.
Now, I'm going to tell you what I believe it is saying. Is it possible that there is a another interpretation that adds value to us? Absolutely. Remember, healing the truth out of matter is it's all about making some suggestions to how you can or ought to read the scriptures. But in the end, I'm very supportive and open to being educated on so many matters when it comes to scripture because there are multiple ways to skin a cat. There are some texts that are blatantly obvious and there are others s symbolically that are much more revealing, especially when we get to the original portion of texts and reading it through the lens of Jewish culture.
But for the sake philosophically of this, after reading it, I will tell you what I believe that it is proclaiming. Again, I'm open to being corrected. I am open to hearing other perspectives as well. I believe the darkness in this example represents something private, right? If we see two people having a conversation in a dark room, it's private. If we see two people pull over to the side and have a conversation and the volume is low, it is private. What's happening in the darkness between what Jesus is telling them is in the darkness.
So in my opinion, that represents something private. I believe the darkness is a stage of ignorance as well, right? If you've been following or on along in the scriptures, the disciples who've been following Jesus thus far are still learning on the job. They have not arrived yet in terms of being, in terms of flowing with information and insight. They have yet to receive the Holy Spirit that gives them bonus to proclaim certain things. And therefore they are still in the process of studying and watching Jesus live out and be an example for them.
I call it a stage of ignorance, meaning that they're still learning, it's still a process. Now, the light in my opinion represents the public, right? Represents the public. It is no longer private, but it's transitioned to the public sphere. And I believe you can move out of ignorance, that condition of ignorance into a competent role. a row in which you stand and represent something with confidence and in and courage and insight. When I read the rest of verse 27, it says something similar, right? What you hear, whisper, proclaim it on the housetops or rooftops, depending on the translation. Meaning, tell the secret to many people and don't keep it to yourself.
And I think more or less we know that's what the gospel is. The gospel is not to be shared only to a select few. And I learned this obviously when I actually did some reading and I did an independent study on just the development of Christianity at the time John Locke thought that Christianity should only be shared among the rich. What we know based upon Luke 9.51-56 that the gospel message is not to a limited view, but is to all who listen regardless of the condition or economic status of an individual. Everyone should have access to the gospel. There should be no limitations.
or preventions when it comes to the gospel. We were all created in the image of God the immortal day and therefore there should not be any restrictions.
So, as I reflected on this verse, the conclusion I came to has every day, I mean everything to do with future reference for the disciples.

Spiritual Progression and Confidence in Discipleship

And I believe we also can learn from it. I believe the way in which we can understand verse 27 is through the concept of progression. We live our lives on levels and it happens in stages and it transpires in seasons. And verse 27 is a concept of progression. It's also a message that has foreseeable future expectations or implications.
And here's why. The disciples will be informed. And this is why in verse 26 Jesus begins with, have no fear of them. And then he provides them with a truth to hold onto. That truth that they hold onto should sustain them. He wants them to take courage. And in taking courage, if anyone has taken courage, you know that's a process. It doesn't happen overnight.
I also believe it comes down to learning and growing, and I also isn't something that happens instantly and right away.
Once you reach a certain level of maturity and insight, I believe that is when you can be dangerous for the enemy and God can use you as an instrument of righteousness. Jesus in my opinion spoke life into his disciples with truth followed by instruction. Even though that instruction may not have been with the implications for them to do it right away, but eventually it's something that they knew they would eventually have to do.
And I believe that's something we also should consider and apply and think about.
Again, Jesus says, what I tell you in the dark privately could be a span of a year. And when it says saying in the light could be a span of six months, three months, what you hear, whisper. Now that could have transferred in three weeks.
and when you sense proclaim it on the housetops, that could be a few days later. I believe God wants his disciples to do so confidently and unapologetically. So as we covered verse 26 and 27, what does this mean to us as disciples today? Well, as I brought up some comparisons with Kung Fu, I believe the process is what we should look forward to. It's a learning experience. It's a daring commitment.
Again, it's a learning experience. It's a daring commitment. The truth indeed shall set you free. The truth indeed shall set you free. And if you plan to represent Christ, We have to study ourselves approved unto the Lord and be ready for God to use us. a We also have to appreciate the process and know that challenges are on the way. And And it's what you do with those challenges that will shape and fashion who you are.
It's through this opportunity, you will find yourself. And that again requires courage and strength.
And with that being said, it's time to close with devotional time.

Conclusion and Devotional Prayer

Of course, I hope that you have learned something that you have considered what it is that I've shared with you today.
And I appreciate all of you that are pressing play and tuning in on a regular basis. I have a lot of my plate, but that does not mean I don't love the word of God. And I am not ready to take my time when it comes to these things and do it in a way in which I am proud. and thankful for God with that opportunity and a platform to do so. So with devotional time comes James chapter one, verse 18. And it says he chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.
Now I know that in this episode we spoke on truth, the literal word, and briefly there's a mentioning of truth being a person. What changed my life is the revelation that truth is a person and that person is Jesus Christ. So here's a short prayer that we will close out with today. Heavenly Father in Jesus name, thank you for all that you do that I am aware of and unaware of. I pray that we continue to appreciate the truth and think the truth and live through the truth. This truth that I speak of is Jesus Christ. If you agree, please say in Jesus name we pray.
Amen and Amen. And of course, until next time, the Truth and the Matters podcast audience, be careful, be vigilant and watchful as you depart from one another, but never the presence of the Lord. God bless and speak to you next time.