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The Truth Of The Matter is Episode: 167 The Unexpected Correlation  image

The Truth Of The Matter is Episode: 167 The Unexpected Correlation

The Truth Of The Matter Is
22 Plays4 months ago

Every episode so far dealing with the Gospel series I have spoken about the importance of reflection. In the soft often I've mentioned that by reflecting you will notice how good God has been and how much he has been a blessing to you each and every week. From time to time I have  actually reminisced on the power of (God) therefore He deserves all the glory, honor, and praise. This week on the Bible study reflection episode I found myself reading chapter 1 of Daniel and all of sudden noticing an unexpected correlation with what was asked of me to do for work! Was this a coincidence? I think not. I believe it was God sent. Tune in to see what correlation I found between my presentation and the Word of God.


Introduction to 'Truth of the Matterist' and Bible Study Reflection

This is the Truth of the Matterist podcast. Welcome back to another edition of Bible Study Reflection, Solo with Friends. This is episode 167. Of course, I'm your host, Jonathan, and for those who are unfamiliar with this segment, let me give you a quick background story. It was inspired by a Bible study that I had with two of my friends. that we did once a week. Basically, we would choose a book in the Bible to unpack together, choose two or three chapters, read them individually, and see what we could unpack by ourselves. Then, we would come together, fellowship with one another, and learn about what we believe God has revealed to us and individually.
Remember scripture says anytime two or three are gathered, they're mine and you're missed. What I've included from these talks is I will still be full of information, yet curious about a lot of things. So I decided to create this segment called Bible study reflections, solo with friends. The goal is ultimately to grow and fellowship with others. If you're open to fellowshiping with me on the next Bible study reflection episode, reach out to me on TikTok or IG. And the handle is the truth of TMIS. Again, it's the truth of TMIS. And we can fellowship with one another.
You can also reach out to me on my Facebook group called I'm a Believer. Again, it's called I'm a Believer. And lastly, you can reach out to me through email speaded83 at I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you. Before I get into what I reflected over this past week, let's start it off by praying.

The Role of Prayer and Holy Spirit in Discussions

I believe in inviting the Holy Spirit into our conversation. It makes for a great opportunity to rely on the presence of God, especially dealing with topics such as this.
Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, let me start off by acknowledging how amazing and breathtaking you are. What makes you God and God alone is your ability to reach us all in ways we needed the most. The truth of the matter is, when I try to put your presence in words, I have a hard time because you're a God who must be revealed, not necessarily proven. I understand that the human condition leaves us with uncertainties and most importantly, questions.
What I've come to realize through all of this is the importance of curiosity. Because with it, we can continue to actively practice Matthew 7-7, specifically in the NIT version. For it says, keep on action and you will receive what you asked for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be open to you.
Lord, I believe that this is what makes you who you are. It's your ability to remain a mystery. It's your ability to show us your ways and how they are past us finding out. It's your ability to surprise us at every turn. It's your ability to use anyone and everything for your glory. Sometimes, Lord, I imagine what it was like to be Moses as you told him to remove his sandals And of course it was for good reason. It was because he stepped on the premises of where it was holy ground. Therefore, Lord, to be in your presence, I must say it's unexplainable. Surprisingly, when I'm in your word for hours at a time, my mind is stimulated in ways that I would never have thought.
With all the philosophy, history, and political science that I've studied, I've never felt this more alive when I read your word. Lord, I believe it's because you have opened up my eyes, my heart, and my mind to the instruction of your word.
Indeed, I believe it's because of this I have experienced my Moses experience. With that being said, I pray that we all have our own Moses experience. Lord, you told us if we draw near to you, you would draw near to us in the book of James. And I pray that these moments will play a part in moving us forward to be used as instruments and tools for your purpose, not our own on the surface.
If you are in agreement with that, please say in Jesus name we pray. Amen. So where to begin?

Understanding God's Plans and Romans 8:28

I believe Romans 828 is a good start. And it's a verse that comes to mind with a certain level of importance as I begin to articulate what I reflected on. with help from the Word of God and of course a real life experience that I went through this past week. Let's take a look at Romans 8 28 and the Amplified version. It says, and we know with great confidence that God, who is deeply concerned about us, causes all things to work together as a plan.
For good for those who love God for those who accord according to his plan and purpose You know the beautiful thing about having a relationship with Jesus Christ is that you know, he loves you You know, he loves you and when you know that someone loves you and
You know that in confidence, whatever he plans to do with you is with good reason. So I love the beginning of Romans 8.28 because in the Amplified version it says, and we know with great confidence, not with a little confidence, but with what? Great confidence. That God who is deeply concerned about us. Now, how do I know God has deep concern about us? Well, David acknowledges that in scripture. He reflects on his belief. He says in the book of Psalms chapter eight, verse four through nine, what is mankind that you are mindful of them? Human beings that you care for them.
You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands. You put everything under their feet, all flocks and herbs, and animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea. And that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, How majestic is the name in all of the earth. You know, another passage that that comes to mind that I believe is worth mentioning here is a passage in which Paul expresses how God is faithful and we are faithless. God is faithful.
And we are faithless.
And the reason why i I love that passage is because it speaks to the character of God.
It really does. In fact, it's actually not Paul who said is is second timy chapter thirteen it. It says, if we are faithless, he remains faithful. For he cannot disown himself. Some translations say he cannot deny himself, right? He is not able to deny himself. And there's inconsistency when it comes to humanity. Well, if there's one thing that's consistent, that consistency is God himself. So again, it wasn't Paul who said it, but it was Timothy who said it, who actually wrote a lot of what Paul had to say. So it might've been Paul who said it, and Timothy might've written what Paul said,
But I digress. You know, based upon where our position is in society, it's evident that as human beings, our value is important. That is one of the many ways we should acknowledge that God is concerned about us. He's concerned about how we take the power that we have and how we apply it for the longevity of our existence. He's concerned about the abusesness of power that we have and what we do and use it towards one another and whether we are we're reflecting pain and suffering on one another.
Of course, it's unfortunate that we tend to do that ignorantly at times and we tend to also do it based on the limited knowledge that we have that we think we're doing some sort of justice with it.
You know, another reason is what makes us valuable in the side of God is that we were created in God's image. We are His image barriers. And therefore, each and every one of us are deserving of dignity and respect, which is why none of us are more valuable than the other. Because we are all one and the same in a body of Christ. You know, God indeed causes all things to work together, going back to Romans 828.
You know, God indeed causes all things to work together as a plan for good, for those who love God, to those who accord according to his plan and purpose. Now it's this section that will lead me into what I want to share with you today. God indeed causes all things to work together as a plan. Now that plan is either God sent or God allowed. Let me say that again. As you continue your journey in life, the conclusion you should come to is there are going to be things that God has allowed or that God has sent for your development of your character or preparation for the mission that he has assigned to you.
The truth of the matter is, as believers, we are children of God, where nothing ever occurs to God. And if you believe that, then God, without a doubt, is fully aware of what will happen to you. And with that being said, you have to accept what is stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13. It says, no temptation no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind and God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he would also provide a way out so that you can endure it amen amen indeed so i'm going to share with you a personal story with parts of
a presentation that I did last week and then I'm going to show you how this unexpected correlation brought me back to the word and how the word conformed the importance of God's messaging or at least the desire to be disciplined and prioritize living a life that is conducive
with great practices. For the protected and unwanted press of those I am associated with, I'm not going to mention the organization nor the people I work with. Now what I hope you get out of this is wisdom, discernment, awareness, and of course preparation. The key is once again that I hope you take away for what I'm going to share with you today is wisdom, discernment, awareness and preparation.

Personal Growth: New Job Challenges and Opportunities

So I started a new job and three weeks in I needed to make some adjustments. Those adjustments were my schedule.
having to take orders, which I haven't had to do for a better part of 14 years. And I had to remember that even though I have been my own boss for quite some time, there's nothing wrong in being humbled by taking orders from somebody else. Yes, I was self-employed for a while. but the new context that I've stepped in to now rose have been reversed. You know, my experience in this old organization so far has been okay, right? No serious complaints. And I honestly can't think of anything negative to be honest. Let's fast forward to last Friday. So there came a moment right out of the gate where I needed to step up.

Addressing Food Insecurity: A Personal Passion

My boss wasn't feeling well on two consecutive days, and I had the feeling on his behalf and the organization's behalf. I also had to take his place by doing a presentation that he would have done if he was well. Full disclosure, this presentation that was created was done by my boss.
And what he had planned to say honestly have no clue. What I did know is I had to look through his slides and figure out what I can say and how I could place my own spin on things, which was my most important focus at the time. So as a presenter, I actually love this opportunity. I presented numerous amount of things. I put together messages like this one and I share with you on this podcast each and every week, open to criticism, open to conversation, and I enjoy it.
So again, as a presenter, I actually loved this opportunity. It was a moment of pressure and I wanted to seize the opportunity to show my worth.
Now the topic was actually one I enjoyed talking about. And the topic was called understanding food insecurities and how the organization I am a part of wants to address the need, especially within the minority community. You know, the mission of the organization that I am now a part of wants to empower the youth. Why the youth you may ask? Well, the simple answer is because they are the future. And if we are going to have any chance of change, it's going to start with them. Now, I hope is that the youth can employ their neighbors, family and friends to live healthier and productive lives. Pretty solid message, I would say. Now, of course, I know that's not easy to do because
You need to teach the youth the skills and hope that it resonates with them, right? The only way it's gonna resonate with them is if they begin to practice these things on their own. And there's no telling that when you inform someone of information like this, how much of it are they gonna practice, right? I think at the end of the day, those things are left up in the air. you can't necessarily determine whether or not someone is going to find the things that you share with them to be valuable. I don't know at the end of this conversation, if anyone who listens will find what I have to say and deem it valuable. But the most important thing is that you expose people that had information and you leave it up to them for them to decide. So
One of the ways you can help yourself is by being self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency is important because with it, it allows you to do things on your own. Self-sufficiency without access to resources, along with nutritious insight, Deemed you as being reliant on others So that's something that I wanted to begin off by telling these young Youthful kids at the time so as part of the icebreaker asked These students who attended both workshops because it was to each were our each What were some of their favorite foods?
And as to no surprise, a lot of the options that were mentioned were fast food items. When I asked them what foods they hated or never tried, the selections fell in the fruit and vegetable department.
The truth of the matter is not a lot of kids like okra, right? Eggplant, spinach, broccoli, string beans, Carrots, peas, cauliflower, just to name a few. Some kids know nothing about a cucumber or a squash, right? They know nothing about an onion, which is why exposure is important. It almost felt like when I was here having this conversation with them that it was necessary.
And I hope it will be something that they would take of value once I depart from their presence.

Defining and Tackling Food Insecurity in Communities

The truth of the matter is, that's unfortunate. And the reality is that many minorities face a lack of exposure.
And I i am of the belief that it's not their fault totally, right? It's about exposure. It's about circumstance. It's about a willingness to change. So what is food insecurity, right? What is food insecurity? Food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in their household to live a active, healthy lifestyle. I'll say it again. Food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy lifestyle. So that falls in a category of circumstance. So you're you're technically dealing with the issue of affordability, access and availability. I will call those the three A's. The three A's again are affordability,
accessibility and availability. So if your parents are struggling, to guess what? What is affordable can't be met. When your parents are struggling, guess what? Where you live may affect access to obtaining what is healthier. When your parents are struggling, guess what? They are most likely working multiple jobs, which limits their availability to potentially cook healthier meals. Poverty is a huge cause for food security. Again, poverty is a huge cause for food insecurity. So it's high food prices.
which tends to be what a lot of families and minorities face. A issue with food insecurity, you bet it is, right? With high food prices, then that points us back to what is not affordable. Let's take it a step further.
BJ's Costco's farmers market What do these stores have in common? Well, they sell things in large quantities in comparison To your store your neighborhood And here's the secret your storing your neighborhood actually buys from them But they charge you more Why because one you lack access to get to those stores, right? So if you don't have the money to Uber or to Lyft. You don't have the manpower to lift those items from the store on public transportation. This is what creates the disparity in access. When you lack access and you lack affordability is a huge problem, right? Your lack of knowledge.
of the fact that these supermarkets prey on your ignorance and circumstance is another issue, right? Having financial shortcomings are a realistic thing. This is the reality in minority communities. We can't escape this reality. It's very true.
And unfortunately, it's hard to address because there are multitudes of people dealing with the same issue.
Now guess what is affordable and accessible and available? Your your Popeyes, your deli. Here's another thing to think about.
Have you ever heard of a Trader Joe in a ghetto? How about a host food?
I hate to say this, but I think the truth of the matter is, this is by design. If you know of a Trader Joe or a host food that is placed within a ghetto community, let me know, because I don't think there is one. With high food prices, how can you shop on the outside of supermarkets? You can't, so you're forced to shop for canned food and items that are labeled.
Here's a call to action. The next time you go to a McDonald's, a Burger King, a Popeyes, notice the sodium intake, the salt in the food. Once upon a time, fast food restaurants were not at leisure to tell you the calorie count and the items that they serve. Now they have to, and guess what? Based on circumstance, people who are struggling have accepted the reality
and don't even want to change it or adjust to the new information that is now available to them. Think about what fast food with high sodium can do to a person's insides. I'll leave that to you to do the research on your own. Now, this has a point. Just bear with me a little while longer. The organization that I work with noticed this disparity, right? They see a need that must be addressed. So they created programs to educate the youth on benefit access, food distribution, and farming.
So in the year 2023, the organization distributed 14 million nutritious meals. They served 1.4 million communities. They grew over 20,000 pounds of vegetables and they fed 2,100 children per week. Amazing. They have programs like the pantry, the cyber pantry, the mobile pantry. The function of these pantries vary as one that works within the organization every morning that I report to work. You have people outside on lines waiting to come in to get access to fruits and vegetables. The mobile pantry that they have
is where they have a truck that drives into areas where they can sell at discount prices. Believe it or not, when you own a farm in a city area versus a rural area and you grow your fruits and vegetables, you grow so much of them that you can sell at that discount prices. So many of these organizations do sell it at that discount prices. And guess who comes and purchases these, these items, your supermarkets and your delis. They have relationships, by the way. And guess how much you're being asked to purchase more than you would like. More than you would like.
They have, they have something called a cyber pantry, which is something that I was exposed to. I was at my desk and then I got a call. And this is dealing with people that are on disability, which means if you can't get up and go to the pantry, you have a program that allows you to call in and someone will deliver you your fruits and vegetables as long as you are within a 10 mile radius. I want to talk about impact. This is the organization that I work with. And these are some of the things that they're doing to try to address the problems within the minority communities, right? Since I've been part of the organization, they have three programs, something called GTI and GTWP.
GTI is green teen interns.
GTWP is green team workforce program. And these programs are designed to deal with the ages. Again, dealing with the youth, the youth ages of 14 to 24. And what they learn is sustainable farming, food production, techniques, like creating a compost, along with catering to surviving, plants, surviving plants that are trying to reduce vegetables. And the organization goes to show them how to connect with their environment, which creates stewardship and food security.
They also have an additional program that I haven't mentioned is called culinary arts program, right? It does with the ages of 18 to 24. And they are ultimately being equipped with culinary skills to prepare nutritious meals, addressing hunger directly to full service careers. So these are individuals that have a desire to eat healthy.
and having to decide to eat healthy as well as shop or growing your own food, they are equipping you to make meals with low calorie count and benefits for the body. Now, you must be wondering, how does this relate to the word of God?

Biblical Insights on Healthy Living and Eating Habits

Well, I saw some unexpected correlations and the difference in circumstance with what was presented in chapter one in the book of Daniel. Again, I saw some unexpected correlations and some differences in circumstances with what was presented in chapter one in the book of Daniel. This ultimately had me appreciating the importance of practicing healthy the evening.
Yes, the Word of God promoted the need for healthy eating habits. No, this is not a joke, no nor is it a conflicted narrative. Understand what prompted this discovery. I read Daniel one or daniel chapter one, rather Wednesday morning, and reflected on it soon after. Something I try to do is I try to read the Word of God before I go out. into work in the morning and I also try to read the word of God at lunch and I even try to read the word of God before I go to bed. And all of a sudden I found out Thursday night I will be filling in for my boss and the topic will be food insecurities.
Remember how I began this conversation. After prayer, I talked about Romans 828. So do I think this was a coincidence? Absolutely not. In chapter one of Daniel, there were three sections that I reflected on. Verse five, verses eight through nine, and verses 12 through 16. All of them in some way forced me to think about my presentation.
I also saw some good talking points worth mentioning for this segment, which is why I'm sharing with you right now. So let's begin with verse five. Verse five says, the king assigned them a daily portion of food that the king ate and of the wine that he drank. Immediately what's obvious is there is no food insecurities at play here. Remember that the very definition of food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough foods for every person in their household to live an active, healthy lifestyle.
Remember, a king in this case has unlimited access. In fact, he has had so much access that he could assign a daily portion to people to the people of Israel who would be promising to himself and his kingdom. This is why he had the unit bring some of the people of Israel, both of the royal family and of the noble ones, right? He asked the unit to bring youths without what I believe is for use without blemish of good, without blemishes, but of good appearances and skillful and wisdom and known with knowledge and understanding and learning. So of course with that, he's going to feed them. He's going to make sure that they feel valued and important. This was a king who knew nothing about poverty.
There was no lack of affordability, accessibility, availability. Now for his citizens, for the rest, yes, I think what I have presented would have been of great value to them if I were talking to them in their circumstance.
What's common, regardless of the time period and location, is classism. It is classism back then. It's classism today. It's classism regardless of any time in history.
When I looked at verses eight through nine in the book of Daniel chapter one, verse eight says, but Daniel resolved that he will not defile himself with the King's food or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuch to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion and the side of the chief of the eunuchs. What Daniel exercised in this predicament was discretion and decorum. This is something that I mentioned in my presentation. Fast food restaurants are now revealing the calorie counts on the dishes that they make and offer you. So with that knowledge, you can use wisdom and discretion on how much you buy, but more importantly, how much you consume. Here's another thing that Daniel noticed and understood.
The food choices that the king had were without a doubt rich in flavor, but bad for long-term consumption. Let's translate that to what I believe we all can understand. Let's look at two holidays where families gather and eat a lot. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let's look at Thanksgiving more specifically. Imagine having to eat sweet potato pie, collard greens, cake, yams, turkey, potato salad, stuffing, chicken, lasagna all the time and never having an opportunity of a break. Most definitely you're going to put on weight. I believe there are people that I know who have gained weight after things speak out. There are people.
There are people that I know who have gained weight after Thanksgiving because of the amount of food that was eaten on that day, not to mention the leftovers that was consumed. Imagine drinking wine every day and rarely any water. Daniel understood
He truly did. Daniel understood that spoiling himself with these options long term would not be beneficial. It would not be smart. It would be detrimental. This is why he identified the potential harm and requested not to be a partaker.
Sidebar, are these foods good? Absolutely. But should we eat them regularly? No, absolutely not. What's beautiful about this is God gave Daniel a favor. He touched the heart and mind of the eunuch, which allowed Daniel to see how God was in favor of Daniel's decision of exercising wisdom and discretion. Sometimes, when God is in favor of something, he will make his presence known. And he does that by touching the hearts and minds of the people around you. And then you will see the favor
that God has over your life in those circumstances and situations. Let's look at verse 12 through 16. Let's look at verses 12 through 16. Test your servants for 10 days. Let us begin vegetables to eat and water the drink. Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king's food be observed by you and deal with your service according to what you see. So he listened to them in this matter and tested them for 10 days. At the end of 10 days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter and flesh than all the youths who ate the king's food. So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them
vegetables. So this portion of the text along with my presentation and expresses one thing and that's the need to practice healthy eating habits. You know Daniel pointed out a very important practice. That practice is fasting. The 10-day fast, which people do often today, is something that he brought up, mentioned, exercised, and it became obvious the change or the difference in the two groups of people, almost like an experiment. Just so that you could see the differences. He also just suggested this scenario that would allow for observation, right? So you could see the difference in the lifestyle habits that were created based upon what was eaten.
This allows for proper optimizing changes, which would result in changes for the best. Something in my presentation that I mentioned is that in order for the youth to do better in a classroom, what needs to change is what they feel themselves with. It can't be junk food. It can't be fast food.
the youth needs nutritious meals so that they can think better and retain information better and function better. Now, I wanna be clear here. I'm not saying that you can't have ice cream every once in a while. I'm not saying that you can't have fried chicken every once in a while. I'm not saying you can't have a slice of pizza every once in a while. But to make it a habit or something you consume regularly is not going to benefit your health. It's just not. And I believe this small sample size in the scripture that we have of Daniel using discretion and recognizing it is the wisdom that the Bible offers that we may take for granted or we may find to be common sense. But people who read this scripture, people who read this chapter rather will see how they come across the the value of eating healthy.
Now I'm not going to say being a vegetarian is ideal here. I'm just pointing out something that Daniel did because there is value in also protein. But we also understand that the proteins now are being tampered with. right So I'm not here to criticize what you eat. I'm here to tell you to practice discretion. I'm here to tell you to be cautious. I'm here to tell you that the scripture speaks about not being a glutton and not overdoing it. But to practice mannerism.
to practice the choral, to practice portion sizes. It's good for your overall health. And we have a small sample size in day one where it was done in a way that allowed us to see the benefits in 10 days. Now, obviously we can visualize what those outcomes might've been, or we ourselves can practice it on our own and see how we feel. What is the difference of how we feel in 10 days if we practice this fast and practice that Daniel exercise during this period of time? So here's my conclusion. The word of God is alive and well accessible for us to retain it.

Conclusion: Scripture’s Guidance on Healthy Living

Let's not dismiss its value, but acknowledge its insight. The influence is undeniable. The relayability has benefits and it's not surprising at all. Once you study it, unpack it and see it for what it is. What we think is discovered according to Solomon is not the new one of the sun. How long will it take for many of us to recognize it? Only God knows. Another thing is, again, I think the experiences that we come across and go through in life ah not credential or not code then are not
Co-coincidental are not coincidental Are not cadet are not things done by mistake They're eventually done with a plan So here's a prayer closes out Oh God in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the path I'm on Whoever is wondering if they are on the right path actually Lord to affirm their position We are right where we need to be ready for your usage and value to the society on your behalf. You know our gifts, talents, and abilities and how to best use them to bring about your glory, honor, and praise. Lord, I ask that you protect us throughout the week. Let not our eyes depart from your word, but let us remain in it for guidance, direction, and sustainability.
Obviously we're all gonna go through harsh hard times and rough outs But I pray that your word Will sustain us and keep us on a straight and narrow path If you agree with this today, please say in Jesus name we pray Amen and amen until next time be blessed