The Truth Of The Matter is Episode:174 Biblical Review/ To Be Worthy Of Him  image

The Truth Of The Matter is Episode:174 Biblical Review/ To Be Worthy Of Him

The Truth Of The Matter Is
17 Plays8 days ago

 Continuing through the Gospel of Matthew series After my Conversation with Paul Granger I wanted to do a quick review of Matthew of 10:35-36. Explaining the value of having someone who is a father a parent to give experience perspective. Sometimes ideas are helpful when you are making suggestions, however there comes a time when you operate in between the hypothetical and the reality and I believe more people will benefit from the reality. Finishing up with Matthew 10 was an honor as we dive into what it means to be Worthy of Jesus Christ.What is required of a believer to be worthy? Tune in if you want to take in consideration of these suggestions.

Welcome to the Truth for the Mannerist podcast. I am your host Jonathan and this is episode 174. Let's begin by recognizing and appreciating all of our new and consistent listeners.
We think your own events will continue to press play at your own convenience. I pray that this podcast, regardless of the episode that you press play
The beautiful thing about friendships is the impact that they can have on your life.
it be a blessing to benefit from
Because long term, it can help determine what kind of life you actually want to live.
We start to get into the whole idea of the importance of very much in reach, how can you make it a reality?
I wanna say something that's not very popular.
that to be amazing because you meet new people all the time in no settings, those predicaments. That's an option. And then there are some people that love the country. They love the quietness. They love the getaway. I think New York is very, very intentional about this, right? That you have the opportunity to take the train and come into the city. But then the life that you want to live, the life that you want to have, or you want to create for your kids is not in the city, right? It's having access to land.
having access to be able to allow your kids to play to have animals so they can run around you can grow your own food unfortunately that's not very likely in the city right it's not very likely in the city it is very likely when you get into areas where you have a ton of land
Again, it's about exposure.
You know, friendships also have the ability to change your perspective on life, people and decision-making. With perspective, you have a different outlook on matters. And with that comes awareness, which in my opinion is extremely powerful and key. Here's a bonus one.
Friendships can lead to opportunity. Remember this, it's not always what you know, it's who you know. Friendships and relationships are truly the network for life. Connections, the power of connections have the ability to make a huge difference. Therefore, I would say don't overlook an opportunity to make a difference.
The way life works is that it can happen at any moment, at any time, within any period of seasons that we all go in and out of. You know, what I found to be so fascinating was an LSAT question that I read months ago. Yes, an LSAT question that I read months ago. And I thought it would be cool if I mentioned it to you all. Now, this LSAT question is about perspective.
And you begin to gain perspective once you build relationships with other people who, of course, have a different outlook on life. And what you will find is that the definition of a good life for every everyone varies, right, depending on the diet demographic in which you are speaking to the context you speak it into. Okay.
So the stimulus begins by saying this, pretty much background information, almost, you could say, a introduction into what you're exposed to yourself. So this is what the question begins by saying, every moral theory developed in the Western traditional purports to tell us what a good life is. I'm gonna repeat that portion. Every moral theory developed in the Western traditional purports to tell us what a good life is.
however most people would judge someone who perfectly embodies the ideas of any one of these theories not to be living a good life the kind of life they will want for themselves and their children the question then says the statement above if true most strongly supports which are the following so i'm not going to subject you to every question Right? I'm just going to read to you the correct answer, which is C. Most people have a conception of a good life that does not match that of any moral theory in the Western tradition. Now I read this question to you so you can understand that a standard of success can vary based upon culture.
It can also vary based upon expectations. So understand that we may deem what we may deem, right?
So understand what we may deem as a failure is a success for someone who comes from a worse predicament. This is the friendships. This is why friendships are important.
This is why friendships are important because people can educate you on so much and it's important to remain open to learning and growing amongst other people.
The second way the Lord has blessed me is he He's worked on my attitude. For years, for such a long time, I was never open to accepting help from anyone.
I've always ignored the generosity and kindness of others. But I have to say, because of Jesus Christ, I embrace it now, because I believe in my heart of hearts, that when someone wants to bless me, God is loving through them, and He's using their resources to open doors for me. Man, when I realize how ignorant I've been for such a long time,
It's really a sad and rather unfortunate thing. The truth of the matter is ignorance has gotten in the way of a lot of missed opportunities for God to love me through others. I must say that when I learned about this, it brought me to tears because I can only imagine how many people are still suffering from their own ignorance as I once did.
and What kept me and today keeps others from knowing about God's love and is is his word, right? The ignorance and the passiveness that keeps us from knowing about God's love is not reading his word, which I believe ultimately this podcast wants to change.
and is one of the reasons why i started it in the first place so the reason why i always begin this podcast with reflection is because i believe that god is blessing us every week actually day by day hour by hour minute by minute and i believe that god's blessings can come to the believer and also the non-believer i believe that god deserves the glory the honor and the praise and if you just sit back and observe everyday life you will see what God has been up to on your behalf. What we don't do enough of is reflecting. So I say reflect daily and then you will notice the presence of God with you daily. I believe it requires you to pay close attention you to the details of your life. So if you begin reflecting you will start to easily notice that God is blessing you
and that God is looking out for you. So I say, give it a try. And I believe that you will see His grace and mercy over your life at first with the little things. Amen. And with that, this leads us right into prayer. So let's pray. Heavenly Father in Jesus name, you told us in your word in Luke 6.40 that students are not greater than their teachers.
but But the student who is fully trained will become the like the teacher. You know what I love about this text is you're the teacher and as followers and bastards of Christ, we are your students. Lord, what makes your example different?
and also unreachable is that you were the unmarked lamb. Lord, you were not guilty of sin. You were the example we all should model our life after. And as a result, this is why placing our faith in you is the only way. And one of the most important things that we could ever do as we live on this earth. Lord, the truth of the matter is no one will come to the Father except through you. Lord,
Your name is above all names and all things were created through you. You are the one true God who has always exemplified what truth actually looks like. And just a scripture says in Romans 2 16, I declare, I declare to all who are listening that the day is coming when God through Jesus Christ will judge everyone's secret life.
Therefore, as we go to your word, I pray that all eyes are open, all ears are ready to hear, all hearts are ready to receive, and all minds are ready to understand your truth. If you're ready for that today, join me as I ask these things in faith. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Continue with the Gospel of Matthew series You know, I would love to review a tad bit of episode 173.
And I want to say it was something different that I tried. It wasn't planned. It was something done in the spare of a moment. And I decided to go through with it. And the title of that episode was The Uncertainties in Following Jesus Christ. The Uncertainties in Following Jesus Christ. And the passage of scripture was Matthew chapter 10 verse 35 through 36. So let's take a look at it real quick. And I want to read this in the Amplified version and it reads, For I have come to set a man against his father,
and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's enemy will be the member of his own household when one believes and one does not or rather another does not. And one of the reasons why I brought Paul Granger on as a guest is because there were a couple of realities that I needed to accept.
And that is he's a father and I'm not. And I believe there's wisdom that comes with living as the head of your own household, which I currently do not have. And when I read verse 35, I felt like the opinion you needed to hear or the perspective you needed to hear should come from a parent. Having ideas about certain realities,
It's okay. And it can be helpful at times. But, we have to deal with something that I believe cannot be ignored.
And that is, ideals don't necessarily bring the model of wisdom, encouragement, and teaching that is required. to people who are going through things on a daily basis. right it's like It's like living in a hypothetical world versus living in a reality. Therefore, I felt and I thought it was rather smart of me to lean into an old friend. The truth of the matter is I don't know what it feels like to be at odds
with my own children. I don't know what it feels like to deal with children who are resistant to my instruction. I can only imagine how hard it is to parent under those circumstances. And let's flip it around. What is it like to live with parents who don't believe that Jesus Christ is God, that Jesus Christ was born?
Right? That Jesus was Christ potentially is a fairy tale story.
What is it like to live with parents who don't fear the Lord? Who want you to bow down and worship other gods and goddesses? Rough decisions are to be made in those realities. What the word of God provides
is encouragement and examples of God being present through hardships. But the reality is, as believers in this world, you have to walk things out. You have to actually go through experiences. And through those experiences, you're going to learn a lot about yourself, and you're going to learn a lot about your God, and you're going to learn a lot about what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. So let me provide you some examples that came to mind. And one of the reasons why I'm doing this review is I wanna just dive in a little bit more into the scripture. I felt like when I read Matthew 10, verses 35 through 36, it was very conversational. But when I sat back and I thought about a couple of things, I felt like the Lord provided me more biblical context
that I could eventually use to bless you with. And that's the reason why I'm doing a little review and giving you some biblical context to the conversation that I had with Paul. So look at it as a part two, okay? Example one that came to mind was the gospel of John chapter 16 verse 32. And I'm gonna read this in the English standard version. It says, behold The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me." Now, let's just talk about that for a second. God was with him, but that doesn't take away the pain and suffering that he had to go through.
God was with him, but as a takeaway, the reality of what the thoughts were of Jesus during that time.
Let's continue. Example number two, did the Romany chapter 31 verse six, be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
Now this passage is dealing with, in a lot of cases, Israel going into places of war. Understanding that the most important thing is that you should be strong and courageous. But that doesn't mean that you won't be anxious. That doesn't mean that in those moments of trial, of battle, that you potentially might not doubt yourself.
that there might be points in times of uncertainty, right? Which is why I titled the podcast episode last week about the uncertainties of following Jesus Christ. The reality as believers is that when we walk this path, we're not going to have all the answers going into it. That's part of what it means to walk by faith and not by sight.
That's the challenge. Example three is Genesis 39, 19 to 21.
Potiphar was furious when he heard his wife's story about how Joseph had treated her. So he took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the king's prisoners were held. And there he remained. But the Lord was with Joseph in prison and showed him his faithful love. And the Lord made Joseph a favorite with the prison warrant. Now, I want to tell you that I chose that passage because the outcome points to the fact that God showed his presence to Joseph by chasing the circumstances that he was under. But if you read the whole story, the things that happened to Joseph, the passage says, but the Lord was with him, period. The Lord was with him, period. So what does that mean to know that God is with you? It means that he sees what's happening, but he allowed that situation and circumstance to happen to you.
Right? But it doesn't mean that you're not going to go back and forth through the stressful, upsetting, emotional roller coaster in those moments. You're going to deal with that. That's still a reality that humans have to deal with on a regular basis. You're going to go through a roller coaster of emotions that doesn't change the fact that God is not with you. He is. But that does it doesn't mean that you can escape how you feel.
That feeling is still gonna be there. That resentment in some cases might still be there. I wanna be clear on this. That as you go through things and God sees it, a lot of this is also character development by the way. How are you going to respond in these moments? Again, key is not to react, but to respond.
Cause reaction does nothing for you. It doesn't change the circumstance. It can actually create more or open the floodgates for more disappointment.
But I want to, I wanted to just highlight that for you. That being a follower of Christ does not mean that it's going to be blue skies and sunshine and flowers.
No, that's not what the scripture says. You know scripture is clear when it says, expect the division once Jesus arrives. And it's hard to ignore and skip over that parents and and that's due to their identity but most importantly who they identify with and their loyalty.
Right? That's due to their identity and their loyalty. i Identity is that are you a child of God? Are you a follower of Christ? Right? who we are in Christ is key at point and And that should normally be strong or connected to our commitment to be followers of Christ, right? I talk about this often in the gospel of John, it says, they would know you are my disciples based upon how you love one another. So if I'm in Christ, thereby loyalty means that how I love you should reflect
the love that Christ has for me, and therefore I'm treating you the same way. I'm treating you as you ought to treat me, right? In other words, in a nutshell, I am pretty much demonstrating how if I'm going to treat others as I want to be treated, then in return, that's supposed to reflect my relationship with Christ.
Scripture says, you're either a child of the light or of the darkness. When we get to verse 36, it says, a man's enemy, enemies will be the member of his own household, with one believes and another does not. Cobbily, a Christian holds the father's head over the household.
I believe it's 1 Timothy, 1 Timothy 2.13 says, for Adam was for first, then Eve. And so the Bible believing Christians hold to the belief that women in many roles they have, one of them is feeling and a whole are helpers for their men. I'm gonna say that one more time. Bible believing Christianity holds onto the belief that women in the many roles they have,
One of them is that they are a helper for the mate. Just like the Holy Spirit is a helper to the believer, the Christian. And based on verse 36 in the gospel, a bad view in the 10th chapter, Jesus is informing us that there is a high possibility that members of your own household won't subscribe to the gospel message, the good news. That's the reality. That's the truth.
Right? You're going to have some who believe in a life, death, burial, or resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who reject it. All families from different backgrounds across this nation, in this world, would not walk in unison. They would not be in lockstep with one another as it pertains to who Jesus is to them. The challenge is that I know Christians will be expected to navigate Again, it's the uncertainties and unpredictabilities of life. There will be children who will die and experience suffering for the day with Jesus Christ. And again, I brought Pearl Gratiot on because verse 35 through 36 are verses that betray harsh realities that believers will always have to face. Face then and will face today. Enclose it.
or to buy review here. I want to take you to a passage that we haven't got to yet, but I think it's apropos. Gospel Bath, chapter 19 verse 29, it says, and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers or children or fields for my name's sake will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.
Amen. With every promise is a threat and no threats are considered opposition. So let's continue with the gospel of Matthew series. I want us to take a look at Matthew chapter 10 verses 37 through 39, which will bring us to close chapter 10 of Matthew. Had a lot of fun back in that particular chapter. And let's continue with reading this in the amplify version because i think it's key here there's a lot to unpack here so first 37 to 39 reads
He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he who loves subtle daughter more than me is not worthy of me, verse 38 says, and he who does not take his cross, express it at will this to endure whatever may come, and follow me, believing in me, conforming to my example in living, if need be, suffering, or perhaps die because of faith in me is not worthy of me, mouthful.
Verse 30 died. Whoever finds his life in his world will eventually lose it through death. Whoever loses his life in this world for my sake will find it. That is life with me for all eternity. And I love this because when you look at verse 30 died, it says in this world,
in this world. But what gets to verse 30? Let's look at verse 37. It reads, he who loves father or brother more than me is not worthy of me. He who loves subtle daughter more than me is not worthy of me. He who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. The person who believes that they should love their father or brother more than Jesus is not worthy of him.
and he or she who loves this son or daughter more than Jesus is not worthy of him. Let's define the word worthy.
worthy, a person notable or important in a particular spear. So I love this definition because it lets me dig even deeper. it And I wanted to look at the definition of a spear. And what I found that connects to the definition of worthy is that a spear is a section of society.
A spear, right, is a section of society. So what do we know about worthy? A person notable or important in a particular spear, and that spear can be viewed as a section of society. So let's put these two beatings together logically. And what do we get? What makes a person worthy is that their notable importance comes in a section of society.
See what I did there? What makes a person worthy is the adorable importance in a section it of society. Now that section of society will have to be those who believe that Jesus Christ is God, right? That's a section of society. They would have to believe that Jesus Christ is the one true God right that's a section of society and I believe that that Jesus is the Godhead right that there is the God the Son God the Father and God the Holy Spirit the section of the society as a whole would be followers who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ there's a section of society that's done that
So what I did logically is take two definitions, put them and morph them together so that you could see that there are followers of Christ within a demographic, within a society that have beliefs, morals, and values, okay? Now,
Why is it an insult to God if you love your mother or dad more than him? Or if you're a dad or your mom and you love your son or daughter more than him? Well, for starters, you would have to be coming to the reality that you're ignoring his sacrifice that was made for you and I in the first place. Understand that the whole world has a chance And that chance is to choose to pick life for death. To pick life is to recognize that Jesus Christ himself is life. Remember what 1 John chapter 1 verse 2 says. The life appeared, we have seen it and testified to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.
So not only did Jesus proclaim to be the life, he was the life because he appeared as example for all. Right? Let's go to the gospel of John 46. We know this, I'm going to be illerated. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. So who's Jesus? He's the life.
Let's dig even deeper. Let's go to gospel jaw three. We're gonna look at verses 31 to 36 and it says He has come from above and is greater than anyone else NLT by the way We are of the earth, and we speak of heavenly things. But he has come from heaven, and is greater than anyone else. He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but how few believe what he tells them? Anyone who accepts his testimony can affirm that God is true. For he is said by God. He speaks God's words, for God gives him the spirit without limits.
The father loves his son and has put everything into his hands. And anyone who believes that God's son has eternal life, anyone who doesn't obey the son will never experience eternal life but remains under God's anger.
and judgment i would refer you back to robin's what it to because it speaks to that right it really does so this opportunity is provided for you and i to have each eternal on life not just life here on earth but everlasting life and what required what is required of us is to have faith and belief in jesus christ If you are aware of that, you can't possibly have more love for your parents than you do for Jesus Christ. You can't possibly have more love for your children than Jesus Christ, who is God, because you're neglected what he did on the cross. Let's take it let's take a look at verse 38, Matthew 10.
Epivi version that says and he who does not take his cross Expressing a willingness to adore whatever may come and follow me believe it to be kaphoria to buy example living and If need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me is not worthy of me So the first thought that comes to bye-bye is Was Jesus be at a cross alone?
must Jesus be at a cross alone? The scripture that corresponds to the Hymn in Matthew 60, 24, which says, if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. The question is, what does that look like?
Well, it's you die to your own desires that causes you to sin uncontrollably. That's for one. To be worthy of Jesus, right, is to express a word that's to endure whatever may come. What might that be? Temptation. Temptation that causes you to disobey God's instruction. Let's go to the book of James chapter one.
And I want to look at verses 14 through 16, NLT. Temptation comes from our own desires. Get that? Temptation comes from our own desires, which entices us and drags us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. So don't be misled by brothers and sisters.
So to be worthy of Jesus is to endure, right? Let's go to 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. What does that mean? That means every temptation that's ever existed in the world, God is aware of and will support any mankind has practiced and done. And what is the next portion of the verse says?
And God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But will you attempt it? He would also provide a way out so you can what? Adore it. So the rest of verse 38 says, believe it it be, conform it to my example, and live it. And if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me is not worthy of me. So to be worthy of Jesus is to give yourself up.
for him more importantly to allow him to use you as an instrument for his righteousness not wickedness you know a passage that sums that up so beautifully is first peter four i believe it's 12 through 19 it does an amazing job so let's go into it right there first peter four 12 through 19 reads dear friends Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice in as much as you participate in the suffering of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the Dave of Christ, you are blessed for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth on you.
If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or a thief or any other kind of criminal or even as a mentor. Verse 16, however, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
For it is time for judgment to begin with God's household. And if it begins with us, what would the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And if it is hard for the righteous to be saved?
what will become of the ungodly and the sinner. Verse 19, so then those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good. I want to throw in the in Galatians 6, 9, don't become weary in doing good for you a reaper harvest. If you don't give up, the understanding points of a harvest is it produces all kinds of vegetables and fruits. And when you're able to harvest, you're able to pick and also see that there's replacements on the way. It's a side thought.
So again, I asked myself the question, must Jesus bear the cross alone? Right. This race comes from the Hymn original, original poem, which i be I believe was written by Thomas Shepherd. Right. I think this was 1665 at the time. I believe.
He might have died in the 1700s, might have been 1739. And what I remember is that the hymn was based upon, I believe Simon, when Jesus was on the way to Calvary with the cross and Simon was compelled Some may say forced to carry the cross, right? And if you're looking for that passage, we haven't gotten to it yet. By the way, it's in Matthew 27, 32, right? Something that comes to mind. But the truth of the matter is, there's a cross for everyone to bear, not just Jesus. Now, Jesus bared the physical cross for us, but we're gonna have
So many different challenges, right? Jesus says in this world you will face tribulation hardships, right? But be a good cheer. I have overcome the world Which means you may not deal with physical abuse, but you're going to deal with abuse and that abuse Doesn't measure what some of the first christians dealt with but it's going to be things that might challenge you mentally It might challenge you from an identity standpoint okay And I believe that the hymn that is suggesting, what the hymn was suggesting is that there is a crown awaiting those who have borne their cross and that they should cast that crown, of course, at the feet of Jesus at the end of the day. right So let's go back to verse 39. Let's look at verse 39 as we begin to close here.
Verse 39 reads, and again, this is Matthew 39. We're finishing up Matthew 10 by looking at verses 37 through 39. First half of the podcast, we reviewed 35 through 36. So verse 39, Matthew reads, whoever finds his life in this world will eventually lose it through death. And whoever loses his life in this world for the sake for my sake will find it that it is life with me for eternity. So I mainly thought of two passages. Mark 836 and Matthew 626. Mark 836 says, for what does it profit a prophet demand to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? As a question.
Matthew 16, 26 says, for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? So, this is the exchange that Jesus Christ,
our Savior is asking for us. We need to give up all our was sins to him. We need to repent of them. Whether they are big or small, it doesn't matter. It's for a greater reward and that's eternal life. And we need to constantly die to our sins on a daily basis, which means it's a challenge. You don't give your sins away to God and think that you're never ever going to ever sin again. That's just not how it works.
It's a challenge. It's a battle each and every day of you striving to do what is right, of you striving to be holy as he's holy. Let's not lose sight of that. And that reward of eternal life, I don't think any of us can fathom what that actually feels like. We can only strive in hope that it's every bit of amazing and breathtaking as it is spending time with the lord right he has to be the ultimate in my opinion the ultimate entertainer right he has to be and we just look at ourselves and we see how entertained and funny we all are just remembered that he created us in his image so i say if we're gonna do
If we're going to repent and give our sins to the Lord.
We need to look at Galatians 6.8, right? And it says, whoever sows to please their flesh for the flesh will reap destruction. Whoever sows to please the spirit for the spirit will reap eternal life. So what are those days? So glad you asked. Back in Galatians chapter before is chapter five, verses 19 through 26. And rather than wax poetically and unpack this in depth,
We just have to allow the scripture to express what it means. What does that mean? To sow to please your flesh, which will lead to a structure versus the soul to please your spirit.
The scripture says, the acts of the flesh are obvious, sexual immortality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fists of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, and fashions. And envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this would not at inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, judgements, and self-control. Against such stakes, there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. So when he means by those who be belong to Christ Jesus have crucified, it means in the process you have not only fought against it, but you've done away with some of them. Not all of them, but you've done away with some of them, right? You're resisting, you're fighting the good fight. You're allowing the Holy Spirit to assist you in your resistance to living and practicing any of those things. Because eventually, we know based on the scripture that we just read, is that not only will it lead to destruction, but you can't enter the kingdom of God with it.
Right, verse 25, since we live by the spirit, let us keep a step with the spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking, evian, each other. Right, so to close these last two verses here, it says we want to be consistent and do what is right, which is why I quoted Galatians 6, nine, don't become weary and do what is good for you and Reaper Harvest if you don't give up.
right then it says let us not become conceited provoking and evie each other again this deals with the mindset and mentality that we have about other people and what they have and what you don't have and what you strive to want to have a yet you can't allow the person that you're friends with or that you see enjoy it without you feeling away about it so my opinion that passage is very clear there's no need for a deeper explanation right and on that note i hope that what i've discussed today the review included covering mathy 10 reverses 37 to 39 has been of some assistance to you has provided some sort of wisdom it is like to you right
The goal here in this podcast is to give you perspective. It's to get you thinking. It's to get you considering different views of the scripture, but of course with a healthy hermit. And on that note, we finish with devotional time.
God's will a judge at the five is 24 very truly. I tell you whoever hears my word and believes him Who set me has eternal life and will not be judged? But has crossed over from death to life. So as followers of Christ I must say to have life is such an amazing gift from God Not only because I didn't earn it But it's because of something that he's willing to give me and all that he's asking for me is my faith in him So here's a short prayer to help us throughout the week. Father God of Jesus name, help us, help us with assistance to represent you well with every opportunity that presents itself. Use us as your instruments because to see you at work is a beautiful thing. In Jesus name we pray.
Amen and of course until next time the truth of the battle is broadcast all these be careful be vigilant and watchful as We depart from one another but never the presence of the Lord. God bless and I can't wait to talk to you next time