The Truth Of The Matter is Episode: 176 Instruction Followed By Example image

The Truth Of The Matter is Episode: 176 Instruction Followed By Example

The Truth Of The Matter Is
11 Plays8 hours ago

Continuing through the Gospel of Matthew series we move on to Matthew chapter 11. I found myself completely stopping at verse 1 and it reads: When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities. At first It seemed like such a basic sentence it's time to move on but because we just had finished chapter 10 before eventually moving on to chapter 11 verse 1 really sums up what Jesus did in Matthew 10. When you read verse 1 Jesus for something he gave instruction and followed up leading by example. Pretty much doing what He sent his disciples to do. Tune in to understand why I think this observation is such a big deal to me and if you overlook it you're missing something profound.

Welcome to the Truth of the Mannerist podcast. I'm your host, Jonathan, and this is episode 176. Let's begin by recognizing and appreciating all of our new and consistent listeners.
We thank you all in advance for continuing to press play at your own convenience. And I pray that this podcast, regardless of the always, we begin with a
me begin by saying the first
mean, think about it, right? There's 24 hours in
If you do, you're actually putting yourself in harm's way, Recovery is what we all need regardless of the task at hand
helps with your effort right you should want to feel the second way god blessed me was actually quite remarkable You know, in the last five days, I've had the pleasure of running two workshops. So one of the topics of this workshop
I asked those in the workshop,
an estimate of about 98% who answered the question, truly and honestly. right these participants were acknowledging their weaknesses and I mean really taking full you know from a generational as an adult
Not too often do I see people taking full accountability for their actions. Right, what you say, what you do. And the first step to cultivate change has to do with recognizing that you need to make it. Now I wouldn't be fair if we didn't have one or two individuals who proclaimed that their communication skills were a 10 out of 10. Oh no, that isn't a surprise.
Right, boldly claiming that there's nothing wrong with them, right? That more or less it aligns with the other person, right? Every single time, right? It will be right, it would only be right if that wasn't something that I highlighted because you're gonna always find those who believe that they are never at fault. That everything that they do is picture perfect.
In those cases, my thought is don't expect any growth or maturity coming from that person.
There's a phrase that it takes two to detangle, right? And I believe it's true. Yeah, you can dance by yourself, but if you look in the tangle, you need a partner.
Now my hope is by the end of the program, these young adults, right, these young participants in the workshop, actually start working towards improving their communication skills. I think rather than pointing out and acknowledging their flaws, let's work towards making it a strength, right? At least above average, right? Amen. Amen. So here's a bonus blessing.
that the Lord showed me is that He showed me the value of learning and observing different personalities, right? In life, you're gonna face, you're gonna deal with, you're gonna talk with, you're gonna hang out with different personalities. And I believe this helps with nuance and perspective, right? Because you learn to stop assuming things about people,
And as I stated before, assumption is the lowest level of knowledge that you have. And so you need to be adaptable, tangible when dealing with others. You need to be cautious, never diving in believing you know someone well. But more importantly, you need to take the time to get to know people because there are surprises. So I say, let yourself be surprised.
and take it one day at a time, one moment at a time, one opportunity at a time. So the reason why I always begin this podcast with reflection is because I believe that God is blessing us every week. I believe that god is God's can come to the believer and the nonbeliever. I believe that God deserves glory, honor, and praise. And if you really sit back and observe life and situations,
you will see that God has always been there, especially on behalf. What we don't see enough of is reflection. So I say reflect daily. And I believe then you will notice the presence of God with you daily, right? Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year.
I believe it requires you to pay close attention to the details that is happening in your life. So if you begin to reflect, I believe you will start to easily notice that God is blessing you, that God is looking out for you. So I say, give it a try and see his grace and mercy over your life and the little things. Amen. And with that being said, this leads us right into prayer. So let's get started.
Oh God, in the name of Jesus, one thing I love about you is your commitment to practice what you have preached to the believer and the unbeliever. You know, scripture says in Romans three four, let God be found true as he will be. So every person be found a liar. You know, as we approach your word today, give us the patience and the understanding to appreciate examples that you set for us. Give us the mind to be settled on matters associated with you. Give us the heart to stand in the face of adversity when it comes. Give us the strength to face head-on all forms of distractions that are not of you while remembering the standard you provided us. We thank you today. We honor you today. We love you today.
And all in agreement say this in Jesus name we pray. Amen. So continue with the gospel of Matthew series, we we actually move on to chapter 11. And at the outskirts of chapter 11, I read verse one, and I must say I immediately stopped to reflect and acknowledge the example that was being set by Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior.
Remember, you know, after finishing Matthew 10, there was so much that Jesus did, that if you truly study it and meditate on it, I believe you will find yourself being blessed. I believe that you took the time to share with others, they too will be blessed, right? And if we take a look back,
We know that Jesus foretold warnings and yet made sure to speak words of encouragement that would lead people to a level of comfort. right He provided wisdom that wasn't just prophetic but also practical.
you know there's so much that jesus did in chapter ten so i say in your own time review it because some of the topics i've covered reflect chapter ten and if you truly i mean truly you're looking for an opportunity to have your mind stimulated. I say, take a look at some of the things I've discussed already at your own convenience. Okay, so let's take the time to unpack the impact of verse one in Matthew 11. Yes, just verse one. And I want us to look at it in the English standard version.
Again, it's never the matter of how much you read, but it is. The important thing is, is that you want to take what it is that is written and you want to take the time to unpack it and truly understand this meaning because sometimes you don't need
a whole chapter to get clarity and understanding. Sometimes you don't need four, or five, six verses. Sometimes it's just one verse. One verse can open up your mind. One verse can address things you've always were curious about. The Word of God is powerful and there are levels to how it can impact everything about you and the way you intend to live your life.
So, Matthew 11, verse 1, English Standard Version, and it reads, when Jesus had finished instructing his 12 disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities. One more time. When Jesus had finished instructing his 12 disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the city. So just right off the rip. What does Jesus do first? It says he teaches. And by doing that, he provides information that then turns into intentional learning. And of course, education.
Consider this though. If I'm reading for understanding and perspective, should I be naive or surprised to come across those who oppose questions with a certain methodology in mind, thereby challenging the approach that Jesus took? The answer is no. So I repeat that one more time because I know it's a mouthful.
But of course, I'm getting there. And part of getting near is taking my time so that you can understand where I'm coming from. Right? so I don't mind repeating myself. And I don't even mind having conversations with people who are against what I'm saying, or support what I'm saying. All those conversations are welcome.
So if I'm reading for understanding and perspective, should I be naive or surprised to come across those who will post questions with a certain methodology in mind, thereby challenging the approach that Jesus took? And my answer is no, and here's why. You know, when it comes to methodology, you will have similarities and differences of opinion.
Certainly that is an outcome you should anticipate if you know the rules of engagement, especially if it's controversial or it's up for debate, right? The truth of the matter is there are multiple ways to skin a cat. However, going based on biblical standards in which I have a desire to live on and buy every word from the mouth of God,
And with that, my response will be tailored to scripture because that's my foundation. That's what I believe. That is what influences my actions, my thoughts, my motives, right? Things that I say, my words. And it's because of that, I always filter my thoughts through scripture. Yes, I have a philosophical mindset, but that philosophical mindset is filtered through the standard of scripture which i believe is holy spirit inspired so matthew eleven one you could say is summed up with two actions first we have instruction followed by example right we have instruction followed by example now the reason why i believe that scripture the ending of itself supports the idea of instruction followed by example
It's because in scripture, you have patterns, right? We remember the Bible is full of patterns, principles, and precepts. Therefore, you will see constant support spotting instruction followed by example. I believe the ending of itself, scripture is going to present instruction followed by example.
and other ideologies you have example followed by instruction. And that's pretty much what I wanna talk about today. How scripture supports instruction followed by example. Now, of course, I'm going to allow the word of God to support itself. To begin, we start at Luke two, verses 39 through 40. And this is all trying to make sense of Matthew 11, one.
okay so we go to loop 2 verses 39 through 40 and again this is all on the basis of what matthew 11 1 says and it says when jesus had finished instructing his disciples he went off of there to teach and preach in the city so what do we have we have instruction And then we have him setting that example by actually going to teach and preach in cities. And I think this is so amazing because when you look throughout history, you have sergeants, rulers,
and they always send certain individuals to the front line and you never find them in the front line and of course you want to preserve the leader right you want to preserve the person in charge and therefore they never go into battle unless you're talking about Greek mythology and you're learning the different stories there where you did have different myths different myths that explain why certain individuals had a superhuman powers that allowed them to either never be killed or if they were killed, right? You probably shoot an arrow in their foot or you upset the gods, right? These are the different schools of thought that come out of this. But I think it's clear that history has a way of telling its own story. And for us, these are moments of learning and education
right to discuss things, but it should not shape and fashion our value system. So we're gonna we're going to allow the word of God to support itself. Luke two versus 39 through 40 says, when Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the law, of the Lord They returned to Galilee to their own towns of Nazareth and the child grew and became strong. He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was on him. So what did Mary and Joseph do? They allowed the law of the Lord to shape and fashion their own values and how they sold the world, including their son.
Right, the law of the Lord was their foundation and how they were raised.
And how they were raised, Jesus is pivotal here because it was based upon Jesus fulfilling the law. We'll get there in a second. But I wanna be clear here, Mary and Joseph allowed the law of the Lord to shape and fashion their son's values, and including their own.
Right, the law of the Lord was their foundation and how they raised Jesus. I love the passage in Romans where it says, don't be conformed to the paths of this world, but be transformed by a renewing of your mind. We'll get to there in a second. I want to talk about this.
Jesus, if you didn't know, for clarity is the child in its passage of scripture. What we see first is Jesus receiving instruction. Scripture said that he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was on his life. In order to be filled with wisdom while you're also showing grace to people requires temperament while hearing instruction, which ultimately can lead to learning and that would require
An example to follow. The rest of the verse says, the child, which I already explained to you, who's Jesus, grew and became strong. Now we talk about genetic growth, right? That happens naturally. so We also talk about to become strong, also happens naturally. As well from just a physical standpoint. But from a mental point of view, it takes time, right?
It takes time to become courageous. And once you become courageous, it takes time to build confidence. And that confidence happens in time. It doesn't happen at your own pace, but it happens in time. right You become courageous once you've overcome. You become courageous once you know who you are, what your purpose is. For the believer, it's to be in Christ.
Maybe for the average person is to flourish and to seek wisdom, right?
What else do we see here that furthers our understanding of how instruction will lead to an example? We go back to the gospel. We'll look at chapter two. We'll be look at verses 51 through 52.
And it says, then he went, again, who's then he? Who's the he? Jesus. Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew again in wisdom and stature and in favor of God and man. So what do you see? Jesus taking instruction, exercising wisdom once he went down to Nazareth with them. Let's pause and answer the question, who's the them here? That would be his parents, right? Sidebar, you know, it's important that as you read the word of God, you must identify the subjects. Again, it's important that as you read the word of God, you must identify the subject. Jesus is to focus here because it's by his example,
we have a standard to strive for, amen? That doesn't mean we will ever reach it, but we do have something to model or have an example to live by. The conclusion here is Jesus was obedient to his parents and he was influenced by the law which then leads to him becoming an example, but most importantly, our example at the same time, right? There are those who see Jesus as a great teacher, a man full of wisdom, but can't see his divinity. So he becomes a example for someone out there who doesn't who hasn't actually captured or understood Jesus and his true identity as God.
He's our example, because we know who Jesus is. We know that he's God in the flesh, right? And at the time, Jesus was doing what was instructed of him. And in return, he gave us his perfect example to study, right? To look after, to understand, to use it as a reference.
You know, Jesus himself said in Matthew 5, 17, do you think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets? I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. And as readers, we must actively read. And by doing that, we are engaging with the material intentionally. When I say material, I'm just talking about the text.
Of course, as I stated earlier, we have several scriptures that Jesus fulfills here, right, as a child. And he's only following instruction, right? Again, the Bible's full of patterns, principles, and precepts. So in the scriptures, there are examples. Whether it's descriptive or prescriptive is a completely different story, but that plays much more of a role when it comes to the hermeneuchal aspect.
So let's go to some scriptures that Jesus fulfills here, even as a child and why he is and he's actually our example. We go to Ephesians 6.1. Another thing too is, is that if you're studying the life of Christ, you know that he's very consistent with with his own word.
And if he's very consistent with his own word, then he can't contradict the very things that he's fulfilling. And if we just read that he's fulfilling the law, he didn't come to abolish it, but to fulfill it, that would only mean that the scriptures that I'm reading support it. So let's go there. Let's go there.
All right, Ephesians 6.1 says, Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord for this is the right thing to do. So what did Jesus do? He went back to Nazareth with his parents. His parents called him in the synagogue with his father, which they didn't understand. But what did Jesus do? He complies with them and he goes back with them. Exodus 2012, honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land
that the Lord your God is giving you. Instructions.
Or you can call them precepts here. Colossians 3 20. Children, obey your parents and everything for this pleases the Lord. So if any narrative existed out there that Jesus was inconsistent or was a troublemaker, he will be violating the very word that he had a hand in inspiring.
Doesn't make sense, right? Proverbs 1a, hear my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching. Proverbs 30, 30-17, the eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother will be picked out by the raven of the valley and eaten by the virtuous. So if you look carefully at these verses, right,
The common denominator speaks to instruction and that's valuable to the reader who picks up on the patterns in the Word of God and has to willingly accept that instruction. This is why I believe instruction comes first.
followed by examples. Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 through 18 reads, since the children have flesh and blood he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he would break the power of him who holds the power of death and that is the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. For this reason, he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for sins of the people.
because he himself suffered when he was tempted. He is able to help those who are being tempted. So based on what I'm reading thus far, it begins with instruction. Not the example and then instruction, but instruction, then example. If you can follow instructions, you show yourself capable of leading by example. Amen.
The passage we just read tells us that God went through the process of allowing himself to mature as a child. God experienced suffering and temptation so that he could be in position to help those who are being tempted in the human experience. If we go to the gospel of John chapter 10 and we read verses 17 through 18 and it says, for this reason,
The father loves me because I laid down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again. Discharge, I have received from my father. So based on this passage, you first see instruction. The bottom half of verse 18 says, discharge, I have received from my father.
Let's go to Luke chapter 22, and let's read verses 41 through 45. Again, it's Luke chapter 22 verses 41 through 45, and it reads, and he withdrew from them about his stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying, Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.
And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly. And the sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. So we find instruction here once again. And with that comes an example for us. Let's take ah let's take you through the process, right? Let's look at verse 42.
Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done. The truth of the matter is we should prioritize what God wants in our lives and be open as he guides us or instructs us on paths we may not have pictured ourselves to be on.
I hope that after this conversation, you see the value and and and importance of following instructions. With instructions allows you to not only learn, but take what you've learned and be a example for the next people who need it. I think so earnestly, we have a desire to see examples and yet not have or appreciate the instructions that allows the example to make much more sense. And what I wanted to show you is that based upon what Jesus did
right, in regards of giving his disciples instructions, right, the 12 disciples instructions. And from there on, allowing them to see that with the instructions that he gave them, it is up to them to respond or to accept what's being shared or talked about to them and then for them to adapt.
But the instructions is a guide. The instructions is foundational. And it's foundational because with it, you don't, or you shouldn't color outside of the lines of what those instructions were. Those instructions are designed to save you, to protect you, right? To prevent you from swaying or to prevent you from doing something that you might regret.
instructions is key. And on that note, we close with devotional time. Proverbs chapter three, verses five through six reads, trusting the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, he will make straight your paths. You know, based on our theme, right, instructions, followed by example,
right? Proverbs 3 5 6 teaches us to acknowledge God's instructions, wisdom, and our lives. The truth of the matter is we ought to trust in God with all our hearts, not leaning on our own understanding. And this is foundational to our faith. This is foundation to us realizing that our understanding is not complete.
This is foundational that in our understanding, it is not always accurate. And so, to lean on examples, but not value the instructions can be problematic. We know what standard is, biblically. As to other standards that are working in the world, yes, they exist. Yes, they have a portion of truth, but it would never stand on its own as it relates to what God wants, what he desires, and what's beneficial for us long-term. Here's a short prayer that goes out for the week. Father God in Jesus name, give us the strength to remain who we were created to be. I pray that we won't compromise but continue to live in harmony with everyone else, not compromising our truth or our relationship with you by the way.
Lord, we say this fall our hearts will before our until next time, the Truth for the Man is podcast audience. I want you to be careful, be vigilant and watchful. Of course, as we depart from one another, but never the presence of the Lord, God bless and I will talk to you next time.