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The Truth Of The Matter is Episode:169 God Is Who To You? image

The Truth Of The Matter is Episode:169 God Is Who To You?

The Truth Of The Matter Is
44 Plays6 months ago

As we continue through the Gospel of Matthew series we come across a passage I truly believe isn't spoken enough about and that's Matthew 10:32-33. I spent time explaining why I believe these two verses should be one complete thought instead of being two separate verses. Now the deeper issue has to do with reaping the name Jesus Christ. Over the years there have been numerous times where an athlete mentions their relationship and affiliation with Jesus Christ and the news outlets have decided to cut that portion out of the interview and broadcast. Why do you think that this is happening? Another question is why are people more comfortable with Thanking God but never specify which God they are speaking of? I believe That this is an issue that is not mentioned enough which is why I am using Matthew 10:32-33 to address it. Let's Give Jesus Christ His Just due!


Introduction and Personal Reflections

Welcome to the truth of the man of his podcast. I am your host Jonathan and this is episode 169. Let's begin by recognizing and appreciating all of our new and consistent listeners.
We thank you all in advance for continuing to press play at your own convenience. I pray that this podcast, regardless of the episode that you press play on, can and will be a blessing to you. So as always, we begin with the question, how has the Lord blessed you this past week?
The way that the Lord has blessed me this past week will happen to be in two ways. For one, God blessed me by placing a few new faces in my life. Now there was something about this that I didn't quite catch to begin with, but I noticed how these two new faces immediately and intentionally caught my attention.
As time went by, I learned that these two new faces that God placed in my life actually worked in the field that I dreamed to one day be a part of. It was in this moment that I knew that God is extremely intentional. It was also in this moment that I knew that God and his genius was on full display. You know, I wanted a few days ago in my reflection time.
I want it in a few days and my reflection is he shaping my character and who I am to where he wants me to be?
Then all of a sudden it became clear to me that God is attempting to motivate me. And the way he's attempting to motivate me is that he's placing individuals around
But for some strange reason, I've been slow to move with the information and insight that they had gave me.

Empathy and Communication Experiences

The truth of the matter is, I realized that it's my responsibility to get out of limbo and start moving in the purpose of why I was created.
You know, time is running out. So I immediately realized that I need to act with a sense of urgency. Therefore, if anyone's out there struggling with something similar, if anyone's listening carefully to what I have stated in the last two minutes and find themselves in similar
you prolonging the process of what you're supposed to be doing right now? Are you making up excuses? Are you afraid? And then not being afraid. Are you concerned about failure? I want you to remember that time
waits for no one. Whatever position you are in currently, don't get comfortable. And finally, take the time to evaluate the situation carefully and consider what the next move is so that you can accomplish what you believe God has caused you to do. And part of that begins by taking an initiative in the direction of where God wants you to be.
The second way that God blessed me came through an opportunity to communicate with someone who is of another belief and speaks a different language. I called this a blessing because in this moment, I was called to treat that person with the utmost respect. In this moment, you know, I was called to try and be as helpful as I could.
In this moment, I was called to address something past the time that I shouldn't be addressing anything. In this moment, I believe I was called to treat them as I want to be treated. Now all of this sounds great, right? But all of this requires love, patience, understanding, and intentionality.
Now the end result was an appreciation for my help. And in my book, it almost reminded me of what I would love to hear Jesus tell me. And that is well done. Good and faithful servant. Right. I want to hear a well done. Good and faithful servant. Keep in mind and remember,
that we are called to serve and even though the situation might not be the greatest, it can very well be unpredictable and at times unbearable. However, we need to find it in ourselves to do what is right and do it with a smile on our face. I want to also add, let's be glad to be here and don't hold back any assistance.
and doing your part. Give it your all. You know, when I look back at this moment, what allowed me to be empathetic is that I imagine if I were in a similar situation, how would I feel?
I don't know what it's like to be in another country attempting to find work and add on the fact that I'm a woman, right? I bet it will be frustrating, but most importantly, annoying.
So with that being said, and what the initiative that I took,
I took it upon myself to help this person, the young lady who spoke Arabic. I then found a translator on Google and spoke to her for an hour through texting, answering all of her questions to the best of my ability. And I realized, you know, it's moments like this that I feel like I have accomplished something beautiful.
and that it was needed. I also believe that I was in that predicament for this very reason so that this person could be optimized in what it is that they needed. So I took on the opportunity. I'm glad it was me and I'm happy to help.

Spiritual Reflection and Prayer

You know, as reasons like this, that I began this podcast with reflection and talk about doing as much as I do, because God has been a blessing to all of us each and every week and day.
That normally comes to the believer and even the unbeliever. The question is, have you noticed it? Are you noticing it? I know that God deserves the glory, the honor and the praise. The question is, do you? My call to action is if you sit back and reminisce on how good God has been to you, it's going to blow your mind.
So I say, let's be more intentional to understand how real God is and how He shows up for us on a daily basis, which is why time and time again, we need to be encouraged to reflect. So here's the deal. If you decide to reflect daily, I believe you will notice the presence of God. And in that presence, you will see
what he is doing. But of course it requires you to pay close attention to the details that are happening in your life. If you begin to evaluate them, it will start to easily notice that God is blessing you, that God is looking out for you. So I say give it a try and see his grace and mercy over your lives and the little things. Amen.
Amen. This leads us right into prayer so let's pray. O God in the name of Jesus we thank you and glorify you in all ways. Whether that be in our music, our conversation, our teachings, even in how we choose to live our lives and of course how we choose to love one another, especially showing up for one another.
Lord God, you deserve to be lifted up and honored in the highest possible way. As we go to your word today, bless us, open up our eyes to see our ears, to hear our hearts, to receive and our minds to understand your truth. Who is the life and person of Jesus Christ? We thank you for his love, for his sacrifice.
But more importantly we wouldn't be here and therefore we're looking forward because of him to everlasting life. We also know that if it wasn't for him
that we will all have to carry a physical cross just like he has. But currently we are carrying our own cross and therefore we thank you for the assistance.

Exploration of Matthew 10:32-33

We thank you for the guidance. We thank you for the protection and we thank you because we know that because you've overcome the world, we can overcome the world.
with your help. And we say this in Jesus name we pray. Amen and Amen. So we're continuing with the Gospel of Matthew series, picking up where we last left off, and that's gonna be Matthew chapter 10, verse 32 through 33, ESV, okay? Not gonna be with you long today, but the key is to pay close attention to what I am sharing, because I believe it was a blessing to me.
and I believe it's going to make a difference and it will be a blessing to you. So we're looking again at Matthew chapter 10 verse 32 through 33. If you're following along, please go there.
So every everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also acknowledge before my father who is in heaven. But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father who is in heaven. So in preparation for today, the first thing that came to mind is understanding the structure of these two verses. One of the things that I have mentioned that plays an important role when it comes to interpreting scripture is hermeneutics.
The aspect of hermeneutics that I want to highlight that is key is grammar.
Again, the hermeneutic aspect that I want to highlight that is key when it comes to these two verses is grammar.
There's a reason why verse 32 and verse 33, in my opinion, go together because the message here makes sense as one complete idea. But it was written into two verses separating the ideas. Why was that done? Why I believe it was because of the idea of verses.
Right? The truth of the matter is the Bible was converted into verses to keep track of points because certain books are written as letters. I repeat that.
I believe it has to do with the idea of verses that were implemented. Now, as a philosopher, I know that verses were introduced and mentioned quite often in their writings, like Aristotle's writings, Plato's writings, Socrates' writings. That was something that was being practiced then.
But in the Bible, verses were provided to keep track of points being made because certain books in the Bible that were written were letters. The reason why I draw this conclusion is because of the word, but that comes at the beginning

Public Acknowledgment of Faith

of verse 33.
Now I could be wrong, but this is just my belief and I'm just pointing out my observation when I began analyzing and unpacking verse 32 and 33.
So with that being said, let's go down the grammar and punctuation lane for a second. We're going to take a trip down the grammar and punctuation lane for just a quick second.
When Bud is used in this sentence, the idea, at least to me, is to introduce a cause contrast with what has already been mentioned.
So what was mentioned? We find that in verse 32. The word but introduces the calls. That is contrasting what is mentioned in verse 33. So we have a calls in verse 32 and a contrast calls in verse 33.
Again, we have a cause in verse 32 and a contracting cause in verse 33 and the word but is what separates the two.
Which is why I said if it wasn't in the verse context, you could put a comma or a semicolon to make it a complete thought, not a separate one.
This is why I said if it wasn't in a verse context, what would joint the ideas is if you put a comma or a semicolon to make it a complete thought, not a separate one. Hope you're following me. Now what's so cool is that there is a comma before the word but and after the word heaven,
which does make it a clippee thought, not a separate idea, but I digress. Moving along. Now, in my opinion, I believe that these two verses aren't quite talked about enough. So let me unpack it from my vantage point, while also highlighting the concerns I have as it relates to its meaning for today, for the modern believer.
Verse 32 reads, so everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my father who is in heaven. This verse, in my opinion, is a cause and effect statement.
Again, this verse, in my opinion, is a cause and effect statement. If you do, then I will do. Again, if you do, then I will do. Simple to understand, right? All right. Let's dig a little deeper into this verse. The term that is used is acknowledge. What does it mean to acknowledge someone or something?
what it means to accept or admit the existence or truth. ah To acknowledge someone or something means to accept or admit the existence or truth of. Now if we look closely at verse 32. The beginning of the verse says, so everyone, which refers to all the people within said group. Now what group could this be? What group could this be? It would have to be all of those
who have chosen to acknowledge who Jesus Christ is. Now, the text says men, but the audience you need to understand is all people. These are technicalities. I'm breaking this down so that you understand. Let me be clear. The text is all inclusive to all people.
That means men and women. So please don't read it and assume that it's just for men. Scripture says in Romans 2.11 that God shows no favoritism. So if you're reading this and you're assuming that it's just for men, it will contradict the gospel message, which is for all people, regardless of your race and your culture.
Another thing is Jesus uses the word me, which refers to himself. Again, Jesus uses the word me, which refers to himself. So we look at the entire verse from top to bottom. Verse 32. What we have discussed so far is going to make sense as I explain what the verse says.
It says, so everyone who acknowledges, meaning accepts or admits my existence, whose existence Jesus Christ, and believes me to be the truth before men or people, I, Jesus Christ, also will acknowledge who, you, before my Father who is in heaven.
you got that I repeat it again. So everyone who acknowledges meaning accepts or am admits my existence whose existence Jesus Christ and believes me to be who the truth before men or people I Jesus Christ also acknowledge who you before my father who is in heaven. Now, we have to understand something else. Who is the father here? Well, he's part of the Holy Trinity. So you have God, the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit. And they all are one, but all are a distinct persons in the Trinity. Again,
Now we have to understand something else. Who is the Father here? He is part of the Holy Trinity. You have God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. And they all are one, but all also are three distinct persons. Now there's an important reasoning why I'm pointing out the importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ.
scripture says is important right first John chapter 4 verses 2 through 3 NLT states this is how we know If they have the spirit of God, if a person claims to be a prophet, acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the spirit of God. But if someone c claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.
The reason why I have decided to mention this is because on a award shows where you have millions of watching eyes, you also have sport games such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, golf, track, UFC.
What tends to follow are any views on the field, in the ring or on the courts, not to mention press conferences to close.

Scriptural Analysis and Identity of Jesus

What you see a lot of times is the acknowledgement of God, but not the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ. And in my opinion, the truth of the matter is that's a use problem. I will explain to you why.
and why it's important that we are discussing this. Let's look at what Paul says in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 8 starting at verse 3. But if any anyone loves God, he is known by God. Therefore,
as to the eating of food offered to idols we know that an idol has no real existence and that there is no god but one for although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth as indeed there are many gods, lord keshe and many lords yet for us there is one god the father for whom
are all things and for whom we exist. And one Lord, Jesus Christ, to whom are all things and through whom we exist. So why do I take you to this passage? Because there are many gods in this world. Poor acknowledges it, you should acknowledge it. Again, why do I take you to this passage? Because there are many gods in this world.
As Paul puts it, some people worship many gods. Some people believe that God is everywhere. We call that pantheism.
Some people believe that God is the universe. So they worship the creation rather than the creator. Paul mentions that in the book of Acts, he mentions that also in Romans. So as believers, I believe that it's important to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God and he is God in the flesh.
If you are ever given an opportunity on any large platform and you want to give credit to God, my suggestion is make sure you mention your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Don't hesitate to do such a thing. This is a suggestion. I'm going to continue to explain to you why I think it's important.
Now to just say, I want to thank God is to leave God's identity up in the air for us to wonder, which God are you talking about? Because some answer, even though God is the title, the God that they're speaking of, the God that they're talking about, isn't the God of the Bible.
However, people choose to say God because it's universally recognized that there is a God, but the God that they're talking about is different as you look across different nations, societies, organizations throughout the world. When you acknowledge God, the question is, what God are you talking about? Are you talking about the God of the Bible? Or are you talking about a God of a different spirituality? This is very real and very true.
Here are a few scriptures da clear that are very clear about who Jesus is and what his identity is.
1 John chapter 5 verse 20. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true and we are in Him who is true by being in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
If you go to the gospel of John chapter one verse 18, it says, no one has ever seen God, but the unique one who is himself God is near to the father's heart. He has revealed God to us.
We go to the Gospel of John chapter 14 verse 9-10 Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long and you still do not know me, Philip?
Whoever has seen me has seen the father. How can you say show us the father? Do you not believe that I am in the father and the father isn't me? The words that I say to you, I do not speak of my own authority, but the father who dwells in me does his work.
Gospel of John chapter 10 verse 30, I and the father are one. Again, I and the father are one. You know, what's telling is how news outlets today continuously and purposely are cutting the portions out where people are acknowledging Jesus Christ as God.
lord and savior over their lives now that doesn't tell you what's going on and why you should be here aware of it then i don't know what else will right jesus and who he is is constantly

Consequences of Denial and Loyalty to Faith

under the attack we need to be mindful of it identify and speak out against it Let's look at what verse 33 says. But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father who is in heaven. In verse 32, I spoke about the importance of acknowledgement.
Again, in verse 32, I spoke about the importance of acknowledgement. Now we will cover what happens. with denial. Now we will cover what will happen with denial. If we go to 1st John chapter 2 verse 23 it says, no one who denies the son has the father semicolon whoever acknowledges
The reason why the denial of Jesus is an issue is because scripture says so, right? For it says this in first John chapter five verse nine through 12.
We accept human testimony, but God's testimony is the greater because it is a testimony of God.
Verse 9 says, we accept human testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which He has given about His Son. Verse 10, whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony.
whoever does not believe God has made them out to be a liar because they have not believed the testimony that God has given about his son and this is the testimony God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son verse 12 whoever has the son has life whoever does not have the son of God does not have life very straightforward you can't go around not acknowledging Jesus Christ you can't go around acknowledging God and ignoring who Jesus is Jesus is very important to the whole equation remember what John gospel John 14 success Jesus answered I am the way the truth and a life no one comes to the Father
Except do me. Again, powerful declaration. Very straightforward. Very much clear. Can't escape it. Again, you can't go around saying, I believe in God and Jesus isn't part of that conversation.
This is why Jesus said clearly, again, Gospel John chapter 14, verse one this time. Again, Gospel John chapter 14, we're looking at verse one. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. Who's the me? Jesus Christ, again.
Gospel well John chapter 14 verse 1 let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me as we conclude with verse 33 whoever denies me before men I will also deny before my father who is in heaven if you deny me in front of men which means all people, remember what I said earlier, if you deny me in front of all people, I will also deny you before my Father in Heaven. If you deny me in front of all people, I will also deny you before my Father in Heaven. So in conclusion, this is really about association.
It's also about acknowledging and not denying your interaction and your relationship with Jesus Christ in front of the whole world. Again, it's about
with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in front of the whole world. Remember what John said in the Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 18 through 19.
If the world hates you, keep in mind that I hated me first. Who's the me? Jesus Christ. If you belong to the world, it will love you as its own.
as it is you do not and for you to be proud of your affiliation with jesus christ always remember to choose him over everyone and everything, your friends, your family, your wife, your kids. You know, a passage we haven't gotten to as of yet, but it's apropos here. You can find it in Matthew chapter 10 verses 37 through 39. And we will close with this statement and head right over to devotional time.
Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. And on that note, we enter right into devotional time.
Gospel of John. Wow, we're being in the Gospel of John quite often. Gospel of John chapter 15 verses 5 to 8. Yes, I am divine. You are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit.
For a part, for me, not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want and it Verse 9 When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciple. This brings great glory to my father. Here's a short prayer to close out with us. Father God in Jesus name, help us to remain in you by being in you
we will grow and develop but most importantly produce much fruit for ourselves and also for others not to mention we will be classified and viewed as disciples of Christ. In Jesus name, cover us and help us to prosper. And we say this with all and In Jesus name we pray.
Amen and of course until next time The truth of the matters podcast audience be careful be vigilant and watchful As we depart from one another but never the presence of the Lord God bless And catch you in the next episode. See you next time