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125. Think Big, Manifest Bigger: Lessons in Abundance and Spiritual Growth image

125. Think Big, Manifest Bigger: Lessons in Abundance and Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Fitness with Eric Bigger
61 Plays5 months ago

In this episode of the Spiritual Fitness podcast, Eric sits down with Deepika Sandhu, the "Abundance Queen," to explore how to manifest abundance through spiritual wellness, writing, and expansive thinking. Deepika shares her journey from Silicon Valley executive to inspirational leader, emphasizing how embracing life’s challenges can lead to powerful breakthroughs. She provides actionable advice on overcoming fear, sharing personal stories, and aligning with the universe’s guidance to uncover true purpose. Listeners will feel inspired and empowered to think big, manifest abundance, and pursue their highest potential.

Also in this episode:

  • Life’s down moments are crucial for personal growth, leading to significant breakthroughs.
  • Writing is a powerful therapeutic tool, helping to clarify thoughts, emotions, and life’s purpose.
  • Paying attention to the universe’s signs and being open to its guidance lead to unexpected and rewarding opportunities.

About the Guest:

Deepika Sandhu is a four-time award-winning, bestselling author, TV show host, retired Silicon Valley business executive, and devoted mom. With a passion for inspiring transformation, Deepika has impacted over 20,000 people worldwide through her books, speaking engagements, thought leadership, courses, and private mentorship. Her debut book, Hello Universe, It’s Me, earned literary acclaim as a 2024 LA Tribune Bestseller.

To explore Deepika’s transformative work and offerings, visit her here: Deepika Sandhu's Courses and Resources.

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Introduction to Spiritual Fitness Podcast

Welcome to the Spiritual Fitness Podcast. I'm your host, Eric Bigger, and each week we will explore powerful practices, inspiring stories, and expert insights to guide you on your path to holistic health. By blending spirituality and physical wellness, we support you in strengthening your body and soul. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, the Spiritual Fitness Podcast is here to help you unlock your inner potential and live your most vibrant, purposeful life.

Meet Deepika: A Journey in Writing and Attunement

It's Miracle Season.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Welcome back. Spiritual fitness. Welcome back again. Ladies and gents, we have another phenomenal episode. I have the privilege to have, I call of her the abundance queen. Deepika. Deepika is a business executive. She's a writing coach. She's a thought leader. She's a best.
selling author three or four times, maybe more. and She's such an incredible phenomenal individual. And today we're going to talk about the power of writing, thinking big and being attuned to the universe. Hello universe. I think Deepika is ready to tell you how she scheduled her breakdown for her breakthrough. So Deepika, how are you? I am so very good. yeah Thank you for joining us.
Yeah. Happy, happy, happy Wednesday evening. Thank you. How are you? How's your day? you know was ladies And the latest and greatest on you? It's been a beautiful day, right? I had a really great thought that I was waiting to share with you and I wanted to share it with you. Yeah. But it there's the obvious versions of success, right right? Things that we see about ourselves. I'm just going to dive in, Eric. This thought was with me for a couple of hours. We'll integrate all the other stuff. Just go in and do your thing.
Success comes up in so many different ways that's obvious. Like we have external markers of success that are clear. But sometimes when things don't go well for us, we think that's an example of not being successful. But really the things that aren't going well for us are absolutely serving us and they're creating success in different ways.

The Turning Point: From Dissatisfaction to Discovery

So that was the thought that I was having earlier that I was like, oh, Eric and I can dissect that one till where cows come home. It was great. Just because things don't go your way doesn't mean things are not going your way. if you Exactly. To the people who don't know you, I know you very well. You're very you know intellectually sound, spiritual. You're attuned to the universe. You always preach about thinking big and manifesting abundance. But before we get into that, can you just give us a brief synopsis of who is Deepika? Where is she from? How does she become this abundance queen? And who is she in the flesh? yes
I'm a Silicon Valley business executive. I have been in this industry for 25 years. I just recently officially retired from my corporate world. But here's the thing. I had done everything in my life that everybody told me to do would lead to a happy life. I lived just ticking the boxes, ticking them off of what it was going to take to do well in life. I did well in school. I listened to my parents. I went to a great college. I got a good education.
I married a handsome man, I had the kid, I had the house, I had the life, and I had carefully curated every aspect of my existence. And I turned 40 and looked around and was like, wait a second, I don't think I want any of this that I created. On my journey to tech all the boxes in life, I never stopped to ask myself, does any of this make me happy?
And that journey at 40, realizing that at 40, crying in my closet, sobbing, trying to figure out what to do next, I just realized I didn't want to wake up at 50 feeling the same way.

Life's Challenges: Divorce and Personal Growth

So that's where my book, Hello Universe It's Me, comes from because I in that moment decided I needed to schedule a breakdown.
and figure out what to do with this life. If I could tell all these big tech companies in Silicon Valley how to optimize their operations and how to get better at doing this, how to implement better controls in their systems, well then I could surely figure out how to do that for myself. So this whole journey over these last four years, since the book came out, has been ah sharing this story with the world and it's been phenomenal.
Yeah, I think, you know, you prefaced it earlier before we even got into this that, you know, you got to schedule your breakdown for a breakthrough. And I think I want us to speak briefly on contracts and having challenges and changes in life. And I don't want people listening or watching to me like, oh, you know, these great things.
But what was some of the challenging moments or the contrast that you had to endure to be where you are today, right? Like I think in the world we live in, we don't give enough credit to the down moments, the sad moments, the real moments where you were in your closet trying to figure it out at 40, you had did everything, but was it making you happy?
What was the most pivotal moment in your life and what was the turning point outside of you know hitting the age of 40 that got you to where you are today to date you say, look, I want to retire and just go live another life and create a new breakthrough and breakdown and framework.
Yeah, there's no one moment. There's multiple moments that create the moments. There's all the tiny shifts and the tiny twists that kept leading to bigger and bigger things. But if I were to pick the bigger moments of this journey, getting divorced was so I don't even know the word, it literally knocked the wind out of me to go through that process. I knew that process was for me, but I went through a bitter, I went through a hard, I went through a contentious divorce, right? And that process and then adjusting a child, a very young child to a two-home system, this knocked the wind out of me, right? But in every step of that journey, because I knew
that this was right, this was what needed to happen, this is what needed to keep going in my own life, what I needed to go through. I held the faith that this was going to get me to where I needed to go, right? And so that was one of certainly the very pivotal moments of my life that really changed the trajectory of my life because without that moment, there is no Hello Universe, it's me, and you right? There is no book, there is not everything else that came from there for me.
But it wasn't always the big things, right? Yeah. And I think even for you, you've had huge moments, but it's sometimes those smaller moments that actually create so much more change than we could even imagine, right?
Yeah. and And I think that's the most important thing is that that big moment that maybe it was big at the moment, but maybe it was so small and get you to your big moment. So I know a few people personally and just in life in general, I think people deal with separation and people deal with divorce and challenges. What was one thing you can give anyone or someone if they're going through a breakup, ah divorce or separation?
What is the one thing a person can kind of keep in mind to kind of keep them moving forward in such a tough you know process? Well, you got to believe, right? You've got to believe that you can get through it. And that's not just words like, oh, you got to believe, you got to keep the faith. It's like actually in your bones feeling that this is happening for you, that there is something in this that is absolutely happening for you In my darkest days, I would just say universe today, just show me the way. Show me what I need for today in this moment to keep going. They say in the secret, if anybody's watched the movie The Secret, they say you can get all the way from New York to Los Angeles in the fog just seeing, you know, 20 feet in front of you every time.
If that's what's happening in your life and that's what you need to move through in your life, move through it that way. That's okay. I moved through it that way probably for several years of this transition into this new phase of my life, right? Where I didn't know what was going to happen day over day. But I had to hold the fate that I could see 20 feet in front of me and say, Universe, take me back 20 feet. I'll figure out the next 20 feet from there.

Writing as Therapy: Clarity and Imagination

Yes. So I think it's about having the faith, but not just in words, right? Not just in, not at a superficial level. It's truly feeling that faith, that trust deep within ourselves. You have to cultivate that. You got to create that.
Yeah, and you got to embody it. So with that deep faith and trust and belief, it sounds great. Clearly you got over it. You integrate that in your life. What was the deep faith and belief for you to write your first book or the book that everyone knows about? How many books do you have actually published? I have three books published and another one in the works. Got it. Yes, couple in the works.
For Hello Universe, it's me. It felt like the story was wanting to come out of me. So it wasn't like I sat down and said, I should write a book today. Here's my story. Let me go type it out. It wasn't that. It was more that the story kept coming to me. What I was experiencing in my own life was coming through me like it was a story, not just my story, but a story somehow, some way that so many other people were going to relate to. right? So creating that moment for myself, where I was like, I couldn't not write it, because it was coming through constantly as you've got to put this out there. And then it was just bravery, right? Like one foot in front of the other because it was scary. It was really scary to write my own personal journey.
And then it was extremely scary to move and put that personal journey out into the world for the world to see. But again, it was this faith, this belief that there's something that's calling this story through me wanting to come out into the world. So I need to let it, right? I need to let it all come through.
Yeah, and I think it's a beautiful story, right? Because you wrote it and you write it, but also psychologically, we create stories in our life and we're living stories that we manifest. Because you said scary a few times. What do you think? What's the reason why people have the greatest fear to leave the story they end to go create the new story that they want?
It's the only thing they know. The fear comes because it is truly the only thing that we know. We've only known the life that we have existed within, the life we see people around us existing in, and that creates our own pattern and program. Think about it. We're like a computer. I'm in Silicon Valley. We're like computers, yeah okay? We've got all these different inputs coming into our computer.
All those different inputs are what society has told us to do, what we might hear on the news, our parents, grandparents, Bollywood, Hollywood, whatever you're consuming is coming in as an input, right? And we believe that based on all these things that we've been hearing and been learning and been seeing around us, that that is then how we should respond when those kinds of situations or circumstances come up.
But what if that's not true, right? What if we are more than the situation, those circumstances and the people that we've been around all this time? And what if we could actually reprogram the computer to have different patterns and different beliefs? So the whole reason we can do something or we don't feel something or we can't move in some direction is because we don't believe it. We're fearful of it. Yeah.
And rightfully so because our computer has inputs of things that tell us that's true. But what if we could change the inputs, right? And create different inputs that allow us not to be afraid. So my input was to be very scared to tell my story. Oh, we don't need everybody to know that. You don't need to open the curtains on all this. Why do you want everybody to know what's happening? Just move on in your life. That was what was coming into my computer. That was my pattern and program. But what did I do? I said, no.
I got something to say and I think people are going to need to hear it. I don't know what they're going to get out of it, but I have a feeling that they need to hear it. And I gave myself permission, a different pattern, a different program to say, actually, I can do this. And now we have this output where people are reading this book around the world, right? We're about to release it in Spanish and it's ah reaching new audiences every day. It's winning. a Why? because I was able to change a pattern and program, create a new one that allows for a different outcome to occur. And so can everybody else. But we're so trapped in that fear. Yeah. I don't think we could change it. Yeah. I mean, you upgraded your mental software, right? And I always the believe that faith comes from here. So the more people can hear the story, they can hear from the story and they can look at their own story. And I think this is why writing
is powerful while writing is therapy. What have been psychological benefits that has changed your life just through writing? It could be German, but you've written several books. What is the benefits of writing in your mind's eye?
Writing has been the most powerful tool for me. I think I was always journaling even from the youngest of ages. I have my 10-year-old tween journal too and it has its all pre-teen angst in it. But the periods of my life where I wasn't writing,
That is where things got more confusing, more overwhelming, less clear. And there were big chunks of that, you know, big chunks of my 30s. I didn't write at all. Maybe I wasn't inspired. Maybe I had nothing to say. Maybe I was too afraid to journal, too afraid to share. But moving into my 40s, I wrote much more and I wrote much more prolifically.
And the the times of my life when I was writing, the clarity would come through, right? and The visions I needed to see came through. The imagination was allowed to go wild and actually think about different things in my day-to-day reality. And that was like incredibly, incredibly powerful.
Yeah. I always say, you know, writing for me is therapy, right? It releases emotions and thoughts and things. You know, I mean, we know we work with through this and the process that we're in. I'm opening up new portals and paradigms for myself all through writing, you know? And I think writing is honestly, now that I think about it, a pathway or maybe some of the quickest way to your spirit, right? Being attuned to your higher self, to the spirit of you.
And for you, what I've known in the last eight to nine months, you're really good at manifesting things that come through your spirit to bring it into life in an effortless way. So can you speak on the power of being attuned to the universe and how you've used that to kind of create your life to actually schedule, forget the breakdown, to schedule a retirement to go and start a new paradigm in your life that's creating magic for other people?
What is your power connection to the universe you know that allow you to have confidence and safe and believe to take a lot of action to create something that can help everybody else take action in their lives as well?
I think universe wants better and more for us than we want for ourselves. So controversial opinion, I don't think we should manifest specific things and specific outcomes. So you may want the white Mercedes to show up in your driveway with a big bow on it, but none of my manifestations have actually shown up that way for me. I instead say, okay, Mercedes would be nice, but whatever universe you want to bring my way, I am here to receive it.
And being in that energy of believing that universe wants more for me than I can even see for myself and being open to receiving that has been incredibly, incredibly powerful for me. Because what it has done for me is to say that I can only see what's in my 3D reality. I can only see what other people are getting. I can see that other people have white Mercedes. That seems like a pretty nice thing. I would really like that too. Let's go, right?
But I can't see the universe has this idea of landing me a private jet and saying, why don't you go on this, right? We got this for you. So I'm here for the bigger experiences. I'm here for the things that want to land for me that I am truly ready to receive and ready to flow into. But I don't know what they are until they land. So for me, this whole period of life that I've been in now, I mean, we can call it a quantum leap where part wheeling or somersaulting. Things have been happening, but they're not necessarily the things that I sat down and said, yes, I would like to have this check. right I have lived the checkbox life trying to do all of those things or trying to acquire or be or have the next thing that I think someone like me should have. Now I'm in this space where, okay, show me what's out there. What is it that you want me to receive? Allow me to be that vessel to completely allow it in
And I'm here for it, right? I'm here to accept it. I wouldn't have the business that I have today. I would not have the team that I have today. Heck, I wouldn't even have this house or this book or any of these things if I wasn't open to what was possibly coming my way, right? That was bigger than what I expected, right? If I just kept focusing on the thing I think I wanted, I think I wouldn't have been open to receive the other stuff that was making its way to me.

Prioritizing Spiritual Currency Over Material Gains

So I think it's about being a vessel, right? Being open to allowing in what is meant for you, which is what I say. Universal fits for me. Bring it. I'm here for it. Love it. Universal is just for me. Bring it. And it's interesting because I think, you know, I had part of it in my life where I think you and I both, we live the American dream. But what about the Universal's dream, right? What the universe has a dream for us?
the creative intelligence. And there's been moments in my life where I'm sitting and I'm thinking I'm strategizing and yeah, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that. And I'm thinking this is great. It sounds good. You tell a friend and get excited. And then you do it and it's like, it's not really making noise, yeah but it's felt that way. And then you're talking and you're boom, and then something comes in and then, oh, wow.
I'm gonna go on a TV show. I've never thought about that ever in my life. I didn't come to L.A. for that. I came to L.A. for house school. Oh, for real? Plant medicine? I hate medicine. I would never do plant medicine. Hike Machu Picchu? Oh my God. Worked with, you know, high-end entrepreneurs and CEOs.
Oh, I can coach them as well. You know, it's like, it's so true. Like we get so fixated on the plan, the five year plan, the marriage, the house, the kids, the family. But what if that's not in your wheelhouse to manifest for you and your soul's house, right? What is your soul want? Not what your ego, your mind do or what the family might want for you. And I think you've been really good at saying, you know what? I see this, but I trust this.
yeah Because this is bigger. I think we're talking about the days like we got to think bigger, right? Like, is this easy? Like, yeah, those things are great. But how does this manifest more if we're not thinking here? Yeah. And so I think what you've done in the course of A short span of time is really believing what's coming through. And I think that's the disconnect or challenge for people. They don't believe the downloads. They don't believe the thoughts that that spirit is giving them because they're not in tune with that. yeah Are there any ways or some suggestions or some tips you can give people to really trust what's coming through that might not be logical, but could make spiritual sense?
Yeah, you know, I was just writing about this earlier today. All my life, I got the soul sparks. That's what I call them in the book. That's what my company's called. And these are those moments where you literally get stopped in your tracks. Somebody says something and it catches you. You know, something comes in your path and you suddenly take notice of something that you never took notice of before. It's those moments when the universe is actually speaking to us. And what I was writing about today is that I Willfully consciously completely ignored the universe time and time and time again. Wow. Let's try for so many years to get my attention, right? Yeah, and I would be like,
hearing the message, feeling the energy of like, oh my God, something's wrong here, or I shouldn't be doing this, or I should be doing this, or whatever it might be, and willfully, totally, and completely ignoring it every single time, yeah right? So the universe is talking to us, but we don't trust it, right? We talked about having faith earlier and and believing in ourselves. But when universe is speaking to you, you actually have to hear it, not in one ear out the other, forget about it, I'll just keep going on my way blinders on.
not worrying about it. So in order for you to be connected with the universe, in order for you to be that vessel to actually receive, you've got to quiet down your life enough to hear what the universe is saying, right? If you're caught up in the go, go, go and the TV's all loud and the music is loud and the kids are screaming and there's a million things to do and the email noises keep going ding, ding, ding, ding on your phone all day. You never give your chance to hear yourself, the chance to hear what the universe is trying to tell you. And so you do what I did for a very long period of time, which is actively ignore what you're starting to hear about your life, the truths about your life that are starting to come through. But we don't want to be ignoring them, right? We want to be hearing them.
But we ignore them because we don't have faith and we're afraid. Going back to our old patterns and programs and everything we talked about earlier, we're afraid right to take a different path, to to take that step, to move in the direction that we might desire to be in.
I think what I'm learning while I think the world is moving, I think the world is moving more into spiritual currency, right? Because the material room is pretty, right? It's enticing, it's gravitating, but it's not actually real life because you can have all these things, right? But if it doesn't feel the way it looks, then what's the purpose? And I think we're moving into this space of spirituality, being attained to the universe, meditating in breath work, prayer, but really tapping into the spiritual bank account of ourselves. like What is this telling me? What is this showing me? What am I feeling that I need to do? So to go back when I first moved to LA, there was no logic. There was all faith in from my spirit, my intuition. And I think intuition is so relatable to people, but we ignore it because we don't want to believe it because maybe the thing that
that we might have to change as someone we love or care about or this job or career that we're attached to. But this is the spiritual truth. This is going to get you to the next level. This is going to spark your soul to write a book, to change your life, to travel the world, to find a new partner, to bring in that love, to bring in that abundance, to really say, wow, I didn't know I had this ability. I didn't know people saw me in this realm. And I think that's what I want people to take not only from this conversation, but take this and apply it in their life. Right, man, if we just sit still and you took a deep breath, what is the first word to come up? And don't even try to like change it, right? Like, for me, it's well like okay love. Oh, that's what came up for me, too. Mine was love.
right with Right, right. So something as simple as that. How can we take that and integrate it and manifest it more by trial and error or testing it so people can be more attuned to the universe of themselves to have a better life? Because I don't believe in We should struggle, suffer, fight, and sacrifice so much just to get to be one of those if there's a different path. And I think you've discovered that on your journey, writing the books, being in corporate America, helping big, big companies go public, you know, in stock market and all these things, you've listened and paid attention and followed with divine action. And I think all people want to do that, but they just don't have the faith.
And so where you are today in your life, what is different from who you were a year ago today and who you are today? What's the difference? Because something's changed. Something has changed. I think it's the belief, it's the faith, and it's the stories that I am telling myself about myself. Storytelling has everything to do with manifesting, right? Because it is a story that we are telling ourselves about ourselves, about our lives. It's what we are choosing to believe.
And the period of time is probably like two years ago to now for me, but it was like a different story I was telling myself, right? I was telling myself a story of, oh, I don't know, could I really, will people read this book? Will they like it? I don't know. I don't really want to talk about it. I'm afraid of what somebody might say about it. I don't want to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right?
Whereas over these last two years, the story that I've been telling myself is this book is meant to be in the world. This book is meant to reach larger audiences. This book is meant to impact people. I personally am meant to be a vessel for other people's stories to come through. I am here to help people live a more expansive life.
And then giving people permission that even if your life looks really, really good, and it is really good in certain areas, you are allowed to make those changes and you are allowed to move forward. So it really is about the stories you want to tell yourself. You don't like the way it's going. Change the story.
Start telling yourself a different story. Believe a different truth about yourself. right Believe a different truth about your life. Give yourself permission to see it a different way and just start to talk about it as if it is that way. Tell yourself the story you would love your life to be and then let it be it.
Yeah, let it be it. What is your recommendation or suggestion to someone? Because I know a lot of people out there that have amazing stories, like amazing stories in their presence. And when I hear from them, I'm like, you need to quote this. You need to write a book. And they're like, yeah, yeah.
Is it when when people say, yeah, yeah, I'm going to write a book and just saying, is that like fear that there's going to be a failure or they don't have the resources? Because I believe everyone has a book in them, but there's people out here that I know personally to me to write a book, not for vanity, but for longevity. I wrote a book in 2015 that I published in 2021 that people were buying and still benefiting from. It's timeless.
And I'm not saying everyone has to write a book like us or me or we, but write their own book. Give me 10 pages. But I believe people have medicine in them that can help their environment, their community, and help themselves. So what do you prefer someone someone who has so much to give the world? And they they're thinking about writing a book. They have no clue what to do. What should be that first thought of action?
97% of people who want to write a book never start. 97? I just read that recently, like they just never even start. 80 something percent of people who start don't finish. So here's the thing, if you have it in you and you want to write a book,
Number one step is to just start writing. Make ah a daily habit to just write a little bit every day. Sit back and think about what are the scenes, the episodes, the moments in your own life that you feel are worth sharing with someone else and pick one and write a little bit about it, right write a paragraph about it.
Just play with that a bit to get started but the hardest part of this is just getting started because again we're programmed by fear. Who's gonna wanna read my story what if I write all this and nobody even likes it what am I gonna do how am I gonna publish it how am I gonna sell it let me tell you.
The answers are there for every one of those fears right that are there. The number one step is to just actually get started right is to actually just write something so if there's a moment in your life where you're like oh this would make such a great story. Take the mini moment within that moment and write a paragraph about it and give yourself permission to start.
The other way to start is to say, to ask yourself, well, why? yeah what Why do I want to share my story? What would be my intention behind my story? right I believe our stories all need to be told. Every person out there has a story and nobody has your exact story. So you could say, I'm going to write a book by, oh, who am I to tell a story about a woman climbing the corporate ladder? and She doesn't really love her life at 40. Well, you know, there's already books like that. There's Eat, Pray, Love and there's Bridget Jones and there's this and there's that. But there isn't my story or there wasn't until I published mine. But there isn't your story either, right? So your story from your vantage point, from your viewpoint, from who you are, from all the inputs that made you you that created this moment and to share it
That is your unique story and that needs to come out. So if you've got a story in you, and you do, you've got to start to put it out there. You've got to get past the fear. Yeah, and I think I want to you know share with the audience, people listening and watching that even in a container that you're holding space for, for me, I'm opening up new parts of myself I didn't even know existed. We discovered together that my entire life I went against the grain.
right I went against the grave to be where I'm at. But I didn't know that. I'm like, I'm just living my life. I'm just being he. But you will discover a different part of you to take you to the next level all through writing, right? Things you didn't even know that was still inside your body, your mind. And I just think writing is so underrated just as much as reading. It's like they don't get the proper attention because it's tedious. It's boring.
But it can change your life just reading a book, yeah writing a book and just writing is in general, right? Your journal. It makes sense to fear because we all have fear. But at the end of the day, when we aspire, we retire, we transition. I feel like the book, a book is the best way to leave your energy, your wisdom behind. Right. Even if it's a small table read. And I think it's important. Let's talk about thinking big.
because I feel like you were really good at that. Where did this intention start for you? Where you like, oh, what was the moment? you Like, you know what? I need to think bigger or I just, just what I do. Was it because you was in a corporate world? Because how you were raised? Like where's this paradigm of thinking big? Where did that start for you?
I think thinking they probably started after I left college, got my first corporate job because you're watching people above you. It's kind of this thing that might happen with anyone when they step into their first job. You're seeing the people above you, the managers and the partners, the vice presidents, how they're dressed and what they look like, what car they're driving. And you start thinking, oh, wow, if I work really hard, I can get to that level.
But once I had gotten to all those levels, right, i had done all those things, and I had a lot of career success very early, I looked around and thought, okay, well, now what do I do? Right? What now? What is this going to be like? And for me, then it became like, let me unlock a portal for myself that is not just related to corporate success and career success, but truly related to what is out there and actually possible for me.
So I think it just took a lot of training because my brain was also wired to be afraid and worried and concerned and to take the practical route of a daughter of immigrants. I wanted to work hard. I wanted to make them proud. I wanted to show them the fruits of their labor in my own success. But after all of that, after doing all of those things, it was like, there's got to be more here, right? There's got to be more to unlock here.
And that took a lot of training because you have to unwind the fears, you got to unwind the concerns, you got to unwind the worries in order to get there, right? But it was but also, I think, more and more about believing what could happen if you just try. So remember earlier I said the small shifts can have really big outcomes. Little things I was doing was starting to open more and more doors for me.
even if it was small. So releasing the book and going on my first stage to talk about it probably four or five months later, unlocked 24 subsequent speaking events. I didn't know that that was possible. Right. But one thing will kept opening a door and leading to another and leading to another and leading to another. I didn't know that could happen.
releasing the book led to, wow, we should do a book tour, but it's the middle of the pandemic. This is like you know summer 2021, right? Well, could we do small, intimate, outdoor, beautiful events up and down the coast of California? Yeah, we can. Doing that made me realize, wait, we can do these kinds of workshops and these kinds of things for more and more people, right? Writing a second book, getting a bestseller, submitting a book for an award, it actually winning the award. All these things are little steps that kept opening another and another and another step for me. Winning those awards got me the TV show in Australia, right? I have a TV show that aired there last year. That opened that door. Something else opens another door. Everything is sort of bumping us into what we are meant to receive. So we start to get evidence in our day-to-day life that thinking big is working because we're making tiny shifts and things are happening.
But now what if we give ourselves permission to think bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger every single time? We're going to end up someplace pretty darn big, right? If we do that, if we actually believe that those things can be true. But it is really about trusting ourselves because we're conditioned not to actually trust ourselves, right? Not to think very big, but For me, the evidence came for me in every small shift creating yet another opening for me. And I just kept following those where they go, right?

Dream Big: Risks and Opportunities

And that led to bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger thinking for me, and bigger results.
Yeah. And I think Thinking Big has also, for me at least, has to deal with, let's see, let's see what's going to stick, right? Because it's like if you're in a negotiation, right? And we're, say, a brand deal. know And I'm a company that's looking for, you know, speakers, authors, thought leaders like yourself. And it's like, oh, you got a budget of we don't know our budget." And I'm like, oh, Deepika, how much does it cost to book you for an arena of 5,000 people? What's your rate? Right? I think that's where thinking big starts for people. Because if a person is never made, let's say 10,000 sphere, yeah they might jump, kill her. I'm going to try five. And then they're like, oh, really? Oh, that is so good. You know what? We're going to book you. You get the gig, and then you'd be like,
yeah I should ask some more, right? So there's actually a video of Gary V, Gary Vantage. He said his first ever speaking gig, a company was asking him how much? And you know, he's not thinking he's never a really been paid to speak. And he said $10,000. He said, they say yes so quick.
and got the money out to me, I could have made 30,000. But he wasn't thinking big, right? Because his attachment to it wasn't as much as it could. I think this is what people feel when being an entrepreneur, setting prices on their training and everything that they do, business products. Thinking big is also to do with like risk takingking taking, taking chances, right? yeah You know, I always say, go big and go home, but what if you don't have to go home when you go big?
For me, one of the things is it's not comparing yourself to others. Like, oh, Eric got booked for 10 grand. I didn't get booked for 10 grand. What do I do now? It's not that. It's like, Eric, how much did you charge? And you tell me, I did it for 10,000. I'm like, I could charge 10,000. And then I get the opportunity to say, I will charge 10,000, right? And I may get paid 10,000. I may not. But the act of me saying something that is big allows big to be possible. If you never think big,
if you never think it's possible for you that you want to be up on that stage, right? And you think it's not possible for me to be up on that stage, then it's not possible for you to be up on that stage. It's just like what we said earlier, it's the story you're telling yourself, right? That you can't do it. But if the story is, oh, Eric, did it Eric charge this? Okay, Deepika, I can do that too. I could see that for myself. right Well, then that becomes my story. That becomes possible for me. Maybe not that time, but maybe the second time, right? Or the next time that opportunity comes along. That's the power of thinking and being in the rooms with people who are thinking big like you, right? That's the room I want to be and where someone is saying, oh, yeah, I charge 10 grand every time I get on stage. Yeah. All right. I want to be in that room. where I want to know how they did that. I want to do that too.
Yeah, and visibility, right? Like I discovered from having public visibility how people look at you. And if you don't see anyone, like you, for example, Indian descent, immigrant family members and stuff, now you make people believe that they can do it. Like when I wrote my first two books, it was for me, but it was for my nephews, right? I don't know nobody in my family who has a book.
I don't know nobody in my family that left to the West Coast for $1,000. So everything I'm doing, it's not only to think big, but to change the dynamic and what's possible within my family and for my lineage. so Because at the end of the day, it's bigger than us, like SoulSpark Express and everything you work here, the multi, multi, multi, multi, multi-million dollar plans and things you know that you're manifesting. It's going to be for your daughter.
It's going to be for your mom. It's going to be for everybody who's behind you, your team. And so thinking big has also to do with everything and everybody attached to you. And I think that's why with most people, when they have kids, they have to think bigger, right? Because we get back to the universe, some way, somehow people find a way to figure it out.

New Ventures: Soul Sparks Press and Spanish Release

I know people who don't make enough money and they got four kids, but some way, somehow the money comes up. And why? Because the universe conspires to what we need and what we want.
But if we think bigger, how much more can we get? So I love it. So the question is, Dibica, what is the next big thing for you that people should know about or hear about in this moment? Well, we are releasing the Spanish version of Hello Universe It's Me on September 10th. So the English version, Hello Universe It's Me has been out for three and a half years and it's been inspiring breakthroughs in the English speaking world in beautiful and exciting ways. And we are so Honored and excited that this book is making its way into the Spanish speaking audience. We'll be doing live events in Miami. We'll be in Mexico City. We're going to be in Colombia as we've got a full Spanish language book tour coming up that we're very excited about.
And we've launched Soul Sparks Press. So I don't talk too much about it yet, but it's been beautifully exciting to bring sweepingly inspirational stories to the forefront. Inspired action memoirs is what we're talking about. And these are big stories, beautiful stories that are going to launch people's own Soul Sparks all around the world.
So very excited to bring these stories to life and be a vessel for other people's beautiful stories to come through and inspire others. So creating the same magic that I've experienced with books for other people. And it's an honor. It's so exciting.
Yeah, and and it's not only exciting, it's healing. like I think what you offer helps people heal. I think there's a hidden agenda when writing what it does for your vessel. It actually amplifies something in you that allows you to evolve in places where you didn't think.
And what you offer outside of that, I mean, you got coaching, like what else? How can we get into your energy, your vortex? Where can we find your book? How can we order it? Should we follow you on Instagram? Is there an email list? Like, we want to know all the things. Come follow me on Instagram. I'm at on Instagram. The book is Hella Universe. It's me. It is available on Amazon.
available Barnes and Noble other locations as well. That's how you find me. If you are interested in all the various things I do, come on over, send me a DM, I will get to scheduled in we will talk, it'll be fabulous. There's lots of ways to work together to write your first book or to rewrite your own story, change your life, come into living your big, beautiful, amazing existence. So all of it here for all of

Final Thoughts: The Power of Personal Storytelling

Oh, thank you, Deepakar. This was great. But before we leave, can you just give the people a bit of inspiration that they can take for the rest of their life through what you experienced in your life so far?
Your story matters. Your story matters. How you live that story, how you exist within the story, all of it absolutely 100% matters. And if you don't like the story that you're living right now, if you don't like the way that it is right now, you can turn the page on the story. You've got the pen. You are the captain of this ship. You are writing the story. You get to change it. All you have to do is decide that you want it to be a different way.
So if that's what you want in your life, if you want it to be different, if you want it to be something that you haven't even seen before, that you don't know is possible before, write it into existence because you can change your life. This is your story. This is your shot. Go for it.
Go for it, people. You hear it, go for it. Get your story help. On Zach Deepika. Follow her on Instagram at DM her, connect with her. Remember, think big, attune to the universe and write, write in this therapy and eventually publish your book, Soul Sparks Press. This was amazing. Deepika, thank you again. I'll see you soon. I'm wishing you so much gratitude and abundance.
It's another episode. There's your fitness. See you in the next video. People have a good one. Follow her. Be great. This was good.
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