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147. The Power of Divine Intuition: Elevating Your Spiritual Journey image

147. The Power of Divine Intuition: Elevating Your Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Fitness with Eric Bigger
51 Plays8 days ago

In this episode of the Spiritual Fitness Podcast, Eric Bigger dives into deepening your understanding of divine guidance and exploring how to let God guide you towards success and fulfillment. Eric embarks on an insightful journey, speaking about the confluence of spirituality and intuition, and discusses how we can harness divine energy to better our lives. He demonstrates the significant impact of spiritual practices on personal transformation and life enhancement.

Eric provides strategies for allowing God to be your life coach by sharpening your intuition and enhancing your spiritual fitness. Eric shares compelling techniques such as writing prayers, sitting in silence, and trusting your innate knowledge to connect more deeply with the divine within. He offers wisdom on evolving your relationship with spiritual forces and recognizes the importance of humanity, individuality, and realistic reflection in a world of distractions.

Also in this episode:

  • Tap into God consciousness by sharpening your intuition and trusting the profound knowledge within, opening pathways to divine guidance.
  • Develop an intimate relationship with the divine by writing prayers and nurturing your connection with the spiritual realm.
  • Silence and reflection: Sitting in silent meditation for 11 minutes daily can align your energy with divine intelligence.

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Introduction to Spiritual Fitness Podcast

Welcome to the Spiritual Fitness Podcast. I'm your host, Eric Bigger. And each week, we will explore powerful practices, inspiring stories, and expert insights to guide you on your path to holistic health.
By blending spirituality and physical wellness, we support you in strengthening your body and soul. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, the Spiritual Fitness Podcast is here to help you unlock your inner potential and live your most vibrant, purposeful life.
It's miracle season.
Spiritual fitness, spiritual fitness podcast.

Aligning with God for Success

I'm your host, Eric Bigger, and I'm back again with another episode. In today's episode, we're going to talk about God, your God thoughts, your God intuition, God force, universe, the creator, infinite intelligence.
But the topic today is going to be for me to teach you how to allow God to train you for success and fulfillment in life. right But before we get into into this episode, I want to talk about Elia Sparkling Rose.
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Check that out. Don't forget to go to It's Miracle Season dot co. Get you some Miracle Season merch to have the Miracle Season and frequency move through your body and your vessel for miracles to appear in your life.
And last but not least, don't forget to sign up for one on one coaching. I still a discovery call or intentions call to see if we are in alignment and I can help me help you change your world for the greater good of humanity.
So it is. So let's get

Personal Spiritual Connection

right into it. God, what is God, right? How do you see God? Who is your God? What have the great sages said about God?
So I got a definition. I think it resonates. So it goes, God, a superhuman being or spirit worship as having power over nature or human fortunes, a deity, a moon God.
So my interpretation of God is a strong, energetic, spiritual force that has the energy of masculine and feminine, which is all into one, a divine union, right?
Of source connection that you can connect to, to tap into, to open up your vessel, to tap into your super conscious mind, to have awareness, to have great insight, deep insight, intuition to better your life.
believer. God in all ways. I believe God is in everything. Crystals, this photo behind me, God is everywhere. God is infinite, intelligent. It's omnipresent.
It's energy, a strong force that we can connect to, to open up our third eye, our higher self, to tap into our crown chakra and become what we need to be in this lifetime.
I think in these times that we're living in now where Pluto's gone into Aquarius, Aquarius, it's more of like about humanity, about realism, about individuality, about the people, about justice, right?
The eccentric, unconventional way of being

Training God to Coach You

human. But I say all that to say, I think it's time for most of us to take back our individual power, our autonomy. And I believe the way to do that is to train God to coach you, right?
To train God to coaching. And I know somebody like, what? How do we train God? God is training us. Right. God is working through all of us in its own divine way.
However, if we're not tapping to our God frequency, our God consciousness, we don't really know what cues or insights or inclinations to take in to change our life. Give you an example.
right? And everything in life, your life, my life, everybody's life, we have relationship with things. We have a relationship food. We have a relationship with others.
We have a relationship with our bodies. We have a relationship with our mind. We have a relationship with our job. We have a relationship with money. We have a relationship with emotions. And even if there's not conscious relationship, unconsciously, we have a relationship with these things.
And based on your relationship in those containers, all those things will dictate how you do in those areas of life. So for me, I've been coaching and training my body, my mind for years.
So in that department, I have a great relationship with my body, mind and spirit, right?

Focusing on Personal Truth

Spiritual fitness, right? My intention is for you listening, people of the world to become spiritually fit, to have a deep, direct knowing that about yourself, your life, your purpose, your soul, and what you're here to do in this lifetime.
Everyone is not going to have the same agenda, the same purpose, the same livelihood, and that's okay, right? So this is why we can't and we shouldn't compare because if we look at social media, mass media, anything that's going the world that's outside of us is a distraction. Politics, all these things that distract us from our truth. And so in this podcast, I want to teach you and give you awareness around how do you allow your God to coach you through your life.
So prime example, today, working out in the gym, I got a download. Like, oh, I can have a podcast episode on train God to coach you. That was the topic that came in and now and I'm talking about it, right?
That's God working through me to give me a topic to talk about, to go deep into, to expand my consciousness and the consciousness of others who's listening.

Trusting Intuition and Divine Guidance

So I always believe our intuition is God talking through us.
I always say creators of like Shopify, Apple, Uber, all these great things. I call those God thoughts, God synchronicity working through someone's vessel and soul to change humanity in this lifetime, right?
It's a miracle season. It's something I channel. I believe God gave through me to give to the world. Same with spiritual fitness, right? So I say all these things. How can you listening or watching train God to coach you to have a successful life?
So I have a few topics that I want to dive into. So the first topic is sharpen your intuition. That's one way. The second way is write a prayer to God. The third way is sit in silence for 11 minutes, ask much needed questions or question.
And then fourth is think like God and how would the light come through your vessel? Last but not least is trusting the knowing you know. All right. So let's go backwards here. I want to start with trust the knowing you know.
And I'm going to make these very simple and to the point. And i don't want to overwhelm you. i want to be relatable. And I want you to really listen and take this information, take this energy and inject it, embody it, integrate it into your body and your mind and your soul and see where it lands to help you in your life right now.
Trust the knowing you know. What does that mean? So there's something you know without question, right? I know that there is a God.
I know that there is something more powerful than myself that I can connect to and help my life be better. I know you put anybody in front of me, I can help them shift their mind and paradigm and help them be better and heal themselves.
I know that. I don't need a book. don't need a certification. don't need validation. I know because based on my life experiences and things I've grown through and healed through,
I know, right? I know there's a higher self because I work with my higher self all the time. I know that every individual has God power within them. So there's something in your life that you know you do well without thinking about it.
And you trust it unconsciously because to trust something, you don't have to think. You just know, right? So write down or think about what is that thing you know without knowing that you already trust that you don't even know you trust.
And that's something that's attached to you. I don't want this to be attached to anyone else. Not a family member, not a spouse, not a teacher, not a mentor, not even me. You know, i was telling someone years ago when someone was telling me about someone else and they were saying that the quote goes, don't you know that I know something about myself that you don't?
Think about that. Don't you know that i know something about myself that you don't know? That's trusting you knowing about information, without logic, without resistance. You just know.
So that's one way to start tapping into allowing God to come to you, to coach you in ways. And that's just from something you know, right? So what do you know about the unseen? I know that we breathe in air that we can't see.
We're breathing, but I can't see what I'm breathing in, but believe it's air. But I know I'm breathing. I don't think about it. I trust that I can breathe. And this this stuff is very simple.
But if you understand, you get where I'm going. So whatever you know that you trust, allow that part of you to tap into a deeper part of you that you also know.
So I want to jump to sharpening your intuition. Example, I got an intuitive hit about this episode and this topic. So guess what I did? Because I trust my intuition, I followed through.
Okay, God, thank you for that. I'm going to talk about this. It's that simple. I don't want you overcomplicating. Your intuition can pick up on energy. Your intuition knows things about people without being in their life.
You have someone tell you, I don't know, it's something off with that person. their energy's off or I don't know, I just feel that's your inner being. Your inner God is trying to talk to you about something that you need to pay attention to.
So people, sharpen your intuition. So we always got one, trust what you know that you already know and allow that energy to help you sharpen your intuition. And here's the thing, test your intuition.
We get intuitive hits all the time. I'll keep giving you an example about this episode, but let's say for you, like yesterday, I was in a gym. Again, this is why spiritual fitness is so important in my life because the gym opens me up to receive more light from the creator, from the universe, from God, from my higher self, right?
My spirit was telling me I need to go run outside. Now it's not really the best to run on concrete because it's not really good for my needs. And my leg. But I love running because I have so much energy.
So I ran two miles. So I go outside and I'm running. And probably like maybe four minutes into my run, I look to my right. And I'm like, this guy looks familiar. But I got my AirPods on, my my beats on, and I'm running.
I'm feeling good. And we had a light. So I had to stop my look. And it was a rapper from my city, Baltimore, named Young Moose. And I don't know him personally, but I know of him.
And I think before I saw him in passing, and I'm like, I think that's the guy that's from Baltimore. To make a long story short, I take my beats out and I say, hey, man, what's going on, man?
You look familiar. So maybe he's seen me, he know about me because Baltimore is a small city. And I said, man, I see you, brother. Like, keep up the great work. Kanye West actually shouted him out and told him that he's a great artist and, you know, gave him some love.
So that was big for Baltimore, especially for him. I think he's from the East Baltimore. It was good for me to see another Baltimorean out here in l L.A. chasing their dreams, going after what they believe in. But that was God telling me, because that was a strong hit. You need to go run.
So, boom, I connected with him. And he was like, man, you know, Dimitri, you look familiar. got great energy. Man, I be needing that positivity or that kind of, but

Representation in Spirituality for Men of Color

I be working out, but you know it's just good to be around good energy.
Basically, that's what saying in a nutshell. and I was like, man, I know. I get it, man. said, this God sent. It's no accident. I just ran into you. We exchanged numbers. I continue my run.
Boom. I keep running. so That was good. you know We connected. so Then I run about a mile, and I got to run back a mile. so As I'm coming back, On my run as I'm about to go into my building where live, I see the FedEx guy.
And when I met him about three months ago, my spirit was moved. asked him like, what is the lesson you would give somebody in life? He was older than me for sure. think he was saying like, I forgot what it was, but it was kind of like round of God or spirituality.
So make a long story short, we're talking, we're catching up and he talking about, you know, his angel readings and him hiking and out in Altadena and he's writing a script that's about to come out. And we talk about star seats, all this deep spiritual stuff that I think some people are not privy to or they're not comfortable talking about because it doesn't make sense to their reality.

Manifestation through Writing and Prayer

And we just had a great conversation. And I was telling him, I said, the world needs more men like us talking about spirituality and the health, way especially for like a man of color, a black man, African-American, because if you don't see something that you can relate to coming from someone you look up to, it's hard to believe that it's true, right?
The reason, as I would say, men of color, black people, the reason we play sports and rap and do all these things because that's what we see the most. So we got to start creating a new identity around how do you see a black man in America today?
Right. Okay, cool. They're educated. They're groomed. They're spiritual beings. We all spiritual beings. They talk about spirituality, God, you know, allowing God to coach us as I'm talking.
And so I was telling him, said, man, let's catch up. And boom. But I got the nudge to go and run. And in those run, I met two people that I was supposed to connect with. The universe doesn't make mistakes. God doesn't make mistakes.
Right. So that's another topic of how you sharpen your intuition. Intuition might like, instead of going to Whole Foods a day, go to Trader Joe's. Call your mom. I talked about this in a previous episode. I think we just ignore our intuition because we sometimes we want logic, but the intuition doesn't need logic to follow through.
It is the knowledge that you need to listen to. So anyway, on to the next. Write prayer to God. Why do I say this? Everything I'm telling you in this moment is to get you connected to that God frequency within, right?
So when we're listening to our intuition, when we're trusting the knowing we know, And now writing a letter to God is allowing you to connect to that deity, that energy of God that is in you, around you, and with you every moment of your day.
There's a scripture I like in the Bible called, it's Proverbs 4, 7, and all you're getting, get understanding. So I'm always trying to understand things. And this is what I want you to understand about the power that you already have without needing anything.
Write a letter to God. I want you be very specific. And write it from a way of like, God is your father. God is your brother. or God is someone you look up to. God is your mentor.
I remember in 2013, I wrote a letter to God. I was asking God to like protect me, make me better and attach me or put me around or people who run the world. I want to be able to coach and train and help people who run in the world to help the world.
Now, mind you, this is 2013. I think at the time had just left Amber Carbone and Fitch as a manager. i think I was working at a nightclub. I was in the one bedroom with a roommate. you know I was just trying to figure out.
And so boom, I think it was like four years ago, I'm moving out of my Burbank apartment to come to Hollywood. And I had a Bible. And in the Bible, that's where I placed this letter.
I take it out because I didn't know it was in there. And I'm like, wow. And I read the letter and I'm like, everything that I said in a letter to God has come to fruition, has manifested in my life.
That's the power of God, right? So you right now in this moment, go somewhere quiet and nice, settle into your great energy that you are, And write a letter to God and give it 30 days, put it in under your mattress, put it in a book, put it in the Bible, put it on an altar, put it in a sacred space in your home, it in your wallet. I don't know, somewhere where you feel like it's safe.
And then after 30 days, come back to it. And you DM me. You talk, you reach out to me and I want you to know what happens. Now, and if you don't trust, right? Or you don't believe and you you're not doing it with faith when you're writing it and don't write it.
That's another way you're going to allow God to coach you through life, right? Because you're connecting to the energy of God to tap into your vessel, to give you discernment, to sharpen your intuition, to give you more knowing that you trust so you can live a fulfilling life.

Receiving Divine Guidance in Silence

Right. I always say spiritual currency is the best currency in the universe. The reason people don't believe it because they can't see it. But guess what? I'm living it and I can feel it every day. right. So that's three.
So we got trust the knowing, you know, shopping intuition, write a prayer to God. All right. Next one is sit in silence for 11 minutes. Why do I say this?
The reason I want you to sit in silence for 11 minutes is because I need you to settle your energy and be still. It says something in the Bible. I'm not sure the scripture. Peace, be still. And know there's God. Know there's a one.
Stillness Speaks is a book by Ed Hart Tolley. It's a great book. But sit still for 11 minutes with the intention to ask questions that you want greater clarity and revelation on.
So say, for instance, you know, I'll be moving from here. think my lease is up in eight months. OK, I can go sit for 11 minutes and ask God, like, where do you want me to be and in the world?
Where you want me to live? Because I have that trust and faith in God and not in my ego or my flesh, not the way I do God, I believe I'm go get the answer and clarity I need, right?
And I think you should do this daily just to practice. This can be simple questions, just like sit for 11 minutes, And what should I do today? How can I add a value? you Always say, God, use me. Use me today, God. Use me, Lord.
How do you want me to show up today? Give me the signals. Lead God and direct me. Allow me to post the right content with the right people. Allow my content, my voice, and my presence to be healing, God. Talk to me. Come on, what you got?
And then I sit still and I listen. and things come up, right? And the reason I say 11 minutes, because 11 is a master number. It's illumination. It's sacred and deep healing and inspiration and spiritual.

Embodying Divine Qualities

So give yourself 11 minutes. You ever see 11, 11? I always call divine alignment. So yeah, sit in silence for 11 minutes and ask whatever question you want that you might be dealing with. You might have a big decision. You might got to have a crucial conversation. You might have to ask for a promotion, maybe go through a breakup.
Or it could just be, how can I have more success? How can I get more people into my podcast? How can I work with more high-end clients? Like, whatever it is, I just want you to do these routines, this practice, and watch what manifests in your life.
All right, so sit in silence for 11 minutes. and there another reason you need to sit in silence, because we're so distracted. We're overstimulated. We got social media. We got our phones.
We got gossip. We got all these things that distract us from the God within. And this is what I'm trying to get you to train God to coach you in life. That's how it works. God, thank you for coaching me and training me and helping me.
I love you. God is everywhere. And it's in you. This is why you're listening to this because you want to tap into the God force within you. You wouldn't even be here listening this far in an episode.
So thank you for your time. God, thank you for bringing this person. Whoever this person is that needs this message, this revelation, clear their energy, heal their energy, strengthen their mind, strengthen and give them more power, allow them to tap into what you need them tap to tap into for their highest good. So it is. Amen.
Right. That's God. So we're almost done. Last but not least. Think like God. And how would the light come through your vessel? So if you were the creator, if you were God, how would you show up?
How would you think? How would you dress? How would you speak? How would you look? How would you feel? What are your habits? Right? Think like the creator. Be like the creator. How would the creator show up?
what they created with you Would your God have fear? Would your God have hate? Would your God have jealousy and envy? Would your God worry and have doubt? I'm pretty sure your God wouldn't.
So I want you to start thinking like God would think. Be like the creator. Think like the creator. And take that time and do this every day. Do it for 21 days. And see how your life manifests and change. I promise you it will.
And that's not my ego. That's God telling me to tell you that. Because with consistency and discipline and trust and listening to the listening, life will manifest in a great way.
Right? So people, allow God, train your God to coach you in life. Train your God to help you a life. Train your God to love you a life.
Train your God to teach you how to accept others in your life, how to be forgiven, how to let go of the past and surrender. This is why we're doing all this. So you can connect deeper to the God within you to open up your heart, to connect to your mind, to live a fulfilling life.
I want you to win. But I also want you to know you have something within your vessel, within around you that you can connect to when you feel off, when you feel down, when you feel anxious, maybe sad or depressed.
You have access to that higher power.

Call to Action and Podcast Closing

And in this episode, this what it is this about. So go back, re-listen to it. Go back to the beginning. Trust in all you know and sharpen your intuition.
Write a letter to God, right? Sit in silence for 11 minutes. How would God think? And then go from there. And I promise you things will change for the better. It's a miracle season.
Spiritual fitness podcast. Let's get it. But listen, that's all. That's it. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your energy. Share to the podcast.
Download this podcast. If it resonates, help me get more viewership so I can help more people. It's not about me. It's about we. And we can do this.
We are doing this. I love you for being you. I love you that sometimes you don't know what to do. And that's okay. You're human. So this is why I'm here with this platform through my podcast to speak through your soul and your vessel so you can be better.
So it is. I'm out. Have faith. Have trust and think like God and train God to coach you to have a great life. I'm out. Peace and love.
Thank you for joining us on the Spiritual Fitness Podcast. We hope today's episode has inspired you and provided valuable insights for your holistic health journey. By blended spirituality and physical wellness, you can strengthen your body, mind, and soul.
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