Season One Recap

That's a wrap on season 1. Thanks for listening. Please be sure to give a 5-star review if this season benefited you. 

Season 2 is planned to Launch in Fall 2023 as we begin talking about strategy. 

We would love your feedback. What topics do we need to cover in season 2?

If we have a bonus episode in-between seasons 1 and 2 what gaps in your understanding could be address?

168 Plays
1 year ago

That's a wrap on season 1. Thanks for listening. Please be sure to give a 5-star review if this season benefited you. 

Season 2 is planned to Launch in Fall 2023 as we begin talking about strategy. 

We would love your feedback. What topics do we need to cover in season 2?

If we have a bonus episode in-between seasons 1 and 2 what gaps in your understanding could be address?
