75: The Politics of Meditation – Jacqui Lewis  image
S1 E75 · The Politics of Everything
75: The Politics of Meditation – Jacqui Lewis 
79 Plays
5 years ago

Jacqui Lewis is a bit of an entrepreneurial powerhouse. Today, along with her husband, she is the co-founder of a global school The Broad Place, gets stressed-out humans skilled-up in accessible tools and practices so that they become more creative, grounded, healthier and happier. Jacqui takes ancient knowledge and makes it easy to understand and easy to employ in our modern day lives.


An educator, facilitator and speaker on clarity and high grade living, Jacqui teaches Integrated Meditation in Sydney, Melbourne, Byron Bay, Los Angeles and London, hosts retreats globally, and runs workshops and talks centred around enhancing creativity, increasing clarity and expanding consciousness.


Before she taught meditation, she was immersed in the world of advertising, marketing and branding so knows a thing or two about being stressed!


Here, Jacqui discusses The Politics of Mediation including:


  1. How she got into meditation?
  2. What does The Broad Place do for people?
  3. Is meditation for everyone and how can we find time for it in hyper busy connected world?
  4. What is the biggest myths around meditation you hear and how can we enjoy the benefits from mediation?
  5. Final words: What is your favourite idea that for you sums up The Politics of Meditation?

To connect with Jacqui:

W: https://thebroadplace.com.au

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacqui-lewis-2b102419/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebroadplace/?hl=en


Amplify your ideas and get a bit political with me! To be a future podcast guest or connect with me, I can be found at: amber@amberdaines.com

 Amber’s social media links:


