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JUMP! An epic soul and sex adventure – a conversation with author Lenerd Louw image

JUMP! An epic soul and sex adventure – a conversation with author Lenerd Louw

Fit For My Age
20 Plays7 days ago

After a successful career in insurance Lenerd Louw felt a need to connect with his inner self by undertaking a global adventure.

Starting in South America, his moves are unplanned instead determined by the location of the next learning experience.

In this episode of the Abeceder podcast Fit For My Age Lenerd discusses his book JUMP! An epic soul and sex adventure with host Michael Millward.

The book explains what Lenerd learnt about his spirituality and sexuality. As a result, this episode of Fit For My Age includes discussions of adult themes.

Their discussion of spirituality explores how a spiritual awakening can reduce the risks of being ego driven.

After explaining the four reasons for sexual intercourse Lenerd explains how an increased spiritual awareness can help men and women to overcome the restrictions that historical attitudes towards sex and sexuality impose on western civilizations.

Proactive Positive Ageing.

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Lenerd’s adventure involved travelling to over 30 countries. If you would like to embark on your own travel adventure, you can access trade prices on flight, hotels, trains, and hotels at The Ultimate Travel Club. Use our offer code ABEC79 to receive a discount on your membership fee.

Find out more about both Michael Millward and Lenerd Louw at

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Introduction and Podcast Overview

Made on Zencaster. Hello and welcome to Fit for My Age, the health and wellbeing podcast from Abecedah. I am your host, Michael Millward, the managing director of Abecedah. As the jingle at the start of this podcast says, Fit for My Age is made on Zencaster.
Zencaster is the all-in-one podcasting platform on which you can make your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms. Zencaster really does make making podcasts so easy.
If you would like to try podcasting using Zencaster, please visit zencaster forward slash pricing and use my offer code ABICEDA. All the details are in the description. Now that I have told you how wonderful Zencaster is for making podcasts, we should make one. One that will be well worth listening to, liking, downloading and subscribing to.
Very importantly, on Fit For My Age, we don't tell you what to think, but we do hope to make you think.

Guest Introduction: Leonard Lowe, Author of 'Jump'

In today's episode of Fit For My Age, we will be dealing with adult themes, so if you are listening in a public space, please turn your volume down or use headphones. Thank you.
Today, my guest who I met on matchmaker is Leonard Lowe. Leonard is the author of Jump, an epic soul and sex adventure. Leonard is based in South Africa. It's not somewhere where I've ever been, but I understand it is a beautiful country. If I was going to travel to South Africa,
I would make all of my travel arrangements, flights, hotels and even perhaps a package holiday at the Ultimate Travel Club because that is where I gain access to trade prices on all of my travel purchases. There is a link and a membership discount code in the description. Now, hello Leonard. Hi Michael, wonderful talking to you today. Or you've only just started Leonard, you can't be saying that until we've finished, do you never know what might happen.
I love that, I love that. But I am really pleased that you've able to join us today and talk about your book and your research and all the various different things that you do because you have had quite an interesting and very varied career.

Leonard's Personal Growth Journey

So could we start by you just giving us ah a potted history of Leonard Lowe and what's led you to be where you are today?
Yeah, I've always been super passionate about people connecting deeply with the life and world around them, themselves and people and nature and the planet. and The first part of my career was in business, but even in business, I ended up about 2013 leaving that was all about developing people. you know so That's what I was passionate about. I was a CEO of of an insurance company in Cape Town, South Africa.
by that time, like early 40s. And it was just that I had inner voice telling me there's something to do, something different with my life. And yeah that led me then to resign, sold everything, gave everything away, put a one way ticket to Lima and Peru. And and it that started a five year journey around the world with a lot of workshop initiations across spirituality, sexuality, you name it. Yeah, I came back to South Africa in 2018, wrote a book, it got published in major bookstores and Yeah, now out of that, um people, the learnings in the book and the memoir, people approaching me and now I'm sharing my experience from that place. Why did you decide to start your journey around the world in Peru?

Spiritual Adventures and Insights

Wow, that's super pretty interesting. The plan was actually to go to New York because at that point in my life, I thought I was just bored with this specific business.
and I looked at the temperature chart in New York in January and for African to go to to to a place that's like minus two degrees Celsius doesn't work. here i So I thought I'll go to i either South America or Southeast Asia for three, four months and then May I'll be in New York. And in the end of the day, I kind of flipped a mental coin. I was always and super interested about South America and Incas, the history of that of the place and the language. yeah So that was the main reason. and But then it ended up not going to New York at all. It became a totally different journey. It wasn't about business at all. It was just about an individual yeah awakening and you know just a learn so journey of of learning and growth. um yeah I ended up spending a year in South America.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you left South Africa, it sounds like your intention was not to go on the journey that you did go on. Your intention was to go to New York, very commercialized city, lots of big business, and actually develop your career in New York.
Exactly, Michael. It was such a confusing time. This thing started happening about 2009 until 2013. In know hindsight, it's much clearer now, but then it was very confusing. In hindsight, it's basically my personality was still doing something. My soul was wanting to do something else now, and that was the disconnect for those those four years. and It was a clear message that I should be doing something different, but I didn't know what. And, you know, the logical mind, you know, that can only work in terms of the past, you know, it's not the intuition, it's not as deep. The world looks logical when you look backwards into the past, but you can never actually understand exactly the logic of what might happen in the future.
Yeah, so so beautifully put. That was exactly it. So I just thought, hey man, I'm um tired of this business. you know We build businesses, direct to consumers and financial services, catch up the middleman. It was super fun. So you end up in Peru. Was there a conscious decision to go to Peru? Or was it sort of like, I'm at the airport. The next flight is leaving to Peru. I did book it about a week before. And the main reason for Peru was the Inca history and Machu Picchu.
So you spent a year in South America, where else did you go? After Peru, I spent two months there, I went up to Ecuador and then to Colombia, spent actually lived six months in Colombia in a beautiful city, Medellin, city of eternal spring. And then after Colombia, Tom in Guatemala, that was a year. And then ended up in Hawaii, where I went to my first Tantra festival and first workshop on spiritual, it spiritual, sexual shamanism. And after that, 35 countries, Michael, all over the world. Quite a long list.
So the time that the like the spiritual journey started, that was when you reached Hawaii? It's something that happened in Ecuador, which is important to share, is that I ah got parasites, what they call amoebas in South America, and I got quite sick. And that is actually what almost caused this journey, because then I became quite sick, and I went to antibiotics that couldn't cure it, and I couldn't recover from this thing, you know? and When I got to Guatemala, I came into connection with Chamonte in the village, basically introduced me to emotional release and to some other people in the village that were doing these workshops around the world. And that really opened me up to the spiritual journey. i i read
Seat of the Soul, ah Gary Zhukov, and doing emotional expression release, bunching cushions and stuff in these workshops. um And that's when the the parasites kind of started leaving me. And I said, it was really a gateway to this awakening. And from there, it really expanded. And then from there, they told me about the the training in Hawaii. And I basically just flew to Hawaii

Themes of 'Jump': Consciousness and Sexuality

for that training. And then over the five years, the places I went went to was always where the next learning opportunity was.
There's a connection between being ill, having conventional medical treatment, that not working. And then ah so I'm thinking like the ultimate in alternative health medicine is the shaman and the various different things that they do. I actually see rid your body of this parasite, which then started you on the journey to, which ended up with being the author of Jump, an epic soul and sex adventure.
at least That is so spot on. you know For me, a left brain guy, know studied law, studied business, and then in that business space for long, very much always relied on my mind, an analytical, logical part. know For me to have really gone into that, that it needed something. It needed a catalyst, like this illness. you know so This illness is not like you go to a hospital and you're like that type of thing, but It really depletes you from your life force energy. You lose weight and I i i lost weight from 82 kilograms to 72 and I was a fit lean 82 and I left. So yeah, so I realized I had to do something. I was i was really desperate for anything and that just created the opening for me to explore. Why is the book called Jump?
Oh, beautiful question, man. So jump is the jump into a higher consciousness. So it's the individual and collective jump of humanity into into the next level of consciousness, the spiritual awakening that's that's happening ah around the world. And it you know it's continuous jumps, not just one jump, but we can see there's a massive awakening happening around the world. And and sometimes it's masked by the violence and the wars that's going on. but But I believe it's just a the the The opposite side of the energy, the energies for a while need to balance. But there's a massive awakening and for me it was an individual awakening.
of realizing, you know, I'm so much more than my mind and my ego, and that there's so much more to life and to being. And, you know, I realized the, you know, you don't know what you don't know is probably one of the scariest things. So when I started expanding, I thought I was a pretty clever guy, you know, but my ego, and then when I started learning stuff, and I realized I actually know nothing, then really, yeah, it was the start of the journey. And Yeah, so the jump is really what I believe is happening across the planet at an accelerated space. Jump into into into love consciousness, you know, more into collaboration. this This journey though is a deliberate act. It's a jump. It's not a stroll.
into this. Once you are on the journey, it sounds as if you had a series of jumps of those revelationary type experiences that have changed your mindset around the way in which you should live your life.
Exactly. Yeah, it's definitely not a struggle. It's it's it's like ah like a way like and like awakening is a sudden thing, you know, you're sleeping in your wake, you know, it's like, yeah, and once you awake to certain things, it's it's it's impossible to go back. So the things that were important in your life before, once you know the extent of existence and being, then you awake to that and you and turned into a higher corner vibration, frequency, more awareness.

Authenticity and Soul Connection

Once you're aware of a lot more things around you,
then it's kind of difficult to close your eyes and go back so yeah it's a one-way journey in many ways it's not something that many people will oh i'll have a look oh i'm not going in it's once you're into it it's it really changes your life for sure so what about the second part of the title an epic soul and sex adventure Tell me more about that. Yeah, the the the first edition was an epic travel and solo adventure because I was into the book shows and my publisher thought, you know, I said it was going to be too much. But now I'm doing the second edition and I got my rights back. So I changed it to what I always wanted.
ah to an epic soul adventure because I think it's more yes it is a traveling around the world but it's it's definitely not a travel book you know so it's it's a deep expansion into into the soul and to awakening and living from a soul space not just from your personality but drop into what's in front of you right now right here bread crumbs listening to the whispers of the soul And it is also the second part to that six adventure. It's also a deep drop into sexuality. My own sexuality and into sexuality on a collective basis on this planet, which is so ridden with with shame and guilt and fear. You know, for thousands of years, from both a religion point of view, from societal conditioning, there's so many people, ah not so many people, I think all of us have certain levels of conditioning of shame and guilt around our sexuality.
So a big part of the book is really about that. And there are a lot of pointers in the book. So it could have been 10 volumes this book. So a lot of it is pointers not necessarily expanding in all the areas, but definitely a pointer.
that people can then dive deeper into some of these topics. The book talks about the soul, the actual you as an individual person as a soul rather than a personality and we use our souls to connect with the world around us whether that's other human beings or our environment or whatever it is that we happen to be doing. Here is exactly. We need to be more connected to our souls which is our inner inner person. It does cover the personality also in the terms of um you United did workshops and the Enneagram you know finding what type you are there in terms of your personality. I did with a lot of the
International School of Temple Arts Training, the level one is more about personality, about your masculine and feminine energies in your personality. And then the level two is very much about the soul journey. So it's really both, Michael, it definitely that discover and I also also discussed my process in a desert with Heart of the Souls was written also another book by Gary Zukov about ways we avoid going deep within and how we avoid our emotions.
So a lot of it is about the personality in this world, but then definitely, as you say, it's to be open to to to be open to the whispers of the soul. you know And often we're so busy on one track or in one box that we don't really necessarily listen. And the whisper and whispers are often soft soft. So yes, it covers both. Listening to ourselves, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Listening to... The messages that we get from society, as you say, will determine our behavior if we're not connected to our soul.
If I'm understanding you correctly, if we are in touch with our souls, then it becomes easier to be ourselves rather than to be conditioned by what society says that we should be. Exactly. That is, you know, I love the saying about live your own movie, not someone else's movie. Yes. And I think the conditioning is so strong that many of us or most of us or all of us at some point live someone else's movie. The big part, as you mentioned, is if you listen to the whispers of the soul, then you're really living your own movie and you become, I think, being authentic, you know, and authentic start with, authentic with yourself, you know, even before with other people. And that is one of the things that a lot of people say when they come out, for example, is that they had to be authentic to themselves in terms of their sexuality in order for them to be themselves. Being authentic about their sexuality was one of those very important steps that people took.
And I'm wondering, is the widely held interpretation of sexuality what you are talking about in the book, or is there a different way of describing sexuality? I think it would be so beautiful on this planet if we can be with our sexuality as we are with, let's say, what we're going to have for breakfast or watching the sunset. It's not charged with with with with the conditioning and the shame and guilt around it. Because I think it's the free life force energy that flows in our body. you know That's what keeps us alive and keeps us young. you know
And I love your your name of your of your podcast. you know but yeah It's not just when you're 20 or 30 or yeah it's also when you're 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. Your sexuality is a big part of when it's your life force energy. It's your sexual life force energy. And yeah even at 70 or 80, even if you're not making love on a daily basis, and and you can. I mean, that's also my message is please do. But if you're not, but but at least to still cultivate your sexual energy because you know They say, the I love the thing about the four purposes of sexuality, first being procreation, and first second recreation, third health, and then fourth, consciousness and spiritual advance advancement. um And the third one, health, you know it's so important. I think it's it's so so underrated.
the the sexual energy in our bodies to cultivate that, to always keep it alive. What does the book explain in terms of sex and sexuality about what people should be thinking about? Because yeah we are all, regardless of where we are in the world, impacted by what many people might say are Victorian um attitudes towards sex and sexuality. Things like marriage is, well, we could have a whole hour-long discussion around the purpose of marriage.
And this idea that one man one woman, that's how it should always be, you're advocating for people just to connect with their sexual energy. Yes. it what How does it all fit together yeah in terms of the conventional norm at the moment to people who are connected in love romantically and that becomes the accepted way in which people express their sexuality. Or what did you discover on this epic adventure act that will help people as they age to stay in touch with that sexual energy that you've described? Oh, perfect. A few beautiful questions in that question. The first part, so in the book, the way that I share it, which I think is quite a cool way to share it because it's plain language, it's not prescriptive. I basically write about my workshops I went to, you know, I went to one of these spiritual, to spiritual sexual, I did 10 of those around the world, spiritual sexual shamanism. And I would
It's a seven-day residential workshop, you know, from morning till evening. So it's super, super deep work. And I write about the experiences there and some of the rituals we went through and some of the learnings and so on. And then I talk about the effect it had on me. So that's to answer that part of the question. So that's how the learnings then come across. And in that, a lot of it, as I mean mentioned, is about the the shame and guilt part that we then realize, wow, you don't think we have it, but we have it. And then to drop that. Then the other part of your question in terms of You know, being monogamous or polyamorous, you know, in terms of you know one person or or more people in your life. You know, the same point. it's it's It all boils down for me to authenticity and living your truth. And if your truth and your desire is is just to be with one person, I wouldn't say just to be.
desire is to be with one person then that's that's perfect that's beautiful and that's your authentic expression and you know some of my friends around the world you know that some of the guys that that also teach some of the stuff are in open relating and they do it perfectly and they do it authentic and super conscious and open communication and that's their truth is to be with with more partners and um I think that's also perfect because they're living there with c authenticticity and they not um conditioned, you know, in terms of of shame and guilt around it. And then there's another part to that question that you mentioned in the end, um how to into your old age. Now, there's something in in a book that I also write about, and that is the the practice of of ejaculation choice and semen retention.

Sexual Health and Relationships

And it also relates to being multi orgasmic as a man.
So 20 years ago, this started happening to me and I just might be able to make love for a long time and have body orgasms without ejaculating. um And sometimes when I talk about this, I go like, wow, because there's so few people in the planet that know about this. it's It's rapidly expanding, but it's still very new to a lot of people.
And when this happened to me 20 years ago, there was no one to talk to. I was in business, you know, it's not something you raise in a boardroom. And then when I did my training around the world, 2014 in Hawaii, I came across Tantra and Taoism. Then I learned this is an ancient practice from two and a half, 3000 years ago. I mean, and the Taoists were a group of doctors in ancient China that practiced this for for health and for spiritual growth. So this is a beautiful practice of where realizing and in an essence of it is to to realize that ejaculation is beautiful. So it's not to say don't ejaculate, but it it is to be a aware of how often you ejaculate. you know And if you ejaculate three, four times a day and you do it to fall asleep at night, or you do it because you stressed, every ejaculation is two, 300 million sperm cells plus loads of vitamins, 200 different vis vitamins and enzymes. So a lot of your
life force energy goes out of you. And as you age, you know as you get over 40 or 50, 60, just the knowing that you can make love, um even if you do that on a daily basis or a few times a week, but you you don't have to ejaculate every time. um And maybe if you're over 50, maybe you only want to ejaculate once a week or once in two weeks.
um And that is, I believe, hugely beneficial for aging well for men, is having the knowledge and experience about what you, I'll call it almost the ejaculation hangover period. You know, ejaculate, it take you three to five days, seven days for your body to replenish. Yeah, and then if you ejaculate continuously in that cycle, you live in that hangover period your whole life. So I think this is a big body hack, Michael.
So the act of making love, ejaculating, the purpose of that is reproduction. So you are sharing part of what will create a new life. But that is the process actually takes vitamins and minerals and all sorts of things from your body.
you are then have to reach regenerate those. So what you're advocating for then is that people as they age should understand those four stages of sex that you talked about, which was your procreation or recreation.
um You know, I'm just having fun at the health spot, you know, just breathing this energy up up in your body is super healthy, you know, to self pleasure every morning and maybe not even ejaculate, but just have the energy flowing is really, really healthy for your for your body and for your organs and And almost no one talk about it. We're not taught this at at at school. And then the first one is just spiritual advancement. What you're saying, which is the really value add interesting revelationary part of this is that, I suppose in certainly Western society for men, the physical expression of love to someone, you make love to someone involves ejaculation. Exactly. Whereas what you're saying is that if you're interested in procreation, then yeah, that is an essential part of
that relationship. If, however, you're talking about expressing love, desire, all those sorts of things, then it is possible to have a physical loving relationship that doesn't have to focus on the ejaculation. It focuses on more of a whole body experience.
That's exactly it. And it's you know the same thing that we often say about life. you know It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. It's about you want to aim somewhere and get somewhere. But what what is it like? It's not going to be the next five, 10 years you work towards this goal. But are you enjoying this nice five, 10 years? Or is it just the goal? you know does it so It's about the journey, not the destination. And I believe the same in lovemaking. you know I think the and in know pornography also played a big role with the thing about ejaculation, you know, the ah call it the money shot, the money shot, yeah the money shot, the ejaculation shot. And so people get so conditioned, it's all about ejaculation, exactly. And then it's not about the journey. um And then, you know, especially for women, but for men also, so but for women, you know, if it's a five minute experience. And it's just about ejaculation, you know, she hasn't really even started dropping into a orgasmic ability or even eating a body and plus the connection now and imagine how
Fabian's completed 20 minutes of making love, looking into your partner's beloved's eyes. That's just that heart connection that happens with that. But what you're saying though, if you advance soul and sex adventure, you can learn how to connect the physical expression of love to your soul. You can have experiences which create the sensation of ejaculation without the need to ejaculate.
and those experiences can go on for much longer than like you said the five minutes and will be more satisfying for both partners. That's exactly and you know just to sort on it it's also and we're talking now but as you age but this is this is so for any age you know so I do these 21 day online courses where guys don't ejaculate for 21 days and we that's a whole guided course a group course was twenty thirty guys on And the youngest guy, the last one was 22 and the other guy was 70. So this is something that is super important actually to learn in your 20s already. And I love your description of your podcast. It's like, I wish I knew those things. in model
in my 20s, you know, when you got into your mid 40s. And it's the same thing, you know, this is this is just information that's not so available, but so important. One of the things that you are saying from ah an aging perspective,
is that especially for men as men age they start to worry big time about their sexual performance and loss of erectile function is one of the big issues and it's what you're saying in jump and epic soul and sex adventure is that men shouldn't worry about that because it's possible to have orgasmic or Yeah, orgasmic type experiences without actually having to have the ejaculation. Yes, and also then to to manage that, you know, I call it the ejaculation frequency, often you ejaculate, you almost, you know, you replenish your your your life force energy, you replenish your libido, but a lot of it was pornography and, you know, masturbate to that on a daily basis, which create create insensitivity, later erection problems.
Now they just exhaust the body and they lingam the penis so much. So you're also having this knowledge that the early age is super important and then, but you know, whatever age, even if once in your 50, 60, get to know it, it already helps. So yes, definitely. Now there are some of the friends of mine that are in their 70s or 70s already that are teaching some of these courses and they are, you know, fully beautifully engaged in, still in installing their and their sexuality and their sexual lives.
And I suppose it it comes down to, this is the so societal norm. This is what you are supposed to do. That doesn't always work because like in many cases that is designed around, you will be this age, you will be having this type of sex in this type of relationship. And what you're saying in your book, Jump, an Epic Soul and Sex Adventure, is that if we connect with our souls and understand more about our bodies, how our bodies work, then we can actually have better.
I won't say sex life, but you can have a better loving sexual life as a result of understanding more about yeah how our bodies age and how to create those sexual feelings and feelings of orgasm without necessarily needing to have the ejaculation.
Yes, and and also as you say, it was broader than then sexuality because now you have more energy, you're more alive, you can connect with your kids, grandkids. It it's really allows you to engage with life more on all levels. Yes, yeah we're two men talking about this, but I imagine that it creates a completely different type of experience for the women involved or it's more focused on on them.
Yes, I mean, the some of the partners of of the guys that have been on my course afterwards have said to me, wow, what what happened? What did you guys do in this course? My man is so more present, you know, what do you do to him? He's so more present and more about man. And now it's it's a much more intimate connection. And there's this fascinating thing is that, and it's evolutionary based, and this is quite a long discussion, but I'll just give a pointer, is that also, if you don't ejaculate every time, you know, then the that the heart connection gets stronger between the partners because now you haven't ejaculated, they haven't spread your seed. So after, if you stop, you also want to cuddle your partner more. You you know you know the movies where the guy holds a woman for a while because he thinks he must just hold her for 12 seconds, cuddle after six, you know you know? You go way beyond that because you really want to do it, you know? You actually still feel connected.
whilst if you ejaculate, obviously you're going to another space, which is also beautiful sometimes, but you don't have to have it always. We're talking about heterosexual relationships in this particular context, but the same sort of approach would work for members of the LGBT community as well? Definitely, Michael. I've i've had guys that are bisexual, that are gay. I mean, I don't like normally even using these tags, but you know, but but just for explanatory purposes. um Yes, that there are different sexual preferences that have been under course, because it doesn't really matter if you're too two guys connecting, they say not while having especially then not having guilt as sh and shame around your sexuality is super important because society puts so much on that. um And then also being able to last longer and breathe energy up rather than ejaculate it fast is also super important. So it applies to all men. It really does sound
very interesting and I know is a very important part of the aging

Episode Recap and Closing Thoughts

process. So, you know, I really do appreciate the time that you've spent with me today. and Thank you very much. I really do appreciate your time.
Thank you, Michael. I'd love to talk to you again any time and thank you for the insightful questions. It was a was a big pleasure. Thank you. I am Michael Millward, managing director of Abbacida. And in this episode of Fit for My Age, I have been having a conversation with Leonard Lowe, the author of Jump, an epic soul and sex adventure. You can find out more about both of us at There is a link in the description.
I must also remember to thank the team at Matchmaker for introducing me to Leonard. If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or like Leonard have something very interesting to say, Matchmaker is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. There is a link to and an offer code in the description.
At Fifth of My Age, our aim is proactive positive aging. Knowing the risks early is an important part of maintaining good health. That is why we recommend the annual health test from York Test. York Test provides an assessment of 39 different health markers, including cholesterol, diabetes, vitamin D, vitamin B12, liver function, iron deficiency, inflammation, and a full blood count.
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