S1E1 - Mary - Culinary Inspiration! image
S1 E1 · Dairy-Free State
S1E1 - Mary - Culinary Inspiration!
4 Plays
4 years ago

Episode 1 of my Brand-New Podcast!

I can't believe it's taken me so long to get this podcast off the ground, but now that it is, I can't wait to keep going! I have had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now, and Mary was the perfect first guest to have on the show.

For years, I have thought about making a separate site to talk about chronic pain and chronic health issues. It always felt like a different side of myself - something that didn't quite belong on Dairy-Free State. But after talking with lots of people about how often the choices they make with their diets intersect with how they're managing their various health conditions, I had the realization that it's all connected for so many of us.

I kept trying to compartmentalize parts of my life, even though they flowed into each other behind the scenes every day. Putting chronic health topics front and center on Dairy-Free State feels more appropriate than ever.

Mary and I had an awesome conversation in March, before we had both been on self-quarantine for a while. Since then, she's really kept me inspired with cute mask photos, updates on her garden, and of course, delicious and inspiring meals almost every day. If you're looking for someone who has a curious and adventurous approach to food, look no further!

Intro and outro music: Ketsa - Curious Nature

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