Introduction and Game Setup
Hey everyone, welcome back to Rolling Crows in Pawn. Sorry, I do not get to hear these wonderful sound effects that I get that I put in this. But yes, so I ate the cues from the players and they tell me when to go. So here it is. I am your GM Jesse today and we're doing the holiday special. We are doing Kids on Brooms. I don't have a title for this. This is not a huge
endeavor today. Hopefully it'll be a lot of fun and a lot of subtle holiday things.
Uh, we'll see. But I have my cast with me and they are going to introduce themselves. But, uh, I'll be playing myself. And my familiar is Succamet. Succamet and I met someone who is a cat who is lazy and does absolutely nothing. And my wand is Canadian. It's made out of maple wood and it has loose velvet in it. Very Canadian.
Hi, I'm Fida, and I play Fida in Offbeat Eccentric, who loves all things purple and likes treasure hunting, going around and looking for stuff, fun stuff. Pretty easy going. My wand is
wood lilac, sorry my one's wood is lilac wood and the core is a phoenix feather and my familiar is a raven named Nevermore. Hi I'm Bex and I'm playing a new character called Cassie Day. She's a reluctant oracle
And her familiar is a mischievous raccoon named Richard who has some sticky paws. And her wand is made of ironwood and has a phoenix feather. Hello, I'm Colin. I am an even better player than Max's character.
My character's name is George Grimwood, mainly because I wasn't sure I was supposed to pick a new name or use my own. I completely forgot about that. So that's why I have a wonderful new name. My character has a fear of being locked away and wants to see the world. He also has a raven, but cooler since it's white. Ooh. It's not not supposed to be racist or anything connected with that just to make that known.
Here at Rolling Cross the Pond, we accept all races, all sexes, all types of people from all ages. And all types of birds. White birds, brown birds. All types of birds. Yes. That was good. That was very good. Even the ones that are pink or blue. Yeah, that's good to know. I was very scared if my bird was going to be discriminated. So that's...
And my wand is a, where's my wand? My wand is made out of cherry wood with the core being a wolf's tooth. Very cool. And that is the cast. Hopefully I don't need to create any NPCs that I haven't yet already created. If I do, they are going to be silly and not helpful. Just FYI to the players. We'll make you make up some anyway, probably just because that's how we are. That's my new goal. But yes.
We are, again, playing... Kids Unburns. Yes, Kids Unburns. And so you guys are in the Hofmoor Institute of the Arcane. It is in the mountains. It is in a... I just took the liberty of saying it's in Canada.
I don't even know if they have mountains in Canada, but I felt like that instead of Luke being the exchange students, the others are the exchange students. And I thought that would be a little bit of
Assignment: Discovering Christmas Spirit
fun. I don't know what the mountain is called. It is an A mountain in Canada. Everyone here is American, but me, right, Colin? Well, I'm from Wisconsin, so that's America's Canada. So yeah.
I don't mind being an exchange student. I have some... No, no, I wanted it to be this way. I have some mystique then, and I can play up to my character. Nope, not happening. Nope, not happening. And they have been given an assignment. It is going into winter break as of now. And their final assignment is to find out what is
Christmas spirit and that could be an indifferent the the professor professor Okay, Arreus Let's it open to interpretation. It could be a physical manifestation of the Christmas spirit. It could be a Spiritual it could just be a literal Translation whatever whatever you guys had come up with could come up with before
It is created, it is to, that is, that will be your final grade for this semester. Let's start earlier in the morning though. Let's start because we have a special student with us and they, they, let's see how they slept. Let's, let's start with that. What are you rolling for? It feels more fitting to go with grit, but my brains are so much higher. So I'll roll grit.
Okay. Real great then. One. Okay. So your ability, your, your, uh, your night was not great. You try to get some sleep and it's really not just that it was scary, not that it was just broken up, but it was like a barrier.
that kept you from sleeping and the only thing you got from it were the only way you can justify this are like this sick the silly like pointy shoes of an elf
Like, not even just like a proper soft point, but like the spiral end point. Like these are proper elf, like Christmas-y shoes. With a little bell in them. And so from that, so you guys, where are you guys studying?
Chaotic Magical Events Begin
Where are you guys trying to figure out this abstract assignment? I don't know if we all have the same house.
It doesn't matter if you have all of the same house, you can have the same teacher. But if we're going to go to the common room, but you could just study it. I will say there is a common room that is like all houses can come in. So there's like, if you look at the map, I have built, I have made these school listeners just for today, just for these next few hours, which really made me think,
I've spent so much time building this school that we actually need a full campaign about this school. So who knows what will happen in the future. But for today, I have made it. These guys are in it. They have specific areas. They know the specific areas of school. Will the map be posted on the Instagram or something so that people can follow along? What is the GUI tower?
So the Gooey Tower was a bit of fun for me. Basically, it used to be known as the Eyeglass Tower, but a certain professor left a vial that was a reproducing vial, and some kids thought it'd be funny to put
this like gooey extract so nobody even knows if it's edible or not but like it is constantly reaching like growing and growing and growing until it's consumed this entire place and it just doesn't fit anymore and so it's not actually usable unless you want to swim through a whole bunch of goo but no one can get to the vial because it's just constantly pouring out even though it's stuck
So it's called the Gooey Tower now, as let's say 30 years. You have built so much lore for just one tower. I know. That his whole use was probably just to explain it in that moment. We're probably not going in there. Nope. I probably will.
Okay. And the theater is an amphitheater? Yes. Yeah. This school is very specifically also targeted towards wizards and witches and sorcerers and whatever magical beings that are into the arts as well. So bards too. It could be, it's not just about like,
the common arts or like Shakespeare. Like Shakespeare. Like Shakespeare to the dark arts, like all of the above. But yeah, that's why they have a full-on amphitheater. Are we able to go to the home of the house elves? Or does Cassie's character have a bad reputation with the house elves? I don't see why not. The house elf's home
isn't very popular because they're house elves but it doesn't mean you can't visit and they're nice elves these aren't like mistreated so so people think that at least and they portray themselves as pretty well respected especially the head house elf which is beanie all right what is the building behind the house elves
That is a, well, there's a lot of different names for it, but it's, you would know it probably as a laundry room. Do the laundry room. Is that really your choice, George? Sure. You're going to study in the laundry room. I don't see why not. I was stacking up all the places in my mind, like it'd be nice to go to the library or a nice little like outdoor area with a water fountain here.
enjoy that. But yeah, let's go to the lunchroom. All the other study spaces were taken. You do see this is a campus wide assignment.
Yeah. The laundry room is close to that home the house sells. I'm guessing if we're a study group and we're figuring out how to study, as Cassie told us about the dream like immediately in the morning as we're figuring out this place. Have I told you about my dream?
I don't know yet, Cassie. I'm waiting. So I can just imagine Cassie like, hey, guys, I had a weird dream. And we have this weird aside. She always has weird. That's also true. She is a weird person. Although I feel like Woodgrim would be the kind of guy to be like, oh, what was your dream? Now, my character is very blunt and very angry. So probably saying, let's just go here, guys, and let's get over with.
And then I'll listen. I'll listen to Cassie. Tell me about your dream. Did you sleep well all right? Did you sleep all right, Cassie? As well as normal. You can see the bags under my eyes. I look like my raccoon, familiar. Any of those, do you call them nightmares? Visions or calls all that jazz. Anything cool? Do I get a girlfriend finally? No, no.
No. Although I think you may pass your next... No, wait. And maybe George. George may pass his next test. Nope, nope. I don't know. No, no. Something about elf shoes. Elf shoes. I want to walk in right when she says elf shoes. Maybe I wasn't with them and I just found them. They're in the laundry room right now?
Wait, why are you guys in here? I was, I'm so, elf shoes? Are you washing elf shoes? No, no, there's something, something up with elf shoes. I had a dream about it. You know, like one of my prophetic dreams. I couldn't sleep all night. Like there's something up. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's a hint at our assignment, right? A Christmas spirit, something we're supposed to get
Maybe we should find some Christmas shoes, elf shoes? Do you think the house elves know about this? They have shoes like this. Like, what could it mean? I couldn't sleep all night. Like, there's something up, something up. Like, that did not feel good. Oh, take an adversity token, Cassie, for failing your first role. Okay. I should have used my adversity token.
There's no, there's no chance you would have been able to. A lot of adversity tokens to get to succeed if you just rolled a one. You all are having this discussion and you, I want, I want you all to roll me. I want to say brains, so I'm going to say brains. I got,
16 plus 2 so 18. I got a 5. 18. Is it magic? 5? Uh, no. Oh yeah, I don't get that magic stuff. Is it common? Don't worry. We'll figure. We'll explain it when it needs to be. Is it common? Uh, you know what? I'll say it is common sense. So you can all roll a d6 as well. 19. 18. Wow, nice. 2. So.
Five plus two equals seven. I can do math. Are you sure he's going to pass his next class? Thirteen. I was trying to go for like a no name character. Thirteen. And then I actually picked one that someone's on. If we're adding in the common sense, let's see, I said I had 18, so I'd be at 19 now. Okay, you had one. Yeah. George, take an adversity token. And for the rest of you,
You see a two things. What did you roll, Davita? 13. Okay. You, Davita, you see a reindeer just slam right next to the laundry room, straight from the sky to the ground.
And Bex and Cassie and Luke, you both see that. But you also see behind it a floating star. And it goes towards the middle of the campus and it just... it does. And it explodes. And nothing else really happens, but that's what you see.
Yeah, George, you are contemplating... You're really taking this assignment seriously, even if it's secretly in your heart you're trying to figure this out, so you were not paying attention to what was happening around you. Trying to get that pass. I'll just be like, whoa, what was that? It was a reindeer? Let's go see what it is. And I run out of the room. You just entered it and they were... I'm leaving. I'm gonna go outside to see what the reindeer was.
Cassie just kind of turns to Luke. It's like, am I like having hallucinations or visions or did you see like a star? No, you're good. That happened. Oh, it's gonna be another weird one, isn't it? Guys, I don't know what you're talking about. I think I figured it out. It's the meaning of Christmas is Walmart Black Friday sale.
By as much as you need, everything's on sale. That's the reason. Should we go check out the stuff outside? Yeah. Let's stop. So we just leave. Georgia, do you go with them out of curiosity or do you stay there contemplating? I begrudgingly follow them even though I think I keep muttering. Walmart Black Friday sale. That's what it's got to be.
When are we right now? What's today's date? You're a week before Christmas.
Uncovering Magical Disruptions
Black Friday's gone. Oh, yeah. It's very far off, Black Friday. What's my raccoon doing? Your raccoon? That's a good question. It's mischievous. I'd say your raccoon is probably at this moment
while you were in the laundry room looking, looking and finding those socks that are hidden under, in the washing, like those, those secretly like the, the ones, the socks that like get sucked into the laundry machines. Like it's like actually going in it and like looking for them. I hope no one turns on the machine while he's in there. Who knows? Richard, come on.
Do you say that telepathically or do you? Yeah, I'll use, because I do have the psychic link. So I'll telepathically tell him that. And he like pops his head up and he scampers towards you. Oh, this is going to be my favorite part. I'll check in on Richard the number of times. And he actually, not just that, but he like scampers up next to you and he like holds out his hand.
Yeah, I'll take his hand. And you guys walk together. Before they even join us, I've already sent Nevermore up into the sky to see what happened. Scouting out. So yeah, as so wait, so Davida, which were you going specifically? And then where the rest? I just I wanted to go. Is the reindeer still there? That's where I'm going. We're the reindeer. Yeah, literally like,
It's like a comet, but no flames, and skid. I'm headed towards where I saw the reindeer fell. That's basically right outside your door. Yep, that's where I'm going. And I'm also sending Nevermore to scout out. So you send Nevermore up? What are the rest of you doing? Probably first go to the reindeer since the star kind of disappeared when they exploded. I'll try to help it out.
Heel magic. Okay. And George. Well, I just finally noticed there's a dead reindeer because I haven't been paying attention to my. Not dead, not dead reindeer, not dead reindeer. But I just noticed what the heck is a reindeer doing? And I look over at my raven, find out that it's checking if the reindeer is dead or not by poking, thinking it can poke it in the eyes. Okay.
Can you roll, let's just say, let's do fight. Can you roll fight for your raven? Fight for my raven, okay. D20. Does the raven have a name? Four. What was your raven's name, George? Widow, it just told me, the raven just told me that, for years I knew I'm the raven, but I'd never known its name and it just told me it's Widow.
What? Is it a girl or a boy? Yeah, sure. It's a girl. Yeah. I never cared to ask its gender until it said all of some right before it's poking, going to poke the eye. It said, by the way, my name's a widow and I'm a girl. I'm like, Oh, cool. Good for you. As it goes to poke the eye, it gets bucked off by the reindeer.
It more like in a magical sense, actually, like it moves its head, but it like sent out like a like a burst of like these sparkles. Can my raccoon laugh or do like a chuckle? I don't have a raccoon laugh, but it's doing like a proper raccoon. Oh, yes, yes, like that.
Can my, does my raven like recover pretty quickly after or it just like flies up and he needs a moment. It just backs up. Okay. It just backs up and it's like, Oh, it's alive. It's alive. All right. And, uh, yeah, you, uh, Luke, you said you were going to cast some healing on it, but actually it looks more exhausted than it does. Search.
So you can roll brains for me and then see if you get that? I'm giving you that, but do you want to heal the exhaustion of it specifically? I think I'll cast... Or once you see it, you stop. I'll cast Speak with Animals instead then. If it doesn't seem to be injured, it just seems to be tired. To be like, what the heck just happened? Okay.
Roll me a char. Charm plus magic. Sorry. I don't know why I always yell when I drop things. Did you yell? It's not important. No. I guess it muted that, which is good. But anyway, sorry. Yeah, I didn't hear it yet. Seven. With a seven, you see the reindeer.
The reindeer heard to you and says, oh, why did you make me smell that way? What did you do to me? What is that? And now you are all hearing this. Oh, you can talk? Wait, what, you can talk? Yeah. Why did you try and cast, what, where am I? School. Take an adversity token, Luke, for,
Yeah, I can see that I'm in the school, I guess. This is the Hofmoor. Oh, Hofmoor. Okay, we come here probably, I guess, once a year? That's a bit weird to think about. Do you know of elves who wear these shoes that kind of curl up and have a bell on them? Yeah, I know a few of them. Are they with you?
I was on a test flight, so no, not right now. Okay. You only come here once a year. You're a flying reindeer? Are you gonna have Santa's reindeer? What's your name? Buzz. I think it was like Comet. I know, I thought you were good this year. No, no. I know, everybody mistake is me for Comet. We look the same. It's...
It's uncanny, but I... Yeah, Buzz. I was like his second cousin twice removed. Why did you crash? I don't know. I'm... I'm just... I've been working a lot, I guess. I don't... What was that star behind you? The thing that exploded? It was a star behind me? Star? I didn't see a star. The thing that was like a star. It was bright. It exploded. I have no idea.
Well, I'm going to get off now and you see a character gallop. And I grab his neck to, like, ride it. I'm just going to grab it and ride it. Roll. Roll me in. Either roll me attack or bro or fight or bronze. Fight or bronze. As she's doing that, I really want to know what like what George is doing or thinking as she just like grabs its throat. George is thinking.
Don't go away. I have to prove that the spirit of Christmas is really just Christmas Black Friday sale. I'm pretty sure that a teacher, I know the teacher worked at Walmart for like a semester. And so he's been very loyal to the company. I think that's, that's the answer. You know, play the soft side. How much does he need? Oh, it's like, it's like over 15. Oh.
Yeah. Nah, I didn't choose that. I rolled brawn versus brawn and they get the added magic bonus. Okay, I just feel like I've fallen off, but I'll just say, wait, come on. But as he starts to gallop and gallop and gallop, he takes a leap and then just went straight back down. I don't think that's supposed to happen.
It's not. It's not. That one hurt. I'm running. That one. That one. Trust me, Buzz. Trust me, Buzz. Canada really does a number on you. You're not the first. I didn't get that. Buzz, wait. Don't try that again. You're gonna get hurt. Did you lose your ability to fly or what? I don't know. That's never happened to me before. I don't get it. You know, this wouldn't happen if you're a Rudolph. Just saying.
Okay, we don't need to bring that guy into it. He's the golden child. We know it's okay. We've all accepted it. There's no reason to bring that while I'm down. I am literally
at my lowest point of life. You guys gave him a hard time and he pursued through the trial and came up on top. This is your own punishment, Buzz. I want to hear this. What about our side? Other arguing, can I go for a vision?
Yes, yeah, you can roll for a vision. Sure, go for it. Yeah, roll. Intentional vision, so brains? Yes. Can you give me one of your adversity tokens for that? Fine. Don't like giving up my tokens.
Don't worry, it'll get plenty. Try and do a bunch of stuff that doesn't really matter so that when you fail, you'll get a bunch of adversity tokens. Like, like something like me trying to grab on hold of the neck of that and failing. I just got two adversity tokens for that because... It's true. That's just a little strategy tip for you. Try and do zero enough. 17. Perfect. You can save them up for things that do matter. Yeah. Let's, so again,
You take this moment, this awkward moment, to... Reconnect into your ability. And you take in this atmosphere and you get... You see, in the nearest future, you see, uh... Pandemonium. Like, you see, like, panic in a lot of places. You see...
kids running, teachers trying to organize, and you see George. You see George in the middle of this hall going down. He goes and, well, he shortens about like by a foot.
And that is in the nearest future, but not like in the next five minutes. Okay. Okay. So yeah, now we're back to Buzz and you guys are all... Chasing up. Trying to figure out what's going on with him.
Did Nevermore come back and let me know whether or not she saw, or he saw anything in the sky? Okay. I mean, by, by, by that, I mean, like, is it trying to signal me to like follow it or is it, did it just come back to me? Did it not come? Like, not for me. Not only a brains for it. A brains? Is it the same as mine then? It's brains. Yeah. Give me a brains plus four. Eight. Eight.
It doesn't see anything else peculiar. If anyone at this moment would like to, I'm giving a moment of flashback to even recognize what the assignment actually was. Do we have to roll for that? I mean, I remember what it was because I just mentioned it like two minutes ago. Oh, I see what you mean.
I think Cassie's freaking out a bit from the vision, so. Yeah, I'm rolling brains. If you'd like. And common sense? No. I mean, common sense isn't necessarily remembering things. It's more of like, you knew something's coming at you. I knew it because I listened to him, and it's just in my brain. That's common sense to me. Give it a say bye. That's pretty common sense. Sure, sure.
Okay. This is brains with common sense. Now would George have the common sense to listen to the teacher? Well, you did say that like my characters, although he doesn't really want people to know he's really invested in it. I did say that. So my character did here because he doesn't want people to know but he's invested.
Okay, then that's fine. That's fair. Role of brains plus common sense, which is a D6. All right. Cassie's not thinking about the assignment. She's still mulling over the chaotic vision and like, all that. I got two on one and four on the other. So. Oh, fun. I know. Okay. What did you roll it? If a 10 is bad, I'm concerned about Cassie who looks very tired and disheveled and freaking out.
Yeah, none of you remember. How much is the, what's the thing for the thing? It was only a 12. And I'm going to use three adversity tokens to remember. Okay, so with a on the number remembering, you heard him talking, but you heard the professor talking, but in the context, you recognize that
he was also walking around a vial. Like, as he was talking, he was messing with the vial, as he was explaining what the assignment was, he was messing with the vial. And then at the end of the discussion, he goes, shoot, I do not have this single ingredient. The one that he's holding? Or...
No, no, no, he's like thinking like he's like holding his hand like after he's like it was kind of like if people catch this then they could see that maybe he's thinking that the spirit of Christmas is actually a flower maybe or an ingredient that needs to be found. Is there like a hog need here? Well, you could go up the lift to the
Mountain Village Cafe. Just in case it's Christmas. Nice rink. I will tell them what I saw in class about the professor. He was looking for an ingredient. He was messing with that vial. Do you guys remember in class? Christmas spirit is an ingredient, maybe?
Would you, would you know where the vial or what the vial looked like if we saw it? I didn't, he didn't have it. He was holding a vial, but he seemed like he needed an additional ingredient. Well, he wasn't holding the vial. The vial was on the table that he was walking around that he was explaining, but he was throwing things in this vial to create. Oh, I see. Okay. He's missing. I think he's missing an ingredient. Is it peppermint? They throw that stuff on everything this time of the year.
It could be whatever is making Buzz not be able to fly. Okay, Buzz. Okay, Buzz, do you like peppermint, yes or no? I love peppermint. That's not a question. Do you like eggnog? Oh, I love eggnog. It's like my drink of choice. Why? I think eggnog is not good for reindeer. I think it makes them like kind of like drunk. And maybe that's why you fell out of the sky. Maybe. I do have it like all the time.
Buzz, have you ever heard of AA? No, it can't be. We don't really fly by flying. I want to say in another lifetime, and maybe I think I had a dream about this. I had a dream that I was a Christmas elf, and that my husband got run over by a reindeer who was drinking too much eggnog. And he went into a coma, and then we had to figure out what reindeer trampled him. I think it was Blitzen, though.
But were you with Blitzen? This is like a weird dream. I don't know. I couldn't tell you. I cannot confirm nor deny that situation that happened in the North Pole. We do not disclose certain situations such as kidnappings, accidental or not, or
Any sort of calamity caused by murder last night. Did one of the head elves get killed? I don't think so. I'll look at Cassie and be like, maybe. Is this all in my dream? I'm just in my head. Still freaking out. I know. I'm sorry. Someone's just having a little breakdown and no one's paying attention. He tries to get up again. And again, he just falls on his face.
Cassie, as you are going into the fetal position, you see your headmaster, not you see, you feel an arm or a hand go on your shoulder and you see the hand of your headmaster, Allora Nixus. And she, oh, I see. What can I do to help you?
Something's going to go very wrong. Something's going to go very, very wrong. Something's going to go very wrong. When? When? When? Soon. Sometimes soon. There's chaos. There's chaos. There's teachers shouting. There's students running around. George gets short. I don't know why, but he just shrinks. Something's short. That's a weird thing. George, do you get short on a regular basis?
Only when I drink too much. Okay. Because my legs feel heavier. And then there's a reindeer here. Uh, okay. I am catching up on so much. Thank you. Health shoes. Health shoes. Yeah. With a little bell. Spirit. Ah, yes. Ah, yeah. Yeah. The, um, the assignment. Is that what's bothering you, Cassie? It's okay. The,
Christmas spirit is nothing to worry about. This is supposed to be a time for you to discover a wealth of Christmas and how it brings us all together and how you manifest. That is how you manifest. There's going to be chaos. Something's going to happen. Roll me charm. Oh no, I'm not very good at charm. This is going to end up like a Cassandra situation. Oh dear Lord. Five.
What is the name? Five. Five out of D6. I was gonna say seven, so. Yeah, okay. You can give me two adversity tokens or you can help her if you want. I'll give her the adversity tokens. So how do you help? Yeah, how do you help Luke? I'm like there also being like, it's okay Cassandra, you know, do this. I was trying to help her back when like chaos and everything was like, it's okay. And then the professor showed up and
Alora is like, okay, we will be right back. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's all I can do. This is all I can do. And you, you know what? I'm going to roll. Alora is the teacher who gave us this particular assignment. Oh, got it. Sorry. I'm going to be cuddling my raccoon Richard. Yes.
Raccoon is definitely giving you like a really good, like, rub on the shoulders, pat on the back, like, it's okay. I'm like, I'm like holding your hand and being like, it's like, where'd my watch go? And, and you hear kind of in your heads, kind of in like a loudspeaker, Laura gets and does an announcement and she says, excuse me,
No one be alarmed. Please do not panic. There is something that's going to happen that is going to cause everyone to panic. Do not panic. And we will all be okay. Okay? And at that moment you hear a scream and you hear the children running around of all ages and you hear Elora on the loudspeaker.
or whatever the magical speaker please stop screaming you are causing someone to have a panic attack just be quiet quietly get terrified okay and then she starts like screaming herself and she's like like starts uh backing off and george roly brains oh dear lord all right pray for me pray for me okay brains
I got a six out of an eighth. How bad is it, doc? No, I'll say you passed. That's just fine. It wasn't gonna be that hot. You don't get like the extravagance of it, but you do notice that you are looking at people about a foot shorter. Like you're looking at up at a few people now and you're like, oh no, I'm shorter. It always comes to pass. It always comes to pass.
Future can't be stopped. I go onto my knees and go, why God? Why? Is it because I'm doing school in Canada? I know it's awful country, but don't you love them too? You hear most of the actual Canadians because you are the exchange student just being like stupid American. I think at that point they just like shrug their shoulders because they're used to Americans doing that.
Canada. They don't say anything directly to you, George, but they look at you losing the mic. The problem is my character has a really thick Wisconsin accent, so they probably think I'm a Canadian as well. It's like, oh, dear God, why? Why would you do this? So yes, that happens. And
But they're just screaming because she made that announcement, right? No, no, no, no, no, no. Everyone else roll brains. Okay, I was like, how do we know what happened? Am I also rolling brains? In common sense? No. Oof. Nine. Nine? Okay. Mine's six. Six? Also six. I imagine I'm trying to like, just breathe with me, Cass. I think...
You guys notice that George is smaller, so that freaks you out. But Cassie, you see on one of the Canadians that were passing by, they have pointy ears. The elves. People are turning me into elves. That's what my dream meant. Whoa, really? Do I have pointy ears? I touched my ears.
You're fine. Does George have pointy ears? No, no, no jokes doesn't have pointy ears, I guess. Not yet, anyway. Did I take an adversity token, then? I'm assuming? Yes, everyone has failed. Take adversity token. Okay, then I will ask Buzz, what happened in the North Pole? Why are, why are you here? Why did you leave? I'm just doing a test flight. I'm trying to join the other reindeer.
I want to be a part of the song. The team? Santa's sleigh team? Yeah. You want to be part of Rudolph's song? No, it's a reindeer song. If I have to be. Well, okay, but... What? Wait, okay. Rudolph, again, is exaggerated. Yes, he had a bright nose. Yes, he saved the day that one time. But my cousin has been there the entire time.
for many years before Rudolph, just saying. Okay, who's your cousin? Comet. Comet, oh, okay. I see, that's right, you mentioned that. Yeah. Did Comet run over an elf and put them in a coma? I can neither confirm nor deny I've signed an NDA about all things North Pole with incidences. Is no one gonna ask Buzz while I am short? Gosh, dang it. I don't know why you're short.
Did you bring anything with you? Or I'll make it very painful if you do not answer, Buzz. I don't know why. I don't. I'm a reindeer. Buzz, what was with you? Who was with me is a good question. I was definitely alone. But you said there was something behind me. Yeah, it was like a star. Star? Or a comet. Yeah. Was a comet with me?
I don't think so. Much of a difference between a star and a comet. Buzz, do you know what Christmas spirit is? Well, it depends on how you want to talk about it. I mean, the Christmas spirit, like, for example, I need Christmas spirit to fly. Do you not have it? I like to think I always have Christmas spirit. But you're not able to fly right now. Did you lose it? Yeah, that must mean
I mean the only thing that could happen if that's the case is that we are sometimes, so Santa likes to relocate sometimes and so he moves the
Cellar Key and Mysterious Entrances
Christmas spirit and that generates more for us and then we move and obviously does it before Christmas so we can get everything set up and ready to go for Christmas but
Yeah, I don't know. I guess Christmas spirit could be depleted. I don't know. Do the elves move with you or do they just sort of appear? Yeah, we kind of... George may have to learn how to make presents soon. He's like, well, some elves come with us, but yeah, we always end up showing up and there's elves there ready for us to
Just start going. Is Santa moving here? I don't know. I was on a test flight. Did they tell you to test fly here? Around here. Yeah, I was... Why? I don't know. I was on a... I'm trying to pass my test so I can become Santa's sleigh reindeer. It's hard being known as the cousin. I cast a tickling spell to force Buzz to basically torture him about the answers.
Roll roll. I want to say that is a... I want to say either. Yeah, brawn. I want to say brawn or grit and magic. All right. All right. I got a 10. A 10? You give him a little tickle, but it's not. It doesn't stay too long because for some reason he has no flight, but his magical light
protections because as a reindeer, they need to be like ultra protected. If anybody sees them on the roof, tries to shoot at them, stuff like that, they have this extra layer. So you take a little bit. What are you trying to do? And then he's like, oh, well, that was lighter way of doing things. I have no idea what's going on here. What? Why did you do that? Wait, wait, wait, what?
Did you just? Somebody tickled me. Tell me, Buzz. Tell me now. What do you know? I don't know what to do. This is all I know. I know that if we are moving, it's because we're out of the spirit of Christmas. So we get whatever we have left, and we're bringing it here. Is it an object? Or whatever. Or an item? Or a plant? Or what is it?
kind of a mixture of a lot of things. Like I said before, it could be a metaphysical thing. It could be a physical thing. It could be a spiritual thing. It could be a enlightenment thing. It really depends on how you want to interpret it. Okay. Okay. All right, guys. Did we see anything suspicious for that chaotic moment? That just happened because it seems like Buzz does not know nothing. I mean, it's still happening around you.
It is literally not stopped. People are still running around you. They are stopping to see like, hey, there's a reindeer here. And then the rest are like, oh yeah, there's like, people turn it into things. I just want to ask Buzz, do you have a way to contact the other reindeer or your cousin or somebody? Not on me anymore. I was told to come without any comms or anything because it was just going to be a routine go come back. It should have taken me 10 minutes.
Safety is always important, but whoever told you that, it was absolutely out of their mind. I don't know why they would do that. I don't know. You know what? Cupid was my instructor. Well, that explains everything. I guess, I guess. They probably just sent him over here in order to deliver whatever this Christmas spirit is in order to infect this area.
So he probably it really doesn't know anything. So do we have to go find the pieces of the star? Maybe, maybe. I'll send Nevermore up again just to see if he can find any fragments of a comet or
Or, yeah, Fallen Star or something. Maybe start heading in the direction of where most of the chaos was at. And I will also ask... It's everywhere. Everywhere on the campus. Then head towards the bigger towers. To be fair, we're in the laundry room. We're as far away from everything as can be, so... It's true.
I'll also ask George if he wants to send his raven to scout. I'll send mine to follow to scout things out. So, Widow and Nevermore fly up. I would like both of you to roll brains. Yay, because I've been having such great rolls with that. Don't forget, every time you fail, get an adversity token. Yeah, I'm gonna do like three adversity tokens with this roll. You only get one for fail.
Yeah, I rolled a seven. Can I use using one of my adversity? It's 10. 10 is the 10 is the minimum. 10 is the minimum? To get something. Yeah. You can do five extra to get more. Okay. You need to get 15 to get like the like the best critical success. Okay. All right. So I rolled a seven and how many critical
You need eight. If you want the best result. If you don't want the best result and you just want to pass, you just get to 10. All right, I'm using three. I didn't roll enough. What did I roll? Three, four? I only rolled a four. Okay. G, could you use six? I have six. That's all I have. But if George has that, then I won't.
So widow flies down. I would love, okay. You know, widow kind of opposite to you. Widow is more expressive. And so with this moment, with the, with trying to explain something to you, widow like get like, like hits over a pebble and kind of like,
like like hits it over really quick and then like puts its wings over the pedal and you interpret that as there's something encapsulating the school okay it's not a it's not fully buried off but they see a slight shimmer and it's growing all right so something's trapping us in this school uh we don't know what
We know that I am significantly shorter. We're seeing weird stuff happen all around us. And a reindeer that doesn't know nothing. Doesn't know nothing. It's a scapegoat. I am Buzz and I have done the dinks. I hear the sacrifice. Can I spend an adversity token to find something mundane but useful? Sure. Thank you. Like Christmas spirit?
You, she finds the Christmas spirit. You know what? I will say I will give you something useful or you roll brains and you eat 10 and I will give you, I will still give you the common thing but I will show you something very important. And if I don't reach 10? Then you don't, you only get the common thing. Okay.
Well, then I guess I might as well try for that thing as well. Brains plus magic or just Brains? Just Brains. Man, why do I keep rolling so low? Rolled a four again, but I have six version tokens, so I might as well use them because I want to- You still have seven because you failed the last one. No, sorry, I forgot to tell you that I already added those two on, so technically I had four last time. Last time I wouldn't have had enough to get to ten. But yeah. But this time you have enough, but it's up to you. Yeah, I'll use them.
Okay, so what you find in this, and it's kind of like a right place, right time, is you find a small hidden key that someone may have dropped in all this chaos. You just see it shimmering next to the fountains, like all the way closer to the campus.
near the fountains. So past the gooey tower, past the rooms, you see it somehow with your... Treasure hunting eyes. Treasure hunting eyes, you see that key. And in that, you also, next to you, find a shovel. A nice, clean shovel that could be handy. Okay, grabbing the shovel and running after the key.
I'll be like, wait, I see something. What do the rest of you do? I follow. I follow this character. She's Devita. Devita. My name is just Devita. My character's name is Devita. My name is Devita. I guess I'll follow Devita too. Because I'm already heading that direction, so. I was making sure that Cassie was all right, so I'll follow as well. So I want you all
I will say for I want the Vita you to roll brawn Plus two and the rest of you I want you to roll brawn That's it. Just just brawn. Yeah, I don't have a great dice for that. So I roll and I rolled low so it's a fourth and
four okay i rolled a either and i still roll a one i rolled a six uh with uh with on a six dice uh so you get a roll okay so roll again roll again i got five i do have a plus one on my brawn well then add it yeah okay so you get it you see you roll you have a three oh two yes okay oh right you roll the one yeah so
George, you have 11. I'm not strong. Now I want Luke, Cassie, and Vida to roll me grit. You all failed, by the way. That's why you're rolling again. Oh. So don't forget your adversity token. Oh, I'm still not used to the system. Grit. I have a seven on grit. Okay. Luke. Okay.
Did we all fail again? I need, I need, I need one of you to roll braids for me. I can roll braids. No, let Luke do it. He's got a d20 on that. 14. I do as well. Oh, you did too? Oh, nice. Well, I mean, two of you, two of you can roll braids. It doesn't matter. I just need one of you to. Ooh, a 20. You got a 20? 20. You got a natural 20. You got a natural 20. That's the one. And roll again. So roll again.
12. 20. Oh my goodness, it's like 33? Yeah. 33, yeah. What did you roll? A lot less than 33, so let's go over that. Okay. So what is happening right now is DaVita is running towards this shiny key that she sees from such a distance, but there's still pandemonium, there's chaos, and there's people running, screaming, and
Davida gets knocked down, Luke gets knocked down, Cassie gets knocked down, but George just keeps running that way and is kind of paving a way. So he looks back at his friends and he makes sure there's a path to go on. And you guys are like, yes, George. And then you try to push forward again, but then that path just gets overtaken by so many others.
and you get hit off again to where Cassie is like, brooms, we need brooms. We need to get over these people and all this manicness. So I assume
You'd have your broom on you. I don't have any regulations that say you don't. I jump on my broom. I don't know why you wouldn't. I jump on my broom. Does Cassie say anything to that? Oh, yeah, do you say? Oh, I don't know. Guys killing your brooms. And I scoop up Richard and I jump on my broom and get above everyone's heads. Yeah, I get on my broom.
And Richard's scampers all the way to your shoulders and it's like holding onto your shoulder, like onto your head and like looking out like he's on a shit going into it. Just imagine the raccoon just doing the Titanic scene. Time to talk about our lovely sponsors. This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp.
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Don't suffer alone. Reach out to better help today. No, wait, here's the thing. I tried to jump on my broom, but then I just jumped on the shovel, and then I'm like, oh, wait. And I hold the shovel, and then I get on my broom. I love that. That's great. And yeah. So George, you keep going forward, I assume. Or you see your friends get on their brooms. What do you do with that? I see my friends.
on the brooms, I think to myself, why the heck am I running with these short legs? I should be on a broom too. That's stupid. And so I pull out my broom. It's a fantastic broom. It's, what is it? And hop on it. And what is it? Yeah, the value is 24,000. So hop on that and get in the air. Cool. Do we want to take a moment to describe our brooms? Sure.
My broom's the Balliance 2400. If you think you should buy it, don't. It only makes you brave, and all of you are cowards. It's only meant for the best of the best. I guess these other guys' brooms are all right, I guess. Shut the blind, which is fantastic. The Daredevil? It makes you look so charming and attractive. Well, mine is the mastermind's sweeper, and its handle is Purple Heart with fancy silver stirrups.
I got it from my godmother. And mine's the Weasel's Whisk. It allows me to be a little bit sneakier with the unassuming strength. Just, you know, got around the same time I got Richard and it really suits him. It's even like a black handle and kind of the ashy bristles. Amazing. And now after that wonderful delight, everyone wrote grit for me. Oh no.
I got seven. I got eight. I got seven out of eight. So that's why I was impressed. I got eight out of 10. Eight out of seven? Wait, it's great. Sorry. 11. 11. Okay. Cassie and George. No. Wonderful. Cassie. Well, actually, both of you roll brains for me.
I'm filming now. 13 plus one, so 14. Me? I don't want to say. Say what? I got a two. Do I have to roll anything with that? Two. No, that's it. Okay, so actually it makes sense. So Cassie, actually, Luke and David, you both can roll brains as well if you'd like, but Cassie, you...
Your... I don't even remember your raccoon's name and you just said it multiple times. Richard. Richard. Yes, Richard. You feel him squirming around and he... I don't know if he can telepathically talk to you, but he's... Yeah, so he's like... He's like, your ears! There's... What's going on? Guys, we're all becoming elves. Oh, dear. George, your ears are also elf-like.
And that's why you probably don't feel it or notice. No, we're all going to become like George, short and elf-like. Did I get the key yet? So did you guys roll brains? What did you roll, Luke? 10? Yeah, you noticed that both George and Cassie have elf ears now. And I rolled a 4. I don't think I passed today.
No, you didn't see it. You don't see it. You are so focused on this key. And yeah, I'd say there is a large cluster of people in that area, but yeah, you make your way to the key and you pick it up. And I'll just turn to George real quick and be like, George, if Santa turns me into an elf, give him hell, like as much mischief as possible. This is against me.
I confusingly look at you. I'm like, why would she turn you into an elf? And I see the ears. I'm like, Oh, what a loser having pointy ears and went to scratch the back of my ear. Only feel that I now have pointy ears and go, why God, why turn me into an elf? It's not my fault. I drink maple syrup like an Italian eats pasta a lot infrequent. There's nothing wrong with that in Canada. I'm well aware. Well,
I mean, you hear a load of people just saying that. There's nothing wrong with that, Canada. Okay. So you pick up your key. It says seller on it. Seller. Okay. Do I know where the seller is? No, you didn't even know this place had a seller. Okay. I will ask my comrades. I don't know why I said that. We're rushing out.
my companions. Where's the seller? I found a key for the seller. Can I ask Richard? Like, pass the question on to him. He's sneaky. He'll know all the little hidden places. Yeah, I know. It's there. It's there. I think he'd be like, yeah. Yeah, I got it. I know where to go. Follow me. Great. Takes off. And what about our? Is Richard, like, jumping off of the broom to go show us? Or is he at the head of the broom and he's like, go there. Go there.
He's jumping, he jumped off because it's very nearby, the entrance angle. Richard just commits suicide. Oh, he's showing us where the cellar is. Richard knows all the hidden places. Hurry, hurry. And I'm going to need again, brawn. Ah, brawn.
Or if you want to stay on your broom, you can use, you can roll flight. Oh, I'll use flight for sure. Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm using flight. That's my d20. Okay. So for flight, I got four. I got 11 out of it. 12 dice. I got 15. Cool. 15, 10. What did you get, Cassie? Four. That's what I got. Okay. If you want to spend six adversity tokens, you just need to get 10.
I don't have six. I have four. If I succeed, can I catch her? No, you did succeed. You're not falling off your broom. You're just not making it. You keep starting and stopping. You're not following Richard very well. I'll give her a six and I'll like catch her and throw her back on the... Okay, so you're giving her adversity tokens? Okay, so cool. Thank you. So yeah, you are actually heading
towards that river and then you go and make a quick right along the river and you see the statue of the dragon and this dragon statue actually you see smoke coming out of the nose at this point as you get closer and oh the dragon and the river is a statue yes yeah i thought it was a real sea monster that's sad so just the statue
Well, at least as far as you know, it's a statue. To be fair, it doesn't look real. I think it's real. I think I've always thought it's real. Yeah, sure. But yeah, so it starts, smoke comes out of its nose. What's its name? The statue. I didn't come up with a statue name. I just came up, I just thought, you know what, it's Fred. Fred the dragon.
Fred's smoking. Wait, Fred, look, look, Fred is smoking. Did somebody give him a cigar? You don't have to question all of his vices. And you do kind of see a shimmer from Fred. And as you go towards the bridge and look out to the gate, because the gate is the only way you should be able to enter this place. But the reindeer entered it.
for some reason, somehow, some way. And then you see the scales come together as you get even closer to the bridge. And we're still following Richard, right? Yeah, yeah. You're still following Richard towards the end of the bridge and because that's where he's heading.
And finally, as you get there, you see the claw of Fred stop right before you reach underneath the bridge. Like stop, put his claw between you and the bridge. So Richard is like standing in front of the claw of this dragon. He stopped in front of the dragon's claw. Yeah.
A yellow to the dragon. I'm saying, hey, we just want to get through. It's all right. I know, dragon, my uncle sings every year how he may love to one of you guys. Sorry about the way he was a little aggressive in it and keeps reminding the family, unfortunately, how he got it on with the dragon. But can you just let us through? I'm sure you didn't need that information, why my uncle did to one of your friends. Unbelievably inappropriate. Like the dragon says,
There's just no reason for me to know that. I- I'm just- I'm just saying- I'm only here. Is anyone else shocked that he's actually alive? I'm not shocked, but... Didn't everyone else think he was as bad as you? Yeah! Roll me... Roll me grit in order to keep your wits about you. But not me, right? Because I already knew he was real.
Oh yeah, you're fine. You're like, yeah, I knew this. It was the humphalumps or whatever. The polywops, yeah. Polywops, there we go. Four out of eight. Eight, yeah. 21. You were not afraid of this. You were like, yeah, yeah, I knew this. Obviously, this is why- Magic school, why wouldn't there be a life?
Cassie, you are afraid more for Richard, Mike. You're like, oh no! Richard's like, mom, help me! Is he putting back to me? Yeah, he will respect you. And George, you are also freaked out, but not to the point like, more of like an internal like, I will remember this moment for the rest of my life, kind of thing.
I just mutter, wait till I tell my Uncle Jack about this. And I will ask it, where is the cellar? Do you know where the cellar is? Yes, it is here. Can we go in there? You are going the right direction. You must tell me, what is the secret of Christmas? Christmas spirit. Good. And he leaves his claw. I did not think that would work.
And then I look back at you and I'm like, of course it would work. Of course, this whole thing makes sense. What are you not getting? We don't even know what that is yet. And then I used the key, I guess, to unlock the seller. Yeah.
Unlocking Secrets and Facing Fears
Go underneath the bridge and you do see a gate, say a cellar. Right before I go through, I tell the dragon, hey, my uncle would kill me if I didn't do this. Here's my uncle's phone number. And just in case, if you're down, because he is, he's just warning. He's probably got a couple things. The dragon has definitely just
completely ignored you. Like he's not fully into stone yet, but he's just like, if I don't move, he will not talk to me anymore. As I'm holding Richard going down there, I'm just like side-eyeing the dragon, like no sudden movements. And I'll just be like, it's okay, guys. It's fine. I've talked before. I just talked the number between his paws, claws, just go through there.
He does shout, like, maybe you can change my name! No, Fred! Fred is a great name! The school changed his name to Fred. Does he have a real name, though? Like, other than that? He doesn't remember it. He just knows his name is Fred. Yeah, so you enter this cellar. And as you enter it, you do see... Actually, I would like a...
Well, you're on your brooms for now. So when you enter it, you see the water from the river is flowing into there, into like a site. Great. Kind of just an extra bit. And it's flowing into or out of? So it's flowing into the cellar, but it's also flowing out of. Okay. I was like, it's not getting flooded or anything.
No, not that you can see. Like a reservoir. I was like, is it like a river or like circular? It's like a poorly designed cellar. Anything you store down here will get wet. And it's kind of hard to see. All you see is the water running towards the direction because there is no light source. All right. I'm using my spell magic wand to make a purple hovering light that will follow us. Okay, roll me.
I'll let you choose what you roll me for that. I don't know. Charm? I was gonna say brains, but... Sure. Brains. Brains works. Because it would take brains to know the spell, I guess. Yeah. It's not like I'm trying to charm something or somebody. Yeah, but purple light could be charming. Well, I mean, of course, but... 12? I mean, 13? Yeah, it's not like it doesn't give you like 10 feet, but it gives you a good...
surrounding like you can see things and it's not that deep right now what you see is through the cellar as you all enter it like i said the water flowing to your right but then directly across from that is um for the record i also do the magic and i did the same like lumospo and it's 30 30 so like i'll just kind of like 30 feet no he rolled a 30 you did
My purple light, my hovering light was more like Gandalf Dumbledore's light that he sends in the other old wizard, you know, when they're in this fairy cave in Goblet. Not Goblet. Phoenix. Anyway. I'm trying to be humble. I also make it purple and be like, oh, good job, Davida. Yeah. He's great.
Yeah, actually, no, yeah, I was wrong. So yeah, so you see it goes down. And then with that extra light, you do see a small little passageway to pass through. Can I send a widow to do a quick super round before like, see if there's anything useful around in the seller in that area? Roll me. I don't know. Well, it's a good question. What do you roll me for?
Brains? Four. And I'm probably just making sure Richard doesn't try to chase down the lights because he's over there like... He's like, no, stay on the broom with me. I'm so pretty. What do you do, Luke, Davida? What do you do? I start moving towards the Pathage Way. Yeah, same. I'll follow him.
enter further in, you do hear the gate close and lock behind you. Richard, you know the way out, right? Yes. Does it always lock behind you? Yes. And it unlocks when it's time to leave? No. But how do you get out? I squeeze. I told my sister earlier, Richard. You said, where's the cellar entrance? I gave you the cellar entrance. Fair enough. Fair enough. I just squeeze.
Guys, if I die as an elf, I want you to tell people when they find my body that I was cursed. I wasn't always that height. And just say that I was able to dunk at basketball when they asked for me when I was my real height. And with that, everyone roll me grit. Seven. I roll a d8. It's not that bad. We hit the set. I got a 10 with the d10. So I roll again, right?
I rolled a 10 with a d10, and I rolled again and I got a 9. So that's 19. So 19. Okay, so you're fine. What did you roll, Bex, or Cassie? Seven. Seven? You can, well, yeah, you can use eight adversity tokens if you have it. I don't. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I don't have enough. Yeah. Okay. And Davida, what do you... I rolled a six. What's the threshold for me?
threshold for you is 10. You can take half if it, if it is a 10, if you're, if your grit is 20. Yeah. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10. I would have to use four, right? Yes. 10. Uh, okay. I'll do that. Uh, Luke. So you can use five. I don't think I have five. I don't have five. So, so Cassie. Yeah. Well, actually both.
All of you roll brains, if you want, or not, it's up to you. I'll roll brains. Luke and Cassie, obviously, roll brains. Plus one, so five. I got a two. See, both of those, you can get adversity tokens. Yay. You want a two, call it? Yeah. So you also can get an adversity token for that. What did you roll? 15. 15. So you see Cassie.
Get it get a foot shorter. I rolled five Five yeah, you don't you know you also fail at and you also notice in yourself that you are You're wearing a different outfit. You're wearing Christmassy Green flowy and red striped outfit and I'm still running down that hall your passage I
Okay, so it's literally just a, it's like a door passageway. It's not like a huge, like long hallway. And so with the light, you see in there, how do we do this? Everyone roll me brains. Brains are great. 11 plus one 12. 12, okay. 19.
You can roll, you can add three adversity tokens and get a critical success. 19? 19 for me. Cool. Wait, you're telling that to me or? Yes. Okay, I guess I'll use three of the tokens. George. I got a six. Six, okay. You can give four adversity tokens to pass. Sure. I will use the lucky to try a reroll.
Okay. Yeah. Do that. Okay. And that's, that's adding onto my score. No, it just, it completely reroll. Okay. I just need a 10 to pass, right? Yeah. Just need 10. So what did you roll, George? Nothing better. So I'm just going to my first role and the resilient high rules. I can spend two, what was it? I roll this two. Oh, sorry.
Three tokens. Three tokens, okay. So I spent three tokens. So I'll see you all surpass. What you all see when you get in there is the most terrifying thing to you. Whatever that may be, it shows up in a flash as you enter the room, whether it's a situation, whether it's a person, whether it's an animal, whatever is happening to you at that moment.
But for all of you, some of you struggle through it. Some of you push through it. One of you pushes through it, George. The other one, Luke, you overcome it in a way to kind of pass it. But Cassie and Tvita, you guys,
You look at it and you're like, why was I ever afraid of this? What is the real cause of why I was afraid of X? What are these? What is this fear to you guys? What can you explain quickly, each of you, what you would see in front of you and how you would overcome it in that kind of aspect of like, Savannah, it was to go first.
For me, my motivation and my fear are the same thing. People don't want to be good. I want to be enough for people. So it's a person. They look smart. And I don't want to look down. I look smart. I can be smart for them. That's not the point of overcoming amphiphobia.
but for now it works. It's me struggling and barely getting past it to be like, I can probably impress them. At this moment, at this time, you find the courage and confidence through that. Mine is similar. Mine is people, but people having fun when I'm not there. There's a good fear. That's the fear I have in real life. Yeah.
My my fear is FOMO. Well, not not really me, but my characters. Particular fear that you're missing out. And but realizing that that's OK, because with my like, you know, I can have fun on my own, too. So why can't they have fun without me?
And my fear is connected with the prophetic dreams and visions and the whole Oracle thing and the inevitability of the future and like the, especially with the darker ones, the more violent ones and like not being able to change that. So I guess overcoming that would be like the, I might not have the power to change everything, but there's a little things that you can do with the foreknowledge.
You're able to lessen it. You're able to set other things in motion in order to overcome those things. Just because you hear about it early doesn't mean it's you're doomed. I'm seeing the memory of being traumatized when being attacked by a monster and
only to look at my school bag that is this old leather bag that was given by my grandfather. It's how it's been all over. So remember that I had the courage to take this because I have my grandfather's bag. So I point my wand at this monster only for it to disappear. And I have the strength to conquer everything that's needed.
Urgency and Escaping Danger
Now with that, these images, these visions disappearing, you in this lit up room now, see a, like a, what do you call it? A table kind of thing, but it has like these poles poking out, kind of like a wheel that you, you can kind of deduce it's a common sense thing. It's, I don't even need to use a roll. It's, it's to turn, you turn it.
And you see another gate there. All right. And I want everyone to roll brains for a second. Seven. And that's with common sense, because you said it was common sense. Oh, with common sense? With common sense? This is a different situation, but you can probably use common sense anyway. Okay, three plus a d4. This will help me. Eight. Common sense is d4 or d6? D6. All right. So three plus...
Four equals seven. I was just thinking about what I saw. Okay. Do I fail? Do I get adversity focused? Yes, you fail. Me too. Yes. Me too. What did you roll? I'm 29. You failed. It was actually 30 and you can't use any adversity. 12. 12? Yeah, that's okay.
So you all hear the flow of the water. Davida, you hear another flank, like something shuts. Like a gate? And yeah, like another thing is shut. And... I hear it or I see it? You hear that? You hear it. And Luke, you can tell by some sort of like common sense of like, okay,
something shut. The only thing else that's shut behind us is the vent or the gate, the way for the water to escape. And so you are figuring out that actually the water can't escape anymore. And that is going to slowly start rising? Yeah. Then I'll definitely warn everyone. We got to go now. Something closed.
Gate. A gate closed. So what does that mean? We're probably stuck in here with the water. Look out the water. You want to know how to swim? I know how to swim. Swim. I don't know how to breathe in the water if it gets too high.
Does Richard know how to swim? That's, that's the question. Of course he does. He does. You know how to swim, right? Right. Yeah. That's good. Swim. Okay. Let's get out of here. I get all panicky. He was like, we need to leave now. Is there a way out? I have a cat in my pocket. Let's go. I was wondering if your cat was with you. Yeah. With the 29, I'll say you, you know, the only way to get out of it is to go forward.
Cause you can see that door has no like holes in it. It is like a sealed door. You have properly full sealed door. It's closed right now? It's closed right now. So what do you do? I look for a lever or some sort of... I look for... All you see is that spinning thing. I cast a free spell on the spinning thing. Do you think that would work? Free spell. Well if it's spinning, I'm guessing it's...
It's not spinning. It's literally staying. So you have to make it spin. Okay, you gotta make it spin. Instead of a freeze spell, let's do something else more productive than that. I will cast basically a charm that makes it spin. I like it. Let's pretend I worded that
That's a bit more intelligible. The spinny charm, yeah. Is there a spinny charm in your view? Yeah. All right. D4, so I'm going to get a horrible thing. Two plus my one magic, so it's three. You do that? Is that just pure magic? That's just pure magic. You don't have to... No, he rolled charm. He rolled charm and magic. Yeah, my one has a plus for your charm.
With that, you cast it. And how bad do I want to make this for you? It's a, it's a crit fail. So you, what it is a crit failure. Yeah. So take adversity token. All right. I realize you, how do I help? I don't want to make this so bad. I got royally just, it was went like, I.
Cast it and it did nothing. I realize I have no power. You cast it so you cast it and a burst of energy pours from your wand and shoots to this gear thing and it jostles and then it makes it blast right back at you.
and you are now spinning. Oh dear lord, how long does this spinning thing, do I just like whoa, whoa, whoa, or I'm gonna say you didn't specify a time, so I'm gonna say it's going to be until something happens and if you want to know what that something is, others need to wear roll braids.
And you can also roll brains. But you probably have to do it with a minus three. Okay, brains. Minus three. Of course I get a three, so I got a zero. Basically. You don't know how to fix this. I rolled a six. Six? You're not sure either. Can I... Someone help me! Don't step in the... Luke, what did you say? Ten?
You can, you know that, I mean, he didn't specify anything. You just can see, like you've basically considered, Oh, he might've tried to get it to spin, but there was no time limit or anything. So he could, he could spin forever. If you don't do something. Freeze. Or like a paralysis. Okay. Yeah. Roll. Roll grit and magic. Nine.
nine doesn't do it. So he's just spinning. Can I let it's not a crit fail. You can you you can use a because you have your thing you can use like, it's for other people. You can use three adversity tokens for other people. Oh, I guess other people. Oh, it's only for other people. Other person. I guess it is for other it's another person. But I would need six. Yeah. Okay, I'll do that to save him. That's gonna say I could try something too. You don't have to use them. No, it's fine.
Davida, you don't know what's going on. That's true. Thank you, Luke. You don't know how you would fix it. Did you do the sixth adversity? Yeah. So you are able to grab him kind of.
give him a moment of paralysis and then his spell breaks and he's back to like a neutral, like he's back to himself, but he is in a constant state of spinning and not spinning at the same time. Thank you. I like Pat his back if he needs to like throw up real quick. He definitely does. I will say though, it did cost you time
Well, I was going to say while he was doing that, though, I probably would have been trying to figure out the the spinny thing. Sure. But it still costs you time. So it's the water is up to your ankles as of right now. OK. Could we all work together like if we all roll together to use that spell that has a greater chance of. You can see what you were trying to do for it. Yeah.
I guess I, I kind of want to just, is it like close? I can walk up and touch it. I might just try manually doing it really quick. Cool brains with common sense. Oh yeah. Brains. Thirteen. Thirteen. Yeah. You, uh, you see on it, there's a plaque on it that says, uh, you have, uh, defeated your fear. You know, spin this, uh, to manually spin this to enter the next room.
Okay, but it cannot stop spinning once it once it starts. Okay, so we need it. I'll just tell them we need to start turning this manually, but we can't stop once we've started turning it. And that should open the door. So guys all want to work together, then I'll walk over and grab one of the things. Well, if Richard helps, he has to do his part. Oh, what about window?
Window doesn't have any arms. What is she going to do? Just lay on one ledge and then up on the next one? Sabina and I are like holding on to the bars and ready to go. I'm ready to go. Yeah. I'm joining you to be in there. And if Richard wants to, he can too. Yeah. I joined to spin because I prefer not drowning. Just, just prefer not to drown. So you all push, roll bronze. Oh no.
I'm not very good at that. Yeah, neither am I. Plus, plus, plus four. As teamwork. As a group, you just need to get to 25. Okay. So I rolled a three plus four would be a seven. I also got seven. Seven. I got a four. Seven. Four team. Four. That's 21. So you just need four. Do we roll again?
Or do we use adversity? What did you get? What did you get? I said six. Oh, sorry. I thought you got mine. No, yeah. So six, you got 26. Oh. So it begins to move. All right. Do you continue pushing it? Yeah. And as you push it, the door continues to open. The water releases for a little bit. And so it lowers for a little bit. So it's now back down to no water level. Okay. Okay.
I suppose let's keep spinning it to open it, I guess, to get through. Does it lock into place once we get fully opened? Yeah, once we fully opened it, we could do like a free spell to hold the door up there or something. It also said nothing to Magic though. On the door or the wheel? It said nothing to Magic. But if we let go, it'll probably close, won't it?
Probably. But it said everything on the plaque. It says everything on the plaque. Okay. How quickly it closes, we don't know. So what do you do? Do you guys want to fly through the door? We'll go a bit faster. Should we keep pushing it so it opens more? Yeah, and we can see if there's something active. You can push it until it opens fully. Yeah. Let's keep going until it's fully open. That's what I was... Yeah. As you are pushing it, I need everyone to roll a grit.
Four. Seven. Five. Seven. Eight. I mean, Davina, you can spend... Four to get there, right? It's still... Seven. It's still ten? Oh, and it's not ten anymore? No, no, it's not ten anymore. Luke... Yeah, I mean... No, you can't really sell. I mean, you can't. I don't know how much adversity tokens you have, but I don't think you have more than four. But I could be wrong.
Because how much did you roll? I don't. I have five, yeah. Yeah. I guess we're all failing. Uh, yeah. So Davina, you become a foot shorter. Oh no. Luke, you gain elf ears. George, you gain the elf outfit and grow an inch or a foot shorter. I'm so small. See?
You gained the elf outfit. And yeah, I don't even, you all see this. As you're going around in circle, everyone's changing already again. So what do you do? The door is open. All right, well, I'm going through the door, the opening, the door opening. Yep, yep. Okay, that's one, that's two. Okay, so then Luke is left behind pushing. Well, I was gonna continue, I was gonna go with him.
No, as soon as you let go, Luke, it closes. I cast a free spell on the... It closed. As soon as soon as you let go. I'm so sorry, Luke. Can I try to figure out a way to bring him along? You can. And he can also still... You're not over. It's not over for you. You can still try and figure out. You're just on that side of the door.
But as you guys enter the second stage, I want you all, or you three, to roll me.
Desire Distractions and Problem-Solving
What's a good one for this? I will say either grit or charm or brains. Brains. Brains. If you can justify it. If you can justify it to me when I explain what it is you're rolling for. But if you roll what you think is right and if you can justify it,
then great. If not, then we'll have you reroll. You know me, I could always justify it. Nevermind. So what did you reroll? I won. Okay. Okay. And, uh, George, uh, I rolled a three and I'm going to use my lucky to reroll. Okay. Okay. Please. Got another three.
And I got another three, so yeah. Rather than my one. Okay. Why are we rolling this again? He hasn't told me. You will know as soon as I explain it. I rolled a nine for grit. Was that one of the options? Nine for grit? Yeah, that's an option. I've been making a lot of bad rolls.
I mean, you all can use adversity tokens. The threshold was 12. I'll use three to get there. Three? You'll use three to get there. Cool. So George and Cassie, you both see, like, what you guys see right now is a room full of lanterns everywhere. But in that, in the center of this room,
You see your greatest desire, what you want most in this world, and you are going to do everything you can to get to it. So you forget about Luke, you forget about what's going on, and you just try and go for this. Now, Davida, you see what you most desire, but then it kind of like breaks and twists and you then see
a cage in the middle. Then I would end up do a freezing spell on, uh, George and Colin. Both of them? Colin? What? Cassie? Okay. Orisa? Anything? Is that like a, would that be a fight role? Freezing? Yeah, we think so. Probably. So we're all fight and magic. Fight! And you guys- Come on, that's my d4.
oh no it just makes the most sense it's how about flight because they were trying to flee away from me you're not trying to be away from you you're going towards something else there's not fleeing away from you how about i will say you tried yelling at us and charming us about grit how about grit do you have
I was thinking grit, so maybe, yeah, you know what, we can do grit, but then they have a composed grit. Okay. So both of you roll grit plus... Plus magic. Four. All of us? And Davida, you, no, no, just Davida, you roll grit plus magic. Grit plus magic, and they're... But both Cassie and George roll grit plus four.
Oh no. Eight. Hey, low numbers is good. You want to fail this. I'm telling you. I was hoping for a natural one. I rolled a 13. Okay. What did you roll, George? 14, I forgot. 14? 14, 6? So yeah, you cast it on both of them and they do not break. Yeah, they both freeze in place as they're running to this.
Now we'll go back quickly to Luke and yeah, Luke, what are you thinking? Can I, can I cast a spell to make myself stronger with the enhanceability and D&D? You might be able to turn it without doing that though. Did you try? I, yeah, roll brains. I was like, I try turning it before you do something crazy. No magic or common sense. No magic. Uh, 15.
Maybe common sense. With that, you know that the only thing you can probably do is push this. And the only way you probably can get through that door while pushing this is by creating duplicates of yourself and just running as fast as you can. I mean, you can cast also a speed spell on you while they're pushing, but at the same time,
I don't know if you can cast two spells simultaneously. How many spells or how many duplicates can I make? Depends on what you roll or how you roll. What would that be? Brains? Yeah, because you've got this from your brain and they need your brain. 37. While he's figuring that out. He's got it. He's got it. 37. You make enough and you see it just start going and yeah.
I will be near the entrance. I will let my duplicates push and then dispel them once I get the other side. Cool. Great. So you do that and you rush through with the water already past your knees. And I'll be like, Luke, oh my gosh, you made it. Don't go towards the thing that you desire most. And as you get in there, roll me a grit and
Or did I say brains? Can I give him a bonus or something since I warned him? No, because he doesn't even see right now. All he sees as he enters the room is the thing he most desires. I said it before he walked in though. No, you didn't. He said he walked in. As he walked in. I said I was going to. As he walked in. To be honest, I didn't even go in yet. I said I was going to walk in once they spin.
I didn't say I walked in already, so I'm waiting for them. Just whatever. Okay, Davita, roll me brains. What is speed though? Speed is flight, right? And I talk really, really, really fast. Roll me brains. I just want to use my, I'm going to try and persuade anytime and I can try to use my flight. That was a one. Yeah, no.
Don't even register that the door is opening because you're trying to keep the other two people from going towards what they desire most. So, Luke, roll me grit, charm, or brains. 13. 18. 13. You are fine. Do I want to know what Richard's doing?
Roamy grit brains are charfers. You should have asked. I know. Unless it's been some work on animals. He's been down here before. He has. Not there, but he has. I'll go for gr- wait. What number do I have to get above? Twelve. I am not going to do grit, because I can't get above twelve anyway. Unless you explode. You can if you explode.
Yeah, I think I'll go with the d20 for the brains. See if he's smart enough not to fall for what I just fell for. One. Three. Yeah, you see him also like... It's a greedy little... Can I just grab him? Yeah, roll bronze for me. I see that they're frozen, right? Yeah, you see that they're frozen. Four. So she fell. Four.
I'll throw this. You're also gonna freeze? I'll freeze Richard and Widow if I can see him. I think... I just wanna do Richard for that. And what is that? Roll me a... What did I say it was? Well, I rolled a four to catch him. Yeah, you don't. I'll catch him. Say with a four, you don't catch him. Too smart of an animal.
Is Richard really that smart? Well, not right now, but he's clever, which means he gets into trouble. I just think you're a bad witch for letting your familiar get. Well, these two frozen people are talking. You guys both see just not just the cage in the middle, but you see a pendulum like a like a weight thing where you
Common sense-wise, you probably just see it as. You just need to get it flat. You have to make both sides equal, and then you can pass through this room. Okay. Is that manually done, or do you have to use magic, or what? You don't know. You just deduce that by common sense. What? You said it's a pendulum? Do you want to check? Pendulum swing. Not a pendulum, but like a weight. Oh, okay. With scales. Yeah. Scales. That's the word I'm looking for. Not pendulum. Yeah.
Yeah, then I will... I don't know, are there pebbles in the ground or something? Yeah, there's... probably. I'm gonna start experimenting with that. Did you manage on freezing, Richard? Luke? I think so, yeah. Yes. No, you didn't. Okay. Yes. But everyone is fine now? They're frozen. They're frozen. So we'll, like, kick the rocks. Because I don't want to... I want to make sure that we're not... I'll say roll going inside. Roll me brains. Roll me brains with magic. Both of you. Davida and Luke.
Why are we rolling this again? Sorry. To see if you can get the right number, right amount. Oh. On both sides. Oh, I see. Nine. Ten. Sorry, ten. Okay. So... Wait, what are we missing it by? They'll say it's a group. Yeah. You just needed 20. So that's fine. So you find the amount of pebbles to put on there, both sides. It looks like balanced and the door opens. The cage drops.
And it's an empty room now. I will unfreeze them. What happened? They're no longer spelled. All right, we figured out the truth. We figured out the puzzle in this room. I didn't unfreeze them yet. Oh, you didn't unfreeze them yet? Oh, we didn't unfreeze them yet.
What did you do to my raccoon? I'm frozen, do you hear in your head? I'm frozen. No. He froze me. He froze me. Cassie, Cassie, Richard needs it, okay? Let him take this time to realize he needs to stand in one spot for more than a second, okay? So he will get over the frostbite impossible hyperthermia.
I actually like Richard, so I'll let him go. He does look at you as like evil daggers. I saved your life, dude. And so what do you do? Do you enter the next room? Do you guys think this keeps on going on
Solving the Final Puzzle
forever? I mean, there's been how many puzzles already? So I'm sorry to say why the dragon didn't let us down here at first.
Ah, whatever, let's keep going, and I'll just go through the next room. To the next room. George went first. I'm hoping Richard has time to follow. I want to go before I'm trapped again. And Luke enters, and it closes. All three, all four of you get through to the next room. And I need... No one left behind.
What else would it have? We need a charm as a group. If you can at least get to 12. Is this you plus my one? Because my one has a plus one. Do I add that? You're not using magic right now. Yeah. Can I add two? Two. Five. Seven. Four. Eleven.
I pulled a one. 12. Perfect. You got 12. You got... Thanks. So this room, you all felt like you finished. You felt like this was it. There's nothing left. And actually you felt like it was over. You fixed it. It was done.
You felt like you were on top of the world, you were the best of the best, but then it shatters in front of you and you are in an empty room and you realize that your pride was getting ahead of you and that you just wanted this over with to be and to be glorified, but that has been shattered and you are a unit and you just see the entrance to the next room. That was anticlimactic and I keep going.
I follow. You are the lowest role. And as you enter the final room, the final room, you see, you see in this room a lot of different flowers. Are any of them purple? Yeah, a few of them are purple. Yeah. Is there anything written in this room?
It was a 13 plus one, so 14. Yeah, you see a plaque. There is a plaque next to, well, on the wall next to it, like the bunches of flowers. And it says, Find the Christmas Secret. This was all right. As you react, roll great. Oh, no.
This was all a part of the assignment. Just cast here. It's real hands with this teacher. Okay, so Christmas spirit is a flower. That's what I'll say. Four. Let's see. Grit. I rolled an eight plus six. So 14. It was eight year? Is your grit D8? Yeah. So you explode it. So she rolled twice. She rolled an eight and a six. I thought there was like common sense or something.
I rolled 11. 11? 13. George? 17? No, 13. Five? Are you just guessing, Jesse? No, I'm looking at Luke, like, what are you... I'm trying to look at what Colin is saying. He looks like he's almost fading away into sleep. I rolled... Owen almost rolled, and then I completely forgot why I rolled.
Where do I hit? We're almost done. Don't worry. He's going to roll again. I don't know. Okay. Uh, nine, nine. So, so Luke, you can give me five more adversity tokens to pass. Uh, Davita, what did you roll? 11. 11. You give, you can give me a four more pass. I'll do that. And Cassie, what did you roll? 14.
14, you give me 6. 6 to pass? Yeah, 6 to pass. Well, that's what I got left, so I guess I'll do that. Sorry. I'll let you know. Okay. Devita, did you give up those adversity tokens as well? Yes, I did. So, George. How many does he need? You. It's no, you can't help with this one. Okay. You can't help. You, George, grow another foot shorter. Oh, no.
another two feet shorter. You are probably a foot tall at this point. You are also wearing elf shoes. And the only thing left that is of you is your mind. Hey, Richard's taller than you now. When you are full elf in your parents, the only thing you can really remember is your
He said his brain was still his though. Yeah, but like it's like only things the closest to him like he can remember his familiar kind of like everything's a bit fuzzy but like you for sure know your name. Can Richard mess with him? So. Is he crying?
What do the rest of you do while this is happening? Is he crying? In real life? Or, and also in pain? I think he is. I think he's so delusional. He's so tired that he's just overcome by... I'm just having the fact that now a raccoon is taller than me. That was it. Yes.
So is Richard messing with him then? A proper sized raven should be like, like roughly around like I could possibly ride on. Yeah, yeah, you could do probably. What is everyone? I'm trying to figure out which one is. Richard is trying to mess with him, but he's being sly about it. Okay. Yeah, I'm going. I cast a free spell on Richard. Just
Just to keep on. Oh, you try, but you can't find your wand. I'll join Luke in trying to figure out this, the riddle of the Christmas thing. I'll pat him on the head and be like, it's OK, we're going to do this. Roll me. Roll your brains. Oh, what do I need?
at least 15. Oh, I rolled a natural 20. Oh, there we go. You can roll again. Okay, so plus 19 plus my one, so 40. Wow. 40. You, you're like, well, this is stupid. And you get all the, what did I call it?
Oh, yes, the Christmas spirit. You get all the white with slight tinge of blue flowers that have an essence of Christmas in it. And you crush it up and you are all teleported.
back to the theater.
Revelation of the Quest's Purpose
Did Richard succeed in messing with him first? Or is he like in the midst of it? As soon as he was going to, yeah, as soon as he was going to, you guys have all been teleported. And you see in front of you is Ellora. And she says, well done. She starts clapping and she says, well done.
you figured out the Christmas spirit. Right? Am I wrong? Yeah, we did, but why? Why did you? Why do you care? Well, for one thing, I needed a team to, for one way or another, to find this Christmas spirit because, well, you know, I'm a headmaster. I don't get my hands dirty. And another,
Only those who were seeking Christmas spirit could find it. So I needed incentive. I needed a situation and uh...
So me and Santa have a thing. And they don't have to be turned into freaking elves to do this. Oh yes. And she like, she wipes her, she gets her wand out and she turns you back into yourself. And all of us back to our regulars. Yes, all of you back, all of you are back too. I just tried to respond to George becoming himself again.
Richard's like, I'm gonna go! It's gonna go over here! Richard! And yeah, and she's like, so, what did we learn? That you're an awful headmaster.
It has the ability to recover our normal selves. Or turn this into elves. This is where we all start talking at the same time and she doesn't hear a word that we just said. Yay! I'm glad you all learned something. Well, enjoy your Christmas break.
We cannot wait for you to come back for the rest of the year. Well, yeah, if you want to meet him, he's just outside. Yes, he is. He is a special moment for all of you. Present. While no one's looking, I light Richard's tail on fire for revenge of trying to pick a fire with me. He did nothing. He didn't do anything, though. I'm attacked with you.
He didn't actually win. That is how we end this. Wonderful time with Santa, with flames, with attacking friendships. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.
Episode Wrap-Up
Hope you had a wonderful and amazing holiday season. I'm going to hand it over to the Vita to end it. Oh yeah.
Well thanks everyone for listening and be sure to check out our website where you can listen to all our episodes and you can access our merch page and if you want to check out what we have there we have a Christmasy themed Caesar on there if you would like that as well as some other fun things and great Christmas presents although it's probably
I don't know, too late to order it for Christmas, but you can get it for next Christmas. Next Christmas.
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