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Join Lorie Burch and the Burch Law Team (Cyntia, Sara & Sam) this week as we tackle the crucial topic of estate planning as the school year kicks off. Hear how to ensure that you, not the state of Texas, decide what happens to your children by getting your plan in place, and allll the important documents that come with it.

Plus, don’t miss our segment where Sam & Sara share "tips" for heading back to school and reminisce about their favorite back-to-school memories. Tune in for some essential guidance in this educational episode!

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Welcome and Episode Introduction

Welcome to another episode of One of Us Knows What They're Talking About. And the other one is you. I'm Lori Burch, your host.

Overview of Wills and Estate Planning

Join us as we discuss and unpack wills, trust, estate planning, and probate law in a way that's actually informative, interesting, and well, hopefully entertaining. Because if you don't have a will, the state of Texas has one for you. Let's dive in.
Today is exciting for a number of reasons. One, it's Cynthia's birthday. Hi, it's her Now, when you're listening to this and or viewing it, it will not be. It will not be. But it will be where it is today. And it's also back to school time. Right. who Um, so, you know, if you're not the childless cat ladies that are on the podcast, but if you're like me, who both has cats and child has children. Yeah. It is back to school time. totally Children. My cat lady with children. What does that make me but through IVF. So
You still have, they're still your children. I know, but that that's one of the things is also trying to eliminate IVF. yeah I mean, I feel that that process was on us. So are they real children? God. Right. Oh, goodness. Anyway, yes, children. Yeah, so it's back to school time. And the one thing I do know is that while you are childless cat ladies, or dog ladies, um you have gone to school very recently by the looks of you. And so you know what this is. What do we count as a recent? I don't know if I count as recent anymore. I graduated five years ago, so.
In a while. In college? who Yeah, college. I guess it has been. Whoa. Yeah. yeah Sarah. Sarah's our most recent graduate on the podcast with a master's degree, which I forgot she had. Yeah. Yeah. That's okay. I remember. Good job. Way to go. I think it's just like, you know, your youthfulness. and We wouldn't have guessed in here. It's naivete.
Yeah, that's what we'll

Estate Planning for Parents of Young Children

say. So there are some things back to school ah that we wanted to talk about because actually here at Birch Law, one of our primary
groups, people, clients we serve are parents of young kids. I used to say little kids, but you know, no matter how big they are, I mean, mine are like in the 90 plus percentile, so they aren't little kids, they're large children. And so it's very important. There's very specialized planning for parents that we have to consider when it comes to this very, very significant. And also probably the bigger deal is the ramifications of not doing the planning is so much worse for parents. And one of them, probably one of the most important ones I know as a parent that kind of strikes terror in your heart is who would take care of them?
if you were no longer here, if something happened. And so it's really essential to appoint who you'd want to be a guardian of your children. Because if if you don't, what happens? Sarah, what happens? When they foster care. Okay. Check out there. Sam, would you like panics yeah sam would you would you like to elaborate?
Would you like to add anything to that or are you good with that answer? What happens? i It's kind of clinically like the state decides, right? So, okay. Okay. and Wait a minute. yeah Rewind. what I don't feel like that was forceful enough. What did you say? The state decides the state of Texas. state yeah The state of Texas decides. The state of Texas decides. And that could, to Sarah's point, lead to foster care. That is correct. There we go. Okay, I thought I was wrong for a second. Why are you, why are you all like this? Made you this way. So appointing a guardian is very important. And one of the biggest
misperceptions that we deal with when we talked recently about misperceptions is that people think they have to have like a lot of money or a lot of assets to need to do this planning. But I think one of the biggest assets you have is your children, or in some cases, the biggest ass you have is not mine, though, minor, lovely human beings. But you know, really, what is an asset? I mean, I do actually mean that. I'm not so fond of a lot of other people's children, but I am rather fond of mine. I've met kids, yeah. But yeah, so assets, you know, we always think that they're like these material items or financial items, but really an asset, the way that virtual law has to defined it is anything that is uniquely yours that's worth protecting. And so if you're not going to take care of your kids, then who is? Who is Sam?
It's flagging out for me. Is it just me? Okay. Who is, who is Sarah? The state. The state. du du done Yeah, absolutely. So very important to do that. The other thing that I would say is really important, and this is something I don't see ah even a lot of firms do. Certainly when you do that, do it yourself, DIY, reduce legal services, AI crap that's out there. is a designation of health care agent.

Healthcare Agents and Trusts for Minors

And this is important because a guardian's only if you pass away, but if you are um traveling without your children, or if your children are traveling without you and in the care of other people, or if you're in an accident and you can't make decisions for them, all of this is for you to designate who can make other emergency medical decisions for them in your absence.
And this is something that with a lot of blended families, for example, if you've got step kids can be really important because quite often I've been in the situation where you take care of your stepchildren and you want to make sure that if you have to take care of an emergency situation that you're able to present the authority to make those decisions, but it can also be if they're going to stay with grandma and grandpa while you go off on a trip or something like that. This is an important ah designation that we recommend. Now again, this is for under 18 because when you become 18 and we dedicated a whole episode about this is what you do when you go off to college.
And when you're a young adult, then that is something where you should then consider getting your own medical power attorney, financial power attorney, medical record release so that your parents or anyone you choose, don't know why people get so bothered about this, um anyone you choose can make those decisions for you. So that's another important thing, um, parents for you to make sure that you are considering for your children young and not so young. The other thing is, um,
no matter how little or how much money you have, if they're under 18, they cannot inherit money or assets directly. um there it's It's not a thing. So if you don't set something up, then money's gonna go in the court registry and the judge is gonna decide who's gonna oversee it. And then what age Sarah, since I can't ask Sam any questions, what age Sarah would the court deem that and even insurance companies life insurance companies that all this money or no matter how much money is given to the child 18 18 18 years old now I don't know how much experience you have with 18 year olds I will tell you that I wouldn't give them any sort amount of money to control on their own
um In fact, I know a certain 19 year old that flooded a dryer.
Yep, I hope you heard me correctly. I did not misspeak. So what you can do is make sure that you've put in the parameters of if something happens when they are at a younger age, that whatever monies are left behind, assets and what have you, that you're designating who can oversee it for them. This is called a trust. There are many types of trust. This is one of them. And you can determine what age or ages you feel comfortable with them picking over. So let's say a common age is 25. I think the thought process behind that is they are probably out of school by then, hopefully doing some adulting, hopefully have some financial acumen.
um But really, you can pick 30, you can pick 35, you can pick you Again, one one of the many reasons you go to a qualified law firm is to help guide you with those decisions and what makes sense. and so But let's say it's 25, I think one thing that people misunderstand a lot is they think that the money isn't available to them until then. And that's that's not the case. I mean, really, parents, if you think of yourselves right now as your child's guardian and trustee, that's really what you're picking, is you're picking who would they live with, who would see oversee their day-to-day care, take them to the doctor, get them to school, back to school shopping, and which we'll get to.
And then the trustee is the one that has access to the funds and then makes the decision on how things are paid and how things are taken care of financially. So then the question arises, since these are two different roles, trustee and guardian, who's going to oversee money for your kids and who's going to take care of their day to day living. Does that need to be the same person or is that need to be different people? Thoughts?

Guardian vs. Trustee Roles

Oh God. I didn't call on you, Sarah, but you looked like you wanted to answer and I'm fascinated by this. Well, I, since Sam and Cynthia are a little behind, I felt like I had to answer um and I don't know the answer. What do you think? I think the answer is no, they don't have to be the same. They don't have to be the same. That's correct. oh Should they be or should they not be? Should they? Yes.
Should they? I don't know. Maybe. ah Absolutely. Hey Sarah, I have a quick question for you. So let's say for some reason you have a kid now. And do you want to be able to access money to take care of them or or or or do you want to go to another adult say hey I need money to take care of this kid. Can you please allow me to get some money so I can take care of them or do you just want to be able to do it? So yes, a guardian and trustee can be different people, can be the same people. um Whether or not Sarah, they should be, is the number one answer all attorneys give. Which is, it depends. Oh. And without the point of customizing it and not filling out blanks of a form, but getting the advice,
So it really depends on the situation and the scenario. And is it easier if they're the same? Well, certainly because I was using the example of parents how you're the guardian and the trustee and you probably wouldn't like if you're taking care of the kids. that you have to go somewhere else and say, I need money for back to school shopping or I need money for a doctor's appointment. However, in this scenario, it is not um you as the parent and you may want to create that checks and balance and where one person or one couple is taking care of your child and there's somebody else who is overseeing money.
It also sometimes will be different if um I've had couples where they feel like that's the best way to ensure that both sides of the family are represented. you know So if you've got um parent one's family being guardian and parent two's family um being trustee, then it kind of puts in into play that they'll be interacting with each other. So that's another ah school of thought. The other thing for our divorced clients. So if you are getting divorced or are divorced and you have young kids,
You definitely need to update your will on a state plan or perhaps get one for the first time. So while you in most cases cannot exclude your ex, the other legal parent from being the guardian of the child, if something happens to you, you absolutely can make sure that somebody else will oversee your money and assets for your child. If something happens to you, meaning you would designate the trustee that would you know probably have a great time working with your ex, but would be responsible for your money to but take care of your child without your ex having any sort of influence or say over that. And since financial discrepancies can be one of the leading causes of divorce, this is something that's really important that can be done.

Beneficiary Designations in Estate Planning

So the final thing from a legal standpoint that I want to address in parents, unless any of you, and when I say any of you, I really mean Cynthia can think of, is substantively relevant to the practice of law, is beneficiary designation. So I actually just hosted a very special beneficiary seminar last night. I thought it went really well. And so well that no one I think had to schedule any follow-up appointments because I just covered all the material and knocked that out of the park. Yay, Lori.
but good for Is this and that actually was about a 45 50 minute presentation So obviously i'm not going to get into all of that, but high level. What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is when it comes to assets like life insurance investments money market annuity retirement accounts, um brokerage accounts. Those are all things and even sometimes checking and savings accounts. Those are all things that you may have put a beneficiary type designation on. A type of beneficiary could be a POD, a pay on debt. So sometimes people, yes, we'll put these on their bank accounts. Again, this is not saying you should or should not do that. This is very customized advice. But the point that I want to get across here is that
However you do that, that will preempt anything that your will or trust says. So if your true, your will says, I give everything to my five year old, but if they're under 25, then it goes into a trust for them. This is who oversees it, yada, yada. But then you go over to your life insurance and you name the five year old. Guess what? That's not going to connect to your will with the trust. In fact, what the life insurance company is going to do, this is how generous they are. You ready? They'll say you got a few options. One of them is, we'll just keep the money right now. We'll keep it. And when you turn 18, we'll give it to you, but we'll just keep it for right now. Other options are what we already described, going to the court, having to get a judge involved, money in court registry, age 18, it's given to them. So no, no, um,
no real coordination with your plan and what you want. So that's one example of how that's a big deal. The other thing couched in what I just said, parents, is one of the biggest, biggest, biggest mistakes you can make is naming your young child as a beneficiary. Now it also doesn't mean that you should just name who you want to take care of of your child as the beneficiary. So let's say I've named my sister as guardian and or trustee. So maybe you know, okay, I shouldn't name my child as beneficiary. I'll just name my sister. So I'm not going to elaborate on whether or not you can trust, you know, whoever you're putting in there. Let's just presume you can. In my case, of course, I would trust my sister.
The issue is that is a personal asset of theirs. So one, if they're giving money to your child, there can be gift taxes too. If they get sued, file bankruptcy, what have you that money that they inherited from you, that's supposed to be for your child is all subject to that. And then also what, if something happens to sister, what's going to ensure that it's going to continue for the use of your child? So there's just. wrong things all around the best thing you can do is get a quality estate plan done by a qualified law firm because the quality estate plan is going to make sure you have a plan that's customized that works for you the Qualified estate planning firm is going to make sure that they're giving you guidance and help when it comes to how should everything else be connected to this so parents
I know in a very real sense, there are a lot of decisions that have to be made and a lot of responsibility that comes with creating our future generation. And making sure that you have taken care of them and protected them is one of the cornerstones that you should be doing and you should be doing now. Because they're counting on you to take care of them whether you're here or not. That's one of my favorite things to say. And we actually have a great ad that we created around that. So hopefully you all will look for that because it's very triggering on purpose.

Transition to Back-to-School Topics

But that in a nutshell, many other things that we could talk about, but that in a nutshell is what parents need to be thinking about in addition to all the fun stuff that comes with back to school.
Anybody want to interject or or provide more insight into this before we get to the Sam Sarah segment? We can only do so much planning for people. You also have to go out, make sure you talk to your CPAs, your financial advisors, things like that to make sure everything works together. And we are willing to work with your CPAs, financial advisors. So just keep that in mind that we can't answer everything, but we can give you some really good guidance. Yes, for sure. So for those of you who have advisors, is another thing to look for when it comes to what what type of firm you're going to use is ones that will help coordinate all of that and not just do something, but the, the you know, the head doesn't know what the tail is doing type situation.
So I do think Sam and Sarah had some thoughts about back to school. um First, did you have some tips that you wanted to share? Did we? um Yes.

Affordable Textbook Tips for College Students

So I'm going to start off. This one was started with mine. Was that like, did we? Or was that like, oh, did we? Oh, did we? Yeah. OK. So this is my tip, um specifically for college students, do not buy your textbooks before the first day, just download them illegally. Burschlaw does not support this, but do it. No, this is solely Sarah as an individual, not as an employee. Burschlaw does not represent my opinion. An actual tip, how about an actual tip?
Yeah, don't know that. um Another thing you can do, Sarah, is you can actually reach out to your professors and ask them what version of the book that they're using and if a slightly older version will work because you can typically find it a lot cheaper online. And a lot of professors are like, yeah, I get it. They're expensive. We do not condone theft or legal activities. Just put that up there.
Wow. OK. Do we have a better tip? um One thing that I always did, this is for call i mean college and high school, um especially in the summer, you just, your sleep schedule gets all kind of wacked up. So something that always helped me, even though I really only did the last week. Wacked up? Yeah, I didn't. I had a New Zealand expression. No, I didn't want to swear, and I panicked. You could have also said, Jack, messed up. Wacked up. Hacked up as you say. Yeah It's to start fixing your sleep schedule before you start school. So that way you're not dying for the first couple weeks until you adjust I Mean if you're a high school kid and you're in band Oh, I feel like the two a days before like the month before school starts how really do that for you and
Are you saying this because you were in band? I was and and what did you do in band? I was a twirler and I played clarinet. So I had four a days. ah Yes, we did some of my favorites in TFX. We did like theater camp during high school. So that helps my loop schedule quite a bit. but Sarah, what extra um extracurricular activities, if any, did you do? That were sanctioned by the school. and I don't mean going behind the gym and getting high.
Did you do that? No, why does everybody think that? I was just too broken for that. Why does everyone think that?
um In high school, no, I didn't do any extracurriculars. um I was also in French club. Were you in a club? No. Oh, not like stamp club. Yeah, it's not actually stamps. Oh, like key club? Yo, key club, not stamp club. I think there was actually a stamp club at my school. I was part of like the National Honor Society or something. It just seems like a grade. Yeah, right. That doesn't really you really to do a whole lot for that. But like for key club. Yeah. Yeah. If it wasn't for theater, I don't think I would have graduated with honors, but I got to. Did they give you a letter for being in theater?
and let her know, but I got like quarts. Like a Letterman jacket? Oh, Letterman, yeah, yeah. We had to pay for it though. The football team didn't have to pay for theirs and I was solely about it. Wow, strong feelings. If you did, if you were in band all four years, the band would pay for the jacket and the main letter. But if you wanted anything else on it, like the other decorations, you had to pay it for yourself. Yeah, I had to pay extra because I did like ASL club and everything. So I had like ASL patches.
My little sailor collar, it was really cute. I have it still. My nickname is on it. I'm for what? What was your nickname? I don't remember. I have to see. Sure. My friends called me a lot. I don't believe you. No, I do not remember. Totally like Donna Noble or something. i I have a letter jacket from Plano Senior High. Shout out. And so I don't know. do I know Cynthia knows this. Do you all know that Kimberly and I went to high school together? the Yes. OK, but we didn't we didn't meet each other. One thing is Plano is really large. My graduating class I think was nearly fifteen hundred students.
um But the the biggest reason I tell people that we did not meet each other is this. We both have letter jackets. Mine is for mock trial and hers is for softball. So we did not run in the same circles by any stretch of the imagination. And the great thing is I need to bring it in, but on the on the P, the actual letter, it you know they'll usually put the symbol of whatever it is you got the letter for. And I am certain they don't have a gavel
or mock trial and I'm pretty sure it's a baseball bat shoved into a football. ah and That is my interpretation. That's really good. I'll bring it in. i you know So the 14-year-old, Kaya, is going to be going starting high school next week. And she'll be going to Vines, which is the high school that leads into Plano Senior High. And so we've gone to a couple, people Kimberly's gone to a ton. I've gone to one parent event at Plano Senior High. And I didn't do it that time, but before she graduates, I've got four years to do this.
I just feel like Kimberly and I have to wear our leather jackets to know that and humiliate her. Yeah, you do. You do. Yeah, I feel like this has to happen.
For sure. Anyway, okay, so sleep schedule. Were there any other amazing, helpful, not really tips that you all had for back to school days? Well, this is more so Sam's tip. I don't really know what she means by this, but- I don't have any clue. Well, I explained it to you and you just put on this, did it? You mentioned Peppa Pig. What?
How is that as fun as sledding? For our listeners, say the thing. What is your tip? Oh, to have a fun aesthetic. And by aesthetic, I mean, like, you know, when you buy like your pencil bags or like fun, I don't know, erasers or whatever, you like have like you match like

Back-to-School Aesthetics and Excitement

you. And this was my examples. You have all of like, say, Peppa Pig things or clues, clues, or it's all pink. But she just said, Sam, I have a question. Did you have Peppa Pig stuff?
No, it's just the first thing that gets you green. Why is it the first thing you drawed on? I don't know. Earlier you talked about Doctor Who with Donna Noble, like you couldn't have gone along that way. I mean, that's not really like a thing you can buy. I wasn't thinking just like high school, like elementary or, I don't know, I don't know. what do you Do you want to know what backpack and lunch bag and thermos Adley has picked out to start kindergarten? She starts kindergarten next week. Frozen. Is it unicorns? Moana was last year. What'd you say, Sam? Moana? No, that's Poppy. That's more Poppy's jam. um Sarah, did you have a guess? No, my guess was frozen. Is it cats?
Roblox, I don't know if that's kind of getting warmer, Cynthia. Is is it a cat is it not a cat? Oh, no, that was so funny. but So I know only actually, Sammy never responded to it. And Sarah, I never know whether you're awake after 8pm. So I texted Cynthia, Sarah and Jordan. um because they seem to be pretty amused by Adley, my five-year-old's antics. And Adley texts me a link for... She texts me stuff from Amazon all the time that she finds. And then she texts me, and I'm sitting right next to her, so I had to screenshot this. It's a phone case. It's an iPhone phone case.
And I'm trying to figure out how to explain it. It's a picture of a really chubby cat, except it has a human stomach that's really, really large, that the cat's looking at the naked fat belly that's hanging over the shorts. They're They're Jorts. They're Jeans and shorts. Yeah. Let's not start that conversation again. and I'll, we'll see if like, this is for people who can see, who are actually watching this, but. It's like the stomach is here. It's just really like. And like the way that's called is like pushing yell side the mey here sarah i love you board this to get that from her. And like, what is this? And she's like, I want this. And I'm like, you don't even have an iPhone. And she's like, okay, then it's for you.
No, anyway, um Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty is the answer. That was the other. Yeah. Although, Cynthia, the other guest that you had is because I feel like Kimberly jumped the gun on this a little bit in pre-ordering the Hello Kitty because we've had it for a while. So she has moved on to picking out and on Amazon. unicorn backpack matching lunch bag. But then yesterday she said that that's for, listen to this, that is for when she's 10 years old and she starts high school. Yeah. yeah david why was your kid i can see it That was what I said is I was like, well, you know, you won't be in high school when you're Ted. And then I said, well, you might. Yeah.
So She, yeah, she's gonna get so bored so quick. That's what you mean, Sam, um by have a fun aesthetic. Yeah, there's gotta be a more artful way to say that. Like, what am I missing? Anytime somebody says have a fun aesthetic, I'm like, oh, so have like a shtick you're known for, like, oh, that's that girl that only has things or, oh, that's the girl that's really obsessed with like, I'm making me on, you know, I don't know. Oh, my gosh. What would what would my aesthetic be? I'll heal. I'll heal Elvis. I'll heal Elvis. Yeah. Oh, you can't hear. So many.
but not really. Okay. So those are some good tips. So before we wrap up here, let's talk a little bit about if, if we can all harken back to the days of your yesteryear when we were starting to go back to school, what was it that we were looking forward to? Did you even look forward to going back to school or were you like, Oh man, school supply shopping. Oh, that was always fun. Sarah and I are stationary people. Yeah. Yeah. I always wanted the nice stationery. My mom was always like, yeah. It was just far forbaium nice and clean and crisp. Picking out a new, picking out a new Trapper Keeper. Shout out Genex. Trapper Keeper three. Yeah, but you're an old soul. It has a zipper.
around like the side, you open it up and inside there's a zipper, it's Velcro. Well, some you could keep your point being one of your it would be one of your aesthetics. Yeah, you could give us obnoxious. Lisa Frank was a big thing. Ah, love Lisa Frank. The Lisa Frank pencils, the Trump monkey looks. Lisa Frank is a really colorful one. Yeah. where it looks like a unicorn's thrown up on her stuff. Oh. Yeah. I need you all to look up Trapper Keepers, because they're pretty kick-ass for sure. Can you still get any? um I might just want to get one. I'm going to start taking that. Yeah, you can get them. in Oh, these, okay. I didn't know that was what they were for. Like the club med, one not club bedroom. It literally says on on it, Trapper Keeper.
It's not like we were holding out on you. Yeah. Did they have a Care Bear one? um I see. They have some very like 80s, 70s styles right now. um This one's a Nuclear Moon one. I don't know why I can't remember. Y'all had more of the Velcro-y ones. It evolved and we had a lot more of the ones with zippers. So it was easier to keep like a bunch of like all your junk in there, like highlighters, pencils, pens that you technically weren't supposed to use, you know, erasers. I think I had one with like a lion on it. Nice. There was light blues. I'm not sure. What else did you all look forward to going back to school? I feel like seeing friends, um especially because since I did theater, there was a lot of but of friends, theater friends, so.
And then the friends that weren't in theater, I usually had lunch with. And then I'd make fun of me for bringing chicken sushi. They would make fun of you for what? Bringing chicken sushi and know that chicken is not raw? Wait, no, no, no, no. What the hell is chicken sushi? It's just instead of having like salmon or crab, it's just got, it's like chicken teriyaki or like chicken. coach Who wouldn't? Who would make this? We would. It's an Australian New Zealand. No, you can get it in Carrollton. I would like to point that out. Well, now you can. That tells you everything you need to know. This is, I know, something from the homeland. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you go to like something they do over there. Yeah. Like you go to any mall. There's no place in New Zealand to fish. But they have chickens.
No, like you can get normal sushi, non-chicken sushi, but another option is to get chicken sushi. I would eat chicken sushi as a non seafood eater. I think you'd like it. Yeah, it's max. Do y'all remember at lunchtime, those rectangular pizzas? yeah Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah, those were always really good. And this and then the mashed potatoes that were like the smiley face. I remember the smiley face mask. Sam has lived an entirely alternate universe. Well, they're not mashed potatoes. Hold on. keep has a I know what you're talking about. I want fries. The smiley fries. Yeah, the smiley fries. I love those. That's what I was meaning. I see mashed potatoes. at it
Yeah, she did. potatoes I mean, if you could open it. I'm sorry that we didn't know that you meant French fries. Smiley fries, mashed potatoes. Are they fries? Or there is a mashed potato. What's it called? At our school, we called it chuck wagon dinner, but it's like this macaroni, cheesy, saucy thing. It was actually really yummy. Sam, I think you would say it slaps. Thank you. Let's try it. Wow. Oh, I guess we all did put on the list lunch. Yeah. Did any of you go off campus for lunch? No, we weren't allowed to leave. Yeah, we weren't allowed to leave. Oh, really? And then my brother would bring me or he'd bring me lunch every now and then. He was pretty cool like that. OK. Well, good. All right.
Right. Well, I think that wraps up our back to school episode. Yeah. yeah So lots of lots of excitement afoot.

Episode Conclusion and Future Engagements

So get your legal documents in order. Take care of your kids. Enjoy not having them home driving you crazy.
I know there are parents who are experiencing that. Enjoy them going back to college and not driving you crazy. Enjoy whatever it is that you're doing and then make sure no matter what that you have a fun aesthetic.
Thanks for listening. And just to cover all our bases about what you just heard, I'm sorry and you're welcome. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode and tell your friends about us. We do webinars and live events. The best way to stay up to date is to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. Links are in the show notes. If there's a topic you'd like us to cover, maybe you have a question you'd like us to answer, or maybe you just wanna say hi, hit the link in the show notes or go to forward slash podcast and fill out the contact form.
much better. Yeah I thought that had a lot of energy.